Theory Aczel_Sequences

theory Aczel_Sequences

section‹ Terminated Aczel sequences\label{sec:aczel_sequences} ›


We model a ‹behavior› of a system as a non-empty finite or infinite sequence of the form
s0 -a1→ s1 -a2→ … (→ v)?› where si is a state, ai an agent and v› a return value for
finite sequences (see \S\ref{sec:tls}).  A ‹trace› is a finite sequence
s0 -a1→ s1 -a2→ … -an→ sn → v› for n ≥ 0› with optional return value v› (see
\S\ref{sec:safety_logic}). States, agents and return values are of arbitrary type.


subsection‹ Traces\label{sec:aczel_sequences-traces} ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "trace"

datatype (aset: 'a, sset: 's, vset: 'v) t =
  T (init: 's) (rest: "('a × 's) list") ("term": "'v option")
  map: map
  pred: pred
  rel: rel

declare trace.t.map_id0[simp]
declare trace.t.map_id0[unfolded id_def, simp]
declare trace.t.map_sel[simp]
declare trace.t.set_map[simp]
declare trace.t.map_comp[unfolded o_def, simp]
declare trace.t.set[simp del]

instance trace.t :: (countable, countable, countable) countable by countable_datatype

lemma split_all[no_atp]: ―‹ imitate the setup for typ'a × 'b without the automation ›
  shows "(x. PROP P x)  (s xs v. PROP P (trace.T s xs v))"
  show "PROP P (trace.T s xs v)" if "x. PROP P x" for s xs v by (rule that)
  fix x
  assume "s xs v. PROP P (trace.T s xs v)"
  from PROP P (trace.T (trace.init x) ( x) (trace.term x)) show "PROP P x" by simp

lemma split_All[no_atp]:
  shows "(x. P x)  (s xs v. P (trace.T s xs v))" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof (intro iffI allI)
  show "P x" if ?rhs for x using that by (cases x) simp_all
qed simp

lemma split_Ex[no_atp]:
  shows "(x. P x)  (s xs v. P (trace.T s xs v))" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof (intro iffI allI; elim exE)
  show "s xs v. P (trace.T s xs v)" if "P x" for x using that by (cases x) fast
qed auto

subsection‹ Combinators on traces\label{sec:aczel_sequences-traces-combinators} ›

definition final' :: "'s  ('a × 's) list  's" where
  "final' s xs = last (s # map snd xs)"

abbreviation (input) final :: "('a, 's, 'v) trace.t  's" where
  "final σ' (trace.init σ) ( σ)"

definition continue :: "('a, 's, 'v) trace.t  ('a × 's) list × 'v option  ('a, 's, 'v) trace.t" (infixl @-S 64) where
  "σ @-S xsv = (case trace.term σ of None  trace.T (trace.init σ) ( σ @ fst xsv) (snd xsv) | Some v  σ)"

definition tl :: "('a, 's, 'v) trace.t  ('a, 's, 'v) trace.t" where
  "tl σ = (case σ of []  None | x # xs  Some (trace.T (snd x) xs (trace.term σ)))"

definition dropn :: "nat  ('a, 's, 'v) trace.t  ('a, 's, 'v) trace.t" where
  "dropn = (^^)"

definition take :: "nat  ('a, 's, 'v) trace.t  ('a, 's, 'v) trace.t" where
  "take i σ = (if i  length ( σ) then trace.T (trace.init σ) (List.take i ( σ)) None else σ)"

type_synonym ('a, 's) transitions = "('a × 's × 's) list"

primrec transitions' :: "'s  ('a × 's) list  ('a, 's) trace.transitions" where
  "transitions' s [] = []"
| "transitions' s (x # xs) = (fst x, s, snd x) # transitions' (snd x) xs"

abbreviation (input) transitions :: "('a, 's, 'v) trace.t  ('a, 's) trace.transitions" where
  "transitions σ  trace.transitions' (trace.init σ) ( σ)"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "final'"

lemma simps[simp]:
  shows "' s [] = s"
    and "' s (x # xs) =' (snd x) xs"
    and "' s (xs @ ys) =' (' s xs) ys"
    and idle: "snd ` set xs  {s}' s xs = s"
    and "snd ` set xs  {s}' s (xs @ ys) =' s ys"
    and "snd ` set ys  {' s xs}' s (xs @ ys) =' s xs"
by (simp_all add:'_def last_map image_subset_iff split: if_split_asm)

lemma map:
  shows "' (sf s) (map (map_prod af sf) xs) = sf (' s xs)"
by (simp add:'_def last_map)

lemma replicate:
  shows "' s (replicate i as) = (if i = 0 then s else snd as)"
by (simp add:'_def)

lemma map_idle:
  assumes "(λx. sf (snd x)) ` set xs  {sf s}"
  shows "sf (' s xs) = sf s"
using assms by (induct xs arbitrary: s) simp_all

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tl"

lemma simps[simp]:
  shows " (trace.T s [] v) = None"
    and " (trace.T s (x # xs) v) = Some (trace.T (snd x) xs v)"
by (simp_all add: trace.tl_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

lemma dropn_alt_def:
  shows "trace.dropn i σ
       = (case drop i ((undefined, trace.init σ) # σ) of
           []  None
         | x # xs  Some (trace.T (snd x) xs (trace.term σ)))"
proof(induct i arbitrary: σ)
  case 0 show ?case
    by (simp add: trace.dropn_def)
  case (Suc i σ) then show ?case
    by (cases σ; cases " σ"; simp add: trace.dropn_def drop_Cons' split: list.split)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "dropn"

lemma simps[simp]:
  shows 0: "trace.dropn 0 = Some"
    and Suc: "trace.dropn (Suc i) σ = Option.bind ( σ) (trace.dropn i)"
    and dropn: "Option.bind (trace.dropn i σ) (trace.dropn j) = trace.dropn (i + j) σ"
by (simp_all add: trace.dropn_def pfunpow_add)

lemma Suc_right:
  shows "trace.dropn (Suc i) σ = Option.bind (trace.dropn i σ)"
by (simp add: trace.dropn_def pfunpow_Suc_right del: pfunpow.simps)

lemma eq_none_length_conv:
  shows "trace.dropn i σ = None  length ( σ) < i"
by (auto simp: trace.dropn_alt_def split: list.split)

lemma eq_Some_length_conv:
  shows "(σ'. trace.dropn i σ = Some σ')  i  length ( σ)"
by (auto simp: trace.dropn_alt_def dest: drop_eq_Cons_lengthD split: list.split)

lemma eq_Some_lengthD:
  assumes "trace.dropn i σ = Some σ'"
  shows "i  length ( σ)"
using assms trace.dropn.eq_Some_length_conv by blast

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "take"

lemma sel:
  shows "trace.init (trace.take i σ) = trace.init σ"
    and " (trace.take i σ) = List.take i ( σ)"
    and "trace.term (trace.take i σ) = (if i  length ( σ) then None else trace.term σ)"
by (simp_all add: trace.take_def)

lemma 0:
  shows "trace.take 0 σ = trace.T (trace.init σ) [] None"
by (simp add: trace.take_def)

lemma Nil:
  shows "trace.take i (trace.T s [] None) = trace.T s [] None"
by (simp add: trace.take_def)

lemmas simps[simp] =

lemma map:
  shows "trace.take i ( af sf vf σ) = af sf vf (trace.take i σ)"
by (simp add: trace.take_def take_map)

lemma append:
  shows "trace.take i (trace.T s (xs @ ys) v) = trace.T s (List.take i (xs @ ys)) (if length (xs @ ys) < i then v else None)"
by (simp add: trace.take_def)

lemma take:
  shows "trace.take i (trace.take j σ) = trace.take (min i j) σ"
by (simp add: min_le_iff_disj trace.take_def)

lemma continue:
  shows "trace.take i (σ @-S xsv)
       = trace.take i σ @-S (List.take (i - length ( σ)) (fst xsv),
                            if i  length ( σ) + length (fst xsv) then None else snd xsv)"
by (simp add: trace.continue_def trace.take_def split: option.split)

lemma all_iff:
  shows "trace.take i σ = σ  (case trace.term σ of None  length ( σ) | Some _  Suc (length ( σ)))  i" (is ?thesis1)
    and "σ = trace.take i σ  (case trace.term σ of None  length ( σ) | Some _  Suc (length ( σ)))  i" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  show ?thesis1 by (cases σ) (simp add: trace.take_def split: option.split)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (rule eq_commute_conv)

lemmas all = iffD2[OF trace.take.all_iff(1)]

lemma Ex_all:
  shows "σ = trace.take (Suc (length ( σ))) σ"
by (simp add: trace.take_def)

lemma replicate:
  shows "trace.take i (trace.T s (replicate j as) v)
      = trace.T s (replicate (min i j) as) (if i  j then None else v)"
by (simp add: trace.take_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "continue"

lemma sel[simp]:
  shows "trace.init (σ @-S xs) = trace.init σ"
    and " (σ @-S xsv) = (case trace.term σ of None σ @ fst xsv | Some v σ)"
    and "trace.term (σ @-S xsv) = (case trace.term σ of None  snd xsv | Some v  trace.term σ)"
by (simp_all add: trace.continue_def split: option.split)

lemma simps[simp]:
  shows "trace.T s xs None @-S ysv = trace.T s (xs @ fst ysv) (snd ysv)"
    and "trace.T s xs (Some v) @-S ysv = trace.T s xs (Some v)"
    and "σ @-S ([], None) = σ"
by (simp_all add: trace.continue_def trace.t.expand split: option.split)

lemma Nil:
  shows "σ @-S ([], trace.term σ) = σ"
    and "trace.T (trace.init σ) [] None @-S ( σ, trace.term σ) = σ"
by (cases σ) (simp_all add: trace.continue_def split: option.split)

lemma map:
  shows " af sf vf (σ @-S xsv) = af sf vf σ @-S map_prod (map (map_prod af sf)) (map_option vf) xsv"
by (simp add: trace.continue_def split: option.split)

lemma eq_trace_conv:
  shows "σ @-S xsv = trace.T s xs v  trace.init σ = s  (case trace.term σ of None σ @ fst xsv = xs  v = snd xsv | Some v' σ = xs  v = Some v')"
    and "trace.T s xs v = σ @-S xsv  trace.init σ = s  (case trace.term σ of None σ @ fst xsv = xs  v = snd xsv | Some v' σ = xs  v = Some v')"
by (case_tac [!] σ) (auto simp: trace.continue_def split: option.split)

lemma self_conv:
  shows "(σ = σ @-S xsv)  (case trace.term σ of None  xsv = ([], None) | Some _  True)"
    and "(σ @-S xsv = σ)  (case trace.term σ of None  xsv = ([], None) | Some _  True)"
by (cases σ; cases xsv; fastforce split: option.splits)+

lemma same_eq:
  shows "(σ @-S xsv = σ @-S ysv)  (case trace.term σ of None  xsv = ysv | Some _  True)"
by (fastforce simp: trace.continue_def prod.expand split: option.split)

lemma continue:
  shows "σ @-S xsv @-S ysv = σ @-S (case snd xsv of None  (fst xsv @ fst ysv, snd ysv) | Some _  xsv)"
by (simp add: trace.continue_def split: option.split)

lemma take_drop_id:
  shows "trace.take i σ @-S case_option ([], None) (λσ'. ( σ', trace.term σ')) (trace.dropn i σ) = σ"
by (cases σ)
   (clarsimp simp: trace.take_def trace.dropn_alt_def split: list.split;
    metis append_take_drop_id list.sel(3) tl_drop)

setup Sign.parent_path

paragraph‹ Prefix ordering ›

instantiation trace.t :: (type, type, type) order

definition less_eq_t :: "('a, 's, 'v) trace.t relp" where
  "less_eq_t σ1 σ2  (xsv. σ2 = σ1 @-S xsv)"

definition less_t :: "('a, 's, 'v) trace.t relp" where
  "less_t σ1 σ2  σ1  σ2  σ1  σ2"

by standard
   (auto simp: less_eq_t_def less_t_def trace.continue.self_conv trace.continue.continue trace.continue.same_eq
        split: option.splits)


lemma less_eqE[consumes 1, case_names prefix maximal]:
  assumes "σ1  σ2"
  assumes "trace.term σ1 = None; trace.init σ1 = trace.init σ2; prefix ( σ1) ( σ2)  P"
  assumes "v. trace.term σ1 = Some v; σ1 = σ2  P"
  shows P
using assms by (cases "trace.term σ1") (auto simp: trace.less_eq_t_def trace.continue.self_conv)

lemmas less_eq_extE[consumes 1, case_names prefix maximal]
  = trace.less_eqE[of "trace.T s1 xs1 v1" "trace.T s2 xs2 v2", simplified, simplified conj_explode]
    for s1 xs1 v1 s2 xs2 v2

lemma less_eq_self_continue:
  shows "σ  σ @-S xsv"
using trace.less_eq_t_def by blast

lemma less_eq_same_append_conv:
  shows "trace.T s xs v  trace.T s' (xs @ ys) v'  s = s'  (v''. v = Some v''  ys = []  v = v')"
by (auto simp: trace.less_eq_t_def trace.continue.eq_trace_conv split: option.split)

lemma less_same_append_conv:
  shows "trace.T s xs v < trace.T s' (xs @ ys) v'  s = s'  v = None  (ys  []  (v''. v' = Some v''))"
by (cases v) (auto simp: trace.less_t_def trace.less_eq_same_append_conv)

lemma less_eq_Some[simp]:
  shows "trace.T s xs (Some v)  σ  trace.init σ = s σ = xs  trace.term σ = Some v"
by (cases σ) (simp add: trace.less_eq_t_def)

lemma less_eq_None:
  shows "σ  trace.T s xs None  trace.init σ = s  prefix ( σ) xs  trace.term σ = None"
    and "trace.T s xs None  σ  trace.init σ = s  prefix xs ( σ)"
by (case_tac [!] σ) (auto simp: trace.less_eq_same_append_conv elim!: trace.less_eqE prefixE)

lemma less:
  shows "trace.T s xs v < σ  trace.init σ = s  (ys. σ = xs @ ys  (trace.term σ = None  ys  []))  v = None"
    and "σ < trace.T s xs v   trace.init σ = s  (ys. xs = σ @ ys  (v = None  ys  []))  trace.term σ = None"
by (case_tac [!] σ)
   (auto simp: trace.less_t_def trace.less_eq_t_def trace.continue.eq_trace_conv split: option.split_asm)

lemma less_eq_take[iff]:
  shows "trace.take i σ  σ"
by (simp add: trace.take_def take_is_prefix trace.less_eq_None)

lemma less_eq_takeE:
  assumes "σ1  σ2"
  obtains i where "σ1 = trace.take i σ2"
using assms
by (cases σ1)
   (auto simp: trace.take_def
        elim!: trace.less_eqE prefixE
         dest: meta_spec[where x="length ( σ1)"]
                  meta_spec[where x="Suc (length ( σ1))"])

lemma less_eq_take_def:
  shows "σ1  σ2  (i. σ1 = trace.take i σ2)"
by (blast elim: trace.less_eq_takeE)

lemma less_take_less_eq:
  assumes "σ < trace.take (Suc i) σ'"
  shows "σ  trace.take i σ'"
using assms
by (clarsimp simp: trace.less_t_def trace.less_eq_take_def trace.take.take) (metis le_SucE min_def)

lemma wfP_less:
  shows "wfP ((<) :: (_, _, _) trace.t relp)"
unfolding wfP_def
proof(rule wf_subset[rotated])
  let ?r = "inv_image ({(None, Some v) |v. True} <*lex*> {(x, y). strict_prefix x y}) (λσ. (trace.term σ, σ))"
  show "wf ?r"
    using wfP_def wfP_strict_prefix wf_def by fastforce
  show "{(x, y). x < y}  ?r"
    by (auto simp: trace.less_t_def trace.less_eq_take_def trace.take.all_iff split: option.splits)

lemma less_eq_same_cases:
  fixes ys :: "(_, _, _) trace.t"
  assumes "xs1  ys"
  assumes "xs2  ys"
  shows "xs1  xs2  xs2  xs1"
using assms
by (clarsimp simp: trace.less_eq_take_def trace.take.take) (metis min.absorb_iff1 nle_le)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "take"

lemma mono:
  assumes "σ1  σ2"
  assumes "i  j"
  shows "trace.take i σ1  trace.take j σ2"
using assms
by (clarsimp simp: trace.less_eq_take_def trace.take.take) (metis min.assoc min.commute min_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "map"

lemmas map = trace.t.map_comp[unfolded comp_def]

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono ( af sf vf)"
by (rule monoI) (fastforce simp: trace.less_eq_take_def

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF]
lemmas mono = monoD[OF]

lemma monotone_less:
  shows "monotone (<) (<) ( af sf vf)"
by (rule monotoneI)
   (auto simp: trace.less_t_def[OF order.strict_implies_order] trace.split_all
        elim!: trace.less_eqE prefixE)

lemma less_eqR:
  assumes "σ1 af sf vf σ2"
  obtains σ2' where "σ2'  σ2" and "σ1 = af sf vf σ2'"
using assms by (fastforce simp: trace.less_eq_take_def

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "rel"

lemmas eq = trace.t.rel_eq

lemmas mono = trace.t.rel_mono_strong[of ar sr vr σ1 σ2 ar' sr' vr'] for ar sr vr σ1 σ2 ar' sr' vr'

lemma strengthen[strg]:
  assumes "st_ord F ar ar'"
  assumes "st_ord F sr sr'"
  assumes "st_ord F vr vr'"
  shows "st_ord F (trace.rel ar sr vr σ1 σ2) (trace.rel ar' sr' vr' σ1 σ2)"
using assms by (cases F) (auto intro!: le_boolI elim: trace.rel.mono)

lemma length_rest:
  assumes "trace.rel ar sr vr σ1 σ2"
  shows "length ( σ1)
       = length ( σ2)  (i<length ( σ1). rel_prod ar sr ( σ1 ! i) ( σ2 ! i))"
by (rule rel_funE[OF trace.t.sel_transfer(2) assms]) (simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "take"

lemma rel:
  assumes "trace.rel ar sr vr σ1 σ2"
  shows "trace.rel ar sr vr (trace.take i σ1) (trace.take i σ2)"
using assms
by (auto simp: trace.take_def trace.t.rel_sel trace.rel.length_rest
         elim: rel_funE[OF trace.t.sel_transfer(1)])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "transitions'"

lemma prefix_conv:
  shows "prefix (trace.transitions' s xs) (trace.transitions' s ys)  prefix xs ys"
proof(induct xs arbitrary: s ys)
  case (Cons x xs s ys) then show ?case by (cases ys) auto
qed simp

lemma monotone:
  shows "monotone prefix prefix (trace.transitions' s)"
by (rule monotoneI) (simp add: trace.transitions'.prefix_conv)

lemma append:
  shows "trace.transitions' s (xs @ ys) = trace.transitions' s xs @ trace.transitions' (' s xs) ys"
by (induct xs arbitrary: s ys) simp_all

lemma eq_Nil_conv:
  shows "trace.transitions' s xs = []  xs = []"
    and "[] = trace.transitions' s xs  xs = []"
by (case_tac [!] xs) simp_all

lemma eq_Cons_conv:
  shows "trace.transitions' s xs = y # ys  (a s' xs'. xs = (a, s') # xs'  y = (a, s, s')  ys = trace.transitions' s' xs')"
    and "y # ys = trace.transitions' s xs  (a s' xs'. xs = (a, s') # xs'  y = (a, s, s')  ys = trace.transitions' s' xs')"
by (case_tac [!] xs) auto

lemma inj_conv:
  shows "trace.transitions' s xs = trace.transitions' s ys  xs = ys"
by (induct xs arbitrary: s ys) (auto simp: trace.transitions'.eq_Nil_conv trace.transitions'.eq_Cons_conv)

lemma continue:
  shows "trace.transitions (σ @-S xsv)
       = trace.transitions σ @ (case trace.term σ of None  trace.transitions' ( σ) (fst xsv) | Some v  [])"
by (simp add: trace.transitions'.append last_map'_def split: option.splits)

lemma idle_conv:
  shows "set (trace.transitions' s xs)  UNIV × Id  snd ` set xs  {s}"
by (induct xs arbitrary: s) (simp; fast)+

lemma map:
  shows "trace.transitions' (sf s) (map (map_prod af sf) xs)
       = map (map_prod af (map_prod sf sf)) (trace.transitions' s xs)"
by (induct xs arbitrary: s) simp_all

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "transitions"

lemma monotone:
  shows "monotone (≤) prefix trace.transitions"
by (rule monotoneI) (metis prefix_order.eq_iff trace.less_eqE trace.transitions'.prefix_conv)

lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF trace.transitions.monotone]

lemma subseq:
 assumes "σ  σ'"
 shows "subseq (trace.transitions σ) (trace.transitions σ')"
by (rule prefix_imp_subseq[OF trace.transitions.mono[OF assms]])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

type_synonym ('a, 's) steps = "('a × 's × 's) set"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "trace"

definition steps' :: "'s  ('a × 's) list  ('a, 's) steps" where
  "steps' s xs = set (trace.transitions' s xs) - UNIV × Id"

abbreviation (input) steps :: "('a, 's, 'v) trace.t  ('a, 's) steps" where
  "steps σ  trace.steps' (trace.init σ) ( σ)"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "steps'"

lemma simps[simp]:
  shows "trace.steps' s [] = {}"
    and "trace.steps' s ((a, s) # xs) = trace.steps' s xs"
    and "s  snd x  trace.steps' s (x # xs) = insert (fst x, s, snd x) (trace.steps' (snd x) xs)"
    and "(a, s', s')  trace.steps' s xs"
    and "snd ` set xs  {s}  trace.steps' s xs = {}"
    and "trace.steps' s [x] = (if s = snd x then {} else {(fst x, s, snd x)})"
by (simp_all add: trace.steps'_def insert_Diff_if trace.transitions'.idle_conv)

lemma Cons_eq_if:
  shows "trace.steps' s (x # xs)
      = (if s = snd x then trace.steps' s xs else insert (fst x, s, snd x) (trace.steps' (snd x) xs))"
by (auto simp: trace.steps'_def)

lemma stuttering:
  shows "trace.steps' s xs  r  A × Id  trace.steps' s xs  r"
    and "trace.steps' s xs  A × Id  r  trace.steps' s xs  r"
by (auto simp: trace.steps'_def)

lemma empty_conv[simp]:
  shows "trace.steps' s xs = {}  snd ` set xs  {s}" (is ?thesis1)
    and "{} = trace.steps' s xs  snd ` set xs  {s}" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  show ?thesis1 by (simp add: trace.steps'_def trace.transitions'.idle_conv)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (rule eq_commute_conv)

lemma append:
  shows "trace.steps' s (xs @ ys)
       = trace.steps' s xs  trace.steps' (' s xs) ys"
by (simp add: trace.steps'_def trace.transitions'.append Un_Diff)

lemma map:
  shows "trace.steps' (sf s) (map (map_prod af sf) xs) = map_prod af (map_prod sf sf) ` trace.steps' s xs - UNIV × Id"
    and "trace.steps' s (map (map_prod af id) xs) = map_prod af id ` trace.steps' s xs - UNIV × Id"
by (force simp: trace.steps'_def trace.transitions'.map trace.transitions'.map[where sf=id, simplified])+

lemma memberD:
  assumes "(a, s, s')  trace.steps' s0 xs"
  shows "(a, s')  set xs"
using assms by (induct xs arbitrary: s0) (auto simp: trace.steps'.Cons_eq_if split: if_split_asm)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "steps"

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono trace.steps"
by (simp add: monoI trace.steps'_def Diff_mono set_subseq[OF trace.transitions.subseq])

lemmas mono = monoD[OF trace.steps.monotone]
lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF trace.steps.monotone]

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "aset"

lemma simps:
  shows "trace.aset (trace.T s xs v) = fst ` set xs"
by (force simp: trace.t.set)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "sset"

lemma simps:
  shows "trace.sset (trace.T s xs v) = insert s (snd ` set xs)"
by (fastforce simp: trace.t.set image_iff)

lemma dropn_le:
  assumes "trace.dropn i σ = Some σ'"
  shows "trace.sset σ'  trace.sset σ"
using assms
by (cases σ; cases σ')
   (fastforce simp: trace.dropn_alt_def trace.sset.simps image_iff
             split: list.split_asm
              dest: arg_cong[where f=set] in_set_dropD)

lemma take_le:
  shows "trace.sset (trace.take i σ)  trace.sset σ"
by (cases σ) (auto simp: trace.take_def trace.sset.simps dest: in_set_takeD)

lemma mono:
  shows "mono trace.sset"
by (rule monoI, unfold trace.less_eq_take_def)
   (blast dest: subsetD[OF trace.sset.take_le])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Behaviors\label{sec:aczel_sequences-behaviors} ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "behavior"

datatype (aset: 'a, sset: 's, vset: 'v) t =
  B (init: 's) (rest: "('a × 's, 'v) tllist")
  map: map

definition "term" :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t  'v option" where
  "term ω = (if tfinite ( ω) then Some (terminal ( ω)) else None)"

declare behavior.t.map_id0[simp]
declare behavior.t.map_id0[unfolded id_def, simp]
declare behavior.t.map_sel[simp]
declare behavior.t.set_map[simp]
declare behavior.t.map_comp[unfolded o_def, simp]
declare behavior.t.set[simp del]

lemma split_all[no_atp]: ―‹ imitate the setup for typ'a × 'b without the automation ›
  shows "(x. PROP P x)  (s xs. PROP P (behavior.B s xs))"
  show "PROP P (behavior.B s xs)" if "x. PROP P x" for s xs by (rule that)
  fix x
  assume "s xs. PROP P (behavior.B s xs)"
  from PROP P (behavior.B (behavior.init x) ( x)) show "PROP P x" by simp

lemma split_All[no_atp]:
  shows "(x. P x)  (s xs. P (behavior.B s xs))" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof (intro iffI allI)
  fix x assume ?rhs then show "P x" by (cases x) simp_all
qed simp

lemma split_Ex[no_atp]:
  shows "(x. P x)  (s xs. P (behavior.B s xs))" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof (intro iffI allI; elim exE)
  fix x assume "P x" then show "s xs. P (behavior.B s xs)" by (cases x) fast
qed auto

subsection‹ Combinators on behaviors\label{sec:aczel_sequences-behaviors-combinators} ›

definition continue :: "('a, 's, 'v) trace.t  ('a × 's, 'v) tllist  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t" (infix @-B 64) where
  "σ @-B xs = behavior.B (trace.init σ) (tshift2 ( σ, trace.term σ) xs)"

definition tl :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t" where
  "tl ω = (case ω of TNil v  None | TCons x xs  Some (behavior.B (snd x) xs))"

definition dropn :: "nat  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t" where
  "dropn = (^^)"

definition take :: "nat  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t  ('a, 's, 'v) trace.t" where
  "take i ω = uncurry (trace.T (behavior.init ω)) (ttake i ( ω))"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "continue"

lemma simps:
  shows "trace.T s xs None @-B ys = behavior.B s (tshift xs ys)"
    and "trace.T s xs (Some v) @-B ys = behavior.B s (tshift xs (TNil v))"
    and "trace.T s (x # xs) w @-B ys = behavior.B s (TCons x (tshift2 (xs, w) ys))"
by (simp_all add: behavior.continue_def)

lemma sel[simp]:
  shows init: "behavior.init (σ @-B xs) = trace.init σ"
    and rest: " (σ @-B xs) = tshift2 ( σ, trace.term σ) xs"
by (simp_all add: behavior.continue_def)

lemma term_None:
  assumes "trace.term σ = None"
  shows "σ @-B xs = behavior.B (trace.init σ) (tshift ( σ) xs)"
by (simp add: assms behavior.continue_def)

lemma term_Some:
  assumes "trace.term σ = Some v"
  shows "σ @-B xs = behavior.B (trace.init σ) (tshift ( σ) (TNil v))"
by (simp add: assms behavior.continue_def)

lemma tshift2:
  shows "σ @-B tshift2 xsv ys = (σ @-S xsv) @-B ys"
by (simp add: behavior.continue_def tshift2_def tshift_append split: option.split)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tl"

lemma TNil:
  shows " (behavior.B s (TNil v)) = None"
by (simp add: behavior.tl_def)

lemma TCons:
  shows " (behavior.B s (TCons x xs)) = Some (behavior.B (snd x) xs)"
by (simp add: behavior.tl_def)

lemma eq_None_conv:
  shows " ω = None  is_TNil ( ω)"
by (simp add: behavior.tl_def split: tllist.split)

lemma continue_Cons:
  shows " (trace.T s (x # xs) v @-B ys) = Some (trace.T (snd x) xs v @-B ys)"
by (simp add: behavior.tl_def behavior.continue_def)

lemmas simps[simp] =

lemma tfiniteD:
  assumes " ω = Some ω'"
  shows "tfinite ( ω')  tfinite ( ω)"
using assms by (auto simp: behavior.tl_def split: tllist.splits)

setup Sign.parent_path

lemma dropn_alt_def:
  shows "behavior.dropn i ω
       = (case tdropn i (TCons (undefined, behavior.init ω) ( ω)) of
           TNil _  None
         | TCons x xs  Some (behavior.B (snd x) xs))"
proof(induct i arbitrary: ω)
  case 0 show ?case by (simp add: behavior.dropn_def)
  case (Suc i ω) then show ?case
    by (cases ω; cases " ω"; cases i;
        simp add: behavior.dropn_def tdropn_eq_TNil_conv tdropn_tlength split: tllist.splits)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "dropn"

lemma simps[simp]:
  shows 0: "behavior.dropn 0 ω = Some ω"
    and TNil: "behavior.dropn i (behavior.B s (TNil v)) = (case i of 0  Some (behavior.B s (TNil v)) | _  None)"
by (simp_all add: behavior.dropn_def split: nat.splits)

lemma TCons:
  shows "behavior.dropn i (behavior.B s (TCons x xs))
      = (case i of 0  Some (behavior.B s (TCons x xs)) | Suc j  behavior.dropn j (behavior.B (snd x) xs))"
by (simp add: behavior.dropn_def split: nat.splits)

lemma Suc:
  shows "behavior.dropn (Suc i) ω = Option.bind ( ω) (behavior.dropn i)"
by (simp_all add: behavior.dropn_def)

lemma bind_tl_commute:
  shows " ω  behavior.dropn i = behavior.dropn i ω"
by (simp add: behavior.dropn_def pfunpow_swap1)

lemma Suc_right:
  shows "behavior.dropn (Suc i) ω = Option.bind (behavior.dropn i ω)"
by (simp add: behavior.dropn_def pfunpow_Suc_right del: pfunpow.simps)

lemma dropn:
  shows "Option.bind (behavior.dropn i ω) (behavior.dropn j) = behavior.dropn (i + j) ω"
by (simp add: behavior.dropn_def pfunpow_add)

lemma add:
  shows "behavior.dropn (i + j) = (λω. Option.bind (behavior.dropn i ω) (behavior.dropn j))"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff behavior.dropn.dropn)

lemma tfiniteD:
  assumes "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'"
  shows "tfinite ( ω')  tfinite ( ω)"
using assms
by (induct i arbitrary: ω')
   (auto simp: behavior.dropn.Suc_right split: bind_split_asm)

lemma shorterD:
  assumes "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'"
  assumes "j  i"
  shows "ω''. behavior.dropn j ω = Some ω''"
using assms(1) le_Suc_ex[OF assms(2)]
by (clarsimp simp flip: behavior.dropn.dropn split: Option.bind_split_asm)

lemma eq_None_tlength_conv:
  shows "behavior.dropn i ω = None  tlength ( ω) < enat i"
proof(induct i arbitrary: ω)
  case 0 show ?case by (simp add: enat_0)
  case (Suc i) then show ?case
    by (cases ω; cases " ω"; simp add: behavior.dropn.Suc enat_0_iff flip: eSuc_enat)

lemma eq_Some_tlength_conv:
  shows "(ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω')  enat i  tlength ( ω)"
by (metis behavior.dropn.eq_None_tlength_conv leD leI not_None_eq2)

lemma eq_Some_tlengthD:
  assumes "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'"
  shows "enat i  tlength ( ω)"
using assms behavior.dropn.eq_Some_tlength_conv by blast

lemma tlength_eq_SomeD:
  assumes "enat i  tlength ( ω)"
  shows "ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'"
using assms behavior.dropn.eq_Some_tlength_conv by blast

lemma eq_Some_tdropnD:
  assumes "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'"
  shows "tdropn i ( ω) = ω'"
using assms
proof(induct i arbitrary: ω)
  case (Suc i) then show ?case
    by (cases ω; cases " ω"; fastforce simp: behavior.dropn.Suc)
qed simp

lemma continue_shorter:
  assumes "i  length ( σ)"
  shows "behavior.dropn i (σ @-B xs) = Option.bind (trace.dropn i σ) (λσ'. Some (σ' @-B xs))"
using assms
proof(induct i arbitrary: σ)
  case (Suc i σ) from Suc.prems show ?case
    by (cases σ; cases " σ")
       (simp_all add: behavior.dropn.Suc flip: Suc.hyps)
qed simp

lemma continue_Some:
  assumes "length ( σ) < i"
  assumes "trace.term σ = Some v"
  shows "behavior.dropn i (σ @-B xs) = None"
using assms by (simp add: behavior.dropn.eq_None_tlength_conv tlength_tshift2 tlength_tshift)

lemma continue_None:
  assumes "length ( σ) < i"
  assumes "trace.term σ = None"
  shows "behavior.dropn i (σ @-B xs)
       = (case tdropn (i - Suc (length ( σ))) xs of
           TNil _  None
         | TCons y ys  Some (behavior.B (snd y) ys))"
using assms by (cases i) (auto simp: behavior.dropn_alt_def tdropn_tshift)

lemma continue:
  shows "behavior.dropn i (σ @-B xs)
       = (if i  length ( σ)
            then Option.bind (trace.dropn i σ) (λσ'. Some (σ' @-B xs))
            else if trace.term σ = None
                 then case tdropn (i - Suc (length ( σ))) xs of
                        TNil _  None
                      | TCons y ys  Some (behavior.B (snd y) ys)
                 else None)"
by (clarsimp simp: behavior.dropn.continue_None behavior.dropn.continue_Some

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "trace.take.behavior"

lemma take:
  shows "trace.take i (behavior.take j ω) = behavior.take (min i j) ω"
by (simp add: behavior.take_def trace.take_def split_def
              ttake_eq_None_conv ttake_flat length_ttake take_fst_ttake
       split: enat.split split_min)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "behavior"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "take"

lemma simps[simp]:
  shows 0: "behavior.take 0 ω = trace.T (behavior.init ω) [] None"
    and Suc_TNil: "behavior.take (Suc i) (behavior.B s (TNil v)) = trace.T s [] (Some v)"
by (simp_all add: behavior.take_def)

lemma sel[simp]:
  shows "trace.init (behavior.take i ω) = behavior.init ω"
    and " (behavior.take i ω) = fst (ttake i ( ω))"
    and "trace.term (behavior.take i ω) = snd (ttake i ( ω))"
by (simp_all add: behavior.take_def split_def)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono (λi. behavior.take i ω)"
by (rule monoI) (fastforce simp: trace.less_eq_take_def trace.take.behavior.take min_def)

lemmas mono = monoD[OF behavior.take.monotone]

lemma map:
  shows "behavior.take i ( af sf vf ω) = af sf vf (behavior.take i ω)"
by (induct i arbitrary: ω) (simp_all add: behavior.take_def split_def ttake_tmap split: tllist.split)

lemma continue:
  shows "behavior.take i (σ @-B ω) = trace.take i σ @-S ttake (i - length ( σ)) ω"
by (cases σ)
   (auto simp: behavior.take_def split_def trace.take_def ttake_tshift2 ttake_TNil
        split: option.split nat.split)

lemma all_continue:
  assumes "tlength ( ω) < enat i"
  shows "behavior.take i ω @-S xsv = behavior.take i ω"
using assms
by (auto simp: behavior.take_def split_def trace.continue_def ttake_eq_None_conv
        split: option.split)

lemma continue_same:
  shows "behavior.take i (behavior.take i ω @-B xsv) = behavior.take i ω"
by (auto simp: behavior.take_def split_def ttake_tshift2 length_ttake
               ttake_eq_None_conv ttake_eq_Nil_conv ttake_eq_Some_conv ttake_TNil
        split: enat.split nat.split option.split)

lemma treplicate:
  shows "behavior.take i (behavior.B s (treplicate j as v))
       = trace.T s (List.replicate (min i j) as) (if j < i then Some v else None)"
by (simp add: behavior.take_def)

lemma trepeat:
  shows "behavior.take i (behavior.B s (trepeat as)) = trace.T s (List.replicate i as) None"
by (simp add: behavior.take_def ttake_trepeat)

lemma tshift:
  shows "behavior.take i (behavior.B s (tshift xs ys)) = trace.take i (trace.T s xs None) @-S ttake (i - length xs) ys"
by (simp add: behavior.take_def trace.take_def ttake_tshift split_def)

lemma length:
  shows "length ( (behavior.take j ω))
       = (case tlength ( ω) of enat i  min i j |   j)"
by (auto simp: length_ttake split: enat.split)

lemma add:
  shows "behavior.take (i + j) ω
       = behavior.take i ω @-S (case behavior.dropn i ω of Some ω'  ttake j ( ω'))"
by (auto simp: behavior.take_def split_def ttake_add Let_def behavior.dropn.eq_Some_tdropnD
         dest: iffD1[OF ttake_eq_None_conv(1)]
        split: option.split)

lemma term_Some_conv:
  shows "trace.term (behavior.take j ω) = Some v
     (tlength ( ω) < enat j  Some v = behavior.term ω)"
by (auto simp: behavior.term_def ttake_eq_Some_conv tfinite_tlength_conv)

lemma dropn:
  assumes "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'"
  shows "behavior.take j ω' = the (trace.dropn i (behavior.take (i + j) ω))"
using assms
proof(induct i arbitrary: j ω ω')
  case (Suc i j ω) then show ?case
    by (cases ω; cases " ω"; cases i)
       (auto simp: behavior.dropn.Suc behavior.take_def split_def)
qed simp

lemma continue_id:
  assumes "tlength ( ω) < enat i"
  shows "behavior.take i ω @-B xs = ω"
using assms by (simp add: behavior.continue_def tshift2_ttake_shorter)

lemma flat:
  assumes "tlength ( ω) < enat i"
  assumes "i  j"
  shows "behavior.take i ω = behavior.take j ω"
using assms by (simp add: behavior.take_def ttake_flat)

lemma eqI:
  assumes "i. behavior.take i ω1 = behavior.take i ω2"
  shows "ω1 = ω2"
using assms
by (cases ω1; cases ω2; simp add: behavior.take_def case_prod_beta prod_eq_iff ttake_eq_imp_eq)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "continue"

lemma take_drop_shorter:
  assumes "i  j"
  shows "behavior.take i ω @-S apfst (drop i) (ttake j ( ω)) = behavior.take j ω"
using assms
by (simp add: trace.continue_def behavior.take.flat ttake_eq_None_conv ttake_eq_Some_conv trace.t.expand
        flip: take_fst_ttake[where i=i and j=j, simplified min_absorb1[OF assms]]
       split: option.split)

lemma take_drop_id:
  shows "behavior.take i ω @-B (the (behavior.dropn i ω)) = ω"
by (cases "tlength ( ω) < enat i")
   (simp add: behavior.take.continue_id,
    simp add: behavior.continue_def tshift2_ttake_tdropn_id behavior.dropn.tlength_eq_SomeD
        flip: behavior.dropn.eq_Some_tdropnD)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "aset"

lemma simps:
  shows "behavior.aset (behavior.B s xs) = fst ` tset xs"
by (force simp: behavior.t.set)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "sset"

lemma simps:
  shows "behavior.sset (behavior.B s xs) = insert s (snd ` tset xs)"
by (fastforce simp: behavior.t.set image_iff)

lemma dropn_le:
  assumes "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'"
  shows "behavior.sset ω'  behavior.sset ω"
using assms
by (cases ω; cases ω')
   (fastforce simp: behavior.dropn_alt_def behavior.sset.simps image_iff
             split: tllist.split_asm
              dest: arg_cong[where f=tset] in_tset_tdropnD)

lemma take_le:
  shows "trace.sset (behavior.take i ω)  behavior.sset ω"
by (cases ω)
   (auto simp: behavior.take_def behavior.sset.simps trace.sset.simps split_def
         dest: in_set_ttakeD)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "trace.dropn.behavior"

lemma take:
  shows "trace.dropn i (behavior.take j ω)
       = (if i  j then Option.bind (behavior.dropn i ω) (λω'. Some (behavior.take (j - i) ω'))
                    else None)"
proof(cases "i  j")
  case False then show ?thesis
    by (clarsimp simp: trace.dropn.eq_none_length_conv length_ttake split: enat.split) linarith
  case True then show ?thesis
  proof(induct j arbitrary: i ω)
    case (Suc j i ω) then show ?case
      by (cases ω; cases i)
         (auto simp: behavior.dropn.Suc behavior.take_def split_def behavior.split_all
              split: tllist.splits)
  qed simp

setup Sign.parent_path
