Theory Operational_Semantics_Laws

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chapter ‹ Generic Operational Semantics as a Locale›

theory  Operational_Semantics_Laws
  imports After_Trace_Operator

paragraph ‹Some Properties of Monotony›

lemma FD_iff_eq_Ndet: P FD Q  P = P  Q
  by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec failure_divergence_refine_def failure_refine_def
      divergence_refine_def F_Ndet D_Ndet)

lemma non_BOT_mono_Det_F :
  P =   P'    Q =   Q'    P F P'  Q F Q'  P  Q F P'  Q'
  using F_subset_imp_T_subset by (simp add: failure_refine_def F_Det BOT_iff_Nil_D) blast

lemma non_BOT_mono_Det_left_F  : P =   P'    Q =   P F P'  P  Q F P'  Q
  and non_BOT_mono_Det_right_F : Q =   Q'    P =   Q F Q'  P  Q F P   Q'
  by (metis Det_is_BOT_iff idem_F non_BOT_mono_Det_F)+

lemma non_BOT_mono_Sliding_F :
  P =   P'    Q =   P F P'  Q F Q'  P  Q F P'  Q'
  unfolding Sliding_def by (metis Ndet_is_BOT_iff idem_F mono_Ndet_F non_BOT_mono_Det_F)

section ‹Definition›

locale OpSemTransitions = AfterExt Ψ Ω
  for Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick 
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    ― ‹Just declaring the types typ'a and typ'r.› +
  fixes τ_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl τ 50)
  assumes τ_trans_NdetL: P  Q τ P
    and τ_trans_transitivity: P τ Q  Q τ R  P τ R
    and τ_trans_anti_mono_initials: P τ Q  initials Q  initials P
    and τ_trans_mono_Aftertick: e  initials Q  P τ Q  P after e τ Q after e


text ‹This locale needs to be instantiated with:
       a function @{term [show_types = true] Ψ} that is a placeholder for the value
        of termP after e when termev e  initials P
       a function @{term [show_types = true] Ω} that is a placeholder for the value
        of termP after ✓(r)
       a binary relation @{term [show_types] (↝τ)} which:
         is compatible with constNdet
         is transitive
         makes constinitials anti-monotonic
         makes @{const [source] Aftertick} monotonic.›

text ‹From the τ› transition termP τ Q we derive the event transition as follows:›

abbreviation ev_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (‹_ ↝⇘_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
  where P ↝⇘eQ  ev e  P0  P after ev e τ Q

abbreviation tick_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (‹_ _ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
  where PrQ  ✓(r)  P0  P after ✓(r) τ Q

lemma ev_trans_is: P ↝⇘eQ  ev e  initials P  P after e τ Q
  by (simp add: Aftertick_def)

lemma tick_trans_is: PrQ  ✓(r)  P0  Ω P r τ Q
  by (simp add: Aftertick_def)

lemma reverse_event_trans_is:
  e  P0  P after e τ Q  (case e of ✓(r)  PrQ | ev x  P ↝⇘xQ)
  by (simp split: eventptick.split)

text ‹From idempotence, commutativity and term absorbency of term(⊓), 
      we get the following free of charge.›

lemma τ_trans_eq: P τ P
  and τ_trans_NdetR: P  Q τ Q
  and BOT_τ_trans_anything:  τ P
    apply (metis Ndet_id τ_trans_NdetL)
   apply (metis Ndet_commute τ_trans_NdetL)
  by (metis Ndet_BOT τ_trans_NdetL)

lemma BOT_ev_trans_anything:  ↝⇘eP
  and BOT_tick_trans: rΩ  r
  by (simp_all add: Aftertick_BOT τ_trans_eq BOT_τ_trans_anything)

text ‹As immediate consequences of the axioms, we prove that event transitions 
      absorb τ› transitions on right and on left.›

lemma   ev_trans_τ_trans: P ↝⇘eP'  P' τ P''  P ↝⇘eP''
  and tick_trans_τ_trans: PrP'  P' τ P''  PrP''
  by (meson τ_trans_transitivity)+

lemma   τ_trans_ev_trans: P τ P'  P' ↝⇘eP''  P ↝⇘eP''
  and τ_trans_tick_trans: P τ P'  P'rP''  PrP''
  using τ_trans_mono_Aftertick τ_trans_transitivity τ_trans_anti_mono_initials by blast+

text ‹We can also add these result which will be useful later.›

lemma initial_tick_imp_τ_trans_SKIP: P τ SKIP r if ✓(r)  P0
proof -
  from that have P FD SKIP r by (simp add: initial_tick_iff_FD_SKIP)
  with FD_iff_eq_Ndet have P = P  SKIP r ..
  thus P τ SKIP r by (metis τ_trans_NdetR)

lemma exists_tick_trans_is_initial_tick: (P'. PrP')  ✓(r)  P0
  using τ_trans_eq by blast

text ‹There is also a major property we can already prove.›

lemma τ_trans_imp_leT : P τ Q  P T Q
proof (unfold trace_refine_def, rule subsetI)
  show P τ Q  s  𝒯 Q  s  𝒯 P for s
  proof (induct s arbitrary: P Q)
    show P. []  𝒯 P by simp
    fix e s P Q
    assume   hyp : P τ Q  s  𝒯 Q  s  𝒯 P for P Q
    assume prems : P τ Q e # s  𝒯 Q
    from prems(2)[THEN initials_memI] have e  Q0 .
    show e # s  𝒯 P
    proof (cases e)
      fix r assume e = ✓(r)
      hence s = [] by (metis append_Cons append_Nil append_T_imp_tickFree non_tickFree_tick prems(2))
      with e = ✓(r) P τ Q[THEN τ_trans_anti_mono_initials] e # s  𝒯 Q
      show e # s  𝒯 P by (simp add: initials_def subset_iff)
      fix x
      assume e = ev x
      from e  Q0 prems(2) have s  𝒯 (Q after e) 
        by (simp add: e = ev x T_Aftertick)
      from τ_trans_mono_Aftertick[OF e  Q0 P τ Q]
      have P after e τ Q after e .
      from hyp[OF this s  𝒯 (Q after e)] have s  𝒯 (P after e) .
      with e  Q0[THEN P τ Q[THEN τ_trans_anti_mono_initials, THEN set_mp]]
      show e # s  𝒯 P by (simp add: T_Aftertick e = ev x)

text ‹We can now define the concept of transition with a trace 
      and demonstrate the first properties.›

inductive trace_trans :: ('a, 'r) processptick  ('a, 'r) traceptick  ('a, 'r) processptick  bool
  (‹_ *_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
  where    trace_τ_trans : P τ P'  P * [] P'
  |     trace_tick_trans : PrP'  P * [✓(r)] P'
  |  trace_Cons_ev_trans : P ↝⇘eP'  P' * s P''  P * (ev e) # s P''

lemma trace_trans_τ_trans: P *s P'  P' τ P''  P *s P''
  apply (induct rule: trace_trans.induct)
  using τ_trans_transitivity trace_τ_trans apply blast
  using τ_trans_transitivity trace_tick_trans apply blast
  using trace_Cons_ev_trans by blast

lemma τ_trans_trace_trans:  P τ P'  P' *s P''  P *s P''
  apply (rotate_tac, induct rule: trace_trans.induct)
  using τ_trans_transitivity trace_τ_trans apply blast
  using τ_trans_tick_trans trace_trans.simps apply blast
  using τ_trans_ev_trans trace_Cons_ev_trans by blast

lemma BOT_trace_trans_tickFree_anything : tickFree s   *s P
proof (induct s arbitrary: P)
  show P. tickFree []   *[] P
    by (simp add: BOT_τ_trans_anything trace_τ_trans)
  fix e s P
  assume prem: tickFree (e # s) and hyp: tickFree s   *s P for P
  have * : tickFree s using prem by auto
  obtain a where e = ev a by (meson is_ev_def prem tickFree_Cons_iff)
  thus  *e # s P
    by simp (rule trace_Cons_ev_trans[OF _ hyp];
        simp add: * Aftertick_BOT BOT_τ_trans_anything)

section ‹Consequences of termP *s Q on term, term𝒯 and term𝒟

lemma trace_trans_imp_F_if_τ_trans_imp_leF:
  P *s Q  X   Q  (s, X)   P
  if P Q. P τ Q  P F Q
proof (induct rule: trace_trans.induct)
  show P τ Q  X   Q  ([], X)   P for P Q
    by (meson failure_refine_def in_mono Refusals_iff that)
  show PrQ  X   Q  ([✓(r)], X)   P for P Q r
    by (metis append_Nil mem_Collect_eq initials_def tick_T_F)
  fix P e Q s Q'
  assume * : P ↝⇘eQ X   Q'  (s, X)   Q X   Q'
  have P after ev e F Q using *(1) that by blast
  hence (s, X)   (P after ev e) by (simp add: failure_refine_def subsetD *(2, 3))
  thus (ev e # s, X)   P by (simp add: F_Aftertick *(1))

lemma trace_trans_imp_T: P *s Q  s  𝒯 P 
proof (induct rule: trace_trans.induct)
  show P τ Q  []  𝒯 P for P Q by simp
  show PrQ  [✓(r)]  𝒯 P for P Q r
    by (simp add: initials_def)
  fix P e Q s Q'
  assume * : P ↝⇘eQ s  𝒯 Q
  have P after ev e T Q using *(1) τ_trans_imp_leT by blast
  hence s  𝒯 (P after ev e) by (simp add: *(2) subsetD trace_refine_def)
  with *(1) list.collapse show ev e # s  𝒯 P 
    by (force simp add: T_Aftertick initials_def)

(* see if this hypothesis can be in the locale assumptions *)
(* the previous version was with (∀P Q. P ↝τ Q ⟶ P ⊑D Q),
   which is a stronger assumption *)
lemma tickFree_trace_trans_BOT_imp_D_if_τ_trans_BOT_imp_eq_BOT_weak:
  tickFree s  P *s   s  𝒟 P 
  if P. P τ   P = 
proof (induct s arbitrary: P)
  show P *[]   []  𝒟 P for P
    apply (erule trace_trans.cases)
    using BOT_iff_Nil_D that by blast+
  fix e s P
  assume prems : tickFree (e # s) P *e # s  
  assume hyp: tickFree s  P *s   s  𝒟 P for P
  from prems(1) have tickFree s by simp
  from prems(2) have P after e *s 
    by (cases rule: trace_trans.cases)
      (auto simp add:  trace_τ_trans intro: τ_trans_trace_trans)
  show e # s  𝒟 P
    apply (rule trace_trans.cases[OF prems(2)])
    using hyp[OF tickFree s P after e *s ] prems(1)
    by (simp_all add: D_Aftertick)

section ‹Characterizations for termP *s Q

lemma trace_trans_iff :
  P * [] Q  P τ Q
  P * [✓(r)] Q  PrQ
  P * (ev e) # s Q'  (Q. P ↝⇘eQ  Q * s Q')
  (P * s @ [f] Q')  
   tickFree s  (Q. P *s Q  (case f of ✓(r)  QrQ' | ev x  Q ↝⇘xQ'))
  front_tickFree (s @ t)  (P *s @ t Q')  (Q. P *s Q  Q *t Q')
proof -
  show f1 : P Q. P * [] Q  P τ Q
    and f2 : P Q. P * [✓(r)] Q  PrQ
    and f3 : P Q' e. P * (ev e) # s Q'  (Q. P ↝⇘eQ  Q * s Q')
    by ((subst trace_trans.simps, auto)[1])+

  show f4 : (P * s @ [f] Q')  
             tickFree s  (Q. P *s Q  (case f of ✓(r)  QrQ' | ev x  Q ↝⇘xQ')) for s f P Q'
  proof safe
    from append_T_imp_tickFree trace_trans_imp_T
    show P *s @ [f] Q'  tickFree s by blast
    show P *s @ [f] Q'  Q. P *s Q  (case f of ev x  Q ↝⇘xQ' | ✓(r)  QrQ')
    proof (induct s arbitrary: P)
      case Nil
      thus ?case 
        apply (subst (asm) trace_trans.simps, cases f; simp)
        using τ_trans_eq τ_trans_transitivity f1 by blast+
      case (Cons e s)
      from Cons.prems have * : e  initials P  P after e *s @ [f] Q'
        by (subst (asm) trace_trans.simps)
          (auto simp add:  intro: τ_trans_trace_trans)
      with Cons.hyps obtain Q
        where ** : P after e *s Q 
          (case f of ev x  Q ↝⇘xQ' | ✓(r)  QrQ') by blast
      have P *e # s Q
      proof (cases e)
        fix e'
        assume e = ev e'
        thus P *e # s Q
          apply simp
          by (rule trace_Cons_ev_trans[OF _ **(1)]) (use * τ_trans_eq in blast)
        from Cons.prems have e = ✓(r)  s = [] for r by (subst (asm) trace_trans.simps) auto
        thus e = ✓(r)  P *e # s Q for r using * **(1) f1 f2 trace_tick_trans by auto
      with "**"(2) show Q. P * e # s Q  (case f of ev x  Q ↝⇘xQ' | ✓(r)  QrQ') by blast
    show tickFree s  P *s Q  (case f of ev x  Q ↝⇘xQ' | ✓(r)  QrQ')
           P *s @ [f] Q' for Q
    proof (induct s arbitrary: P Q)
      show tickFree []  P *[] Q 
            (case f of ev x  Q ↝⇘xQ' | ✓(r)  QrQ')  P *[] @ [f] Q' for P Q
        apply (cases f; simp add: f1 f2)
         apply (meson τ_trans_eq τ_trans_ev_trans trace_Cons_ev_trans trace_τ_trans)
        using τ_trans_tick_trans trace_tick_trans by blast
      case (Cons e s)
      from Cons.prems(2) have * : e  initials P  P after e *s Q
        by (subst (asm) trace_trans.simps)
          (auto simp add: f1 intro: τ_trans_trace_trans)
      show ?case
      proof (cases e)
        fix e'
        assume e = ev e'
        thus P *(e # s) @ [f] Q' 
          by (cases f; simp)
            (metis (no_types, lifting) "*" Cons.hyps Cons.prems(1, 3) 
              τ_trans_eq tickFree_Cons_iff trace_trans.simps)+
        show e = ✓(r)  P *(e # s) @ [f] Q' for r using Cons.prems(1) by auto

  show front_tickFree (s @ t)  P *s @ t Q'  (Q. P *s Q  Q *t Q')
  proof (induct t arbitrary: Q' rule: rev_induct)
    show P *s @ [] Q'  (Q. P *s Q  Q *[] Q') for Q'
      by (metis τ_trans_eq append.right_neutral trace_trans_τ_trans f1)
    case (snoc e t)
    from snoc.prems have $ : tickFree s tickFree t 
      by (simp_all add: front_tickFree_append_iff)
    show P *s @ t @ [e] Q'  (Q. P *s Q  Q *t @ [e] Q')
    proof (intro iffI)
      assume assm : P *s @ t @ [e] Q'
      from f4[of P s @ t e Q', simplified] assm "$" obtain Q
        where * : P *s @ t Q case e of ev x  Q ↝⇘xQ' | ✓(r)  QrQ' by blast
      obtain R where ** : P *s R R *t Q
        by (metis "*"(1) append.assoc front_tickFree_dw_closed snoc.hyps snoc.prems)
      show Q. P *s Q  Q *t @ [e] Q'
      proof (intro exI conjI)
        show P *s R by (fact "**"(1))
        from "*"(2) "**"(2) show R *t @ [e] Q' by (simp add: f4 "$"(2)) blast
      assume Q. P *s Q  Q *t @ [e] Q'
      then obtain Q where * : P *s Q Q *t @ [e] Q' by blast
      from f4[of Q t e Q', simplified this(2)]
      obtain R where Q *t R case e of ev x  R ↝⇘xQ' | ✓(r)  RrQ' by blast
      with "*"(1) show P *s @ t @ [e] Q'
        by (simp add: f4[of P s @ t e Q', simplified] "$", cases e; simp)
          (metis append.assoc front_tickFree_dw_closed snoc.hyps snoc.prems)+

section ‹Finally: termP *s Q is termP after𝒯 s τ Q

theorem trace_trans_iff_T_and_Aftertrace_τ_trans : 
  (P *s Q)  s  𝒯 P  P after𝒯 s τ Q
proof -
  have s  𝒯 P  (P *s Q)  P after𝒯 s τ Q
    ―‹This is a trick to reuse the proof of this less powerful version
     (@{thm [source] trace_trans_imp_T} was not proven at the time…›).›
  proof (intro iffI)
    show P *s Q  s  𝒯 P  P after𝒯 s τ Q
    proof (induct s arbitrary: P Q)
      show P Q. P *[] Q  []  𝒯 P  P after𝒯 [] τ Q
        using trace_trans.cases by auto
      show (P Q. P *s Q  s  𝒯 P  P after𝒯 s τ Q)  
            P *e # s Q  e # s  𝒯 P  P after𝒯 (e # s) τ Q for s e P Q
        apply (cases e; simp)
        by (meson τ_trans_trace_trans trace_trans_iff(3) trace_trans_imp_T)
          (metis Aftertrace.simps(1) T_imp_front_tickFree front_tickFree_Cons_iff
            non_tickFree_tick tickFree_Cons_iff tickFree_Nil trace_trans_iff(2))
    show P after𝒯 s τ Q  s  𝒯 P  P *s Q
    proof (induct arbitrary: P Q rule: Aftertrace.induct)
      show P Q. P after𝒯 [] τ Q  []  𝒯 P  P *[] Q
        by (simp add: trace_τ_trans)
      fix e and s :: ('a, 'r) traceptick and Q P
      assume   hyp : P after𝒯 s τ Q  s  𝒯 P  P *s Q for P Q
      assume prems : P after𝒯 (e # s) τ Q e # s  𝒯 P
      have * : e  initials P  s  𝒯 (P after e)
        by (metis Aftertrace.simps(1, 2) initials_memI 
            T_Aftertrace append_Cons append_Nil prems(2))
      show P *e # s Q
      proof (cases e)
        fix e'
        assume ** : e = ev e'
        from * ** have P ↝⇘e'P after (ev e') by (simp add: τ_trans_eq)
        thus P *e # s Q
          by (subst **, rule trace_Cons_ev_trans[OF _ hyp[OF prems(1)[simplified] 
                  *[THEN conjunct2], simplified **]])
        have e = ✓(r)  s = [] for r
          by (metis T_imp_front_tickFree eventptick.disc(2) front_tickFree_Cons_iff prems(2))
        with "*" prems(1) trace_tick_trans
        show e = ✓(r)  P *e # s Q for r by auto
  with trace_trans_imp_T show (P *s Q)  s  𝒯 P  P after𝒯 s τ Q by blast

text ‹As corollaries we obtain the reciprocal results of 

      @{thm trace_trans_imp_F_if_τ_trans_imp_leF

lemma tickFree_F_imp_exists_trace_trans:
  tickFree s  (s, X)   P  Q. (P *s Q)  X   Q
  by (meson F_T F_imp_R_Aftertrace trace_trans_iff_T_and_Aftertrace_τ_trans τ_trans_eq)

lemma T_imp_exists_trace_trans: s  𝒯 P  Q. P *s Q
  using trace_trans_iff_T_and_Aftertrace_τ_trans τ_trans_eq by blast

lemma tickFree_D_imp_trace_trans_BOT: tickFree s  s  𝒟 P  P *s 
  by (simp add: D_imp_Aftertrace_is_BOT D_T τ_trans_eq

text ‹And therefore, we obtain equivalences.›

lemma F_trace_trans_reality_check_weak: 
  P Q. P τ Q  P F Q  tickFree s  
   (s, X)   P  (Q. (P *s Q)  X   Q)
  using tickFree_F_imp_exists_trace_trans trace_trans_imp_F_if_τ_trans_imp_leF by blast

lemma T_trace_trans_reality_check: s  𝒯 P  (Q. P *s Q)
  using T_imp_exists_trace_trans trace_trans_imp_T by blast

lemma D_trace_trans_reality_check_weak:
  P. P τ   P =   tickFree s  s  𝒟 P  P *s 
  using tickFree_D_imp_trace_trans_BOT
    tickFree_trace_trans_BOT_imp_D_if_τ_trans_BOT_imp_eq_BOT_weak by blast

text ‹When we have more information on termP τ Q, we obtain:›

lemma STOP_trace_trans_iff: STOP *s P  s = []  P = STOP
  using STOP_T_iff τ_trans_imp_leT 
  by (subst trace_trans.simps) (auto simp add: τ_trans_eq) 

lemma Ω_SKIP_is_STOP_imp_τ_trans_imp_leF_imp_SKIP_trace_trans_iff: 
  Ω (SKIP r) r = STOP  (P Q. P τ Q  P F Q) 
   (SKIP r *s P)  s = []  P = SKIP r  s = [✓(r)]  P = STOP
  using SKIP_F_iff STOP_F_iff
  apply (subst trace_trans.simps)
  apply (auto simp add: Aftertick_SKIP τ_trans_eq)
  by fastforce blast+

lemma trace_trans_imp_initials_subset_initials_Aftertrace:
  P *s Q  initials Q  initials (P after𝒯 s)
  using trace_trans_iff_T_and_Aftertrace_τ_trans 
    anti_mono_initials_T trace_trans_imp_T τ_trans_imp_leT by blast

lemma imp_trace_trans_imp_initial:
  P *(s @ e # t) Q  e  initials (P after𝒯 s)
  using initials_Aftertrace trace_trans_imp_T by blast

text ‹Under additional assumptions, we can show that the event
      transition and the trace transition are admissible.›

lemma ev_trans_adm_weak[simp]:
  assumes τ_trans_adm:
    u v. cont (u :: 'b :: cpo  ('a, 'r) processptick)  monofun v  adm(λx. u x τ v x)
    and Ψ_cont_hyp : cont (λP. Ψ P e)
    and cont_u: cont (u :: 'b  ('a, 'r) processptick) and monofun_v : monofun v
  shows adm(λx. u x ↝⇘e(v x))
  apply (intro adm_conj)
  by (fact initial_adm[OF cont_u])
    (rule τ_trans_adm[OF _ monofun_v], simp add: Ψ_cont_hyp cont_u)

lemma tick_trans_adm_weak[simp]:
  assumes τ_trans_adm:
    u v. cont (u :: 'b :: cpo  ('a, 'r) processptick)  monofun v  adm(λx. u x τ v x)
    and Ω_cont_hyp : cont (λP. Ω P r)
    and cont_u: cont (u :: 'b  ('a, 'r) processptick) and monofun_v : monofun v
  shows adm(λx. u xr(v x))
  apply (intro adm_conj)
  by (fact initial_adm[OF cont_u])
    (rule τ_trans_adm[OF _ monofun_v], simp add: Ω_cont_hyp cont_u)

lemma trace_trans_adm_weak[simp]:
  assumes τ_trans_adm: u v. cont (u :: 'b :: cpo  ('a, 'r) processptick)  monofun v  adm (λx. u x τ v x)
    and Aftertrace_cont_hyps: x. ev x  set s  cont (λP. Ψ P x) r. ✓(r)  set s  cont (λP. Ω P r)
    and cont_u: cont (u :: 'b :: cpo  ('a, 'r) processptick) and monofun_v: monofun v
  shows adm (λx. u x * s (v x))
  apply (subst trace_trans_iff_T_and_Aftertrace_τ_trans)
  apply (intro adm_conj)
   apply (solves simp add: adm_in_T cont_u)
  by (rule τ_trans_adm[OF _ monofun_v], rule Aftertrace_cont; 
      simp add: Aftertrace_cont_hyps cont_u)

section ‹General Rules of Operational Semantics›

text ‹We can now derive some rules or the operational semantics that we are defining.›

(* maybe also write the rules for event_trans when it's consequence of τ_trans *)

(* assumes Ω_SKIP_is_STOP : ‹Ω SKIP = STOP› in a extension of the locale ?
   not really useful yet, we will just put Ω SKIP instead of STOP *)

lemma SKIP_trans_tick_Ω_SKIP: SKIP rrΩ (SKIP r) r
  by (simp add: Aftertick_SKIP τ_trans_eq)

lemmas SKIP_OpSem_rule = SKIP_trans_tick_Ω_SKIP

text ‹This is quite obvious, but we can get better.›

lemma initial_tick_imp_tick_trans_Ω_SKIP: ✓(r)  P0  PrΩ (SKIP r) r
  using SKIP_trans_tick_Ω_SKIP τ_trans_tick_trans
    initial_tick_imp_τ_trans_SKIP by blast

lemma tick_trans_imp_tick_trans_Ω_SKIP : P'. PrP'  PrΩ (SKIP r) r
  using initial_tick_imp_tick_trans_Ω_SKIP by blast

(* lemma tick_trans_imp_BOT_L_or_STOP_R: ‹P ↝ Q ⟹ P = ⊥ ∨ Q = STOP›
  by (metis τ_trans_anti_mono_initials initials_Aftertick initials_empty_iff_STOP subset_empty)

lemma STOP_trace_trans_iff : ‹STOP ↝*s P ⟷ s = [] ∧ P = STOP›
  by (metis Aftertick_SKIP SKIP_neq_BOT SKIP_trans_tick empty_iff trace_trans.cases
            initials_STOP tick_trans_imp_BOT_L_or_STOP_R trace_trans_iff(1))



lemma tick_trans_iff : ‹P ↝ P' ⟷ P = ⊥ ∨ P ↝τ SKIP ∧ P' = STOP›
  by (metis Aftertick_BOT BOT_τ_trans_anything SKIP_trans_tick τ_trans_event_trans 
            initial_tick_imp_τ_trans_SKIP tick_trans_imp_BOT_L_or_STOP_R) *)

lemma SKIP_cant_ev_trans:   ¬ SKIP r ↝⇘eP
  and STOP_cant_ev_trans:   ¬ STOP ↝⇘eP
  and STOP_cant_tick_trans: ¬ STOPrP by simp_all

lemma ev_trans_Mprefix: e  A  a  A  P a ↝⇘e(P e)
  by (simp add: Aftertick_def After_Mprefix τ_trans_eq initials_Mprefix)

lemma ev_trans_Mndetprefix: e  A  a  A  P a ↝⇘e(P e)
  by (simp add: Aftertick_def After_Mndetprefix τ_trans_eq initials_Mndetprefix)

lemma ev_trans_prefix: e  P ↝⇘eP
  by (metis ev_trans_Mprefix insertI1 write0_def)

lemmas prefix_OpSem_rules = ev_trans_prefix ev_trans_Mprefix ev_trans_Mndetprefix

lemma τ_trans_GlobalNdet: a  A. P a τ P e if e  A
proof -
  have a  A. P a = P e  (a  A. P a)
    by (metis GlobalNdet_factorization_union GlobalNdet_unit
        empty_iff insertI1 insert_absorb insert_is_Un that)
  thus a  A. P a τ P e by (metis τ_trans_NdetL)

lemmas Ndet_OpSem_rules = τ_trans_NdetL τ_trans_NdetR τ_trans_GlobalNdet

lemma τ_trans_fix_point: cont f  P = (μ X. f X)  P τ f P
  by (metis τ_trans_eq cont_process_rec)

lemmas fix_point_OpSem_rule = τ_trans_fix_point

lemma ev_trans_DetL: P ↝⇘eP'  P  Q ↝⇘eP'
  by (metis Aftertick_Det_is_Aftertick_Ndet UnCI τ_trans_NdetL τ_trans_ev_trans initials_Det)

lemma ev_trans_DetR: Q ↝⇘eQ'  P  Q ↝⇘eQ'
  by (metis Det_commute ev_trans_DetL)

lemma tick_trans_DetL: PrP'  P  QrΩ (SKIP r) r
  by (metis UnCI initials_Det initial_tick_imp_tick_trans_Ω_SKIP)

lemma tick_trans_DetR: QrQ'  P  QrΩ (SKIP r) r
  by (metis Det_commute tick_trans_DetL)

lemma ev_trans_GlobalDet:
  a  A. P a ↝⇘eQ if a  A and P a ↝⇘eQ
proof (cases A = {a})
  show A = {a}  a  A. P a ↝⇘eQ by (simp add: P a ↝⇘eQ)
  assume A  {a}
  with a  A obtain A' where a  A' A = {a}  A'
    by (metis insert_is_Un mk_disjoint_insert)
  have a  A. P a = P a  GlobalDet A' P
    by (simp add: A = {a}  A' GlobalDet_distrib_unit_bis[OF a  A'])
  also from ev_trans_DetL P a ↝⇘eQ have  ↝⇘eQ by blast
  finally show a  A. P a ↝⇘eQ .

lemma tick_trans_GlobalDet:
  a  A. P arΩ (SKIP r) r if a  A and P arQ
proof (cases A = {a})
  show A = {a}  a  A. P arΩ (SKIP r) r
    by (simp add: initial_tick_imp_tick_trans_Ω_SKIP P arQ)
  assume A  {a}
  with a  A obtain A' where a  A' A = {a}  A'
    by (metis insert_is_Un mk_disjoint_insert)
  have a  A. P a = P a  GlobalDet A' P
    by (simp add: A = {a}  A' GlobalDet_distrib_unit_bis[OF a  A'])
  also from tick_trans_DetL P arQ have rΩ (SKIP r) r by blast
  finally show a  A. P arΩ (SKIP r) r .

lemma ev_trans_SlidingL: P ↝⇘eP'  P  Q ↝⇘eP'
  by (simp add: Sliding_def)
    (meson τ_trans_NdetL τ_trans_ev_trans ev_trans_DetL)

lemma tick_trans_SlidingL: PrP'  P  QrΩ (SKIP r) r
  by (metis UnCI initials_Sliding initial_tick_imp_tick_trans_Ω_SKIP)

lemma τ_trans_SlidingR: P  Q τ Q
  by (simp add: Sliding_def τ_trans_NdetR)

(* a very good surprise *)
lemma τ_trans_SeqR: P ; Q τ Q' if PrP' and Q τ Q'
proof -
  from that(1) have P FD SKIP r by (simp add: initial_tick_iff_FD_SKIP)
  with FD_iff_eq_Ndet have P = P  SKIP r ..
  hence P ; Q = (P ; Q)  (SKIP r ; Q) by (metis Seq_distrib_Ndet_right)
  also have  = (P ; Q)  Q by simp
  also have  τ Q by (simp add: τ_trans_NdetR)
  finally show P ; Q τ Q' by (rule τ_trans_transitivity) (fact that(2))

(* obvious now *)
lemma ✓(r)  P0  Q ↝⇘eQ'  P ; Q ↝⇘eQ'
  using τ_trans_SeqR τ_trans_eq τ_trans_ev_trans by blast

(* we can't recover the rules for left side yet *)

lemma tick_trans_Hiding: PrP'  P \ BrΩ (SKIP r) r
  by (simp add: initial_tick_imp_tick_trans_Ω_SKIP initial_tick_imp_initial_tick_Hiding)

(* of course we can't recover τ_trans yet, and idem for inside and not inside rules*)

lemma τ_trans_SKIP_SyncL: P S Q τ SKIP r S Q if PrP'
proof -
  from that have P FD SKIP r by (simp add: initial_tick_iff_FD_SKIP)
  with FD_iff_eq_Ndet have P = P  SKIP r ..
  hence P S Q = (P S Q)  (SKIP r S Q) by (metis Sync_distrib_Ndet_right)
  also have  τ (SKIP r S Q) by (rule τ_trans_NdetR)
  finally show P S Q τ SKIP r S Q .

lemma τ_trans_SKIP_SyncR: QrQ'  P S Q τ P S SKIP r
  by (metis Sync_commute τ_trans_SKIP_SyncL)

lemma tick_trans_SKIP_Sync_SKIP: SKIP r S SKIP rrΩ (SKIP r) r
  by (simp add: SKIP_trans_tick_Ω_SKIP)

lemma SKIP r S SKIP r τ SKIP r
  by (simp add: τ_trans_eq)

lemma tick_trans_InterruptL : PrP'  P  QrΩ (SKIP r) r
  and tick_trans_InterruptR : QrQ'  P  QrΩ (SKIP r) r
  by (rule initial_tick_imp_tick_trans_Ω_SKIP, simp add: initials_Interrupt)+

lemma tick_trans_ThrowL : PrP'  P Θ a  A. Q arΩ (SKIP r) r
  by (rule initial_tick_imp_tick_trans_Ω_SKIP)
    (simp add: initials_Throw)

lemma ev_trans_ThrowR_inside:
  e  A  P ↝⇘eP'  P Θ a  A. Q a ↝⇘e(Q e)
  by (simp add: Aftertick_Throw initials_Throw BOT_τ_trans_anything τ_trans_eq)


section ‹Recovering other operational rules›

text ‹By adding a τ›-transition hypothesis on each operator,
      we can recover the remaining operational rules.›

subsection @{const [source] Det} Laws›

locale OpSemTransitionsDet = OpSemTransitions Ψ Ω (↝τ) 
  for Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl τ 50) +
  assumes τ_trans_DetL : P τ P'  P  Q τ P'  Q

lemma τ_trans_DetR : Q τ Q'  P  Q τ P  Q'
  by (metis Det_commute τ_trans_DetL)

lemmas Det_OpSem_rules = τ_trans_DetL τ_trans_DetR
  ev_trans_DetL ev_trans_DetR
  tick_trans_DetL tick_trans_DetR

(* discuss the fact that we don't have the exact rules from Roscoe's book here *)

subsection @{const [source] Det} relaxed Laws›

―‹Introduced to recover some rules with term‹(⊑F)› refinement.›

locale OpSemTransitionsDetRelaxed = OpSemTransitions Ψ Ω (↝τ) 
  for Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl τ 50) +
  assumes τ_trans_DetL : P =   P'    Q =   P τ P'  P  Q τ P'  Q

lemma τ_trans_DetR : Q =   Q'    Q =   Q τ Q'  P  Q τ P  Q'
  by (metis Det_commute τ_trans_DetL)

lemmas Det_OpSem_rules = τ_trans_DetL τ_trans_DetR
  ev_trans_DetL ev_trans_DetR
  tick_trans_DetL tick_trans_DetR

(* discuss the fact that we don't have the exact rules from Roscoe's book here *)

subsection @{const [source] Seq} Laws›

locale OpSemTransitionsSeq = OpSemTransitions Ψ Ω (↝τ) 
  for Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl τ 50) +
  assumes τ_trans_SeqL : P τ P'  P ; Q τ P' ; Q

lemma ev_trans_SeqL: P ↝⇘eP'  P ; Q ↝⇘eP' ; Q
  apply (cases P = , solves simp add: BOT_ev_trans_anything)
  apply (simp add: Aftertick_Seq initials_Seq image_iff disjoint_iff)
  by (meson τ_trans_NdetL τ_trans_SeqL τ_trans_transitivity ev_trans_is)

lemmas Seq_OpSem_rules = τ_trans_SeqL ev_trans_SeqL τ_trans_SeqR


subsection @{const [source] Renaming} Laws›

text ‹We are used to it now:  we need to duplicate the locale in order
      to obtain the rules for the constRenaming operator.›

locale OpSemTransitionsDuplicated = 
  OpSemTransitionsα: OpSemTransitions Ψα Ωα (ατ) +
  OpSemTransitionsβ: OpSemTransitions Ψβ Ωβ (βτ)
  for Ψα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ωα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_transα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl ατ 50)
    and Ψβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 'b]  ('b, 's) processptick
    and Ωβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 's]  ('b, 's) processptick
    and τ_transβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, ('b, 's) processptick]  bool (infixl βτ 50)

notation OpSemTransitionsα.ev_trans   (‹_ α↝⇘_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation OpSemTransitionsα.tick_trans (‹_ α_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation OpSemTransitionsβ.ev_trans   (‹_ β↝⇘_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation OpSemTransitionsβ.tick_trans (‹_ β_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)

lemma tick_trans_Renaming: P αrP'  Renaming P f g βg r(Ωβ (SKIP (g r)) (g r))
  by (metis OpSemTransitionsβ.initial_tick_imp_tick_trans_Ω_SKIP
      Renaming_SKIP mono_Renaming_FD initial_tick_iff_FD_SKIP)


sublocale OpSemTransitionsDuplicated  AfterExtDuplicated .
    ―‹Recovering @{thm [source] AfterExtDuplicated.Aftertick_Renaming}
   (and @{thm [source] AfterDuplicated.After_Renaming})›

locale OpSemTransitionsRenaming =
  OpSemTransitionsDuplicated Ψα Ωα τ_transα Ψβ Ωβ τ_transβ
  for Ψα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ωα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_transα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl ατ 50)
    and Ψβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 'b]  ('b, 's) processptick
    and Ωβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 's]  ('b, 's) processptick
    and τ_transβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, ('b, 's) processptick]  bool (infixl βτ 50) +
  assumes τ_trans_Renaming : P ατ P'  Renaming P f g βτ Renaming P' f g

lemma ev_trans_Renaming: Renaming P f g β↝⇘b(Renaming P' f g)
  if f a = b and P α↝⇘aP'
proof (cases P = )
  show P =   Renaming P f g β↝⇘b(Renaming P' f g)
    by (simp add: Aftertick_Renaming)
      (simp add: OpSemTransitionsβ.BOT_τ_trans_anything
  assume non_BOT: P  
  from that have initial : a. ev a  initials P  f a = b by blast
  show Renaming P f g β↝⇘b(Renaming P' f g)
  proof (intro conjI)
    from initial show ev b  (Renaming P f g)0
      by (force simp add: initials_Renaming image_iff) 
    show OpSemTransitionsβ.Aftertick (Renaming P f g) (ev b) βτ Renaming P' f g
      apply (simp add: Aftertick_Renaming non_BOT initial)
      apply (rule OpSemTransitionsβ.τ_trans_transitivity
          [OF OpSemTransitionsβ.τ_trans_GlobalNdet[of a] τ_trans_Renaming])
       apply (solves simp add: that)
      using OpSemTransitionsα.ev_trans_is that(2) by blast

lemmas Renaming_OpSem_rules = τ_trans_Renaming tick_trans_Renaming ev_trans_Renaming


subsection @{const [source] Hiding} Laws›

locale OpSemTransitionsHiding = OpSemTransitions Ψ Ω (↝τ) 
  for Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl τ 50) +
  assumes τ_trans_Hiding : P τ P'  P \ A τ P' \ A

lemma τ_trans_Hiding_inside: P \ A τ P' \ A if e  A and P ↝⇘eP'
proof -
  have P \ A FD P after ev e \ A
    by (simp add: Hiding_FD_Hiding_Aftertick_if_initial_inside that)
  with FD_iff_eq_Ndet have P \ A = (P \ A)  (P after ev e \ A) ..
  moreover have  τ P after ev e \ A by (simp add: τ_trans_NdetR)
  moreover have  τ P' \ A by (simp add: τ_trans_Hiding that(2))
  ultimately show P \ A τ P' \ A by (metis τ_trans_transitivity)

lemma ev_trans_Hiding_notin: P \ A ↝⇘eP' \ A if e  A and P ↝⇘eP'
proof -
  note initial = initial_notin_imp_initial_Hiding[OF that(2)[THEN conjunct1] that(1)]
  have (P \ A) after ev e FD P after ev e \ A
    by (simp add: Aftertick_Hiding_FD_Hiding_Aftertick_if_initial_notin that)
  with FD_iff_eq_Ndet
  have (P \ A) after ev e = (P \ A) after ev e  (P after ev e \ A) ..
  moreover have  τ P after ev e \ A by (simp add: τ_trans_NdetR)
  moreover have  τ P' \ A by (simp add: τ_trans_Hiding that(2))
  ultimately show P \ A ↝⇘eP' \ A by (metis (no_types) τ_trans_transitivity initial)

lemmas Hiding_OpSem_rules = τ_trans_Hiding tick_trans_Hiding
  ev_trans_Hiding_notin τ_trans_Hiding_inside


subsection @{const [source] Sync} Laws›

locale OpSemTransitionsSync = OpSemTransitions Ψ Ω (↝τ) 
  for Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl τ 50) +
  assumes τ_trans_SyncL : P τ P'  P S Q τ P' S Q

lemma τ_trans_SyncR : Q τ Q'  P S Q τ P S Q'
  by (metis Sync_commute τ_trans_SyncL)

lemma ev_trans_SyncL : e  S  P ↝⇘eP'  P S Q ↝⇘eP' S Q
  by (simp add: Aftertick_Sync initials_Sync BOT_τ_trans_anything image_iff)
    (meson τ_trans_NdetL τ_trans_SyncL τ_trans_transitivity ev_trans_is)

lemma ev_trans_SyncR : e  S  Q ↝⇘eQ'  P S Q ↝⇘eP S Q'
  by (metis Sync_commute ev_trans_SyncL)

lemma ev_trans_SyncLR :
  e  S  P ↝⇘eP'  Q ↝⇘eQ'  P S Q ↝⇘eP' S Q'
  by (simp add: Aftertick_Sync BOT_τ_trans_anything initials_Sync)
    (meson τ_trans_SyncL τ_trans_SyncR τ_trans_transitivity ev_trans_is)

lemmas Sync_OpSem_rules = τ_trans_SyncL τ_trans_SyncR
  ev_trans_SyncL ev_trans_SyncR
  τ_trans_SKIP_SyncL τ_trans_SKIP_SyncR


subsection @{const [source] Sliding} Laws›

locale OpSemTransitionsSliding = OpSemTransitions Ψ Ω (↝τ) 
  for Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl τ 50) +
  assumes τ_trans_SlidingL : P τ P'  P  Q τ P'  Q
    ―‹We just add the @{thm [source] τ_trans_SlidingL} property.›

lemmas Sliding_OpSem_rules = τ_trans_SlidingR τ_trans_SlidingL
  ev_trans_SlidingL tick_trans_SlidingL


(* sublocale OpSemTransitionsDet ⊆ OpSemTransitionsSliding
  apply unfold_locales 
  apply (simp add: Sliding_def)


  We need an additional assumption: kind of monotony of τ_trans on both sides *)

subsection @{const [source] Sliding} relaxed Laws›

―‹Introduced to recover some rules with term‹(⊑F)› refinement.›

locale OpSemTransitionsSlidingRelaxed = OpSemTransitions Ψ Ω (↝τ) 
  for Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl τ 50) +
  assumes τ_trans_SlidingL : P =   P'    Q =   P τ P'  P  Q τ P'  Q
    ―‹We just add the @{thm [source] τ_trans_SlidingL} property.›

lemmas Sliding_OpSem_rules = τ_trans_SlidingR τ_trans_SlidingL
  ev_trans_SlidingL tick_trans_SlidingL


subsection @{const [source] Interrupt} Laws›

locale OpSemTransitionsInterruptL = OpSemTransitions Ψ Ω (↝τ) 
  for Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl τ 50) +
  assumes τ_trans_InterruptL : P τ P'  P  Q τ P'  Q

lemma ev_trans_InterruptL: P ↝⇘eP'  P  Q ↝⇘eP'  Q
  apply (simp add: Aftertick_Interrupt initials_Interrupt)
  using τ_trans_InterruptL τ_trans_NdetR τ_trans_transitivity by blast

(* lemma event_trans_InterruptR: ‹Q ↝e Q' ⟹ P △ Q ↝e Q'›
  oops *)
(* same issue as everywhere with Ω, we need to split *)

lemma ev_trans_InterruptR: Q ↝⇘eQ'  P  Q ↝⇘eQ'
  apply (simp add: Aftertick_Interrupt initials_Interrupt)
  using τ_trans_NdetL τ_trans_transitivity by blast


locale OpSemTransitionsInterrupt = OpSemTransitionsInterruptL Ψ Ω (↝τ) 
  for Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl τ 50) +
  assumes τ_trans_InterruptR : Q τ Q'  P  Q τ P  Q'
    ―‹We just add the @{thm [source] τ_trans_InterruptR} property.›

lemmas Interrupt_OpSem_rules = τ_trans_InterruptL τ_trans_InterruptR
  ev_trans_InterruptL ev_trans_InterruptR
  tick_trans_InterruptL tick_trans_InterruptR


subsection @{const [source] Throw} Laws›

locale OpSemTransitionsThrow = OpSemTransitions Ψ Ω (↝τ) 
  for Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl τ 50) +
  assumes τ_trans_ThrowL : P τ P'  P Θ a  A. Q a τ P' Θ a  A. Q a

(* We don't want τ_trans_ThrowR in "The expressiveness of CSP extended by priority" 
   because only the first argument is active *)

lemma ev_trans_ThrowL_notin:
  e  A  P ↝⇘eP'  P Θ a  A. Q a ↝⇘e(P' Θ a  A. Q a)
  by (simp add: Aftertick_Throw initials_Throw BOT_τ_trans_anything τ_trans_ThrowL)

lemmas Throw_OpSem_rules = τ_trans_ThrowL tick_trans_ThrowL
  ev_trans_ThrowL_notin ev_trans_ThrowR_inside


section ‹Locales, Assemble !›

text ‹It is now time to assemble our locales.›

locale OpSemTransitionsAll =
  OpSemTransitionsDet Ψ Ω (↝τ) +
  OpSemTransitionsSeq Ψ Ω (↝τ) +
  OpSemTransitionsHiding Ψ Ω (↝τ) +
  OpSemTransitionsSync Ψ Ω (↝τ) +
  OpSemTransitionsSliding Ψ Ω (↝τ) +
  OpSemTransitionsInterrupt Ψ Ω (↝τ) +
  OpSemTransitionsThrow Ψ Ω (↝τ)
  for Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl τ 50)

text ‹Of course we need to duplicate the locale for obtaining constRenaming rules.›

locale OpSemTransitionsAllDuplicated = 
  OpSemTransitionsAllα: OpSemTransitionsAll Ψα Ωα (ατ) +
  OpSemTransitionsAllβ: OpSemTransitionsAll Ψβ Ωβ (βτ) +
  OpSemTransitionsRenaming Ψα Ωα τ_transα Ψβ Ωβ τ_transβ
  for Ψα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ωα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_transα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl ατ 50)
    and Ψβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 'b]  ('b, 's) processptick
    and Ωβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 's]  ('b, 's) processptick
    and τ_transβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, ('b, 's) processptick]  bool (infixl βτ 50)

notation OpSemTransitionsAllα.ev_trans (‹_ α↝⇘_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation OpSemTransitionsAllα.tick_trans (‹_ α_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation OpSemTransitionsAllβ.ev_trans (‹_ β↝⇘_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation OpSemTransitionsAllβ.tick_trans (‹_ β_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)


section (↝τ)› instantiated with term(⊑FD) or term(⊑DT)

subsection (↝τ)› instantiated with term(⊑FD)

locale OpSemFD =
  fixes Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
  assumes mono_Ω_FD: ✓(r)  Q0  P FD Q  Ω P r FD Ω Q r

sublocale OpSemFD  OpSemTransitionsAll _ _ (⊑FD) :: ('a, 'r) processptick  ('a, 'r) processptick  bool
proof unfold_locales
  show P  Q FD P for P Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick by (fact Ndet_FD_self_left)
  show P FD Q  Q FD R  P FD R for P Q R :: ('a, 'r) processptick by (fact trans_FD)
  show P FD Q  Q0  P0 for P Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick by (fact anti_mono_initials_FD)
  show e  Q0  P FD Q 
        AfterExt.Aftertick Ψ Ω P e FD AfterExt.Aftertick Ψ Ω Q e for e P Q
    by (cases e) (simp_all add: AfterExt.Aftertick_def After.mono_After_FD mono_Ω_FD)
  show P FD P'  P  Q FD P'  Q for P P' Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick
    by (intro mono_Det_FD idem_FD)
  show P FD P'  P ; Q FD P' ; Q for P P' Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick
    by (intro mono_Seq_FD idem_FD)
  show P FD P'  P \ A FD P' \ A for P P' :: ('a, 'r) processptick and A
    by (intro mono_Hiding_FD idem_FD)
  show P FD P'  P S Q FD P' S Q for P P' Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick and S
    by (intro mono_Sync_FD idem_FD)
  show P FD P'  P  Q FD P'  Q for P P' Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick
    by (intro mono_Sliding_FD idem_FD)
  show P FD P'  P  Q FD P'  Q for P P' Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick
    by (intro mono_Interrupt_FD idem_FD)
  show Q FD Q'  P  Q FD P  Q' for P Q Q' :: ('a, 'r) processptick
    by (intro mono_Interrupt_FD idem_FD)
  show P FD P'  P Θ a  A. Q a FD P' Θ a  A. Q a for P P' :: ('a, 'r) processptick and  A Q
    by (intro mono_Throw_FD idem_FD)

context OpSemFD

text ‹Finally, the only remaining hypothesis is @{thm mono_Ω_FD} when we instantiate our locale
      with the failure-divergence refinement term(⊑FD).›

text ‹Of course, we can strengthen some previous results.›

(* no_notation failure_divergence_refine (infix ‹⊑FD› 60) *)

notation failure_divergence_refine (infixl FDτ 50)
notation ev_trans (‹_ FD↝⇘_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation tick_trans (‹_ FD_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation trace_trans (‹_ FD*_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)

lemma trace_trans_imp_F: P FD*s Q  X   Q  (s, X)   P
  by (rule trace_trans_imp_F_if_τ_trans_imp_leF) (simp add: leFD_imp_leF)

lemma tickFree_trace_trans_BOT_imp_D: tickFree s  P FD*s   s  𝒟 P
  by (rule tickFree_trace_trans_BOT_imp_D_if_τ_trans_BOT_imp_eq_BOT_weak) (simp add: FD_antisym)

lemma F_trace_trans_reality_check: tickFree s  (s, X)   P  (Q. (P FD*s Q)  X   Q)
  by (simp add: F_trace_trans_reality_check_weak leFD_imp_leF)

lemma D_trace_trans_reality_check: tickFree s  s  𝒟 P  P FD*s 
  by (simp add: D_trace_trans_reality_check_weak FD_antisym)

lemma Ω_SKIP_is_STOP_imp_SKIP_trace_trans_iff: 
  Ω (SKIP r) r = STOP  (SKIP r FD*s P)  s = []  P = SKIP r  s = [✓(r)]  P = STOP
  by (erule Ω_SKIP_is_STOP_imp_τ_trans_imp_leF_imp_SKIP_trace_trans_iff)
    (simp add: leFD_imp_leF)

lemmas τ_trans_adm = le_FD_adm 

lemma ev_trans_adm[simp]:
  cont (λP. Ψ P e); cont u; monofun v  adm (λx. u x FD↝⇘ev x)
  by simp

lemma tick_trans_adm[simp]:
  cont (λP. Ω P r); cont u; monofun v  adm (λx. u x FDrv x)
  by simp

lemma trace_trans_adm[simp]:
  x. ev x  set s  cont (λP. Ψ P x);
    r. ✓(r)  set s  cont (λP. Ω P r); cont u; monofun v
    adm (λx. u x FD*s (v x))
  by simp


locale OpSemFDDuplicated =
  OpSemFDα: OpSemFD Ψα Ωα + OpSemFDβ: OpSemFD Ψβ Ωβ
  for Ψα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ωα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ψβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 'b]  ('b, 's) processptick
    and Ωβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 's]  ('b, 's) processptick

sublocale OpSemFDDuplicated  OpSemTransitionsAllDuplicated _ _ (⊑FD) _ _ (⊑FD)
  by (unfold_locales) (simp add: mono_Renaming_FD)

subsection (↝τ)› instantiated with term(⊑DT)

locale OpSemDT =
  fixes Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
  assumes mono_Ω_DT: ✓(r)  Q0  P DT Q  Ω P r DT Ω Q r

sublocale OpSemDT  OpSemTransitionsAll _ _ (⊑DT) :: ('a, 'r) processptick  ('a, 'r) processptick  bool
proof unfold_locales
  show P  Q DT P for P Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick by (fact Ndet_DT_self_left)
  show P DT Q  Q DT R  PDT R for P Q R :: ('a, 'r) processptick by (fact trans_DT)
  show P DT Q  Q0  P0 for P Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick by (fact anti_mono_initials_DT)
  show e  Q0  P DT Q 
        AfterExt.Aftertick Ψ Ω P e DT AfterExt.Aftertick Ψ Ω Q e for e P Q
    by (cases e) (simp_all add: AfterExt.Aftertick_def After.mono_After_DT mono_Ω_DT)
qed (simp_all add: mono_Det_DT mono_Seq_DT mono_Hiding_DT mono_Sync_DT
    mono_Sliding_DT mono_Interrupt_DT mono_Throw_DT)

context OpSemDT

text ‹Finally, the only remaining hypothesis is @{thm mono_Ω_DT} when we instantiate our locale
      with the failure-divergence refinement term(⊑DT).›

text ‹Of course, we can strengthen some previous results.›

(* no_notation failure_divergence_refine (infix ‹⊑DT› 60) *)

notation trace_divergence_refine (infixl DTτ 50)
notation ev_trans (‹_ DT↝⇘_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation tick_trans (‹_ DT_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation trace_trans (‹_ DT*_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)

lemma tickFree_trace_trans_BOT_imp_D: tickFree s  P DT*s   s  𝒟 P
  by (rule tickFree_trace_trans_BOT_imp_D_if_τ_trans_BOT_imp_eq_BOT_weak)
    (meson BOT_iff_Nil_D divergence_refine_def leDT_imp_leD subsetD)

lemma D_trace_trans_reality_check: tickFree s  s  𝒟 P  P DT*s 
  by (simp add: D_trace_trans_reality_check_weak BOT_iff_Nil_D tickFree_trace_trans_BOT_imp_D trace_τ_trans)

lemmas τ_trans_adm = le_DT_adm 

lemma ev_trans_adm[simp]:
  cont (λP. Ψ P e); cont u; monofun v  adm (λx. u x DT↝⇘ev x)
  by simp

lemma tick_trans_adm[simp]:
  cont (λP. Ω P r); cont u; monofun v  adm (λx. u x DTrv x)
  by simp

lemma trace_trans_adm[simp]:
  x. ev x  set s  cont (λP. Ψ P x);
    r. ✓(r)  set s  cont (λP. Ω P r); cont u; monofun v
    adm (λx. u x DT*s (v x))
  by simp

text ‹If we only look at the traces and the divergences, non-deterministic and deterministic 
      choices are the same. Therefore we can obtain even stronger results for the operational rules.›

lemma τ_trans_Det_is_τ_trans_Ndet: P  Q DTτ R  P  Q DTτ R
  unfolding trace_divergence_refine_def trace_refine_def divergence_refine_def
  by (simp add: T_Det T_Ndet D_Det D_Ndet)

lemma τ_trans_Sliding_is_τ_trans_Ndet: P  Q DTτ R  P  Q DTτ R
  unfolding Sliding_def by (metis Det_assoc Det_id τ_trans_Det_is_τ_trans_Ndet)


locale OpSemDTDuplicated =
  OpSemDTα: OpSemDT Ψα Ωα + OpSemDTβ: OpSemDT Ψβ Ωβ
  for Ψα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ωα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ψβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 'b]  ('b, 's) processptick
    and Ωβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 's]  ('b, 's) processptick

sublocale OpSemDTDuplicated  OpSemTransitionsAllDuplicated _ _ (⊑DT) _ _ (⊑DT)
  by (unfold_locales) (simp add: mono_Renaming_DT)

section (↝τ)› instantiated with term(⊑F) or term(⊑T)

text ‹We will only recover the rules for some operators.›

subsection (↝τ)› instantiated with term(⊑F)

locale OpSemF =
  fixes Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
  assumes mono_Ω_F: ✓(r)  Q0  P F Q  Ω P r F Ω Q r

sublocale OpSemF  OpSemTransitionsHiding _ _ (⊑F) :: ('a, 'r) processptick  ('a, 'r) processptick  bool +
  OpSemTransitionsDetRelaxed _ _ (⊑F) :: ('a, 'r) processptick  ('a, 'r) processptick  bool +
  OpSemTransitionsSlidingRelaxed _ _ (⊑F) :: ('a, 'r) processptick  ('a, 'r) processptick  bool
proof unfold_locales
  show P  Q F P for P Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick by (fact Ndet_F_self_left)
  show P F Q  Q F R  PF R for P Q R :: ('a, 'r) processptick by (fact trans_F)
  show P F Q  Q0  P0 for P Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick by (fact anti_mono_initials_F)
  show e  Q0  P F Q 
        AfterExt.Aftertick Ψ Ω P e F AfterExt.Aftertick Ψ Ω Q e for e P Q
    by (cases e) (simp_all add: AfterExt.Aftertick_def After.mono_After_F mono_Ω_F)
qed (simp_all add: non_BOT_mono_Det_left_F non_BOT_mono_Sliding_F mono_Hiding_F)

context OpSemF

notation failure_refine (infixl Fτ 50)
notation ev_trans (‹_ F↝⇘_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation tick_trans (‹_ F_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation trace_trans (‹_ F*_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)

text ‹For @{const [source] Det} and @{const [source] Sliding},
      we have relaxed versions on τ› transitions.›


text ‹By duplicating the locale, we can recover a rules for constRenaming.›

locale OpSemFDuplicated =
  OpSemFα: OpSemF Ψα Ωα + OpSemFβ: OpSemF Ψβ Ωβ
  for Ψα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ωα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ψβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 'b]  ('b, 's) processptick
    and Ωβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 's]  ('b, 's) processptick

sublocale OpSemFDuplicated  OpSemTransitionsDuplicated _ _ (⊑F) _ _ (⊑F)
  by unfold_locales

context OpSemFDuplicated

notation OpSemFα.ev_trans (‹_ αF↝⇘_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation OpSemFα.tick_trans (‹_ αF_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation OpSemFβ.ev_trans (‹_ βF↝⇘_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50) 
notation OpSemFβ.tick_trans (‹_ βF_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)


context OpSemF

lemma trace_trans_imp_F: P F*s Q  X   Q  (s, X)   P
  by (rule trace_trans_imp_F_if_τ_trans_imp_leF) simp

lemma Ω_SKIP_is_STOP_imp_SKIP_trace_trans_iff: 
  Ω (SKIP r) r = STOP  (SKIP r F*s P)  s = []  P = SKIP r  s = [✓(r)]  P = STOP
  by (erule Ω_SKIP_is_STOP_imp_τ_trans_imp_leF_imp_SKIP_trace_trans_iff) simp

lemmas τ_trans_adm = le_F_adm 

lemma ev_trans_adm[simp]:
  cont (λP. Ψ P e); cont u; monofun v  adm (λx. u x F↝⇘ev x)
  by simp

lemma tick_trans_adm[simp]:
  cont (λP. Ω P r); cont u; monofun v  adm (λx. u x Frv x)
  by simp

lemma trace_trans_adm[simp]:
  x. ev x  set s  cont (λP. Ψ P x);
    r. ✓(r)  set s  cont (λP. Ω P r);
    cont u; monofun v  adm (λx. u x F*s (v x))
  by simp


subsection (↝τ)› instantiated with term(⊑T)

locale OpSemTransitionsForT = 
  OpSemTransitionsDet Ψ Ω (↝τ) +
  OpSemTransitionsHiding Ψ Ω (↝τ) +
  OpSemTransitionsSliding Ψ Ω (↝τ) +
  OpSemTransitionsInterrupt Ψ Ω (↝τ)
  for Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and τ_trans :: [('a, 'r) processptick, ('a, 'r) processptick]  bool (infixl τ 50)

locale OpSemT =
  fixes Ψ :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ω :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
  assumes mono_Ω_T: ✓(r)  Q0  P T Q  Ω P r T Ω Q r

sublocale OpSemT  OpSemTransitionsForT _ _ (⊑T) :: ('a, 'r) processptick  ('a, 'r) processptick  bool
proof unfold_locales
  show P  Q T P for P Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick by (fact Ndet_T_self_left)
  show P T Q  Q T R  PT R for P Q R :: ('a, 'r) processptick by (fact trans_T)
  show P T Q  Q0  P0 for P Q :: ('a, 'r) processptick by (fact anti_mono_initials_T)
  show e  Q0  P T Q 
        AfterExt.Aftertick Ψ Ω P e T AfterExt.Aftertick Ψ Ω Q e for e P Q
    by (cases e) (simp_all add: AfterExt.Aftertick_def After.mono_After_T mono_Ω_T)
qed (simp_all add: mono_Det_T mono_Sliding_T mono_Hiding_T mono_Interrupt_T)

context OpSemT

notation trace_refine (infixl Tτ 50)
notation ev_trans (‹_ T↝⇘_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation tick_trans (‹_ T_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation trace_trans (‹_ T*_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)


text ‹By duplicating the locale, we can recover a rules for constRenaming.›

locale OpSemTDuplicated =
  OpSemTα: OpSemT Ψα Ωα + OpSemTβ: OpSemT Ψβ Ωβ
  for Ψα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'a]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ωα :: [('a, 'r) processptick, 'r]  ('a, 'r) processptick
    and Ψβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 'b]  ('b, 's) processptick
    and Ωβ :: [('b, 's) processptick, 's]  ('b, 's) processptick

sublocale OpSemTDuplicated  OpSemTransitionsDuplicated _ _ (⊑T) _ _ (⊑T)
  by unfold_locales

context OpSemTDuplicated

notation OpSemTα.ev_trans (‹_ αT↝⇘_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation OpSemTα.tick_trans (‹_ αT_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
notation OpSemTβ.ev_trans (‹_ βT↝⇘_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50) 
notation OpSemTβ.tick_trans (‹_ βT_ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)


context OpSemT

lemmas τ_trans_adm = le_T_adm 

lemma ev_trans_adm[simp]:
  cont (λP. Ψ P e); cont u; monofun v  adm (λx. u x T↝⇘ev x)
  by simp

lemma tick_trans_adm[simp]:
  cont (λP. Ω P r); cont u; monofun v  adm (λx. u x Trv x)
  by simp

lemma trace_trans_adm[simp]:
  x. ev x  set s  cont (λP. Ψ P x);
    r. ✓(r)  set s  cont (λP. Ω P r); cont u; monofun v
    adm (λx. u x T*s (v x))
  by simp

text ‹If we only look at the traces, non-deterministic and deterministic choices are the same.
      Therefore we can obtain even stronger results for the operational rules.›

lemma τ_trans_Det_is_τ_trans_Ndet: P  Q Tτ R  P  Q Tτ R
  unfolding trace_divergence_refine_def trace_refine_def divergence_refine_def
  by (simp add: T_Det T_Ndet D_Det D_Ndet)

lemma τ_trans_Sliding_is_τ_trans_Ndet: P  Q Tτ R  P  Q Tτ R
  unfolding Sliding_def by (metis Det_assoc Det_id τ_trans_Det_is_τ_trans_Ndet)

