Theory Lifted_Predicates

theory Lifted_Predicates

section‹ Point-free notation \label{sec:lifted_predicates} ›


Typically we define predicates as functions of a state. The following
provide a somewhat comfortable point-free imitation of Isabelle/HOL's


type_synonym 's pred = "'s  bool"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_K :: "'b  'a  'b" ("_") where
  "f  λs. f"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_not :: "'a pred  'a pred" ("¬ _" [40] 40) where
  "¬a  λs. ¬a s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_conj :: "'a pred  'a pred  'a pred" (infixr "" 35) where
  "a  b  λs. a s  b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_disj :: "'a pred  'a pred  'a pred" (infixr "" 30) where
  "a  b  λs. a s  b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_implies :: "'a pred  'a pred  'a pred" (infixr "" 25) where
  "a  b  λs. a s  b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_iff :: "'a pred  'a pred  'a pred" (infixr "" 25) where
  "a  b  λs. a s  b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_eq :: "('a  'b)  ('a  'b)  'a pred" (infix "=" 40) where
  "a = b  λs. a s = b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_neq :: "('a  'b)  ('a  'b)  'a pred" (infix "" 40) where
  "a  b  λs. a s  b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_If :: "'a pred  ('a  'b)  ('a  'b)  'a  'b" ("(If (_)/ Then (_)/ Else (_))" [0, 0, 10] 10)
  where "If P Then x Else y  λs. if P s then x s else y s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_less :: "('a  'b::ord)  ('a  'b)  'a pred" (infix "<" 40) where
  "a < b  λs. a s < b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_less_eq :: "('a  'b::ord)  ('a  'b)  'a pred" (infix "" 40) where
  "a  b  λs. a s  b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_greater :: "('a  'b::ord)  ('a  'b)  'a pred" (infix ">" 40) where
  "a > b  λs. a s > b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_greater_eq :: "('a  'b::ord)  ('a  'b)  'a pred" (infix "" 40) where
  "a  b  λs. a s  b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_plus :: "('a  'b::plus)  ('a  'b)  'a  'b" (infixl "+" 65) where
  "a + b  λs. a s + b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_minus :: "('a  'b::minus)  ('a  'b)  'a  'b" (infixl "-" 65) where
  "a - b  λs. a s - b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_times :: "('a  'b::times)  ('a  'b)  'a  'b" (infixl "*" 65) where
  "a * b  λs. a s * b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_all :: "('b  'a pred)  'a pred" (binder "" 10) where
  "x. P x  λs. x. P x s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_ex :: "('b  'a pred)  'a pred" (binder "" 10) where
  "x. P x  λs. x. P x s"

(* this one is applicative-functor ish *)
abbreviation (input)
  pred_app :: "('a  'b  'c)  ('a  'b)  'a  'c" (infixl "$" 100) where
  "f $ g  λs. f s (g s)"

(* this one is monadic postcondition ish *)
abbreviation (input)
  pred_app' :: "('b  'a  'c)  ('a  'b)  'a  'c" (infixl "$$" 100) where
  "f $$ g  λs. f (g s) s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_member :: "('a  'b)  ('a  'b set)  'a pred" (infix "" 40) where
  "a  b  λs. a s  b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_subseteq :: "('a  'b set)  ('a  'b set)  'a pred" (infix "" 50) where
  "A  B  λs. A s  B s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_union :: "('a  'b set)  ('a  'b set)  'a  'b set" (infixl "" 65) where
  "a  b  λs. a s  b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_inter :: "('a  'b set)  ('a  'b set)  'a  'b set" (infixl "" 65) where
  "a  b  λs. a s  b s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_conjoin :: "'a pred list  'a pred" where
  "pred_conjoin xs  foldr () xs True"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_disjoin :: "'a pred list  'a pred" where
  "pred_disjoin xs  foldr () xs False"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_min :: "('a  'b::ord)  ('a  'b)  'a  'b" where
  "pred_min x y  λs. min (x s) (y s)"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_max :: "('a  'b::ord)  ('a  'b)  'a  'b" where
  "pred_max x y  λs. max (x s) (y s)"

abbreviation (input)
  NULL :: "('a  'b option)  'a pred" where
  "NULL a  λs. a s = None"

abbreviation (input)
  EMPTY :: "('a  'b set)  'a pred" where
  "EMPTY a  λs. a s = {}"

abbreviation (input)
  LIST_NULL :: "('a  'b list)  'a pred" where
  "LIST_NULL a  λs. a s = []"

abbreviation (input)
  SIZE :: "('a  'b::size)  'a  nat" where
  "SIZE a  λs. size (a s)"

abbreviation (input)
  SET :: "('a  'b list)  'a  'b set" where
  "SET a  λs. set (a s)"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_singleton :: "('a  'b)  'a  'b set" where
  "pred_singleton x  λs. {x s}"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_list_nth :: "('a  'b list)  ('a  nat)  'a  'b" (infixl "!" 150) where
  "xs ! i  λs. xs s ! i s"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_list_append :: "('a  'b list)  ('a  'b list)  'a  'b list" (infixr "@" 65) where
  "xs @ ys  λs. xs s @ ys s"

abbreviation (input)
  FST :: "'a pred  ('a × 'b) pred" where
  "FST P  λs. P (fst s)"

abbreviation (input)
  SND :: "'b pred  ('a × 'b) pred" where
  "SND P  λs. P (snd s)"

abbreviation (input)
  pred_pair :: "('a  'b)  ('a  'c)  'a  'b × 'c" (infixr "" 60) where
  "a  b  λs. (a s, b s)"
