Theory Vanilla32

 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

theory Vanilla32
imports "Word_Mem_Encoding" CTypes

type_synonym exit_status = "32 sword"

instantiation word :: (len8) c_type
definition "typ_name_itself (w::'a::len8 word itself) =  
  ''word'' @  nat_to_bin_string (len_of TYPE('a))"
  typ_info_word: "typ_info_t (w::'a::len8 word itself)  word_tag w"
instance by (intro_classes)
 (simp add: typ_name_itself_word_def typ_info_word word_tag_def)

lemma align_of_word:
  "align_of TYPE('a::len8 word) = len_of TYPE('a) div 8"
  by (simp add: align_of_def typ_info_word word_tag_def len8_bytes)

instantiation word :: (len8) mem_type

proof intro_classes
  show "bs v w. length bs = size_of TYPE('a word) 
       update_ti_t (typ_info_t TYPE('a word)) bs v =
       update_ti_t (typ_info_t TYPE('a word)) bs w"
    by (simp add: typ_info_word word_tag_def size_of_def update_ti_t_def)
  show "wf_desc (typ_info_t TYPE('a word))"
    by (simp add: typ_info_word word_tag_def)
  have "8 dvd len_of TYPE('a)" by (rule len8_dv8)
  moreover have "0 < len_of TYPE('a)" by simp
  ultimately have "0 < len_of TYPE('a) div 8" by - (erule dvdE, simp)
  thus "wf_size_desc (typ_info_t TYPE('a word))"
    by (simp add: typ_info_word word_tag_def len8_pow)
  have "8 dvd len_of TYPE('a)" by (rule len8_dv8)
  thus "wf_lf (lf_set (typ_info_t TYPE('a word)) [])"
  by (auto simp: typ_info_word word_tag_def wf_lf_def
                 fd_cons_def fd_cons_double_update_def fd_cons_update_access_def
                 word_rcat_rsplit fd_cons_access_update_def fd_cons_length_def
                 length_word_rsplit_exp_size' word_size fd_cons_update_normalise_def
                 fd_cons_desc_def field_norm_def)
  show "size_of TYPE('a word) < addr_card"
    by (simp add: size_of_def typ_info_word word_tag_def)
       (rule len8_size)
  show "align_of TYPE('a word) dvd size_of TYPE('a word)"
    by (clarsimp simp: size_of_def align_of_word typ_info_word
  show "align_field (typ_info_t TYPE('a word))"
    by (clarsimp simp: typ_info_word word_tag_def align_field_def)
  show "wf_align (typ_info_t TYPE('a word))"
    by (clarsimp simp: typ_info_word word_tag_def)


instantiation word :: (len8) simple_mem_type

  apply intro_classes
  apply(clarsimp simp: typ_info_word word_tag_def typ_uinfo_t_def)


class len_eq1 = len +
  assumes len_eq1: "len_of TYPE('a::len) = 1"
instance num1 :: len_eq1
by (intro_classes, simp)

(* naming scheme len_lg<digit1><digit2> means the log of the length is between
   digit1 and digit2 inclusive *)
class len_lg01 = len +
  assumes len_lg01: "len_of TYPE('a::len)  {1,2}"
instance bit0 :: (len_eq1) len_lg01
by (intro_classes, simp add: len_eq1)
instance num1 :: len_lg01
by (intro_classes, simp)

class len_lg02 = len +
  assumes len_lg02: "len_of TYPE('a::len)  {1,2,4}"
instance bit0 :: (len_lg01) len_lg02
apply intro_classes
apply (insert len_lg01[where 'a = 'a])
apply simp
instance num1 :: len_lg02
by (intro_classes, simp)

class len_lg03 = len +
  assumes len_lg03: "len_of TYPE('a::len)  {1,2,4,8}"
instance bit0 :: (len_lg02) len_lg03
apply intro_classes
apply (insert len_lg02[where 'a = 'a])
apply simp
instance num1 :: len_lg03
by (intro_classes, simp)

class len_lg04 = len +
  assumes len_lg04: "len_of TYPE('a::len)  {1,2,4,8,16}"
instance bit0 :: (len_lg03) len_lg04
apply intro_classes
apply (insert len_lg03[where 'a = 'a])
apply simp

instance num1 :: len_lg04
by (intro_classes, simp)
class len_lg15 = len +
  assumes len_lg15: "len_of TYPE('a::len)  {2,4,8,16,32}"
instance bit0 :: (len_lg04) len_lg15
apply intro_classes
apply (insert len_lg04[where 'a = 'a])
apply simp

class len_lg26 = len +
  assumes len_lg26: "len_of TYPE('a::len)  {4,8,16,32,64}"

instance bit0 :: (len_lg15) len_lg26
apply intro_classes
apply (insert len_lg15[where 'a = 'a])
apply simp

instance bit0 :: (len_lg26) len8
apply intro_classes
  apply simp
  apply (insert len_lg26[where 'a = 'a])
  apply (simp add: len_exp_def)
  apply (erule disjE)
    apply (simp add: bogus_log2lessthree_def len8_bytes len8_width)
  apply (erule disjE)
    apply (simp add: bogus_log2lessthree_def)
  apply (erule disjE)
    apply (simp add: bogus_log2lessthree_def)
  apply (erule disjE)
    apply (simp add: bogus_log2lessthree_def)
  apply (simp add: bogus_log2lessthree_def)
apply simp
apply auto

instance signed :: (len_eq1) len_eq1     using len_eq1  by (intro_classes, simp)
instance signed :: (len_lg01) len_lg01   using len_lg01 by (intro_classes, simp)
instance signed :: (len_lg02) len_lg02   using len_lg02 by (intro_classes, simp)
instance signed :: (len_lg03) len_lg03   using len_lg03 by (intro_classes, simp)
instance signed :: (len_lg04) len_lg04   using len_lg04 by (intro_classes, simp)
instance signed :: (len_lg15) len_lg15   using len_lg15 by (intro_classes, simp)
instance signed :: (len_lg26) len_lg26   using len_lg26 by (intro_classes, simp)

  "to_bytes (1*256*256*256 + 2*256*256 + 3*256 + (4::32 word)) bs = [4, 3, 2, 1]"
  by (simp add: to_bytes_def typ_info_word word_tag_def Let_def)

lemma size_td_words [simp]:
  "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE(8 word)) = 1"
  "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE(16 word)) = 2"
  "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE(32 word)) = 4"
  "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE(64 word)) = 8"
  "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE(128 word)) = 16"
  by (auto simp: typ_info_word word_tag_def)

lemma align_td_words [simp]:
  "align_td (typ_info_t TYPE(8 word)) = 0"
  "align_td (typ_info_t TYPE(16 word)) = 1"
  "align_td (typ_info_t TYPE(32 word)) = 2"
  "align_td (typ_info_t TYPE(64 word)) = 3"
  "align_td (typ_info_t TYPE(128 word)) = 4"
  by (auto simp: typ_info_word word_tag_def len8_bytes)

lemma size_of_words [simp]:
  "size_of TYPE(8 word) = 1"
  "size_of TYPE(16 word) = 2"
  "size_of TYPE(32 word) = 4"
  "size_of TYPE(64 word) = 8"
  "size_of TYPE(128 word) = 16"
  by (auto simp: size_of_def)

lemma align_of_words [simp]:
  "align_of TYPE(8 word) = 1"
  "align_of TYPE(16 word) = 2"
  "align_of TYPE(32 word) = 4"
  "align_of TYPE(64 word) = 8"
  "align_of TYPE(128 word) = 16"
  by (auto simp: align_of_word)

lemma size_td_swords [simp]:
  "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE(8 sword)) = 1"
  "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE(16 sword)) = 2"
  "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE(32 sword)) = 4"
  "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE(64 sword)) = 8"
  "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE(128 sword)) = 16"
  by (auto simp: typ_info_word word_tag_def)

lemma align_td_swords [simp]:
  "align_td (typ_info_t TYPE(8 sword)) = 0"
  "align_td (typ_info_t TYPE(16 sword)) = 1"
  "align_td (typ_info_t TYPE(32 sword)) = 2"
  "align_td (typ_info_t TYPE(64 sword)) = 3"
  "align_td (typ_info_t TYPE(128 sword)) = 4"
  by (auto simp: typ_info_word word_tag_def len8_bytes)

lemma size_of_swords [simp]:
  "size_of TYPE(8 sword) = 1"
  "size_of TYPE(16 sword) = 2"
  "size_of TYPE(32 sword) = 4"
  "size_of TYPE(64 sword) = 8"
  "size_of TYPE(128 sword) = 16"
  by (auto simp: size_of_def)

lemma align_of_swords [simp]:
  "align_of TYPE(8 sword) = 1"
  "align_of TYPE(16 sword) = 2"
  "align_of TYPE(32 sword) = 4"
  "align_of TYPE(64 sword) = 8"
  "align_of TYPE(128 sword) = 16"
  by (auto simp: align_of_word)

instantiation ptr :: (c_type_name) c_type
definition "typ_name_itself (p::'a::c_type_name ptr itself) = typ_name_itself TYPE('a) @ ''+ptr''"
  "typ_info_t (p::'a::c_type_name ptr itself)  TypDesc addr_align
    (TypScalar (addr_bitsize div 8) addr_align 
        field_access = λp bs. rev (word_rsplit (ptr_val p)),
        field_update = λbs v. Ptr (word_rcat (rev (take (addr_bitsize div 8) bs))::addr),
        field_sz = (addr_bitsize div 8)  )
    (typ_name_itself TYPE('a) @ ''+ptr'')"

instance by (intro_classes) (simp add: typ_name_itself_ptr_def typ_info_ptr)

lemma align_of_ptr [simp]:
  "align_of (p::'a::c_type ptr itself) = 2 ^ addr_align"
  by (simp add: align_of_def typ_info_ptr)

instantiation ptr :: (c_type) mem_type
  apply (intro_classes)
    apply (auto simp: to_bytes_def from_bytes_def
                 length_word_rsplit_exp_size' word_size
                 word_rcat_rsplit size_of_def  addr_card
                 typ_info_ptr fd_cons_double_update_def
                 fd_cons_update_access_def fd_cons_access_update_def
                 fd_cons_length_def fd_cons_update_normalise_def field_norm_def
                 super_update_bs_def word_rsplit_rcat_size norm_bytes_def
                 fd_consistent_def fd_cons_def wf_lf_def
                 fd_cons_desc_def align_field_def update_ti_t_def)

lemma div_eq: "8 dvd n  (7 + n::nat) div 8 = n div 8"
  by (simp add: div_plus_div_distrib_dvd_right)

lemma length_word_rsplit_len8: "length ((word_rsplit::('a::len8 word)  8 word list) w) = (LENGTH('a) div (8::nat))"
proof -
  have "8 dvd len_of TYPE('a)" by (rule len8_dv8)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: length_word_rsplit_exp_size  div_eq word_size)

lemma all_value_byte_word: "i < LENGTH('a::len8) div 8 
        padding_base.is_value_byte (λv bs. rev (word_rsplit v))
              (λbs v. word_rcat (rev (take (LENGTH('a) div 8) bs))::'a word)
              (LENGTH('a) div 8) i"
  by (clarsimp simp add: padding_base.is_value_byte_def len8_bytes word_size word_rsplit_rcat_size)

lemma no_padding_byte_word: "i < LENGTH('a::len8) div 8 
    ¬ padding_base.is_padding_byte (λv bs. rev (word_rsplit v))
        (λbs v. word_rcat (rev (take (LENGTH('a) div 8) bs))::'a word) (LENGTH('a) div 8)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: padding_base.is_padding_byte_def len8_bytes word_size )
  by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) Ex_list_of_length len8 len_gt_0 length_list_update less_irrefl_nat nth_list_update unat_mono word_power_less_1)

instantiation word :: (len8) xmem_contained_type
  apply intro_classes
     apply (clarsimp simp add: typ_info_word word_tag_def)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: typ_info_word word_tag_def)
   apply (clarsimp simp add: typ_info_word word_tag_def)
   apply (unfold_locales;  clarsimp simp add: padding_base.eq_padding_def padding_base.eq_upto_padding_def
    length_word_rsplit_exp_size word_size word_rcat_rsplit div_eq length_word_rsplit_len8)
    apply (simp add: all_value_byte_word no_padding_byte_word)
  apply (simp add: wf_padding typ_info_word word_tag_def)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: typ_info_word word_tag_def)

instantiation ptr :: (c_type) simple_mem_type
  apply intro_classes
  apply(clarsimp simp: typ_info_ptr typ_uinfo_t_def)

lemma all_value_byte_ptr: "i. i < (addr_bitsize div 8) 
          padding_base.is_value_byte (λp bs. rev (word_rsplit (ptr_val p)))
              (λbs v. PTR('a) (word_rcat (rev (take (addr_bitsize div 8) bs)))) (addr_bitsize div 8) i"
  by (clarsimp simp add: padding_base.is_value_byte_def len8_bytes word_size word_rsplit_rcat_size)

lemma no_padding_byte_ptr: "i. i < (addr_bitsize div 8) 
         ¬ padding_base.is_padding_byte (λp bs. rev (word_rsplit (ptr_val p)))
            (λbs v. PTR('a::c_type) (word_rcat (rev (take (addr_bitsize div 8) bs)))) (addr_bitsize div 8) i"
  apply (clarsimp simp add: padding_base.is_padding_byte_def len8_bytes word_size )
  by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) Ex_list_of_length len8 len_gt_0 length_list_update less_irrefl_nat 
      nth_list_update unat_mono word_power_less_1)

instantiation ptr :: (c_type) xmem_contained_type
  apply intro_classes
      apply(clarsimp simp: typ_info_ptr typ_uinfo_t_def)
     apply(clarsimp simp: typ_info_ptr typ_uinfo_t_def)
    apply(clarsimp simp: typ_info_ptr typ_uinfo_t_def)
   apply (unfold_locales; clarsimp simp add: padding_base.eq_padding_def padding_base.eq_upto_padding_def
     length_word_rsplit_exp_size word_size word_rcat_rsplit div_eq length_word_rsplit_len8)
    apply (simp add: no_padding_byte_ptr [simplified] all_value_byte_ptr [simplified])
   apply(clarsimp simp: typ_info_ptr typ_uinfo_t_def)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: typ_info_ptr typ_uinfo_t_def)

lemma size_td_ptr [simp]:
  "size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('a::c_type ptr)) = addr_bitsize div 8"
  by (simp add: typ_info_ptr)

lemma size_of_ptr [simp]:
  "size_of TYPE('a::c_type ptr) = addr_bitsize div 8"
  by (simp add: size_of_def)

lemma align_td_ptr [simp]: "align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('a::c_type ptr)) = addr_align"
  by (simp add: typ_info_ptr)

lemma ptr_add_word32_signed [simp]:
  fixes a :: "32 word ptr"
  shows "ptr_val (a +p x) = ptr_val a + 4 * of_int x"
  by (cases a) (simp add: CTypesDefs.ptr_add_def scast_id)

lemma ptr_add_word32 [simp]:
  fixes a :: "32 word ptr"
  shows "ptr_val (a +p uint x) = ptr_val a + 4 * x"
  by (cases a) (simp add: ptr_add_def scast_id)

lemma ptr_add_word64_signed [simp]:
  fixes a :: "64 word ptr"
  shows "ptr_val (a +p x) = ptr_val a + 8 * of_int x"
  by (cases a) (simp add: CTypesDefs.ptr_add_def scast_id)

lemma ptr_add_word64 [simp]:
  fixes a :: "64 word ptr"
  shows "ptr_val (a +p uint x) = ptr_val a + 8 * x"
  by (cases a) (simp add: ptr_add_def scast_id)

lemma ptr_add_0_id[simp]:"x +p 0 = x"
  by (simp add:CTypesDefs.ptr_add_def)

lemma from_bytes_ptr_to_bytes_ptr:
  "from_bytes (to_bytes (v::addr_bitsize word) bs) = (Ptr v :: 'a::c_type ptr)"
  by (simp add: from_bytes_def to_bytes_def typ_info_ptr word_tag_def
                typ_info_word word_size
                length_word_rsplit_exp_size' word_rcat_rsplit update_ti_t_def)

lemma ptr_aligned_coerceI:
  "ptr_aligned (ptr_coerce x::addr ptr)  ptr_aligned (x::'a::mem_type ptr ptr)"
  by (simp add: ptr_aligned_def)

lemma lift_ptr_ptr [simp]:
  "p::'a::mem_type ptr ptr.
  lift h (ptr_coerce p) = ptr_val (lift h p)"
  by (simp add: lift_def h_val_def from_bytes_def
                typ_info_word word_tag_def typ_info_ptr update_ti_t_def)
thm typ_name.simps

lemma typ_name_itself_ptr: 
  "typ_name_itself (T::'a::c_type ptr itself) = typ_name_itself TYPE('a) @ ''+ptr''"
  by (simp add: typ_info_ptr typ_name_itself_ptr_def )

lemma typ_name_itself_word: 
  "typ_name_itself (T::'a::len8 word itself) = typ_name (typ_info_t T)"
  by (simp add: typ_info_word word_tag_def typ_name_itself_word_def )

lemmas Vanilla32_tags [simp] =

lemma ptr_typ_name [simp]:
  "typ_name (typ_info_t TYPE(('a :: c_type) ptr)) =  typ_name_itself TYPE('a) @ ''+ptr'' "
  by simp

lemma word_typ_name [simp]:
  "typ_name (typ_info_t TYPE('a::len8 word)) = ''word'' @ nat_to_bin_string (len_of TYPE('a))"
  by simp

lemma typ_name_words [simp]:
   "typ_name (typ_uinfo_t TYPE(8 word))  = ''word00010''"
   "typ_name (typ_uinfo_t TYPE(16 word)) = ''word000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_uinfo_t TYPE(32 word)) = ''word0000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_uinfo_t TYPE(64 word)) = ''word00000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_uinfo_t TYPE(128 word)) = ''word000000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_info_t  TYPE(8 word))  = ''word00010''"
   "typ_name (typ_info_t  TYPE(16 word)) = ''word000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_info_t  TYPE(32 word)) = ''word0000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_info_t  TYPE(64 word)) = ''word00000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_info_t  TYPE(128 word)) = ''word000000010''"
  by (auto simp: typ_uinfo_t_def nat_to_bin_string.simps export_uinfo_def)

lemma typ_name_swords [simp]:
   "typ_name (typ_uinfo_t TYPE(8 sword))  = ''word00010''"
   "typ_name (typ_uinfo_t TYPE(16 sword)) = ''word000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_uinfo_t TYPE(32 sword)) = ''word0000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_uinfo_t TYPE(64 sword)) = ''word00000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_uinfo_t TYPE(128 sword)) = ''word000000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_info_t  TYPE(8 sword))  = ''word00010''"
   "typ_name (typ_info_t  TYPE(16 sword)) = ''word000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_info_t  TYPE(32 sword)) = ''word0000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_info_t  TYPE(64 sword)) = ''word00000010''"
   "typ_name (typ_info_t  TYPE(128 sword)) = ''word000000010''"
  by (auto simp: typ_uinfo_t_def nat_to_bin_string.simps export_uinfo_def)

lemma ptr_arith[simp]:
  "(x +p a = y +p a) = ((x::('a::c_type) ptr) = (y::'a ptr))"
  by (clarsimp simp:CTypesDefs.ptr_add_def)

lemma ptr_arith'[simp]:
  "(ptr_coerce (x +p a) = ptr_coerce (y +p a)) = ((x::('a::c_type) ptr) = (y::'a ptr))"
  by (clarsimp simp:CTypesDefs.ptr_add_def)

lemma typ_uinfo_t_signed_word_word_conv: "typ_uinfo_t TYPE(('a::len8) signed word) = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a word)"
  by (simp add: typ_uinfo_t_def field_norm_def 
      len8_bytes word_rsplit_rcat_size word_size fun_eq_iff)
