Theory Closures
theory Closures
section‹ Closure operators\label{sec:closures} ›
Our semantic spaces are modelled as lattices arising from the fixed
points of various closure operators. We attempt to reduce our proof
obligations by defining a locale for Kuratowski's closure axioms,
where we do not requre strictness (i.e., it need not be the case that
the closure maps ‹⊥› to
‹⊥›). \<^citet>‹‹\S2.33› in
"DaveyPriestley:2002"› term these ∗‹topped
intersection structures›; see also
\<^citet>‹"PfaltzSlapal:2013"› for additional useful
locale closure =
ordering "(❙≤)" "(❙<)"
for less_eq :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" (infix "❙≤" 50)
and less :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" (infix "❙<" 50)
+ fixes cl :: "'a ⇒ 'a"
assumes cl: "x ❙≤ cl y ⟷ cl x ❙≤ cl y"
definition closed :: "'a set" where
"closed = {x. cl x ❙≤ x}"
lemma closed_clI:
assumes "cl x ❙≤ x"
shows "x ∈ closed"
unfolding closed_def using assms by simp
lemma expansive:
shows "x ❙≤ cl x"
by (simp add: cl refl)
lemma idempotent[simp]:
shows "cl (cl x) = cl x"
and "cl ∘ cl = cl"
using cl antisym by (auto iff: expansive)
lemma monotone_cl:
shows "monotone (❙≤) (❙≤) cl"
by (rule monotoneI) (meson cl expansive trans)
lemmas strengthen_cl[strg] = st_monotone[OF monotone_cl]
lemmas mono_cl[trans] = monotoneD[OF monotone_cl]
lemma least:
assumes "x ❙≤ y"
assumes "y ∈ closed"
shows "cl x ❙≤ y"
using assms cl closed_def trans by (blast intro: expansive)
lemma least_conv:
assumes "y ∈ closed"
shows "cl x ❙≤ y ⟷ x ❙≤ y"
using assms expansive least trans by blast
lemma closed[iff]:
shows "cl x ∈ closed"
unfolding closed_def by (simp add: refl)
lemma le_closedE:
assumes "x ❙≤ cl y"
assumes "y ∈ closed"
shows "x ❙≤ y"
using assms closed_def trans by blast
lemma closed_conv:
assumes "X ∈ closed"
shows "X = cl X"
using assms unfolding closed_def by (blast intro: antisym expansive)
lemma (in ordering) closure_axioms_alt_def:
shows "closure_axioms (❙≤) cl ⟷ (∀x. x ❙≤ cl x) ∧ monotone (❙≤) (❙≤) cl ∧ (∀x. cl (cl x) = cl x)"
unfolding closure_axioms_def monotone_def by (metis antisym trans refl)
lemma (in ordering) closureI:
assumes "⋀x. x ❙≤ cl x"
assumes "monotone (❙≤) (❙≤) cl"
assumes "⋀x. cl (cl x) = cl x"
shows "closure (❙≤) (❙<) cl"
by (blast intro: assms closure.intro[OF ordering_axioms, unfolded closure_axioms_alt_def])
lemma closure_inf_closure:
fixes cl⇩1 :: "'a::semilattice_inf ⇒ 'a"
assumes "closure_axioms (≤) cl⇩1"
assumes "closure_axioms (≤) cl⇩2"
shows "closure_axioms (≤) (λX. cl⇩1 X ⊓ cl⇩2 X)"
using assms unfolding closure_axioms_def by (meson order.trans inf_mono le_inf_iff order_refl)
subsection‹ Complete lattices and algebraic closures\label{sec:closures-lattices} ›
locale closure_complete_lattice =
complete_lattice "❙⨅" "❙⨆" "(❙⊓)" "(❙≤)" "(❙<)" "(❙⊔)" "❙⊥" "❙⊤"
+ closure "(❙≤)" "(❙<)" cl
for less_eqa :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" (infix "❙≤" 50)
and lessa (infix "❙<" 50)
and infa (infixl "❙⊓" 70)
and supa (infixl "❙⊔" 65)
and bota ("❙⊥")
and topa ("❙⊤")
and Inf ("❙⨅")
and Sup ("❙⨆")
and cl :: "'a ⇒ 'a"
lemma cl_bot_least:
shows "cl ❙⊥ ❙≤ cl X"
using cl by auto
lemma cl_Inf_closed:
shows "cl x = ❙⨅{y ∈ closed. x ❙≤ y}"
by (blast intro: sym[OF Inf_eqI] least expansive)
lemma cl_top:
shows "cl ❙⊤ = ❙⊤"
by (simp add: top_le expansive)
lemma closed_top[iff]:
shows "❙⊤ ∈ closed"
unfolding closed_def by simp
lemma Sup_cl_le:
shows "❙⨆(cl ` X) ❙≤ cl (❙⨆X)"
by (meson cl expansive SUP_least Sup_le_iff)
lemma sup_cl_le:
shows "cl x ❙⊔ cl y ❙≤ cl (x ❙⊔ y)"
using Sup_cl_le[where X="{x, y}"] by simp
lemma cl_Inf_le:
shows "cl (❙⨅X) ❙≤ ❙⨅(cl ` X)"
by (meson cl expansive INF_greatest Inf_lower2)
lemma cl_inf_le:
shows "cl (x ❙⊓ y) ❙≤ cl x ❙⊓ cl y"
using cl_Inf_le[where X="{x, y}"] by simp
lemma closed_Inf:
assumes "X ⊆ closed"
shows "❙⨅X ∈ closed"
unfolding closed_def using assms by (simp add: least Inf_greatest Inf_lower subset_eq)
lemmas closed_Inf'[intro] = closed_Inf[OF subsetI]
lemma closed_inf[intro]:
assumes "P ∈ closed"
assumes "Q ∈ closed"
shows "P ❙⊓ Q ∈ closed"
using assms closed_Inf[where X="{P, Q}"] by simp
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono] = monotone2monotone[OF monotone_cl, simplified]
definition dense :: "'a set" where
"dense = {x. cl x = ❙⊤}"
lemma dense_top:
shows "❙⊤ ∈ dense"
by (simp add: dense_def cl_top)
lemma dense_Sup:
assumes "X ⊆ dense"
assumes "X ≠ {}"
shows "❙⨆X ∈ dense"
using assms by (fastforce simp: dense_def order.eq_iff intro: order.trans[OF _ Sup_cl_le] elim: SUP_upper2)
lemma dense_sup:
assumes "P ∈ dense"
assumes "Q ∈ dense"
shows "P ❙⊔ Q ∈ dense"
using assms dense_def top_le sup_cl_le by auto
lemma dense_le:
assumes "P ∈ dense"
assumes "P ❙≤ Q"
shows "Q ∈ dense"
using assms dense_def top_le mono_cl by auto
lemma dense_inf_closed:
shows "dense ∩ closed = {❙⊤}"
using dense_def closed_conv closed_top by fastforce
locale closure_complete_lattice_class =
closure_complete_lattice "(≤)" "(<)" "(⊓)" "(⊔)" "⊥ :: _ :: complete_lattice" "⊤" "Inf" "Sup"
Traditionally closures for logical purposes are taken to be ``algebraic'', aka ``consequence operators''
\<^citep>‹‹Definition~7.12› in "DaveyPriestley:2002"›, where ∗‹compactness› does the work
of the finite/singleton sets.
locale closure_complete_lattice_algebraic =
+ assumes algebraic_le: "cl x ❙≤ ❙⨆(cl ` ({y. y ❙≤ x} ∩ compact_points))"
lemma algebraic:
shows "cl x = ❙⨆(cl ` ({y. y ❙≤ x} ∩ compact_points))"
by (clarsimp simp: order.eq_iff Sup_le_iff algebraic_le expansive simp flip: cl elim!: order.trans)
lemma cont_cl:
shows "cont ❙⨆ (❙≤) ❙⨆ (❙≤) cl"
proof(rule contI)
fix X :: "'a set"
assume X: "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (❙≤) X" "X ≠ {}"
show "cl (❙⨆X) = ❙⨆(cl ` X)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule order.antisym[OF _ Sup_cl_le])
have "?lhs = ❙⨆(cl ` ({y. y ❙≤ ❙⨆X} ∩ compact_points))" by (subst algebraic) simp
also from X have "… ❙≤ ❙⨆(cl ` ({Y |Y x. Y ❙≤ x ∧ x ∈ X} ∩ compact_points))"
by (auto dest: chain_directed compact_points_directedD intro: SUP_upper simp: Sup_le_iff)
also have "… ❙≤ ?rhs"
by (clarsimp simp: Sup_le_iff SUP_upper2 monotoneD[OF monotone_cl])
finally show "?lhs ❙≤ ?rhs" .
lemma mcont_cl:
shows "mcont ❙⨆ (❙≤) ❙⨆ (❙≤) cl"
by (simp add: mcontI[OF _ cont_cl])
lemma mcont2mcont_cl[cont_intro]:
assumes "mcont luba orda ❙⨆ (❙≤) P"
shows "mcont luba orda ❙⨆ (❙≤) (λx. cl (P x))"
using assms ccpo.mcont2mcont[OF complete_lattice_ccpo] mcont_cl by blast
locale closure_complete_lattice_algebraic_class =
closure_complete_lattice_algebraic "(≤)" "(<)" "(⊓)" "(⊔)" "⊥ :: _ :: complete_lattice" "⊤" "Inf" "Sup"
Our closures often satisfy the stronger condition of ∗‹distributivity› (see
\<^citet>‹‹\S2› in "Scott:1980"›).
locale closure_complete_lattice_distributive =
+ assumes cl_Sup_le: "cl (❙⨆X) ❙≤ ❙⨆(cl ` X) ❙⊔ cl ❙⊥"
lemma cl_Sup:
shows "cl (❙⨆X) = ❙⨆(cl ` X) ❙⊔ cl ❙⊥"
by (simp add: order.eq_iff Sup_cl_le cl_Sup_le cl_bot_least)
lemma cl_Sup_not_empty:
assumes "X ≠ {}"
shows "cl (❙⨆X) = ❙⨆(cl ` X)"
by (metis assms cl_Sup cl_bot_least SUP_eq_const SUP_upper2 sup.orderE)
lemma cl_sup:
shows "cl (X ❙⊔ Y) = cl X ❙⊔ cl Y"
using cl_Sup[where X="{X, Y}"] by (simp add: sup_absorb1 cl_bot_least le_supI2)
lemma closed_sup[intro]:
assumes "P ∈ closed"
assumes "Q ∈ closed"
shows "P ❙⊔ Q ∈ closed"
by (metis assms cl_sup closed_conv closed)
lemma closed_Sup:
assumes "X ⊆ closed"
shows "❙⨆X ❙⊔ cl ❙⊥ ∈ closed"
using assms by (fastforce simp: cl_Sup cl_sup Sup_le_iff simp flip: closed_conv intro: closed_clI Sup_upper le_supI1)
lemmas closed_Sup'[intro] = closed_Sup[OF subsetI]
lemma cont_cl:
shows "cont ❙⨆ (❙≤) ❙⨆ (❙≤) cl"
by (simp add: cl_Sup_not_empty contI)
lemma mcont_cl:
shows "mcont ❙⨆ (❙≤) ❙⨆ (❙≤) cl"
by (simp add: mcontI[OF _ cont_cl])
lemma mcont2mcont_cl[cont_intro]:
assumes "mcont luba orda ❙⨆ (❙≤) F"
shows "mcont luba orda ❙⨆ (❙≤) (λx. cl (F x))"
using assms ccpo.mcont2mcont[OF complete_lattice_ccpo] mcont_cl by blast
lemma closure_sup_irreducible_on:
assumes "sup_irreducible_on closed (cl x)"
shows "sup_irreducible_on closed x"
using assms sup_irreducible_on_def closed_conv closed_sup by auto
locale closure_complete_lattice_distributive_class =
closure_complete_lattice_distributive "(≤)" "(<)" "(⊓)" "(⊔)" "⊥ :: _ :: complete_lattice" "⊤" "Inf" "Sup"
locale closure_complete_distrib_lattice_distributive_class =
closure_complete_lattice_distributive "(≤)" "(<)" "(⊓)" "(⊔)" "⊥ :: _ :: complete_distrib_lattice" "⊤" "Inf" "Sup"
The lattice arising from the closed elements for a distributive closure is completely distributive,
i.e., ‹Inf› and ‹Sup› distribute. See \<^citet>‹‹Section~10.23› in "DaveyPriestley:2002"›.
lemma closed_complete_distrib_lattice_axiomI':
assumes "∀A∈A. ∀x∈A. x ∈ closed"
shows "(⨅X∈A. ⨆X ⊔ cl ⊥)
≤ ⨆(Inf ` {f ` A |f. (∀X⊆closed. f X ∈ closed) ∧ (∀Y ∈ A. f Y ∈ Y)}) ⊔ cl ⊥"
proof -
from assms
have "∃f'. f ` A = f' ` A ∧ (∀X⊆closed. f' X ∈ closed) ∧ (∀Y∈A. f' Y ∈ Y)"
if "∀Y∈A. f Y ∈ Y" for f
using that by (fastforce intro!: exI[where x="λx. if f x ∈ closed then f x else cl ⊥"])
then show ?thesis
by (clarsimp simp: Inf_Sup Sup_le_iff simp flip: INF_sup intro!: le_supI1 Sup_upper)
lemma closed_complete_distrib_lattice_axiomI[intro]:
assumes "∀A∈A. ∀x∈A. x ∈ closed"
shows "(⨅X∈A. ⨆X ⊔ cl ⊥)
≤ ⨆(Inf ` {B. (∃f. (∀x. (∀x∈x. x ∈ closed) ⟶ f x ∈ closed)
∧ B = f ` A ∧ (∀Y∈A. f Y ∈ Y)) ∧ (∀x∈B. x ∈ closed)})
⊔ cl ⊥"
by (rule order.trans[OF closed_complete_distrib_lattice_axiomI'[OF assms]])
(use assms in ‹clarsimp simp: Sup_le_iff ac_simps›; fast intro!: exI imageI Sup_upper le_supI2)
lemma closed_strict_complete_distrib_lattice_axiomI[intro]:
assumes "cl ⊥ = ⊥"
assumes "∀A∈A. ∀x∈A. x ∈ closed"
shows "(⨅X∈A. ⨆X)
≤ ⨆(Inf ` {x. (∃f. (∀x. (∀x∈x. x ∈ closed) ⟶ f x ∈ closed)
∧ x = f ` A ∧ (∀Y∈A. f Y ∈ Y)) ∧ (∀x∈x. x ∈ closed)})"
using closed_complete_distrib_lattice_axiomI[simplified assms(1), simplified, OF assms(2)] .
subsection‹ Closures over powersets\label{sec:closures-powersets} ›
locale closure_powerset =
closure_complete_lattice_class cl for cl :: "'a set ⇒ 'a set"
lemmas expansive' = subsetD[OF expansive]
lemma closedI[intro]:
assumes "⋀x. x ∈ cl X ⟹ x ∈ X"
shows "X ∈ closed"
unfolding closed_def using assms by blast
lemma closedE:
assumes "x ∈ cl Y"
assumes "Y ∈ closed"
shows "x ∈ Y"
using assms closed_def by auto
lemma cl_mono:
assumes "x ∈ cl X"
assumes "X ⊆ Y"
shows "x ∈ cl Y"
using assms by (rule subsetD[OF monotoneD[OF monotone_cl], rotated])
lemma cl_bind_le:
shows "X ⤜ cl ∘ f ≤ cl (X ⤜ f)"
by (metis bind_UNION bind_image Sup_cl_le)
lemma pointwise_distributive_iff:
shows "(∀X. cl (⋃X) = ⋃(cl ` X) ∪ cl {}) ⟷ (∀X. cl X = (⋃x∈X. cl {x}) ∪ cl {})" (is "?lhs ⟷ ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
show "?lhs ⟹ ?rhs" by (metis UN_singleton image_image)
assume ?rhs
note distributive = ‹?rhs›[rule_format]
have cl_union: "cl (X ∪ Y) = cl X ∪ cl Y" (is "?lhs1 = ?rhs1") for X Y
proof(rule antisym[OF _ sup_cl_le])
from cl expansive' show "?lhs1 ⊆ ?rhs1" by (subst distributive) auto
have cl_insert: "cl (insert x X) = cl {x} ∪ cl X" for x X
by (metis cl_union insert_is_Un)
show ?lhs
proof(intro allI antisym)
show "cl (⋃ X) ⊆ ⋃ (cl ` X) ∪ cl {}" for X
by (subst distributive) (clarsimp; metis UnCI cl_insert insert_Diff)
qed (simp add: cl_bot_least Sup_cl_le)
lemma Sup_prime_on_singleton:
shows "Sup_prime_on closed (cl {x})"
unfolding Sup_prime_on_def by (meson UnionE expansive' insert_subsetI least bot_least singletonI subsetD)
locale closure_powerset_algebraic =
+ closure_complete_lattice_algebraic_class
locale closure_powerset_distributive =
+ closure_complete_distrib_lattice_distributive_class
lemmas distributive = pointwise_distributive_iff[THEN iffD1, rule_format, OF cl_Sup]
lemma algebraic_axiom:
shows "cl x ⊆ ⋃ (cl ` ({y. y ⊆ x} ∩ local.compact_points))"
unfolding compact_points_def complete_lattice_class.compact_points_def[symmetric]
by (metis Int_iff algebraic cl_Sup_not_empty complete_lattice_class.compact_pointsI emptyE
finite.intros(1) mem_Collect_eq order_bot_class.bot_least order.refl)
lemma cl_insert:
shows "cl (insert x X) = cl {x} ∪ cl X"
by (metis cl_sup insert_is_Un)
lemma cl_UNION:
shows "cl (⋃i∈I. f i) = (⋃i∈I. cl (f i)) ∪ cl {}"
by (auto simp add: cl_Sup SUP_upper)
lemma closed_UNION:
assumes "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ f i ∈ closed"
shows "(⋃i∈I. f i) ∪ cl {} ∈ closed"
using assms closed_def by (auto simp: cl_Sup cl_sup)
lemma sort_of_inverse:
assumes "y ∈ cl X - cl {}"
shows "∃x∈X. y ∈ cl {x}"
using assms by (subst (asm) distributive) blast
lemma cl_diff_le:
shows "cl x - cl y ⊆ cl (x - y)"
by (metis Diff_subset_conv Un_Diff_cancel Un_upper2 cl_sup)
lemma cl_bind:
shows "cl (X ⤜ f) = (X ⤜ cl ∘ f) ∪ cl {}"
by (simp add: bind_UNION cl_Sup)
lemma sup_irreducible_on_singleton:
shows "sup_irreducible_on closed (cl {a})"
by (rule sup_irreducible_onI)
(metis Un_iff sup_bot.right_neutral expansive insert_subset least antisym local.sup.commute sup_ge2)
subsection‹ Matroids and antimatroids\label{sec:closures-matroids} ›
The ∗‹exchange› axiom characterises ∗‹matroids› (see, for instance,
\S\ref{sec:galois-concrete}), while the ∗‹anti-exchange› axiom characterises
@{emph ‹antimatroids›} (see e.g. \S\ref{sec:closures-downwards}).
▪ \<^citet>‹"PfaltzSlapal:2013"› provide an overview of these concepts
▪ 🌐‹›
definition anti_exchange :: "('a set ⇒ 'a set) ⇒ bool" where
"anti_exchange cl ⟷ (∀X x y. x ≠ y ∧ y ∈ cl (insert x X) - cl X ⟶ x ∉ cl (insert y X) - cl X)"
definition exchange :: "('a set ⇒ 'a set) ⇒ bool" where
"exchange cl ⟷ (∀X x y. y ∈ cl (insert x X) - cl X ⟶ x ∈ cl (insert y X) - cl X)"
lemmas anti_exchangeI = iffD2[OF anti_exchange_def, rule_format]
lemmas exchangeI = iffD2[OF exchange_def, rule_format]
lemma anti_exchangeD:
assumes "y ∈ cl (insert x X) - cl X"
assumes "x ≠ y"
assumes "anti_exchange cl"
shows "x ∉ cl (insert y X) - cl X"
using assms unfolding anti_exchange_def by blast
lemma exchange_Image:
shows "exchange (Image r) ⟷ sym r ∧ trans r"
by (auto 6 0 simp: exchange_def sym_def intro!: transI elim: transE)
locale closure_powerset_distributive_exchange =
+ assumes exchange: "exchange cl"
lemma exchange_exchange:
assumes "x ∈ cl {y}"
assumes "x ∉ cl {}"
shows "y ∈ cl {x}"
using assms exchange unfolding exchange_def by blast
lemma exchange_closed_inter:
assumes "Q ∈ closed"
shows "cl P ∩ Q = cl (P ∩ Q)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
and "Q ∩ cl P = cl (P ∩ Q)" (is ?thesis1)
proof -
show "?lhs = ?rhs"
proof(rule antisym)
have "((⋃x∈P. cl {x}) ∪ cl {}) ∩ Q ⊆ (⋃x∈P ∩ cl Q. cl {x}) ∪ cl {}"
by clarsimp (metis IntI UnCI cl_insert exchange_exchange mk_disjoint_insert)
then show "?lhs ⊆ ?rhs"
by (simp flip: distributive closed_conv[OF assms])
from assms show "?rhs ⊆ ?lhs"
using cl_inf_le closed_conv by blast
then show ?thesis1 by blast
lemma exchange_both_closed_inter:
assumes "P ∈ closed"
assumes "Q ∈ closed"
shows "cl (P ∩ Q) = P ∩ Q"
using assms closed_conv closed_inf by force
lemma anti_exchange_Image:
shows "anti_exchange (Image r) ⟷ (∀x y. x ≠ y ∧ (x, y) ∈ r ⟶ (y, x) ∉ r)"
by (auto simp: anti_exchange_def)
locale closure_powerset_distributive_anti_exchange =
+ assumes anti_exchange: "anti_exchange cl"
subsection‹ Composition \label{sec:closures-composition} ›
Conditions under which composing two closures yields a closure.
See also \<^citet>‹"PfaltzSlapal:2013"›.
lemma closure_comp:
assumes "closure lesseqa lessa cl⇩1"
assumes "closure lesseqa lessa cl⇩2"
assumes "⋀X. cl⇩1 (cl⇩2 X) = cl⇩2 (cl⇩1 X)"
shows "closure lesseqa lessa (λX. cl⇩1 (cl⇩2 X))"
using assms by (clarsimp simp: closure_def closure_axioms_def) metis
lemma closure_complete_lattice_comp:
assumes "closure_complete_lattice Infa Supa infa lesseqa lessa supa bota topa cl⇩1"
assumes "closure_complete_lattice Infa Supa infa lesseqa lessa supa bota topa cl⇩2"
assumes "⋀X. cl⇩1 (cl⇩2 X) = cl⇩2 (cl⇩1 X)"
shows "closure_complete_lattice Infa Supa infa lesseqa lessa supa bota topa (λX. cl⇩1 (cl⇩2 X))"
using assms(1)[unfolded closure_complete_lattice_def]
closure_comp[OF closure_complete_lattice.axioms(2)[OF assms(1)]
closure_complete_lattice.axioms(2)[OF assms(2)]]
by (blast intro: closure_complete_lattice.intro)
lemma closure_powerset_comp:
assumes "closure_powerset cl⇩1"
assumes "closure_powerset cl⇩2"
assumes "⋀X. cl⇩1 (cl⇩2 X) = cl⇩2 (cl⇩1 X)"
shows "closure_powerset (λX. cl⇩1 (cl⇩2 X))"
using assms by (simp add: closure_complete_lattice_class_def closure_complete_lattice_comp closure_powerset_def)
lemma closure_powerset_distributive_comp:
assumes "closure_powerset_distributive cl⇩1"
assumes "closure_powerset_distributive cl⇩2"
assumes "⋀X. cl⇩1 (cl⇩2 X) = cl⇩2 (cl⇩1 X)"
shows "closure_powerset_distributive (λX. cl⇩1 (cl⇩2 X))"
proof -
have "cl⇩1 (cl⇩2 (⋃ X)) ⊆ (⋃X∈X. cl⇩1 (cl⇩2 X)) ∪ cl⇩1 (cl⇩2 {})" for X
apply (subst (1 2 3) closure_powerset_distributive.distributive[OF assms(1)])
apply (subst (1 2 3) closure_powerset_distributive.distributive[OF assms(2)])
apply fast
from assms have "closure_axioms (⊆) (λX. cl⇩1 (cl⇩2 X))"
by (metis closure_powerset_distributive_def closure_complete_lattice_class_def closure_def
closure_powerset.axioms closure_powerset_comp closure_complete_lattice.axioms(2))
ultimately show ?thesis
by (intro_locales; blast intro: closure_complete_lattice_distributive_axioms.intro)
subsection‹ Path independence ›
\<^citet>‹‹Prop 1.1› in "PfaltzSlapal:2013"›: ``an expansive operator is a closure operator iff it
is path independent.''
▪ 🗏‹$AFP/Stable_Matching/Choice_Functions.thy›
context semilattice_sup
definition path_independent :: "('a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ bool" where
"path_independent f ⟷ (∀x y. f (x ⊔ y) = f (f x ⊔ f y))"
lemma cl_path_independent:
shows "closure (≤) (<) cl ⟷ path_independent cl ∧ (∀x. x ≤ cl x)" (is "?lhs ⟷ ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
show "?lhs ⟹ ?rhs"
by (auto 5 0 simp: closure_def closure_axioms_def path_independent_def order.eq_iff
elim: le_supE)
show "?rhs ⟹ ?lhs"
by unfold_locales (metis path_independent_def le_sup_iff sup.absorb_iff2 sup.idem)
subsection‹ Some closures ›
interpretation id_cl: closure_powerset_distributive id
by standard auto
subsubsection‹ Reflexive, symmetric and transitive closures ›
The reflexive closure \<^const>‹reflcl› is very well behaved. Note the new bottom is @{const ‹Id›}.
The reflexive transitive closure @{const ‹rtrancl›} and transitive closure @{const ‹trancl›} are clearly not distributive.
\<^const>‹rtrancl› is neither matroidal nor antimatroidal.
interpretation reflcl_cl: closure_powerset_distributive_exchange reflcl
by standard (auto simp: exchange_def)
interpretation symcl_cl: closure_powerset_distributive_exchange "λX. X ∪ X¯"
by standard (auto simp: exchange_def)
interpretation trancl_cl: closure_powerset trancl
by standard (metis r_into_trancl' subsetI trancl_id trancl_mono trans_trancl)
interpretation rtrancl_cl: closure_powerset rtrancl
by standard (use rtrancl_subset_rtrancl in blast)
lemma rtrancl_closed_Id:
shows "Id ∈ rtrancl_cl.closed"
using rtrancl_cl.idempotent rtrancl_empty by fastforce
lemma rtrancl_closed_reflcl_closed:
shows "rtrancl_cl.closed ⊆ reflcl_cl.closed"
using rtrancl_cl.closed_conv by fast
subsubsection‹ Relation image ›
lemma idempotent_Image:
assumes "refl_on Y r"
assumes "trans r"
assumes "X ⊆ Y"
shows "r `` r `` X = r `` X"
using assms by (auto elim: transE intro: refl_onD refl_onD2)
lemmas distributive_Image = Image_eq_UN
lemma closure_powerset_distributive_ImageI:
assumes "cl = Image r"
assumes "refl r"
assumes "trans r"
shows "closure_powerset_distributive cl"
proof -
from assms have "closure_axioms (⊆) cl"
unfolding order.closure_axioms_alt_def
by (force simp: idempotent_Image Image_mono monotoneI dest: refl_onD)
with ‹cl = Image r› show ?thesis
by - (intro_locales; auto simp: closure_complete_lattice_distributive_axioms_def)
lemma closure_powerset_distributive_exchange_ImageI:
assumes "cl = Image r"
assumes "equiv UNIV r"
shows "closure_powerset_distributive_exchange cl"
using closure_powerset_distributive_ImageI[OF assms(1)] exchange_Image[of r] assms
unfolding closure_powerset_distributive_exchange_def closure_powerset_distributive_exchange_axioms_def
by (metis equivE)
interpretation Image_rtrancl: closure_powerset_distributive "Image (r⇧*)"
by (rule closure_powerset_distributive_ImageI) auto
subsubsection‹ Kleene closure\label{sec:closures-kleene} ›
We define Kleene closure in the traditional way with respect to some
axioms that our various lattices satisfy. As trace models are not
going to validate ‹x ∙ ⊥ = ⊥›
\<^citep>‹‹Axiom~13› in "Kozen:1994"›, we
cannot reuse existing developments of Kleene Algebra (and Concurrent
Kleene Algebra
\<^citep>‹"HoareMoellerStruthWehrman:2011"›). In general
it is not distributive.
locale weak_kleene =
fixes unit :: "'a::complete_lattice" ("ε")
fixes comp :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" (infixl "∙" 60)
assumes comp_assoc: "(x ∙ y) ∙ z = x ∙ (y ∙ z)"
assumes weak_comp_unitL: "ε ≤ x ⟹ ε ∙ x = x"
assumes comp_unitR: "x ∙ ε = x"
assumes comp_supL: "(x ⊔ y) ∙ z = (x ∙ z) ⊔ (y ∙ z)"
assumes comp_supR: "x ∙ (y ⊔ z) = (x ∙ y) ⊔ (x ∙ z)"
assumes mcont_compL: "mcont Sup (≤) Sup (≤) (λx. x ∙ y)"
assumes mcont_compR: "mcont Sup (≤) Sup (≤) (λy. x ∙ y)"
assumes comp_botL: "⊥ ∙ x = ⊥"
lemma mcont2mcont_comp:
assumes "mcont Supa orda Sup (≤) f"
assumes "mcont Supa orda Sup (≤) g"
shows "mcont Supa orda Sup (≤) (λx. f x ∙ g x)"
by (simp add: ccpo.mcont2mcont'[OF complete_lattice_ccpo mcont_compL _ assms(1)]
ccpo.mcont2mcont'[OF complete_lattice_ccpo mcont_compR _ assms(2)])
lemma mono2mono_comp:
assumes "monotone orda (≤) f"
assumes "monotone orda (≤) g"
shows "monotone orda (≤) (λx. f x ∙ g x)"
using mcont_mono[OF mcont_compL] mcont_mono[OF mcont_compR] assms
by (clarsimp simp: monotone_def) (meson order.trans)
notes mcont2mcont_comp[cont_intro]
notes mono2mono_comp[cont_intro, partial_function_mono]
notes st_monotone[OF mcont_mono[OF mcont_compL], strg]
notes st_monotone[OF mcont_mono[OF mcont_compR], strg]
notes [[function_internals]]
partial_function (lfp) star :: "'a ⇒ 'a" where
"star x = (x ∙ star x) ⊔ ε"
partial_function (lfp) rev_star :: "'a ⇒ 'a" where
"rev_star x = (rev_star x ∙ x) ⊔ ε"
lemmas parallel_star_induct_1_1 =
complete_lattice_partial_function_definitions complete_lattice_partial_function_definitions
star.mono star.mono star_def star_def]
lemma star_bot:
shows "star ⊥ = ε"
by (subst star.simps) (simp add: comp_botL)
lemma epsilon_star_le:
shows "ε ≤ star P"
by (subst star.simps) simp
lemma monotone_star:
shows "mono star"
proof(rule monotoneI)
fix x y :: "'a"
assume "x ≤ y" show "star x ≤ star y"
proof(induct rule: star.fixp_induct[case_names adm bot step])
case (step R) show ?case
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF ‹x ≤ y›])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF step])
apply (rule order.refl)
qed simp_all
lemma expansive_star:
shows "x ≤ star x"
by (subst star.simps, subst star.simps)
(simp add: comp_supL comp_supR comp_unitR le_supI1 flip: sup.assoc)
lemma star_comp_star:
shows "star x ∙ star x = star x" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
show "?lhs ≤ ?rhs"
proof(induct rule: star.fixp_induct[where P="λR. R x ∙ star x ≤ star x", case_names adm bot step])
case (step R) show ?case
apply (simp add: comp_supL weak_comp_unitL[OF epsilon_star_le] comp_assoc)
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF step])
apply (subst (2) star.simps)
apply simp
qed (simp_all add: comp_botL)
show "?rhs ≤ ?lhs"
by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(2)[OF epsilon_star_le])
(simp add: weak_comp_unitL[OF epsilon_star_le])
lemma idempotent_star:
shows "star (star x) = star x" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
show "?lhs ≤ ?rhs"
proof(induct rule: star.fixp_induct[where P="λR. R (star x) ≤ ?rhs", case_names adm bot step])
case (step R) then show ?case
by (metis comp_supR epsilon_star_le le_iff_sup le_sup_iff star_comp_star)
qed simp_all
show "?rhs ≤ ?lhs"
by (simp add: expansive_star)
interpretation star: closure_complete_lattice_class star
by standard (metis order.trans expansive_star idempotent_star monotoneD[OF monotone_star])
lemma star_epsilon:
shows "star ε = ε"
by (metis idempotent_star star_bot)
lemma epsilon_rev_star_le:
shows "ε ≤ rev_star P"
by (subst rev_star.simps) simp
lemma rev_star_comp_rev_star:
shows "rev_star x ∙ rev_star x = rev_star x" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
show "?lhs ≤ ?rhs"
proof(induct rule: rev_star.fixp_induct[where P="λR. rev_star x ∙ R x ≤ rev_star x", case_names adm bot step])
case bot show ?case
by (subst (2) rev_star.simps) (simp add: le_supI1 mcont_monoD[OF mcont_compR])
case (step R) then show ?case
by (simp add: comp_supR epsilon_rev_star_le comp_unitR flip: comp_assoc)
(metis comp_supL le_iff_sup le_supI1 rev_star.simps)
qed simp
show "?rhs ≤ ?lhs"
by (metis comp_supR comp_unitR epsilon_rev_star_le le_iff_sup)
lemma star_rev_star:
shows "star = rev_star" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(intro fun_eqI antisym)
show "?lhs P ≤ ?rhs P" for P
proof(induct rule: star.fixp_induct[case_names adm bot step])
case (step R)
have expansive: "x ≤ rev_star x" for x
apply (subst rev_star.simps)
apply (subst rev_star.simps)
apply (simp add: comp_supL sup_assoc)
apply (metis comp_supR comp_unitR sup_ge2 le_supI2 sup_commute weak_comp_unitL)
show ?case
by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF step])
(metis comp_supL epsilon_rev_star_le expansive rev_star_comp_rev_star le_sup_iff sup.absorb_iff2)
qed simp_all
show "?rhs P ≤ ?lhs P" for P
proof(induct rule: rev_star.fixp_induct[case_names adm bot step])
case (step R) show ?case
by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF step])
(metis epsilon_star_le expansive_star mcont_monoD[OF mcont_compR] le_supI star_comp_star)
qed simp_all
lemmas star_fixp_rev_induct = rev_star.fixp_induct[folded star_rev_star]
interpretation rev_star: closure_complete_lattice_class rev_star
by (rule star.closure_complete_lattice_class_axioms[unfolded star_rev_star])
lemma rev_star_bot:
shows "rev_star ⊥ = ε"
by (simp add: star_bot flip: star_rev_star)
lemma rev_star_epsilon:
shows "rev_star ε = ε"
by (simp add: star_epsilon flip: star_rev_star)
lemmas star_unfoldL = star.simps
lemma star_unfoldR:
shows "star x = (star x ∙ x) ⊔ ε"
by (subst (1 2) star_rev_star) (simp flip: rev_star.simps)
lemmas rev_star_unfoldR = rev_star.simps
lemma rev_star_unfoldL:
shows "rev_star x = (x ∙ rev_star x) ⊔ ε"
by (simp flip: star_rev_star star_unfoldL)
lemma fold_starL:
shows "x ∙ star x ≤ star x"
by (subst (2) star.simps) simp
lemma fold_starR:
shows "star x ∙ x ≤ star x"
by (metis inf_sup_ord(3) star_unfoldR)
lemma fold_rev_starL:
shows "x ∙ rev_star x ≤ rev_star x"
by (simp add: fold_starL flip: star_rev_star)
lemma fold_rev_starR:
shows "rev_star x ∙ x ≤ rev_star x"
by (simp add: fold_starR flip: star_rev_star)
declare star.strengthen_cl[strg] rev_star.strengthen_cl[strg]
locale kleene = weak_kleene +
assumes comp_unitL: "ε ∙ x = x"