Theory Synchronization_Product

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 * Author          : Benoît Ballenghien, Safouan Taha, Burkhart Wolff, Lina Ye.
 *                   (Based on HOL-CSP 1.0 by Haykal Tej and Burkhart Wolff)
 * This file       : Synchronization product
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chapter ‹ The Synchronization Product ›

theory  Synchronization_Product
  imports Process 

section‹Basic Concepts›

fun setinterleaving :: ('a, 'r) traceptick × ('a, 'r) refusalptick × ('a, 'r) traceptick  ('a, 'r) traceptick set

si_empty1: setinterleaving ([], X, []) = {[]}
| si_empty2: setinterleaving ([], X, y # t) = 
               (if y  X
                then {} 
                else {z. u. z = y # u  u  setinterleaving ([], X, t)})
| si_empty3: setinterleaving ((x # s), X, []) = 
               (if x  X 
                then {} 
                else {z.  u. z = x # u  u  setinterleaving (s, X, [])})

| si_neq   : setinterleaving (x # s, X, y # t) = 
               (if x  X 
                then if y  X
                     then if x = y
                          then {z. u. z = x # u  u  setinterleaving (s, X, t)}
                          else {}
                     else {z. u. z = y # u  u  setinterleaving (x # s, X, t)}
                else if y  X
                     then {z. u. z = x # u  u  setinterleaving (s, X, y # t)} 
                          {z. u. z = y # u  u  setinterleaving (x # s, X, t)} 
                     else {z. u. z = x # u  u  setinterleaving (s, X, y # t)})

fun setinterleavingList :: ('a, 'r) traceptick × ('a, 'r) eventptick set × ('a, 'r) traceptick  ('a, 'r) traceptick list

si_empty1l: setinterleavingList ([], X, []) = [[]]
| si_empty2l: setinterleavingList ([], X, (y # t)) = 
               (if y  X
                then [] 
                else [y # z. z  setinterleavingList ([], X, t)])
| si_empty3l: setinterleavingList (x # s, X, []) = 
               (if x  X
                then [] 
                else [x # z. z  setinterleavingList (s, X, [])])

| si_neql   : setinterleavingList ((x # s), X, (y # t)) = 
               (if x  X 
                then if y  X
                     then if x = y
                          then [x # z. z  setinterleavingList (s, X, t)]
                          else []
                     else [y # z. z  setinterleavingList (x # s, X, t)]
                else if y  X
                     then [x # z. z  setinterleavingList (s, X, y # t)] @
                          [y # z. z  setinterleavingList (x # s, X, t)]
                     else [x # z. z  setinterleavingList (s, X, y # t)])

lemma finiteSetinterleavingList: "finite (set (setinterleavingList (s, X, t)))" 
  by auto

lemma setinterleaving_sym : setinterleaving (s, X, t) = setinterleaving(t, X, s)
  by (rule setinterleaving.induct[of λ(s, X, t). setinterleaving (s, X, t) =
           setinterleaving (t, X, s) (s, X, t), simplified]) auto

abbreviation "setinterleaves_syntax"  ("_ setinterleaves '(()'(_, _')(), _')" [60,0,0,0]70)
  where      "u setinterleaves ((s, t), X) == (u  setinterleaving(s, X, t))"


lemma emptyLeftProperty: s setinterleaves (([], t :: ('a, 'r) traceptick), A)  s = t
  by (induct ([] :: ('a, 'r) traceptick, A, t) arbitrary: s t rule: setinterleaving.induct)
    (auto split: if_split_asm)

lemma emptyRightProperty: s setinterleaves ((t, []), A)  s = t
  by (simp add: setinterleaving_sym emptyLeftProperty)

lemma emptyLeftSelf: t1. t1  set t  t1  A  t setinterleaves (([], t), A)
  by (induct t) auto

lemma empty_setinterleaving : "[] setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  t = []"  
  by (cases t; cases u) (simp_all split: if_split_asm) 

lemma emptyLeftNonSync: s setinterleaves (([], t), A)  a  set t. a  A
proof (induct t arbitrary: s)
  case Nil
  show ?case by simp
  case (Cons a t)
  thus ?case by (cases s; simp split: if_split_asm)

lemma ftf_Sync1: a  set u; a  set t; s setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  a  set s
  by (induct (t, A, u) arbitrary: s t u rule: setinterleaving.induct)
    (auto intro: emptyLeftProperty emptyRightProperty split: if_split_asm)

lemma addNonSync:
  sa setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  y1  A 
   (sa @ [y1]) setinterleaves ((t @ [y1], u), A)  (sa @ [y1]) setinterleaves ((t, u @ [y1]), A)
  by (induct (t, A, u) arbitrary: sa t u rule: setinterleaving.induct)
    (auto split: if_split_asm)

lemma addSync:sa setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  y1  A 
               (sa @ [y1]) setinterleaves ((t @ [y1], u @ [y1]), A)
  by (induct (t, A, u) arbitrary: sa t u rule: setinterleaving.induct)
    (auto split: if_split_asm)

lemma doubleReverse: s1 setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  rev s1 setinterleaves ((rev t, rev u), A)
  by (induct (t, A, u) arbitrary: s1 t u rule: setinterleaving.induct; simp split: if_split_asm)
    (metis [[metis_verbose = false]] addNonSync addSync rev.simps(2))+

(* from CSP_Laws, better to have it here ? *)
lemma SyncTlEmpty: a setinterleaves (([], u), A)  tl a setinterleaves (([], tl u), A)
  by (cases u; cases a) (simp_all split: if_splits)

lemma SyncHd_Tl: 
  a setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  hd t  A  hd u  A
     hd a = hd u  tl a setinterleaves ((t, tl u), A)
  by (cases u; cases t) (auto split: if_split_asm)

lemma SyncHdAddEmpty: 
  "(tl a) setinterleaves (([], u), A)  hd a  A  a  []
     a setinterleaves (([], hd a # u), A)"
  by (cases a) simp_all

lemma SyncHdAdd: 
  "(tl a) setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  hd a  A  hd t  A  a  []
    a setinterleaves ((t, hd a # u), A)" 
  by (cases a, simp, cases t, auto) 

lemmas SyncHdAdd1 = SyncHdAdd[of "a # r", simplified] for a r

lemma SyncSameHdTl:
  "a setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  hd t  A  hd u  A
    hd t = hd u  hd a = hd t  (tl a) setinterleaves ((tl t, tl u), A)"
  by (cases u) (cases t, auto split:if_splits)+

lemma SyncSingleHeadAdd: 
  "a setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  h  A
     (h # a) setinterleaves ((h # t, u), A)"
  by (cases u, auto split:if_splits)

lemma TickLeftSync:
  tick r  A; front_tickFree t; s setinterleaves (([tick r], t :: ('a, 'r) traceptick), A)  s = t  last t = tick r
  apply (induct ([tick r] :: ('a, 'r) traceptick, A, t) arbitrary: s t rule: setinterleaving.induct)
   apply (simp_all add: front_tickFree_Cons_iff split: if_split_asm)
  by force (metis distinct.simps(1) distinct_length_2_or_more emptyRightProperty front_tickFree_Nil)

lemma EmptyLeftSync: s setinterleaves (([], t), A)  s = t  set t  A = {}
  by (meson Int_emptyI emptyLeftNonSync emptyLeftProperty)

lemma EmptyRightSync: s setinterleaves ((t, []), A)  s = t  set t  A = {}
  by (simp add: EmptyLeftSync setinterleaving_sym)

(* lemma event_set: ‹(e::('a, 'r) eventptick) ∈ range tick ∪ range ev›
  by (metis UnCI event.exhaust rangeI) *)

lemma ftf_Sync21: a  set u  a  set t  a  set t  a  set u  a  A 
                   setinterleaving (u, A, t) = {}
  by (induct (t, A, u) arbitrary: t u rule: setinterleaving.induct)
    (auto split: if_split_asm)

lemma ftf_Sync32:
  assumes t = t1 @ [tick r] and u = u1 @ [tick r] 
    and s setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A)
  shows s1. s1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), range tick  ev ` A)  s = s1 @ [tick r]
proof -
  from assms(1) have b : rev t = tick r # rev t1 by auto
  from assms(2) have a : rev u = tick r # rev u1 by auto
  from assms have ab: (rev s) setinterleaves ((tick r # rev t1, tick r # rev u1), range tick  ev ` A)
    using doubleReverse by fastforce
  from ab have c: tl (rev s) setinterleaves ((rev t1, rev u1), range tick  ev ` A) by auto 
  hence d: (rev (tl (rev s))) setinterleaves ((t1,  u1), range tick  ev ` A)
    using doubleReverse by fastforce
  from ab append_Cons_eq_iff c have rev s = tick r # tl (rev s) by auto
  with d show ?thesis by blast

lemma SyncWithTick_imp_NTF:
  assumes (s @ [tick r]) setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A)
    and front_tickFree t and front_tickFree u
  shows t1 u1. t = t1 @ [tick r]  u = u1 @ [tick r]  s setinterleaves ((t1, u1), range tick  ev ` A)
  from assms(1) have a: (tick r # rev s) setinterleaves ((rev t, rev u), range tick  ev ` A)
    using doubleReverse by fastforce
  from assms(1)[THEN doubleReverse] obtain tt uu where b: t = tt @ [tick r] u = uu @ [tick r]
    apply (cases t rule: rev_cases; cases u rule: rev_cases; simp add: image_iff)
    by ((split if_split_asm, safe)+, auto)+ (* ??? *)
  from ftf_Sync32[OF this assms(1)] have s setinterleaves ((tt, uu), range tick  ev ` A) by blast
  with b show ?thesis by blast

lemma suffix_tick_le_ftf_imp_eq: front_tickFree t  s @ [tick r]  t  s @ [tick r] = t
  by (metis prefixE append_Nil2 front_tickFree_nonempty_append_imp non_tickFree_tick tickFree_append_iff)

lemma synPrefix: (s @ t) setinterleaves ((ta, u), A)  t1 u1. t1  ta  u1  u  s setinterleaves ((t1, u1), A)
proof (induct (ta, A, u) arbitrary: s t ta u rule: setinterleaving.induct)
  case 1
  thus ?case by simp
  { case (2 y u)
    thus ?case
      by (cases s; simp split: if_split_asm)
        (metis si_empty1 insertI1 nil_le,
          metis (no_types) "2.prems" emptyLeftNonSync emptyLeftProperty
          emptyLeftSelf less_eq_list_def prefix_def set_ConsD)
  } note * = this

  case (3 x ta)
  thus ?case by (metis (full_types) "*" setinterleaving_sym)
  case (4 x ta y u)
  show ?case
  proof (cases s)
    show s = []  ?case by (metis si_empty1 insertI1 nil_le)
    fix a s'
    assume s = a # s'
    consider x  A y  A | x  A y  A | x  A y  A | x  A y  A by blast
    thus ?case
    proof cases
      assume x  A y  A
      with "4.prems" have x = y a = y (s' @ t) setinterleaves ((ta, u), A)
        by (simp_all add: s = a # s' split: if_split_asm)
      from "4.hyps"(1)[OF x  A y  A x = y this(3)] obtain t1 u1
        where t1  ta u1  u  s' setinterleaves ((t1, u1), A) by blast
      hence x # t1  x # ta  y # u1  y # u  s setinterleaves ((x # t1, y # u1), A)
        by (simp add: s = a # s' x  A y  A x = y a = y)
      thus ?case by blast
      { fix x y ta u s a s'
        assume x  A y  A s = a # s'
          and prems: (s @ t) setinterleaves ((x # ta, y # u), A)
        assume hyps: x  A  y  A  (s @ t) setinterleaves ((x # ta, u), A) 
                      t1 u1. t1  x # ta  u1  u  s setinterleaves ((t1, u1), A) for s t
        from x  A y  A s = a # s' prems
        have a = y (s' @ t) setinterleaves ((x # ta, u), A)
          by (simp_all add: s = a # s' split: if_split_asm)
        from hyps[OF x  A y  A this(2)] obtain t1 u1
          where t1  x # ta u1  u s' setinterleaves ((t1, u1), A) by blast
        hence t1  x # ta  y # u1  y # u  s setinterleaves ((t1, y # u1), A)
          by (cases t1; simp add: s = a # s' y  A a = y)
        hence t1 u1. t1  x # ta  u1  y # u  s setinterleaves ((t1, u1), A) by blast
      } note * = this

      show ?case if x  A and y  A
        using "*"[OF x  A y  A s = a # s' "4.prems" "4.hyps"(2)] by simp

      show ?case if x  A and y  A
        by (metis "*"[OF y  A x  A s = a # s', of u ta]
            "4.hyps"(5) "4.prems" setinterleaving_sym)
      assume x  A and y  A
      with "4.prems" have a = x  (s' @ t) setinterleaves ((ta, y # u), A) 
                           a = y  (s' @ t) setinterleaves ((x # ta, u), A) (is ?c  _)
        by (simp add: s = a # s' split: if_split_asm)
      thus ?case 
      proof (elim disjE conjE)
        assume a = x (s' @ t) setinterleaves ((ta, y # u), A)
        from "4.hyps"(3)[OF x  A y  A this(2)] obtain t1 u1
          where t1  ta u1  y # u s' setinterleaves ((t1, u1), A) by blast
        hence x # t1  x # ta  u1  y # u  s setinterleaves ((x # t1, u1), A)
          by (cases u1; simp add: s = a # s' a = x x  A)
        thus ?case by blast
        assume a = y (s' @ t) setinterleaves ((x # ta, u), A)
        from "4.hyps"(4)[OF x  A y  A this(2)] obtain t1 u1
          where t1  x # ta u1  u s' setinterleaves ((t1, u1), A) by blast
        hence t1  x # ta  y # u1  y # u  s setinterleaves ((t1, y # u1), A)
          by (cases t1; simp add: s = a # s' a = y y  A)
        thus ?case by blast

lemma interleave_less_left :
  s setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  t1 < t 
   u1 s1. u1  u  s1 < s  s1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), A)
proof (induct (t, A, u) arbitrary: s t u t1 rule: setinterleaving.induct)
  case 1
  thus ?case by simp
  case (2 y u)
  hence False by simp
  thus ?case by simp
  case (3 x t)
  thus ?case by (metis (no_types, lifting) emptyRightProperty less_eq_list_def prefix_def
        nil_le2 order_less_imp_le synPrefix)
  case (4 x t y u)
  show ?case
  proof (cases t1 = [])
    show t1 = []  ?case
      by (metis "4.prems"(1) si_empty1 empty_setinterleaving insertI1
          list.distinct(1) nil_le order_le_imp_less_or_eq)
    assume t1  []
    with t1 < x # t obtain t1' where t1 = x # t1' t1' < t
      by (metis hd_append2 less_eq_list_def prefix_def less_list_def less_tail list.exhaust_sel list.sel(1, 3))
    consider x  A y  A | x  A y  A | x  A y  A | x  A y  A by blast
    thus ?case
    proof cases
      assume x  A y  A
      with "4.prems"(1) obtain s' where x = y s = y # s' s' setinterleaves ((t, u), A)
        by (simp split: if_split_asm) blast
      from "4.hyps"(1)[OF x  A y  A x = y this(3) t1' < t]
      obtain u1 s1 where u1  u s1 < s' s1 setinterleaves ((t1', u1), A) by blast
      hence y # u1  y # u  y # s1 < s  (y # s1) setinterleaves ((t1, y # u1), A)
        by (simp add: t1 = x # t1' x = y y  A s = y # s')
      thus ?case by blast
      assume x  A y  A
      with "4.prems"(1) obtain s' where s = y # s' s' setinterleaves ((x # t, u), A)
        by (simp split: if_split_asm) blast
      from "4.hyps"(2)[OF x  A y  A this(2) less_cons[THEN iffD2, OF t1' < t]]
      obtain u1 s1 where u1  u s1 < s' s1 setinterleaves ((x # t1', u1), A) by blast
      hence y # u1  y # u  y # s1 < s  (y # s1) setinterleaves ((t1, y # u1), A)
        by (simp add: t1 = x # t1' y  A s = y # s')
      thus ?case by blast
      assume x  A y  A
      with "4.prems"(1) obtain s' where s = x # s' s' setinterleaves ((t, y # u), A)
        by (simp split: if_split_asm) blast
      from "4.hyps"(5)[OF x  A _ this(2) t1' < t] y  A
      obtain u1 s1 where u1  y # u s1 < s' s1 setinterleaves ((t1', u1), A) by blast
      hence u1  y # u  x # s1 < s  (x # s1) setinterleaves ((t1, u1), A)
        by (cases u1; simp add: t1 = x # t1' x  A s = x # s')
      thus ?case by blast
      assume x  A y  A
      with "4.prems"(1) obtain s'
        where s = x # s'  s' setinterleaves ((t, y # u), A) 
               s = y # s'  s' setinterleaves ((x # t, u), A)
        by (simp split: if_split_asm) blast
      thus ?case
      proof (elim disjE conjE)
        assume s = x # s' s' setinterleaves ((t, y # u), A) 
        from "4.hyps"(3)[OF x  A y  A this(2) t1' < t]
        obtain u1 s1 where u1  y # u s1 < s' s1 setinterleaves ((t1', u1), A) by blast
        hence u1  y # u  x # s1 < s  (x # s1) setinterleaves ((t1, u1), A)
          by (cases u1; simp add: t1 = x # t1' x  A s = x # s')
        thus ?case by blast
        assume s = y # s' s' setinterleaves ((x # t, u), A) 
        from "4.hyps"(4)[OF x  A y  A this(2) less_cons[THEN iffD2, OF t1' < t]]
        obtain u1 s1 where u1  u s1 < s' s1 setinterleaves ((x # t1', u1), A) by blast
        hence y # u1  y # u  y # s1 < s  (y # s1) setinterleaves ((t1, y # u1), A)
          by (simp add: t1 = x # t1' y  A s = y # s')
        thus ?case by blast

lemma interleave_less_right :
  s setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  u1 < u 
   t1 s1. t1  t  s1 < s  s1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), A)
  by (metis (no_types) interleave_less_left setinterleaving_sym)

lemma interleave_le_left :
  s setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  t1  t 
   u1 s1. u1  u  s1  s  s1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), A)
  by (metis interleave_less_left order_le_less)

lemma interleave_le_right :
  s setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  u1  u 
   t1 s1. t1  t  s1  s  s1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), A)
  by (metis (no_types) interleave_le_left setinterleaving_sym)

(*   assumes ‹(s @ [tick r]) setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick ∪ ev ` A)›
      and ‹t ∈ 𝒯 P› and ‹u ∈ 𝒯 Q›
    shows ‹∃t_P t_Q X_P X_Q. (t_P, X_P) ∈ ℱ P ∧ (t_Q, X_Q) ∈ ℱ Q ∧
                             s setinterleaves ((t_P, t_Q), range tick ∪ ev ` A) ∧
                             X_P - {tick r} = (X_P ∪ X_Q) ∩ range tick ∪ ev ` A ∪ X_P ∩ X_Q›

lemma SyncWithTick_imp_NTF1:
  assumes (s @ [tick r]) setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A)
    and t  𝒯 P and u  𝒯 Q
  shows t u X_P X_Q. (t, X_P)   P  (u, X_Q)   Q 
                         s setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) 
                         X - {tick r} = (X_P  X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` A)  X_P  X_Q
proof -
  from SyncWithTick_imp_NTF[OF assms(1)] assms(2, 3) is_processT2_TR
  obtain t1 u1 
    where * : t = t1 @ [tick r] u = u1 @ [tick r]
      s setinterleaves ((t1, u1), range tick  ev ` A) by blast
  from "*"(1, 2) assms(2, 3) have E: (t1, X - {tick r})   P (u1, X - {tick r})   Q
    by (simp_all add: T_F process_charn)
  with "*"(3) show ?thesis by blast

lemma interleave_size: 
  s setinterleaves ((t, u), C)  length s = length t + length u - length (filter (λx. x  C) t)
  apply (induct (t, C, u) arbitrary: t u s rule: setinterleaving.induct)
     apply (simp; fail)
    apply (metis add_diff_cancel_left' emptyLeftProperty filter.simps(1))
   apply (metis add_diff_cancel_right' emptyLeftNonSync
      emptyRightProperty filter_False setinterleaving_sym)
  by (simp split: if_split_asm;
      metis (no_types) [[metis_verbose = false]] Suc_diff_le add_Suc_right
      length_Cons length_filter_le trans_le_add1)

lemma interleave_eq_size: 
  s setinterleaves ((t, u), C)  s' setinterleaves ((t, u), C)  length s = length s'
  by (simp add: interleave_size)

lemma ftf_Sync:
  assumes front_tickFree t and front_tickFree u
    and s setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A)
  shows front_tickFree s
proof (cases tickFree s)
  show tickFree s  front_tickFree s by (fact tickFree_imp_front_tickFree)
  assume ¬ tickFree s
  hence s1 s2 r. tickFree s1  s = (s1 @ [tick r]) @ s2
  proof (induct s rule: rev_induct)
    case Nil thus ?case by simp
    case (snoc a s)
    from ¬ tickFree (s @ [a]) consider r where tickFree s a = tick r | ¬ tickFree s
      by (auto simp add: tickFree_def)
    thus ?case
    proof cases
      show tickFree s  a = tick r 
            s1 s2 r. tickFree s1  s @ [a] = (s1 @ [tick r]) @ s2 for r by blast
      assume ¬ tickFree s
      with snoc.hyps obtain s1 s2 r where tickFree s1 s = (s1 @ [tick r]) @ s2 by blast
      hence tickFree s1  s @ [a] = (s1 @ [tick r]) @ (s2 @ [a]) by simp
      thus ?case by blast
  then obtain s1 s2 r where tickFree s1 s = (s1 @ [tick r]) @ s2 by blast
  from synPrefix[of s1 @ [tick r] s2, folded s = (s1 @ [tick r]) @ s2, OF assms(3)]
  obtain t1 u1
    where * : t1  t u1  u
      (s1 @ [tick r]) setinterleaves ((t1, u1), range tick  ev ` A) by blast
  from "*"(1, 2) assms(1, 2) have front_tickFree t1 front_tickFree u1
    by (metis prefixE front_tickFree_dw_closed)+
  from SyncWithTick_imp_NTF[OF "*"(3) this]
  obtain t2 u2 where t1 = t2 @ [tick r] u1 = u2 @ [tick r]
    s1 setinterleaves ((t2, u2), range tick  ev ` A) by blast
  from t1  t t1 = t2 @ [tick r] assms(1) suffix_tick_le_ftf_imp_eq have t = t1 by metis
  from u1  u u1 = u2 @ [tick r] assms(2) suffix_tick_le_ftf_imp_eq have u = u1 by metis
  have (s1 @ [tick r]) setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A)
    by (simp add: "*"(3) t = t1 u = u1)
  with assms(3) interleave_eq_size have length s = length (s1 @ [tick r]) by blast
  with s = (s1 @ [tick r]) @ s2 have s = s1 @ [tick r] by simp
  thus front_tickFree s by (simp add: tickFree s1 front_tickFree_append)

section‹The Sync Operator Definition›

lift_definition Sync :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a set, ('a, 'r) processptick]  ('a, 'r) processptick
  ((3(_ _/ _)) [70, 0, 71] 70)
  is λP A Q. ({(s, R). t u X Y. (t, X)   P  (u, Y)   Q 
                                  s setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) 
                                  R = (X  Y)  (range tick  ev ` A)  X  Y} 
               {(s, R). t u r v. ftF v  (tF r  v = [])  s = r @ v 
                                  r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) 
                                  (t  𝒟 P  u  𝒯 Q  t  𝒟 Q  u  𝒯 P)},
               {s. t u r v. ftF v  (tF r  v = [])  s = r @ v 
                             r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) 
                             (t  𝒟 P  u  𝒯 Q  t  𝒟 Q  u  𝒯 P)})
proof -
  show ?thesis P A Q (is is_process(?f, ?d P Q)) for P Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick and A
  proof (unfold is_process_def FAILURES_def DIVERGENCES_def fst_conv snd_conv, intro conjI impI allI)
    show ([], {})  ?f
      by simp (metis Int_commute Int_empty_right si_empty1
          Un_empty insert_iff is_processT1) 
    show (s, X)  ?f  ftF s for s X
      apply (simp, elim disjE)
      using F_imp_front_tickFree ftf_Sync apply blast
      by (metis D_imp_front_tickFree T_imp_front_tickFree append.right_neutral front_tickFree_append ftf_Sync)

    fix s t assume (s @ t, {})  ?f
    then consider (fail) t_P t_Q X_P X_Q where 
      (t_P, X_P)   P (t_Q, X_Q)   Q
      (s @ t) setinterleaves ((t_P, t_Q), range tick  ev ` A)
      (X_P  X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` A)  X_P  X_Q = {}
    | (div) t' u r v where ftF v tF r  v = [] s @ t = r @ v
      r setinterleaves ((t', u), range tick  ev ` A)
      t'  𝒟 P  u  𝒯 Q  t'  𝒟 Q  u  𝒯 P
      (* TODO: break this smt *)
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Un_iff case_prod_conv mem_Collect_eq)
    thus (s, {})  ?f
    proof cases
      case fail
      from fail(3)[THEN synPrefix] show (s, {})  ?f
        apply (elim exE conjE)
        apply (drule fail(1, 2)[THEN F_T, THEN is_processT3_TR])+
        by simp (metis Int_empty_left T_F Un_absorb)
      case div
      show (s, {})  ?f
      proof (cases length r  length s)
        assume length r  length s
        with div have front_tickFree (take (length s - length r) v) 
                       (tickFree r  take (length s - length r) v = []) 
                       s = r @ take (length s - length r) v
          by simp (metis append_eq_conv_conj append_take_drop_id
              front_tickFree_dw_closed take_all_iff take_append)
        show (s, {})  ?f by simp (use ?this div in blast)
        assume ¬ length r  length s
        with div obtain r' where r = s @ r'
          by (metis append_eq_append_conv_if append_take_drop_id)
        from div r = s @ r' synPrefix obtain t1 u1
          where ** : t1  t' u1  u
            s setinterleaves ((t1, u1), range tick  ev ` A) by metis
        from div "**"(1, 2) D_T is_processT3_TR
        have t1  𝒯 P  u1  𝒯 Q  t1  𝒯 Q  u1  𝒯 P by blast
        thus (s, {})  ?f
          by simp (metis "**"(3) Int_Un_eq(1) T_F setinterleaving_sym sup_bot.right_neutral)
    fix s X Y
    assume (s, Y)  ?f  X  Y
    then consider s  ?d P Q
      | (fail) s_P s_Q X_P X_Q
      where (s_P, X_P)   P (s_Q, X_Q)   Q
        s setinterleaves ((s_P, s_Q), range tick  ev ` A)
        Y = (X_P  X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` A)  X_P  X_Q
      by simp blast
    thus (s, X)  ?f
    proof cases
      show s  ?d P Q  (s, X)  ?f by blast
      case fail
      have (s_P, X_P  X)   P using fail(1) by (meson inf_le1 process_charn)
      moreover have (s_Q, X_Q  X)   Q using fail(2) by (meson inf_le1 process_charn)
      moreover have X = (X_P  X  X_Q  X)  (range tick  ev ` A)  X_P  X  (X_Q  X)
        by (subst (s, Y)  ?f  X  Y[THEN conjunct2, THEN Int_absorb1, symmetric])
          (use fail(4) in blast)
      ultimately show (s, X)  ?f using fail(3) by simp blast
    fix s X Y
    assume (s, X)  ?f  (c. c  Y  (s @ [c], {})  ?f)
    then consider s  ?d P Q | (s, X)  ?f  s  ?d P Q by linarith
    thus (s, X  Y)  ?f
    proof cases
      show s  ?d P Q  (s, X  Y)  ?f by blast
      assume (s, X)  ?f  s  ?d P Q
      then obtain s_P X_P s_Q X_Q
        where assms : (s_P, X_P)   P (s_Q, X_Q)   Q
          s setinterleaves ((s_P, s_Q), range tick  ev ` A)
          X = (X_P  X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` A)  X_P  X_Q
        by simp blast
      have assms4 : c  Y  ((s @ [c]) setinterleaves ((t1, u1), range tick  ev ` A) 
                     ((t1, {})   P  (u1, {})   Q) 
                     ((t1, {})   Q  (u1, {})   P)) for c t1 u1
        using (s, X)  ?f  s  ?d P Q
          (s, X)  ?f  (c. c  Y  (s @ [c], {})  ?f) 
        by simp (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_empty_left setinterleaving_sym sup_bot.right_neutral)
      show (s, X  Y)  ?f
        define Y1 Y2 where Y1_def: Y1  Y  (range tick  ev ` A)
          and Y2_def: Y2  Y - (range tick  ev ` A)
        hence Y1  Y2 = Y by blast
        have $ : zY1. (s_P @ [z], {})   P  (s_Q @ [z], {})   Q
        proof (rule ccontr)
          assume ¬ (zY1. (s_P @ [z], {})   P  (s_Q @ [z], {})   Q)
          then obtain z1 where * : z1  Y1 (s_P @ [z1], {})   P (s_Q @ [z1], {})   Q by blast
          have (s @ [z1]) setinterleaves ((s_P @ [z1], s_Q @ [z1]), range tick  ev ` A)
            by (metis "*"(1) IntD2 Y1_def addSync assms(3))
          with "*" assms4 show False by (metis IntD1 Y1_def)
        define Z1 Z2 where Z1_def: Z1  Y1  {z. (s_P @ [z], {})   P}
          and Z2_def: Z2  Y1 - {z. (s_P @ [z], {})   P}
        hence Y1 = Z1  Z2 by blast
        have $$ : yY2. (s_P @ [y], {})   P  (s_Q @ [y], {})   Q
        proof (rule ccontr)
          assume ¬ (yY2. (s_P @ [y], {})   P  (s_Q @ [y], {})   Q)
          then obtain y1 where * : y1  Y2 ((s_P @ [y1], {})   P  (s_Q @ [y1], {})   Q) by blast
          hence (s @ [y1]) setinterleaves ((s_P @ [y1], s_Q), range tick  ev ` A) 
                 (s @ [y1]) setinterleaves ((s_P, s_Q @ [y1]), range tick  ev ` A)
            by (simp add: Y2_def addNonSync assms(3))
          with "*" assms show False
            by (metis DiffD1 DiffD2 Y2_def addNonSync assms(1, 2, 3) assms4 is_processT4_empty)

        define X_P' where X_P' = X_P  Z1  Y2
        hence f1: (s_P, X_P')   P by (simp add: "$$" Z1_def assms(1) process_charn)
        define X_Q' where X_Q' = X_Q  Z2  Y2
        hence f2: (s_Q, X_Q')   Q using "$" "$$" by (simp add: Z2_def assms(2) is_processT5)
        have (X_P  X_Q  Y1  Y2)  range tick  ev ` A =
              (X_P  X_Q)  range tick  ev ` A  Y1
          unfolding Y1_def Y2_def by auto
        hence (X_P  X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` A)  X_P  X_Q  Y =
               (X_P'  X_Q')  (range tick  ev ` A)  X_P'  X_Q'
          using X_P'_def X_Q'_def Y1 = Z1  Z2 Y1  Y2 = Y by blast
        thus (s, X  Y)  ?f by simp (use f1 f2 assms(3, 4) in blast)
    show processT9: s @ [✓(res)]  ?d P Q  s  ?d P Q for s res
    proof -
      { fix s t u r v and res :: 'r and P Q
        assume assms : front_tickFree v tickFree r  v = [] s @ [✓(res)] = r @ v
          r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) t  𝒟 P u  𝒯 Q
        from assms(2) have s  ?d P Q
        proof (elim disjE)
          assume tickFree r
          with assms(1, 3) have s @ [✓(res)] = r @ (butlast v @ [✓(res)])
            by (cases v rule: rev_cases) auto
          with tickFree r assms(1, 4, 5, 6) show s  ?d P Q
            by simp (use front_tickFree_iff_tickFree_butlast tickFree_imp_front_tickFree in blast)
          assume v = []
          with assms(3) obtain r' where r = r' @ [✓(res)] s = r' by auto
          with D_imp_front_tickFree SyncWithTick_imp_NTF assms(4, 5, 6) is_processT2_TR
          obtain t1 u1 where t = t1 @ [✓(res)] u = u1 @ [✓(res)]
            r' setinterleaves ((t1, u1), range tick  ev ` A) by metis
          with assms(5, 6) show s  ?d P Q
            apply (simp add: s = r')
            by (metis prefixI v = [] append.right_neutral assms(1) is_processT3_TR is_processT9)
      thus s @ [✓(res)]  ?d P Q  s  ?d P Q for s by simp blast

    fix s X res
    assume (s @ [✓(res)], {})  ?f
    hence s @ [✓(res)]  ?d P Q 
           (s_P s_Q X_P X_Q. (s_P, X_P)   P  (s_Q, X_Q)   Q 
                              (s @ [✓(res)]) setinterleaves ((s_P, s_Q), range tick  ev ` A) 
                              {} = (X_P  X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` A)  X_P  X_Q) by auto
    thus (s, X - {✓(res)})  ?f
    proof (elim disjE exE conjE)
      from processT9 show s @ [✓(res)]  ?d P Q  (s, X - {✓(res)})  ?f by blast
      fix s_P s_Q X_P X_Q res
      assume * : (s_P, X_P)   P (s_Q, X_Q)   Q
        (s @ [✓(res)]) setinterleaves ((s_P, s_Q), range tick  ev ` A)
        {} = (X_P  X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` A)  X_P  X_Q
      from SyncWithTick_imp_NTF1[OF "*"(3) "*"(1, 2)[THEN F_T]]
      show (s, X - {✓(res)})  ?f by simp
    show s  ?d P Q  tickFree s  front_tickFree t  s @ t  ?d P Q for s t
      using front_tickFree_append by fastforce
    show s  ?d P Q  (s, X)  ?f for s X by blast

section‹The Projections›

lemma F_Sync :
   (P  A  Q) = 
   {(s, R). t u X Y. (t, X)   P  (u, Y)   Q 
                  s setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) 
                      R = (X  Y)  (range tick  ev ` A)  X  Y} 
   {(s, R). t u r v. front_tickFree v  (tickFree r  v = [])  s = r @ v 
                      r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) 
                      (t  𝒟 P  u  𝒯 Q  t  𝒟 Q  u  𝒯 P)}
  by (simp add: Failures.rep_eq Sync.rep_eq FAILURES_def)   

lemma D_Sync :
  𝒟 (P  A  Q) = 
   {s. t u r v. front_tickFree v  (tickFree r  v = [])  s = r @ v 
                 r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) 
                 (t  𝒟 P  u  𝒯 Q  t  𝒟 Q  u  𝒯 P)}
  by (simp add: Divergences.rep_eq Sync.rep_eq DIVERGENCES_def)   

lemma T_Sync :
  𝒯 (P  A  Q) =
   {s. t u. t  𝒯 P  u  𝒯 Q  s setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A)} 
   {s. t u r v. front_tickFree v  (tickFree r  v = []) 
                 s = r @ v  r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) 
                 (t  𝒟 P  u  𝒯 Q  t  𝒟 Q  u  𝒯 P)}
  by (simp add: Traces.rep_eq TRACES_def Failures.rep_eq[symmetric] F_Sync) blast

lemmas Sync_projs = F_Sync D_Sync T_Sync

section‹Syntax for Interleave and Parallel Operator ›

abbreviation Inter_syntax  ("(_ ||| _)" [72,73] 72)
  where "P ||| Q  (P  {}  Q)"

abbreviation Par_syntax  ("(_ || _)" [74,75] 74)
  where "P || Q   (P  UNIV  Q)"

lemma setinterleaving_UNIV_iff : s setinterleaves ((t, u), UNIV)  s = t  s = u
  for s :: ('a, 'r) traceptick
  by (induct (u, UNIV :: ('a, 'r) eventptick set, t)
      arbitrary: s t u rule: setinterleaving.induct) auto

lemma F_Par :
   (P || Q) = {(s, R). X Y. (s, X)   P  (s, Y)   Q  R = X  Y  X  Y} 
                 {(s, R). t v. ftF v  (tF t  v = [])  s = t @ v 
                                (t  𝒟 P  t  𝒯 Q  t  𝒟 Q  t  𝒯 P)}
  by (auto simp add: F_Sync setinterleaving_UNIV_iff)

lemma D_Par :
  𝒟 (P || Q) = {s. t v. ftF v  (tF t  v = [])  s = t @ v 
                          (t  𝒟 P  t  𝒯 Q  t  𝒟 Q  t  𝒯 P)}
  by (simp add: D_Sync setinterleaving_UNIV_iff)

lemma T_Par :
  𝒯 (P || Q) = 𝒯 P  𝒯 Q  {t @ v| t v. ftF v  (tF t  v = []) 
                                          t  𝒟 P  𝒯 Q  𝒟 Q  𝒯 P}
  by (simp add: set_eq_iff T_Sync setinterleaving_UNIV_iff) blast

lemmas Par_projs = F_Par D_Par T_Par

lemma superset_T_Inter : {t. tF t  t  𝒯 P  𝒯 Q}  𝒯 (P ||| Q)
proof (rule subsetI, clarify)
  fix t assume tF t t  𝒯 P  𝒯 Q
  from tF t have t setinterleaves ((t, []), range tick)
    by (metis disjoint_iff emptyLeftSelf setinterleaving_sym tickFree_def)
  with t  𝒯 P  𝒯 Q show t  𝒯 (P ||| Q)
    by (simp add: T_Sync) (use Nil_elem_T setinterleaving_sym in blast)

lemma superset_D_Inter : 𝒟 P  𝒟 Q  𝒟 (P ||| Q)
proof (rule subsetI)
  fix t assume t  𝒟 P  𝒟 Q
  define t' where t'  if tF t then t else butlast t
  from t  𝒟 P  𝒟 Q D_imp_front_tickFree front_tickFree_iff_tickFree_butlast
  have tF t' unfolding t'_def by auto
  with t  𝒟 P  𝒟 Q have t'  𝒟 P  𝒟 Q
    by (metis t'_def D_imp_front_tickFree Un_iff butlast_snoc
        is_processT9 nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree)
  from tF t' have t' setinterleaves ((t', []), range tick)
    by (metis disjoint_iff emptyLeftSelf setinterleaving_sym tickFree_def)
  with t'  𝒟 P  𝒟 Q have t'  𝒟 (P ||| Q)
    by (simp add: D_Sync) (use front_tickFree_Nil Nil_elem_T in blast)
  thus t  𝒟 (P ||| Q)
    by (metis tF t' butlast_snoc front_tickFree_iff_tickFree_butlast
        front_tickFree_single is_processT7 nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree t'_def)

section‹ Continuity Rule ›

lemma Sync_commute: P S Q = Q S P
  ―‹This will simplify the following proofs.›
proof (subst Process_eq_spec, safe)
  show s  𝒟 (P S Q)  s  𝒟 (Q S P) for s by (simp add: D_Sync) blast
  show s  𝒟 (Q S P)  s  𝒟 (P S Q) for s by (simp add: D_Sync) blast
  show (s, X)   (P S Q)  (s, X)   (Q S P) for s X
    by (simp add: F_Sync, elim disjE exE)
      (metis (no_types) Int_commute Un_commute setinterleaving_sym, blast)
  show (s, X)   (Q S P)  (s, X)   (P S Q) for s X
    by (simp add: F_Sync, elim disjE exE)
      (metis (no_types) Int_commute Un_commute setinterleaving_sym, blast)

(* TODO: declare this simp ? *)
lemma mono_Sync : P  P'  Q  Q'  P A Q  P' A Q'
  for P :: ('a, 'r) processptick
proof -
  have P A S  Q A S if P  Q for P S Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick
  proof (unfold le_approx_def, safe)
    from le_approx1[OF P  Q] le_approx_lemma_T[OF P  Q]
    show s  𝒟 (Q A S)  s  𝒟 (P A S) for s by (simp add: D_Sync) blast
    show s  𝒟 (P A S)  X  a (P A S) s  X  a (Q A S) s for s X
      by (simp add: D_Sync Refusals_after_def F_Sync, elim disjE)
        (metis F_T front_tickFree_Nil proc_ord2a[OF that] self_append_conv, blast)
    show s  𝒟 (P A S)  X  a (Q A S) s  X  a (P A S) s for s X
      apply (simp add: D_Sync Refusals_after_def F_Sync, elim disjE)
      using le_approx_lemma_F that apply blast
        (* TODO: break this smt *)
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) in_mono le_approx1 le_approx_lemma_T that)
    fix s
    assume s  min_elems (𝒟 (P A S))
    hence s  𝒟 (P A S) by (simp add: elem_min_elems)
    then obtain t u r
      where * : r  s t  𝒟 P  u  𝒯 S  t  𝒟 S  u  𝒯 P
        r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A)
      by (simp add: D_Sync less_eq_list_def prefix_def) blast

    have t u r. r  s  r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) 
                  (t  min_elems (𝒟 P)  u  𝒯 S  t  min_elems (𝒟 S)  u  𝒯 P)
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume assm : t u r1. r1  s  r1 setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) 
                              (t  min_elems (𝒟 P)  u  𝒯 S  t  min_elems (𝒟 S)  u  𝒯 P)

      obtain tm1 tm2 where $: t  𝒟 P  tm1  t  tm1  min_elems (𝒟 P)
        t  𝒟 S  tm2  t  tm2  min_elems (𝒟 S)
        by (metis min_elems5)
      hence $$ : t  𝒟 P  u  𝒯 S  tm1 < t t  𝒟 S  u  𝒯 P  tm2 < t
        by (metis "*"(1, 3) assm order_neq_le_trans)+
      then obtain um1 rm1 um2 rm2 where
        t  𝒟 P  u  𝒯 S  um1  u  rm1 setinterleaves ((tm1, um1), range tick  ev ` A)
        t  𝒟 S  u  𝒯 P  um2  u  rm2 setinterleaves ((tm2, um2), range tick  ev ` A)
        by (metis "*"(3) interleave_less_left)
      moreover have t  𝒟 P  u  𝒯 S  rm1 < s  rm1  𝒟 (P A S)
        t  𝒟 S  u  𝒯 P  rm2 < s  rm2  𝒟 (P A S)
        by (meson assm "$"(1, 2) "$$"(1, 2) "*"(1) "*"(3)
            interleave_le_left is_processT3_TR order_trans)+
      ultimately show False by (metis "*"(2) s  min_elems (𝒟 (P A S)) less_list_def min_elems_no)

―‹We override.›
    then obtain t u r
      where * : r  s r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A)
        t  min_elems (𝒟 P)  u  𝒯 S  t  min_elems (𝒟 S)  u  𝒯 P by blast

    from "*"(2, 3) have r  𝒟 (P A S)
      by (simp add: D_Sync) (use elem_min_elems front_tickFree_Nil in blast)
    with "*"(1) s  min_elems (𝒟 (P A S)) min_elems_no have s = r by blast

    have t  𝒟 S  u  𝒯 P  u  𝒯 P - (𝒟 P - min_elems (𝒟 P))
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume assms : t  𝒟 S u  𝒯 P u  𝒯 P - (𝒟 P - min_elems (𝒟 P))
      from assms(2, 3) have u  𝒟 P u  min_elems (𝒟 P) by simp_all
      then obtain u1 where u1 < u u1  min_elems (𝒟 P) 
        by (metis min_elems5 order_neq_le_trans)

      obtain t1 r1 where t1  t r1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), range tick  ev ` A) r1 < r
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) "*"(2) u1 < u interleave_less_left setinterleaving_sym)
      from t1  t u1  min_elems (𝒟 P) assms(1) have u1  𝒟 P  t1  𝒯 S
        using D_T elem_min_elems is_processT3_TR by blast
      moreover have r1  𝒟 (P A S)
        by (simp add: D_Sync)  
          (use r1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), range tick  ev ` A)
            u1  𝒟 P  t1  𝒯 S front_tickFree_Nil setinterleaving_sym in blast)
      ultimately show False
        by (metis r1 < r s = r s  min_elems (𝒟 (P A S)) less_list_def min_elems_no)

    hence t u. s setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) 
                (t  min_elems (𝒟 P)  u  𝒯 S  t  min_elems (𝒟 S) 
                u  𝒯 P  u  𝒯 P - (𝒟 P - min_elems (𝒟 P)))
      using "*"(2, 3) s = r elem_min_elems by blast
    thus s  𝒯 (Q A S)
      by (simp add: T_Sync)
        (metis (no_types) append.right_neutral elem_min_elems front_tickFree_Nil
          le_approx2T[OF P  Q] P  Q[unfolded le_approx_def] in_mono)
  thus P  P'  Q  Q'  P A Q  P' A Q'
    by (metis Sync_commute below_trans)

lemma chain_Sync_left  : chain Y  chain (λi. Y i A S)
  and chain_Sync_right : chain Y  chain (λi. S A Y i)
  by (simp_all add: chain_def mono_Sync) 

lemma finite_interleaves: finite {(t, u). (s :: ('a, 'r) traceptick) setinterleaves ((t, u), A)}
proof (induction length s arbitrary: s rule: nat_less_induct)
  fix s :: ('a, 'r) traceptick
  assume hyp : m < length s. s. m = length s  finite {(t, u). s setinterleaves ((t, u), A)}
  show finite {(t, u). s setinterleaves ((t, u), A)}
  proof (cases s)
    have [] setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  t = []  u = [] for t u
      using EmptyLeftSync empty_setinterleaving by blast
    hence {(t, u). [] setinterleaves ((t, u), A)} = {([], [])} by auto
    thus s = []  finite {(t, u). s setinterleaves ((t, u), A)} by simp
    fix x s'
    assume s = x # s'
    define S where S  {(t, u). s' setinterleaves ((t, u), A)}
    with hyp s = x # s' have finite S by auto
    have s setinterleaves ((t, u), A) 
          t  []  hd t = x  s' setinterleaves ((tl t,    u), A) 
          u  []  hd u = x  s' setinterleaves ((   t, tl u), A) 
          t  []  hd t = x  u  []  hd u = x 
          s' setinterleaves ((tl t, tl u), A) for t u
      by (cases t; cases u; simp add: s = x # s' split: if_split_asm) blast
    hence * : {(t, u). s setinterleaves ((t, u), A)} 
               {(t, u). t  []  hd t = x  s' setinterleaves ((tl t,    u), A)} 
               {(t, u). u  []  hd u = x  s' setinterleaves ((   t, tl u), A)} 
               {(t, u). t  []  hd t = x  u  []  hd u = x 
                         s' setinterleaves ((tl t, tl u), A)}
      (is {(t, u). s setinterleaves ((t, u), A)}  ?S1  ?S2  ?S3) by blast

    have ?S1 = {(x # t, u)| t u. s' setinterleaves ((t, u), A)} by force
    also have  = (λ(t, u). (x # t, u)) ` S unfolding S_def by auto
    finally have finite ?S1 by (simp add: finite S)

    have ?S2 = {(t, x # u)| t u. s' setinterleaves ((t, u), A)} by force
    also have  = (λ(t, u). (t, x # u)) ` S unfolding S_def by auto
    finally have finite ?S2 by (simp add: finite S)

    have ?S3 = {(x # t, x # u)| t u. s' setinterleaves ((t, u), A)}
      by (simp add: set_eq_iff) (metis list.collapse list.distinct(1) list.sel(1, 3))
    also have  = (λ(t, u). (x # t, x # u)) ` S unfolding S_def by auto
    finally have finite ?S3 by (simp add: finite S)

    from "*" finite ?S1 finite ?S2 finite ?S3 finite_subset
    show finite {(t, u). s setinterleaves ((t, u), A)} by blast

lemma finite_interleaves_Sync:
  finite {(t, u, r). r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) 
                      (v. s = r @ v  front_tickFree v  (tickFree r  v = []))}
  (is finite ?A)
proof -
  have ?A  (r{r. r  s}. {(t, u, r) |t u. r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A)})
    (is ?A  (r  {r. r  s}. ?P r))
    unfolding less_eq_list_def prefix_def by blast

  have ?P r  (λ(t, u). (t, u, r)) `
                {(t, u). r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A)} for r by auto
  hence finite (?P r) for r by (rule finite_subset) (simp add: finite_interleaves)

  have {r. v. s = r @ v} = {r. v. r @ v = s} by blast
  hence finite {r. r  s}
    by (fold prefix_def less_eq_list_def)
      (use prefixes_fin[of s, simplified Let_def] in presburger)

  show ?thesis
    by (rule finite_subset[OF ?A  (r  {r. r  s}. ?P r)]) 
      (rule finite_UN_I[OF finite {r. r  s} r. finite (?P r)])

lemma Cont_Sync_prem:
  ( i. Y i) A Q = ( i. Y i A Q) if chain: chain Y
proof (subst Process_eq_spec_optimized, safe)
  show s  𝒟 (( i. Y i) A Q)  s  𝒟 (i. Y i A Q) for s
    by (simp add: limproc_is_thelub chain chain_Sync_left D_Sync D_LUB T_LUB) blast
  show (s, X)   (( i. Y i) A Q)  (s, X)   (i. Y i A Q) for s X
    by (simp add: limproc_is_thelub chain chain_Sync_left F_Sync D_LUB T_LUB F_LUB) blast
  fix s
  assume s  𝒟 (i. Y i A Q)
  define S 
    where S i  {(t, u, r). v. front_tickFree v  (tickFree r  v = [])  s = r @ v 
                                   r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A) 
                                   (t  𝒟 (Y i)  u  𝒯 Q  t  𝒟 Q  u  𝒯 (Y i))} for i
  have (i. S i)  {} 
    apply (rule Inter_nonempty_finite_chained_sets, unfold S_def)
      apply (use s  𝒟 (i. Y i A Q) in
        simp add: limproc_is_thelub chain chain_Sync_left D_Sync T_LUB D_LUB, blast)
     apply (rule finite_subset[OF _ finite_interleaves_Sync]; auto)
    using D_T le_approx1[OF po_class.chainE[OF chain]]
      le_approx2T[OF po_class.chainE[OF chain]] by blast
  then obtain t u r where (t, u, r)  (i. S i) by auto
  hence front_tickFree (drop (length r) s)  (tickFree r  drop (length r) s = []) 
           s = r @ drop (length r) s  r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` A)  
           ((i. t  𝒟 (Y i))  u  𝒯 Q  t  𝒟 Q  (i. u  𝒯 (Y i)))
    by (auto simp add: S_def) (meson chain_lemma le_approx1 le_approx_lemma_T subsetD chain)

  show s  𝒟 (( i. Y i) A Q)
    by (simp add: limproc_is_thelub chain chain_Sync_left D_Sync T_LUB D_LUB)
      (use ?this in blast)
  assume same_div : 𝒟 (( i. Y i) A Q) = 𝒟 ( i. Y i A Q)
  fix s X assume (s, X)   (i. Y i A Q)
  show (s, X)   (( i. Y i) A Q)
  proof (cases s  𝒟 ( i. Y i A Q))
    show s  𝒟 (i. Y i A Q)  (s, X)   ((i. Y i) A Q)
      by (simp add: is_processT8 same_div)
    assume s  𝒟 (i. Y i A Q)
    then obtain j where s  𝒟 (Y j A Q)
      by (auto simp add: limproc_is_thelub chain_Sync_left chain Y D_LUB)
    moreover from (s, X)   (i. Y i A Q) have (s, X)   (Y j A Q)
      by (simp add: limproc_is_thelub chain_Sync_left chain Y F_LUB)
    ultimately show (s, X)   (( i. Y i) A Q)
      by (fact le_approx2[OF mono_Sync[OF is_ub_thelub[OF chain Y] below_refl], THEN iffD2])

lemma Sync_cont[simp]: cont (λx. f x A g x) if cont f cont g
proof (rule cont_apply[where f = λx y. y A g x])
  from cont f show cont f .
  show cont (λy. y A g x) for x
  proof (rule contI2)
    show monofun (λy. y A g x) by (simp add: monofunI mono_Sync)
    show chain Y  (i. Y i) A g x  (i. Y i A g x) for Y
      by (simp add: Cont_Sync_prem)
  show cont (λx. y A g x) for y
  proof (rule cont_compose[of λx. y A x])
    show cont (Sync y A) 
    proof (rule contI2)
      show monofun (Sync y A) by (simp add: monofunI mono_Sync)
      show chain Y  y A (i. Y i)  (i. y A Y i) for Y
        by (subst (1 2) Sync_commute) (simp add: Cont_Sync_prem)
    from cont g show cont g .
