Theory Leadsto_Impl

subsection ‹Imperative Implementation›

theory Leadsto_Impl
  imports Leadsto_Map Unified_PW_Impl Liveness_Subsumption_Impl

  "list_of_set S = SPEC (λl. set l = S)"

lemma lso_id_hnr:
  "(return o id, list_of_set)  (lso_assn A)d a list_assn A"
  unfolding list_of_set_def lso_assn_def hr_comp_def br_def by sepref_to_hoare sep_auto

sepref_register hm.op_hms_empty

context Worklist_Map2_Impl

sepref_thm pw_algo_map2_impl is
  "uncurry0 (pw_algo_map2)" ::
  "unit_assnk a bool_assn ×a (hm.hms_assn' K (lso_assn A))"
  unfolding pw_algo_map2_def add_pw'_map2_alt_def PR_CONST_def TRACE'_def[symmetric]
  supply [[goals_limit = 1]]
  supply conv_to_is_Nil[simp]
  unfolding fold_lso_bex
  unfolding take_from_list_alt_def
  apply (rewrite in "{a0}" lso_fold_custom_empty)
  unfolding hm.hms_fold_custom_empty
  apply (rewrite in "[a0]" HOL_list.fold_custom_empty)
   apply (rewrite in "{}" lso_fold_custom_empty)
  unfolding F_split
  by sepref

end (* Worklist Map 2 Impl *)

locale Leadsto_Search_Space_Key_Impl =
  Leadsto_Search_Space_Key a0 F _ empty _ E key F' P Q succs_Q succs1 +
  liveness: Liveness_Search_Space_Key_Impl a0 F _ V succs_Q "λ x y. E x y  ¬ empty y  Q y"
    _ key A succsi a0i Lei keyi copyi
  for key :: "'v  'k"
  and a0 F F' copyi P Q V empty succs_Q succs1 E A succsi a0i Lei keyi +
  fixes succs1i and emptyi and Pi Qi and tracei
  assumes  succs1_impl: "(succs1i, (RETURN ∘∘ PR_CONST) succs1)  Ak a list_assn A"
    and empty_impl:
      "(emptyi,RETURN o PR_CONST empty)  Ak a bool_assn"
    assumes [sepref_fr_rules]:
      "(Pi,RETURN o PR_CONST P)  Ak a bool_assn" "(Qi,RETURN o PR_CONST Q)  Ak a bool_assn"
    assumes trace_impl:
      "(uncurry tracei,uncurry (λ(_ :: string) _. RETURN ()))  id_assnk *a Ak a id_assn"

sublocale Worklist_Map2_Impl _ _ "λ _. False" _ succs1 _ _ "λ_. False" _ succs1i _
  "λ_. return False" Lei
  apply standard
  unfolding A'.trace_def
           apply (rule liveness.refinements succs1_impl)
    by sepref_to_hoare sep_auto
  by (rule liveness.refinements succs1_impl empty_impl
      liveness.pure_K liveness.left_unique_K liveness.right_unique_K trace_impl)+

sepref_register pw_algo_map2_copy
sepref_register "PR_CONST P" "PR_CONST Q"

lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] =
  ran_of_map_impl.refine[OF pure_K left_unique_K right_unique_K]

lemma pw_algo_map2_copy_fold:
  "PR_CONST pw_algo_map2_copy = A'.pw_algo_map2"
  unfolding pw_algo_map2_copy_def by simp

lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = pw_algo_map2_impl.refine_raw[folded pw_algo_map2_copy_fold]

definition "has_cycle_map_copy  has_cycle_map"

lemma has_cycle_map_copy_fold:
  "PR_CONST has_cycle_map_copy = has_cycle_map"
  unfolding has_cycle_map_copy_def by simp

sepref_register has_cycle_map_copy

lemma has_cycle_map_fold:
  "has_cycle_map = liveness.dfs_map'"
  unfolding has_cycle_map_def liveness.dfs_map'_def
  by (subst Liveness_Search_Space_Key_Defs.dfs_map_alt_def) standard

lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] =
  liveness.dfs_map'_impl.refine_raw[folded has_cycle_map_fold, folded has_cycle_map_copy_fold]

sepref_thm leadsto_impl is
  "uncurry0 leadsto_map4'" :: "unit_assnk a bool_assn"
  unfolding leadsto_map4'_def
  apply (rewrite in P PR_CONST_def[symmetric])
  apply (rewrite in Q PR_CONST_def[symmetric])
  unfolding pw_algo_map2_copy_def[symmetric]
  unfolding has_cycle_map_copy_def[symmetric]
  unfolding hm.hms_fold_custom_empty
  unfolding list_of_set_def[symmetric]
  by sepref

concrete_definition (in -) leadsto_impl
  uses Leadsto_Search_Space_Key_Impl.leadsto_impl.refine_raw is "(uncurry0 ?f,_)_"

lemma leadsto_impl_hnr:
  "(uncurry0 (
    leadsto_impl copyi succsi a0i Lei keyi succs1i emptyi Pi Qi tracei
    uncurry0 leadsto_spec_alt
   )  unit_assnk a bool_assn" if "V a0"
  unfolding leadsto_spec_alt_def
  using leadsto_impl.refine[
    OF Leadsto_Search_Space_Key_Impl_axioms,
    FCOMP leadsto_map4'_correct[unfolded leadsto_spec_alt_def, THEN Id_SPEC_refine, THEN nres_relI]
    ] .

end (* Leadsto Search Space Key Impl *)

end (* End of theory *)