Theory Next_Key

theory Next_Key
  imports Heap_Hash_Map

section ‹A Next-Key Operation for Hashmaps›

lemma insert_restrict_ran:
  "insert v (ran (m |` (- {k}))) = ran m " if "m k = Some v"
  using that unfolding ran_def restrict_map_def by force

subsection ‹Definition and Key Properties›

  "hm_it_next_key ht = do {
    nArray.len (the_array ht);
    if n = 0 then raise (STR ''Map is empty!'')
    else do {
      ihm_it_adjust (n - 1) ht;
      lArray.nth (the_array ht) i;
      case l of
        []  raise (STR ''Map is empty!'')
      | (x # _)  return (fst x)

lemma hm_it_next_key_rule:
  "<is_hashmap m ht> hm_it_next_key ht <λr. is_hashmap m ht *  (r  dom m)>"
  if "m  Map.empty"
  using that
  unfolding hm_it_next_key_def
  unfolding is_hashmap_def unfolding is_hashmap'_def
  apply (sep_auto intro: hm_it_adjust_rule)
    using le_imp_less_Suc by fastforce
  subgoal premises prems for l xs i xs'
  proof -
    from prems have "l ! i  []"
      by (auto simp: concat_take_Suc_empty)
    with prems(1-6) show ?thesis
      apply (cases xs')
       apply sep_auto
      apply sep_auto
      subgoal for a b list aa ba
        apply (rule weak_map_of_SomeI[of _ b])
        apply clarsimp
        apply (rule bexI[of _ "l ! i"])
          by (metis list.set_intros(1))
          by (cases "length l"; fastforce simp: take_Suc_conv_app_nth)

  "next_key m = do {
    ASSERT (m  Map.empty);
    k  SPEC (λ k. k  dom m);
    RETURN k

lemma hm_it_next_key_next_key_aux:
  assumes "is_pure K" "nofail (next_key m)"
    "<hm.assn K V m mi>
      hm_it_next_key mi
    <λr. Axa. hm.assn K V m mi * K xa r * true *  (RETURN xa  next_key m)>"
  using nofail _ unfolding next_key_def
  apply (simp add: pw_bind_nofail pw_ASSERT(1))
  unfolding hm.assn_def hr_comp_def
  apply sep_auto
  subgoal for m'
    apply (rule cons_post_rule)
     apply (rule hm_it_next_key_rule)
     apply (sep_auto eintros del: exI)
    subgoal premises prems for x v'
    proof -
      from prems obtain k v where "m k = Some v" "(x, k)  the_pure K" "(v', v)  the_pure V"
        apply atomize_elim
        by (meson map_rel_obtain2)
      with prems is_pure K show ?thesis
        apply -
        apply (rule exI[where x = k], rule exI[where x = m'])
        apply sep_auto
        apply (rule entailsI)
        apply sep_auto
        by (metis mod_pure_star_dist mod_star_trueI pure_def pure_the_pure)
    by force

lemma hm_it_next_key_next_key:
  assumes "CONSTRAINT is_pure K"
  shows "(hm_it_next_key, next_key)  (hm.assn K V)k a K"
  using assms by sepref_to_hoare (sep_auto intro!: hm_it_next_key_next_key_aux)

lemma hm_it_next_key_next_key':
  "(hm_it_next_key, next_key)  (hm.hms_assn V)k a id_assn"
  unfolding hm.hms_assn_def
  apply sepref_to_hoare
  apply sep_auto
  subgoal for m m' mi
    unfolding next_key_def
    apply (rule cons_rule[where
          P' = "is_hashmap mi m' * map_assn V m mi * (mi  Map.empty)"
          and Q = "λ x. is_hashmap mi m' *  (x  dom mi) * map_assn V m mi"]
      apply (solves sep_auto; unfold map_assn_def; auto simp: refine_pw_simps)+
    by (rule norm_pre_pure_rule1, rule frame_rule[OF hm_it_next_key_rule[of mi m']]) sep_auto

lemma no_fail_next_key_iff:
  "nofail (next_key m)  m  Map.empty"
  unfolding next_key_def by auto

  fixes mi m K
  assumes map_rel: "(mi, m)  K, Idmap_rel"

private lemma k_aux:
  assumes "k  dom mi" "(mi, m)  K, Idmap_rel"
  shows " k'. (k, k')  K"
  using assms unfolding map_rel_def by auto

private lemma k_aux2:
  assumes "k  dom mi" "(k, k')  K"
  shows "k'  dom m"
  using assms map_rel unfolding map_rel_def by (cases "m k'") (auto dest: fun_relD)

private lemma map_empty_iff: "mi  Map.empty  m  Map.empty"
  using map_rel by auto

private lemma aux:
  assumes "RETURN k  next_key mi"
  shows "RETURN (SOME k'. (k, k')  K)  next_key m"
  using map_rel assms
  unfolding next_key_def
  apply (cases "m  Map.empty")
   apply (clarsimp simp: map_empty_iff)
  apply (frule (1) k_aux[OF domI])
  apply (drule someI_ex)
  apply (auto dest: k_aux2[OF domI])

private lemma aux1:
  assumes "RETURN k  next_key mi" "nofail (next_key m)"
  shows "(k, SOME k'. (k, k')  K)  K"
  using map_rel assms
  unfolding next_key_def
  apply (cases "m  Map.empty")
   apply (clarsimp simp: map_empty_iff)
   apply (drule (1) k_aux[OF domI], erule someI_ex)
  apply auto

lemmas hm_it_next_key_next_key''_aux = aux aux1

end (* Anonymous context *)

lemma hm_it_next_key_next_key'':
  assumes "is_pure K"
  shows "(hm_it_next_key, next_key)  (hm.hms_assn' K V)k a K"
  unfolding hm.hms_assn'_def
  apply sepref_to_hoare
  unfolding hr_comp_def
  apply sep_auto
  subgoal for m m' mi
    using hm_it_next_key_next_key'[to_hnr, unfolded hn_refine_def, of mi V m']
    apply (sep_auto simp: hn_ctxt_def)
      unfolding no_fail_next_key_iff by auto
    apply (erule cons_post_rule)
    using is_pure K
    apply sep_auto
     apply (erule (1) hm_it_next_key_next_key''_aux)
    apply (subst pure_the_pure[symmetric, of K], assumption)
    apply (sep_auto intro: hm_it_next_key_next_key''_aux simp: pure_def)

subsection ‹Computing the Range of a Map›

definition ran_of_map where
  "ran_of_map m  do
        (xs, m)  WHILEIT
          (λ (xs, m'). finite (dom m')  ran m = ran m'  set xs) (λ (_, m). Map.empty  m)
            (λ (xs, m). do
                k  next_key m;
                let (x, m) = op_map_extract k m;
                ASSERT (x  None);
                RETURN (the x # xs, m)
            ([], m);
        RETURN xs


private definition
  "ran_of_map_var = (inv_image (measure (card o dom)) (λ (a, b). b))"

private lemma wf_ran_of_map_var:
  "wf ran_of_map_var"
  unfolding ran_of_map_var_def by auto

lemma ran_of_map_correct[refine]:
  "ran_of_map m  SPEC (λ r. set r = ran m)" if "finite (dom m)"
  using that unfolding ran_of_map_def next_key_def
  apply (refine_vcg wf_ran_of_map_var)
         apply (clarsimp; fail)+
  subgoal for s xs m' x v xs' xs1 xs'1
    unfolding dom_def by (clarsimp simp: map_upd_eq_restrict, auto dest: insert_restrict_ran)
    unfolding ran_of_map_var_def op_map_extract_def by (fastforce intro: card_Diff1_less)
  by auto

end ― ‹End of private context for auxiliary facts and definitions›

sepref_register next_key :: "(('b, 'a) i_map  'b nres)"

definition (in imp_map_is_empty) [code_unfold]: "hms_is_empty  is_empty"

lemma (in imp_map_is_empty) hms_empty_rule [sep_heap_rules]:
  "<hms_assn A m mi> hms_is_empty mi <λr. hms_assn A m mi * (r  m=Map.empty)>t"
  unfolding hms_is_empty_def hms_assn_def map_assn_def by sep_auto

context imp_map_is_empty

lemma hms_is_empty_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  "(hms_is_empty, RETURN o op_map_is_empty)  (hms_assn A)k a bool_assn"
  by sepref_to_hoare sep_auto

sepref_decl_impl is_empty: hms_is_empty_hnr uses op_map_is_empty.fref[where V = Id] .


lemma (in imp_map) hms_assn'_id_hms_assn:
  "hms_assn' id_assn A = hms_assn A"
  by (subst hms_assn'_def) simp

(* This is to make the pre-processing phase pick the right type for the input *)
lemma [intf_of_assn]:
  "intf_of_assn (hm.hms_assn' a b) TYPE(('aa, 'bb) i_map)"
  by simp

  fixes K :: "_  _ :: {hashable, heap}  assn"
  assumes is_pure_K[safe_constraint_rules]: "is_pure K"
  and left_unique_K[safe_constraint_rules]: "IS_LEFT_UNIQUE (the_pure K)"
  and right_unique_K[safe_constraint_rules]: "IS_RIGHT_UNIQUE (the_pure K)"
  notes [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_it_next_key_next_key''[OF is_pure_K]

sepref_definition ran_of_map_impl is
  "ran_of_map" :: "(hm.hms_assn' K A)d a list_assn A"
  unfolding ran_of_map_def hm.hms_assn'_id_hms_assn[symmetric]
  unfolding op_map_is_empty_def[symmetric]
  unfolding hm.hms_fold_custom_empty HOL_list.fold_custom_empty
  by sepref

end (* Anonymous context for setup *)

lemmas ran_of_map_impl_code[code] =
  ran_of_map_impl_def[of "pure Id", simplified, OF Sepref_Constraints.safe_constraint_rules(41)]

  notes [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_it_next_key_next_key'[folded hm.hms_assn'_id_hms_assn]

sepref_definition ran_of_map_impl' is
  "ran_of_map" :: "(hm.hms_assn A)d a list_assn A"
  unfolding ran_of_map_def hm.hms_assn'_id_hms_assn[symmetric]
  unfolding op_map_is_empty_def[symmetric]
  unfolding hm.hms_fold_custom_empty HOL_list.fold_custom_empty
  by sepref

end (* Anonymous context for setup *)

end (* Theory *)