Theory Read_Write_CSP_Laws

―‹ ********************************************************************
 * Project         : HOL-CSP - A Shallow Embedding of CSP in Isabelle/HOL
 * Version         : 2.0
 * Author          : Benoît Ballenghien, Safouan Taha, Burkhart Wolff, Lina Ye.
 *                   (Based on HOL-CSP 1.0 by Haykal Tej and Burkhart Wolff)
 * This file       : Support for read and write operations
 * Copyright (c) 2009 Université Paris-Sud, France
 * Copyright (c) 2025 Université Paris-Saclay, France
 * All rights reserved.
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section‹Read and Write Laws›

theory Read_Write_CSP_Laws
  imports Step_CSP_Laws_Extended

subsection ‹Projections›

subsubsection constread

lemma F_read :
   (c?aA  P a) = {([], X) |X. X  ev ` c ` A = {}} 
                      {(ev a # s, X) |a s X. a  c ` A  (s, X)   ((P  inv_into A c) a)}
  by (simp add: read_def F_Mprefix)

lemma F_read_inj_on :
  inj_on c A 
    (c?aA  P a) = {([], X) |X. X  ev ` c ` A = {}} 
                      {(ev (c a) # s, X) |a s X. a  A  (s, X)   (P a)}
  by (auto simp add: F_read)

lemma D_read :
  𝒟 (c?aA  P a) = {ev a # s |a s. a  c ` A  s  𝒟 ((P  inv_into A c) a)}
  by (simp add: read_def D_Mprefix)

lemma D_read_inj_on :
  inj_on c A  𝒟 (c?aA  P a) = {ev (c a) # s |a s. a  A  s  𝒟 (P a)}
  by (auto simp add: D_read)

lemma T_read :
  𝒯 (c?aA  P a) = insert [] {ev a # s |a s. a  c ` A  s  𝒯 ((P  inv_into A c) a)}
  by (simp add: read_def T_Mprefix)

lemma T_read_inj_on :
  inj_on c A  𝒯 (c?aA  P a) = insert [] {ev (c a) # s |a s. a  A  s  𝒯 (P a)}
  by (auto simp add: T_read)

lemmas read_projs = F_read D_read T_read
  and read_inj_on_projs = F_read_inj_on D_read_inj_on T_read_inj_on

subsubsection constndet_write

lemma F_ndet_write :
   (c!!aA  P a) =
   (  if A = {} then {(s, X). s = []}
    else {([], X) |X. aA. ev (c a)  X} 
         {(ev a # s, X) |a s X. a  c ` A  (s, X)   ((P  inv_into A c) a)})
  by (simp add: ndet_write_def F_Mndetprefix')

lemma F_ndet_write_inj_on :
  inj_on c A 
    (c!!aA  P a) =
   (  if A = {} then {(s, X). s = []}
    else {([], X) |X. aA. ev (c a)  X} 
         {(ev (c a) # s, X) |a s X. a  A  (s, X)   (P a)})
  by (auto simp add: F_ndet_write)

lemma D_ndet_write :
  𝒟 (c!!aA  P a) = {ev a # s |a s. a  c ` A  s  𝒟 ((P  inv_into A c) a)}
  by (simp add: ndet_write_def D_Mndetprefix')

lemma D_ndet_write_inj_on :
  inj_on c A  𝒟 (c!!aA  P a) = {ev (c a) # s |a s. a  A  s  𝒟 (P a)}
  by (auto simp add: D_ndet_write)

lemma T_ndet_write :
  𝒯 (c!!aA  P a) = insert [] {ev a # s |a s. a  c ` A  s  𝒯 ((P  inv_into A c) a)}
  by (simp add: ndet_write_def T_Mndetprefix')

lemma T_ndet_write_inj_on :
  inj_on c A  𝒯 (c!!aA  P a) = insert [] {ev (c a) # s |a s. a  A  s  𝒯 (P a)}
  by (auto simp add: T_ndet_write)

lemmas ndet_write_projs = F_ndet_write D_ndet_write T_ndet_write
  and ndet_write_inj_on_projs = F_ndet_write_inj_on D_ndet_write_inj_on T_ndet_write_inj_on

subsubsection constwrite and constwrite0

lemma F_write :
   (c!a  P) = {([], X) |X. ev (c a)  X}  {(ev (c a) # s, X) |s X. (s, X)   P}
  by (simp add: write_def F_Mprefix)

lemma F_write0 :
   (a  P) = {([], X) |X. ev a  X}  {(ev a # s, X) |s X. (s, X)   P}
  by (simp add: write0_def F_Mprefix)

lemma D_write : 𝒟 (c!a  P) = {ev (c a) # s |s. s  𝒟 P}
  by (simp add: write_def D_Mprefix)

lemma D_write0 : 𝒟 (a  P) = {ev a # s |s. s  𝒟 P}
  by (simp add: write0_def D_Mprefix)

lemma T_write : 𝒯 (c!a  P) = insert [] {ev (c a) # s |s. s  𝒯 P}
  by (simp add: write_def T_Mprefix)

lemma T_write0 : 𝒯 (a  P) = insert [] {ev a # s |s. s  𝒯 P}
  by (simp add: write0_def T_Mprefix)

lemmas write_projs = F_write D_write T_write
  and write0_projs = F_write0 D_write0 T_write0

subsection ‹Equality with Constant Process›

subsubsection constSTOP

lemma read_is_STOP_iff : c?aA  P a = STOP  A = {}
  by (simp add: read_def Mprefix_is_STOP_iff)

lemma read_empty [simp] : c?a{}  P a = STOP by (simp add: read_def)

lemma ndet_write_is_STOP_iff : c!!aA  P a = STOP  A = {}
  by (simp add: ndet_write_def Mndetprefix_is_STOP_iff)

lemma ndet_write_empty [simp] : c!!a{}  P a = STOP by (simp add: ndet_write_def)

lemma write0_neq_STOP [simp] : a  P  STOP by (simp add: write0_def Mprefix_is_STOP_iff)

lemma write_neq_STOP [simp] : c!a  P  STOP by (simp add: write_is_write0)

subsubsection constSKIP

lemma read_neq_SKIP [simp] : c?aA  P a  SKIP r by (simp add: read_def)

lemma ndet_write_neq_SKIP [simp] : c!!aA  P a  SKIP r by (simp add: ndet_write_def)

lemma write0_neq_SKIP [simp] : a  P  SKIP r by (simp add: write0_def)

lemma write_neq_SKIP [simp] : c!a  P  SKIP r by (simp add: write_is_write0)

subsubsection term

lemma read_neq_BOT [simp] : c?aA  P a   by (simp add: read_def)

lemma ndet_write_neq_BOT [simp] : c!!aA  P a   by (simp add: ndet_write_def)

lemma write0_neq_BOT [simp] : a  P   by (simp add: write0_def)

lemma write_neq_BOT [simp] : c!a  P   by (simp add: write_is_write0)

subsection ‹Extensions of Step-Laws›

subsubsection ‹Monotony for equality›

lemma mono_read_eq :
  (a. a  A  P a = Q a)  read c A P = read c A Q
  by (auto simp add: read_def inv_into_into intro!: mono_Mprefix_eq)

lemma mono_ndet_write_eq :
  (a. a  A  P a = Q a)  ndet_write c A P = ndet_write c A Q
  by (auto simp add: ndet_write_def inv_into_into intro!: mono_Mndetprefix_eq)

subsubsection constDet and constNdet

lemma read_Ndet_read :
  (c?aA  P a)  (c?bB  Q b) =
   (c?a(A - B)  P a)  (c?b(B - A)  Q b)  (c?x(A  B)  P x  Q x)
  (is ?lhs = ?rhs) if inj_on c (A  B)
proof -
  have   * : c ` A - c ` B = c ` (A - B)
    by (metis Diff_subset inj_on_image_set_diff le_supI1 sup.cobounded2 inj_on c (A  B))
  have  ** : c ` B - c ` A = c ` (B - A)
    by (metis Diff_subset Un_upper1 inj_on_image_set_diff le_supI2 inj_on c (A  B))
  have *** : c ` A  c ` B = c ` (A  B)
    by (metis inf_sup_ord(3) inj_on_image_Int sup_ge2 inj_on c (A  B))
  from inj_on c (A  B) have inj_on c (A - B) by (simp add: inj_on_Un inj_on_diff)
  with inj_on c (A  B) have   $ : a  A - B  inv_into A c (c a) = inv_into (A - B) c (c a) for a
    by (auto simp add: inj_on_Un)
  from inj_on c (A  B) have inj_on c (B - A) by (simp add: inj_on_Un inj_on_diff)
  with inj_on c (A  B) have  $$ : b  B - A  inv_into B c (c b) = inv_into (B - A) c (c b) for b
    by (auto simp add: inj_on_Un)
  have $$$ : inv_into A c (c a) = inv_into (A  B) c (c a)
    inv_into B c (c a) = inv_into (A  B) c (c a) if a  A  B for a
    using a  A  B inj_on c (A  B) by (auto simp add: inj_on_Un inj_on_Int)
  show ?lhs = ?rhs
    by (unfold read_def, subst Mprefix_Ndet_Mprefix)
      (auto simp add: "*" "**" "***" "$" "$$" "$$$"
        intro!: mono_Mprefix_eq arg_cong[where f = P] arg_cong2[where f = (□)]
        arg_cong2[where f = (⊓)])

lemma read_Det_read :
  (c?aA  P a)  (c?bB  Q b) =
   c?a(A  B)  (if a  A  B then P a  Q a else if a  A then P a else Q a)
  (is ?lhs = ?rhs) if inj_on c (A  B)
proof -
  have * : c ` A  c ` B = c ` (A  B) by blast
  from inj_on c (A  B)
  have $ : a  A  inv_into A c (c a) = inv_into (A  B) c (c a)
    b  B  inv_into B c (c b) = inv_into (A  B) c (c b) for a b
    by (simp_all add: inj_on_Un)
  from inj_on c (A  B) show ?lhs = ?rhs
    by (auto simp add: read_def Mprefix_Det_Mprefix "*" "$"
        intro!: mono_Mprefix_eq) (metis Un_iff inj_onD)+

lemma ndet_write_Det_ndet_write :
  (c!!aA  P a)  (c!!bB  Q b) =
   (  if A = {} then (c!!bB  Q b)
    else   if B = {} then (c!!aA  P a)
         else aA. bB. (if a = b then c!a  P a  Q a else (c!a  P a)  (c!b  Q b)))
  if inj_on c (A  B)
proof -
  have * : a  A  inv_into A c (c a) = inv_into (A  B) c (c a)
    b  B  inv_into B c (c b) = inv_into (A  B) c (c b) for a b
    using inj_on c (A  B) by (auto simp add: inj_on_Un)
  from inj_on c (A  B) show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: ndet_write_def Mndetprefix_Det_Mndetprefix "*" write_is_write0 inj_on_eq_iff
        split: if_split_asm intro!: mono_GlobalNdet_eq2)

lemma ndet_write_Ndet_ndet_write :
  (c!!aA  P a)  (c!!bB  Q b) =
   (  if A = B then (c!!bB  P b  Q b)
    else   if A  B
         then (c!!b(B - A)  Q b)  (c!!aA  P a  Q a)
         else   if B  A
              then (c!!a(A - B)  P a)  (c!!bB  P b  Q b)
              else (c!!a(A - B)  P a)  (c!!b(B - A)  Q b)  (c!!a(A  B)  P a  Q a))
  if A  B  {} inj_on c (A  B)
proof -
  have * : a  A  inv_into A c (c a) = inv_into (A  B) c (c a)
    b  B  inv_into B c (c b) = inv_into (A  B) c (c b)
    a  A - B  inv_into (A - B) c (c a) = inv_into A c (c a)
    b  B - A  inv_into (B - A) c (c b) = inv_into B c (c b)
    x  A  B  inv_into (A  B) c (c x) = inv_into (A  B) c (c x) for a b x
    using inj_on c (A  B) by (auto simp add: inj_on_Un inj_on_diff inj_on_Int)
  from inj_on c (A  B) have $ : c ` A  c ` B  A  B c ` B  c ` A  B  A
    by (auto simp add: inj_on_eq_iff)
  hence $$ : c ` A = c ` B  A = B by blast
  from inj_on c (A  B) 
  have $$$ : c ` A - c ` B = c ` (A - B) c ` B - c ` A = c ` (B - A) c ` A  c ` B = c ` (A  B)
    by (auto simp add: inj_on_eq_iff)
  from A  B  {} have c ` A  c ` B  {} by blast
  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: Mndetprefix_Ndet_Mndetprefix[OF c ` A  c ` B  {}]
        "$" "$$" "$$$" "*" comp_def ndet_write_def
        intro!: mono_Mndetprefix_eq arg_cong2[where f = (⊓)])

lemma write0_Ndet_write0 : (a  P)  (a  Q) = a  P  Q
  by (auto simp: Process_eq_spec write0_def D_Ndet F_Ndet F_Mprefix D_Mprefix Un_def)

lemma write0_Det_write0_is_write0_Ndet_write0 : (a  P)  (a  Q) = (a  P)  (a  Q)
  by (simp add: write0_def Mprefix_Det_Mprefix) (simp add: Mprefix_singl write0_Ndet_write0)

lemma write_Ndet_write : (c!a  P)  (c!a  Q) = c!a  P  Q
  by (simp add: write0_Ndet_write0 write_is_write0)

lemma write_Det_write_is_write_Ndet_write: (c!a  P)  (c!a  Q) = (c!a  P)  (c!a  Q)
  by (simp add: write0_Det_write0_is_write0_Ndet_write0 write_is_write0)

lemma write_Ndet_read :
  (c!a  P)  (c?bB  Q b) =
   (if a  B then STOP else c!a  P)  (c?b(B - {a})  Q b)  (if a  B then c!a  P  Q a else STOP)
  if inj_on c ({a}  B)
  by (subst read_Ndet_read[OF inj_on c ({a}  B), simplified])
    (auto simp add: insert_Diff_if intro: arg_cong2[where f = (□)] arg_cong2[where f = (⊓)])

lemma read_Ndet_write :
  inj_on c (A  {b})  (c?aA  P a)  (c!b  Q) =
   (if b  A then STOP else c!b  Q)  (c?a(A - {b})  P a)  (if b  A then c!b  P b  Q else STOP)
  by (subst Ndet_commute, subst write_Ndet_read) (simp_all add: Ndet_commute)

lemma write0_Ndet_read :
  (a  P)  (id?bB  Q b) =
   (if a  B then STOP else a  P)  (id?b(B - {a})  Q b)  (if a  B then a  P  Q a else STOP)
  by (subst write_Ndet_read[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified]) simp

lemma read_Ndet_write0 :
  (id?aA  P a)  (b  Q) =
   (if b  A then STOP else b  Q)  (id?a(A - {b})  P a)  (if b  A then b  P b  Q else STOP)
  by (subst read_Ndet_write[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified]) simp 

lemma write_Det_read :
  inj_on c (insert a B)  (c!a  P)  (c?bB  Q b) =
   c?b(insert a B)  (if b = a  a  B then P  Q a else if b = a then P else Q b)
  by (subst read_Det_read[where A = {a}, simplified]) (auto intro: mono_read_eq)

lemma read_Det_write :
  inj_on c (insert b A)  (c?aA  P a)  (c!b  Q) =
   c?a(insert b A)  (if a = b  b  A then P a  Q else if a = b then Q else P a)
  by (subst read_Det_read[where B = {b}, simplified]) (auto intro: mono_read_eq)

lemma write0_Det_read :
  (a  P)  (id?bB  Q b) =
   id?b(insert a B)  (if b = a  a  B then P  Q a else if b = a then P else Q b)
  by (subst write_Det_read[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified]) simp

lemma read_Det_write0 :
  (id?aA  P a)  (b  Q) =
   id?a(insert b A)  (if a = b  b  A then P a  Q else if a = b then Q else P a)
  by (subst read_Det_write[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified]) simp

(* TODO: really useful ? and do we want versions for ndet_write and write/write0 ? *)

subsubsection @{const [source] ‹Sliding}

lemma write0_Sliding_write0 :
  (a  P)  (b  Q) =
   (x  {a, b}  (if a = b then P  Q else if x = a then P else Q)) 
   (b  (if a = b then P  Q else Q))
  by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec write0_def
      Sliding_projs Ndet_projs Mprefix_projs)

lemma write_Sliding_write :
  (c!a  P)  (d!b  Q) =
   (x  {c a, d b}  (if c a = d b then P  Q else if x = c a then P else Q)) 
   (d!b  (if c a = d b then P  Q else Q))
  by (simp add: write_is_write0 write0_Sliding_write0)

lemma write0_Sliding_write :
  (a  P)  (d!b  Q) =
   (x  {a, d b}  (if a = d b then P  Q else if x = a then P else Q)) 
   (d!b  (if a = d b then P  Q else Q))
  by (simp add: write_is_write0 write0_Sliding_write0)

lemma write_Sliding_write0 :
  (c!a  P)  (b  Q) =
   (x  {c a, b}  (if c a = b then P  Q else if x = c a then P else Q)) 
   (b  (if c a = b then P  Q else Q))
  by (simp add: write_is_write0 write0_Sliding_write0)

lemma read_Sliding_superset_read :
  ― ‹Not really interesting without the additional assumptions.›
  A  B  inj_on c B 
   (c?aA  P a)  (c?bB  Q b) = c?bB  (if b  A then P b  Q b else Q b)
  by (unfold read_def, subst Mprefix_Sliding_superset_Mprefix)
    (auto simp add: inj_on_eq_iff subset_iff intro!: mono_Mprefix_eq, metis inj_on_subset inv_into_f_f subset_eq)

lemma read_Sliding_same_set_read :
  inj_on c A  (c?aA  P a)  (c?aA  Q a) = c?aA  P a  Q a
  by (unfold read_def Mprefix_Sliding_same_set_Mprefix)
    (auto simp add: inj_on_eq_iff subset_iff intro: mono_Mprefix_eq)

lemma ndet_write_Sliding_superset_ndet_write :
  A  B  inj_on c B 
   (c!!aA  P a)  (c!!bB  Q b) = c!!bB  (if b  A then P b  Q b else Q b)
  by (unfold ndet_write_def, subst Mndetprefix_Sliding_superset_Mndetprefix)
    (auto simp add: inj_on_eq_iff subset_iff intro!: mono_Mndetprefix_eq, metis inj_on_subset inv_into_f_f subset_eq)

lemma ndet_write_Sliding_same_set_ndet_write :
  inj_on c A  (c!!aA  P a)  (c!!aA  Q a) = c!!aA  P a  Q a
  by (unfold ndet_write_def Mndetprefix_Sliding_same_set_Mndetprefix)
    (auto simp add: inj_on_eq_iff subset_iff intro: mono_Mndetprefix_eq)

lemma write_Sliding_superset_read :
  a  B  inj_on c B 
   (c!a  P)  (c?bB  Q b) = c?bB  (if b = a then P  Q b else Q b)
  by (subst read_Sliding_superset_read[where A = {a}, simplified]) simp_all

lemma write0_Sliding_superset_read :
  a  B  (a  P)  (id?bB  Q b) = id?bB  (if b = a then P  Q b else Q b)
  by (subst read_Sliding_superset_read
      [where A = {a} and c = id, simplified, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified]) simp_all

lemma write_Sliding_superset_ndet_write :
  a  B  inj_on c B 
   (c!a  P)  (c!!bB  Q b) = c!!bB  (if b = a then P  Q b else Q b)
  by (subst ndet_write_Sliding_superset_ndet_write[where A = {a}, simplified]) simp_all

lemma write0_Sliding_superset_ndet_write :
  a  B  (a  P)  (id!!bB  Q b) = id!!bB  (if b = a then P  Q b else Q b)
  by (subst ndet_write_Sliding_superset_ndet_write
      [where A = {a} and c = id, simplified, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified]) simp_all

subsubsection @{const [source] ‹Seq}

lemma read_Seq : c?aA  P a ; Q = c?aA  (P a ; Q)
  by (simp add: read_def Mprefix_Seq comp_def)

lemma write0_Seq : a  P ; Q = a  (P ; Q)
  by (simp add: write0_def Mprefix_Seq)

lemma ndet_write_Seq : c!!aA  P a ; Q = c!!aA  (P a ; Q)
  by (simp add: ndet_write_is_GlobalNdet_write0 Seq_distrib_GlobalNdet_right write0_Seq)

lemma write_Seq : c!a  P ; Q = c!a  (P ; Q)
  by (simp add: write0_Seq write_is_write0)

subsubsection constRenaming

lemma Renaming_read :
  Renaming (c?aA  P a) f g = (f  c)?aA  Renaming (P a) f g
  if inj_on c A and inj_on f (c ` A)
proof -
  have f ` c ` A = (f  c) ` A by auto
  have inj_on (f  c) A by (simp add: comp_inj_on inj_on c A inj_on f (c ` A))
  have * : y  (λx. f (c x)) ` A  {x  c ` A. y = f x} = {inv_into (c ` A) f y} for y
    using inj_on f (c ` A) by auto
  show Renaming (c?aA  P a) f g = (f  c)?aA  Renaming (P a) f g
  proof (unfold read_def Renaming_Mprefix f ` c ` A = (f  c) ` A, rule mono_Mprefix_eq)
    from inj_on (f  c) A
    show a  (f  c) ` A 
          a{x  c ` A. a = f x}. Renaming ((P  inv_into A c) a) f g =
          ((λa. Renaming (P a) f g)  inv_into A (f  c)) a for a
      by (auto simp add: "*" inv_into_f_eq inj_on c A inj_on f (c ` A)
          intro: arg_cong[where f = λa. Renaming (P a) f g])

lemma Renaming_write :
  Renaming (c!a  P) f g = (f  c)!a  Renaming P f g
  by (fact Renaming_read[where A = {a}, simplified])

lemma Renaming_write0 :
  Renaming (a  P) f g = f a  Renaming P f g
  by (fact Renaming_write[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma Renaming_ndet_write :
  Renaming (c!!aA  P a) f g = (f  c)!!aA  Renaming (P a) f g
  if inj_on c A and inj_on f (c ` A)
proof -
  have inj_on (f  c) A by (simp add: comp_inj_on inj_on c A inj_on f (c ` A))
  have (λx. f (c x)) ` A = f ` (c ` A) by auto
  show Renaming (c!!aA  P a) f g = (f  c)!!aA  Renaming (P a) f g
    by (simp add: ?this ndet_write_is_GlobalNdet_write0 Renaming_distrib_GlobalNdet Renaming_write0, rule sym)
      (use inj_on (f  c) A inj_on c A in
        auto simp add: inv_into_f_eq
                 intro: mono_GlobalNdet_eq2 arg_cong[where f = λa. _  Renaming (P a) f g])

subsubsection constHiding

lemma Hiding_read_disjoint :
  c ` A  S = {}  c?aA  P a \ S = c?aA  (P a \ S)
  by (unfold read_def, subst Hiding_Mprefix_disjoint)
    (auto simp add: disjoint_iff image_iff intro: mono_Mprefix_eq)

lemma A  B  a  A  (inv_into A c) a = (inv_into B c) a
  oops ― ‹Not provable, therefore we need the injectivity for the non disjoint case.›

lemma Hiding_read_non_disjoint :
  c?aA  P a \ S = (c?a(A - c -` S)  (P a \ S))  (a(A  c -` S). (P a \ S))
  if inj_on c A and c ` A  S  {}
proof -
  have * : (P  inv_into A c) x = (P  inv_into (A - c -` S) c) x
    if x  c ` (A - c -` S) for x
  proof -
    from x  c ` (A - c -` S) obtain a where a  A - c -` S x = c a by blast
    from a  A - c -` S have a  A by blast
    from inj_on c A inj_on_subset have inj_on c (A - c -` S) by force
    from a  A - c -` S x = c a inj_on c (A - c -` S)
    have (inv_into (A - c -` S) c) x = a by simp
    moreover from a  A x = c a inj_on c A have (inv_into A c) x = a by simp
    ultimately show (P  inv_into A c) x = (P  inv_into (A - c -` S) c) x by simp
  have ** : c ` (A - c -` S) = c ` A - S by blast
  have *** : c ` A  S = c ` (A  (c -` S)) by blast
  have (c?aA  P a) \ S = (c?a(A - c -` S)  (P a \ S)) 
                             (a(c ` A  S). (P (inv_into A c a) \ S))
  proof (unfold read_def comp_def, subst Hiding_Mprefix_non_disjoint,
      use c ` A  S  {} in blast, rule arg_cong[where f = λP. P  _])
    show a(c ` A - S)  (P (inv_into A c a) \ S) =
          xc ` (A - c -` S)  (P (inv_into (A - c -` S) c x) \ S)
      by (use "*" in force simp add: "**" intro : mono_Mprefix_eq)
  also have (a(c ` A  S). (P (inv_into A c a) \ S)) = a(A  c -` S). (P a \ S)
    by (subst "***", rule mono_GlobalNdet_eq2) (simp add: inj_on c A)
  finally show (c?aA  P a) \ S =
                (c?a(A - c -` S)  (P a \ S))  (a(A  c -` S). (P a \ S)) .

lemma Hiding_read_subset :
  c?aA  P a \ S = a(c ` A  S). (P (inv_into A c a) \ S)
  if inj_on c A and c ` A  S
proof (cases A = {})
  show A = {}  c?aA  P a \ S = a(c ` A  S). (P (inv_into A c a) \ S)
    by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec GlobalNdet_projs F_Hiding_seqRun D_Hiding_seqRun read_def Mprefix_projs)
  assume A  {}
  with c ` A  S have c ` A  S  {} c ` A - S = {} by auto
  show c?aA  P a \ S = a(c ` A  S). (P (inv_into A c a) \ S)
    by (simp add: read_def Hiding_Mprefix_non_disjoint[OF c ` A  S  {}] c ` A - S = {}
        Process_eq_spec Sliding_projs GlobalNdet_projs Mprefix_projs)

lemma Hiding_ndet_write_disjoint :
  c ` A  S = {}  (c!!aA  P a) \ S = (c!!aA  (P a \ S))
  by (unfold ndet_write_def, subst Hiding_Mndetprefix_disjoint)
    (auto simp add: disjoint_iff image_iff intro: mono_Mndetprefix_eq)

lemma Hiding_ndet_write_subset :
  c ` A  S  (c!!aA  P a) \ S = ac ` A. (P (inv_into A c a) \ S)
  by (unfold ndet_write_def, subst Hiding_Mndetprefix_subset)
    (auto simp add: disjoint_iff image_iff intro: mono_GlobalNdet_eq)

lemma Hiding_ndet_write_subset_bis :
  ― ‹With the injectivity...›
  inj_on c A  c ` A  S  (c!!aA  P a) \ S = aA. (P a \ S)
  by (simp add: Hiding_ndet_write_subset mono_GlobalNdet_eq2)

lemma A  B  a  A  (inv_into A c) a = (inv_into B c) a
  oops ― ‹Not provable, therefore we need the injectivity for the non disjoint case.›

lemma Hiding_ndet_write_non_disjoint_not_subset :
  (c!!aA  P a) \ S =
   (c!!a(A - c -` S)  (P a \ S))  (a(A  c -` S). (P a \ S))
  if inj_on c A and c ` A  S  {} and ¬ c ` A  S
proof -
  have * : (P  inv_into A c) x = (P  inv_into (A - c -` S) c) x
    if x  c ` (A - c -` S) for x
  proof -
    from x  c ` (A - c -` S) obtain a where a  A - c -` S x = c a by blast
    from a  A - c -` S have a  A by blast
    from inj_on c A inj_on_subset have inj_on c (A - c -` S) by force
    from a  A - c -` S x = c a inj_on c (A - c -` S)
    have (inv_into (A - c -` S) c) x = a by simp
    moreover from a  A x = c a inj_on c A have (inv_into A c) x = a by simp
    ultimately show (P  inv_into A c) x = (P  inv_into (A - c -` S) c) x by simp
  have ** : c ` (A - c -` S) = c ` A - S by blast
  have *** : c ` A  S = c ` (A  c -` S) by blast
  have (c!!aA  P a) \ S = (c!!a(A - c -` S)  (P a \ S)) 
                              (a(c ` A  S). (P (inv_into A c a) \ S))
  proof (unfold ndet_write_def comp_def
      [OF c ` A  S  {} ¬ c ` A  S])
    show (a(c ` A - S)  (P (inv_into A c a) \ S)) 
          (a(c ` A  S). (P (inv_into A c a) \ S)) =
          (xc ` (A - c -` S)  (P (inv_into (A - c -` S) c x) \ S)) 
          (a(c ` A  S). (P (inv_into A c a) \ S))
      by (rule arg_cong[where f = λP. P  _])
        (use "*" in force simp add: "**" intro : mono_Mndetprefix_eq)
  also have (a(c ` A  S). (P (inv_into A c a) \ S)) = a(A  c -` S). (P a \ S)
    by (auto simp add: "***" inj_on c A intro: mono_GlobalNdet_eq2)
  finally show c!!aA  P a \ S =
                (c!!a(A - c -` S)  (P a \ S))  (a(A  c -` S). (P a \ S)) .

lemma Hiding_write0_disjoint :
  a  S  a  P \ S = a  (P \ S)
  by (simp add: write0_def Hiding_Mprefix_disjoint)

lemma Hiding_write0_non_disjoint :
  a  S  a  P \ S = P \ S
  by (simp add: write0_def Hiding_Mprefix_non_disjoint)

lemma Hiding_write_disjoint :
  c a  S  c!a  P \ S = c!a  (P \ S)
  by (simp add: Hiding_write0_disjoint write_is_write0)

lemma Hiding_write_subset :
  c a  S  c!a  P \ S = P \ S
  by (simp add: Hiding_write0_non_disjoint write_is_write0)

subsubsection constSync

paragraph constread

lemma read_Sync_read : 
  ― ‹This is the general case.›
  c?aA  P a S d?bB  Q b =
   (c?a(A - c -` S)  (P a S d?bB  Q b)) 
   (d?b(B - d -` S)  (c?aA  P a S Q b)) 
   (x(c ` A  d ` B  S)  (P (inv_into A c x) S Q (inv_into B d x)))
  (is ?lhs = ?rhs1  ?rhs2  ?rhs3)
  if c ` A  S = {}  c ` A  S  inj_on c A
    d ` B  S = {}  d ` B  S  inj_on d B
    ― ‹Assumptions may seem strange, but the motivation is that when termA - c -` S  {}
     (which is equivalent to term¬ c ` A  S), we need to ensure that 
     terminv_into (A - c -` S) c is equal to terminv_into A c.
     This requires termA - c -` S = A (which is equivalent to termc ` A  S = {})
     or terminj_on c A. We need obviously a similar assumption for termB.›
proof -
  have * : e X. e ` (X - e -` S) = e ` X - S by auto
  have ?lhs = (a(c ` A - S)  (P (inv_into A c a) S (xd ` B  Q (inv_into B d x)))) 
               (b(d ` B - S)  ((xc ` A  P (inv_into A c x)) S Q (inv_into B d b))) 
               (x(c ` A  d ` B  S)  (P (inv_into A c x) S Q (inv_into B d x)))
    (is ?lhs = ?rhs1'  ?rhs2'  ?rhs3)
    by (simp add: read_def Mprefix_Sync_Mprefix comp_def)
  also from that(1) have ?rhs1' = ?rhs1
  proof (elim disjE)
    assume c ` A  S = {}
    hence A - c -` S = A  c ` A - S = c ` A by fast
    thus ?rhs1' = ?rhs1 by (simp add: read_def comp_def)
    assume c ` A  S
    hence A - c -` S = {}  c ` A - S = {} by fast
    show ?rhs1' = ?rhs1 by (simp add: ?this)
    assume inj_on c A
    hence inj_on c (A - c -` S) by (simp add: inj_on_diff)
    with inj_on c A show ?rhs1' = ?rhs1
      by (auto simp add: read_def comp_def "*" intro: mono_Mprefix_eq)
  also from that(2) have ?rhs2' = ?rhs2
  proof (elim disjE)
    assume d ` B  S = {}
    hence B - d -` S = B  d ` B - S = d ` B by fast
    thus ?rhs2' = ?rhs2 by (simp add: read_def comp_def)
    assume d ` B  S
    hence B - d -` S = {}  d ` B - S = {} by fast
    show ?rhs2' = ?rhs2 by (simp add: ?this)
    assume inj_on d B
    hence inj_on d (B - d -` S) by (simp add: inj_on_diff)
    with inj_on d B show ?rhs2' = ?rhs2
      by (auto simp add: read_def comp_def "*" intro: mono_Mprefix_eq)
  finally show ?lhs = ?rhs1  ?rhs2  ?rhs3 .

paragraph ‹Enforce read›

― ‹With stronger assumptions, we can fully rewrite the right hand side with const‹read›.›
― ‹Remember that now, channels term‹c› and term‹d› must have the same type.
   This was not the case on the previous lemma.›
lemma read_Sync_read_forced_read_left : 
  c?aA  P a S d?bB  Q b =
   (c?a(A - c -` S)  (P a S d?bB  Q b)) 
   (d?b(B - d -` S)  (c?aA  P a S Q b)) 
   (c?x(A  c -` (d ` B  S))  (P x S Q x))
  (is ?lhs = ?rhs1  ?rhs2  ?rhs3)
  if c ` A  S = {}  inj_on c A
    d ` B  S = {}  inj_on d B
    a b. a  A  b  B  c a = d b  d b  S  a = b
proof -
  let ?rhs3' = (x(c ` A  d ` B  S)  (P (inv_into A c x) S Q (inv_into B d x)))
  have  * : c ` (A  c -` (d ` B  S)) = c ` A  d ` B  S by blast
  have ** : c ` (A  c -` d ` B) = c ` A  d ` B by blast
  from that(1, 2) consider c ` A  S = {}  d ` B  S = {}
    | inj_on c A inj_on d B by blast
  hence ?rhs3' = ?rhs3
  proof cases
    assume c ` A  S = {}  d ` B  S = {}
    hence c ` A  d ` B  S = {}  A  c -` (d ` B  S) = {} by blast
    thus ?rhs3' = ?rhs3 by simp
    assume inj_on c A inj_on d B
    show ?rhs3' = ?rhs3
    proof (unfold read_def "*" comp_def,
        intro mono_Mprefix_eq arg_cong2[where f = λP Q. P S Q])
      fix x assume x  c ` A  d ` B  S
      moreover from inj_on c A inj_on_Int
      have inj_on c A  inj_on c (A  c -` (d ` B  S)) by blast
      ultimately show P (inv_into A c x) = P (inv_into (A  c -` (d ` B  S)) c x)
        by (simp add: image_iff, elim conjE bexE, simp)
      fix x assume $ : x  c ` A  d ` B  S
      then obtain a b where $$ : x = c a a  A x = d b b  B by blast
      from inj_on c A inj_on_Int have $$$ : inj_on c (A  c -` (d ` B  S)) by blast
      have inv_into B d x = b by (simp add: "$$"(3, 4) inj_on d B)
      also have b = a by (metis "$" "$$" Int_iff that(3))
      also have a = inv_into (A  c -` (d ` B  S)) c x
        by (metis "$" "$$"(1, 2) "$$$" "*" Int_lower1
            inj_on c A inj_on_image_mem_iff inv_into_f_eq)
      finally have inv_into B d x = inv_into (A  c -` (d ` B  S)) c x .
      thus Q (inv_into B d x) = Q (inv_into (A  c -` (d ` B  S)) c x) by simp
  moreover have ?lhs = ?rhs1  ?rhs2  ?rhs3'
    using that(1, 2) by (subst read_Sync_read) auto
  ultimately show ?lhs = ?rhs1  ?rhs2  ?rhs3 by argo

lemma read_Sync_read_forced_read_right:
  c ` A  S = {}  inj_on c A; d ` B  S = {}  inj_on d B;
    a b. a  A  b  B  c a = d b  d b  S  a = b 
   c?aA  P a S d?bB  Q b =
   (c?a(A - c -` S)  (P a S d?bB  Q b)) 
   (d?b(B - d -` S)  (c?aA  P a S Q b)) 
   (d?x(B  d -` (c ` A  S))  (P x S Q x))
  by (subst Sync_commute, subst Det_commute, subst read_Sync_read_forced_read_left)
    (blast, blast, metis, auto simp add: Sync_commute intro: arg_cong2[where f = (□)])

paragraph ‹Special Cases›

lemma read_Sync_read_subset : 
  c?aA  P a S d?bB  Q b =
   x(c ` A  d ` B)  (P (inv_into A c x) S Q (inv_into B d x))
  if c ` A  S d ` B  S
proof -
  from that have * : A - c -` S = {} B - d -` S = {} by auto
  from that(1) have ** : c ` A  d ` B  S = c ` A  d ` B by blast
  show ?thesis by (subst read_Sync_read)
      (use that in simp_all add: "*" "**")

lemma read_Sync_read_subset_forced_read_left : 
  c?aA  P a S d?bB  Q b = c?x(A  c -` d ` B)  (P x S Q x)
  if c ` A  S d ` B  S inj_on c A inj_on d B
    a b. a  A  b  B  c a = d b  d b  S  a = b
proof -
  from that have * : A - c -` S = {} B - d -` S = {} by auto
  from that(1) have ** : A  (c -` d ` B  c -` S) = A  c -` d ` B by blast
  show ?thesis by (subst read_Sync_read_forced_read_left)
      (use that(3, 4, 5) in simp_all add: "*" "**")

lemma read_Sync_read_subset_forced_read_right : 
  c ` A  S; d ` B  S; inj_on c A; inj_on d B;
    a b. a  A  b  B  c a = d b  d b  S  a = b 
   c?aA  P a S d?bB  Q b = d?x(B  d -` c ` A)  (P x S Q x)
  by (subst Sync_commute, subst read_Sync_read_subset_forced_read_left)
    (simp_all add: Sync_commute, metis)

lemma read_Sync_read_indep : 
  c?aA  P a S d?bB  Q b =
   (c?aA  (P a S (d?bB  Q b)))  (d?bB  ((c?aA  P a) S Q b))
  if c ` A  S = {} d ` B  S = {}
proof -
  from that have * : A - c -` S = A B - d -` S = B by auto
  from that(1) have ** : c ` A  d ` B  S = {} by blast
  show ?thesis by (subst read_Sync_read) (use that in simp_all add: "*" "**")

lemma read_Sync_read_left : 
  c?aA  P a S d?bB  Q b = c?aA  (P a S (d?bB  Q b))
  if c ` A  S = {} d ` B  S
proof -
  from that(1) have * : A - c -` S = A c ` A  d ` B  S = {} by auto
  from that(2) have ** : B - d -` S = {} by blast
  show ?thesis by (subst read_Sync_read)
      (use that in simp_all add: "*" "**")

lemma read_Sync_read_right :
  c ` A  S  d ` B  S = {} 
   c?aA  P a S d?bB  Q b = d?bB  ((c?aA  P a) S Q b)
  by (subst Sync_commute, subst read_Sync_read_left)
    (simp_all add: Sync_commute)

corollary read_Par_read :
  c?aA  P a || d?bB  Q b =
   x(c ` A  d ` B)  (P (inv_into A c x) || Q (inv_into B d x))
  by (simp add: read_Sync_read_subset)

corollary read_Par_read_forced_read_left :
  inj_on c A; inj_on d B; a b. a  A  b  B  c a = d b  a = b 
   c?aA  P a || d?bB  Q b = c?x(A  c -` d ` B)  (P x || Q x)
  by (subst read_Sync_read_forced_read_left) simp_all

corollary read_Par_read_forced_read_right :
  inj_on c A; inj_on d B; a b. a  A  b  B  c a = d b  a = b 
   c?aA  P a || d?bB  Q b = d?x(B  d -` c ` A)  (P x || Q x)
  by (subst read_Sync_read_forced_read_right) simp_all

corollary read_Inter_read :
  inj_on c A; inj_on d B; a b. a  A  b  B  c a = d b  a = b 
   c?aA  P a ||| d?bB  Q b =
   (c?aA  (P a ||| d?bB  Q b))  (d?bB  (c?aA  P a ||| Q b))
  by (simp add: read_Sync_read)

paragraph ‹Same channel›

text ‹Some results can be rewritten when we have the same channel.›

lemma read_Sync_read_forced_read_same_chan : 
  c?aA  P a S c?bB  Q b =
   (c?a(A - c -` S)  (P a S c?bB  Q b)) 
   (c?b(B - c -` S)  (c?aA  P a S Q b)) 
   (c?x(A  B  c -` S)  (P x S Q x))
  (is ?lhs = ?rhs1  ?rhs2  ?rhs3)
  if c ` A  S = {}  inj_on c A c ` B  S = {}  inj_on c B
    a b. a  A  b  B  c a = c b  c b  S  a = b
proof -
  ― ‹Actually, the third assumption is equivalent to the following
     (we of course do not use that(3) in the proof of equivalence).›
  from that(1, 2)
  have inj_on c ((A  B)  c -` S) 
        (a b. a  A  b  B  c a = c b  c b  S  a = b)
    by (elim disjE, simp_all add: inj_on_def)
      ((auto)[3], metis Int_iff Un_iff vimageE vimageI)

  from that(3) have * : A  (c -` c ` B  c -` S) = A  B  c -` S by auto blast
  show ?thesis by (simp add: read_Sync_read_forced_read_left that "*")

lemma read_Sync_read_forced_read_same_chan_weaker :
  ― ‹Easier with a stronger assumption.›
  inj_on c (A  B) 
   c?aA  P a S c?bB  Q b =
   (c?a(A - c -` S)  (P a S c?bB  Q b)) 
   (c?b(B - c -` S)  (c?aA  P a S Q b)) 
   (c?x(A  B  c -` S)  (P x S Q x))
  by (rule read_Sync_read_forced_read_same_chan)
    (simp_all add: inj_on_Un, metis Un_iff inj_onD inj_on_Un)

lemma read_Sync_read_subset_forced_read_same_chan :
  ― ‹In the subset case, the assumption terminj_on c (A  B) is equivalent.
      The result is not weaker anymore.›
  c?aA  P a S c?bB  Q b = c?x(A  B)  (P x S Q x)
  if c ` A  S c ` B  S inj_on c (A  B)
proof -
  from that(3) have A  c -` c ` B = A  B by (auto simp add: inj_on_def)
  with that(3) show ?thesis
    by (subst read_Sync_read_subset_forced_read_left)
      (simp_all add: that(1, 2) inj_on_Un, meson Un_iff inj_on_contraD that(3))

paragraph constread and constndet_write.›

lemma ndet_write_Sync_read :
  c!!aA  P a S d?bB  Q b =
   (  if A = {} then STOP S d?bB  Q b
    else ac ` A. (if a  S then STOP else a  (P (inv_into A c a) S d?bB  Q b)) 
                   (b(d ` B - S)  (a  P (inv_into A c a) S Q (inv_into B d b))) 
                   (if a  d ` B  S then a  (P (inv_into A c a) S Q (inv_into B d a)) else STOP))
  by (auto simp add: ndet_write_def read_def Mndetprefix_Sync_Mprefix
      intro: mono_GlobalNdet_eq arg_cong2[where f = (□)])

lemma read_Sync_ndet_write :
  c?aA  P a S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if B = {} then c?aA  P a S STOP
    else bd ` B. (if b  S then STOP else b  (c?aA  P a S Q (inv_into B d b))) 
                   (a(c ` A - S)  (P (inv_into A c a) S b  Q (inv_into B d b))) 
                   (if b  c ` A  S then b  (P (inv_into A c b) S Q (inv_into B d b)) else STOP))
  by (auto simp add: ndet_write_def read_def Mprefix_Sync_Mndetprefix
      intro: mono_GlobalNdet_eq arg_cong2[where f = (□)])

lemma ndet_write_Sync_read_subset :
  c ` A  S  d ` B  S 
   c!!aA  P a S d?bB  Q b =
   (  if c ` A  d ` B then ac ` A  (P (inv_into A c a) S Q (inv_into B d a))
    else (a(c ` A  d ` B)  (P (inv_into A c a) S Q (inv_into B d a)))  STOP)
  by (simp add: read_def ndet_write_def Mndetprefix_Sync_Mprefix_subset)

lemma read_Sync_ndet_write_subset :
  c ` A  S  d ` B  S 
   c?aA  P a S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if d ` B  c ` A then bd ` B  (P (inv_into A c b) S Q (inv_into B d b))
    else (b(c ` A  d ` B)  (P (inv_into A c b) S Q (inv_into B d b)))  STOP)
  by (simp add: read_def ndet_write_def Mprefix_Sync_Mndetprefix_subset)

― ‹If we have the same injective channel, it's better.›
lemma ndet_write_Sync_read_subset_same_chan:
  c!!aA  P a S c?bB  Q b =
   (if A  B then c!!aA  (P a S Q a) else (c!!a(A  B)  (P a S Q a))  STOP)
  if c ` A  S c ` B  S inj_on c (A  B)
proof -
  from inj_on c (A  B) have  * : c ` A  c ` B  A  B
    by (auto simp add: inj_on_eq_iff)
  from inj_on c (A  B) have ** : c ` A  c ` B = c ` (A  B)
    by (auto simp add: inj_on_Un)
  from inj_on c (A  B) show ?thesis
    by (unfold ndet_write_Sync_read_subset[OF c ` A  S c ` B  S] "*" "**")
      (auto simp add: ndet_write_def inj_on_Un inj_on_Int
        intro!: mono_Mndetprefix_eq arg_cong2[where f = (⊓)])

lemma read_Sync_ndet_write_subset_same_chan:
  c ` A  S  c ` B  S  inj_on c (A  B) 
   c?aA  P a S c!!bB  Q b =
   (if B  A then c!!bB  (P b S Q b) else (c!!b(A  B)  (P b S Q b))  STOP)
  by (subst (1 2 3) Sync_commute)
    (simp add: Int_commute Un_commute ndet_write_Sync_read_subset_same_chan)

lemma ndet_write_Sync_read_indep :
  c ` A  S = {}  d ` B  S = {} 
   c!!aA  P a S d?bB  Q b =
   (  if A = {} then d?bB   (STOP S Q b)
    else ac ` A. (a  (P (inv_into A c a) S d?bB  Q b)) 
                   (d?bB  (a  P (inv_into A c a) S Q b)))
  by (auto simp add: ndet_write_def read_def Mndetprefix_Sync_Mprefix_indep comp_def
      intro: mono_GlobalNdet_eq arg_cong2[where f = (□)])

lemma read_Sync_ndet_write_indep :
  c ` A  S = {}  d ` B  S = {} 
   c?aA  P a S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if B = {} then c?aA  (P a S STOP)
    else bd ` B. (b  (c?aA  P a S Q (inv_into B d b))) 
                   (c?aA  (P a S b  Q (inv_into B d b))))
  by (auto simp add: ndet_write_def read_def Mprefix_Sync_Mndetprefix_indep comp_def
      intro: mono_GlobalNdet_eq arg_cong2[where f = (□)])

lemma ndet_write_Sync_read_left :
  c!!aA  P a S d?bB  Q b = c!!aA  (P a S d?bB  Q b)
  (is ?lhs = ?rhs) if c ` A  S = {} d ` B  S
proof -
  from that have ?lhs = (  if A = {} then STOP S d?bB  Q b
                          else c!!aA  (P a S d?bB  Q b))
    by (auto simp add: ndet_write_def read_def Mndetprefix_Sync_Mprefix_left comp_def
        intro: mono_GlobalNdet_eq arg_cong2[where f = (□)])
  also have  = ?rhs by (simp add: read_def ndet_write_def Mprefix_is_STOP_iff
        STOP_Sync_Mprefix that(2))
  finally show ?lhs = ?rhs .

lemma read_Sync_ndet_write_left :
  c?aA  P a S d!!bB  Q b = c?aA  (P a S d!!bB  Q b)
  (is ?lhs = ?rhs) if c ` A  S = {} d ` B  S
proof -
  from that have ?lhs = (if B = {} then (c?aA  P a) S STOP else ?rhs)
    by (auto simp add: ndet_write_def read_def Mprefix_Sync_Mndetprefix_left comp_def
        intro: mono_GlobalNdet_eq arg_cong2[where f = (□)])
  also have  = ?rhs
    by (simp add: read_def comp_def)
      (use Mprefix_Sync_Mprefix_left that(1) in force)
  finally show ?lhs = ?rhs .

lemma ndet_write_Sync_read_right :
  c ` A  S  d ` B  S = {} 
   c!!aA  P a S d?bB  Q b = d?bB  (c!!aA  P a S Q b)
  by (subst (1 2) Sync_commute) (simp add: read_Sync_ndet_write_left)

lemma read_Sync_ndet_write_right :
  c ` A  S  d ` B  S = {} 
   c?aA  P a S d!!bB  Q b = d!!bB  (c?aA  P a S Q b)
  by (subst (1 2) Sync_commute) (simp add: ndet_write_Sync_read_left)

paragraph constread and constwrite.›

lemma write_Sync_read :
  c!a  P S d?bB  Q b =
   (if c a  S then STOP else c!a  (P S d?bB  Q b)) 
   (b(d ` B - S)  (c!a  P S Q (inv_into B d b))) 
   (if c a  d ` B  S then c!a  (P S Q (inv_into B d (c a))) else STOP)
  by (subst ndet_write_Sync_read[where A = {a}, simplified])
    (simp add: write_is_write0 image_iff)

lemma read_Sync_write :
  c?aA  P a S d!b  Q =
   (if d b  S then STOP else d!b  (c?aA  P a S Q)) 
   (a(c ` A - S)  (P (inv_into A c a) S d!b  Q)) 
   (if d b  c ` A  S then d!b  (P (inv_into A c (d b)) S Q) else STOP)
  by (subst read_Sync_ndet_write[where B = {b}, simplified])
    (simp add: write_is_write0 image_iff)

lemma write_Sync_read_subset :
  c a  S  d ` B  S 
   c!a  P S d?bB  Q b =
   (if c a  d ` B then c!a  (P S Q (inv_into B d (c a))) else STOP)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_read)
    (metis Det_STOP Det_commute Diff_eq_empty_iff Mprefix_empty)

lemma read_Sync_write_subset :
  c ` A  S  d b  S 
   c?aA  P a S d!b  Q =
   (if d b  c ` A then d!b  (P (inv_into A c (d b)) S Q) else STOP)
  by (metis Sync_commute write_Sync_read_subset)

― ‹If we have the same injective channel, it's better.›
lemma write_Sync_read_subset_same_chan:
  c a  S  c ` B  S  inj_on c (insert a B) 
   c!a  P S c?bB  Q b = (if a  B then c!a  (P S Q a) else STOP)
  by (subst ndet_write_Sync_read_subset_same_chan[where A = {a}, simplified]) simp_all

lemma read_Sync_write_subset_same_chan:
  c ` A  S  c b  S  inj_on c (insert b A) 
   c?aA  P a S c!b  Q = (if b  A then c!b  (P b S Q) else STOP)
  by (metis Sync_commute write_Sync_read_subset_same_chan)

lemma write_Sync_read_indep :
  c a  S  d ` B  S = {} 
   c!a  P S d?bB  Q b =
   (c!a  (P S d?bB  Q b))  (d?bB  (c!a  P S Q b))
  by (subst ndet_write_Sync_read_indep[where A = {a}, simplified])
    (simp_all add: write_is_write0)

lemma read_Sync_write_indep :
  c ` A  S = {}  d b  S 
   c?aA  P a S d!b  Q =
   (d!b  (c?aA  P a S Q))  (c?aA  (P a S d!b  Q))
  by (subst read_Sync_ndet_write_indep[where B = {b}, simplified])
    (simp_all add: write_is_write0)

lemma write_Sync_read_left :
  c a  S  d ` B  S 
   c!a  P S d?bB  Q b = c!a  (P S d?bB  Q b)
  by (subst ndet_write_Sync_read_left[where A = {a}, simplified]) simp_all

lemma read_Sync_write_left :
  c ` A  S = {}  d b  S 
   c?aA  P a S d!b  Q = c?aA  (P a S d!b  Q)
  by (subst read_Sync_ndet_write_left[where B = {b}, simplified]) simp_all

lemma write_Sync_read_right :
  c a  S  d ` B  S = {} 
   c!a  P S d?bB  Q b = d?bB  (c!a  P S Q b)
  by (subst (1 2) Sync_commute) (simp add: read_Sync_write_left)

lemma read_Sync_write_right :
  c ` A  S  d b  S 
   c?aA  P a S d!b  Q = d!b  (c?aA  P a S Q)
  by (subst (1 2) Sync_commute) (simp add: write_Sync_read_left)

paragraph constndet_write and constndet_write

lemma ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write :
  c!!aA  P a S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if A = {} then   if d ` B  S = {} then d!!bB  (STOP S Q b)
                     else (xd ` (B - d -` S)  (STOP S Q (inv_into B d x)))  STOP
    else   if B = {} then   if c ` A  S = {} then c!!aA  (P a S STOP)
                          else (xc ` (A - c -` S)  (P (inv_into A c x) S STOP))  STOP
         else bd ` B. ac ` A.
              (if a  S then STOP else a  (P (inv_into A c a) S b  Q (inv_into B d b))) 
              (if b  S then STOP else b  (a  P (inv_into A c a) S Q (inv_into B d b))) 
              (if a = b  b  S then b  (P (inv_into A c a) S Q (inv_into B d b)) else STOP))
  (is ?lhs = (  if A = {} then if d ` B  S = {} then ?mv_right else ?mv_right'  STOP
               else   if B = {} then if c ` A  S = {} then ?mv_left else ?mv_left'  STOP
                    else ?huge_mess))
proof (split if_split, intro conjI impI)
  have d ` (B - d -` S) = d ` B - S by blast
  thus A = {}  ?lhs = (if d ` B  S = {} then ?mv_right else ?mv_right'  STOP)
    by (auto simp add: ndet_write_def STOP_Sync_Mndetprefix comp_def
        intro: mono_Mndetprefix_eq)
  show ?lhs = (if B = {} then if c ` A  S = {} then ?mv_left else ?mv_left'  STOP else ?huge_mess) if A  {}
  proof (split if_split, intro conjI impI)
    have c ` (A - c -` S) = c ` A - S by blast
    thus B = {}  ?lhs = (if c ` A  S = {} then ?mv_left else ?mv_left'  STOP)
      by (auto simp add: ndet_write_def Mndetprefix_Sync_STOP comp_def
          intro: mono_Mndetprefix_eq)
    assume B  {}
    have ?lhs = (bd ` B. ac ` A. (a  P (inv_into A c a) S (b  Q (inv_into B d b))))
      by (simp add: ndet_write_def Mndetprefix_GlobalNdet A  {} B  {}
          Sync_distrib_GlobalNdet_left Sync_distrib_GlobalNdet_right)
    also have  = ?huge_mess
      by (auto simp add: write0_def Mprefix_Sync_Mprefix Diff_triv Mprefix_is_STOP_iff disjoint_iff
          intro!: mono_GlobalNdet_eq arg_cong2[where f = (□)])
    finally show ?lhs = ?huge_mess .

lemma ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write_subset :
  c!!aA  P a S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if b. c ` A = {b}  d ` B = {b}
    then (THE b. d ` B = {b})  (P (inv_into A c (THE a. c ` A = {a})) S Q (inv_into B d (THE b. d ` B = {b})))
    else (x(c ` A  d ` B)  (P (inv_into A c x) S Q (inv_into B d x)))  STOP)
  (is ?lhs = (if ?cond then ?rhs1 else ?rhs2)) if c ` A  S d ` B  S
proof (split if_split, intro conjI impI)
  show ?cond  ?lhs = ?rhs1
    by (elim exE, simp add: ndet_write_is_GlobalNdet_write0 write0_def)
      (subst Mprefix_Sync_Mprefix_subset, use c ` A  S in simp_all)
  assume ¬ ?cond
  let ?term = λa b. (b  (P (inv_into A c a) S Q (inv_into B d b)))
  have ?lhs = bd ` B. ac ` A. (if a = b then ?term a b else STOP)
    (is ?lhs = bd ` B. ac ` A. ?rhs' b a)
  proof (cases A = {}  B = {})
    from c ` A  S d ` B  S show A = {}  B = {}  ?lhs = (bd ` B. ac ` A. ?rhs' b a)
      by (elim disjE) (simp_all add: ndet_write_def Mndetprefix_Sync_STOP STOP_Sync_Mndetprefix
          Int_absorb2 Mndetprefix_is_STOP_iff Ndet_is_STOP_iff)
    show ¬ (A = {}  B = {})  ?lhs = (bd ` B. ac ` A. ?rhs' b a)
      by (simp add: ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write)
        (intro mono_GlobalNdet_eq, use c ` A  S d ` B  S in auto)

  also have (bd ` B. ac ` A. ?rhs' b a) = ?rhs2
  proof (cases d ` B  c ` A = {})
    assume d ` B  c ` A = {}
    hence c ` A  d ` B = {} by blast
    hence (bd ` B. ac ` A. ?rhs' b a) = STOP by (auto simp add: GlobalNdet_is_STOP_iff)
    thus (bd ` B. ac ` A. ?rhs' b a) = ?rhs2
      by (auto simp add: c ` A  d ` B = {})
    show (bd ` B. ac ` A. ?rhs' b a) = ?rhs2 if d ` B  c ` A  {}
    proof (cases d ` B - c ` A = {})
      assume d ` B - c ` A = {}
      hence c ` A  d ` B = d ` B by blast
      have (ac ` A. ?rhs' b a) = (if c ` A = {b} then ?term b b else ?term b b  STOP)
        (is (ac ` A. ?rhs' b a) = ?rhs'' b) if b  d ` B for b
      proof (cases c ` A  {b} = {})
        from d ` B - c ` A = {} b  d ` B
        show c ` A  {b} = {}  (ac ` A. ?rhs' b a) = ?rhs'' b by auto
        show (ac ` A. ?rhs' b a) = ?rhs'' b if c ` A  {b}  {}
        proof (cases c ` A - {b} = {})
          show c ` A - {b} = {}  (ac ` A. ?rhs' b a) = ?rhs'' b
            using c ` A  {b}  {} by auto
          show (ac ` A. ?rhs' b a) = ?rhs'' b if c ` A - {b}  {}
            using c ` A - {b}  {} c ` A  {b}  {}
            by (auto simp add: GlobalNdet_is_STOP_iff
                simp flip: GlobalNdet_factorization_union
                [OF c ` A  {b}  {} c ` A - {b}  {}, unfolded Int_Diff_Un]
                intro: arg_cong2[where f = (⊓)])
      hence (b  d ` B. ac ` A. ?rhs' b a) = b  d ` B. ?rhs'' b
        by (fact mono_GlobalNdet_eq)
      also have (b  d ` B. ?rhs'' b) = ?rhs2
      proof -
        from ¬ ?cond have (b  d ` B. ?rhs'' b) = b  d ` B. ?term b b  STOP
          by (metis Diff_eq_empty_iff Int_commute c ` A  d ` B = d ` B
              d ` B - c ` A = {} subset_singleton_iff d ` B  c ` A  {})
        also have  = (b  d ` B. ?term b b)  STOP
          by (simp add: Process_eq_spec Ndet_projs GlobalNdet_projs STOP_projs)
        finally show (b  d ` B. ?rhs'' b) = ?rhs2
          by (simp add: Mndetprefix_GlobalNdet c ` A  d ` B = d ` B)
      finally show (b  d ` B. ac ` A. ?rhs' b a) = ?rhs2 .
      assume d ` B - c ` A  {}
      have ac ` A. (if a = b then ?term a b else STOP) =
            (if b  c ` A then if c ` A = {b} then ?term b b else (?term b b)  STOP else STOP)
        if b  d ` B for b
      proof (split if_split, intro conjI impI)
        show ac ` A. (if a = b then ?term a b else STOP) =
              (if c ` A = {b} then ?term b b else (?term b b)  STOP) if b  c ` A
        proof (split if_split, intro conjI impI)
          show c ` A = {b}  ac ` A. (if a = b then ?term a b else STOP) = ?term b b by simp
          assume c ` A  {b}
          with b  c ` A have insert b (c ` A) = c ` A c ` A - {b}  {} by auto
          show c ` A  {b}  ac ` A. (if a = b then ?term a b else STOP) = ?term b b  STOP
            by (auto simp add: GlobalNdet_is_STOP_iff intro!: arg_cong2[where f = (⊓)]
                simp flip: GlobalNdet_factorization_union
                [of {b}, OF _ c ` A - {b}  {}, simplified, unfolded insert b (c ` A) = c ` A])
        show b  c ` A  ac ` A. (if a = b then ?term a b else STOP) = STOP
          by (auto simp add: GlobalNdet_is_STOP_iff)

      hence b  d ` B. ac ` A. ?rhs' b a =
             b  d ` B. (if b  c ` A then if c ` A = {b} then ?term b b else (?term b b)  STOP else STOP)
        by (fact mono_GlobalNdet_eq)
      also from d ` B - c ` A  {} have  = (b  d ` B. (if b  c ` A then ?term b b else STOP))  STOP
        by (simp add: Process_eq_spec GlobalNdet_projs, safe)
          (simp_all add: GlobalNdet_projs STOP_projs Ndet_projs split: if_split_asm, auto)
      also have  = ?rhs2
      proof (fold GlobalNdet_factorization_union
          [OF d ` B  c ` A  {} d ` B - c ` A  {}, unfolded Int_Diff_Un])
        have b(d ` B  c ` A). (if b  c ` A then ?term b b else STOP) =
              b(d ` B  c ` A). ?term b b by (auto intro: mono_GlobalNdet_eq)
        moreover have b(d ` B - c ` A). (if b  c ` A then ?term b b else STOP) = STOP
          by (simp add: GlobalNdet_is_STOP_iff)
        ultimately show (b(d ` B  c ` A). (if b  c ` A then ?term b b else STOP)) 
                         (b(d ` B - c ` A). (if b  c ` A then ?term b b else STOP))  STOP = ?rhs2
          by (metis Mndetprefix_GlobalNdet Int_commute Ndet_assoc Ndet_id)
      finally show (b  d ` B. ac ` A. ?rhs' b a) = ?rhs2 .
  finally show ?lhs = ?rhs2 .

lemma ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write_indep :
  c ` A  S = {}  d ` B  S = {} 
   c!!aA  P a S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if A = {} then d!!bB  (STOP S Q b)
    else   if B = {} then c!!aA  (P a S STOP)
         else bd ` B. ac ` A.
              ((a  (P (inv_into A c a) S b  Q (inv_into B d b)))) 
              ((b  (a  P (inv_into A c a) S Q (inv_into B d b)))))
  by (auto simp add: ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write disjoint_iff intro!: mono_GlobalNdet_eq)

lemma ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write_left :
  c!!aA  P a S d!!bB  Q b = c!!aA  (P a S d!!bB  Q b)
  (is ?lhs = ?rhs) if c ` A  S = {} d ` B  S
proof -
  let ?rhs' = bd ` B. ac ` A. a  (P (inv_into A c a) S b  Q (inv_into B d b))
  have ?lhs = (  if A = {} then   if d ` B  S = {} then d!!bB  (STOP S Q b)
                                 else (xd ` (B - d -` S)  (STOP S Q (inv_into B d x)))  STOP
                else   if B = {} then   if c ` A  S = {} then c!!aA  (P a S STOP)
                                      else (xc ` (A - c -` S)  (P (inv_into A c x) S STOP))  STOP
                     else bd ` B. ac ` A.
                          (if a  S then STOP else (a  (P (inv_into A c a) S b  Q (inv_into B d b)))) 
                          (if b  S then STOP else (b  (a  P (inv_into A c a) S Q (inv_into B d b)))) 
                          (if a = b  b  S then b  (P (inv_into A c a) S Q (inv_into B d b)) else STOP))
    (is ?lhs = (if A = {} then ?rhs1 else if B = {} then ?rhs2 else ?rhs3))
    by (fact ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write)
  also from d ` B  S have ?rhs1 = STOP
    by (auto simp add: Ndet_is_STOP_iff ndet_write_def Mndetprefix_GlobalNdet GlobalNdet_is_STOP_iff)
  also from c ` A  S = {} have ?rhs2 = c!!aA  (P a S STOP) by presburger
  also from c ` A  S = {} d ` B  S
  have ?rhs3 = bd ` B. ac ` A. a  (P (inv_into A c a) S b  Q (inv_into B d b))
    by (intro mono_GlobalNdet_eq) auto
  finally have ?lhs = (  if A = {} then STOP
                        else   if B = {} then c!!aA  (P a S STOP)
                             else ?rhs') .
  moreover have B  {}  ?rhs' = ac ` A. a  (P (inv_into A c a) S bd ` B. b  Q (inv_into B d b))
    by (subst GlobalNdet_sets_commute)
      (simp add: Sync_distrib_GlobalNdet_left write0_GlobalNdet)
  moreover have  = c!!aA  (P a S d!!bB  Q b)
    by (simp add: ndet_write_is_GlobalNdet_write0)
  ultimately show ?lhs = ?rhs by simp

lemma ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write_right :
  c ` A  S  d ` B  S = {} 
   c!!aA  P a S d!!bB  Q b = d!!bB  (c!!aA  P a S Q b)
  by (subst (1 2) Sync_commute) (simp add: ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write_left)

paragraph constndet_write and constwrite

lemma write_Sync_ndet_write :
  c!a  P S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if B = {} then c!a  P S STOP
    else bd ` B. (if b  S then STOP else b  (c!a  P S Q (inv_into B d b))) 
                   (if c a  S then STOP else c!a  (P S b  Q (inv_into B d b))) 
                   (if b = c a  c a  S then c!a  (P S Q (inv_into B d (c a))) else STOP))
  by (subst read_Sync_ndet_write[where A = {a}, simplified],
      auto simp add: write_def Mprefix_singl split: if_split_asm
      intro!: mono_GlobalNdet_eq arg_cong2[where f = (□)] mono_Mprefix_eq)
    (simp add: insert_Diff_if write0_def)

lemma ndet_write_Sync_write :
  c!!aA  P a S d!b  Q =
   (  if A = {} then STOP S d!b  Q
    else ac ` A. (if a  S then STOP else a  (P (inv_into A c a) S d!b  Q)) 
                   (if d b  S then STOP else d!b  (a  P (inv_into A c a) S Q)) 
                   (if a = d b  d b  S then d!b  (P (inv_into A c a) S Q) else STOP))
  by (subst (1 2 3 4 5) Sync_commute)
    (auto simp add: write_Sync_ndet_write intro: mono_GlobalNdet_eq)

lemma write_Sync_ndet_write_subset :
  c!a  P S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if c a  d ` B then STOP else if d ` B = {c a} then c!a  (P S Q (inv_into B d (c a)))
    else (c!a  (P S Q (inv_into B d (c a))))  STOP) if c a  S d ` B  S
proof (subst read_Sync_ndet_write_subset[where A = {a}, simplified])
  from c a  S show c a  S .
  from d ` B  S show d ` B  S .
  show (  if d ` B  {c a} then bd ` B  (P S Q (inv_into B d b))
         else (b(c ` {a}  d ` B)  (P S Q (inv_into B d b)))  STOP) =
        (  if c a  d ` B then STOP else if d ` B = {c a} then c!a  (P S Q (inv_into B d (c a)))
         else (c!a  (P S Q (inv_into B d (c a))))  STOP)
    (is ?lhs = (if c a  d ` B then STOP else if d ` B = {c a} then ?rhs else ?rhs  STOP))
  proof (split if_split, intro conjI impI)
    show c a  d ` B  ?lhs = STOP
      by (auto simp add: GlobalNdet_is_STOP_iff image_subset_iff image_iff)
    show ¬ c a  d ` B  ?lhs = (if d ` B = {c a} then ?rhs else ?rhs  STOP)
      by (auto simp add: image_subset_iff Ndet_is_STOP_iff write_is_write0)

lemma ndet_write_Sync_write_subset :
  c ` A  S  d b  S 
   (c!!aA  P a) S (d!b  Q) =
   (  if d b  c ` A then STOP else if c ` A = {d b} then d!b  (P (inv_into A c (d b)) S Q)
    else (d!b  (P (inv_into A c (d b)) S Q))  STOP)
  by (subst (1 2 3) Sync_commute) (simp add: write_Sync_ndet_write_subset)

lemma write_Sync_ndet_write_indep :
  c a  S  d ` B  S = {} 
   c!a  P S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if B = {} then c!a  (P S STOP)
    else bd ` B. (c!a  (P S b  Q (inv_into B d b))) 
                   (b  (c!a  P S Q (inv_into B d b))))
  by (subst ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write_indep[where A = {a}, simplified])
    (auto simp add: write_is_write0 intro: mono_GlobalNdet_eq)

lemma ndet_write_Sync_write_indep :
  c ` A  S = {}  d b  S 
   c!!aA  P a S d!b  Q =
   (  if A = {} then d!b  (STOP S Q)
    else ac ` A. (a  (P (inv_into A c a) S d!b  Q)) 
                   (d!b  (a  P (inv_into A c a) S Q)))
  by (subst (1 2 3 4) Sync_commute, subst Det_commute)
    (simp add: write_Sync_ndet_write_indep)

lemma write_Sync_ndet_write_left :
  c a  S  d ` B  S  c!a  P S d!!bB  Q b = c!a  (P S d!!bB  Q b)
  by (subst ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write_left[where A = {a}, simplified]) simp_all

lemma ndet_write_Sync_write_left :
  c ` A  S = {}  d b  S  c!!aA  P a S d!b  Q = c!!aA  (P a S d!b  Q)
  by (subst ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write_left[where B = {b}, simplified]) simp_all

lemma write_Sync_ndet_write_right :
  c a  S  d ` B  S = {}  c!a  P S d!!bB  Q b = d!!bB  (c!a  P S Q b)
  by (subst ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write_right[where A = {a}, simplified]) simp_all

lemma ndet_write_Sync_write_right :
  c ` A  S  d b  S  c!!aA  P a S d!b  Q = d!b  (c!!aA  P a S Q)
  by (subst ndet_write_Sync_ndet_write_right[where B = {b}, simplified]) simp_all

paragraph constwrite and constwrite

lemma write_Sync_write :
  c!a  P S d!b  Q =
   (if d b  S then STOP else d!b  (c!a  P S Q)) 
   (if c a  S then STOP else c!a  (P S d!b  Q)) 
   (if c a = d b  d b  S then c!a  (P S Q) else STOP)
  by (subst read_Sync_read[where A = {a} and B = {b}, simplified])
    (simp add: write_def insert_Diff_if Det_commute Int_insert_right)

lemma write_Inter_write :
  c!a  P ||| d!b  Q = (c!a  (P ||| d!b  Q))  (d!b  (c!a  P ||| Q))
  by (simp add: write_Sync_write Det_commute)

lemma write_Par_write :
  c!a  P || d!b  Q = (if c a = d b then c!a  (P || Q) else STOP)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_write)

lemma write_Sync_write_subset :
  c a  S  d b  S 
   c!a  P S d!b  Q = (if c a = d b then c!a  (P S Q) else STOP)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_write)

lemma write_Sync_write_indep :
  c a  S  d b  S 
   c!a  P S d!b  Q = (c!a  (P S d!b  Q))  (d!b  (c!a  P S Q))
  by (simp add: Det_commute write_Sync_write)

lemma write_Sync_write_left :
  c a  S  d b  S  c!a  P S d!b  Q = c!a  (P S d!b  Q)
  by (auto simp add: write_Sync_write)

lemma write_Sync_write_right :
  c a  S  d b  S  c!a  P S d!b  Q = d!b  (c!a  P S Q)
  by (auto simp add: write_Sync_write)

paragraph constread and constwrite0.›

lemma write0_Sync_read :
  a  P S d?bB  Q b =
   (if a  S then STOP else a  (P S d?bB  Q b)) 
   (b(d ` B - S)  (a  P S Q (inv_into B d b))) 
   (if a  d ` B  S then a  (P S Q (inv_into B d a)) else STOP)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_read[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma read_Sync_write0 :
  c?aA  P a S b  Q =
   (if b  S then STOP else b  (c?aA  P a S Q)) 
   (a(c ` A - S)  (P (inv_into A c a) S b  Q)) 
   (if b  c ` A  S then b  (P (inv_into A c b) S Q) else STOP)
  by (simp add: read_Sync_write[where d = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma write0_Sync_read_subset :
  a  S  d ` B  S 
   a  P S d?bB  Q b =
   (if a  d ` B then a  (P S Q (inv_into B d a)) else STOP)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_read_subset[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma read_Sync_write0_subset :
  c ` A  S  b  S 
   c?aA  P a S b  Q =
   (if b  c ` A then b  (P (inv_into A c b) S Q) else STOP)
  by (simp add: read_Sync_write_subset[where d = λx. x, unfolded write_is_write0])

lemma write0_Sync_read_subset_same_chan:
  a  S  B  S 
   a  P S id?bB  Q b = (if a  B then a  (P S Q a) else STOP)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_read_subset_same_chan
      [where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma read_Sync_write0_subset_same_chan:
  A  S  b  S 
   id?aA  P a S b  Q = (if b  A then b  (P b S Q) else STOP)
  by (simp add: read_Sync_write_subset_same_chan
      [where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma write0_Sync_read_indep :
  a  S  d ` B  S = {} 
   a  P S d?bB  Q b =
   (a  (P S d?bB  Q b))  (d?bB  (a  P S Q b))
  by (simp add: write_Sync_read_indep[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma read_Sync_write0_indep :
  c ` A  S = {}  b  S 
   c?aA  P a S b  Q =
   (b  (c?aA  P a S Q))  (c?aA  (P a S b  Q))
  by (simp add: read_Sync_write_indep[where d = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma write0_Sync_read_left :
  a  S  d ` B  S  a  P S d?bB  Q b = a  (P S d?bB  Q b)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_read_left[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma read_Sync_write0_left :
  c ` A  S = {}  b  S  c?aA  P a S b  Q = c?aA  (P a S b  Q)
  by (simp add: read_Sync_write_left[where d = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma write0_Sync_read_right :
  a  S  d ` B  S = {}  a  P S d?bB  Q b = d?bB  (a  P S Q b)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_read_right[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma read_Sync_write0_right :
  c ` A  S  b  S  c?aA  P a S b  Q = b  (c?aA  P a S Q)
  by (simp add: read_Sync_write_right[where d = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

paragraph constndet_write and constwrite0

lemma write0_Sync_ndet_write :
  a  P S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if B = {} then a  P S STOP
    else bd ` B. (if b  S then STOP else b  (a  P S Q (inv_into B d b))) 
                   (if a  S then STOP else a  (P S b  Q (inv_into B d b))) 
                   (if b = a  a  S then a  (P S Q (inv_into B d a)) else STOP))
  by (simp add: write_Sync_ndet_write[where c = λx. x, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma ndet_write_Sync_write0 :
  c!!aA  P a S b  Q =
   (  if A = {} then STOP S b  Q
    else ac ` A. (if a  S then STOP else a  (P (inv_into A c a) S b  Q)) 
                   (if b  S then STOP else b  (a  P (inv_into A c a) S Q)) 
                   (if a = b  b  S then b  (P (inv_into A c a) S Q) else STOP))
  by (simp add: ndet_write_Sync_write[where d = λx. x, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma write0_Sync_ndet_write_subset :
  a  S  d ` B  S 
   a  P S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if a  d ` B then STOP else if d ` B = {a} then a  (P S Q (inv_into B d a))
    else (a  (P S Q (inv_into B d a)))  STOP)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_ndet_write_subset[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma ndet_write_Sync_write0_subset :
  c ` A  S  b  S 
   c!!aA  P a S b  Q =
   (  if b  c ` A then STOP else if c ` A = {b} then b  (P (inv_into A c b) S Q)
    else (b  (P (inv_into A c b) S Q))  STOP)
  by (simp add: ndet_write_Sync_write_subset[where d = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma write0_Sync_ndet_write_indep :
  a  S  d ` B  S = {} 
   a  P S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if B = {} then a  (P S STOP)
    else bd ` B. (a  (P S b  Q (inv_into B d b))) 
                   (b  (a  P S Q (inv_into B d b))))
  by (simp add: write_Sync_ndet_write_indep[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma ndet_write_Sync_write0_indep :
  c ` A  S = {}  b  S 
   c!!aA  P a S b  Q =
   (  if A = {} then b  (STOP S Q)
    else ac ` A. (a  (P (inv_into A c a) S b  Q)) 
                   (b  (a  P (inv_into A c a) S Q)))
  by (simp add: ndet_write_Sync_write_indep[where d = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma write0_Sync_ndet_write_left :
  a  S  d ` B  S  a  P S d!!bB  Q b = a  (P S d!!bB  Q b)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_ndet_write_left[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma ndet_write_Sync_write0_left :
  c ` A  S = {}  b  S  c!!aA  P a S b  Q = c!!aA  (P a S b  Q)
  by (simp add: ndet_write_Sync_write_left[where d = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma write_Sync_ndet_write0_right :
  a  S  d ` B  S = {}  a  P S d!!bB  Q b = d!!bB  (a  P S Q b)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_ndet_write_right[where c = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma ndet_write_Sync_write0_right :
  c ` A  S  b  S  c!!aA  P a S b  Q = b  (c!!aA  P a S Q)
  by (simp add: ndet_write_Sync_write_right[where d = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

paragraph constwrite0 and constwrite0

lemma write0_Sync_write0 :
  a  P S b  Q =
   (if b  S then STOP else b  (a  P S Q)) 
   (if a  S then STOP else a  (P S b  Q)) 
   (if a = b  b  S then a  (P S Q) else STOP)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_write[where c = id and d = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma write0_Sync_write0_bis :
  (a  P) S (b  Q) =
   (  if a  S
    then   if b  S
         then   if a = b
              then a  (P S Q)
              else STOP
         else (b  ((a  P) S Q))
    else   if b  S
         then a  (P S (b  Q))
    else (a  (P S (b  Q)))  (b  ((a  P) S Q)))
  by (cases a  S; cases b  S) (auto simp add: write0_Sync_write0 Det_commute)

lemma write0_Inter_write0 :
  a  P ||| b  Q = (a  (P ||| b  Q))  (b  (a  P ||| Q))
  by (simp add: write0_Sync_write0 Det_commute)

lemma write0_Par_write0 :
  a  P || b  Q = (if a = b then a  (P || Q) else STOP)
  by (simp add: write0_Sync_write0)

lemma write0_Sync_write0_subset :
  a  S  b  S  a  P S b  Q = (if a = b then a  (P S Q) else STOP)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_write_subset[where c = id and d = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma write0_Sync_write0_indep :
  a  S  b  S  a  P S b  Q = (a  (P S b  Q))  (b  (a  P S Q))
  by (simp add: write_Sync_write_indep[where c = id and d = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma write0_Sync_write0_left :
  a  S  b  S  a  P S b  Q = a  (P S b  Q)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_write_left[where c = id and d = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified])

lemma write0_Sync_write0_right :
  a  S  b  S  a  P S b  Q = b  (a  P S Q)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_write_right[where c = id and d = id, unfolded write_is_write0, simplified]) 

paragraph constwrite and constwrite0

lemma write0_Sync_write :
  a  P S d!b  Q =
   (if d b  S then STOP else d!b  (a  P S Q)) 
   (if a  S then STOP else a  (P S d!b  Q)) 
   (if a = d b  d b  S then a  (P S Q) else STOP)
  by (simp add: write0_Sync_write0 write_is_write0)

lemma write_Sync_write0 :
  c!a  P S b  Q =
   (if b  S then STOP else b  (c!a  P S Q)) 
   (if c a  S then STOP else c!a  (P S b  Q)) 
   (if c a = b  b  S then c!a  (P S Q) else STOP)
  by (simp add: write0_Sync_write0 write_is_write0)

lemma write0_Sync_write_subset :
  a  S  d b  S 
   a  P S d!b  Q = (if a = d b then a  (P S Q) else STOP)
  by (simp add: write0_Sync_write)

lemma write_Sync_write0_subset :
  c a  S  b  S 
   c!a  P S b  Q = (if c a = b then c!a  (P S Q) else STOP)
  by (simp add: write_Sync_write0)

lemma write0_Sync_write_indep :
  a  S  d b  S 
   a  P S d!b  Q = (a  (P S d!b  Q))  (d!b  (a  P S Q))
  by (simp add: Det_commute write0_Sync_write)

lemma write_Sync_write0_indep :
  c a  S  b  S 
   c!a  P S b  Q = (c!a  (P S b  Q))  (b  (c!a  P S Q))
  by (simp add: Det_commute write_Sync_write0)

lemma write0_Sync_write_left :
  a  S  d b  S  a  P S d!b  Q = a  (P S d!b  Q)
  by (simp add: write0_Sync_write0_left write_is_write0)

lemma write_Sync_write0_left :
  c a  S  b  S  c!a  P S b  Q = c!a  (P S b  Q)
  by (simp add: write0_Sync_write0_left write_is_write0)

lemma write0_Sync_write_right :
  a  S  d b  S  a  P S d!b  Q = d!b  (a  P S Q)
  by (simp add: write0_Sync_write0_right write_is_write0)

lemma write_Sync_write0_right :
  c a  S  b  S  c!a  P S b  Q = b  (c!a  P S Q)
  by (simp add: Sync_commute write0_Sync_write_left)

subsection constSync, constSKIP and constSTOP

subsubsection constSKIP

text ‹Without injectivity, the result is a trivial corollary of
      @{thm read_def} and @{thm Mprefix_Sync_SKIP}.›

lemma read_Sync_SKIP :
  c?aA  P a S SKIP r = c?a(A - c -` S)  (P a S SKIP r) if inj_on c A
proof -
  have c ` (A - c -` S) = c ` A - S by blast
  show c?aA  P a S SKIP r = c?a(A - c -` S)  (P a S SKIP r)
    by (auto simp add: read_def Mprefix_Sync_SKIP ?this inj_on_diff inj_on c A
        intro: mono_Mprefix_eq)

lemma SKIP_Sync_read :
  inj_on d B  SKIP r S d?bB  Q b = d?b(B - d -` S)  (SKIP r S Q b)
  by (subst (1 2) Sync_commute) (simp add: read_Sync_SKIP)

corollary write_Sync_SKIP :
  c!a  P S SKIP r = (if c a  S then STOP else c!a  (P S SKIP r))
  and SKIP_Sync_write :
  SKIP r S d!b  Q = (if d b  S then STOP else d!b  (SKIP r S Q))
  by (simp_all add: write_def Mprefix_Sync_SKIP SKIP_Sync_Mprefix Diff_triv)

corollary write0_Sync_SKIP :
  a  P S SKIP r = (if a  S then STOP else a  (P S SKIP r))
  and SKIP_Sync_write0 :
  SKIP r S b  Q = (if b  S then STOP else b  (SKIP r S Q))
  by (simp_all add: write0_def Mprefix_Sync_SKIP SKIP_Sync_Mprefix Diff_triv)

lemma ndet_write_Sync_SKIP :
  c!!aA  P a S SKIP r =
   (  if c ` A  S = {} then c!!aA  (P a S SKIP r)
    else (c!!a(A - c -` S)  (P a S SKIP r))  STOP)
  (is ?lhs = (if c ` A  S = {} then ?rhs1 else ?rhs2  STOP)) if inj_on c A
proof (split if_split, intro conjI impI)
  assume c ` A  S = {}
  hence A - c -` S = A by blast
  from c ` A  S = {} show ?lhs = ?rhs1
    by (auto simp add: ?this ndet_write_is_GlobalNdet_write0 disjoint_iff
        Sync_distrib_GlobalNdet_right write0_Sync_SKIP
        intro!: mono_GlobalNdet_eq split: if_split_asm)
  show ?lhs = ?rhs2  STOP if c ` A  S  {}
  proof (cases c ` A - S = {})
    assume c ` A - S = {}
    hence A - c -` S = {} by blast
    from c ` A - S = {} show ?lhs = ?rhs2  STOP
      by (auto simp add: ndet_write_is_GlobalNdet_write0 GlobalNdet_is_STOP_iff
          ?this Sync_distrib_GlobalNdet_right write0_Sync_SKIP)
    have c ` (A - c -` S) = c ` A - S by blast
    show ?lhs = ?rhs2  STOP if c ` A - S  {}
      by (subst Ndet_commute, unfold ndet_write_is_GlobalNdet_write0 Sync_distrib_GlobalNdet_right)
        (auto simp add: GlobalNdet_is_STOP_iff write0_Sync_SKIP
          ?this inj_on c A inj_on_diff
          simp flip: GlobalNdet_factorization_union
          [OF c ` A  S  {} c ` A - S  {}, unfolded Int_Diff_Un]
          intro!: arg_cong2[where f = (⊓)] mono_GlobalNdet_eq)

corollary SKIP_Sync_ndet_write :
  inj_on d B 
   SKIP r S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if d ` B  S = {} then d!!bB  (SKIP r S Q b)
    else (d!!b(B - d -` S)  (SKIP r S Q b))  STOP)
  by (subst (1 2 3) Sync_commute) (simp add: ndet_write_Sync_SKIP)

subsubsection constSTOP

text ‹Without injectivity, the result is a trivial corollary of
      @{thm read_def} and @{thm Mprefix_Sync_SKIP}.›

lemma read_Sync_STOP :
  c?aA  P a S STOP = c?a(A - c -` S)  (P a S STOP) if inj_on c A
proof -
  have c ` (A - c -` S) = c ` A - S by blast
  show c?aA  P a S STOP = c?a(A - c -` S)  (P a S STOP)
    by (auto simp add: ?this read_def Mprefix_Sync_STOP inj_on_diff inj_on c A
        intro: mono_Mprefix_eq)

lemma STOP_Sync_read :
  inj_on d B  STOP S d?bB  Q b = d?b(B - d -` S)  (STOP S Q b)
  by (subst (1 2) Sync_commute) (simp add: read_Sync_STOP)

corollary write_Sync_STOP :
  c!a  P S STOP = (if c a  S then STOP else c!a  (P S STOP))
  and STOP_Sync_write :
  STOP S d!b  Q = (if d b  S then STOP else d!b  (STOP S Q))
  by (simp_all add: write_def Mprefix_Sync_STOP STOP_Sync_Mprefix Diff_triv)

corollary write0_Sync_STOP :
  a  P S STOP = (if a  S then STOP else a  (P S STOP))
  and STOP_Sync_write0 :
  STOP S b  Q = (if b  S then STOP else b  (STOP S Q))
  by (simp_all add: write0_def Mprefix_Sync_STOP STOP_Sync_Mprefix Diff_triv)

lemma ndet_write_Sync_STOP :
  c!!aA  P a S STOP =
   (  if c ` A  S = {} then c!!aA  (P a S STOP)
    else (c!!a(A - c -` S)  (P a S STOP))  STOP)
  (is ?lhs = (if c ` A  S = {} then ?rhs1 else ?rhs2  STOP)) if inj_on c A
proof (split if_split, intro conjI impI)
  assume c ` A  S = {}
  hence A - c -` S = A by blast
  from c ` A  S = {} show ?lhs = ?rhs1
    by (auto simp add: ?this ndet_write_is_GlobalNdet_write0 disjoint_iff
        Sync_distrib_GlobalNdet_right write0_Sync_STOP
        intro!: mono_GlobalNdet_eq split: if_split_asm)
  show ?lhs = ?rhs2  STOP if c ` A  S  {}
  proof (cases c ` A - S = {})
    assume c ` A - S = {}
    hence A - c -` S = {} by blast
    from c ` A - S = {} show ?lhs = ?rhs2  STOP
      by (auto simp add: ndet_write_is_GlobalNdet_write0 GlobalNdet_is_STOP_iff
          ?this Sync_distrib_GlobalNdet_right write0_Sync_STOP)
    have c ` (A - c -` S) = c ` A - S by blast
    show ?lhs = ?rhs2  STOP if c ` A - S  {}
      by (subst Ndet_commute, unfold ndet_write_is_GlobalNdet_write0 Sync_distrib_GlobalNdet_right)
        (auto simp add: GlobalNdet_is_STOP_iff write0_Sync_STOP
          ?this inj_on c A inj_on_diff
          simp flip: GlobalNdet_factorization_union
          [OF c ` A  S  {} c ` A - S  {}, unfolded Int_Diff_Un]
          intro!: arg_cong2[where f = (⊓)] mono_GlobalNdet_eq)

corollary STOP_Sync_ndet_write :
  inj_on d B 
   STOP S d!!bB  Q b =
   (  if d ` B  S = {} then d!!bB  (STOP S Q b)
    else (d!!b(B - d -` S)  (STOP S Q b))  STOP)
  by (subst (1 2 3) Sync_commute) (simp add: ndet_write_Sync_STOP)
