Theory Multi_Deterministic_Prefix_Choice
chapter ‹ The Prefix Choice Operators ›
section‹ Multiple Deterministic Prefix Choice ›
theory Multi_Deterministic_Prefix_Choice
imports Process
subsection‹ The Definition and some Consequences ›
lift_definition Mprefix :: ‹['a set, 'a ⇒ ('a, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k] ⇒ ('a, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k›
is ‹λA P. ({(tr, ref). tr = [] ∧ ref ∩ ev ` A = {}} ∪
{(tr, ref). tr ≠ [] ∧ hd tr ∈ ev ` A ∧ (∃a. ev a = hd tr ∧ (tl tr, ref) ∈ ℱ (P a))},
{d. d ≠ [] ∧ hd d ∈ ev ` A ∧ (∃a. ev a = hd d ∧ tl d ∈ 𝒟 (P a))})›
proof -
show ‹?thesis A P› (is ‹is_process(?f, ?d)›) for P and A
proof (unfold is_process_def DIVERGENCES_def FAILURES_def fst_conv snd_conv, intro conjI allI impI)
show ‹([], {}) ∈ ?f›
by (simp add: is_processT1)
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ?f ⟹ front_tickFree s› for s X
apply (cases s; simp add: image_iff)
by (meson F_imp_front_tickFree event⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k.disc(1) front_tickFree_Cons_iff)
show ‹(s @ t, {}) ∈ ?f ⟹ (s, {}) ∈ ?f› for s t
by (auto intro: is_processT3)
show ‹(s, Y) ∈ ?f ∧ X ⊆ Y ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ?f› for s X Y
by (auto intro: is_processT4)
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ?f ∧ (∀c. c ∈ Y ⟶ (s @ [c], {}) ∉ ?f) ⟹ (s, X ∪ Y) ∈ ?f› for s X Y
apply (cases s; simp add: disjoint_iff image_iff)
using is_processT1 apply blast
by (metis is_processT5)
show ‹(s @ [✓(r)], {}) ∈ ?f ⟹ (s, X - {✓(r)}) ∈ ?f› for s r X
by (cases s) (auto intro: is_processT6)
show ‹s ∈ ?d ∧ tickFree s ∧ front_tickFree t ⟹ s @ t ∈ ?d› for s t
by (cases s) (auto intro: is_processT7)
show ‹s ∈ ?d ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ?f› for s X
by (auto intro: is_processT8)
show ‹s @ [✓(r)] ∈ ?d ⟹ s ∈ ?d› for s r
by (cases s) (auto intro: is_processT9)
syntax "_Mprefix" :: ‹[pttrn, 'a set, ('a, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k] ⇒ ('a, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k›
(‹(3□((_)/∈(_))/ → (_))› [78,78,77] 77)
syntax_consts "_Mprefix" ⇌ Mprefix
translations "□a∈A → P" ⇌ "CONST Mprefix A (λa. P)"
text‹Syntax Check:›
term ‹□x∈A → □y∈A → □z∈A → P z x y = Q›
subsection ‹ Projections in Prefix ›
lemma F_Mprefix :
"ℱ (□a ∈ A → P a) = {([], X)| X. X ∩ ev ` A = {}} ∪
{(ev a # s, X)| a s X. a ∈ A ∧ (s, X) ∈ ℱ (P a)}"
by (subst Failures.rep_eq, auto simp add: Mprefix.rep_eq FAILURES_def)
(metis list.collapse)
lemma D_Mprefix: ‹𝒟 (□a ∈ A → P a) = {ev a # s| a s. a ∈ A ∧ s ∈ 𝒟 (P a)}›
by (subst Divergences.rep_eq, auto simp add: Mprefix.rep_eq DIVERGENCES_def)
(metis list.collapse)
lemma T_Mprefix: ‹𝒯 (□a ∈ A → P a) = insert [] {ev a # s| a s. a ∈ A ∧ s ∈ 𝒯 (P a)}›
by (subst Traces.rep_eq, auto simp add: TRACES_def Failures.rep_eq[symmetric] F_Mprefix)
(use F_T T_F in blast)+
lemmas Mprefix_projs = F_Mprefix D_Mprefix T_Mprefix
lemma mono_Mprefix_eq: ‹(⋀a. a ∈ A ⟹ P a = Q a) ⟹ Mprefix A P = Mprefix A Q›
by (subst Process_eq_spec) (auto simp add: F_Mprefix D_Mprefix)
subsection ‹ Basic Properties ›
lemma tick_notin_T_Mprefix [simp]: ‹[✓(r)] ∉ 𝒯 (□x ∈ A → P x)›
by (simp add: T_Mprefix)
lemma Nil_notin_D_Mprefix [simp]: ‹[] ∉ 𝒟 (□x ∈ A → P x)›
by (simp add: D_Mprefix)
subsection‹ Proof of Continuity Rule ›
subsubsection‹ Backpatch Isabelle 2009-1›
contlub :: "('a::cpo ⇒ 'b::cpo) ⇒ bool"
"contlub f = (∀Y. chain Y ⟶ f (⨆ i. Y i) = (⨆ i. f (Y i)))"
lemma contlubE:
"⟦contlub f; chain Y⟧ ⟹ f (⨆ i. Y i) = (⨆ i. f (Y i))"
by (simp add: contlub_def)
lemma monocontlub2cont: "⟦monofun f; contlub f⟧ ⟹ cont f"
apply (rule contI)
apply (rule thelubE)
apply (erule (1) ch2ch_monofun)
apply (erule (1) contlubE [symmetric])
lemma contlubI:
"(⋀Y. chain Y ⟹ f (⨆ i. Y i) = (⨆ i. f (Y i))) ⟹ contlub f"
by (simp add: contlub_def)
lemma cont2contlub: "cont f ⟹ contlub f"
apply (rule contlubI)
apply (rule po_class.lub_eqI [symmetric])
apply (erule (1) contE)
subsubsection‹ Core of Proof ›
lemma mono_Mprefix : ‹□a ∈ A → P a ⊑ □a ∈ A → Q a› (is ‹?P ⊑ ?Q›)
if ‹⋀a. a ∈ A ⟹ P a ⊑ Q a›
proof (unfold le_approx_def, intro conjI impI allI subsetI)
from that[THEN le_approx1] show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?Q ⟹ s ∈ 𝒟 ?P› for s
by (auto simp add: D_Mprefix)
from that[THEN le_approx2] show ‹s ∉ 𝒟 ?P ⟹ ℛ⇩a ?P s = ℛ⇩a ?Q s› for s
by (auto simp add: Refusals_after_def D_Mprefix F_Mprefix)
from that[THEN le_approx3] show ‹s ∈ min_elems (𝒟 ?P) ⟹ s ∈ 𝒯 ?Q› for s
by (simp add: min_elems_def D_Mprefix T_Mprefix subset_iff) (metis less_cons)
lemma chain_Mprefix : ‹chain Y ⟹ chain (λi. □a∈A → Y i a)›
by (simp add: fun_belowD mono_Mprefix chain_def)
lemma cont_Mprefix_prem : ‹□a ∈ A → (⨆i. Y i a) = (⨆i. □a ∈ A → Y i a)›
(is ‹?lhs = ?rhs›) if ‹chain Y›
proof (subst Process_eq_spec, safe)
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs› for s X
by (auto simp add: F_Mprefix limproc_is_thelub ‹chain Y› F_LUB ch2ch_fun chain_Mprefix)
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs› for s X
by (simp add: F_Mprefix limproc_is_thelub ‹chain Y› F_LUB ch2ch_fun chain_Mprefix) blast
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs ⟹ s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs› for s
by (auto simp add: D_Mprefix limproc_is_thelub ‹chain Y› D_LUB ch2ch_fun chain_Mprefix)
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs ⟹ s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs› for s
by (simp add: D_Mprefix limproc_is_thelub ‹chain Y› D_LUB ch2ch_fun chain_Mprefix) blast
lemma Mprefix_cont [simp] : ‹cont (λb. □a ∈ A → f a b)› if * : ‹⋀a. a ∈ A ⟹ cont (f a)›
proof -
define g where ‹g a b ≡ if a ∈ A then f a b else undefined› for a b
have ‹(λb. □a ∈ A → f a b) = (λb. □a ∈ A → g a b)›
by (intro ext mono_Mprefix_eq) (simp add: g_def)
moreover have ‹cont (λb. □a ∈ A → g a b)›
proof (rule cont_compose[where c = ‹Mprefix A›])
show ‹cont (Mprefix A)›
proof (rule contI2)
show ‹monofun (Mprefix A)› by (simp add: fun_belowD mono_Mprefix monofunI)
show ‹chain Y ⟹ Mprefix A (⨆i. Y i) ⊑ (⨆i. Mprefix A (Y i))›
for Y :: ‹nat ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k›
by (simp add: cont_Mprefix_prem lub_fun)
show ‹cont (λb a. g a b)›
by (rule cont2cont_lambda, rule contI2)
(simp_all add: cont2monofunE cont2contlubE g_def monofunI "*")
ultimately show ‹cont (λb. □a∈A → f a b)› by simp
subsection‹ High-level Syntax for Read and Write0›
text‹ The following syntax introduces the usual channel notation for CSP.
Slightly deviating from conventional wisdom, we view a channel not as a tag in
a pair, rather than as a function of type @{typ "'a⇒'b"}. This paves the way
for \emph{typed} channels over a common universe of events. ›
definition read :: ‹['a ⇒ 'b, 'a set, 'a ⇒ ('b, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k] ⇒ ('b, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k›
where ‹read c A P ≡ Mprefix (c ` A) (P ∘ (inv_into A c))›
definition write0 :: ‹['a, ('a, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k] ⇒ ('a, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k› (infixr ‹→› 77)
where ‹write0 a P ≡ Mprefix {a} (λx. P)›
subsection‹CSP$_M$-Style Syntax for Communication Primitives›
"_read" :: ‹['a ⇒ 'b, pttrn, ('b, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k] ⇒ ('b, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k›
(‹(3((_)❙?(_)) /→ _)› [78,78,77] 77)
"_readX" :: ‹['a ⇒ 'b, pttrn, bool, ('b, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k] ⇒ ('b, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k›
(‹(3((_)❙?(_))❙|_ /→ _)› [78,78,78,77] 77)
"_readS" :: ‹['a ⇒ 'b, pttrn, 'a set, ('b, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k] ⇒ ('b, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k›
(‹(3((_)❙?(_))∈_ /→ _)› [78,78,78,77] 77)
"_read c p P" ⇌ "CONST read c CONST UNIV (λp. P)"
"_readX c p b P" => "CONST read c {p. b} (λp. P)"
"_readS c p A P" => "CONST read c A (λp. P)"
syntax_consts "_read" ⇌ read
and "_readX" ⇌ read
and "_readS" ⇌ read
text‹Syntax Check:›
term ‹a → P›
term ‹c❙?x → d❙?y → P a y›
term ‹c❙?x∈X → P x›
term ‹c❙?x❙|(x<0) → P x›
term ‹c❙?x → d❙?y∈B → e → u❙?t❙|(t ≥ 1) → P a y›
term ‹(c ∘ d)❙?a → P a›
lemma mono_write0 : ‹P ⊑ Q ⟹ a → P ⊑ a → Q›
unfolding write0_def by (simp add: mono_Mprefix)
lemma mono_read : ‹(⋀a. a ∈ A ⟹ P a ⊑ Q a) ⟹ c❙?a∈A → P a ⊑ c❙?a∈A → Q a›
unfolding read_def by (simp add: inv_into_into mono_Mprefix)
lemma read_cont[simp]:
‹(⋀a. a ∈ A ⟹ cont (λb. P b a)) ⟹ cont (λy. read c A (P y))›
unfolding read_def o_def by (rule Mprefix_cont) (simp add: inv_into_into)
lemma read_cont'[simp]: ‹cont P ⟹ cont (λy. read c A (P y))›
unfolding read_def o_def by (rule Mprefix_cont, rule cont2cont_fun)
lemma read_cont''[simp]: ‹(⋀a. cont (f a)) ⟹ cont (λy. c❙?x → f x y)› by simp
lemma write0_cont[simp]: ‹cont (P::('b::cpo ⇒ ('a, 'r)process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k)) ⟹ cont(λx. a → P x)›
by (simp add: write0_def)
lemma Mprefix_singl : ‹□x ∈ {a} → P x = a → P a›
by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec write0_def Mprefix_projs)