Theory Basic_CSP_Laws

―‹ ********************************************************************
 * Project         : HOL-CSP - A Shallow Embedding of CSP in Isabelle/HOL
 * Version         : 2.0
 * Author          : Benoît Ballenghien, Safouan Taha, Burkhart Wolff, Lina Ye.
 *                   (Based on HOL-CSP 1.0 by Haykal Tej and Burkhart Wolff)
 * This file       : Basic laws
 * Copyright (c) 2009 Université Paris-Sud, France
 * Copyright (c) 2025 Université Paris-Saclay, France
 * All rights reserved.
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section‹ The Basic Laws ›

theory Basic_CSP_Laws                                               
  imports Constant_Processes Deterministic_Choice Non_Deterministic_Choice
    Global_Non_Deterministic_Choice Sliding_Choice
    Multi_Deterministic_Prefix_Choice Multi_Non_Deterministic_Prefix_Choice
    Sequential_Composition Synchronization_Product Hiding Renaming CSP_Monotonies

text ‹By ``basic'' laws we mean the behaviour of term, constSTOP and constSKIP,
      plus the associativity of some concerned operators.›

subsection ‹The Laws of term

text ‹From the characterization @{thm BOT_iff_Nil_D}, we can easily derive the behaviour
      of term wrt. constSTOP, constSKIP, and the operators.›

lemma BOT_less1 [simp]: ( :: ('a, 'r) processptick)  X
  by (simp add: le_approx_imp_le_ref)

lemma STOP_neq_BOT [simp] : STOP    
  and SKIP_neq_BOT [simp] : SKIP r  
  by (simp_all add: BOT_iff_Nil_D D_STOP D_SKIP)

lemma Det_is_BOT_iff : P  Q =   P =   Q = 
  by (simp add: BOT_iff_Nil_D D_Det D_BOT)

lemma Det_BOT [simp] : P   =  and BOT_Det [simp] :   P = 
  by (simp_all add: Det_is_BOT_iff)

lemma Ndet_is_BOT_iff : P  Q =   P =   Q = 
  by (simp add: BOT_iff_Nil_D D_Ndet D_BOT)

lemma Ndet_BOT [simp] : P   =  and BOT_Ndet [simp] :   P = 
  by (simp_all add: Ndet_is_BOT_iff)

lemma Sliding_is_BOT_iff: P  Q =   P =   Q = 
  by (simp add: Sliding_def Ndet_is_BOT_iff Det_is_BOT_iff)

lemma Sliding_BOT [simp] : P   =  and BOT_Sliding [simp] :   P = 
  by (simp_all add: Sliding_is_BOT_iff)

lemma Mprefix_neq_BOT [simp] :  a  A  P a  
  by (simp add: BOT_iff_Nil_D D_Mprefix)

lemma Mndetprefix_neq_BOT [simp] :  a  A  P a  
  by (simp add: BOT_iff_Nil_D D_Mndetprefix write0_def D_Mprefix)

lemma Seq_is_BOT_iff : P ; Q =   P =   (r. [✓(r)]  𝒯 P  Q = )
  by (simp add: BOT_iff_Nil_D D_Seq)

lemma BOT_Seq [simp] :  ; P =  by (simp add: Seq_is_BOT_iff)

lemma Hiding_BOT [simp] :  \ A = 
  by (simp add: BOT_iff_Nil_D D_Hiding BOT_projs)
    (meson filter.simps(1) tickFree_Nil tickFree_imp_front_tickFree)

lemma Sync_is_BOT_iff : P S Q =   P =   Q = 
  by (simp add: BOT_iff_Nil_D D_Sync)
    (metis si_empty1 empty_setinterleaving insertI1 is_processT1_TR)

lemma Sync_BOT [simp] : P  S   =  and BOT_Sync [simp] :   S  P = 
  by (simp_all add: Sync_is_BOT_iff)

lemma Renaming_is_BOT_iff : Renaming P f g =   P = 
  by (simp add: BOT_iff_Nil_D D_Renaming)

lemma Renaming_BOT [simp] : Renaming  f g = 
  by (simp add: Renaming_is_BOT_iff)

lemma GlobalNdet_is_BOT_iff : (aA. P a) =   (aA. P a = )
  by (simp add: BOT_iff_Nil_D D_GlobalNdet)

lemma GlobalNdet_BOT [simp] : a  A  P a =   (aA. P a) = 
  by (auto simp add: GlobalNdet_is_BOT_iff)

subsection ‹The Laws of constSTOP

text ‹From the characterization @{thm STOP_iff_T}, we can easily derive the behaviour
      of constSTOP wrt. constSKIP and the operators.›

lemma SKIP_Neq_STOP : SKIP r  STOP
  by (simp add: STOP_iff_T T_SKIP)

lemma Det_is_STOP_iff : P  Q = STOP  P = STOP  Q = STOP
  by (simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Det) (use Nil_elem_T in blast)

lemma Det_STOP [simp] : P  STOP = P and STOP_Det [simp] : STOP  P = P
  by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Det F_STOP D_Det D_STOP T_STOP
      intro: is_processT8 is_processT6_TR_notin)

lemma Ndet_is_STOP_iff : P  Q = STOP  P = STOP  Q = STOP
  by (simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Ndet) (use Nil_elem_T in blast)

lemma Sliding_is_STOP_iff: P  Q = STOP  P = STOP  Q = STOP
  by (simp add: Sliding_def Ndet_is_STOP_iff Det_is_STOP_iff)

lemma Sliding_STOP [simp] : P  STOP = P  STOP and STOP_Sliding [simp] : STOP  P = P
  by (simp_all add: Sliding_def)

lemma Mprefix_is_STOP_iff :  a  A  P a = STOP  A = {}
  by (simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Mprefix) (use Nil_elem_T in blast)

lemma Mprefix_empty [simp] :  a  {}  P a = STOP
  by (simp add: Mprefix_is_STOP_iff)

lemma Mndetprefix_is_STOP_iff :  a  A  P a = STOP  A = {}
  by (simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Mndetprefix') (use Nil_elem_T in blast)

lemma Mndetprefix_empty [simp] :  a  {}  P a = STOP
  by (simp add: Mndetprefix_is_STOP_iff)

lemma Seq_is_STOP_iff :
  P ; Q = STOP  𝒯 P  insert [] {[✓(r)]| r. True}  (P  STOP  Q = STOP)
proof (intro iffI conjI subsetI)
  show P ; Q = STOP  t  𝒯 P  t  insert [] {[✓(r)] |r. True} for t
    by (simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Seq set_eq_iff)
      (metis T_nonTickFree_imp_decomp append.right_neutral append_Nil is_processT1_TR)
  show P ; Q = STOP  P  STOP  Q = STOP
    by (simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Seq set_eq_iff)
      (metis T_nonTickFree_imp_decomp append_is_Nil_conv is_processT1_TR)
  show 𝒯 P  insert [] {[✓(r)] |r. True}  (P  STOP  Q = STOP)  P ; Q = STOP
    by (simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Seq subset_iff, safe, simp_all)
      (((use D_T in fastforce)+)[3],
        metis D_T eventptick.distinct(1) front_tickFree_single is_processT9_tick list.sel(1) not_Cons_self)

lemma STOP_Seq [simp] : STOP ; P = STOP by (simp add: Seq_is_STOP_iff T_STOP)

lemma Hiding_STOP [simp] : STOP \ A = STOP
  by (auto simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Hiding F_STOP D_STOP T_STOP strict_mono_def) blast

lemma STOP_Sync_STOP [simp] : STOP S STOP = STOP
  by (simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Sync T_STOP D_STOP)

lemma Renaming_is_STOP_iff : Renaming P f g = STOP  P = STOP
proof (rule iffI)
  show P = STOP  Renaming P f g = STOP
    by (simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Renaming subset_iff)
      (metis D_STOP STOP_iff_T empty_iff)
  assume Renaming P f g = STOP
  hence P   by force
  with Renaming P f g = STOP show P = STOP
    by (simp add: BOT_iff_Nil_D STOP_iff_T T_Renaming set_eq_iff) blast

lemma Renaming_STOP [simp] : Renaming STOP f g = STOP
  by (simp add: Renaming_is_STOP_iff)

lemma GlobalNdet_is_STOP_iff : (aA. P a) = STOP  (aA. P a = STOP)
  by (simp add: STOP_iff_T T_GlobalNdet) (use Nil_elem_T in blast)

lemma GlobalNdet_empty [simp] : (a{}. P a) = STOP
  by (simp add: GlobalNdet_is_STOP_iff)

lemma GlobalNdet_id [simp] : (aA. P) = (if A = {} then STOP else P)
  by simp 

lemma (aA. STOP) = STOP by simp

subsubsection ‹More powerful Laws›

lemma Inter_STOP [simp] : P ||| STOP = P ; STOP
proof (rule Process_eq_optimizedI)
  show t  𝒟 (P ||| STOP)  t  𝒟 (P ; STOP) for t
    by (simp add: D_Sync D_Seq D_STOP T_STOP)
      (metis emptyRightProperty is_processT7 self_append_conv)
  show t  𝒟 (P ; STOP)  t  𝒟 (P ||| STOP) for t
    apply (simp add: D_Sync D_Seq D_STOP T_STOP)
    apply (frule D_imp_front_tickFree)
    apply (rule exI[of _ if tF t then t else butlast t],
        rule exI[of _ if tF t then t else butlast t])
    apply (simp split: if_split_asm)
    by (metis butlast_snoc disjoint_iff emptyLeftSelf front_tickFree_iff_tickFree_butlast
        front_tickFree_single is_processT9 nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree setinterleaving_sym tickFree_def)
  fix t X assume (t, X)   (P ||| STOP) t  𝒟 (P ||| STOP)
  then obtain t_P X_P X_Q where (t_P, X_P)   P t setinterleaves ((t_P, []), range tick)
    X = (X_P  X_Q)  range tick  X_P  X_Q
    by (simp add: F_Sync D_Sync F_STOP) blast
  from t setinterleaves ((t_P, []), range tick) EmptyLeftSync
  have tF t  t = t_P by (metis inf_commute setinterleaving_sym tickFree_def)
  show (t, X)   (P ; STOP)
  proof (cases r. t_P @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P)
    show r. t_P @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P  (t, X)   (P ; STOP)
      using tF t  t = t_P by (simp add: F_Seq F_STOP)
    assume r. t_P @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P
    with (t_P, X_P)   P have (t_P, X_P  range tick)   P
      by (metis is_processT5_S7' rangeE)
    moreover from X = (X_P  X_Q)  range tick  X_P  X_Q
    have X  range tick  X_P  range tick by auto
    ultimately have (t_P, X  range tick)   P by (fact is_processT4)
    with tF t  t = t_P show (t, X)   (P ; STOP) by (auto simp add: F_Seq)
  fix t X assume (t, X)   (P ; STOP) t  𝒟 (P ; STOP)
  then consider (t, X  range tick)   P tF t | r where t @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P
    by (simp add: Seq_projs F_STOP) blast
  thus (t, X)   (P ||| STOP)
  proof cases
    assume (t, X  range tick)   P and tF t
    from tF t have t setinterleaves ((t, []), range tick)
      by (metis disjoint_iff emptyLeftSelf setinterleaving_sym tickFree_def)
    with (t, X  range tick)   P show (t, X)   (P ||| STOP)
      apply (simp add: F_Sync F_STOP)
      by (metis Int_Un_eq(1) Un_Int_eq(3) is_processT4 sup_ge1)
    fix r assume t @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P
    hence * : (t, X - {✓(r)})   P and tF t
      by (auto simp add: T_F_spec is_processT6 intro: append_T_imp_tickFree)
    from tF t have t setinterleaves ((t, []), range tick)
      by (metis disjoint_iff emptyLeftSelf setinterleaving_sym tickFree_def)
    hence (t, (X - {✓(r)}  UNIV)  range tick  (X - {✓(r)})  UNIV)   (P ||| STOP)
      by (simp add: F_Sync F_STOP) (use "*" in blast)
    moreover have X  (X - {✓(r)}  UNIV)  range tick  (X - {✓(r)})  UNIV by auto
    ultimately show (t, X)   (P ||| STOP) by (fact is_processT4)

corollary STOP_Inter [simp] : STOP ||| P = P ; STOP
  by (metis Inter_STOP Sync_commute)

lemma Par_STOP [simp] : P || STOP = (if P =  then  else STOP)
proof (split if_split, intro conjI impI)
  show P =   P || STOP =  by simp
  assume P  
  from P   show P || STOP = STOP
    by (simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Sync STOP_projs set_eq_iff BOT_iff_Nil_D)
      (metis EmptyLeftSync si_empty1 inf_top.right_neutral insertI1
        is_processT1_TR set_empty2 setinterleaving_sym)

lemma STOP_Par [simp] : STOP || P = (if P =  then  else STOP)
  by (metis Par_STOP Sync_commute)

subsection ‹The Laws of constSKIP

subsubsection ‹The definition of SKIPS›

definition SKIPS :: 'r set  ('a, 'r) processptick
  where SKIPS R  r  R. SKIP r

lemma SKIPS_empty [simp]         : SKIPS {} = STOP
  and SKIPS_singl_is_SKIP [simp] : SKIPS {r} = SKIP r by (simp_all add: SKIPS_def)

lemma F_SKIPS :
   (SKIPS R) = (  if R = {} then {(s, X). s = []}
                  else {([], X) |X. r  R. tick r  X} 
                       {(s, X). r  R. s = [tick r]})
  by (auto simp add: SKIPS_def F_GlobalNdet F_SKIP)

lemma D_SKIPS : 𝒟 (SKIPS R) = {}
  by (auto simp add: SKIPS_def D_GlobalNdet D_SKIP)

lemma T_SKIPS : 𝒯 (SKIPS R) = insert [] {[tick r]| r. r  R}
  by (auto simp add: SKIPS_def T_GlobalNdet T_SKIP)


subsubsection ‹Laws›

lemma SKIP_Sliding [simp] : SKIP r  P = P  SKIP r
  by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Sliding D_Sliding F_Ndet D_Ndet SKIP_projs)

lemma Sliding_SKIP [simp] : P  SKIP r = P  SKIP r 
  by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Sliding D_Sliding F_Det D_Det SKIP_projs)

lemma Mprefix_neq_SKIP [simp] :  a  A  P a  SKIP r
  by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Mprefix F_SKIP)

lemma Mndetprefix_neq_SKIP [simp] :  a  A  P a  SKIP r
  by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Mndetprefix write0_def F_Mprefix F_SKIP)

lemma SKIP_Seq [simp] : SKIP r ; P = P
  by (simp add: Process_eq_spec Seq_projs SKIP_projs)

lemma Seq_SKIP [simp] : P ; SKIP () = P
  ―‹This is only true when the type typ'r of typ('a, 'r) processptick is set to typunit
     (morally, we have ``only one consttick'').›
  by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec Seq_projs SKIP_projs tick_T_F intro: is_processT4 is_processT6_TR_notin is_processT8)
    (metis (full_types) append.right_neutral is_processT5_S7' old.unit.exhaust rangeE,
      metis (full_types) F_T T_imp_front_tickFree nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree old.unit.exhaust)

lemma Hiding_SKIP [simp] : SKIP r \ A = SKIP r
proof (subst Process_eq_spec, safe)
  show s  𝒟 (SKIP r \ A)  s  𝒟 (SKIP r) for s
    by (auto simp add: D_Hiding D_SKIP T_SKIP)
      (metis (full_types) Hiding_tickFree non_tickFree_tick not_less_eq_eq strict_mono_eq)
  show s  𝒟 (SKIP r)  s  𝒟 (SKIP r \ A) for s
    by (simp add: D_Hiding D_SKIP T_SKIP)
  show (s, X)   (SKIP r \ A)  (s, X)   (SKIP r) for s X
    by (auto simp add: F_Hiding SKIP_projs image_iff)
      (metis (mono_tags, lifting) filter.simps(1) non_tickFree_tick,
        (metis less_tail list.sel(3) nil_less strict_mono_Suc_iff)+)
  show (s, X)   (SKIP r)  (s, X)   (SKIP r \ A) for s X
    by (simp add: F_Hiding SKIP_projs)
      (metis eventptick.distinct(1) filter.simps(1, 2) image_iff)

subsubsection ‹Synchronization›

lemma SKIP_Sync_SKIP [simp] : SKIP r  S  SKIP s = (if r = s then SKIP r else STOP)
  for S :: 'a set and r :: 'r
proof (split if_split, intro conjI impI)
  show SKIP r S SKIP s = SKIP r if r = s
  proof (fold r = s, subst Process_eq_spec_optimized, safe)
    show s  𝒟 (SKIP r S SKIP r)  s  𝒟 (SKIP r)
      and s  𝒟 (SKIP r)  s  𝒟 (SKIP r S SKIP r) for s
      by (simp_all add: D_Sync D_SKIP)
    assume same_div : 𝒟 (SKIP r S SKIP r) = 𝒟 (SKIP r)
    fix s X assume (s, X)   (SKIP r S SKIP r)
    then consider s  𝒟 (SKIP r S SKIP r)
      | s_P s_Q X_P X_Q where
        (s_P, X_P)   (SKIP r) (s_Q, X_Q)   (SKIP r)
        s setinterleaves ((s_P, s_Q), range tick  ev ` S)
        X = (X_P  X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` S)  X_P  X_Q
      by (simp add: F_Sync D_Sync) blast
    thus (s, X)   (SKIP r)
    proof cases
      from same_div D_F show s  𝒟 (SKIP r S SKIP r)  (s, X)   (SKIP r) by blast
      fix s_P s_Q X_P X_Q
      assume * : (s_P, X_P)   (SKIP r) (s_Q, X_Q)   (SKIP r)
        s setinterleaves ((s_P, s_Q), range tick  ev ` S)
        X = (X_P  X_Q)  (range tick  ev ` S)  X_P  X_Q
      from "*"(1, 2, 3) consider s = [] s_P = [] s_Q = []
        | s = [tick r] s_P = [tick r] s_Q = [tick r]
        by (cases s_P; cases s_Q; simp add: image_iff F_SKIP split: if_split_asm)
      thus (s, X)   (SKIP r)
      proof cases
        assume s = [] and s_P = [] and s_Q = []
        from s_P = [] "*"(1) have tick r  X_P by (simp add: F_SKIP)
        moreover from s_Q = [] "*"(2) have tick r  X_Q by (simp add: F_SKIP)
        ultimately have tick r  X by (simp add: "*"(4))
        with s = [] show (s, X)   (SKIP r) by (simp add: F_SKIP)
        show s = [tick r]  (s, X)   (SKIP r) by (simp add: F_SKIP)
    fix s :: ('a, 'r) traceptick and X assume (s, X)   (SKIP r)
    then consider s = [] tick r  X | s = [tick r] by (simp add: F_SKIP) blast
    thus (s, X)   (SKIP r S SKIP r)
    proof cases
      assume s = [] and tick r  X
      have ([], X)   (SKIP r) by (simp add: F_SKIP tick r  X)
      moreover have [] setinterleaves (([], []), range tick  ev ` S) by simp
      moreover have X = (X  X)  (range tick  ev ` S)  X  X by simp
      ultimately show (s, X)   (SKIP r S SKIP r)
        unfolding F_Sync using s = [] by blast
      assume s = [tick r]
      have ([tick r], X)   (SKIP r) by (simp add: F_SKIP)
      moreover have [tick r] setinterleaves (([tick r], [tick r]), range tick  ev ` S) by simp
      moreover have X = (X  X)  (range tick  ev ` S)  X  X by simp
      ultimately show (s, X)   (SKIP r S SKIP r)
        unfolding F_Sync using s = [tick r] by blast
  show r  s  SKIP r S SKIP s = STOP
    by (force simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Sync T_SKIP D_SKIP)

lemma SKIP_Sync_STOP [simp] : SKIP r S STOP   = STOP
  and STOP_Sync_SKIP [simp] : STOP   S SKIP r = STOP
  by (force simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Sync T_SKIP D_SKIP T_STOP D_STOP)+

lemma Mprefix_Sync_SKIP : (a  A  P a) S SKIP res = a  (A - S)  (P a S SKIP res)
  (is ?lhs = ?rhs)
proof (subst Process_eq_spec_optimized, safe)
  fix s
  assume s  𝒟 ?lhs
  then obtain a t u r v
    where * : a  A front_tickFree v tickFree r  v = [] s = r @ v
      r setinterleaves ((ev a # t, u), range tick  ev ` S)
      t  𝒟 (P a) u = []  u = [tick res]
    by (simp add: D_Sync D_SKIP T_SKIP D_Mprefix image_iff) blast
  from "*"(5, 7) obtain r'
    where ** : a  S r = ev a # r' r' setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` S)
    by (elim disjE; simp add: image_iff split: if_split_asm, blast)
  show s  𝒟 ?rhs
    by (simp add: D_Mprefix "*"(1, 4) "**"(1, 2) D_Sync T_SKIP D_SKIP)
      (use "*"(2, 3, 6, 7) "**"(2, 3) tickFree_Cons_iff in blast)
  fix s
  assume s  𝒟 ?rhs
  then obtain s' a t u r v
    where * : s = ev a # s' a  A a  S front_tickFree v t  𝒟 (P a)
      tickFree r  v = [] s' = r @ v u = []  u = [tick res]
      r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` S)
    by (simp add: D_Mprefix D_Sync T_SKIP D_SKIP image_iff) blast
  from "*"(8, 9) have (ev a # r) setinterleaves ((ev a # t, u), range tick  ev ` S)
    by (elim disjE; simp add: "*"(3) image_iff)
  moreover have ev a # t  𝒟 (a  A  P a) by (simp add: D_Mprefix "*"(2, 5))
  ultimately show s  𝒟 ?lhs
    apply (simp add: D_Sync T_SKIP D_SKIP "*"(1, 7))
    apply (rule exI[of _ ev a # t], rule exI[of _ u],
        rule exI[of _ ev a # r], simp)
    using "*"(4) "*"(6) "*"(8) by blast
  fix s Z
  assume same_div: 𝒟 ?lhs = 𝒟 ?rhs
  assume (s, Z)   ?lhs
  then consider s  𝒟 ?lhs
    | t u X Y where (t, X)   (a  A  P a) (u, Y)   (SKIP res)
      s setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` S)
      Z = (X  Y)  (range tick  ev ` S)  X  Y
    by (simp add: F_Sync D_Sync) blast
  thus (s, Z)   ?rhs
  proof cases
    from same_div D_F show s  𝒟 ?lhs  (s, Z)   ?rhs by blast
    fix t u X Y
    assume assms : (t, X)   (a  A  P a) (u, Y)   (SKIP res)
      s setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` S)
      Z = (X  Y)  (range tick  ev ` S)  X  Y
    from assms(1) have t = []  X  ev ` A = {} 
                        (a t'. a  A  t = ev a # t'  (t', X)   (P a))
      by (simp add: F_Mprefix image_iff) blast
    thus (s, Z)   ?rhs
    proof (elim disjE exE conjE)
      assume t = [] and X  ev ` A = {}
      from t = [] assms(2, 3) emptyLeftProperty have s = []  u = []
        by (cases s; cases u; simp add: F_SKIP split: if_split_asm)
      with X  ev ` A = {} show (s, Z)   ?rhs
        by (auto simp add: F_Mprefix assms(4))
      fix a t'
      assume a  A t = ev a # t' (t', X)   (P a)
      from assms(2, 3) t = ev a # t' obtain s'
        where * : a  S s = ev a # s' s' setinterleaves ((t', u), range tick  ev ` S)
        by (simp add: F_SKIP, elim disjE; simp split: if_split_asm, blast)
      show (s, Z)   ?rhs
        by (simp add: F_Mprefix s = ev a # s' a  A a  S F_Sync)
          (use "*"(3) (t', X)   (P a) assms(2, 4) in blast)
  fix s Z
  assume same_div: 𝒟 ?lhs = 𝒟 ?rhs
  assume (s, Z)   ?rhs
  hence s = []  Z  ev ` (A - S) = {}  (a s'. a  A  a  S  s = ev a # s'  (s', Z)   (P a S SKIP res))
    by (simp add: F_Mprefix image_iff) blast
  thus (s, Z)   ?lhs
  proof (elim disjE exE conjE)
    assume s = [] and Z  ev ` (A - S) = {}
    hence * : ([], Z - ev ` S)   (a  A  P a)  ([], Z - {tick res})   (SKIP res) 
               s setinterleaves (([], []), range tick  ev ` S) 
               Z = (Z - ev ` S  (Z - {tick res}))  (range tick  ev ` S)  (Z - ev ` S)  (Z - {tick res})
      by (auto simp add: F_Mprefix F_SKIP)
    show (s, Z)   ?lhs by (simp add: F_Sync) (metis "*")
    fix a s'
    assume a  A a  S s = ev a # s' (s', Z)   (P a S SKIP res)
    from (s', Z)   (P a S SKIP res) consider s'  𝒟 (P a S SKIP res)
      | t u X Y where (t, X)   (P a) (u, Y)   (SKIP res)
        s' setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` S)
        Z = (X  Y)  (range tick  ev ` S)  X  Y
      by (simp add: F_Sync D_Sync) blast
    thus (s, Z)   ?lhs
    proof cases
      assume s'  𝒟 (P a S SKIP res)
      with a  A a  S s = ev a # s' have s  𝒟 ?rhs by (simp add: D_Mprefix)
      with same_div D_F show (s, Z)   ?lhs by blast
      fix t u X Y
      assume assms: (t, X)   (P a) (u, Y)   (SKIP res)
        s' setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` S)
        Z = (X  Y)  (range tick  ev ` S)  X  Y
      hence (ev a # t, X)   (a A  P a)  s setinterleaves ((ev a # t, u), range tick  ev ` S)
        by (simp add: F_SKIP F_Mprefix s = ev a # s', elim disjE)
          (simp_all add: a  A a  S image_iff)
      with assms(2, 4) show (s, Z)   ?lhs by (simp add: F_Sync) blast

lemma SKIP_Sync_Mprefix : SKIP res S (b  B  P b) = b  (B - S)  (SKIP res S P b)
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) Mprefix_Sync_SKIP Sync_commute mono_Mprefix_eq)

(* TODO: probably not true, see if we put SKIPS definition in Assertions again  *)
(* lemma Renaming_is_SKIP_iff : ‹Renaming P f g = SKIP s ⟷ (∃R. P = SKIPS R ∧ g ` R = {s})›
proof (intro iffI exI conjI)
  show ‹∃R. P = SKIPS R ∧ g ` R = {s} ⟹ Renaming P f g = SKIP s›
    apply (elim exE conjE, clarify)
    apply (simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Renaming D_Renaming F_SKIPS D_SKIPS F_SKIP D_SKIP )
    by (safe, auto) (metis imageE map_renaming_fun_eq_tick_iff singletonI)
  assume ‹Renaming P f g = SKIP s›
  from this[THEN arg_cong[where f = 𝒟]] have ‹𝒟 P = {}›
    by (simp add: D_SKIP D_Renaming)
       (metis D_imp_front_tickFree equals0I front_tickFree_Nil front_tickFree_append_iff
              is_processT9 list.distinct(1) nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree)
  define R where ‹R ≡ {r. [✓(r)] ∈ 𝒯 P ∧ g r = s}›
  from ‹Renaming P f g = SKIP s›[THEN arg_cong[where f = 𝒯]] have ‹R ≠ {}›
    by (simp add: T_Renaming ‹𝒟 P = {}› T_SKIP R_def set_eq_iff)
       (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) map_renaming_fun_eq_tick_iff)

  thus ‹g ` R = {s}› by (auto simp add: R_def)

  show ‹P = SKIPS R›
  proof (subst Process_eq_spec, safe)
    show ‹u ∈ 𝒟 P ⟹ u ∈ 𝒟 (SKIPS R)›
     and ‹u ∈ 𝒟 (SKIPS R) ⟹ u ∈ 𝒟 P› for u by (simp_all add: ‹𝒟 P = {}› D_SKIPS)
    show ‹(u, X) ∈ ℱ (SKIPS R) ⟹ (u, X) ∈ ℱ P› for u X
      by (simp add: F_SKIPS ‹R ≠ {}›, simp add: R_def)
         (metis append_Nil is_processT6_TR_notin tick_T_F)
    fix u X assume ‹(u, X) ∈ ℱ P›
    from this[THEN F_T] ‹Renaming P f g = SKIP s›[THEN arg_cong[where f = 𝒯]]
    consider ‹u = []› | r where ‹u = [✓(r)]›
      by (simp add: Process_eq_spec T_Renaming ‹𝒟 P = {}› T_SKIP set_eq_iff)
         (metis Nil_is_map_conv map_renaming_fun_eq_tick_iff)
    thus ‹(u, X) ∈ ℱ (SKIPS R)›
    proof cases
      assume ‹u = []›
      find_theorems ‹?S = ?t ⟹ ?S ⊆ ?t›
      from ‹Renaming P f g = SKIP s›
           [THEN arg_cong[where f = ℱ], THEN equalityD1, THEN set_mp, of ‹([], renaming_fun f g ` X)›]
      have ‹∃r∈R. ✓(r) ∉ X›
        apply (auto simp add: F_Renaming ‹𝒟 P = {}› F_SKIP subset_iff vimage_image_eq)
        apply (auto simp add: renaming_fun_def eventptick.case_eq_if image_iff split: if_splits)
        find_theorems image vimage
        apply (simp add: F_Renaming ‹𝒟 P = {}› F_SKIP)
      have ‹(u, X) ∈ ℱ (SKIPS R)›
        apply (simp add: F_SKIPS ‹R ≠ {}›)

      show ‹u = [] ⟹ (u, X) ∈ ℱ (SKIPS R)›
    consider ‹u = []› ‹(tick ` R) ∩ X = {}› | r where ‹g r = s› ‹u = [✓(r)]›
      apply (cases u; auto simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Renaming ‹𝒟 P = {}› F_SKIP disjoint_iff set_eq_iff image_iff R_def vimage_def)
    from ‹Renaming P f g = SKIP s›[THEN arg_cong[where f = ℱ]] show ‹ℱ P = ℱ (SKIPS R)›
      apply (simp add: F_Renaming ‹𝒟 P = {}› F_SKIPS ‹R ≠ {}› F_SKIP)
      apply (simp add: R_def set_eq_iff, safe)
         apply simp_all
      sledgehammer defer sledgehammer defer sledgehammer defer sledgehammer
  proof (rule conjI)
    from ‹Renaming P f g = SKIP s›[THEN arg_cong[where f = 𝒯]]
    show ‹g ` R = {s}›
      apply (simp add: T_Renaming ‹𝒟 P = {}› T_SKIP set_eq_iff image_iff)
  from ‹Renaming P f g = SKIP s›[THEN arg_cong[where f = ℱ]]
  have ‹(u, X) ∈ ℱ (Renaming P f g) ⟷ u = [✓(s)] ∨ u = [] ∧ ✓(s) ∉ X› for u X
    by (auto simp add: F_SKIP)
  hence ‹(∃v. u = map (renaming_fun f g) v ∧ (v, renaming_fun f g -` X) ∈ ℱ P) ⟷
         u = [✓(s)] ∨ u = [] ∧ ✓(s) ∉ X› for u X
    by (simp add: F_Renaming ‹𝒟 P = {}›)
  thm this[simplified F_Renaming ‹𝒟 P = {}›, simplified]
    thm F_SKIP
  have ‹∀a b. (∃s1. a = map (renaming_fun f g) s1 ∧
                (∃X. (∀x. (x ∈ b) = (x ∈ X)) ∧ (s1, renaming_fun f g -` X) ∈ ℱ P)) =
          (a = [] ∧ (∃X. (∀x. (x ∈ b) = (x ∈ X)) ∧ ✓(s) ∉ X) ∨ a = [✓(s)])›
    by (simp add: F_Renaming F_SKIP ‹𝒟 P = {}› set_eq_iff)

  have ‹∃r. P = SKIP r ∧ g r = s›
    apply (simp add: F_Renaming F_SKIP ‹𝒟 P = {}› set_eq_iff)
    apply (subst Process_eq_spec, simp add: Process_eq_spec F_SKIP D_SKIP)
  show ‹∃r. P = SKIP r ∧ g r = s› if ‹Renaming P f g = SKIP s›
    apply (simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Renaming D_Renaming F_SKIP D_SKIP)
    apply safe
    apply (meson front_tickFree_Nil)
     defer sledgehammer

    apply (simp add: set_eq_iff)

  apply (simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Renaming F_SKIP D_Renaming D_SKIP)
  sledgehammer *)

lemma Renaming_SKIP [simp] : Renaming (SKIP r) f g = SKIP (g r)
  by (force simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Renaming F_SKIP D_Renaming D_SKIP)

subsubsection ‹Associative Operators›

lemma Det_assoc: P  (Q  R) = P  Q  R
  by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec D_Det F_Det T_Det)

lemma Ndet_assoc: P  (Q  R) = P  Q  R
  by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec D_Ndet F_Ndet)

lemma Sliding_assoc: P  (Q  R) = P  Q  R
  by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Sliding D_Sliding T_Sliding)

lemma Seq_assoc : P ; (Q ; R) = P ; Q ; R
proof (rule Process_eq_optimizedI)
  show t  𝒟 (P ; (Q ; R))  t  𝒟 (P ; Q ; R) for t
    by (simp add: D_Seq T_Seq_bis) (metis append.assoc)
  fix t assume t  𝒟 (P ; Q ; R)
  then consider t  𝒟 (P ; Q) 
    | u v r where t = u @ v u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 (P ; Q) v  𝒟 R
    by (simp add: D_Seq) blast
  thus t  𝒟 (P ; (Q ; R))
  proof cases
    show t  𝒟 (P ; Q)  t  𝒟 (P ; (Q ; R)) by (auto simp add: D_Seq)
    fix u v r assume t = u @ v u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 (P ; Q) v  𝒟 R
    from u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 (P ; Q) consider u @ [✓(r)]  𝒟 P
      | w x s where u @ [✓(r)] = w @ x w @ [✓(s)]  𝒯 P x  𝒯 Q
      by (simp add: T_Seq_bis) blast
    thus t  𝒟 (P ; (Q ; R))
    proof cases
      from v  𝒟 R show u @ [✓(r)]  𝒟 P  t  𝒟 (P ; (Q ; R))
        by (simp add: D_Seq t = u @ v)
          (metis D_imp_front_tickFree butlast_snoc is_processT7 is_processT9
      from v  𝒟 R show u @ [✓(r)] = w @ x; w @ [✓(s)]  𝒯 P; x  𝒯 Q  t  𝒟 (P ; (Q ; R)) for w x s
        by (cases x rule: rev_cases, simp_all add: D_Seq t = u @ v)
          (meson append_T_imp_tickFree non_tickFree_tick not_Cons_self2 tickFree_append_iff, blast)
  fix t X assume (t, X)   (P ; (Q ; R)) t  𝒟 (P ; Q ; R) t  𝒟 (P ; Q ; R)
  then consider (t, X  range tick)   P tF t
    | u v r where t = u @ v u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P (v, X)   (Q ; R)
    unfolding Seq_projs by simp metis
  thus (t, X)   (P ; Q ; R)
  proof cases
    show (t, X  range tick)   P  tF t  (t, X)   (P ; Q ; R)
      by (simp add: F_Seq)
    fix u v r assume t = u @ v u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P (v, X)   (Q ; R)
    with t  𝒟 (P ; Q ; R) consider (v, X  range tick)   Q tF v
      | w x s where v = w @ x w @ [✓(s)]  𝒯 Q (x, X)   R
      unfolding Seq_projs by fast
    thus (t, X)   (P ; Q ; R)
    proof cases
      show (v, X  range tick)   Q  tF v  (t, X)   (P ; Q ; R)
        by (simp add: t = u @ v F_Seq)
          (metis u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P append_T_imp_tickFree list.discI)
      show v = w @ x  w @ [✓(s)]  𝒯 Q  (x, X)   R  (t, X)   (P ; Q ; R) for w x s
        by (simp add: t = u @ v F_Seq T_Seq_bis) (metis u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 P append_assoc)
  fix t X assume (t, X)   (P ; Q ; R) t  𝒟 (P ; Q ; R) t  𝒟 (P ; (Q ; R))
  then consider (t, X  range tick)   (P ; Q) tF t
    | u v r where t = u @ v u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 (P ; Q) (v, X)   R
    unfolding Seq_projs[of P ; Q] by blast
  thus (t, X)   (P ; (Q ; R))
  proof cases
    show (t, X  range tick)   (P ; Q)  tF t  (t, X)   (P ; (Q ; R))
      by (simp add: F_Seq) (metis tickFree_append_iff)
    fix u v r assume t = u @ v u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 (P ; Q) (v, X)   R
    with t  𝒟 (P ; (Q ; R)) obtain w x s
      where u @ [✓(r)] = w @ x w @ [✓(s)]  𝒯 P x  𝒯 Q
      by (simp add: D_Seq T_Seq)
        (meson F_imp_front_tickFree u @ [✓(r)]  𝒯 (P ; Q)
          append_T_imp_tickFree is_processT7 is_processT9 not_Cons_self2)
    with (v, X)   R show (t, X)   (P ; (Q ; R))
      by (cases x rule: rev_cases, simp_all add: t = u @ v F_Seq)
        (metis append_T_imp_tickFree non_tickFree_tick
          not_Cons_self2 tickFree_append_iff, blast)

subsubsection ‹Synchronization›

lemma interleave_set: s setinterleaves ((t, u), C)  set t  set u  set s
  by (induct (t, C, u) arbitrary: t u s rule: setinterleaving.induct)
    (simp split: if_split_asm; meson dual_order.trans list.set_intros set_subset_Cons)+

lemma interleave_order: s setinterleaves ((t1 @ t2, u), C)  set t2  set (drop (length t1) s)
proof (induct (t1, C, u) arbitrary: t1 u s rule: setinterleaving.induct)
  case 1
  with emptyRightProperty show ?case by auto
  case (2 y u)
  with interleave_set show ?case by simp blast
  case (3 x t1)
  thus ?case by (simp split: if_split_asm) (metis drop_Suc_Cons)
  case (4 x t1 y u)
  thus ?case
    apply (simp split: if_split_asm)
       apply (metis drop_Suc_Cons)
      apply (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) drop_Suc_Cons dual_order.refl le_SucI set_drop_subset_set_drop subset_trans)
     apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) drop_Suc_Cons dual_order.trans le_SucI order_refl set_drop_subset_set_drop)
    by (metis drop_Suc_Cons)

lemma interleave_append_left : 
  s setinterleaves ((t1 @ t2, u), C) 
   u1 u2 s1 s2. u = u1 @ u2  s = s1 @ s2 
                 s1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), C)  s2 setinterleaves ((t2, u2), C)
proof (induct (t1, C, u) arbitrary: t1 u s rule: setinterleaving.induct)
  case 1
  thus ?case by simp
  case (2 y u)
  thus ?case by (metis si_empty1 append_Nil singletonI)
  case (3 x t1)
  thus ?case by (simp split: if_split_asm) (metis append_Cons)
  case (4 x t1 y u)
  from "4.prems" consider v where x  C y  C x = y s = y # v v setinterleaves ((t1 @ t2, u), C)
    | v where x  C y  C s = y # v v setinterleaves (((x # t1) @ t2, u), C)
    | v where x  C y  C s = x # v v setinterleaves ((t1 @ t2, y # u), C)
    | v where x  C y  C s = y # v v setinterleaves (((x # t1) @ t2, u), C)
    | v where x  C y  C s = x # v v setinterleaves ((t1 @ t2, y # u), C)
    by (auto split: if_split_asm)
  thus ?case
  proof cases
    fix v assume * : x  C y  C x = y s = y # v v setinterleaves ((t1 @ t2, u), C)
    from "4.hyps"(1)[OF "*"(1, 2, 3, 5)] obtain u1 u2 s1 s2
      where ** : u = u1 @ u2 v = s1 @ s2 s1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), C)
        s2 setinterleaves ((t2, u2), C) by blast
    show ?case
      apply (rule exI[of _ y # u1], rule exI[of _ u2])
      apply (rule exI[of _ y # s1], rule exI[of _ s2])
      by (simp add: "*"(2, 3, 4) "**")
    fix v assume * : x  C y  C s = y # v v setinterleaves (((x # t1) @ t2, u), C)
    from "4.hyps"(2)[OF "*"(1, 2, 4)] obtain u1 u2 s1 s2
      where ** : u = u1 @ u2 v = s1 @ s2 s1 setinterleaves ((x # t1, u1), C)
        s2 setinterleaves ((t2, u2), C) by blast
    show ?case
      apply (rule exI[of _ y # u1], rule exI[of _ u2])
      apply (rule exI[of _ y # s1], rule exI[of _ s2])
      by (simp add: "*"(1, 2, 3) "**")
    fix v assume * : x  C y  C s = x # v v setinterleaves ((t1 @ t2, y # u), C)
    from "4.hyps"(3)[OF "*"(1, 2, 4)] obtain u1 u2 s1 s2
      where ** : y # u = u1 @ u2 v = s1 @ s2 s1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), C)
        s2 setinterleaves ((t2, u2), C) by blast
    show ?case
      apply (rule exI[of _ u1],     rule exI[of _ u2])
      apply (rule exI[of _ x # s1], rule exI[of _ s2])
      by (cases u1) (use "**" in simp_all add: "*"(1, 2, 3))
    fix v assume * : x  C y  C s = y # v v setinterleaves (((x # t1) @ t2, u), C)
    from "4.hyps"(4)[OF "*"(1, 2, 4)] obtain u1 u2 s1 s2
      where ** : u = u1 @ u2 v = s1 @ s2 s1 setinterleaves ((x # t1, u1), C)
        s2 setinterleaves ((t2, u2), C) by blast
    show ?case
      apply (rule exI[of _ y # u1], rule exI[of _ u2])
      apply (rule exI[of _ y # s1], rule exI[of _ s2])
      by (simp add: "*"(1, 2, 3) "**")
    fix v assume * : x  C y  C s = x # v v setinterleaves ((t1 @ t2, y # u), C)
    from "4.hyps"(5)[simplified, OF "*"(1, 2, 4)] obtain u1 u2 s1 s2
      where ** : y # u = u1 @ u2 v = s1 @ s2 s1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), C)
        s2 setinterleaves ((t2, u2), C) by blast
    show ?case
      apply (rule exI[of _ u1],     rule exI[of _ u2])
      apply (rule exI[of _ x # s1], rule exI[of _ s2])
      by (cases u1) (use "**" in simp_all add: "*"(1, 2, 3))

lemma interleave_append_right : 
  s setinterleaves ((t, u1 @ u2), C) 
   t1 t2 s1 s2. t = t1 @ t2  s = s1 @ s2 
                 s1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), C)  s2 setinterleaves ((t2, u2), C)
  by (subst (asm) setinterleaving_sym, drule interleave_append_left)
    (simp add: setinterleaving_sym)

lemma interleave_append_tail_left: 
  s setinterleaves ((t1, u), C)  set t2  C = {}  (s @ t2) setinterleaves ((t1 @ t2, u), C)
  by (induct (t1, C, u) arbitrary: t1 t2 u s rule: setinterleaving.induct,
      auto split: if_split_asm)
    (metis disjoint_iff emptyLeftSelf setinterleaving_sym,
      metis SyncSingleHeadAdd setinterleaving_sym)

lemma interleave_append_tail_right: 
  s setinterleaves ((t, u1), C)  set u2  C = {}  (s @ u2) setinterleaves ((t, u1 @ u2), C)
  by (metis (no_types) setinterleaving_sym interleave_append_tail_left)

lemma interleave_assoc_1: 
  tu setinterleaves ((t, u), A); tuv setinterleaves ((tu, v), A) 
   uv. uv setinterleaves ((u, v), A)  tuv setinterleaves ((t, uv), A)
proof (induct (tu, A, v) arbitrary: t u tu v tuv rule: setinterleaving.induct)
  case 1
  with emptyLeftProperty empty_setinterleaving show ?case by blast
  case (2 z v)
  from "2.prems"(2) emptyLeftProperty have tuv = z # v by blast
  with "2.prems" empty_setinterleaving setinterleaving_sym show ?case by blast
  case (3 y tu)
  from "3.prems"(2) emptyRightProperty have tuv = y # tu by blast
  with "3.prems" show ?case
    by (metis (no_types) EmptyLeftSync Un_iff disjoint_iff
        emptyLeftSelf interleave_set setinterleaving_sym subsetD)
  case (4 y tu z v)
  consider y  A z  A | y  A z  A | y  A z  A | y  A z  A by blast
  thus ?case
  proof cases
    assume y  A and z  A
    with "4.prems"(2) obtain tuv'
      where y = z tuv = y # tuv' tuv' setinterleaves ((tu, v), A)
      by (simp split: if_split_asm) blast
    from tuv = y # tuv' y = z z  A "4.prems"(1)
      "4.hyps"(1)[OF y  A z  A y = z _ tuv' setinterleaves ((tu, v), A)]
    show ?case by (induct (t, A, u) arbitrary: t u tu rule: setinterleaving.induct;
          fastforce split: if_split_asm)
    assume y  A and z  A
    with "4.prems"(2) obtain tuv'
      where tuv = z # tuv' tuv' setinterleaves ((y # tu, v), A)
      by (simp split: if_split_asm) blast
    from y  A and z  A tuv = z # tuv' "4.prems"(1)
      "4.hyps"(2)[OF _ _ _ tuv' setinterleaves ((y # tu, v), A)]
    show ?case
      apply (cases (t, A, u) rule: setinterleaving.cases; simp split: if_split_asm)
      by (metis "4.prems"(1) SyncHdAdd list.distinct(1) list.sel(1, 3)) fastforce
    assume y  A and z  A
    with "4.prems"(2) obtain tuv'
      where tuv = y # tuv' tuv' setinterleaves ((tu, z # v), A)
      by (simp split: if_split_asm) blast
    from y  A z  A tuv = y # tuv' "4.prems"(1)
      "4.hyps"(5)[OF _ _ _ tuv' setinterleaves ((tu, z # v), A)]
    show ?case by (cases (t, A, u) rule: setinterleaving.cases; fastforce split: if_split_asm)
    assume y  A and z  A
    with "4.prems"(2) obtain tuv'
      where tuv = y # tuv'  tuv' setinterleaves ((tu, z # v), A) 
             tuv = z # tuv'  tuv' setinterleaves ((y # tu, v), A) by auto
    thus ?case
    proof (elim disjE conjE)      
      assume tuv = y # tuv' tuv' setinterleaves ((tu, z # v), A)
      show ?case
      proof (cases (t, A, u) rule: setinterleaving.cases)
        from "4.prems"(1) show (t, A, u) = ([], X, [])  ?case for X by simp
        show (t, A, u) = ([], X, y' # u')  ?case for X y' u'
          by (metis "4.prems"(1) "4.prems"(2) Pair_inject emptyLeftProperty
              emptyLeftSelf empty_iff empty_set ftf_Sync1 ftf_Sync21)
        show (t, A, u) = (x' # t', X, [])  ?case for X x' t'
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) "4.prems" Nil_in_shufflesI Pair_inject si_empty1
              emptyLeftNonSync emptyLeftSelf emptyRightProperty ftf_Sync21 shuffles.simps(1))
        fix X x' t' y' u'
        assume (t, A, u) = (x' # t', X, y' # u')
        hence t = x' # t' u = y' # u' X = A by simp_all
        consider x'  A y'  A | x'  A y'  A
          | x'  A y'  A | x'  A y'  A by blast
        thus ?case
        proof cases
          assume x'  A y'  A
          with "4.prems"(1) t = x' # t' u = y' # u' y  A have False
            by (metis SyncSameHdTl list.sel(1))
          thus ?case by simp
          assume x'  A y'  A
          with "4.prems"(1) t = x' # t' u = y' # u'
          have y' = y tu setinterleaves ((x' # t', u'), A) by simp_all
          from "4.hyps"(3)[OF y  A z  A this(2) tuv' setinterleaves ((tu, z # v), A)]
          obtain uv where uv setinterleaves ((u', z # v), A) 
                           tuv' setinterleaves ((x' # t', uv), A) ..
          hence (y # uv) setinterleaves ((u, z # v), A)  tuv setinterleaves ((t, y # uv), A)
            by (simp add: u = y' # u' z  A y' = y y  A t = x' # t' tuv = y # tuv')
          thus ?case by blast
          assume x'  A y'  A
          with "4.prems"(1) t = x' # t' u = y' # u'
          have x' = y tu setinterleaves ((t', y' # u'), A) by simp_all
          from "4.hyps"(3)[OF y  A z  A this(2) tuv' setinterleaves ((tu, z # v), A)]
          obtain uv where uv setinterleaves ((y' # u', z # v), A) 
                           tuv' setinterleaves ((t', uv), A) ..
          hence uv setinterleaves ((u, z # v), A)  tuv setinterleaves ((t, uv), A)
            by (simp add: tuv = y # tuv' u = y' # u' z  A
                t = x' # t' x' = y y  A SyncSingleHeadAdd)
          thus ?case by blast
          assume x'  A y'  A
          with "4.prems"(1) t = x' # t' u = y' # u'
          have x' = y  tu setinterleaves ((t', y' # u'), A) 
                y' = y  tu setinterleaves ((x' # t', u'), A) by auto
          thus ?case
          proof (elim disjE conjE)
            assume x' = y tu setinterleaves ((t', y' # u'), A)
            from "4.hyps"(3)[OF y  A z  A this(2) tuv' setinterleaves ((tu, z # v), A)]
            obtain uv where uv setinterleaves ((y' # u', z # v), A) 
                             tuv' setinterleaves ((t', uv), A) ..
            hence uv setinterleaves ((u, z # v), A)  tuv setinterleaves ((t, uv), A)
              by (simp add: x' = y y  A t = x' # t'
                  tuv = y # tuv' u = y' # u' SyncSingleHeadAdd)
            thus ?case by blast
            assume y' = y tu setinterleaves ((x' # t', u'), A)
            from "4.hyps"(3)[OF y  A z  A this(2) tuv' setinterleaves ((tu, z # v), A)]
            obtain uv where uv setinterleaves ((u', z # v), A) 
                             tuv' setinterleaves ((x' # t', uv), A) ..
            hence (y # uv) setinterleaves ((u, z # v), A)  tuv setinterleaves ((t, y # uv), A)
              by (simp add: u = y' # u' y' = y y  A z  A t = x' # t' tuv = y # tuv')
            thus ?case by blast
      assume tuv = z # tuv' tuv' setinterleaves ((y # tu, v), A)
      from "4.hyps"(4)[OF y  A z  A "4.prems"(1) tuv' setinterleaves ((y # tu, v), A)]
      obtain uv where uv setinterleaves ((u, v), A)  tuv' setinterleaves ((t, uv), A) ..
      hence (z # uv) setinterleaves ((u, z # v), A)  tuv setinterleaves ((t, z # uv), A)
        by (cases u; cases t) (simp_all add: z  A tuv = z # tuv')
      thus ?case by blast

lemma interleave_assoc_2:
  assumes  *:uv setinterleaves ((u, v), A) and 
    **:tuv setinterleaves ((t, uv), A)
  shows tu. tu setinterleaves ((t, u), A)  tuv setinterleaves ((tu, v), A)
  using "*" "**" setinterleaving_sym interleave_assoc_1 by blast

theorem Sync_assoc: P S (Q S R) = P S Q S R for P Q R :: ('a, 'r) processptick
proof (rule FD_antisym)
  show P S (Q S R) FD P S Q S R for P Q R :: ('a, 'r) processptick
  proof (rule failure_divergence_refine_optimizedI)
    fix s assume s  𝒟 (P S Q S R)
    from this[simplified D_Sync[of P S Q]] obtain t u r v
      where * : front_tickFree v tickFree r  v = [] s = r @ v 
        r setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` S)
        t  𝒟 (P S Q)  u  𝒯 R  t  𝒟 R  u  𝒯 (P S Q) - 𝒟 (P S Q)
      by simp (metis D_T setinterleaving_sym)
    from "*"(5) show s  𝒟 (P S (Q S R))
    proof (elim disjE conjE)
      assume t  𝒟 R and u  𝒯 (P S Q) - 𝒟 (P S Q)
      from u  𝒯 (P S Q) - 𝒟 (P S Q) obtain t1 u1
        where ** : u setinterleaves ((t1, u1), range tick  ev ` S)
          t1  𝒯 P u1  𝒯 Q by (simp add: D_Sync T_Sync) blast
      from interleave_assoc_1[OF "**"(1)] obtain uv
        where *** : uv setinterleaves ((u1, t), range tick  ev ` S)
          r setinterleaves ((t1, uv), range tick  ev ` S)
        using "*"(4) setinterleaving_sym by blast
      from "***"(1) setinterleaving_sym t  𝒟 R u1  𝒯 Q front_tickFree_Nil
      have uv  𝒟 (Q S R) unfolding D_Sync by blast
      with "*"(1, 2, 3) "**"(2) "***"(2) setinterleaving_sym
      show s  𝒟 (P S (Q S R)) by (subst D_Sync) blast
      assume t  𝒟 (P S Q) and u  𝒯 R
      from t  𝒟 (P S Q) obtain t1 u1 r1 v1
        where ** : front_tickFree v1 tickFree r1  v1 = [] t = r1 @ v1
          r1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), range tick  ev ` S)
          t1  𝒟 P  u1  𝒯 Q  t1  𝒟 Q  u1  𝒯 P
        by (simp add: D_Sync) blast
      from interleave_append_left[OF "*"(4)[unfolded "**"(3)]] obtain r' r'' u' u''
        where *** : r' setinterleaves ((r1, u'), range tick  ev ` S)
          r = r' @ r'' u = u' @ u'' by blast
      have u'  𝒯 R by (metis "***"(3) prefixI u  𝒯 R is_processT3_TR)
      have $ : front_tickFree (r'' @ v)
        by (metis "*"(3) "***"(2) D_imp_front_tickFree s  𝒟 (P S Q S R)
            front_tickFree_append_iff front_tickFree_charn tickFree_append_iff)
      have $$ : tickFree r'  r'' @ v = []
        by (metis "*"(3) "***"(2) D_imp_front_tickFree s  𝒟 (P S Q S R)
            append.right_neutral front_tickFree_append_iff tickFree_append_iff)
      have $$$ : s = r' @ r'' @ v by (simp add: "*"(3) "***"(2))

      from "**"(5) show s  𝒟 (P S (Q S R))
      proof (elim disjE conjE)
        assume t1  𝒟 P and u1  𝒯 Q
        from interleave_assoc_1[OF "**"(4) "***"(1)] obtain uv
          where **** : uv setinterleaves ((u1, u'), range tick  ev ` S)
            r' setinterleaves ((t1, uv), range tick  ev ` S) by blast
        from u'  𝒯 R "****"(1) u1  𝒯 Q have uv  𝒯 (Q S R)
          unfolding T_Sync by blast
        with "$" "$$" "$$$" "****"(2) t1  𝒟 P
        show s  𝒟 (P S (Q S R)) unfolding D_Sync by blast
        assume t1  𝒟 Q u1  𝒯 P
        from interleave_assoc_2[OF "**"(4)] "***"(1) setinterleaving_sym obtain tu
          where "****" : tu setinterleaves ((u', t1), range tick  ev ` S)
            r' setinterleaves ((tu, u1), range tick  ev ` S) by blast
        from u'  𝒯 R "****"(1)[unfolded setinterleaving_sym] front_tickFree_Nil t1  𝒟 Q
        have tu  𝒟 (Q S R) unfolding D_Sync by blast
        with "$" "$$" "$$$" "****"(2) u1  𝒯 P
        show s  𝒟 (P S (Q S R)) unfolding D_Sync by blast
    let ?Sync_set = λX Y. (X  Y)  (range tick  ev ` S)  X  Y
    assume subset_div : 𝒟 (P S Q S R)  𝒟 (P S (Q S R))
    fix s Z assume (s, Z)   (P S Q S R)
    then consider (D) s  𝒟 (P S Q S R)
      | (F) t X u Y where (t, X)   (P S Q) (u, Y)   R Z = ?Sync_set X Y
        s setinterleaves ((t, u), range tick  ev ` S)
      unfolding F_Sync D_Sync by blast
    thus (s, Z)   (P S (Q S R))
    proof cases
      from subset_div D_F show s  𝒟 (P S Q S R)  (s, Z)   (P S (Q S R)) by blast
      case F
      from "F"(1) consider (D1) t  𝒟 (P S Q)
        | (F1) t1 X1 u1 Y1 where (t1, X1)   P (u1, Y1)   Q X = ?Sync_set X1 Y1
          t setinterleaves ((t1, u1), range tick  ev ` S)
        unfolding F_Sync D_Sync by blast
      thus (s, Z)   (P S (Q S R))
      proof cases
        assume t  𝒟 (P S Q)
        with F(2) F(4) F_T front_tickFree_Nil
        have s  𝒟 (P S Q S R) unfolding D_Sync by blast
        with subset_div D_F show (s, Z)   (P S (Q S R)) by blast
        case F1
        from interleave_assoc_1[OF F1(4) F(4)] obtain uv
          where * : uv setinterleaves ((u1, u), range tick  ev ` S)
            s setinterleaves ((t1, uv), range tick  ev ` S) by blast
        from "*"(1) F(2) F1(2) have (uv, ?Sync_set Y1 Y)   (Q S R)
          unfolding F_Sync by blast
        with "*"(2) F1(1) have (s, ?Sync_set X1 (?Sync_set Y1 Y))   (P S (Q S R))
          by (subst F_Sync) blast
        also from F(3) F1(3) have ?Sync_set X1 (?Sync_set Y1 Y) = Z by blast
        finally show (s, Z)   (P S (Q S R)) .
  thus P S Q S R FD P S (Q S R) by (metis Sync_commute)
