Theory Transport_Natural_Functors_Base
section ‹Transport for Natural Functors›
subsection ‹Basic Setup›
theory Transport_Natural_Functors_Base
paragraph ‹Summary›
text ‹Basic setup for closure proofs and simple lemmas.›
text ‹In the following, we willingly use granular apply-style proofs since,
in practice, these theorems have to be automatically generated whenever we
declare a new natural functor.
Note that "HOL-Library" provides a command ‹bnf_axiomatization› which allows
one to axiomatically declare a bounded natural functor. However, we only need a
subset of these axioms - the boundedness of the functor is irrelevant for our
purposes. For this reason - and the sake of completeness - we state all the
required axioms explicitly below.›
lemma Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp: "BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f = (=) ∘ f"
by (intro ext) (auto elim: GrpE intro: GrpI)
lemma eq_comp_rel_comp_eq_comp: "(=) ∘ f ∘∘ R = R ∘ f"
by (intro ext) auto
lemma Domain_Collect_case_prod_eq_Collect_in_dom:
"Domain {(x, y). R x y} = {x. in_dom R x}"
by blast
lemma ball_in_dom_iff_ball_ex:
"(∀x ∈ S. in_dom R x) ⟷ (∀x ∈ S. ∃y. R x y)"
by blast
lemma pair_mem_Collect_case_prod_iff: "(x, y) ∈ {(x, y). R x y} ⟷ R x y"
by blast
paragraph ‹Natural Functor Axiomatisation›
typedecl ('d, 'a, 'b, 'c) F
consts Fmap :: "('a1 ⇒ 'a2) ⇒ ('b1 ⇒ 'b2) ⇒ ('c1 ⇒ 'c2) ⇒
('d, 'a1, 'b1, 'c1) F ⇒ ('d, 'a2, 'b2, 'c2) F"
Fset1 :: "('d, 'a, 'b, 'c) F ⇒ 'a set"
Fset2 :: "('d, 'a, 'b, 'c) F ⇒ 'b set"
Fset3 :: "('d, 'a, 'b, 'c) F ⇒ 'c set"
where Fmap_id: "Fmap id id id = id"
and Fmap_comp: "⋀f1 f2 f3 g1 g2 g3.
Fmap (g1 ∘ f1) (g2 ∘ f2) (g3 ∘ f3) = Fmap g1 g2 g3 ∘ Fmap f1 f2 f3"
and Fmap_cong: "⋀f1 f2 f3 g1 g2 g3 x.
(⋀x1. x1 ∈ Fset1 x ⟹ f1 x1 = g1 x1) ⟹
(⋀x2. x2 ∈ Fset2 x ⟹ f2 x2 = g2 x2) ⟹
(⋀x3. x3 ∈ Fset3 x ⟹ f3 x3 = g3 x3) ⟹
Fmap f1 f2 f3 x = Fmap g1 g2 g3 x"
and Fset1_natural: "⋀f1 f2 f3. Fset1 ∘ Fmap f1 f2 f3 = image f1 ∘ Fset1"
and Fset2_natural: "⋀f1 f2 f3. Fset2 ∘ Fmap f1 f2 f3 = image f2 ∘ Fset2"
and Fset3_natural: "⋀f1 f2 f3. Fset3 ∘ Fmap f1 f2 f3 = image f3 ∘ Fset3"
lemma Fmap_id_eq_self: "Fmap id id id x = x"
by (subst Fmap_id, subst id_eq_self, rule refl)
lemma Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap:
"Fmap (g1 ∘ f1) (g2 ∘ f2) (g3 ∘ f3) x = Fmap g1 g2 g3 (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x)"
by (fact fun_cong[OF Fmap_comp, simplified comp_eq])
lemma Fset1_Fmap_eq_image_Fset1: "Fset1 (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x) = f1 ` Fset1 x"
by (fact fun_cong[OF Fset1_natural, simplified comp_eq])
lemma Fset2_Fmap_eq_image_Fset2: "Fset2 (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x) = f2 ` Fset2 x"
by (fact fun_cong[OF Fset2_natural, simplified comp_eq])
lemma Fset3_Fmap_eq_image_Fset3: "Fset3 (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x) = f3 ` Fset3 x"
by (fact fun_cong[OF Fset3_natural, simplified comp_eq])
lemmas Fset_Fmap_eqs = Fset1_Fmap_eq_image_Fset1 Fset2_Fmap_eq_image_Fset2
paragraph ‹Relator›
definition Frel :: "('a1 ⇒ 'a2 ⇒ bool) ⇒ ('b1 ⇒ 'b2 ⇒ bool) ⇒ ('c1 ⇒ 'c2 ⇒ bool) ⇒
('d, 'a1, 'b1, 'c1) F ⇒ ('d, 'a2, 'b2, 'c2) F ⇒ bool"
where "Frel R1 R2 R3 x y ≡ (∃z.
z ∈ {x. Fset1 x ⊆ {(x, y). R1 x y} ∧ Fset2 x ⊆ {(x, y). R2 x y}
∧ Fset3 x ⊆ {(x, y). R3 x y}}
∧ Fmap fst fst fst z = x
∧ Fmap snd snd snd z = y)"
lemma FrelI:
assumes "Fset1 z ⊆ {(x, y). R1 x y}"
and "Fset2 z ⊆ {(x, y). R2 x y}"
and "Fset3 z ⊆ {(x, y). R3 x y}"
and "Fmap fst fst fst z = x"
and "Fmap snd snd snd z = y"
shows "Frel R1 R2 R3 x y"
apply (subst Frel_def)
apply (intro exI conjI CollectI)
apply (fact assms)+
lemma FrelE:
assumes "Frel R1 R2 R3 x y"
obtains z where "Fset1 z ⊆ {(x, y). R1 x y}" "Fset2 z ⊆ {(x, y). R2 x y}"
"Fset3 z ⊆ {(x, y). R3 x y}" "Fmap fst fst fst z = x" "Fmap snd snd snd z = y"
apply (insert assms)
apply (subst (asm) Frel_def)
apply (elim exE CollectE conjE)
apply assumption
lemma Grp_UNIV_Fmap_eq_Frel_Grp: "BNF_Def.Grp UNIV (Fmap f1 f2 f3) =
Frel (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f1) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f2) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f3)"
apply (intro ext iffI)
apply (rule FrelI[where
?z="Fmap (BNF_Def.convol id f1) (BNF_Def.convol id f2) (BNF_Def.convol id f3) _"])
apply (subst Fset_Fmap_eqs,
rule image_subsetI,
rule convol_mem_GrpI[simplified Fun_id_eq_id],
rule UNIV_I)+
apply (unfold Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric]
fst_convol[simplified Fun_comp_eq_comp]
snd_convol[simplified Fun_comp_eq_comp]
Fmap_id id_eq_self)
apply (rule refl)
apply (subst (asm) Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp)
apply (subst (asm) comp_eq)
apply assumption
apply (erule FrelE)
apply hypsubst
apply (subst Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp)
apply (subst comp_eq)
apply (subst Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric])
apply (rule Fmap_cong;
rule Collect_case_prod_Grp_eqD[simplified Fun_comp_eq_comp],
drule rev_subsetD,
lemma Frel_Grp_UNIV_Fmap:
"Frel (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f1) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f2) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f3)
x (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x)"
apply (subst Grp_UNIV_Fmap_eq_Frel_Grp[symmetric])
apply (subst Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp)
apply (subst comp_eq)
apply (rule refl)
lemma Frel_Grp_UNIV_iff_eq_Fmap:
"Frel (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f1) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f2) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f3) x y ⟷
(y = Fmap f1 f2 f3 x)"
by (subst eq_commute[of y])
(fact fun_cong[OF fun_cong[OF Grp_UNIV_Fmap_eq_Frel_Grp],
simplified Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp comp_eq, folded Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp, symmetric])
lemma Frel_eq: "Frel (=) (=) (=) = (=)"
apply (unfold BNF_Def.eq_alt[simplified Fun_id_eq_id])
apply (subst Grp_UNIV_Fmap_eq_Frel_Grp[symmetric])
apply (subst Fmap_id)
apply (fold BNF_Def.eq_alt[simplified Fun_id_eq_id])
apply (rule refl)
corollary Frel_eq_self: "Frel (=) (=) (=) x x"
by (fact iffD2[OF fun_cong[OF fun_cong[OF Frel_eq]] refl])
lemma Frel_mono_strong:
assumes "Frel R1 R2 R3 x y"
and "⋀x1 y1. x1 ∈ Fset1 x ⟹ y1 ∈ Fset1 y ⟹ R1 x1 y1 ⟹ S1 x1 y1"
and "⋀x2 y2. x2 ∈ Fset2 x ⟹ y2 ∈ Fset2 y ⟹ R2 x2 y2 ⟹ S2 x2 y2"
and "⋀x3 y3. x3 ∈ Fset3 x ⟹ y3 ∈ Fset3 y ⟹ R3 x3 y3 ⟹ S3 x3 y3"
shows "Frel S1 S2 S3 x y"
apply (insert assms(1))
apply (erule FrelE)
apply (rule FrelI)
apply (rule subsetI,
frule rev_subsetD,
frule imageI[of _ "Fset1 _" fst]
imageI[of _ "Fset2 _" fst]
imageI[of _ "Fset3 _" fst],
drule imageI[of _ "Fset1 _" snd]
imageI[of _ "Fset2 _" snd]
imageI[of _ "Fset3 _" snd],
(subst (asm) Fset_Fmap_eqs[symmetric])+,
intro CollectI case_prodI2,
rule assms;
unfold fst_conv snd_conv,
(elim CollectE case_prodE Pair_inject, hypsubst)?,
apply assumption+
corollary Frel_mono:
assumes "R1 ≤ S1" "R2 ≤ S2" "R3 ≤ S3"
shows "Frel R1 R2 R3 ≤ Frel S1 S2 S3"
apply (intro le_relI)
apply (rule Frel_mono_strong)
apply assumption
apply (insert assms)
apply (drule le_relD[OF assms(1)] le_relD[OF assms(2)] le_relD[OF assms(3)],
lemma Frel_refl_strong:
assumes "⋀x1. x1 ∈ Fset1 x ⟹ R1 x1 x1"
and "⋀x2. x2 ∈ Fset2 x ⟹ R2 x2 x2"
and "⋀x3. x3 ∈ Fset3 x ⟹ R3 x3 x3"
shows "Frel R1 R2 R3 x x"
by (rule Frel_mono_strong[OF Frel_eq_self[of x]];
drule assms, hypsubst, assumption)
lemma Frel_cong:
assumes "⋀x1 y1. x1 ∈ Fset1 x ⟹ y1 ∈ Fset1 y ⟹ R1 x1 y1 ⟷ R1' x1 y1"
and "⋀x2 y2. x2 ∈ Fset2 x ⟹ y2 ∈ Fset2 y ⟹ R2 x2 y2 ⟷ R2' x2 y2"
and "⋀x3 y3. x3 ∈ Fset3 x ⟹ y3 ∈ Fset3 y ⟹ R3 x3 y3 ⟷ R3' x3 y3"
shows "Frel R1 R2 R3 x y = Frel R1' R2' R3' x y"
by (rule iffI;
rule Frel_mono_strong,
rule iffD1[OF assms(1)] iffD1[OF assms(2)] iffD1[OF assms(3)]
iffD2[OF assms(1)] iffD2[OF assms(2)] iffD2[OF assms(3)];
lemma Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel: "Frel R1¯ R2¯ R3¯ = (Frel R1 R2 R3)¯"
by (intro ext iffI;
unfold rel_inv_iff_rel,
erule FrelE,
rule FrelI[where ?z="Fmap prod.swap prod.swap prod.swap _"];
((subst Fset_Fmap_eqs,
rule image_subsetI,
drule rev_subsetD,
elim CollectE case_prodE,
subst swap_simp,
subst pair_mem_Collect_case_prod_iff,
assumption) |
(subst Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric],
rule Fmap_cong;
unfold comp_eq fst_swap snd_swap,
rule refl)))
text ‹Given the former axioms, the following axiom - subdistributivity of the
relator - is equivalent to the (F, Fmap) functor preserving weak pullbacks.›
where Frel_comp_le_Frel_rel_comp: "⋀R1 R2 R3 S1 S2 S3.
Frel R1 R2 R3 ∘∘ Frel S1 S2 S3 ≤ Frel (R1 ∘∘ S1) (R2 ∘∘ S2) (R3 ∘∘ S3)"
lemma fst_sndOp_eq_snd_fstOp: "fst ∘ BNF_Def.sndOp P Q = snd ∘ BNF_Def.fstOp P Q"
unfolding fstOp_def sndOp_def by (intro ext) simp
lemma Frel_rel_comp_le_Frel_comp:
"Frel (R1 ∘∘ S1) (R2 ∘∘ S2) (R3 ∘∘ S3) ≤ (Frel R1 R2 R3 ∘∘ Frel S1 S2 S3)"
apply (rule le_relI)
apply (erule FrelE)
apply (rule rel_compI[where ?y="Fmap (snd ∘ BNF_Def.fstOp R1 S1)
(snd ∘ BNF_Def.fstOp R2 S2) (snd ∘ BNF_Def.fstOp R3 S3) _"])
apply (rule FrelI[where ?z="Fmap (BNF_Def.fstOp R1 S1)
(BNF_Def.fstOp R2 S2) (BNF_Def.fstOp R3 S3) _"])
apply (subst Fset_Fmap_eqs,
intro image_subsetI,
rule fstOp_in[unfolded relcompp_eq_rel_comp],
drule rev_subsetD,
apply (subst Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric])
apply (fold ext[of fst, OF fst_fstOp[unfolded Fun_comp_eq_comp]])
apply hypsubst
apply (rule refl)
apply (subst Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric])
apply (rule refl)
apply (rule FrelI[where ?z="Fmap (BNF_Def.sndOp R1 S1)
(BNF_Def.sndOp R2 S2) (BNF_Def.sndOp R3 S3) _"])
apply (subst Fset_Fmap_eqs,
intro image_subsetI,
rule sndOp_in[unfolded relcompp_eq_rel_comp],
drule rev_subsetD,
apply (subst Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric])
apply (unfold fst_sndOp_eq_snd_fstOp)
apply (rule refl)
apply (subst Fmap_comp_eq_Fmap_Fmap[symmetric])
apply (fold ext[of snd, OF snd_sndOp[unfolded Fun_comp_eq_comp]])
apply hypsubst
apply (rule refl)
corollary Frel_comp_eq_Frel_rel_comp:
"Frel R1 R2 R3 ∘∘ Frel S1 S2 S3 = Frel (R1 ∘∘ S1) (R2 ∘∘ S2) (R3 ∘∘ S3)"
by (rule antisym; rule Frel_comp_le_Frel_rel_comp Frel_rel_comp_le_Frel_comp)
lemma Frel_Fmap_eq1: "Frel R1 R2 R3 (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x) y =
Frel (λx. R1 (f1 x)) (λx. R2 (f2 x)) (λx. R3 (f3 x)) x y"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (fold comp_eq[of R1] comp_eq[of R2] comp_eq[of R3])
apply (drule rel_compI[where ?R="Frel _ _ _" and ?S="Frel _ _ _",
OF Frel_Grp_UNIV_Fmap])
apply (unfold Grp_UNIV_eq_eq_comp)
apply (drule le_relD[OF Frel_comp_le_Frel_rel_comp])
apply (unfold eq_comp_rel_comp_eq_comp)
apply assumption
apply (fold eq_comp_rel_comp_eq_comp[where ?R=R1]
eq_comp_rel_comp_eq_comp[where ?R=R2]
eq_comp_rel_comp_eq_comp[where ?R=R3]
apply (drule le_relD[OF Frel_rel_comp_le_Frel_comp])
apply (erule rel_compE)
apply (subst (asm) Frel_Grp_UNIV_iff_eq_Fmap)
apply hypsubst
apply assumption
lemma Frel_Fmap_eq2: "Frel R1 R2 R3 x (Fmap g1 g2 g3 y) =
Frel (λx y. R1 x (g1 y)) (λx y. R2 x (g2 y)) (λx y. R3 x (g3 y)) x y"
apply (subst rel_inv_iff_rel[of "Frel _ _ _", symmetric])
apply (subst Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel[symmetric])
apply (subst Frel_Fmap_eq1)
apply (rule sym)
apply (subst rel_inv_iff_rel[of "Frel _ _ _", symmetric])
apply (subst Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel[symmetric])
apply (unfold rel_inv_iff_rel)
apply (rule refl)
lemmas Frel_Fmap_eqs = Frel_Fmap_eq1 Frel_Fmap_eq2
paragraph ‹Predicator›
definition Fpred :: "('a ⇒ bool) ⇒ ('b ⇒ bool) ⇒ ('c ⇒ bool) ⇒
('d, 'a, 'b, 'c) F ⇒ bool"
where "Fpred P1 P2 P3 x ≡ Frel ((=)↾⇘P1⇙) ((=)↾⇘P2⇙) ((=)↾⇘P3⇙) x x"
lemma Fpred_mono_strong:
assumes "Fpred P1 P2 P3 x"
and "⋀x1. x1 ∈ Fset1 x ⟹ P1 x1 ⟹ Q1 x1"
and "⋀x2. x2 ∈ Fset2 x ⟹ P2 x2 ⟹ Q2 x2"
and "⋀x3. x3 ∈ Fset3 x ⟹ P3 x3 ⟹ Q3 x3"
shows "Fpred Q1 Q2 Q3 x"
apply (insert assms(1))
apply (unfold Fpred_def)
apply (rule Frel_mono_strong,
erule rel_restrict_leftE,
rule rel_restrict_leftI,
rule assms,
lemma Fpred_top: "Fpred ⊤ ⊤ ⊤ x"
apply (subst Fpred_def)
apply (rule Frel_refl_strong;
subst rel_restrict_left_top_eq,
rule refl)
lemma FpredI:
assumes "⋀x1. x1 ∈ Fset1 x ⟹ P1 x1"
and "⋀x2. x2 ∈ Fset2 x ⟹ P2 x2"
and "⋀x3. x3 ∈ Fset3 x ⟹ P3 x3"
shows "Fpred P1 P2 P3 x"
using assms by (rule Fpred_mono_strong[OF Fpred_top])
lemma FpredE:
assumes "Fpred P1 P2 P3 x"
obtains "⋀x1. x1 ∈ Fset1 x ⟹ P1 x1"
"⋀x2. x2 ∈ Fset2 x ⟹ P2 x2"
"⋀x3. x3 ∈ Fset3 x ⟹ P3 x3"
by (elim meta_impE; (assumption |
insert assms,
subst (asm) Fpred_def,
erule FrelE,
subst (asm) Fset_Fmap_eqs,
subst (asm) Domain_fst[symmetric],
drule rev_subsetD,
rule Domain_mono,
unfold Domain_Collect_case_prod_eq_Collect_in_dom in_dom_rel_restrict_left_eq,
elim CollectE inf1E,
lemma Fpred_eq_ball: "Fpred P1 P2 P3 =
(λx. Ball (Fset1 x) P1 ∧ Ball (Fset2 x) P2 ∧ Ball (Fset3 x) P3)"
by (intro ext iffI conjI Set.ballI FpredI; elim FpredE conjE bspec)
lemma Fpred_Fmap_eq:
"Fpred P1 P2 P3 (Fmap f1 f2 f3 x) = Fpred (P1 ∘ f1) (P2 ∘ f2) (P3 ∘ f3) x"
by (unfold Fpred_def Frel_Fmap_eqs)
(rule iffI;
erule FrelE,
unfold Frel_Fmap_eqs,
rule Frel_refl_strong;
rule rel_restrict_leftI,
rule refl,
drule rev_subsetD,
elim CollectE case_prodE rel_restrict_leftE,
unfold comp_eq fst_conv,
lemma Fpred_in_dom_if_in_dom_Frel:
assumes "in_dom (Frel R1 R2 R3) x"
shows "Fpred (in_dom R1) (in_dom R2) (in_dom R3) x"
apply (insert assms)
apply (elim in_domE FrelE)
apply hypsubst
apply (subst Fpred_Fmap_eq)
apply (rule FpredI;
drule rev_subsetD,
elim CollectE case_prodE,
unfold comp_eq fst_conv,
rule in_domI,
lemma in_dom_Frel_if_Fpred_in_dom:
assumes "Fpred (in_dom R1) (in_dom R2) (in_dom R3) x"
shows "in_dom (Frel R1 R2 R3) x"
apply (insert assms)
apply (subst (asm) Fpred_eq_ball)
apply (elim conjE)
apply (subst (asm) ball_in_dom_iff_ball_ex,
drule bchoice,
erule exE)+
apply (rule in_domI[where ?x=x and ?y="Fmap _ _ _ x" for x])
apply (subst Frel_Fmap_eq2)
apply (rule Frel_refl_strong)
apply (drule bspec[of "Fset1 _"])
apply assumption+
apply (drule bspec[of "Fset2 _"])
apply assumption+
apply (drule bspec[of "Fset3 _"])
apply assumption+
lemma in_dom_Frel_eq_Fpred_in_dom:
"in_dom (Frel R1 R2 R3) = Fpred (in_dom R1) (in_dom R2) (in_dom R3)"
by (intro ext iffI; rule Fpred_in_dom_if_in_dom_Frel in_dom_Frel_if_Fpred_in_dom)
lemma in_codom_Frel_eq_Fpred_in_codom:
"in_codom (Frel R1 R2 R3) = Fpred (in_codom R1) (in_codom R2) (in_codom R3)"
apply (subst in_dom_rel_inv_eq_in_codom[symmetric])
apply (subst Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel[symmetric])
apply (subst in_dom_Frel_eq_Fpred_in_dom)
apply (subst in_dom_rel_inv_eq_in_codom)+
apply (rule refl)
lemma in_field_Frel_eq_Fpred_in_in_field:
"in_field (Frel R1 R2 R3) =
Fpred (in_dom R1) (in_dom R2) (in_dom R3) ⊔
Fpred (in_codom R1) (in_codom R2) (in_codom R3)"
apply (subst in_field_eq_in_dom_sup_in_codom)
apply (subst in_dom_Frel_eq_Fpred_in_dom)
apply (subst in_codom_Frel_eq_Fpred_in_codom)
apply (rule refl)
lemma Frel_restrict_left_Fpred_eq_Frel_restrict_left:
fixes R1 :: "'a1 ⇒ 'a2 ⇒ bool"
and R2 :: "'b1 ⇒ 'b2 ⇒ bool"
and R3 :: "'c1 ⇒ 'c2 ⇒ bool"
and P1 :: "'a1 ⇒ bool"
and P2 :: "'b1 ⇒ bool"
and P3 :: "'c1 ⇒ bool"
shows "(Frel R1 R2 R3 :: ('d, 'a1, 'b1, 'c1) F ⇒ _)↾⇘Fpred P1 P2 P3 :: ('d, 'a1, 'b1, 'c1) F ⇒ _⇙ =
Frel (R1↾⇘P1⇙) (R2↾⇘P2⇙) (R3↾⇘P3⇙)"
apply (intro ext)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule rel_restrict_leftE)
apply (elim FpredE)
apply (rule Frel_mono_strong,
rule rel_restrict_leftI,
apply (rule rel_restrict_leftI)
apply (rule Frel_mono_strong,
erule rel_restrict_leftE,
apply (drule in_domI[of "Frel (R1↾⇘P1⇙) (R2↾⇘P2⇙) (R3↾⇘P3⇙)"])
apply (drule Fpred_in_dom_if_in_dom_Frel)
apply (rule Fpred_mono_strong,
unfold in_dom_rel_restrict_left_eq inf_apply inf_bool_def;
rule conjunct2,
lemma Frel_restrict_right_Fpred_eq_Frel_restrict_right:
fixes R1 :: "'a1 ⇒ 'a2 ⇒ bool"
and R2 :: "'b1 ⇒ 'b2 ⇒ bool"
and R3 :: "'c1 ⇒ 'c2 ⇒ bool"
and P1 :: "'a2 ⇒ bool"
and P2 :: "'b2 ⇒ bool"
and P3 :: "'c2 ⇒ bool"
shows "(Frel R1 R2 R3 :: _ ⇒ ('d, 'a2, 'b2, 'c2) F ⇒ _)↿⇘Fpred P1 P2 P3 :: ('d, 'a2, 'b2, 'c2) F ⇒ _⇙ =
Frel (R1↿⇘P1⇙) (R2↿⇘P2⇙) (R3↿⇘P3⇙)"
apply (subst rel_restrict_right_eq)
apply (subst Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel[symmetric])
apply (subst Frel_restrict_left_Fpred_eq_Frel_restrict_left)
apply (subst Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel[symmetric])
apply (fold rel_restrict_right_eq)
apply (rule refl)
locale transport_natural_functor =
t1 : transport L1 R1 l1 r1 + t2 : transport L2 R2 l2 r2 +
t3 : transport L3 R3 l3 r3
for L1 :: "'a1 ⇒ 'a1 ⇒ bool"
and R1 :: "'b1 ⇒ 'b1 ⇒ bool"
and l1 :: "'a1 ⇒ 'b1"
and r1 :: "'b1 ⇒ 'a1"
and L2 :: "'a2 ⇒ 'a2 ⇒ bool"
and R2 :: "'b2 ⇒ 'b2 ⇒ bool"
and l2 :: "'a2 ⇒ 'b2"
and r2 :: "'b2 ⇒ 'a2"
and L3 :: "'a3 ⇒ 'a3 ⇒ bool"
and R3 :: "'b3 ⇒ 'b3 ⇒ bool"
and l3 :: "'a3 ⇒ 'b3"
and r3 :: "'b3 ⇒ 'a3"
notation L1 (infix "≤⇘L1⇙" 50)
notation R1 (infix "≤⇘R1⇙" 50)
notation L2 (infix "≤⇘L2⇙" 50)
notation R2 (infix "≤⇘R2⇙" 50)
notation L3 (infix "≤⇘L3⇙" 50)
notation R3 (infix "≤⇘R3⇙" 50)
notation t1.ge_left (infix "≥⇘L1⇙" 50)
notation t1.ge_right (infix "≥⇘R1⇙" 50)
notation t2.ge_left (infix "≥⇘L2⇙" 50)
notation t2.ge_right (infix "≥⇘R2⇙" 50)
notation t3.ge_left (infix "≥⇘L3⇙" 50)
notation t3.ge_right (infix "≥⇘R3⇙" 50)
notation t1.left_Galois (infix "⇘L1⇙⪅" 50)
notation t1.right_Galois (infix "⇘R1⇙⪅" 50)
notation t2.left_Galois (infix "⇘L2⇙⪅" 50)
notation t2.right_Galois (infix "⇘R2⇙⪅" 50)
notation t3.left_Galois (infix "⇘L3⇙⪅" 50)
notation t3.right_Galois (infix "⇘R3⇙⪅" 50)
notation t1.ge_Galois_left (infix "⪆⇘L1⇙" 50)
notation t1.ge_Galois_right (infix "⪆⇘R1⇙" 50)
notation t2.ge_Galois_left (infix "⪆⇘L2⇙" 50)
notation t2.ge_Galois_right (infix "⪆⇘R2⇙" 50)
notation t3.ge_Galois_left (infix "⪆⇘L3⇙" 50)
notation t3.ge_Galois_right (infix "⪆⇘R3⇙" 50)
notation t1.right_ge_Galois (infix "⇘R1⇙⪆" 50)
notation t1.Galois_right (infix "⪅⇘R1⇙" 50)
notation t2.right_ge_Galois (infix "⇘R2⇙⪆" 50)
notation t2.Galois_right (infix "⪅⇘R2⇙" 50)
notation t3.right_ge_Galois (infix "⇘R3⇙⪆" 50)
notation t3.Galois_right (infix "⪅⇘R3⇙" 50)
notation t1.left_ge_Galois (infix "⇘L1⇙⪆" 50)
notation t1.Galois_left (infix "⪅⇘L1⇙" 50)
notation t2.left_ge_Galois (infix "⇘L2⇙⪆" 50)
notation t2.Galois_left (infix "⪅⇘L2⇙" 50)
notation t3.left_ge_Galois (infix "⇘L3⇙⪆" 50)
notation t3.Galois_left (infix "⪅⇘L3⇙" 50)
notation t1.unit ("η⇩1")
notation t1.counit ("ε⇩1")
notation t2.unit ("η⇩2")
notation t2.counit ("ε⇩2")
notation t3.unit ("η⇩3")
notation t3.counit ("ε⇩3")
definition "L ≡ Frel (≤⇘L1⇙) (≤⇘L2⇙) (≤⇘L3⇙)"
lemma left_rel_eq_Frel: "L = Frel (≤⇘L1⇙) (≤⇘L2⇙) (≤⇘L3⇙)"
unfolding L_def ..
definition "l ≡ Fmap l1 l2 l3"
lemma left_eq_Fmap: "l = Fmap l1 l2 l3"
unfolding l_def ..
interpretation flip :
transport_natural_functor R1 L1 r1 l1 R2 L2 r2 l2 R3 L3 r3 l3 .
abbreviation "R ≡ flip.L"
abbreviation "r ≡ flip.l"
lemma right_rel_eq_Frel: "R = Frel (≤⇘R1⇙) (≤⇘R2⇙) (≤⇘R3⇙)"
unfolding flip.left_rel_eq_Frel ..
lemma right_eq_Fmap: "r = Fmap r1 r2 r3"
unfolding flip.left_eq_Fmap ..
lemmas transport_defs = left_rel_eq_Frel left_eq_Fmap
right_rel_eq_Frel right_eq_Fmap
sublocale transport L R l r .
notation L (infix "≤⇘L⇙" 50)
notation R (infix "≤⇘R⇙" 50)
lemma unit_eq_Fmap: "η = Fmap η⇩1 η⇩2 η⇩3"
unfolding unit_eq_comp by (simp only: right_eq_Fmap left_eq_Fmap
flip: Fmap_comp t1.unit_eq_comp t2.unit_eq_comp t3.unit_eq_comp)
interpretation flip_inv : transport_natural_functor "(≥⇘R1⇙)" "(≥⇘L1⇙)" r1 l1
"(≥⇘R2⇙)" "(≥⇘L2⇙)" r2 l2 "(≥⇘R3⇙)" "(≥⇘L3⇙)" r3 l3
rewrites "flip_inv.unit ≡ ε" and "flip_inv.t1.unit ≡ ε⇩1"
and "flip_inv.t2.unit ≡ ε⇩2" and "flip_inv.t3.unit ≡ ε⇩3"
by (simp_all only: order_functors.flip_counit_eq_unit)
lemma counit_eq_Fmap: "ε = Fmap ε⇩1 ε⇩2 ε⇩3"
by (fact flip_inv.unit_eq_Fmap)
lemma flip_inv_right_eq_ge_left: "flip_inv.R = (≥⇘L⇙)"
unfolding left_rel_eq_Frel flip_inv.right_rel_eq_Frel
by (fact Frel_rel_inv_eq_rel_inv_Frel)
interpretation flip :
transport_natural_functor R1 L1 r1 l1 R2 L2 r2 l2 R3 L3 r3 l3 .
lemma flip_inv_left_eq_ge_right: "flip_inv.L ≡ (≥⇘R⇙)"
unfolding flip.flip_inv_right_eq_ge_left .
lemma mono_wrt_rel_leftI:
assumes "((≤⇘L1⇙) ⇛⇩m (≤⇘R1⇙)) l1"
and "((≤⇘L2⇙) ⇛⇩m (≤⇘R2⇙)) l2"
and "((≤⇘L3⇙) ⇛⇩m (≤⇘R3⇙)) l3"
shows "((≤⇘L⇙) ⇛⇩m (≤⇘R⇙)) l"
apply (unfold left_rel_eq_Frel right_rel_eq_Frel left_eq_Fmap)
apply (rule mono_wrt_relI)
apply (unfold Frel_Fmap_eqs)
apply (fold rel_map_eq)
apply (rule le_relD[OF Frel_mono])
apply (subst mono_wrt_rel_iff_le_rel_map[symmetric], rule assms)+
apply assumption