Theory CSPM_Laws

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 * Project         : HOL-CSPM - Architectural operators for HOL-CSP
 * Author          : Benoît Ballenghien, Safouan Taha, Burkhart Wolff.
 * This file       : Laws for architectural operators
 * Copyright (c) 2025 Université Paris-Saclay, France
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section ‹Results for Throw›
theory CSPM_Laws
  imports Global_Deterministic_Choice Multi_Synchronization_Product
    Multi_Sequential_Composition Interrupt Throw

subsection ‹Laws for Throw›

lemma Throw_GlobalDet :
  ( a  A. P a) Θ b  B. Q b =  a  A. P a Θ b  B. Q b (is ?lhs = ?rhs)
proof (rule Process_eq_optimizedI)
  show t  𝒟 ?lhs  t  𝒟 ?rhs for t
    by (simp add: D_Throw GlobalDet_projs split: if_split_asm) blast
  show t  𝒟 ?rhs  t  𝒟 ?lhs for t
    by (simp add: D_Throw GlobalDet_projs) (meson empty_iff)
  fix t X assume (t, X)   ?lhs t  𝒟 ?lhs
  then consider (t, X)   (a  A. P a) set t  ev ` B = {}
    | (failR) t1 b t2 where t = t1 @ ev b # t2 t1 @ [ev b]  𝒯 (a  A. P a)
      set t1  ev ` B = {} b  B (t2, X)   (Q b)
    unfolding Throw_projs by blast
  thus (t, X)   ?rhs
  proof cases
    show (t, X)   (a  A. P a)  set t  ev ` B = {}  (t, X)   ?rhs
      by (cases t) (auto simp add: F_GlobalDet Throw_projs)
    case failR
    from failR(2) obtain a where a  A t1 @ [ev b]  𝒯 (P a)
      by (auto simp add: T_GlobalDet split: if_split_asm)
    with failR(3-5) show (t, X)   ?rhs
      by (simp add: F_GlobalDet F_Throw failR(1)) blast
  fix t X assume (t, X)   ?rhs t  𝒟 ?rhs
  then consider t = [] aA. (t, X)   (P a Θ b  B. Q b)
    | a where a  A t  [] (t, X)   (P a Θ b  B. Q b)
    | a r where a  A t = [] ✓(r)  X [✓(r)]  𝒯 (P a Θ b  B. Q b)
    by (auto simp add: GlobalDet_projs)
  thus (t, X)   ?lhs
  proof cases
    show t = []  aA. (t, X)   (P a Θ b  B. Q b)  (t, X)   ?lhs
      by (auto simp add: F_Throw F_GlobalDet)
    show a  A  t  []  (t, X)   (P a Θ b  B. Q b)  (t, X)   ?lhs for a
      by (simp add: F_Throw GlobalDet_projs) (metis empty_iff)
    show a  A; t = []; ✓(r)  X; [✓(r)]  𝒯 (P a Θ b  B. Q b)  (t, X)   ?lhs for a r
      by (simp add: Throw_projs F_GlobalDet Cons_eq_append_conv) (metis is_processT9_tick)

lemma Throw_GlobalNdetR :
  P Θ a  A. b  B. Q a b =
   (if B = {} then P Θ a  A. STOP else b  B. P Θ a  A. Q a b)
  (is ?lhs = (if _ then _ else ?rhs))
proof (split if_split, intro conjI impI)
  show B = {}  ?lhs = P Θ a  A. STOP by simp
  show ?lhs = ?rhs if B  {}
  proof (subst Process_eq_spec, safe)
    show t  𝒟 ?lhs  t  𝒟 ?rhs for t
      by (auto simp add: B  {} D_Throw D_GlobalNdet D_GlobalDet)
    show t  𝒟 ?rhs  t  𝒟 ?lhs for t
      by (auto simp add: B  {} D_Throw D_GlobalNdet D_GlobalDet)
    show (t, X)   ?lhs  (t, X)   ?rhs for t X
      by (cases t) (auto simp add: B  {} F_Throw F_GlobalNdet F_GlobalDet)
    show (t, X)   ?rhs  (t, X)   ?lhs for t X
      by (auto simp add: B  {} Throw_projs F_GlobalNdet F_GlobalDet D_T
          is_processT7 Cons_eq_append_conv intro!: is_processT6_TR_notin)

corollary Throw_Det : P  P' Θ a  A. Q a = (P Θ a  A. Q a)  (P' Θ a  A. Q a)
proof -
  have P  P' Θ a  A. Q a = (a{0 :: nat, 1}. (if a = 0 then P else P')) Θ a  A. Q a
    by (simp add: GlobalDet_distrib_unit)
  also have  = a{0 :: nat, 1}. (if a = 0 then P else P') Θ a  A. Q a
    by (fact Throw_GlobalDet)
  also have  = (P Θ a  A. Q a)  (P' Θ a  A. Q a)
    by (simp add: GlobalDet_distrib_unit)
  finally show ?thesis .

corollary Throw_NdetR : P Θ a  A. Q a  Q' a = (P Θ a  A. Q a)  (P Θ a  A. Q' a)
proof -
  have P Θ a  A. Q a  Q' a = P Θ a  A. b  {0 :: nat, 1}. (if b = 0 then Q a else Q' a)
    by (simp add: GlobalNdet_distrib_unit)
  also have  = b  {0 :: nat, 1}. P Θ a  A. (if b = 0 then Q a else Q' a)
    by (simp add: Throw_GlobalNdetR)
  also have  = (P Θ a  A. Q a)  (P Θ a  A. Q' a)
    by (simp add: GlobalDet_distrib_unit)
  finally show ?thesis .

subsection ‹Laws for Sync›

lemma Sync_GlobalNdet_cartprod:
  ( (a, b)  A × B. (P a S Q b)) = 
   (if A = {}  B = {} then STOP else (a  A. P a) S (b  B. Q b))  
  by (simp add: GlobalNdet_cartprod Sync_distrib_GlobalNdet_left
      Sync_distrib_GlobalNdet_right GlobalNdet_sets_commute[of A])

lemmas Inter_GlobalNdet_cartprod = Sync_GlobalNdet_cartprod[where S = {}]
  and   Par_GlobalNdet_cartprod = Sync_GlobalNdet_cartprod[where S = UNIV]

lemma MultiSync_Hiding_pseudo_distrib:
  finite A  A  S = {}  (S p ∈# M. (P p \ A)) = (S p ∈# M. P p) \ A
  by (induct M, simp) (metis MultiSync_add MultiSync_rec1 Hiding_Sync)

lemma MultiSync_prefix_pseudo_distrib:
  M  {#}  a  S  (S p ∈# M. (a  P p)) = (a  (S p ∈# M. P p))
  by (induct M rule: mset_induct_nonempty) 
    (simp_all add: write0_Sync_write0_subset)

lemmas MultiInter_Hiding_pseudo_distrib =
  MultiSync_Hiding_pseudo_distrib[where S = {}, simplified]
  and MultiPar_prefix_pseudo_distrib =
  MultiSync_prefix_pseudo_distrib[where S = UNIV, simplified]

text ‹A result on Mndetprefix and Sync.›

lemma Mndetprefix_Sync_distr: A  {}  B  {}  
       ( a  A  P a) S ( b  B  Q b) =
         aA.  bB. (c  ({a} - S)  (P a S (b  Q b)))  
                       (d  ({b} - S)  ((a  P a) S Q b)) 
                       (c({a}  {b}  S)  (P a S Q b))
  apply (subst (1 2) Mndetprefix_GlobalNdet) 
  apply (subst Sync_distrib_GlobalNdet_right, simp)
  apply (subst Sync_commute)
  apply (subst Sync_distrib_GlobalNdet_right, simp)
  apply (subst Sync_commute)
  apply (unfold write0_def)
  apply (subst Mprefix_Sync_Mprefix)
  by (fold write0_def, rule refl)

lemma A  {}  B  {}  ( a  A  P a) S ( b  B  Q b) =
         aA.  bB. (if a  S then STOP else (a  (P a S (b  Q b))))  
                       (if b  S then STOP else (b  ((a  P a) S Q b))) 
                       (if a = b  a  S then (a  (P a S Q a)) else STOP)
  apply (subst Mndetprefix_Sync_distr, assumption+)
  apply (intro mono_GlobalNdet_eq)
  apply (intro arg_cong2[where f = (□)])
  by (simp_all add: Mprefix_singl insert_Diff_if Int_insert_left)

subsection ‹GlobalDet, GlobalNdet and write0›

lemma GlobalDet_write0_is_GlobalNdet_write0:
  ( p  A. (a  P p)) =  p  A. (a  P p) (is ?lhs = ?rhs)
proof (subst Process_eq_spec, safe)
  show s  𝒟 ?lhs  s  𝒟 ?rhs
    and s  𝒟 ?rhs  s  𝒟 ?lhs for s
    by (simp_all add: D_GlobalDet write0_def D_Mprefix D_GlobalNdet)
  show (s, X)   ?lhs  (s, X)   ?rhs
    and (s, X)   ?rhs  (s, X)   ?lhs for s X
    by (auto simp add: F_GlobalDet write0_def F_Mprefix F_GlobalNdet split: if_split_asm)

lemma write0_GlobalNdet_bis:
  A  {}  (a  ( p  A. P p) =  p  A. (a  P p))
  by (simp add: GlobalDet_write0_is_GlobalNdet_write0 write0_GlobalNdet)

section ‹Some Results on Renaming›

(* TODO: useful ? and rename *)
lemma Renaming_GlobalNdet:
  Renaming ( a  A. P (f a)) f g =  b  f ` A. Renaming (P b) f g
  by (metis Renaming_distrib_GlobalNdet mono_GlobalNdet_eq2)

lemma Renaming_GlobalNdet_inj_on:
  Renaming ( a  A. P a) f g =
    b  f ` A. Renaming (P (THE a. a  A  f a = b)) f g
  if inj_on_f: inj_on f A
  by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Renaming_distrib_GlobalNdet inj_on_def mono_GlobalNdet_eq2 that the_equality)

corollary Renaming_GlobalNdet_inj:
  Renaming ( a  A. P a) f g =
    b  f ` A. Renaming (P (THE a. f a = b)) f g if inj_f: inj f
  apply (subst Renaming_GlobalNdet_inj_on, metis inj_eq inj_onI inj_f)
  apply (rule mono_GlobalNdet_eq[rule_format])
  by (metis imageE inj_eq[OF inj_f])

lemma Renaming_distrib_GlobalDet :
  Renaming (a  A. P a) f g = a  A. Renaming (P a) f g (is ?lhs = ?rhs)
proof (subst Process_eq_spec_optimized, safe)
  show s  𝒟 ?lhs  s  𝒟 ?rhs
    and s  𝒟 ?rhs  s  𝒟 ?lhs for s
    by (auto simp add: D_Renaming D_GlobalDet)
  assume same_div : 𝒟 ?lhs = 𝒟 ?rhs
  fix s X assume (s, X)   ?lhs
  then consider s  𝒟 ?lhs
    | t where s = map (map_eventptick f g) t (t, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (a  A. P a)
    unfolding Renaming_projs by blast
  thus (s, X)   ?rhs
  proof cases
    from same_div D_F show s  𝒟 ?lhs  (s, X)   ?rhs by blast
    show s = map (map_eventptick f g) t  (t, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (a  A. P a)
           (s, X)   ?rhs for t
      by (cases t; simp add: F_GlobalDet Renaming_projs)
        (force, metis list.simps(9))
  assume same_div : 𝒟 ?lhs = 𝒟 ?rhs
  fix s X assume (s, X)   ?rhs
  then consider s = [] aA. (s, X)   (Renaming (P a) f g)
    | a where a  A s  [] (s, X)   (Renaming (P a) f g)
    | a where a  A s = [] s  𝒟 (Renaming (P a) f g)
    | a r where a  A s = [] ✓(r)  X [✓(r)]  𝒯 (Renaming (P a) f g)
    unfolding F_GlobalDet by blast
  thus (s, X)   ?lhs
  proof cases
    show s = []  aA. (s, X)   (Renaming (P a) f g)  (s, X)   ?lhs
      by (auto simp add: F_Renaming F_GlobalDet)
    show a  A  s  []  (s, X)   (Renaming (P a) f g)  (s, X)   ?lhs for a
      by (simp add: F_Renaming GlobalDet_projs) (metis list.simps(8))
    show a  A  s = []  s  𝒟 (Renaming (P a) f g)  (s, X)   ?lhs for a
      by (auto simp add: Renaming_projs D_GlobalDet)
    fix a r assume * : a  A s = [] ✓(r)  X [✓(r)]  𝒯 (Renaming (P a) f g)
    from "*"(4) consider s1 where [✓(r)] = map (map_eventptick f g) s1 s1  𝒯 (P a)
      | s1 s2 where [✓(r)] = map (map_eventptick f g) s1 @ s2
        tickFree s1 front_tickFree s2 s1  𝒟 (P a)
      by (simp add: T_Renaming) meson
    thus (s, X)   ?lhs
    proof cases
      fix s1 assume [✓(r)] = map (map_eventptick f g) s1 s1  𝒯 (P a)
      from [✓(r)] = map (map_eventptick f g) s1 obtain r' where r = g r' s1 = [✓(r')]
        by (metis map_map_eventptick_eq_tick_iff)
      with "*"(1, 2, 3) s1  𝒯 (P a)
      show (s, X)   ?lhs by (auto simp add: F_Renaming F_GlobalDet)
      fix s1 s2 assume [✓(r)] = map (map_eventptick f g) s1 @ s2
        tickFree s1 front_tickFree s2 s1  𝒟 (P a)
      from [✓(r)] = map (map_eventptick f g) s1 @ s2 tickFree s1
      have s1 = []  s2 = [✓(r)]
        by (cases s1; simp) (metis eventptick.disc(2) eventptick.map_disc_iff(1))
      with "*"(1, 2) s1  𝒟 (P a) show (s, X)   ?lhs
        by (auto simp add: F_Renaming F_GlobalDet)

lemma Renaming_Mprefix_bis :
  Renaming (a  A  P a) f g = a  A. (f a  Renaming (P a) f g)
  by (simp add: Mprefix_GlobalDet Renaming_distrib_GlobalDet Renaming_write0)

(* TODO : useful ? *)
lemma Renaming_GlobalDet_alt:
  Renaming ( a  A. P (f a)) f g =  b  f ` A. Renaming (P b) f g
  (is ?lhs = ?rhs)
  by (simp add: Renaming_distrib_GlobalDet mono_GlobalDet_eq2)

lemma Renaming_GlobalDet_inj_on:
  inj_on f A  Renaming ( a  A. P a) f g =
    b  f ` A. Renaming (P (THE a. a  A  f a = b)) f g
  by (simp add: Renaming_distrib_GlobalDet inj_on_def mono_GlobalDet_eq2 the_equality)

corollary Renaming_GlobalDet_inj:
  inj f  Renaming ( a  A. P a) f g =  b  f ` A. Renaming (P (THE a. f a = b)) f g
  by (subst Renaming_GlobalDet_inj_on, metis inj_eq inj_onI)
    (rule mono_GlobalDet_eq, metis imageE inj_eq)

lemma Renaming_Interrupt :
  Renaming (P  Q) f g = Renaming P f g  Renaming Q f g (is ?lhs = ?rhs)
proof (subst Process_eq_spec_optimized, safe)
  fix t assume t  𝒟 ?lhs
  then obtain t1 t2
    where * : t = map (map_eventptick f g) t1 @ t2 tF t1 ftF t2 t1  𝒟 (P  Q)
    unfolding D_Renaming by blast
  from "*"(4) consider t1  𝒟 P
    | u1 u2 where t1 = u1 @ u2 u1  𝒯 P tF u1 u2  𝒟 Q
    unfolding D_Interrupt by blast
  thus t  𝒟 ?rhs
  proof cases
    from "*"(1-3) show t1  𝒟 P  t  𝒟 ?rhs
      by (auto simp add: D_Interrupt D_Renaming)
    show t1 = u1 @ u2  u1  𝒯 P  tF u1  u2  𝒟 Q  t  𝒟 ?rhs for u1 u2
      by (simp add: D_Interrupt Renaming_projs "*"(1))
        (metis "*"(2, 3) map_eventptick_tickFree tickFree_append_iff)
  fix t assume t  𝒟 ?rhs
  then consider t  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)
    | t1 t2 where t = t1 @ t2 t1  𝒯 (Renaming P f g) tF t1 t2  𝒟 (Renaming Q f g)
    unfolding D_Interrupt by blast
  thus t  𝒟 ?lhs
  proof cases
    show t  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)  t  𝒟 ?lhs
      by (auto simp add: D_Renaming D_Interrupt)
    show t = t1 @ t2  t1  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)  tF t1  t2  𝒟 (Renaming Q f g)  t  𝒟 ?lhs for t1 t2
      by (auto simp add: Renaming_projs D_Interrupt append.assoc map_eventptick_tickFree)
        (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) append.assoc map_append tickFree_append_iff,
          metis front_tickFree_append map_eventptick_tickFree)
  fix t X assume same_div : 𝒟 ?lhs = 𝒟 ?rhs
  assume (t, X)   ?lhs
  then consider t  𝒟 ?lhs
    | u where t = map (map_eventptick f g) u (u, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (P  Q)
    unfolding Renaming_projs by blast
  thus (t, X)   ?rhs
  proof cases
    from same_div D_F show t  𝒟 ?lhs  (t, X)   ?rhs by blast
    fix u assume * : t = map (map_eventptick f g) u (u, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (P  Q)
    from "*"(2) consider u  𝒟 (P  Q)
      | u' r  where u = u' @ [✓(r)] u' @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P
      | X' r  where map_eventptick f g -` X = X' - {✓(r)} u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P
      | (u, map_eventptick f g -` X)   P tF u ([], map_eventptick f g -` X)   Q
      | u1 u2 where u = u1 @ u2 u1  𝒯 P tF u1 (u2, map_eventptick f g -` X)   Q u2  []
      | X' r  where map_eventptick f g -` X = X' - {✓(r)} u  𝒯 P tF u [✓(r)]  𝒯 Q
      unfolding Interrupt_projs by safe auto
    thus (t, X)   ?rhs
    proof cases
      assume u  𝒟 (P  Q)
      hence t  𝒟 ?lhs
        by (simp add: "*"(1) D_Renaming)
          (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) D_imp_front_tickFree append_Nil2 snoc_eq_iff_butlast
            butlast.simps(1) div_butlast_when_non_tickFree_iff front_tickFree_Nil
            front_tickFree_iff_tickFree_butlast front_tickFree_single map_butlast)
      with same_div D_F show (t, X)   ?rhs by blast
      show u = u' @ [✓(r)]  u' @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P  (t, X)   ?rhs for u' r
        by (auto simp add: "*"(1) F_Interrupt T_Renaming)
      fix X' r assume ** : map_eventptick f g -` X = X' - {✓(r)} u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P
      from "**" obtain X'' where X = X'' - {✓(g r)}
        by (metis DiffD2 Diff_insert_absorb eventptick.simps(10) insertI1 vimage_eq)
      moreover from "**"(2) have t @ [✓(g r)]  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)
        by (auto simp add: "*"(1) T_Renaming)
      ultimately show (t, X)   ?rhs by (auto simp add: F_Interrupt)
      show (u, map_eventptick f g -` X)   P  tF u 
            ([], map_eventptick f g -` X)   Q  (t, X)   ?rhs
        using map_eventptick_tickFree by (auto simp add: "*"(1) F_Interrupt F_Renaming)
      fix u1 u2 assume u = u1 @ u2 u1  𝒯 P tF u1
        (u2, map_eventptick f g -` X)   Q u2  []
      hence t = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ map (map_eventptick f g) u2
        map (map_eventptick f g) u1  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)
        tF (map (map_eventptick f g) u1)
        (map (map_eventptick f g) u2, X)   (Renaming Q f g)
        map (map_eventptick f g) u2  []
        by (auto simp add: "*"(1) Renaming_projs map_eventptick_tickFree)
      thus (t, X)   ?rhs by (simp add: F_Interrupt) blast
      fix X' r assume ** : map_eventptick f g -` X = X' - {✓(r)} u  𝒯 P tF u [✓(r)]  𝒯 Q
      from "**"(1, 2) obtain X'' where X = X'' - {✓(g r)}
        by (metis DiffD2 Diff_insert_absorb eventptick.simps(10) insertI1 vimage_eq)
      moreover from "**"(2-4) have t  𝒯 (Renaming P f g) tF t
        [✓(g r)]  𝒯 (Renaming Q f g)
        by (auto simp add: "*"(1) T_Renaming map_eventptick_tickFree)
      ultimately show (t, X)   ?rhs by (simp add: F_Interrupt) blast
  fix t X assume same_div : 𝒟 ?lhs = 𝒟 ?rhs
  assume (t, X)   ?rhs
  then consider t  𝒟 ?rhs
    | t' s  where t = t' @ [✓(s)] t' @ [✓(s)]  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)
    | X' s  where X = X' - {✓(s)} t  @ [✓(s)]  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)
    | (t, X)   (Renaming P f g) tF t ([], X)   (Renaming Q f g)
    | t1 t2 where t = t1 @ t2 t1  𝒯 (Renaming P f g) tF t1
      (t2, X)   (Renaming Q f g) t2  []
    | X' s where X = X' - {✓(s)} t  𝒯 (Renaming P f g) tF t [✓(s)]  𝒯 (Renaming Q f g)
    by (simp add: Interrupt_projs) blast
  thus (t, X)   ?lhs
  proof cases
    from same_div D_F show t  𝒟 ?rhs  (t, X)   ?lhs by blast
    show t = t' @ [✓(s)]; t' @ [✓(s)]  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)  (t, X)   ?lhs for t' s
      by (simp add: Renaming_projs Interrupt_projs)
        (metis T_nonTickFree_imp_decomp map_eventptick_tickFree non_tickFree_tick tickFree_append_iff)
    fix X' s assume * : X = X' - {✓(s)} t @ [✓(s)]  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)
    from "*"(2) consider u1 u2 where
      t @ [✓(s)] = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ u2 tF u1 ftF u2 u1  𝒟 P
    | u r where s = g r t = map (map_eventptick f g) u u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P
      by (simp add: T_Renaming)
        (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) T_nonTickFree_imp_decomp eventptick.disc(4)
          eventptick.map_sel(2) eventptick.sel(2) last_map map_butlast map_eventptick_tickFree
          non_tickFree_tick snoc_eq_iff_butlast tickFree_append_iff)
    thus (t, X)   ?lhs
    proof cases
      fix u1 u2 assume t @ [✓(s)] = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ u2 tF u1 ftF u2 u1  𝒟 P
      hence t  𝒟 ?lhs
        by (cases u2 rule: rev_cases)
          (auto simp add: D_Interrupt D_Renaming intro: front_tickFree_dw_closed,
            metis map_eventptick_tickFree non_tickFree_tick tickFree_append_iff)
      with D_F show (t, X)   ?lhs by blast
      fix u r assume s = g r t = map (map_eventptick f g) u u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P
      moreover from "*"(1) s = g r obtain X'' where map_eventptick f g -` X = X'' - {✓(r)}
        by (metis Diff_iff Diff_insert_absorb eventptick.simps(10) vimage_eq vimage_singleton_eq)
      ultimately show (t, X)   ?lhs by (simp add: F_Renaming F_Interrupt) metis
    show (t, X)   (Renaming P f g); tF t; ([], X)   (Renaming Q f g)  (t, X)   ?lhs
      by (simp add: Renaming_projs Interrupt_projs)
        (metis is_processT8 map_eventptick_tickFree)
    fix t1 t2 assume * : t = t1 @ t2 t1  𝒯 (Renaming P f g) tF t1
      (t2, X)   (Renaming Q f g) t2  []
    from "*"(2) consider u1 u2 where
      t1 = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ u2 tF u1 ftF u2 u1  𝒟 P
    | u1 where t1 = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 u1  𝒯 P
      unfolding T_Renaming by blast
    thus (t, X)   ?lhs
    proof cases
      fix u1 u2 assume t1 = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ u2 tF u1 ftF u2 u1  𝒟 P
      hence t1  𝒟 ?lhs by (auto simp add: D_Interrupt D_Renaming)
      with "*"(1, 3, 4) F_imp_front_tickFree is_processT7 have t  𝒟 ?lhs by blast
      with D_F show (t, X)   ?lhs by blast
      fix u1 assume ** : t1 = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 u1  𝒯 P
      from "*"(4) consider u2 u3 where
        t2 = map (map_eventptick f g) u2 @ u3 tF u2 ftF u3 u2  𝒟 Q
      | u2 where t2 = map (map_eventptick f g) u2 (u2, map_eventptick f g -` X)   Q
        unfolding F_Renaming by blast
      thus (t, X)   ?lhs
      proof cases
        fix u2 u3 assume t2 = map (map_eventptick f g) u2 @ u3 tF u2 ftF u3 u2  𝒟 Q
        hence t  𝒟 ?lhs
          by (simp add: "*"(1) "**"(1) D_Renaming D_Interrupt flip: map_append append.assoc)
            (metis "*"(3) "**"(1, 2) map_eventptick_tickFree tickFree_append_iff)
        with D_F show (t, X)   ?lhs by blast
        show t2 = map (map_eventptick f g) u2  (u2, map_eventptick f g -` X)   Q
               (t, X)   ?lhs for u2
          by (simp add: F_Renaming F_Interrupt "*"(1) "**"(1) flip: map_append)
            (metis "*"(3, 5) "**"(1, 2) list.map_disc_iff map_eventptick_tickFree)
    fix X' s assume * : X = X' - {✓(s)} t  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)
      tF t [✓(s)]  𝒯 (Renaming Q f g)
    from "*"(2) consider u1 u2 where
      t = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ u2 tF u1 ftF u2 u1  𝒟 P
    | u where t = map (map_eventptick f g) u u  𝒯 P
      by (auto simp add: T_Renaming)
    thus (t, X)   ?lhs
    proof cases
      fix u1 u2 assume t = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ u2 tF u1 ftF u2 u1  𝒟 P
      hence t  𝒟 ?lhs by (auto simp add: D_Interrupt D_Renaming)
      with D_F show (t, X)   ?lhs by blast
      fix u assume ** : t = map (map_eventptick f g) u u  𝒯 P
      from "*"(4) consider Renaming Q f g =  | r where s = g r [✓(r)]  𝒯 Q
        by (simp add: Renaming_projs BOT_iff_tick_D)
          (metis map_map_eventptick_eq_tick_iff)
      thus (t, X)   ?lhs
      proof cases
        assume Renaming Q f g = 
        hence Q =  by (simp add: Renaming_is_BOT_iff)
        hence Renaming (P  Q) f g =  by simp
        thus (t, X)   ?lhs by (simp add: F_BOT "*"(3))
        fix r assume s = g r [✓(r)]  𝒯 Q
        moreover from "*"(1) s = g r obtain X''
          where map_eventptick f g -` X = X'' - {✓(r)}
          by (metis DiffD2 Diff_empty Diff_insert0 eventptick.simps(10) insertI1 vimage_eq)
        ultimately show (t, X)   ?lhs
          by (simp add: "**"(1) F_Renaming F_Interrupt)
            (metis "*"(3) "**"(1, 2) map_eventptick_tickFree)

lemma inj_on_Renaming_Throw :
  Renaming (P Θ a  A. Q a) f g =
   Renaming P f g Θ b  f ` A. Renaming (Q (inv_into A f b)) f g
  (is ?lhs = ?rhs) if inj_on_f : inj_on f (events_of P  A)
proof -
  have $ : set (map (map_eventptick f g) t)  ev ` f ` A = {}
             set t  ev ` A = {} if t  𝒯 P for t
  proof -
    from t  𝒯 P inj_on_f have inj_on f ({a. ev a  set t}  A)
      by (auto simp add: inj_on_def events_of_memI)
    thus set (map (map_eventptick f g) t)  ev ` f ` A = {}
           set t  ev ` A = {}
      by (auto simp add: disjoint_iff image_iff inj_on_def map_eventptick_eq_ev_iff)
        (metis eventptick.simps(9), blast)
  show ?lhs = ?rhs
  proof (subst Process_eq_spec_optimized, safe)
    fix t assume t  𝒟 ?lhs
    then obtain t1 t2 where * : t = map (map_eventptick f g) t1 @ t2 tF t1
      ftF t2 t1  𝒟 (P Θ a  A. Q a)
      unfolding D_Renaming by blast
    from "*"(4) consider u1 u2 where t1 = u1 @ u2 u1  𝒟 P tF u1
      set u1  ev ` A = {} ftF u2
    | u1 a u2 where t1 = u1 @ ev a # u2 u1 @ [ev a]  𝒯 P
      set u1  ev ` A = {} a  A u2  𝒟 (Q a)
      unfolding D_Throw by blast
    thus t  𝒟 ?rhs
    proof cases
      fix u1 u2 assume ** : t1 = u1 @ u2 u1  𝒟 P tF u1
        set u1  ev ` A = {} ftF u2
      from "$" "**"(2) "**"(4) D_T
      have *** : set (map (map_eventptick f g) u1)  ev ` f ` A = {} by blast
      have t = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ (map (map_eventptick f g) u2 @ t2)
        by (simp add: "*"(1) "**"(1))
      moreover from "*"(2, 3) "**"(1) have ftF (map (map_eventptick f g) u2 @ t2)
        by (simp add: front_tickFree_append map_eventptick_tickFree)
      moreover have tF (map (map_eventptick f g) u1)
        by (simp add: "**"(3) map_eventptick_tickFree)
      ultimately show t  𝒟 ?rhs
        by (simp add: D_Throw D_Renaming)
          (use "**"(2) "**"(3) "***" front_tickFree_Nil in blast)
      fix u1 a u2 assume ** : t1 = u1 @ ev a # u2 u1 @ [ev a]  𝒯 P
        set u1  ev ` A = {} a  A u2  𝒟 (Q a)
      have *** : set (map (map_eventptick f g) u1)  ev ` f ` A = {}
        by (meson "$" "**"(2) "**"(3) T_F_spec is_processT3)
      have tF u2 using "*"(2) "**"(1) by auto
      moreover have t = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ ev (f a) # map (map_eventptick f g) u2 @ t2
        by (simp add: "*"(1) "**"(1))
      moreover from "**"(2) have map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ [ev (f a)]  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)
        by (auto simp add: T_Renaming )
      moreover have inv_into A f (f a) = a
        by (meson "**"(4) inj_on_Un inv_into_f_eq inj_on_f)
      ultimately show t  𝒟 ?rhs
        by (simp add: D_Throw D_Renaming)
          (metis "*"(3) "**"(4) "**"(5) "***" imageI)
    fix t assume t  𝒟 ?rhs
    then consider t1 t2 where t = t1 @ t2 t1  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)
      tF t1 set t1  ev ` f ` A = {} ftF t2
    | t1 b t2 where t = t1 @ ev b # t2 t1 @ [ev b]  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)
      set t1  ev ` f ` A = {} b  f ` A
      t2  𝒟 (Renaming (Q (inv_into A f b)) f g)
      unfolding D_Throw by blast
    thus t  𝒟 ?lhs
    proof cases
      fix t1 t2 assume * : t = t1 @ t2 t1  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)
        tF t1 set t1  ev ` f ` A = {} ftF t2
      from "*"(2) obtain u1 u2
        where ** : t1 = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ u2 tF u1 ftF u2 u1  𝒟 P
        unfolding D_Renaming by blast
      from "*"(4) "**"(1) have set u1  ev ` A = {} by auto
      moreover have t = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ (u2 @ t2)
        by (simp add: "*"(1) "**"(1))
      moreover from "*"(3, 5) "**"(1) front_tickFree_append tickFree_append_iff
      have ftF (u2 @ t2) by blast
      ultimately show t  𝒟 ?lhs
        by (simp add: D_Renaming D_Throw)
          (use "**"(2, 4) front_tickFree_Nil in blast)
      fix t1 b t2 assume * : t = t1 @ ev b # t2 t1 @ [ev b]  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)
        set t1  ev ` f ` A = {} b  f ` A
        t2  𝒟 (Renaming (Q (inv_into A f b)) f g)
      from b  f ` A obtain a where a  A b = f a by blast
      hence inv_into A f b = a by (meson inj_on_Un inv_into_f_f inj_on_f)
      from "*"(2) consider u1 u2 where
        t1 @ [ev b] = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ u2 u2  [] tF u1 ftF u2 u1  𝒟 P
      | u1 where t1 @ [ev b] = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 u1  𝒯 P
        by (simp add: D_T T_Renaming)
          (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) D_T append.right_neutral)
      thus t  𝒟 ?lhs
      proof cases
        fix u1 u2
        assume ** : t1 @ [ev b] = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ u2 u2  [] tF u1 ftF u2 u1  𝒟 P
        from "**"(1, 2) obtain u2' where *** : t1 = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ u2'
          by (metis butlast_append butlast_snoc)
        from "*"(3) "***" have **** : set u1  ev ` A = {} by auto
        have ***** : t = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ (u2' @ ev b # t2) ftF (u2' @ ev b # t2)
          by (simp_all add: "*"(1) "***" "****" front_tickFree_append_iff)
            (metis "*"(2, 5) "***" D_imp_front_tickFree append_T_imp_tickFree
              eventptick.disc(1) front_tickFree_Cons_iff not_Cons_self tickFree_append_iff)
        show t  𝒟 ?lhs
          by (simp add: D_Renaming D_Throw)
            (metis "**"(3) "**"(5) "****" "*****" append_Nil2 front_tickFree_Nil)
        fix u1 assume t1 @ [ev b] = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 u1  𝒯 P
        then obtain u1' where ** : t1 = map (map_eventptick f g) u1' u1' @ [ev a]  𝒯 P
          by (cases u1 rule: rev_cases, simp_all add: b = f a ev_eq_map_eventptick_iff)
            (metis Nil_is_append_conv Un_iff a  A events_of_memI inj_onD
              inj_on_f last_in_set last_snoc list.distinct(1))
        from "*"(3) "**"(1) have *** : set u1'  ev ` A = {} by auto
        from "*"(5) inv_into A f b = a obtain u2 u3 where
          **** : t2 = map (map_eventptick f g) u2 @ u3 tF u2 ftF u3 u2  𝒟 (Q a)
          unfolding Renaming_projs by blast
        have ***** : t = map (map_eventptick f g) (u1' @ ev a # u2) @ u3 tF (u1' @ ev a # u2)
          by (simp_all add: "*"(1) "**"(1) b = f a "****"(1))
            (metis "**"(2) "****"(2) T_imp_front_tickFree butlast_snoc
        show t  𝒟 ?lhs
          by (simp add: D_Renaming D_Throw)
            (metis "**"(2) "***" "****"(3, 4) "*****"(1, 2) a  A)
    fix t X assume same_div : 𝒟 ?lhs = 𝒟 ?rhs
    assume (t, X)   ?lhs
    then consider t  𝒟 ?lhs
      | u where t = map (map_eventptick f g) u (u, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (P Θ a  A. Q a)
      unfolding Renaming_projs by blast
    thus (t, X)   ?rhs
    proof cases
      from same_div D_F show t  𝒟 ?lhs  (t, X)   ?rhs by blast
      fix u assume * : t = map (map_eventptick f g) u
        (u, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (P Θ a  A. Q a)
      then consider (u, map_eventptick f g -` X)   P set u  ev ` A = {}
        | u1 u2   where u = u1 @ u2 u1  𝒟 P tF u1 set u1  ev ` A = {} ftF u2
        | u1 a u2 where u = u1 @ ev a # u2 u1 @ [ev a]  𝒯 P set u1  ev ` A = {}
          a  A (u2, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (Q a)
        unfolding F_Throw by blast
      thus (t, X)   ?rhs
      proof cases
        show (u, map_eventptick f g -` X)   P  set u  ev ` A = {}  (t, X)   ?rhs
          by (simp add: F_Throw F_Renaming) (metis "$" "*"(1) F_T)
        fix u1 u2 assume u = u1 @ u2 u1  𝒟 P tF u1 set u1  ev ` A = {} ftF u2
        hence t  𝒟 ?lhs
          by (simp add: "*"(1) D_Renaming D_Throw)
            (metis append_Nil2 front_tickFree_Nil map_eventptick_front_tickFree)
        with same_div D_F show (t, X)   ?rhs by blast
        fix u1 a u2
        assume ** : u = u1 @ ev a # u2 u1 @ [ev a]  𝒯 P set u1  ev ` A = {}
          a  A (u2, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (Q a)
        have *** : set (map (map_eventptick f g) u1)  ev ` f ` A = {}
          by (meson "$" "**"(2, 3) T_F_spec is_processT3)
        have t = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ ev (f a) # map (map_eventptick f g) u2
          by (simp add: "*"(1) "**"(1))
        moreover from "**"(2) have map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ [ev (f a)]  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)
          by (auto simp add: T_Renaming)
        moreover have inv_into A f (f a) = a
          by (meson "**"(4) inj_on_Un inv_into_f_f inj_on_f)
        moreover from "**"(5) have (map (map_eventptick f g) u2, X)   (Renaming (Q a) f g)
          by (auto simp add: F_Renaming)
        ultimately show (t, X)   ?rhs
          by (simp add: F_Throw) (metis "**"(4) "***" image_eqI)
    fix t X assume same_div : 𝒟 ?lhs = 𝒟 ?rhs
    assume (t, X)   ?rhs
    then consider t  𝒟 ?rhs
      | (t, X)   (Renaming P f g) set t  ev ` f ` A = {}
      | t1 b t2 where t = t1 @ ev b # t2 t1 @ [ev b]  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)
        set t1  ev ` f ` A = {} b  f ` A
        (t2, X)   (Renaming (Q (inv_into A f b)) f g)
      unfolding Throw_projs by auto
    thus (t, X)   ?lhs
    proof cases
      from same_div D_F show t  𝒟 ?rhs  (t, X)   ?lhs by blast
      assume * : (t, X)   (Renaming P f g) set t  ev ` f ` A = {}
      from "*"(1) consider t  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)
        | u where t = map (map_eventptick f g) u (u, map_eventptick f g -` X)   P
        unfolding Renaming_projs by blast
      thus (t, X)   ?lhs
      proof cases
        assume t  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)
        hence t  𝒟 ?lhs
          by (simp add: D_Renaming D_Throw)
            (metis (no_types, lifting) "$" "*"(2) D_T Un_Int_eq(3) append_Nil2
              front_tickFree_Nil inf_bot_right inf_sup_aci(2) set_append)
        with D_F show (t, X)   ?lhs by blast
        show t = map (map_eventptick f g) u  (u, map_eventptick f g -` X)   P
               (t, X)   ?lhs for u
          by (simp add: F_Renaming F_Throw) (metis "$" "*"(2) F_T)
      fix t1 b t2
      assume * : t = t1 @ ev b # t2 t1 @ [ev b]  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)
        set t1  ev ` f ` A = {} b  f ` A
        (t2, X)   (Renaming (Q (inv_into A f b)) f g)
      from "*"(4) obtain a where a  A b = f a by blast
      hence inv_into A f b = a by (meson inj_on_Un inv_into_f_f inj_on_f)
      from "*"(2) consider u1 u2 where
        t1 @ [ev b] = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ u2 u2  [] tF u1 ftF u2 u1  𝒟 P
      | u1 where t1 @ [ev b] = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 u1  𝒯 P
        by (simp add: D_T T_Renaming)
          (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) D_T append.right_neutral)
      thus (t, X)   ?lhs
      proof cases
        fix u1 u2
        assume ** : t1 @ [ev b] = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ u2 u2  [] tF u1 ftF u2 u1  𝒟 P
        from "**"(1, 2) obtain u2' where *** : t1 = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 @ u2'
          by (metis butlast_append butlast_snoc)
        from "*"(3) "***" have set u1  ev ` A = {} by auto
        with "**"(3-5) "***" have t  𝒟 ?rhs
          by (simp add: D_Renaming D_Throw)
            (metis "*"(1, 3) F_imp_front_tickFree (t, X)   ?rhs front_tickFree_Nil
              front_tickFree_append_iff front_tickFree_dw_closed list.discI)
        with same_div D_F show (t, X)   ?lhs by blast
        fix u1 assume t1 @ [ev b] = map (map_eventptick f g) u1 u1  𝒯 P
        then obtain u1' where ** : t1 = map (map_eventptick f g) u1' u1' @ [ev a]  𝒯 P
          by (cases u1 rule: rev_cases, simp_all add: b = f a ev_eq_map_eventptick_iff)
            (metis Nil_is_append_conv Un_iff a  A events_of_memI inj_onD
              inj_on_f last_in_set last_snoc list.distinct(1))
        from "*"(3) "**"(1) have *** : set u1'  ev ` A = {} by auto
        from "*"(5) inv_into A f b = a consider t2  𝒟 (Renaming (Q a) f g)
          | u2 where t2 = map (map_eventptick f g) u2 (u2, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (Q a)
          unfolding Renaming_projs by blast
        thus (t, X)   ?lhs
        proof cases
          assume t2  𝒟 (Renaming (Q a) f g)
          with "*"(1-4) inv_into A f b = a have t  𝒟 ?rhs
            by (auto simp add: D_Throw)
          with same_div D_F show (t, X)   ?lhs by blast
          fix u2 assume **** : t2 = map (map_eventptick f g) u2
            (u2, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (Q a)
          from "****"(1) have ***** : t = map (map_eventptick f g) (u1' @ ev a # u2)  
            by (simp add: "*"(1) "**"(1) "****" b = f a)
          show (t, X)   ?lhs
            by (simp add: F_Renaming F_Throw)
              (use "**"(2) "***" "****"(2) "*****" a  A in blast)

subsection constRenaming and constHiding

text ‹When termf is one to one, termRenaming (P \ S) f will behave like we expect it to do.›

lemma strict_mono_map: strict_mono g  strict_mono (λi. map f (g i))
  unfolding strict_mono_def less_eq_list_def less_list_def prefix_def by fastforce

lemma trace_hide_map_map_eventptick :
  inj_on (map_eventptick f g) (set s  ev ` S) 
   trace_hide (map (map_eventptick f g) s) (ev ` f ` S) = 
   map (map_eventptick f g) (trace_hide s (ev ` S))
proof (induct s)
  case Nil
  show ?case by simp
  case (Cons e s)
  hence * : trace_hide (map (map_eventptick f g) s) (ev ` f ` S) = 
             map (map_eventptick f g) (trace_hide s (ev ` S)) by fastforce
  from Cons.prems[unfolded inj_on_def, rule_format, of e, simplified] show ?case
    apply (simp add: "*")
    apply (simp add: image_iff)
    by (metis eventptick.simps(9))

lemma inj_on_map_eventptick_set_T:
  inj_on (map_eventptick f g) (set s) if inj_on f (events_of P) s  𝒯 P
proof (rule inj_onI)
  show e  set s  e'  set s  map_eventptick f g e = map_eventptick f g e'  e = e' for e e'
    by (cases e; cases e'; simp)
      (meson events_of_memI inj_onD that(1, 2),
        metis T_imp_front_tickFree eventptick.disc(2) eventptick.simps(2) front_tickFree_Cons_iff that(2)
        front_tickFree_nonempty_append_imp list.distinct(1) snoc_eq_iff_butlast split_list_last)

theorem bij_Renaming_Hiding: Renaming (P \ S) f g = Renaming P f g \ f ` S
  (is ?lhs = ?rhs) if bij_f: bij f and bij_g : bij g
proof -
  have inj_on_map_eventptick : inj_on (map_eventptick f g) X for X
  proof (rule inj_onI)
    show e  X  e'  X  map_eventptick f g e = map_eventptick f g e'  e = e' for e e'
      by (cases e; cases e'; simp)
        (metis bij_f bij_pointE, metis bij_g bij_pointE)
  have inj_on_map_eventptick_inv : inj_on (map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g)) X for X
  proof (rule inj_onI)
    show e  X  e'  X  map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g) e = map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g) e'
           e = e' for e e'
      by (cases e; cases e', simp_all)
        (metis bij_f bij_inv_eq_iff, metis bij_g bij_inv_eq_iff)
  show ?lhs = ?rhs
  proof (subst Process_eq_spec_optimized, safe)
    fix s
    assume s  𝒟 ?lhs
    then obtain s1 s2 where * : tickFree s1 front_tickFree s2
      s = map (map_eventptick f g) s1 @ s2 s1  𝒟 (P \ S)
      by (simp add: D_Renaming) blast
    from "*"(4) obtain t u
      where ** : front_tickFree u tickFree t s1 = trace_hide t (ev ` S) @ u
        t  𝒟 P  (h. isInfHiddenRun h P S  t  range h)
      by (simp add: D_Hiding) blast
    from "**"(4) show s  𝒟 ?rhs
    proof (elim disjE)
      assume t  𝒟 P
      hence front_tickFree (map (map_eventptick f g) u @ s2)  tickFree (map (map_eventptick f g) t) 
             s = trace_hide (map (map_eventptick f g) t) (ev ` f ` S) @ map (map_eventptick f g) u @ s2 
             map (map_eventptick f g) t  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)
        apply (simp add: "*"(3) "**"(2, 3) map_eventptick_tickFree, intro conjI)
        apply (metis "*"(1, 2) "**"(1) "**"(3) front_tickFree_append_iff
            map_eventptick_front_tickFree map_eventptick_tickFree tickFree_append_iff)
        apply (simp add: trace_hide_map_map_eventptick inj_on_map_eventptick)
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) "**"(2) CollectI D_Renaming append.right_neutral front_tickFree_Nil)
      thus s  𝒟 ?rhs by (simp add: D_Hiding) blast
      assume h. isInfHiddenRun h P S  t  range h
      then obtain h where isInfHiddenRun h P S t  range h by blast
      hence front_tickFree (map (map_eventptick f g) u @ s2) 
             tickFree (map (map_eventptick f g) t) 
             s = trace_hide (map (map_eventptick f g) t) (ev ` f ` S) @ map (map_eventptick f g) u @ s2 
             isInfHiddenRun (λi. map (map_eventptick f g) (h i)) (Renaming P f g) (f ` S)  
             map (map_eventptick f g) t  range (λi. map (map_eventptick f g) (h i))
        apply (simp add: "*"(3) "**"(2, 3) map_eventptick_tickFree, intro conjI)
        apply (metis "*"(1, 2) "**"(3) front_tickFree_append map_eventptick_tickFree tickFree_append_iff)
        apply (rule trace_hide_map_map_eventptick[OF inj_on_map_eventptick, symmetric])
        apply (solves rule strict_mono_map, simp)
        apply (solves auto simp add: T_Renaming)
        apply (subst (1 2) trace_hide_map_map_eventptick[OF inj_on_map_eventptick])
        by metis blast
      thus s  𝒟 ?rhs by (simp add: D_Hiding) blast
    fix s
    assume s  𝒟 ?rhs
    then obtain t u
      where * : front_tickFree u tickFree t s = trace_hide t (ev ` f ` S) @ u
        t  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)  
                 (h. isInfHiddenRun h (Renaming P f g) (f ` S)  t  range h)
      by (simp add: D_Hiding) blast
    from "*"(4) show s  𝒟 ?lhs
    proof (elim disjE)
      assume t  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)
      then obtain t1 t2 where ** : tickFree t1 front_tickFree t2 
        t = map (map_eventptick f g) t1 @ t2 t1  𝒟 P
        by (simp add: D_Renaming) blast
      have tickFree (trace_hide t1 (ev ` S))  
            front_tickFree (trace_hide t2 (ev ` f ` S) @ u) 
            trace_hide (map (map_eventptick f g) t1) (ev ` f ` S) @ trace_hide t2 (ev ` f ` S) @ u =
            map (map_eventptick f g) (trace_hide t1 (ev ` S)) @ trace_hide t2 (ev ` f ` S) @ u 
            trace_hide t1 (ev ` S)  𝒟 (P \ S)
        apply (simp, intro conjI)
        using "**"(1) Hiding_tickFree apply blast
        using "*"(1, 2) "**"(3) Hiding_tickFree front_tickFree_append tickFree_append_iff apply blast
        apply (rule trace_hide_map_map_eventptick[OF inj_on_map_eventptick])
        using "**"(4) mem_D_imp_mem_D_Hiding by blast
      thus s  𝒟 ?lhs by (simp add: D_Renaming "*"(3) "**"(3)) blast
      have inv_S: S = inv f ` f ` S by (simp add: bij_is_inj bij_f)
      have inj_inv_f: inj (inv f) 
        by (simp add: bij_imp_bij_inv bij_is_inj bij_f)
      have ** : map (map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g)  map_eventptick f g) v = v for v
        by (induct v, simp_all)
          (metis bij_f bij_g bij_inv_eq_iff eventptick.exhaust eventptick.simps(9) map_eventptick_eq_tick_iff)
      assume h. isInfHiddenRun h (Renaming P f g) (f ` S)  t  range h
      then obtain h
        where *** : isInfHiddenRun h (Renaming P f g) (f ` S) t  range h by blast
      then consider t1 where t1  𝒯 P t = map (map_eventptick f g) t1
        | t1 t2 where tickFree t1 front_tickFree t2 
          t = map (map_eventptick f g) t1 @ t2 t1  𝒟 P
        by (simp add: T_Renaming) blast
      thus s  𝒟 ?lhs
      proof cases
        fix t1 assume **** : t1  𝒯 P t = map (map_eventptick f g) t1
        have ***** : t1 = map (map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g)) t by (simp add: "****"(2) "**")
        have ****** : trace_hide t1 (ev ` S) = trace_hide t1 (ev ` S) 
                       isInfHiddenRun (λi. map (map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g)) (h i)) P S  
                       t1  range (λi. map (map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g)) (h i))
          apply (simp add: "***"(1) strict_mono_map, intro conjI)
          apply (subst Renaming_inv[where f = f and g = g, symmetric])
          apply (solves simp add: bij_is_inj bij_f)
          apply (solves simp add: bij_is_inj bij_g)

          using "***"(1) apply (subst T_Renaming, blast)
          apply (subst (1 2) inv_S, subst (1 2) trace_hide_map_map_eventptick[OF inj_on_map_eventptick_inv])
          apply (metis "***"(1))
          using "***"(2) "*****" by blast
        have tickFree (trace_hide t1 (ev ` S))  front_tickFree t1 
              trace_hide (map (map_eventptick f g) t1) (ev ` f ` S) @ u = 
              map (map_eventptick f g) (trace_hide t1 (ev ` S)) @ u  
              trace_hide t1 (ev ` S)  𝒟 (P \ S)
          apply (simp, intro conjI)
          using "*"(2) "****"(2) map_eventptick_tickFree Hiding_tickFree apply blast
          using "****"(1) is_processT2_TR apply blast
          apply (rule trace_hide_map_map_eventptick[OF inj_on_map_eventptick])
          apply (simp add: D_Renaming D_Hiding)
          using "*"(2) "*****" "******" map_eventptick_tickFree front_tickFree_Nil by blast
        with "*"(1) show s  𝒟 ?lhs by (simp add: D_Renaming "*"(3) "****"(2)) blast
        fix t1 t2 assume **** : tickFree t1 front_tickFree t2
          t = map (map_eventptick f g) t1 @ t2 t1  𝒟 P
        have tickFree (trace_hide t1 (ev ` S)) 
              front_tickFree (trace_hide t2 (ev ` f ` S) @ u) 
              trace_hide (map (map_eventptick f g) t1) (ev ` f ` S) @ trace_hide t2 (ev ` f ` S) @ u =
              map (map_eventptick f g) (trace_hide t1 (ev ` S)) @ trace_hide t2 (ev ` f ` S) @ u 
              trace_hide t1 (ev ` S)  𝒟 (P \ S)
          apply (simp, intro conjI)
          using "****"(1) Hiding_tickFree apply blast
          using "*"(1, 2) "****"(3) Hiding_tickFree front_tickFree_append tickFree_append_iff apply blast
          apply (rule trace_hide_map_map_eventptick[OF inj_on_map_eventptick])
          using "****"(4) mem_D_imp_mem_D_Hiding by blast
        thus s  𝒟 ?lhs by (simp add: D_Renaming "*"(3) "****"(3)) blast
    fix s X
    assume same_div : 𝒟 ?lhs = 𝒟 ?rhs
    assume (s, X)   ?lhs
    then consider s  𝒟 ?lhs
      | s1 where (s1, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (P \ S) s = map (map_eventptick f g) s1
      by (simp add: F_Renaming D_Renaming) blast
    thus (s, X)   ?rhs
    proof cases
      from D_F same_div show s  𝒟 ?lhs  (s, X)   ?rhs by blast
      fix s1 assume * : (s1, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (P \ S)
        s = map (map_eventptick f g) s1
      from this(1) consider s1  𝒟 (P \ S)
        | t where s1 = trace_hide t (ev ` S) (t, map_eventptick f g -` X  ev ` S)   P
        by (simp add: F_Hiding D_Hiding) blast
      thus (s, X)   ?rhs
      proof cases
        assume s1  𝒟 (P \ S)
        then obtain t u
          where ** : front_tickFree u tickFree t s1 = trace_hide t (ev ` S) @ u
            t  𝒟 P  (g. isInfHiddenRun g P S  t  range g)
          by (simp add: D_Hiding) blast
        have *** : front_tickFree (map (map_eventptick f g) u)  tickFree (map (map_eventptick f g) t) 
                    map (map_eventptick f g) (trace_hide t (ev ` S)) @ map (map_eventptick f g) u = 
                    trace_hide (map (map_eventptick f g) t) (ev ` f ` S) @ (map (map_eventptick f g) u)
          by (simp add: map_eventptick_front_tickFree map_eventptick_tickFree "**"(1, 2))
            (rule trace_hide_map_map_eventptick[OF inj_on_map_eventptick, symmetric])
        from "**"(4) show (s, X)   ?rhs
        proof (elim disjE exE)
          assume t  𝒟 P
          hence $ : map (map_eventptick f g) t  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)
            apply (simp add: D_Renaming)
            using "**"(2) front_tickFree_Nil by blast
          show (s, X)   ?rhs
            by (simp add: F_Hiding) (metis "$" "*"(2) "**"(3) "***" map_append)
          fix h assume isInfHiddenRun h P S  t  range h
          hence $ : isInfHiddenRun (λi. map (map_eventptick f g) (h i)) (Renaming P f g) (f ` S)  
                     map (map_eventptick f g) t  range (λi. map (map_eventptick f g) (h i))
            apply (subst (1 2) trace_hide_map_map_eventptick[OF inj_on_map_eventptick])
            by (simp add: strict_mono_map T_Renaming image_iff) (metis (mono_tags, lifting))
          show (s, X)   ?rhs
            apply (simp add: F_Hiding)
              (* TODO: break this smt *)
            by (smt (verit, del_insts) "$" "*"(2) "**"(3) "***" map_append)
        fix t assume ** : s1 = trace_hide t (ev ` S) 
          (t, map_eventptick f g -` X  ev ` S)   P
        have *** : map_eventptick f g -` X  map_eventptick f g -` ev ` f ` S = map_eventptick f g -` X  ev ` S
          by (auto simp add: image_iff map_eventptick_eq_ev_iff) (metis bij_f bij_pointE)
        have map (map_eventptick f g) (trace_hide t (ev ` S)) = 
              trace_hide (map (map_eventptick f g) t) (ev ` f ` S) 
              (map (map_eventptick f g) t, X  ev ` f ` S)   (Renaming P f g)
          apply (intro conjI)
          apply (rule trace_hide_map_map_eventptick[OF inj_on_map_eventptick, symmetric])
          apply (simp add: F_Renaming)
          using "**"(2) "***" by auto
        show (s, X)   ?rhs
          apply (simp add: F_Hiding "*"(2) "**"(1))
          using ?this by blast
    fix s X
    assume same_div : 𝒟 ?lhs = 𝒟 ?rhs
    assume (s, X)   ?rhs
    then consider s  𝒟 ?rhs
      | t where s = trace_hide t (ev ` f ` S) (t, X  ev ` f ` S)   (Renaming P f g)
      by (simp add: F_Hiding D_Hiding) blast
    thus (s, X)   ?lhs
    proof cases
      from D_F same_div show s  𝒟 ?rhs  (s, X)   ?lhs by blast
      fix t assume s = trace_hide t (ev ` f ` S) (t, X  ev ` f ` S)   (Renaming P f g)
      then obtain t
        where * : s = trace_hide t (ev ` f ` S)
          (t, X  ev ` f ` S)   (Renaming P f g) by blast
      have ** : map_eventptick f g -` X  map_eventptick f g -` ev ` f ` S = map_eventptick f g -` X  ev ` S
        by (auto simp add: image_iff map_eventptick_eq_ev_iff) (metis bij_f bij_pointE)
      have (s1. (s1, map_eventptick f g -` X  map_eventptick f g -` ev ` f ` S)   P  t = map (map_eventptick f g) s1)  
            (s1 s2. tickFree s1  front_tickFree s2  t = map (map_eventptick f g) s1 @ s2  s1  𝒟 P)
        using "*"(2) by (auto simp add: F_Renaming)
      thus (s, X)   ?lhs
      proof (elim disjE exE conjE)
        fix s1
        assume (s1, map_eventptick f g -` X  map_eventptick f g -` ev ` f ` S)   P t = map (map_eventptick f g) s1
        hence (trace_hide s1 (ev ` S), map_eventptick f g -` X)   (P \ S) 
               s = map (map_eventptick f g) (trace_hide s1 (ev ` S))
          apply (simp add: "*"(1) F_Hiding "**", intro conjI)
          by blast (rule trace_hide_map_map_eventptick[OF inj_on_map_eventptick])
        show (s, X)   ?lhs
          apply (simp add: F_Renaming)
          using ?this by blast
        fix s1 s2
        assume tickFree s1 front_tickFree s2 t = map (map_eventptick f g) s1 @ s2 s1  𝒟 P
        hence tickFree (trace_hide s1 (ev ` S))  
               front_tickFree (trace_hide s2 (ev ` f ` S))  
               s = map (map_eventptick f g) (trace_hide s1 (ev ` S)) @ trace_hide s2 (ev ` f ` S)  
               trace_hide s1 (ev ` S)  𝒟 (P \ S)
          apply (simp add: F_Renaming "*"(1), intro conjI)
          using Hiding_tickFree apply blast
          using Hiding_front_tickFree apply blast
          apply (rule trace_hide_map_map_eventptick[OF inj_on_map_eventptick])
          using mem_D_imp_mem_D_Hiding by blast
        show (s, X)   ?lhs
          apply (simp add: F_Renaming)
          using ?this by blast

subsection constRenaming and constSync

text ‹Idem for the synchronization: when termf is one to one, 
      termRenaming (P S Q) will behave as expected.›

lemma bij_map_setinterleaving_iff_setinterleaving :
  map f r setinterleaves ((map f t, map f u), f ` S) 
   r setinterleaves ((t, u), S) if bij_f : bij f
proof (induct (t, S, u) arbitrary: t u r rule: setinterleaving.induct)
  case 1
  thus ?case by simp
  case (2 y u)
  show ?case
  proof (cases y  S)
    show y  S  ?case by simp
    assume y  S
    hence f y  f ` S by (metis bij_betw_imp_inj_on inj_image_mem_iff bij_f)
    with "2.hyps"[OF y  S, of tl r] show ?case
      by (cases r; simp add: y  S) (metis bij_pointE bij_f)
  case (3 x t)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x  S)
    show x  S  ?case by simp
    assume x  S
    hence f x  f ` S by (metis bij_betw_imp_inj_on inj_image_mem_iff bij_f)
    with "3.hyps"[OF x  S, of tl r] show ?case
      by (cases r; simp add: x  S) (metis bij_pointE bij_f)
  case (4 x t y u)
  have  * : x  y  f x  f y by (metis bij_pointE bij_f)
  have ** : f z  f ` S  z  S for z
    by (meson bij_betw_def inj_image_mem_iff bij_f)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x  S; cases y  S)
    from "4.hyps"(1)[of tl r] show x  S  y  S  ?case
      by (cases r; simp add: "*") (metis bij_pointE bij_f)
    from "4.hyps"(2)[of tl r] show x  S  y  S  ?case
      by (cases r; simp add: "**") (metis bij_pointE bij_f)
    from "4.hyps"(5)[of tl r] show x  S  y  S  ?case
      by (cases r; simp add: "**") (metis bij_pointE bij_f)
    from "4.hyps"(3, 4)[of tl r] show x  S  y  S  ?case
      by (cases r; simp add: "**") (metis bij_pointE bij_f)

theorem bij_Renaming_Sync:
  Renaming (P S Q) f g = Renaming P f g f ` S Renaming Q f g
  (is ?lhs P Q = ?rhs P Q) if bij_f: bij f and bij_g : bij g
proof -
  ― ‹Four intermediate results.›
  have bij_map_eventptick : bij (map_eventptick f g)
  proof (rule bijI)
    show inj (map_eventptick f g)
    proof (rule injI)
      show map_eventptick f g e = map_eventptick f g e'  e = e' for e e'
        by (cases e; cases e'; simp)
          (metis bij_f bij_pointE, metis bij_g bij_pointE)
    show surj (map_eventptick f g)
    proof (rule surjI)
      show map_eventptick f g (map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g) e) = e for e
        by (cases e, simp_all)
          (meson bij_f bij_inv_eq_iff, meson bij_g bij_inv_eq_iff)
  moreover have map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g)  map_eventptick f g = id
  proof (rule ext)
    show (map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g)  map_eventptick f g) e = id e for e
      by (cases e, simp_all)
        (meson bij_betw_def bij_f inv_f_eq, meson bij_betw_def bij_g inv_f_eq)
  ultimately have inv_map_eventptick_is_map_eventptick_inv :
    inv (map_eventptick f g) = map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g)
    by (metis bij_betw_imp_inj_on bij_betw_imp_surj_on inv_o_cancel surj_fun_eq)
  have sets_S_eq : map_eventptick f g ` (range tick  ev ` S) = range tick  ev ` f ` S
    by (auto simp add: image_iff)
      (metis Un_iff bij_g bij_pointE eventptick.simps(10) rangeI,
        metis Un_iff eventptick.simps(9) imageI)
  have inj_map_eventptick : inj (map_eventptick f g)
    and inj_inv_map_eventptick : inj (inv (map_eventptick f g))
    by (use bij_betw_imp_inj_on bij_map_eventptick in blast)
      (meson bij_betw_imp_inj_on bij_betw_inv_into bij_map_eventptick)
  show ?lhs P Q = ?rhs P Q
  proof (subst Process_eq_spec_optimized, safe)
    fix s
    assume s  𝒟 (?lhs P Q)
    then obtain s1 s2 where * : tickFree s1 front_tickFree s2
      s = map (map_eventptick f g) s1 @ s2 s1  𝒟 (P S Q)
      by (simp add: D_Renaming) blast
    from "*"(4) obtain t u r v 
      where ** : front_tickFree v tickFree r  v = [] 
        s1 = r @ v r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` S)
        t  𝒟 P  u  𝒯 Q  t  𝒟 Q  u  𝒯 P 
      by (simp add: D_Sync) blast
    { fix t u P Q
      assume assms : r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` S) 
        t  𝒟 P u  𝒯 Q
      have map (map_eventptick f g) r setinterleaves 
            ((map (map_eventptick f g) t, map (map_eventptick f g) u), range tick  ev ` f ` S)
        by (metis assms(1) bij_map_setinterleaving_iff_setinterleaving bij_map_eventptick sets_S_eq)
      moreover have map (map_eventptick f g) t  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)
        apply (cases tickFree t; simp add: D_Renaming)
        using assms(2) front_tickFree_Nil apply blast
        by (metis D_T D_imp_front_tickFree append_T_imp_tickFree assms(2) front_tickFree_Cons_iff
            is_processT9 list.simps(3) map_append nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree map_eventptick_front_tickFree)
      moreover have map (map_eventptick f g) u  𝒯 (Renaming Q f g)
        using assms(3) by (simp add: T_Renaming) blast
      ultimately have s  𝒟 (?rhs P Q)
        by (simp add: D_Sync "*"(3) "**"(3))
          (metis "*"(1, 2) "**"(3) map_eventptick_tickFree front_tickFree_append tickFree_append_iff)
    } note *** = this

    from "**"(4, 5) "***" show s  𝒟 (?rhs P Q)
      apply (elim disjE)
      using "**"(4) "***" apply blast
      using "**"(4) "***" by (subst Sync_commute) blast
    fix s
    assume s  𝒟 (?rhs P Q)
    then obtain t u r v
      where * : front_tickFree v tickFree r  v = [] s = r @ v 
        r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` f ` S)
        t  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)  u  𝒯 (Renaming Q f g) 
                 t  𝒟 (Renaming Q f g)  u  𝒯 (Renaming P f g)
      by (simp add: D_Sync) blast

    { fix t u P Q
      assume assms : r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` f ` S)
        t  𝒟 (Renaming P f g) u  𝒯 (Renaming Q f g)
      have inv (map_eventptick f g) ` (range tick  ev ` f ` S) =
            inv (map_eventptick f g) ` map_eventptick f g ` (range tick  ev ` S)
        using sets_S_eq by presburger
      from bij_map_setinterleaving_iff_setinterleaving
        [THEN iffD2, OF _ assms(1), of inv (map_eventptick f g),
          simplified this image_inv_f_f[OF inj_map_eventptick]]
      have ** : (map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) r) setinterleaves
                 ((map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) t, map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) u), range tick  ev ` S)
        using bij_betw_inv_into bij_map_eventptick by blast
      from assms(2) obtain s1 s2
        where t = map (map_eventptick f g) s1 @ s2 tickFree s1 front_tickFree s2 s1  𝒟 P
        by (auto simp add: D_Renaming)
      hence map (map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g)) t  𝒟 (Renaming (Renaming P f g) (inv f) (inv g))
        apply (simp add: D_Renaming)
        apply (rule_tac x = map (map_eventptick f g) s1 in exI)
        apply (rule_tac x = map (map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g)) s2 in exI)
        by simp (metis append_Nil2 front_tickFree_Nil map_eventptick_front_tickFree map_eventptick_tickFree)
      hence *** : map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) t  𝒟 P
        by (metis Renaming_inv bij_def bij_f bij_g inv_map_eventptick_is_map_eventptick_inv)
      have map (map_eventptick (inv f) (inv g)) u  𝒯 (Renaming (Renaming Q f g) (inv f) (inv g))
        using assms(3) by (subst T_Renaming, simp) blast
      hence **** : map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) u  𝒯 Q
        by (simp add: Renaming_inv bij_f bij_g bij_is_inj inv_map_eventptick_is_map_eventptick_inv)
      have ***** : map (map_eventptick f g  inv (map_eventptick f g)) r = r
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) bij_betw_imp_inj_on bij_betw_inv_into bij_map_eventptick inj_iff list.map_comp list.map_id)
      have s  𝒟 (?lhs P Q)
      proof (cases tickFree r)
        assume tickFree r
        have $ : r @ v = map (map_eventptick f g) (map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) r) @ v
          by (simp add: "*****")
        show s  𝒟 (?lhs P Q)
          apply (simp add: D_Renaming D_Sync "*"(3))
          by (metis "$" "*"(1) "**" "***" "****" map_eventptick_tickFree tickFree r 
              append.right_neutral append_same_eq front_tickFree_Nil)
        assume ¬ tickFree r
        then obtain r' res where $ : r = r' @ [✓(res)] tickFree r'
          by (metis D_imp_front_tickFree assms butlast_snoc front_tickFree_charn
              front_tickFree_single ftf_Sync is_processT2_TR list.distinct(1)
              nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree self_append_conv2)
        then obtain t' u'
          where $$ : t = t' @ [✓(res)] u = u' @ [✓(res)]
          by (metis D_imp_front_tickFree SyncWithTick_imp_NTF T_imp_front_tickFree assms)
        hence $$$ : (map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) r') setinterleaves
                     ((map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) t', map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) u'),
                      range tick  ev ` S)
          by (metis "$"(1) append_same_eq assms(1) bij_betw_imp_surj_on
              bij_map_setinterleaving_iff_setinterleaving bij_map_eventptick
              ftf_Sync32 inj_imp_bij_betw_inv inj_map_eventptick sets_S_eq)
        from "***" $$(1) have *** : map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) t'  𝒟 P 
          by simp (use inv_map_eventptick_is_map_eventptick_inv is_processT9 in force)
        from "****" $$(2) have **** : map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) u'  𝒯 Q
          using is_processT3_TR prefixI by simp blast
        have $$$$ : r = map (map_eventptick f g) (map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) r') @ [✓(res)]
          using "$" "*****" by auto
        show s  𝒟 (?lhs P Q)
          by (simp add: D_Renaming D_Sync "*"(3) "$$$")
            (metis "$"(1) "$"(2) "$$$" "$$$$" "*"(2) "***" "****" map_eventptick_tickFree ¬ tickFree r
              append.right_neutral append_same_eq front_tickFree_Nil front_tickFree_single)
    } note ** = this
    show s  𝒟 (?lhs P Q) by (metis "*"(4, 5) "**" Sync_commute)
    fix s X
    assume same_div : 𝒟 (?lhs P Q) = 𝒟 (?rhs P Q)
    assume (s, X)   (?lhs P Q)
    then consider s  𝒟 (?lhs P Q)
      | s1 where (s1, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (P S Q) s = map (map_eventptick f g) s1
      by (simp add: F_Renaming D_Renaming) blast
    thus (s, X)   (?rhs P Q)
    proof cases
      from same_div D_F show s  𝒟 (?lhs P Q)  (s, X)   (?rhs P Q) by blast
      fix s1 assume * : (s1, map_eventptick f g -` X)   (P S Q) 
        s = map (map_eventptick f g) s1
      from "*"(1) consider s1  𝒟 (P S Q)
        | t_P t_Q X_P X_Q 
        where (t_P, X_P)   P (t_Q, X_Q)   Q 
          s1 setinterleaves ((t_P, t_Q), range tick  ev ` S)
          map_eventptick f g -` X = (X_P  X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` S)  X_P  X_Q
        by (auto simp add: F_Sync D_Sync)
      thus (s, X)   (?rhs P Q)
      proof cases
        assume s1  𝒟 (P S Q)
        hence s  𝒟 (?lhs P Q)
          apply (cases tickFree s1; simp add: D_Renaming "*"(2)) 
          using front_tickFree_Nil apply blast
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) map_eventptick_front_tickFree butlast_snoc front_tickFree_iff_tickFree_butlast
              front_tickFree_single map_butlast nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree process_charn)
        with same_div D_F show (s, X)   (?rhs P Q) by blast
        fix t_P t_Q X_P X_Q
        assume ** : (t_P, X_P)   P (t_Q, X_Q)   Q
          s1 setinterleaves ((t_P, t_Q), range tick  ev ` S)
          map_eventptick f g -` X = (X_P  X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` S)  X_P  X_Q
        have (map (map_eventptick f g) t_P, (map_eventptick f g) ` X_P)   (Renaming P f g)
          by (simp add: F_Renaming)
            (metis "**"(1) bij_betw_def bij_map_eventptick inj_vimage_image_eq)  
        moreover have (map (map_eventptick f g) t_Q, (map_eventptick f g) ` X_Q)   (Renaming Q f g)
          by (simp add: F_Renaming)
            (metis "**"(2) bij_betw_imp_inj_on bij_map_eventptick inj_vimage_image_eq)
        moreover have s setinterleaves ((map (map_eventptick f g) t_P, map (map_eventptick f g) t_Q),
                                         range tick  ev ` f ` S)
          by (metis "*"(2) "**"(3) bij_map_eventptick sets_S_eq
        moreover have X = ((map_eventptick f g) ` X_P  (map_eventptick f g) ` X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` f ` S) 
                  (map_eventptick f g) ` X_P  (map_eventptick f g) ` X_Q
          apply (rule inj_image_eq_iff[THEN iffD1, OF inj_inv_map_eventptick])
          apply (subst bij_vimage_eq_inv_image[OF bij_map_eventptick, symmetric])
          apply (subst "**"(4), fold image_Un sets_S_eq)
          apply (subst (1 2) image_Int[OF inj_map_eventptick, symmetric])
          apply (fold image_Un)
          apply (subst image_inv_f_f[OF inj_map_eventptick])
          by simp
        ultimately show (s, X)   (?rhs P Q)
          by (simp add: F_Sync) blast
    fix s X
    assume same_div : 𝒟 (?lhs P Q) = 𝒟 (?rhs P Q)
    assume (s, X)   (?rhs P Q)
    then consider s  𝒟 (?rhs P Q)
      | t_P t_Q X_P X_Q where
        (t_P, X_P)   (Renaming P f g) (t_Q, X_Q)   (Renaming Q f g)
        s setinterleaves ((t_P, t_Q), range tick  ev ` f ` S)
        X = (X_P  X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` f ` S)  X_P  X_Q
      by (simp add: F_Sync D_Sync) blast
    thus (s, X)   (?lhs P Q)
    proof cases
      from same_div D_F show s  𝒟 (?rhs P Q)  (s, X)   (?lhs P Q) by blast
      fix t_P t_Q X_P X_Q
      assume * : (t_P, X_P)   (Renaming P f g) (t_Q, X_Q)   (Renaming Q f g)
        s setinterleaves ((t_P, t_Q), range tick  ev ` f ` S)
        X = (X_P  X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` f ` S)  X_P  X_Q
      from "*"(1, 2) consider t_P  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)  t_Q  𝒟 (Renaming Q f g)
        | t_P1 t_Q1 where (t_P1, map_eventptick f g -` X_P)   P t_P = map (map_eventptick f g) t_P1
          (t_Q1, map_eventptick f g -` X_Q)   Q t_Q = map (map_eventptick f g) t_Q1
        by (simp add: F_Renaming D_Renaming) blast
      thus (s, X)   (?lhs P Q)
      proof cases
        assume t_P  𝒟 (Renaming P f g)  t_Q  𝒟 (Renaming Q f g)
        hence s  𝒟 (?rhs P Q)
          apply (simp add: D_Sync)
          using "*"(1, 2, 3) F_T setinterleaving_sym front_tickFree_Nil by blast
        with same_div D_F show (s, X)   (?lhs P Q) by blast
        fix t_P1 t_Q1
        assume ** : (t_P1, map_eventptick f g -` X_P)   P t_P = map (map_eventptick f g) t_P1
          (t_Q1, map_eventptick f g -` X_Q)   Q t_Q = map (map_eventptick f g) t_Q1
        from "**"(2, 4) have *** : t_P1 = map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) t_P
          t_Q1 = map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) t_Q
          by (simp_all add: inj_map_eventptick)
        have **** : map (map_eventptick f g) (map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) s) = s
          by (metis bij_betw_imp_surj bij_map_eventptick list.map_comp list.map_id surj_iff)
        from bij_map_setinterleaving_iff_setinterleaving
          [of inv (map_eventptick f g) s t_P range tick  ev ` f ` S t_Q, simplified "*"(3)]
        have map (inv (map_eventptick f g)) s setinterleaves ((t_P1, t_Q1), range tick  ev ` S)
          by (metis "***" bij_betw_def bij_map_eventptick inj_imp_bij_betw_inv sets_S_eq)
        moreover have map_eventptick f g -` X = (map_eventptick f g -` X_P  map_eventptick f g -` X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` S)  
                      map_eventptick f g -` X_P  map_eventptick f g -` X_Q
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) "*"(4) inj_map_eventptick inj_vimage_image_eq sets_S_eq vimage_Int vimage_Un)
        ultimately show (s, X)   (?lhs P Q)
          by (simp add: F_Renaming F_Sync) (metis "**"(1, 3) "****")
