Theory Functions_Base
section ‹Functions›
subsection ‹Basic Functions›
theory Functions_Base
definition "id x ≡ x"
lemma id_eq_self [simp]: "id x = x"
unfolding id_def ..
lemma rel_map_id_eq_self [simp]: "rel_map id R = R" by (intro ext) auto
consts comp :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c"
open_bundle comp_syntax
notation comp (infixl ‹∘› 55)
definition "comp_fun f g x ≡ f (g x)"
adhoc_overloading comp ⇌ comp_fun
lemma comp_eq [simp]: "(f ∘ g) x = f (g x)"
unfolding comp_fun_def ..
lemma id_comp_eq [simp]: "id ∘ f = f"
by (rule ext) simp
lemma comp_id_eq [simp]: "f ∘ id = f"
by (rule ext) simp
lemma bottom_comp_eq [simp]: "⊥ ∘ f = ⊥" by auto
lemma top_comp_eq [simp]: "⊤ ∘ f = ⊤" by auto
definition "dep_fun_map f g h x ≡ g x (f x) (h (f x))"
definition "fun_map f g h ≡ dep_fun_map f (λ_ _. g) h"
open_bundle dep_fun_map_syntax
notation "fun_map" (infixr ‹↝› 40)
"_dep_fun_map" :: "idt ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ ('c ⇒ 'd) ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c) ⇒
('a ⇒ 'd)" (‹'(_/ : / _') ↝ (_)› [41, 41, 40] 40)
syntax_consts "_dep_fun_map" ⇌ dep_fun_map
"(x : f) ↝ g" ⇌ "CONST dep_fun_map f (λx. g)"
lemma fun_map_eq_dep_fun_map: "(f ↝ g) = ((_ : f) ↝ (λ_. g))"
unfolding fun_map_def by simp
lemma fun_map_eq_dep_fun_map_uhint [uhint]:
assumes "f ≡ f'"
and "g' ≡ (λ_ _. g)"
shows "(f ↝ g) = ((x : f') ↝ g' x)"
using assms by (simp add: fun_map_eq_dep_fun_map)
lemma dep_fun_map_eq [simp]: "((x : f) ↝ g x) h x = g x (f x) (h (f x))"
unfolding dep_fun_map_def ..
lemma fun_map_eq_comp [simp]: "(f ↝ g) h = g ∘ h ∘ f"
by (intro ext) (urule dep_fun_map_eq)
lemma fun_map_eq [simp]: "(f ↝ g) h x = g (h (f x))"
unfolding fun_map_eq_comp by simp
lemma fun_map_id_eq_comp [simp]: "fun_map id = (∘)"
by (intro ext) simp
lemma fun_map_id_eq_comp' [simp]: "(f ↝ id) h = h ∘ f"
by (intro ext) simp
consts has_inverse_on :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c ⇒ bool"
definition "has_inverse_on_pred (P :: 'a ⇒ bool) f ≡ in_codom_on P ((=) ∘ f)"
adhoc_overloading has_inverse_on ⇌ has_inverse_on_pred
lemma has_inverse_on_pred_eq_in_codom_on: "has_inverse_on P = in_codom_on P ∘ ((∘) (=))"
unfolding has_inverse_on_pred_def by auto
lemma has_inverse_onI [intro]:
assumes "P x"
shows "has_inverse_on P f (f x)"
using assms unfolding has_inverse_on_pred_def by auto
lemma has_inverse_on_if_pred_if_eq:
assumes "y = f x"
and "P x"
shows "has_inverse_on P f y"
using assms by auto
lemma has_inverse_onE [elim]:
assumes "has_inverse_on P f y"
obtains x where "P x" "y = f x"
using assms unfolding has_inverse_on_pred_def by auto
notes has_inverse_on_pred_eq_in_codom_on[simp]
lemma has_inverse_on_bottom_eq [simp]: "has_inverse_on ⊥ = ⊥"
by (urule in_codom_bottom_pred_eq_bottom)
lemma has_inverse_on_eq_pred_eq_eq_app [simp]: "has_inverse_on ((=) P) f = (=) (f P)"
by (urule in_codom_on_eq_pred_eq)
lemma has_inverse_on_sup_eq_has_inverse_on_sup_has_inverse_on [simp]:
"has_inverse_on (P ⊔ Q) = has_inverse_on P ⊔ has_inverse_on Q"
supply ext[simp] by (urule in_codom_on_sup_pred_eq_in_codom_on_sup_in_codom_on)
definition "has_inverse ≡ has_inverse_on ⊤"
lemma has_inverse_eq_has_inverse_on_top: "has_inverse = has_inverse_on ⊤"
unfolding has_inverse_def by simp
lemma has_inverse_eq_has_inverse_on_top_uhint [uhint]:
assumes "P ≡ ⊤"
shows "has_inverse ≡ has_inverse_on P"
using assms by (simp add: has_inverse_eq_has_inverse_on_top)
lemma has_inverse_iff_has_inverse_on_top: "has_inverse f y ⟷ has_inverse_on ⊤ f y"
by (simp add: has_inverse_eq_has_inverse_on_top)
lemma has_inverseI [intro]:
assumes "y = f x"
shows "has_inverse f y"
using assms by (urule has_inverse_on_if_pred_if_eq) simp
lemma has_inverseE [elim]:
assumes "has_inverse f y"
obtains x where "y = f x"
using assms by (urule (e) has_inverse_onE)