Theory TSO

theory TSO

section‹ Total store order (TSO)\label{sec:tso} ›


The total store order (TSO) memory model (citet"OwensSarkarSewell:2009"; valid on multicore
x86) can be modelled as a closure as demonstrated by citet‹p182› in "JagadeesanEtAl:2012".
Essentially this is done by incorporating a write buffer into each thread's local state and adding
buffer draining opportunities before and after every command.  The only subtlety is that the all
threads involved in a parallel composition need to start and end with empty write buffers (see

We configure the code generator in \S\ref{sec:tso-code_generation}.

Comparison with citet"JagadeesanEtAl:2012":
  We ignore mumbling-related issues and it doesn't make any difference
   in our model we commit writes one at a time; mumbling allows several to be committed at once (p182) which we model as an uninterrupted sequence of individual writes
   if we allowed commit_writes› to commit multiple writes in a single step then tso_closure› would not be idempotent
  their semantics is for terminating computations only; ours is for safety only
  their language is deterministic, ours is non-deterministic
  They do not provide many general laws for TSO
  Their claims that the semantics allows them to prove things (\S5) is not substantiated


type_synonym write_buffer = "heap.write list"

definition apply_writes :: "write_buffer  heap.t  heap.t" where
  "apply_writes ws = fold (λw. (∘) (heap.apply_write w)) ws id"

lemma apply_write_present:
  assumes "heap.present r s"
  shows "heap.present r (heap.apply_write w s)"
using assms by (cases w) (simp split: heap.obj_at.splits)

lemma apply_writes_present:
  assumes "heap.present r s"
  shows "heap.present r (apply_writes wb s)"
using assms by (induct wb arbitrary: s) (simp_all add: apply_writes_def fold_fun apply_write_present)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "raw"

type_synonym 'v tso = "write_buffer  (heap.t, 'v × write_buffer) prog"

definition bind :: "'a raw.tso  ('a  'b raw.tso)  'b raw.tso" where
  "bind f g = (λwb. f wb  uncurry g)"

  Monad_Syntax.bind  raw.bind

definition prim_return :: "'a  'a raw.tso" where
  "prim_return v = (λwb. prog.return (v, wb))"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "bind"

lemma mono:
  assumes "f  f'"
  assumes "x. g x  g' x"
  shows "raw.bind f g  raw.bind f' g'"
using assms by (fastforce simp: raw.bind_def prog.bind.mono le_fun_def intro: prog.bind.mono)

lemma strengthen[strg]:
  assumes "st_ord F f f'"
  assumes "x. st_ord F (g x) (g' x)"
  shows "st_ord F (raw.bind f g) (raw.bind f' g')"
using assms by (cases F; clarsimp intro!: raw.bind.mono)

lemma mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "monotone orda (≤) F"
  assumes "x. monotone orda (≤) (λy. G y x)"
  shows "monotone orda (≤) (λf. raw.bind (F f) (G f))"
using assms unfolding monotone_def by (meson raw.bind.mono)

lemma botL:
  shows "raw.bind  g = "
by (simp add: raw.bind_def fun_eq_iff prog.bind.botL)

lemma bind:
  fixes f :: "_ raw.tso"
  shows "f  g  h = f  (λx. g x  h)"
by (simp add: raw.bind_def fun_eq_iff split_def prog.bind.bind)

lemma prim_return:
  shows prim_returnL: "raw.bind (raw.prim_return v) = (λg. g v)"
    and prim_returnR: "f  raw.prim_return = f"
by (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff raw.prim_return_def raw.bind_def split_def prog.bind.return)

lemma supL:
  fixes g :: "_  _ raw.tso"
  shows "f1  f2  g = (f1  g)  (f2  g)"
by (simp add: raw.bind_def fun_eq_iff prog.bind.supL)

lemma supR:
  fixes f :: "_ raw.tso"
  shows "f  (λv. g1 v  g2 v) = (f  g1)  (f  g2)"
by (simp add: raw.bind_def fun_eq_iff split_def prog.bind.supR)

lemma SUPL:
  fixes X :: "_ set"
  fixes f :: "_  _ raw.tso"
  shows "(xX. f x)  g = (xX. f x  g)"
by (simp add: raw.bind_def fun_eq_iff prog.bind.SUPL image_image)

lemma SUPR:
  fixes X :: "_ set"
  fixes f :: "_ raw.tso"
  shows "f  (λv. xX. g x v) = (xX. f  g x)  (f  )"
by (simp add: raw.bind_def split_def fun_eq_iff image_image bot_fun_def prog.bind.SUPR)

lemma SUPR_not_empty:
  fixes f :: "_ raw.tso"
  assumes "X  {}"
  shows "f  (λv. xX. g x v) = (xX. f  g x)"
by (simp add: raw.bind_def split_def fun_eq_iff image_image prog.bind.SUPR_not_empty[OF assms])

lemma mcont2mcont[cont_intro]:
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) f"
  assumes "v. mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. g x v)"
  shows "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. raw.bind (f x) (g x))"
proof(rule ccpo.mcont2mcont'[OF complete_lattice_ccpo _ _ assms(1)])
  show "mcont Sup (≤) Sup (≤) (λf. raw.bind f (g x))" for x
    by (intro mcontI contI monotoneI) (simp_all add: raw.bind.mono flip: raw.bind.SUPL)
  show "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. raw.bind f (g x))" for f
    by (intro mcontI monotoneI contI)
       (simp_all add: mcont_monoD[OF assms(2)] raw.bind.mono flip: raw.bind.SUPR_not_empty contD[OF mcont_cont[OF assms(2)]])

setup Sign.parent_path

interpretation kleene: kleene "raw.prim_return ()" "λx y. raw.bind x y"
by standard (simp_all add: raw.bind.prim_return raw.bind.botL raw.bind.bind raw.bind.supL raw.bind.supR)

primrec commit_write :: "unit raw.tso" where
  "commit_write [] = prog.return ((), [])"
| "commit_write (w # wb) = prog.action {(((), wb), h, heap.apply_write w h) |h. True}"

definition commit_writes :: "unit raw.tso" where
  "commit_writes = raw.commit_write"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tso"

definition cl :: "'v raw.tso  'v raw.tso" where
  "cl P = raw.commit_writes  P  (λv. raw.commit_writes  raw.prim_return v)"

setup Sign.parent_path

definition action :: "(write_buffer  ('v × write_buffer × heap.t × heap.t) set)  'v raw.tso" where
  "action F = (λwb. prog.action {((v, wb @ ws), ss') |v ss' ws. (v, ws, ss')  F wb})"

definition return :: "'v  'v raw.tso" where
  "return v = raw.action {v} × {[]} × Id"

definition guard :: "(write_buffer  heap.t pred)  unit raw.tso" where
  "guard g = raw.action (λwb. {()} × {[]} × Diag (g wb))"

definition MFENCE :: "unit raw.tso" where
  "MFENCE = raw.guard (λwb s. wb = [])"

definition vmap :: "('v  'w)  'v raw.tso  'w raw.tso" where
  "vmap vf P = (λwb. prog.vmap (map_prod vf id) (P wb))"

―‹ Parallel composition\label{sec:tso-parallel} ›
definition t2p :: "'v raw.tso  (heap.t, 'v) prog" where
  "t2p P = P []  (λ(v, wb). raw.MFENCE wb  prog.return v)"

―‹ citet‹p184 rule ‹PAR-CMD› in "JagadeesanEtAl:2012": perform ‹MFENCE› before fork ›
definition parallel :: "unit raw.tso  unit raw.tso  unit raw.tso" where
  "parallel P Q = raw.MFENCE  (raw.t2p P  raw.t2p Q)  prog.return ((), [])"

lemma return_alt_def:
  shows "raw.return = (λv. (raw.prim_return v))"
by (fastforce simp: raw.return_def raw.action_def raw.prim_return_def prog.return_def
             intro: arg_cong[where f="λP. P wb" for wb] arg_cong[where f="prog.action"])

setup Sign.mandatory_path "commit_writes"

lemma return_le:
  shows "raw.prim_return ()  raw.commit_writes"
unfolding raw.commit_writes_def by (subst simp

lemma return_le':
  shows "prog.return ((), wb)  raw.commit_writes wb"
using raw.commit_writes.return_le by (simp add: raw.prim_return_def le_fun_def)

lemma commit_writes:
  shows "raw.commit_writes  raw.commit_writes = raw.commit_writes"
by (simp add: raw.commit_writes_def raw.kleene.star_comp_star)

lemma Nil:
  shows "raw.commit_writes [] = prog.return ((), [])" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    unfolding raw.commit_writes_def
    by (induct rule:
       (simp_all add: raw.bind_def raw.prim_return_def prog.bind.returnL spec.bind.mono)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    unfolding raw.commit_writes_def
    by (subst (simp add: raw.bind_def raw.prim_return_def)

lemma Cons:
  shows "raw.commit_writes (w # wb)
       = (raw.commit_write [w]  raw.commit_writes wb)  raw.prim_return () (w # wb)"
apply (simp add: raw.commit_writes_def)
apply (subst (1)
apply (subst (1) raw.bind_def)
apply simp
apply (subst prog.action.return_const[where F="{(s, heap.apply_write w s) |s. True}" and V="{((), wb)}" and W="{((), [])}", simplified Pair_image[symmetric] image_def, simplified])
apply (simp add: prog.bind.bind prog.bind.returnL)

lemma Cons_le:
  shows "raw.commit_write [w]  raw.commit_writes wb  raw.commit_writes (w # wb)"
by (simp add: raw.commit_writes.Cons)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec.singleton.raw"

lemma prim_return_Nil_le:
  shows "s, [], Some ((), wb)  prog.p2s (raw.prim_return () wb)"
by (simp add: raw.prim_return_def prog.p2s.return
              spec.bind.continueI[where xs="[]", simplified] spec.singleton.le_conv)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec.singleton.raw.commit_writes"

lemma noop_le:
  shows "s, [], Some ((), wb)  prog.p2s (raw.commit_writes wb)"
unfolding raw.commit_writes_def
by (rule order.trans[OF spec.singleton.raw.prim_return_Nil_le
                        prog.p2s.mono[OF le_funD[OF raw.kleene.epsilon_star_le]]])

lemma wb_suffix:
  assumes "s, xs, Some ((), wb')  prog.p2s (raw.commit_writes wb)"
  shows "suffix wb' wb"
using assms
by (induct wb arbitrary: s xs)
   (auto simp: raw.commit_writes.Nil raw.commit_writes.Cons raw.prim_return_def
               prog.p2s.simps prog.p2s.return
               trace.split_all spec.singleton.le_conv
        elim!: spec.singleton.bind_le)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "raw"

setup Sign.mandatory_path ""

lemma bind_commit_writes_absorbL:
  fixes P :: "'v raw.tso"
  shows "raw.commit_writes P = P"
by (simp add: raw.tso.cl_def raw.commit_writes.commit_writes flip: raw.bind.bind)

lemma bind_commit_writes_absorb_unitR:
  fixes P :: "unit raw.tso"
  shows " P  raw.commit_writes = P"
by (simp add: raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind.bind raw.commit_writes.commit_writes raw.bind.prim_returnR)

lemma bind_commit_writes_absorbR:
  fixes P :: "'v raw.tso"
  shows " P  (λv. raw.commit_writes  raw.prim_return v) = P"
by (simp add: raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind.bind raw.commit_writes.commit_writes raw.bind.prim_returnL)
   (simp add: raw.commit_writes.commit_writes flip: raw.bind.bind)

lemma bot:
  shows "  = raw.commit_writes  "
by (simp add: raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind.bind raw.bind.botL flip: bot_fun_def)

lemma prim_return:
  shows " (raw.prim_return v) = raw.commit_writes  raw.prim_return v"
by (simp add: raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind.bind raw.bind.prim_returnL)
   (simp add: raw.commit_writes.commit_writes flip: raw.bind.bind)

lemma Nil:
  shows " P [] = P []  (λv. raw.commit_writes (snd v)  (λw. prog.return (fst v, snd w)))"
by (simp add: raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind_def raw.prim_return_def raw.commit_writes.Nil prog.bind.returnL split_def)

lemma commit:
  fixes wb :: write_buffer
  shows "raw.commit_write [w]  f wb f (w # wb)"
apply (simp add: raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind_def raw.prim_return_def split_def)
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF raw.commit_writes.Cons_le])
apply (simp add: prog.bind.bind)
apply (rule prog.bind.mono[OF order.refl])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF raw.commit_writes.return_le'])
apply (simp add: prog.bind.returnL prog.bind.returnR)

setup Sign.parent_path

interpretation tso: closure_complete_distrib_lattice_distributive_class
proof standard
  show "(x y) = ( x y)" for x y :: "'a raw.tso"
  proof(intro iffD2[OF order_class.order.closure_axioms_alt_def[unfolded closure_axioms_def], rule_format, simplified conj_explode] allI)
    show "P P" for P :: "'a raw.tso"
      unfolding raw.tso.cl_def
      by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF raw.commit_writes.return_le])
         (simp add: raw.bind.prim_returnL raw.bind.prim_returnR)
    show "mono"
    proof(rule monotoneI)
      fix P P' :: "'v raw.tso"
      assume "P  P'" show " P P'"
        unfolding raw.tso.cl_def by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF P  P']) simp
    show " ( P) = P" for P :: "'a raw.tso"
      by (simp add: raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind.bind raw.commit_writes.commit_writes raw.bind.prim_returnL)
         (simp add: raw.commit_writes.commit_writes flip: raw.bind.bind)
  show " (X)   ( ` X) " for X :: "'a raw.tso set"
    by (simp add: raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind.bind raw.bind.botL flip: bot_fun_def raw.bind.SUPR raw.bind.SUPL)

setup Sign.mandatory_path ""

lemma bind:
  fixes f :: "'v raw.tso"
  assumes "f  raw.tso.closed"
  shows " (f  g) = f  (λv. (g v))"
apply (simp add: raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind.bind)
apply (subst (1 2) raw.tso.closed_conv[OF assms(1)])
apply (simp add: flip: raw.bind.bind)
apply (subst (1)[symmetric])
apply (simp add: raw.bind.bind raw.bind.prim_returnL)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "bind"

lemma commit_writes_absorbL:
  assumes "f  raw.tso.closed"
  shows "raw.commit_writes  f = f"
by (metis assms raw.tso.closed_conv

lemma commit_writes_absorb_unitR:
  assumes "f  raw.tso.closed"
  shows "f  raw.commit_writes = f"
by (metis assms raw.tso.closed_conv

lemma returnL:
  assumes "g v  raw.tso.closed"
  shows "raw.return v  g = g v"
by (simp add: assms raw.return_alt_def raw.bind.commit_writes_absorbL
     raw.bind.bind raw.bind.prim_returnL)

lemma returnR:
  assumes "f  raw.tso.closed"
  shows "f  raw.return = f"
by (simp add: raw.return_alt_def[of f, simplified raw.tso.closed_conv[OF assms, symmetric]])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tso.closed"

lemma commit_writes:
  shows "raw.commit_writes  raw.tso.closed"
by (rule raw.tso.closed_clI)
   (simp add: raw.tso.cl_def raw.commit_writes.commit_writes raw.bind.prim_returnR
        flip: raw.bind.bind)

lemma bind[intro]:
  fixes f :: "'v raw.tso"
  fixes g :: "'v  'w raw.tso"
  assumes "f  raw.tso.closed"
  assumes "x. g x  raw.tso.closed"
  shows "f  g  raw.tso.closed"
by (simp add: assms raw.tso.closed_clI flip: raw.tso.closed_conv)

lemma action[intro]:
  shows "raw.action F  raw.tso.closed"
by (simp add: raw.action_def)

lemma guard[intro]:
  shows "raw.guard g  raw.tso.closed"
by (simp add: raw.guard_def raw.tso.closed.action)

lemma MFENCE[intro]:
  shows "raw.MFENCE  raw.tso.closed"
by (simp add: raw.MFENCE_def raw.tso.closed.guard)

lemma parallel[intro]:
  assumes "P  raw.tso.closed"
  assumes "Q  raw.tso.closed"
  shows "raw.parallel P Q  raw.tso.closed"
apply (rule raw.tso.closed_clI)
apply (clarsimp simp: raw.parallel_def raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind.prim_returnR le_fun_def)
apply (subst (2) raw.bind.commit_writes_absorbL[OF raw.tso.closed.MFENCE, symmetric])
apply (simp add: raw.bind_def split_def prog.bind.bind prog.bind.mono[OF order.refl]
                 prog.bind.returnL raw.commit_writes.Nil)

lemma vmap[intro]:
  assumes "P  raw.tso.closed"
  shows "raw.vmap vf P  raw.tso.closed"
proof(rule raw.tso.closed_clI)
  have " (raw.vmap vf P)  raw.vmap vf ( P)"
    by (simp add: le_funI raw.tso.cl_def raw.vmap_def raw.bind_def raw.prim_return_def split_def comp_def
                 prog.vmap.eq_return prog.bind.bind prog.bind.returnL)
  then show " (raw.vmap vf P)  raw.vmap vf P"
    by (simp flip: raw.tso.closed_conv[OF assms])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "action"

lemma bot:
  shows "raw.action  = "
by (simp add: raw.action_def prog.action.empty bot_fun_def)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono raw.action"
unfolding raw.action_def
by (fastforce simp: le_fun_def intro: monoI prog.action.mono raw.tso.mono_cl)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF raw.action.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF raw.action.monotone]

lemma Sup:
  shows "raw.action (Fs) = (raw.action ` Fs) " (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  have "?rhs = ( ` (λF wb. prog.action {((v, wb @ ws), s, s') |v s s' ws. (v, ws, s, s')  F wb}) ` Fs) "
    by (simp add: raw.action_def image_comp)
  also have " = (FFs. (λwb. prog.action {((v, wb @ ws), s, s') |v s s' ws. (v, ws, s, s')  F wb}))"
    by (simp add: raw.tso.cl_Sup)
  also have " = (λwb. (prog.action ` (λF. {((v, wb @ ws), s, s') |v s s' ws. (v, ws, s, s')  F wb}) ` Fs))"
    by (simp add: Sup_fun_def image_comp)
  also have " = ?lhs"
    by (force simp: raw.action_def
         simp flip: prog.action.Sup
             intro: arg_cong[where] arg_cong[where f=prog.action])
  finally show ?thesis ..

lemma sup:
  shows "raw.action (F  G) = raw.action F  raw.action G"
using raw.action.Sup[where Fs="{F, G}"]
by (simp add: sup.absorb1 le_supI1 raw.action.mono flip:

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "guard"

lemma return_le:
  shows "raw.guard g  raw.return ()"
by (fastforce simp add: raw.guard_def raw.return_def intro: le_funI raw.action.mono)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono (raw.guard :: (write_buffer  heap.t pred)  _)"
proof(rule monoI)
  show "raw.guard g  raw.guard h" if "g  h" for g h :: "write_buffer  heap.t pred"
    unfolding raw.guard_def Diag_def
    by (blast intro: raw.action.mono le_funI predicate2D[OF that])

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF raw.guard.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF raw.guard.monotone]

lemma less: ―‹ Non-triviality; essentially replay @{thm [source] "prog.guard.less"}
  assumes "g < g'"
  shows "raw.guard g < raw.guard g'"
proof(rule le_neq_trans)
  show "raw.guard g  raw.guard g'"
    by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF order_less_imp_le[OF assms]]) simp
  from assms obtain wb s where "g' wb s" "¬g wb s" by (metis leD predicate2I)
  from ¬g wb s have "¬trace.T s [] (Some ((), wb))  prog.p2s (raw.guard g wb)"
    by (auto simp: raw.guard_def raw.action_def raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind_def raw.prim_return_def
                   split_def trace.split_all
                   prog.p2s.simps prog.p2s.action prog.p2s.return
                   spec.singleton.le_conv spec.singleton.action_le_conv trace.steps'.step_conv
            elim!: spec.singleton.bind_le
            dest!: spec.singleton.raw.commit_writes.wb_suffix)
  from g' wb s have "trace.T s [] (Some ((), wb))  prog.p2s (raw.guard g' wb)"
    by (force simp: raw.guard_def raw.action_def raw.prim_return_def raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind_def
                    spec.bind.bind spec.singleton.le_conv
                    prog.p2s.bind prog.p2s.action prog.p2s.return
             intro: spec.bind.continueI[where xs="[]", simplified] spec.action.stutterI
  ultimately show "raw.guard g  raw.guard g'" by metis

setup Sign.parent_path

lemma MFENCE_alt_def:
  shows "raw.MFENCE = raw.commit_writes  (λwb. prog.action ({((), wb)} × Diag wb = []))"
proof -
  have *: "prog.action {x. (a. x = (((), wb), a, a))  wb = []}  (λp. raw.commit_writes (snd p))
         = prog.action ({((), wb)} × Diag (λs. wb = []))  prog.return"
   for wb
  proof(induct rule: refinement.prog.eqI[case_names l2r r2l])
    case l2r show ?case
      apply (rule refinement.prog.rev_bind)
       apply (rule refinement.prog.action[where Q="λv s. snd v = []"];
              simp add: stable_def monotone_def; fail)
      apply (rule refinement.gen_asm; clarsimp simp: raw.commit_writes.Nil)
      apply (rule refinement.sort_of_refl)
       apply (subst, simp; fail)
      apply (simp add: spec.idle.p2s_le; fail)
    case r2l show ?case
      apply (rule refinement.prog.rev_bind)
       apply (rule refinement.prog.action[where Q="λv s. snd v = []"];
              simp add: stable_def monotone_def; fail)
      apply (rule refinement.gen_asm; clarsimp simp: raw.commit_writes.Nil)
      apply (rule refinement.sort_of_refl)
       apply (subst, simp; fail)
      apply (simp add: spec.idle.p2s_le; fail)
  show ?thesis
    by (simp add: raw.MFENCE_def raw.guard_def raw.action_def raw.tso.cl_def
                  raw.bind.bind raw.bind.prim_returnR)
       (simp add: * raw.bind_def raw.prim_return_def split_def prog.bind.return)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "MFENCE"

lemma Nil:
  shows "raw.MFENCE [] = prog.return ((), [])"
by (simp add: raw.MFENCE_alt_def raw.bind_def raw.commit_writes.Nil prog.bind.returnL
        flip: Id_def prog.return_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "refinement.raw"

lemma MFENCE:
  shows "prog.p2s (raw.MFENCE wb)  P⦄, A  prog.p2s (raw.MFENCE wb), λv s. snd v = []"
apply (simp add: raw.MFENCE_alt_def raw.bind_def split_def)
apply (rule refinement.prog.rev_bind)
 apply (rule refinement.sort_of_refl)
 apply (subst, simp; fail)
apply (rule refinement.prog.action; simp add: stable_def monotone_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "raw"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "bind"

lemma MFENCEL:
  shows "raw.MFENCE wb  g = raw.MFENCE wb  g ((), [])" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(induct rule: refinement.prog.eqI[case_names l2r r2l])
  case l2r show ?case
    apply (rule refinement.prog.rev_bind)
     apply (rule refinement.raw.MFENCE)
    apply (rule refinement.gen_asm; clarsimp)
     apply (rule refinement.sort_of_refl)
     apply (subst, simp; fail)
    apply (rule spec.idle.p2s_le)
  case r2l show ?case
    apply (rule refinement.prog.rev_bind)
     apply (rule refinement.raw.MFENCE)
    apply (rule refinement.gen_asm; clarsimp)
     apply (rule refinement.sort_of_refl)
     apply (subst, simp; fail)
    apply (rule spec.idle.p2s_le)

lemma MFENCE_return:
  shows "raw.MFENCE wb  prog.return ((), []) = raw.MFENCE wb"
by (simp add: prog.bind.returnR flip: raw.bind.MFENCEL)

  shows "raw.MFENCE  raw.MFENCE = raw.MFENCE"
by (simp add: raw.bind_def raw.prim_return_def raw.MFENCE.Nil raw.bind.MFENCE_return
              raw.bind.MFENCEL[where g="(λ(_, y). raw.MFENCE y)"])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "t2p"

lemma bot:
  shows "raw.t2p  = "
by (simp add: raw.t2p_def prog.bind.botL)

lemma cl_bot:
  shows "raw.t2p ( ) = "
by (simp add: raw.t2p_def raw.bind_def raw.commit_writes.Nil
              prog.bind.bind prog.bind.botL prog.bind.returnL)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono raw.t2p"
by (rule monotoneI) (simp add: raw.t2p_def le_fun_def prog.bind.mono)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF raw.t2p.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF raw.t2p.monotone]
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono] = monotone2monotone[OF raw.t2p.monotone, simplified]

lemma Sup:
  shows "raw.t2p (X) = (raw.t2p ` X)"
by (simp add: raw.t2p_def prog.bind.SUPL)

lemma sup:
  shows "raw.t2p (P  Q) = raw.t2p P  raw.t2p Q"
using raw.t2p.Sup[where X="{P, Q}"] by simp

lemma mcont2mcont[cont_intro]:
  fixes P :: "_  _ raw.tso"
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) F"
  shows "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. raw.t2p (F x))"
proof -
  from assms have "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. F x [])"
    by (fastforce intro!: mcontI contI monotoneI
                    dest: mcont_contD mcont_monoD
                    simp: le_funD
               simp flip: SUP_apply)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: raw.t2p_def split_def)

lemma return:
  shows "raw.t2p (raw.return v) = prog.return v"
by (simp add: raw.t2p_def raw.return_alt_def raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind_def raw.prim_return_def
              prog.p2s.simps prog.p2s.return
              spec.bind.bind spec.bind.return
              raw.commit_writes.Nil raw.MFENCE.Nil
        flip: prog.p2s_inject)
   (simp add: spec.rel.wind_bind flip: spec.bind.bind)

lemma MFENCE_bind:
  shows "raw.t2p (raw.MFENCE  P) = raw.t2p (P ())"
by (simp add: raw.t2p_def raw.bind_def split_def prog.bind.returnL raw.MFENCE.Nil)

lemma bind_return_unit:
  shows "raw.t2p (λwb. prog.bind P (λ_::unit. prog.return ((), []))) = P"
by (simp add: raw.t2p_def raw.bind_def split_def
              prog.bind.bind prog.bind.returnL prog.bind.returnR raw.MFENCE.Nil)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "parallel"

lemma commute: ―‹ citet‹\S5 (3)› in "JagadeesanEtAl:2012"
  shows "raw.parallel P Q = raw.parallel Q P"
by (simp add: raw.parallel_def prog.parallel.commute)

lemma assoc: ―‹ citet‹\S5 (4)› in "JagadeesanEtAl:2012"
  shows "raw.parallel P (raw.parallel Q R) = raw.parallel (raw.parallel P Q) R"
by (simp add: raw.parallel_def raw.t2p.MFENCE_bind raw.t2p.bind_return_unit prog.parallel.assoc)

lemma mono:
  assumes "P  P'"
  assumes "Q  Q'"
  shows "raw.parallel P Q  raw.parallel P' Q'"
unfolding raw.parallel_def
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF assms(1)])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF assms(2)])
apply (rule order.refl)

lemma botL:
  shows "raw.parallel ( ) f = raw.MFENCE  f  raw.MFENCE "
apply (simp add: raw.parallel_def raw.t2p.cl_bot prog.bind.bind prog.bind.botL)
apply (simp add: raw.t2p_def split_def raw.bind_def prog.bind.bind prog.bind.returnL)
apply (subst (3 4) raw.bind.MFENCEL)
apply (simp add: prog.bind.botL)

lemma returnL:
  shows "raw.parallel (raw.return ()) P = raw.MFENCE  (λ_. P)  (λ_. raw.MFENCE)"
apply (simp add: raw.parallel_def raw.t2p.return prog.parallel.return)
apply (simp add: raw.t2p_def split_def raw.bind_def prog.bind.bind prog.bind.returnL raw.bind.MFENCE_return)
apply (subst (2) raw.bind.MFENCEL)
apply simp

lemma SupL_not_empty:
  assumes "xX. x  raw.tso.closed"
  assumes "Q  raw.tso.closed"
  assumes "X  {}"
  shows "raw.parallel (X ) Q = (PX. raw.parallel P Q) "
proof -
  from X  {}
  have "raw.parallel ( X) Q = (PX. raw.parallel P Q)"
    by (simp add: raw.parallel_def raw.t2p.Sup raw.t2p.sup
                  prog.parallel.SupL_not_empty prog.parallel.supL prog.bind.SUPL prog.bind.supL)
       (simp add: raw.bind_def split_def fun_eq_iff prog.bind.SUPR_not_empty image_image)
  from assms have "   (PX. raw.parallel P Q)"
    by (force intro: less_eq_Sup raw.tso.least[OF _ raw.tso.closed.parallel])
  moreover note assms
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: sup.absorb1 less_eq_Sup raw.tso.least)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

typedef 'v tso = "raw.tso.closed :: 'v raw.tso set"
morphisms t2p' Abs_tso
by blast

setup_lifting type_definition_tso

instantiation tso :: (type) complete_distrib_lattice

lift_definition bot_tso :: "'v tso" is " " ..
lift_definition top_tso :: "'v tso" is "" ..
lift_definition sup_tso :: "'v tso  'v tso  'v tso" is sup ..
lift_definition inf_tso :: "'v tso  'v tso  'v tso" is inf ..
lift_definition less_eq_tso :: "'v tso  'v tso  bool" is less_eq .
lift_definition less_tso :: "'v tso  'v tso  bool" is less .
lift_definition Inf_tso :: "'v tso set  'v tso" is Inf ..
lift_definition Sup_tso :: "'v tso set  'v tso" is "λX. Sup X " ..

instance by (standard; transfer; auto simp: InfI Inf_lower le_supI1 SupI SupE raw.tso.least)


setup Sign.mandatory_path "tso"

lift_definition bind :: "'v tso  ('v  'w tso)  'w tso" is raw.bind ..
lift_definition action :: "(write_buffer  ('v × write_buffer × heap.t × heap.t) set)  'v tso" is raw.action ..
lift_definition MFENCE :: "unit tso" is raw.MFENCE ..
lift_definition parallel :: "unit tso  unit tso  unit tso" is raw.parallel ..
lift_definition vmap :: "('v  'w)  'v tso  'w tso" is raw.vmap ..

lift_definition t2p :: "'v tso  (heap.t, 'v) prog" is raw.t2p .

  Monad_Syntax.bind  tso.bind
  parallel  tso.parallel

definition return :: "'v  'v tso" where
  "return v = tso.action {v} × {[]} × Id"

definition guard :: "(write_buffer  heap.t pred)  unit tso" where
  "guard g = tso.action (λwb. {()} × {[]} × Diag (g wb))"

abbreviation (input) read :: "(heap.t  'v)  'v tso" where
  "read f  tso.action (λwb. {(f (apply_writes wb s), [], s, s) |s. True})"

abbreviation (input) "write" :: "(heap.t  heap.write)  unit tso" where
  "write f  tso.action {((), [f s], s, s) |s. True}"

lemma return_alt_def:
  shows "tso.return v = v"
by (auto simp: tso.return_def intro: arg_cong[where f="tso.action"])

declare tso.bind_def[code del]
declare tso.action_def[code del]
declare tso.return_def[code del]
declare tso.MFENCE_def[code del]
declare tso.parallel_def[code del]
declare tso.vmap_def[code del]

setup Sign.mandatory_path "return"

lemma transfer[transfer_rule]:
  shows "rel_fun (=) cr_tso raw.return tso.return"
unfolding raw.return_def tso.return_def by transfer_prover

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "action"

lemma empty:
  shows bot: "tso.action  = "
    and "tso.action (λ_. {}) = "
by (simp_all add:[transferred, unfolded bot_fun_def] bot_fun_def)

lemmas monotone = raw.action.monotone[transferred]
lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF tso.action.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF tso.action.monotone]
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono] = monotone2monotone[OF tso.action.monotone, simplified]

lemma Sup:
  shows "tso.action (Fs) = (tso.action ` Fs)"
by transfer (simp add: raw.action.Sup)

lemmas sup = tso.action.Sup[where Fs="{F, G}" for F G, simplified]

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "bind"

lemmas if_distrL = if_distrib[where f="λf. tso.bind f g" for g] ―‹ citet‹\S5 (5)› in "JagadeesanEtAl:2012"

lemmas mono = raw.bind.mono[transferred]

lemma strengthen[strg]:
  assumes "st_ord F f f'"
  assumes "x. st_ord F (g x) (g' x)"
  shows "st_ord F (tso.bind f g) (tso.bind f' g')"
using assms by (cases F; clarsimp intro!: tso.bind.mono)

lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono] = raw.bind.mono2mono[transferred]

lemma bind: ―‹ citet‹\S5 (2)› in "JagadeesanEtAl:2012"
  shows "f  g  h = tso.bind f (λx. g x  h)"
by transfer (simp add: raw.bind.bind)

lemma return: ―‹ citet‹\S5 (1)› in "JagadeesanEtAl:2012"
  shows returnL: "tso.return v  g = g v"
    and returnR: "f  tso.return = f"
by (transfer; simp add: raw.bind.returnL raw.bind.returnR)+

lemma botL:
  shows "tso.bind  g = "
by transfer (simp add: raw.bind.bind raw.bind.botL flip: bot_fun_def)

lemma botR_le:
  shows "tso.bind f   f" (is ?thesis1)
    and "tso.bind f   f" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  show ?thesis1
    by (metis bot.extremum dual_order.refl tso.bind.mono tso.bind.returnR)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (simp add: bot_fun_def)

  fixes f :: "_ tso"
  fixes f1 :: "_ tso"
  shows supL: "(f1  f2)  g = (f1  g)  (f2  g)"
    and supR: "f  (λx. g1 x  g2 x) = (f  g1)  (f  g2)"
by (transfer; blast intro: raw.bind.supL raw.bind.supR)+

lemma SUPL:
  fixes X :: "_ set"
  fixes f :: "_  _ tso"
  shows "(xX. f x)  g = (xX. f x  g)"
by transfer
   (simp add: raw.bind.supL raw.bind.SUPL raw.bind.bind raw.bind.botL
        flip: bot_fun_def)

lemma SUPR:
  fixes X :: "_ set"
  fixes f :: "_ tso"
  shows "f  (λv. xX. g x v) = (xX. f  g x)  (f  )"
unfolding bot_fun_def
by transfer
   (simp add: raw.bind.supR raw.bind.SUPR ac_simps
              sup.absorb2 le_supI1 raw.bind.mono raw.tso.closed.bind raw.tso.least)

lemma SupR:
  fixes X :: "_ set"
  fixes f :: "_ tso"
  shows "f  (X) = (xX. f  x)  (f  )"
by (simp add: tso.bind.SUPR[where g="λx v. x", simplified])

lemma SUPR_not_empty:
  fixes f :: "_ tso"
  assumes "X  {}"
  shows "f  (λv. xX. g x v) = (xX. f  g x)"
using iffD2[OF ex_in_conv assms]
by (subst trans[OF tso.bind.SUPR sup.absorb1]; force intro: SUPI tso.bind.mono)

lemma mcont2mcont[cont_intro]:
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) f"
  assumes "v. mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. g x v)"
  shows "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. tso.bind (f x) (g x))"
proof(rule ccpo.mcont2mcont'[OF complete_lattice_ccpo _ _ assms(1)])
  show "mcont Sup (≤) Sup (≤) (λf. tso.bind f (g x))" for x
    by (intro mcontI contI monotoneI) (simp_all add: tso.bind.mono flip: tso.bind.SUPL)
  show "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. tso.bind f (g x))" for f
    by (intro mcontI monotoneI contI)
       (simp_all add: mcont_monoD[OF assms(2)] tso.bind.mono
                flip: tso.bind.SUPR_not_empty contD[OF mcont_cont[OF assms(2)]])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "guard"

lemma transfer[transfer_rule]:
  shows "rel_fun (=) cr_tso raw.guard tso.guard"
unfolding raw.guard_def tso.guard_def by transfer_prover

lemma bot:
  shows "tso.guard  = "
    and "tso.guard (λ_ _ .False) = "
by (simp_all add: tso.guard_def tso.action.empty)

lemma top:
  shows "tso.guard  = tso.return ()" (is ?thesis1)
    and "tso.guard (λ_. ) = tso.return ()" (is ?thesis2)
    and "tso.guard (λ_ _. True) = tso.return ()" (is ?thesis3)
proof -
  show ?thesis1
    by (simp add: tso.guard_def tso.return_def flip: Id_def)
  then show ?thesis2 and ?thesis3
    by (simp_all add: top_fun_def)

lemma return_le:
  shows "tso.guard g  tso.return ()"
by transfer (rule raw.guard.return_le)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono tso.guard"
by transfer (rule raw.guard.monotone)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF tso.guard.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF tso.guard.monotone]
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono] = monotone2monotone[OF tso.guard.monotone, simplified]

lemma less: ―‹ Non-triviality ›
  assumes "g < g'"
  shows "tso.guard g < tso.guard g'"
using assms by transfer (rule raw.guard.less)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "parallel"

lemma commute: ―‹ citet‹\S5 (3)› in "JagadeesanEtAl:2012"
  shows "tso.parallel P Q = tso.parallel Q P"
by transfer (rule raw.parallel.commute)

lemma assoc: ―‹ citet‹\S5 (4)› in "JagadeesanEtAl:2012"
  shows "tso.parallel P (tso.parallel Q R) = tso.parallel (tso.parallel P Q) R"
by transfer (rule raw.parallel.assoc)

lemmas mono = raw.parallel.mono[transferred]

lemma strengthen[strg]:
  assumes "st_ord F P P'"
  assumes "st_ord F Q Q'"
  shows "st_ord F (tso.parallel P Q) (tso.parallel P' Q')"
using assms by (cases F; simp add: tso.parallel.mono)

lemma mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "monotone orda (≤) F"
  assumes "monotone orda (≤) G"
  shows "monotone orda (≤) (λf. tso.parallel (F f) (G f))"
using assms by (simp add: monotone_def tso.parallel.mono)

lemma bot:
  shows parallel_botL: "tso.parallel  f = tso.MFENCE  f  tso.MFENCE  " (is ?thesis1)
    and parallel_botR: "tso.parallel f  = tso.MFENCE  f  tso.MFENCE  " (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  show ?thesis1
    unfolding bot_fun_def by transfer (simp add: raw.parallel.botL raw.bind.bind)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (simp add: tso.parallel.commute)

lemma return: ―‹ citet‹unnumbered› in "JagadeesanEtAl:2012"
  shows returnL: "tso.return ()  P = tso.MFENCE  P  tso.MFENCE" (is ?thesis1)
    and returnR: "P  tso.return () = tso.MFENCE  P  tso.MFENCE" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  show ?thesis1
    by transfer (rule raw.parallel.returnL)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (simp add: tso.parallel.commute)

lemma Sup_not_empty:
  fixes X :: "unit tso set"
  assumes "X  {}"
  shows SupL_not_empty: "X  Q = (PX. P  Q)" (is "?thesis1 Q")
    and SupR_not_empty: "P  X = (QX. P  Q)" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  from assms show "?thesis1 Q" for Q
    by transfer (rule raw.parallel.SupL_not_empty)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (simp add: tso.parallel.commute)

lemma sup:
  fixes P :: "unit tso"
  shows supL: "P  Q  R = (P  R)  (Q  R)"
    and supR: "P  Q  R = (P  Q)  (P  R)"
using tso.parallel.SupL_not_empty[where X="{P, Q}"] tso.parallel.SupR_not_empty[where X="{Q, R}"]
by simp_all

lemma mcont2mcont[cont_intro]:
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) P"
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) Q"
  shows "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. tso.parallel (P x) (Q x))"
proof(rule ccpo.mcont2mcont'[OF complete_lattice_ccpo _ _ assms(1)])
  show "mcont Sup (≤) Sup (≤) (λy. tso.parallel y (Q x))" for x
    by (intro mcontI contI monotoneI) (simp_all add: tso.parallel.mono tso.parallel.SupL_not_empty)
  show "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. tso.parallel y (Q x))" for y
    by (simp add: mcontI monotoneI contI mcont_monoD[OF assms(2)]
                  spec.parallel.mono mcont_contD[OF assms(2)] tso.parallel.SupR_not_empty image_image)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "bind"

lemmas MFENCE_MFENCE = raw.bind.MFENCE_MFENCE[transferred]

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "t2p'"

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono (λt. t2p' t wb)"
by (simp add: le_fun_def less_eq_tso.rep_eq monotone_def)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF tso.t2p'.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF tso.t2p'.monotone]

lemmas action = tso.action.rep_eq
lemma return:
  shows "t2p' (tso.return v) = raw.return v"
by transfer simp

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

paragraph‹ Combinators ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tso"

abbreviation guardM :: "bool  unit tso" where
  "guardM b  if b then  else tso.return ()"

abbreviation unlessM :: "bool  unit tso  unit tso" where
  "unlessM b c  if b then tso.return () else c"

abbreviation whenM :: "bool  unit tso  unit tso" where
  "whenM b c  if b then c else tso.return ()"

definition app :: "('a  unit tso)  'a list  unit tso" where ―‹ Haskell's mapM_›
  "app f xs = foldr (λx m. f x  m) xs (tso.return ())"

primrec fold_mapM :: "('a  'b tso)  'a list  'b list tso" where
  "fold_mapM f [] = tso.return []"
| "fold_mapM f (x # xs) = do {
     y  f x;
     ys  fold_mapM f xs;
     tso.return (y # ys)

―‹ citet‹\S5 (6) is tso.while.simps› in "JagadeesanEtAl:2012"
partial_function (lfp) while :: "('k  ('k + 'v) tso)  'k  'v tso" where
  "while c k = c k  (λrv. case rv of Inl k'  while c k' | Inr v  tso.return v)"

abbreviation (input) while' :: "((unit + 'v) tso)  'v tso" where
  "while' c  tso.while c ()"

definition raise :: "String.literal  'v tso" where
  "raise s = "

definition assert :: "bool  unit tso" where
  "assert P = (if P then tso.return () else tso.raise STR ''assert'')"

declare tso.raise_def[code del]

setup Sign.mandatory_path "fold_mapM"

lemma bot:
  shows "tso.fold_mapM  = (λxs. case xs of []  tso.return [] | _  )"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff tso.bind.botL split: list.split)

lemma append:
  shows "tso.fold_mapM f (xs @ ys) = tso.fold_mapM f xs  (λxs. tso.fold_mapM f ys  (λys. tso.return (xs @ ys)))"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: tso.bind.bind tso.bind.returnL tso.bind.returnR)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "app"

lemma bot:
  shows "  = (λxs. case xs of []  tso.return () | _  )"
    and " (λ_. ) = (λxs. case xs of []  tso.return () | _  )"
by (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff tso.app_def tso.bind.botL split: list.split)

lemma Nil:
  shows " f [] = tso.return ()"
by (simp add: tso.app_def)

lemma Cons:
  shows " f (x # xs) = f x f xs"
by (simp add: tso.app_def)

lemmas simps =

lemma append:
  shows " f (xs @ ys) = f xs f ys"
by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) (simp_all add: tso.bind.returnL tso.bind.bind)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono (λf. f xs)"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: le_fun_def monotone_on_def tso.bind.mono)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF]
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono] = monotone2monotone[OF, simplified, of orda P for orda P]

lemma Sup_le:
  shows "(fX. f xs) (X) xs"
by (simp add: SUP_le_iff SupI

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ References\label{sec:tso-refs} ›


Observe that allocation is global in this model. We allow the memory location to have an arbitrary
value and enqueue the initialising write in the TSO buffer.


setup Sign.mandatory_path "tso.Ref"

definition ref :: "'a::heap.rep  'a ref tso" where
  "ref v = tso.action (λwb. {(r, [heap.Write (ref.addr_of r) 0 ( v)], s, s')
                            |r s s' v'. (r, s')  Ref.alloc v' s})"

definition lookup :: "'a::heap.rep ref  'a tso" (!_› 61) where
  "lookup r = (Ref.get r)"

definition update :: "'a ref  'a::heap.rep  unit tso" (‹_ := _› 62) where
  "update r v = tso.write heap.Write (ref.addr_of r) 0 ( v)"

declare tso.Ref.ref_def[code del]
declare tso.Ref.lookup_def[code del]
declare tso.Ref.update_def[code del]

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Inhabitation\label{sec:tso-inhabitation} ›

text‹ In order to obtain compositional rules we need to make the write buffer explicit. ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tso"

definition t2s :: "write_buffer  'v tso  (sequential, heap.t, 'v × write_buffer) spec" where
  "t2s wb P = prog.p2s (tso.t2p' P wb)"

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec.singleton.tso"

lemma t2s_commit:
  assumes "heap.apply_write w s, xs, v  tso.t2s wb f"
  shows "s, (self, heap.apply_write w s) # xs, v  tso.t2s (w # wb) f"
unfolding tso.t2s_def
by (subst raw.tso.closed_conv[OF tso.t2p'])
   (fastforce simp: prog.p2s.action simp add: prog.p2s.simps simp flip: tso.t2s_def
             intro: order.trans[OF _ prog.p2s.mono[OF]]
                    spec.bind.continueI[where xs="[(self, heap.apply_write w s)]" and v="((), [])", simplified, OF _ assms]
                    order.trans[OF spec.action.stepI spec.interference.expansive])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec.idle.tso"

lemma t2s_le:
  shows "spec.idle  tso.t2s wb P"
by (simp add: tso.t2s_def spec.idle.p2s_le)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec.t2s"

lemmas minimal[iff] = order.trans[OF spec.idle.minimal_le spec.idle.tso.t2s_le]

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec.interference.tso"

lemma t2s_le:
  shows "spec.rel ({env} × UNIV)  (λ_::unit. tso.t2s wb P)  tso.t2s wb P"
by (simp add: tso.t2s_def prog.p2s.interference_wind_bind)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "prog.p2s"

lemma t2p[prog.p2s.simps]:
  shows "prog.p2s (tso.t2p P)
       = tso.t2s [] P  (λvwb. prog.p2s (raw.MFENCE (snd vwb)  prog.return (fst vwb)))"
by transfer (simp add: tso.t2p_def tso.t2s_def raw.t2p_def prog.p2s.simps split_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tso.t2s"

lemma bind:
  shows "tso.t2s wb (f  g) = tso.t2s wb f  (λx. tso.t2s (snd x) (g (fst x)))"
unfolding tso.t2s_def by transfer (simp add: raw.bind_def split_def prog.p2s.simps)

lemma parallel:
  shows "tso.t2s [] (P  Q) = prog.p2s ((tso.t2p P  tso.t2p Q)  prog.return ((), []))"
unfolding tso.t2s_def
by transfer (simp add: raw.parallel_def raw.bind_def raw.MFENCE.Nil prog.bind.returnL)

lemma return:
  shows "tso.t2s [] (tso.return v) = prog.p2s (prog.return (v, []))"
unfolding tso.t2s_def
by transfer
   (simp add: raw.return_alt_def raw.prim_return_def prog.bind.returnL raw.commit_writes.Nil)

setup Sign.parent_path

paragraph‹ Inhabitation rules. ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "inhabits.tso"

lemma bind:
  assumes "tso.t2s wb f -s, xs tso.t2s wb' f'"
  shows "tso.t2s wb (f  g) -s, xs tso.t2s wb' (f'  g)"
by (simp add: tso.t2s.bind inhabits.spec.bind assms)

lemma commit:
  shows "tso.t2s (w # wb) f -s, [(self, heap.apply_write w s)] tso.t2s wb f"
by (clarsimp simp: inhabits_def spec.bind.singletonL spec.term.none.singleton trace.split_all

setup Sign.mandatory_path "Ref"

lemma ref:
  fixes r :: "'a::heap.rep ref"
  fixes s :: "heap.t"
  fixes v :: "'a"
  fixes v' :: "'a"
  assumes "¬heap.present r s"
  shows "tso.t2s wb (tso.Ref.ref v)
          -s, [(self, Ref.set r v' s)]
            tso.t2s (wb @ [heap.Write (ref.addr_of r) 0 ( v)]) (tso.return r)" (is "?lhs -s, ?step ?rhs")
proof -
  have rhs: "?rhs = prog.p2s (raw.commit_writes (wb @ [heap.Write (ref.addr_of r) 0 ( v)])
                           (λv. raw.prim_return r (snd v)))"
    apply (simp add: tso.t2s_def tso.t2p'.return raw.return_def raw.action_def)
    apply (subst (1) prog.return.cong)
    apply (simp_all add: image_iff split_def Sup_fst fst_image raw.bind_def
                   flip: raw.prim_return_def)
  note * = order.trans[OF _ spec.bind.mono[OF prog.p2s.mono[OF
               raw.commit_writes.return_le[unfolded le_fun_def raw.prim_return_def, rule_format]]
  note ** = spec.bind.mono[OF spec.action.stepI[where a=self and s=s
               and v="(r, wb @ [heap.Write (ref.addr_of r) 0 ( v)])"
               and s'="Ref.set r v' s"
               and w="Some (r, wb @ [heap.Write (ref.addr_of r) 0 ( v)])"]
  have lhs: "s, [(self, Ref.set r v' s)], Some (r, wb @ [heap.Write (ref.addr_of r) 0 ( v)])
                (λv. prog.p2s (raw.commit_writes (snd v))
                  (λx. prog.p2s (raw.prim_return (fst v) (snd x))))
    apply (simp add: tso.Ref.ref_def tso.t2s_def split_def tso.t2p'.action
                     raw.action_def raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind_def prog.p2s.bind prog.bind.bind)
    apply (rule * )
    apply (simp flip: prog.p2s.bind)
    apply (force simp: assms Ref.alloc_def prog.p2s.simps prog.p2s.action prog.bind.returnL 
                intro: ** order.trans[OF _ spec.bind.mono[OF spec.interference.expansive order.refl]])
  show ?thesis
    unfolding inhabits_def
    by (rule order.trans[OF _ lhs])
       (simp add: rhs prog.p2s.simps spec.bind.singletonL spec.term.none.singleton)

lemma lookup:
  fixes r :: "'a::heap.rep ref"
  shows "tso.t2s wb (!r) -s, [] tso.t2s wb (tso.return (Ref.get r (apply_writes wb s)))"
apply (clarsimp simp: tso.Ref.lookup_def  inhabits_def trace.split_all
                      tso.t2s_def tso.t2p'.action tso.t2p'.return
                      raw.action_def raw.return_alt_def
                      spec.bind.singletonL spec.term.none.singleton)
apply (clarsimp simp: raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind_def split_def prog.bind.bind)
apply (rule order.trans[OF _ prog.p2s.mono[OF
  prog.bind.mono[OF raw.commit_writes.return_le[unfolded raw.prim_return_def le_fun_def, rule_format]
apply (force simp: prog.bind.return prog.p2s.bind prog.p2s.action
     intro: order.trans[OF spec.bind.continueI[where xs="[]", simplified, OF spec.action.stutterI]
  spec.bind.mono[OF spec.interference.expansive order.refl]])

lemma update:
  fixes r :: "'a::heap.rep ref"
  shows "tso.t2s wb (r := v)
          -s, []
            tso.t2s (wb @ [heap.Write (ref.addr_of r) 0 ( v)]) (tso.return ())"
proof -
  have *: "(λp. raw.prim_return () (snd p)) = prog.return" (* ouch *)
    by (simp add: raw.prim_return_def fun_eq_iff)
  have " (λwb. prog.return ((), wb)) (wb @ [heap.Write (ref.addr_of r) 0 ( v)]) (λwb. prog.action {(((), wb @ [heap.Write (ref.addr_of r) 0 ( v)]), s, s) |s. True}) wb"
    ―‹ LHS ›
    apply (simp add: raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind.prim_returnR raw.commit_writes.commit_writes
               flip: raw.prim_return_def
               cong: order.assms_cong)
    ―‹ RHS ›
    apply (simp add: * raw.tso.cl_def raw.bind_def split_def prog.bind.bind)
    apply (rule order.trans[OF _
            prog.bind.mono[OF raw.commit_writes.return_le[unfolded raw.prim_return_def le_fun_def, rule_format]
    apply (simp add: prog.bind.returnL flip: prog.p2s.bind)
    apply (subst (1) prog.return.cong, force, force)
    apply (simp add: split_def Sup_fst fst_image prog.bind.return)
  from prog.p2s.mono[OF this] show ?thesis
    by (fastforce simp: tso.Ref.update_def raw.action_def tso.t2s_def inhabits_def
                        tso.t2p'.return tso.t2p'.action
                        raw.return_alt_def raw.prim_return_def
                        spec.bind.singletonL spec.term.none.singleton)

setup Sign.parent_path

lemmas bind' = inhabits.trans[OF inhabits.tso.bind]
lemmas commit' = inhabits.trans[OF inhabits.tso.commit]

setup Sign.parent_path
