Theory L2Defs

 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

chapter ‹L2 phase: local variable abstraction with lambdas›

theory L2Defs
imports CorresXF L1Defs L1Peephole L1Valid

type_synonym ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad = "('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad"

definition "L2_unknown (ns :: nat list)  select UNIV :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad"
definition "L2_seq (A :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad) (B :: 'a  ('s, 'b, 'e) L2_monad)  (A >>= B) :: ('s, 'b, 'e) L2_monad"
definition "L2_modify m modify m :: ('s, unit, 'e) L2_monad"
definition "L2_gets f (names :: nat list)  gets f :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad"
definition "L2_condition c (A :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad) (B :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad)  condition c A B"
definition "L2_catch (A :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad) (B :: 'e  ('s, 'a, 'ee) L2_monad)  (A <catch> B)"
definition "L2_try (A :: ('s, 'a, 'e + 'a) L2_monad)   try A"
definition "L2_while c (A :: 'a  ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad) i (ns :: nat list)  whileLoop c A i :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad"
definition "L2_throw x (ns :: nat list)  throw x :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad"
definition "L2_spec r  (state_select r >>= (λ_. select UNIV)) :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad"
definition "L2_assume r  (assume_result_and_state r) :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad"
definition "L2_guard c  (guard c) :: ('s, unit, 'e) L2_monad"
definition "L2_guarded P c  L2_seq (L2_guard P) (λ_. c)" ―‹used to guard a function-pointer call›
definition "L2_fail  fail :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad"
definition "L2_call x emb (ns :: nat list)  map_value (map_exn emb) x :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad"

abbreviation "L2_skip  L2_gets (λ_. ()) []"
definition "L2_VARS f (names::nat list)  f" ― ‹Auxilliary construct to preserve names, 
  like in @{const L2_unknown}, @{const L2_gets}, ...› 

definition gets_theE :: "('s  'a option)  ('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad" where 
  "gets_theE  λx. gets_the x" ― ‹Lifting into exception monad›

 * Temporary constructions, used internally but not emitted.
 * "L2_folded_gets" is like "L2_gets", but the peephole optimiser will
 * try to eliminate the call to where it is used, eliminating it where
 * possible.  It is used for automatically generated "L2_gets" calls
 * which the user really doesn't need to know about.
 * The various "call" defintions are to help generate proofs for the
 * different ways of making function calls, which are hard to unify.
definition "L2_folded_gets f names  L2_gets f names :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad"
definition "L2_voidcall x emb ns  L2_seq (L2_call x emb ns) (λret. L2_skip) :: ('s, unit, 'e) L2_monad"
definition "L2_modifycall x m emb ns  L2_seq (L2_call x emb ns) (λret. L2_modify (m ret)) :: ('s, unit, 'e) L2_monad"
definition "L2_returncall x f emb ns  L2_seq (L2_call x emb ns) (λret. L2_folded_gets (f ret) []) :: ('s, 'a, 'e) L2_monad"

(* Syntax variants to emulate congprocs with simprocs *)
definition "L2_seq_guard P A  L2_seq (L2_guard P) A"
definition "L2_seq_gets c n A  L2_seq (L2_gets (λ_. c) n) A" 
definition "L2_seq_unknown ns A  L2_seq (L2_unknown ns) A"
definition "L2_seq_condition c L R X  L2_seq (L2_condition c L R) X"

definition "SANITIZE_NAMES prj ns ns' = True"

lemma sanitize_namesI: "SANITIZE_NAMES prj ns ns'"
  by (simp add: SANITIZE_NAMES_def)

definition DYN_CALL :: "prop  prop" where "PROP DYN_CALL (PROP P)  PROP P"

  by (simp add: DYN_CALL_def)

  by (simp add: DYN_CALL_def)

lemma runs_to_partial_top[corres_top]: "  s ?⦃ Q "
  by (simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma admissible_runs_to_partial[corres_admissible]: "ccpo.admissible Inf (≥) (λf . f  s ?⦃Q)"
  unfolding runs_to_partial_def_old 
  apply (rule ccpo.admissibleI)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: ccpo.admissible_def chain_def 
        succeeds_def reaches_def split: prod.splits xval_splits)
      apply transfer
      apply (clarsimp simp add: Inf_post_state_def top_post_state_def image_def vimage_def 
        split: if_split_asm)
      by (metis outcomes.simps(2) post_state.distinct(1))

lemma reaches_gets_theE [simp]:
     "reaches (gets_theE M) s rv s'  (v'. rv = Result v'  s' = s  M s = Some v')"
  by (auto simp add: gets_theE_def)

lemma seucceeds_gets_theE [simp]:
     "succeeds (gets_theE M) s = (v. M s = Some v)"
  apply (auto simp add: gets_theE_def)

lemma L2_folded_gets_bind:
  "L2_seq (L2_folded_gets (λ_. x) ns) f = f x"
  unfolding L2_seq_def L2_folded_gets_def L2_gets_def
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)

lemma L2_call_throw_names: "L2_call x emb ns = (x <catch> (λr. L2_throw (emb r) ns))"
  unfolding L2_call_def L2_throw_def
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff)
  apply (auto simp add: runs_to_def_old map_exn_def split: xval_splits)

(* fixme: we can merge these *)
lemmas L2_remove_scaffolding_1 =
  L2_folded_gets_bind [THEN eq_reflection]

lemmas L2_remove_scaffolding_2 =

abbreviation (input) "L2_guarded_while G C B i n  L2_seq (L2_guard (G i))
               (λ_. L2_while C (λi. L2_seq (B i) (λr. L2_seq (L2_guard (G r)) (λ_. L2_gets (λ_. r) n))) i n)"

lemmas L2_defs = L2_unknown_def L2_seq_def
    L2_modify_def L2_gets_def L2_condition_def L2_catch_def L2_while_def
    L2_throw_def L2_spec_def L2_assume_def L2_guard_def L2_fail_def L2_folded_gets_def
    L2_voidcall_def L2_modifycall_def L2_returncall_def 

(* Alternate definitions. *)
lemma L2_defs':
   "L2_unknown n  unknown"
   "L2_seq A' B'  A' >>= B'"
   "L2_modify m  modify m"
   "L2_gets f n  gets f"
   "L2_condition c L R  condition c L R"
   "L2_catch A B  (A <catch> B)"
   "L2_try A  try A"
   "L2_while c' B'' i n  whileLoop c' B'' i"
   "L2_throw x n  throw x"
   "L2_spec r  (state_select r >>= (λ_. select UNIV))"
   "L2_assume r'  (assume_result_and_state r')"
   "L2_guard c  guard c"
   "L2_fail  fail"
  by (auto simp: (*monad_defs*) L2_defs unknown_def )

   L2corres :: "('s  't)  ('s  'r)  ('s  'e)  ('s  bool)
        ('e, 'r, 't) exn_monad  (unit, unit, 's) exn_monad  bool"
  "L2corres st ret_xf ex_xf P A C
        corresXF st (λ_. ret_xf) (λ_. ex_xf) P A C"

lemma admissible_nondet_ord_L2corres [corres_admissible]:
  "ccpo.admissible Inf (≥) (λA. L2corres st ret_xf ex_xf P A C)"
  unfolding L2corres_def
  apply (rule admissible_nondet_ord_corresXF)

lemma L2corres_top [corres_top]: "L2corres st ret_xf ex_xf P  C"
  by (auto simp add: L2corres_def corresXF_def)

(* Wrapper for calling un-translated functions. *)

  "L2_call_L1 arg_xf gs ret_xf l1body
    = do {
        s  get_state;
        t  select {t. gs t = s  arg_xf t};
        run_bind l1body t (λr' t'. 
          (case r' of 
             Exception _  fail 
           | Result _  do {set_state (gs t'); return (ret_xf t')} ))

lemma L2corres_L2_call_L1:
  "L2corres gs ret_xf ex_xf arg_xf
     (L2_call_L1 arg_xf gs ret_xf f) f"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L2corres_def corresXF_refines_iff L2_call_L1_def L1_seq_def L1_guard_def
                 split: xval_splits)
  apply (simp add: refines_def_old)
  apply (intro conjI impI)
    by (auto simp add: succeeds_bind succeeds_run_bind succeeds_exec_concrete_iff succeeds_catch)
    by (auto simp add: succeeds_bind succeeds_run_bind reaches_run_bind  
        succeeds_exec_concrete_iff succeeds_catch reaches_bind default_option_def Exn_def
        rel_XF_def rel_xval.simps Exn_def default_option_def
          split: exception_or_result_splits)

       (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Exn_def Exn_neq_Result exception_or_result_cases 
        imageI mem_Collect_eq old.unit.exhaust option.exhaust_sel)

lemma L2corres_L2_call_simpl:
  "l1_f  simpl_f 
   L2corres gs ret_xf ex_xf arg_xf
     (L2_call_L1 arg_xf gs ret_xf simpl_f) l1_f"
  by (simp add: L2corres_L2_call_L1)

(* shouldn't be needed
lemma empty_set_exists: "(∀a. a ≠ {}) = False"
  apply blast

lemma L2corres_modify_global:
  " s. P s  M (st s) = st (M' s)  
     L2corres st ret ex P (L2_modify M) (L1_modify M')"
  unfolding L2_defs L1_defs
  by (auto simp add: L2corres_def corresXF_modify_global)

lemma L2corres_modify_unknown:
  " s. P s  st s = st (M s)  
     L2corres st ret ex P (L2_unknown ns) (L1_modify M)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L2corres_def L2_defs L1_defs)
  apply (auto intro: corresXF_select_modify)

lemma L2corres_spec_unknown:
  " s a. st s = st (M (a::('a  ('a::{type}))) s)  
     L2corres st ret ex P (L2_unknown ns) (L1_init M)"
  apply (auto simp add: L2corres_def corresXF_def L1_defs L2_defs 
      reaches_bind reaches_succeeds succeeds_bind)

lemma L2corres_modify_gets:
  " s. P s  st s = st (M s); s. P s  ret (M s) = f (st s)  
         L2corres st ret ex P (L2_gets (λs. f s) n) (L1_modify M)"
  by (simp add: L2corres_def L2_defs L1_defs corresXF_modify_gets)

lemma L2corres_gets_skip:
  "L2corres st ret ex P L2_skip L1_skip"
  by (simp add: L2corres_def L2_defs L1_defs corresXF_def)

lemma L2corres_guard:
  " s. P s  G' s =  G (st s)   
  L2corres st return_xf exception_xf P (L2_guard G) (L1_guard G')"
  by (simp add: L2corres_def L2_defs L1_defs corresXF_guard)

lemma L2corres_fail:
  "L2corres st return_xf exception_xf P L2_fail X"
  by (clarsimp simp add: L2corres_def L1_defs L2_defs corresXF_def)

lemma L2corres_spec:
  " s s'. ((s, s')  A') = ((st s, st s')  A); surj st 
      L2corres st return_xf exception_xf P (L2_spec A) (L1_spec A')"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L2corres_def L2_defs L1_spec_def corresXF_def succeeds_bind reaches_bind)
  by (metis surjD)

lemma L2corres_assume:
  " s s'. (((), s')  A' s) = (((), st s')  A (st s)) 
      L2corres st return_xf exception_xf P (L2_assume A) (L1_assume A')"
  by (clarsimp simp: L2corres_def L2_defs L1_assume_def corresXF_def)

lemma L2corres_seq:
  " L2corres st return_xf exception_xf P A A';
     x. L2corres st return_xf' exception_xf (P' x) (B x) B';
     R A' λ_ s. P' (return_xf s) s⦄, λ_ _. True;
     s. R s  P s  
     L2corres st return_xf' exception_xf R (L2_seq A B) (L1_seq A' B')"
  apply (unfold L2corres_def L2_seq_def L1_seq_def validE_def)
  apply (rule corresXF_join)
     apply assumption
    apply assumption
   apply simp
  apply assumption

lemma L2corres_guard_imp:
  " L2corres st ret_state ex_state Q M M'; pred_imp P Q   
  L2corres st ret_state ex_state P M M'"
  by (simp add: L2corres_def pred_imp_def corresXF_guard_imp)

lemma L2corres_guarded'': 
  assumes bdy: "s' s. g' s'  s = st s'  P s'  L2corres st ret ex P (c (dest s)) (c' (dest' s'))" 
  assumes g_g': "s'. P s'  g' s' = g (st s')"
  assumes dest: "s' s. g' s'  s = st s'  P s'  dest' s' = dest (st s')"
  shows "L2corres st ret ex P (L2_guarded g (L2_seq (L2_gets dest []) c)) (L1_guarded g' (gets dest'  c'))"
  using assms
  by (auto simp add: L2corres_def L2_defs L1_defs L2_guarded_def L1_guarded_def corresXF_def
      succeeds_bind reaches_bind  split: xval_splits)

lemma L2corres_catch:
  " L2corres st V E P L L';
    x. L2corres st V E' (P' x) (R x) R';
    Q L' λ_ _. True⦄, λ_ s. P' (E s) s; s. Q s  P s  
   L2corres st V E' Q (L2_catch L R) (L1_catch L' R')"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L2corres_def L2_catch_def L1_catch_def validE_def)
  apply (rule corresXF_except)
     apply (assumption)
    apply (assumption)
   apply auto

lemma L2corres_throw:
  " s. P s  E s = A   L2corres st V E P (L2_throw A n) (L1_throw)"
  by (clarsimp simp: L2corres_def L2_throw_def L1_throw_def corresXF_throw)

lemma L2corres_conseq: 
  assumes corres: "L2corres st return_xf exception_xf P C C'"
  assumes conseq: "s. Q s  P s"
  shows "L2corres st return_xf exception_xf Q C C'"
  apply (rule L2corres_guard_imp [OF corres])
  using conseq by (simp add: pred_imp_def)

lemma L2corres_cond:
  " L2corres st return_xf exception_xf P A A';
     L2corres st return_xf exception_xf P' B B';
     s. R s  P s;
     s. R s  P' s;
     s. R s  c' s = c (st s)  
     L2corres st return_xf exception_xf R (L2_condition c A B) (L1_condition c' A' B')"
  apply (unfold L2corres_def L2_condition_def L1_condition_def)
  apply (rule corresXF_cond)
    apply (auto intro:  corresXF_guard_imp)

lemma L2corres_inject_return:
  " L2corres st V E P L R; P' R λ_ s. W (V s) = V' s⦄,  λ_ _. True ; s. P' s  P s 
     L2corres st V' E P' (L2_seq L (λx. L2_gets (λ_. W x) n)) R"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L2corres_def validE_def)
  apply (drule corresXF_guard_imp [where P=P'], simp)
  apply (unfold L2_seq_def L2_gets_def)
  apply (rule corresXF_guard_imp)
  apply (erule corresXF_append_gets_abs)
    apply simp
  apply simp

lemma L2corres_inject_return':
  " L2corres st V E P L R;Gets = (λx. L2_gets (λ_. W x) n);P' R λ_ s. W (V s) = V' s⦄,  λ_ _. True; s. P' s  P s
  L2corres st V' E P' (L2_seq L Gets) R"
  by (auto intro:  L2corres_inject_return)

lemma L2corres_skip:
  "L2corres st return_xf exception_xf P L2_skip L1_skip"
  by (rule L2corres_gets_skip)

lemma L2corres_while:
  assumes body_corres: "x. L2corres st ret ex (P' x) (A x) B"
  and inv_holds:  "λs. P (ret s) s  B λ_ s. P (ret s) s ⦄, λ_ _. True"
  and cond_match: "s. P (ret s) s  c' s = c (ret s) (st s)"
  and pred_imply: "s x. P x s   P' x s"
  and pred_extract: "s. P x s   ret s = x"
  and pred_imply2: "s. Q x s   P x s"
  shows "L2corres st ret ex (Q x) (L2_while c A x n) (L1_while c' B)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L2corres_def L2_while_def L1_while_def)
  apply (rule corresXF_guard_imp)
  apply (rule corresXF_while [
         where P="λr s. P (ret s) s" and C'=c and C="λ_. c'" and A=A and B="λ_. B"
         and ret="λr s. ret s" and ex="λr s. ex s" and st=st and y=x and x="()" and P'="λr s. Q x s"])
       apply (rule corresXF_guard_imp)
        apply (rule body_corres [unfolded L2corres_def])
       apply (clarsimp simp: pred_imply)
      apply (clarsimp simp: cond_match)
     apply (rule inv_holds [unfolded validE_def, rule_format])
     apply assumption
    apply (metis pred_extract pred_imply2)
   apply (metis pred_extract pred_imply2)
  apply simp

lemma L2corres_returncall:
  "  L2corres st ret' ex' P' Z dest_fn;
     s. P s  P' (scope_setup s);
     t s. st (return_xf t (scope_teardown s t)) = st t;
     t s. st (result_exn (scope_teardown s t) t) = st t;
     s. st (scope_setup s) = st s;
     t s. st (scope_teardown s t) = st t;
     t s. P s  ret (return_xf t (scope_teardown s t)) = F (ret' t) (st t) ;
     t s. P s  (ex (result_exn (scope_teardown s t) t)) = emb (ex' t)  
     L2corres st ret ex P (L2_returncall Z F emb ns) 
   (L1_call scope_setup dest_fn scope_teardown result_exn return_xf)"
  unfolding L1_call_def L1_seq_def L1_throw_def L2_returncall_def L2_call_def L2corres_def L2_defs
  apply (rule corresXF_I)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: corresXF_def succeeds_bind succeeds_catch reaches_catch 
        reaches_map_value reaches_bind default_option_def Exn_def split: xval_splits exception_or_result_splits)
    by (smt (z3) Exn_def Result_neq_Exn map_exn_simps(2) the_Result_simp)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: corresXF_def succeeds_bind succeeds_catch reaches_catch 
        reaches_map_value reaches_bind default_option_def Exn_def split: xval_splits exception_or_result_splits)
    by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) Exception_eq_Exception Exn_def Exn_neq_Result map_exn_simps(1))
    apply (auto simp add: corresXF_def succeeds_bind succeeds_catch reaches_catch 
        reaches_map_value reaches_bind default_option_def Exn_def split: xval_splits exception_or_result_splits)

lemma L2corres_dest_fn_simp: 
  assumes dest_fn: "s. P s  dest_fn = dest_fn'"
  assumes corres: "L2corres st ret ex P X 
   (L1_call scope_setup (measure_call dest_fn') scope_teardown result_exn return_xf)"
  shows "L2corres st ret ex P X 
   (L1_call scope_setup (measure_call dest_fn) scope_teardown result_exn return_xf)"
  using corres dest_fn unfolding L2corres_def corresXF_def 
  by blast

lemma L2corres_l2_propagate_fixed_cong: 
"(s. P s = P' s)  (s. P' s  A = A')  L2corres st ret ex P A C = L2corres st ret ex P' A' C"
  unfolding L2corres_def corresXF_def simp_implies_def
  by (auto split: sum.splits prod.splits) 

lemma L2corres_modifycall:
  " L2corres st ret' ex' P' Z dest_fn;
     s. P s  P' (scope_setup s);
     s r. P r  F (ret' s) (st s) = st (return_xf s (scope_teardown r s));
     s. st (scope_setup s) = st s;
     t s. st (scope_teardown s t) = st t;
     t s. st (result_exn (scope_teardown s t) t) = st t;
     t s. P s  ex (result_exn (scope_teardown s t) t) = emb (ex' t) 
     L2corres st ret ex P (L2_modifycall Z F emb ns)
                          (L1_call scope_setup dest_fn scope_teardown result_exn return_xf)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_call_def L1_seq_def L1_throw_def L2_call_def L2_defs L2corres_def)
  apply (rule corresXF_I)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: corresXF_def succeeds_bind succeeds_catch reaches_catch 
        reaches_map_value reaches_bind default_option_def Exn_def split: xval_splits exception_or_result_splits)
    by (smt (z3) Exn_def Result_neq_Exn map_exn_simps(2) the_Result_simp)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: corresXF_def succeeds_bind succeeds_catch reaches_catch 
        reaches_map_value reaches_bind default_option_def Exn_def split: xval_splits exception_or_result_splits)
    by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) Exception_eq_Exception Exn_def Exn_neq_Result map_exn_simps(1))
    apply (auto simp add: corresXF_def succeeds_bind succeeds_catch reaches_catch 
        reaches_map_value reaches_bind default_option_def Exn_def split: xval_splits exception_or_result_splits)

lemma L2corres_voidcall:
  " L2corres st ret' ex' P' Z dest_fn;
     s. P s  P' (scope_setup s);
     s r. st (return_xf s (scope_teardown r s)) = st s;
     s. st (scope_setup s) = st s;
     t s. st (scope_teardown s t) = st t;
     t s. st (result_exn (scope_teardown s t) t) = st t;
     t s. P s  ex (result_exn (scope_teardown s t) t) = emb (ex' t) 
     L2corres st ret ex P (L2_voidcall Z emb ns)
         (L1_call scope_setup dest_fn scope_teardown result_exn return_xf)"
  apply (unfold L2_voidcall_def)
  apply (rule subst[where t = "L2_skip" and s = "L2_modify (λs. s)"])
    apply (simp add: L2_defs)
    apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
    apply simp
  apply (fold L2_modifycall_def L2corres_def)
  apply (fastforce elim!: L2corres_modifycall)

lemma L2corres_call:
  " L2corres st ret' ex' P' Z dest_fn;
     s. P s  P' (scope_setup s);
     s r. st (return_xf s (scope_teardown r s)) = st s;
     s r. ret (return_xf s (scope_teardown r s)) = ret' s;
     s. st (scope_setup s) = st s;     
     t s. st (scope_teardown s t) = st t;
     t s. st (result_exn (scope_teardown s t) t) = st t;
     t s. P s  ex (result_exn (scope_teardown s t) t) = emb (ex' t)  
     L2corres st ret ex P (L2_call Z emb ns)
                          (L1_call scope_setup dest_fn scope_teardown result_exn return_xf)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L2corres_def L2_call_def L1_call_def L1_seq_def L1_throw_def L2_defs)
  apply (rule corresXF_I)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: corresXF_def succeeds_bind succeeds_catch reaches_catch 
        reaches_map_value reaches_bind default_option_def Exn_def split: xval_splits exception_or_result_splits)
    by (smt (z3) Exn_def Result_neq_Exn map_exn_simps(2) the_Result_simp)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: corresXF_def succeeds_bind succeeds_catch reaches_catch 
        reaches_map_value reaches_bind default_option_def Exn_def split: xval_splits exception_or_result_splits)
    by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) Exception_eq_Exception Exn_def Exn_neq_Result map_exn_simps(1))
    apply (auto simp add: corresXF_def succeeds_bind succeeds_catch reaches_catch 
        reaches_map_value reaches_bind default_option_def Exn_def split: xval_splits exception_or_result_splits)

lemma (in L1_functions) L2corres_dyn_call:
"L2corres st ret ex P X 
   (L1_guarded g (gets dest >>= (λp. L1_call scope_setup (𝒫 p) scope_teardown result_exn return_xf)))  
 L2corres st ret ex P X (L1_dyn_call g scope_setup dest scope_teardown result_exn return_xf)"
  by (simp add: L1_dyn_call_def)

lemma L2_gets_bind: " s s'. V s = V s'   L2_seq (L2_gets V n) f = f (V undefined)"
  unfolding L2_defs
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (simp add: runs_to_iff)
  by (auto simp add: runs_to_def_old) metis+

(* TODO: remove internal var if it is not user-visible *)
lemma L2corres_folded_gets:
  " a. L2corres st ret ex (P and (λs. a = c (st s))) (X a) Y  
     L2corres st ret ex P (L2_seq (L2_folded_gets c ns) X) Y"
  by (fastforce simp add: L2_defs L2corres_def corresXF_def succeeds_bind reaches_bind split: xval_splits) 
lemma L2_call_cong [fundef_cong, cong]:
  "f = f'  L2_call f = L2_call f'"
  by simp

lemma L2_call_liftE [simp]:
  "L2_call (liftE x) emb ns  liftE x"
  by (clarsimp simp add: L2_call_def)

lemma L2_call_fail [simp]: "L2_call fail emb ns = fail"
  apply (simp add: L2_call_def)

lemma L2_call_L2_gets [simp]: "L2_call (L2_gets x n) emb ns = L2_gets x n"
  apply (simp add: L2_defs L2_call_def)

 * Rules for adjusting case_prod statements after transformations.
 * c.f. fix_L2_while_loop_splits_conv
lemma L2_split_fixup_1:
  "(L2_seq A (λx. case y of (a, b)  B a b x)) =
           (case y of (a, b)  L2_seq A (λx. B a b x))"
       by (auto simp: split_def)
lemma L2_split_fixup_2:
  "(L2_seq (case y of (a, b)  B a b) A) =
           (case y of (a, b)  L2_seq (B a b) A)"
  by (auto simp: split_def)

lemma L2_split_L2_seq_fixup_both:
  "(L2_seq (case y of (a,b)  A a b) (case y of (a, b)  B a b)) =
           (case y of (a, b)  L2_seq (A a b) (B a b))"
  by (auto simp: split_def)

lemma L2_split_L2_seq_gets_fixup_1:
  "(L2_seq_gets (case y of (a,b)  A a b) n (case y of (a, b)  B a b)) =
           (case y of (a, b)  L2_seq_gets (A a b) n (B a b))"
  by (auto simp: split_def)
lemma L2_split_L2_seq_gets_fixup_1:
  "(L2_seq_gets A n (λx. case y of (a, b) ⇒ B a b x)) =
           (case y of (a, b) ⇒ L2_seq_gets A n (λx. B a b x))"
  by (auto simp: split_def)

lemma L2_split_L2_seq_gets_fixup_2:
  "(L2_seq_gets (case y of (a, b) ⇒ B a b) n A) =
           (case y of (a, b) ⇒ L2_seq_gets (B a b) n  A)"
  by (auto simp: split_def)
lemma L2_split_fixup_3:
  "(case (x, y) of (a, b)  P a b) = P x y"
       by (auto simp: split_def)
lemma L2_split_fixup_4:
  "case_prod (λa (b :: 'a × 'b). P a ) = case_prod (λa. case_prod (λ(x :: 'a) (y :: 'b). P a ))"
       by (auto simp: split_def)
lemma L2_split_fixup_f:
  "(f (case y of (a, b)  G a b) =
           (case y of (a, b)  f (G a b)))"
       by (auto simp: split_def)
lemma L2_split_fixup_g:
  "case_prod (λa (b :: 'a × 'b). P a b) = case_prod (λa. case_prod (λ(x :: 'a) (y :: 'b). P a (x, y)))"
       by (auto simp: split_def)

lemma liftE_fixup: "(λx. liftE (case x of (a, b)  f a b)) = (λ(a,b). liftE (f a b))"
  by (simp add: fun_eq_iff split: prod.splits)

lemma finally_fixup: "(λx. finally (case x of (a, b)  f a b)) = (λ(a,b). finally (f a b))"
  by (simp add: fun_eq_iff split: prod.splits)

lemma try_fixup: "(λx. try (case x of (a, b)  f a b)) = (λ(a,b). try (f a b))"
  by (simp add: fun_eq_iff split: prod.splits)

lemma L2_gets_const_split_fixup: "L2_gets (λ_. case y of (a, b)  G a b) = (case y of (a, b)  L2_gets (λ_. G a b))"
  by (simp add: fun_eq_iff split: prod.splits)

definition STOP :: "'a::{}  'a"  
  where "STOP P   P"

lemma STOP_cong: "STOP P  STOP P"
  by simp

lemma do_STOP: "P  STOP P"
  by (simp add: STOP_def)

definition STOP_UNBIND :: "'a::{}  'a"  
  where "STOP_UNBIND P   P"

  by simp

  by (simp add: STOP_UNBIND_def)

definition FUSE :: "'a::{}  'a"  
  where "FUSE P   P"

lemma FUSE_cong: "FUSE P  FUSE P"
  by simp

lemma do_FUSE: "P  FUSE P"
  by (simp add: FUSE_def)

lemma FUSE_STOP: "X  X'  FUSE X  STOP X'"
  by (simp add: FUSE_def STOP_def)

lemma fixup_accumulate: 
  "(λ(x, a). (case a of (x1, x2)  C x1 x2) x) = (λ(x, x1, x2). C x1 x2 x)"
  by (auto simp: split_def)

lemma case_prod_apply_distrib: 
  "(case x of (a, b)  f a b) n =  (case x of (a, b)  f a b n )"
  by (auto simp add: split_def)

lemma L2_guard_fixup1: "L2_guard (λs. case y of (a, b)  G a b s) = (case y of (a, b)  L2_guard (G a b))"
  by (auto simp: split_def)

lemmas L2_split_fixups_base = 


  L2_split_fixup_f [where f=L2_guard]
  L2_split_fixup_f [where f=L2_gets]
  L2_split_fixup_f [where f=L2_modify]


  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. L2_gets (P a b) n" for P n]
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. L2_guard (P a b)" for P]
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. L2_modify (P a b)" for P]
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. L2_spec (P a b)" for P]
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. L2_assume (P a b)" for P]
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. L2_throw (P a b) n" for P n]

  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. L2_seq (L a b) (R a b)" for L R]
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. L2_while (C a b) (B a b) (I a b) n" for C B I n]
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. L2_unknown n" for n]
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. L2_catch (L a b) (R a b)" for L R]
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. L2_condition (C a b) (L a b) (R a b)" for C L R]
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. L2_call (M a b)" for M]
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. liftE (M a b)" for M]
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. finally (M a b)" for M]
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. try (M a b)" for M]

lemmas L2_split_fixups =

lemmas L2_split_fixups' =
  L2_split_fixup_g [where P="λa b. L2_seq_gets (L a b) (R a b)" for L R]
  L2_split_fixup_f [where f=STOP]

lemmas L2_split_fixups_congs =

(* Peephole simplification rules for L2 programs (including HeapLift and WordAbstract). *)
named_theorems L2opt

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_seq_le [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes mono_X: "monotone R (≤) X"
  assumes mono_Y: "r. monotone R (≤) (λf. Y f r)"
  shows "monotone R (≤) 
    (λf. (L2_seq (X f) (Y f)))"
  unfolding L2_defs
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)
   apply (rule mono_X)
  apply (rule mono_Y)

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_seq_ge [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes mono_X: "monotone R (≥) X"
  assumes mono_Y: "r. monotone R (≥) (λf. Y f r)"
  shows "monotone R (≥) 
    (λf. (L2_seq (X f) (Y f)))"
  unfolding L2_defs
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)
   apply (rule mono_X)
  apply (rule mono_Y)

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_try_le [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes mono_X: "monotone R (≤) X"
  shows "monotone R (≤) 
    (λf. (L2_try (X f)))"
  unfolding L2_defs
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)
  apply (rule mono_X)

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_try_ge [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes mono_X: "monotone R (≥) X"
  shows "monotone R (≥) 
    (λf. (L2_try (X f)))"
  unfolding L2_defs
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)
  apply (rule mono_X)

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_catch_le [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes mono_X: "monotone R (≤) X"
  assumes mono_Y: "r. monotone R (≤) (λf. Y f r)"
  shows "monotone R (≤)
    (λf. (L2_catch (X f) (Y f)))"
  unfolding L2_defs
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)
   apply (rule mono_X)
  apply (rule mono_Y)

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_catch_ge [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes mono_X: "monotone R (≥) X"
  assumes mono_Y: "r. monotone R (≥) (λf. Y f r)"
  shows "monotone R (≥)
    (λf. (L2_catch (X f) (Y f)))"
  unfolding L2_defs
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)
   apply (rule mono_X)
  apply (rule mono_Y)

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_condition_le [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes mono_X: "monotone R (≤) X"
  assumes mono_Y: "monotone R (≤) Y"
  shows "monotone R (≤) 
    (λf. (L2_condition C (X f) (Y f)))"
  unfolding L2_defs
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)
   apply (rule mono_X)
  apply (rule mono_Y)

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_condition_ge [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes mono_X: "monotone R (≥) X"
  assumes mono_Y: "monotone R (≥) Y"
  shows "monotone R (≥) 
    (λf. (L2_condition C (X f) (Y f)))"
  unfolding L2_defs
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)
   apply (rule mono_X)
  apply (rule mono_Y)

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_guarded_le [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes mono_X[partial_function_mono]: "monotone R (≤) X"
  shows "monotone R (≤) 
    (λf. L2_guarded C (X f))"
  unfolding L2_guarded_def
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)+

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_guarded_ge [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes mono_X[partial_function_mono]: "monotone R (≥) X"
  shows "monotone R (≥) 
    (λf. L2_guarded C (X f))"
  unfolding L2_guarded_def
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)+

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_while_le [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes mono_B: "r. monotone R (≤) (λf. B f r)"
  shows "monotone R (≤) (λf. L2_while C (B f) I ns)"
  unfolding L2_defs
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)
  apply (rule mono_B)

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_while_ge [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes mono_B: "r. monotone R (≥) (λf. B f r)"
  shows "monotone R (≥) (λf. L2_while C (B f) I ns)"
  unfolding L2_defs
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)
  apply (rule mono_B)

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_map_exn_le [partial_function_mono]: 
  assumes X[partial_function_mono]:  "monotone R (≤) X" 
  shows "monotone R (≤) (λf. map_value (map_exn emb) (X f))"
  unfolding map_exn_def
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)+

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_map_exn_ge [partial_function_mono]: 
  assumes X[partial_function_mono]:  "monotone R (≥) X" 
  shows "monotone R (≥) (λf. map_value (map_exn emb) (X f))"
  unfolding map_exn_def
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)+

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_call_le [partial_function_mono]: 
  assumes X[partial_function_mono]:  "monotone R (≤) X" 
  shows "monotone R (≤)  
    (λf. L2_call (X f) emb ns)"
  unfolding L2_call_def
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)+

lemma monotone_nondet_monad_L2_call_ge [partial_function_mono]: 
  assumes X[partial_function_mono]:  "monotone R (≥) X" 
  shows "monotone R (≥)  
    (λf. L2_call (X f) emb ns)"
  unfolding L2_call_def
  apply (rule partial_function_mono)+

section ‹Some Relators›

lemma exists_sum_unit_eq: "(l'::unit. Inl x = Inl l'  Inr y = Inr l') = (x=()  y=())"
  by auto

lemmas unit_convs = exists_sum_unit_eq

definition "rel_Nonlocal = (λe v. case e of Nonlocal x  v = x | _  False)"

lemma rel_Nonlocal_conv: "(rel_Nonlocal e v) = (e = Nonlocal v)"
  by (cases e) (auto simp add: rel_Nonlocal_def)

lemma fun_of_rel_rel_Nonlocal[fun_of_rel_intros]: "fun_of_rel rel_Nonlocal the_Nonlocal"
  by (auto simp add: fun_of_rel_def rel_Nonlocal_def split: c_exntype.splits)

lemma funp_rel_Nonlocal[funp_intros, corres_admissible]: "funp rel_Nonlocal"
  using fun_of_rel_rel_Nonlocal
  by (auto simp add: funp_def)

lemma  rel_sum_rel_Nonlocal_case_InlI: "e = Nonlocal v'  rel_sum rel_Nonlocal (=) (case e of Nonlocal v  Inl (Nonlocal v) | _  Inr x) (Inl v')"
  by (simp add: rel_Nonlocal_def)

lemma  rel_xval_rel_Nonlocal_case_ExnI: "e = Nonlocal v'  rel_xval rel_Nonlocal (=) (case e of Nonlocal v  Exn (Nonlocal v) | _  Result x) (Exn v')"
  by (simp add: rel_Nonlocal_def)

lemma  rel_sum_rel_Nonlocal_case_InrI: "is_local e  x = v'  rel_sum rel_Nonlocal (=) (case e of Nonlocal v  Inl (Nonlocal v) | _  Inr x) (Inr v')"
  apply (cases e)
  apply (auto simp add: rel_Nonlocal_def)

lemma  rel_xval_rel_Nonlocal_case_ResultI: "is_local e  x = v'  rel_xval rel_Nonlocal (=) (case e of Nonlocal v  Exn (Nonlocal v) | _  Result x) (Result v')"
  apply (cases e)
  apply (auto simp add: rel_Nonlocal_def)

lemma rel_sum_rel_Nonlocal_map_sumI: "v = (map_sum (λx. x) f (case e of Nonlocal x  Inl x | _  Inr x))  
 rel_sum rel_Nonlocal (=) (map_sum Nonlocal f (case e of Nonlocal x  Inl x | _  Inr x)) v"
  apply simp
  apply (cases e)
      apply (auto simp add: rel_Nonlocal_def)

lemma rel_xval_rel_Nonlocal_map_xvalI: "v = (map_xval (λx. x) f (case e of Nonlocal x  Exn x | _  Result x))  
 rel_xval rel_Nonlocal (=) (map_xval Nonlocal f (case e of Nonlocal x  Exn x | _  Result x)) v"
  apply simp
  apply (cases e)
      apply (auto simp add: rel_Nonlocal_def)

(* FIXME: remove if unused? Probably used in replacement of refines_spec *)

definition "rel_Inr v v'  (v = Inr v')"

lemma fun_of_rel_rel_Inr[fun_of_rel_intros]:
  "fun_of_rel rel_Inr (λx. case x of Inr v  v | Inl _  undefined)"
  by (auto simp add: rel_Inr_def fun_of_rel_def)

lemma funp_rel_Inr[funp_intros, corres_admissible]: "funp rel_Inr"
  using fun_of_rel_rel_Inr by (auto simp add: funp_def)

lemma rel_InrI: "v = Inr v'  rel_Inr v v'"
  by (simp add: rel_Inr_def)

lemma rel_Inr_apply: "rel_Inr x y = (x = Inr y)"
  by (simp add: rel_Inr_def )

lemma rel_Inr_trivial [simp]: "rel_Inr (Inr v) v"
  by (simp add: rel_Inr_def)

definition rel_liftE:: "('e, 'a) xval  'a val  bool" where "rel_liftE v v'  (v = Result (the_Res v'))"

lemma fun_of_rel_rel_liftE[fun_of_rel_intros]:
  "fun_of_rel rel_liftE (λx. case x of Result v  Result v | Exn _  undefined)"
  by (auto simp add: rel_liftE_def fun_of_rel_def)

lemma funp_rel_liftE[funp_intros, corres_admissible]: "funp rel_liftE"
  using fun_of_rel_rel_liftE by (auto simp add: funp_def)

lemma rel_liftEI: "v = Result (the_Res v')  rel_liftE v v'"
  by (simp add: rel_liftE_def)

lemma rel_liftE_apply: "rel_liftE x y = (x = Result (the_Res y))"
  by (simp add: rel_liftE_def )

lemma rel_liftE_trivial [simp]: "rel_liftE (Result v) (Result v)"
  by (simp add: rel_liftE_def)

lemma rel_liftE_rel_exception_or_result_conv: "rel_liftE = rel_exception_or_result (λNone  λ_. True | Some _  λ_. False) (=)"
  apply (rule ext)+
  apply (auto simp add: rel_liftE_def rel_exception_or_result.simps)

lemma rel_liftE_Result_Result_iff[simp]: "rel_liftE (Result v) (Result v')  v = v'"
  by (auto simp add: rel_liftE_def)

definition "rel_liftE' v v'  (v = Inr v')"

lemma fun_of_rel_rel_liftE'[fun_of_rel_intros]:
  "fun_of_rel rel_liftE' (λx. case x of Inr v  v | Inl _  undefined)"
  by (auto simp add: rel_liftE'_def fun_of_rel_def)

lemma funp_rel_liftE'[funp_intros, corres_admissible]: "funp rel_liftE'"
  using fun_of_rel_rel_liftE' by (auto simp add: funp_def)

lemma rel_liftE'I: "v = Inr v'  rel_liftE' v v'"
  by (simp add: rel_liftE'_def)

lemma rel_liftE'_apply: "rel_liftE' x y = (x = Inr y)"
  by (simp add: rel_liftE'_def )

lemma rel_liftE'_trivial [simp]: "rel_liftE' (Inr v) v"
  by (simp add: rel_liftE'_def)

lemma rel_liftE'_Inr_iff[simp]: "rel_liftE' (Inr v) v'  v = v'"
  by (auto simp add: rel_liftE'_def)

lemma rel_liftE'_rel_liftE_conv: "rel_liftE' = rel_map to_xval OO rel_liftE OO rel_map the_Res"
  apply (rule ext)+
  apply (auto simp add: relcompp.simps rel_map_def rel_liftE_def rel_liftE'_def)

lemma rel_liftE_rel_liftE'_conv: "rel_liftE = rel_map from_xval OO rel_liftE' OO rel_map Result"
  apply (rule ext)+
  apply (auto simp add: relcompp.simps rel_map_def rel_liftE_def rel_liftE'_def)

lemma rel_liftE'_Inr: "rel_liftE' (Inr x) x"
  by (simp)

definition rel_throwE' :: "('a  'b  bool)  'a + 'c  'b  bool" where
  "rel_throwE' L a c  (case a of Inl a'  L a' c | Inr _  False)"

lemma rel_throwE'_iff: "rel_throwE' L a c  (l. a = Inl l  L l c)"
  by (auto simp add: rel_throwE'_def split: sum.splits)

lemma rel_throwE'_Inl:
  "L x y  rel_throwE' L (Inl x) y"
  unfolding rel_throwE'_def
  by auto

lemma rel_throwE'_Inl_iff[simp]:
  "rel_throwE' L (Inl x) y  L x y"
  unfolding rel_throwE'_def
  by auto

lemma not_rel_throwE'_Inr[simp]: "¬rel_throwE' R (Inr d) a"
  by (auto simp: rel_throwE'_def)

definition rel_throwE :: "('a  'b  bool)  ('a, 'c) xval  'b  bool" where
  "rel_throwE L a c  (case a of Exn a'  L a' c | Result _  False)"

lemma rel_throwE_iff: "rel_throwE L a c  (e. a = Exn e  L e c)"
  by (auto simp add: rel_throwE_def split: xval_splits)

lemma rel_throwE_Exn:
  "L x y  rel_throwE L (Exn x) y"
  unfolding rel_throwE_def
  by auto

lemma rel_throwE_Exn_iff[simp]:
  "rel_throwE L (Exn x) y  L x y"
  unfolding rel_throwE_def
  by auto

lemma not_rel_throwE_Result[simp]: "¬rel_throwE R (Result d) a"
  by (auto simp: rel_throwE_def)

lemma case_right_eq: "(case v of Inl l  False | Inr r  P r) = (r. P r  v = Inr r)"
  by (auto split: sum.splits)
lemma case_left_eq: "(case v of Inr r  False | Inl l  P l) = (l. P l  v = Inl l)"
  by (auto split: sum.splits)

lemma rel_sum_right: "rel_sum L R (Inr r) v = (r'. v = Inr r'  R r r')"
  by (auto elim: rel_sum.cases intro: rel_sum.intros split: sum.splits)
lemma rel_sum_left: "rel_sum L R (Inl l) v = (l'. v = Inl l'  L l l')"
  by (auto elim: rel_sum.cases intro: rel_sum.intros split: sum.splits)

lemma rel_sum_eq_apply: "(rel_sum (=) (=) x y) = (x = y)"
  by (cases x) (auto elim: rel_sum.cases intro: rel_sum.intros split: sum.splits)

lemma gen_unit_eq: "x = (y::unit)"
  by simp

lemma liftE_L2_while: "L2_while c (λr. liftE (B r)) i n = liftE (whileLoop c B i)"
  by (clarsimp simp: L2_while_def liftE_whileLoop)

lemma liftE_L2_while_VARS: "L2_while c (λr. liftE (B r)) i n = liftE (L2_VARS (whileLoop c B i) n)"
  by (simp add: liftE_L2_while L2_VARS_def)

lemma rel_XF_True_def: "(rel_XF st ret_xf ex_xf (λ_ _. True)) =   
         (λ(v, t) (r, s). s = st t  
            (case v of Exn x  r = Exn (ex_xf x t) | Result x  r = Result (ret_xf x t)))"
  apply (rule ext)+
  apply (auto simp add: rel_XF_def rel_xval.simps split: xval_splits)

lemma refines_corresXF: "(t. P t  refines C A t (st t) (λ(v, t) (r, s). s = st t  
    (case v of Exn x  r = Exn (ex_xf x t) | Result x  r = Result (ret_xf x t))))
  corresXF st ret_xf ex_xf P A C"
  by (simp add: corresXF_refines_iff rel_XF_True_def)

lemma corresXF_refines: "corresXF st ret_xf ex_xf P A C 
(t. P t  refines C A t (st t) (λ(v, t) (r, s). s = st t  
    (case v of Exn x   r = Exn (ex_xf x t) | Result x  r = Result (ret_xf x t))))"
  by (simp add: corresXF_refines_iff rel_XF_True_def)

theorem corresXF_refines_conv:
corresXF st ret_xf ex_xf P A C  
 (t. P t  refines C A t (st t) (λ(v, t) (r, s). s = st t  
    (case v of Exn x   r = Exn (ex_xf x t) | Result x  r = Result (ret_xf x t))))
  using corresXF_refines refines_corresXF ..

lemma sim_nondet_to_corresXF: "(s. refines f f' s s (=))  
corresXF (λs. s) (λr _. r) (λr _ . r) (λ_. True) f' f"
  unfolding refines_def_old  corresXF_def
  apply (auto split: xval_splits)

named_theorems rel_spec_monad_rewrite_simps

locale sim_stack_heap_state = 
  abstract: stack_heap_state htda htd_upda hmema hmem_upda 𝒮 +
  concrete: stack_heap_state htdc htd_updc hmemc hmem_updc 𝒮 
    htda:: "'sa  heap_typ_desc" and
    htd_upda:: "(heap_typ_desc  heap_typ_desc)  'sa  'sa" and
    hmema:: "'sa  heap_mem" and
    hmem_upda:: "(heap_mem  heap_mem)  'sa  'sa" and 

    htdc:: "'sc  heap_typ_desc" and
    htd_updc:: "(heap_typ_desc  heap_typ_desc)  'sc  'sc" and
    hmemc:: "'sc  heap_mem" and
    hmem_updc:: "(heap_mem  heap_mem)  'sc  'sc" and
    𝒮::"addr set"

definition rel_stack_free where 
  "rel_stack_free sc sa   stack_free (htdc sc)  stack_free (htda sa)"

lemma refines_rel_stack_free_with_fresh_stack_ptr:
  assumes s: "rel_stack_free sc sa"
  assumes init_eq: "sc sa. Ic sc = Ia sa"
  assumes f: "sc sa p. rel_stack_free sc sa   
    refines (fc p) (fa p) sc sa
       (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) rel_stack_free)"
  shows "refines 
     (concrete.with_fresh_stack_ptr n Ic fc)
     (abstract.with_fresh_stack_ptr n Ia fa) sc sa
        (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) rel_stack_free)"
  apply (simp add: concrete.with_fresh_stack_ptr_def abstract.with_fresh_stack_ptr_def)
  apply (rule refines_bind_bind_exn [where Q="(rel_prod (rel_xval (λ_ _. False) (=)) rel_stack_free)"])
      apply simp_all
    apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old rel_xval.simps)
    using s init_eq
    apply (simp add: rel_stack_free_def)
    subgoal for p d vs bs
      apply (frule (1) stack_allocs_stack_free_mono)
      apply clarsimp
      subgoal for d'
        apply (rule exI[where x="hmem_upda  (fold (λi. heap_update_padding (p +p int i) (vs ! i) (take (size_of TYPE('a)) (drop (i * size_of TYPE('a)) bs))) [0..<length vs]) (htd_upda (λ_. d') sa)"]) 
        apply clarsimp
        apply (rule conjI)
         apply (rule exI[where x="d'"])
         apply clarsimp
         apply (rule exI[where x="vs"])
         apply clarsimp
         apply blast
        using stack_free_stack_allocs
        apply blast
  apply (rule refines_rel_prod_on_exit [where S' = rel_stack_free])
   apply (rule f)
   apply assumption
   apply (simp add: rel_stack_free_def)
   apply (metis abstract.htd_hmem_upd abstract.typing.get_upd concrete.htd_hmem_upd 
      concrete.typing.get_upd stack_free_stack_releases_mono')
  subgoal using stack_free_stack_releases_mono' by blast

definition rel_stack_free_eq where 
  "rel_stack_free_eq sc sa   stack_free (htdc sc) = stack_free (htda sa)"

lemma refines_rel_stack_free_eq_with_fresh_stack_ptr:
  assumes s: "rel_stack_free_eq sc sa"
  assumes init_eq: "sc sa. Ic sc = Ia sa"
  assumes f: "sc sa p. rel_stack_free_eq sc sa   
    refines (fc p) (fa p) sc sa 
      (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) rel_stack_free_eq)"
  shows "refines 
     (concrete.with_fresh_stack_ptr n Ic fc)
     (abstract.with_fresh_stack_ptr n Ia fa) sc sa
        (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) rel_stack_free_eq)"
  apply (simp add: concrete.with_fresh_stack_ptr_def abstract.with_fresh_stack_ptr_def)
  apply (rule refines_bind_bind_exn [where Q="(rel_prod (rel_xval (λ_ _. False) (=)) rel_stack_free_eq)"])
      apply simp_all
    apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old rel_xval.simps)
    using s init_eq
    apply (simp add: rel_stack_free_eq_def)
    subgoal for p d vs bs
      apply (frule (1) stack_allocs_stack_free_eq)
      apply clarsimp
      subgoal for d'
        apply (rule exI[where x="hmem_upda (fold (λi. heap_update_padding (p +p int i) (vs ! i) (take (size_of TYPE('a)) (drop (i * size_of TYPE('a)) bs))) [0..<length vs]) (htd_upda (λ_. d') sa)"]) 
        apply clarsimp
        apply (rule conjI)
         apply (rule exI[where x="d'"])
         apply clarsimp
         apply (rule exI[where x="vs"])
         apply clarsimp
         apply blast
        using stack_free_stack_allocs
        apply blast
  apply (rule refines_rel_prod_on_exit [where S' = rel_stack_free_eq])
   apply (rule f)
    apply assumption
   apply clarsimp
  subgoal for v t t' sc sa bs
    apply (rule exI[where x=" hmem_upda (heap_update_list (ptr_val v) bs) (htd_upda (stack_releases n v) sa)"])
    apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_stack_free_eq_def)
    by (metis dual_order.eq_iff stack_free_stack_releases_mono')
  subgoal by blast


locale sim_stack_heap_raw_state = 
  abstract: stack_heap_raw_state hrsa hrs_upda 𝒮 +
  concrete: stack_heap_raw_state hrsc hrs_updc 𝒮 
    hrsa:: "'sa  heap_raw_state" and
    hrs_upda:: "(heap_raw_state  heap_raw_state)  'sa  'sa" and

    hrsc:: "'sc  heap_raw_state" and
    hrs_updc:: "(heap_raw_state  heap_raw_state)  'sc  'sc" and
    𝒮::"addr set"
sublocale sim_stack_heap_state  
  "λs. hrs_htd (hrsa s)" "λupd. hrs_upda (hrs_htd_update upd)" 
  "λs. hrs_mem (hrsa s)" "λupd. hrs_upda (hrs_mem_update upd)" 
  "λs. hrs_htd (hrsc s)" "λupd. hrs_updc (hrs_htd_update upd)" 
  "λs. hrs_mem (hrsc s)" "λupd. hrs_updc (hrs_mem_update upd)" 
  by unfold_locales

named_theorems L2corres_with_fresh_stack_ptr

locale L2 = sim_stack_heap_state htda htd_upda hmema hmem_upda htdc htd_updc hmemc hmem_updc 𝒮 
    htda:: "'sa  heap_typ_desc" and
    htd_upda:: "(heap_typ_desc  heap_typ_desc)  'sa  'sa" and
    hmema:: "'sa  heap_mem" and
    hmem_upda:: "(heap_mem  heap_mem)  'sa  'sa" and 

    htdc:: "'sc  heap_typ_desc" and
    htd_updc:: "(heap_typ_desc  heap_typ_desc)  'sc  'sc" and
    hmemc:: "'sc  heap_mem" and
    hmem_updc:: "(heap_mem  heap_mem)  'sc  'sc" and
    𝒮::"addr set" +
  fixes st:: "'sc  'sa"
  assumes htd_st: "s. htda (st s) = htdc s"
  assumes htd_upd_st: "s f. (htd_upda f (st s)) = st (htd_updc f s)"
  assumes hmem_upd_st: "s f. (hmem_upda f (st s)) = st (hmem_updc f s)"

lemma rel_stack_free_eq_st: "rel_stack_free_eq s (st s)"
  by (simp add: rel_stack_free_eq_def htd_st)
definition rel_L2 where 
  "rel_L2 ex_xf ret_xf  (λ (rc, sc) (ra, sa). 
     rel_xval (λ_ a. a = ex_xf sc) (λ_ a. a = ret_xf sc) rc ra  
     (sa = st sc))"

lemma rel_L2_def': 
  "(rel_L2 ex_xf ret_xf) = (λ(v, t) (r, s).
              s = st t  (case v of Exn x  r = Exn (ex_xf t) | Result x  r = Result (ret_xf t)))"
  apply  (clarsimp simp add: rel_L2_def fun_eq_iff, intro iffI)
  subgoal using rel_xval.cases by fastforce
  subgoal by(auto split: xval_splits)

lemma refines_rel_L2_on_exit':
  assumes f: "refines (fc p) (fa p) sc (st sc) (rel_L2 ex_xf ret_xf)"
  assumes ex_xf_htd_indep: "f s. ex_xf (htd_updc f s) = ex_xf s"
  assumes ret_xf_htd_indep: "f s. ret_xf (htd_updc f s) = ret_xf s"
  shows "refines 
    (on_exit (fc p) {(s,t). t = htd_updc (release p) s})
    (on_exit (fa p) {(s,t). t = htd_upda (release p) s}) sc (st sc) 
    (rel_L2 ex_xf ret_xf)"
  unfolding on_exit_bind_exception_or_result_conv
  apply (rule refines_bind_exception_or_result) 
  apply (rule refines_mono [OF _ f])
  apply (clarsimp) 
  subgoal for r s q t
    apply (rule refines_bind_bind_exn[where
      Q="(λ(r', s) (q', t). is_Result r'  is_Result q'  rel_L2 ex_xf ret_xf (r, s) (q, t))"])
      apply (rule refines_assert_result_and_state)
       apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_L2_def, intro conjI)
        using ex_xf_htd_indep ret_xf_htd_indep 
        by metis
        using htd_upd_st by force
      by auto
    apply (auto simp: is_Result_def)

lemma refines_rel_L2_on_exit:
  assumes f: "refines (fc p) (fa p) sc (st sc) (rel_L2 ex_xf ret_xf)"
  assumes ex_xf_htd_indep: "g f s. ex_xf (hmem_updc g (htd_updc f s)) = ex_xf s"
  assumes ret_xf_htd_indep: "g f s. ret_xf (hmem_updc g (htd_updc f s)) = ret_xf s"
  assumes nonempty_cleanupa: "cleanupa  {}"
  assumes cleanup_htd: "s s'. (s, s')  cleanupc  g f. s' = (hmem_updc g (htd_updc f s))"
  assumes stuck_sim: "s. s'. (s, s')  cleanupc  t'. (st s, t')  cleanupa"
  assumes cleanup_sim: "s t. (s, t)  cleanupc  (st s, st t)   cleanupa"
  shows "refines 
    (on_exit (fc p) cleanupc)
    (on_exit (fa p) cleanupa) sc (st sc) 
    (rel_L2 ex_xf ret_xf)"
  unfolding on_exit_bind_exception_or_result_conv
  apply (rule refines_bind_exception_or_result) 
  apply (rule refines_mono [OF _ f])
  apply (clarsimp) 
  subgoal for r s q t
    apply (rule refines_bind_bind_exn [where
      Q="λ(r', s) (q', t). is_Result r'  is_Result q'  rel_L2 ex_xf ret_xf (r, s) (q, t)"])
      apply (rule refines_state_select)
       apply (clarsimp simp add: rel_L2_def, intro conjI)
        using cleanup_htd cleanup_sim
        by blast
        using ex_xf_htd_indep ret_xf_htd_indep cleanup_htd
        by metis
        using stuck_sim by (auto simp: rel_L2_def)
    apply (auto simp: is_Result_def)

lemma refines_rel_L2_with_fresh_stack_ptr:
  assumes init_eq: "Ic sc = Ia (st sc)"
  assumes ex_xf_htd_indep: "g f s. ex_xf (hmem_updc g (htd_updc f s)) = ex_xf s"
  assumes ret_xf_htd_indep: "g f s. ret_xf (hmem_updc g (htd_updc f s)) = ret_xf s"
  assumes f: "(p::'a::mem_type ptr) d vs bs. (p, d)  stack_allocs n 𝒮 TYPE('a) (htdc sc)  vs  Ic sc  length vs = n  
          length bs = n * size_of TYPE('a) 
             (fc p) 
             (fa p)
             (hmem_updc (fold (λi. heap_update_padding (p +p int i) (vs ! i) (take (size_of TYPE('a)) (drop (i * size_of TYPE('a)) bs))) [0..<length vs]) ((htd_updc (λ_. d)) sc))  
             (st (hmem_updc (fold (λi. heap_update_padding (p +p int i) (vs ! i) (take (size_of TYPE('a)) (drop (i * size_of TYPE('a)) bs))) [0..<length vs]) ((htd_updc (λ_. d)) sc))) 
             (rel_L2 ex_xf ret_xf)"
  shows "refines 
     (concrete.with_fresh_stack_ptr n Ic fc)
     (abstract.with_fresh_stack_ptr n Ia fa) sc (st sc) 
     (rel_L2 ex_xf ret_xf)"
  apply (simp add: concrete.with_fresh_stack_ptr_def abstract.with_fresh_stack_ptr_def)
  apply (rule refines_bind_bind_exn [where Q="(λ(rc, tc) (ra, ta).
           (d p vs bs. (p, d)  stack_allocs n 𝒮 TYPE('a) (htdc sc)  rc = Result p  ra = Result p  vs  Ic sc  length vs = n  
              length bs = n * size_of TYPE('a) 
              tc = hmem_updc  (fold (λi. heap_update_padding (p +p int i) (vs ! i) (take (size_of TYPE('a)) (drop (i * size_of TYPE('a)) bs))) [0..<length vs]) ((htd_updc (λ_. d)) sc) 
              ta = st tc))"])
      apply simp_all
    apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old rel_xval.simps)
    by (metis (full_types) hmem_upd_st htd_st htd_upd_st init_eq )
  subgoal for p 
    apply clarsimp
    apply (rule refines_rel_L2_on_exit )    
      apply (rule f) 
             apply simp
            apply simp
           apply simp
          apply simp
         apply (rule ex_xf_htd_indep)
        apply (rule ret_xf_htd_indep)
       apply blast
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal using htd_upd_st hmem_upd_st by auto
lemma L2corres_refines_rel_L2_conv:
L2corres st ret_xf ex_xf P A C  
 (t. P t  refines C A t (st t) (rel_L2 ex_xf ret_xf))
  by (simp add: L2corres_def corresXF_refines_conv rel_L2_def')

lemma L2corres_refines_rel_L2:
  assumes L2: "L2corres st ret_xf ex_xf P A C"
  assumes P: "P sc"
  shows refines C A sc (st sc) (rel_L2 ex_xf ret_xf)
  using L2 P by (simp add: L2corres_refines_rel_L2_conv)

lemma L2corres_with_fresh_stack_ptr[L2corres_with_fresh_stack_ptr]:
  assumes l2: "p. L2corres st ret_xf ex_xf P (l2 p) (l1 p)"
  assumes I: "s. R s  I_l1 s = I_l2 (st s)"
  assumes P: "s. R s  P s"
  assumes ex_xf_htd_indep: "g f s. ex_xf  (hmem_updc g (htd_updc f s)) = ex_xf s"
  assumes ret_xf_htd_indep: "g f s. ret_xf (hmem_updc g (htd_updc f s)) = ret_xf s"
  assumes P_indep: "f g s. P (hmem_updc g (htd_updc f s)) = P s"
  shows "L2corres st ret_xf ex_xf R 
           (abstract.with_fresh_stack_ptr n (I_l2) (L2_VARS l2 nm)) 
           (concrete.with_fresh_stack_ptr n I_l1 l1)"
  apply (clarsimp simp add: L2_VARS_def L2corres_refines_rel_L2_conv)
  apply (rule refines_rel_L2_with_fresh_stack_ptr)
     apply (rule I, assumption)
    apply (rule ex_xf_htd_indep)
   apply (rule ret_xf_htd_indep)
  apply (rule L2corres_refines_rel_L2)
   apply (rule l2)
  apply (simp add: P_indep P)


hide_const (open) L2

lemma refines_rel_prod_guard_on_exit:
  assumes f: "refines fc fa sc sa (rel_prod R S')"
  assumes cleanup: "sc sa tc. S' sc sa  grd sa  (sc, tc)  cleanupc  ta. (sa, ta)  cleanupa  S tc ta"
  assumes emp: "sc sa. S' sc sa  tc. (sc, tc)  cleanupc  ta. (sa, ta)  cleanupa"
  shows "refines (on_exit fc cleanupc) (guard_on_exit fa grd cleanupa) sc sa (rel_prod R S)"
  unfolding on_exit_def on_exit'_def
  apply (rule refines_bind_exception_or_result[OF refines_weaken, OF f])
  apply (simp add: bind_assoc)
  apply (rule refines_bind_guard_right)
  apply (rule refines_bind'[OF refines_state_select])
  subgoal using cleanup by auto
  subgoal using emp by auto

lemma refines_bind_no_throw_strong:
  assumes "no_throw (λ_. True) f"
  assumes "no_throw (λ_. True) f'"
  assumes f: "refines f f' s s' Q"
  assumes g: "r t r' t'. reaches f s (Result r) t  reaches f' s' (Result r') t' 
    Q (Result r, t) (Result r', t')  refines (g r) (g' r') t t' R"
  shows "refines (f >>= g) (f' >>= g') s  s'  R"
  apply (rule refines_bind_bind_strong' [OF f])
  subgoal using assms
    apply (clarsimp simp add: no_throw_def runs_to_partial_def_old)
    by (metis the_Exception_simp the_Exception_Result reaches_succeeds)
  subgoal using assms
    apply (clarsimp simp add: no_throw_def runs_to_partial_def_old)
    by (metis the_Exception_simp the_Exception_Result reaches_succeeds)
  subgoal using assms
    apply (clarsimp simp add: no_throw_def runs_to_partial_def_old)
    by (metis the_Exception_simp the_Exception_Result reaches_succeeds)
  subgoal using g
    by auto

lemma refines_bind_no_throw:
  assumes "no_throw (λ_. True) f"
  assumes "no_throw (λ_. True) f'"
  assumes f: "refines f f' s s' Q"
  assumes g: "r t r' t'. 
    Q (Result r, t) (Result r', t')  refines (g r) (g' r') t t' R"
  shows "refines (f >>= g) (f' >>= g') s  s'  R"
  using assms
  by (rule refines_bind_no_throw_strong)

lemma no_throw_guard[simp]: "no_throw P (guard G)"
  by (auto simp add: no_throw_def runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma no_throw_assert_result_and_state[simp]: "no_throw P (assert_result_and_state f)"
  by (auto simp add: no_throw_def runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma no_throw_assume_result_and_state[simp]: "no_throw P (assume_result_and_state f)"
  by (auto simp add: no_throw_def runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma refines_guard_same: "refines (guard P) (guard P) s s (λ(r, t) (r', t'). t=s  t'=s)"
  by (simp add: refines_def_old)

lemma refines_state_select_same: 
  "refines (state_select R) (state_select R) s s (λ(r, t) (r', t'). t' = t  (s, t)  R)"
  by (simp add: refines_def_old)

lemma refines_assert_result_and_state_same: 
  "refines (assert_result_and_state R) (assert_result_and_state R) s s 
     (λ(r, t) (r', t'). v. (v, t)  R s  r = Result v  r' = Result v  t = t')"
  by (auto simp add: refines_def_old)

lemma refines_assume_result_and_state_same: 
  "refines (assume_result_and_state R) (assume_result_and_state R) s s 
     (λ(r, t) (r', t'). v. (v, t)  R s  r = Result v  r' = Result v  t = t')"
  by (auto simp add: refines_def_old)

lemma refines_assume_result_and_state_same': 
  assumes "R s = R' s"
  shows "refines (assume_result_and_state R) (assume_result_and_state R') s s 
            (λ(r, t) (r', t'). v. (v, t)  R s  r = Result v  r' = Result v  t = t')"
  using assms
  by (auto simp add: refines_def_old)

lemma refines_rel_xval_guard_on_exit:
  assumes f: "refines fc fa s s (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) (=))"
  shows "refines
          (guard_on_exit fc P cleanup)
          (guard_on_exit fa P cleanup) s s 
          (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) (=))"
  unfolding guard_on_exit_bind_exception_or_result_conv
  apply (rule refines_bind_exception_or_result')
   apply (rule f)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule refines_bind_no_throw_strong [OF _ _ refines_guard_same])
     apply simp
   apply simp
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule refines_bind_no_throw_strong [OF _ _ refines_state_select_same])
     apply simp
   apply simp
  apply clarsimp

lemma refines_rel_xval_on_exit:
  assumes f: "refines fc fa s s (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) (=))"
  shows "refines
          (on_exit fc cleanup)
          (on_exit fa cleanup) s s 
          (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) (=))"
  unfolding on_exit_bind_exception_or_result_conv
  apply (rule refines_bind_exception_or_result')
   apply (rule f)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule refines_bind_no_throw_strong [OF _ _ refines_state_select_same])
     apply simp
    apply simp
  apply clarsimp

lemma refines_rel_xval_assume_on_exit:
  assumes f: "refines fc fa s s (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) (=))"
  shows "refines
          (assume_on_exit fc P cleanup)
          (assume_on_exit fa P cleanup) s s
          (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) (=))"
  unfolding assume_on_exit_bind_exception_or_result_conv
  apply (rule refines_bind_exception_or_result')
   apply (rule f)

  apply (rule refines_bind_no_throw_strong [OF _ _ ])
     apply simp
    apply simp
  apply clarsimp
   apply (rule refines_assume_result_and_state_same)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule refines_bind_no_throw_strong [OF _ _ refines_state_select_same])
     apply simp
   apply simp
  apply clarsimp

lemma refines_state_assume_pred:
  assumes P: "P t"
  assumes ref: "refines f g s t R"
  shows "refines f (do {assume_result_and_state (λs. {(x, y). (λ() s'. s' = s  P s) x y}); g }) s t R"
  using P ref 
  by (auto simp add: refines_def_old succeeds_bind reaches_bind)

lemma refines_rel_prod_assume_on_exit:
  assumes f: "refines fc fa sc sa (rel_prod R S')"
  assumes cleanup: "sc sa tc. S' sc sa  (sc, tc)  cleanupc  ta. (sa, ta)  cleanupa  S tc ta"
  assumes emp: "sc sa. S' sc sa  tc. (sc, tc)  cleanupc  ta. (sa, ta)  cleanupa"
  assumes conseq: "sc sa. S' sc sa  P sa"
  shows "refines (on_exit fc cleanupc) (assume_on_exit fa P cleanupa) sc sa (rel_prod R S)"
  unfolding assume_on_exit_bind_exception_or_result_conv on_exit_bind_exception_or_result_conv
  apply (rule refines_bind_exception_or_result')
   apply (rule f)
  apply (rule refines_state_assume_pred )
  subgoal using conseq by auto
    apply (rule refines_bind_no_throw_strong [where Q = "rel_prod (λ_ _. True) S"])
       apply simp
      apply simp
     apply (rule refines_state_select)
    subgoal using cleanup by auto
    subgoal using emp by auto
      apply (rule refines_yield)
      apply auto

lemma refines_runs_to_partial_rel_prod_assume_on_exit:
  assumes f: "refines fc fa sc sa (rel_prod R S')"
  assumes runs_to: "fc  sc ?⦃λr t. P t"
  assumes cleanup: "sc sa tc. S' sc sa  (sc, tc)  cleanupc  P sc  ta. (sa, ta)  cleanupa  S tc ta"
  assumes emp: "sc sa. S' sc sa  P sc  tc. (sc, tc)  cleanupc  ta. (sa, ta)  cleanupa"
  assumes conseq: "sc sa.  S' sc sa   P sc  P' sa"
  shows "refines (on_exit fc cleanupc) (assume_on_exit fa P' cleanupa) sc sa (rel_prod R S)"
proof -
  from refines_runs_to_partial_fuse [OF f runs_to]
  have "refines fc fa sc sa (λ(r, t) (r', t'). rel_prod R S' (r, t) (r', t')  P t)" .
  moreover have "(λ(r, t) (r', t'). rel_prod R S' (r, t) (r', t')  P t) = rel_prod R (λt t'. S' t t'  P t)"
    by (auto simp add: rel_prod_conv)
  ultimately have "refines fc fa sc sa (rel_prod R (λt t'. S' t t'  P t))" by simp
  then show ?thesis
    apply (rule refines_rel_prod_assume_on_exit) 
    subgoal using cleanup by blast
    subgoal using emp by blast
    subgoal using conseq by auto

locale L2_heap_raw_state = sim_stack_heap_raw_state hrsa hrs_upda hrsc hrs_updc  𝒮 
    hrsa:: "'sa  heap_raw_state" and
    hrs_upda:: "(heap_raw_state  heap_raw_state)  'sa  'sa" and

    hrsc:: "'sc  heap_raw_state" and
    hrs_updc:: "(heap_raw_state  heap_raw_state)  'sc  'sc" and
    𝒮::"addr set" +
  fixes st:: "'sc  'sa"
  assumes hrs_htd_st: "s. hrs_htd (hrsa (st s)) = hrs_htd (hrsc s)"
  assumes hrs_upd_st: "s f. (hrs_upda f (st s)) = st (hrs_updc f s)"

sublocale L2   
  "λs. hrs_htd (hrsa s)" "λupd. hrs_upda (hrs_htd_update upd)" 
  "λs. hrs_mem (hrsa s)" "λupd. hrs_upda (hrs_mem_update upd)" 
  "λs. hrs_htd (hrsc s)" "λupd. hrs_updc (hrs_htd_update upd)" 
  "λs. hrs_mem (hrsc s)" "λupd. hrs_updc (hrs_mem_update upd)" 
  apply (unfold_locales)
  subgoal using hrs_htd_st by simp
  subgoal using hrs_upd_st by simp
  subgoal using hrs_upd_st by simp

locale typ_heap_typing = pointer_lense r w + heap_typing_state heap_typing heap_typing_upd 
    r:: "'t  ('a::xmem_type) ptr  'a" and 
    w:: "'a ptr  ('a  'a)  't  't" and
    heap_typing :: "'t  heap_typ_desc" and
    heap_typing_upd :: "(heap_typ_desc  heap_typ_desc)  't  't" and
    𝒮:: "addr set" 

definition stack_ptr_acquire :: "nat  'a list  'a ptr  heap_typ_desc  't  't"
  where "stack_ptr_acquire n vs p d s = 
     (fold (λi. w (p +p int i) (λ_. (vs ! i))) [0..<n]) (heap_typing_upd (λ_. d) s)"

definition stack_ptr_release :: "nat  'a ptr  't  't" 
  where "stack_ptr_release n p s = 
     (heap_typing_upd (stack_releases n p) o (fold (λi. w (p +p int i) (λ_. [0..<n])) s"

definition assume_stack_alloc:: "nat  ('t  ('a::xmem_type) list set)  ('e::default, 'a ptr, 't) spec_monad" where
 "assume_stack_alloc n init  assume_result_and_state (λs. {(p, t). 
         d vs. (p, d)  stack_allocs n 𝒮 TYPE('a::xmem_type) (heap_typing s)  
                vs  init s  
                length vs = n 
                (i  {0..<n}. r s (p +p int i) = ZERO('a::xmem_type)) 
                t = stack_ptr_acquire n vs p d s})"

definition guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr :: "nat  ('t  'a list set)  ('a::xmem_type ptr  ('e::default, 'v, 't) spec_monad)  ('e, 'v, 't) spec_monad" where
"guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr n init c 
  do {
    p  assume_stack_alloc n init;
    guard_on_exit (c p) 
       (λs. i < n. root_ptr_valid (heap_typing s) (p +p int i))
       {(s, t). t = stack_ptr_release n p s}

definition assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr :: "nat  ('t  'a list set)  ('a::xmem_type ptr  ('e::default,'v, 't) spec_monad)  ('e, 'v, 't) spec_monad" where
"assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr n init c 
  do {
    p  assume_stack_alloc n init;
    assume_on_exit (c p) 
       (λs. i < n. root_ptr_valid (heap_typing s) (p +p int i))
       {(s, t). t = stack_ptr_release n p s}

definition with_fresh_stack_ptr :: "nat  ('t  'a list set)  ('a::xmem_type ptr  ('e::default,'v, 't) spec_monad)  ('e, 'v, 't) spec_monad" where
"with_fresh_stack_ptr n init c 
  do {
    p  assume_stack_alloc n init;
    on_exit (c p) 
       {(s, t). t = stack_ptr_release n p s}

lemma monotone_guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr_le[partial_function_mono]:
  assumes [partial_function_mono]: "p. monotone R (≤) (λf. c f p)"  
  shows "monotone R (≤) (λf. guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr n I (c f))"
  unfolding guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr_def
  by (intro partial_function_mono)

lemma monotone_guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr_ge[partial_function_mono]:
  assumes [partial_function_mono]: "p. monotone R (≥) (λf. c f p)"  
  shows "monotone R (≥) (λf. guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr n I (c f))"
  unfolding guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr_def
  by (intro partial_function_mono)

lemma monotone_assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr_le[partial_function_mono]:
  assumes [partial_function_mono]: "p. monotone R (≤) (λf. c f p)"  
  shows "monotone R (≤) (λf. assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr n I (c f))"
  unfolding assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr_def
  by (intro partial_function_mono)

lemma monotone_assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr_ge[partial_function_mono]:
  assumes [partial_function_mono]: "p. monotone R (≥) (λf. c f p)"  
  shows "monotone R (≥) (λf. assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr n I (c f))"
  unfolding assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr_def
  by (intro partial_function_mono)

lemma monotone_with_fresh_stack_ptr_le[partial_function_mono]:
  assumes [partial_function_mono]: "p. monotone R (≤) (λf. c f p)"  
  shows "monotone R (≤) (λf. with_fresh_stack_ptr n I (c f))"
  unfolding with_fresh_stack_ptr_def on_exit_def
  by (intro partial_function_mono)

lemma monotone_with_fresh_stack_ptr_ge[partial_function_mono]:
  assumes [partial_function_mono]: "p. monotone R (≥) (λf. c f p)"  
  shows "monotone R (≥) (λf. with_fresh_stack_ptr n I (c f))"
  unfolding with_fresh_stack_ptr_def on_exit_def
  by (intro partial_function_mono)

lemma refines_rel_xval_guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr:
  assumes init_eq: "initc s = inita s"
  assumes f: "s p. refines (fc p) (fa p) s s (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) (=))"
      (guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr n initc (L2_VARS fc nm))
      (guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr n inita (L2_VARS fa nm)) s s
      (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) (=))"
  unfolding guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr_def L2_VARS_def on_exit'_def assume_stack_alloc_def
  apply (rule refines_bind')
  apply (subst refines_assume_result_and_state_iff)
  apply (subst init_eq)
  apply (rule sim_set_refl)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule refines_bind_exception_or_result'[OF f])
  apply (rule refines_bind')
  apply (rule refines_bind')
  apply (rule refines_guard)
  apply simp_all
  apply (rule refines_assert_result_and_state)
  apply simp_all

lemma refines_rel_xval_assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr:
  assumes init_eq: "initc s = inita s"
  assumes f: "s p. refines (fc p) (fa p) s s (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) (=))"
      (assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr n initc (L2_VARS fc nm))
      (assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr n inita (L2_VARS fa nm)) s s
      (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) (=))"
  unfolding assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr_def L2_VARS_def on_exit'_def assume_stack_alloc_def
  apply (rule refines_bind')
  apply (subst refines_assume_result_and_state_iff)
  apply (subst init_eq)
  apply (rule sim_set_refl)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule refines_bind_exception_or_result'[OF f])
  apply (rule refines_bind')
  apply (rule refines_bind')
  apply (rule refines_assuming)
  apply simp_all
  apply (rule refines_assert_result_and_state)
  apply simp_all

lemma refines_rel_xval_with_fresh_stack_ptr:
  assumes init_eq: "initc s = inita s"
  assumes f: "s p. refines (fc p) (fa p) s s (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) (=))"
      (with_fresh_stack_ptr n initc (L2_VARS fc nm))
      (with_fresh_stack_ptr n inita (L2_VARS fa nm)) s s
      (rel_prod (rel_xval L R) (=))"
  unfolding with_fresh_stack_ptr_def L2_VARS_def assume_stack_alloc_def
  apply (rule refines_bind_no_throw [where Q = "rel_prod (rel_xval (λ_ _. False) (=)) (=)"])
  apply simp
    apply simp
  subgoal using init_eq by (auto simp add: refines_def_old rel_xval.simps) 
    apply clarsimp
    apply (rule refines_rel_xval_on_exit)
    apply (rule f)

(* This is not in pointer_lense, since the lemma depends on the xmem type class *)
lemma write_same_ZERO:
  "r s p = ZERO('a)  w p (λy. ZERO('a)) s = s"
  using write_same by simp


lemma refines_rel_prod_eq_on_exit:
  assumes f: "refines fc fa s s (rel_prod Q (=))"
  shows "refines
        (on_exit fc cleanup)
        (on_exit fa cleanup) s s
        (rel_prod Q (=))"
  unfolding on_exit_bind_exception_or_result_conv
  apply (rule refines_bind_exception_or_result')
   apply (rule f)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule refines_bind_no_throw )
  apply simp
  apply simp
   apply (rule refines_state_select_same)
  apply clarsimp

context stack_heap_state
lemma refines_rel_prod_with_fresh_stack_ptr:
  assumes init_eq: "initc s = inita s"
  assumes f: "s p. refines (fc p) (fa p) s s (rel_prod Q (=))"
       (with_fresh_stack_ptr n initc (L2_VARS fc nm)) 
       (with_fresh_stack_ptr n inita (L2_VARS fa nm)) s s
       (rel_prod Q (=))"
  unfolding with_fresh_stack_ptr_def L2_VARS_def
  apply (rule refines_bind_no_throw )
     apply simp
    apply simp
   apply (rule refines_assume_result_and_state_same')
   apply (simp only: init_eq)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule refines_rel_prod_eq_on_exit)
  apply (rule f)

lemma h_val_coerce_ptr_coerce_packed:
  fixes p::"'c::packed_type ptr"
  assumes sz_eq: "size_of TYPE('c) = size_of TYPE('a::packed_type)" 
  shows "h_val h (PTR_COERCE ('c  'a) p) = COERCE ('c  'a) (h_val h p)"
  by (simp add:  h_val_def sz_eq from_bytes_def coerce_def to_bytes_p_def to_bytes_def 
      packed_type_access_ti access_ti0_def field_access_update_same(1) 
      size_of_fold sz_eq td_fafu_idem update_ti_t_def)

lemma h_val_field_ptr_coerce_from_bytes_packed:
  fixes p::"'c::packed_type ptr"
  assumes "field_ti TYPE('a) f = Some t"
  assumes "export_uinfo t = export_uinfo (typ_info_t TYPE('b::mem_type))"
  assumes [simp]: "size_of TYPE('c) = size_of TYPE('a)" 
  shows "h_val h (PTR('b) &((PTR_COERCE('c::packed_type  'a::packed_type) p)f)) = 
           from_bytes (access_ti0 t (COERCE ('c  'a) (h_val h p)))"
  apply (simp add:h_val_coerce_ptr_coerce_packed[symmetric]) 
  apply (rule h_val_field_from_bytes' [OF assms(1) assms(2)])

lemma packed_type_value_update_ti_explode: 
  "(v::'a::packed_type) = update_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) (to_bytes_p v) v'"
  by (simp add: size_of_def update_ti_s_from_bytes update_ti_update_ti_t)

lemma packed_type_to_bytes_to_bytes_p_conv: 
  "length bs = size_of TYPE('a::packed_type)  to_bytes v bs = to_bytes_p (v::'a)"
  apply (simp add: to_bytes_p_def)
  by (simp add: packed_type_access_ti to_bytes_def)

lemma packed_type_to_byte_p_coerce:
  assumes sz:"size_of TYPE('c::packed_type) = size_of TYPE('a::packed_type)" 
  shows  "to_bytes_p (COERCE('a  'c) v) = to_bytes_p v" 
  using sz
  apply (simp add: to_bytes_p_def coerce_def)
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) field_access_update_same(1) field_desc.simps(2) field_desc_def 
      from_bytes_def len length_replicate size_of_fold td_fafu_idem to_bytes_def 
      update_ti_t_def wf_fd)

lemma to_bytes_coerce_packed: 
  "size_of TYPE('a) = size_of TYPE('b)  length bs = size_of TYPE('a)  
  to_bytes (COERCE('a::packed_type'b::packed_type) v) bs = to_bytes v bs"
  by (simp add: coerce_def field_access_update_same(1) from_bytes_def packed_type_access_ti 
      size_of_def td_fafu_idem to_bytes_def update_ti_t_def)

lemma heap_update_ptr_coerse_packed:
  fixes p::"'c::packed_type ptr"
  assumes cgrd: "c_guard p"
  assumes [simp]: "size_of TYPE('c) = size_of TYPE('a::packed_type )" 
  shows "heap_update (PTR_COERCE('c  'a) p) v = heap_update p (COERCE('a 'c) v)"
  apply (rule ext)
  apply (simp add: heap_update_def packed_type_to_bytes_to_bytes_p_conv packed_type_to_byte_p_coerce)

lemma c_guard_ptr_coerceI: 
  "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('c)) = size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('a))  
  align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('a))  align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('c))   
  c_guard p 
  c_guard (PTR_COERCE('c::c_type'a::c_type) p)"
  apply (cases p)
  using power_le_dvd
  by (auto simp add: c_guard_def c_null_guard_def ptr_aligned_def align_of_def size_of_def)

lemma heap_update_field_ptr_coerce_from_bytes_packed:
  fixes p::"'c::{xmem_type, packed_type} ptr"
  assumes fl: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a::{xmem_type, packed_type})) f 0 = Some (t, n)"
  assumes match: "export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t  (TYPE('b::{xmem_type}))"
  assumes cgrd: "c_guard (PTR_COERCE('c 'a) p)"
  assumes sz[simp]: "size_of TYPE('c) = size_of TYPE('a)" 
  shows "heap_update (PTR('b) &((PTR_COERCE('c 'a) p)f)) v h =
           heap_update p (coerce_map (update_ti t (to_bytes_p v)) (h_val h p)) h"
  apply (subst heap_update_field_root_conv' [OF  fl match cgrd])
  apply (simp add: heap_update_def h_val_coerce_ptr_coerce_packed )
  apply (subst coerce_coerce_map_cancel_packed[OF sz[symmetric], symmetric])
  apply (simp add: coerce_map_def)
  apply (subst to_bytes_coerce_packed)
    apply (simp_all)

named_theorems L2_modify_heap_update_field_root_conv

context heap_state
lemma heap_update_field_root_conv:
  fixes p::"'a::xmem_type ptr"
  assumes fl: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b::xmem_type)) fld (fld_update  (λx _. x)), n)"
  assumes fg_cons: "fg_cons fld (fld_update  (λx _. x))"
  assumes cgrd: "c_guard p"
  shows "(hmem_upd (heap_update (PTR('b) &(pf)) v)) = 
          (λs. (hmem_upd (heap_update p (fld_update (λ_. v) (h_val (hmem s) p)))) s)"
  apply (subst heap_update_field_root_conv_pointless' [OF fl fg_cons cgrd])
  apply (rule ext)
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) heap.upd_cong)

lemma heap_update_field_root_conv':
  fixes p::"'a::xmem_type ptr"
  assumes fl: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (t, n)"
  assumes match: "export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b::xmem_type)"
  assumes cgrd: "c_guard p"
  shows "(hmem_upd (heap_update (PTR('b) &(pf)) v)) = 
          (λs. (hmem_upd (heap_update p (update_ti t (to_bytes_p v) (h_val (hmem s) p)))) s)"
  using heap_update_field_root_conv' [OF fl match cgrd, of v]
  using heap.upd_cong by blast

lemma L2_modify_heap_update_field_root_conv:
  fixes p::"'a::xmem_type ptr"
  assumes fl: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b::xmem_type)) fld (fld_update  (λx _. x)), n)"
  assumes fg_cons: "fg_cons fld (fld_update  (λx _. x))"
  assumes cgrd: "c_guard p"
  shows "L2_modify (λs. hmem_upd (heap_update (PTR('b) &(pf)) (v s)) s) = 
         L2_modify (λs. (hmem_upd (heap_update p (fld_update (λ_. v s) (h_val (hmem s) p)))) s)"
  by (simp add:  heap_update_field_root_conv [OF fl fg_cons cgrd])

lemma L2_modify_heap_update_field_root_conv' [L2_modify_heap_update_field_root_conv]:
  fixes p::"'a::xmem_type ptr"
  assumes fl: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (t, n)"
  assumes match: "export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b::xmem_type)"
  assumes cgrd: "c_guard p"
  shows "L2_modify (λs. hmem_upd (heap_update (PTR('b) &(pf)) (v s)) s) = 
         L2_modify (λs. (hmem_upd (heap_update p (update_ti t (to_bytes_p (v s)) (h_val (hmem s) p)))) s)"
  by (simp add:  heap_update_field_root_conv' [OF fl match cgrd])

lemma L2_modify_heap_update_ptr_coerce_packed_conv':
  fixes p::"'c::packed_type ptr"
  assumes cgrd: "c_guard p"
  assumes sz: "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('c)) = size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('a::packed_type))" 
  shows "L2_modify (λs. hmem_upd (heap_update (PTR_COERCE('c  'a) p) (COERCE('c  'a) (v s))) s) = 
         L2_modify (λs. (hmem_upd (heap_update p (v s))) s)"
  using  heap_update_ptr_coerse_packed [simplified size_of_def, OF cgrd sz] heap.upd_cong
  by (metis assms(2) coerce_cancel_packed size_of_def)

lemma L2_modify_heap_update_ptr_coerce_packed_conv[L2_modify_heap_update_field_root_conv]:
  fixes p::"'c::packed_type ptr"
  assumes cgrd: "c_guard p"
  assumes sz: "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('c)) = size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('a::packed_type))" 
  shows "L2_modify (λs. hmem_upd (heap_update (PTR_COERCE('c  'a) p) (v s)) s) = 
         L2_modify (λs. (hmem_upd (heap_update p (COERCE('a  'c) (v s)))) s)"
  using  heap_update_ptr_coerse_packed [simplified size_of_def, OF cgrd sz] heap.upd_cong
  by (metis assms(2) coerce_cancel_packed size_of_def)

lemma L2_modify_heap_update_ptr_coerce_packed_field_root_conv [L2_modify_heap_update_field_root_conv]:
  fixes p::"'c::{xmem_type, packed_type} ptr"
  assumes fl: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a::{xmem_type, packed_type})) f 0 = Some (t, n)"
  assumes match: "export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b::xmem_type)"
  assumes cgrd: "c_guard (PTR_COERCE('c 'a) p)"
  assumes sz: "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('c)) = size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('a))" 
  shows "L2_modify (λs. hmem_upd (heap_update (PTR('b) &((PTR_COERCE('c 'a) p)f)) (v s)) s) = 
         L2_modify (λs. (hmem_upd (heap_update p (coerce_map (update_ti t (to_bytes_p (v s))) (h_val (hmem s) p)))) s)"
  using heap_update_field_ptr_coerce_from_bytes_packed [simplified size_of_def, OF fl match cgrd sz] heap.upd_cong
  by meson

lemma L2_try_state_asssumeE_bindE:
  "L2_try (assume_result_and_state P >>= f) = assume_result_and_state P >>= (λx. L2_try (f x))"
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff L2_defs)

lemma refines_L2_try_L2_seq_nondet:
  assumes g [unfolded THIN_def, rule_format]: "PROP THIN (v t. refines (L2_try (g v)) (g' v) t t (rel_prod rel_liftE (=)))"
  assumes f [unfolded THIN_def]: "PROP THIN (Trueprop (refines f f' s s (rel_prod rel_liftE (=))))"
  shows "refines (L2_try (L2_seq f g)) (f' >>=  g') s s  (rel_prod rel_liftE (=))"
  unfolding L2_try_def L2_seq_def try_nested_bind_exception_or_result_conv
  using g f
  apply (clarsimp simp add: refines_def_old L2_defs succeeds_bind reaches_bind reaches_try succeeds_bind_exception_or_result 
      rel_liftE_def unnest_exn_def reaches_bind_exception_or_result succeeds_bind_exception_or_result  split: xval_splits sum.splits)
  apply (intro conjI allI impI)
   apply (metis case_xval_simps(2) )
  apply clarsimp
  subgoal for r s' r'
    apply (cases r)
      apply (cases r')
        apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
        by (meson Exn_neq_Result obj_sumE)

        apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
        subgoal for s1 y r1
          apply (cases r1)
            apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
            by (metis Exn_neq_Result Result_eq_Result case_xval_simps(1) old.sum.simps(5) sum_all_ex(2))
            by (auto simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
      apply (cases r')

        apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
        by (meson Exn_neq_Result sum_all_ex(2))
        apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
        subgoal for s1 r1
          apply (cases r1)
            apply (clarsimp simp add: default_option_def Exn_def [symmetric])
            by (metis Result_eq_Result case_xval_simps(1) old.sum.simps(6) sum_all_ex(2))
            by (metis case_xval_simps(2))

lemma refines_L2_try_pure:
  assumes f: "refines f (return f') s s (rel_prod rel_liftE (=))"
  shows "refines (L2_try f) (return f') s s (rel_prod rel_liftE (=))"
  unfolding L2_defs L2_guarded_def using f
  by (fastforce simp add: refines_def_old reaches_try rel_liftE_def)

lemma refines_liftE_conv: "refines f f' s t (rel_prod rel_liftE (=)) 
 refines f (liftE f') s t (=)"
 unfolding L2_defs L2_guarded_def 
  by (auto simp add: refines_def_old reaches_liftE rel_liftE_def)

lemma refines_rel_liftE_L2_try_on_exit:
  assumes f: "refines fc fa s s (rel_prod rel_liftE (=))"
  shows "refines (L2_try (on_exit fc cleanup)) (on_exit fa cleanup) s s (rel_prod rel_liftE (=))"
  using f unfolding L2_defs try_def refines_map_value_left_iff
  apply (rule refines_rel_prod_eq_on_exit[THEN refines_weaken])
  apply (auto simp: rel_liftE_def)

lemma map_value_on_exit:
  "map_value g (on_exit f cleanup) = on_exit (map_value g f) cleanup"
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff on_exit_def on_exit'_def)

lemma L2_try_on_exit: "L2_try (on_exit f cleanup) = on_exit (L2_try f) cleanup"
  unfolding L2_try_def try_def
  by (simp add: map_value_on_exit)

context stack_heap_state
lemma L2_try_with_fresh_stack_ptr: 
  "L2_try (with_fresh_stack_ptr n init f) = with_fresh_stack_ptr n init (λp. L2_try (f p))"
  by (simp add: with_fresh_stack_ptr_def L2_try_state_asssumeE_bindE L2_try_on_exit)

lemma map_value_guard_on_exit:
  "map_value g (guard_on_exit f P cleanup) = guard_on_exit (map_value g f) P cleanup"
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff on_exit'_def)

lemma L2_try_guard_on_exit:
  "L2_try (guard_on_exit f P cleanup) = guard_on_exit (L2_try f) P cleanup"
  unfolding L2_try_def try_def
  by (simp add: map_value_guard_on_exit)

lemma map_value_assume_on_exit:
  "map_value g (assume_on_exit f P cleanup) = assume_on_exit (map_value g f) P cleanup"
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff on_exit'_def)

lemma L2_try_assume_on_exit:
  "L2_try (assume_on_exit f P cleanup) = assume_on_exit (L2_try f) P cleanup"
  unfolding L2_try_def try_def
  by (simp add: map_value_assume_on_exit)

context typ_heap_typing
lemma L2_try_guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr:
  "L2_try (guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr n init f) = guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr n init (λp. L2_try (f p))"
  unfolding guard_with_fresh_stack_ptr_def L2_try_state_asssumeE_bindE assume_stack_alloc_def 
    L2_try_guard_on_exit ..

lemma L2_try_assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr:
  "L2_try (assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr n init f) = assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr n init (λp. L2_try (f p))"
  unfolding assume_with_fresh_stack_ptr_def L2_try_state_asssumeE_bindE assume_stack_alloc_def 
    L2_try_assume_on_exit ..

lemma L2_try_with_fresh_stack_ptr:
  "L2_try (with_fresh_stack_ptr n init f) = with_fresh_stack_ptr n init (λp. L2_try (f p))"
  by (simp add: with_fresh_stack_ptr_def L2_try_state_asssumeE_bindE assume_stack_alloc_def

lemma refines_L2_seq:
  assumes f: "refines f f' s s' Q"
  assumes ll: "e e' t t'. Q (Exn e, t) (Exn e', t')  R (Exn e, t) (Exn e', t')"
  assumes lr: "e v' t t'. Q (Exn e, t) (Result v', t')  refines (throw e) (g' v') t t' R"
  assumes rl: "v e' t t'. Q (Result v, t) (Exn e', t')  refines (g v) (throw e') t t' R"
  assumes rr: "v v' t t'. Q (Result v, t) (Result v', t')  refines (g v) (g' v') t t' R"
  shows "refines (L2_seq f g) (L2_seq f' g') s s' R"
  unfolding L2_seq_def using f ll lr rl rr
  by (rule refines_bind_bind_exn)

lemma rel_Nonlocal_Nonlocal: "rel_Nonlocal (Nonlocal x) x"
  by (simp add: rel_Nonlocal_def)

lemmas rel_sum_Inl = rel_sum.intros(1)
lemmas rel_sum_Inr = rel_sum.intros(2)

lemma rel_sum_eq: "rel_sum (=) (=) x x"
  by (auto simp add: rel_sum.simps)

definition (in heap_state)  
  IO_modify_heap_padding::"'a::mem_type ptr  ('s  'a)  ('b::default, unit, 's) spec_monad" where
 "IO_modify_heap_padding p v = 
    state_select {(s, t). bs. length bs = size_of (TYPE('a))  t = hmem_upd (heap_update_padding p (v s) bs) s}"

lemma (in heap_state) liftE_IO_modify_heap_padding: "liftE (IO_modify_heap_padding p v) = (IO_modify_heap_padding p v)"
  unfolding IO_modify_heap_padding_def
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)

abbreviation (in heap_state) IO_modify_heap_paddingE:: 
    "'a::mem_type ptr  ('s  'a)  ('b, unit, 's) exn_monad" where
    "IO_modify_heap_paddingE p v  liftE (IO_modify_heap_padding p v)"

lemma (in heap_state) no_fail_IO_modify_padding[simp]:  "succeeds (IO_modify_heap_padding p v) s"
  unfolding IO_modify_heap_padding_def
  apply (simp)
  using length_to_bytes_p by blast

lemma (in heap_state) no_fail_IO_modify_paddingE[simp]:  "succeeds (IO_modify_heap_paddingE p v) s"
  unfolding IO_modify_heap_padding_def
  apply (simp)
  using length_to_bytes_p by blast
