Theory L2Peephole
section ‹ Peep-hole optimisations applied to L2 ›
theory L2Peephole
imports L2Defs Tuple_Tools
lemmas id_def [L2opt]
lemma L2_seq_skip [L2opt]:
"L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. ()) n) X = (X ())"
"L2_seq Y (λ_. (L2_gets (λ_. ()) n)) = Y"
apply (clarsimp simp: L2_seq_def L2_gets_def gets_return )+
lemma L2_seq_L2_gets [L2opt]: "L2_seq X (λx. L2_gets (λ_. x) n) = X"
apply (clarsimp simp: L2_defs gets_return)
lemma L2_seq_L2_gets_unit[L2opt]: "L2_seq (L2_gets g ns) (λx:: unit. f x) = f ()"
apply (clarsimp simp: L2_defs)
by (rule spec_monad_eqI) (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_seq_L2_gets_const: "L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) X = X c"
apply (clarsimp simp: L2_defs liftE_def gets_return)
lemma const_propagation_cong: "X c = X' c ⟹ (L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) X) = (L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) X')"
by (clarsimp simp: L2_seq_L2_gets_const)
lemma L2_seq_const':
assumes bdy_eq: "f c ≡ g c"
shows "L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) f ≡ L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) g"
apply (rule eq_reflection)
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: bdy_eq runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_seq_const:
assumes bdy_eq: "f' ≡ g'"
assumes f_app: "f c ≡ f'"
assumes g_app: "g c ≡ g'"
shows "L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) f ≡ L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) g"
proof -
from bdy_eq f_app g_app have "f c ≡ g c"
by simp
then show "PROP ?thesis"
by (rule L2_seq_const')
lemma L2_seq_const_stop:
assumes bdy_eq: "f' ≡ g'"
assumes f_app: "f c ≡ f'"
assumes g_app: "g c ≡ g'"
shows "L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) f ≡ STOP (L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) g)"
unfolding STOP_def using bdy_eq f_app g_app
by (rule L2_seq_const)
lemma L2_seq_const_stop':
assumes bdy_eq: "f c ≡ g'"
assumes g_app: "g c ≡ g'"
shows "L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) f ≡ STOP (L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) g)"
apply (rule L2_seq_const_stop)
apply (rule bdy_eq)
apply simp
apply (rule g_app)
lemma L2_seq_const_stop'':
assumes bdy_eq: "f c ≡ g c"
shows "L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) f ≡ STOP (L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) g)"
apply (rule L2_seq_const_stop')
apply (rule bdy_eq)
apply simp
lemma L2_seq_const_stop''':
assumes bdy_eq: "f c ≡ g"
shows "L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) f ≡ STOP (L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) (λ_. g))"
apply (rule L2_seq_const_stop')
apply (rule bdy_eq)
apply simp
lemma L2_marked_seq_gets_cong:
"c=c' ⟹ L2_seq_gets c n A ≡ L2_seq_gets c' n A"
by simp
lemma L2_marked_seq_gets_stop:
assumes bdy_eq: "f c ≡ g"
shows "L2_seq_gets c n f ≡ STOP (L2_seq_gets c n (λ_. g))"
unfolding L2_seq_gets_def using bdy_eq
by (rule L2_seq_const_stop''')
lemma L2_marked_seq_gets_stop':
assumes bdy_eq: "f c ≡ g c"
shows "L2_seq_gets c n f ≡ STOP (L2_seq_gets c n g)"
unfolding L2_seq_gets_def STOP_def
by (simp add: L2_gets_bind bdy_eq)
lemma L2_marked_seq_gets_stop'':
assumes bdy_eta: "f ≡ f'"
assumes bdy_eq: "⋀v. v = c ⟹ f' v ≡ g v"
shows "L2_seq_gets c n f ≡ STOP (L2_seq_gets c n g)"
unfolding L2_seq_gets_def using bdy_eq bdy_eta
by (simp add: L2_gets_bind STOP_def)
lemma L2_guarded_block_cong: "L2_guarded g c = L2_guarded g c"
by simp
lemma L2_guarded_cong_stop':
assumes guard_eq: "⋀s. g s ≡ g' s"
assumes bdy_eq: "⋀s. g' s ⟹ run c s ≡ run c' s"
shows "L2_guarded g c ≡ STOP (L2_guarded g' c')"
unfolding L2_guarded_def L2_defs STOP_def
apply (rule eq_reflection)
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
using guard_eq bdy_eq
apply (auto simp add: run_guard run_bind)
lemma L2_seq_guard_cong_stop0:
assumes guard_eq: "⋀s. g s ≡ g' s"
assumes bdy_eq: "⋀s. g' s ⟹ run (c ()) s ≡ run c' s"
shows "L2_seq_guard g c ≡ STOP (L2_seq_guard g' (λ_. c'))"
unfolding L2_seq_guard_def STOP_def L2_defs
apply (rule eq_reflection)
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
using guard_eq bdy_eq
apply (auto simp add: run_guard run_bind)
lemma L2_guarded_cong_stop:
assumes guard_eq: "g ≡ g'"
assumes bdy_eq: "⋀s. g' s ⟹ run c s ≡ run c' s"
shows "L2_guarded g c ≡ STOP (L2_guarded g' c')"
unfolding L2_guarded_def L2_defs STOP_def
apply (rule eq_reflection)
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
using guard_eq bdy_eq
apply (auto simp add: run_guard run_bind)
lemma L2_seq_assoc :
"L2_seq (L2_seq A (λx. B x)) C = L2_seq A (λx. L2_seq (B x) C)"
apply (clarsimp simp: L2_seq_def bind_assoc)
lemma L2_seq_assoc' [L2opt]:
"L2_seq (L2_seq A B) C = L2_seq A (λx. L2_seq (B x) C)"
apply (clarsimp simp: L2_seq_def bind_assoc)
lemma L2_seq_rev_assoc':
"L2_seq A (λx. (L2_seq (B x) (C x))) =
L2_seq (L2_seq A (λx. L2_seq (B x) (λy. L2_gets (λ_. (x, y)) ns))) (λ(x, y). C x y)"
apply (clarsimp simp: L2_seq_def L2_gets_def bind_assoc)
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_seq_rev_assoc_accumulated':
"L2_seq A (λ(a, x). (L2_seq (B a x) (C a x))) =
L2_seq (L2_seq A (λ(a, x). L2_seq (B a x) (λy. L2_gets (λ_. (a, x, y)) ns))) (λ(a, x, y). C a x y)"
apply (clarsimp simp: L2_seq_def L2_gets_def bind_assoc)
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_seq_rev_assoc:
"L2_seq A (λa. (L2_seq (B a) (C a))) =
L2_seq (L2_seq A (λa. L2_seq (B a) (λx. L2_gets (λ_. (x, a)) ns))) (λ(x, a). C a x)"
apply (clarsimp simp: L2_seq_def L2_gets_def bind_assoc)
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_seq_rev_assoc_accumulated:
"L2_seq A (λ(x, a). (L2_seq (B a x) (C a x))) =
L2_seq (L2_seq A (λ(x, a). L2_seq (B a x) (λy. L2_gets (λ_. (y, x, a)) ns))) (λ(y, x, a). C a x y)"
apply (clarsimp simp: L2_seq_def L2_gets_def bind_assoc)
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_trim_after_throw [L2opt]:
"L2_seq (L2_throw x n) Z = (L2_throw x n)"
apply (clarsimp simp: L2_seq_def L2_throw_def)
lemma L2_guard_true [L2opt]: "L2_guard (λ_. True) = L2_gets (λ_. ()) []"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_guard)
text ‹This rule can be too expensive in simplification as it might invoke
the arithmetic solver›
lemma L2_guard_solve_true: "⟦ ⋀s. P s ⟧ ⟹ L2_guard P = L2_gets (λ_. ()) []"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_guard)
lemma L2_guard_false [L2opt]: "L2_guard (λ_. False) = L2_fail"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_guard)
text ‹This rule can be too expensive in simplification as it might invoke the
arithmetic solver›
lemma L2_guard_solve_false: "⟦ ⋀s. ¬ P s ⟧ ⟹ L2_guard P = L2_fail"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_guard)
lemma L2_spec_empty [L2opt]:
"L2_spec {} = L2_fail"
"⟦ ⋀s t. ¬ C s t ⟧ ⟹ L2_spec {(s, t). C s t} = L2_fail"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext; simp add: run_bind run_assert_result_and_state)+
lemma L2_unknown_bind_unbound[L2opt]:
"L2_seq (L2_unknown ns) (λx. f) = f"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_bind)
lemma L2_unknown_bind_unbound':
"f = (λ_. g) ⟹ L2_seq (L2_unknown ns) f = g"
by (simp add: L2_unknown_bind_unbound)
lemma L2_seq_L2_unknown_unit[L2opt]: "L2_seq (L2_unknown ns) (λx:: unit. f x) = f ()"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
text ‹The following rule can cause some exponential blowup, especially when rewriting is not
successful. Note that @{term f} is duplicated in the premise. The more restricted
@{thm L2_unknown_bind_unbound} should also do the job, in case of properly initialised
variables. Maybe we should remove it entirely from "L2opt".›
lemma L2_unknown_bind []:
"(⋀a b. f a = f b) ⟹ (L2_seq (L2_unknown ns) f) = f undefined"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff)
apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_def_old)
apply metis
lemma L2_seq_guard_cong:
"⟦ P = P'; ⋀s. P' s ⟹ run X s = run X' s ⟧ ⟹ L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. X) = L2_seq (L2_guard P') (λ_. X')"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_bind run_guard)
lemma L2_seq_guard_cong':
"⟦ P ≡ P'; ⋀s. P' s ⟹ run X s ≡ run X' s ⟧ ⟹ L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. X) ≡ L2_seq (L2_guard P') (λ_. X')"
apply (rule eq_reflection)
apply (rule L2_seq_guard_cong)
by auto
lemma L2_seq_guard_cong_stop:
"⟦ P = P'; ⋀s. P' s ⟹ run X s = run X' s ⟧ ⟹ L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. X) = STOP (L2_seq (L2_guard P') (λ_. X'))"
unfolding STOP_def
by (rule L2_seq_guard_cong, auto)
lemma L2_seq_guard_cong_stop':
"⟦ P ≡ P'; ⋀s. P' s ⟹ run X s ≡ run X' s ⟧ ⟹ L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. X) ≡ STOP (L2_seq (L2_guard P') (λ_. X'))"
apply (rule eq_reflection)
apply (rule L2_seq_guard_cong_stop)
by auto
lemma L2_seq_guard_cong_stop'':
"⟦⋀s. P s ⟹ run X s ≡ run X' s ⟧ ⟹ L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. X) ≡ STOP (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. X'))"
apply (rule eq_reflection)
apply (rule L2_seq_guard_cong_stop)
by auto
lemma L2_seq_guard_cong_stop''':
"⟦⋀s. P s ⟹ run (X ()) s ≡ run X' s ⟧ ⟹ L2_seq (L2_guard P) X ≡ STOP (L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. X'))"
unfolding STOP_def L2_defs
apply (rule eq_reflection)
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_bind run_guard)
lemma L2_marked_seq_guard_block_cong:
"L2_seq_guard P X = L2_seq_guard P X"
by (rule refl)
lemma L2_marked_seq_guard_cong:
"⟦P = P'; ⋀s. P' s ⟹ run (X ()) s = run X' s⟧ ⟹ L2_seq_guard P X = L2_seq_guard P' (λ_. X')"
unfolding L2_seq_guard_def L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_bind run_guard)
lemma L2_gaurded_keep_guard_cong:
"(⋀s. g s ⟹ run c s = run c' s) ⟹ L2_guarded g c = L2_guarded g c'"
unfolding L2_guarded_def L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_bind run_guard)
lemma gets_guard_move_before [L2opt]:
"L2_seq (L2_gets f ns) (λr. L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. X r)) =
L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. L2_seq (L2_gets f ns) X)"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_seq_guard_cong'':
"⟦ ⋀s. P s = P' s; ⋀s. P' s ⟹ run X s = run X' s ⟧ ⟹ L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. X) = L2_seq (L2_guard P') (λ_. X')"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_bind run_guard)
lemma guard_triv [L2opt]: "L2_seq (L2_guard (λs. True)) (λ_. X) = X"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_bind run_guard)
lemma L2_condition_cong:
"⟦ C = C'; ⋀s. C' s ⟹ run A s = run A' s;⋀s. ¬ C' s ⟹ run B s = run B' s ⟧ ⟹ L2_condition C A B = L2_condition C' A' B'"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_condition simp_implies_def)
lemma L2_condition_cong':
"⟦ ⋀s. C s = C' s; ⋀s. C' s ⟹ run A s = run A' s;⋀s. ¬ C' s ⟹ run B s = run B' s ⟧ ⟹ L2_condition C A B = L2_condition C' A' B'"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_condition)
lemma L2_condition_true [L2opt]: "⟦ ⋀s. C s ⟧ ⟹ L2_condition C A B = A"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_condition)
lemma L2_condition_false [L2opt]: "⟦ ⋀s. ¬ C s ⟧ ⟹ L2_condition C A B = B"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_condition)
lemma L2_condition_true' [simp]: "L2_condition (λs. True) A B = A"
unfolding L2_defs
by simp
lemma L2_condition_false' [simp]: "L2_condition (λs. False) A B = B"
unfolding L2_defs
by simp
lemma L2_condition_same [L2opt]: "L2_condition C A A = A"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_condition)
lemma L2_fail_seq [L2opt]: "L2_seq L2_fail X = L2_fail"
unfolding L2_defs
by simp
lemma bind_fail_propagates: "⟦ no_throw (λ_. True) A; always_progress A ⟧ ⟹ A >>= (λ_. fail) = fail"
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff)
apply (clarsimp simp add: no_throw_def runs_to_def_old runs_to_partial_def_old)
by (meson always_progressD)
lemma state_select_select_fail:
"state_select S ⤜ (λ_. select UNIV) ⤜ (λ_. fail) = fail"
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_fail_propagates [L2opt]:
"L2_seq (L2_gets V n) (λ_. L2_fail) = L2_fail"
"L2_seq (L2_modify M) (λ_. L2_fail) = L2_fail"
"L2_seq (L2_spec S) (λ_. L2_fail) = L2_fail"
"L2_seq (L2_guard G) (λ_. L2_fail) = L2_fail"
"L2_seq (L2_unknown ns) (λ_. L2_fail) = L2_fail"
"L2_seq L2_fail (λ_. L2_fail) = L2_fail"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (simp_all add: bind_fail_propagates always_progress_intros
lemma L2_condition_distrib:
"L2_seq (L2_condition C L R) X = L2_condition C (L2_seq L X) (L2_seq R X)"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemmas L2_fail_propagate_condition [L2opt] = L2_condition_distrib [where X="λ_. L2_fail"]
lemma L2_seq_condition_skip_throw [L2opt]: "L2_seq
(L2_condition c (L2_gets (λ_. ()) ns)
(L2_throw x ms))
(λr. y) =
(L2_condition c y
(L2_throw x ms))"
by (simp add: L2_condition_distrib L2_seq_skip L2_trim_after_throw)
lemma L2_fail_propagate_catch [L2opt]:
"(L2_seq (L2_catch L R) (λ_. L2_fail)) = (L2_catch (L2_seq L (λ_. L2_fail)) (λe. L2_seq (R e) (λ_. L2_fail)))"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff default_option_def Exn_def, safe )
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_def_old)
lemma L2_condition_fail_lhs [L2opt]:
"L2_condition C L2_fail A = L2_seq (L2_guard (λs. ¬ C s)) (λ_. A)"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff default_option_def Exn_def)
lemma L2_condition_fail_rhs [L2opt]:
"L2_condition C A L2_fail = L2_seq (L2_guard (λs. C s)) (λ_. A)"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff default_option_def Exn_def)
lemma L2_catch_fail [L2opt]: "L2_catch L2_fail A = L2_fail"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff default_option_def Exn_def)
lemma L2_try_fail [L2opt]: "L2_try L2_fail = L2_fail"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff default_option_def Exn_def)
lemma L2_while_fail [L2opt]: "L2_while C (λ_. L2_fail) i n = (L2_seq (L2_guard (λs. ¬ C i s)) (λ_. L2_gets (λs. i) n))"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (subst whileLoop_unroll)
apply (auto simp add: run_condition run_bind run_guard)
lemma unit_bind: "(λx. f (x::unit)) = (λ_. f ())"
apply (rule ext)
subgoal for x by (cases x, auto)
lemma unit_bind': "f ≡ (λ_. f ())"
by (simp add: unit_bind)
lemma L2_while_cong:
assumes c_eq: "⋀r s. c r s = c' r s"
assumes bdy_eq: "⋀r s. c' r s ⟹ run (A r) s = run (A' r) s"
shows "L2_while c A = L2_while c' A'"
apply (rule ext)+
unfolding L2_while_def
using whileLoop_cong c_eq bdy_eq
apply metis
lemma L2_while_simp_cong:
assumes c_eq: "⋀r s. c r s = c' r s"
assumes bdy_eq[simplified simp_implies_def]: "⋀r s. c' r s =simp=> run (A r) s = run (A' r) s"
shows "L2_while c A = L2_while c' A' "
apply (rule L2_while_cong)
apply (simp add: c_eq)
apply (simp add: bdy_eq)
lemma L2_while_cong':
assumes c_eq: "c = c'"
assumes bdy_eq: "⋀r s. c' r s ⟹ run (A r) s = run (A' r) s"
shows "L2_while c A = L2_while c' A'"
apply (rule L2_while_cong)
apply (simp add: c_eq)
apply (simp add: bdy_eq)
lemma L2_while_simp_cong':
assumes c_eq: "c = c'"
assumes bdy_eq[simplified simp_implies_def]: "⋀r s. c' r s =simp=> run (A r) s = run (A' r) s"
shows "L2_while c A = L2_while c' A'"
apply (rule L2_while_cong)
apply (simp add: c_eq)
apply (simp add: bdy_eq)
lemma L2_while_cong_split:
assumes c_eq: "c = c'"
assumes bdy_eq: "PROP SPLIT (⋀r s. c' r s ⟹run (A r) s = run (A' r) s)"
shows "L2_while c A = L2_while c' A'"
apply (rule L2_while_simp_cong' [OF c_eq])
using bdy_eq
by (simp add: SPLIT_def simp_implies_def)
lemma L2_while_cong_simp_split:
assumes c_eq: "c = c'"
assumes bdy_eq: "PROP SPLIT (⋀r s. c' r s =simp=> run (A r) s = run (A' r) s)"
shows "L2_while c A = L2_while c' (ETA_TUPLED A')"
apply (rule L2_while_simp_cong' [OF c_eq])
using bdy_eq
by (simp add: SPLIT_def simp_implies_def ETA_TUPLED_def)
lemma L2_while_cong_split_stop:
assumes c_eq: "c = c'"
assumes bdy_eq: "PROP SPLIT (⋀r s. c' r s ⟹ run (A r) s = run (A' r) s)"
shows "L2_while c A = STOP (L2_while c' A')"
apply (simp add: STOP_def)
apply (rule L2_while_simp_cong' [OF c_eq])
using bdy_eq
by (simp add: SPLIT_def simp_implies_def)
lemma L2_while_cong_simp_split_stop:
assumes c_eq: "c = c'"
assumes bdy_eq: "PROP SPLIT (⋀r s. c' r s =simp=> run (A r) s = run (A' r) s)"
shows "L2_while c A = STOP (L2_while c' A')"
apply (simp add: STOP_def)
apply (rule L2_while_simp_cong' [OF c_eq])
using bdy_eq
by (simp add: SPLIT_def simp_implies_def)
lemma L2_while_cong'':
assumes c_eq: "c = c'"
assumes bdy_eq: "⋀r s. c' r s ⟹ run (A r) s = run (A' r) s"
assumes i_eq: "i = i'"
shows "L2_while c A i ns = L2_while c' A' i' ns"
apply (simp add: i_eq)
using c_eq bdy_eq L2_while_cong
by metis
lemma L2_while_cong_block: "L2_while c b = L2_while c b"
by simp
lemma L2_while_unbind_STOP: "c ≡ c' ⟹ b ≡ b' ⟹ L2_while c b i ns ≡ STOP_UNBIND (L2_while c' b' i ns)"
by (simp add: STOP_UNBIND_def)
lemma L2_returncall_trivial [L2opt]:
"⟦ ⋀s v. f v s = v ⟧ ⟹ L2_returncall x f = L2_call x"
unfolding L2_defs L2_call_def L2_returncall_def
apply (rule ext)+
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff)
by (auto simp add: runs_to_def_old map_exn_def Exn_def default_option_def split:xval_splits )
lemma L2_gets_unused:
"⟦ ⋀x y s. run (B x) s = run (B y) s ⟧ ⟹ L2_seq (L2_gets A n) B = (B undefined)"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_bind)
lemma L2_gets_unbound[L2opt]:
"L2_seq (L2_gets A n) (λx. f) = f"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_bind)
lemma L2_gets_bind:
"L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. x :: 'var_type) n) f = f x"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (simp add: run_bind)
lemma L2_gets_bind_stop_cong:
"L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. x) n) f = L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. x) n) f"
by simp
lemma L2_seq_stop_cong:
"L2_seq x y = L2_seq x y"
by simp
lemma L2_marked_seq_gets_apply:
"L2_seq_gets c n A ≡ A c"
unfolding L2_seq_gets_def
apply (rule eq_reflection)
by (rule L2_gets_bind )
lemma split_seq_assoc [L2opt]:
"(λx. L2_seq (case x of (a, b) ⇒ B a b) (G x)) = (λx. case x of (a, b) ⇒ (L2_seq (B a b) (G x)))"
by (rule ext) clarsimp
lemma whileLoop_succeeds_terminates_infinite':
assumes "run (whileLoop (λ_. C) (λx. gets (λs. B s x)) i) s ≠ ⊤"
shows "C s ⟹ False"
using assms
by (induct rule: whileLoop_ne_top_induct) (auto simp: runs_to_iff)
lemma run_whileLoop_infinite': "run (whileLoop (λi. C)
(λx. gets (λs. B s x))
s =
run (guard (λs. ¬ C s) ⤜ (λ_. gets (λ_. i))) s"
proof (cases "C s")
case True
show ?thesis
apply (rule antisym)
apply (subst whileLoop_unroll)
apply (simp add: run_guard True run_bind)
proof -
have "¬ run (whileLoop (λ_. C) (λx. gets (λs. B s x)) i) s ≠ top"
using True whileLoop_succeeds_terminates_infinite'[of C B i s] by auto
hence "¬ succeeds (whileLoop (λ_. C) (λx. gets (λs. B s x)) i) s"
by (simp add: succeeds_def)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: run_guard run_bind succeeds_def True top_post_state_def)
case False
then show ?thesis apply (subst whileLoop_unroll) by (simp add: run_bind run_guard)
lemma whileLoop_infinite':
"whileLoop (λi. C)
(λx. gets (λs. B s x))
guard (λs. ¬ C s) ⤜ (λ_. gets (λ_. i))"
apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
apply (rule run_whileLoop_infinite')
lemma L2_while_infinite [L2opt]:
"L2_while (λi s. C s) (λx. L2_gets (λs. B s x) n') i n
= (L2_seq (L2_guard (λs. ¬ C s)) (λ_. L2_gets (λ_. i) n))"
unfolding L2_defs
by (rule whileLoop_infinite')
lemmas L2_gets_bind_c_exntype [L2opt] = L2_gets_bind [where 'var_type="'gx c_exntype"]
lemmas L2_gets_bind_unit [L2opt] = L2_gets_bind [where 'var_type=unit]
declare L2_voidcall_def [L2opt]
declare L2_modifycall_def [L2opt]
declare ucast_id [L2opt]
declare scast_id [L2opt]
declare singleton_iff [L2opt]
lemma L2_gets_L2_seq_if_P_1_0 [L2opt]:
"L2_seq (L2_gets (λs. if P s then 1 else 0) n) (λx. Q x)
= (L2_seq (L2_gets P n) (λx. Q (if x then 1 else 0)))"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_guard_join_simple [L2opt]:
"L2_seq (L2_guard A) (λ_. L2_guard B) = L2_guard (λs. A s ∧ B s)"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_guard_join_nested [L2opt]:
"L2_seq (L2_guard A) (λ_. L2_seq (L2_guard B) (λ_. C))
= L2_seq (L2_guard (λs. A s ∧ B s)) (λ_. C)"
unfolding L2_defs
apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_guarded_L2_gets[L2opt]:
"L2_guarded (λ_. P) (L2_seq (L2_gets f ns) g) = L2_seq (L2_gets f ns) (λx. L2_guarded (λ_. P) (g x))"
unfolding L2_guarded_def L2_defs
by (rule spec_monad_eqI) (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma L2_guarded_L2_guard[L2opt]:
"L2_guarded (λ_. P) (L2_seq (L2_guard Q) g) = L2_seq (L2_guard Q) (λx. L2_guarded (λ_. P) (g x))"
unfolding L2_guarded_def L2_defs
by (rule spec_monad_eqI) (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)
lemma unbind:
assumes eq: "⋀x. f x = g"
shows "f = (λ_. f ZERO('a::c_type))"
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp add: eq)
lemma L2_seq_unknown_block_cong: "L2_seq_unknown ns X = L2_seq_unknown ns X"
by (rule refl)
lemma L2_seq_unknown_STOP: "f ≡ f' ⟹ L2_seq_unknown ns f ≡ STOP (L2_seq (L2_unknown ns) f')"
by (simp add: STOP_def L2_seq_unknown_def)
lemma L2_seq_unknown_unfold_STOP: "f ≡ (λ_. g) ⟹ L2_seq_unknown ns f ≡ STOP g"
by (simp add: L2_seq_unknown_def STOP_def L2_unknown_bind_unbound)
lemma L2_seq_gets_unfold: "L2_seq_gets c ns f = f c"
by (simp add: L2_seq_gets_def L2_gets_bind)
lemma L2_condition_L2_seq_distrib:
"L2_seq (L2_condition C L R) (λx. L2_seq (X x) Y) ≡
(L2_condition C
(L2_seq L X)
(L2_seq R X)) Y"
by (simp add: L2_condition_distrib L2_seq_assoc)
lemma L2_condition_L2_seq_gets_distrib:
"L2_seq (L2_condition C L R) (λx. STOP (L2_seq_gets (X x) n Y )) ≡
(L2_condition C
(L2_seq L (λx. L2_gets (λ_. X x) n))
(L2_seq R (λx. L2_gets (λ_. X x) n))) Y"
unfolding L2_seq_gets_def STOP_def
by (rule L2_condition_L2_seq_distrib)
lemma L2_condition_L2_seq_gets_distrib':
assumes asm: "⋀x. STOP (L2_seq_gets (X x) n (Y x) ) ≡ L2_seq (A x) B"
shows "L2_seq (L2_condition C L R) (λx. STOP (L2_seq_gets (X x) n (Y x) )) ≡
(L2_condition C
(FUSE (L2_seq L A))
(FUSE (L2_seq R A))) B"
unfolding FUSE_def
apply (simp add: asm)
by (simp add: L2_condition_distrib L2_seq_assoc)
lemma L2_seq_condition_block_cong: "L2_seq_condition c L R X = L2_seq_condition c L R X"
by (rule refl)
lemma L2_seq_condition_unfold_STOP:
"L2_seq L X ≡ L' ⟹ L2_seq R X ≡ R' ⟹
L2_seq_condition c L R X ≡ STOP (L2_condition c L' R')"
by (simp add: L2_seq_condition_def L2_condition_distrib STOP_def)
thm L2_split_fixups
thm L2_condition_L2_seq_distrib [split_tuple X arity : 3, simplified L2_split_fixups]
thm L2_condition_L2_seq_gets_distrib [split_tuple X arity : 3, simplified L2_split_fixups]
thm L2_condition_L2_seq_gets_distrib' [split_tuple X and A arity : 2, simplified L2_split_fixups]
thm L2_seq_assoc