Theory Programs

theory Programs

section‹ A programming language\label{sec:programs} ›


The typ('a, 's, 'v) spec lattice of
\S\ref{sec:safety_logic-logic} is adequate for logic but is deficient
as a programming language. In particular we wish to interpret the
parallel composition as intersection
(\S\ref{sec:constructions-parallel_composition}) which requires
processes to contain enough interference opportunities. Similarly we
want the customary ``laws of programming''
citep"HoareEtAl:1987" to hold without side

These points are discussed at some length by
citet‹\S3.2› in "Zwiers:1989" and also
citet‹Lemma~6.7› in "Foster:2020".

Our ('v, 's) prog› lattice (\S\ref{sec:programs-prog})
therefore handles the common case of the familiar constructs for
sequential programming, and we lean on our typ('a, 's, 'v)
spec lattice for other constructions such as interleaving
parallel composition (\S\ref{sec:constructions-parallel_composition})
and local state (\S\ref{sec:local_state}). It allows arbitrary
interference by the environment before and after every program action.


subsection‹ The ‹('s, 'v) prog› lattice \label{sec:programs-prog} ›


According to citet‹\S2.1› in "MuellerOlm:1997", ('s, 'v) prog› is
a ‹sub-lattice› of typ('a, 's, 'v) spec as the corresponding constinf and constsup
operations coincide. However it is not a ‹complete› sub-lattice as constSup in ('s, 'v) prog›
needs to account for the higher bottom of that lattice.


typedef ('s, 'v) prog = "spec.interference.closed ({env} × UNIV) :: (sequential, 's, 'v) spec set"
morphisms p2s Abs_t
by blast

hide_const (open) p2s

setup_lifting type_definition_prog

instantiation prog :: (type, type) complete_distrib_lattice

lift_definition bot_prog :: "('s, 'v) prog" is " ({env} × UNIV) " ..
lift_definition top_prog :: "('s, 'v) prog" is  ..
lift_definition sup_prog :: "('s, 'v) prog  ('s, 'v) prog  ('s, 'v) prog" is sup ..
lift_definition inf_prog :: "('s, 'v) prog  ('s, 'v) prog  ('s, 'v) prog" is inf ..
lift_definition less_eq_prog :: "('s, 'v) prog  ('s, 'v) prog  bool" is less_eq .
lift_definition less_prog :: "('s, 'v) prog  ('s, 'v) prog  bool" is less .
lift_definition Inf_prog :: "('s, 'v) prog set  ('s, 'v) prog" is Inf ..
lift_definition Sup_prog :: "('s, 'v) prog set  ('s, 'v) prog" is "λX. Sup X ({env} × UNIV) " ..

by standard (transfer; auto simp: Inf_lower InfI SupI le_supI1 spec.interference.least)+


subsection‹ Morphisms to and from the ‹(sequential, 's, 'v) spec› lattice\label{sec:programs-morphisms} ›


We can readily convert a typ('s, 'v) prog into a
typ('a agent, 's, 'v) spec. More interestingly, on
typ('s, 'v) prog we have a Galois connection that
embeds specifications into programs. (This connection is termed a
‹Galois insertion› by
citet"MeltonSchmidtStrecker:1985" as we also have
prog.s2p.p2s›; Cousot says ``Galois retraction''.)

See also \S\ref{sec:programs-refinement-galois} and


setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec.interference.closed"

lemmas p2s[iff] = prog.p2s

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path ""

lemmas p2s = spec.interference.closed_conv[OF spec.interference.closed.p2s, symmetric, of P for P]

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec.idle"

lemmas p2s_le[spec.idle_le]
  = spec.interference.le_closedE[OF spec.idle.interference.cl_le spec.interference.closed.p2s, of P for P]
lemmas p2s_minimal[iff] = order.trans[OF spec.idle.minimal_le spec.idle.p2s_le]

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "prog"

lemma p2s_leI:
  assumes "prog.p2s c  prog.p2s d"
  shows "c  d"
by (simp add: assms less_eq_prog.rep_eq)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "p2s"

named_theorems simps ‹simp rules for const‹p2s››

lemmas bot = bot_prog.rep_eq
lemmas top = top_prog.rep_eq
lemmas inf = inf_prog.rep_eq
lemmas sup = sup_prog.rep_eq
lemmas Inf = Inf_prog.rep_eq
lemmas Sup = Sup_prog.rep_eq

lemma Sup_not_empty:
  assumes "X  {}"
  shows "prog.p2s (X) = (prog.p2s ` X)"
using assms by transfer (simp add: sup.absorb1 less_eq_Sup spec.interference.least)

lemma SUP_not_empty:
  assumes "X  {}"
  shows " prog.p2s (xX. f x) = (xX. prog.p2s (f x))"
by (simp add: assms prog.p2s.Sup_not_empty[where X="f ` X", simplified image_image])

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono prog.p2s"
by (rule monoI) (transfer; simp)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF prog.p2s.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF prog.p2s.monotone]
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono] = monotone2monotone[OF prog.p2s.monotone, simplified, of orda P for orda P]

lemma mcont: ―‹ Morally @{thm [source] galois.complete_lattice.mcont_lower}
  shows "mcont Sup (≤) Sup (≤) prog.p2s"
by (simp add: contI mcontI prog.p2s.Sup_not_empty)

lemmas mcont2mcont[cont_intro] = mcont2mcont[OF prog.p2s.mcont, of luba orda P for luba orda P]

lemmas Let_distrib = Let_distrib[where f=prog.p2s]

lemmas [prog.p2s.simps] =

lemma interference_wind_bind:
  shows "spec.rel ({env} × UNIV)  (λ_::unit. prog.p2s P) = prog.p2s P"
by (subst (1 2) spec.interference.closed_conv[OF prog.p2s])
   (simp add: spec.interference.cl_def spec.rel.wind_bind flip: spec.bind.bind)

setup Sign.parent_path

definition s2p :: "(sequential, 's, 'v) spec  ('s, 'v) prog" where ―‹ Morally the upper of a Galois connection ›
  "s2p P = {c. prog.p2s c  P}"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "s2p"

lemma bottom:
  shows "prog.s2p  = "
by (simp add: prog.s2p_def bot.extremum_uniqueI less_eq_prog.rep_eq)

lemma top:
  shows "prog.s2p  = "
by (simp add: prog.s2p_def)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono prog.s2p"
by (fastforce simp: prog.s2p_def intro: monotoneI Sup_subset_mono)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF prog.s2p.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF prog.s2p.monotone]
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono] = monotone2monotone[OF prog.s2p.monotone, simplified]

lemma p2s:
  shows "prog.s2p (prog.p2s P) = P"
by (auto simp: prog.s2p_def simp flip: less_eq_prog.rep_eq intro: Sup_eqI)

lemma Sup_le:
  shows "(prog.s2p ` X)  prog.s2p (X)"
by (simp add: prog.s2p_def Collect_mono SUPE Sup_subset_mono Sup_upper2)

lemma sup_le:
  shows "prog.s2p x  prog.s2p y  prog.s2p (x  y)"
using prog.s2p.Sup_le[where X="{x, y}"] by simp

lemma Inf:
  shows "prog.s2p (X) = (prog.s2p ` X)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (simp add: prog.s2p_def SupI Sup_le_iff le_Inf_iff)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (fastforce simp: prog.s2p_def prog.p2s.mono
                        Inf_Sup[where A="(λx. {c. prog.p2s c  x}) ` X", simplified image_image]
                        le_Inf_iff INF_lower2
                  elim: order.trans[rotated]
                 intro: Sup_subset_mono)

lemma inf:
  shows "prog.s2p (x  y) = prog.s2p x  prog.s2p y"
using prog.s2p.Inf[where X="{x, y}"] by simp

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "p2s_s2p"

lemma galois: ―‹ the Galois connection ›
  shows "prog.p2s c  S
      c  prog.s2p S  spec.term.none (spec.rel ({env} × UNIV) :: (_, _, unit) spec)  S" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (metis order.trans prog.s2p.mono prog.s2p.p2s spec.interference.closed.p2s
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    unfolding prog.s2p_def by transfer (force simp: elim: order.trans)

lemma le:
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.s2p S) ({env} × UNIV) S"
by (metis bot_prog.rep_eq prog.p2s_s2p.galois prog.s2p.mono spec.interference.cl_bot_least

lemma insertion:
  fixes S :: "(sequential, 's, 'v) spec"
  assumes "S  spec.interference.closed ({env} × UNIV)"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.s2p S) = S"
by (metis assms prog.p2s_cases prog.s2p.p2s)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Programming language constructs\label{sec:programs-language} ›


We lift the combinators directly from the typ('a,
's ,'v) spec lattice (\S\ref{sec:safety_logic}), but need to
interference-close primitive actions. Control flow is expressed via
HOL's if-then-else› construct and other case combinators
where the scrutinee is a pure value. This means that the atomicity of a process is completely
determined by occurrences of prog.action›.


setup Sign.mandatory_path "prog"

lift_definition bind :: "('s, 'v) prog  ('v  ('s, 'w) prog)  ('s, 'w) prog" is
  spec.bind ..

  Monad_Syntax.bind prog.bind

lift_definition action :: "('v × 's × 's) set  ('s, 'v) prog" is
  "λF. ({env} × UNIV) (spec.action (map_prod id (Pair self) ` F))" ..

abbreviation (input) det_action :: "('s  ('v × 's))  ('s, 'v) prog" where
  "det_action f  prog.action {(v, s, s'). (v, s') = f s}"

definition return :: "'v  ('s, 'v) prog" where
  "return v = prog.action ({v} × Id)"

definition guard :: "'s pred  ('s, unit) prog" where
  "guard g  prog.action ({()} × Diag g)"

abbreviation (input) read :: "('s  'v)  ('s, 'v) prog" where
  "read F  prog.action {(F s, s, s) |s. True}"

abbreviation (input) "write" :: "('s  's)  ('s, unit) prog" where
  "write F  prog.action {((), s, F s) |s. True}"

lift_definition Parallel :: "'a set  ('a  ('s, unit) prog)  ('s, unit) prog" is spec.Parallel
by (rule spec.interference.closed.Parallel)

lift_definition parallel :: "('s, unit) prog  ('s, unit) prog  ('s, unit) prog" is spec.parallel
by (simp add: spec.parallel_def spec.interference.closed.Parallel)

lift_definition vmap :: "('v  'w)  ('s, 'v) prog  ('s, 'w) prog" is spec.vmap
by (rule subsetD[OF spec.interference.closed.antimono spec.interference.closed.map_sf_id, rotated])

  Parallel prog.Parallel
  parallel prog.parallel

lemma return_alt_def:
  shows "prog.return v = v"
by (auto simp: prog.return_def intro: arg_cong[where f="prog.action"])

lemma parallel_alt_def:
  shows "prog.parallel P Q = prog.Parallel UNIV (λa::bool. if a then P else Q)"
by transfer (simp add: spec.parallel_def)

lift_definition rel :: "'s rel  ('s, 'v) prog" is "λr. spec.rel ({env} × UNIV  {self} × r)"
by (simp add: spec.interference.closed.rel)

lift_definition steps :: "('s, 'v) prog  's rel" is "λP. spec.steps P `` {self}" .

lift_definition invmap :: "('s  't)  ('v  'w)  ('t, 'w) prog  ('s, 'v) prog" is
  "spec.invmap id"
by (rule subsetD[OF spec.interference.closed.antimono spec.interference.closed.invmap, rotated])

abbreviation sinvmap ::"('s  't)  ('t, 'v) prog  ('s, 'v) prog" where
  "sinvmap sf  prog.invmap sf id"
abbreviation vinvmap ::"('v  'w)  ('s, 'w) prog  ('s, 'v) prog" where
  "vinvmap vf  prog.invmap id vf"

declare prog.bind_def[code del]
declare prog.action_def[code del]
declare prog.return_def[code del]
declare prog.Parallel_def[code del]
declare prog.parallel_def[code del]
declare prog.vmap_def[code del]
declare prog.rel_def[code del]
declare prog.steps_def[code del]
declare prog.invmap_def[code del]

subsubsection‹ Laws of programming \label{sec:programs-laws} ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "p2s"

lemma bind[prog.p2s.simps]:
  shows "prog.p2s (f  g) = prog.p2s f  (λx. prog.p2s (g x))"
by transfer simp

lemmas action = prog.action.rep_eq

lemma return:
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.return v) = ({env} × UNIV) (spec.return v)"
by (simp add: prog.return_def prog.p2s.action map_prod_image_Times Pair_image
        flip: spec.return_alt_def)

lemma guard:
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.guard g) = ({env} × UNIV) (spec.guard g)"
by (simp add: prog.guard_def prog.p2s.action map_prod_image_Times Pair_image
        flip: spec.guard.alt_def[where A="{self}"])

lemmas Parallel[prog.p2s.simps] = prog.Parallel.rep_eq[simplified, of as Ps for as Ps, unfolded comp_def]
lemmas parallel[prog.p2s.simps] = prog.parallel.rep_eq
lemmas invmap[prog.p2s.simps] = prog.invmap.rep_eq
lemmas rel[prog.p2s.simps] = prog.rel.rep_eq

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "return"

lemma transfer[transfer_rule]:
  shows "rel_fun (=) cr_prog (λv. ({env} × UNIV) (spec.return v)) prog.return"
by (simp add: rel_funI cr_prog_def prog.p2s.return)

lemma cong:
  fixes F :: "('v × 's × 's) set"
  assumes "v s s'. (v, s, s')  F  s' = s"
  assumes "v s s' s''. v  fst ` F  (v, s, s)  F"
  shows "prog.action F = ((v, s, s')F. prog.return v)"
using assms
by transfer
   (subst spec.return.cong;
    fastforce simp:
           image_image split_def
             intro: map_prod_imageI[where f=id, simplified])

lemma rel_le:
  shows "prog.return v  prog.rel r"
by transfer (simp add: spec.interference.least spec.interference.closed.rel spec.return.rel_le)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "action"

lemma empty:
  shows "prog.action {} = "
by transfer
   (simp add: spec.action.empty
        flip: bot_fun_def spec.bind.botR)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono (prog.action :: _  ('s, 'v) prog)"
proof(transfer, rule monotoneI)
  show " ({env} × UNIV) (spec.action (map_prod id (Pair self) ` F)) ({env} × UNIV) (spec.action (map_prod id (Pair self) ` F'))"
    if "F  F'" for F F' :: "('v × 's × 's) set"
    by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF F  F']) simp

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF prog.action.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF prog.action.monotone]
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono] = monotone2monotone[OF prog.action.monotone, simplified]

lemma Sup:
  shows "prog.action (Fs) = (FFs. prog.action F)"
by transfer
   (simp add:
     spec.action.Sup image_Union image_image
        flip: bot_fun_def spec.bind.botR)

lemmas sup = prog.action.Sup[where Fs="{F, G}" for F G, simplified]

lemma Inf_le:
  shows "prog.action (Fs)  (FFs. prog.action F)"
apply transfer
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF image_Inter_subseteq])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF spec.action.Inf_le])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF spec.interference.cl_Inf_le])
apply (blast intro: Inf_mono)

lemma inf_le:
  shows "prog.action (F  G)  prog.action F  prog.action G"
using prog.action.Inf_le[where Fs="{F, G}"] by simp

lemma sinvmap_le: ―‹ a strict refinement ›
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.action (map_prod id (map_prod sf sf) -` F))
       spec.sinvmap sf (prog.p2s (prog.action F))"
by (force intro: order.trans[OF _[OF order.refl spec.action.invmap_le]]
           simp: prog.p2s.action

lemma return_const:
  fixes F :: "'s rel"
  fixes V :: "'v set"
  fixes W :: "'w set"
  assumes "V  {}"
  assumes "W  {}"
  shows "prog.action (V × F) = prog.action (W × F)  (vV. prog.return v)"
using assms(1)
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps prog.p2s.action prog.p2s.return image_image
              map_prod_image_Times spec.action.return_const[OF assms]
        flip: prog.p2s_inject)

lemma rel_le:
  assumes "v s s'. (v, s, s')  F  (s, s')  r  s = s'"
  shows "prog.action F  prog.rel r"
by (auto intro: order.trans[OF[OF order.refl
                                                            spec.action.rel_le[where r="{self} × r  {env} × UNIV"]]]
          dest: assms
          simp: less_eq_prog.rep_eq prog.p2s.simps prog.p2s.action ac_simps)

lemma invmap_le:
  shows "prog.action (map_prod vf (map_prod sf sf) -` F)  prog.invmap sf vf (prog.action F)"
by transfer
   (force simp:
                spec.action.mono order.trans[OF _[OF order.refl spec.action.invmap_le]])

lemma action_le:
  shows "spec.action (map_prod id (Pair self) ` F)  prog.p2s (prog.action F)"
by (simp add: prog.p2s.action spec.interference.expansive)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "bind"

lemmas if_distrL = if_distrib[where f="λx. x  g" for g :: "_  (_, _) prog"]

lemma mono:
  assumes "f  f'"
  assumes "x. g x  g' x"
  shows "prog.bind f g  prog.bind f' g'"
using assms by transfer (simp add: spec.bind.mono)

lemma strengthen[strg]:
  assumes "st_ord F f f'"
  assumes "x. st_ord F (g x) (g' x)"
  shows "st_ord F (prog.bind f g) (prog.bind f' g')"
using assms by (cases F; clarsimp intro!: prog.bind.mono)

lemma mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "monotone orda (≤) f"
  assumes "x. monotone orda (≤) (λy. g y x)"
  shows "monotone orda (≤) (λx. prog.bind (f x) (g x))"
using assms by transfer simp

text‹ The monad laws hold unconditionally in the typ('s, 'v) prog lattice. ›

lemma bind:
  shows "f  g  h = prog.bind f (λx. g x  h)"
by transfer (simp add: spec.bind.bind)

lemma return:
  shows returnL: "(⤜) (prog.return v) = (λg :: 'v  ('s, 'w) prog. g v)" (is ?thesis1)
    and returnR: "f  prog.return = f" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  have "prog.return v  g = g v" for g :: "'v  ('s, 'w) prog"
    by transfer
       (simp add: map_prod_image_Times Pair_image spec.action.read_agents
                  spec.bind.returnL spec.idle_le prog.p2s_induct spec.interference.closed.bind_relL
            flip: spec.return_def)
  then show ?thesis1
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  show ?thesis2
    by transfer
       (simp add: map_prod_image_Times Pair_image spec.action.read_agents
            flip: spec.return_def spec.interference.closed_conv)

lemma botL:
  shows "prog.bind  = "
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff prog.p2s.simps
        flip: prog.p2s_inject)

lemma botR_le:
  shows "prog.bind f   f" (is ?thesis1)
    and "prog.bind f   f" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  show ?thesis1
    by (metis bot.extremum dual_order.refl prog.bind.mono prog.bind.returnR)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (simp add: bot_fun_def)

  fixes f :: "(_, _) prog"
  fixes f1 :: "(_, _) prog"
  shows supL: "(f1  f2)  g = (f1  g)  (f2  g)"
    and supR: "f  (λx. g1 x  g2 x) = (f  g1)  (f  g2)"
by (transfer; blast intro: spec.bind.supL spec.bind.supR)+

lemma SUPL:
  fixes X :: "_ set"
  fixes f :: "_  (_, _) prog"
  shows "(xX. f x)  g = (xX. f x  g)"
by transfer
   (simp add: spec.bind.supL spec.bind.bind spec.bind.SUPL
        flip: spec.bind.botR bot_fun_def)

lemma SUPR:
  fixes X :: "_ set"
  fixes f :: "(_, _) prog"
  shows "f  (λv. xX. g x v) = (xX. f  g x)  (f  )"
unfolding bot_fun_def
by transfer
   (simp add: spec.bind.supL spec.bind.supR spec.bind.bind spec.bind.SUPR ac_simps le_supI2
              sup.absorb2 spec.interference.closed.bind spec.interference.least spec.bind.mono
        flip: spec.bind.botR)

lemma SupR:
  fixes X :: "_ set"
  fixes f :: "(_, _) prog"
  shows "f  (X) = (xX. f  x)  (f  )"
by (simp add: prog.bind.SUPR[where g="λx v. x", simplified])

lemma SUPR_not_empty:
  fixes f :: "(_, _) prog"
  assumes "X  {}"
  shows "f  (λv. xX. g x v) = (xX. f  g x)"
using iffD2[OF ex_in_conv assms]
by (subst trans[OF prog.bind.SUPR sup.absorb1]; force intro: SUPI prog.bind.mono)

lemma mcont2mcont[cont_intro]:
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) f"
  assumes "v. mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. g x v)"
  shows "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. prog.bind (f x) (g x))"
proof(rule ccpo.mcont2mcont'[OF complete_lattice_ccpo _ _ assms(1)])
  show "mcont Sup (≤) Sup (≤) (λf. prog.bind f (g x))" for x
    by (intro mcontI contI monotoneI) (simp_all add: prog.bind.mono flip: prog.bind.SUPL)
  show "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. prog.bind f (g x))" for f
    by (intro mcontI monotoneI contI)
       (simp_all add: mcont_monoD[OF assms(2)] prog.bind.mono
                flip: prog.bind.SUPR_not_empty contD[OF mcont_cont[OF assms(2)]])

lemma inf_rel:
  shows "prog.rel r  (f  g) = prog.rel r  f  (λx. prog.rel r  g x)"
    and "(f  g)  prog.rel r = prog.rel r  f  (λx. prog.rel r  g x)"
by (transfer; simp add: spec.bind.inf_rel)+

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "guard"

lemma bot:
  shows "prog.guard  = "
    and "prog.guard False = "
by (simp_all add: prog.guard_def prog.action.empty)

lemma top:
  shows "prog.guard (::'a pred) = prog.return ()" (is ?thesis1)
    and "prog.guard (True::'a pred) = prog.return ()" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  show ?thesis1
    unfolding prog.guard_def prog.return_def by transfer (simp add: Id_def)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (simp add: top_fun_def)

lemma return_le:
  shows "prog.guard g  prog.return ()"
unfolding prog.guard_def Diag_def prog.return_def
by transfer (blast intro: spec.action.mono)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono (prog.guard :: 's pred  _)"
proof(rule monoI)
  show "prog.guard g  prog.guard h" if "g  h" for g h :: "'s pred"
    unfolding prog.guard_def
    by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF that]) (rule order.refl)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF prog.guard.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF prog.guard.monotone]
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono] = monotone2monotone[OF prog.guard.monotone, simplified]

lemma less: ―‹ Non-triviality ›
  assumes "g < g'"
  shows "prog.guard g < prog.guard g'"
proof(rule le_neq_trans)
  show "prog.guard g  prog.guard g'"
    by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF order_less_imp_le[OF assms]]) simp
  from assms obtain s where "g' s" "¬g s" by (metis leD predicate1I)
  from ¬g s have "¬trace.T s [] (Some ())  prog.p2s (prog.guard g)"
    by (fastforce simp: trace.split_all prog.p2s.guard spec.guard_def
                        spec.singleton.le_conv spec.singleton.action_le_conv trace.steps'.step_conv
                  elim: spec.singleton.bind_le)
  from g' s have "trace.T s [] (Some ())  prog.p2s (prog.guard g')"
    by (force simp: prog.p2s.guard prog.p2s.action spec.guard_def
             intro: order.trans[OF _ spec.interference.expansive] spec.action.stutterI)
  ultimately show "prog.guard g  prog.guard g'" by metis

lemma "if":
  shows "(if b then t else e) = (prog.guard b  t)  (prog.guard ¬b  e)"
by (auto simp: prog.bind.returnL prog.bind.botL)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "Parallel"

lemma bot:
  assumes "a. a  bs  Ps a = "
  assumes "as  bs  {}"
  shows "prog.Parallel as Ps = prog.Parallel (as - bs) Ps  "
by (auto simp: assms(1)
               spec.interference.closed.bind_rel_unitR spec.interference.closed.Parallel
               spec.term.none.Parallel_some_agents[OF _ assms(2), where Ps'="spec.rel ({env} × UNIV)"]
               spec.Parallel.discard_interference[where as=as and bs="as  bs"]
     simp del: Int_iff
    simp flip: prog.p2s_inject spec.bind.botR spec.bind.bind
        intro: arg_cong[OF spec.Parallel.cong])

lemma mono:
  assumes "a. a  as  Ps a  Ps' a"
  shows "prog.Parallel as Ps  prog.Parallel as Ps'"
using assms by transfer (blast intro: spec.Parallel.mono)

lemma strengthen_Parallel[strg]:
  assumes "a. a  as  st_ord F (Ps a) (Ps' a)"
  shows "st_ord F (prog.Parallel as Ps) (prog.Parallel as Ps')"
using assms by (cases F) (auto simp: prog.Parallel.mono)

lemma mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "a. a  as  monotone orda (≤) (F a)"
  shows "monotone orda (≤) (λf. prog.Parallel as (λa. F a f))"
using assms by transfer (simp add: spec.Parallel.mono2mono)

lemma cong:
  assumes "as = as'"
  assumes "a. a  as'  Ps a = Ps' a"
  shows "prog.Parallel as Ps = prog.Parallel as' Ps'"
using assms by transfer (rule spec.Parallel.cong; simp)

lemma no_agents:
  shows "prog.Parallel {} Ps = prog.return ()"
by transfer
   (simp add: spec.Parallel.no_agents map_prod_image_Times Pair_image

lemma singleton_agents:
  shows "prog.Parallel {a} Ps = Ps a"
by transfer (rule spec.Parallel.singleton_agents)

lemma rename_UNIV:
  assumes "inj_on f as"
  shows "prog.Parallel as Ps
       = prog.Parallel UNIV (λb. if b  f ` as then Ps (inv_into as f b) else prog.return ())"
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps if_distrib prog.p2s.return
              spec.Parallel.rename_UNIV[OF assms]
        flip: prog.p2s_inject
        cong: spec.Parallel.cong if_cong)

lemmas rename = spec.Parallel.rename[transferred]

lemma return:
  assumes "a. a  bs  Ps a = prog.return ()"
  shows "prog.Parallel as Ps = prog.Parallel (as - bs) Ps"
by (subst (1 2) prog.Parallel.rename_UNIV[where f=id, simplified])
   (auto intro: arg_cong[where f="prog.Parallel UNIV"]
          simp: assms fun_eq_iff f_inv_into_f[where f=id, simplified])

lemma unwind:
  assumes a: "f  g  Ps a" ―‹ The selected process starts with action f›
  assumes "a  as"
  shows "f  (λv. prog.Parallel as (Ps(a:=g v)))  prog.Parallel as Ps"
using assms by transfer (simp add: spec.Parallel.unwind spec.interference.closed.bind_relL)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "parallel"

lemmas commute = spec.parallel.commute[transferred]
lemmas assoc = spec.parallel.assoc[transferred]
lemmas mono = spec.parallel.mono[transferred]

lemma strengthen[strg]:
  assumes "st_ord F P P'"
  assumes "st_ord F Q Q'"
  shows "st_ord F (prog.parallel P Q) (prog.parallel P' Q')"
using assms by (cases F; simp add: prog.parallel.mono)

lemma mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "monotone orda (≤) F"
  assumes "monotone orda (≤) G"
  shows "monotone orda (≤) (λf. prog.parallel (F f) (G f))"
using assms by (simp add: monotone_def prog.parallel.mono)

lemma bot:
  shows botL: "prog.parallel  P = P  " (is ?thesis1)
    and botR: "prog.parallel P  = P  " (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  show ?thesis1
    by (simp add: prog.parallel_alt_def[where bs="{True}", simplified]
            cong: prog.Parallel.cong)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (simp add: prog.parallel.commute)

lemma return:
  shows returnL: "prog.return ()  P = P" (is ?thesis1)
    and returnR: "P  prog.return () = P" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  show ?thesis1
    by (simp add: prog.parallel_alt_def prog.Parallel.return[where bs="{True}", simplified]
  then show ?thesis2
    by (simp add: prog.parallel.commute)

lemma Sup_not_empty:
  fixes X :: "(_, unit) prog set"
  assumes "X  {}"
  shows SupL_not_empty: "X  Q = (PX. P  Q)" (is "?thesis1 Q")
    and SupR_not_empty: "P  X = (QX. P  Q)" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  from assms show "?thesis1 Q" for Q
    by (simp add: prog.p2s.parallel prog.p2s.Sup_not_empty[OF assms] image_image
                  spec.parallel.Sup prog.p2s.SUP_not_empty
            flip: prog.p2s_inject)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (simp add: prog.parallel.commute)

lemma sup:
  fixes P :: "(_, unit) prog"
  shows supL: "P  Q  R = (P  R)  (Q  R)"
    and supR: "P  Q  R = (P  Q)  (P  R)"
using prog.parallel.SupL_not_empty[where X="{P, Q}"] prog.parallel.SupR_not_empty[where X="{Q, R}"] by simp_all

lemma mcont2mcont[cont_intro]:
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) P"
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) Q"
  shows "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. prog.parallel (P x) (Q x))"
proof(rule ccpo.mcont2mcont'[OF complete_lattice_ccpo _ _ assms(1)])
  show "mcont Sup (≤) Sup (≤) (λy. prog.parallel y (Q x))" for x
    by (intro mcontI contI monotoneI) (simp_all add: prog.parallel.mono prog.parallel.SupL_not_empty)
  show "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. prog.parallel y (Q x))" for y
    by (simp add: mcontI monotoneI contI mcont_monoD[OF assms(2)]
                  spec.parallel.mono mcont_contD[OF assms(2)] prog.parallel.SupR_not_empty image_image)

lemma unwindL:
  fixes f :: "('s, 'v) prog"
  assumes a: "f  g  P" ―‹ The selected process starts with action f›
  shows "f  (λv. g v  Q)  P  Q"
unfolding prog.parallel_alt_def
by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF prog.Parallel.unwind[where a=True]])
   (auto simp: prog.Parallel.mono prog.bind.mono intro: assms)

lemma unwindR:
  fixes f :: "('s, 'v) prog"
  assumes a: "f  g  Q" ―‹ The selected process starts with action f›
  shows "f  (λv. P  g v)  P  Q"
by (subst (1 2) prog.parallel.commute) (rule prog.parallel.unwindL[OF assms])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "bind"

lemma parallel_le:
  fixes P :: "(_, _) prog"
  shows "P  Q  P  Q"
by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF prog.parallel.unwindL[where g=prog.return, simplified prog.bind.returnR, OF order.refl]])
   (simp add: prog.parallel.return)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "invmap"

lemma bot:
  shows "prog.invmap sf vf  = (prog.rel (map_prod sf sf -` Id) :: (_, unit) prog)  "
by (auto simp: prog.p2s.simps spec.rel.wind_bind_trailing
               spec.invmap.bind spec.invmap.rel
    simp flip: prog.p2s_inject spec.bind.botR spec.bind.bind bot_fun_def
        intro: arg_cong[where f="λr. spec.rel r  "])

lemma id:
  shows "prog.invmap id id P = P"
    and "prog.invmap (λx. x) (λx. x) P = P"
by (transfer; simp add: id_def)+

lemma comp:
  shows "prog.invmap sf vf (prog.invmap sg vg P) = prog.invmap (λs. sg (sf s)) (λs. vg (vf s)) P" (is "?thesis1 P")
    and "prog.invmap sf vf  prog.invmap sg vg = prog.invmap (sg  sf) (vg  vf)" (is "?thesis2")
proof -
  show "?thesis1 P" for P by transfer (simp add: spec.invmap.comp id_def)
  then show ?thesis2 by (simp add: comp_def)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono (prog.invmap sf vf)"
unfolding monotone_def by transfer (simp add: spec.invmap.mono)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF prog.invmap.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF prog.invmap.monotone]

lemma mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "monotone orda (≤) t"
  shows "monotone orda (≤) (λx. prog.invmap sf vf (t x))"
by (rule monotone2monotone[OF prog.invmap.monotone assms]) simp_all

lemma Sup:
  fixes sf :: "'s  't"
  fixes vf :: "'v  'w"
  shows "prog.invmap sf vf (X) = (prog.invmap sf vf ` X)  prog.invmap sf vf "
by transfer
   (simp add: spec.invmap.Sup spec.invmap.sup spec.invmap.bind spec.invmap.rel
     map_prod_vimage_Times ac_simps
              sup.absorb2 spec.bind.mono[OF spec.rel.mono order.refl]
        flip: spec.bind.botR spec.bind.bind spec.rel.unwind_bind_trailing bot_fun_def inv_image_alt_def)

lemma Sup_not_empty:
  assumes "X  {}"
  shows "prog.invmap sf vf (X) = (prog.invmap sf vf ` X)"
using iffD2[OF ex_in_conv assms]
by (clarsimp simp: prog.invmap.Sup sup.absorb1 SUPI prog.invmap.mono[OF bot_least])

lemma mcont:
  shows "mcont Sup (≤) Sup (≤) (prog.invmap sf vf)"
by (simp add: contI mcontI prog.invmap.monotone prog.invmap.Sup_not_empty)

lemmas mcont2mcont[cont_intro] = mcont2mcont[OF prog.invmap.mcont, of luba orda P for luba orda P]

lemma bind:
  shows "prog.invmap sf vf (f  g) = prog.sinvmap sf f  (λv. prog.invmap sf vf (g v))"
by transfer (simp add: spec.invmap.bind)

lemma parallel:
  shows "prog.invmap sf vf (P  Q) = prog.invmap sf vf P  prog.invmap sf vf Q"
by transfer (simp add: spec.invmap.parallel)

lemma invmap_image_vimage_commute:
  shows "map_prod id (map_prod id sf) -` map_prod id (Pair self) ` F
       = map_prod id (Pair self) ` map_prod id sf -` F"
by (auto simp: map_prod_conv)

lemma action:
  shows "prog.invmap sf vf (prog.action F)
       = prog.rel (map_prod sf sf -` Id)
           (λ_::unit. prog.action (map_prod id (map_prod sf sf) -` F)
             (λv. prog.rel (map_prod sf sf -` Id)
               (λ_::unit. v'vf -` {v}. prog.return v')))"
proof -
  have *: "{env} × UNIV  {self} × map_prod sf sf -` Id
         = {env} × UNIV  UNIV × map_prod sf sf -` Id" by auto
  show ?thesis
    by (simp add: ac_simps prog.p2s.simps prog.p2s.action
         spec.invmap.bind spec.invmap.rel spec.invmap.action spec.invmap.return
                  spec.bind.bind spec.bind.return
                  prog.invmap.invmap_image_vimage_commute map_prod_vimage_Times *
            flip: prog.p2s_inject)
       (simp add: prog.p2s.Sup image_image prog.p2s.simps prog.p2s.return
                  spec.rel.wind_bind_leading spec.rel.wind_bind_trailing
            flip: spec.bind.botR spec.bind.SUPR spec.bind.bind)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "vmap"

lemma bot:
  shows "prog.vmap vf  = "
by transfer
   (simp add: spec.vmap.unit_rel
        flip: spec.term.none.map_gen[where vf="()"])

lemma unitL:
  shows "f  g = prog.vmap () f  g"
by transfer (metis spec.vmap.unitL)

lemma eq_return:
  shows "prog.vmap vf P = P  prog.return  vf" (is ?thesis1)
    and "prog.vmap vf P = P  (λv. prog.return (vf v))" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  show ?thesis1
    by transfer
       (simp add: comp_def spec.vmap.eq_return spec.interference.closed.bind_relR)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (simp add: comp_def)

lemma action:
  shows "prog.vmap vf (prog.action F) = prog.action (map_prod vf id ` F)"
by transfer (simp add: image_comp)

lemma return:
  shows "prog.vmap vf (prog.return v) = prog.return (vf v)"
by (simp add: prog.return_def prog.vmap.action map_prod_image_Times)

setup Sign.parent_path

interpretation kleene: kleene "prog.return ()" "λx y. prog.bind x y"
by standard
   (simp_all add: prog.bind.bind prog.bind.return prog.bind.botL prog.bind.supL prog.bind.supR)

interpretation rel: galois.complete_lattice_class prog.steps prog.rel
  show "prog.steps P  r  P  prog.rel r" for P :: "('a, 'b) prog" and r :: "'a rel"
    by transfer (auto simp flip: spec.rel.galois)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "rel"

lemma empty:
  shows "prog.rel {} = range prog.return"
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps prog.p2s.return image_image
              spec.term.closed.bind_all_return[OF spec.term.closed.rel] spec.term.all.rel
              sup.absorb1 spec.term.galois
        flip: prog.p2s_inject spec.bind.SUPR_not_empty)

lemmas monotone = prog.rel.monotone_upper
lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF prog.rel.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF prog.rel.monotone]

lemmas Inf = prog.rel.upper_Inf
lemmas inf = prog.rel.upper_inf

lemma reflcl:
  shows "prog.rel (r  Id) = (prog.rel r :: ('s, 'v) prog)" (is ?thesis1)
    and "prog.rel (Id  r) = (prog.rel r :: ('s, 'v) prog)" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  show ?thesis1
    by transfer
       (subst (2) spec.rel.reflcl[where A=UNIV, symmetric];
        auto intro: arg_cong[where f="spec.rel"])
  then show ?thesis2
    by (simp add: ac_simps)

lemma minus_Id:
  shows "prog.rel (r - Id) = prog.rel r"
by (metis Un_Diff_cancel2 prog.rel.reflcl(1))

lemma Id:
  shows "prog.rel Id = range prog.return"
by (simp add: prog.rel.reflcl(1)[where r="{}", simplified] prog.rel.empty)

lemma unfoldL:
  fixes r :: "'s rel"
  assumes "Id  r"
  shows "prog.rel r = prog.action ({()} × r)  prog.rel r"
proof -
  have *: "spec.rel ({env} × UNIV)
              (λv::unit. spec.action (map_prod id (Pair self) ` ({()} × r))
              (λv::unit. spec.rel ({env} × UNIV  {self} × r)))
         = spec.rel ({env} × UNIV  {self} × r)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    if "Id  r"
   for r :: "'s rel"
  proof(rule antisym)
    let ?r' = "{env} × UNIV  {self} × r"
    have "?lhs  spec.rel ?r'  (λ_::unit. spec.rel ?r'  (λ_::unit. spec.rel ?r'))"
      by (fastforce intro: spec.bind.mono spec.rel.mono spec.action.mono
                           order.trans[OF _ spec.rel.monomorphic_act_le]
                     simp: spec.rel.act_def)
    also have " = ?rhs"
      by (simp add: spec.rel.wind_bind)
    finally show "?lhs  ?rhs" .
    from that show "?rhs  ?lhs"
      apply -
      apply (rule order.trans[OF _
              spec.bind.mono[OF spec.return.rel_le
                spec.bind.mono[OF spec.action.mono[where x="{()} × {self} × Id"] order.refl]]])
       apply (subst spec.return.cong; simp add: image_image spec.bind.supL spec.bind.supR spec.bind.returnL spec.idle_le)
      apply (fastforce simp: map_prod_image_Times)
  from assms show ?thesis
    by transfer (simp add: * spec.bind.bind spec.rel.wind_bind_leading)

lemma wind_bind: ―‹ arbitrary interstitial return type ›
  shows "prog.rel r  prog.rel r = prog.rel r"
by transfer (simp add: spec.rel.wind_bind)

lemma wind_bind_leading: ―‹ arbitrary interstitial return type ›
  assumes "r'  r"
  shows "prog.rel r'  prog.rel r = prog.rel r"
using assms by transfer (subst spec.rel.wind_bind_leading; blast)

lemma wind_bind_trailing: ―‹ arbitrary interstitial return type ›
  assumes "r'  r"
  shows "prog.rel r  prog.rel r' = prog.rel r" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
using assms by transfer (subst spec.rel.wind_bind_trailing; blast)

text‹ Interstitial unit, for unfolding ›

lemmas unwind_bind = prog.rel.wind_bind[where 'c=unit, symmetric]
lemmas unwind_bind_leading = prog.rel.wind_bind_leading[where 'c=unit, symmetric]
lemmas unwind_bind_trailing = prog.rel.wind_bind_trailing[where 'c=unit, symmetric]

lemma mono_conv:
  shows "prog.rel r = (prog.action ({()} × r=))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  have " (spec.rel.act ({env} × UNIV  {self} × r))  prog.p2s ?rhs"
  proof(induct rule:[case_names adm bot step])
    case (step R) show ?case
    proof(induct rule: le_supI[case_names act_step ret])
      case act_step
      have *: "spec.rel.act ({env} × UNIV  {self} × r)  prog.p2s (prog.action ({()} × r=))"
        by (auto simp: spec.rel.act_alt_def Times_Un_distrib2 spec.action.sup
                       prog.p2s.sup prog.p2s.return prog.action.sup map_prod_conv
            simp flip: prog.return_def
                intro: spec.action.mono le_supI2 spec.action.rel_le spec.return.rel_le
                       le_supI1[OF order.trans[OF spec.action.mono prog.action.action_le]])
      show ?case
        apply (subst
        apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF step])
        apply (simp add: prog.p2s.simps le_supI1[OF spec.bind.mono[OF * order.refl]])
      case ret show ?case
        by (simp add: order.trans[OF _ prog.p2s.mono[OF prog.kleene.epsilon_star_le]]
                      prog.p2s.return spec.interference.expansive)
  qed simp_all
  then show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (simp add: prog.p2s_leI prog.p2s.simps spec.rel.monomorphic_conv)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
  proof(induct rule:[case_names adm bot step])
    case (step R) show ?case
      apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF step])
      apply (simp add: prog.return.rel_le)
      apply (subst (2) prog.rel.unwind_bind)
      apply (auto intro: prog.bind.mono prog.action.rel_le)
  qed simp_all

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "action"

lemma inf_rel:
  assumes "refl r"
  shows "prog.action F  prog.rel r = prog.action (F  UNIV × r)" (is ?thesis1)
    and "prog.rel r  prog.action F = prog.action (F  UNIV × r)" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  from assms have "refl (({env} × UNIV  {self} × r) `` {a})" for a
    by (fastforce dest: reflD intro: reflI)
  then show ?thesis1
    by transfer (simp add: spec.action.inf_rel; rule arg_cong; blast)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (rule inf_commute_conv)

lemma inf_rel_reflcl:
  shows "prog.action F  prog.rel r = prog.action (F  UNIV × r=)"
    and "prog.rel r  prog.action F = prog.action (F  UNIV × r=)"
by (simp_all add: refl_on_def prog.rel.reflcl ac_simps flip: prog.action.inf_rel)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "return"

lemma not_bot:
  shows "prog.return v  ( :: ('s, 'v) prog)"
using prog.guard.less[where g="::'s pred" and g'=top]
by (force dest: arg_cong[where f="prog.vmap (λ_::'v. ())"]
          simp: prog.vmap.return fun_eq_iff
     simp flip: top.not_eq_extremum)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "invmap"

lemma return:
  shows "prog.invmap sf vf (prog.return v)
       = prog.rel (map_prod sf sf -` Id)  (λ_::unit. v'vf -` {v}. prog.return v')"
apply (simp add: prog.return_def prog.invmap.action map_prod_vimage_Times)
apply (simp add: prog.action.return_const[where V="{v}" and W="{()}"] prog.bind.bind prog.bind.return)
apply (subst prog.bind.bind[symmetric], subst prog.rel.unfoldL[symmetric];
       force simp: prog.rel.wind_bind simp flip: prog.bind.bind)

lemma split_vinvmap:
  fixes P :: "('s, 'v) prog"
  shows "prog.invmap sf vf P = prog.sinvmap sf P  (λv. v'vf -` {v}. prog.return v')"
proof -
  note sic_invmap = spec.interference.closed.invmap[where af=id and r="{env} × UNIV",
                                                    simplified map_prod_vimage_Times, simplified]
  show ?thesis
    apply transfer
    apply (simp add: spec.bind.supR sup.absorb1 bot_fun_def
                     spec.interference.closed.bind_relR sic_invmap spec.bind.mono
               flip: spec.bind.botR)
    apply (subst (1) spec.invmap.split_vinvmap)
    apply (subst (1) spec.interference.closed.bind_relR[symmetric], erule sic_invmap)
    apply (simp add: spec.bind.SUPR spec.bind.supR
              sup.absorb1 bot_fun_def spec.interference.closed.bind_relR sic_invmap spec.bind.mono)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Refinement for ‹('s, 'v) prog›\label{sec:programs-refinement} ›


We specialize the rules of \S\ref{sec:refinement-spec} to the
typ('s, 'v) prog lattice. Observe that, as
preconditions, postconditions and assumes are not interference closed,
we apply the constprog.p2s morphism and work in the more
capacious typ(sequential, 's, 'v) spec
lattice. This syntactic noise could be elided with another definition.


subsubsection‹ Introduction rules\label{sec:programs-refinement-intros} ›


Refinement is a way of showing inequalities and equalities between programs.


setup Sign.mandatory_path "refinement.prog"

lemma leI:
  assumes "prog.p2s c  True⦄,   prog.p2s d, λ_. True"
  shows "c  d"
using assms by (simp add: refinement_def prog.p2s_leI)

lemma eqI:
  assumes "prog.p2s c  True⦄,   prog.p2s d, λ_. True"
  assumes "prog.p2s d  True⦄,   prog.p2s c, λ_. True"
  shows "c = d"
by (rule antisym; simp add: assms refinement.prog.leI)

setup Sign.parent_path

subsubsection‹ Galois considerations\label{sec:programs-refinement-galois} ›


Refinement quadruples ⦃P⦄, A ⊩ G, ⦃Q⦄› denote points in the typ('s, 'v) prog lattice
provided G› is suitably interference closed.


setup Sign.mandatory_path "refinement.prog"

lemma galois:
  assumes "spec.term.none (spec.rel ({env} × UNIV) :: (_, _, unit) spec)  G"
  shows "prog.p2s c  P⦄, A  G, Q  c  prog.s2p (P⦄, A  G, Q)"
by (simp add: assms prog.p2s_s2p.galois refinement_def spec.next_imp.contains spec.term.none.post_le)

lemmas s2p_refinement = iffD1[OF refinement.prog.galois, rotated]

lemma p2s_s2p:
  assumes "spec.term.none (spec.rel ({env} × UNIV) :: (_, _, unit) spec)  G"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.s2p (P⦄, A  G, Q))  P⦄, A  G, Q"
using assms by (simp add: refinement.prog.galois)

setup Sign.parent_path

subsubsection‹ Rules\label{sec:programs-refinement-rules} ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "refinement.prog"

lemma bot[iff]:
  shows "prog.p2s   P⦄, A  prog.p2s c', Q"
by (simp add: refinement.prog.galois spec.term.none.interference.closed.rel_le)

lemma sup_conv:
  shows "prog.p2s (c1  c2)  P⦄, A  G, Q
      prog.p2s c1  P⦄, A  G, Q  prog.p2s c2  P⦄, A  G, Q"
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps)

lemmas sup = iffD2[OF refinement.prog.sup_conv, unfolded conj_explode]

lemma "if":
  assumes "i  prog.p2s t  P⦄, A  prog.p2s t', Q"
  assumes "¬i  prog.p2s e  P'⦄, A  prog.p2s e', Q"
  shows "prog.p2s (if i then t else e)  if i then P else P'⦄, A  prog.p2s (if i then t' else e'), Q"
using assms by fastforce

lemmas if' = refinement.prog.if[where P=P and P'=P, simplified] for P

lemma case_option:
  assumes "opt = None  prog.p2s none  Pn⦄, A  prog.p2s none', Q"
  assumes "v. opt = Some v  prog.p2s (some v)  Ps v⦄, A  prog.p2s (some' v), Q"
  shows "prog.p2s (case_option none some opt)  case opt of None  Pn | Some v  Ps v⦄, A  prog.p2s (case_option none' some' opt), Q"
using assms by (simp add: option.case_eq_if)

lemma case_sum:
  assumes "v. x = Inl v  prog.p2s (left v)  Pl v⦄, A  prog.p2s (left' v), Q"
  assumes "v. x = Inr v  prog.p2s (right v)  Pr v⦄, A  prog.p2s (right' v), Q"
  shows "prog.p2s (case_sum left right x)  case_sum Pl Pr x⦄, A  prog.p2s (case_sum left' right' x), Q"
using assms by (simp add: sum.case_eq_if)

lemma case_list:
  assumes "x = []  prog.p2s nil  Pn⦄, A  prog.p2s nil', Q"
  assumes "v vs. x = v # vs  prog.p2s (cons v vs)  Pc v vs⦄, A  prog.p2s (cons' v vs), Q"
  shows "prog.p2s (case_list nil cons x)  case_list Pn Pc x⦄, A  prog.p2s (case_list nil' cons' x), Q"
using assms by (simp add: list.case_eq_if)

lemma action:
  fixes F :: "('v × 's × 's) set"
  assumes "v s s'. P s; (v, s, s')  F; (self, s, s')  spec.steps A  s = s'  Q v s'"
  assumes "v s s'. P s; (v, s, s')  F  (v, s, s')  F'"
  assumes sP: "stable (spec.steps A `` {env}) P"
  assumes "v s s'. P s; (v, s, s')  F  stable (spec.steps A `` {env}) (Q v)"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.action F)  P⦄, A  prog.p2s (prog.action F'), Q"
unfolding prog.p2s.action
apply (rule refinement.pre_a[OF _ spec.rel.upper_lower_expansive])
apply (rule refinement.spec.bind[rotated])
 apply (rule refinement.spec.rel_mono[OF order.refl];
        fastforce simp: spec.term.all.rel spec.steps.rel
                 intro: sP antimonoD[OF stable.antimono_rel, unfolded le_bool_def, rule_format, rotated])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF inf_le2])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF refinement.spec.bind.res.rel_le[OF order.refl]])
apply (rule refinement.spec.bind[rotated, where Q'="λv s. Q v s  stable (spec.steps A `` {env}) (Q v)"])
 apply (rule refinement.spec.action;
        fastforce simp: spec.initial_steps.term.all spec.initial_steps.rel
             intro: assms)
apply (rule refinement.gen_asm)
 apply (rule refinement.spec.bind[rotated])
  apply (rule refinement.spec.rel_mono[OF order.refl];
         fastforce simp: spec.steps.term.all spec.rel.lower_upper_lower
                   elim: antimonoD[OF stable.antimono_rel, unfolded le_bool_def, rule_format, rotated]
                   dest: subsetD[OF spec.steps.refinement.spec.bind.res_le])
 apply (rule refinement.spec.return)
apply (simp only: spec.idle_le)

lemma return:
  assumes sQ: "stable (spec.steps A `` {env}) (Q v)"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.return v)  Q v⦄, A  prog.p2s (prog.return v), Q"
unfolding prog.return_def using assms by (blast intro: refinement.prog.action)

lemma invmap_return:
  assumes sQ: "stable (spec.steps A `` {env}) (Q v)"
  assumes "vf v = v'"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.return v)  Q v⦄, A  prog.p2s (prog.invmap sf vf (prog.return v')), Q"
unfolding prog.invmap.return
by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(2)[OF prog.return.rel_le])
   (simp add: assms(2) refinement.pre_g[OF refinement.prog.return[where Q=Q, OF sQ]]
              SUP_upper prog.bind.return prog.p2s.mono)

lemma bind_abstract:
  fixes f :: "('s, 'v) prog"
  fixes f' :: "('s, 'v') prog"
  fixes g :: "'v  ('s, 'w) prog"
  fixes g' :: "'v'  ('s, 'w) prog"
  fixes vf :: "'v  'v'"
  assumes "v. prog.p2s (g v)  Q' (vf v)⦄, refinement.spec.bind.res (spec.pre P  spec.term.all A  prog.p2s f') A (vf v)  prog.p2s (g' (vf v)), Q"
  assumes "prog.p2s f  P⦄, spec.term.all A  spec.vinvmap vf (prog.p2s f'), λv. Q' (vf v)"
  shows "prog.p2s (f  g)  P⦄, A  prog.p2s (f'  g'), Q"
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps refinement.spec.bind_abstract[OF assms])

lemma bind:
  assumes "v. prog.p2s (g v)  Q' v⦄, refinement.spec.bind.res (spec.pre P  spec.term.all A  prog.p2s f') A v  prog.p2s (g' v), Q"
  assumes "prog.p2s f  P⦄, spec.term.all A  prog.p2s f', Q'"
  shows "prog.p2s (f  g)  P⦄, A  prog.p2s (f'  g'), Q"
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps refinement.spec.bind[OF assms])

lemmas rev_bind = refinement.prog.bind[rotated]

lemma Parallel:
  fixes A :: "(sequential, 's, unit) spec"
  fixes Q :: "'a  's pred"
  fixes Ps :: "'a  ('s, unit) prog"
  fixes Ps' :: "'a  ('s, unit) prog"
  assumes "a. a  as  prog.p2s (Ps a)  P a⦄, refinement.spec.env_hyp P A as (prog.p2s  Ps') a  prog.p2s (Ps' a), λrv. Q a"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.Parallel as Ps)  aas. P a⦄, A  prog.p2s (prog.Parallel as Ps'), λrv. aas. Q a"
using assms by transfer (simp add: refinement.spec.Parallel comp_def)

lemma parallel:
  assumes "prog.p2s c1  P1⦄, refinement.spec.env_hyp (λa. if a then P1 else P2) A UNIV (λa. if a then prog.p2s c1' else prog.p2s c2') True  prog.p2s c1', Q1"
  assumes "prog.p2s c2  P2⦄, refinement.spec.env_hyp (λa. if a then P1 else P2) A UNIV (λa. if a then prog.p2s c1' else prog.p2s c2') False  prog.p2s c2', Q2"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.parallel c1 c2)  P1  P2⦄, A  prog.p2s (prog.parallel c1' c2'), λv. Q1 v  Q2 v"
unfolding prog.parallel_alt_def
by (rule refinement.pre[OF refinement.prog.Parallel[where A="A" and P="λa. if a then P1 else P2" and Ps'="λa. if a then c1' else c2'" and Q="λa. if a then Q1 () else Q2 ()"]])
   (use assms in force simp: if_distrib comp_def)+

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ A relational assume/guarantee program logic for the ‹('s, 'v) prog› lattice\label{sec:programs-ag} ›


Similarly we specialize the assume/guarantee program logic of
\S\ref{sec:refinement-ag} to typ('s, 'v) prog.

  citet"XudeRoeverHe:1997" and "deRoeverEtAl:2001"
  citet‹\S7› in "PrensaNieto:2003"
  citet‹\S3› in "Vafeiadis:2008"

subsubsection‹ Galois considerations\label{sec:programs-ag-galois} ›


For suitably stable P›, Q›, ⦃P⦄, A ⊢ G, ⦃Q⦄› is interference closed and hence denotes a
point in typ('s, 'v) prog. In other words we can replace programs with their specifications.


setup Sign.mandatory_path "ag.prog"

lemma galois:
  shows "prog.p2s c  P⦄, A  G, Q  c  prog.s2p (P⦄, A  G, Q)"
by (simp add: prog.p2s_s2p.galois ag.spec.term.none_inteference)

lemmas s2p_ag = iffD1[OF ag.prog.galois]

lemma p2s_s2p_ag:
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.s2p (P⦄, A  G, Q))  P⦄, A  G, Q"
by (simp add: ag.prog.galois)

lemma p2s_s2p_ag_stable:
  assumes "stable A P"
  assumes "v. stable A (Q v)"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.s2p (P⦄, A  G, Q)) = P⦄, A  G, Q"
by (rule prog.p2s_s2p.insertion[OF spec.interference.closed_ag[where r=UNIV, simplified, OF assms]])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path ""

lemma bot[iff]:
  shows "prog.p2s   P⦄, A  G, Q"
by (simp add: ag.prog.galois)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "ag"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "prog"

lemma sup_conv:
  shows "prog.p2s (c1  c2)  P⦄, A  G, Q  prog.p2s c1  P⦄, A  G, Q  prog.p2s c2  P⦄, A  G, Q"
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps)

lemmas sup = iffD2[OF ag.prog.sup_conv, unfolded conj_explode]

lemma bind: ―‹ Assumptions in weakest-pre order ›
  assumes "v. prog.p2s (g v)  Q' v⦄, A  G, Q"
  assumes "prog.p2s f  P⦄, A  G, Q'"
  shows "prog.p2s (f  g)  P⦄, A  G, Q"
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps) (rule ag.spec.bind; fact)

lemma action: ―‹ Conclusion is insufficiently instantiated for use ›
  fixes F :: "('v × 's × 's) set"
  assumes Q: "v s s'. P s; (v, s, s')  F  Q v s'"
  assumes G: "v s s'. P s; s  s'; (v, s, s')  F  (s, s')  G"
  assumes sP: "stable A P"
  assumes sQ: "s s' v. P s; (v, s, s')  F  stable A (Q v)"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.action F)  P⦄, A  G, Q"
unfolding prog.p2s.action ―‹ sp proof ›
by (rule ag.gen_asm
         ag.spec.bind[rotated] ag.spec.stable_interference ag.spec.return
         ag.spec.action[where Q="λv s. Q v s  (s s'. P s  (v, s, s')  F)"]
   | use assms in auto)+

lemma guard:
  assumes "s. P s; g s  Q () s"
  assumes "stable A P"
  assumes "stable A (Q ())"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.guard g)  P⦄, A  G, Q"
using assms by (fastforce simp: prog.guard_def intro: ag.prog.action split: if_splits)

lemma Parallel:
  assumes "a. a  as  prog.p2s (Ps a)  P a⦄, A  (a'as-{a}. G a')  G a, λv. Q a"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.Parallel as Ps)  aas. P a⦄, A  aas. G a, λv. aas. Q a"
using assms by transfer (fast intro: ag.spec.Parallel)

lemma parallel:
  assumes "prog.p2s c1  P1⦄, A  G2  G1, Q1"
  assumes "prog.p2s c2  P2⦄, A  G1  G2, Q2"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.parallel c1 c2)  P1  P2⦄, A  G1  G2, λv. Q1 v  Q2 v"
unfolding prog.parallel_alt_def
by (rule ag.pre[OF ag.prog.Parallel[where A="A" and G="λa. if a then G1 else G2" and P="P1  P2" and Q="λa. if a then Q1 () else Q2 ()"]])
   (use assms in auto intro: ag.pre_imp)

lemma return:
  assumes sQ: "stable A (Q v)"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.return v)  Q v⦄, A  G, Q"
using assms by (auto simp: prog.return_def intro: ag.prog.action)

lemma "if":
  assumes "b  prog.p2s c1  P1⦄, A  G, Q"
  assumes "¬b  prog.p2s c2  P2⦄, A  G, Q"
  shows "prog.p2s (if b then c1 else c2)  if b then P1 else P2⦄, A  G, Q"
using assms by (fastforce intro: ag.pre_ag)

lemma case_option:
  assumes "x = None  prog.p2s none  Pn⦄, A  G, Q"
  assumes "v. x = Some v  prog.p2s (some v)  Ps v⦄, A  G, Q"
  shows "prog.p2s (case_option none some x)  case x of None  Pn | Some v  Ps v⦄, A  G, Q"
using assms by (fastforce intro: ag.pre_ag split: option.split)

lemma case_sum:
  assumes "v. x = Inl v  prog.p2s (left v)  Pl v⦄, A  G, Q"
  assumes "v. x = Inr v  prog.p2s (right v)  Pr v⦄, A  G, Q"
  shows "prog.p2s (case_sum left right x)  case_sum Pl Pr x⦄, A  G, Q"
using assms by (fastforce intro: ag.pre_ag split: sum.split)

lemma case_list:
  assumes "x = []  prog.p2s nil  Pn⦄, A  G, Q"
  assumes "v vs. x = v # vs  prog.p2s (cons v vs)  Pc v vs⦄, A  G, Q"
  shows "prog.p2s (case_list nil cons x)  case_list Pn Pc x⦄, A  G, Q"
using assms by (fastforce intro: ag.pre_ag split: list.split)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsubsection‹ A proof of the parallel rule using Abadi and Plotkin's composition principle\label{sec:abadi_plotkin-parallel} ›


Here we show that the key rule for constprog.Parallel (@{thm [source] "ag.spec.Parallel"})
can be established using the @{thm [source] "spec.ag_circular"} rule (\S\ref{sec:abadi_plotkin}).

The following proof is complicated by the need to discard a lot of
contextual information.



have imp_discharge_leL1:
  "x'  x  x'  (x  y H z) = x'  (y H z)" for x x' y z
by (simp add: heyting.curry_conv heyting.discharge(1))

have LHS_rel:
   "{proc x} × UNIV  (-{proc x}) × (A  (Id   (G ` (as - {x}))))
  = ((-(proc ` as)) × (A  (Id   (G ` (as - {x}))))
       ({proc x} × UNIV  proc ` (as - {x}) × (A  (Id   (G ` (as - {x}))))))" for A G as x
by blast

have rel_agents_split:
  "spec.rel (as × r  s) = spec.rel (as × r  fst ` s × UNIV)  spec.rel (as × UNIV  s)"
  if "fst ` s  as = {}" for as r s
using that by (fastforce simp: image_iff simp flip: spec.rel.inf intro: arg_cong[where f="spec.rel"])

―‹ @{thm [source] ag.spec.Parallel}
fix as :: "'a set"
fix A :: "'s rel"
fix G :: "'a  's rel"
fix P :: "'a  's pred"
fix Q :: "'a  's pred"
fix Ps :: "'a  (sequential, 's, unit) spec"
assume proc_ag: "a. a  as  Ps a  P a⦄, A  (a'as-{a}. G a')  G a, λv. Q a"
have "spec.Parallel as Ps  aas. P a⦄, A  aas. G a, λv. aas. Q a" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(cases "as = {}")
  case True then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: spec.Parallel.no_agents ag.interference_le)
  case False then show ?thesis
apply -
supply inf.bounded_iff[simp del] ―‹ preserve RHS ›

―‹ replace Ps› with a/g specs. guard against empty A›, G›
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF proc_ag], assumption)
apply (subst ag.reflcl_ag)
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(2)[OF reflcl_cl.sup_cl_le])

―‹ Circular concurrent reasoning ›
unfolding ag_def

―‹ Move a/g hypotheses to LHS, normalize ›
apply (simp add: heyting ac_simps)

―‹ Discharge spec.pre P›
apply (subst inf_assoc[symmetric])
apply (subst inf_commute)
apply (subst inf_assoc)
apply (subst (2) inf_commute)
apply (subst spec.Parallel.inf_pre, assumption)
apply (simp add: ac_simps)
―‹ Idiom for rewriting under a quantifier, here constspec.Parallel
apply (rule order.trans)
 apply (rule inf.mono[OF order.refl])
 apply (rule spec.Parallel.mono)
 apply (subst imp_discharge_leL1)
  apply (simp add: Inf_lower spec.pre.INF; fail)
 ―‹ Discard constspec.pre hypothesis ›
 apply (rule inf_le2)

―‹ Move environment assumption A› hypothesis under constspec.toSequential and the constInf
unfolding spec.Parallel_def
apply (subst inf.commute)
apply (subst
apply (subst spec.invmap.rel)
apply (simp add: ac_simps flip: INF_inf_const1)

―‹ Eradicate constspec.toSequential: move to parallel space ›
apply (simp add: spec.map_invmap.galois spec.invmap.inf spec.invmap.rel
           flip: spec.term.all.invmap

―‹ Eradicate constspec.toConcurrent
apply (simp add: ac_simps spec.invmap.heyting spec.invmap.inf spec.invmap.rel

―‹ Normalize the relations ›
apply (simp add: inf_sup_distrib1 Times_Int_Times map_prod_vimage_Times ac_simps spec.rel.reflcl
           flip: spec.rel.inf image_Int inf.assoc)

―‹ Discharge environment assumption A› and that for agents in -as›
apply (subst LHS_rel)
―‹ Idiom for rewriting under a quantifier, here constInf
apply (rule order.trans)
 apply (rule INF_mono[where B=as])
 apply (rule rev_bexI, assumption)
 apply (subst (2) rel_agents_split, fastforce)
 apply (subst imp_discharge_leL1)
  apply (rule spec.rel.mono, fastforce simp: image_Un)
 apply (rule order.refl)
apply (simp flip: sup.assoc Times_Un_distrib1)
apply (simp add: ac_simps INF_inf_const1)

―‹ Apply Abadi/Plotkin ›

―‹ Change coordinates ›
apply (subst INF_rename_bij[where X="proc ` as" and π="the_inv proc"])
 apply (fastforce simp: bij_betw_iff_bijections)
apply (simp add: image_comp cong: INF_cong)

―‹ The circular reasoning principle only applies to the relational part as is not termination closed.
    Therefore split the goal ›
apply (subst heyting.infR)
apply (subst INF_inf_distrib[symmetric])
apply (rule order.trans)
 apply (rule inf_mono[OF order.refl])+
 apply (rule order.trans[rotated])
  apply (rule spec.ag_circular[where
             as="proc ` as"
         and Ps="λa. spec.rel ({a} × (Id  G (the_inv proc a))  insert env (proc ` (- {the_inv proc a})) × UNIV)",
          simplified spec.idle_le spec.term.closed.rel, simplified,
          OF subsetD[OF[OF order.refl]]])
  apply (clarsimp simp: image_iff)
  apply (metis ComplI agent.exhaust singletonD)
 apply (rule INFI)
 apply (simp add: heyting ac_simps flip: spec.rel.INF INF_inf_const1)
  ―‹ Idiom for rewriting under a quantifier, here constInf
 apply (rule order.trans)
  apply (rule INF_mono[where B=as])
  apply (rule rev_bexI, assumption)
  apply (subst heyting.discharge)
   apply (rule spec.rel.mono_reflcl)
   apply fastforce
  apply (simp flip: spec.rel.inf)
  apply (rule order.refl)
 apply (simp flip: spec.rel.INF)
 apply (rule spec.rel.mono)
 apply (clarsimp simp: image_iff)
 apply (metis ComplI agent.exhaust singletonD)
apply (simp add: ac_simps flip: spec.rel.INF)
apply (subst inf.assoc[symmetric])
apply (simp flip: spec.rel.inf)

―‹ Conclude guarantee G›
apply (rule le_infI[rotated])
 apply (rule le_infI1)
 apply (rule spec.rel.mono_reflcl, blast)

―‹ Conclude Q›
apply (subst (2) INF_inf_const1[symmetric], force)
―‹ Idiom for rewriting under a quantifier, here constInf
apply (rule order.trans)
 apply (rule INF_mono[where B=as])
 apply (rule rev_bexI, blast)
 apply (subst heyting.discharge)
  apply (force intro: spec.rel.mono)
 apply (rule order.refl)
apply (simp add: flip: INF_inf_distrib)


subsection‹ Specification inhabitation\label{sec:programs-inhabitation} ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "inhabits.prog"

lemma Sup:
  assumes "prog.p2s P -s, xs P'"
  assumes "P  X"
  shows "prog.p2s (X) -s, xs P'"
by (auto simp: prog.p2s.Sup intro: inhabits.Sup inhabits.supL assms)

lemma supL:
  assumes "prog.p2s P -s, xs P'"
  shows "prog.p2s (P  Q) -s, xs P'"
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps assms inhabits.supL)

lemma supR:
  assumes "prog.p2s Q -s, xs Q'"
  shows "prog.p2s (P  Q) -s, xs Q'"
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps assms inhabits.supR)

lemma bind:
  assumes "prog.p2s f -s, xs prog.p2s f'"
  shows "prog.p2s (f  g) -s, xs prog.p2s (f'  g)"
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps inhabits.spec.bind assms)

lemma return:
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.return v) -s, [] spec.return v"
by (metis prog.p2s.return inhabits.pre inhabits.tau[OF spec.idle.interference.cl_le]

lemma action_step:
  fixes F :: "('v × 's × 's) set"
  assumes "(v, s, s')  F"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.action F) -s, [(self, s')] prog.p2s (prog.return v)"
apply (simp only: prog.p2s.action prog.p2s.return
apply (rule inhabits.pre[OF _ order.refl])
 apply (rule inhabits.spec.bind'[OF inhabits.spec.rel.term])
 apply (simp add: spec.bind.returnL spec.idle_le)
 apply (rule inhabits.spec.bind'[OF inhabits.spec.action.step])
  using assms apply force
 apply (simp add: spec.bind.returnL spec.idle_le)
 apply (rule inhabits.tau)
 apply (simp add: spec.idle_le)
apply simp

lemma action_stutter:
  fixes F :: "('v × 's × 's) set"
  assumes "(v, s, s)  F"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.action F) -s, [] prog.p2s (prog.return v)"
apply (simp only: prog.p2s.action prog.p2s.return
apply (rule inhabits.pre[OF _ order.refl])
 apply (rule inhabits.spec.bind'[OF inhabits.spec.rel.term])
 apply (simp add: spec.bind.returnL spec.idle_le)
 apply (rule inhabits.spec.bind'[OF inhabits.spec.action.stutter])
  using assms apply force
 apply (simp add: spec.bind.returnL spec.idle_le)
 apply (rule inhabits.tau)
 apply (simp add: spec.idle_le)
apply simp

lemma parallelL:
  assumes "prog.p2s P -s, xs prog.p2s P'"
  shows "prog.p2s (P  Q) -s, xs prog.p2s (P'  Q)"
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps inhabits.spec.parallelL assms prog.p2s.interference_wind_bind)

lemma parallelR:
  assumes "prog.p2s Q -s, xs prog.p2s Q'"
  shows "prog.p2s (P  Q) -s, xs prog.p2s (P  Q')"
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps inhabits.spec.parallelR assms prog.p2s.interference_wind_bind)

setup Sign.parent_path
