Theory In_Out_Parameters
section "In Out Parameter Refinement"
theory In_Out_Parameters
lemma map_exn_catch_conv: "map_value (map_exn f) m = (m <catch> (λr. throw (f r)))"
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_def_old map_exn_def split: xval_splits)
abbreviation "L2_return x ns ≡ liftE (L2_VARS (return x) ns)"
lemma L2_return_L2_gets_conv: "L2_return x ns = L2_gets (λ_. x) ns"
unfolding L2_defs L2_VARS_def
by (simp add: gets_return)
lemma return_L2_gets_conv: "(return x) = L2_gets (λ_. x) []"
unfolding L2_defs L2_VARS_def
by (simp add: gets_return)
named_theorems refines_right_eq
lemma (in heap_state) IO_modify_heap_paddingE_root_refines':
fixes p::"'a::xmem_type ptr"
fixes fld_update::"('b::xmem_type ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a"
assumes fg_cons: "fg_cons fld (fld_update ∘ (λx _. x))"
assumes fl: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b::xmem_type)) fld (fld_update ∘ (λx _. x)), n)"
assumes cgrd: "c_guard p"
shows "refines
(IO_modify_heap_paddingE (PTR('b) &(p→f)) v)
(IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λs. (fld_update (λ_. v s)) (h_val (hmem s) p)))
s s ((=))"
proof -
fix r t
assume exec: "reaches (IO_modify_heap_paddingE (PTR('b) &(p→f)) v) s r t"
have "reaches (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λs. fld_update (λ_. v s) (h_val (hmem s) p))) s r t"
proof -
from exec obtain bs where
r: "r = Result ()" and bs: "length bs = size_of TYPE('b)" and
t: "t = hmem_upd (heap_update_padding (PTR('b) &(p→f)) (v s) bs) s"
unfolding liftE_IO_modify_heap_padding
by (auto simp add: IO_modify_heap_padding_def)
note root_conv = heap_update_padding_field_root_conv'' [OF fl fg_cons cgrd bs, where v="v s" and hp = "hmem s"]
from bs cgrd fl have *: "length (super_update_bs bs (heap_list (hmem s) (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p)) n) = size_of TYPE('a)"
apply (subst length_super_update_bs)
by (metis add.commute field_lookup_offset_size heap_list_length size_of_tag typ_desc_size_update_ti typ_uinfo_size)
using heap_list_length by blast
show ?thesis
unfolding liftE_IO_modify_heap_padding
apply (clarsimp simp add: IO_modify_heap_padding_def r)
using root_conv heap.upd_cong * t
by blast
} note * = this
show ?thesis
using *
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old )
lemma (in heap_state) IO_modify_heap_paddingE_root_refines'':
fixes p::"'a::xmem_type ptr"
fixes fld_update::"('b::xmem_type ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a"
assumes fg_cons: "fg_cons fld (fld_update ∘ (λx _. x))"
assumes fl: "field_ti TYPE('a) f = Some (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b::xmem_type)) fld (fld_update ∘ (λx _. x)))"
assumes cgrd: "c_guard p"
shows "refines
(IO_modify_heap_paddingE (PTR('b) &(p→f)) v)
(IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λs. (fld_update (λ_. v s)) (h_val (hmem s) p)))
s s ((=))"
proof -
from fl obtain n where
"field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b::xmem_type)) fld (fld_update ∘ (λx _. x)), n)"
using field_ti_field_lookupE by blast
from IO_modify_heap_paddingE_root_refines' [OF fg_cons this cgrd]
show ?thesis .
lemma (in heap_state) IO_modify_heap_paddingE_root_refines [refines_right_eq]:
fixes p::"'a::xmem_type ptr"
fixes fld_update::"('b::xmem_type ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a"
assumes v': "⋀s. v' s = ((fld_update (λ_. v s)) (h_val (hmem s) p))"
assumes fg_cons: "fg_cons fld (fld_update ∘ (λx _. x))"
assumes fl: "field_ti TYPE('a) f = Some (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b::xmem_type)) fld (fld_update ∘ (λx _. x)))"
assumes cgrd: "c_guard p"
shows "refines
(IO_modify_heap_paddingE (PTR('b) &(p→f)) v)
(IO_modify_heap_paddingE p v')
s s ((=))"
unfolding v'
by (rule IO_modify_heap_paddingE_root_refines'' [OF fg_cons fl cgrd])
lemma refines_subst_right:
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t Q"
assumes refines_eq: "refines g g' t t ((=))"
shows "refines f g' s t Q"
using f_g refines_eq
by (force simp add: refines_def_old)
lemma refines_right_eq_id: "refines f f s s ((=))"
by (force simp add: refines_def_old)
lemma refines_subst_left:
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t Q"
assumes f_eq: "run f s = run f' s"
shows "refines f' g s t Q"
using f_g f_eq
apply (auto simp add: refines_def_old reaches_def succeeds_def)
lemma refines_right_eq_L2_seq [refines_right_eq]:
assumes f1: "refines f1 g1 s s ((=))"
assumes f2: "⋀v t. refines (f2 v) (g2 v) t t ((=))"
shows "refines (L2_seq f1 f2) (L2_seq g1 g2) s s ((=))"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule refines_bind_bind_exn [OF f1])
subgoal by auto
subgoal by auto
subgoal by auto
subgoal using f2 by auto
lemma refines_right_eq_L2_guard':
assumes "Q s ⟹ P s"
assumes "Q s ⟹ refines X X' s s (=)"
shows "refines (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. X)) (L2_seq (L2_guard Q) (λ_. X')) s s ((=))"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule refines_bind'[OF
refines_guard[THEN refines_strengthen[OF _ runs_to_partial_guard runs_to_partial_guard]]])
apply (auto simp: assms)
lemma refines_right_eq_L2_guard:
assumes "Q ⟹ P"
assumes "Q ⟹ refines X X' s s (=)"
shows "refines (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. P)) (λ_. X)) (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. Q)) (λ_. X')) s s ((=))"
using assms
by (rule refines_right_eq_L2_guard')
lemma refines_L2_guarded:
assumes grd: "g' t ⟹ g s"
assumes X_X': "g s ⟹ g' t ⟹ refines X X' s t Q"
shows "refines (L2_guarded g X) (L2_guarded g' X') s t Q"
using grd X_X'
apply (simp add: L2_guarded_def L2_seq_def L2_guard_def)
apply (rule refines_bind')
apply (rule refines_guard)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
lemma select_UNIV_L2_unknown_conv: "(select UNIV) = L2_unknown ns"
unfolding L2_defs
by simp
lemma select_singleton_conv: "((select ({x})) >>= g) = g x"
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma hd_UNIV: "hd ` UNIV ⊆ UNIV"
by (rule subset_UNIV)
lemma hd_singleton: "hd ` {[x]} ⊆ {x}"
by simp
lemma (in heap_state) refines_exec_IO_modify_heap_padding_step_right:
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "
refines (return x) g s
(hmem_upd (heap_update_padding p v (heap_list (hmem s) (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p) )) t) Q"
shows "refines (return x) (do { _ <- IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λ_. v); g }) s t Q"
using assms unfolding liftE_IO_modify_heap_padding
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old IO_modify_heap_padding_def reaches_bind succeeds_bind )
apply (metis heap_list_length)
lemma (in heap_state) refines_exec_IO_modify_heap_padding_single_step_right:
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "Q (Result (), s)
(Result (), hmem_upd (heap_update_padding p (v t) (heap_list (hmem s) (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p))) t)"
shows "refines (return ())
(IO_modify_heap_paddingE p v) s t Q"
using assms unfolding liftE_IO_modify_heap_padding
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old IO_modify_heap_padding_def reaches_bind succeeds_bind)
by (metis heap_list_length)
lemma (in heap_state) refines_exec_IO_modify_heap_padding_single_step_right_InL:
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "Q (Exn e, s) (Exn e', hmem_upd (heap_update_padding p (v t) (heap_list (hmem s) (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p))) t)"
shows "refines (throw e)
(do { _ <- IO_modify_heap_paddingE p v;
L2_throw e' ns
s t Q"
unfolding L2_defs unfolding liftE_IO_modify_heap_padding
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old IO_modify_heap_padding_def reaches_bind succeeds_bind Exn_def [symmetric])
apply (metis heap_list_length)
lemma refines_exec_gets_right:
assumes "Q (Result x, s) (Result (g t), t)"
shows "refines (return x) (gets g) s t Q"
using assms
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old)
lemma refines_exec_L2_return_right:
assumes "Q (Result x, s) (Result w, t)"
shows "refines (return (x)) (L2_return w ns) s t Q"
using assms unfolding L2_VARS_def
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old)
lemma refines_L2_catch_right:
assumes f: "refines f g s t Q"
assumes Res_Res: "⋀v v' s' t'. Q (Result v, s') (Result v', t') ⟹ R (Result v, s') (Result v', t')"
assumes Res_Exn: "⋀v e' s' t'. Q (Result v, s') (Exn e', t') ⟹ refines (return v) (h e') s' t' R"
assumes Exn_Res: "⋀e v' s' t'. Q (Exn e, s') (Result v', t') ⟹ R (Exn e, s') (Result v', t')"
assumes Exn_Exn: "⋀e e' s' t'. Q (Exn e, s') (Exn e', t') ⟹ refines (throw e) (h e') s' t' R"
shows "refines f (L2_catch g h) s t R" unfolding L2_defs
apply (subst f_catch_throw[symmetric])
apply (rule refines_catch [OF f])
subgoal using Exn_Exn by auto
subgoal using Exn_Res by (auto simp add: refines_def_old Exn_def [symmetric])
subgoal using Res_Exn by (auto simp add: refines_def_old Exn_def [symmetric])
subgoal using Res_Res by auto
lemma L2_seq_gets_app_conv: "run (L2_seq (L2_gets f ns) g) s = run (g (f s)) s"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (auto simp add: run_bind)
lemma refines_project_right:
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t Q"
assumes "run g t = run (g' (prj t)) t"
shows "refines f (L2_seq (L2_gets prj ns) g') s t Q"
unfolding L2_defs
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old reaches_bind succeeds_bind)
apply (auto simp add: succeeds_def reaches_def)
lemma refines_project_guard_right:
assumes f_g: "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. g)) s t Q"
assumes "P t ⟹ run g t = run (g' (prj t)) t"
shows "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. (L2_seq (L2_gets prj ns) g'))) s t Q"
using assms unfolding L2_defs
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old reaches_bind succeeds_bind)
apply (auto simp add: succeeds_def reaches_def)
named_rules cguard_assms and alloc_assms and modifies_assms and disjoint_assms and
disjoint_alloc and disjoint_stack_free and stack_ptr and h_val_globals_frame_eq and
rel_alloc_independent_globals and keep_non_stack_ptr_eqs
synthesize_rules refines_in_out
add_synthesize_pattern refines_in_out =
[(Binding.make ("concrete_function", ⌂), fn ctxt => fn i => fn t =>
(case t of
@{term_pat "Trueprop (refines (L2_modify (λs. ?glob_upd _ _)) _ _ _ _ )"} => glob_upd
| @{term_pat "Trueprop (refines (L2_modify (?glob_upd _)) _ _ _ _ )"} => glob_upd
| @{term_pat "Trueprop (refines ?f _ _ _ _ )"} => f
| t => t))]
lemma refines_yield_both[simp]: "refines (return a) (return b) s t R ⟷ R (Result a, s) (Result b, t)"
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old)
lemma disjoint_union_distrib: "A ∩ (B ∪ C) = {} ⟷ A ∩ B = {} ∧ A ∩ C = {}"
by blast
lemma inter_commute: "A ∩ B = B ∩ A" by blast
lemma disjoint_symmetric: "A ∩ B = {} ⟹ B ∩ A = {}"
by auto
lemma disjoint_symmetric': "A ∩ B ≡ {} ⟹ B ∩ A = {}"
by auto
definition IOcorres:: "
('s ⇒ bool) ⇒
('s ⇒ ('e,'a) xval ⇒ 's ⇒ bool) ⇒
('s ⇒ 't) ⇒
('a ⇒ 's ⇒ 'b) ⇒
('e ⇒ 's ⇒ 'e1) ⇒
('e1, 'b, 't) exn_monad =>
('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad => bool" where
"IOcorres P Q st rx ex f⇩a f⇩c ≡ corresXF_post st rx ex P Q f⇩a f⇩c"
lemma IOcorres_id: "IOcorres (λ_. True) (λ _ _ _. True) (λs. s) (λr _. r) (λr _. r) f f"
by (auto simp add: IOcorres_def corresXF_post_def split: xval_splits prod.splits)
lemmas IOcorres_skip = IOcorres_id
lemma :
"L2corres st rx ex P A C ⟹ IOcorres (λ_. True) (λ _ _ _. True) (λs. s) (λr _. r) (λr _. r) A A"
by (rule IOcorres_id)
lemma admissible_IOcorres [corres_admissible]:
"ccpo.admissible Inf (≥) (λf⇩a. IOcorres P Q st rx ex f⇩a f⇩c)"
unfolding IOcorres_def
by (rule admissible_nondet_ord_corresXF_post)
lemma IOcorres_top [corres_top]: "IOcorres P Q st rx ex ⊤ f⇩c"
unfolding IOcorres_def
by (rule corresXF_post_top)
lemma distinct_addresses_ptr_val_lemma:
"n < addr_card ⟹ ptr_val p + word_of_nat n ∉ (λx. ptr_val p + word_of_nat x) ` {0..<n}"
by auto (metis addr_card_len_of_conv nless_le order_le_less_trans unat_of_nat_eq)
lemma distinct_addresses_ptr_lemma:
assumes bound: "n ≤ addr_card"
shows "distinct (map (λi. ptr_val p + of_nat i) [0..<n])"
using bound
proof (induct n arbitrary: p)
case 0
then show ?case by simp
case (Suc n)
from Suc have hyp: "distinct (map (λi. ptr_val p + word_of_nat i) [0..<n])" by auto
show ?case
apply (subst upt_Suc_snoc)
apply (subst map_append)
apply (subst distinct_append)
apply (simp add: hyp)
using Suc.prems
apply (simp add: distinct_addresses_ptr_val_lemma)
lemma array_intvl_Suc_split:"{a..+Suc n * m} = {a..+n * m} ∪ {a + (word_of_nat (n*m))..+m}"
by (metis add_diff_cancel_right' intvl_split le_add2 mult_Suc)
definition "rel_singleton_stack" :: "'a::c_type ptr ⇒ heap_mem ⇒ unit ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool"
"rel_singleton_stack p h = (λ(_::unit) v.
v = h_val h p)"
lemma domain_rel_singleton_stack:
"equal_on (ptr_span p) h h' ⟹ rel_singleton_stack p h = rel_singleton_stack p h'"
apply (clarsimp simp add: fun_eq_iff rel_singleton_stack_def)
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) equal_on_def h_val_def heap_list_h_eq2)+
named_theorems rel_stack_intros and rel_stack_simps and rel_entail
lemma rel_singleton_stack_simp [rel_stack_simps]:
"rel_singleton_stack p h x v ⟷ v = h_val h p"
by (auto simp add: rel_singleton_stack_def)
lemma rel_stack_refl [rel_stack_intros]: "(λ_. (=)) h x x"
by auto
lemma rel_singleton_stackI [rel_stack_intros]: "rel_singleton_stack p h x (h_val h p)"
by (auto simp add: rel_singleton_stack_def)
lemma rel_singleton_stack_condI [rel_stack_intros]: "h_val h p = y ⟹ rel_singleton_stack p h x y"
by (auto simp add: rel_singleton_stack_def)
lemma fun_of_rel_singleton_stack[fun_of_rel_intros]: "fun_of_rel (rel_singleton_stack p h) (λ_. (h_val h p))"
by (auto simp add: fun_of_rel_def rel_singleton_stack_def)
lemma funp_rel_singleton_stack[funp_intros, corres_admissible]: "funp (rel_singleton_stack p h)"
by (auto simp add: rel_singleton_stack_def funp_def fun_of_rel_def)
definition "rel_push" ::
"'a::c_type ptr ⇒ (heap_mem ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c ⇒ bool) ⇒ heap_mem ⇒
'b ⇒ 'a × 'c ⇒ bool"
"rel_push p R h = (λr (v, x).
R h r x ∧
v = h_val h p)"
lemma rel_singleton_stack_rel_push_conv: "rel_singleton_stack p = (λh x y. rel_push p (λ_ _ _. True) h x (y, ()))"
by (auto simp add: rel_singleton_stack_def rel_push_def)
lemma rel_push_simp[rel_stack_simps]: "rel_push p R h r (v, x) ⟷
R h r x ∧ v = h_val h p"
by (auto simp add: rel_push_def)
lemma fun_of_rel_puhsh [fun_of_rel_intros]:
"fun_of_rel (R h) f ⟹ fun_of_rel (rel_push p R h) (λx. (h_val h p, f x))"
by (auto simp add: fun_of_rel_def rel_push_def)
lemma funp_rel_push[funp_intros, corres_admissible]: "funp (R h) ⟹ funp (rel_push p R h)"
by (force simp add: funp_def rel_push_def fun_of_rel_def)
lemma rel_push_stackI [rel_stack_intros]: "Q h x y ⟹ rel_push p Q h x ((h_val h p), y)"
by (auto simp add: rel_push_def)
lemma rel_push_stack_condI [rel_stack_intros]: "h_val h p = v ⟹ Q h x y ⟹ rel_push p Q h x (v, y)"
by (auto simp add: rel_push_def)
definition "rel_sum_stack L R h = rel_sum (L h) (R h)"
definition "rel_xval_stack L R h = rel_xval (L h) (R h)"
lemma rel_sum_stack_expand_sum_eq:
"(rel_sum_stack (λ_. (=)) R) = (rel_sum_stack (rel_sum_stack (λ_. (=)) (λ_. (=))) R)"
by (auto simp add: rel_sum_stack_def fun_eq_iff rel_sum.simps split: sum.splits )
lemma rel_xval_stack_expand_sum_eq:
"(rel_xval_stack (λ_. (=)) R) = (rel_xval_stack (rel_sum_stack (λ_. (=)) (λ_. (=))) R)"
by (auto simp add: rel_sum_stack_def rel_xval_stack_def fun_eq_iff rel_sum.simps sum.rel_eq
split: xval_splits sum.splits )
lemma rel_sum_stack_expand_sum_bot:
"(λ_ _ _. False) = (rel_sum_stack (λ_ _ _. False) (λ_ _ _ . False))"
by (auto simp add: rel_sum_stack_def fun_eq_iff rel_sum.simps split: sum.splits )
lemma rel_xval_stack_expand_xval_bot:
"(λ_ _ _. False) = (rel_xval_stack (λ_ _ _. False) (λ_ _ _ . False))"
by (auto simp add: rel_xval_stack_def fun_eq_iff rel_xval.simps split: xval_splits )
lemma rel_sum_stack_entail:
assumes L: "⋀v v'. L' h v v' ⟹ L h v v'"
assumes R: "⋀v v'. R' h v v' ⟹ R h v v'"
assumes "rel_sum_stack L' R' h x y"
shows "rel_sum_stack L R h x y"
using assms
by (auto simp add: rel_sum_stack_def rel_sum.simps split: sum.splits)
lemma rel_xval_stack_entail:
assumes L: "⋀v v'. L' h v v' ⟹ L h v v'"
assumes R: "⋀v v'. R' h v v' ⟹ R h v v'"
assumes "rel_xval_stack L' R' h x y"
shows "rel_xval_stack L R h x y"
using assms
by (auto simp add: rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps)
lemma rel_sum_stack_intros:
"L h l1 l2 ⟹ rel_sum_stack L R h (Inl l1) (Inl l2)"
"R h r1 r2 ⟹ rel_sum_stack L R h (Inr r1) (Inr r2)"
by (auto simp add: rel_sum_stack_def)
lemma rel_xval_stack_intros:
"L h l1 l2 ⟹ rel_xval_stack L R h (Exn l1) (Exn l2)"
"R h r1 r2 ⟹ rel_xval_stack L R h (Result r1) (Result r2)"
by (auto simp add: rel_xval_stack_def)
lemma fun_of_rel_sum_stack[fun_of_rel_intros]:
"fun_of_rel (L h) f_l ⟹ fun_of_rel (R h) f_r ⟹ fun_of_rel (rel_sum_stack L R h) (sum_map f_l f_r)"
unfolding rel_sum_stack_def
by (auto intro: fun_of_rel_intros)
lemma fun_of_rel_xval_stack[fun_of_rel_intros]:
"fun_of_rel (L h) f_l ⟹ fun_of_rel (R h) f_r ⟹ fun_of_rel (rel_xval_stack L R h) (map_xval f_l f_r)"
unfolding rel_xval_stack_def
by (auto intro: fun_of_rel_intros)
lemma funp_rel_sum_stack[funp_intros, corres_admissible]: "funp (L h) ⟹ funp (R h) ⟹ funp (rel_sum_stack L R h)"
unfolding rel_sum_stack_def by (auto intro: funp_intros)
lemma funp_rel_xval_stack[funp_intros, corres_admissible]: "funp (L h) ⟹ funp (R h) ⟹ funp (rel_xval_stack L R h)"
unfolding rel_xval_stack_def by (auto intro: funp_intros)
lemma rel_sum_stack_cases:
"rel_sum_stack L R h x y =
((∃v w. x = Inl v ∧ y = Inl w ∧ L h v w) ∨
(∃v w. x = Inr v ∧ y = Inr w ∧ R h v w))"
by (auto simp add: rel_sum_stack_def rel_sum.simps)
lemma rel_xval_stack_cases:
"rel_xval_stack L R h x y =
((∃v w. x = Exn v ∧ y = Exn w ∧ L h v w) ∨
(∃v w. x = Result v ∧ y = Result w ∧ R h v w))"
by (auto simp add: rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps)
lemma rel_sum_stack_simps [simp]:
"rel_sum_stack L R h (Inl l⇩1) (Inl l⇩2) = L h l⇩1 l⇩2"
"rel_sum_stack L R h (Inr r⇩1) (Inr r⇩2) = R h r⇩1 r⇩2"
"rel_sum_stack L R h (Inl l⇩1) (Inr r⇩2) = False"
"rel_sum_stack L R h (Inr r⇩1) (Inl l⇩2) = False"
"rel_sum_stack L R h (Inl l⇩1) y = (∃w. y = Inl w ∧ L h l⇩1 w)"
"rel_sum_stack L R h (Inr r⇩1) y = (∃w. y = Inr w ∧ R h r⇩1 w)"
"rel_sum_stack L R h x (Inl l⇩2) = (∃v. x = Inl v ∧ L h v l⇩2)"
"rel_sum_stack L R h x (Inr r⇩2) = (∃v. x = Inr v ∧ R h v r⇩2)"
by (auto simp add: rel_sum_stack_def rel_sum.simps)
lemma rel_xval_stack_simps [simp]:
"rel_xval_stack L R h (Exn l⇩1) (Exn l⇩2) = L h l⇩1 l⇩2"
"rel_xval_stack L R h (Result r⇩1) (Result r⇩2) = R h r⇩1 r⇩2"
"rel_xval_stack L R h (Exn l⇩1) (Result r⇩2) = False"
"rel_xval_stack L R h (Result r⇩1) (Exn l⇩2) = False"
"rel_xval_stack L R h (Exn l⇩1) y = (∃w. y = Exn w ∧ L h l⇩1 w)"
"rel_xval_stack L R h (Result r⇩1) y = (∃w. y = Result w ∧ R h r⇩1 w)"
"rel_xval_stack L R h x (Exn l⇩2) = (∃v. x = Exn v ∧ L h v l⇩2)"
"rel_xval_stack L R h x (Result r⇩2) = (∃v. x = Result v ∧ R h v r⇩2)"
by (auto simp add: rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps)
lemma rel_sum_stack_eq_collapse: "(rel_sum_stack (λ_. (=)) (λ_. (=))) = ((λ_. (=))) "
by (auto simp add: rel_sum_stack_cases fun_eq_iff)
lemma rel_xval_stack_eq_collapse: "(rel_xval_stack (λ_. (=)) (λ_. (=))) = ((λ_. (=))) "
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_xval_stack_cases fun_eq_iff)
by (metis Exn_def default_option_def exception_or_result_cases not_Some_eq)
lemma rel_sum_stack_InlI: "L h l1 l2 ⟹ rel_sum_stack L R h (Inl l1) (Inl l2)"
by (simp)
lemma rel_xval_stack_ExnI: "L h l1 l2 ⟹ rel_xval_stack L R h (Exn l1) (Exn l2)"
by (simp)
lemma rel_sum_stack_InrI: "R h r1 r2 ⟹ rel_sum_stack L R h (Inr r1) (Inr r2)"
by (simp)
lemma rel_xval_stack_ResultI: "R h r1 r2 ⟹ rel_xval_stack L R h (Result r1) (Result r2)"
by (simp)
definition "rel_exit Q h = (λv w. ∃x. v = Nonlocal x ∧ Q h x w)"
lemma rel_exit_simps[simp]:
"rel_exit Q h (Nonlocal x) y = Q h x y"
"rel_exit Q h Break y = False"
"rel_exit Q h Continue y = False"
"rel_exit Q h Return y = False"
"rel_exit Q h (Goto l) y = False"
by (auto simp add: rel_exit_def)
lemma rel_exit_intro: "Q h x y ⟹ rel_exit Q h (Nonlocal x) y"
by (auto simp add: rel_exit_def)
lemma rel_exit_entail[rel_entail]:
"(⋀x y. R h x y ⟹ R' h x y) ⟹
rel_exit R h x y ⟹ rel_exit R' h x y"
by (auto simp add: rel_exit_def)
lemma rel_xval_stack_rel_exit_intro:
assumes "⋀x. rel_xval_stack (rel_exit Q) R h (Exn (Nonlocal (the_Nonlocal x))) (Exn x)"
assumes "rel_exit Q h e e'"
shows "rel_xval_stack (rel_exit Q) R h (Exn (Nonlocal (the_Nonlocal e))) (Exn e')"
using assms
by (auto simp add: rel_exit_def)
lemma rel_xval_stack_rel_exit_intro':
assumes "⋀x. rel_xval_stack (rel_exit Q) R h (Exn (Nonlocal x)) (Exn x)"
assumes "Q h e e'"
shows "rel_xval_stack (rel_exit Q) R h (Exn (Nonlocal e)) (Exn e')"
using assms
by (auto simp add: rel_exit_def)
lemma rel_exit_False_conv [simp]: "rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False) h e e' ⟷ False"
by (auto simp add: rel_exit_def)
lemma rel_exit_FalseE: "rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False) h e e' ⟹ L"
by simp
lemma rel_sum_stack_generalise_left:
"rel_sum_stack L R h v w ⟹ (⋀v w. L h v w ⟹ L' h v w) ⟹ rel_sum_stack L' R h v w"
by (auto simp add: rel_sum_stack_def rel_sum.simps)
lemma rel_xval_stack_generalise_left:
"rel_xval_stack L R h v w ⟹ (⋀v w. L h v w ⟹ L' h v w) ⟹ rel_xval_stack L' R h v w"
by (auto simp add: rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps)
lemma rel_sum_stack_generalise_both:
"rel_sum_stack L R h v w ⟹ (⋀v w. L h v w ⟹ L' h v w) ⟹ (⋀v w. R h v w ⟹ R' h v w) ⟹
rel_sum_stack L' R' h v w"
by (auto simp add: rel_sum_stack_def rel_sum.simps)
lemmas generalise_unreachable_exitE =
lemma fun_of_rel_rel_exit: "fun_of_rel (L h) f_l ⟹ fun_of_rel (rel_exit L h) (λv. case v of Nonlocal x ⇒ f_l x | _ ⇒ undefined)"
by (auto simp add: fun_of_rel_def split: c_exntype.splits)
lemma funp_rel_exit [funp_intros, corres_admissible]: "funp (L h) ⟹ funp (rel_exit L h)"
using fun_of_rel_rel_exit
by (metis funp_def)
named_theorems equal_upto_simps
named_theorems refines_stack_intros
lemma equal_uptoI:
assumes eq: "⋀x. x ∉ A ⟹ f x = g x"
shows "equal_upto A f g"
using eq
by (auto simp add: equal_upto_def)
lemma equal_upto_heap_update[equal_upto_simps]:
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "(ptr_span p) ⊆ A"
shows "equal_upto A (heap_update p v h1) h2 = equal_upto A h1 h2"
using assms
by (smt (verit, best) CTypes.mem_type_simps(2) equal_upto_def heap_list_length heap_update_def heap_update_nmem_same subset_iff)
lemma equal_upto_complement: "equal_upto B f g = equal_on (- B) f g"
by (simp add: equal_on_def equal_upto_def)
lemma equal_upto_update_left_equalize:
"equal_on (- F) (f s) s ⟹ equal_on F (f s) t ⟹ equal_upto (F ∪ A) s t = equal_upto A (f s) t"
by (smt (verit) Compl_iff Un_iff equal_on_def equal_upto_def)
lemma admissible_const_snd:
assumes admissible_fst: "ccpo.admissible ⋂ (λx y. y ⊆ x) (λX. ∃w ∈ X. Q w)"
shows "ccpo.admissible ⋂ (λx y. y ⊆ x) (λX. ∃w. (w, v) ∈ X ∧ Q w)"
proof (rule ccpo.admissibleI[rule_format])
fix C::"('a ×'b) set set"
assume chain: "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (λx y. y ⊆ x) C"
assume nonempty: "C ≠ {}"
assume chain_prop: "⋀X. X ∈ C ⟹ ∃w. (w, v) ∈ X ∧ Q w"
show "∃w. (w, v) ∈ ⋂ C ∧ Q w"
proof -
define C' where "C' = Set.filter (λ(r, t). t = v) ` C"
have subset: "⋂ C' ⊆ ⋂ C"
using C'_def by fastforce
have snd_C': "⋀X t. X ∈ C' ⟹ t ∈ snd ` X ⟹ t = v"
using C'_def
by auto
from chain have chain_C': "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (λx y. y ⊆ x) C'"
using chain_prop C'_def
by (simp add: chain_imageI subset_iff)
from nonempty chain_prop have nonempty_C': "C' ≠ {}"
using C'_def
by blast
from chain_C' have result_chain: "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (λx y. y ⊆ x) ((λX. fst ` X) ` C')"
by (simp add: chain_imageI image_mono)
from nonempty_C' have nonempty_result_chain: "((λX. fst ` X) ` C') ≠ {}" by auto
fix X::"'a set"
assume "X ∈ (`) fst ` C'"
then obtain X0 where X: "X = fst ` Set.filter (λ(r, t). t = v) X0" and X0: "X0 ∈ C"
by (auto simp add: C'_def)
from chain_prop [OF X0] obtain w where w: "(w, v) ∈ X0" and Q: "Q w" by blast
from w X have "w ∈ X"
apply clarsimp
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) case_prodI fst_conv image_iff member_filter)
with Q
have "∃w∈X. Q w" ..
} note result_chain_prop = this
from ccpo.admissibleD [OF admissible_fst result_chain nonempty_result_chain result_chain_prop]
obtain r' where
r': "r' ∈ ⋂ ((λX. fst ` X) ` C')" and Q: "Q r'"
by auto
from r' snd_C' have "(r', v) ∈ ⋂ C'"
by fastforce
with Q subset show ?thesis by blast
lemma admissible_funp: "funp Q ⟹ ccpo.admissible ⋂ (λx y. y ⊆ x) (λX. ∃w ∈ X. Q v w)"
apply (clarsimp simp add: funp_def fun_of_rel_def)
by (smt (verit, del_insts) InterI admissible_const ccpo.admissible_def)
lemma admissible_funp_conj: "funp Q ⟹ ccpo.admissible ⋂ (λx y. y ⊆ x) (λX. ∃w ∈ X. Q v w ∧ P w)"
apply (clarsimp simp add: funp_def fun_of_rel_def)
by (smt (verit, del_insts) InterI admissible_const ccpo.admissible_def)
lemma override_on_frame_raw_frame_lemma1:
assumes disj_A_B: "A ∩ B = {}"
assumes sf: "stack_free d ∩ B = {}"
"override_on d (override_on d' d B) (A ∪ B - stack_free d) =
override_on d d' (A - stack_free d)"
using disj_A_B sf
by (auto simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma override_on_frame_raw_frame_lemma2:
assumes disj_A_B: "A ∩ B = {}"
assumes sf: "stack_free d ∩ B = {}"
"override_on h' (override_on h h' B) (A ∪ B ∪ stack_free d) =
override_on h' h (A ∪ stack_free d)"
using disj_A_B sf
by (auto simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma disjoint_stack_free_equal_upto_trans:
"equal_upto A d' d ⟹
P ∩ A = {} ⟹ stack_free d ∩ P = {} ⟹
stack_free d' ∩ P = {}"
apply (clarsimp simp add: equal_upto_def)
using root_ptr_valid_def stack_free_def valid_root_footprint_def by fastforce
lemma disjoint_stack_free_equal_on_trans:
"equal_on S d' d ⟹
P ⊆ S ⟹ stack_free d ∩ P = {} ⟹
stack_free d' ∩ P = {}"
apply (clarsimp simp add: equal_on_def)
using root_ptr_valid_def stack_free_def valid_root_footprint_def by fastforce
lemma refines_L2_guard_right_unconditional:
assumes "refines f g s t Q"
shows "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. g)) s t Q"
using assms unfolding L2_defs
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old reaches_bind succeeds_bind)
lemma refines_L2_guard_right_unconditional':
assumes "refines f g s t Q"
shows "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. P)) (λ_. g)) s t Q"
using assms unfolding L2_defs
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old reaches_bind succeeds_bind)
lemma refines_L2_guard_right':
assumes "P t ⟹ refines f g s t Q"
shows "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. g)) s t Q"
using assms unfolding L2_defs
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old reaches_bind succeeds_bind)
lemma refines_L2_guard_right'':
assumes "P t ⟹ refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. g)) s t Q"
shows "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. g)) s t Q"
using assms unfolding L2_defs
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old reaches_bind succeeds_bind)
lemma refines_L2_guard_right''':
assumes "P t ⟹ refines f (L2_seq (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. g)) X) s t Q"
shows "refines f (L2_seq (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. g)) X) s t Q"
using assms unfolding L2_defs
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old reaches_bind succeeds_bind)
lemma refines_L2_guard_right'''':
assumes "P t ⟹
refines f
(L2_catch (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. g)) X)
Y) s t Q "
shows "refines f
(L2_catch (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. g)) X)
Y) s t Q "
using assms unfolding L2_defs
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old reaches_bind succeeds_bind reaches_catch succeeds_catch)
lemma refines_L2_guard_rightE:
assumes "P t"
assumes "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. g)) s t Q"
shows "refines f g s t Q"
using assms unfolding L2_defs
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old reaches_bind succeeds_bind)
lemma refines_L2_guard_rightE':
assumes "P t"
assumes "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. g)) s t Q"
shows "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. g)) s t Q"
using assms unfolding L2_defs
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old reaches_bind succeeds_bind)
lemma refines_L2_guard_right:
"(P ⟹ refines f g s t Q) ⟹ refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. P)) (λ_. g)) s t Q"
unfolding L2_defs
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old reaches_bind succeeds_bind)
context heap_state
lemma equal_upto_heap_on_heap_update[equal_upto_simps]:
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "ptr_span p ⊆ A"
shows "equal_upto_heap_on A (hmem_upd (heap_update p v) s) t = equal_upto_heap_on A s t"
using assms equal_upto_heap_update
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) equal_upto_heap_on_def equal_upto_heap_on_refl
equal_upto_heap_on_trans heap.get_upd heap.upd_cong heap.upd_same hmem_htd_upd sympD
lemma equal_upto_heap_stack_release':
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "ptr_span p ⊆ A"
shows "equal_upto_heap_on A (htd_upd (stack_releases (Suc 0) p) s) s"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def add_mult_distrib add_right_cancel assms
equal_upto_heap_on_zero_heap_on heap_state.equal_upto_heap_on_trans heap_state_axioms
plus_1_eq_Suc sympD symp_equal_upto_heap_on times_nat.simps(2) zero_heap_on_stack_releases)
lemma equal_upto_heap_stack_release[equal_upto_simps]:
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "ptr_span p ⊆ A"
shows "equal_upto_heap_on A (htd_upd (stack_releases (Suc 0) p) s) t = equal_upto_heap_on A s t"
using equal_upto_heap_stack_release'
by (metis assms equal_upto_heap_on_trans sympD symp_equal_upto_heap_on)
lemma equal_upto_heap_on_htd_upd:
"equal_upto_heap_on A s t ⟹
equal_upto A (f (htd s)) (htd t) ⟹
equal_upto_heap_on A (htd_upd f s) t"
by (smt (verit, best) equal_upto_heap_on_def hmem_htd_upd htd_hmem_upd
lense.upd_compose typing.get_upd typing.lense_axioms typing.upd_cong)
lemma equal_upto_heap_on_hmem: "equal_upto_heap_on A s t ⟹ equal_upto A (hmem s) (hmem t)"
by (auto simp add: equal_upto_heap_on_def)
lemma equal_upto_heap_on_sym: "equal_upto_heap_on A s t = equal_upto_heap_on A t s"
by (metis heap_state.symp_equal_upto_heap_on heap_state_axioms sympD )
lemma equal_upto_heap_stack_alloc':
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
shows "equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p)
(hmem_upd (heap_update p v) (htd_upd (λ_. ptr_force_type p (htd s)) s))
by (simp add: equal_upto_def equal_upto_heap_on_heap_update
equal_upto_heap_on_htd_upd ptr_force_type_d sympD symp_equal_upto_heap_on)
lemma equal_upto_heap_stack_alloc:
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "length bs = size_of TYPE('a)"
shows "equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p)
(hmem_upd (heap_update_padding p v bs) (htd_upd (λ_. ptr_force_type p (htd s)) s))
apply (subst equal_upto_heap_on_sym)
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: equal_upto_def equal_upto_heap_on_def)
by (smt (verit, del_insts) CTypes.mem_type_simps(2) heap.lense_axioms heap_update_nmem_same
heap_update_padding_def hmem_htd_upd lense.upd_cong ptr_force_type_d typing.lense_axioms)
"rel_alloc":: "addr set ⇒ addr set ⇒ addr set ⇒ 's ⇒ 's ⇒ 's ⇒ bool"
"rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 ≡ λs t.
stack_free (htd s) ⊆ S ∧
stack_free (htd s) ∩ A = {} ∧
stack_free (htd s) ∩ M = {} ∧
t = frame A t⇩0 s"
lemma rel_alloc_fold_frame: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ frame A t⇩0 s = t"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
lemma rel_alloc_modifies_antimono: "rel_alloc S M2 A t⇩0 s t ⟹ M1 ⊆ M2 ⟹ rel_alloc S M1 A t⇩0 s t"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
lemma rel_alloc_stack_free_disjoint:
"rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ ptr_span p ⊆ A ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
lemma rel_alloc_stack_free_disjoint_trans:
"rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s' t ⟹ htd s' = htd s ⟹ ptr_span p ⊆ A ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
lemma rel_alloc_stack_free_disjoint':
"rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ ptr_span p ⊆ A ⟹ stack_free (htd s) ∩ ptr_span p = {}"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
lemma rel_alloc_stack_free_disjoint_trans':
"rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s' t ⟹ htd s' = htd s ⟹ ptr_span p ⊆ A ⟹ stack_free (htd s) ∩ ptr_span p = {}"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
lemma rel_alloc_disj_G_S: "G ∩ S = {} ⟹ rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ G ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
lemma rel_alloc_stack_free_disjoint_field_lvalue:
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s t" "ptr_span p ⊆ A"
assumes "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (T, n)"
assumes "export_uinfo T = typ_uinfo_t (TYPE('b))"
shows "{&(p→f)..+size_of TYPE('b::c_type)} ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
using rel_alloc_stack_free_disjoint field_tag_sub assms export_size_of
by fastforce
lemma rel_alloc_stack_free_disjoint_field_lvalue_trans:
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s' t" "htd s' = htd s" "ptr_span p ⊆ A"
assumes "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (T, n)"
assumes "export_uinfo T = typ_uinfo_t (TYPE('b))"
shows "{&(p→f)..+size_of TYPE('b::c_type)} ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
using rel_alloc_stack_free_disjoint field_tag_sub assms export_size_of
by fastforce
lemma rel_alloc_stack_free_disjoint_field_lvalue':
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s t" "ptr_span p ⊆ A"
assumes "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (T, n)"
assumes "export_uinfo T = typ_uinfo_t (TYPE('b))"
shows "stack_free (htd s) ∩ {&(p→f)..+size_of TYPE('b::c_type)} = {}"
using rel_alloc_stack_free_disjoint_field_lvalue [OF assms] by blast
lemma rel_alloc_stack_free_disjoint_field_lvalue_trans':
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s' t" "htd s' = htd s" "ptr_span p ⊆ A"
assumes "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (T, n)"
assumes "export_uinfo T = typ_uinfo_t (TYPE('b))"
shows "stack_free (htd s) ∩ {&(p→f)..+size_of TYPE('b::c_type)} = {}"
using rel_alloc_stack_free_disjoint_field_lvalue_trans [OF assms] by blast
lemma h_val_rel_alloc_disjoint:
fixes p::"'a::mem_type ptr"
shows "rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ A = {} ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {} ⟹ h_val (hmem t) p = h_val (hmem s) p"
apply (simp add: rel_alloc_def h_val_frame_disjoint)
definition rel_stack::
"addr set ⇒ addr set ⇒ addr set ⇒ 's ⇒ 's ⇒ (heap_mem ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c ⇒ bool) ⇒
('b × 's) ⇒ ('c × 's) ⇒ bool"
"rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 R = (λ(v, s') (w, t').
R (hmem s') v w ∧
rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s' t' ∧
equal_upto (M ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ∧
htd s' = htd s)"
lemma rel_stack_unchanged_typing: "rel_alloc S M' A t⇩0 s t ⟹ rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 R (v, s') (w, t') ⟹
equal_on S (htd t') (htd t)"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def rel_stack_def Diff_triv equal_on_def htd_frame inf_commute)
lemma rel_stack_unchanged_heap: "rel_alloc S M' A t⇩0 s t ⟹ rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 R (v, s') (w, t') ⟹
equal_upto (M ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem t') (hmem t)"
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_alloc_def rel_stack_def Diff_triv equal_on_def htd_frame inf_commute)
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) equal_on_def equal_on_stack_free_preservation equal_upto_def hmem_frame)
lemma rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free:
"rel_alloc S M' A t⇩0 s t ⟹ rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 R (v, s') (w, t') ⟹
stack_free (htd s') = stack_free (htd s)"
apply (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def rel_stack_def Diff_triv htd_frame inf_commute)
lemma rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free':
assumes stack: "rel_alloc S M' A t⇩0 s t"
assumes rel_stack: "rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 R (v, s') (w, t')"
shows "stack_free (htd t') = stack_free (htd t)"
using stack rel_stack
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_alloc_def rel_stack_def Diff_triv htd_frame inf_commute)
using rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free [OF stack rel_stack] equal_on_stack_free_preservation
by (auto simp add: frame_def stack_free_def root_ptr_valid_def valid_root_footprint_def)
lemma rel_stack_unchanged_heap':
assumes alloc: "rel_alloc S {} A t⇩0 s t"
assumes stack: "rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 R (v, s') (w, t')"
shows "equal_upto (M ∪ stack_free (htd t')) (hmem t') (hmem t)"
apply (rule equal_upto_mono [OF _ rel_stack_unchanged_heap [OF alloc stack]])
using stack_free_htd_frame stack
apply (auto simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def subset_iff)
lemma rel_stack_Exn[simp]:
"rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R) (Exn v, s') (Exn w, t') = rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 L (v, s') (w, t')"
by (simp add: rel_stack_def)
lemma rel_stack_Exn_Result[simp]:
"rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R) (Exn v, s') (Result w, t') = False"
by (simp add: rel_stack_def)
lemma rel_stack_Result[simp]:
"rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R) (Result v, s') (Result w, t') = rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 R (v, s') (w, t')"
by (simp add: rel_stack_def)
lemma rel_zero_stack_Result_Exn[simp]:
"rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R) (Result v, s') (Exn w, t') = False"
by (simp add: rel_stack_def)
lemma admissible_fail: " ccpo.admissible Inf (λx y. y ≤ x) (λA. ¬ succeeds A t)"
apply (rule ccpo.admissibleI)
apply (clarsimp simp add: ccpo.admissible_def chain_def
succeeds_def reaches_def split: prod.splits xval_splits)
apply transfer
by (auto simp add: Inf_post_state_def top_post_state_def)
lemma fun_lub_lem: "(λ(A::('f ⇒ (('d, 'e) exception_or_result × 'f) post_state) set) x::'f.
⨅f::'f ⇒ (('d, 'e) exception_or_result × 'f) post_state∈A. f x) = fun_lub (Inf)"
apply (clarsimp simp add: fun_lub_def [abs_def])
by (simp add: image_def)
lemma fun_ord_lem:
"(λ(a::'f ⇒ (('d, 'e) exception_or_result × 'f) post_state)
b::'f ⇒ (('d, 'e) exception_or_result × 'f) post_state. ∀x::'f. b x ≤ a x) = fun_ord (≥)"
apply (simp add: fun_ord_def [abs_def])
lemma admissible_refines_funp:
assumes *: "funp R"
shows "ccpo.admissible Inf (≥) (λA. refines C A s t R)"
apply (rule ccpo.admissibleI)
apply (clarsimp simp add: ccpo.admissible_def chain_def
refines_def_old reaches_def succeeds_def)
apply (intro allI impI conjI)
apply transfer
by (auto simp add: Inf_post_state_def top_post_state_def split: if_split_asm)
using *
apply transfer
apply (clarsimp simp add: funp_def fun_of_rel_def Inf_post_state_def top_post_state_def image_def vimage_def
split: if_split_asm)
by (metis post_state.distinct(1) outcomes.simps(2))
lemma fun_of_rel_stack:
assumes f: "⋀h. fun_of_rel (Q h) (f h)"
shows "fun_of_rel (rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 Q) (λ(r, s). (f (hmem s) r, frame A t⇩0 s))"
using f
by (auto simp add: fun_of_rel_def rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
lemma funp_rel_stack:
assumes funp: "⋀h. funp (Q h)"
shows "funp (rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 Q)"
proof -
from funp obtain f where f: "⋀h. fun_of_rel (Q h) (f h)"
apply (clarsimp simp add: funp_def )
by metis
from fun_of_rel_stack [OF f]
have "fun_of_rel (rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 Q) (λ(r, s). (f (hmem s) r, frame A t⇩0 s))".
then show ?thesis
unfolding funp_def
by blast
theorem admissible_refines_rel_stack[corres_admissible]:
assumes funp: "⋀h. funp (Q h)"
shows "ccpo.admissible Inf (≥) (λg. refines f g s' t' (rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 Q))"
apply (rule admissible_refines_funp)
apply (rule funp_rel_stack)
apply (rule funp)
lemma admissible_rel_stack_eq: "ccpo.admissible ⋂ (λx y. y ⊆ x) (λX. ∃w ∈ X. (λ_. (=)) h v w)"
by (auto simp add: ccpo.admissible_def)
lemma admissible_rel_singleton_stack:
shows "ccpo.admissible ⋂ (λx y. y ⊆ x) (λX. ∃w ∈ X. (rel_singleton_stack p) h v w)"
by (auto simp add: ccpo.admissible_def rel_singleton_stack_def)
lemma admissible_rel_push:
assumes admiss: "⋀h v. ccpo.admissible ⋂ (λx y. y ⊆ x) (λX. ∃w ∈ X. Q h v w)"
shows "ccpo.admissible ⋂ (λx y. y ⊆ x) (λX. ∃w ∈ X. (rel_push p Q) h v w)"
proof -
have "ccpo.admissible ⋂ (λx y. y ⊆ x) (λX. ∃w. (h_val h p, w) ∈ X ∧ Q h v w)"
proof (rule ccpo.admissibleI[rule_format])
fix C::"('c × 'b) set set"
assume chain: "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (λx y. y ⊆ x) C"
assume nonempty: "C ≠ {}"
assume chain_prop: "(⋀X. X ∈ C ⟹ ∃w. (h_val h p, w) ∈ X ∧ Q h v w)"
show "∃w. (h_val h p, w) ∈ ⋂ C ∧ Q h v w"
proof -
define C' where "C' = Set.filter (λ(v, w). v = h_val h p) ` C"
have subset: "⋂ C' ⊆ ⋂ C"
using C'_def by fastforce
from chain have chain_C': "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (λx y. y ⊆ x) C'"
using chain_prop C'_def
by (simp add: chain_imageI subset_iff)
have fst_C': "⋀X t. X ∈ C' ⟹ t ∈ fst ` X ⟹ t = h_val h p"
using C'_def
by auto
from nonempty chain_prop have nonempty_C': "C' ≠ {}"
using C'_def
by blast
from chain_C' have result_chain: "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (λx y. y ⊆ x) ((λX. snd ` X) ` C')"
by (simp add: chain_imageI image_mono)
from nonempty_C' have nonempty_result_chain: "((λX. snd ` X) ` C') ≠ {}" by auto
from chain_prop have result_chain_prop: "(⋀X. X ∈ (`) snd ` C' ⟹ ∃w∈X. Q h v w) "
using C'_def
by auto (metis (mono_tags, lifting) case_prodI member_filter snd_conv)
from ccpo.admissibleD [OF admiss [of "h" v] result_chain nonempty_result_chain result_chain_prop]
obtain w where
w: "w ∈ ⋂ ((λX. snd ` X) ` C')" and Q: "Q h v w"
by auto
from w fst_C' have "(h_val h p, w) ∈ ⋂ C'"
by fastforce
with Q subset show ?thesis by blast
then show ?thesis
by (clarsimp simp add: rel_push_def split_paired_Bex)
lemma admissible_rel_sum_stack:
assumes admiss_L: "⋀h v. ccpo.admissible ⋂ (λx y. y ⊆ x) (λX. ∃w ∈ X. L h v w)"
assumes admiss_R: "⋀h v. ccpo.admissible ⋂ (λx y. y ⊆ x) (λX. ∃w ∈ X. R h v w)"
shows "ccpo.admissible ⋂ (λx y. y ⊆ x) (λX. ∃w ∈ X. (rel_sum_stack L R) h v w)"
proof -
have "ccpo.admissible ⋂ (λx y. y ⊆ x) (λX. ∃w∈X. rel_sum (L h) (R h) v w)"
proof (rule ccpo.admissibleI[rule_format])
fix C::"('c + 'e) set set"
assume chain: "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (λx y. y ⊆ x) C"
assume nonempty: "C ≠ {}"
assume chain_prop: "⋀X. X ∈ C ⟹ ∃w∈X. rel_sum (L h) (R h) v w"
show "∃w∈⋂ C. rel_sum (L h) (R h) v w"
proof (cases v)
case (Inl l)
define C' where "C' = Set.filter (Sum_Type.isl) ` C"
have subset: "⋂ C' ⊆ ⋂ C"
using C'_def by fastforce
from chain have chain_C': "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (λx y. y ⊆ x) C'"
using chain_prop C'_def
by (simp add: chain_imageI subset_iff)
from nonempty chain_prop have nonempty_C': "C' ≠ {}"
using C'_def
by blast
have prop_C': "⋀X t. X ∈ C' ⟹ t ∈ X ⟹ Sum_Type.isl t"
using C'_def
by auto
from Inl chain_prop have chain_prop':
"⋀X. X ∈ C' ⟹ ∃w∈X. ∃l'. w = Inl l' ∧ L h l l'"
by (fastforce simp add: rel_sum.simps C'_def)
have "∃w∈⋂ C. ∃l'. w = Inl l' ∧ L h l l'"
proof -
from chain_C' have result_chain: "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (λx y. y ⊆ x) ((λX. Sum_Type.projl ` X) ` C')"
by (simp add: chain_imageI image_mono)
from nonempty_C' have nonempty_result_chain: "((λX. Sum_Type.projl ` X) ` C') ≠ {}" by auto
from chain_prop' have result_chain_prop: "⋀X. X ∈(λX. Sum_Type.projl ` X) ` C' ⟹ ∃w∈X. L h l w"
using image_iff by fastforce
from ccpo.admissibleD [OF admiss_L [of "h" l] result_chain nonempty_result_chain result_chain_prop]
obtain w where
w: "w∈⋂ ((`) projl ` C')" and L: "L h l w"
by auto
from w prop_C' have "Inl w ∈ ⋂ C'" by fastforce
with L subset show ?thesis by blast
then show ?thesis by (simp add: Inl rel_sum.simps)
case (Inr r)
define C' where "C' = Set.filter (Not o Sum_Type.isl) ` C"
have subset: "⋂ C' ⊆ ⋂ C"
using C'_def by fastforce
from chain have chain_C': "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (λx y. y ⊆ x) C'"
using chain_prop C'_def
by (simp add: chain_imageI subset_iff)
from nonempty chain_prop have nonempty_C': "C' ≠ {}"
using C'_def
by blast
have prop_C': "⋀X t. X ∈ C' ⟹ t ∈ X ⟹ ¬ (Sum_Type.isl t)"
using C'_def
by auto
from Inr chain_prop have chain_prop':
"⋀X. X ∈ C' ⟹ ∃w∈X. ∃r'. w = Inr r' ∧ R h r r'"
by (fastforce simp add: rel_sum.simps C'_def)
have "∃w∈⋂ C. ∃r'. w = Inr r' ∧ R h r r'"
proof -
from chain_C' have result_chain: "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (λx y. y ⊆ x) ((λX. Sum_Type.projr ` X) ` C')"
by (simp add: chain_imageI image_mono)
from nonempty_C' have nonempty_result_chain: "((λX. Sum_Type.projr ` X) ` C') ≠ {}" by auto
from chain_prop' have result_chain_prop: "⋀X. X ∈(λX. Sum_Type.projr ` X) ` C' ⟹ ∃w∈X. R h r w"
using image_iff by fastforce
from ccpo.admissibleD [OF admiss_R [of "h" r] result_chain nonempty_result_chain result_chain_prop]
obtain w where
w: "w∈⋂ ((`) projr ` C')" and L: "R h r w"
by auto
from w prop_C' have "Inr w ∈ ⋂ C'" by fastforce
with L subset show ?thesis by blast
then show ?thesis by (simp add: Inr rel_sum.simps)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: rel_sum_stack_def)
lemma IOcorres_refines_conv:
assumes rel_to_prj: "⋀h. fun_of_rel (R h) (prj h)"
assumes rel_to_prjE: "⋀h. fun_of_rel (L h) (prjE h)"
shows "IOcorres
(λs. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s (frame A t⇩0 s) ∧ P s)
(λs r s'. stack_free (htd s') ⊆ 𝒮 ∧ stack_free (htd s') ∩ A = {} ∧ stack_free (htd s') ∩ M1 = {} ∧
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ∧
htd s' = htd s ∧
(case r of Exn l ⇒ ∃e. l = Nonlocal e ∧ L (hmem s') e (prjE (hmem s') e)| Result x ⇒ R (hmem s') x (prj (hmem s') x)))
(frame A t⇩0)
(λr s. prj (hmem s) r)
(λr s. prjE (hmem s) (the_Nonlocal r))
g f
(∀s t. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟶ P s ⟶ refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) R)))"
apply standard
apply (clarsimp simp add: IOcorres_def corresXF_post_def)
apply (rule refinesI)
using rel_alloc_fold_frame by blast
subgoal for s t v s'
apply (erule_tac x=s in allE)
apply (subst (asm) (1 2) rel_alloc_def)
apply safe
apply (clarsimp)
apply (erule_tac x="v" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="s'" in allE)
apply (clarsimp split: xval_splits)
subgoal for x
apply (rule exI[where x="Exn (prjE (hmem s') x)"])
apply (rule exI[where x="frame A t⇩0 s'"])
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def fun_of_rel_def)
subgoal for x
apply (rule exI[where x="Result (prj (hmem s') x)"])
apply (rule exI[where x="frame A t⇩0 s'"])
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def fun_of_rel_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: IOcorres_def corresXF_post_def)
subgoal for s
apply (rule conjI)
apply clarsimp
subgoal for v s'
apply (erule_tac x="s" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="(frame A t⇩0 s)" in allE)
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_alloc_def refines_def_old)
apply (erule_tac x="v" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="s'" in allE)
apply (cases v)
using rel_to_prjE by (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def fun_of_rel_def rel_exit_def default_option_def
Exn_def [symmetric])
using rel_to_prj by (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def fun_of_rel_def default_option_def
Exn_def [symmetric])
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old)
lemmas IOcorres_to_refines = iffD1 [OF IOcorres_refines_conv, rule_format]
lemmas refines_to_IOcorres = iffD2 [OF IOcorres_refines_conv, rule_format]
lemma refines_rel_xval_stack_generalise_exit:
"refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R)) ⟹ (⋀h v w. L h v w ⟹ L' h v w) ⟹
refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L' R))"
by (erule refines_weaken) (auto simp add: rel_stack_def rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps)
lemma L2_gets_rel_stack':
assumes "R (hmem s) (e s) (e' (frame A t⇩0 s))"
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines (L2_gets e ns) (L2_gets e' ns) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using assms
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
lemma L2_gets_rel_stack:
assumes "R (hmem s) (e s) (e' (frame A t⇩0 s))"
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines (L2_gets e ns) (L2_gets e' ns') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using assms
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
lemma L2_gets_rel_stack_guarded:
assumes "G ⟹ R (hmem s) (e s) (e' (frame A t⇩0 s))"
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines (L2_gets e ns) (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. (L2_gets e' ns'))) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using assms
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def succeeds_bind reaches_bind)
lemma L2_gets_constant_trivial_rel_stack:
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines (L2_gets (λ_. c) ns) (L2_gets (λ_. c) ns) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L (λ_. (=))))"
using assms
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
lemma L2_gets_constant_rel_stack:
assumes "R (hmem s) c c'"
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines (L2_gets (λ_. c) ns) (L2_gets (λ_. c') ns) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using assms
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
lemma L2_throw_rel_stack:
assumes "L (hmem s) c c'"
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines (L2_throw c ns) (L2_throw c' ns') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using assms
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def Exn_def [symmetric])
lemma L2_try_rel_stack:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_sum_stack L R) R))"
shows "refines (L2_try f) (L2_try g) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def reaches_try)
subgoal for s' r'
apply (cases r')
apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
subgoal for y
apply (cases y)
subgoal by fastforce
subgoal by fastforce
apply fastforce
lemma L2_try_rel_stack_merge1:
assumes "⋀h v v'. R' h v v' ⟹ R h v v'"
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_sum_stack L R') R))"
shows "refines (L2_try f) (L2_try g) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def reaches_try)
subgoal for s' r'
apply (cases r')
apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
subgoal for y
apply (cases y)
subgoal by fastforce
subgoal by fastforce
apply fastforce
lemma L2_try_rel_stack_merge2:
assumes "⋀h v v'. R' h v v' ⟹ R h v v'"
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_sum_stack L R) R'))"
shows "refines (L2_try f) (L2_try g) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def reaches_try)
subgoal for s' r'
apply (cases r')
apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
subgoal for y
apply (cases y)
subgoal by fastforce
subgoal by fastforce
apply fastforce
lemma L2_guard_rel_stack:
assumes "e' (frame A t⇩0 s) ⟹ e s"
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines (L2_guard e) (L2_guard e') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L (λ_. (=))))"
using assms
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
lemma L2_modify_heap_update_rel_stack':
fixes p::"'a:: mem_type ptr"
assumes "R (heap_update p v (hmem s)) () (e' (frame A t⇩0 s))"
assumes "ptr_span p ⊆ A"
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p) A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines
(L2_modify (hmem_upd (heap_update p v)))
(L2_gets e' ns)
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p) A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using assms
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def
frame_heap_update equal_upto_heap_update)
lemma L2_modify_heap_update_rel_stack:
fixes p::"'a:: mem_type ptr"
assumes "R (heap_update p (v s) (hmem s)) () (e' (frame A t⇩0 s))"
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes "ptr_span p ⊆ A"
assumes "ptr_span p ⊆ M"
shows "refines
(L2_modify (λs. hmem_upd (heap_update p (v s)) s))
(L2_gets e' ns)
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p) A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using assms
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def
frame_heap_update equal_upto_heap_update)
lemma L2_modify_keep_heap_update_rel_stack:
fixes p::"'a:: mem_type ptr"
assumes "v s = v' (frame A t⇩0 s)"
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes "ptr_span p ∩ A = {}"
assumes "ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
assumes "ptr_span p ⊆ M"
shows "refines
(L2_modify (λs. hmem_upd (heap_update p (v s)) s))
(L2_modify (λs. hmem_upd (heap_update p (v' s)) s))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p) A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L (λ_. (=))))"
using assms
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def
frame_heap_update disjoint_subset2 equal_upto_heap_update
lemma L2_modify_keep_heap_update_rel_stack_guarded:
fixes p::"'a:: mem_type ptr"
assumes "G ⟹ v s = v' (frame A t⇩0 s)"
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ A = {}"
assumes "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
assumes "G ⟹ ptr_span p ⊆ M"
shows "refines
(L2_modify (λs. hmem_upd (heap_update p (v s)) s))
(L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. (L2_modify (λs. hmem_upd (heap_update p (v' s)) s))))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p) A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L (λ_. (=))))"
apply (rule refines_L2_guard_right)
apply (rule L2_modify_keep_heap_update_rel_stack)
using assms by auto
lemma L2_call_rel_stack':
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes L': "⋀e e' s. L (hmem s) e e' ⟹ L' (hmem s) (emb e) (emb' e') "
assumes f: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
shows "refines
(L2_call f emb ns)
(L2_call g emb' ns')
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L' R))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: L2_call_def refines_def_old reaches_map_value)
subgoal for s' r'
apply (cases r')
by (fastforce simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric]
rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps)
by (fastforce simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps)
lemma L2_call_rel_stack'':
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes L': "⋀e e' s. L (hmem s) e e' ⟹ rel_sum_stack L R' (hmem s) (emb e) (emb' e') "
assumes f: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
shows "refines
(L2_call f emb ns)
(L2_call g emb' ns')
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_sum_stack L R') R))"
apply (rule L2_call_rel_stack' [OF assms(1) _ f ])
by (rule L')
lemma L2_call_rel_stack:
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes L': "⋀e e' s. L (hmem s) e e' ⟹ L' (hmem s) (emb e) (emb e') "
assumes f: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
shows "refines
(L2_call f emb ns)
(L2_call g emb ns')
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L' R))"
apply (rule L2_call_rel_stack' [OF assms (1) _ f])
by (rule L')
text ‹Currently exceptions on the function level are terminal and are propagated to the toplevel.
So the result relation for \<^term>‹Inl› is equality.›
lemma L2_call_rel_stack_eq_InL:
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (λ_. (=)) R))"
shows "refines
(L2_call f emb ns)
(L2_call g emb ns')
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (λ_. (=)) R))"
apply (rule L2_call_rel_stack' [OF assms(1) _ f ])
by simp
lemma L2_call_rel_stack_bot_InL:
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (λ_ _ _. False) R))"
shows "refines
(L2_call f emb ns)
(L2_call g emb ns')
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (λ_ _ _. False) R))"
apply (rule L2_call_rel_stack' [OF assms(1) _ f])
by simp
lemma L2_seq_rel_stack'':
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f1_g1: "refines f1 g1 s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R1))"
assumes f2_g2: "⋀s' t' v w. R1 (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
refines (f2 v) (g2' s' w) s' t' (rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s' t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes g2'_g2: "⋀s' t' v w. R1 (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
g2' s' w = g2 w "
assumes M1: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes M2: "M2 ⊆ M"
shows "refines (L2_seq f1 f2) (L2_seq g1 g2) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 (M1 ∪ M2) A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
proof -
from f2_g2 g2'_g2
have f2_g2: "⋀s' t' v w. R1 (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
refines (f2 v) (g2 w) s' t' (rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s' t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
by metis
show ?thesis
apply (rule refines_L2_seq)
apply (rule f1_g1)
apply (simp_all)
using s_t M1 M2
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def, intro conjI)
by (smt (verit, best) Un_commute disjoint_subset2 disjoint_union_distrib
equal_on_stack_free_preservation rel_alloc_def sup.coboundedI2)
using equal_upto_mono
by (metis inf_sup_ord(3) order_le_less sup_mono)
apply (rule refines_mono [OF _ f2_g2 ])
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def equal_upto_def)
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
using M1 M2 s_t
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
lemma L2_seq_rel_stack:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f1_g1: "refines f1 g1 s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R1))"
assumes f2_g2: "⋀s' t' v w. R1 (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
refines (f2 v) (g2' w s') s' t' (rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s' t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes g2'_g2: "⋀s' t' v w. R1 (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
g2' w s' = g2 w "
assumes M1: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes M2: "M2 ⊆ M"
assumes M': "M' = M1 ∪ M2"
shows "refines (L2_seq f1 f2) (L2_seq g1 g2) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M' A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
proof -
from f2_g2 g2'_g2
have f2_g2: "⋀s' t' v w. R1 (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
refines (f2 v) (g2 w) s' t' (rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s' t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
by metis
show ?thesis
apply (rule refines_L2_seq)
apply (rule f1_g1)
apply (simp_all)
using s_t M1 M2 M'
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def, intro conjI)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_Un_distrib rel_alloc_def sup.absorb_iff1)
using equal_upto_mono
by (metis inf_sup_ord(3) order_le_less sup_mono)
apply (rule refines_mono [OF _ f2_g2 ])
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def, intro conjI)
subgoal by auto (metis M1 M2 M' UnE disjoint_iff equal_on_stack_free_preservation)
subgoal by (smt (verit, best) M1 M2 M' Un_iff equal_on_stack_free_preservation equal_upto_def)
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
using M1 M2 s_t
apply (auto simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
lemma L2_seq_rel_stack_g2_normalised:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f1_g1: "refines f1 g1 s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R1))"
assumes f2_g2: "⋀s' t' v w. R1 (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
refines (f2 v) (g2 w) s' t' (rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s' t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes M1: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes M2: "M2 ⊆ M"
assumes M': "M' = M1 ∪ M2"
shows "refines (L2_seq f1 f2) (L2_seq g1 g2) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M' A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
by (rule L2_seq_rel_stack [OF s_t f1_g1 f2_g2 _ M1 M2 M']) auto
lemma L2_seq_rel_stack':
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f1_g1: "refines f1 g1 s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R1))"
assumes f2_g2: "⋀s' t' v w. R1 (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
refines (f2 v) (g2 w) s' t' (rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s' t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes M1: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes M2: "M2 ⊆ M"
assumes M': "M' = M1 ∪ M2"
shows "refines (L2_seq f1 f2) (L2_seq g1 g2) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M' A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
proof -
show ?thesis
apply (rule refines_L2_seq)
apply (rule f1_g1)
apply (simp_all)
using s_t M1 M2 M'
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def, intro conjI)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_Un_distrib rel_alloc_def sup.absorb_iff1)
using equal_upto_mono
by (metis inf_sup_ord(3) order_le_less sup_mono)
apply (rule refines_mono [OF _ f2_g2 ])
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def, intro conjI)
subgoal by auto (metis M1 M2 M' UnE disjoint_iff equal_on_stack_free_preservation)
subgoal by (smt (verit, best) M1 M2 M' Un_iff equal_on_stack_free_preservation equal_upto_def)
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
using M1 M2 s_t
apply (auto simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
lemma frame_raw_frame_union:
assumes disj_A_B: "A ∩ B = {}"
assumes sf: "stack_free (htd s) ∩ B = {}"
shows "frame (A ∪ B) (raw_frame B s t⇩0) s = frame A t⇩0 s"
apply (clarsimp simp add: frame_def raw_frame_def)
using override_on_frame_raw_frame_lemma1 [OF disj_A_B sf]
override_on_frame_raw_frame_lemma2 [OF disj_A_B sf]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong hmem_htd_upd typing.upd_cong)
lemma refines_narrow_frame':
assumes disj_B_M: "B ∩ M = {}"
assumes disj_A_B: "A ∩ B = {}"
assumes spec: "⋀t⇩0 s t. rel_alloc 𝒮 M1 (A ∪ B) t⇩0 s t ⟹
refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M (A ∪ B) s t⇩0 Q)"
assumes sf: "stack_free (htd s) ∩ B = {}"
assumes rel_alloc: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M1 A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 Q)"
proof -
from rel_alloc have t: "t = frame A t⇩0 s" by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
define t⇩0' where "t⇩0' = raw_frame B s t⇩0"
have "t = frame (A ∪ B) t⇩0' s"
using frame_raw_frame_union [OF disj_A_B sf]
by (simp add: t⇩0'_def t)
with rel_alloc sf have rel_alloc': "rel_alloc 𝒮 M1 (A ∪ B) t⇩0' s t"
by (auto simp add: t⇩0'_def rel_alloc_def)
from spec [OF rel_alloc'] have refines': "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M (A ∪ B) s t⇩0' Q)" .
show ?thesis
proof (rule refinesI)
show "succeeds g t ⟹ succeeds f s" using refines'
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old)
fix v s'
assume succeeds: "succeeds g t" "succeeds f s"
assume result: "reaches f s v s'"
show "∃w t'. reaches g t w t' ∧ rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 Q (v, s') (w, t')"
proof -
from succeeds result refines' obtain w t'
res: "reaches g t w t'" and
stack: "rel_stack 𝒮 M (A ∪ B) s t⇩0' Q (v, s') (w, t')"
by (fastforce simp add: refines_def_old)
from stack obtain
mem_eq: "equal_upto (M ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s)" and
htd_eq1: "equal_upto M (htd s') (htd s)" and
htd_eq2: "equal_on 𝒮 (htd s') (htd s)"
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
from stack
have sf_eq: "stack_free (htd s') = stack_free (htd s)"
using disj_A_B by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
have htd_eq:
"override_on (htd s') (override_on (htd t⇩0) (htd s) B) (A ∪ B - stack_free (htd s)) =
override_on (htd s') (htd t⇩0) (A - stack_free (htd s))"
using disj_A_B disj_B_M sf sf_eq htd_eq1
apply (clarsimp simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff)
by (auto simp add: equal_upto_def orthD1)
have hmem_eq:
"override_on (hmem s') (override_on (hmem t⇩0) (hmem s) B) (A ∪ B ∪ stack_free (htd s)) =
override_on (hmem s') (hmem t⇩0) (A ∪ stack_free (htd s))"
using disj_A_B disj_B_M sf sf_eq mem_eq
by (auto simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff disjoint_iff equal_upto_def)
from stack have rel_stack': "rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 Q (v, s') (w, t')"
apply (simp add: t⇩0'_def)
apply (simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: frame_def raw_frame_def sf_eq)
using htd_eq mem_eq
by auto (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong hmem_eq hmem_htd_upd typing.upd_cong)
then show ?thesis using res
by auto
lemma refines_narrow_frame:
assumes subset: "B ⊆ A"
assumes disj_B_M: "B ∩ M = {}"
assumes spec: "⋀t⇩0 s t. rel_alloc 𝒮 M1 A t⇩0 s t ⟹ refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 Q)"
assumes sf: "stack_free (htd s) ∩ B = {}"
assumes rel_alloc: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M1 (A - B) t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M (A - B) s t⇩0 Q)"
proof -
from subset obtain A1 where A: "A = A1 ∪ B" and disj: "A1 ∩ B = {}" and A1: "A1 = A - B"
by (metis Diff_Diff_Int Diff_disjoint Un_Diff_Int inter_sub)
from refines_narrow_frame'[OF disj_B_M disj spec [simplified A] sf] rel_alloc
show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: A1)
lemma refines_widen_modifies:
assumes "rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes "refines f g s t (rel_stack S M' A s t⇩0 Q)"
assumes "M' ⊆ M"
shows "refines f g s t (rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 Q)"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def split: prod.splits xval_splits)
by (smt (verit) UnI2 Un_assoc equal_on_stack_free_preservation equal_upto_def sup.absorb_iff1)
lemma refines_widen_modifies':
assumes "rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ refines f g s t (rel_stack S M' A s t⇩0 Q)"
assumes "M' ⊆ M"
assumes "rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines f g s t (rel_stack S M A s t⇩0 Q)"
using refines_widen_modifies assms by blast
lemma refines_widen_modifies'':
assumes "rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes "refines f g s t (rel_stack S M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
assumes "M1 ⊆ M2"
assumes "M2 ⊆ M"
shows "refines f g s t (rel_stack S M2 A s t⇩0 Q)"
using refines_widen_modifies assms rel_alloc_modifies_antimono
by blast
lemma refines_widen_modifies_weaken:
assumes alloc: "rel_alloc S M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "refines f g s t (rel_stack S M1 A s t⇩0 Q')"
assumes M1_M2: "M1 ⊆ M2"
assumes M2_M: "M2 ⊆ M"
assumes weaken: "⋀h r r'. Q' h r r' ⟹ Q h r r'"
shows "refines f g s t (rel_stack S M2 A s t⇩0 Q)"
proof -
have "refines f g s t (rel_stack S M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
apply (rule refines_weaken [OF f])
using weaken by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
with alloc M1_M2 M2_M refines_widen_modifies rel_alloc_modifies_antimono refines_weaken
show ?thesis
by blast
lemma L2_guarded_rel_stack:
assumes e: "g' (frame A t⇩0 s) ⟹ g s"
assumes rel_alloc: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes X_X': "g s ⟹ g' t ⟹ refines X X' s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M' A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes M: "M' ⊆ M"
shows "refines (L2_guarded g X) (L2_guarded g' X') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M' A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
apply (rule refines_L2_guarded)
subgoal using e rel_alloc
apply (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
apply (rule X_X')
apply (simp_all add: M)
lemma L2_condition_rel_stack:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes c_c': "c s = c' (frame A t⇩0 s)"
assumes f1_g1: "refines f1 g1 s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes f2_g2: "refines f2 g2 s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes M1: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes M2: "M2 ⊆ M"
assumes M': "M' = M1 ∪ M2"
shows "refines (L2_condition c f1 f2) (L2_condition c' g1 g2) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M' A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
unfolding L2_condition_def
apply (rule refines_condition)
subgoal using s_t c_c' by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
subgoal apply (rule refines_widen_modifies [OF _ f1_g1]) using s_t M1 M2 M' rel_alloc_modifies_antimono by auto
subgoal apply (rule refines_widen_modifies [OF _ f2_g2]) using s_t M1 M2 M' rel_alloc_modifies_antimono by auto
lemma L2_while_rel_stack'':
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes R_i: "R (hmem s) i i'"
assumes refines_condition: "⋀s v v'. R (hmem s) v v' ⟹ c' v' (frame A t⇩0 s) = c v s"
assumes bdy: "⋀s t v v'. R (hmem s) v v' ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M1 A t⇩0 s t ⟹ c v s ⟹ c' v' t ⟹
refines (f v) (g v') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes M1: "M1 ⊆ M"
shows "refines (L2_while c f i ns) (L2_while c' g i' ns') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
unfolding L2_while_def
apply (rule refines_whileLoop_exn)
subgoal by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def refines_condition rel_alloc_def)
subgoal for v s' w t'
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_mono [OF _ bdy])
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def )
subgoal by (metis equal_upto_trans)
apply (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
apply (auto simp add: s_t R_i rel_stack_def rel_alloc_modifies_antimono [OF _ M1])
lemma L2_while_rel_stack''':
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes R_i: "R (hmem s) i i'"
assumes refines_condition: "⋀s v v'. R (hmem s) v v' ⟹ c' v' (frame A t⇩0 s) = c v s"
assumes bdy: "⋀s t v v'. R (hmem s) v v' ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ c v s ⟹ c' v' t ⟹
refines (f v) (g v') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes M1: "M1 ⊆ M"
shows "refines (L2_while c f i ns) (L2_while c' g i' ns') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
unfolding L2_while_def
apply (rule refines_whileLoop_exn)
subgoal by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def refines_condition rel_alloc_def)
subgoal for v s' w t'
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_mono [OF _ bdy])
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def )
apply (metis equal_upto_trans)
using s_t by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
apply (auto simp add: s_t R_i rel_stack_def rel_alloc_modifies_antimono [OF _ M1])
lemma L2_while_rel_stack':
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes refines_condition: "⋀s v v'. R (hmem s) v v' ⟹ c' v' (frame A t⇩0 s) = c v s"
assumes R_i: "R (hmem s) i i'"
assumes bdy: "⋀s t v v'. R (hmem s) v v' ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹
refines (f v) (g v') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes M1: "M1 ⊆ M"
shows "refines (L2_while c f i ns) (L2_while c' g i' ns') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
unfolding L2_while_def
apply (rule refines_whileLoop_exn)
subgoal by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def refines_condition rel_alloc_def)
subgoal for v s' w t'
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_mono [OF _ bdy])
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def )
apply (metis equal_upto_trans)
subgoal by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
subgoal using s_t by (simp add: rel_stack_def) (metis rel_alloc_def)
apply (auto simp add: s_t R_i rel_stack_def rel_alloc_modifies_antimono [OF _ M1])
lemma L2_while_rel_stack:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes R_i: "R (hmem s) i i'"
assumes bdy: "⋀s' t' v w. R (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹ c v s' ⟹ c' w t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
refines (f v) (g' w s') s' t' (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s' t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes refines_condition: "⋀s' t' v w. R (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹ htd s' = htd s ⟹
c' w t' = c v s'"
assumes g'_g: "⋀s' t' v w. R (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
g' w s' = g w"
assumes M1: "M1 ⊆ M"
shows "refines (L2_while c f i ns) (L2_while c' g i' ns') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
unfolding L2_while_def
apply (rule refines_mono [where R = "λ(r, s') (w, t').
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ∧
htd s' = htd s ∧
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s' t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R)) (r, s') (w, t')" ])
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
apply (rule refines_whileLoop_exn)
subgoal using s_t by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def refines_condition rel_alloc_def)
subgoal for v s' w t'
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_weaken [where R="(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s' t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"] )
apply (subst g'_g [of s' v w t', symmetric])
apply (simp add: rel_stack_def)
apply (simp add: rel_stack_def)
using rel_alloc_def s_t
apply force
apply simp
apply simp
apply (rule bdy)
apply (simp add: rel_stack_def)
apply (simp add: rel_stack_def)
using s_t apply (metis equal_on_stack_free_preservation rel_alloc_def)
apply simp
apply simp
apply simp
apply simp
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def)
apply (metis equal_upto_trans)
apply (smt (verit) L2_split_fixup_3 M1 R_i equal_upto_refl heap_state.rel_stack_def heap_state_axioms rel_alloc_modifies_antimono rel_xval_stack_simps(2) s_t)
apply (auto simp add: s_t R_i rel_stack_def rel_alloc_modifies_antimono [OF _ M1])
lemma L2_while_rel_stack_g_normalised:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes R_i: "R (hmem s) i i'"
assumes bdy: "⋀s' t' v w. R (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹ c v s' ⟹ c' w t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
refines (f v) (g w) s' t' (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s' t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes refines_condition: "⋀s' t' v w. R (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹ htd s' = htd s ⟹
c' w t' = c v s'"
assumes M1: "M1 ⊆ M"
shows "refines (L2_while c f i ns) (L2_while c' g i' ns') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
apply (rule L2_while_rel_stack [OF s_t R_i bdy refines_condition _ M1])
by auto
lemma L2_while_rel_stack_g_normalised_guarded:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes R_i: "R (hmem s) i i'"
assumes bdy: "⋀s' t' v w. R (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹ c v s' ⟹ c' w t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
refines (f v) (g w) s' t' (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s' t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes refines_condition: "⋀s' t' v w. R (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹ htd s' = htd s ⟹ G' w t' ⟹
c' w t' = c v s'"
assumes M1: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes G_G': "G t = G' i' t"
shows "refines (L2_while c f i ns)
(L2_seq (L2_guard G)
(λ_. (L2_while c' (λv. L2_seq (g v) (λres. L2_seq (L2_guard (G' res)) (λ_. L2_gets (λ_. res) ns'))) i' ns')) ) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
apply (rule refines_mono [where R = "λ(r, s') (w, t').
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ∧
htd s' = htd s ∧
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s' t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R)) (r, s') (w, t')" ])
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
unfolding L2_defs gets_return
apply (rule refines_whileLoop_guard_right)
subgoal using s_t by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def refines_condition rel_alloc_def)
subgoal for v s' w t'
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_weaken [where R="(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s' t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"] )
apply (rule bdy)
subgoal by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
subgoal using rel_alloc_def s_t by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
subgoal by simp
subgoal by simp
subgoal using s_t by simp
subgoal by simp
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def)
apply (metis equal_upto_trans)
subgoal by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
subgoal using R_i s_t by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_modifies_antimono [OF _ M1])
subgoal using G_G' by simp
lemma L2_unknown_rel_stack:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines (L2_unknown ns) (L2_unknown ns) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L (λ_. (=))))"
using s_t
by (auto simp add: L2_unknown_def refines_def_old rel_stack_def rel_alloc_modifies_antimono)
lemma L2_fail_rel_stack:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines (L2_fail) (L2_fail) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using s_t
by (auto simp add: L2_fail_def refines_def_old rel_stack_def rel_alloc_modifies_antimono)
lemma L2_undefined_function_rel_stack:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines ((L2_guard (λs. UNDEFINED_FUNCTION))) L2_fail s t (rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using s_t L2_fail_rel_stack
by (auto simp add: L2_guard_false UNDEFINED_FUNCTION_def)
lemma L2_skip_rel_stack:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
shows "refines L2_skip L2_skip s t (rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L (λ_. (=))))"
using s_t
by (auto simp add: L2_gets_def refines_def_old rel_stack_def rel_alloc_modifies_antimono)
lemma L2_spec_rel_stack:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes "⋀t'. (frame A t⇩0 s, t') ∈ r' ⟹ ∃s'. (s, s') ∈ r"
assumes "⋀s'. (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ (frame A t⇩0 s, frame A t⇩0 s') ∈ r'"
assumes "⋀s'. (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ equal_upto (M ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s)"
assumes "⋀s'. (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ htd s' = htd s"
assumes "⋀s'. (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ stack_free (htd s') ⊆ 𝒮"
assumes "⋀s'. (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ stack_free (htd s') ∩ A = {}"
assumes "⋀s'. (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ stack_free (htd s') ∩ M = {}"
shows "refines (L2_spec r) (L2_spec r') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L (λ_. (=))))"
using assms
by (auto simp add: L2_spec_def refines_def_old rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def succeeds_bind reaches_bind)
lemma L2_spec_rel_stack':
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes "⋀t'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (frame A t⇩0 s, t') ∈ r' ⟹ ∃s'. (s, s') ∈ r"
assumes "⋀s'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ (frame A t⇩0 s, frame A t⇩0 s') ∈ r'"
assumes "⋀s'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ equal_upto (M ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s)"
assumes "⋀s'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ htd s' = htd s"
assumes "⋀s'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ stack_free (htd s') ⊆ 𝒮"
assumes "⋀s'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ stack_free (htd s') ∩ A = {}"
assumes "⋀s'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ stack_free (htd s') ∩ M = {}"
shows "refines (L2_spec r) (L2_spec r') s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L (λ_. (=))))"
using s_t assms(2-8) [OF s_t] by (rule L2_spec_rel_stack)
lemma L2_spec_rel_stack_same:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes "⋀t'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (frame A t⇩0 s, t') ∈ r ⟹ ∃s'. (s, s') ∈ r"
assumes "⋀s'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ (frame A t⇩0 s, frame A t⇩0 s') ∈ r"
assumes "⋀s'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ equal_upto (M ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s)"
assumes "⋀s'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ htd s' = htd s"
assumes "⋀s'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ stack_free (htd s') ⊆ 𝒮"
assumes "⋀s'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ stack_free (htd s') ∩ A = {}"
assumes "⋀s'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t ⟹ (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ stack_free (htd s') ∩ M = {}"
shows "refines (L2_spec r) (L2_spec r) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L (λ_. (=))))"
using assms
by (rule L2_spec_rel_stack')
lemma L2_spec_rel_stack_heap_agnostic:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes hmem_unchanged: "⋀s s'. (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ hmem s' = hmem s"
assumes htd_unchanged: "⋀s s'. (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ htd s' = htd s"
assumes heap_irrelevant: "⋀s s' f g. (s, s') ∈ r ⟹ (hmem_upd g (htd_upd f s), hmem_upd g (htd_upd f s')) ∈ r"
shows "refines (L2_spec r) (L2_spec r) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L (λ_. (=))))"
proof -
have "refines (L2_spec r) (L2_spec r) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L (λ_. (=))))"
apply (rule L2_spec_rel_stack_same [OF s_t])
subgoal premises prems for t'
proof -
from prems have r: "(frame A t⇩0 s, t') ∈ r" by simp
have s_eq: "s = hmem_upd (λ_. hmem s) ((htd_upd (λ_. htd s) (frame A t⇩0 s)))"
apply (simp add: frame_def)
by (metis equal_upto_heap_on_def equal_upto_heap_on_frame frame_def heap.get_upd htd_hmem_upd typing.get_upd)
show ?thesis
apply (subst s_eq)
apply (rule exI)
apply (rule heap_irrelevant)
apply (rule r)
apply (simp add: frame_def)
using heap_irrelevant htd_unchanged
by simp
using hmem_unchanged by simp
using htd_unchanged by simp
using htd_unchanged by (simp add: rel_alloc_def)
using htd_unchanged by (simp add: rel_alloc_def)
using htd_unchanged by (simp add: rel_alloc_def)
then show ?thesis
using hmem_unchanged htd_unchanged
apply (clarsimp simp add: L2_spec_def refines_def_old rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def reaches_bind
apply (meson UNIV_I image_eqI)
apply force+
lemma L2_assume_rel_stack:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes "⋀v s'. (v, s') ∈ f s ⟹
∃w. (w, frame A t⇩0 s') ∈ g (frame A t⇩0 s) ∧ rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 R (v, s') (w, frame A t⇩0 s')"
shows "refines (L2_assume f) (L2_assume g) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: L2_assume_def refines_def_old rel_alloc_def rel_stack_def)
by metis
lemma L2_assume_rel_stack_heap_agnostic:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes hmem_unchanged: "⋀a s s'. (a, s') ∈ f s ⟹ hmem s' = hmem s"
assumes htd_unchanged: "⋀a s s'. (a, s') ∈ f s ⟹ htd s' = htd s"
assumes heap_irrelevant: "⋀a s s' g h. (a, s') ∈ f s ⟹ (a, hmem_upd h (htd_upd g s')) ∈ f (hmem_upd h (htd_upd g s))"
shows "refines (L2_assume f) (L2_assume f) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L (λ_. (=))))"
apply (rule L2_assume_rel_stack)
using s_t
by (auto simp add: L2_assume_def refines_def_old rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
subgoal for v s'
apply (rule exI[where x=v])
apply (intro conjI)
using frame_def heap_irrelevant htd_unchanged by presburger
apply (clarsimp simp: rel_stack_def frame_def)
apply (intro conjI)
subgoal using ‹rel_alloc 𝒮 {} A t⇩0 s t› frame_def htd_unchanged rel_alloc_def by force
subgoal using hmem_unchanged by force
subgoal using htd_unchanged by blast
lemma refines_rel_stack_embed_result':
assumes rel_alloc: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes R1: "⋀v s' w t'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹ R (hmem s') v w ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
R1 (hmem s') v (emb w)"
assumes M2_M: "M2 ⊆ M"
assumes M1_M2: "M1 ⊆ M2"
shows "refines f (L2_seq g (ETA_TUPLED (λx. L2_gets (λ_. emb x) ns))) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R1))"
unfolding L2_defs ETA_TUPLED_def
apply (subst bind_return [symmetric, of f])
apply (rule refines_bind_bind_exn [OF f])
using M1_M2 M2_M rel_alloc
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
by auto (meson Un_mono equal_upto_mono equalityE)
subgoal by auto
subgoal by auto
apply (clarsimp simp add: gets_return rel_stack_def)
apply (intro conjI)
subgoal using R1 rel_alloc by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
subgoal using M2_M rel_alloc by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
subgoal using M1_M2 by (meson equal_upto_mono equalityD2 sup.mono)
lemma refines_rel_stack_root_upd_result:
assumes rel_alloc: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "P t ⟹ refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. g)) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes R1: "⋀v s' w t'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹ R (hmem s') v w ⟹ P t ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
R1 (hmem s') v (emb w)"
assumes M2_M: "P t ⟹ M2 ⊆ M"
assumes M1_M2: "P t ⟹ M1 ⊆ M2"
shows "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. L2_seq g (ETA_TUPLED (λx. L2_gets (λ_. emb x) ns)))) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R1))"
using refines_rel_stack_embed_result'[OF assms(1) _ _ assms(4,5), of f g L R R1 emb]
using assms(2,3)
by (auto simp add: refines_bind_guard_right_iff L2_defs ETA_TUPLED_def)
lemma refines_rel_stack_embed_exit:
assumes rel_alloc: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes L1: "⋀v s' w t'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹ L (hmem s') v w ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
L1 (hmem s') v (emb w)"
assumes M2_M: "M2 ⊆ M"
assumes M1_M2: "M1 ⊆ M2"
shows "refines
f (L2_catch g (ETA_TUPLED (λx. L2_throw (emb x) ns))) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L1 R))"
unfolding L2_defs ETA_TUPLED_def
apply (subst f_catch_throw [symmetric, of f])
apply (rule refines_catch [OF assms(2)])
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def, intro conjI)
subgoal using L1 rel_alloc by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
subgoal using M2_M rel_alloc by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
subgoal using M1_M2 by (meson equal_upto_mono equalityD2 sup.mono)
subgoal by auto
subgoal by auto
apply (simp add: rel_stack_def)
apply (intro conjI)
subgoal using M2_M rel_alloc by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
subgoal using M1_M2 by auto (meson equal_upto_mono equalityD2 sup.mono)
lemma refines_rel_stack_embed_both:
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes L: "⋀v s' w t'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹ L (hmem s') v w ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
L1 (hmem s') v (embL w)"
assumes R: "⋀v s' w t'. rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹ R (hmem s') v w ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
R1 (hmem s') v (embR w)"
assumes M2_M: "M2 ⊆ M"
assumes M1_M2: "M1 ⊆ M2"
shows "refines
(L2_catch g (ETA_TUPLED (λx. L2_throw (embL x) ns)))
(ETA_TUPLED (λx. L2_gets (λ_. embR x) ns))) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L1 R1))"
apply (rule refines_rel_stack_embed_result' [OF stack _ _ M2_M M1_M2, where R=R])
apply (rule refines_rel_stack_embed_exit [OF stack f_g ])
by (rule L)
subgoal using M1_M2 M2_M by auto
subgoal by auto
by (rule R)
lemma refines_assume_result_and_state_left:
assumes "⋀s' v. (v, s') ∈ A s ⟹ refines (f v) g s' t Q"
shows "refines (do { v <- assume_result_and_state A; f v }) g s t Q"
using assms
apply (auto simp add: refines_def_old succeeds_bind reaches_bind split: xval_splits)
lemma refines_assume_result_and_state_right:
assumes "A t ≠ {}"
assumes "⋀t' v. (v, t') ∈ A t ⟹ refines f (g v) s t' Q"
shows "refines f (do { v <- assume_result_and_state A; g v }) s t Q"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old succeeds_bind reaches_bind
split: exception_or_result_splits )
by auto (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Result_eq_Result is_Result_simps(1) is_Result_simps(2))
lemma refines_assume_result_and_state_both:
assumes "B t = {} ⟹ A s = {}"
assumes "⋀s' v t' w. (v, s') ∈ A s ⟹ (w, t') ∈ B t ⟹ refines (f v) (g w) s' t' Q"
shows "refines (do { v <- assume_result_and_state A; f v }) (do {w <- assume_result_and_state B; g w }) s t Q"
apply (rule refines_bind')
apply (simp add: refines_assume_result_and_state_iff)
using assms
by (force simp add: sim_set_def)
lemma refines_assume_result_and_state_both_same_val':
assumes "⋀s' v. (v, s') ∈ A s ⟹ ∃t'. (v, t') ∈ B t ∧ refines (f v) (g v) s' t' Q"
shows "refines (do { v <- assume_result_and_state A; f v }) (do { v <- assume_result_and_state B; g v }) s t Q"
apply (rule refines_bind')
apply (simp add: refines_assume_result_and_state_iff)
using assms
by (force simp add: sim_set_def)
lemma refines_assume_result_and_state_both_same_val:
assumes "⋀v s'. (v, s') ∈ A s ⟹ ∃t'. (v, t') ∈ B t"
assumes "⋀s' v t'. (v, s') ∈ A s ⟹ (v, t') ∈ B t ⟹ refines (f v) (g v) s' t' Q"
shows "refines (do { v <- assume_result_and_state A; f v }) (do { v <- assume_result_and_state B; g v }) s t Q"
apply (rule refines_bind')
apply (simp add: refines_assume_result_and_state_iff)
using assms
by (force simp add: sim_set_def)
lemma refines_assume_result_and_state_both_same_val_frame:
assumes f: "t = frm s"
assumes "⋀s' v. (v, s') ∈ A s ⟹ (v, frm s') ∈ B t"
assumes "⋀s' v. (v, s') ∈ A s ⟹ refines (f v) (g v) s' (frm s') Q"
shows "refines (do { v <- assume_result_and_state A; f v }) (do { v <- assume_result_and_state B; g v }) s t Q"
apply (rule refines_bind')
apply (simp add: refines_assume_result_and_state_iff)
using assms
by (force simp add: sim_set_def)
lemma refines_on_exit_left:
assumes f_g: "refines f g s0 t Q'"
assumes 1: "⋀s. ∃s'. (s, s') ∈ cleanup "
assumes 2: "⋀s v t w s'. Q' (v, s) (w, t) ⟹ (s, s') ∈ cleanup ⟹ Q (v, s') (w, t)"
shows "refines (on_exit f cleanup) g s0 t Q"
unfolding on_exit_def
apply (subst on_exit'_skip[of g, symmetric])
apply (rule refines_on_exit'[OF f_g[THEN refines_weaken]])
apply (auto simp: refines_yield_right_iff runs_to_iff 1 2)
lemma refines_on_exit_same_cleanup:
assumes f_g: "refines f g s0 t Q'"
assumes 1: "⋀s. ∃s'. (s, s') ∈ cleanup "
assumes 2: "⋀s v t w s' t'. Q' (v, s) (w, t) ⟹ (s, s') ∈ cleanup ⟹ (t, t') ∈ cleanup ⟹ Q (v, s') (w, t')"
shows "refines (on_exit f cleanup) (on_exit g cleanup) s0 t Q"
unfolding on_exit_def
apply (rule refines_on_exit'[OF f_g[THEN refines_weaken]])
using 1 2
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_state_select)
apply force
apply force
lemma refines_on_exit_same_cleanup_choice:
assumes f_g: "refines f g s0 t Q'"
assumes 1: "⋀s. ∃s'. (s, s') ∈ cleanup "
assumes 2: "⋀s v t w s'. Q' (v, s) (w, t) ⟹ (s, s') ∈ cleanup ⟹ ∃t'. (t, t') ∈ cleanup ∧ Q (v, s') (w, t')"
shows "refines (on_exit f cleanup) (on_exit g cleanup) s0 t Q"
unfolding on_exit_def
apply (rule refines_on_exit'[OF f_g[THEN refines_weaken]])
using 1 2
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_state_select)
apply auto
lemma refines_runs_to_partial_fuse_both:
assumes sim: "refines f f' s s' Q"
assumes runs_to_f: "f ∙ s ?⦃P1⦄"
assumes runs_to_f': "f' ∙ s' ?⦃P2⦄"
shows "refines f f' s s' (λ(r,t) (r',t'). Q (r,t) (r',t') ∧ P1 r t ∧ P2 r' t')"
using sim runs_to_f runs_to_f'
apply (force simp add: refines_def_old runs_to_partial_def_old )
definition "domain_bound A Q = (∀h h'. equal_on A h h' ⟶ Q h = Q h')"
lemma domain_bound_equal_on: "domain_bound A Q ⟹ equal_on A h h' ⟹ Q h = Q h'"
by (auto simp add: domain_bound_def)
lemma domain_bound_equal_on_subset: "domain_bound A Q ⟹ A ⊆ A' ⟹ equal_on A' h h' ⟹ Q h = Q h'"
using domain_bound_equal_on equal_on_mono by blast
lemma domain_bound_heap_update_list:
fixes p::"'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "domain_bound A Q"
assumes "length bs = size_of TYPE('a)"
assumes "ptr_span p ∩ A = {}"
shows "Q (heap_update_list (ptr_val p) bs h) = Q h"
using assms domain_bound_equal_on
by (smt (verit, best) equal_on_def heap_update_nmem_same orthD2)
named_theorems domain_bound_intros
lemma domain_bound_mono: "A ⊆ A' ⟹ domain_bound A Q ⟹ domain_bound A' Q"
by (auto simp add: domain_bound_def equal_on_mono)
lemma domain_bound_eq: "domain_bound {} (λ_. (=))"
by (auto simp add: domain_bound_def)
lemma domain_bound_rel_sum_stack[domain_bound_intros]: "domain_bound A L ⟹ domain_bound A R ⟹ domain_bound A (rel_sum_stack L R)"
by (auto simp add: domain_bound_def rel_sum_stack_def)
lemma domain_bound_rel_xval_stack[domain_bound_intros]: "domain_bound A L ⟹ domain_bound A R ⟹ domain_bound A (rel_xval_stack L R)"
by (auto simp add: domain_bound_def rel_xval_stack_def)
lemma domain_bound_unreachable_exit [domain_bound_intros]:
"domain_bound A (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False))"
by (auto simp add: domain_bound_def rel_exit_def)
lemma domain_bound_bot[domain_bound_intros]: "domain_bound A (λ_ _ _. False)"
by (auto simp add: domain_bound_def)
lemma domain_bound_eq'[domain_bound_intros]: "domain_bound A (λ_. (=))"
using domain_bound_eq domain_bound_mono by blast
lemma domain_bound_top[domain_bound_intros]: "domain_bound A (λ_ _ _. True)"
by (auto simp add: domain_bound_def)
lemma domain_bound_rel_singleton_stack: "domain_bound (ptr_span p) (rel_singleton_stack p)"
using domain_rel_singleton_stack by (auto simp add: domain_bound_def)
lemma domain_bound_rel_exit[domain_bound_intros]:
"domain_bound A Q ⟹ domain_bound A (rel_exit Q)"
by (auto simp add: rel_exit_def domain_bound_def)
lemma domain_bound_rel_singleton_stack'[domain_bound_intros]:
"ptr_span p ⊆ A ⟹ domain_bound A (rel_singleton_stack p)"
using domain_bound_rel_singleton_stack domain_bound_mono by blast
lemma domain_rel_push: "domain_bound A Q ⟹ equal_on (ptr_span p ∪ A) h h' ⟹ rel_push p Q h = rel_push p Q h'"
apply (simp add: domain_bound_def rel_push_def fun_eq_iff)
by (metis Un_upper1 domain_rel_singleton_stack equal_on_mono rel_singleton_stack_def sup_commute)
lemma domain_bound_rel_push: "domain_bound A Q ⟹ domain_bound (ptr_span p ∪ A) (rel_push p Q)"
using domain_rel_push domain_bound_def by blast
lemma domain_bound_rel_push'[domain_bound_intros]: "ptr_span p ⊆ A ⟹ domain_bound A Q ⟹ domain_bound A (rel_push p Q)"
using domain_bound_rel_push
by (metis (no_types, lifting) subset_Un_eq)
context stack_heap_state
lemma with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack'':
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes domain_bound: "domain_bound A Q"
assumes f: "⋀p s' t⇩0.
⟦ptr_span p ⊆ 𝒮; ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
ptr_span p ∩ A = {}; ptr_span p ∩ M = {};
root_ptr_valid (htd s') p;
[h_val (hmem s') p] ∈ I s;
equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p) s' s;
stack_free (htd s') ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M) (ptr_span p ∪ A) t⇩0 s' t⟧
⟹ refines (f p) g s' t (rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M1) (ptr_span p ∪ A) s' t⇩0 Q)"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
shows "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) I f) g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q) "
unfolding with_fresh_stack_ptr_def
apply (rule refines_assume_result_and_state_left)
apply clarsimp
subgoal for p d vs bs
apply (rule refines_on_exit_left)
apply (rule f [of _ _ "htd_upd (λd. override_on d stack_byte_typing (ptr_span p)) t⇩0"])
by (erule stack_allocs_cases) (auto)
using stack_allocs_stack_subset_stack_free by fastforce
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using stack
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def stack_free_def)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using stack
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def stack_free_def)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using stack
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using stack
by (metis h_val_heap_update_padding heap.get_upd length_1_conv nth_Cons_0)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
apply (auto simp add: equal_upto_heap_stack_alloc)
by (simp add: stack_free_stack_allocs)
apply (frule stack_free_stack_allocs)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using stack M1_M
apply (simp add: rel_alloc_def)
apply (simp add: frame_heap_update_padding)
using frame_stack_alloc
apply (subst frame_stack_alloc)
apply (auto simp add: stack_free_def)
by blast
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_alloc_def)
apply (intro conjI)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using domain_bound stack domain_bound_heap_update_list
apply (simp add: rel_alloc_def)
by (simp add: disjoint_subset domain_bound_heap_update_list)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_Un_eq(1) distrib_inf_le equal_on_stack_free_preservation
in_mono inf_idem rel_alloc_def stack stack_free_stack_allocs stack_free_stack_releases_mono'
stack_releases_stack_allocs_inverse subset_drop_Diff_strg)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_Un_eq(1) distinct_element distrib_inf_le
equal_on_stack_free_preservation inf.idem order_antisym_conv rel_alloc_def stack stack_free_stack_allocs stack_free_stack_releases_mono' stack_releases_stack_allocs_inverse subset_drop_Diff_strg)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using M1_M
by (smt (verit, best) UnE c_guard_def disj_subset disjoint_union_distrib inter_commute
orthD2 rel_alloc_def stack stack_free_stack_releases)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
apply (subst frame_stack_release)
subgoal by auto
subgoal by auto (metis IntI empty_iff mem_Collect_eq rel_alloc_def stack stack_free_def)
subgoal by auto (meson c_null_guard_def)
apply auto
apply (subst stack_free_stack_releases)
by (meson c_guard_def stack_allocs_cases)
apply clarsimp
by (simp add: equal_upto_def heap_update_nmem_same heap_update_padding_def)
using stack_allocs_releases_equal_on_stack
by (smt (verit, del_insts) UnE add.right_neutral equal_upto_def mult_is_0
stack_releases_footprint stack_releases_other stack_releases_stack_allocs_inverse times_nat.simps(2))
lemma gen_with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack:
assumes I': "hd ` I s ⊆ I'"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes domain_bound: "domain_bound A Q"
assumes f: "⋀p s' t⇩0 v.
⟦ptr_span p ⊆ 𝒮; ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
ptr_span p ∩ A = {}; ptr_span p ∩ M = {};
root_ptr_valid (htd s') p;
h_val (hmem s') p = v;
[v] ∈ I s;
equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p) s' s;
stack_free (htd s') ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M) (ptr_span p ∪ A) t⇩0 s' t⟧
⟹ refines (f p) (g v) s' t (rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M1) (ptr_span p ∪ A) s' t⇩0 Q)"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
shows "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) I f) (select I' >>= g) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q) "
unfolding with_fresh_stack_ptr_def
apply (rule refines_assume_result_and_state_left)
apply clarsimp
subgoal for p d vs bs
apply (rule refines_on_exit_left)
apply (rule refines_select_right_witness [where x="hd vs"])
subgoal using I'
by auto
apply (rule f [of _ _ _ "htd_upd (λd. override_on d stack_byte_typing (ptr_span p)) t⇩0"])
by (erule stack_allocs_cases) (auto)
using stack_allocs_stack_subset_stack_free by fastforce
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using stack
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def stack_free_def)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using stack
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def stack_free_def)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using stack
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
apply (cases vs)
apply (auto simp add: h_val_heap_update_padding)
by (cases vs) auto
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
apply (auto simp add: equal_upto_heap_stack_alloc)
by (simp add: stack_free_stack_allocs)
apply (frule stack_free_stack_allocs)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using stack M1_M
apply (simp add: rel_alloc_def)
apply (simp add: frame_heap_update_padding)
using frame_stack_alloc
apply (subst frame_stack_alloc)
apply (auto simp add: stack_free_def)
by blast
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_alloc_def)
apply (intro conjI)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using domain_bound stack domain_bound_heap_update_list
apply (simp add: rel_alloc_def)
by (simp add: disjoint_subset domain_bound_heap_update_list)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_Un_eq(1) distrib_inf_le equal_on_stack_free_preservation
in_mono inf_idem rel_alloc_def stack stack_free_stack_allocs stack_free_stack_releases_mono'
stack_releases_stack_allocs_inverse subset_drop_Diff_strg)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_Un_eq(1) distinct_element distrib_inf_le
equal_on_stack_free_preservation inf.idem order_antisym_conv rel_alloc_def stack stack_free_stack_allocs stack_free_stack_releases_mono' stack_releases_stack_allocs_inverse subset_drop_Diff_strg)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using M1_M
by (smt (verit, best) UnE c_guard_def disj_subset disjoint_union_distrib inter_commute
orthD2 rel_alloc_def stack stack_free_stack_releases)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
apply (subst frame_stack_release)
subgoal by auto
subgoal by auto (metis IntI empty_iff mem_Collect_eq rel_alloc_def stack stack_free_def)
subgoal by auto (meson c_null_guard_def)
apply auto
apply (subst stack_free_stack_releases)
by (meson c_guard_def stack_allocs_cases)
apply clarsimp
by (simp add: equal_upto_def heap_update_nmem_same heap_update_padding_def)
using stack_allocs_releases_equal_on_stack
by (smt (verit, del_insts) UnE add.right_neutral equal_upto_def mult_is_0
stack_releases_footprint stack_releases_other stack_releases_stack_allocs_inverse times_nat.simps(2))
lemma with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack_uninitialized':
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "⋀p s' t⇩0 v.
⟦ptr_span p ⊆ 𝒮; ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
ptr_span p ∩ A = {}; ptr_span p ∩ M = {};
root_ptr_valid (htd s') p;
h_val (hmem s') p = v;
equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p) s' s;
stack_free (htd s') ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M) (ptr_span p ∪ A) t⇩0 s' t⟧
⟹ refines (f p) (g v) s' t (rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M1) (ptr_span p ∪ A) s' t⇩0 Q)"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes domain_bound: "domain_bound A Q"
shows "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) (λ_. UNIV) (L2_VARS f ns)) (L2_seq (L2_unknown ns) g) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
unfolding L2_seq_def L2_unknown_def L2_VARS_def
by (rule gen_with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack [OF hd_UNIV stack domain_bound f M1_M])
lemma with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack_uninitialized:
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "⋀p s' t⇩0.
⟦ptr_span p ⊆ 𝒮; ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
ptr_span p ∩ A = {}; ptr_span p ∩ M = {};
root_ptr_valid (htd s') p;
equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p) s' s;
stack_free (htd s') ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M) (ptr_span p ∪ A) t⇩0 s' t⟧
⟹ refines (f p) (g' s' p) s' t (rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M1) (ptr_span p ∪ A) s' t⇩0 Q)"
assumes g: "⋀s' p. ptr_span p ∩ A = {} ⟹ equal_upto (ptr_span p) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹ g' s' p = g (h_val (hmem s') p)"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes domain_bound: "domain_bound A Q"
shows "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) (λ_. UNIV) (L2_VARS f ns)) (L2_seq (L2_unknown ns) g) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
using with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack_uninitialized' [OF stack _ M1_M domain_bound] f g
by (smt (verit, best) equal_upto_heap_on_hmem)
lemma with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack_uninitialized_g_normalised:
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "⋀p s' t⇩0.
⟦ptr_span p ⊆ 𝒮; ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
ptr_span p ∩ A = {}; ptr_span p ∩ M = {};
root_ptr_valid (htd s') p;
equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p) s' s;
stack_free (htd s') ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M) (ptr_span p ∪ A) t⇩0 s' t⟧
⟹ refines (f p) (g (h_val (hmem s') p)) s' t (rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M1) (ptr_span p ∪ A) s' t⇩0 Q)"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes domain_bound: "domain_bound A Q"
shows "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) (λ_. UNIV) (L2_VARS f ns)) (L2_seq (L2_unknown ns) g) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
apply (rule with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack_uninitialized [OF stack f _ M1_M domain_bound])
apply auto
lemma with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack_initialized':
fixes g:: "('d, 'e, 's) exn_monad"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "⋀p s' t⇩0.
⟦ptr_span p ⊆ 𝒮; ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
ptr_span p ∩ A = {}; ptr_span p ∩ M = {};
root_ptr_valid (htd s') p;
h_val (hmem s') p = v;
equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p) s' s;
stack_free (htd s') ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M) (ptr_span p ∪ A) t⇩0 s' t⟧
⟹ refines (f p) g s' t (rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M1) (ptr_span p ∪ A) s' t⇩0 Q)"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes domain_bound: "domain_bound A Q"
shows "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) (λ_. {[v]}) (L2_VARS f ns)) g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
unfolding L2_VARS_def
apply (rule gen_with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack [where I= "(λ_. {[v]})", OF hd_singleton, simplified select_singleton_conv, OF stack domain_bound f M1_M])
apply auto
lemma with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack_initialized:
fixes g:: "('d, 'e, 's) exn_monad"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "⋀p s' t⇩0.
⟦ptr_span p ⊆ 𝒮; ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
ptr_span p ∩ A = {}; ptr_span p ∩ M = {};
root_ptr_valid (htd s') p;
h_val (hmem s') p = v;
equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p) s' s;
stack_free (htd s') ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M) (ptr_span p ∪ A) t⇩0 s' t⟧
⟹ refines (f p) (g' s' p) s' t (rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M1) (ptr_span p ∪ A) s' t⇩0 Q)"
assumes g: "⋀s' p. ptr_span p ∩ A = {} ⟹ equal_upto (ptr_span p) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹ h_val (hmem s') p = v ⟹ g' s' p = g"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes domain_bound: "domain_bound A Q"
shows "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) (λ_. {[v]}) (L2_VARS f ns)) g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
using with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack_initialized' [OF stack _ M1_M domain_bound] g
equal_upto_heap_on_hmem f by auto
lemma with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack_fix_initialized:
fixes g:: "('d, 'e, 's) exn_monad"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "⋀p s' t⇩0.
⟦ptr_span p ⊆ 𝒮; ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
ptr_span p ∩ A = {}; ptr_span p ∩ M = {};
root_ptr_valid (htd s') p;
h_val (hmem s') p = v;
equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p) s' s;
stack_free (htd s') ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M) (ptr_span p ∪ A) t⇩0 s' t⟧
⟹ refines (f p) (g' s' p) s' t (rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M1) (ptr_span p ∪ A) s' t⇩0 Q)"
assumes g: "⋀s' p. ptr_span p ∩ A = {} ⟹ equal_upto (ptr_span p) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹ h_val (hmem s') p = v ⟹ g' s' p = g"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes I: "I s = {[v]}"
assumes domain_bound: "domain_bound A Q"
shows "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) I (L2_VARS f ns)) g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
proof -
from I have eq: "run (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) (λ_. {[v]}) (L2_VARS f ns)) s = run (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) I (L2_VARS f ns)) s"
unfolding with_fresh_stack_ptr_def
by (simp add: run_bind)
from with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack_initialized [OF stack f g M1_M domain_bound]
have "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) (λ_. {[v]}) (L2_VARS f ns)) g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q)" .
from refines_subst_left [OF this ] eq
show ?thesis
by blast
lemma with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack_fix_initialized_g_normalised:
fixes g:: "('d, 'e, 's) exn_monad"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "⋀p s' t⇩0.
⟦ptr_span p ⊆ 𝒮; ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
ptr_span p ∩ A = {}; ptr_span p ∩ M = {};
root_ptr_valid (htd s') p;
h_val (hmem s') p = v;
equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p) s' s;
stack_free (htd s') ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M) (ptr_span p ∪ A) t⇩0 s' t⟧
⟹ refines (f p) g s' t (rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M1) (ptr_span p ∪ A) s' t⇩0 Q)"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes I: "I s = {[v]}"
assumes domain_bound: "domain_bound A Q"
shows "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) I (L2_VARS f ns)) g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
apply (rule with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack_fix_initialized [OF stack f _ M1_M _ domain_bound])
using I
apply auto
lemma with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack:
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f: "⋀p s' t⇩0.
ptr_span p ⊆ 𝒮; ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
ptr_span p ∩ A = {}; ptr_span p ∩ M = {};
root_ptr_valid (htd s') p;
[h_val (hmem s') p] ∈ I s;
equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p) s' s;
stack_free (htd s') ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M) (ptr_span p ∪ A) t⇩0 s' t⟧
⟹ refines (f p) (g' s' p) s' t (rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M1) (ptr_span p ∪ A) s' t⇩0 Q)"
assumes g: "⋀s' p. ptr_span p ∩ A = {} ⟹ equal_upto (ptr_span p) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹ [h_val (hmem s') p] ∈ I s ⟹ g' s' p = g"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes domain_bound: "domain_bound A Q"
shows "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) I (L2_VARS f ns)) g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
unfolding L2_VARS_def
using with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack'' [OF stack domain_bound ] M1_M f g equal_upto_heap_on_hmem
by auto
lemma refines_rel_stack_project_result:
assumes "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes "⋀h x y. R h x y ⟹ R' h x (prj y)"
shows "refines f (L2_seq g (ETA_TUPLED (λx. L2_gets (λ_. prj x) ns))) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R'))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_xval_stack_def ETA_TUPLED_def
reaches_bind succeeds_bind
split: prod.splits sum.splits)
subgoal for r s'
apply (cases r)
apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Exn_def Result_neq_Exn case_exception_or_result_Exn rel_xval.simps)
apply clarsimp
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Result_neq_Exn case_exception_or_result_Result rel_xval.cases rel_xval_simps(2))
lemma refines_rel_stack_adjust_result:
assumes "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes "⋀s' t' v w. R (hmem s') v w ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
equal_upto M (htd s') (htd s) ⟹
equal_on 𝒮 (htd s') (htd s) ⟹ R' (hmem s') v (adj w)"
shows "refines f (L2_seq g (ETA_TUPLED (λx. L2_gets (λ_. adj x) ns))) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R'))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs rel_stack_def rel_xval_stack_def ETA_TUPLED_def
reaches_bind succeeds_bind
split: prod.splits sum.splits)
subgoal for r s'
apply (cases r)
apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Exn_def Result_neq_Exn case_exception_or_result_Exn rel_xval.simps)
subgoal for v
apply (erule_tac x="Result v" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="s'" in allE)
apply (fastforce simp add: rel_xval.simps)
lemma stack_allocs_frame:
assumes alloc: "(p, d) ∈ stack_allocs (Suc 0) 𝒮 TYPE('a::mem_type) (htd s)"
shows "∃d. (p, d) ∈ stack_allocs (Suc 0) 𝒮 TYPE('a::mem_type) (htd (frame A t⇩0 s))"
proof -
have "stack_free (htd s) ⊆ stack_free (htd (frame A t⇩0 s))"
by (rule stack_free_htd_frame)
from stack_allocs_stack_free_mono [OF this alloc]
show ?thesis .
lemma heap_list_update_nth:
"⋀h p. length v ≤ addr_card ⟹
i < length v ⟹
(heap_update_list p v h) (p + of_nat i) = v!i"
proof (induct v arbitrary: i)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons x xs)
thus ?case
by (metis heap_list_nth heap_list_update)
lemma stack_alloc_simulation_aux:
fixes p::"'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes neq_stack_byte: "typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a) ≠ typ_uinfo_t TYPE(stack_byte)"
assumes disjnt: "stack_free (htd s) ∩ A = {}"
assumes stack_free: "∀a∈ptr_span p. root_ptr_valid (htd s) (PTR(stack_byte) a) "
assumes not_null: "0 ∉ ptr_span p"
assumes lbs: "length bs = size_of TYPE('a)"
assumes root_ptr: "root_ptr_valid (ptr_force_type p (htd s)) p"
"htd_upd (λx. override_on (ptr_force_type p (htd s)) (htd t⇩0) (A - stack_free (ptr_force_type p (htd s))))
(hmem_upd (λx. override_on (heap_update_padding p (vs ! 0) bs x) (hmem t⇩0) (A ∪ stack_free (ptr_force_type p (htd s)))) s) =
htd_upd (λ_. ptr_force_type p (override_on (htd s) (htd t⇩0) (A - stack_free (htd s))))
(hmem_upd (λx. heap_update_padding p (vs ! 0) bs (override_on x (hmem t⇩0) (A ∪ stack_free (htd s)))) s)"
proof -
from stack_free have stack_free': "ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s)"
by (simp add: stack_free_def subsetI)
with root_ptr neq_stack_byte
have sf_eq: "stack_free (ptr_force_type p (htd s)) = stack_free (htd s) - ptr_span p"
apply (clarsimp simp add: root_ptr_valid_def stack_free_def, intro set_eqI iffI)
apply (clarsimp, intro conjI)
apply (smt (verit, best) ptr_force_type_d size_of_def typ_uinfo_size valid_root_footprint_domain_cases)
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) size_of_tag valid_root_footprint_type_neq)
by (simp add: ptr_force_type_d valid_root_footprint_def)
have heap_eq: " override_on (heap_update_padding p (vs ! 0) bs (hmem s)) (hmem t⇩0) (A ∪ (stack_free (htd s) - ptr_span p))
heap_update_padding p (vs ! 0) bs (override_on (hmem s) (hmem t⇩0) (A ∪ stack_free (htd s)))"
using disjnt stack_free' lbs
apply (clarsimp simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff, intro conjI impI)
subgoal by (smt (verit) CTypes.mem_type_simps(2) disjoint_subset heap_update_nmem_same heap_update_padding_def orthD2)
subgoal by (clarsimp simp add: heap_update_nmem_same heap_update_padding_def)
by (auto simp add: heap_update_mem_same heap_update_padding_def)
(smt (verit, best) CTypes.mem_type_simps(2) heap_update_nmem_same heap_update_padding_def subset_iff)
have htd_eq: "override_on (ptr_force_type p (htd s)) (htd t⇩0) (A - stack_free (ptr_force_type p (htd s)))
ptr_force_type p (override_on (htd s) (htd t⇩0) (A - stack_free (htd s)))
apply (simp add: sf_eq)
using disjnt stack_free'
by (auto simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff ptr_force_type_split)
show ?thesis
apply (simp add: sf_eq)
using heap_eq htd_eq
by (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong sf_eq typing.upd_cong)
lemma keep_with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack':
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes I: "I (frame A t⇩0 s) = I s"
assumes f: "⋀p s' t⇩0 t.
⟦ptr_span p ⊆ 𝒮; ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
ptr_span p ∩ A = {}; ptr_span p ∩ M = {};
root_ptr_valid (htd s') p;
[h_val (hmem s') p] ∈ I s;
equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p) s' s;
stack_free (htd s') ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M) A t⇩0 s' t;
ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s') = {}⟧
⟹ refines (f p) (g p) s' t (rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M1) A s' t⇩0 Q)"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes domain_bound: "domain_bound A Q"
shows "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) I f) (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) I g) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q) "
unfolding with_fresh_stack_ptr_def
apply (rule refines_assume_result_and_state_both_same_val_frame [where frm = "frame A t⇩0"])
subgoal using stack by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
subgoal for s' p
using stack I
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_alloc_def)
apply (frule stack_allocs_frame [where A=A and t⇩0=t⇩0])
apply clarsimp
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
subgoal for d vs bs d'
apply (rule exI[where x=d'])
apply clarsimp
apply (rule exI[where x="vs"])
apply (simp add: I)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule exI[where x="bs"])
using stack
apply (clarsimp simp add: frame_def heap_commute comp_def )
apply (rule stack_alloc_simulation_aux)
apply auto
subgoal for s' p
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_on_exit_same_cleanup_choice)
apply (rule f [rule_format, where t⇩0="t⇩0" ] )
by (erule stack_allocs_cases) auto
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
by (simp add: stack_free_def subset_iff)
using stack rel_alloc_def stack_allocs_stack_subset_stack_free' by fastforce
subgoal using stack
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.right_neutral inf.orderE inf_assoc inf_bot_right mult_is_0
rel_alloc_def stack_allocs_stack_subset_stack_free times_nat.simps(2))
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
by (metis htd_hmem_upd typing.get_upd)
by (metis h_val_heap_update_padding heap.get_upd length_1_conv nth_Cons_0)
by (smt (verit, best) append.simps(1) dual_order.refl fold.simps(1) fold.simps(2)
heap_state.equal_upto_heap_stack_alloc heap_state_axioms id_comp lense.upd_cong ptr_add_0_id
semiring_1_class.of_nat_0 stack_allocs_cases typing.lense_axioms upt.simps(1) upt.simps(2))
by (simp add: stack_free_stack_allocs)
subgoal using stack M1_M
by (smt (verit) Diff_Diff_Int Diff_eq_empty_iff Int_Diff Int_Un_distrib One_nat_def Un_Int_eq(3)
add_mult_distrib add_right_cancel htd_hmem_upd inf.absorb_iff2 inf.orderE plus_1_eq_Suc
rel_alloc_def stack_allocs_stack_subset_stack_free stack_free_stack_allocs times_nat.simps(2) typing.get_upd)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) disjoint_iff htd_hmem_upd in_ptr_span_itself mem_Collect_eq
root_ptr_valid_casesE stack_free_def typing.get_upd)
subgoal by blast
subgoal for d vs bs s1 v t w s2
apply clarsimp
subgoal for bs1
apply (rule exI[where x=" hmem_upd
(heap_update_list (ptr_val p)
(heap_list (hmem t⇩0) (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p)))
(htd_upd (stack_releases (Suc 0) p) t)"])
apply (rule conjI)
subgoal using heap_list_length by blast
using stack
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def)
apply (intro conjI)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
using domain_bound
by (simp add: disjoint_subset domain_bound_heap_update_list rel_alloc_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_alloc_def, intro conjI)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_Un_eq(1)
in_mono inf_idem stack_free_stack_allocs stack_free_stack_releases_mono'
stack_releases_stack_allocs_inverse subset_drop_Diff_strg sup.absorb_iff1)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_absorb2 Int_iff Un_Int_eq(4)
boolean_algebra.conj_disj_distrib distrib_inf_le orthD1
stack_free_stack_allocs stack_free_stack_releases_mono' stack_releases_stack_allocs_inverse subset_drop_Diff_strg)
using M1_M
apply (smt (verit) c_guard_def disjoint_subset disjoint_union_distrib inter_commute orthD2
stack_allocs_cases stack_free_stack_releases)
apply (erule stack_allocs_cases)
apply (subst frame_stack_release_keep [where bs=bs1] )
by (metis disjoint_union_distrib inter_commute)
by (metis add.right_neutral disjoint_subset mult_Suc mult_is_0)
by (meson c_guard_def)
by assumption
subgoal by simp
apply (subst stack_free_stack_releases)
by (meson c_guard_def stack_allocs_cases)
apply clarsimp
by (simp add: equal_upto_def heap_update_nmem_same heap_update_padding_def)
using stack_allocs_releases_equal_on_stack
by (smt (verit, del_insts) UnE add.right_neutral equal_upto_def mult_is_0
stack_releases_footprint stack_releases_other stack_releases_stack_allocs_inverse times_nat.simps(2))
lemma keep_with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack:
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes I: "I s = I (frame A t⇩0 s)"
assumes f: "⋀p s' t⇩0 t.
⟦ptr_span p ⊆ 𝒮; ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
ptr_span p ∩ A = {}; ptr_span p ∩ M = {};
root_ptr_valid (htd s') p;
[h_val (hmem s') p] ∈ I s;
equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p) s' s;
stack_free (htd s') ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M) A t⇩0 s' t;
ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s') = {}⟧
⟹ refines (f p) (g' s' p) s' t (rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M1) A s' t⇩0 Q)"
assumes g: "⋀s' p. ptr_span p ∩ A = {} ⟹ equal_upto (ptr_span p) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹ [h_val (hmem s') p] ∈ I s
⟹ g' s' p = g p"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes domain_bound: "domain_bound A Q"
shows "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) I (L2_VARS f ns)) (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) I (L2_VARS g ns)) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
unfolding L2_VARS_def
using keep_with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack' [OF stack I [symmetric] _ M1_M domain_bound] f g
using equal_upto_heap_on_hmem by force
lemma keep_with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack_g_normalised:
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes I: "I s = I (frame A t⇩0 s)"
assumes f: "⋀p s' t⇩0 t.
⟦ptr_span p ⊆ 𝒮; ptr_span p ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
ptr_span p ∩ A = {}; ptr_span p ∩ M = {};
root_ptr_valid (htd s') p;
[h_val (hmem s') p] ∈ I s;
equal_upto_heap_on (ptr_span p) s' s;
stack_free (htd s') ⊆ stack_free (htd s);
rel_alloc 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M) A t⇩0 s' t;
ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s') = {}⟧
⟹ refines (f p) (g p) s' t (rel_stack 𝒮 (ptr_span p ∪ M1) A s' t⇩0 Q)"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes domain_bound: "domain_bound A Q"
shows "refines (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) I (L2_VARS f ns)) (with_fresh_stack_ptr (Suc 0) I (L2_VARS g ns)) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
apply (rule keep_with_fresh_stack_ptr_rel_stack [OF stack I f _ M1_M domain_bound])
apply auto
lemma refines_rel_stack_adapt_right:
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes h: "⋀s' v t' w.
R (hmem s') v w ⟹
rel_alloc 𝒮 M1 A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹
htd s' = htd s ⟹
refines (L2_gets (λ_. v) ns) (h w) s' t' (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R'))"
shows "refines f (L2_seq g h) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R'))"
using stack M1_M f_g h
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs
rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def succeeds_bind reaches_bind )
subgoal for r s'
apply (cases r)
subgoal for e
apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
subgoal for y
apply (erule_tac x="Exn y" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="s'" in allE)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Exn_def case_exception_or_result_Exn rel_xval_stack_simps(5))
subgoal for v
apply (erule_tac x="Result v" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="s'" in allE)
apply (fastforce simp add: rel_xval.simps)
lemma refines_handleE'_both_sides:
assumes "refines f g s t Q"
assumes "⋀v v' s' t'. Q (Result v, s') (Result v', t') ⟹ R (Result v, s') (Result v', t')"
assumes "⋀v e' s' t'. Q (Result v, s') (Exn e', t') ⟹ refines (return v) (h' e') s' t' R"
assumes "⋀e v' s' t'. Q (Exn e, s') (Result v', t') ⟹ refines (h e) (return v') s' t' R"
assumes "⋀e e' s' t'. Q (Exn e, s') (Exn e', t') ⟹ refines (h e) (h' e') s' t' R"
shows "refines (f <catch> h) (g <catch> h') s t R"
by (rule Spec_Monad.refines_catch [OF assms(1) assms(5) assms(4) assms(3) assms(2)])
lemma refines_rel_stack_map_exn:
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
assumes L: "⋀e e' s'. L (hmem s') e e' ⟹ L' (hmem s') (emb e) (emb e')"
shows "refines (map_value (map_exn emb) f) (map_value (map_exn emb) g) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L' R))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs
rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def reaches_map_value)
subgoal for s' r
apply (cases r)
subgoal for e
apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
subgoal for y
apply (erule_tac x="Exn y" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="s'" in allE)
by auto
subgoal for v
apply (erule_tac x="Result v" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="s'" in allE)
apply (auto)
lemma refines_rel_stack_map_exn_exit:
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) R))"
assumes L: "⋀e e' h. L h e e' ⟹ L' h (emb e) (emb' e')"
shows "refines (map_value (map_exn (emb o the_Nonlocal)) f) (map_value (map_exn (emb')) g) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L' R))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs
rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def reaches_map_value )
subgoal for s' r
apply (cases r)
subgoal for e
apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
subgoal for y
apply (erule_tac x="Exn y" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="s'" in allE)
apply (auto simp add: rel_exit_def)
subgoal for v
apply (erule_tac x="Result v" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="s'" in allE)
apply (auto)
lemma throw_L2_throw_conv: "throw x = L2_throw x []"
by (simp add: L2_throw_def)
lemma L2_catch_join_exn_conv:
(L2_catch g (λx. L2_seq (liftE (h x)) (λ_. L2_throw (prj x) ns1)))
(λs. liftE (g1 s)))
(λr. L2_throw (emb r) ns2)) =
(L2_catch g (λx. L2_seq (liftE (h x)) (λ_. L2_throw (emb (prj x)) ns2)))
(λs. liftE (g1 s)))"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_def_old default_option_def Exn_def)
lemma L2_call_rel_stack_embed_exit:
assumes L: "⋀e e' h. L h e e' ⟹ L' h (emb e) (emb' e')"
assumes f_g: "refines
(L2_catch g (λx. (L2_seq (liftE (h x)) (λ_. L2_throw (prj x) ns'))))
(λs. liftE (g1 s)))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) R))"
shows "refines
(L2_call f (emb o the_Nonlocal) ns)
(L2_catch g (λx. (L2_seq (liftE (h x)) (λ_. L2_throw (emb' (prj x)) ns'))))
(λs. liftE (g1 s)))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L' R))"
proof -
from refines_rel_stack_map_exn_exit [where L' = L', OF f_g L ]
have "refines
(map_value (map_exn (emb o the_Nonlocal)) f)
(map_value (map_exn (emb'))
(L2_catch g (λx. L2_seq (liftE (h x)) (λ_. L2_throw (prj x) ns')))
(λs. liftE (g1 s))))
s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L' R))" .
then show ?thesis
apply (simp add: map_exn_catch_conv L2_catch_def [symmetric] throw_L2_throw_conv)
apply (simp add: L2_catch_join_exn_conv)
apply (simp add: L2_call_def map_exn_catch_conv L2_catch_def [symmetric] L2_throw_def)
lemma L2_call_rel_stack_nest_exit_guarded:
assumes f_g: "P t ⟹ refines
(L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_.
(L2_catch g (λx. (L2_seq (liftE (h x)) (λ_. L2_throw (prj x) ns'))))
(λs. liftE (g1 s)))))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) R))"
assumes L: "⋀e e' h. P t ⟹ L h e e' ⟹ L' h (emb e) (emb' e')"
shows "refines
(L2_call f (emb o the_Nonlocal) ns)
(L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_.
(L2_catch g (λx. (L2_seq (liftE (h x)) (λ_. L2_throw (emb' (prj x)) ns'))))
(λs. liftE (g1 s)))))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L' R))"
apply (rule refines_L2_guard_right')
apply (rule L2_call_rel_stack_embed_exit [where L=L and emb=emb and emb'= emb'])
apply (rule L, assumption+)
using f_g refines_L2_guard_rightE by fastforce
lemma bind_catch_liftE_assoc:
"(do {v ← (g <catch> (λx. do {
y ← liftE (h x);
throw (exn x y)
liftE (g1 v)
}) =
(do {v ← g; liftE (g1 v)} <catch> (λx. do {
y ← liftE (h x);
throw (exn x y)
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff Exn_def[symmetric] elim!: runs_to_weaken)
lemma bind_catch_liftE_split_catch: "(do {
s ← g;
liftE (g1 s)
} <catch> (λx. do {
_ ← liftE (h x);
throw (emb (prj x))
})) =
((do {
s ← g;
liftE (g1 s)
} <catch> (λx. do {
_ ← liftE (h x);
throw (prj x) }))
<catch> (λx. throw (emb x)))"
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff Exn_def[symmetric] elim!: runs_to_weaken)
lemma refines_catch_right_trans:
fixes f:: "('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad"
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t Q"
assumes R: "⋀ r s' e t'. Q (r, s') (Exn e, t') ⟹ refines (yield r) (h e) s' t' R"
assumes Exn_Res: "⋀e s' v' t'. Q (Exn e, s') (Result v', t') ⟹ R (Exn e, s') (Result v', t')"
assumes Res_Res: "⋀v v' s' t'. Q (Result v, s') (Result v', t') ⟹ R (Result v, s') (Result v', t')"
shows "refines f (g <catch> h) s t R"
apply (subst f_catch_throw[symmetric, of f])
apply (rule refines_catch [OF f_g])
subgoal premises prems using R [OF prems(1)] by simp
subgoal using Exn_Res by (auto simp add: refines_yield_right_iff)
subgoal premises prems using R [OF prems(1)] by simp
subgoal using Res_Res by (auto simp add: refines_yield_right_iff)
lemma L2_call_rel_stack_embellish_exit:
assumes s_t: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "P t ⟹ refines
(L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_.
(L2_catch g (λx. (L2_seq (liftE (h x)) (λ_. L2_throw (prj x) ns))))
(λs. liftE (g1 s)))))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) R))"
assumes L: "⋀s' t' e e'. L (hmem s') e e' ⟹ P t ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s' t' ⟹
equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s')) (hmem s') (hmem s) ⟹ htd s' = htd s ⟹
L' (hmem s') e (emb e')"
assumes M1: "P t ⟹ M1 ⊆ M"
shows "refines
(L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_.
(L2_catch g (λx. (L2_seq (liftE (h x)) (λ_. L2_throw (emb (prj x)) ns_exit))))
(λs. liftE (g1 s)))))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L') R))"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_bind_guard_right_iff bind_catch_liftE_assoc)
apply (simp add: bind_catch_liftE_split_catch)
apply (rule refines_catch_right_trans)
apply (rule f_g [simplified L2_defs refines_bind_guard_right_iff bind_catch_liftE_assoc, rule_format])
apply assumption
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def rel_exit_def)
using L s_t by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
by (auto simp add: rel_stack_def)
definition "override_heap_on P t1 t2 ≡
hmem_upd (λh. override_on h (hmem t2) P)
(htd_upd (λd. override_on d (htd t2) P) t1)"
lemma override_heap_on_empty [simp]: "override_heap_on {} t1 t2 = t1"
by (simp add: override_heap_on_def)
lemma refines_rel_stack_override_heap_on_exit:
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "⋀s t t⇩0. rel_alloc 𝒮 M (P ∪ A) t⇩0 s t ⟹
refines f (g s) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s t⇩0 Q)"
assumes disj_A: "P ∩ A = {}"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes disj_stack_free_s: "P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines f (g s) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) Q)"
proof -
from stack have sf_s_t: "stack_free (htd s) ⊆ stack_free (htd t)"
using rel_alloc_def stack_free_htd_frame by auto
from stack have t: "t = frame A t⇩0 s"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
define t0' where "t0' = override_heap_on P t⇩0 t"
have eq_htd:
"override_on (htd s) (htd t⇩0) (A - stack_free (htd s)) =
override_on (htd s) (htd t0') ((P ∪ A) - stack_free (htd s))"
using disj_stack_free_s disj_A t
by (auto simp add: t0'_def override_heap_on_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff frame_def)
have eq_hmem:
"override_on (hmem s) (hmem t⇩0) (A ∪ stack_free (htd s)) =
override_on (hmem s) (hmem t0') ((P ∪ A) ∪ stack_free (htd s))"
using disj_stack_free_s disj_A t
by (auto simp add: t0'_def override_heap_on_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff frame_def)
from t have t_t0': "t = frame ((P ∪ A)) t0' s"
using eq_htd eq_hmem
apply (simp add: frame_def)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong hmem_htd_upd typing.upd_cong)
have stack': "rel_alloc 𝒮 M ((P ∪ A)) t0' s t"
using stack disj_stack_free_s disj_stack_free_s t t_t0'
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
from disj_stack_free_s disj_stack_free_s stack
have stack_free': "stack_free (htd s) ∩ (P ∪ A) = {}"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
from f_g [OF stack']
have f_g': "refines f (g s) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 ((P ∪ A)) s t0' Q)" .
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: t0'_def)
lemma refines_rel_stack_override_heap_on_exit_guarded:
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "⋀s t t⇩0. G ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M (P ∪ A) t⇩0 s t ⟹
refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g s)) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s t⇩0 Q)"
assumes disj_A: "G ⟹ P ∩ A = {}"
assumes M1_M: "G ⟹ M1 ⊆ M"
assumes disj_stack_free_s: "G ⟹ P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g s)) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) Q)"
proof -
{assume guard: "G"
have "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g s)) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) Q)"
using refines_rel_stack_override_heap_on_exit [OF stack f_g [OF guard] disj_A [OF guard]
M1_M [OF guard] disj_stack_free_s [OF guard]].}
then show ?thesis
by (rule refines_L2_guard_right'')
lemma override_heap_on_merge:
"(override_heap_on (P1 ∪ P2) t⇩0 t) = override_heap_on P2 (override_heap_on P1 t⇩0 t) t"
unfolding override_heap_on_def
using override_on_merge
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) heap.get_upd heap.lense_axioms
heap_commute lense.upd_compose lense.upd_cong sup_aci(1) typing.get_upd typing.lense_axioms)
lemma refines_rel_stack_override_heap_on_unmodified'':
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 ((P1 ∪ P2) ∪ A) s (override_heap_on (P1 ∪ P2) t⇩0 t) Q)"
assumes disj_A: "(P1 ∪ P2) ∩ A = {}"
assumes unmodified: "P1 ∩ M1 = {}"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes disj_stack_free_s: "(P1 ∪ P2) ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P2 ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P2 t⇩0 t) Q)"
using f_g
apply (auto simp add: refines_def_old rel_stack_def)
subgoal for r s'
apply (erule allE [where x=r])
apply (erule allE [where x=s'])
apply auto
subgoal for x t'
apply (rule exI [where x = x])
apply (rule exI [where x = t'])
apply auto
using disj_A unmodified M1_M stack
apply (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
subgoal premises prems
proof -
have eq1:
"(λa. if (a ∈ P1 ∨ a ∈ P2 ∨ a ∈ A) ∧ a ∉ stack_free (htd s)
then if a ∈ P1 ∨ a ∈ P2 then if a ∈ A ∧ a ∉ stack_free (htd s) then htd t⇩0 a else htd s a
else htd t⇩0 a
else htd s' a) =
(λa. if (a ∈ P2 ∨ a ∈ A) ∧ a ∉ stack_free (htd s)
then if a ∈ P2 then if a ∈ A ∧ a ∉ stack_free (htd s) then htd t⇩0 a else htd s a else htd t⇩0 a
else htd s' a)"
using prems
by fastforce
have eq2:
"(λa. if a ∈ P1 ∨ a ∈ P2 ∨ a ∈ A ∨ a ∈ stack_free (htd s)
then if a ∈ P1 ∨ a ∈ P2 then if a ∈ A ∨ a ∈ stack_free (htd s) then hmem t⇩0 a else hmem s a
else hmem t⇩0 a
else hmem s' a) =
(λa. if a ∈ P2 ∨ a ∈ A ∨ a ∈ stack_free (htd s)
then if a ∈ P2 then if a ∈ A ∨ a ∈ stack_free (htd s) then hmem t⇩0 a else hmem s a else hmem t⇩0 a
else hmem s' a)"
apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
using prems
by (simp add: equal_upto_def orthD1)
have eq3: "⋀f g. hmem_upd f (htd_upd g s') = (hmem_upd (λ_. f (hmem s')) (htd_upd g s'))"
by (metis heap.upd_cong hmem_htd_upd)
have *:
(λh a. if a ∈ P1 ∨ a ∈ P2 ∨ a ∈ A ∨ a ∈ stack_free (htd s)
then if a ∈ P1 ∨ a ∈ P2 then if a ∈ A ∨ a ∈ stack_free (htd s) then hmem t⇩0 a else hmem s a
else hmem t⇩0 a
else h a)
(λd a. if (a ∈ P1 ∨ a ∈ P2 ∨ a ∈ A) ∧ a ∉ stack_free (htd s)
then if a ∈ P1 ∨ a ∈ P2 then if a ∈ A ∧ a ∉ stack_free (htd s) then htd t⇩0 a else htd s a
else htd t⇩0 a
else d a)
s') =
(λh a. if a ∈ P2 ∨ a ∈ A ∨ a ∈ stack_free (htd s)
then if a ∈ P2 then if a ∈ A ∨ a ∈ stack_free (htd s) then hmem t⇩0 a else hmem s a else hmem t⇩0 a
else h a)
(λd a. if (a ∈ P2 ∨ a ∈ A) ∧ a ∉ stack_free (htd s)
then if a ∈ P2 then if a ∈ A ∧ a ∉ stack_free (htd s) then htd t⇩0 a else htd s a else htd t⇩0 a
else d a)
apply (subst typing.upd_cong )
apply (rule eq1)
apply (subst eq3)
apply (subst eq2)
apply (subst (2) eq3)
apply simp
show ?thesis
apply (simp add: override_heap_on_def frame_def)
apply (auto simp add: override_on_def split: if_splits)
using *
using prems(7) by auto
lemma refines_rel_stack_override_heap_on_unmodified':
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) Q)"
assumes disj_A: "P ∩ A = {}"
assumes unmodified: "P ∩ M1 = {}"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes disj_stack_free_s: "P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
using refines_rel_stack_override_heap_on_unmodified'' [where ?P1.0= P and ?P2.0="{}"] assms
by simp
lemma refines_rel_stack_override_heap_on_unmodified:
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) Q)"
assumes P: "P = (P1 ∪ P2)"
assumes disj_A: "P ∩ A = {}"
assumes unmodified: "P1 ∩ M1 = {}"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes disj_stack_free_s: "P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P2 ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P2 t⇩0 t) Q)"
using refines_rel_stack_override_heap_on_unmodified'' assms
by auto
lemma refines_rel_stack_override_heap_on_exit_unmodified:
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "⋀s t t⇩0. rel_alloc 𝒮 M (P ∪ A) t⇩0 s t ⟹
refines f (g s) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s t⇩0 Q)"
assumes P: "P = (P1 ∪ P2)"
assumes disj_A: "P ∩ A = {}"
assumes unmodified: "P1 ∩ M1 = {}"
assumes M1_M: "M1 ⊆ M"
assumes disj_stack_free_s: "P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines f (g s) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P2 ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P2 t⇩0 t) Q)"
proof -
from refines_rel_stack_override_heap_on_exit [OF stack f_g disj_A M1_M disj_stack_free_s]
have "refines f (g s) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) Q)".
from refines_rel_stack_override_heap_on_unmodified [OF stack this P disj_A unmodified M1_M disj_stack_free_s]
show ?thesis .
lemma refines_rel_stack_override_heap_on_exit_guarded_unmodified:
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "⋀s t t⇩0. G ⟹ rel_alloc 𝒮 M (P ∪ A) t⇩0 s t ⟹
refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g s)) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s t⇩0 Q)"
assumes P: "G ⟹ P = (P1 ∪ P2)"
assumes disj_A: "G ⟹ P ∩ A = {}"
assumes unmodified: "G ⟹ P1 ∩ M1 = {}"
assumes M1_M: "G ⟹ M1 ⊆ M"
assumes disj_stack_free_s: "G ⟹ P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g s)) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P2 ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P2 t⇩0 t) Q)"
proof -
{assume guard: "G"
have "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g s)) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P2 ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P2 t⇩0 t) Q)"
using refines_rel_stack_override_heap_on_exit_unmodified [OF stack f_g [OF guard] P [OF guard]
disj_A [OF guard] unmodified [OF guard]
M1_M [OF guard] disj_stack_free_s [OF guard]].}
then show ?thesis
by (rule refines_L2_guard_right'')
lemma refines_rel_stack_override_heap_emptyI:
assumes "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) Q)"
shows "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M (P ∪ {} ∪ A) s (override_heap_on (P ∪ {}) t⇩0 t) Q)"
using assms
by simp
lemma refines_rel_stack_pop_heap_both:
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) s
(override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t)
(rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (rel_push p L)) (rel_push p R)))"
assumes disj_P_A: "P ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_A: "ptr_span p ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_P: "ptr_span p ∩ P = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_p: "ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_P: "P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines
(L2_catch g (λx. (L2_seq (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λ_. (fst x))) (λ_. L2_throw (snd x) ns_exit))))
(λx. (L2_seq (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λ_. (fst x))) (λ_. L2_return (snd x) ns)))) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) R))"
proof -
from stack have sf_s_t: "stack_free (htd s) ⊆ stack_free (htd t)"
using rel_alloc_def stack_free_htd_frame by auto
from stack have t: "t = frame A t⇩0 s"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
define t0' where "t0' = override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t"
have eq_htd:
"override_on (htd s) (htd t⇩0) (A - stack_free (htd s)) =
override_on (htd s) (htd t0') ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) - stack_free (htd s))"
using disj_stack_free_s_p disj_stack_free_s_P disj_P_A disj_p_A t
by (auto simp add: t0'_def override_heap_on_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff frame_def)
have eq_hmem:
"override_on (hmem s) (hmem t⇩0) (A ∪ stack_free (htd s)) =
override_on (hmem s) (hmem t0') ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) ∪ stack_free (htd s))"
using disj_stack_free_s_p disj_stack_free_s_P disj_p_A disj_P_A t
by (auto simp add: t0'_def override_heap_on_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff frame_def)
from t have t_t0': "t = frame ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A)) t0' s"
using eq_htd eq_hmem
apply (simp add: frame_def)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong hmem_htd_upd typing.upd_cong)
have stack': "rel_alloc 𝒮 M ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A)) t0' s t"
using stack disj_stack_free_s_P disj_stack_free_s_p t t_t0'
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
from disj_stack_free_s_p disj_stack_free_s_P disj_stack_free_s_P stack
have stack_free': "stack_free (htd s) ∩ (P ∪ A) = {}"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
show ?thesis
unfolding L2_seq_def
apply (rule refines_bindE_right' [where Q = "λ(v, s') (w, t').
case v of
Exn e ⇒ ∃w'. w = Exn w' ∧ rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) (λ_ _ _. False)) (Exn e, s') (Exn w', t')
| Result v ⇒ ∃w'. w = Result w' ∧ rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t) (rel_xval_stack (λ_ _ _. False) (rel_push p R)) (Result v, s') (Result w', t')"] )
apply (rule refines_L2_catch_right)
apply (rule f_g)
subgoal by (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def t0'_def rel_alloc_def)
subgoal by clarsimp
subgoal by clarsimp
subgoal for e e' s' t'
apply (frule rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free [OF stack', unfolded t0'_def])
apply (frule rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free' [OF stack', unfolded t0'_def])
apply (subst (asm) rel_stack_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_exit_def)
apply (subst (asm) rel_push_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_exec_IO_modify_heap_padding_single_step_right_InL)
using stack
apply (clarsimp simp add: stack_free' rel_alloc_def rel_stack_def t0'_def [symmetric] t [symmetric] t_t0' [symmetric])
subgoal premises prems for w x
proof -
from prems obtain
"e = Nonlocal x"
"e' = (h_val (hmem s') p, w)"
"L (hmem s') x w" and
sf_s': "stack_free (htd s') = stack_free (htd s)" and
sf_t': "stack_free (htd (frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s')) = stack_free (htd t)" and
"stack_free (htd s) ⊆ 𝒮"
"stack_free (htd s) ∩ (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) = {}"
"stack_free (htd s) ∩ M1 = {}"
"t' = frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s'"
"equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s)) (hmem s') (hmem s)" and
htd_eq: "htd s' = htd s" by (simp)
have eq_typing:
"override_on (htd s') (htd t0') (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A - stack_free (htd s')) =
override_on (htd s') (htd (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t)) (P ∪ A - stack_free (htd s'))"
using disj_P_A disj_p_A
by (auto simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff t0'_def htd_eq t htd_frame override_heap_on_def)
have eq_heap: "heap_update_padding p (h_val (hmem s') p)
(heap_list (hmem s') (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p))
(override_on (hmem s') (hmem t0') (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A ∪ stack_free (htd s'))) =
override_on (hmem s') (hmem (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t)) (P ∪ A ∪ stack_free (htd s'))"
using disj_P_A disj_p_A
apply (simp add: override_on_def override_heap_on_def fun_eq_iff t0'_def)
by (smt (verit, best) disj_p_P disj_stack_free_s_p h_val_def heap_list_length
heap_update_list_id' heap_update_list_value heap_update_padding_def
hmem_htd_upd max_size orthD2 sf_s' to_bytes_heap_list_id)
show "hmem_upd
(heap_update_padding p (h_val (hmem s') p)
(heap_list (hmem s') (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p)))
(frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s') =
frame (P ∪ A) (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) s'"
apply (simp add: frame_def comp_def)
using eq_typing eq_heap
by (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong hmem_htd_upd typing.upd_cong)
subgoal by clarsimp
subgoal by clarsimp
subgoal by clarsimp
subgoal for v v' s' t'
apply (clarsimp)
apply (frule rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free [OF stack', unfolded t0'_def])
apply (frule rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free' [OF stack', unfolded t0'_def])
apply (subst (asm) rel_stack_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_exit_def)
apply (subst (asm) rel_push_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_exec_IO_modify_heap_padding_step_right)
apply (rule refines_exec_L2_return_right)
using stack
apply (clarsimp simp add: stack_free' rel_alloc_def rel_stack_def t0'_def [symmetric] t [symmetric] t_t0' [symmetric])
subgoal premises prems for w
proof -
from prems obtain
"v' = (h_val (hmem s') p, w)"
"R (hmem s') v w" and
sf_s': "stack_free (htd s') = stack_free (htd s)" and
sf_t': "stack_free (htd (frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s')) = stack_free (htd t)" and
"stack_free (htd s) ⊆ 𝒮"
"stack_free (htd s) ∩ (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) = {}"
"stack_free (htd s) ∩ M1 = {}"
"t' = frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s'"
"equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s)) (hmem s') (hmem s)" and
htd_eq: "htd s' = htd s" by simp
have eq_typing:
"override_on (htd s') (htd t0') (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A - stack_free (htd s')) =
override_on (htd s') (htd (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t)) (P ∪ A - stack_free (htd s'))"
using disj_P_A disj_p_A
by (auto simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff t0'_def htd_eq t htd_frame override_heap_on_def)
have eq_heap: "heap_update_padding p (h_val (hmem s') p)
(heap_list (hmem s') (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p))
(override_on (hmem s') (hmem t0') (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A ∪ stack_free (htd s'))) =
override_on (hmem s') (hmem (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t)) (P ∪ A ∪ stack_free (htd s'))"
using disj_P_A disj_p_A
apply (simp add: override_on_def override_heap_on_def fun_eq_iff t0'_def)
by (smt (verit, best) disj_p_P disj_stack_free_s_p h_val_def heap_list_length
heap_update_list_id' heap_update_list_value heap_update_padding_def
hmem_htd_upd max_size orthD2 sf_s' to_bytes_heap_list_id)
show "hmem_upd
(heap_update_padding p (h_val (hmem s') p)
(heap_list (hmem s') (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p)))
(frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s') =
frame (P ∪ A) (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) s'"
apply (simp add: frame_def comp_def)
using eq_typing eq_heap
by (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong hmem_htd_upd typing.upd_cong)
lemma refines_rel_stack_pop_heap_both_guarded:
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g)) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) s
(override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t)
(rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (rel_push p L)) (rel_push p R)))"
assumes disj_P_A: "G ⟹ P ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_A: "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_P: "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ P = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_p: "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_P: "G ⟹ P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines
(L2_catch (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g))
(λx. (L2_seq (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λ_. (fst x))) (λ_. L2_throw (snd x) ns_exit))))
(λx. (L2_seq (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λ_. (fst x))) (λ_. L2_return (snd x) ns)))) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) R))"
proof -
assume grd: "G"
have ?thesis
by (rule refines_rel_stack_pop_heap_both [OF stack f_g disj_P_A [OF grd] disj_p_A [OF grd] disj_p_P [OF grd]
disj_stack_free_s_p [OF grd] disj_stack_free_s_P [OF grd]])
} then show ?thesis
by (rule refines_L2_guard_right'''')
lemma refines_rel_stack_pop_heap_both_singleton:
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) s
(override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t)
(rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (rel_push p L)) (rel_singleton_stack p)))"
assumes disj_P_A: "P ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_A: "ptr_span p ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_P: "ptr_span p ∩ P = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_p: "ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_P: "P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines
(L2_catch g (λx. (L2_seq (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λ_. (fst x))) (λ_. L2_throw (snd x) ns_exit))))
(λx. (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λ_. x)))) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) (λ_. (=))))"
proof -
from stack have sf_s_t: "stack_free (htd s) ⊆ stack_free (htd t)"
using rel_alloc_def stack_free_htd_frame by auto
from stack have t: "t = frame A t⇩0 s"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
define t0' where "t0' = override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t"
have eq_htd:
"override_on (htd s) (htd t⇩0) (A - stack_free (htd s)) =
override_on (htd s) (htd t0') ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) - stack_free (htd s))"
using disj_stack_free_s_p disj_stack_free_s_P disj_P_A disj_p_A t
by (auto simp add: t0'_def override_heap_on_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff frame_def)
have eq_hmem:
"override_on (hmem s) (hmem t⇩0) (A ∪ stack_free (htd s)) =
override_on (hmem s) (hmem t0') ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) ∪ stack_free (htd s))"
using disj_stack_free_s_p disj_stack_free_s_P disj_p_A disj_P_A t
by (auto simp add: t0'_def override_heap_on_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff frame_def)
from t have t_t0': "t = frame ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A)) t0' s"
using eq_htd eq_hmem
apply (simp add: frame_def)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong hmem_htd_upd typing.upd_cong)
have stack': "rel_alloc 𝒮 M ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A)) t0' s t"
using stack disj_stack_free_s_P disj_stack_free_s_p t t_t0'
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
from disj_stack_free_s_p disj_stack_free_s_P disj_stack_free_s_P stack
have stack_free': "stack_free (htd s) ∩ (P ∪ A) = {}"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
show ?thesis
unfolding L2_seq_def
apply (rule refines_bindE_right' [where Q = "λ(v, s') (w, t').
case v of
Exn e ⇒ ∃w'. w = Exn w' ∧ rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) (λ_ _ _. False)) (Exn e, s') (Exn w', t')
| Result v ⇒ ∃w'. w = Result w' ∧ rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t) (rel_xval_stack (λ_ _ _. False) (rel_singleton_stack p)) (Result v, s') (Result w', t')"] )
apply (rule refines_L2_catch_right)
apply (rule f_g)
subgoal by (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def t0'_def rel_alloc_def)
subgoal by clarsimp
subgoal by clarsimp
subgoal for e e' s' t'
apply (frule rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free [OF stack', unfolded t0'_def])
apply (frule rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free' [OF stack', unfolded t0'_def])
apply (subst (asm) rel_stack_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_exit_def)
apply (subst (asm) rel_push_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_exec_IO_modify_heap_padding_single_step_right_InL)
using stack
apply (clarsimp simp add: stack_free' rel_alloc_def rel_stack_def t0'_def [symmetric] t [symmetric] t_t0' [symmetric])
subgoal premises prems for w x
proof -
from prems obtain
"e = Nonlocal x"
"e' = (h_val (hmem s') p, w)"
"L (hmem s') x w" and
sf_s': "stack_free (htd s') = stack_free (htd s)" and
sf_t': "stack_free (htd (frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s')) = stack_free (htd t)" and
"stack_free (htd s) ⊆ 𝒮"
"stack_free (htd s) ∩ (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) = {}"
"stack_free (htd s) ∩ M1 = {}"
"t' = frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s'"
"equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s)) (hmem s') (hmem s)" and
htd_eq: "htd s' = htd s" by (simp)
have eq_typing:
"override_on (htd s') (htd t0') (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A - stack_free (htd s')) =
override_on (htd s') (htd (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t)) (P ∪ A - stack_free (htd s'))"
using disj_P_A disj_p_A
by (auto simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff t0'_def htd_eq t htd_frame override_heap_on_def)
have eq_heap: "heap_update_padding p (h_val (hmem s') p)
(heap_list (hmem s') (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p))
(override_on (hmem s') (hmem t0') (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A ∪ stack_free (htd s'))) =
override_on (hmem s') (hmem (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t)) (P ∪ A ∪ stack_free (htd s'))"
using disj_P_A disj_p_A
apply (simp add: override_on_def override_heap_on_def fun_eq_iff t0'_def)
by (smt (verit, best) disj_p_P disj_stack_free_s_p h_val_def heap_list_length
heap_update_list_id' heap_update_list_value heap_update_padding_def
hmem_htd_upd max_size orthD2 sf_s' to_bytes_heap_list_id)
show "hmem_upd
(heap_update_padding p (h_val (hmem s') p)
(heap_list (hmem s') (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p)))
(frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s') =
frame (P ∪ A) (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) s'"
apply (simp add: frame_def comp_def)
using eq_typing eq_heap
by (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong hmem_htd_upd typing.upd_cong)
subgoal by clarsimp
subgoal by clarsimp
subgoal by clarsimp
subgoal for v v' s' t'
apply (clarsimp)
apply (frule rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free [OF stack', unfolded t0'_def])
apply (frule rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free' [OF stack', unfolded t0'_def])
apply (subst (asm) rel_stack_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_exit_def)
apply (subst (asm) rel_singleton_stack_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_exec_IO_modify_heap_padding_single_step_right)
using stack
apply (clarsimp simp add: stack_free' rel_alloc_def rel_stack_def t0'_def [symmetric] t [symmetric] t_t0' [symmetric])
subgoal premises prems proof -
from prems obtain
"v' = h_val (hmem s') p" and
sf_s': "stack_free (htd s') = stack_free (htd s)" and
sf_t': "stack_free (htd (frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s')) = stack_free (htd t)" and
"stack_free (htd s) ⊆ 𝒮"
"stack_free (htd s) ∩ (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) = {}"
"stack_free (htd s) ∩ M1 = {}"
"t' = frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s'"
"equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s)) (hmem s') (hmem s)" and
htd_eq: "htd s' = htd s" by simp
have eq_typing:
"override_on (htd s') (htd t0') (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A - stack_free (htd s')) =
override_on (htd s') (htd (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t)) (P ∪ A - stack_free (htd s'))"
using disj_P_A disj_p_A
by (auto simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff t0'_def htd_eq t htd_frame override_heap_on_def)
have eq_heap: "heap_update_padding p (h_val (hmem s') p)
(heap_list (hmem s') (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p))
(override_on (hmem s') (hmem t0') (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A ∪ stack_free (htd s'))) =
override_on (hmem s') (hmem (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t)) (P ∪ A ∪ stack_free (htd s'))"
using disj_P_A disj_p_A
apply (simp add: override_on_def override_heap_on_def fun_eq_iff t0'_def)
by (smt (verit, best) disj_p_P disj_stack_free_s_p h_val_def heap_list_length
heap_update_list_id' heap_update_list_value heap_update_padding_def
hmem_htd_upd max_size orthD2 sf_s' to_bytes_heap_list_id)
show "hmem_upd
(heap_update_padding p (h_val (hmem s') p)
(heap_list (hmem s') (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p)))
(frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s') =
frame (P ∪ A) (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) s'"
apply (simp add: frame_def comp_def)
using eq_typing eq_heap
by (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong hmem_htd_upd typing.upd_cong)
lemma refines_rel_stack_pop_heap_both_singleton_guarded:
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g)) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) s
(override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t)
(rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (rel_push p L)) (rel_singleton_stack p)))"
assumes disj_P_A: "G ⟹ P ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_A: "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_P: "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ P = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_p: "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_P: "G ⟹ P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines
(L2_catch (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g))
(λx. (L2_seq (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λ_. (fst x))) (λ_. L2_throw (snd x) ns_exit))))
(λx. (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λ_. x)))) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) (λ_. (=))))"
proof -
assume grd: "G"
have ?thesis
by (rule refines_rel_stack_pop_heap_both_singleton [OF stack f_g disj_P_A [OF grd] disj_p_A [OF grd] disj_p_P [OF grd]
disj_stack_free_s_p [OF grd] disj_stack_free_s_P [OF grd]])
} then show ?thesis
by (rule refines_L2_guard_right'''')
lemma refines_rel_stack_pop_heap_no_exit:
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) s
(override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t)
(rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) (rel_push p R)))"
assumes disj_P_A: "P ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_A: "ptr_span p ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_P: "ptr_span p ∩ P = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_p: "ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_P: "P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines
(L2_seq g (λx. (L2_seq (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λ_. (fst x))) (λ_. L2_return (snd x) ns)))) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R))"
proof -
from stack have sf_s_t: "stack_free (htd s) ⊆ stack_free (htd t)"
using rel_alloc_def stack_free_htd_frame by auto
from stack have t: "t = frame A t⇩0 s"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
define t0' where "t0' = override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t"
have eq_htd:
"override_on (htd s) (htd t⇩0) (A - stack_free (htd s)) =
override_on (htd s) (htd t0') ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) - stack_free (htd s))"
using disj_stack_free_s_p disj_stack_free_s_P disj_P_A disj_p_A t
by (auto simp add: t0'_def override_heap_on_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff frame_def)
have eq_hmem:
"override_on (hmem s) (hmem t⇩0) (A ∪ stack_free (htd s)) =
override_on (hmem s) (hmem t0') ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) ∪ stack_free (htd s))"
using disj_stack_free_s_p disj_stack_free_s_P disj_p_A disj_P_A t
by (auto simp add: t0'_def override_heap_on_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff frame_def)
from t have t_t0': "t = frame ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A)) t0' s"
using eq_htd eq_hmem
apply (simp add: frame_def)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong hmem_htd_upd typing.upd_cong)
have stack': "rel_alloc 𝒮 M ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A)) t0' s t"
using stack disj_stack_free_s_P disj_stack_free_s_p t t_t0'
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
from disj_stack_free_s_p disj_stack_free_s_P disj_stack_free_s_P stack
have stack_free': "stack_free (htd s) ∩ (P ∪ A) = {}"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
show ?thesis
unfolding L2_seq_def
apply (rule refines_bindE_right')
apply (rule f_g)
apply simp_all
subgoal by (simp add: rel_stack_def)
subgoal for v v' s' t'
apply (frule rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free [OF stack', unfolded t0'_def])
apply (frule rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free' [OF stack', unfolded t0'_def])
apply (subst (asm) rel_stack_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (subst (asm) rel_push_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_exec_IO_modify_heap_padding_step_right)
apply (rule refines_exec_L2_return_right)
using stack
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def rel_push_def rel_alloc_def stack_free')
unfolding t0'_def [symmetric] t [symmetric]
subgoal premises prems for w
proof -
from prems obtain
"v' = (h_val (hmem s') p, w)"
"R (hmem s') v w" and
sf_s': "stack_free (htd s') = stack_free (htd s)" and
sf_t': "stack_free (htd (frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s')) = stack_free (htd t)" and
"stack_free (htd s) ⊆ 𝒮"
"stack_free (htd s) ∩ (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) = {}"
"stack_free (htd s) ∩ M1 = {}"
"t' = frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s'"
"equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s)) (hmem s') (hmem s)" and
htd_eq: "htd s' = htd s" by simp
have eq_typing:
"override_on (htd s') (htd t0') (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A - stack_free (htd s')) =
override_on (htd s') (htd (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t)) (P ∪ A - stack_free (htd s'))"
using disj_P_A disj_p_A
by (auto simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff t0'_def htd_eq t htd_frame override_heap_on_def)
have eq_heap: "heap_update_padding p (h_val (hmem s') p)
(heap_list (hmem s') (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p))
(override_on (hmem s') (hmem t0') (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A ∪ stack_free (htd s'))) =
override_on (hmem s') (hmem (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t)) (P ∪ A ∪ stack_free (htd s'))"
using disj_P_A disj_p_A
apply (simp add: override_on_def override_heap_on_def fun_eq_iff t0'_def)
by (smt (verit, best) disj_p_P disj_stack_free_s_p h_val_def heap_list_length
heap_update_list_id' heap_update_list_value heap_update_padding_def
hmem_htd_upd max_size orthD2 sf_s' to_bytes_heap_list_id)
show "hmem_upd
(heap_update_padding p (h_val (hmem s') p)
(heap_list (hmem s') (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p)))
(frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s') =
frame (P ∪ A) (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) s'"
apply (simp add: frame_def comp_def)
using eq_typing eq_heap
by (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong hmem_htd_upd typing.upd_cong)
lemma refines_rel_stack_pop_heap_no_exit_guarded:
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g)) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) s
(override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t)
(rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) (rel_push p R)))"
assumes disj_P_A: "G ⟹ P ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_A: "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_P: "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ P = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_p: "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_P: "G ⟹ P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines
(L2_seq (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g)) (λx. (L2_seq (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λ_. (fst x))) (λ_. L2_return (snd x) ns)))) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R))"
proof -
assume grd: "G"
have ?thesis
by (rule refines_rel_stack_pop_heap_no_exit [OF stack f_g disj_P_A [OF grd] disj_p_A [OF grd] disj_p_P [OF grd]
disj_stack_free_s_p [OF grd] disj_stack_free_s_P [OF grd]])
} then show ?thesis
by (rule refines_L2_guard_right''')
lemma refines_rel_stack_pop_heap_no_exit_singleton:
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) s
(override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t)
(rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) (rel_singleton_stack p)))"
assumes disj_P_A: "P ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_A: "ptr_span p ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_P: "ptr_span p ∩ P = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_p: "ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_P: "P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines
(L2_seq g (λx. (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λ_. x)))) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) (λ_. (=))))"
proof -
from stack have sf_s_t: "stack_free (htd s) ⊆ stack_free (htd t)"
using rel_alloc_def stack_free_htd_frame by auto
from stack have t: "t = frame A t⇩0 s"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
define t0' where "t0' = override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t"
have eq_htd:
"override_on (htd s) (htd t⇩0) (A - stack_free (htd s)) =
override_on (htd s) (htd t0') ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) - stack_free (htd s))"
using disj_stack_free_s_p disj_stack_free_s_P disj_P_A disj_p_A t
by (auto simp add: t0'_def override_heap_on_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff frame_def)
have eq_hmem:
"override_on (hmem s) (hmem t⇩0) (A ∪ stack_free (htd s)) =
override_on (hmem s) (hmem t0') ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) ∪ stack_free (htd s))"
using disj_stack_free_s_p disj_stack_free_s_P disj_p_A disj_P_A t
by (auto simp add: t0'_def override_heap_on_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff frame_def)
from t have t_t0': "t = frame ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A)) t0' s"
using eq_htd eq_hmem
apply (simp add: frame_def)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong hmem_htd_upd typing.upd_cong)
have stack': "rel_alloc 𝒮 M ((ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A)) t0' s t"
using stack disj_stack_free_s_P disj_stack_free_s_p t t_t0'
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
from disj_stack_free_s_p disj_stack_free_s_P disj_stack_free_s_P stack
have stack_free': "stack_free (htd s) ∩ (P ∪ A) = {}"
by (auto simp add: rel_alloc_def)
show ?thesis
unfolding L2_seq_def
apply (rule refines_bindE_right')
apply (rule f_g)
apply simp_all
subgoal by (simp add: rel_stack_def)
subgoal for v' s' t'
apply (frule rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free [OF stack', unfolded t0'_def])
apply (frule rel_stack_unchanged_stack_free' [OF stack', unfolded t0'_def])
apply (subst (asm) rel_stack_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (subst (asm) rel_singleton_stack_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule refines_exec_IO_modify_heap_padding_single_step_right)
using stack
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def rel_push_def rel_alloc_def stack_free')
unfolding t0'_def [symmetric] t [symmetric]
subgoal premises prems
proof -
from prems obtain
"v' = h_val (hmem s') p" and
sf_s': "stack_free (htd s') = stack_free (htd s)" and
sf_t': "stack_free (htd (frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s')) = stack_free (htd t)" and
"stack_free (htd s) ⊆ 𝒮"
"stack_free (htd s) ∩ (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) = {}"
"stack_free (htd s) ∩ M1 = {}"
"t' = frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s'"
"equal_upto (M1 ∪ stack_free (htd s)) (hmem s') (hmem s)" and
htd_eq: "htd s' = htd s" by simp
have eq_typing:
"override_on (htd s') (htd t0') (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A - stack_free (htd s')) =
override_on (htd s') (htd (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t)) (P ∪ A - stack_free (htd s'))"
using disj_P_A disj_p_A
by (auto simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff t0'_def htd_eq t htd_frame override_heap_on_def)
have eq_heap: "heap_update_padding p (h_val (hmem s') p)
(heap_list (hmem s') (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p))
(override_on (hmem s') (hmem t0') (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A ∪ stack_free (htd s'))) =
override_on (hmem s') (hmem (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t)) (P ∪ A ∪ stack_free (htd s'))"
using disj_P_A disj_p_A
apply (simp add: override_on_def override_heap_on_def fun_eq_iff t0'_def)
by (smt (verit, best) disj_p_P disj_stack_free_s_p h_val_def heap_list_length
heap_update_list_id' heap_update_list_value heap_update_padding_def
hmem_htd_upd max_size orthD2 sf_s' to_bytes_heap_list_id)
show "hmem_upd
(heap_update_padding p (h_val (hmem s') p)
(heap_list (hmem s') (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p)))
(frame (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) t0' s') =
frame (P ∪ A) (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) s'"
apply (simp add: frame_def comp_def)
using eq_typing eq_heap
by (metis (no_types, lifting) heap.upd_cong hmem_htd_upd typing.upd_cong)
lemma refines_rel_stack_pop_heap_no_exit_singleton_guarded:
fixes p:: "'a::xmem_type ptr"
assumes stack: "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes f_g: "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g)) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (ptr_span p ∪ P ∪ A) s
(override_heap_on (ptr_span p ∪ P) t⇩0 t)
(rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) (rel_singleton_stack p)))"
assumes disj_P_A: "G ⟹ P ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_A: "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ A = {}"
assumes disj_p_P: "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ P = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_p: "G ⟹ ptr_span p ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
assumes disj_stack_free_s_P: "G ⟹ P ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
shows "refines
(L2_seq (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. G)) (λ_. g)) (λx. (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p (λ_. x)))) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 (P ∪ A) s (override_heap_on P t⇩0 t) (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) (λ_. (=))))"
proof -
assume grd: "G"
have ?thesis
by (rule refines_rel_stack_pop_heap_no_exit_singleton [OF stack f_g disj_P_A [OF grd] disj_p_A [OF grd] disj_p_P [OF grd]
disj_stack_free_s_p [OF grd] disj_stack_free_s_P [OF grd]])
} then show ?thesis
by (rule refines_L2_guard_right''')
lemma refines_rel_stack_shuffle_both:
assumes "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) R))"
assumes "⋀h e e'. L h e e' ⟹ L' h e (shuffle_exit e')"
assumes "⋀h v v'. R h v v' ⟹ R' h v (shuffle v')"
shows "refines
(L2_catch g (λe. L2_throw (shuffle_exit e) ns_exit))
(λx. L2_return (shuffle x) ns))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L') R'))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: reaches_bind reaches_catch succeeds_bind succeeds_catch L2_defs refines_def_old L2_VARS_def
rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def rel_xval_stack_def rel_exit_def rel_xval.simps default_option_def Exn_def[symmetric]
split: xval_splits prod.splits)
subgoal for r s'
apply (cases r)
apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def[symmetric])
subgoal for y
apply (erule_tac x="Exn y" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="s'" in allE)
apply clarsimp
by (smt (verit) Exn_def Exn_eq_Exn Result_neq_Exn case_exception_or_result_Exn)
subgoal for v
apply (erule_tac x="Result v" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="s'" in allE)
apply clarsimp
by (smt (z3) Result_eq_Result Result_neq_Exn case_exception_or_result_Result)
lemma refines_rel_stack_shuffle_no_exit:
assumes "refines f g s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R))"
assumes "⋀h v v'. R h v v' ⟹ R' h v (shuffle v')"
shows "refines
(λx. L2_return (shuffle x) ns))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R'))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: succeeds_bind reaches_bind L2_defs refines_def_old L2_VARS_def
rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def rel_sum_stack_def rel_exit_def rel_sum.simps split: sum.splits prod.splits)
subgoal for r s'
apply (cases r)
apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def[symmetric])
subgoal for y
apply (erule_tac x="Exn y" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="s'" in allE)
apply auto
subgoal for v
apply (erule_tac x="Result v" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="s'" in allE)
apply clarsimp
by (smt (z3) Result_eq_Result Result_neq_Exn case_exception_or_result_Result)
lemma L2_call_rel_stack_bare':
assumes f: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
shows "refines
(L2_call g (λx. x) ns')
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L R))"
using assms
by (auto simp add: L2_call_def refines_def_old reaches_map_value)
lemma L2_call_rel_stack_bare_retype_unreachable_exit':
assumes f: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R))"
shows "refines
(L2_call g emb ns')
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: L2_call_def reaches_map_value succeeds_bind reaches_bind L2_defs refines_def_old L2_VARS_def
rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps rel_exit_def)
by fastforce
lemma L2_call_rel_stack_bare_retype_unreachable_exit'':
assumes f: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R))"
shows "refines
(L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. P)) (λ_.
(L2_seq (L2_catch (L2_call g emb ns)
(λx. L2_seq (liftE (return ())) (λ_. L2_throw x ns_exit))))
(λv. L2_return v ns)))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: L2_call_def reaches_map_value succeeds_catch reaches_catch succeeds_bind reaches_bind L2_defs refines_def_old L2_VARS_def
rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps rel_exit_def)
by fastforce
lemma L2_call_rel_stack_bare_retype_unreachable_exit:
assumes f: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R))"
shows "refines
(L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. P)) (λ_.
(L2_seq (L2_catch (L2_call g undefined ns)
(λx. L2_seq (liftE (return ())) (λ_. L2_throw x ns_exit))))
(λv. L2_return v ns)))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R))"
by (rule L2_call_rel_stack_bare_retype_unreachable_exit'' [OF f])
lemma L2_call_rel_stack_bare_retype_unreachable_exit_extend_modifies':
assumes f: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R))"
assumes "P ⟹ stack_free (htd s) ∩ M2 = {}"
assumes M1_M2: "P ⟹ M1 ⊆ M2"
shows "refines
(L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. P)) (λ_.
(L2_seq (L2_catch (L2_call g emb ns)
(λx. L2_seq (liftE (return ())) (λ_. L2_throw x ns_exit))))
(λv. L2_return v ns)))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R))"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: L2_call_def reaches_map_value succeeds_catch reaches_catch succeeds_bind reaches_bind L2_defs refines_def_old L2_VARS_def
rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps rel_exit_def)
subgoal for r s'
apply (cases r)
apply (clarsimp simp add: Exn_def [symmetric] default_option_def)
by (metis Result_neq_Exn)
subgoal for v
apply (erule_tac x="Result v" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x=s' in allE)
apply (clarsimp simp add: Exn_def [symmetric] default_option_def)
by (smt (z3) case_xval_simps(2) equal_upto_mono map_exn_simps(2)
order_eq_refl sup_mono)
lemma L2_call_rel_stack_bare_retype_unreachable_exit_extend_modifies:
assumes f: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R))"
assumes sf: "P ⟹ stack_free (htd s) ∩ M2 = {}"
assumes M1_M2: "P ⟹ M1 ⊆ M2"
shows "refines
(L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. P)) (λ_.
(L2_seq (L2_catch (L2_call g undefined ns)
(λx. L2_seq (liftE (return ())) (λ_. L2_throw x ns_exit))))
(λv. L2_return v ns)))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit (λ_ _ _. False)) R))"
by (rule L2_call_rel_stack_bare_retype_unreachable_exit_extend_modifies' [OF f sf M1_M2])
lemma L2_call_rel_stack_bare:
assumes f: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) R))"
shows "refines
(L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. P)) (λ_.
(L2_seq (L2_catch (L2_call g (λx. x) ns)
(λx. L2_seq (liftE (return ())) (λ_. L2_throw x ns_exit))))
(λv. L2_return v ns)))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) R))"
using assms
by (clarsimp simp add: L2_call_def reaches_map_value succeeds_catch reaches_catch succeeds_bind reaches_bind L2_defs refines_def_old L2_VARS_def
rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps rel_exit_def)
lemma L2_call_rel_stack_bare_extend_modifies:
assumes f: "refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) R))"
assumes sf: "P ⟹ stack_free (htd s) ∩ M2 = {}"
assumes M1_M2: "P ⟹ M1 ⊆ M2"
shows "refines
(L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. P)) (λ_.
(L2_seq (L2_catch (L2_call g (λx. x) ns)
(λx. L2_seq (liftE (return ())) (λ_. L2_throw x ns_exit))))
(λv. L2_return v ns)))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack (rel_exit L) R))"
unfolding L2_defs L2_VARS_def liftE_return
apply (clarsimp simp add: f_catch_throw L2_call_def refines_bind_guard_right_iff)
apply (rule refines_weaken [OF f])
using sf M1_M2
apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def)
by (meson Un_subset_iff Un_upper2 equal_upto_mono sup.coboundedI1)
lemma refines_rel_stack_extend_modifies:
assumes f: "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. P)) (λ_. g)) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M1 A s t⇩0 Q)"
assumes sf: "P ⟹ M2 ∩ stack_free (htd s) = {}"
assumes M1_M2: "P ⟹ M1 ⊆ M2"
shows "refines f (L2_seq (L2_guard (λ_. P)) (λ_. g)) s t (rel_stack 𝒮 M2 A s t⇩0 Q)"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: L2_call_def reaches_map_value succeeds_catch reaches_catch succeeds_bind reaches_bind L2_defs refines_def_old L2_VARS_def
rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps rel_exit_def)
by (smt (verit, best) dual_order.refl equal_upto_mono inf_aci(1) sup.mono)
lemma refines_rel_sum_stack_pop_exit':
assumes f_g:
"refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0
(rel_exit (rel_push p L))
"refines f (L2_catch g (λ(x, p). L2_throw p ns)) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0
(rel_exit L)
apply (rule refines_L2_catch_right)
apply (rule f_g)
apply simp_all
apply (auto simp add: L2_call_def reaches_map_value succeeds_catch reaches_catch
succeeds_bind reaches_bind L2_defs refines_def_old default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric] L2_VARS_def
rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps rel_exit_def)
lemma refines_rel_sum_stack_pop_exit:
assumes f_g:
"refines f g s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0
(rel_exit (rel_push p L))
"refines f (L2_catch g (λx. L2_throw (snd x) ns)) s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 M A s t⇩0
(rel_exit L)
apply (rule refines_L2_catch_right)
apply (rule f_g)
apply simp_all
apply (auto simp add: L2_call_def reaches_map_value succeeds_catch reaches_catch
succeeds_bind reaches_bind L2_defs refines_def_old default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric] L2_VARS_def
rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def rel_xval_stack_def rel_xval.simps rel_exit_def)
lemma L2_call_fuse_handlers1:
(L2_catch g (λx. L2_seq (liftE (h1 x)) (λ_. L2_throw (prj1 x) ns1)))
(λx. liftE (g1 x)))
(λx. L2_seq (liftE (h2 x)) (λ_. L2_throw (prj2 x) ns2)))
(λx. liftE (g2 x)) =
(L2_catch g (λx. L2_seq (L2_seq (liftE (h1 x)) (λ_. liftE (h2 (prj1 x)))) (λ_. L2_throw (prj2 (prj1 x)) ns2)))
(λx. L2_seq (liftE (g1 x)) (λx. liftE (g2 x))))"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_call_fuse_handlers2:
(L2_catch g (λx. L2_seq (liftE (h1 x)) (λ_. L2_throw (prj1 x) ns1)))
(λx. liftE (g1 x)))
(λx. L2_throw (prj2 x) ns2))
(L2_catch g (λx. L2_seq (liftE (h1 x)) (λ_. L2_throw (prj2 (prj1 x)) ns2)))
(λx. (liftE (g1 x)))"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_def_old default_option_def Exn_def split: xval_splits)
lemma L2_call_triv_conv: "L2_call f (λx. x) ns = f"
unfolding L2_call_def
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_catch_L2_call_conv:
(L2_call f (λe. e) ns)
(λe. L2_throw (emb e) ns') =
L2_call f (ETA_TUPLED emb) ns"
apply (simp add: L2_call_triv_conv ETA_TUPLED_def)
apply (simp add: L2_call_def map_exn_catch_conv L2_catch_def L2_throw_def comp_def)
lemma L2_seq_return_conv:
"L2_seq (liftE (return x)) (λx. liftE (return (f x))) = liftE (return (f x))"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_seq_return_unused_conv:
"L2_seq (liftE (return x)) (λ_. g) = g"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_seq_L2_return_unused_conv:
"L2_seq (L2_return x ns) (λ_. g) = g"
unfolding L2_defs L2_VARS_def
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_seq_return_id_conv:
"L2_seq f (λx. liftE (return x)) = f"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_seq_L2_return_id_conv:
"L2_seq f (λx. L2_return x ns) = f"
unfolding L2_defs L2_VARS_def
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_catch_L2_guard_out_conv: "L2_catch (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. X)) Y = L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. L2_catch X Y)"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_seq_guard_out_conv:
"L2_seq (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. X)) Y = (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. L2_seq X Y))"
by (simp add: L2_seq_assoc)
lemma L2_seq_L2_catch_assoc:
"L2_seq (L2_seq (L2_catch X Y) Z1) Z2 = L2_seq (L2_catch X Y) (λx. L2_seq (Z1 x) Z2)"
by (rule L2_seq_assoc)
lemma L2_catch_throw_id: "L2_catch f (λx. L2_throw x ns) = f"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_catch_call_throw:
(L2_call f emb ns)
(λx. L2_throw (g x) ns_exit)) =
L2_call f (ETA_TUPLED (λx. (g (emb x)))) ns"
unfolding L2_defs L2_call_def ETA_TUPLED_def
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_def_old map_exn_def split: xval_splits)
lemma liftE_bind_L2_seq: "(liftE (A >>= B)) = L2_seq (liftE A) (ETA_TUPLED (λx. liftE (B x)))"
unfolding L2_defs L2_call_def ETA_TUPLED_def
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma liftE_L2_seq: "L2_seq (liftE A) (λx. liftE (B x)) = (liftE (A >>= B))"
unfolding L2_defs
by (simp add: liftE_bind)
lemma liftE_return_L2_gets_conv: "liftE (return x) = L2_gets (λ_. x) []"
by (simp add: return_L2_gets_conv)
lemma L2_call_shuffle_conv:
"L2_call (L2_seq (L2_catch f A) B) (λx. x) ns =
(L2_seq (L2_catch (L2_call f (λx. x) ns) A) B)"
unfolding L2_call_def L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemmas L2_call_canonical_convs =
lemmas L2_call_pre_final_convs =
lemmas L2_call_final_convs =
lemma L2_call_ETA_TUPLED1: "L2_seq (L2_catch g h) g1 ≡ L2_seq (L2_catch g (ETA_TUPLED h)) (ETA_TUPLED g1)"
unfolding ETA_TUPLED_def by simp
lemma L2_call_ETA_TUPLED2: "L2_seq (L2_call g emb ns) g1 ≡ L2_seq (L2_call g emb ns) (ETA_TUPLED g1)"
unfolding ETA_TUPLED_def by simp
lemma distinct_sets_consI: "distinct_sets ps ⟹ distinct_sets (p#ps) ⟷ p ∩ ⋃ (set ps) = {}"
by (simp add: distinct_sets.simps)
lemma disjoint_subset_simps:
"ASSUMPTION (A ∩ B = {}) ⟹ A' ⊆ A ⟹ B ∩ A' = {} ⟷ True"
"ASSUMPTION (B ∩ A = {}) ⟹ A' ⊆ A ⟹ B ∩ A' = {} ⟷ True"
"ASSUMPTION (A ∩ B = {}) ⟹ B' ⊆ B ⟹ B' ∩ A = {} ⟷ True"
"ASSUMPTION (B ∩ A = {}) ⟹ B' ⊆ B ⟹ B' ∩ A = {} ⟷ True"
by (auto simp add: ASSUMPTION_def)
lemma disjoint_subset_simps':
"(B ∩ A = {}) ⟹ A' ⊆ A ⟹ B ∩ A' = {} ⟷ True"
"(A ∩ B = {}) ⟹ B' ⊆ B ⟹ B' ∩ A = {} ⟷ True"
"(B ∩ A = {}) ⟹ B' ⊆ B ⟹ B' ∩ A = {} ⟷ True"
"(A ∩ B = {}) ⟹ A' ⊆ A ⟹ B ∩ A' = {} ⟷ True"
by auto
lemma field_lvalue_ptr_span_trans:
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (t, n)"
assumes "export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t (TYPE('b))"
assumes "ptr_span p ⊆ A"
shows "{&(p→f)..+size_of TYPE('b::c_type)} ⊆ A"
using field_tag_sub assms export_size_of by fastforce
lemma field_lvalue_ptr_span_root_contained:
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (t, n)"
assumes "export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t (TYPE('b))"
shows "{&(p→f)..+size_of TYPE('b::c_type)} ⊆ ptr_span p"
using field_tag_sub assms export_size_of by fastforce
lemma field_lvalue_disjoint_fields_same_root:
fixes p:: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes f: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (T1, n)"
assumes exp1: "export_uinfo T1 = typ_uinfo_t (TYPE('b::c_type))"
assumes g: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) g 0 = Some (T2, m)"
assumes exp2: "export_uinfo T2 = typ_uinfo_t (TYPE('c::c_type))"
assumes prfx1: "¬ prefix f g"
assumes prfx2: "¬ prefix g f"
shows "{&(p→f)..+size_of TYPE('b::c_type)} ∩ {&(p→g)..+size_of TYPE('c::c_type)} = {}"
using field_lookup_non_prefix_disj [OF _ f g prfx2 prfx1]
field_lookup_offset_eq [OF f] field_lookup_offset_eq [OF g] exp1 exp2
export_size_of [OF exp1] export_size_of [OF exp2]
apply simp
by (smt (verit, best) add.commute add_diff_cancel_left'
diff_is_0_eq dual_order.trans export_size_of f field_lookup_offset_size
field_lookup_wf_size_desc_gt field_lvalue_def fold_typ_uinfo_t g intvl_fields_disj
linorder_not_less max_size nat_less_le unat_of_nat_field_offset wf_size_desc)
lemma ptr_coerce_index_array_ptr_index_conv:
"ptr_coerce p +⇩p uint i = array_ptr_index p False (nat (uint i))"
by (auto simp add: array_ptr_index_def)
lemma ptr_coerce_index_array_ptr_index_numeral_conv:
"ptr_coerce p +⇩p (numeral i) = array_ptr_index p False (numeral i)"
by (auto simp add: array_ptr_index_def)
lemma ptr_coerce_index_array_ptr_index_numeral_conv':
fixes p:: "(('a :: c_type)['b :: finite]) ptr"
assumes sz_eq: "size_of TYPE('c::c_type) = size_of TYPE('a)"
shows "PTR_COERCE('a['b] → 'c::c_type) p +⇩p (numeral n) = PTR_COERCE('a → 'c) (array_ptr_index p False (numeral n))"
using assms
by (simp add: array_ptr_index_simps(1) c_type_class.ptr_add_def)
lemma ptr_coerce_index_array_ptr_index_numeral_conv'':
fixes p:: "(('a :: c_type)['b :: finite]) ptr"
assumes sz_eq: "size_of TYPE('c::c_type) = size_of TYPE('a)"
assumes bound: "numeral n < CARD('b)"
shows "PTR_COERCE('a['b] → 'c::c_type) p +⇩p (numeral n) = PTR('c) &(p→[replicate (numeral n) CHR ''1''])"
proof -
have eq1: "PTR('c) &(p→[replicate (numeral n) CHR ''1'']) = PTR_COERCE('a → 'c) (PTR('a) &(p→[replicate (numeral n) CHR ''1'']))"
by simp
note replicate_numeral [simp del]
show ?thesis
apply (subst eq1 )
apply (subst array_ptr_index_field_lvalue_conv [symmetric, OF bound])
apply (rule ptr_coerce_index_array_ptr_index_numeral_conv' [OF sz_eq])
lemma ptr_coerce_index_array_ptr_index_0_conv:
"ptr_coerce p +⇩p 0 = array_ptr_index p False 0"
by (auto simp add: array_ptr_index_def)
lemma ptr_coerce_index_array_ptr_index_1_conv:
"ptr_coerce p +⇩p 1 = array_ptr_index p False 1"
by (auto simp add: array_ptr_index_def)
lemma ptr_coerce_index_array_ptr_index_sint_conv:
"0 ≤s i ⟹ ptr_coerce p +⇩p sint i = array_ptr_index p False (nat (sint i))"
by (auto simp add: array_ptr_index_def word_sle_def)
lemma heap_access_Array_element'':
fixes p :: "('a::mem_type['b::finite]) ptr"
assumes less: "n < CARD('b)"
"index (h_val hp p) n
= h_val hp (array_ptr_index p False n)"
using heap_access_Array_element' less
by auto
lemma index_fupdate_split: "i < CARD('n) ⟹ j < CARD('n) ⟹
index (fupdate i f (x::'a['n::finite])) j = (if i ≠ j then (x.[j]) else f (index x i))"
by (cases "i=j") (auto simp add: arr_fupdate_same arr_fupdate_other)
lemma root_disjoint_field_lvalue_disjoint1:
fixes p::"'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes field_lookup: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) path 0 = Some (t, n)"
assumes match: "export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('f::c_type)"
assumes "ptr_span p ∩ A = {}"
shows "A ∩ {&(p→path)..+size_of TYPE('f)} = {}"
using assms
by (simp add: disjoint_field_lvalue_propagation_right export_size_of inter_commute)
lemma root_disjoint_field_lvalue_disjoint2:
fixes p::"'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes field_lookup: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) path 0 = Some (t, n)"
assumes match: "export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('f::c_type)"
assumes "ptr_span p ∩ A = {}"
shows "{&(p→path)..+size_of TYPE('f)} ∩ A = {}"
using assms
by (simp add: disjoint_field_lvalue_propagation_right export_size_of inter_commute)
context heap_state_global
lemma global_update_frame_commute:
shows "glob_upd g (frame A t⇩0 s) =
frame A t⇩0 (glob_upd g s)"
proof -
from glob_htd_commute glob_hmem_commute
show ?thesis
apply (clarsimp simp add: frame_def)
by (smt (verit) heap.upd_cong typing.get_upd typing.upd_cong typing.upd_get)
lemma L2_modify_no_heap_update_rel_stack[synthesize_rule refines_in_out]:
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
assumes "v s = v' t"
shows "refines
(L2_modify (λs. glob_upd (λ_. v s) s))
(L2_modify (λs. glob_upd (λ_. v' s) s))
s t
(rel_stack 𝒮 {} A s t⇩0 (rel_xval_stack L (λ_. (=))))"
proof -
from glob_hmem_commute have no_heap1: "⋀g s. hmem (glob_upd g s) = hmem s"
by (metis heap.get_upd heap.upd_get)
from glob_htd_commute have no_htd1: "⋀g s. htd (glob_upd g s) = htd s"
by (metis typing.get_upd typing.upd_get)
from assms no_heap1 no_htd1 global_update_frame_commute
show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: refines_def_old rel_stack_def rel_alloc_def L2_defs)
lemma rel_alloc_glabal_independent_eq [rel_alloc_independent_globals]:
assumes "rel_alloc 𝒮 M A t⇩0 s t"
shows "glob t = glob s"
by (metis assms get_upd global_update_frame_commute rel_alloc_fold_frame upd_get)
lemma L2_seq_guard_cong_stateless:
"(⋀s. P s = P' s) ⟹ (⋀s. P' s ⟹ X = X') ⟹
L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. X) = L2_seq (L2_guard P') (λ_. X')"
using L2_seq_guard_cong''
by metis
context globals_stack_heap_state
lemma globals_subset_trans: "NO_MATCH 𝒢 X ⟹ NO_MATCH 𝒢 Y ⟹ X ⊆ 𝒢 ⟹ 𝒢 ⊆ Y ⟹ X ⊆ Y"
by blast
lemma globals_disjoint_subset_left: "NO_MATCH 𝒢 X ⟹ X ⊆ 𝒢 ⟹ 𝒢 ∩ A = {} ⟹ X ∩ A = {}"
by blast
lemma globals_disjoint_subset_right: "NO_MATCH 𝒢 X ⟹ X ⊆ 𝒢 ⟹ A ∩ 𝒢 = {} ⟹ A ∩ X = {}"
by blast
lemma Union_Diff_right_conv': "X ∪ Y = X ∪ (Y - X)"
by blast
lemma Union_Diff_right_conv: "(Y - X) ≡ Z ⟹ X ∪ Y ≡ X ∪ Z"
apply (subst Union_Diff_right_conv')
apply simp
lemma Union_assoc: "X ∪ Y ∪ Z = X ∪ (Y ∪ Z)"
by (simp add: sup_assoc)
simproc_setup Union_Diff_conv (‹ptr_span x ∪ Y› ) = ‹
val cterm_eq = is_equal o Thm.fast_term_ord
fun dest_union_right ct = ct |> Match_Cterm.switch [
@{cterm_match ‹?X ∪ ?Y›} #> (fn {X, Y, ...} => X::dest_union_right Y),
fn _ => [ct]]
fn _ => fn ctxt => fn ct =>
val {X, Y, ...} = @{cterm_match "?X ∪ ?Y"} ct
val ys = dest_union_right Y
val _ = if member cterm_eq ys X then () else raise Match
val lhs = \<^infer_instantiate>‹X = X and Y = Y in cterm "Y - X"› ctxt
val eq = lhs |> Simplifier.asm_full_rewrite (ctxt addsimps @{thms Un_Diff Diff_triv Union_assoc})
val rhs = Thm.rhs_of eq
if cterm_eq (lhs, rhs) then
let val eq' = @{thm Union_Diff_right_conv} OF [eq]
val _ = Utils.verbose_msg 1 ctxt (fn _ => "Union_Diff_conv: " ^ Thm.string_of_thm ctxt eq')
in SOME eq' end
handle Match => NONE
declare [[simproc del: Union_Diff_conv]]
"ptr_span q ∩ ptr_span p = {} ⟹ ptr_span x ∩ ptr_span p = {} ⟹
(ptr_span p ∪ (ptr_span q ∪ (ptr_span x ∪ ptr_span p))) = ptr_span p ∪ (ptr_span q ∪ ptr_span x) "
supply [[simproc add: Union_Diff_conv]]
apply simp
"ptr_span q ∩ ptr_span p = {} ⟹ ptr_span x ∩ ptr_span p = {} ⟹
((ptr_span p ∪ ptr_span q) ∪ (ptr_span x ∪ ptr_span p)) = ptr_span p ∪ (ptr_span q ∪ ptr_span x) "
supply [[simproc add: Union_Diff_conv]]
apply (simp add: Union_assoc)
assumes disj: "ptr_span q ∩ ptr_span p = {}"
"ptr_span p ∩ ptr_span q = {}"
"ptr_span x ∩ ptr_span p = {}"
"ptr_span x ∩ ptr_span q = {}"
shows "((ptr_span p ∪ ptr_span q) ∪ ((ptr_span p ∪ ptr_span q) ∪ ptr_span x ∪ ptr_span p)) = ptr_span p ∪ (ptr_span q ∪ ptr_span x) "
supply [[simproc add: Union_Diff_conv]]
apply (simp add: Union_assoc disj)
lemma subset_union_left: "X ⊆ L ⟹ X ⊆ L ∪ R"
by blast
lemma subset_union_right: "X ⊆ R ⟹ X ⊆ L ∪ R"
by blast
lemma disjoint_globals_stack: "G ∩ S = {} ⟹ x ⊆ S ⟹ G ∩ x = {}"
by blast