Theory Transport_Natural_Functors_Base

✐‹creator "Kevin Kappelmann"›
section ‹Transport for Natural Functors›
subsection ‹Basic Setup›
theory Transport_Natural_Functors_Base

paragraph ‹Summary›
text ‹Basic setup for closure proofs and simple lemmas.›

text ‹In the following, we willingly use granular apply-style proofs since,
in practice, these theorems have to be automatically generated whenever we
declare a new natural functor.

Note that "HOL-Library" provides a command bnf_axiomatization› which allows
one to axiomatically declare a bounded natural functor. However, we only need a
subset of these axioms - the boundedness of the functor is irrelevant for our
purposes. For this reason - and the sake of completeness - we state all the
required axioms explicitly below.›

lemma Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp: "BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f = (=)  f"
  by (intro ext) (auto elim: GrpE intro: GrpI)

lemma eq_comp_rel_comp_eq_comp: "(=)  f ∘∘ R = R  f"
  by (intro ext) auto

lemma Domain_Collect_case_prod_eq_Collect_in_dom:
  "Domain {(x, y). R x y} = {x. in_dom R x}"
  by blast

lemma ball_in_dom_iff_ball_ex:
  "(x  S. in_dom R x)  (x  S. y. R x y)"
  by blast

lemma pair_mem_Collect_case_prod_iff: "(x, y)  {(x, y). R x y}  R x y"
  by blast

paragraph ‹Natural Functor Axiomatisation›

typedecl ('d, 'a, 'b, 'c) F

consts Fmap :: "('a1  'a2)  ('b1  'b2)  ('c1  'c2) 
    ('d, 'a1, 'b1, 'c1) F  ('d, 'a2, 'b2, 'c2) F"
  Fset1 :: "('d, 'a, 'b, 'c) F  'a set"
  Fset2 :: "('d, 'a, 'b, 'c) F  'b set"
  Fset3 :: "('d, 'a, 'b, 'c) F  'c set"

  where Fmap_id: "Fmap id id id = id"
  and Fmap_comp: "f1 f2 f3 g1 g2 g3.
    Fmap (g1  f1) (g2  f2) (g3  f3) = Fmap g1 g2 g3  Fmap f1 f2 f3"
  and Fmap_cong: "f1 f2 f3 g1 g2 g3 x.
    (x1. x1  Fset1 x  f1 x1 = g1 x1) 
    (x2. x2  Fset2 x  f2 x2 = g2 x2) 
    (x3. x3  Fset3 x  f3 x3 = g3 x3) 
    Fmap f1 f2 f3 x = Fmap g1 g2 g3 x"
  and Fset1_natural: "f1 f2 f3. Fset1  Fmap f1 f2 f3 = image f1  Fset1"
  and Fset2_natural: "f1 f2 f3. Fset2  Fmap f1 f2 f3 = image f2  Fset2"
  and Fset3_natural: "f1 f2 f3. Fset3  Fmap f1 f2 f3 = image f3  Fset3"

lemma Fmap_id_eq_self: "Fmap id id id x = x"
  by (subst Fmap_id, subst id_eq_self, rule refl)

lemma Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap:
  "Fmap (g1  f1) (g2  f2) (g3  f3) x = Fmap g1 g2 g3 (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x)"
  by (fact fun_cong[OF Fmap_comp, simplified comp_eq])

lemma Fset1_Fmap_eq_image_Fset1: "Fset1 (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x) = f1 ` Fset1 x"
  by (fact fun_cong[OF Fset1_natural, simplified comp_eq])

lemma Fset2_Fmap_eq_image_Fset2: "Fset2 (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x) = f2 ` Fset2 x"
  by (fact fun_cong[OF Fset2_natural, simplified comp_eq])

lemma Fset3_Fmap_eq_image_Fset3: "Fset3 (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x) = f3 ` Fset3 x"
  by (fact fun_cong[OF Fset3_natural, simplified comp_eq])

lemmas Fset_Fmap_eqs = Fset1_Fmap_eq_image_Fset1 Fset2_Fmap_eq_image_Fset2

paragraph ‹Relator›

definition Frel :: "('a1  'a2  bool)  ('b1  'b2  bool)  ('c1  'c2  bool) 
  ('d, 'a1, 'b1, 'c1) F  ('d, 'a2, 'b2, 'c2) F  bool"
  where "Frel R1 R2 R3 x y  (z.
    z  {x. Fset1 x  {(x, y). R1 x y}  Fset2 x  {(x, y). R2 x y}
       Fset3 x  {(x, y). R3 x y}}
     Fmap fst fst fst z = x
     Fmap snd snd snd z = y)"

lemma FrelI:
  assumes "Fset1 z  {(x, y). R1 x y}"
  and "Fset2 z  {(x, y). R2 x y}"
  and "Fset3 z  {(x, y). R3 x y}"
  and "Fmap fst fst fst z = x"
  and "Fmap snd snd snd z = y"
  shows "Frel R1 R2 R3 x y"
  apply (subst Frel_def)
  apply (intro exI conjI CollectI)
  apply (fact assms)+

lemma FrelE:
  assumes "Frel R1 R2 R3 x y"
  obtains z where "Fset1 z  {(x, y). R1 x y}" "Fset2 z  {(x, y). R2 x y}"
    "Fset3 z  {(x, y). R3 x y}" "Fmap fst fst fst z = x" "Fmap snd snd snd z = y"
  apply (insert assms)
  apply (subst (asm) Frel_def)
  apply (elim exE CollectE conjE)
  apply assumption

lemma Grp_UNIV_Fmap_eq_Frel_Grp: "BNF_Def.Grp UNIV (Fmap f1 f2 f3) =
  Frel (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f1) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f2) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f3)"
  apply (intro ext iffI)
    apply (rule FrelI[where
      ?z="Fmap (BNF_Def.convol id f1) (BNF_Def.convol id f2) (BNF_Def.convol id f3) _"])
    apply (subst Fset_Fmap_eqs,
      rule image_subsetI,
      rule convol_mem_GrpI[simplified Fun_id_eq_id],
      rule UNIV_I)+
    apply (unfold Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric]
      fst_convol[simplified Fun_comp_eq_comp]
      snd_convol[simplified Fun_comp_eq_comp]
      Fmap_id id_eq_self)
    apply (rule refl)
    apply (subst (asm) Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp)
    apply (subst (asm) comp_eq)
    apply assumption
    apply (erule FrelE)
    apply hypsubst
    apply (subst Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp)
    apply (subst comp_eq)
    apply (subst Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric])
    apply (rule Fmap_cong;
      rule Collect_case_prod_Grp_eqD[simplified Fun_comp_eq_comp],
      drule rev_subsetD,

lemma Frel_Grp_UNIV_Fmap:
  "Frel (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f1) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f2) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f3)
    x (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x)"
  apply (subst Grp_UNIV_Fmap_eq_Frel_Grp[symmetric])
  apply (subst Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp)
  apply (subst comp_eq)
  apply (rule refl)

lemma Frel_Grp_UNIV_iff_eq_Fmap:
  "Frel (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f1) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f2) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f3) x y 
    (y = Fmap f1 f2 f3 x)"
  by (subst eq_commute[of y])
  (fact fun_cong[OF fun_cong[OF Grp_UNIV_Fmap_eq_Frel_Grp],
    simplified Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp comp_eq, folded Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp, symmetric])

lemma Frel_eq: "Frel (=) (=) (=) = (=)"
  apply (unfold BNF_Def.eq_alt[simplified Fun_id_eq_id])
  apply (subst Grp_UNIV_Fmap_eq_Frel_Grp[symmetric])
  apply (subst Fmap_id)
  apply (fold BNF_Def.eq_alt[simplified Fun_id_eq_id])
  apply (rule refl)

corollary Frel_eq_self: "Frel (=) (=) (=) x x"
  by (fact iffD2[OF fun_cong[OF fun_cong[OF Frel_eq]] refl])

lemma Frel_mono_strong:
  assumes "Frel R1 R2 R3 x y"
  and "x1 y1. x1  Fset1 x  y1  Fset1 y  R1 x1 y1  S1 x1 y1"
  and "x2 y2. x2  Fset2 x  y2  Fset2 y  R2 x2 y2  S2 x2 y2"
  and "x3 y3. x3  Fset3 x  y3  Fset3 y  R3 x3 y3  S3 x3 y3"
  shows "Frel S1 S2 S3 x y"
  apply (insert assms(1))
  apply (erule FrelE)
  apply (rule FrelI)
    apply (rule subsetI,
      frule rev_subsetD,
      frule imageI[of _ "Fset1 _" fst]
        imageI[of _ "Fset2 _" fst]
        imageI[of _ "Fset3 _" fst],
      drule imageI[of _ "Fset1 _" snd]
        imageI[of _ "Fset2 _" snd]
        imageI[of _ "Fset3 _" snd],
      (subst (asm) Fset_Fmap_eqs[symmetric])+,
      intro CollectI case_prodI2,
      rule assms;
      unfold fst_conv snd_conv,
      (elim CollectE case_prodE Pair_inject, hypsubst)?,
    apply assumption+

corollary Frel_mono:
  assumes "R1  S1" "R2  S2" "R3  S3"
  shows "Frel R1 R2 R3  Frel S1 S2 S3"
  apply (intro le_relI)
  apply (rule Frel_mono_strong)
    apply assumption
    apply (insert assms)
    apply (drule le_relD[OF assms(1)] le_relD[OF assms(2)] le_relD[OF assms(3)],

lemma Frel_refl_strong:
  assumes "x1. x1  Fset1 x  R1 x1 x1"
  and "x2. x2  Fset2 x  R2 x2 x2"
  and "x3. x3  Fset3 x  R3 x3 x3"
  shows "Frel R1 R2 R3 x x"
  by (rule Frel_mono_strong[OF Frel_eq_self[of x]];
    drule assms, hypsubst, assumption)

lemma Frel_cong:
  assumes "x1 y1. x1  Fset1 x  y1  Fset1 y  R1 x1 y1  R1' x1 y1"
  and "x2 y2. x2  Fset2 x  y2  Fset2 y  R2 x2 y2  R2' x2 y2"
  and "x3 y3. x3  Fset3 x  y3  Fset3 y  R3 x3 y3  R3' x3 y3"
  shows "Frel R1 R2 R3 x y = Frel R1' R2' R3' x y"
  by (rule iffI;
    rule Frel_mono_strong,
    rule iffD1[OF assms(1)] iffD1[OF assms(2)] iffD1[OF assms(3)]
      iffD2[OF assms(1)] iffD2[OF assms(2)] iffD2[OF assms(3)];

lemma Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel: "Frel R1¯ R2¯ R3¯ = (Frel R1 R2 R3)¯"
  by (intro ext iffI;
    unfold rel_inv_iff_rel,
    erule FrelE,
    rule FrelI[where ?z="Fmap prod.swap prod.swap prod.swap _"];
      ((subst Fset_Fmap_eqs,
      rule image_subsetI,
      drule rev_subsetD,
      elim CollectE case_prodE,
      subst swap_simp,
      subst pair_mem_Collect_case_prod_iff,
      assumption) |
      (subst Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric],
        rule Fmap_cong;
        unfold comp_eq fst_swap snd_swap,
        rule refl)))

text ‹Given the former axioms, the following axiom - subdistributivity of the
relator - is equivalent to the (F, Fmap) functor preserving weak pullbacks.›

  where Frel_comp_le_Frel_rel_comp: "R1 R2 R3 S1 S2 S3.
    Frel R1 R2 R3 ∘∘ Frel S1 S2 S3  Frel (R1 ∘∘ S1) (R2 ∘∘ S2) (R3 ∘∘ S3)"

lemma fst_sndOp_eq_snd_fstOp: "fst  BNF_Def.sndOp P Q = snd  BNF_Def.fstOp P Q"
  unfolding fstOp_def sndOp_def by (intro ext) simp

lemma Frel_rel_comp_le_Frel_comp:
  "Frel (R1 ∘∘ S1) (R2 ∘∘ S2) (R3 ∘∘ S3)  (Frel R1 R2 R3 ∘∘ Frel S1 S2 S3)"
  apply (rule le_relI)
  apply (erule FrelE)
  apply (rule rel_compI[where ?y="Fmap (snd  BNF_Def.fstOp R1 S1)
    (snd  BNF_Def.fstOp R2 S2) (snd  BNF_Def.fstOp R3 S3) _"])
  apply (rule FrelI[where ?z="Fmap (BNF_Def.fstOp R1 S1)
    (BNF_Def.fstOp R2 S2) (BNF_Def.fstOp R3 S3) _"])
    apply (subst Fset_Fmap_eqs,
      intro image_subsetI,
      rule fstOp_in[unfolded relcompp_eq_rel_comp],
      drule rev_subsetD,
    apply (subst Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric])
    apply (fold ext[of fst, OF fst_fstOp[unfolded Fun_comp_eq_comp]])
    apply hypsubst
    apply (rule refl)
    apply (subst Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric])
    apply (rule refl)
    apply (rule FrelI[where ?z="Fmap (BNF_Def.sndOp R1 S1)
      (BNF_Def.sndOp R2 S2) (BNF_Def.sndOp R3 S3) _"])
    apply (subst Fset_Fmap_eqs,
      intro image_subsetI,
      rule sndOp_in[unfolded relcompp_eq_rel_comp],
      drule rev_subsetD,
    apply (subst Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric])
    apply (unfold fst_sndOp_eq_snd_fstOp)
    apply (rule refl)
    apply (subst Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric])
    apply (fold ext[of snd, OF snd_sndOp[unfolded Fun_comp_eq_comp]])
    apply hypsubst
    apply (rule refl)

corollary Frel_comp_eq_Frel_rel_comp:
  "Frel R1 R2 R3 ∘∘ Frel S1 S2 S3 = Frel (R1 ∘∘ S1) (R2 ∘∘ S2) (R3 ∘∘ S3)"
  by (rule antisym; rule Frel_comp_le_Frel_rel_comp Frel_rel_comp_le_Frel_comp)

lemma Frel_Fmap_eq1: "Frel R1 R2 R3 (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x) y =
  Frel (λx. R1 (f1 x)) (λx. R2 (f2 x)) (λx. R3 (f3 x)) x y"
  apply (rule iffI)
    apply (fold comp_eq[of R1] comp_eq[of R2] comp_eq[of R3])
    apply (drule rel_compI[where ?R="Frel _ _ _" and ?S="Frel _ _ _",
      OF Frel_Grp_UNIV_Fmap])
    apply (unfold Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp)
    apply (drule le_relD[OF Frel_comp_le_Frel_rel_comp])
    apply (unfold eq_comp_rel_comp_eq_comp)
    apply assumption
    apply (fold eq_comp_rel_comp_eq_comp[where ?R=R1]
      eq_comp_rel_comp_eq_comp[where ?R=R2]
      eq_comp_rel_comp_eq_comp[where ?R=R3]
    apply (drule le_relD[OF Frel_rel_comp_le_Frel_comp])
    apply (erule rel_compE)
    apply (subst (asm) Frel_Grp_UNIV_iff_eq_Fmap)
    apply hypsubst
    apply assumption

lemma Frel_Fmap_eq2: "Frel R1 R2 R3 x (Fmap g1 g2 g3 y) =
  Frel (λx y. R1 x (g1 y)) (λx y. R2 x (g2 y)) (λx y. R3 x (g3 y)) x y"
  apply (subst rel_inv_iff_rel[of "Frel _ _ _", symmetric])
  apply (subst Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel[symmetric])
  apply (subst Frel_Fmap_eq1)
  apply (rule sym)
  apply (subst rel_inv_iff_rel[of "Frel _ _ _", symmetric])
  apply (subst Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel[symmetric])
  apply (unfold rel_inv_iff_rel)
  apply (rule refl)

lemmas Frel_Fmap_eqs = Frel_Fmap_eq1 Frel_Fmap_eq2

paragraph ‹Predicator›

definition Fpred :: "('a  bool)  ('b  bool)  ('c  bool) 
  ('d, 'a, 'b, 'c) F  bool"
  where "Fpred P1 P2 P3 x  Frel ((=)P1) ((=)P2) ((=)P3) x x"

lemma Fpred_mono_strong:
  assumes "Fpred P1 P2 P3 x"
  and "x1. x1  Fset1 x  P1 x1  Q1 x1"
  and "x2. x2  Fset2 x  P2 x2  Q2 x2"
  and "x3. x3  Fset3 x  P3 x3  Q3 x3"
  shows "Fpred Q1 Q2 Q3 x"
  apply (insert assms(1))
  apply (unfold Fpred_def)
  apply (rule Frel_mono_strong,
    erule rel_restrict_leftE,
    rule rel_restrict_leftI,
    rule assms,

lemma Fpred_top: "Fpred    x"
  apply (subst Fpred_def)
  apply (rule Frel_refl_strong;
    subst rel_restrict_left_top_eq,
    rule refl)

lemma FpredI:
  assumes "x1. x1  Fset1 x  P1 x1"
  and "x2. x2  Fset2 x  P2 x2"
  and "x3. x3  Fset3 x  P3 x3"
  shows "Fpred P1 P2 P3 x"
  using assms by (rule Fpred_mono_strong[OF Fpred_top])

lemma FpredE:
  assumes "Fpred P1 P2 P3 x"
  obtains "x1. x1  Fset1 x  P1 x1"
    "x2. x2  Fset2 x  P2 x2"
    "x3. x3  Fset3 x  P3 x3"
  by (elim meta_impE; (assumption |
    insert assms,
    subst (asm) Fpred_def,
    erule FrelE,
    subst (asm) Fset_Fmap_eqs,
    subst (asm) Domain_fst[symmetric],
    drule rev_subsetD,
    rule Domain_mono,
    unfold Domain_Collect_case_prod_eq_Collect_in_dom in_dom_rel_restrict_left_eq,
    elim CollectE inf1E,

lemma Fpred_eq_ball: "Fpred P1 P2 P3 =
  (λx. Ball (Fset1 x) P1  Ball (Fset2 x) P2  Ball (Fset3 x) P3)"
  by (intro ext iffI conjI Set.ballI FpredI; elim FpredE conjE bspec)

lemma Fpred_Fmap_eq:
  "Fpred P1 P2 P3 (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x) = Fpred (P1  f1) (P2  f2) (P3  f3) x"
  by (unfold Fpred_def Frel_Fmap_eqs)
  (rule iffI;
    erule FrelE,
    unfold Frel_Fmap_eqs,
    rule Frel_refl_strong;
    rule rel_restrict_leftI,
    rule refl,
    drule rev_subsetD,
    elim CollectE case_prodE rel_restrict_leftE,
    unfold comp_eq fst_conv,

lemma Fpred_in_dom_if_in_dom_Frel:
  assumes "in_dom (Frel R1 R2 R3) x"
  shows "Fpred (in_dom R1) (in_dom R2) (in_dom R3) x"
  apply (insert assms)
  apply (elim in_domE FrelE)
  apply hypsubst
  apply (subst Fpred_Fmap_eq)
  apply (rule FpredI;
    drule rev_subsetD,
    elim CollectE case_prodE,
    unfold comp_eq fst_conv,
    rule in_domI,

lemma in_dom_Frel_if_Fpred_in_dom:
  assumes "Fpred (in_dom R1) (in_dom R2) (in_dom R3) x"
  shows "in_dom (Frel R1 R2 R3) x"
  apply (insert assms)
  apply (subst (asm) Fpred_eq_ball)
  apply (elim conjE)
  apply (subst (asm) ball_in_dom_iff_ball_ex,
    drule bchoice, ―‹requires the axiom of choice.›
    erule exE)+
  apply (rule in_domI[where ?x=x and ?y="Fmap _ _ _ x" for x])
  apply (subst Frel_Fmap_eq2)
  apply (rule Frel_refl_strong)
  apply (drule bspec[of "Fset1 _"])
  apply assumption+
  apply (drule bspec[of "Fset2 _"])
  apply assumption+
  apply (drule bspec[of "Fset3 _"])
  apply assumption+

lemma in_dom_Frel_eq_Fpred_in_dom:
  "in_dom (Frel R1 R2 R3) = Fpred (in_dom R1) (in_dom R2) (in_dom R3)"
  by (intro ext iffI; rule Fpred_in_dom_if_in_dom_Frel in_dom_Frel_if_Fpred_in_dom)

lemma in_codom_Frel_eq_Fpred_in_codom:
  "in_codom (Frel R1 R2 R3) = Fpred (in_codom R1) (in_codom R2) (in_codom R3)"
  apply (subst in_dom_rel_inv_eq_in_codom[symmetric])
  apply (subst Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel[symmetric])
  apply (subst in_dom_Frel_eq_Fpred_in_dom)
  apply (subst in_dom_rel_inv_eq_in_codom)+
  apply (rule refl)

lemma in_field_Frel_eq_Fpred_in_in_field:
  "in_field (Frel R1 R2 R3) =
    Fpred (in_dom R1) (in_dom R2) (in_dom R3) 
    Fpred (in_codom R1) (in_codom R2) (in_codom R3)"
  apply (subst in_field_eq_in_dom_sup_in_codom)
  apply (subst in_dom_Frel_eq_Fpred_in_dom)
  apply (subst in_codom_Frel_eq_Fpred_in_codom)
  apply (rule refl)

lemma Frel_restrict_left_Fpred_eq_Frel_restrict_left:
  fixes R1 :: "'a1  'a2  bool"
  and R2 :: "'b1  'b2  bool"
  and R3 :: "'c1  'c2  bool"
  and P1 :: "'a1  bool"
  and P2 :: "'b1  bool"
  and P3 :: "'c1  bool"
  shows "(Frel R1 R2 R3 :: ('d, 'a1, 'b1, 'c1) F  _)Fpred P1 P2 P3 :: ('d, 'a1, 'b1, 'c1) F  _=
    Frel (R1P1) (R2P2) (R3P3)"
  apply (intro ext)
  apply (rule iffI)
    apply (erule rel_restrict_leftE)
    apply (elim FpredE)
    apply (rule Frel_mono_strong,
      rule rel_restrict_leftI,
    apply (rule rel_restrict_leftI)
      apply (rule Frel_mono_strong,
        erule rel_restrict_leftE,
      apply (drule in_domI[of "Frel (R1P1) (R2P2) (R3P3)"])
      apply (drule Fpred_in_dom_if_in_dom_Frel)
      apply (rule Fpred_mono_strong,
        unfold in_dom_rel_restrict_left_eq inf_apply inf_bool_def;
        rule conjunct2,

lemma Frel_restrict_right_Fpred_eq_Frel_restrict_right:
  fixes R1 :: "'a1  'a2  bool"
  and R2 :: "'b1  'b2  bool"
  and R3 :: "'c1  'c2  bool"
  and P1 :: "'a2  bool"
  and P2 :: "'b2  bool"
  and P3 :: "'c2  bool"
  shows "(Frel R1 R2 R3 :: _  ('d, 'a2, 'b2, 'c2) F  _)Fpred P1 P2 P3 :: ('d, 'a2, 'b2, 'c2) F  _=
    Frel (R1P1) (R2P2) (R3P3)"
  apply (subst rel_restrict_right_eq)
  apply (subst Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel[symmetric])
  apply (subst Frel_restrict_left_Fpred_eq_Frel_restrict_left)
  apply (subst Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel[symmetric])
  apply (fold rel_restrict_right_eq)
  apply (rule refl)

locale transport_natural_functor =
  t1 : transport L1 R1 l1 r1 + t2 : transport L2 R2 l2 r2 +
  t3 : transport L3 R3 l3 r3
  for L1 :: "'a1  'a1  bool"
  and R1 :: "'b1  'b1  bool"
  and l1 :: "'a1  'b1"
  and r1 :: "'b1  'a1"
  and L2 :: "'a2  'a2  bool"
  and R2 :: "'b2  'b2  bool"
  and l2 :: "'a2  'b2"
  and r2 :: "'b2  'a2"
  and L3 :: "'a3  'a3  bool"
  and R3 :: "'b3  'b3  bool"
  and l3 :: "'a3  'b3"
  and r3 :: "'b3  'a3"

notation L1 (infix "L1" 50)
notation R1 (infix "R1" 50)
notation L2 (infix "L2" 50)
notation R2 (infix "R2" 50)
notation L3 (infix "L3" 50)
notation R3 (infix "R3" 50)

notation t1.ge_left (infix "L1" 50)
notation t1.ge_right (infix "R1" 50)
notation t2.ge_left (infix "L2" 50)
notation t2.ge_right (infix "R2" 50)
notation t3.ge_left (infix "L3" 50)
notation t3.ge_right (infix "R3" 50)

notation t1.left_Galois (infix "L1" 50)
notation t1.right_Galois (infix "R1" 50)
notation t2.left_Galois (infix "L2" 50)
notation t2.right_Galois (infix "R2" 50)
notation t3.left_Galois (infix "L3" 50)
notation t3.right_Galois (infix "R3" 50)

notation t1.ge_Galois_left (infix "L1" 50)
notation t1.ge_Galois_right (infix "R1" 50)
notation t2.ge_Galois_left (infix "L2" 50)
notation t2.ge_Galois_right (infix "R2" 50)
notation t3.ge_Galois_left (infix "L3" 50)
notation t3.ge_Galois_right (infix "R3" 50)

notation t1.right_ge_Galois (infix "R1" 50)
notation t1.Galois_right (infix "R1" 50)
notation t2.right_ge_Galois (infix "R2" 50)
notation t2.Galois_right (infix "R2" 50)
notation t3.right_ge_Galois (infix "R3" 50)
notation t3.Galois_right (infix "R3" 50)

notation t1.left_ge_Galois (infix "L1" 50)
notation t1.Galois_left (infix "L1" 50)
notation t2.left_ge_Galois (infix "L2" 50)
notation t2.Galois_left (infix "L2" 50)
notation t3.left_ge_Galois (infix "L3" 50)
notation t3.Galois_left (infix "L3" 50)

notation t1.unit ("η1")
notation t1.counit ("ε1")
notation t2.unit ("η2")
notation t2.counit ("ε2")
notation t3.unit ("η3")
notation t3.counit ("ε3")

definition "L  Frel (≤L1) (≤L2) (≤L3)"

lemma left_rel_eq_Frel: "L = Frel (≤L1) (≤L2) (≤L3)"
  unfolding L_def ..

definition "l  Fmap l1 l2 l3"

lemma left_eq_Fmap: "l = Fmap l1 l2 l3"
  unfolding l_def ..


interpretation flip :
  transport_natural_functor R1 L1 r1 l1 R2 L2 r2 l2 R3 L3 r3 l3 .

abbreviation "R  flip.L"
abbreviation "r  flip.l"

lemma right_rel_eq_Frel: "R = Frel (≤R1) (≤R2) (≤R3)"
  unfolding flip.left_rel_eq_Frel ..

lemma right_eq_Fmap: "r = Fmap r1 r2 r3"
  unfolding flip.left_eq_Fmap ..

lemmas transport_defs = left_rel_eq_Frel left_eq_Fmap
  right_rel_eq_Frel right_eq_Fmap


sublocale transport L R l r .

(*FIXME: somehow the notation for the fixed parameters L and R, defined in
Order_Functions_Base.thy, is lost. We hence re-declare it here.*)
notation L (infix "L" 50)
notation R (infix "R" 50)

lemma unit_eq_Fmap: "η = Fmap η1 η2 η3"
  unfolding unit_eq_comp by (simp only: right_eq_Fmap left_eq_Fmap
    flip: Fmap_comp t1.unit_eq_comp t2.unit_eq_comp t3.unit_eq_comp)

interpretation flip_inv : transport_natural_functor "(≥R1)" "(≥L1)" r1 l1
  "(≥R2)" "(≥L2)" r2 l2 "(≥R3)" "(≥L3)" r3 l3
  rewrites "flip_inv.unit  ε" and "flip_inv.t1.unit  ε1"
  and "flip_inv.t2.unit  ε2" and "flip_inv.t3.unit  ε3"
  by (simp_all only: order_functors.flip_counit_eq_unit)

lemma counit_eq_Fmap: "ε = Fmap ε1 ε2 ε3"
  by (fact flip_inv.unit_eq_Fmap)

lemma flip_inv_right_eq_ge_left: "flip_inv.R = (≥L)"
  unfolding left_rel_eq_Frel flip_inv.right_rel_eq_Frel
  by (fact Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel)

interpretation flip :
  transport_natural_functor R1 L1 r1 l1 R2 L2 r2 l2 R3 L3 r3 l3 .

lemma flip_inv_left_eq_ge_right: "flip_inv.L  (≥R)"
  unfolding flip.flip_inv_right_eq_ge_left .

lemma mono_wrt_rel_leftI:
  assumes "((≤L1) m (≤R1)) l1"
  and "((≤L2) m (≤R2)) l2"
  and "((≤L3) m (≤R3)) l3"
  shows "((≤L) m (≤R)) l"
  apply (unfold left_rel_eq_Frel right_rel_eq_Frel left_eq_Fmap)
  apply (rule mono_wrt_relI)
  apply (unfold Frel_Fmap_eqs)
  apply (fold rel_map_eq)
  apply (rule le_relD[OF Frel_mono])
    apply (subst mono_wrt_rel_iff_le_rel_map[symmetric], rule assms)+
    apply assumption

