Theory Pick
theory Pick
section "Setup"
subsection "Integral Points Cardinality Properties"
lemma bounded_finite:
fixes A:: "(real^2) set"
assumes "bounded A"
shows "finite {x::(real^2). integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ A}" (is "finite ?A_int")
obtain M where M: "∀x ∈ A. norm x ≤ M" using assms bounded_def by (meson bounded_iff)
let ?M_bounded_ints = "{n. n ∈ {-M..M} ∧ is_int n}"
let ?M_bounded_int_vecs = "{v::(real^2). v$1 ∈ ?M_bounded_ints ∧ v$2 ∈ ?M_bounded_ints}"
have "∀x::(real^2). norm (x$1) ≤ norm x ∧ (x$2) ≤ norm x"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Finite_Cartesian_Product.norm_nth_le real_norm_def)
then have "∀x ∈ ?A_int. norm (x$1) ≤ M ∧ norm (x$2) ≤ M"
using M dual_order.trans Finite_Cartesian_Product.norm_nth_le by blast
then have "∀x ∈ ?A_int. x$1 ∈ ?M_bounded_ints ∧ x$2 ∈ ?M_bounded_ints"
using integral_vec_def intervalE by auto
then have "∀x ∈ ?A_int. x ∈ ?M_bounded_int_vecs" by blast
moreover have "finite ?M_bounded_int_vecs"
obtain S :: "int set" where S: "S = {n. ∃m ∈ ?M_bounded_ints. n = m} ∧ (∀n ∈ S. norm n ≤ M)"
by (simp add: abs_le_iff)
then have finite_S: "finite S"
by (metis infinite_int_iff_unbounded le_floor_iff linorder_not_less norm_of_int of_int_abs)
have finite_M_bounded_ints: "finite ?M_bounded_ints"
let ?f = "λn::real. THE m::int. n = m"
have "∀n ∈ ?M_bounded_ints. ∃!m::int. n = m" using is_int_def by force
moreover have "inj_on ?f ?M_bounded_ints" using inj_on_def is_int_def by force
moreover have "?f ` ?M_bounded_ints ⊆ S" using calculation S subsetI by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using finite_imageD finite_S by (simp add: inj_on_finite)
show ?thesis
let ?f = "λx::(real^2). (THE m::int. m = x$1, THE n::int. n = x$2)"
have "inj_on ?f ?M_bounded_int_vecs"
unfolding inj_on_def
proof clarify
fix x y :: "real^2"
assume x1_int: "is_int (x$1)"
assume x2_int: "is_int (x$2)"
assume y1_int: "is_int (y$1)"
assume y2_int: "is_int (y$2)"
assume x1y1_int_eq: "(THE m. real_of_int m = x$1) = (THE m. real_of_int m = y$1)"
assume x2y2_int_eq: "(THE n. real_of_int n = x$2) = (THE n. real_of_int n = y$2)"
have "∃!m. m = x$1"
by blast
moreover have "∃!n. n = y$1"
by blast
moreover have "(THE m. real_of_int m = x$1) = (THE m. real_of_int m = y$1)"
using x1y1_int_eq by auto
ultimately have x1y1: "x$1 = y$1"
using x1_int y1_int is_int_def by auto
have "∃!m. m = x$2"
by blast
moreover have "∃!n. n = y$2"
by blast
moreover have "(THE m. real_of_int m = x$2) = (THE m. real_of_int m = y$2)"
using x2y2_int_eq by auto
ultimately have x2y2: "x$2 = y$2"
using x2_int y2_int is_int_def by auto
show "x = y" using x1y1 x2y2
by (metis (no_types, lifting) exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff)
moreover have "?f ` ?M_bounded_int_vecs ⊆ S × S"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix mn
assume "mn ∈ ?f ` ?M_bounded_int_vecs"
then obtain v where v:
"v ∈ ?M_bounded_int_vecs ∧ ?f v = mn ∧ (∃!m. v$1 = m) ∧ (∃!n. v$2 = n)"
using is_int_def by auto
let ?m = "fst mn"
let ?n = "snd mn"
have "?m = (THE m::int. m = v$1)" using v
by (meson fstI)
moreover have "∃! m::int. m = v$1" using v is_int_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq of_int_eq_iff)
ultimately have m_in_S: "?m ∈ S"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) S mem_Collect_eq theI' v)
have "?n = (THE n::int. n = v$2)" using v
by (meson sndI)
moreover have "∃! n::int. n = v$2" using v is_int_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq of_int_eq_iff)
ultimately have n_in_S: "?n ∈ S"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) S mem_Collect_eq theI' v)
show "mn ∈ S × S" using m_in_S n_in_S v by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by (meson finite_S finite_SigmaI finite_imageD finite_subset)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) finite_subset subsetI)
lemma finite_path_image:
assumes "polygon p"
shows "finite {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
using bounded_finite inside_outside_polygon
unfolding inside_outside_def
by (meson assms bounded_simple_path_image polygon_def)
lemma finite_path_inside:
assumes "polygon p"
shows "finite {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
using bounded_finite inside_outside_polygon
unfolding inside_outside_def
using assms by presburger
lemma bounded_finite_inside:
fixes B:: "(real^2) set"
assumes "simple_path p"
shows "bounded (path_inside p)"
using assms
by (simp add: bounded_inside bounded_simple_path_image path_inside_def)
lemma finite_integral_points_path_image:
assumes "simple_path p"
shows "finite {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
using bounded_finite bounded_simple_path_image assms by blast
lemma finite_integral_points_path_inside:
assumes "simple_path p"
shows "finite {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
using bounded_finite bounded_finite_inside assms by blast
section "Pick splitting"
lemma pick_split_path_union_main:
assumes is_split: "is_polygon_split_path vts i j cutvts"
assumes "vts1 = (take i vts)"
assumes "vts2 = (take (j - i - 1) (drop (Suc i) vts))"
assumes "vts3 = drop (j - i) (drop (Suc i) vts)"
assumes "x = vts!i"
assumes "y = vts!j"
assumes "cutpath = make_polygonal_path (x # cutvts @ [y])"
assumes p: "p = make_polygonal_path (vts@[vts!0])" (is "p = make_polygonal_path ?p_vts")
assumes p1: "p1 = make_polygonal_path (x#(vts2 @ [y] @ (rev cutvts) @ [x]))" (is "p1 = make_polygonal_path ?p1_vts")
assumes p2: "p2 = make_polygonal_path (vts1 @ ([x] @ cutvts @ [y]) @ vts3 @ [vts ! 0])" (is "p2 = make_polygonal_path ?p2_vts")
assumes I1: "I1 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p1}"
assumes B1: "B1 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p1}"
assumes I2: "I2 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p2}"
assumes B2: "B2 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p2}"
assumes I: "I = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
assumes B: "B = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
assumes all_integral_vts: "all_integral vts"
shows "measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) = I1 + B1/2 - 1
⟹ measure lebesgue (path_inside p2) = I2 + B2/2 - 1
⟹ measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
"measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1
⟹ measure lebesgue (path_inside p2) = I2 + B2/2 - 1
⟹ measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) = I1 + B1/2 - 1"
"measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1
⟹ measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) = I1 + B1/2 - 1
⟹ measure lebesgue (path_inside p2) = I2 + B2/2 - 1"
proof -
let ?p_im = "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
let ?p1_im = "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p1}"
let ?p2_im = "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p2}"
let ?p_int = "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
let ?p1_int = "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p1}"
let ?p2_int = "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p2}"
have vts: "vts = vts1 @ (x # (vts2 @ y # vts3))"
using assms split_up_a_list_into_3_parts
using is_polygon_split_path_def by blast
have "polygon p"
using finite_path_image assms(1) p unfolding is_polygon_split_path_def
by (smt (verit, best))
then have B_finite: "finite ?p_im"
using finite_path_image by auto
have polygon_p1: "polygon p1"
using finite_path_image assms(1) p1 unfolding is_polygon_split_path_def
by (smt (z3) assms(3) assms(5) assms(6))
then have B1_finite: "finite ?p1_im"
using finite_path_image by auto
have polygon_p2: "polygon p2"
using finite_path_image assms(1) p1 unfolding is_polygon_split_path_def
by (smt (z3) assms(2) assms(4) assms(5) assms(6) p2)
then have B2_finite: "finite ?p2_im"
using finite_path_image by auto
have vts_distinct: "distinct vts"
using simple_polygonal_path_vts_distinct
by (metis ‹polygon p› butlast_snoc p polygon_def)
then have x_neq_y: "x ≠ y"
by (metis assms(1) assms(5) assms(6) index_first index_nth_id is_polygon_split_path_def)
then have card_2: "card {x, y} = 2"
by auto
have polygon_split_props: "(is_polygon_cut_path (vts@[vts!0]) cutpath ∧
polygon p ∧ polygon p1 ∧ polygon p2 ∧
path_inside p1 ∩ path_inside p2 = {} ∧
path_inside p1 ∪ path_inside p2 ∪ (path_image cutpath - {x, y}) = path_inside p
∧ ((path_image p1) - (path_image cutpath)) ∩ ((path_image p2) - (path_image cutpath)) = {}
∧ path_image p = ((path_image p1) - (path_image cutpath)) ∪ ((path_image p2) - (path_image cutpath)) ∪ {x, y})"
using assms
by (meson is_polygon_split_path_def)
have measure_sum: "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) + measure lebesgue (path_inside p2)"
using polygon_split_path_add_measure assms
by (smt (verit, del_insts))
let ?yx_int = "{k. integral_vec k ∧ k ∈ path_image (make_polygonal_path (y#rev cutvts@[x]))}"
let ?xy_int = "{k. integral_vec k ∧ k ∈ path_image cutpath}"
have yx_int_is_xy_int: "?yx_int = ?xy_int"
using rev_vts_path_image[of "x # cutvts @ [y]"] assms(7) by simp
have "x # vts2 @ [y] @ rev cutvts @ [x] = (x#vts2) @ ([y] @ rev cutvts @ [x]) @ []"
by simp
then have "sublist ([y]@rev cutvts@[x]) ?p1_vts"
unfolding sublist_def by blast
then have subset1:
"?xy_int ⊆ ?p1_im"
using sublist_integral_subset_integral_on_path p1 yx_int_is_xy_int
by force
have len_gteq: "length (x # cutvts @ [y]) ≥ 2"
by auto
have sublist_p2: "sublist (x # cutvts @ [y]) ?p2_vts"
unfolding sublist_def by auto
then have subset2:
"?xy_int ⊆ ?p2_im"
using sublist_integral_subset_integral_on_path[OF len_gteq p2 sublist_p2]
assms(7) by blast
let ?S1 = "?p1_im - ?xy_int"
let ?S2 = "?p2_im - ?xy_int"
have disjoint_1: "?S1 ∩ ?S2 = {}"
using polygon_split_props by blast
have integral_xy: "integral_vec x ∧ integral_vec y"
using all_integral_vts vts
using all_integral_def by auto
have nonempty: "y # rev cutvts @ [x] ≠ []"
by simp
have trivial: " make_polygonal_path (y # rev cutvts @ [x]) = make_polygonal_path (y # rev cutvts @ [x])"
by auto
have "pathstart (make_polygonal_path (y#rev cutvts@[x])) = y ∧ pathfinish (make_polygonal_path (y#rev cutvts@[x])) = x"
using polygon_pathstart[OF nonempty trivial] polygon_pathfinish[OF nonempty trivial]
by (metis last.simps last_conv_nth nonempty nth_Cons_0 snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
then have x_in_y_in: "x ∈ path_image (make_polygonal_path (y#rev cutvts@[x])) ∧ y ∈ path_image (make_polygonal_path (y#rev cutvts@[x]))"
unfolding pathstart_def pathfinish_def path_image_def
by (metis ‹pathstart (make_polygonal_path (y # rev cutvts @ [x])) = y ∧ pathfinish (make_polygonal_path (y # rev cutvts @ [x])) = x› path_image_def pathfinish_in_path_image pathstart_in_path_image)
then have "{x, y} ⊆ ?yx_int"
using integral_xy
by simp
then have disjoint_2: "(?S1 ∪ ?S2) ∩ {x, y} = {}"
by (simp add: yx_int_is_xy_int)
have "path_image p =
path_image p1 - path_image cutpath ∪
(path_image p2 - path_image cutpath) ∪
{x, y}"
using polygon_split_props by auto
then have set_union: "?p_im = (?S1 ∪ ?S2) ∪ {x, y}"
using polygon_split_props integral_xy by auto
then have add_card: "B = card (?p1_im - ?xy_int) + card (?p2_im - ?xy_int) + card {x, y}"
using B_finite using disjoint_1 disjoint_2
by (metis (no_types, lifting) B card_Un_disjoint finite_Un)
have sub1: "card (?p1_im - ?xy_int) = B1 - card ?xy_int"
using B1_finite B1 subset1
by (meson card_Diff_subset finite_subset)
have sub2: "card (?p2_im - ?xy_int) = B2 - card ?xy_int"
using B2_finite B2 subset2
by (meson card_Diff_subset finite_subset)
have B: "B = (B1 - card ?xy_int) + (B2 - card ?xy_int) + card {x, y}"
using add_card sub1 sub2
by auto
then have B_sum_h: "B = B1 + B2 - 2*card ?xy_int + 2"
using card_2
by (smt (verit, best) B1 B1_finite B2 B2_finite Nat.add_diff_assoc add.commute card_mono diff_diff_left mult_2 subset1 subset2)
then have "B1 + B2 = B + 2*card ?xy_int - 2"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) B1 B1_finite B2 B2_finite add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(1) card_mono diff_add_inverse2 le_add2 mult_2 ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff_class.add_diff_assoc2 subset1 subset2)
then have B_sum: "(B1 + B2)/2 = B/2 + card ?xy_int - 1"
by (smt (verit) B_sum_h field_sum_of_halves le_add2 mult_2 nat_1_add_1 of_nat_1 of_nat_add of_nat_diff ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff_class.add_diff_assoc2)
have casting_h: "⋀ A B:: nat. A ≥ B ⟹ real (A - B) = real A - real B"
by auto
have " path_inside p1 ∪ path_inside p2 ∪ (path_image cutpath - {x, y}) = path_inside p"
using polygon_split_props by auto
then have interior_union: "?p_int = (?xy_int - {x, y}) ∪ ?p1_int ∪ ?p2_int"
by blast
have finite_inside_p: "finite ?p_int"
using bounded_finite inside_outside_polygon
by (simp add: polygon_split_props inside_outside_def)
have finite_pathimage: "finite (?xy_int - {x, y})"
using B1_finite finite_subset subset1 by auto
have finite_inside_p1: "finite ?p1_int"
using polygon_split_props bounded_finite inside_outside_polygon
using finite_Un finite_inside_p interior_union by auto
have finite_inside_p2: "finite ?p2_int"
using polygon_split_props bounded_finite inside_outside_polygon
using finite_Un finite_inside_p interior_union by auto
have path_image_inside_disjoint1: "(?xy_int - {x, y}) ∩ (?p1_int) = {}"
using subset1 inside_outside_polygon[OF polygon_p1]
unfolding inside_outside_def by auto
have path_image_inside_disjoint2: "(?xy_int - {x, y}) ∩ (?p2_int) = {}"
using subset2 inside_outside_polygon[OF polygon_p2]
unfolding inside_outside_def by auto
have "(?xy_int - {x, y}) ∩ (?p1_int ∪ ?p2_int) = {}"
using subset2 path_image_inside_disjoint1 path_image_inside_disjoint2
by auto
then have I_is: "I = card (?xy_int - {x, y}) +
card (?p1_int ∪ ?p2_int)"
using interior_union I finite_inside_p1 finite_inside_p2
by (metis (no_types, lifting) card_Un_disjoint finite_Un finite_pathimage sup_assoc)
have disjoint_4: "?p1_int ∩ ?p2_int = {}"
using polygon_split_props by auto
then have "I = card (?xy_int - {x, y}) +
I1 + I2"
using I_is finite_inside_p1 finite_inside_p2
by (simp add: I1 I2 card_Un_disjoint)
have interior_subset: "(?xy_int - {x, y}) ⊆ ?p_int"
using interior_union by auto
have x_y_subset: "{x, y} ⊆ ?xy_int"
using x_in_y_in rev_vts_path_image[of "x # cutvts @ [y]"] assms(7)
using yx_int_is_xy_int by blast
have " real (card (?xy_int - {x, y})) =
real (card (?xy_int )) - real (card {x, y})"
using x_y_subset
by (metis (no_types, lifting) B2_finite card_Diff_subset card_mono finite_subset of_nat_diff subset2)
then have card_diff: "real (card (?xy_int - {x, y})) =
real (card (?xy_int )) - 2"
using card_2 by auto
then have "I = I1 + I2 + (card (?xy_int - {x, y}))"
using I I1 I2 interior_union finite_inside_p1 finite_inside_p2
by (simp add: I_is disjoint_4 card_Un_disjoint)
then have "I = I1 + I2 + real (card (?xy_int)) - 2"
using card_diff
by linarith
then have I_sum: "I1 + I2 = I - real (card ?xy_int) + 2"
by fastforce
{assume pick1: "measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) = I1 + B1/2 - 1"
assume pick2: "measure lebesgue (path_inside p2) = I2 + B2/2 - 1"
have "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I1 + I2 + (B1+B2)/2 -2"
using pick1 pick2 measure_sum by auto
then have "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I - real (card ?xy_int) + 2 +
B/2 + card ?xy_int - 1 - 2"
using I_sum B_sum
by linarith
then have "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1" by auto
then show "measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) = I1 + B1/2 - 1 ⟹ measure lebesgue (path_inside p2) = I2 + B2/2 - 1 ⟹ measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
by blast
{assume pick1: "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
assume pick2: "measure lebesgue (path_inside p2) = I2 + B2/2 - 1"
then have "real I + real B / 2 - 1 = (measure lebesgue (path_inside p1)) + I2 + B2/2 -1"
using measure_sum pick1 pick2 by auto
then have "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I - real (card ?xy_int) + 2 +
B/2 + card ?xy_int - 1 - 2"
using I_sum B_sum pick1
by linarith
then have "measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) = I1 + B1/2 - 1"
using B_sum ‹real I = real (I1 + I2) + real (card {k. integral_vec k ∧ k ∈ path_image cutpath}) - 2› field_sum_of_halves measure_sum of_nat_add
pick1 pick2 by auto
then show "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1 ⟹ measure lebesgue (path_inside p2) = I2 + B2/2 - 1 ⟹ measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) = I1 + B1/2 - 1"
by blast
{assume pick1: "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
assume pick2: "measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) = I1 + B1/2 - 1"
then have "real I + real B / 2 - 1 = (measure lebesgue (path_inside p2)) + I1 + B1/2 -1"
using measure_sum pick1 pick2 by auto
then have "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I - real (card ?xy_int) + 2 +
B/2 + card ?xy_int - 1 - 2"
using I_sum B_sum pick1
by linarith
then have "measure lebesgue (path_inside p2) = I2 + B2/2 - 1"
using B_sum ‹real I = real (I1 + I2) + real (card {k. integral_vec k ∧ k ∈ path_image cutpath}) - 2› field_sum_of_halves measure_sum of_nat_add
using pick2 by auto
then show "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1 ⟹ measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) = I1 + B1/2 - 1 ⟹ measure lebesgue (path_inside p2) = I2 + B2/2 - 1"
by blast
lemma pick_split_union:
assumes is_split: "is_polygon_split vts i j"
assumes "vts1 = (take i vts)"
assumes "vts2 = (take (j - i - 1) (drop (Suc i) vts)) "
assumes "vts3 = drop (j - i) (drop (Suc i) vts) "
assumes "x = vts ! i "
assumes "y = vts ! j "
assumes p: "p = make_polygonal_path (vts@[vts!0])" (is "p = make_polygonal_path ?p_vts")
assumes p1: "p1 = make_polygonal_path (x#(vts2@[y, x]))" (is "p1 = make_polygonal_path ?p1_vts")
assumes p2: "p2 = make_polygonal_path (vts1 @ [x, y] @ vts3 @ [vts ! 0])" (is "p2 = make_polygonal_path ?p2_vts")
assumes I1: "I1 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p1}"
assumes B1: "B1 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p1}"
assumes pick1: "measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) = I1 + B1/2 - 1"
assumes I2: "I2 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p2}"
assumes B2: "B2 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p2}"
assumes pick2: "measure lebesgue (path_inside p2) = I2 + B2/2 - 1"
assumes I: "I = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
assumes B: "B = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
assumes all_integral_vts: "all_integral vts"
shows "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
"measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) + measure lebesgue (path_inside p2)"
proof -
let ?p_im = "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
let ?p1_im = "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p1}"
let ?p2_im = "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p2}"
let ?p_int = "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
let ?p1_int = "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p1}"
let ?p2_int = "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p2}"
have vts: "vts = vts1 @ (x # (vts2 @ y # vts3))"
using assms split_up_a_list_into_3_parts
using is_polygon_split_def by blast
have "polygon p"
using finite_path_image assms(1) p unfolding is_polygon_split_def
by (smt (verit, best))
then have B_finite: "finite ?p_im"
using finite_path_image by auto
have polygon_p1: "polygon p1"
using finite_path_image assms(1) p1 unfolding is_polygon_split_def
by (smt (z3) assms(3) assms(5) assms(6))
then have B1_finite: "finite ?p1_im"
using finite_path_image by auto
have polygon_p2: "polygon p2"
using finite_path_image assms(1) p1 unfolding is_polygon_split_def
by (smt (z3) assms(2) assms(4) assms(5) assms(6) p2)
then have B2_finite: "finite ?p2_im"
using finite_path_image by auto
have vts_distinct: "distinct vts"
using simple_polygonal_path_vts_distinct
by (metis ‹polygon p› butlast_snoc p polygon_def)
then have x_neq_y: "x ≠ y"
by (metis assms(1) assms(5) assms(6) index_first index_nth_id is_polygon_split_def)
then have card_2: "card {x, y} = 2"
by auto
have polygon_split_props: "is_polygon_cut ?p_vts x y ∧
polygon p ∧ polygon p1 ∧ polygon p2 ∧
path_inside p1 ∩ path_inside p2 = {} ∧
path_inside p1 ∪ path_inside p2 ∪ (path_image (linepath x y) - {x, y})
= path_inside p ∧ ((path_image p1) - (path_image (linepath x y))) ∩ ((path_image p2) - (path_image (linepath x y))) = {}
∧ path_image p = ((path_image p1) - (path_image (linepath x y))) ∪ ((path_image p2) - (path_image (linepath x y))) ∪ {x, y} "
using assms
by (meson is_polygon_split_def)
have "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) + measure lebesgue (path_inside p2)"
using polygon_split_add_measure assms
by (smt (verit, del_insts))
then have measure_sum: "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I1 + I2 + (B1+B2)/2 -2"
using pick1 pick2 by auto
let ?yx_int = "{k. integral_vec k ∧ k ∈ path_image (linepath y x)}"
let ?xy_int = "{k. integral_vec k ∧ k ∈ path_image (linepath x y)}"
have yx_int_is_xy_int: "?yx_int = ?xy_int"
by (simp add: closed_segment_commute)
have "sublist [y, x] ?p1_vts" by (simp add: sublist_Cons_right)
then have subset1:
"?xy_int ⊆ ?p1_im"
using sublist_pair_integral_subset_integral_on_path p1 yx_int_is_xy_int by blast
have subset2:
"?xy_int ⊆ ?p2_im"
using sublist_pair_integral_subset_integral_on_path p2 by blast
let ?S1 = "?p1_im - ?xy_int"
let ?S2 = "?p2_im - ?xy_int"
have disjoint_1: "?S1 ∩ ?S2 = {}"
using polygon_split_props by blast
have integral_xy: "integral_vec x ∧ integral_vec y"
using all_integral_vts vts
using all_integral_def by auto
then have "{x, y} ⊆ ?yx_int"
by simp
then have disjoint_2: "(?S1 ∪ ?S2) ∩ {x, y} = {}"
by simp
have "path_image p =
path_image p1 - path_image (linepath x y) ∪
(path_image p2 - path_image (linepath x y)) ∪
{x, y}"
using polygon_split_props by auto
then have set_union: "?p_im = (?S1 ∪ ?S2) ∪ {x, y}"
using polygon_split_props integral_xy by auto
then have add_card: "B = card (?p1_im - ?xy_int) + card (?p2_im - ?xy_int) + card {x, y}"
using B_finite using disjoint_1 disjoint_2
by (metis (no_types, lifting) B card_Un_disjoint finite_Un)
have sub1: "card (?p1_im - ?xy_int) = B1 - card ?xy_int"
using B1_finite B1 subset1
by (meson card_Diff_subset finite_subset)
have sub2: "card (?p2_im - ?xy_int) = B2 - card ?xy_int"
using B2_finite B2 subset2
by (meson card_Diff_subset finite_subset)
have B: "B = (B1 - card ?xy_int) + (B2 - card ?xy_int) + card {x, y}"
using add_card sub1 sub2
by auto
then have B_sum_h: "B = B1 + B2 - 2*card ?xy_int + 2"
using card_2
by (smt (verit, best) B1 B1_finite B2 B2_finite Nat.add_diff_assoc add.commute card_mono diff_diff_left mult_2 subset1 subset2)
then have "B1 + B2 = B + 2*card ?xy_int - 2"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) B1 B1_finite B2 B2_finite add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(1) card_mono diff_add_inverse2 le_add2 mult_2 ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff_class.add_diff_assoc2 subset1 subset2)
then have B_sum: "(B1 + B2)/2 = B/2 + card ?xy_int - 1"
by (smt (verit) B_sum_h field_sum_of_halves le_add2 mult_2 nat_1_add_1 of_nat_1 of_nat_add of_nat_diff ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff_class.add_diff_assoc2)
have casting_h: "⋀ A B:: nat. A ≥ B ⟹ real (A - B) = real A - real B"
by auto
have " path_inside p1 ∪ path_inside p2 ∪ (path_image (linepath x y) - {x, y}) = path_inside p"
using polygon_split_props by auto
then have interior_union: "?p_int = (?xy_int - {x, y}) ∪ ?p1_int ∪ ?p2_int"
by blast
have finite_inside_p: "finite ?p_int"
using bounded_finite inside_outside_polygon
by (simp add: polygon_split_props inside_outside_def)
have finite_pathimage: "finite (?xy_int - {x, y})"
using B1_finite finite_subset subset1 by auto
have finite_inside_p1: "finite ?p1_int"
using polygon_split_props bounded_finite inside_outside_polygon
using finite_Un finite_inside_p interior_union by auto
have finite_inside_p2: "finite ?p2_int"
using polygon_split_props bounded_finite inside_outside_polygon
using finite_Un finite_inside_p interior_union by auto
have path_image_inside_disjoint1: "(?xy_int - {x, y}) ∩ (?p1_int) = {}"
using subset1 inside_outside_polygon[OF polygon_p1]
unfolding inside_outside_def by auto
have path_image_inside_disjoint2: "(?xy_int - {x, y}) ∩ (?p2_int) = {}"
using subset2 inside_outside_polygon[OF polygon_p2]
unfolding inside_outside_def by auto
have "(?xy_int - {x, y}) ∩ (?p1_int ∪ ?p2_int) = {}"
using subset2 path_image_inside_disjoint1 path_image_inside_disjoint2
by auto
then have I_is: "I = card (?xy_int - {x, y}) +
card (?p1_int ∪ ?p2_int)"
using interior_union I finite_inside_p1 finite_inside_p2
by (metis (no_types, lifting) card_Un_disjoint finite_Un finite_pathimage sup_assoc)
have disjoint_4: "?p1_int ∩ ?p2_int = {}"
using polygon_split_props by auto
then have "I = card (?xy_int - {x, y}) +
I1 + I2"
using I_is finite_inside_p1 finite_inside_p2
by (simp add: I1 I2 card_Un_disjoint)
have interior_subset: "(?xy_int - {x, y}) ⊆ ?p_int"
using interior_union by auto
have x_y_subset: "{x, y} ⊆ ?xy_int"
using local.set_union by auto
have " real (card (?xy_int - {x, y})) =
real (card (?xy_int )) - real (card {x, y})"
using x_y_subset
by (metis (no_types, lifting) B2_finite card_Diff_subset card_mono finite_subset of_nat_diff subset2)
then have card_diff: "real (card (?xy_int - {x, y})) =
real (card (?xy_int )) - 2"
using card_2 by auto
then have "I = I1 + I2 + (card (?xy_int - {x, y}))"
using I I1 I2 interior_union finite_inside_p1 finite_inside_p2
by (simp add: I_is disjoint_4 card_Un_disjoint)
then have "I = I1 + I2 + real (card (?xy_int)) - 2"
using card_diff
by linarith
then have I_sum: "I1 + I2 = I - real (card ?xy_int) + 2"
by fastforce
have "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I - real (card ?xy_int) + 2 +
B/2 + card ?xy_int - 1 - 2"
using measure_sum I_sum B_sum
by linarith
then show "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1" by auto
show "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) + measure lebesgue (path_inside p2)"
using ‹Sigma_Algebra.measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = Sigma_Algebra.measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) + Sigma_Algebra.measure lebesgue (path_inside p2)› by blast
lemma pick_split_path_union:
assumes is_split: "is_polygon_split_path vts i j cutvts"
assumes "vts1 = (take i vts)"
assumes "vts2 = (take (j - i - 1) (drop (Suc i) vts))"
assumes "vts3 = drop (j - i) (drop (Suc i) vts)"
assumes "x = vts!i"
assumes "y = vts!j"
assumes "cutpath = make_polygonal_path (x # cutvts @ [y])"
assumes p: "p = make_polygonal_path (vts@[vts!0])" (is "p = make_polygonal_path ?p_vts")
assumes p1: "p1 = make_polygonal_path (x#(vts2 @ [y] @ (rev cutvts) @ [x]))" (is "p1 = make_polygonal_path ?p1_vts")
assumes p2: "p2 = make_polygonal_path (vts1 @ ([x] @ cutvts @ [y]) @ vts3 @ [vts ! 0])" (is "p2 = make_polygonal_path ?p2_vts")
assumes I1: "I1 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p1}"
assumes B1: "B1 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p1}"
assumes pick1: "measure lebesgue (path_inside p1) = I1 + B1/2 - 1"
assumes I2: "I2 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p2}"
assumes B2: "B2 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p2}"
assumes pick2: "measure lebesgue (path_inside p2) = I2 + B2/2 - 1"
assumes I: "I = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
assumes B: "B = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
assumes all_integral_vts: "all_integral vts"
shows "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
using pick_split_path_union_main pick1 pick2(1) assms by blast
lemma pick_triangle_basic_split:
assumes "p = make_triangle a b c" and "distinct [a, b, c]" and "¬ collinear {a, b, c}" and
d_prop: "d ∈ path_image (linepath a b) ∧ d ∉ {a, b, c}"
shows "good_linepath c d [a, d, b, c, a]
∧ path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a]) = path_image p"
let ?l = "linepath c d"
let ?L = "path_image ?l"
let ?P = "path_image p"
let ?vts' = "[a, d, b, c, a]"
let ?p' = "make_polygonal_path ?vts'"
let ?P' = "path_image ?p'"
have h1: "path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, b, c, a]) = path_image (linepath a b) ∪ path_image (linepath b c) ∪ path_image (linepath c a)"
using polygonal_path_image_linepath_union by (simp add: path_image_join sup.assoc)
have h2: "path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a]) = path_image (linepath a d) ∪ path_image (linepath d b) ∪ path_image (linepath b c) ∪ path_image (linepath c a)"
using polygonal_path_image_linepath_union by (simp add: path_image_join sup.assoc)
have h3: "path_image (linepath a b) = path_image (linepath a d) ∪ path_image (linepath d b)"
using path_image_linepath_union d_prop by auto
have 1: "?P' = ?P"
using h1 h2 h3
using assms(1) make_triangle_def by force
have "{c, d} = ?L ∩ ?P"
proof(rule ccontr)
have subs: "{c, d} ⊆ ?L ∩ ?P"
using assms(1) vertices_on_path_image unfolding make_triangle_def
by (metis IntD2 IntI assms(4) empty_subsetI inf_sup_absorb insert_subset list.discI list.simps(15) nth_Cons_0 path_image_cons_union pathfinish_in_path_image pathfinish_linepath pathstart_in_path_image pathstart_linepath)
assume *: "{c, d} ≠ ?L ∩ ?P"
then obtain z where z: "z ≠ c ∧ z ≠ d ∧ z ∈ ?L ∩ ?P" using subs by blast
then have cases:
"z ∈ path_image (linepath a b) ∨ z ∈ path_image (linepath b c) ∨ z ∈ path_image (linepath c a)"
using "1" h2 h3 by blast
{ assume **: "z ∈ path_image (linepath a b)"
moreover have "z ∈ ?L ∧ d ∈ ?L ∧ d ∈ path_image (linepath a b)" using assms z by force
ultimately have "{z, d} ⊆ ?L ∩ path_image (linepath a b) ∧ z ≠ d" using z by blast
then have "collinear {a, b, c, d}" using two_linepath_colinearity_property by fastforce
then have False using assms(2) assms(3) collinear_4_3 by auto
} moreover
{ assume **: "z ∈ path_image (linepath b c)"
then have "collinear {a, b, c, d}" using two_linepath_colinearity_property[of z _ b c c d]
by (smt (verit) "**" IntE assms(3) collinear_3_trans d_prop in_path_image_imp_collinear insertCI insert_commute z)
then have False using assms(2) assms(3) collinear_4_3 by auto
} moreover
{ assume **: "z ∈ path_image (linepath c a)"
then have "collinear {a, b, c, d}" using two_linepath_colinearity_property[of z _ c a c d]
by (smt (verit) IntD1 assms(3) collinear_3_trans d_prop in_path_image_imp_collinear insert_commute insert_iff z)
then have False using assms(2) assms(3) collinear_4_3 by auto
ultimately show False using cases by argo
moreover have "?L ⊆ path_inside p ∪ ?P"
have "convex hull {a, b, c} = path_inside p ∪ ?P"
by (simp add: Un_commute assms(1) assms(3) triangle_convex_hull)
moreover have "?L ⊆ convex hull {a, b, c}"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) assms empty_subsetI hull_insert hull_mono insert_commute insert_mono insert_subset path_image_linepath segment_convex_hull)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately have "?L ⊆ path_inside p ∪ {c, d}" by blast
then have "?L ⊆ path_inside ?p' ∪ {c, d}" using 1 unfolding path_inside_def by presburger
then have 2: "good_linepath c d ?vts'" using assms unfolding good_linepath_def by auto
thus ?thesis using 1 by blast
section "Convex Hull Has Good Linepath"
lemma leq_2_extreme_points_means_collinear:
fixes vts :: "'a::euclidean_space set"
assumes "finite vts"
assumes "card {v. v extreme_point_of (convex hull vts)} ≤ 2"
shows "collinear vts"
using assms
by (metis Krein_Milman_polytope affine_hull_convex_hull collinear_affine_hull_collinear collinear_small extreme_points_of_convex_hull finite_subset)
lemma convex_hull_non_extreme_point_in_open_seg:
assumes "H = convex hull vts"
assumes "x ∈ H - {v. v extreme_point_of H}"
shows "∃a b. a ∈ H ∧ b ∈ H ∧ x ∈ open_segment a b"
using assms unfolding extreme_point_of_def by blast
lemma convex_hull_extreme_points_vertex_split:
fixes vts :: "(real^2) set"
assumes "H = convex hull vts"
assumes "finite vts"
assumes "card {v. v extreme_point_of H} ≥ 4"
assumes "{a, b, c} ⊆ {v. v extreme_point_of H} ∧ distinct [a, b, c]"
shows "path_image (linepath a b) ∩ interior H ≠ {}
∨ path_image (linepath b c) ∩ interior H ≠ {}
∨ path_image (linepath c a) ∩ interior H ≠ {}"
let ?ep = "{v. v extreme_point_of H}"
have H: "H = convex hull ?ep" using Krein_Milman_polytope assms(1) assms(2) by blast
let ?H' = "convex hull {a, b, c}"
have not_collinear: "¬ collinear {a, b, c}"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ¬ collinear {a, b, c}"
then have "collinear {a, b, c}" by blast
then have "a ∈ path_image (linepath b c)
∨ b ∈ path_image (linepath a c)
∨ c ∈ path_image (linepath a b)"
using collinear_between_cases unfolding between_def
by (smt (verit, del_insts) between_mem_segment closed_segment_eq collinear_between_cases doubleton_eq_iff path_image_linepath)
moreover have "a ≠ b ∧ b ≠ c ∧ a ≠ c" using assms by simp
ultimately have "a ∈ open_segment b c ∨ b ∈ open_segment a c ∨ c ∈ open_segment a b"
using closed_segment_eq_open by auto
moreover have "a extreme_point_of H ∧ b extreme_point_of H ∧ c extreme_point_of H"
using assms by blast
ultimately show False unfolding extreme_point_of_def by blast
have strict_subset: "interior ?H' ⊂ interior H"
have "interior ?H' ⊆ interior H"
by (metis H assms(4) hull_mono interior_mono)
moreover have "?H' ⊂ H"
have "card {a, b, c} ≤ 3"
by (metis card.empty card_insert_disjoint collinear_2 finite.emptyI finite_insert insert_absorb nat_le_linear not_collinear numeral_3_eq_3)
then have "card (?ep - {a, b, c}) ≥ 1"
using assms(3) assms(4) by auto
then obtain d where "d ∈ ?ep - {a, b, c}"
by (metis One_nat_def all_not_in_conv card.empty not_less_eq_eq zero_le)
thus ?thesis
by (metis DiffE H assms(4) extreme_point_of_convex_hull hull_mono mem_Collect_eq order_less_le)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) closure_convex_hull convex_closure_rel_interior convex_convex_hull convex_hull_eq_empty convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image2 dual_order.strict_iff_order finite.emptyI finite.insertI finite_imp_bounded_convex_hull finite_imp_compact frontier_empty insert_not_empty inside_frontier_eq_interior not_collinear path_inside_def polygon_frontier_is_path_image rel_interior_nonempty_interior sup_bot.right_neutral triangle_convex_hull triangle_is_convex triangle_is_polygon)
moreover have "interior ?H' ≠ {}"
by (metis not_collinear convex_convex_hull convex_hull_eq_empty convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image2 finite.emptyI finite.insertI finite_imp_bounded_convex_hull frontier_empty insert_not_empty inside_frontier_eq_interior path_inside_def polygon_frontier_is_path_image sup_bot.right_neutral triangle_convex_hull triangle_is_convex triangle_is_polygon)
ultimately obtain x y where xy: "x ∈ interior ?H' ∧ y ∈ interior H - interior ?H'" by blast
let ?l = "linepath x y"
have "x ∈ interior ?H' ∧ y ∈ -(interior ?H')" using xy by blast
then have "path_image ?l ∩ interior ?H' ≠ {} ∧ path_image ?l ∩ -(interior ?H') ≠ {}" by auto
moreover have "path_connected (interior ?H')" by (simp add: convex_imp_path_connected)
ultimately obtain z where z: "z ∈ path_image ?l ∩ frontier (interior ?H')"
by (metis Diff_eq Diff_eq_empty_iff all_not_in_conv convex_convex_hull convex_imp_path_connected path_connected_not_frontier_subset path_image_linepath segment_convex_hull)
moreover have "path_image ?l ⊆ interior H" using xy convex_interior[of H]
by (metis DiffD1 IntD2 strict_subset assms(1) closed_segment_subset convex_convex_hull inf.strict_order_iff path_image_linepath)
ultimately have z_interior: "z ∈ interior H" by blast
have "z ∈ frontier (interior ?H')" using z by blast
moreover have "frontier (interior ?H')
= path_image (linepath a b) ∪ path_image (linepath b c) ∪ path_image (linepath c a)"
let ?p = "make_triangle a b c"
have "path_inside ?p = interior ?H'"
by (metis not_collinear bounded_convex_hull bounded_empty bounded_insert convex_convex_hull convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image2 inside_frontier_eq_interior path_inside_def triangle_convex_hull triangle_is_convex triangle_is_polygon)
then have "path_image ?p = frontier (interior ?H')"
by (metis not_collinear polygon_frontier_is_path_image triangle_is_polygon)
moreover have "path_image ?p
= path_image (linepath a b) ∪ path_image (linepath b c) ∪ path_image (linepath c a)"
by (metis Un_assoc list.discI make_polygonal_path.simps(3) make_triangle_def nth_Cons_0 path_image_cons_union)
ultimately show ?thesis by presburger
ultimately show ?thesis using z_interior by blast
lemma convex_hull_has_vertex_split_helper_wlog:
assumes "p = make_triangle a b c" and "distinct [a, b, c]" and "¬ collinear {a, b, c}" and
d_prop: "d ∈ path_image (linepath a b) ∧ d ∉ {a, b, c}"
shows "path_image (linepath c d) ∩ path_inside p ≠ {}"
have "good_linepath c d [a, d, b, c, a]
∧ path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a]) = path_image p"
using pick_triangle_basic_split[of p a b c d] assms by fast
thus ?thesis
unfolding good_linepath_def
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Int_Un_eq(4) Int_insert_right_if1 Un_insert_right diff_points_path_image_set_property le_iff_inf path_inside_def pathfinish_in_path_image pathfinish_linepath pathstart_in_path_image pathstart_linepath)
lemma convex_hull_has_vertex_split_helper:
assumes "p = make_triangle a b c" and "distinct [a, b, c]" and "¬ collinear {a, b, c}" and
d_prop: "d ∈ path_image p ∧ d ∉ {a, b, c}"
shows "∃x y. {x, y} ⊆ {a, b, c, d} ∧ x ≠ y ∧ path_image (linepath x y) ∩ path_inside p ≠ {}"
{ assume "d ∈ path_image (linepath a b)"
then have ?thesis
using convex_hull_has_vertex_split_helper_wlog[of p a b c d] assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) d_prop
by fastforce
} moreover
{ assume *: "d ∈ path_image (linepath b c)"
let ?p' = "make_triangle b c a"
have "path_image (linepath a d) ∩ path_inside ?p' ≠ {}"
using convex_hull_has_vertex_split_helper_wlog[of ?p' b c a d]
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "*" assms(3) collinear_2 d_prop distinct_length_2_or_more distinct_singleton insert_absorb2 insert_commute)
moreover have "path_inside ?p' = path_inside p"
unfolding make_triangle_def
by (smt (verit, best) assms(1) assms(3) convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image2 insert_commute make_triangle_def path_inside_def triangle_convex_hull triangle_is_convex triangle_is_polygon)
ultimately have ?thesis using assms by auto
} moreover
{ assume *: "d ∈ path_image (linepath c a)"
let ?p' = "make_triangle c a b"
have "path_image (linepath b d) ∩ path_inside ?p' ≠ {}"
using convex_hull_has_vertex_split_helper_wlog[of ?p' c a b d]
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "*" assms(3) collinear_2 d_prop distinct_length_2_or_more distinct_singleton insert_absorb2 insert_commute)
moreover have "path_inside ?p' = path_inside p"
unfolding make_triangle_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) assms(1) assms(3) convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image2 insert_commute make_triangle_def path_inside_def triangle_convex_hull triangle_is_convex triangle_is_polygon)
ultimately have ?thesis using assms by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using on_triangle_path_image_cases assms(1) d_prop by fast
lemma convex_hull_has_vertex_split:
fixes vts :: "(real^2) set"
assumes "H = convex hull vts"
assumes "¬ collinear vts"
assumes "card vts > 3"
assumes "finite vts"
shows "∃a b. {a, b} ⊆ vts ∧ a ≠ b ∧ path_image (linepath a b) ∩ interior H ≠ {}"
let ?ep = "{v. v extreme_point_of H}"
have ep: "?ep ⊆ vts" by (simp add: assms(1) extreme_points_of_convex_hull)
have card_ep: "card ?ep ≥ 3"
by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) card.infinite leq_2_extreme_points_means_collinear not_less_eq_eq not_less_zero numeral_3_eq_3)
obtain a b c where abc: "{a, b, c} ⊆ ?ep ∧ a ≠ b ∧ b ≠ c ∧ a ≠ c"
obtain a A where "a ∈ ?ep ∧ A = ?ep - {a} ∧ card A ≥ 2" using card_ep by force
moreover then obtain b B where "b ∈ A ∧ B = A - {b} ∧ card B ≥ 1"
by (metis Suc_1 Suc_diff_le bot.extremum_uniqueI bot_nat_0.extremum card_Diff_singleton card_eq_0_iff diff_Suc_1 less_Suc_eq_le less_one linorder_not_le subset_emptyI)
moreover then obtain c C where "c ∈ B ∧ C = B - {c} ∧ card C ≥ 0"
by (metis One_nat_def bot_nat_0.extremum card.empty equals0I not_less_eq_eq)
ultimately have "{a, b, c} ⊆ ?ep ∧ a ≠ b ∧ b ≠ c ∧ a ≠ c" by blast
thus ?thesis using that by auto
{ assume *: "card ?ep = 3"
then have abc: "?ep = {a, b, c}"
by (metis abc card_3_iff card_gt_0_iff numeral_3_eq_3 order_less_le psubset_card_mono zero_less_Suc)
obtain d where d: "d ∈ vts ∧ d ≠ a ∧ d ≠ b ∧ d ≠ c"
by (metis "*" assms(3) abc ep insertCI nat_less_le subsetI subset_antisym)
{ assume "d ∈ interior H"
then have "d ∈ path_image (linepath a d) ∩ interior H" by simp
then have ?thesis using ep abc d by auto
} moreover
{ assume ***: "d ∉ interior H"
let ?p = "make_triangle a b c"
have H: "H = convex hull ?ep"
have "compact H"
by (metis assms(1) assms(3) card_eq_0_iff finite_imp_compact_convex_hull gr_implies_not0)
moreover have "convex H" using convex_convex_hull[of vts] assms by blast
ultimately have "H = closure (convex hull ?ep)" using Krein_Milman[of H] by fast
thus ?thesis using abc by auto
then have interior: "path_inside ?p = interior H"
using abc
by (metis assms(1,2) affine_hull_convex_hull collinear_affine_hull_collinear convex_convex_hull convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image2 finite.intros(1) finite_imp_bounded_convex_hull finite_insert inside_frontier_eq_interior path_inside_def triangle_convex_hull triangle_is_convex triangle_is_polygon)
then have d_frontier: "d ∈ frontier H"
by (metis *** Diff_iff assms(1) UnCI d closure_Un_frontier frontier_def hull_subset in_mono)
moreover have "path_image ?p = frontier H"
using convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image
by (metis assms(1,2) H abc affine_hull_convex_hull collinear_affine_hull_collinear convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image2 triangle_convex_hull triangle_is_convex triangle_is_polygon)
ultimately have "d ∈ path_image ?p" by blast
moreover have "¬ collinear {a, b, c}"
by (metis H assms(1,2) abc affine_hull_convex_hull collinear_affine_hull_collinear)
moreover then have "distinct [a, b, c]"
by (metis collinear_2 distinct.simps(2) distinct_singleton empty_set insert_absorb list.simps(15))
moreover have "d ∉ {a, b, c}" using d by blast
ultimately have ?thesis
using abc d convex_hull_has_vertex_split_helper[of ?p a b c d]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) insert_subset interior subset_trans ep)
ultimately have ?thesis by fast
} moreover
{ assume *: "card ?ep ≥ 4"
moreover have "{a, b, c} ⊆ ?ep ∧ distinct [a, b, c]" using abc by fastforce
ultimately have "path_image (linepath a b) ∩ interior H ≠ {}
∨ path_image (linepath b c) ∩ interior H ≠ {}
∨ path_image (linepath c a) ∩ interior H ≠ {}"
using convex_hull_extreme_points_vertex_split[OF assms(1) assms(4) *] by presburger
then have ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ep abc insert_subset subset_trans)
ultimately show ?thesis using card_ep by fastforce
lemma convex_polygon_has_good_linepath_helper:
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
assumes "convex (path_inside p ∪ path_image p)"
assumes "card (set vts) > 3"
obtains a b where "{a, b} ⊆ set vts ∧ a ≠ b ∧ ¬ path_image (linepath a b) ⊆ path_image p"
let ?H = "convex hull (set vts)"
obtain a b where ab: "{a, b} ⊆ set vts ∧ a ≠ b ∧ path_image (linepath a b) ∩ interior ?H ≠ {}"
using convex_hull_has_vertex_split assms polygon_vts_not_collinear unfolding polygon_of_def
by fastforce
moreover have "interior ?H = path_inside p"
using assms(1) assms(2) convex_polygon_inside_is_convex_hull_interior polygon_convex_iff polygon_of_def
by blast
ultimately have "path_image (linepath a b) ∩ path_inside p ≠ {}" by simp
moreover have "path_inside p ∩ path_image p = {}" using path_inside_def by auto
moreover have "path_image (linepath a b) ⊆ path_image p ∪ path_inside p"
by (metis ab assms(1) assms(2) convex_polygon_is_convex_hull hull_mono path_image_linepath polygon_of_def segment_convex_hull sup_commute)
ultimately have "¬ path_image (linepath a b) ⊆ path_image p" by fast
thus ?thesis using ab that by meson
lemma convex_polygon_has_good_linepath:
assumes "convex (path_inside p ∪ path_image p)"
assumes "polygon p"
assumes "p = make_polygonal_path vts"
assumes "card (set vts) > 3"
shows "∃a b. good_linepath a b vts"
let ?T = "convex hull (set vts)"
have T: "path_image p ∪ path_inside p = ?T"
by (metis Un_commute assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) convex_polygon_is_convex_hull)
obtain a b where ab: "a ≠ b ∧ {a, b} ⊆ set vts ∧ ¬ path_image (linepath a b) ⊆ path_image p"
using convex_polygon_has_good_linepath_helper assms unfolding polygon_of_def by metis
let ?S = "path_image (linepath a b)"
have p_is_frontier: "frontier ?T = path_image p"
using convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image assms polygon_of_def polygon_convex_iff by blast
have "closure ?T = ?T" by (simp add: finite_imp_compact)
then have "?S ⊆ closure ?T" using ab by (simp add: hull_mono segment_convex_hull)
moreover have "convex ?T" using convex_convex_hull by auto
moreover have "convex ?S" by simp
moreover have "rel_interior ?S = open_segment a b"
by (metis ab path_image_linepath rel_interior_closed_segment)
moreover have "rel_interior ?T = interior ?T"
by (metis p_is_frontier Diff_empty ab calculation(1) frontier_def rel_interior_nonempty_interior)
ultimately have "open_segment a b ⊆ interior ?T"
using subset_rel_interior_convex by (metis ab p_is_frontier frontier_def rel_frontier_def)
then have "(open_segment a b) ∩ path_image p = {}"
using p_is_frontier frontier_def by auto
then have "closed_segment a b ∩ path_image p = {a, b}"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_Un_distrib2 Int_absorb2 Un_commute ab assms(3) closed_segment_eq_open subset_trans sup_bot.right_neutral vertices_on_path_image)
then have "path_image (linepath a b) ∩ path_image p = {a, b}" by simp
thus ?thesis
using ab unfolding good_linepath_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) IntI UnCI UnE T assms(3) hull_mono path_image_linepath segment_convex_hull subset_iff)
section "Pick's Theorem"
definition integral_inside:
"integral_inside p = {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
definition integral_boundary:
"integral_boundary p = {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
subsection "Pick's Theorem Triangle Case"
definition pick_triangle:
"pick_triangle p a b c ⟷
p = make_triangle a b c
∧ all_integral [a, b, c]
∧ distinct [a, b, c]
∧ ¬ collinear {a, b, c}"
definition pick_holds:
"pick_holds p ⟷
(let I = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p} in
let B = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p} in
measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1)"
lemma pick_triangle_wlog_helper:
assumes "pick_triangle p a b c" and
"I = card (integral_inside p)" and
"B = card (integral_boundary p)" and
"integral_inside p = {}" and
"integral_vec d ∧ d ∈ path_image (linepath a b) ∧ d ∉ {a, b, c}" and "d ∉ {a, b, c}" and
ih: "⋀p' a' b' c'. (card (integral_inside p') + card (integral_boundary p') < I + B) ⟹ pick_triangle p' a' b' c' ⟹ pick_holds p'"
shows "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
have polygon_p: "polygon p" using triangle_is_polygon assms unfolding pick_triangle by presburger
then have polygon_of: "polygon_of p [a, b, c, a]"
unfolding polygon_of_def using assms unfolding make_triangle_def pick_triangle by auto
let ?p' = "make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a]"
have "good_linepath c d [a, d, b, c, a] ∧ path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a]) = path_image p"
using pick_triangle_basic_split assms unfolding pick_triangle by presburger
then have *: "good_linepath d c [a, d, b, c, a] ∧ path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a]) = path_image p"
using good_linepath_comm by blast
have polygon_new: "polygon (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a])"
using polygon_linepath_split_is_polygon[OF polygon_of, of 0 a b d "[a, d, b, c, a]"] assms
by force
have h1: "make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a] = make_polygonal_path ([a, d, b, c] @ [[a, d, b, c] ! 0])"
by auto
have h2: "good_linepath d c ([a, d, b, c] @ [[a, d, b, c] ! 0])"
using * by auto
have h3: " (1::nat) < length [a, d, b, c] ∧ (3::nat) < length [a, d, b, c]"
by auto
then have polygon_split: "is_polygon_split [a, d, b, c] 1 3"
using good_linepath_implies_polygon_split[OF polygon_new h1 h2 h3] by auto
let ?p1 = "make_polygonal_path (d # [b] @ [c, d])"
let ?p2 = "make_polygonal_path ([a] @ [d, c] @ [] @ [[a, d, b, c] ! 0])"
let ?I1 = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside ?p1}"
let ?B1 = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image ?p1}"
let ?I2 = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside ?p2}"
let ?B2 = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image ?p2}"
have p1_triangle: "?p1 = make_triangle d b c"
unfolding make_triangle_def by auto
have p2_triangle: "?p2 = make_triangle a d c"
unfolding make_triangle_def by auto
have I_is: "I = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a])}"
using path_image_linepath_split[of 0 "[a, b, c, a]" d] "*" assms path_inside_def integral_inside by presburger
have B_is: "B = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a])}"
using path_image_linepath_split[of 0 "[a, b, c, a]" d]
using "*" assms path_inside_def integral_boundary by presburger
have all_integral_assump: "all_integral [a, d, b, c]"
using assms unfolding all_integral_def pick_triangle by force
have dist_indh1: "distinct [d, b, c]"
using assms unfolding pick_triangle by auto
have coll_indh1: "¬ collinear {d, b, c}"
using assms pick_triangle
by (smt (verit) collinear_3_trans dist_indh1 distinct_length_2_or_more in_path_image_imp_collinear insert_commute)
have path_inside_inside: "path_inside (make_polygonal_path (d # [b] @ [c, d])) ⊆ path_inside p"
using polygon_split unfolding is_polygon_split_def
by (smt (z3) "*" One_nat_def Un_iff append_Cons append_Nil diff_Suc_1 drop0 drop_Suc_Cons nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc numeral_3_eq_3 path_inside_def subsetI take_Suc_Cons take_eq_Nil2)
then have indh1_card1: "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside (make_polygonal_path (d # [b] @ [c, d]))}≤ card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(4) integral_inside Collect_empty_eq card.empty le_zero_eq subsetD)
have indh1_card2: "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image (make_polygonal_path (d # [b] @ [c, d]))} < card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
have path_image_union: "path_image (make_polygonal_path (d # [b] @ [c, d])) = path_image (linepath d b) ∪ path_image (linepath b c) ∪ path_image (linepath c d)"
using path_image_cons_union p1_triangle make_triangle_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) inf_sup_aci(6) list.discI make_polygonal_path.simps(3) nth_Cons_0)
have path_image_db: "path_image (linepath d b) ⊆ path_image p"
by (metis assms(5) list.discI nth_Cons_0 path_image_cons_union path_image_linepath_union polygon_of polygon_of_def sup.cobounded2 sup.coboundedI1)
have path_image_bc: "path_image (linepath b c) ⊆ path_image p"
using assms(1) linepaths_subset_make_polygonal_path_image[of "[a, b, c, a]" 1] unfolding pick_triangle make_triangle_def
by simp
have path_image_cd1: "path_image (linepath c d) - {c, d} ⊆ path_inside p"
using polygon_split unfolding is_polygon_split_def
by (smt (z3) One_nat_def ‹good_linepath c d [a, d, b, c, a] ∧ path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a]) = path_image p› append_Cons append_Nil insert_commute nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc numeral_3_eq_3 path_image_linepath path_inside_def segment_convex_hull sup.cobounded2)
have path_image_cd2: "{c, d} ⊆ path_image p"
using linepaths_subset_make_polygonal_path_image assms(1) unfolding pick_triangle make_triangle_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹good_linepath c d [a, d, b, c, a] ∧ path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a]) = path_image p› good_linepath_def subset_trans vertices_on_path_image)
have "path_image (linepath c d) ⊆ path_image p ∪ path_inside p"
using path_image_cd1 path_image_cd2 by auto
moreover have "integral_inside p = {}" using assms by force
ultimately have path_image_cd: "integral_boundary (linepath c d) ⊆ integral_boundary p" unfolding integral_inside integral_boundary by blast
have a_neq_d: "a ≠ d"
using assms(5) by auto
have a_neq_c: "a ≠ c"
using assms(1) unfolding pick_triangle by simp
have a_in_image: "a ∈ path_image p"
using assms(1) unfolding pick_triangle make_triangle_def using vertices_on_path_image
by fastforce
have "path_image (linepath c d) ∩ path_image p = {c, d}"
using * unfolding good_linepath_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) One_nat_def h1 insert_commute is_polygon_cut_def is_polygon_split_def nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc numeral_3_eq_3 path_image_linepath polygon_split segment_convex_hull)
then have a_not_in1: "a ∉ path_image (linepath c d)"
using a_neq_c a_neq_d a_in_image by blast
have a_not_in2: "a ∉ path_image (linepath d b)"
using Int_closed_segment assms(5) by auto
have a_not_in3: "a ∉ path_image (linepath b c)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1) in_path_image_imp_collinear insert_commute pick_triangle)
then have "a ∉ path_image (linepath d b) ∪ path_image (linepath b c) ∪ path_image (linepath c d)"
using a_not_in1 a_not_in2 a_not_in3 by simp
then have "a ∈ integral_boundary p ∧ a ∉ integral_boundary (make_polygonal_path [d, b, c, d])"
using path_image_union using integral_boundary a_in_image all_integral_assump all_integral_def by auto
then have strict_subset: "integral_boundary (make_polygonal_path [d, b, c, d]) ⊂ integral_boundary p"
using path_image_union path_image_db path_image_bc path_image_cd
unfolding integral_boundary by auto
have "integral_inside (make_polygonal_path [d, b, c, d]) = {}"
using path_inside_inside assms unfolding integral_inside by auto
then show ?thesis using assms(2-3) strict_subset bounded_finite
using finite_path_inside finite_path_image
by (simp add: integral_boundary polygon_p psubset_card_mono)
have fewer_points_p1: " card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside (make_polygonal_path (d # [b] @ [c, d]))} +
card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image (make_polygonal_path (d # [b] @ [c, d]))}
< card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p} +
card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
using indh1_card1 indh1_card2 by linarith
have indh_1: "Sigma_Algebra.measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p1) = real ?I1 + real ?B1 / 2 - 1"
using assms fewer_points_p1 p1_triangle all_integral_assump dist_indh1 coll_indh1 all_integral_def
unfolding pick_holds pick_triangle integral_inside integral_boundary by simp
have dist_indh2: "distinct [a, d, c]"
using assms unfolding pick_triangle by auto
have coll_indh2: "¬ collinear {a, d, c}"
using assms pick_triangle
by (smt (verit) collinear_3_trans dist_indh2 distinct_length_2_or_more in_path_image_imp_collinear insert_commute)
have path_inside_inside: "path_inside (make_polygonal_path (a # [d] @ [c, a])) ⊆ path_inside p"
using polygon_split unfolding is_polygon_split_def
by (smt (z3) "*" One_nat_def Un_iff append_Cons append_Nil diff_Suc_1 drop0 drop_Suc_Cons nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc numeral_3_eq_3 path_inside_def subsetI take_Suc_Cons take_eq_Nil2)
then have indh2_card1: "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside (make_polygonal_path (a # [d] @ [c, a]))}≤ card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(4) integral_inside Collect_empty_eq card.empty le_zero_eq subsetD)
have indh2_card2: "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image (make_polygonal_path (a # [d] @ [c, a]))} < card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
have path_image_union: "path_image (make_polygonal_path (a # [d] @ [c, a])) = path_image (linepath a d) ∪ path_image (linepath d c) ∪ path_image (linepath c a)"
using path_image_cons_union p2_triangle make_triangle_def
by (metis Un_assoc append.left_neutral append_Cons list.discI make_polygonal_path.simps(3) nth_Cons_0)
have path_image_ad: "path_image (linepath a d) ⊆ path_image p"
by (metis ‹good_linepath c d [a, d, b, c, a] ∧ path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a]) = path_image p› inf_sup_absorb le_iff_inf list.discI nth_Cons_0 path_image_cons_union)
have path_image_ca: "path_image (linepath c a) ⊆ path_image p"
using assms(1) linepaths_subset_make_polygonal_path_image[of "[a, b, c, a]" 2] unfolding pick_triangle make_triangle_def
by simp
have path_image_cd1: "path_image (linepath d c) - {c, d} ⊆ path_inside p"
using polygon_split unfolding is_polygon_split_def
by (smt (z3) One_nat_def ‹good_linepath c d [a, d, b, c, a] ∧ path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a]) = path_image p› append_Cons append_Nil insert_commute nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc numeral_3_eq_3 path_image_linepath path_inside_def segment_convex_hull sup.cobounded2)
have path_image_cd2: "{c, d} ⊆ path_image p"
using linepaths_subset_make_polygonal_path_image assms(1) unfolding pick_triangle make_triangle_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹good_linepath c d [a, d, b, c, a] ∧ path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a]) = path_image p› good_linepath_def subset_trans vertices_on_path_image)
have "path_image (linepath d c) ⊆ path_image p ∪ path_inside p"
using path_image_cd1 path_image_cd2 by auto
moreover have "integral_inside p = {}" using assms by force
ultimately have path_image_cd: "integral_boundary (linepath d c) ⊆ integral_boundary p" unfolding integral_inside integral_boundary by blast
have b_neq_d: "b ≠ d"
using assms(5) by auto
have b_neq_c: "b ≠ c"
using assms(1) unfolding pick_triangle by simp
have b_in_image: "b ∈ path_image p"
using assms(1) unfolding pick_triangle make_triangle_def using vertices_on_path_image
by fastforce
have "path_image (linepath d c) ∩ path_image p = {d, c}"
using * unfolding good_linepath_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) One_nat_def h1 insert_commute is_polygon_cut_def is_polygon_split_def nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc numeral_3_eq_3 path_image_linepath polygon_split segment_convex_hull)
then have b_not_in1: "b ∉ path_image (linepath d c)"
using b_neq_c b_neq_d b_in_image by blast
have b_not_in2: "b ∉ path_image (linepath a d)"
using Int_closed_segment assms(5) by auto
have b_not_in3: "b ∉ path_image (linepath c a)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1) in_path_image_imp_collinear insert_commute pick_triangle)
then have "b ∉ path_image (linepath a d) ∪ path_image (linepath d c) ∪ path_image (linepath c a)"
using b_not_in1 b_not_in2 b_not_in3 by simp
then have "b ∈ integral_boundary p ∧ b ∉ integral_boundary (make_polygonal_path [a, d, c, a])"
using path_image_union using integral_boundary b_in_image all_integral_assump all_integral_def by auto
then have strict_subset: "integral_boundary (make_polygonal_path [a, d, c, a]) ⊂ integral_boundary p"
using path_image_union path_image_ad path_image_ca path_image_cd
unfolding integral_boundary by auto
have "integral_inside (make_polygonal_path [a, d, c, a]) = {}"
using path_inside_inside assms unfolding integral_inside by auto
then show ?thesis using assms(2-3) strict_subset bounded_finite
using finite_path_inside finite_path_image
by (simp add: integral_boundary polygon_p psubset_card_mono)
have fewer_points_p2: " card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside (make_polygonal_path ([a, d, c, a]))} +
card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image (make_polygonal_path ([a, d, c, a]))}
< card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p} +
card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
using indh2_card1 indh2_card2 by simp
have indh_2: "Sigma_Algebra.measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p2) = real ?I2 + real ?B2 / 2 - 1"
using fewer_points_p2 using assms fewer_points_p2 p2_triangle all_integral_assump dist_indh2 coll_indh2 all_integral_def
unfolding pick_holds pick_triangle integral_inside integral_boundary by simp
have "Sigma_Algebra.measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p1) = real ?I1 + real ?B1 / 2 - 1 ⟹
Sigma_Algebra.measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p2) = real ?I2 + real ?B2 / 2 - 1 ⟹
I = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a])} ⟹
B = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a])} ⟹
all_integral [a, d, b, c] ⟹
Sigma_Algebra.measure lebesgue (path_inside (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a])) =
real I + real B / 2 - 1"
using pick_split_union[OF polygon_split, of "[a]" "[b]" "[]" d c ?p'] by auto
then have "Sigma_Algebra.measure lebesgue (path_inside (make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a])) =
real I + real B / 2 - 1"
using I_is B_is all_integral_assump indh_1 indh_2 by auto
thus "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
using path_image_linepath_split[of 0 "[a, b, c, a]" d] by (metis path_inside_def *)
lemma pick_triangle_helper:
assumes "pick_triangle p a b c" and
"I = card (integral_inside p)" and
"B = card (integral_boundary p)" and
"integral_inside p = {}" and
"integral_vec d ∧ d ∉ {a, b, c}" and "d ∉ {a, b, c}" and
"d ∈ path_image (linepath a b)
∨ d ∈ path_image (linepath b c)
∨ d ∈ path_image (linepath c a)" and
ih: "⋀p' a' b' c'. (card (integral_inside p') + card (integral_boundary p') < I + B) ⟹ pick_triangle p' a' b' c' ⟹ pick_holds p'"
shows "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
{ assume "d ∈ path_image (linepath a b)"
then have ?thesis using pick_triangle_wlog_helper assms by blast
} moreover
{ assume *: "d ∈ path_image (linepath b c)"
let ?p' = "make_polygonal_path (rotate_polygon_vertices [a, b, c, a] 1)"
let ?I' = "card (integral_inside ?p')"
let ?B' = "card (integral_boundary ?p')"
have p'_p: "path_image ?p' = path_image p ∧ path_inside ?p' = path_inside p"
unfolding path_inside_def
using assms(1) make_triangle_def pick_triangle polygon_vts_arb_rotation triangle_is_polygon
by auto
have "rotate_polygon_vertices [a, b, c, a] 1 = [b, c, a, b]"
unfolding rotate_polygon_vertices_def by simp
then have pick_triangle_p': "pick_triangle ?p' b c a"
using assms unfolding pick_triangle
by (smt (verit, best) all_integral_def distinct_length_2_or_more insert_commute list.simps(15) make_triangle_def)
then have "measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p') = ?I' + ?B'/2 - 1"
using pick_triangle_wlog_helper[of ?p' b c a ?I' ?B' d] assms
using integral_boundary integral_inside * insert_commute pick_triangle_p' p'_p
by auto
moreover have "?I' = I ∧ ?B' = B" using p'_p integral_boundary integral_inside assms(2) assms(3) by presburger
ultimately have ?thesis using p'_p by auto
} moreover
{ assume *: "d ∈ path_image (linepath c a)"
let ?p' = "make_polygonal_path (rotate_polygon_vertices [a, b, c, a] 2)"
let ?I' = "card (integral_inside ?p')"
let ?B' = "card (integral_boundary ?p')"
have p'_p: "path_image ?p' = path_image p ∧ path_inside ?p' = path_inside p"
unfolding path_inside_def
using assms(1) make_triangle_def pick_triangle polygon_vts_arb_rotation triangle_is_polygon
by auto
have "rotate_polygon_vertices [a, b, c, a] 1 = [b, c, a, b]"
unfolding rotate_polygon_vertices_def by simp
also have "rotate_polygon_vertices ... 1 = [c, a, b, c]"
unfolding rotate_polygon_vertices_def by simp
ultimately have "rotate_polygon_vertices [a, b, c, a] 2 = [c, a, b, c]"
by (metis Suc_1 arb_rotation_as_single_rotation)
then have pick_triangle_p': "pick_triangle ?p' c a b"
using assms unfolding pick_triangle
by (smt (verit, best) all_integral_def distinct_length_2_or_more insert_commute list.simps(15) make_triangle_def)
then have "measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p') = ?I' + ?B'/2 - 1"
using pick_triangle_wlog_helper[of ?p' c a b ?I' ?B' d] assms
using integral_boundary integral_inside * insert_commute pick_triangle_p' p'_p
by auto
moreover have "?I' = I ∧ ?B' = B" using p'_p integral_boundary integral_inside assms(2) assms(3) by presburger
ultimately have ?thesis using p'_p by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using assms by blast
lemma triangle_3_split_helper:
fixes a b :: "'a::euclidean_space"
assumes "a ∈ frontier S"
assumes "b ∈ interior S"
assumes "convex S"
assumes "closed S"
shows "path_image (linepath a b) ∩ frontier S = {a}"
let ?L = "path_image (linepath a b)"
have "a ∈ S ∧ b ∈ S" using assms frontier_subset_closed interior_subset by auto
then have "?L ⊆ S"
using assms hull_minimal segment_convex_hull by (simp add: closed_segment_subset)
then have "?L ⊆ closure S" using assms(4) by auto
moreover have "convex ?L" by simp
moreover have "?L ∩ interior S ≠ {}" using assms(2) by auto
moreover then have "¬ ?L ⊆ rel_frontier S"
by (metis DiffE assms(2) interior_subset_rel_interior pathfinish_in_path_image pathfinish_linepath rel_frontier_def subsetD)
ultimately have "rel_interior ?L ⊆ rel_interior S"
using subset_rel_interior_convex[of ?L S] assms by fastforce
then have "open_segment a b ⊆ interior S"
by (metis all_not_in_conv assms(2) empty_subsetI open_segment_eq_empty' path_image_linepath rel_interior_closed_segment rel_interior_nonempty_interior)
moreover have "?L = closed_segment a b" by auto
moreover have "interior S ∩ frontier S = {}" by (simp add: frontier_def)
ultimately have "?L ∩ frontier S ⊆ {a, b}"
by (smt (verit) Diff_iff disjoint_iff inf_commute inf_le1 open_segment_def subsetD subsetI)
moreover have "b ∉ frontier S" by (simp add: assms(2) frontier_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using assms(1) by auto
lemma unit_triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_e1_e2:
assumes "p = make_triangle (vector [0, 0]) (vector [1, 0]) (vector [0, 1])"
(is "p = make_triangle ?O ?e1 ?e2")
assumes "z ∈ path_inside p"
shows "¬ collinear {?O, ?e1, z}"
have "path_inside p = interior (convex hull {?O, ?e1, ?e2})"
by (metis assms(1) bounded_convex_hull bounded_empty bounded_insert convex_convex_hull convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image2 inside_frontier_eq_interior path_inside_def triangle_convex_hull triangle_is_convex triangle_is_polygon unit_triangle_vts_not_collinear)
then have "z ∈ interior (convex hull {?O, ?e1, ?e2})" using assms by simp
then have z: "z$1 > 0 ∧ z$2 > 0"
using assms(1) assms(2) unit_triangle_interior_char make_triangle_def by blast
have abc: "?O$1 = 0 ∧ ?O$2 = 0 ∧ ?e1$2 = 0 ∧ ?e2$1 = 0" by simp
show "¬ collinear {?O, ?e1, z}"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ¬ collinear {?O, ?e1, z}"
then have *: "collinear {?O, ?e1, z}" by blast
then obtain u c1 c2 where u: "?O - ?e1 = c1 *⇩R u ∧ ?e1 - z = c2 *⇩R u"
unfolding collinear_def by blast
moreover have "c1 ≠ 0"
have "(?O - ?e1)$1 = -1" by simp
moreover have "(?O - ?e1)$1 = (c1 *⇩R u)$1" using u by presburger
ultimately show ?thesis by force
moreover have "(?O - ?e1)$2 = 0" by simp
moreover have "(?O - ?e1)$2 = (c1 *⇩R u)$2" by (simp add: calculation(1))
ultimately have "u$2 = 0" by auto
thus False
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) u abc scaleR_eq_0_iff vector_minus_component vector_scaleR_component z)
lemma triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices_wlog_helper:
assumes "p = make_triangle a b c"
assumes "polygon p"
assumes "z ∈ path_inside p"
shows "¬ collinear {a, b, z}"
let ?O = "(vector [0, 0])::(real^2)"
let ?e1 = "(vector [1, 0])::(real^2)"
let ?e2 = "(vector [0, 1])::(real^2)"
let ?M = "triangle_affine a b c"
have a: "?M ?O = a"
using triangle_affine_e1_e2 by blast
have b: "?M ?e1 = b" using triangle_affine_e1_e2 by simp
have c: "?M ?e2 = c" using triangle_affine_e1_e2 by simp
have abc_not_collinear: "¬ collinear {a, b, c}"
using assms polygon_vts_not_collinear unfolding make_triangle_def polygon_of_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) empty_set insertCI insert_absorb insert_commute list.simps(15))
have "convex hull {a, b, c} = convex hull {?M ?O, ?M ?e1, ?M ?e2}"
using a b c by simp
also have "... = ?M ` (convex hull {?O, ?e1, ?e2})"
using calculation triangle_affine_img by blast
also have interior_preserve: "interior ... = ?M ` (interior (convex hull {?O, ?e1, ?e2}))"
using triangle_affine_preserves_interior[of ?M a b c _ "convex hull {?O, ?e1, ?e2}"]
using abc_not_collinear
by presburger
finally have z: "z ∈ ?M ` (interior (convex hull {?O, ?e1, ?e2}))"
using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) make_triangle_def polygon_of_def triangle_inside_is_convex_hull_interior
by auto
then obtain z' where z': "z' ∈ interior (convex hull {?O, ?e1, ?e2}) ∧ ?M z' = z" by fast
then have "¬ collinear {?O, ?e1, z'}"
by (metis convex_convex_hull convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image2 finite.intros(1) finite_imp_bounded_convex_hull finite_insert inside_frontier_eq_interior path_inside_def triangle_convex_hull triangle_is_convex triangle_is_polygon unit_triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_e1_e2 unit_triangle_vts_not_collinear)
then have z'_notin: "z' ∉ affine hull {?O, ?e1}" using affine_hull_3_imp_collinear by blast
then have "?M z' ∉ affine hull {?M ?O, ?M ?e1}"
have "inj ?M" using triangle_affine_inj abc_not_collinear by blast
then have "?M z' ∉ ?M ` (affine hull {?O, ?e1})" using z'_notin by (simp add: inj_image_mem_iff)
moreover have "?M ` (affine hull {?O, ?e1}) = affine hull {?M ?O, ?M ?e1}"
using triangle_affine_preserves_affine_hull[of _ a b c] abc_not_collinear by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
then have "z ∉ affine hull {a, b}" using a b z' by argo
thus ?thesis
by (metis interior_preserve z affine_hull_convex_hull affine_hull_nonempty_interior collinear_2 collinear_3_affine_hull collinear_affine_hull_collinear empty_iff insert_absorb2 triangle_affine_img unit_triangle_vts_not_collinear z')
lemma triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices:
assumes "p = make_triangle a b c"
assumes "polygon p"
assumes "z ∈ path_inside p"
shows "¬ collinear {a, b, z} ∧ ¬ collinear {a, c, z} ∧ ¬ collinear {b, c, z}"
let ?p1 = "make_triangle b c a"
let ?p2 = "make_triangle c a b"
have p1: "?p1 = make_polygonal_path (rotate_polygon_vertices [a, b, c, a] 1)"
using assms unfolding make_triangle_def rotate_polygon_vertices_def by fastforce
have p2: "?p2 = make_polygonal_path (rotate_polygon_vertices [a, b, c, a] 2)"
using assms unfolding make_triangle_def rotate_polygon_vertices_def by (simp add: numeral_Bit0)
have "path_inside ?p1 = path_inside p ∧ path_inside ?p2 = path_inside p"
using p1 p2 unfolding path_inside_def
using assms(1) assms(2) make_triangle_def polygon_vts_arb_rotation by force
then have "z ∈ path_inside ?p1 ∧ z ∈ path_inside ?p2" using assms by force
moreover have "polygon ?p1 ∧ polygon ?p2"
using assms make_triangle_def p1 p2 rotation_is_polygon by presburger
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices_wlog_helper
by (smt (verit, best) insert_commute)
lemma triangle_3_split:
assumes "p = make_triangle a b c"
assumes "polygon p"
assumes "z ∈ path_inside p"
shows "is_polygon_split_path [a, b, c] 0 1 [z]"
"is_polygon_split [a, z, b, c] 1 3"
"a ∉ path_image (make_triangle z b c) ∪ path_inside (make_triangle z b c)"
"b ∉ path_image (make_triangle a z c) ∪ path_inside (make_triangle a z c)"
"c ∉ path_image (make_triangle a b z) ∪ path_inside (make_triangle a b z)"
let ?q = "make_polygonal_path [a, z, b, c, a]"
let ?cutpath = "make_polygonal_path [a, z, b]"
let ?vts = "[a, b, c, a]"
let ?l1 = "linepath a z"
let ?l2 = "linepath z b"
let ?S = "path_inside p ∪ path_image p"
have "convex (path_inside p)"
using triangle_is_convex assms(1,2) polygon_vts_not_collinear unfolding make_triangle_def
by (simp add: polygon_of_def triangle_inside_is_convex_hull_interior)
then have convex: "convex (path_inside p ∪ path_image p)"
using polygon_convex_iff assms(2) by simp
then have frontier: "frontier ?S = path_image p"
using convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image3 by (simp add: assms(2) sup_commute)
have interior: "interior ?S = path_inside p"
by (metis Jordan_inside_outside_real2 closed_path_def ‹convex (path_inside p)› assms(2) closure_Un_frontier convex_interior_closure interior_open path_inside_def polygon_def)
have not_collinear: "¬ collinear {a, b, z} ∧ ¬ collinear {a, c, z} ∧ ¬ collinear {b, c, z}"
using triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) by blast
have "a = pathstart ?cutpath ∧ b = pathfinish ?cutpath" by simp
moreover have "a ≠ b"
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) constant_linepath_is_not_loop_free make_polygonal_path.simps(4) make_triangle_def not_loop_free_first_component polygon_def simple_path_def)
moreover have "polygon p" by (simp add: assms(2))
moreover have "{a, b} ⊆ set ?vts" by force
moreover have "simple_path ?cutpath"
by (simp add: insert_commute not_collinear not_collinear_loopfree_path simple_path_def)
moreover have "path_image ?cutpath ∩ path_image p = {a, b}"
have "{a, b} ⊆ path_image ?cutpath ∩ path_image p"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_subset_iff Un_subset_iff assms(1) insert_is_Un list.simps(15) make_triangle_def vertices_on_path_image)
moreover have "path_image ?cutpath ∩ path_image p ⊆ {a, b}"
have "z ∈ interior ?S" using assms interior by fast
moreover then have "a ∈ frontier ?S ∧ b ∈ frontier ?S"
using vertices_on_path_image
using ‹{a, b} ⊆ path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, z, b]) ∩ path_image p› frontier by force
moreover have "closed ?S" using frontier frontier_subset_eq by auto
ultimately have "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image p = {a} ∧ path_image ?l2 ∩ path_image p = {b}"
using triangle_3_split_helper convex frontier
by (metis (no_types, lifting) insert_commute path_image_linepath segment_convex_hull)
moreover have "path_image ?cutpath = path_image ?l1 ∪ path_image ?l2"
by (metis list.discI make_polygonal_path.simps(3) nth_Cons_0 path_image_cons_union)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
moreover have "path_image ?cutpath ∩ path_inside p ≠ {}"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Int_Un_distrib2 Un_absorb2 Un_empty assms(3) insert_disjoint(2) list.simps(15) vertices_on_path_image)
ultimately have cutpath: "is_polygon_cut_path ?vts ?cutpath"
using assms unfolding make_triangle_def is_polygon_cut_path_def by simp
thus 1: "is_polygon_split_path [a, b, c] 0 1 [z]"
using polygon_cut_path_to_split_path assms(2) by (simp add: assms(1,2) make_triangle_def)
let ?l = "linepath z c"
let ?vts = "[a, z, b, c, a]"
have c_noton_cutpath: "c ∉ path_image ?cutpath"
by (smt (verit) UnE assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) in_path_image_imp_collinear insert_commute make_polygonal_path.simps(3) neq_Nil_conv nth_Cons_0 path_image_cons_union triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices)
have "z ≠ c"
have "c ∈ path_image p"
by (metis assms(1) insert_subset list.simps(15) make_triangle_def vertices_on_path_image)
moreover have "path_image p ∩ path_inside p = {}"
by (simp add: disjoint_iff inside_def path_inside_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using assms(3) by blast
moreover have polygon_q: "polygon ?q"
using 1 unfolding is_polygon_split_path_def
by (smt (z3) One_nat_def append_Cons append_Nil diff_self_eq_0 drop0 drop_append length_Cons length_drop length_greater_0_conv list.size(3) nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc take_0)
moreover have "{z, c} ⊆ set ?vts" by force
moreover have l_q_int: "path_image ?l ∩ path_image ?q = {z, c}"
have "{z, c} ⊆ path_image ?l ∩ path_image ?q"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_subset_iff calculation(3) dual_order.trans hull_subset path_image_linepath segment_convex_hull vertices_on_path_image)
{ fix x
assume *: "x ∈ path_image ?l ∩ path_image ?q ∧ x ≠ z ∧ x ≠ c"
then have "x ∈ path_image ?q" by blast
then have "x ∈ path_image (linepath a z)
∨ x ∈ path_image (linepath z b)
∨ x ∈ path_image (linepath b c)
∨ x ∈ path_image (linepath c a)"
by (metis UnE list.discI make_polygonal_path.simps(3) nth_Cons_0 path_image_cons_union)
{ assume "x ∈ path_image (linepath a z)"
then have "x ∈ path_image (linepath a z) ∧ x ∈ path_image (linepath z c)" using * by blast
moreover have "z ∈ path_image (linepath a z) ∧ z ∈ path_image (linepath z c)" by simp
moreover have "x ≠ z" using * by blast
ultimately have "collinear {a, z, c}"
by (smt (verit, best) collinear_3_trans in_path_image_imp_collinear insert_commute)
then have False using not_collinear by (simp add: insert_commute)
} moreover
{ assume "x ∈ path_image (linepath z b)"
then have "x ∈ path_image (linepath z b) ∧ x ∈ path_image (linepath z c)" using * by blast
moreover have "z ∈ path_image (linepath z b) ∧ z ∈ path_image (linepath z c)" by simp
moreover have "x ≠ z" using * by blast
ultimately have "collinear {z, b, c}"
by (smt (verit, best) collinear_3_trans in_path_image_imp_collinear insert_commute)
then have False using not_collinear by (simp add: insert_commute)
} moreover
{ assume "x ∈ path_image (linepath b c)"
then have "x ∈ path_image (linepath b c) ∧ x ∈ path_image (linepath z c)" using * by blast
moreover have "c ∈ path_image (linepath b c) ∧ z ∈ path_image (linepath z c)" by simp
moreover have "x ≠ c" using * by blast
ultimately have "collinear {b, z, c}"
by (smt (verit, best) collinear_3_trans in_path_image_imp_collinear insert_commute)
then have False using not_collinear by (simp add: insert_commute)
} moreover
{ assume "x ∈ path_image (linepath c a)"
then have "x ∈ path_image (linepath c a) ∧ x ∈ path_image (linepath z c)" using * by blast
moreover have "c ∈ path_image (linepath c a) ∧ z ∈ path_image (linepath z c)" by simp
moreover have "x ≠ c" using * by blast
ultimately have "collinear {a, z, c}"
by (smt (verit, best) collinear_3_trans in_path_image_imp_collinear insert_commute)
then have False using not_collinear by (simp add: insert_commute)
ultimately have False by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
moreover have "path_image ?l ∩ path_inside ?q ≠ {}"
proof(rule ccontr)
let ?p' = "make_triangle a b z"
assume "¬ path_image ?l ∩ path_inside ?q ≠ {}"
then have "path_image ?l ∩ path_inside ?q = {}" by blast
then have *: "rel_interior (path_image ?l) ∩ path_inside ?q = {}"
by (meson disjoint_iff rel_interior_subset subset_eq)
have "path_image ?l ⊆ path_image p ∪ path_inside p"
by (metis UnCI assms(1) assms(3) empty_subsetI hull_minimal insert_subset list.simps(15) local.convex make_triangle_def path_image_linepath segment_convex_hull sup_commute vertices_on_path_image)
then have "path_image ?l ⊆ convex hull {a, b, c}"
by (smt (verit, best) assms(1) convex_polygon_is_convex_hull cutpath empty_set insertCI insert_absorb insert_commute is_polygon_cut_path_def list.simps(15) local.convex make_triangle_def sup_commute)
then have "rel_interior (path_image ?l) ⊆ interior (convex hull {a, b, c})"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Diff_disjoint IntE IntI Un_upper1 assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) calculation(4) closure_Un_frontier convex_polygon_is_convex_hull convex_segment(1) dual_order.trans empty_iff empty_set insertCI insert_absorb2 insert_commute interior list.simps(15) local.convex make_triangle_def path_image_linepath rel_frontier_def rel_interior_nonempty_interior subsetD subset_rel_interior_convex)
then have rel_interior: "rel_interior (path_image ?l) ⊆ path_inside p"
by (smt (verit, best) assms(1) convex_polygon_is_convex_hull cutpath empty_set insertCI insert_absorb insert_commute interior is_polygon_cut_path_def list.simps(15) local.convex make_triangle_def)
have "(let vts1 = []; vts2 = [];
vts3 = [c]; x = a; y = b;
cutpath = ?cutpath; p = make_polygonal_path ([a, b, c] @ [[a, b, c] ! 0]);
p1 = make_polygonal_path (x # vts2 @ [y] @ rev [z] @ [x]);
p2 = make_polygonal_path (vts1 @ ([x] @ [z] @ [y]) @ vts3 @ [[a, b, c] ! 0]);
c1 = make_polygonal_path (x # vts2 @ [y]); c2 = make_polygonal_path (vts1 @ ([x] @ [z] @ [y]) @ vts3)
in is_polygon_cut_path ([a, b, c] @ [[a, b, c] ! 0]) ?cutpath ∧
polygon p ∧
polygon p1 ∧
polygon p2 ∧
path_inside p1 ∩ path_inside p2 = {} ∧
path_inside p1 ∪ path_inside p2 ∪ (path_image cutpath - {x, y}) = path_inside p ∧
(path_image p1 - path_image cutpath) ∩ (path_image p2 - path_image ?cutpath) = {} ∧
path_image p = path_image p1 - path_image ?cutpath ∪ (path_image p2 - path_image ?cutpath) ∪ {x, y})"
using 1 unfolding is_polygon_split_path_def by fastforce
then have "(let
p = make_polygonal_path ([a, b, c] @ [[a, b, c] ! 0]);
p1 = make_polygonal_path (a # [] @ [b] @ rev [z] @ [a]);
p2 = make_polygonal_path ([] @ ([a] @ [z] @ [b]) @ [c] @ [[a, b, c] ! 0])
in path_inside p1 ∪ path_inside p2 ∪ (path_image ?cutpath - {a, b}) = path_inside p
∧ (path_image p1 - path_image ?cutpath) ∩ (path_image p2 - path_image ?cutpath) = {})"
by meson
moreover have "?q = make_polygonal_path ([] @ ([a] @ [z] @ [b]) @ [c] @ [[a, b, c] ! 0])"
by simp
moreover have "?p' = make_polygonal_path (a # [] @ [b] @ rev [z] @ [a])"
unfolding make_triangle_def by simp
moreover have "p = make_polygonal_path ([a, b, c] @ [[a, b, c] ! 0])"
unfolding assms make_triangle_def by auto
ultimately have path_inside_p: "path_inside ?p'
∪ path_inside ?q
∪ (path_image ?cutpath - {a, b}) = path_inside p
∧ (path_image ?p' - path_image ?cutpath) ∩ (path_image ?q - path_image ?cutpath) = {}"
using 1 unfolding make_triangle_def is_polygon_split_path_def by metis
moreover have "a ∈ path_image ?cutpath ∧ a ∉ path_inside ?p' ∪ path_inside ?q"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) UnI1 ‹a = pathstart (make_polygonal_path [a, z, b]) ∧ b = pathfinish (make_polygonal_path [a, z, b])› assms(1) assms(2) collinear_2 insert_absorb2 insert_commute path_inside_p pathstart_in_path_image triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices_wlog_helper)
moreover have "b ∈ path_image ?cutpath ∧ b ∉ path_inside ?p' ∪ path_inside ?q"
by (metis UnI1 ‹a = pathstart (make_polygonal_path [a, z, b]) ∧ b = pathfinish (make_polygonal_path [a, z, b])› assms(1) assms(2) collinear_2 insert_absorb2 path_inside_p pathfinish_in_path_image triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices_wlog_helper)
ultimately have "rel_interior (path_image ?l) ⊆
(path_inside ?p' - path_image ?cutpath)
∪ (path_image ?cutpath - {a, b})"
using rel_interior * by blast
then have "rel_interior (path_image ?l) ⊆ path_inside ?p' ∪ path_image ?cutpath" by blast
moreover have "path_image ?cutpath ⊆ path_image ?p'"
have "path_image ?cutpath = path_image (linepath a z) ∪ path_image (linepath z b)"
by (metis list.discI make_polygonal_path.simps(3) nth_Cons_0 path_image_cons_union)
moreover have "path_image (linepath a z) = path_image (linepath z a)
∧ path_image (linepath z b) = path_image (linepath b z)"
by (simp add: insert_commute)
moreover have "path_image (linepath z a) ⊆ path_image ?p'
∧ path_image (linepath b z) ⊆ path_image ?p'"
unfolding make_triangle_def
by (metis Un_commute Un_upper2 list.discI nth_Cons_0 path_image_cons_union sup.coboundedI2)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately have "rel_interior (path_image ?l) ⊆ path_inside ?p' ∪ path_image ?p'" by fast
then have "rel_interior (path_image ?l) ⊆ convex hull {a, z, b}"
unfolding make_triangle_def
by (simp add: insert_commute make_triangle_def not_collinear sup_commute triangle_convex_hull)
then have "closure (rel_interior (path_image ?l)) ⊆ closure (convex hull {a, z, b})"
using closure_mono by blast
then have "path_image ?l ⊆ convex hull {a, z, b}" by (simp add: convex_closure_rel_interior)
then have c: "c ∈ path_image ?p' ∪ path_inside ?p'"
unfolding make_triangle_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntE insertCI insert_commute l_q_int make_triangle_def not_collinear subsetD triangle_convex_hull)
moreover have "c ∉ path_image ?p'"
have "c ∈ path_image ?q - path_image ?cutpath" using c_noton_cutpath l_q_int by auto
moreover have "(path_image ?p' - path_image ?cutpath) ∩ (path_image ?q - path_image ?cutpath) = {}"
using path_inside_p by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
moreover have "c ∉ path_inside ?p'"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) DiffI IntD1 UnI1 UnI2 ‹path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, z, b]) ∩ path_image p = {a, b}› ‹path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, z, b]) ⊆ path_image (make_triangle a b z)› assms(1) assms(2) calculation(2) collinear_2 in_mono insert_absorb2 path_inside_p triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices)
ultimately show False by blast
ultimately have cutpath: "is_polygon_cut ?vts z c"
using assms unfolding make_triangle_def is_polygon_cut_def by blast
thus 2: "is_polygon_split [a, z, b, c] 1 3"
using polygon_cut_to_split
by (metis One_nat_def append_Cons append_Nil diff_Suc_1 length_Cons length_greater_0_conv lessI list.discI list.size(3) nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc numeral_3_eq_3 polygon_cut_to_split zero_less_diff)
let ?p1 = "make_triangle a z c"
let ?p2 = "make_triangle z b c"
let ?p3 = "make_triangle a b z"
have "(path_image ?p1 - path_image (linepath z c)) ∩ (path_image ?p2 - path_image (linepath z c)) = {}"
using 2 unfolding make_triangle_def is_polygon_split_def
by (smt (z3) Int_commute One_nat_def Suc_1 append_Cons append_Nil diff_numeral_Suc diff_zero drop0 drop_Suc_Cons nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc nth_Cons_numeral pred_numeral_simps(3) take0 take_Cons_numeral take_Suc_Cons)
moreover have "a ∉ path_image (linepath z c) ∧ b ∉ path_image (linepath z c)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) in_path_image_imp_collinear insert_commute triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices)
moreover have "a ∈ path_image ?p1 ∧ b ∈ path_image ?p2"
by (metis insert_subset list.simps(15) make_triangle_def vertices_on_path_image)
ultimately have "a ∉ path_image ?p2 ∧ b ∉ path_image ?p1" by auto
moreover have "a ∉ path_inside ?p2 ∧ b ∉ path_inside ?p1"
have "a ∉ path_inside p"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) collinear_2 insertCI insert_absorb triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices)
moreover have "b ∉ path_inside p"
using assms(1) assms(2) triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices_wlog_helper by fastforce
moreover have "path_inside ?p2 ⊆ path_inside ?q"
using 2 unfolding is_polygon_split_def
by (smt (z3) One_nat_def UnCI append_Cons diff_Suc_1 drop0 drop_Suc_Cons make_triangle_def nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc numeral_3_eq_3 self_append_conv2 subsetI take0 take_Suc_Cons)
moreover have "path_inside ?p1 ⊆ path_inside ?q"
using 2 unfolding is_polygon_split_def
by (smt (z3) One_nat_def Un_assoc append_Cons diff_Suc_1 drop0 drop_Suc_Cons inf_sup_absorb le_iff_inf make_triangle_def nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc numeral_3_eq_3 self_append_conv2 sup_commute take0 take_Suc_Cons)
moreover have "path_inside ?q ⊆ path_inside p"
using 1 unfolding is_polygon_split_path_def
by (smt (z3) One_nat_def Un_subset_iff Un_upper1 append_Cons append_Nil assms(1) diff_zero drop0 drop_Suc_Cons make_triangle_def nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc take0)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
moreover show "a ∉ path_image ?p2 ∪ path_inside ?p2" using calculation by simp
ultimately show "b ∉ path_image ?p1 ∪ path_inside ?p1" by simp
have "(path_image ?p3 - path_image ?cutpath) ∩ (path_image ?q - path_image ?cutpath) = {}"
using 1 unfolding make_triangle_def is_polygon_split_path_def
by (smt (z3) One_nat_def append_Cons append_Nil diff_self_eq_0 diff_zero drop0 drop_Suc_Cons nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc rev_singleton_conv take_0)
moreover have "c ∈ path_image ?q" using l_q_int by auto
ultimately have "c ∉ path_image ?p3" using c_noton_cutpath by blast
moreover have "c ∉ path_inside ?p3"
have "c ∉ path_inside p"
using assms(1) assms(2) triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices by fastforce
moreover have "path_inside ?p3 ⊆ path_inside p"
using 1 unfolding is_polygon_split_path_def
by (smt (z3) One_nat_def Un_assoc Un_upper1 append_Cons append_Nil assms(1) diff_Suc_Suc diff_zero make_triangle_def nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc rev_singleton_conv take0)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately show "c ∉ path_image ?p3 ∪ path_inside ?p3" by blast
lemma smaller_triangle:
assumes "¬ collinear {a, b, c} ∧ ¬ collinear {a', b', c'}"
assumes "p = make_triangle a b c"
assumes "p' = make_triangle a' b' c'"
assumes "path_inside p ⊆ path_inside p'"
assumes "∃d. integral_vec d ∧ d ∈ path_image p' ∪ path_inside p' ∧ d ∉ path_image p ∪ path_inside p"
shows "card (integral_inside p) + card (integral_boundary p) < card (integral_inside p') + card (integral_boundary p')"
have "simple_path p" using assms unfolding make_triangle_def
using assms(2) polygon_def triangle_is_polygon by presburger
then have finite_p: "finite (integral_inside p) ∧ finite (integral_boundary p)" using assms unfolding make_triangle_def
using integral_boundary integral_inside finite_integral_points_path_image finite_integral_points_path_inside by metis
have "simple_path p'" using assms unfolding make_triangle_def
using assms(3) polygon_def triangle_is_polygon by presburger
then have finite_p': "finite (integral_inside p') ∧ finite (integral_boundary p')" using assms unfolding make_triangle_def
using integral_boundary integral_inside finite_integral_points_path_image finite_integral_points_path_inside by metis
have "polygon p" using assms(1,2) triangle_is_polygon by blast
then have 1: "(integral_inside p) ∩ (integral_boundary p) = {}"
unfolding integral_inside integral_boundary using inside_outside_polygon unfolding inside_outside_def by blast
have "polygon p'" using assms(1,3) triangle_is_polygon by blast
then have 2: "(integral_inside p') ∩ (integral_boundary p') = {}"
unfolding integral_inside integral_boundary using inside_outside_polygon unfolding inside_outside_def by blast
have path_image_subset: "path_image p ⊆ path_image p' ∪ path_inside p'"
have p_frontier: "path_image p = frontier (convex hull {a, b, c})"
by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image2 triangle_convex_hull triangle_is_convex triangle_is_polygon)
have p'_frontier: "path_image p' = frontier (convex hull {a', b', c'})"
by (simp add: assms(1) assms(3) convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image2 triangle_convex_hull triangle_is_convex triangle_is_polygon)
have p_interior: "path_inside p = interior (convex hull {a, b, c})"
by (simp add: bounded_convex_hull p_frontier inside_frontier_eq_interior path_inside_def)
have p'_interior: "path_inside p' = interior (convex hull {a', b', c'})"
by (simp add: bounded_convex_hull p'_frontier inside_frontier_eq_interior path_inside_def)
have "interior (convex hull {a, b, c}) ⊆ interior (convex hull {a', b', c'})"
using assms p_interior p'_interior by argo
moreover have "compact (convex hull {a, b, c}) ∧ compact (convex hull {a', b', c'})"
by (simp add: compact_convex_hull)
ultimately have "frontier (convex hull {a, b, c})
⊆ interior (convex hull {a', b', c'}) ∪ frontier (convex hull {a', b', c'})"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Jordan_inside_outside_real2 closed_path_def ‹polygon p'› ‹polygon p› assms(1) assms(2) closure_Un closure_Un_frontier closure_convex_hull finite.emptyI finite_imp_compact finite_insert p'_frontier p'_interior p_interior path_inside_def polygon_def subset_trans sup.absorb_iff1 sup_commute triangle_convex_hull)
then show ?thesis using p'_frontier p'_interior p_frontier by blast
have "card ((integral_inside p) ∪ (integral_boundary p)) = card (integral_inside p) + card (integral_boundary p)"
using 1 finite_p by (simp add: card_Un_disjoint)
moreover have "card ((integral_inside p') ∪ (integral_boundary p')) = card (integral_inside p') + card (integral_boundary p')"
using 2 finite_p' by (simp add: card_Un_disjoint)
moreover have "(integral_inside p) ∪ (integral_boundary p) ⊆ (integral_inside p') ∪ (integral_boundary p')"
using assms path_image_subset unfolding integral_inside integral_boundary by blast
moreover then have "(integral_inside p) ∪ (integral_boundary p) ⊂ (integral_inside p') ∪ (integral_boundary p')" using assms unfolding integral_inside integral_boundary by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by (metis finite_Un finite_p' psubset_card_mono)
lemma pick_elem_triangle:
fixes p :: "R_to_R2"
assumes p_triangle: "p = make_triangle a b c"
assumes elem_triangle: "elem_triangle a b c"
assumes "I = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}" and
"B = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
shows "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
proof -
have polygon_p: "polygon p"
using p_triangle triangle_is_polygon elem_triangle
unfolding elem_triangle_def by auto
then have "path_inside p ∩ path_image p = {}"
using inside_outside_polygon[of p] unfolding inside_outside_def
by auto
let ?p = "polygon (make_polygonal_path [a, b, c, a])"
have a_neq_b:"a ≠ b"
using elem_triangle unfolding elem_triangle_def
by auto
have b_neq_c: "b ≠ c"
using elem_triangle unfolding elem_triangle_def
by auto
have a_neq_c: "c ≠ a"
using elem_triangle unfolding elem_triangle_def
using collinear_3_eq_affine_dependent by blast
have "path_image p ⊆ convex hull {a, b, c}"
using triangle_path_image_subset_convex p_triangle by auto
then have
"{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p} ⊆ {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ convex hull {a, b, c}}"
by auto
also have "... = {a, b, c}"
using elem_triangle unfolding elem_triangle_def by auto
finally have "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p} ⊆ {a, b, c}" .
moreover have "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p} ⊇ {a, b, c}"
by (smt (verit) Collect_mono_iff make_triangle_def ‹{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ convex hull {a, b, c}} = {a, b, c}› empty_set insert_subset list.simps(15) mem_Collect_eq p_triangle subsetD vertices_on_path_image)
ultimately have "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p} = {a, b, c}" by auto
then have card_2: "B = 3"
using a_neq_b b_neq_c a_neq_c assms(4)
by simp
have "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p} = {}"
have "path_inside p ⊆ convex hull {a, b, c}"
by (smt (verit, best) Diff_insert_absorb make_triangle_def convex_polygon_inside_is_convex_hull_interior empty_iff empty_set insert_Diff_single insert_commute interior_subset list.simps(15) p_triangle polygon_p elem_triangle elem_triangle_def triangle_is_convex)
then have
"{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p} ⊆ {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ convex hull {a, b, c}}"
by auto
also have "... = {a, b, c}"
using ‹{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ convex hull {a, b, c}} = {a, b, c}› by auto
finally have "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p} ⊆ {a, b, c}" .
moreover have
"{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p} ∩ {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p} = {}"
using ‹path_inside p ∩ path_image p = {}› by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using ‹{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p} = {a, b, c}› by auto
then have card_1: "I = 0"
using assms(3)
by (metis card.empty)
have "I + B/2 - 1 = 1/2"
using card_1 card_2 assms
by auto
then show ?thesis
using elem_triangle_area_is_half[OF assms(2)] triangle_measure_convex_hull_measure_path_inside_same[OF assms(1) assms(2)]
by auto
lemma pick_triangle_lemma:
fixes p :: "R_to_R2"
assumes "p = make_triangle a b c" and "all_integral [a, b, c]" and "distinct [a, b, c]" and "¬ collinear {a, b, c}"
"I = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}" and
"B = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
shows "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
using assms
proof(induction "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p} + card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}" arbitrary: p a b c I B rule:less_induct)
case less
have polygon_p: "polygon p" using triangle_is_polygon[OF less.prems(4)] less.prems(1) by simp
then have polygon_of: "polygon_of p [a, b, c, a]"
unfolding polygon_of_def using less.prems(1) unfolding make_triangle_def by auto
have convex_hull_char: "convex hull {a, b, c} = path_inside p ∪ path_image p"
using triangle_convex_hull[OF less.prems(1) less.prems(4)] by auto
then have interior_convex_hull: "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p} ∪ {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p} = {x ∈ convex hull {a, b, c}. integral_vec x}"
by auto
have vts_in_path_image: "a ∈ path_image p ∧ b ∈ path_image p ∧ c ∈ path_image p"
using assms(1) unfolding make_triangle_def using vertices_on_path_image
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) insertCI less.prems(1) list.simps(15) make_triangle_def subset_code(1))
have integral_vts: "integral_vec a ∧ integral_vec b ∧ integral_vec c"
using less.prems(2)
by (simp add: all_integral_def)
then have subset: "{a, b, c} ⊆ {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
using vts_in_path_image integral_vts by simp
have finite_integral_on_path_im: "finite {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
using finite_integral_points_path_image triangle_is_polygon[OF less.prems(4)]
unfolding make_triangle_def polygon_def
using less.prems(1) make_triangle_def by auto
have B_3_if: "B > 3" if other_point_in_set: "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p} ≠ {a, b, c}"
proof -
have "∃d. d ∉ {a, b, c} ∧ d ∈ {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
using other_point_in_set subset
by blast
then obtain d where d_prop: "d ∉ {a, b, c} ∧ d ∈ {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
by auto
then have subset2: "{a, b, c, d} ⊆{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
using d_prop subset by auto
have "distinct [a, b, c, d]"
using d_prop
using less.prems(3) by auto
then have card_is: "card {a, b, c, d} = 4"
by simp
show ?thesis using subset2 card_is finite_integral_on_path_im
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Suc_le_eq card_mono eval_nat_numeral(2) less.prems(6) semiring_norm(26) semiring_norm(27))
{ assume *: "I = 0"
have "finite {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
using finite_integral_points_path_inside triangle_is_polygon[OF less.prems(4)]
unfolding make_triangle_def
by (simp add: less.prems(1) make_triangle_def polygon_def)
then have empty_inside: "{x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p} = {}"
using * less.prems(5) by auto
{ assume **: "B = 3"
have "{x ∈ convex hull {a, b, c}. integral_vec x} = {a, b, c}"
using * ** less.prems(5-6) B_3_if interior_convex_hull empty_inside
by blast
then have "elem_triangle a b c"
unfolding elem_triangle_def using less.prems(4) integral_vts by simp
then have "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
using pick_elem_triangle less.prems by auto
{ assume *: "B > 3"
then obtain d where d: "integral_vec d ∧ d ∈ path_image p ∧ d ∉ {a, b, c}"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) subset finite_integral_on_path_im less.prems(3) card_3_iff collinear_3_eq_affine_dependent less.prems(4) less.prems(6) less_not_refl mem_Collect_eq subsetI subset_antisym)
have "path_image (make_polygonal_path [a, b, c, a]) = path_image (linepath a b) ∪ path_image (linepath b c) ∪ path_image (linepath c a)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) list.discI make_polygonal_path.simps(3) nth_Cons_0 path_image_cons_union sup_assoc)
then have "d ∈ path_image (linepath a b)
∨ d ∈ path_image (linepath b c)
∨ d ∈ path_image (linepath c a)"
using d less.prems(1) unfolding make_triangle_def polygon_of_def
by blast
then have "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
using pick_triangle_helper less.prems less.hyps empty_inside d
unfolding pick_holds pick_triangle integral_inside integral_boundary
apply simp by blast
ultimately have "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
using B_3_if
by (metis (no_types, lifting) card.empty card_insert_disjoint collinear_2 finite.emptyI finite.insertI insert_absorb less.prems(4) less.prems(6) numeral_3_eq_3)
{ assume *: "I > 0"
then obtain d where d_inside: "integral_vec d ∧ d ∈ path_inside p"
using less.prems(5)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Collect_empty_eq add_0 canonically_ordered_monoid_add_class.lessE card_0_eq card_ge_0_finite)
have "a ∈ path_image p"
using vertices_on_path_image polygon_of unfolding polygon_of_def by fastforce
then have a_inset: "a ∈ path_inside p ∪ path_image p"
by fastforce
have convex_hull_set: "convex hull set [a, b, c, a] = path_inside p ∪ path_image p"
using convex_hull_char
by (simp add: insert_commute)
then have ad_linepath_inside: "path_image (linepath a d) ⊆ path_inside p ∪ path_image p"
using d_inside convex_polygon_means_linepaths_inside[OF polygon_of convex_hull_set a_inset]
by blast
have "b ∈ path_image p"
using vertices_on_path_image polygon_of unfolding polygon_of_def by fastforce
then have b_inset: "b ∈ path_inside p ∪ path_image p"
by fastforce
have bd_linepath_inside: "path_image (linepath b d) ⊆ path_inside p ∪ path_image p"
using d_inside convex_polygon_means_linepaths_inside[OF polygon_of convex_hull_set b_inset]
by blast
have "c ∈ path_image p"
using vertices_on_path_image polygon_of unfolding polygon_of_def by fastforce
then have c_inset: "c ∈ path_inside p ∪ path_image p"
by fastforce
then have cd_linepath_inside: "path_image (linepath c d) ⊆ path_inside p ∪ path_image p"
using d_inside convex_hull_char convex_polygon_means_linepaths_inside[OF polygon_of convex_hull_set c_inset]
by blast
let ?p1 = "make_triangle a d c"
let ?p2 = "make_triangle d b c"
let ?p3 = "make_triangle a b d"
have triangle_split:
"is_polygon_split_path [a, b, c] 0 1 [d]"
"is_polygon_split [a, d, b, c] 1 3"
"a ∉ path_image ?p2 ∪ path_inside ?p2"
"b ∉ path_image ?p1 ∪ path_inside ?p1"
"c ∉ path_image ?p3 ∪ path_inside ?p3"
using triangle_3_split[of p a b c d] less.prems d_inside polygon_p apply fastforce
using triangle_3_split[of p a b c d] less.prems d_inside polygon_p apply fastforce
using triangle_3_split[of p a b c d] less.prems d_inside polygon_p apply fastforce
using triangle_3_split[of p a b c d] less.prems d_inside polygon_p apply fastforce
using triangle_3_split[of p a b c d] less.prems d_inside polygon_p by fastforce
let ?q = "make_polygonal_path [a, d, b, c, a]"
let ?I1 = "card (integral_inside ?p1)"
let ?B1 = "card (integral_boundary ?p1)"
let ?I2 = "card (integral_inside ?p2)"
let ?B2 = "card (integral_boundary ?p2)"
let ?I3 = "card (integral_inside ?p3)"
let ?B3 = "card (integral_boundary ?p3)"
let ?Iq = "card (integral_inside ?q)"
let ?Bq = "card (integral_boundary ?q)"
have "measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p1) = ?I1 + ?B1/2 - 1"
have "path_inside ?p1 ⊆ path_inside ?q"
using triangle_split(2) unfolding is_polygon_split_def
by (smt (z3) One_nat_def Un_assoc Un_upper1 append_Cons append_Nil diff_Suc_Suc diff_zero drop0 drop_Suc_Cons make_triangle_def nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc numeral_3_eq_3 sup_commute take0 take_Suc_Cons)
moreover have "path_inside ?q ⊆ path_inside p"
using triangle_split(1) unfolding is_polygon_split_path_def
by (smt (z3) One_nat_def Un_assoc Un_subset_iff append_Cons append_Nil diff_zero drop0 drop_Suc_Cons less.prems(1) make_triangle_def nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc sup.cobounded2 take0)
ultimately have "path_inside ?p1 ⊆ path_inside p" by blast
moreover have "¬ collinear {a, d, c}"
by (metis d_inside insert_commute less.prems(1) polygon_p triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices)
moreover have "¬ collinear {a, b, c}" by (simp add: less.prems(4))
moreover have "integral_vec b"
using integral_vts by blast
moreover have "b ∈ path_image p"
using vts_in_path_image by auto
ultimately have "card (integral_inside ?p1) + card (integral_boundary ?p1) < card (integral_inside p) + card (integral_boundary p)"
using smaller_triangle[of a d c a b c ?p1 p] triangle_split(4) less.prems(1) less_imp_le_nat
by blast
thus ?thesis
using less.hyps[of ?p1 a d c] unfolding integral_inside integral_boundary
using ‹¬ collinear {a, d, c}› all_integral_def d_inside integral_vts less.prems(1) less.prems(3) triangle_split(3) triangle_split(5)
by fastforce
moreover have "measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p2) = ?I2 + ?B2/2 - 1"
have "path_inside ?p2 ⊆ path_inside ?q"
using triangle_split(2) unfolding is_polygon_split_def
by (smt (z3) One_nat_def Un_assoc Un_upper1 append_Cons append_Nil diff_Suc_Suc diff_zero drop0 drop_Suc_Cons make_triangle_def nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc numeral_3_eq_3 sup_commute take0 take_Suc_Cons)
moreover have "path_inside ?q ⊆ path_inside p"
using triangle_split(1) unfolding is_polygon_split_path_def
by (smt (z3) One_nat_def Un_assoc Un_subset_iff append_Cons append_Nil diff_zero drop0 drop_Suc_Cons less.prems(1) make_triangle_def nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc sup.cobounded2 take0)
ultimately have "path_inside ?p2 ⊆ path_inside p" by blast
moreover have "¬ collinear {d, b, c}"
by (metis d_inside insert_commute less.prems(1) polygon_p triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices)
moreover have "¬ collinear {a, b, c}" by (simp add: less.prems(4))
moreover have "integral_vec a"
using integral_vts by blast
moreover have "a ∈ path_image p"
using vts_in_path_image by auto
ultimately have "card (integral_inside ?p2) + card (integral_boundary ?p2) < card (integral_inside p) + card (integral_boundary p)"
using smaller_triangle[of d b c a b c ?p2 p] triangle_split(3) less.prems(1) less_imp_le_nat
by blast
thus ?thesis
using less.hyps[of ?p2 d b c] unfolding integral_inside integral_boundary
using ‹¬ collinear {d, b, c}› all_integral_def d_inside integral_vts less.prems(1) less.prems(3) triangle_split(3) triangle_split(5)
by fastforce
moreover have "measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p3) = ?I3 + ?B3/2 - 1"
have "path_inside ?p3 ⊆ path_inside p"
using triangle_split(1) unfolding is_polygon_split_path_def
by (smt (z3) One_nat_def Un_assoc Un_upper1 append_Cons append_Nil diff_Suc_Suc diff_zero less.prems(1) make_triangle_def nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc rev_singleton_conv take0)
moreover have "¬ collinear {a, b, d}"
by (metis d_inside less.prems(1) polygon_p triangle_interior_point_not_collinear_vertices)
moreover have "¬ collinear {a, b, c}" by (simp add: less.prems(4))
moreover have "integral_vec c"
using integral_vts by blast
moreover have "c ∈ path_image p"
using vts_in_path_image by auto
ultimately have "card (integral_inside ?p3) + card (integral_boundary ?p3) < card (integral_inside p) + card (integral_boundary p)"
using smaller_triangle[of a b d a b c ?p3 p] triangle_split(5) less.prems(1) less_imp_le_nat
by blast
thus ?thesis
using less.hyps[of ?p3 a b d] unfolding integral_inside integral_boundary
using ‹¬ collinear {a, b, d}› all_integral_def d_inside integral_vts less.prems(1) less.prems(3) triangle_split(3) triangle_split(5)
by fastforce
moreover have "measure lebesgue (path_inside ?q) = ?Iq + ?Bq/2 - 1"
using pick_split_union[OF triangle_split(2),
of "[a]" "[b]" "[]" d c ?q ?p2 ?p1 ?I2 ?B2 ?I1 ?B1 ?Iq ?Bq]
using calculation
unfolding integral_inside integral_boundary make_triangle_def
using all_integral_def d_inside less.prems(2) by force
ultimately have ?case
using pick_split_path_union[OF triangle_split(1),
of "[]" "[]" "[c]" a b "make_polygonal_path (a # [d] @ [b])" p ?p3 ?q ?I3 ?B3 ?Iq ?Bq I B]
unfolding integral_inside integral_boundary make_triangle_def less.prems
using less.prems(2) by force
ultimately show ?case by blast
subsection "Pocket properties"
definition index_not_in_set :: "(real^2) list ⇒ (real^2) set ⇒ nat ⇒ bool"
where "index_not_in_set vts A i ⟷ i ∈ {i. i < length vts ∧ vts ! i ∉ A}"
definition min_index_not_in_set:: "(real^2) list ⇒ (real^2) set ⇒ nat"
where "min_index_not_in_set vts A = (LEAST i. index_not_in_set vts A i)"
definition nonzero_index_in_set :: "(real^2) list ⇒ (real^2) set ⇒ nat ⇒ bool" where
"nonzero_index_in_set vts A i ⟷ i ∈ {i. 0 < i ∧ i < length vts ∧ vts ! i ∈ A}"
definition min_nonzero_index_in_set :: "(real^2) list ⇒ (real^2) set ⇒ nat" where
"min_nonzero_index_in_set vts A = (LEAST i. nonzero_index_in_set vts A i)"
definition construct_pocket_0 :: "(real^2) list ⇒ (real^2) set ⇒ (real^2) list" where
"construct_pocket_0 vts A = take ((min_nonzero_index_in_set vts A) + 1) vts"
definition is_pocket_0 :: "(real^2) list ⇒ (real^2) list ⇒ bool" where
"is_pocket_0 vts vts' ⟷
polygon (make_polygonal_path vts)
∧ (∃i. vts' = take i vts)
∧ 3 ≤ length vts' ∧ length vts' < length vts
∧ hd vts' ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts)) ∧ last vts' ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts))
∧ set (tl (butlast vts')) ⊆ interior (convex hull (set vts))"
definition fill_pocket_0 :: "(real^2) list ⇒ nat ⇒ (real^2) list" where
"fill_pocket_0 vts i = (hd vts) # (drop (i-1) vts)"
lemma min_nonzero_index_in_set_exists:
assumes "set (tl vts) ∩ A ≠ {}"
shows "∃i. nonzero_index_in_set vts A i"
obtain v where v: "v ∈ A ∩ set (tl vts)" using assms by blast
then obtain i where "(tl vts)!i = v ∧ i < length (tl vts)" by (meson IntD2 in_set_conv_nth)
then obtain j where "vts!j = v ∧ 0 < j ∧ j < length vts" using nth_tl by fastforce
thus ?thesis unfolding nonzero_index_in_set_def using v by blast
lemma min_nonzero_index_in_set_defined:
assumes "set (tl vts) ∩ A ≠ {}"
defines "i ≡ min_nonzero_index_in_set vts A"
shows "nonzero_index_in_set vts A i ∧ (∀j < i. ¬ nonzero_index_in_set vts A j)"
have "∃i. nonzero_index_in_set vts A i" using assms min_nonzero_index_in_set_exists by blast
then have "nonzero_index_in_set vts A i"
using assms unfolding min_nonzero_index_in_set_def
using LeastI_ex by blast
moreover have "(∀j < i. ¬ nonzero_index_in_set vts A j)"
by (metis assms(2) wellorder_Least_lemma(2) leD min_nonzero_index_in_set_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma min_index_not_in_set_exists:
assumes "set vts ⊃ A"
shows "∃i. index_not_in_set vts A i"
obtain v where "v ∈ set vts ∧ v ∉ A" using assms by blast
then obtain i where "i < length vts ∧ vts ! i ∉ A" by (metis in_set_conv_nth)
thus ?thesis unfolding index_not_in_set_def by blast
lemma min_index_not_in_set_defined:
assumes "set vts ⊃ A"
defines "i ≡ min_index_not_in_set vts A"
shows "index_not_in_set vts A i ∧ (∀j < i. ¬ index_not_in_set vts A j)"
have "∃i. index_not_in_set vts A i" using assms min_index_not_in_set_exists by simp
then have "index_not_in_set vts A i"
using assms unfolding min_index_not_in_set_def
using LeastI_ex by blast
moreover have "(∀j < i. ¬ index_not_in_set vts A j)"
by (metis assms(2) wellorder_Least_lemma(2) leD min_index_not_in_set_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma min_nonzero_index_in_set_bound:
assumes "set (tl vts) ∩ A ≠ {}"
shows "min_nonzero_index_in_set vts A < length vts"
using min_nonzero_index_in_set_defined assms unfolding nonzero_index_in_set_def by blast
lemma construct_pocket_0_subset_vts:
assumes "set (tl vts) ∩ A ≠ {}"
shows "set (construct_pocket_0 vts A) ⊆ set vts"
let ?i = "min_nonzero_index_in_set vts A"
have "nonzero_index_in_set vts A ?i" using min_nonzero_index_in_set_defined assms by presburger
then have "?i < length vts" unfolding nonzero_index_in_set_def by blast
thus ?thesis unfolding construct_pocket_0_def by (simp add: set_take_subset)
lemma min_index_not_in_set_0:
assumes "set vts ⊃ A"
assumes "vts!0 ∈ A"
defines "i ≡ min_index_not_in_set vts A"
defines "r ≡ i - 1"
shows "vts!r ∈ A"
have *: "index_not_in_set vts A i ∧ (∀j<i. ¬ index_not_in_set vts A j)"
using min_index_not_in_set_defined[of A vts, OF assms(1)] unfolding i_def by blast
moreover then have "r < i"
unfolding r_def i_def min_index_not_in_set_def index_not_in_set_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(2) bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum diff_less mem_Collect_eq zero_less_one)
ultimately have "¬ index_not_in_set vts A r" by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding index_not_in_set_def using assms * index_not_in_set_def less_imp_diff_less by force
lemma construct_pocket_0_last_in_set:
assumes "set (tl vts) ∩ A ≠ {}"
assumes "vts!0 ∈ A"
defines "p ≡ construct_pocket_0 vts A"
shows "last p ∈ A"
let ?i = "min_nonzero_index_in_set vts A"
have *: "nonzero_index_in_set vts A ?i" using assms(1) min_nonzero_index_in_set_defined by blast
then have "length p = min_nonzero_index_in_set vts A + 1"
unfolding p_def construct_pocket_0_def nonzero_index_in_set_def by simp
then have "last p = p!?i"
by (metis add_diff_cancel_right' last_conv_nth length_0_conv zero_eq_add_iff_both_eq_0 zero_neq_one)
also have "... = vts!?i"
unfolding p_def construct_pocket_0_def by simp
also have "... ∈ A" using * unfolding nonzero_index_in_set_def by force
finally show ?thesis .
lemma construct_pocket_0_first_last_distinct:
assumes "card A ≥ 2"
assumes "A ⊆ set vts"
assumes "distinct (butlast vts)"
assumes "hd vts = last vts"
shows "hd (construct_pocket_0 vts A) ≠ last (construct_pocket_0 vts A)"
let ?n = "min_nonzero_index_in_set vts A"
have "set (tl vts) ∩ A ≠ {}"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Diff_cancel Int_commute Int_insert_right_if1 Nat.le_diff_conv2 Suc_1 add_leD1 assms(1) assms(2) card.empty card_Diff_singleton inf.orderE list.collapse list.sel(2) list.set(2) not_one_le_zero plus_1_eq_Suc subset_insert)
then have n_defined: "nonzero_index_in_set vts A ?n ∧ (∀j < ?n. ¬ nonzero_index_in_set vts A j)"
using min_nonzero_index_in_set_defined by presburger
obtain a b where ab: "a ≠ b ∧ {a, b} ⊆ A" by (metis assms(1) card_2_iff ex_card)
then obtain i j where ij: "vts!i = a ∧ vts!j = b ∧ i < length vts ∧ j < length vts ∧ i ≠ j"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(2) in_set_conv_nth insert_subset subsetD)
have ?thesis if *: "?n < length vts - 1"
have "?n > 0" using n_defined unfolding nonzero_index_in_set_def by blast
then have n_bound': "?n > 0 ∧ ?n < length (butlast vts)" using * by fastforce
then have "hd vts ≠ vts!?n"
by (metis assms(3) distinct_Ex1 hd_conv_nth ij in_set_conv_nth length_0_conv length_pos_if_in_set less_nat_zero_code nth_butlast)
moreover then have "vts!?n ≠ last vts" using assms(4) by simp
moreover have "last (construct_pocket_0 vts A) = vts!?n"
using n_defined
unfolding construct_pocket_0_def
by (metis Cons_nth_drop_Suc Suc_eq_plus1 n_bound' * last_snoc less_diff_conv list.sel(1) nth_butlast take_butlast take_hd_drop)
moreover have "hd (construct_pocket_0 vts A) = hd vts"
unfolding construct_pocket_0_def by force
ultimately show ?thesis by presburger
moreover have ?thesis if *: "?n = length vts - 1"
have "{i, j} ⊆ {i. i < length vts ∧ vts ! i ∈ A}" using ij ab by simp
moreover have "i ≠ 0 ∨ j ≠ 0" using ij by argo
ultimately have "nonzero_index_in_set vts A i ∨ nonzero_index_in_set vts A j"
unfolding nonzero_index_in_set_def by simp
then have "?n = i ∨ ?n = j"
by (metis n_defined Suc_diff_1 gr_implies_not_zero ij linorder_cases not_less_eq *)
moreover then have "last (construct_pocket_0 vts A) = vts!?n"
by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 construct_pocket_0_def hd_drop_conv_nth ij snoc_eq_iff_butlast take_hd_drop)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ij ab Suc_eq_plus1 assms(4) bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum hd_conv_nth insert_subset last_conv_nth less_diff_conv list.size(3) mem_Collect_eq n_defined nat_neq_iff nonzero_index_in_set_def not_less_eq that)
ultimately show ?thesis using n_defined unfolding nonzero_index_in_set_def by fastforce
lemma construct_pocket_is_pocket:
assumes "polygon (make_polygonal_path vts)"
assumes "vts!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
assumes "vts!1 ∉ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
shows "is_pocket_0 vts (construct_pocket_0 vts (set vts ∩ frontier (convex hull (set vts))))"
let ?vts' = "construct_pocket_0 vts (set vts ∩ frontier (convex hull (set vts)))"
have ex_i: "∃i. ?vts' = take i vts" unfolding construct_pocket_0_def by blast
moreover have "3 ≤ length ?vts'"
by (smt (verit) Cons_nth_drop_Suc IntI Int_iff One_nat_def Suc_1 Suc_diff_Suc Suc_lessI add_diff_cancel_right' add_gr_0 append_Nil2 assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) butlast.simps(1) butlast.simps(2) butlast_conv_take calculation cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel card.empty construct_pocket_0_def construct_pocket_0_first_last_distinct construct_pocket_0_last_in_set convex_hull_two_vts_on_frontier diff_diff_cancel diff_is_0_eq diff_is_0_eq' drop0 empty_iff empty_set have_wraparound_vertex hd_conv_nth hd_drop_conv_nth hd_take id_take_nth_drop last.simps last_conv_nth last_drop last_in_set last_snoc leI le_add2 le_numeral_extra(4) le_trans length_0_conv length_greater_0_conv length_take length_tl length_upt less_2_cases less_numeral_extra(1) less_numeral_extra(3) linorder_not_less list.distinct(1) list.sel(2) list.sel(3) list.size(3) min.absorb4 not_gr_zero not_less_eq_eq not_numeral_le_zero nth_mem numeral_3_eq_3 plus_1_eq_Suc polygon_at_least_3_vertices polygon_at_least_3_vertices_wraparound polygon_def pos2 rev.simps(1) self_append_conv2 simple_polygonal_path_vts_distinct snoc_eq_iff_butlast subset_iff take_all_iff take_eq_Nil take_hd_drop)
moreover have vts'_length: "length ?vts' < length vts"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def Suc_1 assms(1) calculation(1) calculation(2) construct_pocket_0_first_last_distinct convex_hull_two_vts_on_frontier have_wraparound_vertex hd_conv_nth inf_le1 last_snoc leI le_add2 le_trans length_take min.absorb4 not_numeral_le_zero numeral_3_eq_3 plus_1_eq_Suc polygon_at_least_3_vertices polygon_def simple_polygonal_path_vts_distinct take_all_iff take_eq_Nil)
moreover have "hd ?vts' ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
by (metis assms(2) bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum calculation(1) calculation(2) hd_conv_nth hd_take list.size(3) not_numeral_le_zero take_eq_Nil)
moreover have "last ?vts' ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Cons_nth_drop_Suc Int_iff assms(1) assms(2) card_length construct_pocket_0_last_in_set drop0 drop_eq_Nil empty_iff have_wraparound_vertex last_drop last_in_set le_add2 le_trans linorder_not_less list.sel(3) list.simps(15) not_less_eq_eq numeral_3_eq_3 plus_1_eq_Suc polygon_at_least_3_vertices snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
moreover have "set (tl (butlast ?vts')) ⊆ interior (convex hull (set vts))"
let ?A = "(set vts ∩ frontier (convex hull (set vts)))"
let ?r = "min_nonzero_index_in_set vts ?A"
have "nonzero_index_in_set vts ?A ?r
∧ (∀j<min_nonzero_index_in_set vts ?A. ¬ nonzero_index_in_set vts ?A j)"
by (metis min_nonzero_index_in_set_defined IntI Nitpick.size_list_simp(2) One_nat_def add_leD1 assms(1) assms(2) calculation(2) calculation(3) empty_iff empty_set have_wraparound_vertex last_in_set last_snoc last_tl less_one not_one_le_zero nth_mem numeral_3_eq_3 plus_1_eq_Suc)
then have "∀i. (0 < i ∧ i < ?r) ⟶ vts!i ∉ ?A" unfolding nonzero_index_in_set_def by force
then have "∀i. (0 < i ∧ i < ?r) ⟶ vts!i ∉ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
using calculation(3) construct_pocket_0_def by fastforce
then have "∀i. (0 < i ∧ i < ?r) ⟶ vts!i ∈ interior (convex hull (set vts))"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Cons_nth_drop_Suc DiffI IntI One_nat_def add_leD1 assms(1) assms(2) calculation(2) calculation(3) closure_subset drop0 dual_order.strict_trans2 empty_iff frontier_def have_wraparound_vertex hull_subset inf.strict_coboundedI2 inf.strict_order_iff last_drop last_in_set last_snoc length_greater_0_conv list.discI list.sel(3) min_nonzero_index_in_set_bound nth_mem numeral_3_eq_3 plus_1_eq_Suc subset_eq)
moreover have "tl (butlast ?vts') = drop 1 (take ?r vts)"
unfolding construct_pocket_0_def
by (metis One_nat_def add_implies_diff antisym_conv2 butlast_take construct_pocket_0_def drop_0 drop_Suc linorder_le_cases take_all vts'_length)
moreover have "∀v ∈ set (drop 1 (take ?r vts)). ∃i. 0 < i ∧ i < ?r ∧ vts!i = v"
fix v assume *: "v ∈ set (drop 1 (take ?r vts))"
then obtain i' where i': "(drop 1 (take ?r vts))!i' = v ∧ i' < ?r - 1"
by (smt (z3) Cons_nth_drop_Suc One_nat_def ex_i butlast_conv_take calculation(2) drop0 hd_conv_nth hd_take index_less_size_conv length_drop length_take less_imp_le_nat linorder_not_less list.collapse list.sel(2) min.absorb4 nth_index take_all_iff take_eq_Nil vts'_length)
then have "(take ?r vts)!(i' + 1) = v"
by (metis * add.commute drop_eq_Nil empty_iff empty_set nle_le nth_drop)
thus "∃i. 0 < i ∧ i < ?r ∧ vts!i = v"
by (metis add_gr_0 i' less_diff_conv nth_take zero_less_one)
ultimately show ?thesis by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding is_pocket_0_def using assms(1) by argo
lemma exists_point_above_interior:
fixes a :: "real^2"
assumes "a ∈ interior (convex hull S)"
obtains x where "x ∈ S ∧ x$2 > a$2"
have False if "∀x ∈ S. x$2 ≤ a$2"
have "S ⊆ {x. x ∙ (vector [0, 1]) ≤ a$2}"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x
assume "x ∈ S"
then have "x$2 ≤ a$2" using that by blast
moreover have "x ∙ (vector [0, 1]) = x$1 * 0 + x$2 * 1"
by (simp add: cart_eq_inner_axis e1e2_basis(3))
ultimately show "x ∈ {x. x ∙ (vector [0, 1]) ≤ a$2}" by simp
then have *: "convex hull S ⊆ {x. x ∙ (vector [0, 1]) ≤ a$2}"
have "S ⊆ {v. vector [0, 1] ∙ v ≤ a $ 2}"
by (simp add: ‹S ⊆ {x. x ∙ vector [0, 1] ≤ a $ 2}› inner_commute)
then have "convex hull S ⊆ {v. vector [0, 1] ∙ v ≤ a $ 2}"
by (simp add: convex_halfspace_le hull_minimal)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: inner_commute)
moreover have "a ∙ (vector [0, 1]) = a$2" by (simp add: cart_eq_inner_axis e1e2_basis(3))
moreover have "frontier {x. x ∙ ((vector [0, 1])::(real^2)) ≤ a$2}
= {x. x ∙ (vector [0, 1]) = a$2}"
using frontier_halfspace_le[of "(vector [0, 1])::(real^2)" "a$2"]
by (smt (verit) Collect_cong inner_commute vector_2(2) zero_index)
ultimately have "a ∈ frontier {x. x ∙ (vector [0, 1]) ≤ a$2}" by blast
thus False
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Diff_iff * assms frontier_def in_frontier_in_subset in_mono interior_subset)
thus ?thesis using that by fastforce
lemma exists_point_above_convex_hull_interior:
fixes S :: "(real^2) set"
assumes "S ≠ {}"
assumes "compact S"
obtains x where "x ∈ S - (interior (convex hull S)) ∧ (∀y ∈ interior (convex hull S). x$2 > y$2)"
let ?H = "convex hull S"
let ?e2 = "(vector [0, 1])::(real^2)"
let ?f = "(λx. x$2)::(real^2 ⇒ real)"
have "continuous_on {x. True} ?f" by (simp add: continuous_on_component)
moreover have "compact (convex hull S)" using assms(2) compact_convex_hull by blast
moreover from calculation have "compact (?f`?H)"
using compact_continuous_image continuous_on_subset by blast
ultimately obtain x max where x: "x ∈ ?H ∧ ?f x = max ∧ (∀y ∈ ?H. y$2 ≤ max)"
by (smt (verit) Collect_mono assms(1) convex_hull_eq_empty convex_hull_explicit continuous_attains_sup continuous_on_subset)
have "?H ∩ {x. ?e2 ∙ x = max} ≠ {}"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) cart_eq_inner_axis disjoint_iff e1e2_basis(3) inner_commute mem_Collect_eq x)
moreover have "?H ∩ {x. ?e2 ∙ x = max} = {}" if "(∀x ∈ S. x$2 < max)"
have "S ⊆ {x. ?e2 ∙ x < max}"
using that by (simp add: cart_eq_inner_axis e1e2_basis(3) inner_commute subset_eq)
moreover have "convex {x. ?e2 ∙ x < max}" by (simp add: convex_halfspace_lt)
ultimately show ?thesis using hull_minimal by blast
ultimately have "∃x ∈ S. x$2 ≥ max" by force
moreover have "?H ⊆ {x. ?e2 ∙ x ≤ max}"
using x
by (simp add: cart_eq_inner_axis e1e2_basis(3) inner_commute subsetI)
moreover then have "interior ?H ⊆ {x. ?e2 ∙ x < max}"
by (metis (mono_tags) convex_empty empty_iff inner_zero_left interior_halfspace_le interior_mono real_inner_1_left separating_hyperplane_set_0 vector_2(2) zero_index)
ultimately have "x ∉ interior ?H ∧ (∀y ∈ interior ?H. x$2 > y$2)"
by (smt (verit) cart_eq_inner_axis e1e2_basis(3) in_mono inner_commute mem_Collect_eq x)
thus ?thesis using that ‹∃x∈S. max ≤ x $ 2› x by fastforce
lemma flip_function:
defines "M ≡ (vector [vector [1, 0], vector [0, -1]])::(real^2^2)"
defines "f ≡ λv. M *v v"
defines "g ≡ (λv. vector [v$1, -v$2])::(real^2 ⇒ real^2)"
shows "inj f" "f = g"
have "det M = M$1$1 * M$2$2 - M$1$2 * M$2$1" using det_2 by blast
thus "inj f" by (simp add: inj_matrix_vector_mult invertible_det_nz f_def M_def)
have "⋀x. f x = g x"
fix x
have "f x = vector [M$1$1 * x$1 + M$1$2 * x$2, M$2$1 * x$1 + M$2$2 * x$2]"
by (simp add: M_def f_def mat_vec_mult_2)
also have "... = vector [x$1, -x$2]" by (simp add: M_def)
finally show "f x = g x" using f_def g_def by blast
thus "f = g" by (simp add: f_def g_def)
lemma exists_point_below_convex_hull_interior:
fixes S :: "(real^2) set"
assumes "S ≠ {}"
assumes "compact S"
obtains x where "x ∈ S - (interior (convex hull S)) ∧ (∀y ∈ interior (convex hull S). x$2 < y$2)"
let ?M = "(vector [vector [1, 0], vector [0, -1]])::(real^2^2)"
let ?f = "λv. ?M *v v"
let ?g = "(λv. vector [v$1, -v$2])::(real^2 ⇒ real^2)"
let ?H' = "?g`(convex hull S)"
let ?S' = "?g`S"
have interior: "?f`(interior (convex hull S)) = interior (convex hull (?f`S))"
by (smt (verit, best) flip_function convex_hull_linear_image interior_injective_linear_image matrix_vector_mul_linear)
have hull: "?H' = convex hull ?S'"
have "(*v) (vector [vector [1, 0], vector [0, - 1]]) ` (convex hull S) = convex hull ((*v) (vector [vector [1, 0], vector [0, - 1]]) ` S::(real, 2) vec set)"
by (simp add: convex_hull_linear_image)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: flip_function)
moreover have "compact ?S'"
have "continuous_on {x. True} ?f" using matrix_vector_mult_linear_continuous_on by blast
then have "continuous_on {x. True} ?g" using flip_function by simp
thus ?thesis using assms(2) compact_continuous_image continuous_on_subset flip_function by blast
moreover have "?S' ≠ {}" using assms(1) by blast
ultimately obtain x' where x': "x' ∈ ?S' - (interior ?H') ∧ (∀y ∈ interior ?H'. x'$2 > y$2)"
using exists_point_above_convex_hull_interior[of ?S'] by auto
moreover have "?S' - (interior ?H') = ?f`(S - (interior (convex hull S)))"
have "?f`(S - (interior (convex hull S))) = ?S' - ?f`(interior (convex hull S))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) flip_function(1) flip_function(2) image_cong image_set_diff)
thus ?thesis using flip_function(2) interior hull by auto
ultimately obtain x where "?g x = x' ∧ x ∈ S - interior (convex hull S)"
using flip_function by auto
moreover have "(∀y∈interior (convex hull S). x $ 2 < y $ 2)"
proof clarify
fix y
assume "y ∈ interior (convex hull S)"
then have "(?g x)$2 > (?g y)$2"
using x' interior hull flip_function by (metis (no_types, lifting) calculation image_eqI)
thus "x$2 < y$2" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using that by fast
lemma exists_point_above_all:
fixes p q :: "R_to_R2"
defines "H ≡ convex hull (path_image p ∪ path_image q)"
assumes "path p ∧ path q"
assumes "p`{0<..<1} ⊆ interior H"
assumes "(p 0)$2 = 0 ∧ (p 1)$2 = 0"
assumes "∃x ∈ p`{0<..<1}. x$2 ≥ 0"
obtains x where "x ∈ path_image q ∧ (∀y ∈ path_image p. x$2 > y$2)"
let ?S = "path_image p ∪ path_image q"
let ?H = "convex hull ?S"
obtain x where x: "x ∈ ?S - (interior ?H) ∧ (∀y ∈ interior ?H. x$2 > y$2)"
by (metis exists_point_above_convex_hull_interior Un_empty assms(2) compact_Un compact_path_image path_image_nonempty)
then have "x ∉ p`{0<..<1}" using H_def assms(3) by blast
moreover have "x ∈ ?S" using x by blast
ultimately have "x ∈ path_image q ∨ x ∈ (path_image p) - p`{0<..<1}" by blast
moreover have "{0..1} - {0<..<1} = {0::real, 1}" by fastforce
ultimately have "x ∈ path_image q ∨ x ∈ p`{0, 1}"
by (smt (verit, best) image_diff_subset path_image_def subsetD)
moreover have "x$2 > (p 0)$2 ∧ x$2 > (p 1)$2"
using H_def assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) x by fastforce
ultimately have "x ∈ path_image q ∧ x$2 > (p 0)$2 ∧ x$2 > (p 1)$2 ∧ (∀y ∈ p`{0<..<1}. x$2 > y$2)"
using H_def assms(3) x by auto
moreover have "path_image p = p`{0<..<1} ∪ {p 0, p 1}"
have "{0<..<1} ∪ {0::real, 1} = {0..1}" by force
thus ?thesis unfolding path_image_def by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: that)
lemma exists_point_below_all:
fixes p q :: "R_to_R2"
defines "H ≡ convex hull (path_image p ∪ path_image q)"
assumes "path p ∧ path q"
assumes "p`{0<..<1} ⊆ interior H"
assumes "(p 0)$2 = 0 ∧ (p 1)$2 = 0"
assumes "∃x ∈ path_image p ∪ path_image q. x$2 < 0"
obtains x where "x ∈ path_image q ∧ (∀y ∈ path_image p. x$2 < y$2)"
let ?thesis' = "∃x. x ∈ path_image q ∧ (∀y ∈ path_image p. x$2 < y$2)"
have ?thesis' if "∃x ∈ path_image p. x$2 < 0"
have *: "∃x ∈ p`{0<..<1}. x$2 < 0"
have "(p 0)$2 = 0 ∧ (p 1)$2 = 0" by (simp add: assms(4))
thus ?thesis
using that unfolding path_image_def
using atLeastAtMost_iff less_eq_real_def
by fastforce
let ?S = "path_image p ∪ path_image q"
let ?H = "convex hull ?S"
obtain x where x: "x ∈ ?S - (interior ?H) ∧ (∀y ∈ interior ?H. x$2 < y$2)"
by (metis exists_point_below_convex_hull_interior Un_empty assms(2) compact_Un compact_path_image path_image_nonempty)
then have "x ∉ p`{0<..<1}" using H_def assms(3) by blast
moreover have "x ∈ ?S" using x by blast
ultimately have "x ∈ path_image q ∨ x ∈ (path_image p) - p`{0<..<1}" by blast
moreover have "{0..1} - {0<..<1} = {0::real, 1}" by fastforce
ultimately have "x ∈ path_image q ∨ x ∈ p`{0, 1}"
by (smt (verit, best) image_diff_subset path_image_def subsetD)
moreover have "x$2 < (p 0)$2 ∧ x$2 < (p 1)$2"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) "*" H_def assms(3) assms(4) subset_eq x)
ultimately have "x$2 < (p 0)$2 ∧ x$2 < (p 1)$2 ∧ (∀y ∈ p`{0<..<1}. x$2 < y$2)"
using H_def assms(3) x by blast
moreover have "path_image p = p`{0<..<1} ∪ {p 0, p 1}"
have "{0<..<1} ∪ {0::real, 1} = {0..1}" by force
thus ?thesis unfolding path_image_def by blast
ultimately have "∀y ∈ path_image p. x$2 < y$2" by fast
thus ?thesis using x by fast
moreover then have ?thesis' if "¬ (∃x ∈ path_image p. x$2 < 0)" using assms(5) by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis using that by blast
lemma pocket_fill_line_int_aux:
fixes x y z :: "real^2"
defines "a ≡ y$1"
assumes "x = 0"
assumes "a > 0 ∧ y$2 = 0"
assumes "z$1 < 0 ∨ z$1 > a"
assumes "z$2 = 0"
assumes "convex A ∧ compact A"
assumes "{x, y, z} ⊆ A"
assumes "{x, y} ⊆ frontier A"
shows "z ∈ frontier A ∧ closed_segment x y ⊆ frontier A"
proof(rule disjE[OF assms(4)])
assume "z$1 > a"
moreover have xyz: "x$1 = 0 ∧ x$2 = 0 ∧ y$1 = a ∧ y$2 = 0 ∧ z$2 = 0"
by (simp add: a_def assms(2) assms(3) assms(5))
ultimately have y: "y ∈ path_image (linepath x z)" (is "_ ∈ ?L")
using segment_horizontal assms(3) by force
moreover have y_neq: "y ≠ x ∧ y ≠ z"
by (metis a_def assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) not_less_iff_gr_or_eq zero_index)
ultimately have "y ∈ rel_interior ?L"
by (metis UnE closed_segment_eq_open closed_segment_idem insert_Diff insert_iff path_image_linepath rel_interior_closed_segment singleton_insert_inj_eq)
moreover have "?L ⊆ A" using assms closed_segment_subset by auto
moreover have "z ∈ interior A ∪ frontier A"
by (metis Diff_iff UnI1 UnI2 assms(6) calculation(2) closure_convex_hull convex_hull_eq frontier_def in_mono pathfinish_in_path_image pathfinish_linepath)
ultimately have "z ∈ frontier A"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_iff UnE y y_neq assms(6) assms(8) compact_imp_closed insert_subset singletonD triangle_3_split_helper)
moreover have "closed_segment x y ⊆ frontier A"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ closed_segment x y ⊆ frontier A"
then obtain v where "v ∈ closed_segment x y - frontier A" by blast
moreover then have "v ∈ closed_segment x y ∩ interior A"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) DiffD1 DiffD2 DiffI Int_iff assms(6) assms(7) closed_segment_subset closure_convex_hull convex_hull_eq frontier_def insert_subset subsetD)
moreover from calculation have "v ≠ x ∧ v ≠ y" using assms(8) by auto
moreover from calculation have "v$1 < a"
by (smt (z3) DiffD1 a_def assms(2) assms(3) exhaust_2 segment_horizontal vec_eq_iff zero_index)
moreover from calculation have "y ∈ open_segment v z"
by (smt (z3) Diff_iff xyz insert_iff open_segment_def open_segment_idem path_image_linepath segment_horizontal y y_neq)
ultimately have "y ∈ interior A"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntD2 assms(6) assms(7) closure_convex_hull convex_hull_eq in_interior_closure_convex_segment insertI2 singletonI subsetD)
thus False using assms(8) frontier_def by auto
ultimately show "z ∈ frontier A ∧ closed_segment x y ⊆ frontier A" by blast
assume *: "z$1 < 0"
moreover have xyz: "x$1 = 0 ∧ x$2 = 0 ∧ y$1 = a ∧ y$2 = 0 ∧ z$2 = 0"
by (simp add: a_def assms(2) assms(3) assms(5))
ultimately have x: "x ∈ path_image (linepath y z)" (is "_ ∈ ?L'")
using segment_horizontal assms(3) by force
moreover have x_neq: "y ≠ x ∧ x ≠ z"
by (metis a_def assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) not_less_iff_gr_or_eq zero_index)
ultimately have "x ∈ rel_interior ?L'"
by (metis UnE closed_segment_eq_open closed_segment_idem insert_Diff insert_iff path_image_linepath rel_interior_closed_segment singleton_insert_inj_eq)
moreover have "?L' ⊆ A"
have "y ∈ A ∧ z ∈ A" using assms by blast
thus ?thesis by (simp add: assms(6) closed_segment_subset)
moreover have "z ∈ interior A ∪ frontier A"
by (metis Diff_iff UnI1 UnI2 assms(6) calculation(2) closure_convex_hull convex_hull_eq frontier_def in_mono pathfinish_in_path_image pathfinish_linepath)
ultimately have "z ∈ frontier A"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_iff UnE x x_neq assms(6) assms(8) compact_imp_closed insert_subset singletonD triangle_3_split_helper)
moreover have "closed_segment x y ⊆ frontier A"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ closed_segment x y ⊆ frontier A"
then obtain v where "v ∈ closed_segment x y - frontier A" by blast
moreover then have "v ∈ closed_segment x y ∩ interior A"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) DiffD1 DiffD2 DiffI Int_iff assms(6) assms(7) closed_segment_subset closure_convex_hull convex_hull_eq frontier_def insert_subset subsetD)
moreover from calculation have "v ≠ x ∧ v ≠ y" using assms(8) by auto
moreover from calculation have "v$1 > 0"
by (smt (z3) DiffD1 a_def assms(2) assms(3) exhaust_2 segment_horizontal vec_eq_iff zero_index)
moreover from calculation have "x ∈ open_segment v z"
by (smt (z3) Diff_iff xyz insert_iff open_segment_def open_segment_idem path_image_linepath segment_horizontal x x_neq)
ultimately have "x ∈ interior A"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntD2 assms(6) assms(7) closure_convex_hull convex_hull_eq in_interior_closure_convex_segment insertI2 singletonI subsetD)
thus False using assms(8) frontier_def by auto
ultimately show "z ∈ frontier A ∧ closed_segment x y ⊆ frontier A" by blast
lemma axis_dist:
fixes a b :: "real^2"
shows "a$2 = b$2 ⟹ dist a b = dist (a$1) (b$1)" "a$1 = b$1 ⟹ dist a b = dist (a$2) (b$2)"
have "dist a b = norm (b - a)" by (metis dist_commute dist_norm)
also have "... = sqrt ((b - a) ∙ (b - a))" using norm_eq_sqrt_inner by blast
also have "... = sqrt ((b - a)$1 * (b - a)$1 + (b - a)$2 * (b - a)$2)"
by (simp add: inner_vec_def sum_2)
finally have *: "dist a b = sqrt ((b - a)$1 * (b - a)$1 + (b - a)$2 * (b - a)$2)" .
show "a$2 = b$2 ⟹ dist a b = dist (a$1) (b$1)"
"a$1 = b$1 ⟹ dist a b = dist (a$2) (b$2)"
apply (simp add: "*" dist_real_def)
by (simp add: "*" dist_real_def)
lemma dist_bound_1:
fixes a b x :: "real^2"
assumes "a$2 = x$2"
assumes "b ∈ ball x ε"
assumes "ε < dist a x"
shows "a$1 < x$1 ⟹ b$1 > a$1" "a$1 > x$1 ⟹ b$1 < a$1"
have 1: "dist a x = dist (a$1) (x$1)" using axis_dist assms(1) by blast
have 2: "dist (b$1) (x$1) < ε"
by (metis assms(2) dist_commute dist_vec_nth_le mem_ball order_le_less_trans)
show "a$1 < x$1 ⟹ b$1 > a$1" "a$1 > x$1 ⟹ b$1 < a$1"
apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) assms(1) assms(3) 1 2 dist_norm real_norm_def)
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) assms(1) assms(3) 1 2 dist_norm real_norm_def)
lemma dist_bound_2:
fixes a b x :: "real^2"
assumes "a$1 = x$1"
assumes "b ∈ ball x ε"
assumes "ε < dist a x"
shows "a$2 < x$2 ⟹ b$2 > a$2" "a$2 > x$2 ⟹ b$2 < a$2"
have 1: "dist a x = dist (a$2) (x$2)" using axis_dist assms(1) by blast
have 2: "dist (b$2) (x$2) < ε"
by (metis assms(2) dist_commute dist_vec_nth_le mem_ball order_le_less_trans)
show "a$2 < x$2 ⟹ b$2 > a$2" "a$2 > x$2 ⟹ b$2 < a$2"
apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) assms(1) assms(3) 1 2 dist_norm real_norm_def)
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) assms(1) assms(3) 1 2 dist_norm real_norm_def)
lemma linepath_bound_1:
fixes x y :: "real^2"
shows "a < x$1 ∧ a < y$1 ⟹ ∀v ∈ path_image (linepath x y). a < v$1"
"x$1 < b ∧ y$1 < b ⟹ ∀v ∈ path_image (linepath x y). v$1 < b"
have *: "∀v ∈ path_image (linepath x y). ∃u ∈ {0..1}. v = (1 - u) *⇩R x + u *⇩R y"
by (simp add: image_iff linepath_def path_image_def)
have 1: "∀u ∈ {0..1}. a < ((1 - u) *⇩R x + u *⇩R y)$1" if "a < x$1 ∧ a < y$1"
proof clarify
fix u assume "u ∈ {0..1::real}"
then have *: "u ≥ 0 ∧ 1 - u ≥ 0" by simp
then show "a < ((1 - u) *⇩R x + u *⇩R y)$1"
by (smt (z3) that scaleR_collapse scaleR_left_mono vector_add_component vector_scaleR_component)
have 2: "∀u ∈ {0..1}. ((1 - u) *⇩R x + u *⇩R y)$1 < b" if "x$1 < b ∧ y$1 < b"
proof clarify
fix u assume "u ∈ {0..1::real}"
then have *: "u ≥ 0 ∧ 1 - u ≥ 0" by simp
then show "((1 - u) *⇩R x + u *⇩R y)$1 < b"
by (smt (z3) that scaleR_collapse scaleR_left_mono vector_add_component vector_scaleR_component)
show "a < x$1 ∧ a < y$1 ⟹ ∀v ∈ path_image (linepath x y). a < v$1" using * 1 by fastforce
show "x$1 < b ∧ y$1 < b ⟹ ∀v ∈ path_image (linepath x y). v$1 < b" using * 2 by fastforce
lemma linepath_bound_2:
fixes x y :: "real^2"
shows "a < x$2 ∧ a < y$2 ⟹ ∀v ∈ path_image (linepath x y). a < v$2"
"x$2 < b ∧ y$2 < b ⟹ ∀v ∈ path_image (linepath x y). v$2 < b"
have *: "∀v ∈ path_image (linepath x y). ∃u ∈ {0..1}. v = (1 - u) *⇩R x + u *⇩R y"
by (simp add: image_iff linepath_def path_image_def)
have 1: "∀u ∈ {0..1}. a < ((1 - u) *⇩R x + u *⇩R y)$2" if "a < x$2 ∧ a < y$2"
proof clarify
fix u assume "u ∈ {0..1::real}"
then have *: "u ≥ 0 ∧ 1 - u ≥ 0" by simp
then show "a < ((1 - u) *⇩R x + u *⇩R y)$2"
by (smt (z3) that scaleR_collapse scaleR_left_mono vector_add_component vector_scaleR_component)
have 2: "∀u ∈ {0..1}. ((1 - u) *⇩R x + u *⇩R y)$2 < b" if "x$2 < b ∧ y$2 < b"
proof clarify
fix u assume "u ∈ {0..1::real}"
then have *: "u ≥ 0 ∧ 1 - u ≥ 0" by simp
then show "((1 - u) *⇩R x + u *⇩R y)$2 < b"
by (smt (z3) that scaleR_collapse scaleR_left_mono vector_add_component vector_scaleR_component)
show "a < x$2 ∧ a < y$2 ⟹ ∀v ∈ path_image (linepath x y). a < v$2" using * 1 by fastforce
show "x$2 < b ∧ y$2 < b ⟹ ∀v ∈ path_image (linepath x y). v$2 < b" using * 2 by fastforce
lemma linepath_int_corner:
fixes x y z :: "real^2"
assumes "x$2 ≠ y$2"
assumes "y$2 = z$2"
shows "path_image (linepath x y) ∩ path_image (linepath y z) = {y}"
(is "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image ?l2 = {y}")
have 1: "y ∈ path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image ?l2" by simp
have "∀t ∈ {0..1}. (?l1 t)$2 = y$2 ⟶ t = 1"
proof clarify
fix t :: real
assume 1: "t ∈ {0..1}"
assume 2: "(?l1 t)$2 = y$2"
have "(?l1 t)$2 = ((1 - t) * (x$2) + t * (y$2))" by (simp add: linepath_def)
thus "t = 1"
by (smt (verit, best) assms 2 distrib_right inner_real_def mult.commute real_inner_1_right vector_space_over_itself.scale_cancel_left)
then have "∀t ∈ {0..1}. (?l1 t)$2 = y$2 ⟷ t = 1" by (metis linepath_1')
moreover have "∀t ∈ {0..1}. (?l2 t)$2 = y$2"
unfolding linepath_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(2) segment_degen_1 vector_add_component vector_scaleR_component)
ultimately have 2: "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image ?l2 ⊆ {y}"
by (smt (verit, best) "1" IntD1 IntD2 imageE path_defs(4) singleton_iff subsetI)
show ?thesis using 1 2 by fastforce
lemma linepath_int_vertical:
fixes w x y z :: "real^2"
assumes "w$1 ≠ y$1"
assumes "w$1 = x$1"
assumes "y$1 = z$1"
shows "path_image (linepath w x) ∩ path_image (linepath y z) = {}"
using assms segment_vertical by fastforce
lemma linepath_int_horizontal:
fixes w x y z :: "real^2"
assumes "w$2 ≠ y$2"
assumes "w$2 = x$2"
assumes "y$2 = z$2"
shows "path_image (linepath w x) ∩ path_image (linepath y z) = {}"
using assms segment_horizontal by fastforce
lemma linepath_int_columns:
fixes w x y z :: "real^2"
assumes "w$1 < y$1 ∧ w$1 < z$1"
assumes "x$1 < y$1 ∧ x$1 < z$1"
shows "path_image (linepath w x) ∩ path_image (linepath y z) = {}"
(is "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image ?l2 = {}")
have "∀t1 ∈ {0..1}. ∀t2 ∈ {0..1}. (?l2 t2)$1 > (?l1 t1)$1"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) assms linepath_bound_1 linepath_in_path path_image_linepath)
thus ?thesis by (smt (verit, best) disjoint_iff imageE path_image_def)
lemma linepath_int_rows:
fixes w x y z :: "real^2"
assumes "w$2 < y$2 ∧ w$2 < z$2"
assumes "x$2 < y$2 ∧ x$2 < z$2"
shows "path_image (linepath w x) ∩ path_image (linepath y z) = {}"
(is "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image ?l2 = {}")
have "∀t1 ∈ {0..1}. ∀t2 ∈ {0..1}. (?l2 t2)$2 > (?l1 t1)$2"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) assms linepath_bound_2 linepath_in_path path_image_linepath)
thus ?thesis by (smt (verit, best) disjoint_iff imageE path_image_def)
lemma horizontal_segment_at_0:
assumes "a > 0"
shows "closed_segment ((vector [0, 0])::(real^2)) (vector [a, 0]) = {x. x$2 = 0 ∧ x$1 ∈ {0..a}}"
(is "?l = ?s")
have "?l ⊆ ?s"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x
assume *: "x ∈ ?l"
then have "x$2 = 0" using segment_horizontal by auto
moreover have "0 ≤ x$1 ∧ x$1 ≤ a" using * assms segment_horizontal by force
ultimately show "x ∈ ?s" by force
moreover have "?s ⊆ ?l"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x
assume *: "x ∈ ?s"
then have "x = (x$1 / a) *⇩R (vector [a, 0]) + (1 - (x$1 / a)) *⇩R (vector [0, 0])"
have "(x$1 / a) *⇩R ((vector [a, 0])::(real^2)) = vector [x$1, 0]"
using vec_scaleR_2 assms by fastforce
moreover have "(1 - (x$1 / a)) *⇩R ((vector [0, 0])::(real^2)) = vector [0, 0]"
using vec_scaleR_2 by simp
moreover have "x = vector [x$1, 0]"
by (smt (verit) * exhaust_2 mem_Collect_eq vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis add_cancel_right_right scaleR_collapse vec_scaleR_2 vector_2(2))
moreover have "x$1 / a ∈ {0..1}" using * assms by fastforce
ultimately show "x ∈ ?l"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) add.commute atLeastAtMost_iff mem_Collect_eq closed_segment_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma horizontal_segment_at_0':
fixes x y :: "real^2"
assumes "a > 0"
assumes "x$1 = 0 ∧ x$2 = 0 ∧ y$1 = a ∧ y$2 = 0"
shows "closed_segment x y = {x. x$2 = 0 ∧ x$1 ∈ {0..a}}"
have "x = vector [0, 0] ∧ y = vector [a, 0]"
by (smt (verit, best) assms(2) exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
thus ?thesis using horizontal_segment_at_0 assms by presburger
lemma pocket_fill_line_int_aux1:
fixes p q :: "R_to_R2"
defines "p0 ≡ pathstart p"
defines "p1 ≡ pathfinish p"
defines "q0 ≡ pathstart q"
defines "q1 ≡ pathfinish q"
defines "a ≡ p1$1"
defines "l ≡ closed_segment p0 p1"
assumes "simple_path p"
assumes "simple_path q"
assumes "p0$1 = 0 ∧ p0$2 = 0 ∧ p1$2 = 0"
assumes "a > 0"
assumes "path_image q ∩ {x. x$2 = 0} ⊆ l"
assumes "path_image p ∩ {x. x$2 = 0} ⊆ l"
assumes "∀v ∈ path_image p. q0$2 ≤ v$2"
assumes "∀v ∈ path_image p. q1$2 > v$2"
shows "path_image p ∩ path_image q ≠ {}"
have p0: "p0 = 0"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) assms(9) exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff zero_index)
moreover have p1: "p1 = vector [a, 0]"
by (smt (verit) a_def assms(9) exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
obtain a_x where a_x: "∀v ∈ path_image p ∪ path_image q. a_x < v$1"
let ?a_x = "Inf ((λv. v$1)`(path_image p ∪ path_image q))"
have "compact (path_image p ∪ path_image q)"
by (simp add: assms(7) assms(8) compact_Un compact_simple_path_image)
moreover have "continuous_on UNIV ((λv. v$1)::(real^2 ⇒ real))"
by (simp add: continuous_on_component)
ultimately have *: "compact ((λv. v$1)`(path_image p ∪ path_image q))"
by (meson compact_continuous_image continuous_on_subset top_greatest)
then have "∀x ∈ ((λv. v$1)`(path_image p ∪ path_image q)). ?a_x ≤ x"
by (simp add: assms(7) assms(8) bounded_component_cart bounded_has_Inf(1) bounded_simple_path_image)
thus ?thesis using that[of "?a_x - 1"] by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) assms(10) imageI)
obtain b_x where b_x: "∀v ∈ path_image p ∪ path_image q. b_x > v$1"
let ?b_x = "Sup ((λv. v$1)`(path_image p ∪ path_image q))"
have "compact (path_image p ∪ path_image q)"
by (simp add: assms(7) assms(8) compact_Un compact_simple_path_image)
moreover have "continuous_on UNIV ((λv. v$1)::(real^2 ⇒ real))"
by (simp add: continuous_on_component)
ultimately have *: "compact ((λv. v$1)`(path_image p ∪ path_image q))"
by (meson compact_continuous_image continuous_on_subset top_greatest)
then have "∀x ∈ ((λv. v$1)`(path_image p ∪ path_image q)). ?b_x ≥ x"
by (simp add: assms(7) assms(8) bounded_component_cart bounded_has_Sup(1) bounded_simple_path_image)
thus ?thesis using that[of "?b_x + 1"] by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) assms(10) imageI)
obtain b_y where b_y: "∀v ∈ path_image p ∪ path_image q. b_y > v$2"
let ?b_y = "Sup ((λv. v$2)`(path_image p ∪ path_image q))"
have "compact (path_image p ∪ path_image q)"
by (simp add: assms(7) assms(8) compact_Un compact_simple_path_image)
moreover have "continuous_on UNIV ((λv. v$2)::(real^2 ⇒ real))"
by (simp add: continuous_on_component)
ultimately have *: "compact ((λv. v$2)`(path_image p ∪ path_image q))"
by (meson compact_continuous_image continuous_on_subset top_greatest)
then have "∀x ∈ ((λv. v$2)`(path_image p ∪ path_image q)). ?b_y ≥ x"
by (simp add: assms(7) assms(8) bounded_component_cart bounded_has_Sup(1) bounded_simple_path_image)
thus ?thesis using that[of "?b_y + 1"] by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) assms(10) imageI)
let ?l1 = "linepath p1 (vector [b_x, 0])"
let ?l2 = "linepath (vector [b_x, 0]) ((vector [b_x, b_y])::(real^2))"
let ?l3 = "linepath (vector [b_x, b_y]) ((vector [a_x, b_y])::(real^2))"
let ?l4 = "linepath (vector [a_x, b_y]) ((vector [a_x, 0])::(real^2))"
let ?l5 = "linepath (vector [a_x, 0]) p0"
let ?R' = "?l1 +++ ?l2 +++ ?l3 +++ ?l4 +++ ?l5"
let ?R = "p +++ ?R'"
have R_y_b: "∀v ∈ path_image ?R. v$2 ≤ b_y"
have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l1. v$2 ≤ b_y"
by (metis UnCI assms(9) b_y less_eq_real_def p1_def path_image_linepath pathfinish_in_path_image segment_horizontal vector_2(2))
moreover have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l2. v$2 ≤ b_y"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) UnCI assms(9) b_y p0_def path_image_linepath pathstart_in_path_image segment_vertical vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
moreover have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l3. v$2 ≤ b_y"
by (simp add: segment_horizontal)
moreover have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l4. v$2 ≤ b_y"
by (smt (verit, best) UnCI assms(9) b_y p0_def path_image_linepath pathstart_in_path_image segment_vertical vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
moreover have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l5. v$2 ≤ b_y"
by (smt (verit) UnI1 assms(9) b_y linepath_image_01 p0_def path_defs(4) pathstart_in_path_image segment_horizontal vector_2(2))
ultimately show ?thesis by (smt (verit, best) UnCI b_y not_in_path_image_join)
have R_y_q0: "∀v ∈ path_image ?R. v$2 ≥ q0$2"
have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l1. v$2 ≥ q0$2"
using assms(13) assms(9) p1_def pathfinish_in_path_image segment_horizontal by fastforce
moreover have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l2. v$2 ≥ q0$2"
by (smt (z3) UnCI assms(13) assms(9) b_y p1_def path_image_linepath pathfinish_in_path_image segment_vertical vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
moreover have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l3. v$2 ≥ q0$2"
by (metis calculation(2) ends_in_segment(2) path_image_linepath segment_horizontal vector_2(2))
moreover have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l4. v$2 ≥ q0$2"
by (smt (z3) UnCI assms(13) assms(9) b_y p1_def path_image_linepath pathfinish_in_path_image segment_vertical vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
moreover have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l5. v$2 ≥ q0$2"
by (metis assms(13) assms(9) p0_def path_image_linepath pathstart_in_path_image segment_horizontal vector_2(2))
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis assms(13) not_in_path_image_join)
have R_x_a: "∀v ∈ path_image ?R. v$1 ≥ a_x"
have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l1. v$2 ≥ a_x"
by (metis UnCI a_x assms(9) linorder_le_cases linorder_not_less p0_def path_image_linepath pathstart_in_path_image segment_horizontal vector_2(2))
moreover have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l2. v$2 ≥ a_x"
by (smt (z3) UnCI assms(9) b_y calculation p0_def path_image_linepath pathstart_in_path_image pathstart_linepath segment_vertical vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
moreover have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l3. v$2 ≥ a_x"
by (metis calculation(2) ends_in_segment(2) path_image_linepath segment_horizontal vector_2(2))
moreover have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l4. v$2 ≥ a_x"
by (smt (z3) assms(9) calculation(1) calculation(3) ends_in_segment(1) path_image_linepath segment_vertical vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
moreover have "∀v ∈ path_image ?l5. v$2 ≥ a_x"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) UnCI a_x assms(9) p0_def path_image_linepath pathstart_in_path_image segment_horizontal vector_2(2))
ultimately show ?thesis
by (smt (z3) UnCI a_x assms(9) b_x not_in_path_image_join p1_def path_image_linepath pathfinish_in_path_image segment_horizontal segment_vertical vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
have closed: "closed_path ?R" using assms p0_def unfolding simple_path_def closed_path_def by simp
have simple: "simple_path ?R"
have "arc ?R'"
let ?a = "p1"
let ?b = "(vector [b_x, 0])::(real^2)"
let ?c = "(vector [b_x, b_y])::(real^2)"
let ?d = "(vector [a_x, b_y])::(real^2)"
let ?e = "(vector [a_x, 0])::(real^2)"
let ?f = "p0"
have arcs: "arc ?l1 ∧ arc ?l2 ∧ arc ?l3 ∧ arc ?l4 ∧ arc ?l5"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) UnCI a_x arc_linepath assms(9) b_x b_y p0_def p1_def pathfinish_in_path_image pathstart_in_path_image vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
have l4l5: "path_image ?l4 ∩ path_image ?l5 = {pathfinish ?l4}"
using linepath_int_corner[of ?d ?e ?f] arc_simple_path arcs constant_linepath_is_not_loop_free p0 simple_path_def
by auto
have l3l4: "path_image ?l3 ∩ path_image ?l4 = {pathfinish ?l3}"
using linepath_int_corner[of ?c ?d ?e]
by (metis Int_commute arc_simple_path arcs closed_segment_commute linepath_0' linepath_int_corner path_image_linepath pathfinish_linepath pathstart_def vector_2(2))
have l2l3: "path_image ?l2 ∩ path_image ?l3 = {pathfinish ?l2}"
using linepath_int_corner[of ?b ?c ?d]
by (metis Int_commute arc_simple_path arcs linepath_0' linepath_int_corner pathfinish_linepath pathstart_def vector_2(2))
have l1l2: "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image ?l2 = {pathfinish ?l1}"
using linepath_int_corner[of ?a ?b ?c]
by (metis Int_commute arc_distinct_ends arcs assms(9) closed_segment_commute linepath_int_corner path_image_linepath pathfinish_linepath pathstart_linepath vector_2(2))
have l3l5: "path_image ?l3 ∩ path_image ?l5 = {}"
using linepath_int_horizontal[of ?c ?d ?e ?f]
by (metis arc_distinct_ends arcs assms(9) linepath_int_horizontal pathfinish_linepath pathstart_linepath vector_2(2))
have l2l4: "path_image ?l2 ∩ path_image ?l4 = {}"
using linepath_int_vertical[of ?b ?c ?d ?e]
by (metis arc_distinct_ends arcs linepath_int_vertical pathfinish_linepath pathstart_linepath vector_2(1))
have l1l3: "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image ?l3 = {}"
using linepath_int_vertical[of ?a ?b ?c ?d]
by (metis arc_distinct_ends arcs assms(9) linepath_int_horizontal pathfinish_linepath pathstart_linepath vector_2(2))
have l2l5: "path_image ?l2 ∩ path_image ?l5 = {}"
using linepath_int_columns[of ?b ?c ?e ?f]
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Int_commute UnCI a_x b_x linepath_int_columns p0 p0_def pathstart_in_path_image pathstart_join vector_2(1) verit_comp_simplify1(3))
have l1l4: "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image ?l4 = {}"
using linepath_int_columns[of ?a ?b ?d ?e]
by (smt (z3) UnCI a_x assms(9) b_x disjoint_iff p1_def path_image_linepath pathfinish_in_path_image segment_horizontal segment_vertical vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
have l1l5: "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image ?l5 = {}"
using linepath_int_columns[of ?a ?b ?e ?f]
by (smt (z3) UnCI a_def a_x assms(10) assms(9) b_x disjoint_iff p1_def path_image_linepath pathfinish_in_path_image segment_horizontal vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
have "path_image ?l4 ∩ path_image ?l5 = {pathfinish ?l4}"
using l4l5 by blast
moreover have sf_45: "pathfinish ?l4 = pathstart ?l5" by simp
ultimately have "arc (?l4 +++ ?l5)"
by (metis arc_join_eq_alt arcs)
moreover have "path_image ?l3 ∩ path_image (?l4 +++ ?l5) = {pathfinish ?l3}"
using l3l4 l3l5
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_Un_distrib sf_45 insert_is_Un path_image_join)
moreover have sf_345: "pathfinish ?l3 = pathstart (?l4 +++ ?l5)" by simp
ultimately have "arc (?l3 +++ ?l4 +++ ?l5)"
by (metis arc_join_eq_alt arcs)
moreover have "path_image ?l2 ∩ path_image (?l3 +++ ?l4 +++ ?l5) = {pathfinish ?l2}"
using l2l3 l2l4 l2l5
by (smt (verit) Int_Un_distrib sf_45 sf_345 insert_is_Un path_image_join sup_bot_left)
moreover have sf_2345: "pathfinish ?l2 = pathstart (?l3 +++ ?l4 +++ ?l5)" by simp
ultimately have "arc (?l2 +++ ?l3 +++ ?l4 +++ ?l5)"
by (metis arc_join_eq_alt arcs)
moreover have "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image (?l2 +++ ?l3 +++ ?l4 +++ ?l5) = {pathfinish ?l1}"
have "path_image (?l2 +++ ?l3 +++ ?l4 +++ ?l5)
= path_image ?l2 ∪ path_image ?l3 ∪ path_image ?l4 ∪ path_image ?l5"
by (simp add: path_image_join sup_assoc)
thus ?thesis using l1l2 l1l3 l1l4 l1l5 by blast
moreover have "pathfinish ?l1 = pathstart (?l2 +++ ?l3 +++ ?l4 +++ ?l5)" by simp
ultimately show "arc (?l1 +++ ?l2 +++ ?l3 +++ ?l4 +++ ?l5)"
by (metis arc_join_eq_alt arcs)
moreover have "loop_free p" using assms(1) assms(7) simple_path_def by blast
moreover have "path_image ?R' ∩ path_image p = {p0, p1}"
have "path_image p ∩ path_image ?l2 = {}" using b_x segment_vertical by auto
moreover have "path_image p ∩ path_image ?l3 = {}" using b_y segment_horizontal by auto
moreover have "path_image p ∩ path_image ?l4 = {}" using a_x segment_vertical by auto
moreover have "path_image p ∩ path_image ?l1 = {p1}"
have "p1 ∈ path_image p" using p1_def by blast
moreover have "path_image p ∩ path_image ?l1 ⊆ {p1}"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x assume *: "x ∈ path_image p ∩ path_image ?l1"
then have "x$1 ≤ a"
using a_def assms(10) assms(12) assms(9) l_def linepath_image_01 segment_horizontal by auto
moreover have "x$1 ≥ a"
by (smt (z3) "*" Int_iff Un_iff a_def assms(9) b_x linepath_image_01 path_defs(4) segment_horizontal vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
moreover have "x$2 = 0" using * assms(9) segment_horizontal by auto
ultimately show "x ∈ {p1}" using a_def assms(9) segment_vertical by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
moreover have "path_image p ∩ path_image ?l5 = {p0}"
have "p0 ∈ path_image p" using p0_def by blast
moreover have "path_image p ∩ path_image ?l5 ⊆ {p0}"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x assume *: "x ∈ path_image p ∩ path_image ?l5"
then have "x$1 ≤ 0"
using R_x_a assms(9) p0_def pathstart_in_path_image segment_horizontal by fastforce
moreover have "x$1 ≥ 0"
have "x ∈ {x. x$2 = 0}" using "*" assms(9) segment_horizontal by fastforce
then have "x ∈ l" using "*" assms(12) by auto
thus ?thesis using a_def assms(10) assms(9) l_def segment_horizontal by auto
moreover have "x$2 = 0" using * assms(9) segment_horizontal by auto
ultimately show "x ∈ {p0}" using a_def assms(9) segment_vertical by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
moreover have "path_image ?R'
= path_image ?l1 ∪ path_image ?l2 ∪ path_image ?l3 ∪ path_image ?l4 ∪ path_image ?l5"
by (simp add: Un_assoc path_image_join)
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
moreover have "arc p"
using a_def arc_simple_path assms(10) assms(7) p0 p0_def p1_def by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) simple_path_join_loop_eq Int_commute dual_order.refl p0_def p1_def pathfinish_join pathfinish_linepath pathstart_join pathstart_linepath)
have inside_outside: "inside_outside ?R (path_inside ?R) (path_outside ?R)"
using closed simple Jordan_inside_outside_real2
by (simp add: closed_path_def inside_outside_def path_inside_def path_outside_def)
have interior_frontier: "path_inside ?R = interior (path_inside ?R)
∧ frontier (path_inside ?R) = path_image ?R"
using inside_outside interior_open unfolding inside_outside_def by auto
have "path_image q ∩ path_image ?l1 ⊆ {p1}"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x assume *: "x ∈ path_image q ∩ path_image ?l1"
then have "x$1 ≤ a" using a_def assms(10) assms(11) assms(9) l_def segment_horizontal by auto
moreover have "x$1 ≥ a"
by (smt (z3) "*" Int_iff Un_iff a_def assms(9) b_x linepath_image_01 path_defs(4) segment_horizontal vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
moreover have "x$2 = 0" using * assms(9) segment_horizontal by auto
ultimately show "x ∈ {p1}" using a_def assms(9) segment_vertical by fastforce
moreover have "path_image q ∩ path_image ?l5 ⊆ {p0}"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x assume *: "x ∈ path_image q ∩ path_image ?l5"
then have "x$1 ≤ 0"
using R_x_a assms(9) p0_def pathstart_in_path_image segment_horizontal by fastforce
moreover have "x$1 ≥ 0"
using "*" a_def assms(10) assms(11) assms(9) l_def segment_horizontal by auto
moreover have "x$2 = 0" using * assms(9) segment_horizontal by auto
ultimately show "x ∈ {p0}" using a_def assms(9) segment_vertical by fastforce
moreover have ?thesis if "p1 ∈ path_image q ∩ path_image ?l1" using p1_def that by blast
moreover have ?thesis if "p0 ∈ path_image q ∩ path_image ?l5" using p0_def that by blast
moreover have ?thesis if
q_int_l1: "path_image q ∩ path_image ?l1 = {}" and
q_int_l5: "path_image q ∩ path_image ?l5 = {}"
have q_int_l2: "path_image q ∩ path_image ?l2 = {}"
using b_x segment_vertical by auto
moreover have q_int_l3: "path_image q ∩ path_image ?l3 = {}"
using UnCI b_y segment_horizontal by auto
moreover have q_int_l4: "path_image q ∩ path_image ?l4 = {}"
using a_x segment_vertical by auto
moreover have ?thesis if "q0 ∈ path_image p" using q0_def that by blast
moreover have "path_image q ∩ path_image ?R ≠ {}" if "q0 ∉ path_image p"
have "q0 ∈ path_outside ?R"
let ?e2' = "(vector [0, -1])::(real^2)"
let ?ray = "λd. q0 + d *⇩R ?e2'"
have "¬ (∃d>0. ?ray d ∈ path_image ?R)"
have "∀d>0. (?ray d)$2 < q0$2" by auto
thus ?thesis using R_y_q0 by fastforce
moreover have "bounded (path_inside ?R)" using bounded_finite_inside simple by blast
moreover have "?e2' ≠ 0" by (metis vector_2(2) zero_index zero_neq_neg_one)
ultimately have "q0 ∉ path_inside ?R"
using ray_to_frontier[of "path_inside ?R"] interior_frontier by metis
moreover have "q0 ∉ path_image ?R"
using that q_int_l1 q_int_l2 q_int_l3 q_int_l4 q_int_l5
by (simp add: disjoint_iff not_in_path_image_join pathstart_in_path_image q0_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using inside_outside unfolding inside_outside_def by blast
then have "q0 ∈ - (path_inside ?R)"
by (metis ComplI IntI equals0D inside_Int_outside path_inside_def path_outside_def)
moreover have "q1 ∈ path_inside ?R"
let ?e = "(vector [q1$1, b_y])::(real^2)"
let ?d1 = "(vector [b_x, b_y])::(real^2)"
let ?d2 = "(vector [a_x, b_y])::(real^2)"
obtain ε where ε: "0 < ε ∧ ε < dist ?e q1 ∧ ε < dist ?e ?d1 ∧ ε < dist ?e ?d2"
have "?e ≠ q1"
by (metis UnCI b_y order_less_irrefl pathfinish_in_path_image q1_def vector_2(2))
moreover have "?e ≠ ?d1"
by (smt (verit) UnCI b_x pathfinish_in_path_image q1_def vector_2(1))
moreover have "?e ≠ ?d2"
by (metis UnCI a_x order_less_irrefl pathfinish_in_path_image q1_def vector_2(1))
ultimately have "0 < dist ?e q1 ∧ 0 < dist ?e ?d1 ∧ 0 < dist ?e ?d2" by simp
then have "0 < Min {dist ?e q1, dist ?e ?d1, dist ?e ?d2}" by auto
then obtain ε where "0 < ε ∧ ε < Min {dist ?e q1, dist ?e ?d1, dist ?e ?d2}"
by (meson field_lbound_gt_zero)
thus ?thesis using that by auto
then have "?e ∈ path_image ?l3"
by (simp add: a_x b_x q1_def segment_horizontal less_eq_real_def pathfinish_in_path_image)
then have "?e ∈ path_image ?R" by (simp add: p1_def path_image_join)
then have "?e ∈ frontier (path_inside ?R)"
using inside_outside unfolding inside_outside_def by blast
then obtain int_p where int_p: "int_p ∈ ball ?e ε ∧ int_p ∈ path_inside ?R"
by (meson ε inside_outside frontier_straddle mem_ball)
have int_p_x: "a_x < int_p$1 ∧ int_p$1 < b_x"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) dist_bound_1 UnI2 ε a_x b_x dist_commute int_p pathfinish_in_path_image q1_def vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
have "int_p$2 < b_y"
proof(rule ccontr)
have "int_p$2 ≠ b_y"
have "int_p$2 = b_y ⟹ int_p ∈ path_image ?l3"
using int_p_x by (simp add: segment_horizontal)
moreover have "int_p ∈ path_image ?l3 ⟹ int_p ∈ path_image ?R"
by (simp add: p1_def path_image_join)
moreover have "path_image ?R ∩ path_inside ?R = {}"
using inside_outside unfolding inside_outside_def by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using int_p by fast
moreover assume "¬ int_p$2 < b_y"
ultimately have *: "int_p$2 > b_y" by simp
let ?e2 = "(vector [0, 1])::(real^2)"
let ?ray = "λd. int_p + d *⇩R ?e2"
have "¬ (∃d>0. ?ray d ∈ path_image ?R)"
have "∀d>0. (?ray d)$2 > b_y" using * by auto
thus ?thesis using R_y_b by fastforce
moreover have "bounded (path_inside ?R)" using bounded_finite_inside simple by blast
moreover have "?e2 ≠ 0" using e1e2_basis(4) by force
ultimately have "int_p ∉ path_inside ?R"
using ray_to_frontier[of "path_inside ?R"] interior_frontier by metis
thus False using int_p by blast
moreover have "int_p$2 > q1$2"
have "dist int_p ?e < ε" using ε dist_commute_lessI int_p mem_ball by blast
then have "dist (int_p$2) (?e$2) < ε" by (smt (verit, best) dist_vec_nth_le)
then have 1: "int_p$2 > ?e$2 - ε" by (simp add: dist_real_def)
have "q1$1 = ?e$1" by simp
then have "dist q1 ?e = dist (q1$2) (?e$2)" using axis_dist by blast
then have "q1$2 < ?e$2 - ε"
by (smt (verit) UnCI ε b_y dist_commute dist_real_def pathfinish_in_path_image q1_def vector_2(2))
moreover have "q1$2 < ?e$2" by (simp add: b_y pathfinish_in_path_image q1_def)
moreover have "dist q1 ?e > ε" by (metis ε dist_commute)
ultimately have "q1$2 < ?e$2 - ε" by presburger
thus ?thesis using 1 by force
ultimately have int_p_y: "int_p$2 < b_y ∧ int_p$2 > q1$2" by blast
let ?int_l = "linepath int_p q1"
have "path_image ?int_l ∩ path_image p = {}"
have "∀x ∈ path_image p. (?int_l 0)$2 > x$2"
by (smt (verit) int_p_y assms(14) linepath_0')
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image p. (?int_l 1)$2 > x$2"
by (simp add: assms(14) linepath_1')
ultimately have "∀x ∈ path_image p. ∀y ∈ path_image ?int_l. y$2 > x$2"
by (metis assms(14) linepath_0' linepath_bound_2(1))
thus ?thesis by blast
moreover have "path_image ?int_l ∩ path_image ?l1 = {}"
by (smt (verit, best) assms(14) assms(9) disjoint_iff int_p_y linepath_int_rows p0_def pathstart_in_path_image vector_2(2))
moreover have "path_image ?int_l ∩ path_image ?l2 = {}"
by (metis UnCI b_x int_p_x linepath_int_columns pathfinish_in_path_image q1_def vector_2(1))
moreover have "path_image ?int_l ∩ path_image ?l3 = {}"
using int_p_y linepath_int_rows by auto
moreover have "path_image ?int_l ∩ path_image ?l4 = {}"
by (metis UnCI a_x inf_commute int_p_x linepath_int_columns pathfinish_in_path_image q1_def vector_2(1))
moreover have "path_image ?int_l ∩ path_image ?l5 = {}"
by (smt (verit, best) assms(14) assms(9) disjoint_iff int_p_y linepath_int_rows p0_def pathstart_in_path_image vector_2(2))
ultimately have "path_image ?int_l ∩ path_image ?R = {}"
by (simp add: disjoint_iff not_in_path_image_join)
then have "path_image ?int_l ⊆ path_inside ?R ∨ path_image ?int_l ⊆ path_outside ?R"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) convex_imp_path_connected convex_segment(1) disjoint_insert(1) insert_Diff inside_outside_def int_p linepath_image_01 local.inside_outside path_connected_not_frontier_subset path_defs(4) pathstart_in_path_image pathstart_linepath)
moreover have "?int_l 0 = int_p ∧ int_p ∈ path_inside ?R"
using int_p by (simp add: linepath_0')
ultimately have "path_image ?int_l ⊆ path_inside ?R"
using inside_outside_def local.inside_outside by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately have "path_image q ∩ - (path_inside ?R) ≠ {} ∧ path_image q ∩ (path_inside ?R) ≠ {}"
unfolding q0_def q1_def by fast
moreover have "path_connected (path_image q)"
by (simp add: assms(8) path_connected_path_image simple_path_imp_path)
moreover have "path_image ?R = frontier (path_inside ?R)"
using inside_outside unfolding inside_outside_def p0_def path_inside_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by (metis Diff_eq Diff_eq_empty_iff path_connected_not_frontier_subset)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) disjoint_iff_not_equal not_in_path_image_join q_int_l1 q_int_l5)
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma pocket_fill_line_int_aux2:
fixes p q :: "R_to_R2"
fixes A :: "(real^2) set"
defines "p0 ≡ pathstart p"
defines "p1 ≡ pathfinish p"
defines "a ≡ p1$1"
defines "l ≡ closed_segment p0 p1"
assumes "simple_path p"
assumes "p0$1 = 0 ∧ p0$2 = 0 ∧ p1$2 = 0"
assumes "a > 0"
assumes "convex A ∧ compact A"
assumes "{p0, p1} ⊆ frontier A"
assumes "p ` {0<..<1} ⊆ interior A"
shows "path_image p ∩ {x. x$2 = 0} ⊆ l"
have l: "l = {x. x$2 = 0 ∧ x$1 ∈ {0..a}}"
using horizontal_segment_at_0' a_def assms(6) assms(7) l_def by presburger
have endpoints: "(p 0)$1 = 0 ∧ (p 0)$2 = 0 ∧ (p 1)$1 = a ∧ (p 1)$2 = 0"
by (metis a_def assms(6) p0_def p1_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def)
have False if *: "∃t ∈ {0..1}. (p t)$2 = 0 ∧ ((p t)$1 > a ∨ (p t)$1 < 0)"
obtain t where "t ∈ {0<..<1} ∧ (p t)$2 = 0 ∧ ((p t)$1 > a ∨ (p t)$1 < 0)"
by (metis * assms(7) endpoints atLeastAtMost_iff greaterThanLessThan_iff less_eq_real_def linorder_not_le)
then obtain x where x: "x ∈ p`{0<..<1} ∧ x$2 = 0 ∧ (x$1 > a ∨ x$1 < 0)" by blast
thus False
using pocket_fill_line_int_aux[of p0 p1 x A]
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Diff_iff a_def assms(10) assms(6) assms(7) assms(8) assms(9) empty_subsetI endpoints exhaust_2 frontier_def frontier_subset_compact insert_subset interior_subset p0_def pathstart_def subset_eq vec_eq_iff zero_index)
then have "∀t ∈ {0..1}. (p t)$2 = 0 ⟶ (p t)$1 ∈ {0..a}" by fastforce
then have "∀v ∈ path_image p. v$2 = 0 ⟶ v$1 ∈ {0..a}" by (simp add: imageE path_defs(4))
thus ?thesis using l by blast
lemma three_points_on_line:
fixes a b :: "'a::real_vector"
assumes "A = affine hull {a, b}"
assumes "a ≠ b"
assumes "{x, y, z} ⊆ A"
assumes "x ≠ y ∧ y ≠ z ∧ x ≠ z"
shows "x ∈ open_segment y z ∨ y ∈ open_segment x z ∨ z ∈ open_segment x y"
let ?u = "b - a"
have *: "⋀α β γ::real. α ∈ open_segment β γ
⟹ a + α *⇩R ?u ∈ open_segment (a + β *⇩R ?u) (a + γ *⇩R ?u)"
fix α β γ :: real
assume *: "α ∈ open_segment β γ"
define x where "x ≡ a + α *⇩R ?u"
define y where "y ≡ a + β *⇩R ?u"
define z where "z ≡ a + γ *⇩R ?u"
obtain v where v: "α = (1 - v) * β + v * γ ∧ v ∈ {0<..<1}"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "*" imageE in_segment(2) real_scaleR_def segment_image_interval(2))
then have "x = a + ((1 - v) * β + v * γ) *⇩R ?u" using x_def by blast
also have "... = a + (((1 - v) * β) *⇩R ?u) + ((v * γ) *⇩R ?u)" by (simp add: scaleR_left.add)
also have "... = a + ((1 - v) *⇩R (β *⇩R ?u)) + (v *⇩R (γ *⇩R ?u))" by simp
also have "... = a + ((1 - v) *⇩R (y - a)) + (v *⇩R (z - a))" by (simp add: y_def z_def)
also have "... = a + y - a - v *⇩R (y - a) + v *⇩R (z - a)" by (simp add: scaleR_left_diff_distrib)
also have "... = y - v *⇩R (y - a) + v *⇩R (z - a)" by simp
also have "... = y - (v *⇩R y) + (v *⇩R a) + (v *⇩R z) - (v *⇩R a)" by (simp add: scaleR_right_diff_distrib)
also have "... = (1 - v) *⇩R y + v *⇩R z" by (metis add_diff_cancel diff_add_eq scaleR_collapse)
finally have "x = (1 - v) *⇩R y + v *⇩R z" .
moreover have "0 ≤ 1 - v ∧ 1 - v ≤ 1" using v by fastforce
ultimately have "x ∈ closed_segment y z" using in_segment(1) by auto
moreover have "x ≠ y ∧ x ≠ z"
by (metis "*" add_diff_cancel_left' assms(2) eq_iff_diff_eq_0 in_open_segment_iff_line open_segment_commute open_segment_subsegment scaleR_right_imp_eq x_def y_def z_def)
ultimately show "a + α *⇩R ?u ∈ open_segment (a + β *⇩R ?u) (a + γ *⇩R ?u)"
unfolding open_segment_def using x_def y_def z_def by force
obtain α β γ where xyz: "x = a + α *⇩R ?u ∧ y = a + β *⇩R ?u ∧ z = a + γ *⇩R ?u"
using affine_hull_2_alt[of a b] assms(1) assms(3) by auto
then have "α ≠ β ∧ β ≠ γ ∧ α ≠ γ" using assms by blast
moreover have "α ∈ closed_segment β γ ∨ β ∈ closed_segment α γ ∨ γ ∈ closed_segment α β"
by (metis atLeastAtMost_iff closed_segment_commute less_eq_real_def less_max_iff_disj linorder_not_less real_Icc_closed_segment)
ultimately have "α ∈ open_segment β γ ∨ β ∈ open_segment α γ ∨ γ ∈ open_segment α β"
unfolding open_segment_def by fast
thus ?thesis using * xyz by presburger
lemma pocket_fill_line_int_aux3:
fixes A :: "(real^2) set"
assumes "convex A ∧ compact A"
assumes "v ≠ 0"
assumes "closed_segment 0 w ⊆ frontier A" (is "closed_segment ?a ?b ⊆ _")
assumes "w ∙ v = 0"
assumes "w ≠ 0"
shows "(A ⊆ {x. x ∙ v ≤ 0} ∨ A ⊆ {x. x ∙ v ≥ 0})" (is "A ⊆ ?P1 ∨ A ⊆ ?P2")
have frontiers: "frontier ?P1 = frontier ?P2 ∧ frontier ?P1 ⊆ ?P2 ∧ frontier ?P2 ⊆ ?P1"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Collect_mono assms(2) frontier_halfspace_component_ge frontier_halfspace_le inner_commute subset_antisym)
have frontier: "frontier ?P1 = {x. x ∙ v = 0}"
by (simp add: assms(2) frontier_halfspace_component_ge frontiers)
have ?thesis if "interior A ≠ {}"
have "interior A ⊆ ?P1 ∨ interior A ⊆ ?P2"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (interior A ⊆ ?P1 ∨ interior A ⊆ ?P2)"
then obtain x y where xy: "x ∈ ((interior A) ∩ ?P1) - ?P2 ∧ y ∈ ((interior A) ∩ ?P2) - ?P1"
by fastforce
moreover have "x ∈ frontier ?P1 ∪ interior ?P1 ∧ y ∈ frontier ?P2 ∪ interior ?P2"
by (metis DiffD1 IntD2 Un_Diff_cancel2 frontiers closure_Un_frontier frontier_def interior_subset sup.orderE xy)
ultimately have xy': "x ∈ (interior A) ∩ interior ?P1 ∧ y ∈ (interior A) ∩ interior ?P2"
using frontiers by blast
then have "closed_segment x y ∩ frontier ?P1 ≠ {}"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) DiffD1 DiffD2 Int_iff convex_closed_segment convex_imp_path_connected empty_iff ends_in_segment(1) ends_in_segment(2) in_mono path_connected_not_frontier_subset xy)
moreover have "closed_segment x y ⊆ interior A"
by (metis convex_interior Int_iff assms(1) convex_contains_segment xy')
ultimately obtain z where z: "z ∈ interior A ∩ frontier ?P1" by blast
have "closed_segment ?a ?b ⊆ frontier ?P1"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x
assume "x ∈ closed_segment ?a ?b"
then obtain u where "x = (1 - u) *⇩R ?a + u *⇩R ?b ∧ 0 ≤ u ∧ u ≤ 1"
unfolding closed_segment_def by blast
then have "x ∙ v = u *⇩R (?b ∙ v)" by simp
moreover have "?b ∙ v = 0" by (simp add: assms(4))
ultimately have "x ∙ v = 0" by simp
thus "x ∈ frontier ?P1" using frontier by blast
moreover have "z ∉ closed_segment ?a ?b" using assms(3) frontier_def z by fastforce
ultimately have "z ∈ frontier ?P1 - closed_segment ?a ?b" using z by blast
moreover have "collinear {z, ?a, ?b}"
have "{z, ?a, ?b} ⊆ {x. x ∙ v = 0}"
using ‹{0--w} ⊆ frontier {x. x ∙ v ≤ 0}› frontier z by auto
moreover have "{x. x ∙ v = 0} = affine hull {?a, ?b}"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Collect_mono assms(2) assms(5) calculation halfplane_frontier_affine_hull inner_commute insert_subset subset_antisym)
ultimately show ?thesis using collinear_affine_hull by auto
ultimately have "?a ∈ open_segment z ?b ∨ ?b ∈ open_segment z ?a"
using three_points_on_line[of "{x. x ∙ v = 0}"]
by (smt (z3) ‹z ∉ {0--w}› assms(5) collinear_3_imp_in_affine_hull ends_in_segment(1) ends_in_segment(2) hull_redundant hull_subset insert_commute open_closed_segment three_points_on_line)
moreover have "open_segment z ?b ⊆ interior A ∧ open_segment z ?a ⊆ interior A"
have "closed_segment z ?b ⊆ A ∧ closed_segment z ?a ⊆ A"
by (meson IntD1 assms(1) assms(3) closed_segment_subset ends_in_segment(1) ends_in_segment(2) frontier_subset_compact in_mono interior_subset z)
then have "rel_interior (closed_segment z ?b) ⊆ interior A
∧ rel_interior (closed_segment z ?a) ⊆ interior A"
by (metis IntD1 ‹z ∉ {0--w}› assms(1) closure_convex_hull convex_hull_eq in_interior_closure_convex_segment order_class.order_eq_iff rel_interior_closed_segment subsetD subset_closed_segment z)
moreover have "rel_interior (closed_segment z ?b) = open_segment z ?b
∧ rel_interior (closed_segment z ?a) = open_segment z ?a"
by (metis ‹z ∉ {0--w}› closed_segment_commute ends_in_segment(1) rel_interior_closed_segment)
ultimately show ?thesis by force
ultimately have "?a ∈ interior A ∨ ?b ∈ interior A" by fast
thus False using assms(3) frontier_def by auto
then have "closure (interior A) ⊆ closure ?P1 ∨ closure (interior A) ⊆ closure ?P2"
using closure_mono by blast
moreover have "closed ?P1 ∧ closed ?P2"
by (simp add: closed_halfspace_component_ge closed_halfspace_component_le)
moreover have "closure (interior A) = A"
using assms(1)
by (simp add: compact_imp_closed convex_closure_interior that)
ultimately show ?thesis using closure_closed by auto
moreover have ?thesis if "interior A = {}"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (A ⊆ ?P1 ∨ A ⊆ ?P2)"
then obtain x y where xy: "x ∈ (A ∩ ?P1) - ?P2 ∧ y ∈ (A ∩ ?P2) - ?P1" by fastforce
moreover have "x ∈ frontier ?P1 ∪ interior ?P1 ∧ y ∈ frontier ?P2 ∪ interior ?P2"
by (metis DiffD1 IntD2 Un_Diff_cancel2 frontiers closure_Un_frontier frontier_def interior_subset sup.orderE xy)
ultimately have xy': "x ∈ A ∩ interior ?P1 ∧ y ∈ A ∩ interior ?P2" using frontiers by blast
have "¬ collinear {?a, ?b, x, y}"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ¬ collinear {?a, ?b, x, y}"
then have *: "collinear {?a, ?b, x, y}" by blast
then have "{?a, ?b, x, y} ⊆ affine hull {?a, ?b}"
by (metis assms(5) collinear_3_imp_in_affine_hull collinear_4_3 hull_subset insert_subset)
moreover have "affine hull {?a, ?b} = {x. x ∙ v = 0}"
by (smt (verit) DiffE * assms(2) assms(4) assms(5) collinear_3_imp_in_affine_hull collinear_4_3 halfplane_frontier_affine_hull inner_commute mem_Collect_eq xy)
moreover have "... = frontier ?P1 ∧ ... = frontier ?P2"
using frontiers assms(2) frontier_halfspace_component_ge by blast
ultimately show False using frontiers xy by auto
then obtain c1 c2 c3 where c123: "¬ collinear {c1, c2, c3} ∧ {c1, c2, c3} ⊆ {?a, ?b, x, y}"
by (metis assms(5) collinear_4_3 insert_mono subset_insertI)
then have "interior (convex hull {c1, c2, c3}) ≠ {}"
by (metis Jordan_inside_outside_real2 closed_path_def make_triangle_def path_inside_def polygon_def polygon_of_def triangle_inside_is_convex_hull_interior triangle_is_polygon)
moreover have "{c1, c2, c3} ⊆ A"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) c123 xy' assms(1) assms(3) empty_subsetI frontier_subset_compact in_mono inf.orderE insert_absorb insert_mono le_infE subsetI subset_closed_segment)
ultimately have "interior A ≠ {}"
by (metis assms(1) interior_mono subset_empty subset_hull)
thus False using that by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma pocket_fill_line_int_aux4:
fixes p q :: "R_to_R2"
fixes A :: "(real^2) set"
defines "p0 ≡ pathstart p"
defines "p1 ≡ pathfinish p"
defines "q0 ≡ pathstart q"
defines "q1 ≡ pathfinish q"
defines "a ≡ p1$1"
defines "l ≡ closed_segment p0 p1"
assumes "simple_path p"
assumes "simple_path q"
assumes "path_image p ∩ path_image q = {}"
assumes "p0$1 = 0 ∧ p0$2 = 0 ∧ p1$2 = 0"
assumes "a > 0"
assumes "∀v ∈ path_image p. q0$2 ≤ v$2"
assumes "∀v ∈ path_image p. q1$2 > v$2"
assumes "convex A ∧ compact A"
assumes "{p0, p1} ⊆ frontier A"
assumes "p`{0<..<1} ⊆ interior A"
assumes "path_image q ⊆ A"
shows "l ⊆ frontier A" "∀x ∈ (path_image p) ∪ (path_image q). x$2 ≥ 0" "q0$2 = 0"
have l: "l = {x. x$2 = 0 ∧ x$1 ∈ {0..a}}"
using horizontal_segment_at_0' a_def assms(10) assms(11) l_def by presburger
have endpoints: "(p 0)$1 = 0 ∧ (p 0)$2 = 0 ∧ (p 1)$1 = a ∧ (p 1)$2 = 0"
by (metis a_def assms(10) p0_def p1_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def)
have "l ⊆ frontier A" if "¬ (path_image q ∩ {x. x$2 = 0} ⊆ l)"
from that obtain x where "x ∈ path_image q ∩ {x. x$2 = 0} ∧ (x$1 < 0 ∨ x$1 > a)"
by (smt (verit) Int_Collect a_def assms(10) endpoints l_def p0_def pathstart_def segment_horizontal subsetI)
thus ?thesis
using pocket_fill_line_int_aux[of p0 p1 x A] unfolding l_def
by (smt (verit, del_insts) IntD2 Int_commute a_def assms(11) assms(14) assms(15) assms(17) assms(10) endpoints exhaust_2 frontier_subset_compact insert_subset mem_Collect_eq p0_def pathstart_def subset_eq vec_eq_iff zero_index)
moreover have False if "(path_image q ∩ {x. x$2 = 0} ⊆ l)"
have "(path_image p ∩ {x. x$2 = 0} ⊆ l)"
using pocket_fill_line_int_aux2
by (metis a_def assms(10) assms(11) assms(14) assms(15) assms(16) assms(7) l_def p0_def p1_def)
then have "path_image p ∩ path_image q ≠ {}"
using pocket_fill_line_int_aux1
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(11) assms(12) assms(13) assms(7) assms(8) endpoints l_def p0_def p1_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def q0_def q1_def that)
thus False by (simp add: assms(9))
ultimately show *: "l ⊆ frontier A" by blast
show "∀x ∈ (path_image p) ∪ (path_image q). x$2 ≥ 0"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (∀x ∈ (path_image p) ∪ (path_image q). x$2 ≥ 0)"
then have "∃x ∈ (path_image p) ∪ (path_image q). x$2 < 0" using linorder_not_le by blast
then obtain x where x: "x ∈ ((path_image p) ∪ (path_image q)) ∩ A ∧ x$2 < 0"
using assms(12) assms(17) pathstart_in_path_image q0_def by fastforce
let ?v = "(vector [0, 1])::(real^2)"
have 1: "?v ≠ 0" by (simp add: e1e2_basis(3))
have 2: "closed_segment 0 p1 ⊆ frontier A"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) * Int_closed_segment closed_segment_eq doubleton_eq_iff endpoints l_def p0_def pathstart_def segment_vertical zero_index)
have 3: "p1 ∙ ?v = 0" by (metis assms(10) cart_eq_inner_axis e1e2_basis(3))
have 4: "p1 ≠ 0" using a_def assms(11) by force
have *: "(A ⊆ {x. x ∙ ?v ≤ 0} ∨ A ⊆ {x. x ∙ ?v ≥ 0})"
using pocket_fill_line_int_aux3[OF assms(14) 1 2 3 4] by blast
moreover have "q1$2 > 0" using assms(10) assms(13) p0_def pathstart_in_path_image by fastforce
ultimately show False
by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntE x assms(17) e1e2_basis(3) inner_axis linorder_not_less mem_Collect_eq pathfinish_in_path_image q1_def real_inner_1_right subsetD)
moreover have "q0$2 ≤ 0" using assms(10) assms(12) p1_def by force
moreover have "q0 ∈ (path_image p) ∪ (path_image q)"
by (simp add: pathstart_in_path_image q0_def)
ultimately show "q0$2 = 0" by force
lemma pocket_fill_line_int_aux5:
fixes p q :: "R_to_R2"
fixes A :: "(real^2) set"
defines "p0 ≡ pathstart p"
defines "p1 ≡ pathfinish p"
defines "q0 ≡ pathstart q"
defines "q1 ≡ pathfinish q"
defines "a ≡ p1$1"
defines "l ≡ closed_segment p0 p1"
assumes "simple_path p"
assumes "simple_path q"
assumes "path_image p ∩ path_image q = {q0, q1}"
assumes "p0$1 = 0 ∧ p0$2 = 0 ∧ p1$2 = 0"
assumes "a > 0"
assumes "A = convex hull (path_image p ∪ path_image q)"
assumes "{p0, p1} ⊆ frontier A"
assumes "p`{0<..<1} ⊆ interior A"
assumes "path_image q ⊆ A"
assumes "∃x ∈ p`{0<..<1}. x$2 ≥ 0"
assumes "q0 = p1 ∧ q1 = p0"
shows "l ⊆ frontier A" "∀x ∈ path_image p ∪ path_image q. x$2 ≥ 0"
have 1: "l ⊆ frontier A" if "∀x ∈ path_image p ∪ path_image q. x$2 ≥ 0"
have "∀x ∈ path_image p ∪ path_image q. x ∙ (vector [0, 1]) ≥ 0"
by (simp add: e1e2_basis(3) inner_axis that)
then have "∀x ∈ A. x ∙ (vector [0, 1]) ≥ 0"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) convex_cut_aux' assms(12) inner_commute mem_Collect_eq subset_eq)
then have "A ⊆ {x. x ∙ (vector [0, 1]) ≥ 0}" by blast
moreover have "frontier {x. x ∙ ((vector [0, 1])::(real^2)) ≥ 0} = {x. x ∙ (vector [0, 1]) = 0}"
by (metis dual_order.refl frontier_halfspace_component_ge not_one_le_zero vector_2(2) zero_index)
moreover have "l ⊆ {x. x ∙ (vector [0, 1]) = 0}"
have "∀x ∈ l. x$2 = 0" using assms(10) l_def segment_horizontal by presburger
thus ?thesis by (simp add: cart_eq_inner_axis e1e2_basis(3) subset_eq)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (smt (verit, best) Un_upper1 assms(12) closed_segment_subset convex_convex_hull hull_subset in_frontier_in_subset l_def p0_def p1_def pathfinish_in_path_image pathstart_in_path_image subset_eq)
have 2: False if tht: "¬ (∀x ∈ (path_image p) ∪ (path_image q). x$2 ≥ 0)"
obtain x tx where x: "tx ∈ {0..1} ∧ q tx = x ∧ (∀z ∈ path_image p. x$2 < z$2)"
using exists_point_below_all[of p q] that
by (smt (verit, del_insts) tht assms(10) assms(12) assms(14) assms(7) assms(8) image_iff p0_def p1_def path_image_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def simple_path_imp_path)
obtain y ty where y: "ty ∈ {0..1} ∧ q ty = y ∧ (∀x ∈ path_image p. y$2 > x$2)"
using exists_point_above_all[of p q]
by (smt (verit, del_insts) assms(10) assms(12) assms(14) assms(16) assms(7) assms(8) image_iff p0_def p1_def path_image_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def simple_path_imp_path)
let ?Q =
"λq'. simple_path q' ∧ path_image p ∩ path_image q' = {}
∧ q' 0 = q tx ∧ q' 1 = q ty
∧ path_image q' ⊆ path_image q"
have *: "⋀q'. ?Q q' ⟹ False"
fix q'
assume *: "?Q q'"
have 2: "simple_path q'" by (simp add: *)
have 3: "path_image p ∩ path_image q' = {}" by (simp add: *)
have 6: "∀v∈path_image p. pathstart q' $ 2 ≤ v $ 2"
by (simp add: * less_eq_real_def pathstart_def x)
have 7: "∀v∈path_image p. v $ 2 < pathfinish q' $ 2" by (simp add: * pathfinish_def y)
have 11: "path_image q' ⊆ A" using * assms(15) by blast
have "∀x ∈ (path_image p) ∪ (path_image q'). x$2 ≥ 0"
using pocket_fill_line_int_aux4(2)[of p, OF _ 2 3 _ _ 6 7 _ _ _ 11]
by (metis a_def assms(10) assms(11) assms(12) assms(13) assms(14) assms(7) assms(8) compact_Un compact_convex_hull compact_simple_path_image convex_convex_hull p0_def p1_def)
thus False
by (smt (verit) "*" UnCI assms(10) p0_def pathstart_def pathstart_in_path_image x)
have lf: "(∀t ∈ {0..1}. (q t = q0 ∨ q t = q1) ⟶ (t = 0 ∨ t = 1))"
using assms(8)
unfolding q0_def q1_def simple_path_def loop_free_def pathstart_def pathfinish_def
by fastforce
have endpoints: "q tx ≠ q0 ∧ q ty ≠ q0 ∧ q tx ≠ q1 ∧ q ty ≠ q1"
by (metis x y assms(10) assms(17) order_less_le p0_def pathstart_in_path_image)
have tx_neq_ty: "tx ≠ ty" using pathstart_in_path_image x y by fastforce
moreover have False if "tx < ty"
have "path_image p ∩ path_image (subpath tx ty q) = {}"
(is "path_image p ∩ path_image ?q' = {}")
have "q0 ∉ path_image ?q' ∧ q1 ∉ path_image ?q'"
have "{tx..ty} ⊆ {0..1}" using x y by simp
then have "(∀t ∈ {tx..ty}. (q t = q0 ∨ q t = q1) ⟶ (t = 0 ∨ t = 1))" using lf by blast
moreover have "0 ∉ {tx..ty} ∧ 1 ∉ {tx..ty}"
by (metis atLeastAtMost_iff dual_order.eq_iff endpoints pathfinish_def pathstart_def q0_def q1_def x y)
moreover have "path_image ?q' = q`{tx..ty}" by (simp add: path_image_subpath that)
ultimately show ?thesis by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by (smt (verit, best) Int_empty_right Int_insert_right_if0 assms(9) boolean_algebra_cancel.inf2 inf.absorb_iff1 path_image_subpath_subset x y)
thus ?thesis using *[of ?q']
by (metis assms(8) tx_neq_ty path_image_subpath_subset pathfinish_def pathfinish_subpath pathstart_def pathstart_subpath simple_path_subpath x y)
moreover have False if "ty < tx"
have "path_image p ∩ path_image (reversepath (subpath tx ty q)) = {}"
(is "path_image p ∩ path_image ?q' = {}")
have "q0 ∉ path_image ?q' ∧ q1 ∉ path_image ?q'"
have "{ty..tx} ⊆ {0..1}" using x y by simp
then have "(∀t ∈ {ty..tx}. (q t = q0 ∨ q t = q1) ⟶ (t = 0 ∨ t = 1))" using lf by blast
moreover have "0 ∉ {ty..tx} ∧ 1 ∉ {ty..tx}"
by (metis atLeastAtMost_iff dual_order.eq_iff endpoints pathfinish_def pathstart_def q0_def q1_def x y)
moreover have "path_image ?q' = q`{ty..tx}"
by (simp add: path_image_subpath reversepath_subpath that)
ultimately show ?thesis by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by (smt (verit) Int_commute assms(9) inf.absorb_iff2 inf.assoc inf_bot_right insert_disjoint(2) path_image_reversepath path_image_subpath_subset x y)
thus ?thesis using *[of ?q']
by (metis "*" assms(8) tx_neq_ty path_image_subpath_commute path_image_subpath_subset pathfinish_def pathfinish_subpath pathstart_def pathstart_subpath reversepath_subpath simple_path_subpath x y)
ultimately show False by fastforce
show "l ⊆ frontier A" "∀x ∈ (path_image p) ∪ (path_image q). x$2 ≥ 0"
using 1 2 apply blast
using 1 2 by blast
lemma pocket_fill_line_int_aux6:
fixes p q :: "R_to_R2"
defines "p0 ≡ pathstart p"
defines "p1 ≡ pathfinish p"
defines "q0 ≡ pathstart q"
defines "q1 ≡ pathfinish q"
defines "a ≡ p1$1"
assumes "simple_path p"
assumes "simple_path q"
assumes "p0 = 0 ∧ p1$2 = 0"
assumes "a > 0"
assumes "q0$1 ∈ {0..a} ∧ q0$2 = 0"
assumes "∀x ∈ path_image p. q1$2 > x$2"
assumes "∀x ∈ path_image p ∪ path_image q. x$2 ≥ 0"
shows "path_image p ∩ path_image q ≠ {}"
let ?l1 = "linepath p1 (vector [a, -1])"
let ?l2 = "linepath ((vector [a, -1])::(real^2)) (vector [0, -1])"
let ?l3 = "linepath ((vector [0, -1])::(real^2)) 0"
let ?R' = "?l1 +++ ?l2 +++ ?l3"
let ?R = "p +++ ?R'"
have closed: "closed_path ?R"
have "path ?R" using assms(6) p1_def simple_path_imp_path by auto
moreover have "pathstart ?R = pathstart p" by simp
moreover have "pathfinish ?R = pathfinish ?l3" by simp
moreover have "pathstart p = 0" using assms(8) p0_def by fastforce
moreover have "pathfinish ?l3 = 0" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding closed_path_def by presburger
have simple: "simple_path ?R"
have "arc ?R'"
let ?a = "p1"
let ?b = "(vector [a, -1])::(real^2)"
let ?c = "(vector [0, -1])::(real^2)"
let ?d = "0::(real^2)"
have arcs: "arc ?l1 ∧ arc ?l2 ∧ arc ?l3"
by (metis arc_linepath assms(8) assms(9) vector_2(1) vector_2(2) verit_comp_simplify1(1) zero_index zero_neq_neg_one)
have l2l3: "path_image ?l2 ∩ path_image ?l3 = {pathfinish ?l2}"
using linepath_int_corner[of ?b ?c ?d]
by (metis Int_commute closed_segment_commute linepath_int_corner path_image_linepath pathfinish_linepath vector_2(2) zero_index zero_neq_neg_one)
have l1l2: "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image ?l2 = {pathfinish ?l1}"
using linepath_int_corner[of ?a ?b ?c] by (simp add: assms(8))
have l1l3: "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image ?l3 = {}"
using linepath_int_vertical[of ?a ?b ?c ?d] a_def assms(9) linepath_int_vertical by auto
have "path_image ?l2 ∩ path_image ?l3 = {pathfinish ?l2}"
using l2l3 by blast
moreover have sf_23: "pathfinish ?l2 = pathstart ?l3" by simp
ultimately have "arc (?l2 +++ ?l3)"
by (metis arc_join_eq_alt arcs)
moreover have "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image (?l2 +++ ?l3) = {pathfinish ?l1}"
using l1l2 l1l3
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_Un_distrib sf_23 insert_is_Un path_image_join)
moreover have "pathfinish ?l1 = pathstart (?l2 +++ ?l3)" by simp
ultimately show "arc (?l1 +++ ?l2 +++ ?l3)"
by (metis arc_join_eq_alt arcs)
moreover have "loop_free p" using assms(6) simple_path_def by blast
moreover have "path_image ?R' ∩ path_image p = {p0, p1}"
have "path_image ?l1 ∩ path_image p = {p1}"
have "∀x ∈ path_image p. x$2 ≥ 0" by (simp add: assms(12))
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image ?l1. x$2 ≤ 0" using a_def assms(8) segment_vertical by force
ultimately have "∀x ∈ path_image p ∩ path_image ?l1. x$2 = 0" by fastforce
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image ?l1. x$2 = 0 ⟶ x = p1"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) a_def assms(8) exhaust_2 path_image_linepath segment_vertical vec_eq_iff vector_2(1))
ultimately have "∀x ∈ path_image p ∩ path_image ?l1. x = p1" by fast
moreover have "p1 ∈ path_image ?l1 ∧ p1 ∈ path_image p" using p1_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
moreover have "path_image ?l2 ∩ path_image p = {}"
by (smt (verit, best) segment_horizontal assms(12) UnCI disjoint_iff path_image_linepath vector_2(2))
moreover have "path_image ?l3 ∩ path_image p = {p0}"
have "∀x ∈ path_image p. x$2 ≥ 0" by (simp add: assms(12))
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image ?l3. x$2 ≤ 0" using a_def assms(8) segment_vertical by force
ultimately have "∀x ∈ path_image p ∩ path_image ?l3. x$2 = 0" by fastforce
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image ?l3. x$2 = 0 ⟶ x = p0"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(8) exhaust_2 path_image_linepath segment_vertical vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) zero_index)
ultimately have "∀x ∈ path_image p ∩ path_image ?l3. x = p0" by fast
moreover have "p0 ∈ path_image ?l3 ∧ p0 ∈ path_image p" using assms(8) p0_def by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Int_Un_distrib Int_commute Un_assoc Un_insert_right insert_is_Un path_image_join pathfinish_linepath pathstart_join pathstart_linepath)
moreover have "arc p"
using closed_path_def arc_distinct_ends assms(6) calculation(1) closed p1_def simple_path_imp_arc
by force
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Int_commute closed_path_def closed dual_order.refl linepath_0' p0_def p1_def pathfinish_join pathstart_def pathstart_join simple_path_join_loop_eq)
have inside_outside: "inside_outside ?R (path_inside ?R) (path_outside ?R)"
using closed simple Jordan_inside_outside_real2
by (simp add: closed_path_def inside_outside_def path_inside_def path_outside_def)
have interior_frontier: "path_inside ?R = interior (path_inside ?R)
∧ frontier (path_inside ?R) = path_image ?R"
using inside_outside interior_open unfolding inside_outside_def by auto
have R_y_q1: "∀x ∈ path_image ?R. x$2 < q1$2"
have *: "∀x ∈ path_image p. x$2 < q1$2" using assms(11) by blast
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image ?l1. x$2 < q1$2"
using a_def assms(8) * p1_def pathfinish_in_path_image segment_vertical by fastforce
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image ?l2. x$2 < q1$2"
using assms(8) * p1_def pathfinish_in_path_image segment_horizontal by fastforce
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image ?l3. x$2 < q1$2"
using assms(8) * p1_def pathfinish_in_path_image segment_vertical by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by (metis not_in_path_image_join)
have R_y_0: "∀x ∈ path_image ?R. x$2 ≥ -1"
have "∀x ∈ path_image ?l1. x$2 ≥ -1" using a_def assms(8) segment_vertical by fastforce
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image ?l2. x$2 ≥ -1" using segment_horizontal by auto
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image ?l3. x$2 ≥ -1" using segment_vertical by auto
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image p. x$2 ≥ -1" using assms(12) by force
ultimately show ?thesis by (metis not_in_path_image_join)
have ?thesis if "p0 ∈ path_image q ∨ p1 ∈ path_image q" using p0_def p1_def that by blast
moreover have ?thesis if "p0 ∉ path_image q ∧ p1 ∉ path_image q ∧ q0 ∉ path_image p"
have q_int_l1: "path_image q ∩ path_image ?l1 = {}"
have "∀x ∈ path_image q. x$2 ≥ 0" by (simp add: assms(12))
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image ?l1. x$2 = 0 ⟶ x = p1"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) a_def assms(8) exhaust_2 path_image_linepath segment_vertical vec_eq_iff vector_2(1))
ultimately show ?thesis using that a_def assms(8) segment_vertical by fastforce
moreover have q_int_l2: "path_image q ∩ path_image ?l2 = {}"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) UnCI assms(12) disjoint_iff path_image_linepath segment_horizontal vector_2(2))
moreover have q_int_l3: "path_image q ∩ path_image ?l3 = {}"
have "∀x ∈ path_image q. x$2 ≥ 0" by (simp add: assms(12))
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image ?l3. x$2 = 0 ⟶ x = p0"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(8) exhaust_2 path_image_linepath segment_vertical vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) zero_index)
ultimately show ?thesis using that a_def assms(8) segment_vertical by fastforce
ultimately have q0_notin_R: "q0 ∉ path_image ?R"
using that by (simp add: disjoint_iff not_in_path_image_join pathstart_in_path_image q0_def)
have "path_image q ∩ path_image ?R ≠ {}"
have "q0 ∈ path_inside ?R"
let ?e = "(vector [q0$1, -1])::(real^2)"
let ?d1 = "(vector [a, -1])::(real^2)"
let ?d2 = "(vector [0, -1])::(real^2)"
have "0 < q0$1 ∧ q0$1 < a"
by (smt (verit) a_def assms(10) assms(8) atLeastAtMost_iff exhaust_2 linorder_not_less pathstart_in_path_image q0_def that vec_eq_iff zero_index)
then have "q0$1 > 0 ∧ a - q0$1 > 0" by simp
then have "min (min (q0$1) (a - q0$1)) 1 > 0" (is "?ε' > 0") by linarith
then have "0 < ?ε'/2 ∧ ?ε'/2 < 1 ∧ ?ε'/2 < q0$1 ∧ ?ε'/2 < a - q0$1" by argo
then obtain ε where ε: "0 < ε ∧ ε < 1 ∧ ε < q0$1 ∧ ε < a - q0$1" by blast
moreover have "?e ∈ frontier (path_inside ?R)"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) UnCI ‹0 < q0 $ 1 ∧ 0 < a - q0 $ 1› interior_frontier p1_def path_image_join path_image_linepath pathfinish_linepath pathstart_join pathstart_linepath segment_horizontal vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
ultimately obtain int_p where int_p: "int_p ∈ ball ?e ε ∩ path_inside ?R"
by (meson inside_outside frontier_straddle mem_ball IntI)
have int_p_x: "int_p$1 > 0 ∧ int_p$1 < a"
have "int_p$1 > 0"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ int_p$1 > 0"
moreover have "dist (int_p$1) (q0$1) < q0$1"
by (smt (verit) IntE ε dist_commute dist_vec_nth_le int_p mem_ball vector_2(1))
ultimately show False using dist_real_def by force
moreover have "int_p$1 < a"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ int_p$1 < a"
moreover have "dist (int_p$1) (q0$1) < a - q0$1"
by (smt (verit) IntE ε dist_commute dist_vec_nth_le int_p mem_ball vector_2(1))
ultimately show False using dist_real_def by force
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
have int_p_y: "int_p$2 > -1 ∧ int_p$2 < 0"
have "int_p$2 > -1"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume *: "¬ int_p$2 > -1"
then have "int_p$2 ≤ -1" by simp
let ?e2' = "(vector [0, -1])::(real^2)"
let ?ray = "λd. int_p + d *⇩R ?e2'"
have "¬ (∃d>0. ?ray d ∈ path_image ?R)"
have "∀d>0. (?ray d)$2 < -1" using * by auto
thus ?thesis using R_y_0 by force
moreover have "bounded (path_inside ?R)" using bounded_finite_inside simple by blast
moreover have "?e2' ≠ 0" by (metis vector_2(2) zero_index zero_neq_neg_one)
ultimately have "int_p ∉ path_inside ?R"
using ray_to_frontier[of "path_inside ?R"] interior_frontier by metis
thus False using int_p by blast
moreover have "int_p$2 < 0"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ int_p$2 < 0"
then have "dist int_p ?e ≥ 1"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) dist_real_def dist_vec_nth_le vector_2(2))
thus False by (smt (verit, del_insts) IntD1 ε dist_commute int_p mem_ball)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
let ?int_l = "linepath int_p q0"
have "path_image ?int_l ∩ path_image ?l1 = {}"
using ‹0 < q0 $ 1 ∧ q0 $ 1 < a› a_def int_p_x linepath_int_columns by auto
moreover have "path_image ?int_l ∩ path_image ?l2 = {}"
by (smt (verit, best) assms(10) disjoint_iff int_p_y linepath_int_rows vector_2(2))
moreover have "path_image ?int_l ∩ path_image ?l3 = {}"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) ε disjoint_iff int_p_x linepath_int_columns vector_2(1) zero_index)
moreover have "path_image ?int_l ∩ path_image p = {}"
have "∀t ∈ {0..1}. (?int_l t)$2 = 0 ⟶ t = 1"
unfolding linepath_def using assms(10) int_p_y by force
then have "∀x ∈ path_image ?int_l. x$2 = 0 ⟶ x = q0"
unfolding path_image_def using linepath_1' by fastforce
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image p. x$2 ≥ 0" by (simp add: assms(12))
moreover have "∀x ∈ path_image ?int_l. x$2 ≤ 0"
by (smt (verit) assms(10) int_p_y linepath_bound_2(2))
ultimately show ?thesis using that by fastforce
ultimately have "path_image ?int_l ∩ path_image ?R = {}"
by (simp add: disjoint_iff not_in_path_image_join)
then have "path_image ?int_l ⊆ path_inside ?R ∨ path_image ?int_l ⊆ path_outside ?R"
by (metis IntD2 IntI convex_imp_path_connected convex_segment(1) empty_iff int_p interior_frontier path_connected_not_frontier_subset path_image_linepath pathstart_in_path_image pathstart_linepath)
moreover have "?int_l 0 = int_p ∧ int_p ∈ path_inside ?R"
using int_p by (simp add: linepath_0')
ultimately have "path_image ?int_l ⊆ path_inside ?R"
using inside_outside_def local.inside_outside by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
then have "q0 ∈ - (path_outside ?R)"
by (metis ComplI IntI equals0D inside_Int_outside path_inside_def path_outside_def)
moreover have "q1 ∈ path_outside ?R"
let ?e2 = "(vector [0, 1])::(real^2)"
let ?ray = "λd. q1 + d *⇩R ?e2"
have "¬ (∃d>0. ?ray d ∈ path_image ?R)"
have "∀d>0. (?ray d)$2 > q1$2" by simp
thus ?thesis using R_y_q1 by fastforce
moreover have "bounded (path_inside ?R)" using bounded_finite_inside simple by blast
moreover have "?e2 ≠ 0" using e1e2_basis(4) by force
ultimately have "q1 ∉ path_inside ?R"
using ray_to_frontier[of "path_inside ?R"] interior_frontier by metis
moreover have "q1 ∉ path_image ?R" using R_y_q1 by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using inside_outside unfolding inside_outside_def by blast
ultimately have "path_image q ∩ - (path_outside ?R) ≠ {}
∧ path_image q ∩ (path_outside ?R) ≠ {}"
using q0_def q1_def by blast
moreover have "path_connected (path_image q)"
using assms(7) path_connected_path_image simple_path_def by blast
moreover have "path_image ?R = frontier (path_outside ?R)"
using inside_outside unfolding inside_outside_def p0_def path_inside_def by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by (metis Diff_eq Diff_eq_empty_iff path_connected_not_frontier_subset)
thus ?thesis by (meson q_int_l1 q_int_l2 q_int_l3 disjoint_iff not_in_path_image_join)
ultimately show ?thesis using q0_def by blast
lemma pocket_fill_line_int_aux7:
fixes p q :: "R_to_R2"
fixes A :: "(real^2) set"
defines "p0 ≡ pathstart p"
defines "p1 ≡ pathfinish p"
defines "q0 ≡ pathstart q"
defines "q1 ≡ pathfinish q"
defines "a ≡ p1$1"
defines "l ≡ open_segment p0 p1"
assumes "simple_path p"
assumes "simple_path q"
assumes "path_image p ∩ path_image q = {q0, q1}"
assumes "p0$1 = 0 ∧ p0$2 = 0 ∧ p1$2 = 0"
assumes "a > 0"
assumes "A = convex hull (path_image p ∪ path_image q)"
assumes "{p0, p1} ⊆ frontier A"
assumes "p`{0<..<1} ⊆ interior A"
assumes "∃x ∈ p`{0<..<1}. x$2 ≥ 0"
assumes "q0 = p1 ∧ q1 = p0"
shows "path_image q ∩ l = {}" "closed_segment p0 p1 ⊆ frontier A"
have 1: "path_image p ∩ path_image q = {pathstart q, pathfinish q}"
by (simp add: assms(9) q0_def q1_def)
have 2: "pathstart p $ 1 = 0 ∧ pathstart p $ 2 = 0 ∧ pathfinish p $ 2 = 0"
using assms(10) p0_def p1_def by blast
have 3: "0 < pathfinish p $ 1" using a_def assms(11) p1_def by auto
have 4: "A = convex hull (path_image p ∪ path_image q)" by (simp add: assms(12))
have 5: "{pathstart p, pathfinish p} ⊆ frontier A" using assms(13) p0_def p1_def by blast
have 6: "p ` {0<..<1} ⊆ interior A" using assms(14) by blast
have 7: "path_image q ⊆ A" using assms(12) hull_subset by force
have 8: "∃x ∈ p`{0<..<1}. x$2 ≥ 0" using assms(15) by blast
have 9: "pathstart q = pathfinish p ∧ pathfinish q = pathstart p"
using assms(16) p0_def p1_def q0_def q1_def by fastforce
have *: "∀x ∈ (path_image p) ∪ (path_image q). x$2 ≥ 0"
using pocket_fill_line_int_aux5(2)[OF assms(7) assms(8) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] by blast
show "closed_segment p0 p1 ⊆ frontier A"
using pocket_fill_line_int_aux5(1)[OF assms(7) assms(8) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
unfolding l_def p0_def p1_def by blast
show "path_image q ∩ l = {}"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ path_image q ∩ l = {}"
then obtain x tx where x: "tx ∈ {0..1} ∧ q tx = x ∧ x ∈ l"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff imageE path_image_def)
obtain y ty where y: "ty ∈ {0..1} ∧ q ty = y ∧ (∀x ∈ path_image p. y$2 > x$2)"
using exists_point_above_all[of p q]
by (smt (verit, del_insts) "4" "6" "8" assms(10) assms(7) assms(8) p0_def p1_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def simple_path_def image_iff path_image_def)
have lf: "(∀t ∈ {0..1}. (q t = q0 ∨ q t = q1) ⟶ (t = 0 ∨ t = 1))"
using assms(8)
unfolding q0_def q1_def simple_path_def loop_free_def pathstart_def pathfinish_def
by fastforce
have endpoints: "q tx ≠ q0 ∧ q ty ≠ q0 ∧ q tx ≠ q1 ∧ q ty ≠ q1 ∧ tx ≠ ty"
have "(q ty)$2 > 0" by (metis assms(10) p0_def pathstart_in_path_image y)
moreover have "(q tx)$2 = 0"
have "q tx ∈ closed_segment q0 q1"
using assms(16) l_def open_closed_segment open_segment_commute x by blast
thus ?thesis by (simp add: assms(10) assms(16) segment_horizontal)
moreover have "q0 ∉ open_segment q0 q1 ∧ q1 ∉ open_segment q0 q1"
by (simp add: open_segment_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms(10) assms(16) l_def open_segment_commute x by auto
let ?Q =
"λq'. simple_path q' ∧ path_image p ∩ path_image q' = {}
∧ q' 0 = q tx ∧ q' 1 = q ty
∧ path_image q' ⊆ path_image q"
have **: "⋀q'. ?Q q' ⟹ False"
fix q'
assume **: "?Q q'"
have 1: "simple_path q'" by (simp add: **)
have 2: "pathstart p = 0 ∧ pathfinish p $ 2 = 0"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(10) exhaust_2 p0_def p1_def vec_eq_iff zero_index)
have 3: "0 < pathfinish p $ 1" using a_def assms(11) p1_def by blast
have 4: "pathstart q' $ 1 ∈ {0..pathfinish p $ 1} ∧ pathstart q' $ 2 = 0"
have "q' 0 ∈ closed_segment p0 p1" using ** l_def open_closed_segment x by auto
thus ?thesis
by (smt (z3) 2 a_def assms(11) atLeastAtMost_iff atLeastatMost_empty p0_def p1_def pathstart_def pathstart_subpath segment_horizontal zero_index)
have 5: "∀x∈path_image p. x $ 2 < pathfinish q' $ 2" by (simp add: ** pathfinish_def y)
have 6: "∀x∈path_image p ∪ path_image q'. 0 ≤ x $ 2" using * ** by blast
have "path_image p ∩ path_image q' ≠ {}"
using pocket_fill_line_int_aux6[OF assms(7) 1 2 3 4 5 6] by simp
thus False using ** by blast
have False if "tx < ty"
let ?q' = "subpath tx ty q"
have "q0 ∉ path_image ?q' ∧ q1 ∉ path_image ?q'"
have "{tx..ty} ⊆ {0..1}" using x y by simp
then have "(∀t ∈ {tx..ty}. (q t = q0 ∨ q t = q1) ⟶ (t = 0 ∨ t = 1))" using lf by blast
moreover have "0 ∉ {tx..ty} ∧ 1 ∉ {tx..ty}"
by (metis atLeastAtMost_iff dual_order.eq_iff endpoints pathfinish_def pathstart_def q0_def q1_def x y)
moreover have "path_image ?q' = q`{tx..ty}" by (simp add: path_image_subpath that)
ultimately show ?thesis by fastforce
then have "?Q ?q'"
by (smt (verit, best) assms(8) assms(9) disjoint_insert(1) endpoints inf.absorb_iff1 inf_bot_right inf_left_commute path_image_subpath_subset pathfinish_def pathfinish_subpath pathstart_def pathstart_subpath simple_path_subpath x y)
thus False using ** by auto
moreover have False if "tx > ty"
let ?q' = "reversepath (subpath ty tx q)"
have "q0 ∉ path_image ?q' ∧ q1 ∉ path_image ?q'"
have "{ty..tx} ⊆ {0..1}" using x y by simp
then have "(∀t ∈ {ty..tx}. (q t = q0 ∨ q t = q1) ⟶ (t = 0 ∨ t = 1))" using lf by blast
moreover have "0 ∉ {ty..tx} ∧ 1 ∉ {ty..tx}"
by (metis atLeastAtMost_iff dual_order.eq_iff endpoints pathfinish_def pathstart_def q0_def q1_def x y)
moreover have "path_image ?q' = q`{ty..tx}" by (simp add: path_image_subpath that)
ultimately show ?thesis by fastforce
then have "?Q ?q'"
by (smt (verit) assms(8) assms(9) endpoints inf.absorb_iff2 inf.assoc inf_bot_left insert_disjoint(2) path_image_subpath_subset pathstart_def pathstart_subpath reversepath_def reversepath_subpath simple_path_subpath x y)
thus False using ** by blast
ultimately show False using endpoints by linarith
lemma frontier_injective_linear_image:
fixes f :: "'a::euclidean_space ⇒ 'a::euclidean_space"
assumes "linear f" "inj f"
shows "f ` (frontier S) = frontier (f ` S)"
using interior_injective_linear_image closure_injective_linear_image frontier_def assms
by (metis image_set_diff)
lemma pocket_fill_line_int_aux8:
fixes p q :: "R_to_R2"
fixes A :: "(real^2) set"
defines "p0 ≡ pathstart p"
defines "p1 ≡ pathfinish p"
defines "q0 ≡ pathstart q"
defines "q1 ≡ pathfinish q"
defines "a ≡ p1$1"
defines "l ≡ open_segment p0 p1"
assumes "simple_path p"
assumes "simple_path q"
assumes "path_image p ∩ path_image q = {q0, q1}"
assumes "p0$1 = 0 ∧ p0$2 = 0 ∧ p1$2 = 0"
assumes "a > 0"
assumes "A = convex hull (path_image p ∪ path_image q)"
assumes "{p0, p1} ⊆ frontier A"
assumes "p`{0<..<1} ⊆ interior A"
assumes "q0 = p1 ∧ q1 = p0"
shows "path_image q ∩ l = {} ∧ l ⊆ frontier A"
have ?thesis if ex: "∃x ∈ p`{0<..<1}. x$2 ≥ 0"
using ex a_def assms dual_order.trans l_def p0_def p1_def pocket_fill_line_int_aux7(1) pocket_fill_line_int_aux7(2) q0_def q1_def segment_open_subset_closed that
by (smt (verit) a_def assms dual_order.trans l_def p0_def p1_def pocket_fill_line_int_aux7(1) pocket_fill_line_int_aux7(2) q0_def q1_def segment_open_subset_closed that)
moreover have ?thesis if "¬ (∃x ∈ p`{0<..<1}. x$2 ≥ 0)"
let ?M = "(vector [vector [1, 0], vector [0, -1]])::(real^2^2)"
let ?f = "λv. ?M *v v"
let ?g = "(λv. vector [v$1, -v$2])::(real^2 ⇒ real^2)"
define p' where "p' ≡ ?f ∘ p"
define q' where "q' ≡ ?f ∘ q"
define A' where "A' ≡ ?f`A"
have inj: "inj ?f" and f_eq_g: "?f = ?g"
using flip_function(1) apply blast
using flip_function(2) by blast
have 4: "pathstart p' $ 1 = 0 ∧ pathstart p' $ 2 = 0 ∧ pathfinish p' $ 2 = 0"
by (smt (verit, best) assms(10) f_eq_g o_apply p'_def p0_def p1_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
have startfinish: "pathstart p' = pathstart p ∧ pathfinish p' = pathfinish p"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) "4" assms(10) exhaust_2 f_eq_g o_apply p'_def p0_def p1_def pathfinish_def vec_eq_iff vector_2(1))
have 1: "simple_path p'" using inj by (simp add: assms(7) simple_path_linear_image_eq p'_def)
have 2: "simple_path q'" using inj by (simp add: assms(8) simple_path_linear_image_eq q'_def)
have 3: "path_image p' ∩ path_image q' = {pathstart q', pathfinish q'}"
have "path_image p' ∩ path_image q' = ?f`(path_image p ∩ path_image q)"
unfolding p'_def q'_def by (simp add: image_Int inj path_image_compose)
also have "... = ?f`{q0, q1}" using assms(9) by presburger
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: startfinish pathfinish_compose pathstart_compose q'_def q0_def q1_def)
have 5: "0 < pathfinish p' $ 1"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) a_def assms(11) f_eq_g o_apply p'_def p1_def pathfinish_def vector_2(1))
have 6: "A' = convex hull (path_image p' ∪ path_image q')"
have "path_image (?f ∘ p) = ?f`(path_image p)" using path_image_compose by blast
moreover have "path_image (?f ∘ q) = ?f`(path_image q)" using path_image_compose by blast
moreover have "?f`(path_image p ∪ path_image q) = ?f`(path_image p) ∪ ?f`(path_image q)"
by blast
moreover have "A' = convex hull (?f`(path_image p ∪ path_image q))"
by (simp add: assms(12) convex_hull_linear_image A'_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using p'_def q'_def A'_def by argo
have 7: "{pathstart p', pathfinish p'} ⊆ frontier A'"
using frontier_injective_linear_image
by (smt (verit, best) "3" A'_def assms(13) assms(15) assms(9) doubleton_eq_iff image_Int inj inj_image_subset_iff matrix_vector_mul_linear p'_def p0_def p1_def path_image_linear_image pathfinish_compose pathstart_compose q'_def q0_def q1_def)
have 8: "p'`{0<..<1} ⊆ interior A'"
have "?f`(interior A) = interior A'" by (simp add: A'_def inj interior_injective_linear_image)
thus ?thesis using assms(14) p'_def by auto
have 9: "∃x ∈ p'`{0<..<1}. x$2 ≥ 0"
have "∃x ∈ p`{0<..<1}. x$2 < 0"
by (metis that all_not_in_conv bot.extremum greaterThanLessThan_subseteq_greaterThanLessThan image_is_empty verit_comp_simplify1(3) zero_less_one)
then obtain x where "x ∈ p`{0<..<1} ∧ x$2 < 0" by presburger
moreover then have "(?g x)$2 > 0" by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) f_eq_g image_iff o_apply p'_def)
have 10: "pathstart q' = pathfinish p' ∧ pathfinish q' = pathstart p'"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(15) o_apply p'_def p0_def p1_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def q'_def q0_def q1_def)
have "path_image q' ∩ open_segment (pathstart p') (pathfinish p') = {}"
using pocket_fill_line_int_aux7(1)[OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] by blast
then have "path_image q' ∩ l = {}" using startfinish unfolding l_def p0_def p1_def by simp
moreover have on_l: "⋀x. x ∈ l ⟹ ?g x ∈ l"
fix x :: "real^2"
assume "x ∈ l"
moreover then have "x$2 = 0" by (metis assms(6,10) segment_horizontal open_closed_segment)
moreover then have "(?g x)$2 = 0" by simp
moreover have "(?g x)$1 = x$1" by simp
ultimately show "?g x ∈ l" by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff)
ultimately have "path_image q ∩ l = {}"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff f_eq_g image_eqI path_image_compose q'_def)
moreover have "l ⊆ frontier A"
have "pathstart p' = pathstart p ∧ pathfinish p' = pathfinish p"
using startfinish by auto
then have "?f`l ⊆ frontier A'"
using pocket_fill_line_int_aux7(2)[OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] on_l f_eq_g l_def p0_def p1_def segment_open_subset_closed
by force
thus ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) A'_def frontier_injective_linear_image inj inj_image_subset_iff matrix_vector_mul_linear)
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
ultimately show ?thesis by argo
lemma simple_path_linear_image:
assumes "simple_path p"
assumes "inj f ∧ bounded_linear f"
shows "simple_path (f ∘ p)"
have "continuous_on {x. True} f" using assms(2) linear_continuous_on by blast
then have 1: "path (f ∘ p)"
by (metis Collect_cong UNIV_I assms(1) continuous_on_subset path_continuous_image simple_path_imp_path top_empty_eq top_greatest top_set_def)
have "inj_on p {0<..<1}" by (simp add: assms(1) simple_path_inj_on)
then have "inj_on (f ∘ p) {0<..<1}" by (meson assms(2) comp_inj_on inj_on_subset top_greatest)
then have "loop_free (f ∘ p)"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) comp_apply inj_eq loop_free_def simple_path_def)
thus ?thesis using 1 unfolding simple_path_def by blast
lemma vts_interior:
fixes vts
defines "p ≡ make_polygonal_path vts"
assumes "convex H"
assumes "∀j ∈ {0<..<length vts - 1}. vts!j ∉ frontier H"
assumes "loop_free p"
assumes "path_image p ⊆ H"
assumes "length vts ≥ 3"
shows "p`{0<..<1} ⊆ interior H"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x assume *: "x ∈ p`{0<..<1}"
then obtain t where t: "x = p t ∧ t ∈ {0<..<1}" by blast
then have "x ≠ p 0 ∧ x ≠ p 1" using assms(4) unfolding loop_free_def by fastforce
then have x_neq: "x ≠ hd vts ∧ x ≠ last vts"
by (metis assms(4) constant_linepath_is_not_loop_free hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth make_polygonal_path.simps(1) p_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def polygon_pathfinish polygon_pathstart)
have "x ∈ interior H" if **: "∃i<length vts. x = vts!i"
obtain i where i: "i < length vts ∧ x = vts!i" using ** by blast
then have "i ≠ 0 ∧ i ≠ length vts - 1"
by (metis x_neq gr_implies_not0 hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth list.size(3))
then have "i ∈ {0<..<length vts - 1}" using i by fastforce
then have "vts!i ∉ frontier H" using assms(3) by blast
then have "vts!i ∈ interior H"
by (metis DiffI assms(5) closure_subset frontier_def i nth_mem p_def subsetD vertices_on_path_image)
thus ?thesis using assms(3) i by blast
moreover have "x ∈ interior H" if **: "¬ (∃i<length vts. x = vts!i)"
have "x ∈ path_image p" using * unfolding path_image_def by force
then obtain i where i: "x ∈ path_image (linepath (vts!i) (vts!(i+1))) ∧ i < length vts - 1"
using make_polygonal_path_image_property[of vts x] assms(6) unfolding p_def by auto
moreover then have "x ≠ vts!i ∧ x ≠ vts!(i+1)" using ** by force
ultimately have "x ∈ open_segment (vts!i) (vts!(i+1))" by (simp add: open_segment_def)
moreover then have "x ∈ rel_interior (path_image (linepath (vts!i) (vts!(i+1))))"
by (metis empty_iff open_segment_idem path_image_linepath rel_interior_closed_segment)
moreover have interior_nonempty: "vts!i ∈ interior H ∨ vts!(i+1) ∈ interior H"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (vts!i ∈ interior H ∨ vts!(i+1) ∈ interior H)"
then have "vts!i ∈ frontier H ∧ vts!(i+1) ∈ frontier H"
using assms(5) closure_subset frontier_def i p_def vertices_on_path_image by fastforce
thus False
by (metis assms(3) i Suc_1 Suc_eq_plus1 add.commute add.right_neutral assms(6) eval_nat_numeral(3) greaterThanLessThan_iff less_diff_conv linorder_not_le not_gr_zero not_less_eq_eq)
ultimately have "x ∈ rel_interior H"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) add_diff_inverse_nat assms(2) assms(5) convex_same_rel_interior_closure_straddle empty_iff i in_interior_closure_convex_segment less_diff_conv less_nat_zero_code nat_diff_split nth_mem open_segment_commute p_def rel_interior_nonempty_interior subset_eq trans_less_add2 vertices_on_path_image)
moreover have "interior H ≠ {}" using interior_nonempty by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using rel_interior_nonempty_interior by blast
ultimately show "x ∈ interior H" by blast
lemma pocket_fill_line_int_0:
assumes "polygon_of r vts"
defines "H ≡ convex hull (set vts)"
assumes "2 ≤ i ∧ i < length vts - 1"
defines "a ≡ hd vts"
defines "b ≡ vts!i"
assumes "{a, b} ⊆ frontier H"
assumes "∀j ∈ {0<..<i}. vts!j ∉ frontier H"
assumes "a = 0"
shows "path_image (linepath a b) ∩ path_image r = {a, b}"
"path_image (linepath a b) ⊆ frontier H"
let ?x = "(b - a)"
let ?e = "norm (b - a) *⇩R ((vector [1, 0])::(real^2))"
have "norm ?x = norm ?e" by (simp add: e1e2_basis(1))
then obtain f where f: "orthogonal_transformation f ∧ det(matrix f) = 1 ∧ f ?x = ?e"
using rotation_exists by (metis two_le_card)
have bij: "bij f ∧ linear f"
using f orthogonal_transformation_bij orthogonal_transformation_def by blast
let ?p_vts = "take (i + 1) vts"
let ?q_vts = "drop i vts"
let ?p = "make_polygonal_path ?p_vts"
let ?q = "make_polygonal_path ?q_vts"
let ?p' = "f ∘ ?p"
let ?q' = "f ∘ ?q"
let ?H' = "convex hull (path_image ?p' ∪ path_image ?q')"
have vts_split: "vts = ?p_vts @ (tl ?q_vts)"
by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 append_take_drop_id drop_Suc tl_drop)
have "simple_path r" using assms(1) unfolding polygon_of_def polygon_def by blast
then have a_neq_b: "a ≠ b"
using simple_polygonal_path_vts_distinct[of vts]
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) a_def assms(1) assms(3) b_def bot_nat_0.extremum_strict butlast_conv_take constant_linepath_is_not_loop_free distinct_nth_eq_iff dual_order.strict_trans2 hd_conv_nth length_butlast make_polygonal_path.simps(1) nat_neq_iff nth_take polygon_of_def pos2 simple_path_def)
have H_r: "H = convex hull (path_image r)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) H_def Un_subset_iff assms(1) convex_convex_hull convex_hull_eq convex_hull_of_polygon_is_convex_hull_of_vts hull_mono hull_subset order_antisym_conv polygon_of_def vertices_on_path_image)
moreover have r_union: "path_image r = (path_image ?p) ∪ (path_image ?q)"
let ?i = "i + 1"
let ?x = "((2::real) ^ (?i - 1) - 1) / 2 ^ (?i - 1)"
have "?x ∈ {0..1} ∧ path_image ?p = r`{0..?x} ∧ path_image ?q = r`{?x..1}"
using vts_split_path_image[of r vts ?p ?p_vts ?q ?q_vts ?i _ ?x]
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) add.commute add_diff_cancel_left' assms(1) assms(3) atLeastAtMost_iff atLeastatMost_empty' image_empty le_add1 less_diff_conv path_image_nonempty polygon_of_def)
thus ?thesis by (metis atLeastAtMost_iff image_Un ivl_disj_un_two_touch(4) path_image_def)
moreover have "f`H = convex hull (f`(path_image r))"
using bij by (simp add: calculation(1) convex_hull_linear_image)
ultimately have H_image: "?H' = f`H" by (simp add: image_Un path_image_compose)
have p_image: "path_image ?p' = f`(path_image ?p)" using path_image_compose by blast
have q_image: "path_image ?q' = f`(path_image ?q)" using path_image_compose by blast
have pathstart_p: "pathstart ?p = a"
by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 a_def assms(3) gr_implies_not0 hd_conv_nth length_tl less_Suc_eq_0_disj list.sel(2) list.size(3) nth_take polygon_pathstart take_eq_Nil)
have pathfinish_p: "pathfinish ?p = b"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) H_def H_r add_diff_cancel_right' assms(3) b_def convex_hull_eq_empty length_take less_add_one less_diff_conv min.absorb4 nth_append one_neq_zero path_image_nonempty polygon_pathfinish set_empty take_eq_Nil vts_split zero_eq_add_iff_both_eq_0)
then have pathstart_q: "pathstart ?q = b" using assms(3) b_def polygon_pathstart by force
have pathstart_p': "pathstart ?p' = f a" using pathstart_compose pathstart_p by blast
have pathfinish_p': "pathfinish ?p' = f b" using pathfinish_compose pathfinish_p by blast
have pathstart_q': "pathstart ?q' = f b" using pathstart_compose pathstart_q by blast
have "sublist ?p_vts vts" by auto
then have lf_p: "loop_free ?p"
by (metis add.commute assms(1) assms(3) less_diff_conv less_imp_le_nat polygon_def polygon_of_def simple_path_def take_i_is_loop_free trans_le_add2)
then have simple_p: "simple_path ?p"
using assms unfolding polygon_of_def
by (meson make_polygonal_path_gives_path simple_path_def)
have "sublist ?q_vts vts" by auto
then have lf_q: "loop_free ?q"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Suc_1 Suc_diff_Suc assms(1) assms(3) diff_is_0_eq drop_i_is_loop_free less_Suc_eq_le less_zeroE linorder_not_less polygon_def polygon_of_def simple_path_def)
then have simple_q: "simple_path ?q"
using assms unfolding polygon_of_def
by (meson make_polygonal_path_gives_path simple_path_def)
have bounded_linear: "bounded_linear f" using bij linear_conv_bounded_linear by blast
have 1: "simple_path ?p'"
using simple_p simple_path_linear_image bij bij_is_inj bounded_linear
by blast
have 2: "simple_path ?q'"
using simple_q simple_path_linear_image bij bij_is_inj bounded_linear
by blast
have 3: "path_image ?p' ∩ path_image ?q' = {pathstart ?q', pathfinish ?q'}"
have "path_image ?p ∩ path_image ?q ⊆ {pathstart ?q, pathfinish ?q}"
using loop_free_split_int[of r vts ?p_vts i ?q_vts ?p ?q]
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) a_def add_diff_cancel_right' assms(1) assms(3) constant_linepath_is_not_loop_free drop_eq_Nil have_wraparound_vertex hd_conv_nth insert_commute last_conv_nth last_drop last_snoc le_add2 less_diff_conv lf_q linorder_not_less loop_free_split_int make_polygonal_path.simps(1) pathstart_p polygon_def polygon_of_def polygon_pathfinish simple_path_def)
moreover have "pathstart ?q ∈ path_image ?q ∧ pathfinish ?q ∈ path_image ?q" by blast
moreover have "pathstart ?q ∈ path_image ?p ∧ pathfinish ?q ∈ path_image ?p"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) a_def add_diff_cancel_right' assms(1) assms(3) b_def constant_linepath_is_not_loop_free drop_eq_Nil have_wraparound_vertex hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth last_drop last_snoc length_take less_add_one less_diff_conv lf_q linorder_not_less list.size(3) make_polygonal_path.simps(1) min.absorb4 nth_take pathfinish_in_path_image pathstart_in_path_image pathstart_p pathstart_q polygon_of_def polygon_pathfinish take_eq_Nil zero_eq_add_iff_both_eq_0 zero_neq_one)
ultimately have "path_image ?p ∩ path_image ?q = {pathstart ?q, pathfinish ?q}" by fast
moreover have "path_image ?p' ∩ path_image ?q' = f`(path_image ?p ∩ path_image ?q)"
by (metis bij bij_is_inj image_Int p_image q_image)
ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: pathfinish_compose pathstart_compose)
have 4: "(pathstart ?p')$1 = 0 ∧ (pathstart ?p')$2 = 0 ∧ (pathfinish ?p')$2 = 0"
have "f ?x = ?e" using f by blast
then have "f b - f a = ?e"
by (metis assms(8) diff_zero f norm_eq_zero orthogonal_transformation_norm)
moreover have "f a = 0" by (metis assms(8) f norm_eq_zero orthogonal_transformation_norm)
moreover from calculation have "f b = ?e" by force
ultimately show ?thesis using pathfinish_p' pathstart_p' by auto
have 5: "(pathfinish ?p')$1 > 0"
have "pathfinish ?p' = f b" using pathfinish_p' by auto
moreover have "f b = ?e" using assms(8) f by auto
moreover have "?e$1 = norm ?x" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using a_neq_b by auto
have 6: "?H' = convex hull (path_image ?p' ∪ path_image ?q')" by blast
have 7: "{pathstart ?p', pathfinish ?p'} ⊆ frontier ?H'"
have "{pathstart ?p, pathfinish ?p} ⊆ frontier H"
using pathstart_p pathfinish_p assms(6) by fastforce
then have "f`{pathstart ?p, pathfinish ?p} ⊆ f`(frontier H)" by blast
moreover have "f`(frontier H) = frontier (f`H)"
by (simp add: bij bij_is_inj frontier_injective_linear_image)
ultimately show ?thesis using H_image by (simp add: pathfinish_compose pathstart_compose)
have 8: "?p'`{0<..<1} ⊆ interior ?H'"
have 1: "convex H" by (simp add: H_def)
have 2: "∀j∈{0<..<length ?p_vts - 1}. ?p_vts ! j ∉ frontier H"
by (simp add: add.commute assms(3) assms(7) less_diff_conv)
have 3: "loop_free ?p" using lf_p by blast
have 4: "path_image ?p ⊆ H" using H_r hull_subset r_union by fastforce
have 5: "length ?p_vts ≥ 3" using assms(3) by force
have "?p`{0<..<1} ⊆ interior H" using vts_interior[OF 1 2 3 4 5] by argo
moreover have "f`(?p`{0<..<1}) = ?p'`{0<..<1}" by (meson image_comp)
moreover have "f`(interior H) = interior ?H'"
using H_image interior_injective_linear_image[of f H] by (simp add: bij bij_is_inj)
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
have 9: "pathstart ?q' = pathfinish ?p' ∧ pathfinish ?q' = pathstart ?p'"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) H_def H_r a_def assms(1) constant_linepath_is_not_loop_free convex_hull_eq_empty drop_eq_Nil have_wraparound_vertex hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth last_drop last_snoc lf_q linorder_not_less make_polygonal_path.simps(1) path_image_nonempty pathfinish_compose pathfinish_p pathstart_compose pathstart_p pathstart_q polygon_of_def polygon_pathfinish set_empty)
let ?l = "open_segment a b"
let ?l' = "open_segment (pathstart ?p') (pathfinish ?p')"
have *: "path_image ?q' ∩ open_segment (pathstart ?p') (pathfinish ?p') = {} ∧ ?l' ⊆ frontier ?H'"
using pocket_fill_line_int_aux8[OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] by blast
moreover have l_image: "?l' = f`?l"
have "f a = pathstart ?p' ∧ f b = pathfinish ?p'" using pathfinish_p' pathstart_p' by presburger
moreover have "⋀a b. f`(open_segment a b) = open_segment (f a) (f b)"
by (simp add: bij bij_is_inj open_segment_linear_image)
ultimately show ?thesis by presburger
moreover have "path_image ?q' = f`(path_image ?q)" using q_image by blast
ultimately have "path_image ?q ∩ ?l = {}" by blast
moreover have "path_image ?p ∩ ?l = {}"
from 8 have "path_image ?p' ∩ ?l' = {}"
have "?p'`{0<..<1} ∩ ?l' = {}"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) "*" "8" Diff_disjoint disjoint_iff frontier_def subset_iff)
moreover have "?p' 0 ∉ ?l'"
by (metis "*" "9" IntI empty_iff pathfinish_in_path_image pathstart_def)
moreover have "?p' 1 ∉ ?l'"
by (metis "*" "9" Int_iff emptyE pathfinish_def pathstart_in_path_image)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) "*" "1" "3" "9" Int_Un_eq(4) Un_Diff_cancel Un_iff disjoint_iff insert_commute simple_path_endless)
thus ?thesis using l_image bij p_image by auto
ultimately have "path_image r ∩ ?l = {}"
by (simp add: r_union boolean_algebra.conj_disj_distrib inf_commute)
moreover have "a ∈ path_image r" using pathstart_p r_union by auto
moreover have "b ∈ path_image r" using pathfinish_p r_union by auto
moreover have "(path_image (linepath a b)) = ?l ∪ {a, b}" by (simp add: closed_segment_eq_open)
ultimately show "path_image (linepath a b) ∩ path_image r = {a, b}" by auto
have l'_frontier: "?l' ⊆ frontier ?H'" using * by presburger
have "?l ⊆ frontier H"
have "?l' = f`?l" using l_image by blast
moreover have "frontier ?H' = f`(frontier H)"
by (metis H_image bij bij_is_inj frontier_injective_linear_image)
ultimately have "f`?l ⊆ f`(frontier H)" using l'_frontier by argo
thus ?thesis by (simp add: bij bij_is_inj inj_image_subset_iff)
moreover have "closed_segment a b = path_image (linepath a b)" by simp
moreover have "closed_segment a b = ?l ∪ {a, b}" by (simp add: closed_segment_eq_open)
moreover have "a ∈ frontier H ∧ b ∈ frontier H" using assms(6) by auto
ultimately show "path_image (linepath a b) ⊆ frontier H" by simp
lemma linepath_translation: "(λv. v - a) ∘ (linepath x y) = linepath ((λv. v - a) x) ((λv. v - a) y)"
by (auto simp: linepath_def algebra_simps)
lemma linepath_image_translation:
"path_image ((λv. v - a) ∘ (linepath x y)) = path_image (linepath ((λv. v - a) x) ((λv. v - a) y))"
using linepath_translation by metis
lemma make_polygonal_path_translate:
assumes "length vts ≥ 1"
shows "(λv. v - a) ∘ (make_polygonal_path vts) = make_polygonal_path (map (λv. v - a) vts)"
using assms
proof(induct "length vts" arbitrary: vts a)
case 0
then show ?case by linarith
case (Suc n)
{ assume *: "Suc n = 1"
then have "make_polygonal_path vts = linepath (vts!0) (vts!0)"
by (metis Cons_nth_drop_Suc One_nat_def Suc.hyps(2) Suc.prems drop0 drop_eq_Nil less_numeral_extra(1) make_polygonal_path.simps(2))
then have "(λv. v - a) ∘ (make_polygonal_path vts) = linepath ((vts!0) - a) ((vts!0) - a)"
by fastforce
then have ?case
by (metis Cons_nth_drop_Suc One_nat_def Suc.hyps(2) Suc.prems * drop0 drop_eq_Nil list.simps(9) make_polygonal_path.simps(2) zero_less_one)
} moreover
{ assume *: "Suc n = 2"
then have "make_polygonal_path vts = linepath (vts!0) (vts!1)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons_nth_drop_Suc One_nat_def Suc.hyps(2) Suc_1 diff_Suc_1 drop0 drop_Suc drop_eq_Nil le_numeral_extra(4) length_tl less_numeral_extra(1) make_polygonal_path.simps(3) nth_tl pos2)
then have "(λv. v - a) ∘ (make_polygonal_path vts) = linepath ((vts!0) - a) ((vts!1) - a)"
using linepath_translation by auto
then have ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "*" Cons_nth_drop_Suc One_nat_def Suc.hyps(2) Suc_1 drop0 drop_eq_Nil length_map lessI make_polygonal_path.simps(3) nat_le_linear nth_map pos2)
} moreover
{ assume *: "Suc n ≥ 3"
then obtain h h' t where vts: "vts = h # h' # t"
by (metis Suc.hyps(2) Suc_le_length_iff numeral_3_eq_3)
then have "(λv. v - a) ∘ (make_polygonal_path (h' # t))
= make_polygonal_path (map (λv. v - a) (h' # t))"
using Suc.hyps(1) Suc.hyps(2) * by auto
moreover have "(λv. v - a) ∘ (linepath h h') = linepath (h - a) (h' - a)"
using linepath_translation by blast
moreover have "make_polygonal_path vts = (linepath h h') +++ (make_polygonal_path (h' # t))"
by (metis "*" Suc.hyps(2) Suc_le_length_iff vts list.sel(3) make_polygonal_path.simps(4) numeral_3_eq_3)
ultimately have ?case
by (smt (verit) list.discI list.inject list.simps(9) make_polygonal_path.elims path_compose_join vts)
ultimately show ?case using Suc.prems by linarith
lemma pocket_fill_line_int:
assumes "polygon_of r vts"
defines "H ≡ convex hull (set vts)"
assumes "2 ≤ i ∧ i < length vts - 1"
defines "a ≡ hd vts"
defines "b ≡ vts!i"
assumes "{a, b} ⊆ frontier H"
assumes "∀j ∈ {0<..<i}. vts!j ∉ frontier H"
shows "path_image (linepath a b) ∩ path_image r = {a, b}"
"path_image (linepath a b) ⊆ frontier H"
let ?f = "(λv. v - a)::(real^2 ⇒ real^2)"
let ?r' = "?f ∘ r"
let ?vts' = "map ?f vts"
let ?H' = "convex hull (set ?vts')"
let ?a' = "?f a"
let ?b' = "?f b"
have 5: "hd ?vts' = 0"
by (metis One_nat_def a_def assms(3) cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel lessI list.map_sel(1) list.size(3) nat_diff_split_asm not_less_zero)
have a'b': "?a' = hd ?vts' ∧ ?b' = ?vts'!i" using 5 assms(3) b_def by force
have frontier_H': "frontier ?H' = ?f ` (frontier H)"
using frontier_translation[of "-a" H]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) H_def convex_hull_translation image_cong list.set_map uminus_add_conv_diff)
have "simple_path r" using assms(1) polygon_def polygon_of_def by blast
then have "simple_path ?r'" using simple_path_translation_eq[of "-a" r] by simp
moreover have "?r' = make_polygonal_path ?vts'"
using make_polygonal_path_translate assms(1) assms(3) polygon_of_def by auto
moreover have "closed_path ?r'"
by (smt (verit, best) closed_path_def add_diff_inverse_nat assms(1) assms(3) calculation(1) calculation(2) dual_order.refl gr_implies_not0 hd_conv_nth length_map less_Suc_eq_le list.map_disc_iff list.map_sel(1) nat_diff_split_asm nth_map plus_1_eq_Suc polygon_def polygon_of_def polygon_pathfinish polygon_pathstart simple_path_def)
ultimately have 1: "polygon_of ?r' ?vts'"
unfolding polygon_of_def polygon_def polygon_def polygonal_path_def by blast
have 2: "2 ≤ i ∧ i < length ?vts' - 1" using assms(3) by auto
have 3: "{hd ?vts', ?vts'!i} ⊆ frontier ?H'"
using a'b' frontier_H'
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(6) image_empty image_insert image_mono)
have 4: "∀j ∈ {0<..<i}. ?vts'!j ∉ frontier ?H'"
fix j assume *: "j ∈ {0<..<i}"
then have "vts!j ∉ frontier H" using assms(7) by blast
then have "?f (vts!j) ∉ frontier ?H'" using frontier_H' by auto
thus "?vts'!j ∉ frontier ?H'" using Nat.le_imp_diff_is_add * assms(3) by auto
have "path_image (linepath ?a' ?b') ∩ path_image ?r' = {?a', ?b'}"
using pocket_fill_line_int_0(1)[OF 1 2 3 4 5] a'b' by argo
moreover have "{?a', ?b'} = ?f`{a, b}" by simp
moreover have "path_image (linepath ?a' ?b') = ?f`(path_image (linepath a b))"
using linepath_image_translation path_image_compose by blast
moreover have "path_image ?r' = ?f`(path_image r)" using path_image_compose by blast
ultimately have "?f`(path_image (linepath a b)) ∩ ?f`(path_image r) = ?f`{a, b}" by argo
then have "?f`(path_image (linepath a b) ∩ path_image r) = ?f`{a, b}" by (simp add: image_Int)
moreover have "bij ?f" by (simp add: bij_diff_right)
ultimately show "path_image (linepath a b) ∩ path_image r = {a, b}"
by (meson bij_is_inj inj_image_eq_iff)
have "path_image (linepath ?a' ?b') ⊆ frontier ?H'"
using pocket_fill_line_int_0(2)[OF 1 2 3 4 5] a'b' by argo
thus "path_image (linepath a b) ⊆ frontier H"
by (metis ‹bij ?f› ‹path_image (linepath ?a' ?b') = ?f`(path_image (linepath a b))› bij_betw_imp_inj_on frontier_H' inj_image_subset_iff)
lemma path_connected_simple_path_endless:
assumes "simple_path p"
shows "path_connected (path_image p - {pathstart p, pathfinish p})" (is "path_connected ?S")
have "continuous_on {0<..<1} p"
using assms(1) unfolding simple_path_def path_def
by (meson continuous_on_path dual_order.refl greaterThanLessThan_subseteq_atLeastAtMost_iff path_def)
moreover have "path_connected {0<..<1::real}" by simp
ultimately have "path_connected (p`{0<..<1})" using path_connected_continuous_image by blast
thus ?thesis using simple_path_endless assms by metis
lemma simple_loop_split:
assumes "simple_path p ∧ closed_path p"
assumes "simple_path q"
assumes "path_image q ∩ path_image p = {q 0, q 1}"
assumes "path_image q ∩ path_inside p ≠ {}"
shows "q`{0<..<1} ⊆ path_inside p"
have inside_outside: "inside_outside p (path_inside p) (path_outside p)"
using Jordan_inside_outside_real2 closed_path_def assms(1) inside_outside_def path_inside_def path_outside_def
by presburger
obtain x where x: "x ∈ path_image q ∩ path_inside p" using assms(4) by blast
then obtain tx where "tx ∈ {0..1} ∧ q tx = x" unfolding path_image_def by fast
moreover then have "tx ≠ 0 ∧ tx ≠ 1"
using assms(3) inside_outside x unfolding inside_outside_def by auto
ultimately have tx: "tx ∈ {0<..<1} ∧ q tx = x" by simp
have "connected (q`{0<..<1})"
using connected_simple_path_endless simple_path_endless assms(2) by metis
then have "path_connected (q`{0<..<1})"
using path_connected_simple_path_endless assms(2) simple_path_endless by metis
moreover have "q`{0<..<1} ∩ path_inside p ≠ {}" using tx x by blast
moreover have "q`{0<..<1} ∩ frontier (path_inside p) = {}"
using inside_outside unfolding inside_outside_def
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Diff_Int_distrib2 assms(2,3) diff_eq inf_compl_bot_right inf_idem inf_sup_aci(1) pathfinish_def pathstart_def simple_path_endless)
ultimately show ?thesis
using path_connected_not_frontier_subset[of "q`{0<..<1}" "path_inside p"] by fast
lemma pocket_path_interior_aux:
assumes "simple_path p ∧ simple_path q"
assumes "arc p ∧ arc q"
assumes "q 0 = p 1 ∧ q 1 = p 0"
assumes "path_image p ∩ path_image q = {p 0, q 0}"
defines "A ≡ convex hull (path_image p ∪ path_image q)"
defines "l ≡ linepath (p 0) (p 1)"
assumes "p`{0<..<1} ⊆ interior A"
assumes "path_image l ⊆ frontier A"
assumes "path_image q ∩ path_image l = {l 0, q 0}"
shows "p`{0<..<1} ∩ path_inside (l +++ q) ≠ {}"
"simple_path (l +++ q) ∧ closed_path (l +++ q)"
"path_image p ∩ path_image (l +++ q) = {p 0, p 1}"
let ?r = "l +++ q"
let ?Ir = "path_inside ?r"
let ?Or = "path_outside ?r"
show closed_simple_r: "simple_path ?r ∧ closed_path ?r"
using simple_path_join_loop[of l q] assms unfolding pathstart_def pathfinish_def
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) closed_path_def arc_linepath arc_simple_path dual_order.refl inf_commute linepath_0' linepath_1' pathfinish_def pathfinish_join pathstart_def pathstart_join simple_path_def)
then have inside_outside_r: "inside_outside ?r ?Ir ?Or"
by (simp add: Jordan_inside_outside_real2 closed_path_def inside_outside_def path_inside_def path_outside_def)
have l_p_endpoints: "l 0 = p 0 ∧ l 1 = p 1" by (simp add: l_def linepath_0' linepath_1')
have l_q_endpoints: "l 0 = q 1 ∧ l 1 = q 0" by (simp add: assms(3) l_p_endpoints)
have p_int_l: "p`{0<..<1} ∩ path_image l = {}" using assms(7,8) unfolding frontier_def by blast
have q_int_l: "q`{0<..<1} ∩ path_image l = {}"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(9) Diff_iff Int_Diff all_not_in_conv assms(1) assms(3) inf_sup_aci(1) insert_commute l_def linepath_0' pathfinish_def pathstart_def simple_path_endless)
have interval: "{0..1::real} = {0<..<1} ∪ {0, 1}" by fastforce
have lf_l: "loop_free l"
using closed_simple_r not_loop_free_first_component simple_path_def by blast
let ?p' = "reversepath p"
let ?s = "l +++ ?p'"
let ?Is = "path_inside ?s"
let ?Os = "path_outside ?s"
have "arc ?p' ∧ arc l"
by (metis assms(2) arc_linepath arc_reversepath arc_simple_path l_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def)
moreover have p'_int_l: "path_image ?p' ∩ path_image l = {?p' 0, l 0}"
have "path_image p ∩ path_image l = {l 0, l 1}"
have "{l 0, l 1} ⊆ path_image p ∩ path_image l"
using assms(3) assms(4) l_def linepath_0' linepath_1' by fastforce
moreover have "path_image p = p`{0<..<1} ∪ {p 0, p 1}"
using interval unfolding path_image_def by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using p_int_l l_p_endpoints by simp
moreover have "?p' 0 = l 1" by (simp add: l_def linepath_1' reversepath_def)
moreover have "path_image p = path_image ?p'" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by (metis doubleton_eq_iff)
ultimately have closed_simple_s: "closed_path ?s ∧ simple_path ?s"
using simple_path_join_loop[of l ?p'] assms unfolding pathstart_def pathfinish_def
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) closed_path_def dual_order.refl inf_commute insert_commute linepath_0' linepath_1' pathfinish_def pathfinish_join pathfinish_reversepath pathstart_def pathstart_join pathstart_reversepath simple_path_def)
then have inside_outside_s: "inside_outside ?s ?Is ?Os"
by (simp add: Jordan_inside_outside_real2 closed_path_def inside_outside_def path_inside_def path_outside_def)
have r_inside_subset: "path_inside ?r ⊆ interior A"
have "path_image l ⊆ A ∧ path_image q ⊆ A"
by (metis A_def Un_upper2 assms(1) assms(8) compact_Un compact_convex_hull compact_simple_path_image frontier_subset_compact hull_subset subset_trans)
thus ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) A_def closed_simple_r convex_contains_simple_closed_path_imp_contains_path_inside convex_convex_hull inside_outside_def inside_outside_r interior_eq interior_mono subset_path_image_join)
have s_inside_subset: "path_inside ?s ⊆ interior A"
have "path_image l ⊆ A ∧ path_image p ⊆ A"
by (metis A_def Un_upper1 assms(1) assms(8) compact_Un compact_convex_hull compact_simple_path_image frontier_subset_compact hull_subset subset_trans)
thus ?thesis
by (metis A_def Jordan_inside_outside_real2 closed_path_def closed_simple_s convex_contains_simple_closed_path_imp_contains_path_inside convex_convex_hull interior_maximal path_image_reversepath path_inside_def subset_path_image_join)
have q_outside: "q`{0<..<1} ⊆ path_outside ?s"
proof(rule ccontr)
let ?ep = "{v. v extreme_point_of A}"
assume "¬ q`{0<..<1} ⊆ path_outside ?s"
then have "∃x ∈ q`{0<..<1}. x ∈ path_inside ?s ∪ path_image ?s"
using inside_outside_s unfolding inside_outside_def by auto
then have "q`{0<..<1} ⊆ path_inside ?s"
using simple_loop_split[of p q]
by (smt (verit) DiffE IntI Int_Un_distrib2 closed_path_def UnE ‹arc (reversepath p) ∧ arc l› arc_imp_path assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) closed_simple_r closed_simple_s doubleton_eq_iff emptyE inf.commute l_def path_image_join path_image_reversepath path_join_eq pathfinish_join pathfinish_linepath pathstart_join pathstart_linepath simple_loop_split simple_path_endless simple_path_joinE sup_absorb2)
then have "q`{0<..<1} ∩ frontier A = {}" using frontier_def s_inside_subset by fastforce
then have "(path_image p ∪ path_image q) ∩ frontier A = {p 0, p 1}"
by (smt (z3) Diff_disjoint Int_Un_distrib Un_Diff_Int Un_Int_eq(3) assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) assms(7) assms(8) assms(9) frontier_def inf.commute inf.orderE inf_idem inf_left_commute insert_commute l_p_endpoints pathfinish_def pathstart_def simple_path_endless)
moreover have "?ep⊆ path_image p ∪ path_image q"
by (simp add: extreme_points_of_convex_hull A_def)
moreover have "?ep ⊆ frontier A"
using extreme_point_not_in_interior
have "?ep ∩ interior A = {}"
using extreme_point_not_in_interior by blast
thus ?thesis
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) A_def Int_Un_distrib2 Un_Diff_cancel assms(1) calculation(2) closure_convex_hull compact_Un compact_simple_path_image dual_order.trans frontier_def hull_subset inf.absorb_iff2 inf_commute sup_bot_left)
ultimately have *: "?ep ⊆ {p 0, p 1}" by auto
have "A = path_image l"
have "convex A ∧ compact A"
by (simp add: A_def arc_imp_path assms(2) compact_Un compact_convex_hull compact_path_image)
then have A_ep: "A = convex hull ?ep" using Krein_Milman_Minkowski by blast
moreover have "finite ?ep" using "*" infinite_super by auto
moreover have "A ≠ {}" by (simp add: A_def)
moreover have "∀x. A ≠ {x}" using assms(7) by fastforce
ultimately have "card ?ep ≥ 2" using convex_hull_two_extreme_points by metis
then have "?ep = {p 0, p 1}"
by (metis * One_nat_def Suc_1 add_leD2 card.empty card_insert_disjoint card_seteq finite.emptyI finite.insertI insert_absorb plus_1_eq_Suc)
then have "A = closed_segment (p 0) (p 1)" by (metis A_ep segment_convex_hull)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: l_def)
then have "interior A = {}"
by (metis A_def Diff_eq_empty_iff assms(1) assms(8) closure_convex_hull compact_Un compact_simple_path_image double_diff dual_order.refl frontier_def interior_subset)
thus False using inside_outside_def inside_outside_r r_inside_subset by auto
let ?e = "l (1/2)"
have l_on_r_frontier: "path_image l ⊆ frontier (path_inside ?r)"
using inside_outside_r unfolding inside_outside_def
by (metis Un_upper1 closed_simple_r ‹arc (reversepath p) ∧ arc l› arc_def assms(2) path_image_join path_join_eq simple_path_def)
moreover have "path_image l ⊆ frontier (path_inside ?s)"
using inside_outside_s unfolding inside_outside_def
by (simp add: l_def path_image_join pathstart_def reversepath_def)
ultimately have e_frontier: "?e ∈ frontier (path_inside ?r) ∧ ?e ∈ frontier (path_inside ?s)"
by (simp add: path_defs(4) subsetD)
have e_notin: "?e ∉ path_image p ∪ path_image q"
have "?e ∉ path_image p"
have "?e ≠ l 0 ∧ ?e ≠ l 1" using lf_l unfolding loop_free_def by fastforce
then have "?e ≠ p 0 ∧ ?e ≠ p 1" using l_p_endpoints by simp
moreover have "?e ∉ p`{0<..<1}" using p_int_l unfolding path_image_def by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis using p_int_l unfolding path_image_def by fastforce
moreover have "?e ∉ path_image q"
have "?e ≠ l 0 ∧ ?e ≠ l 1" using lf_l unfolding loop_free_def by fastforce
then have "?e ≠ q 0 ∧ ?e ≠ q 1" using l_q_endpoints by simp
moreover have "?e ∉ q`{0<..<1}" using q_int_l unfolding path_image_def by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis using q_int_l unfolding path_image_def by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
obtain ε where ε: "ε > 0 ∧ ball ?e ε ∩ path_image p = {} ∧ ball ?e ε ∩ path_image q = {}"
have "?e ∉ path_image p" using e_notin by simp
moreover have "compact (path_image p)" by (simp add: assms(2) compact_arc_image)
moreover have "?e ∉ path_image q" using e_notin by simp
moreover have "compact (path_image q)" by (simp add: assms(2) compact_arc_image)
ultimately obtain ε1 ε2 where
"ε1 > 0 ∧ ball ?e ε1 ∩ path_image p = {} ∧ ε2 > 0 ∧ ball ?e ε2 ∩ path_image q = {}"
by (meson assms(1) not_on_path_ball simple_path_imp_path)
thus ?thesis using that[of "min ε1 ε2"] by (simp add: disjoint_iff)
obtain z_r where z_r: "z_r ∈ ball ?e ε ∩ path_inside ?r"
by (metis e_frontier ε all_not_in_conv disjoint_iff frontier_straddle mem_ball)
obtain z_s where z_s: "z_s ∈ ball ?e ε ∩ path_inside ?s"
by (metis e_frontier ε all_not_in_conv disjoint_iff frontier_straddle mem_ball)
have z_s_in_r: "z_s ∈ path_inside ?r"
let ?l_z = "linepath z_r z_s"
have "z_r ∈ interior A ∧ z_s ∈ interior A"
using r_inside_subset s_inside_subset z_r z_s by blast
then have "path_image ?l_z ⊆ interior A" by (simp add: A_def closed_segment_subset)
then have 1: "path_image ?l_z ∩ path_image l = {}"
by (smt (verit) Diff_iff assms(8) disjoint_iff frontier_def subsetD)
have "convex (ball ?e ε)" by simp
then have "path_image ?l_z ⊆ ball ?e ε"
by (metis IntD1 closed_segment_subset path_image_linepath z_r z_s)
then have 2: "path_image ?l_z ∩ path_image q = {}" using ε by blast
show ?thesis
by (smt (verit, best) 1 2 IntI Int_Un_distrib Int_Un_distrib2 Jordan_inside_outside_real2 closed_path_def ε ‹path_image (linepath z_r z_s) ⊆ ball (l (1 / 2)) ε› arc_def assms(2) closed_simple_r emptyE in_mono inf.assoc le_iff_inf path_connected_not_frontier_subset path_connected_path_image path_image_join path_inside_def path_join_path_ends path_linepath pathfinish_in_path_image pathfinish_linepath pathstart_in_path_image pathstart_linepath sup.order_iff z_r)
let ?xq = "q (1/2)"
let ?z = "z_s"
let ?v = "?xq - ?z"
let ?ray = "λd. ?z + d *⇩R ?v"
let ?rayline = "linepath ?z ?xq"
have z_ray: "?z = ?ray 0" by simp
have xq_ray: "?xq = ?ray 1" by simp
have xq_rayline: "?xq = ?rayline 1" unfolding linepath_def by simp
have "?xq ∈ path_image ?r"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) Un_iff atLeastAtMost_iff imageI l_q_endpoints less_eq_real_def path_defs(4) path_image_join pathfinish_def pathstart_def pos_half_less zero_less_divide_1_iff zero_less_numeral zero_less_one)
then have xq_frontier: "?xq ∈ frontier (path_inside ?r)"
using inside_outside_r unfolding inside_outside_def by auto
have xq_neq_z: "?xq ≠ ?z"
have "?xq ∈ path_image ?r"
have "q (1 / 2) ∈ path_image q"
by (simp add: path_defs(4))
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: l_q_endpoints path_image_join pathfinish_def pathstart_def)
thus ?thesis using z_s_in_r inside_outside_r unfolding inside_outside_def by blast
then have v_neq_0: "?v ≠ 0" by simp
have "bounded (path_inside ?r)" using inside_outside_r unfolding inside_outside_def by blast
moreover have "?z ∈ interior (path_inside ?r)"
by (metis inside_outside_def inside_outside_r interior_eq z_s_in_r)
ultimately obtain d where d: "0 < d ∧ ?ray d ∈ frontier (path_inside ?r)
∧ (∀e ∈ {0..<d}. ?ray e ∈ interior (path_inside ?r))"
using ray_to_frontier[of "path_inside ?r" ?z ?v] by (metis atLeastLessThan_iff v_neq_0)
have interior_inside_r: "interior (path_inside ?r) = path_inside ?r"
by (meson inside_outside_def inside_outside_r interior_eq)
have d_leq_1: "d ≤ 1"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ d ≤ 1"
then have "d > 1" by simp
moreover have "?ray 1 ∈ frontier (path_inside ?r)" using xq_ray xq_frontier by argo
ultimately show False using d unfolding frontier_def by fastforce
have z_inside: "?z ∈ path_inside ?s" using z_s by blast
moreover have "?rayline d ∈ path_outside ?s"
have "?rayline d ∉ path_image l" if "d < 1"
have "?rayline 0 ∈ interior A"
using r_inside_subset by (simp add: linepath_0' subsetD z_s_in_r)
moreover have "path_image ?rayline ⊆ closure A"
have "closure A = A"
using A_def assms(1) closure_convex_hull compact_Un compact_simple_path_image by blast
moreover have "?rayline 0 ∈ A" using ‹?rayline 0 ∈ interior A› interior_subset by blast
moreover have "?rayline 1 ∈ A"
using path_image_def A_def hull_subset xq_rayline by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis A_def closed_segment_subset convex_convex_hull linepath_0' linepath_1' path_image_linepath)
moreover have "¬ path_image ?rayline ⊆ rel_frontier A"
have "path_image ?rayline ∩ interior A ≠ {}"
using ‹?rayline 0 ∈ interior A› unfolding path_image_def by fastforce
moreover have "interior A ∩ rel_frontier A = {}"
using rel_frontier_def rel_interior_nonempty_interior by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately have "rel_interior (path_image ?rayline) ⊆ rel_interior A"
using subset_rel_interior_convex[of "path_image ?rayline" A] by (simp add: A_def)
moreover have "interior A = rel_interior A"
using ‹?rayline 0 ∈ interior A› rel_interior_nonempty_interior by auto
moreover have "?rayline d ∈ ?rayline`{0<..<1}" using that d by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by (smt (verit, del_insts) DiffD1 DiffD2 Un_iff xq_neq_z arc_linepath arc_simple_path assms(8) closed_segment_eq_open frontier_def path_image_linepath pathfinish_linepath pathstart_linepath rel_interior_closed_segment simple_path_endless subset_eq)
moreover have "?rayline d ∉ path_image l" if "d = 1"
using that q_int_l unfolding linepath_def by (simp add: disjoint_iff)
moreover have "?rayline d ∈ path_image ?r"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add_diff_eq d diff_add_eq inside_outside_def inside_outside_r linepath_def scale_left_diff_distrib scale_one scale_right_diff_distrib)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) d_leq_1 Diff_iff Int_iff closed_path_def ‹arc (reversepath p) ∧ arc l› arc_def assms(1) assms(3) assms(9) closed_simple_r insert_commute l_def l_p_endpoints not_in_path_image_join path_join_eq pathfinish_join pathfinish_linepath pathstart_join pathstart_linepath q_outside simple_path_def simple_path_endless subsetD)
moreover have "?z ∈ ?rayline`{0..d}"
using z_ray unfolding linepath_def
by (smt (verit, del_insts) add.commute atLeastAtMost_iff cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel d diff_zero image_iff less_eq_real_def segment_degen_1)
moreover have "?rayline d ∈ ?rayline`{0..d}" by (simp add: d less_eq_real_def)
ultimately have "?rayline`{0..d} ∩ path_inside ?s ≠ {} ∧ ?rayline`{0..d} ∩ path_outside ?s ≠ {}"
by blast
then have "?rayline`{0..d} ∩ path_inside ?s ≠ {} ∧ ?rayline`{0..d} ∩ - path_inside ?s ≠ {}"
using inside_outside_s unfolding inside_outside_def by (meson ComplI disjoint_iff)
moreover have "path_connected (?rayline`{0..d})"
have "?rayline`{0..d} = path_image (subpath 0 d ?rayline)" by (simp add: d path_image_subpath)
moreover have "path (subpath 0 d ?rayline)" using d d_leq_1 by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by (metis path_connected_path_image)
ultimately have "?rayline`{0..d} ∩ frontier (path_inside ?s) ≠ {}"
using path_connected_frontier[of "?rayline`{0..d}" "path_inside ?s"] by (metis disjoint_iff)
then have "?rayline`{0..d} ∩ path_image ?s ≠ {}" using inside_outside_s unfolding inside_outside_def by argo
moreover have "?rayline 0 ∉ path_image ?s"
have "?xq ≠ p 0"
by (metis (full_types) disjoint_iff greaterThanLessThan_iff imageI l_p_endpoints pathstart_def pathstart_in_path_image pos_half_less q_int_l zero_less_divide_1_iff zero_less_numeral zero_less_one)
moreover have "?xq ≠ p 1"
by (metis (full_types) disjoint_iff greaterThanLessThan_iff imageI l_p_endpoints pathfinish_def pathfinish_in_path_image pos_half_less q_int_l zero_less_divide_1_iff zero_less_numeral zero_less_one)
moreover have "?xq ∉ p`{0<..<1}"
have "?xq ∈ q`{0<..<1}" by fastforce
thus ?thesis by (metis assms(1,3,4) Diff_iff Int_iff pathfinish_def pathstart_def simple_path_endless)
moreover have "?xq ∉ path_image l"
by (metis disjoint_iff greaterThanLessThan_iff imageI pos_half_less q_int_l zero_less_divide_1_iff zero_less_numeral zero_less_one)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ComplD UnI1 z_inside inside_outside_def inside_outside_s linepath_0')
moreover have "?rayline d ∉ path_image ?s"
using ‹?rayline d ∈ path_outside ?s› inside_outside_def inside_outside_s by auto
moreover have "{0..d} = {0<..<d} ∪ {0, d}" using d by fastforce
ultimately have "?rayline`{0<..<d} ∩ path_image ?s ≠ {}" unfolding path_image_def by blast
moreover have "?rayline`{0<..<d} = ?ray`{0<..<d}"
unfolding linepath_def by (auto simp: algebra_simps)
moreover have "?ray`{0<..<d} ⊆ path_inside ?r" using d interior_inside_r by fastforce
ultimately have "path_image ?s ∩ path_inside ?r ≠ {}" by blast
moreover have "path_image l ∩ path_inside ?r = {}"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Diff_disjoint Int_assoc l_on_r_frontier frontier_def inf.orderE inf_bot_left inf_sup_aci(1) interior_inside_r)
moreover have "p`{0<..<1} = path_image ?s - path_image l"
have "path_image ?s = path_image p ∪ path_image l"
by (simp add: l_p_endpoints path_image_join pathfinish_def sup_commute)
moreover have "p`{0<..<1} = path_image p - {p 0, p 1}"
by (metis assms(1) pathfinish_def pathstart_def simple_path_endless)
ultimately have "path_image ?s = p`{0<..<1} ∪ {p 0, p 1} ∪ path_image l"
using assms(3) assms(9) l_p_endpoints by auto
moreover have "p 1 ∈ path_image l ∧ p 0 ∈ path_image l" by (simp add: l_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using p_int_l by blast
ultimately show "p`{0<..<1} ∩ path_inside (l +++ q) ≠ {}" by auto
show "path_image p ∩ path_image (l +++ q) = {p 0, p 1}"
by (smt (verit, best) Int_Un_distrib Un_absorb assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) closed_simple_r insert_commute l_p_endpoints p'_int_l path_image_join path_image_reversepath path_join_path_ends reversepath_def simple_path_imp_path)
lemma pocket_path_interior:
assumes "simple_path p ∧ simple_path q"
assumes "arc p ∧ arc q"
assumes "q 0 = p 1 ∧ q 1 = p 0"
assumes "path_image p ∩ path_image q = {p 0, q 0}"
defines "A ≡ convex hull (path_image p ∪ path_image q)"
defines "l ≡ linepath (p 0) (p 1)"
assumes "p`{0<..<1} ⊆ interior A"
assumes "path_image l ⊆ frontier A"
assumes "path_image q ∩ path_image l = {l 0, q 0}"
shows "p`{0<..<1} ⊆ path_inside (l +++ q)"
using pocket_path_interior_aux[of p q] simple_loop_split[of "l +++ q" p] assms
by (metis (no_types, lifting) DiffE disjoint_iff simple_path_endless)
lemma pocket_path_good:
assumes "polygon (make_polygonal_path vts)"
assumes "vts!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
assumes "vts!1 ∉ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
assumes "¬ convex (path_image (make_polygonal_path vts) ∪ path_inside (make_polygonal_path vts))"
defines "pocket_path_vts ≡ construct_pocket_0 vts (set vts ∩ frontier (convex hull (set vts)))"
defines "pocket ≡ make_polygonal_path (pocket_path_vts @ [pocket_path_vts!0])"
defines "filled_vts ≡ fill_pocket_0 vts (length pocket_path_vts)"
defines "filled_p ≡ make_polygonal_path filled_vts"
defines "a ≡ hd pocket_path_vts"
defines "b ≡ last pocket_path_vts"
defines "good_pocket_path_vts ≡ tl (butlast pocket_path_vts)"
shows "polygon filled_p"
"is_polygon_split_path (butlast filled_vts) 0 1 good_pocket_path_vts"
"polygon pocket"
"card (set pocket_path_vts) < card (set vts)"
"card (set filled_vts) < card (set vts)"
let ?p = "make_polygonal_path vts"
let ?A = "set vts ∩ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
let ?filled_vts_tl = "tl filled_vts"
let ?filled_p_tl = "make_polygonal_path ?filled_vts_tl"
let ?pocket_vts = "pocket_path_vts @ [pocket_path_vts!0]"
let ?pocket_path = "make_polygonal_path pocket_path_vts"
let ?l = "linepath a b"
let ?r = "min_nonzero_index_in_set vts ?A"
have int_A_nonempty: "set (tl vts) ∩ ?A ≠ {}"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) IntI Nitpick.size_list_simp(2) Suc_eq_plus1 assms(1) assms(2) card_length empty_iff have_wraparound_vertex last_in_set last_tl le_add1 le_trans not_less_eq_eq numeral_3_eq_3 polygon_at_least_3_vertices snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
then have r_defined: "nonzero_index_in_set vts ?A ?r ∧ (∀i < ?r. ¬ nonzero_index_in_set vts ?A i)"
using min_nonzero_index_in_set_defined[of vts ?A] by fast
have two_vts_on_frontier: "2 ≤ card ?A"
by (metis convex_hull_two_vts_on_frontier One_nat_def Suc_1 add_leD2 assms(1) numeral_3_eq_3 plus_1_eq_Suc polygon_at_least_3_vertices)
moreover have frontier_vts_subset: "?A ⊆ set vts" by force
moreover have distinct_vts: "distinct (butlast vts)"
using assms(1) polygon_def simple_polygonal_path_vts_distinct by blast
moreover have hd_last_vts: "hd vts = last vts"
by (metis assms(1) have_wraparound_vertex hd_conv_nth snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
ultimately have a_neq_b: "a ≠ b"
using a_def b_def construct_pocket_0_first_last_distinct pocket_path_vts_def by presburger
have "length filled_vts ≥ 2"
unfolding filled_vts_def fill_pocket_0_def
by (smt (verit, best) One_nat_def Suc_1 Suc_diff_Suc a_def a_neq_b b_def construct_pocket_0_def diff_is_0_eq diff_zero hd_Nil_eq_last length_drop length_greater_0_conv length_tl list.sel(3) not_less_eq_eq pocket_path_vts_def sublist_length_le sublist_take)
moreover have filled_vts_0: "a = filled_vts!0"
unfolding filled_vts_def fill_pocket_0_def a_def pocket_path_vts_def construct_pocket_0_def
by auto
moreover have filled_vts_1: "b = filled_vts!1"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) filled_vts_def fill_pocket_0_def b_def pocket_path_vts_def construct_pocket_0_def Cons_nth_drop_Suc Nitpick.size_list_simp(2) a_def a_neq_b add.right_neutral drop0 drop_eq_Nil hd_Nil_eq_last last_conv_nth length_take length_tl linorder_not_less list.sel(3) min.absorb4 nat_le_linear not_less_eq_eq nth_drop nth_take plus_1_eq_Suc take_all_iff zero_less_diff)
ultimately have filled_vts: "filled_vts = [a, b] @ tl ?filled_vts_tl"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Nitpick.size_list_simp(2) One_nat_def Suc_1 append_Nil append_eq_Cons_conv length_greater_0_conv list.collapse not_less_eq_eq nth_Cons_0 nth_tl order_less_le_trans pos2)
have 1: "polygon_of ?p vts" unfolding polygon_of_def using assms(1) by blast
have 2: "2 ≤ ?r ∧ ?r < length vts - 1"
have "?r ≠ 0 ∧ ?r ≠ 1"
using assms(2,3) min_nonzero_index_in_set_def nonzero_index_in_set_def r_defined
by fastforce
then have 1: "?r ≥ 2" by simp
have "∃i ∈ {0<..<length vts - 1}. vts!i ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
have "card ((set vts) ∩ frontier (convex hull (set vts))) ≥ 2"
using two_vts_on_frontier by blast
then obtain v where "v ∈ set vts ∧ v ∈ frontier (convex hull set vts) ∧ v ≠ hd vts"
by (metis hd_last_vts Int_iff a_neq_b assms(2) b_def construct_pocket_0_last_in_set convex_hull_empty empty_set fill_pocket_0_def filled_vts_0 filled_vts_def frontier_empty hd_conv_nth int_A_nonempty last_in_set nth_Cons_0 pocket_path_vts_def)
thus ?thesis
by (metis hd_last_vts assms(1) in_set_conv_nth diff_Suc_1 gr0_implies_Suc greaterThanLessThan_iff have_wraparound_vertex last_conv_nth le_eq_less_or_eq less_Suc_eq_le less_one nat.simps(3) nat_le_linear snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
then have 2: "?r < length vts - 1"
using r_defined
unfolding min_nonzero_index_in_set_def nonzero_index_in_set_def
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Int_iff add.commute add_diff_cancel_left' add_diff_inverse_nat greaterThanLessThan_iff less_imp_diff_less mem_Collect_eq nat_less_le nth_mem)
show ?thesis using 1 2 by blast
have ab: "a = hd vts ∧ b = vts!?r"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "2" Suc_1 int_A_nonempty ab_semigroup_add_class.add_ac(1) add_Suc_right b_def construct_pocket_0_def fill_pocket_0_def filled_vts_0 filled_vts_def hd_drop_conv_nth last_snoc le_add_diff_inverse2 min_nonzero_index_in_set_bound nth_Cons_0 plus_1_eq_Suc pocket_path_vts_def take_hd_drop)
have 3: "{hd vts, vts ! ?r} ⊆ frontier (convex hull set vts)"
using ab assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) b_def construct_pocket_is_pocket is_pocket_0_def pocket_path_vts_def
by fastforce
have 4: "∀j∈{0<..<?r}. vts ! j ∉ frontier (convex hull set vts)"
using r_defined unfolding nonzero_index_in_set_def by fastforce
have l_int_p: "path_image (linepath (hd vts) (vts ! ?r)) ∩ path_image ?p = {hd vts, vts ! ?r}"
using pocket_fill_line_int[OF 1 2 3 4] by blast
have l_frontier: "path_image (linepath (hd vts) (vts ! ?r)) ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
using pocket_fill_line_int[OF 1 2 3 4] by blast
have "path_image ?filled_p_tl ∩ path_image ?l = {a, b}"
have "path_image (linepath (hd vts) (vts ! ?r)) ∩ path_image ?p = {hd vts, vts ! ?r}"
using pocket_fill_line_int[OF 1 2 3 4] by blast
moreover have "path_image ?filled_p_tl ⊆ path_image ?p"
have "sublist ?filled_vts_tl vts" by (simp add: fill_pocket_0_def filled_vts_def)
thus ?thesis using ‹2 ≤ length filled_vts› sublist_path_image_subset by auto
moreover have "a ∈ path_image ?filled_p_tl ∧ b ∈ path_image ?filled_p_tl"
by (smt (verit, best) Cons_nth_drop_Suc Diff_insert_absorb One_nat_def Suc_1 ‹2 ≤ length filled_vts› drop0 drop_eq_Nil fill_pocket_0_def filled_vts_0 filled_vts_1 filled_vts_def hd_last_vts last_drop last_in_set linorder_not_le list.sel(3) not_less_eq_eq nth_Cons_0 order_less_le_trans pathstart_in_path_image polygon_pathstart pos2 subset_Diff_insert vertices_on_path_image)
ultimately show ?thesis using ab by auto
moreover have hd_filled: "hd ?filled_vts_tl = last [a, b]"
unfolding filled_vts_def fill_pocket_0_def pocket_path_vts_def construct_pocket_0_def
by (metis construct_pocket_0_def fill_pocket_0_def filled_vts filled_vts_def hd_append2 last_ConsL last_ConsR list.sel(1) list.sel(3) list.simps(3) pocket_path_vts_def tl_append2)
moreover have last_filled: "last ?filled_vts_tl = hd [a, b]"
unfolding filled_vts_def fill_pocket_0_def pocket_path_vts_def construct_pocket_0_def
using r_defined a_def assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) construct_pocket_is_pocket hd_last_vts is_pocket_0_def pocket_path_vts_def
by fastforce
moreover have "loop_free ?filled_p_tl"
have "sublist ?filled_vts_tl vts"
unfolding filled_vts_def fill_pocket_0_def pocket_path_vts_def construct_pocket_0_def
using r_defined
by force
thus ?thesis
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Nitpick.size_list_simp(2) Suc_1 ‹2 ≤ length filled_vts› ‹b = filled_vts ! 1› a_neq_b assms(1) diff_is_0_eq dual_order.strict_trans1 last_conv_nth last_filled le_antisym length_greater_0_conv length_tl list.sel(1) list.size(3) not_less_eq_eq nth_tl polygon_def pos2 simple_path_def sublist_is_loop_free sublist_length_le)
moreover have "loop_free ?l" using a_neq_b linepath_loop_free by blast
moreover have filled_vts: "filled_vts = [a, b] @ tl ?filled_vts_tl" using filled_vts by blast
moreover have "arc ?l"
by (smt (verit) arc_linepath calculation(5) constant_linepath_is_not_loop_free)
moreover have "arc ?filled_p_tl"
by (smt (z3) arc_simple_path calculation(2) calculation(3) calculation(4) calculation(7) hd_Nil_eq_last hd_conv_nth last.simps last_conv_nth list.discI list.sel(1) make_polygonal_path_gives_path pathfinish_linepath pathstart_linepath polygon_pathfinish polygon_pathstart simple_path_def)
moreover have "?l = make_polygonal_path [a, b]"
using make_polygonal_path.simps by presburger
ultimately have lf_filled: "loop_free filled_p"
by (smt (z3) Nat.add_diff_assoc One_nat_def Suc_pred' add_Suc_shift append_butlast_last_id arc_distinct_ends butlast.simps(2) filled_p_def hd_Nil_eq_last hd_conv_nth inf_sup_aci(1) last_ConsR less_numeral_extra(1) list.sel(1) list.simps(3) list.size(3) list.size(4) loop_free_append nth_append_length order_eq_refl plus_1_eq_Suc polygon_pathfinish polygon_pathstart)
show polygon_filled_p: "polygon filled_p"
unfolding polygon_def
by (metis closed_path_def UNIV_def append_is_Nil_conv filled_p_def filled_vts hd_append2 last.simps last_conv_nth last_filled lf_filled list.discI list.exhaust_sel make_polygonal_path_gives_path nth_Cons_0 polygon_pathfinish polygon_pathstart polygonal_path_def rangeI simple_path_def)
have "{a, b} ⊆ set filled_vts"
using filled_vts by (smt (z3) UnCI empty_set list.simps(15) set_append subset_iff)
moreover have pocket_path: "?pocket_path = make_polygonal_path ([a] @ good_pocket_path_vts @ [b])"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) a_def a_neq_b append_Cons append_Nil append_butlast_last_id b_def good_pocket_path_vts_def hd_Nil_eq_last hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth length_butlast list.collapse list.size(3) tl_append2)
moreover have "path_image ?pocket_path ⊆ path_inside filled_p ∪ {a, b}"
let ?𝗉 = ?pocket_path
let ?𝗊 = ?filled_p_tl
let ?H = "convex hull (path_image ?𝗉 ∪ path_image ?𝗊)"
have b: "pocket_path_vts = take (?r + 1) vts"
unfolding pocket_path_vts_def construct_pocket_0_def by blast
moreover then have c': "?filled_vts_tl = drop ?r vts" unfolding filled_vts_def fill_pocket_0_def
using "2" by fastforce
ultimately have "vts = pocket_path_vts @ tl ?filled_vts_tl"
by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 append_take_drop_id drop_Suc tl_drop)
then have "path_image ?p = path_image ?𝗉 ∪ path_image ?𝗊"
by (metis Suc_1 a_def a_neq_b b_def diff_is_0_eq hd_Nil_eq_last hd_conv_nth hd_filled last.simps last_conv_nth last_filled list.discI list.sel(1) make_polygonal_path_image_append_alt not_less_eq_eq path_image_join polygon_pathfinish polygon_pathstart)
moreover have "convex hull (path_image ?p) = convex hull (set vts)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1" Un_subset_iff convex_hull_of_polygon_is_convex_hull_of_vts hull_Un_subset hull_mono subset_antisym vertices_on_path_image)
ultimately have H_eq: "?H = convex hull (set vts)" by presburger
have a: "?p = make_polygonal_path vts ∧ loop_free ?p"
using assms(1) polygon_def simple_path_def by blast
have c: "?filled_vts_tl = drop ((?r + 1) - 1) vts" using c' by simp
have h: "1 ≤ ?r + 1 ∧ ?r + 1 < length vts" using "2" by linarith
have "path_image ?𝗉 ∩ path_image ?𝗊 ⊆ {?𝗉 0, ?𝗊 0}"
using loop_free_split_int[OF a b c _ _ _ h] by (simp add: pathstart_def)
moreover have "?𝗉 0 ∈ path_image ?𝗉 ∧ ?𝗉 0 ∈ path_image ?𝗊"
by (metis a_def a_neq_b b_def hd_Nil_eq_last hd_conv_nth hd_filled last.simps last_conv_nth last_filled list.sel(1) pathfinish_in_path_image pathstart_def pathstart_in_path_image polygon_pathfinish polygon_pathstart)
moreover have "?𝗊 0 ∈ path_image ?𝗉 ∧ ?𝗊 0 ∈ path_image ?𝗊"
by (metis a_def a_neq_b b_def hd_Nil_eq_last hd_conv_nth hd_filled last.simps last_conv_nth last_filled list.sel(1) pathfinish_in_path_image pathstart_def pathstart_in_path_image polygon_pathfinish polygon_pathstart)
ultimately have 4: "path_image ?𝗉 ∩ path_image ?𝗊 = {?𝗉 0, ?𝗊 0}" by fastforce
have 1: "simple_path ?𝗉 ∧ simple_path ?𝗊"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def Suc_1 Suc_le_eq ‹arc ?filled_p_tl› arc_simple_path assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) construct_pocket_is_pocket is_pocket_0_def le_add2 make_polygonal_path_gives_path numeral_3_eq_3 order_le_less_trans plus_1_eq_Suc pocket_path_vts_def polygon_def simple_path_def sublist_is_loop_free sublist_take)
have 2: "arc ?𝗉 ∧ arc ?𝗊"
by (metis "1" ‹arc ?filled_p_tl› a_def a_neq_b b_def hd_Nil_eq_last hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth polygon_pathfinish polygon_pathstart simple_path_cases)
have 3: "?𝗊 0 = ?𝗉 1 ∧ ?𝗊 1 = ?𝗉 0"
by (metis "1" a_def append_Cons b_def constant_linepath_is_not_loop_free filled_vts hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth last_filled list.sel(1) list.sel(3) make_polygonal_path.simps(1) pathfinish_def pathstart_def polygon_pathfinish polygon_pathstart simple_path_def)
have 5: "?𝗉 ` {0<..<1} ⊆ interior ?H"
have "∀j ∈ {0<..<?r}. vts!j ∉ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Int_iff dual_order.strict_trans greaterThanLessThan_iff int_A_nonempty mem_Collect_eq min_nonzero_index_in_set_defined nonzero_index_in_set_def nth_mem)
moreover have "?r = length pocket_path_vts - 1" using b h by auto
moreover have "∀j < ?r. vts!j = pocket_path_vts!j" using b by auto
ultimately have "∀j ∈ {0<..<length pocket_path_vts - 1}. pocket_path_vts!j ∉ frontier ?H"
using H_eq by simp
moreover have "loop_free ?pocket_path" using "1" simple_path_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis vts_interior Un_subset_iff assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) construct_pocket_is_pocket convex_convex_hull hull_subset is_pocket_0_def pocket_path_vts_def)
have 6: "path_image (linepath (?𝗉 0) (?𝗉 1)) ⊆ frontier ?H"
by (metis l_frontier H_eq "3" a_def a_neq_b ab b_def hd_Nil_eq_last hd_conv_nth hd_filled last.simps last_filled list.discI list.sel(1) pathstart_def polygon_pathstart)
have 7: "path_image ?𝗊 ∩ path_image (linepath (?𝗉 0) (?𝗉 1)) = {linepath (?𝗉 0) (?𝗉 1) 0, ?𝗊 0}"
by (metis "3" ‹path_image (make_polygonal_path (tl filled_vts)) ∩ path_image (linepath a b) = {a, b}› a_def a_neq_b b_def hd_Nil_eq_last hd_filled last.simps last_conv_nth last_filled linepath_0' list.sel(1) pathfinish_def polygon_pathfinish)
have "?𝗉 ` {0<..<1} ⊆ path_inside (linepath (?𝗉 0) (?𝗉 1) +++ ?𝗊)"
using pocket_path_interior[OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] by blast
then have "?𝗉`{0<..<1} ⊆ path_inside filled_p"
by (smt (verit) "3" ‹2 ≤ length filled_vts› a_def a_neq_b b_def filled_p_def filled_vts_0 hd_Nil_eq_last hd_filled last.simps last_filled length_greater_0_conv list.discI list.sel(1) list.sel(3) make_polygonal_path.elims nth_Cons_0 order_less_le_trans pathstart_def polygon_pathstart pos2)
moreover have "?𝗉 0 = a ∧ ?𝗉 1 = b"
by (metis "3" a_def a_neq_b b_def hd_Nil_eq_last hd_conv_nth hd_filled last.simps last_filled list.discI list.sel(1) pathstart_def polygon_pathstart)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis "1" Diff_subset_conv a_def a_neq_b b_def hd_Nil_eq_last hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth polygon_pathfinish polygon_pathstart simple_path_endless sup_commute)
moreover have loop_free_pocket_path: "loop_free ?pocket_path"
have "sublist pocket_path_vts vts"
by (simp add: construct_pocket_0_def pocket_path_vts_def)
moreover have "loop_free ?p"
using assms(1) polygon_def simple_path_def by blast
moreover have "length pocket_path_vts ≥ 2"
by (metis Suc_1 a_def a_neq_b b_def diff_is_0_eq' hd_Nil_eq_last hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth not_less_eq_eq)
moreover have "length vts ≥ 2"
by (meson calculation(1) calculation(3) le_trans sublist_length_le)
ultimately show ?thesis using sublist_is_loop_free by blast
ultimately have good_polygonal_path: "good_polygonal_path a good_pocket_path_vts b filled_vts"
by (metis a_neq_b filled_p_def good_polygonal_path_def)
have filled_vts_as_butlast: "filled_vts = (butlast filled_vts) @ [(butlast filled_vts)!0]"
by (metis Nitpick.size_list_simp(2) append.right_neutral butlast_conv_take filled_p_def filled_vts have_wraparound_vertex length_butlast length_tl less_Suc_eq_0_disj list.discI list.sel(2) list.sel(3) nth_butlast polygon_filled_p)
then have filled_p_as_butlast:
"filled_p = make_polygonal_path ((butlast filled_vts) @ [(butlast filled_vts)!0])"
unfolding filled_p_def filled_vts_def by argo
have le: "0 < (1::nat)" by simp
have filled_0_a: "(butlast filled_vts) ! 0 = a"
by (metis append_Cons append_Nil butlast.simps(2) filled_vts nth_Cons_0 filled_vts_0)
have filled_1_b: "(butlast filled_vts) ! 1 = b"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) filled_vts_1 filled_vts_as_butlast a_neq_b append_Cons append_Nil butlast_conv_take filled_0_a filled_vts length_butlast less_one linorder_not_le nat_less_le nth_append_length nth_butlast take0)
have 01: "0 < length (butlast filled_vts) ∧ 1 < length (butlast filled_vts)"
by (metis One_nat_def Suc_lessI filled_vts_1 filled_vts_as_butlast a_neq_b append_eq_Cons_conv filled_0_a length_greater_0_conv nth_Cons_Suc nth_append_length)
show is_split_path:
"is_polygon_split_path (butlast filled_vts) 0 1 good_pocket_path_vts"
using good_polygonal_path_implies_polygon_split_path
[OF polygon_filled_p filled_p_as_butlast _ 01 filled_0_a filled_1_b le]
using good_polygonal_path filled_vts_as_butlast
by presburger
have polygon_pocket_rev: "polygon (make_polygonal_path (a#([] @ [b] @ (rev good_pocket_path_vts) @ [a])))"
unfolding is_polygon_split_path_def
by (smt (z3) "01" One_nat_def add_diff_cancel_left' add_diff_cancel_right' filled_0_a filled_1_b is_polygon_split_path_def is_split_path nth_butlast plus_1_eq_Suc take0)
moreover have rev_pocket_vts: "rev ?pocket_vts = a#([] @ [b] @ (rev good_pocket_path_vts) @ [a])"
by (smt (verit) a_def a_neq_b append.left_neutral append_Cons append_butlast_last_id b_def good_pocket_path_vts_def hd_Nil_eq_last hd_append2 hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth length_butlast list.collapse list.size(3) rev.simps(1) rev.simps(2) rev_append)
ultimately show "polygon pocket"
by (metis polygon_pocket_rev rev_vts_is_polygon polygon_of_def pocket_def rev_rev_ident)
have "card (set vts) = length (butlast vts)"
using distinct_vts
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Suc_n_not_le_n Un_insert_right append_Nil2 assms(1) butlast_conv_take distinct_card dual_order.strict_trans have_wraparound_vertex hd_conv_nth hd_in_set hd_take insert_absorb length_0_conv length_butlast less_eq_Suc_le linorder_linear list.set(2) not_numeral_le_zero numeral_3_eq_3 polygon_at_least_3_vertices_wraparound polygon_vertices_length_at_least_4 set_append)
then have "set pocket_path_vts ⊂ set vts"
unfolding pocket_path_vts_def construct_pocket_0_def
using r_defined
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Cons_nth_drop_Suc One_nat_def Suc_diff_Suc Suc_le_lessD add_diff_cancel_right' assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) butlast_conv_take butlast_snoc card_length construct_pocket_0_def construct_pocket_is_pocket drop0 fill_pocket_0_def filled_vts_def is_pocket_0_def is_polygon_split_path_def is_split_path leD le_less_Suc_eq length_butlast length_drop length_greater_0_conv list.inject numeral_3_eq_3 plus_1_eq_Suc pocket_path_vts_def polygon_at_least_3_vertices_wraparound psubsetI set_take_subset take_eq_Nil add_eq_0_iff_both_eq_0 add_gr_0 cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel diff_zero dual_order.strict_trans filled_p_def length_Cons length_tl less_imp_diff_less list.sel(3) list.size(3) not_less_eq_eq polygon_filled_p zero_less_one zero_neq_one)
thus "card (set pocket_path_vts) < card (set vts)" by (simp add: psubset_card_mono)
have "card (set vts) = card (set (butlast vts))"
by (smt (z3) Cons_nth_drop_Suc List.finite_set One_nat_def Suc_1 Suc_le_lessD two_vts_on_frontier distinct_vts hd_last_vts frontier_vts_subset butlast.simps(1) butlast_conv_take card_insert_if card_length card_mono distinct_card drop0 drop_eq_Nil dual_order.trans last_in_set last_tl length_butlast length_greater_0_conv length_tl list.collapse list.sel(3) list.simps(15) set_take_subset verit_la_disequality)
moreover have "length good_pocket_path_vts ≥ 1"
unfolding good_pocket_path_vts_def pocket_path_vts_def construct_pocket_0_def
using convex_hull_of_nonconvex_polygon_strict_subset[OF _ assms(4), of vts]
using Suc_le_eq assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) construct_pocket_0_def construct_pocket_is_pocket is_pocket_0_def numeral_3_eq_3
by auto
ultimately show "card (set filled_vts) < card (set vts)"
unfolding filled_vts_def fill_pocket_0_def good_pocket_path_vts_def pocket_path_vts_def
by (smt (verit) Nitpick.size_list_simp(2) Suc_1 Suc_diff_Suc Suc_n_not_le_n ‹2 ≤ length filled_vts› distinct_vts hd_last_vts card_length diff_is_0_eq diff_less distinct_card drop_eq_Nil fill_pocket_0_def filled_vts_def insert_absorb last_drop last_in_set le leI le_less_Suc_eq length_Cons length_butlast length_drop length_tl less_imp_diff_less list.simps(15) order_less_le_trans pocket_path_vts_def)
subsection "Arbitrary Polygon Case"
lemma pick_rotate:
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
assumes "all_integral vts"
obtains p' vts' where "polygon_of p' vts'
∧ vts'!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts'))
∧ path_image p' = path_image p
∧ all_integral vts'
∧ set vts' = set vts"
obtain v where v: "v ∈ set vts ∩ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
obtain v where "v ∈ set vts ∧ v extreme_point_of (convex hull (set vts))"
using assms unfolding polygon_of_def
by (metis List.finite_set card.empty convex_convex_hull convex_hull_eq_empty extreme_point_exists_convex extreme_point_of_convex_hull finite_imp_compact_convex_hull not_numeral_le_zero polygon_at_least_3_vertices)
then have "v ∈ set vts ∧ v ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
by (metis Krein_Milman_frontier List.finite_set convex_convex_hull extreme_point_of_convex_hull finite_imp_compact_convex_hull)
thus ?thesis using that by blast
obtain i where i: "vts!i = v ∧ i < length vts" by (meson IntE in_set_conv_nth v)
let ?vts_rotated = "rotate_polygon_vertices vts i"
let ?p_rotated = "make_polygonal_path ?vts_rotated"
have same_set: "set vts = set ?vts_rotated"
using assms unfolding polygon_of_def
using rotate_polygon_vertices_same_set
by force
moreover have *: "?vts_rotated!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull (set ?vts_rotated))"
have "?vts_rotated!0 = vts!i"
using assms unfolding polygon_of_def
by (metis add_leD2 diff_self_eq_0 have_wraparound_vertex hd_conv_nth i last_snoc less_nat_zero_code list.size(3) nat_le_linear numeral_Bit0 polygon_vertices_length_at_least_4 rotated_polygon_vertices)
moreover have "vts!i ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts))" using v i by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using same_set by argo
moreover have "polygon ?p_rotated"
using rotation_is_polygon assms unfolding polygon_of_def by blast
moreover have "all_integral ?vts_rotated"
using rotate_polygon_vertices_same_set assms
unfolding all_integral_def polygon_of_def by blast
moreover have "path_image ?p_rotated = path_image p"
using assms unfolding polygon_of_def using polygon_vts_arb_rotation by force
moreover then have "path_inside ?p_rotated = path_inside p" unfolding path_inside_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using polygon_of_def that by blast
lemma pick_unrotated:
fixes p :: "R_to_R2"
assumes polygon: "polygon p"
assumes polygonal_path: "p = make_polygonal_path vts"
assumes int_vertices: "all_integral vts"
assumes I_is: "I = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
assumes B_is: "B = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
assumes "vts!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
shows "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
using assms
proof (induct "card (set vts)" arbitrary: vts p I B rule: less_induct)
case less
have B_finite: "finite {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
using finite_path_image less(2) by auto
have "set vts ⊆ {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
using less(3) vertices_on_path_image[of vts] less(4)
unfolding all_integral_def
by auto
then have card_vts: "card (set vts) ≥ 3"
using polygon_at_least_3_vertices[OF less(2) less(3)] card_mono order_trans
by blast
have vts_wraparound: "vts ! 0 = vts ! (length vts - 1)"
using less(2-3) polygon_pathstart polygon_pathfinish
unfolding polygon_def closed_path_def
by (metis diff_0_eq_0 length_0_conv)
then have vts_is: "vts = (butlast vts) @ [vts ! 0]"
by (metis butlast_conv_take have_wraparound_vertex less.prems(1) less.prems(2))
have same_set: "set vts = set (butlast (vts))"
by (metis ListMem_iff Un_insert_right append.right_neutral butlast.simps(2) constant_linepath_is_not_loop_free elem hd_conv_nth insert_absorb less.prems(1) less.prems(2) list.collapse list.simps(15) make_polygonal_path.simps(2) polygon_def set_append simple_path_def vts_is)
have distinct_butlast_vts: "distinct (butlast vts)"
using simple_polygonal_path_vts_distinct less(2-3)
unfolding polygon_def
by auto
have card_butlast_vts: "card (set vts) = card (set (butlast vts))"
using vts_wraparound
by (smt (verit, best) List.finite_set butlast_conv_take card_distinct card_length card_mono card_vts diff_is_0_eq diff_less distinct_butlast_vts distinct_card drop_rev dual_order.strict_trans1 le_SucE length_append_singleton length_greater_0_conv less_numeral_extra(1) less_numeral_extra(4) nth_eq_iff_index_eq one_less_numeral_iff order_class.order_eq_iff semiring_norm(77) set_drop_subset set_rev vts_is)
then have card_set_len_butlast: "card (set vts) = length (butlast vts)"
using distinct_butlast_vts
by (metis distinct_card)
{ assume triangle: "card (set vts) = 3"
then have "length (butlast vts) = 3"
using card_set_len_butlast
by auto
then have "butlast vts = [vts ! 0, vts ! 1, vts ! 2]"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons_nth_drop_Suc One_nat_def Suc_1 card_set_len_butlast card_vts drop0 drop_eq_Nil lessI nth_append numeral_3_eq_3 one_less_numeral_iff semiring_norm(77) vts_is zero_less_numeral)
then have vts_is: "vts = [vts ! 0, vts ! 1, vts ! 2, vts ! 0]"
using vts_is by auto
then have p_make_triangle: "p = make_triangle (vts ! 0) (vts ! 1) (vts ! 2)"
using less(3) unfolding make_triangle_def by simp
then have not_collinear: "¬ collinear {vts ! 0, vts ! 1, vts ! 2}"
using vts_is less(2) polygon_vts_not_collinear[of p vts] unfolding polygon_of_def make_triangle_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) insert_absorb2 insert_commute list.set(1) list.simps(15))
have all_integral: "all_integral [vts ! 0, vts ! 1, vts ! 2]"
using less.prems(3) vts_is unfolding all_integral_def
by (simp add: ‹butlast vts = [vts ! 0, vts ! 1, vts ! 2]› in_set_butlastD)
have distinct: "distinct [vts ! 0, vts ! 1, vts ! 2]"
using ‹butlast vts = [vts ! 0, vts ! 1, vts ! 2]› distinct_butlast_vts by presburger
have pick_triangle: "pick_triangle p (vts ! 0) (vts ! 1) (vts ! 2)"
using pick_triangle p_make_triangle less(2) not_collinear all_integral distinct
by simp
then have ?case
using pick_triangle_lemma[OF p_make_triangle all_integral distinct not_collinear] less.prems(4-5)
by blast
} moreover
{ assume non_triangle: "card (set vts) > 3"
{ assume convex: "convex (path_image p ∪ path_inside p)"
then obtain a b where "good_linepath a b vts"
using convex_polygon_has_good_linepath non_triangle
by (metis inf_sup_aci(5) less.prems(1) less.prems(2))
then have ab_prop: "a ≠ b ∧ {a, b} ⊆ set vts ∧ path_image (linepath a b) ⊆ path_inside p ∪ {a, b}"
unfolding good_linepath_def less.prems(2) by presburger
then have ab_prop_restate: "a ≠ b ∧ a ∈ set (butlast vts) ∧ b ∈ set (butlast vts)"
using same_set
by simp
have good_linepath_ab: "good_linepath a b ((butlast vts) @ [(butlast vts) ! 0])"
using ab_prop vts_is unfolding good_linepath_def
using ab_prop_restate empty_set hd_append2 hd_conv_nth insert_absorb insert_not_empty less.prems(2) same_set
by (smt (z3))
then have good_linepath_ba: "good_linepath b a ((butlast vts) @ [(butlast vts) ! 0])"
using good_linepath_comm good_linepath_def by blast
obtain i1 j1 where ij_prop: "i1 < length (butlast vts) ∧ j1 < length (butlast vts) ∧
butlast vts ! i1 = a ∧
butlast vts ! j1 = b ∧ i1 ≠ j1"
using ab_prop_restate
by (metis distinct_Ex1 distinct_butlast_vts)
have i_lt_then: "i1 < j1 ⟹ is_polygon_split (butlast vts) i1 j1"
using good_linepath_implies_polygon_split[OF less(2), of "butlast vts"] vts_is same_set
using ij_prop good_linepath_ab good_linepath_ba
by (metis ab_prop_restate length_pos_if_in_set less.prems(2) nth_butlast)
have j_lt_then: "j1 < i1 ⟹ is_polygon_split (butlast vts) j1 i1"
using good_linepath_implies_polygon_split[OF less(2), of "butlast vts"] vts_is same_set
using ij_prop good_linepath_ab good_linepath_ba
by (metis ab_prop_restate length_pos_if_in_set less.prems(2) nth_butlast)
obtain i j where polygon_split: "is_polygon_split (butlast vts) i j"
using i_lt_then j_lt_then ij_prop
by (meson nat_neq_iff)
then have ij_prop: "i < length (butlast vts) ∧ j < length (butlast vts) ∧ i < j"
unfolding is_polygon_split_def
by blast
have p_is: "p = make_polygonal_path (butlast vts @ [butlast vts ! 0])"
using less(3) vts_is
by (metis length_greater_0_conv nth_butlast same_set set_empty)
let ?vts1 = "take i (butlast vts)"
let ?vts2 = "take (j - i - 1) (drop (Suc i) (butlast vts))"
let ?vts3 = "drop (j - i) (drop (Suc i) (butlast vts))"
let ?vtsp1 = "(butlast vts ! i # ?vts2 @ [butlast vts ! j, butlast vts ! i])"
have finite_butlast: "finite (set (butlast vts))"
by blast
have vtsp1_subset: "set ?vtsp1 ⊆ set (butlast vts)"
using ij_prop
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Un_commute append_Cons append_Nil dual_order.trans insert_subset list.simps(15) nth_mem set_append set_drop_subset set_take_subset)
let ?p1 = "make_polygonal_path ?vtsp1"
let ?I1 = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside ?p1}"
let ?B1 = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image ?p1}"
have polygon_p1: "polygon ?p1"
using polygon_split unfolding is_polygon_split_def by metis
let ?vtsp2 = "?vts1 @ [butlast vts ! i, butlast vts ! j] @ ?vts3 @ [butlast vts ! 0]"
let ?p2 = "make_polygonal_path ?vtsp2"
have polygon_p2: "polygon ?p2"
using polygon_split unfolding is_polygon_split_def by metis
have j_neq: "j ≠ i + 1"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) One_nat_def Suc_n_not_le_n Suc_numeral add_Suc_shift add_implies_diff cancel_ab_semigroup_add_class.diff_right_commute length_Cons length_append list.size(3) numeral_3_eq_3 plus_1_eq_Suc polygon_p1 polygon_vertices_length_at_least_4 semiring_norm(2) semiring_norm(8) take_eq_Nil)
have subset1: "set (take i (butlast vts)) ⊆ set (butlast vts)"
using ij_prop by (meson set_take_subset)
have subset2: "set ([butlast vts ! i, butlast vts ! j]) ⊆ set (butlast vts)"
using ij_prop by simp
have subset3: "set (take i (butlast vts) @
[butlast vts ! i, butlast vts ! j]) ⊆ set (butlast vts)"
using subset1 subset2 by auto
have subset4: "set (drop (j - i) (drop (Suc i) (butlast vts)) @ [butlast vts ! 0]) ⊆ set (butlast vts)"
using ij_prop set_drop_subset
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Un_commute append_Cons append_Nil card_set_len_butlast drop0 drop_drop drop_eq_Nil2 hd_append2 hd_conv_nth in_set_conv_decomp insert_subset linorder_not_less list.simps(15) non_triangle not_less_eq not_less_iff_gr_or_eq numeral_3_eq_3 same_set set_append snoc_eq_iff_butlast vts_is)
then have main_subset: "set ?vtsp2 ⊆ set (butlast vts)"
using subset3 subset4 by simp
have subset_p1: "set ?vtsp1 ⊂ set (butlast vts)"
using ij_prop distinct_butlast_vts
have "card (set ?vtsp2) ≥ 3"
using polygon_p2 polygon_at_least_3_vertices by blast
moreover have "set ?vtsp1 ∩ set ?vtsp2 = {vts!i, vts!j}"
have "set ?vts2 ∩ set ?vts3 = {}"
by (metis append_take_drop_id diff_le_self distinct_append distinct_butlast_vts set_take_disj_set_drop_if_distinct)
moreover have "set ?vts2 ∩ set ?vts1 = {}"
have "set ?vts2 ⊆ set (drop (i + 1) vts)"
by (metis add.commute drop_butlast in_set_butlastD in_set_takeD plus_1_eq_Suc subset_code(1))
moreover have "set (drop (i + 1) vts) ∩ set ?vts1 ⊆ {last vts}"
have "set (drop (i + 1) (butlast vts)) ∩ set ?vts1 = {}"
by (simp add: Int_commute set_take_disj_set_drop_if_distinct distinct_butlast_vts)
moreover have "set (drop (i + 1) vts) = set (drop (i + 1) (butlast vts)) ∪ {last vts}"
have "drop (i + 1) vts = (drop (i + 1) ((butlast vts) @ [last vts]))"
by (metis last_snoc vts_is)
thus ?thesis using ij_prop by force
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
moreover have "last vts ∉ set ?vts2"
by (metis card_set_len_butlast card_vts distinct_butlast_vts dual_order.strict_trans1 in_set_takeD index_nth_id last_snoc nth_butlast numeral_3_eq_3 set_drop_if_index vts_is zero_less_Suc)
ultimately show ?thesis by force
moreover have "vts!i ∈ set ?vtsp1" by (metis ij_prop list.set_intros(1) nth_butlast)
moreover have "vts!j ∈ set ?vtsp1" using ij_prop nth_butlast by fastforce
moreover have "vts!i ∈ set ?vtsp2"
by (metis UnCI ij_prop list.set_intros(1) nth_butlast set_append)
moreover have "vts!j ∈ set ?vtsp2" using ij_prop nth_butlast by force
moreover have "set ?vtsp1 = set ?vts2 ∪ {vts!i, vts!j}"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Un_insert_right empty_set ij_prop insert_absorb2 insert_commute list.simps(15) nth_butlast set_append)
moreover have "set ?vtsp2 = set ?vts1 ∪ set ?vts3 ∪ {vts!i, vts!j, vts!0}"
have "vts!i = (butlast vts)!i" by (metis ij_prop nth_butlast)
moreover have "vts!j = (butlast vts)!j" by (metis ij_prop nth_butlast)
moreover have "vts!0 = (butlast vts)!0"
by (metis ij_prop leD length_greater_0_conv nth_butlast take_all_iff take_eq_Nil)
ultimately show ?thesis by force
moreover have "vts!0 ∉ set ?vts2"
by (metis distinct_butlast_vts in_set_conv_decomp in_set_takeD index_nth_id length_pos_if_in_set nth_butlast same_set set_drop_if_index vts_is zero_less_Suc)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately have "card (set ?vtsp2) > card (set ?vtsp1 ∩ set ?vtsp2)"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) card_length empty_set leI le_trans length_Cons list.simps(15) list.size(3) not_less_eq_eq numeral_3_eq_3)
then have "∃v. v ∈ set ?vtsp2 ∧ v ∉ (set ?vtsp1 ∩ set ?vtsp2)"
by (smt (verit) Int_lower2 Orderings.order_eq_iff less_not_refl subset_code(1))
then obtain v where "v ∈ set ?vtsp2 - set ?vtsp1" by blast
thus ?thesis
by (metis main_subset Diff_eq_empty_iff length_pos_if_in_set less_numeral_extra(3) list.set(1) list.size(3) psubsetI vtsp1_subset)
then have "card (set ?vtsp1) < card (set (butlast vts))"
using card_subset_eq[OF finite_butlast]
by (meson finite_butlast psubset_card_mono)
then have card_lt_p1: "card (set ?vtsp1) < card (set vts)"
using same_set by argo
have "set ?vtsp1 ⊆ set vts"
using ij_prop
using same_set subset_p1 by blast
then have all_integral_p1: "all_integral ?vtsp1"
using less(4) unfolding all_integral_def
by blast
obtain p1' vtsp1' where p1_rot: "polygon_of p1' vtsp1'
∧ vtsp1'!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vtsp1'))
∧ path_image p1' = path_image ?p1
∧ all_integral vtsp1'
∧ set vtsp1' = set ?vtsp1"
using pick_rotate less polygon_p1 unfolding polygon_of_def
using all_integral_p1
by blast
let ?I1' = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p1'}"
let ?B1' = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p1'}"
have "measure lebesgue (path_inside p1') = real ?I1' + real ?B1' / 2 - 1"
using less(1) polygon_split card_lt_p1 p1_rot unfolding polygon_of_def by force
then have indh1: "Sigma_Algebra.measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p1) = real ?I1 + real ?B1 / 2 - 1"
using p1_rot unfolding path_inside_def by metis
have "vts ! (i+1) ∉ set (take i (butlast vts))"
using distinct_butlast_vts j_neq ij_prop
have "i + 1 < length vts - 2" using distinct_butlast_vts j_neq ij_prop by fastforce
then have "vts ! (i+1) = (butlast vts) ! (i+1)" by (simp add: nth_butlast)
moreover then have "∀j < i + 1. (butlast vts) ! j ≠ (butlast vts) ! (i+1)"
using distinct_butlast_vts distinct_nth_eq_iff ij_prop by fastforce
moreover have "set (take i (butlast vts)) = {vts!j | j. j < i}"
have "set (take i (butlast vts)) ⊆ {vts!j | j. j < i}"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) dual_order.strict_trans ij_prop in_set_conv_nth length_take mem_Collect_eq min.absorb4 nth_butlast nth_take subsetI)
moreover have "{vts!j | j. j < i} ⊆ set (take i (butlast vts))"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) dual_order.strict_trans ij_prop in_set_conv_nth length_take mem_Collect_eq min.absorb4 nth_butlast nth_take subsetI)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.commute ij_prop in_set_conv_nth length_take min.absorb4 nth_take trans_less_add2)
moreover have "vts ! (i+1) ≠ butlast vts ! i"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ij_prop add.commute add_cancel_right_right distinct_butlast_vts distinct_nth_eq_iff less_trans_Suc nth_append plus_1_eq_Suc vts_is zero_neq_one)
moreover have "vts ! (i+1) ≠ butlast vts ! j"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.commute distinct_butlast_vts distinct_nth_eq_iff ij_prop j_neq less_trans_Suc nth_append plus_1_eq_Suc vts_is)
ultimately have "vts ! (i+1) ∉ set (take i (butlast vts) @
[butlast vts ! i, butlast vts ! j])" by force
moreover have "vts ! (i+1) ∉ set (drop (j - i) (drop (Suc i) (butlast vts)) @ [butlast vts ! 0])"
have "vts ! (i+1) ∉ set (drop (j - i + Suc i) (butlast vts))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.commute distinct_butlast_vts ij_prop index_nth_id less_add_same_cancel2 less_trans_Suc nth_append plus_1_eq_Suc set_drop_if_index vts_is zero_less_diff)
moreover have "vts ! (i+1) ≠ butlast vts ! 0"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ij_prop Nil_is_append_conv add.commute distinct_butlast_vts distinct_nth_eq_iff length_greater_0_conv less_trans_Suc list.discI nat.distinct(1) nth_append plus_1_eq_Suc same_set set_empty vts_is)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
ultimately have "vts ! (i+1) ∉ set (take i (butlast vts) @
[butlast vts ! i, butlast vts ! j] @
drop (j - i) (drop (Suc i) (butlast vts)) @ [butlast vts ! 0])"
by auto
then have subset_butlast_p2: "set ?vtsp2 ⊂ set (butlast vts)"
using main_subset ij_prop
by (metis (no_types, lifting) antisym_conv2 length_butlast less_diff_conv nth_mem same_set)
then have card_lt_p2: "card (set ?vtsp2) < card (set vts)"
using card_subset_eq[OF finite_butlast]
by (metis finite_butlast psubset_card_mono same_set)
have subset_p2: "set ?vtsp2 ⊂ set vts"
using subset_butlast_p2 same_set
by presburger
then have all_integral_p2: "all_integral ?vtsp2"
using less(4) unfolding all_integral_def
by blast
let ?p2 = "make_polygonal_path (take i (butlast vts) @ [butlast vts ! i, butlast vts ! j] @
drop (j - i) (drop (Suc i) (butlast vts)) @ [butlast vts ! 0])"
let ?I2 = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside ?p2}"
let ?B2 = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image ?p2}"
have polygon_p2: "polygon ?p2"
using polygon_split unfolding is_polygon_split_def by metis
have vtsp2_0: "?vtsp2!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull (set ?vtsp2))"
have "?vtsp2!0 = vts!0"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_Cons ij_prop length_greater_0_conv less_nat_zero_code nat_neq_iff nth_append nth_append_length nth_butlast nth_take take_eq_Nil)
then have "?vtsp2!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts))" using less by argo
moreover have "?vtsp2!0 ∈ (convex hull (set ?vtsp2))"
by (meson append_is_Nil_conv hull_inc length_greater_0_conv neq_Nil_conv nth_mem)
moreover have "convex hull (set ?vtsp2) ⊆ convex hull (set vts)"
by (metis hull_mono main_subset same_set)
ultimately show ?thesis using in_frontier_in_subset by blast
have indh2: "Sigma_Algebra.measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p2) = real ?I2 + real ?B2 / 2 - 1"
using less(1)[OF card_lt_p2 polygon_p2 _ all_integral_p2 _ _ vtsp2_0] polygon_split
by blast
have "all_integral (butlast vts) ⟹
Sigma_Algebra.measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = real (card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}) + real (card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}) / 2 - 1"
using pick_split_union
[OF polygon_split, of ?vts1 ?vts2 ?vts3 "butlast vts ! i" "butlast vts ! j" p ?p1 ?p2 ?I1 ?B1 ?I2 ?B2]
using indh1 indh2 p_is
by blast
then have ?case
using less(4-6) unfolding all_integral_def
using same_set by presburger
} moreover
{ assume non_convex: "¬ (convex (path_image p ∪ path_inside p))"
let ?vts_ch = "set vts ∩ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
have finite_vts: "finite (set vts)"
using less
by force
have subset_ch: "?vts_ch ⊂ set vts"
using vts_subset_frontier
using less.prems(1) less.prems(2) non_convex polygon_of_def by blast
then have card_ch: "card (?vts_ch) < card (set vts)"
using finite_vts
by (simp add: psubset_card_mono)
let ?vts_ch_list = "filter (λv. v ∈ ?vts_ch) vts"
let ?r_idx = "min_index_not_in_set vts ?vts_ch"
let ?r = "?r_idx - 1"
let ?rotated_vts = "rotate_polygon_vertices vts ?r"
let ?pr = "make_polygonal_path ?rotated_vts"
have subset_ch_list: "set ?vts_ch_list ⊂ set vts" using subset_ch by auto
then have r_defined: "index_not_in_set vts ?vts_ch ?r_idx
∧ (∀j < ?r_idx. ¬ index_not_in_set vts ?vts_ch j)"
using min_index_not_in_set_defined[of ?vts_ch vts] by fastforce
have pr_image: "path_image p = path_image ?pr"
using polygon_vts_arb_rotation less by blast
then have "measure lebesgue (path_inside ?pr) = measure lebesgue (path_inside p)"
unfolding path_inside_def by presburger
have rotated_vts_set: "set ?rotated_vts = set vts"
using less.prems(1) less.prems(2) rotate_polygon_vertices_same_set by auto
then have "card (set ?rotated_vts) = card (set vts)" by argo
have polygon_rotation: "polygon ?pr" using rotation_is_polygon less by blast
let ?pocket_path_vts = "construct_pocket_0 ?rotated_vts ?vts_ch"
let ?a = "hd ?pocket_path_vts"
let ?b = "last ?pocket_path_vts"
let ?l = "linepath ?a ?b"
have "vts!0 ∈ ?vts_ch"
by (metis IntI length_greater_0_conv less.prems(6) nth_mem snoc_eq_iff_butlast vts_is)
then have vts_r: "vts!?r ∈ ?vts_ch"
using min_index_not_in_set_0 subset_ch by presburger
moreover have rotated_0: "?rotated_vts!0 = vts!?r"
using rotated_polygon_vertices[of ?rotated_vts vts ?r ?r]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Suc_1 Suc_leI card_gt_0_iff card_set_len_butlast diff_is_0_eq' finite_vts hd_conv_nth index_not_in_set_def le_refl length_butlast less_imp_diff_less mem_Collect_eq r_defined set_empty snoc_eq_iff_butlast vts_is zero_less_diff)
ultimately have rotated_0_in: "?rotated_vts!0 ∈ ?vts_ch" by presburger
then have b_in: "?b ∈ set vts"
using construct_pocket_0_last_in_set[of ?rotated_vts ?vts_ch]
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Int_iff One_nat_def closed_path_def Suc_leI card_0_eq card_set_len_butlast empty_iff finite_vts last_conv_nth last_in_set last_tl length_butlast length_greater_0_conv length_tl list.size(3) polygon_def polygon_pathfinish polygon_pathstart polygon_rotation rotate_polygon_vertices_same_length set_empty)
have "2 ≤ card ?vts_ch"
using convex_hull_two_vts_on_frontier
by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 add_leD2 card_vts numeral_3_eq_3 plus_1_eq_Suc)
moreover have "?vts_ch ⊆ set ?rotated_vts"
using less.prems(1) less.prems(2) rotate_polygon_vertices_same_set by force
moreover have "distinct (butlast ?rotated_vts)"
using polygon_def polygon_rotation simple_polygonal_path_vts_distinct by blast
moreover have hd_last_rotated: "hd ?rotated_vts = last ?rotated_vts"
by (metis have_wraparound_vertex hd_conv_nth polygon_rotation snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
ultimately have a_neq_b: "?a ≠ ?b"
using construct_pocket_0_first_last_distinct
by (smt (verit) Collect_cong Int_def mem_Collect_eq set_filter)
let ?pocket_vts = "?pocket_path_vts @ [?rotated_vts!0]"
let ?pocket_good_path_vts = "tl (butlast ?pocket_path_vts)"
let ?filled_vts = "fill_pocket_0 ?rotated_vts (length ?pocket_path_vts)"
let ?filled_vts_tl = "tl ?filled_vts"
let ?filled_p_tl = "make_polygonal_path ?filled_vts_tl"
let ?filled_p = "make_polygonal_path ?filled_vts"
let ?pocket_path = "make_polygonal_path ?pocket_path_vts"
let ?pocket = "make_polygonal_path ?pocket_vts"
have non_convex_rot: "¬ convex (path_image ?pr ∪ path_inside ?pr)"
using non_convex by (simp add: path_inside_def pr_image)
have 0: "?rotated_vts!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull (set ?rotated_vts))"
using less.prems(1) less.prems(2) rotate_polygon_vertices_same_set rotated_0_in by fastforce
have 1: "?rotated_vts!1 ∉ frontier (convex hull (set ?rotated_vts))"
have "?rotated_vts!1 = vts!(?r + 1)"
using rotated_polygon_vertices[of ?rotated_vts vts ?r "?r + 1"]
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Suc_1 Suc_leI card_gt_0_iff card_set_len_butlast diff_is_0_eq' finite_vts hd_conv_nth index_not_in_set_def le_refl length_butlast less_imp_diff_less mem_Collect_eq r_defined set_empty snoc_eq_iff_butlast vts_is zero_less_diff Suc_diff_Suc add.commute add_diff_cancel_left' bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum less_imp_le_nat plus_1_eq_Suc)
also have "... ∉ frontier (convex hull (set ?rotated_vts))"
using r_defined unfolding index_not_in_set_def
by (smt (verit, best) Int_iff Suc_leI add.commute add_diff_inverse_nat bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum diff_is_0_eq' mem_Collect_eq nat_less_le nth_mem plus_1_eq_Suc rotated_vts_set vts_r zero_less_diff)
finally show ?thesis .
then have split:
"is_polygon_split_path (butlast ?filled_vts) 0 1 ?pocket_good_path_vts"
and polygon_filled_p: "polygon ?filled_p"
and polygon_pocket: "polygon ?pocket"
and pocket_path_vts_card: "card (set ?pocket_path_vts) < card (set vts)"
and filled_vts_card: "card (set ?filled_vts) < card (set vts)"
using pocket_path_good[OF _ 0 1 non_convex_rot] polygon_rotation rotated_vts_set apply argo
using pocket_path_good[OF _ 0 1 non_convex_rot] polygon_rotation rotated_vts_set apply argo
using pocket_path_good[OF _ 0 1 non_convex_rot] polygon_rotation rotated_vts_set
apply (metis add_gr_0 construct_pocket_0_def nth_take zero_less_one)
using pocket_path_good[OF _ 0 1 non_convex_rot] polygon_rotation rotated_vts_set apply argo
using pocket_path_good[OF _ 0 1 non_convex_rot] polygon_rotation rotated_vts_set by argo
have vts_0_frontier: "?rotated_vts!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
using rotated_0_in by simp
have filled_0: "?filled_vts!0 = ?rotated_vts!0"
by (metis convex_hull_empty empty_set fill_pocket_0_def frontier_empty hd_conv_nth length_pos_if_in_set less.prems(6) less_numeral_extra(3) list.size(3) nth_Cons_0 rotated_vts_set)
have pocket_0: "?pocket_vts!0 = ?rotated_vts!0"
unfolding construct_pocket_0_def
by (simp add: less_numeral_extra(1) nth_append trans_less_add2)
have subset_pocket_path_vts: "set ?pocket_path_vts ⊆ set vts"
using construct_pocket_0_subset_vts
by (metis construct_pocket_0_def less.prems(1) less.prems(2) rotate_polygon_vertices_same_set set_take_subset)
moreover have "set ?pocket_good_path_vts ⊆ set ?pocket_path_vts"
by (smt (verit, best) butlast_conv_take list.exhaust_sel list.sel(2) set_subset_Cons set_take_subset subset_trans)
ultimately have subset_pocket_good_path: "set ?pocket_good_path_vts ⊆ set vts" by blast
then have subset_pocket: "set ?pocket_vts ⊆ set vts"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) have_wraparound_vertex less.prems(1) less.prems(2) polygon_rotation rotate_polygon_vertices_same_set set_append subset_code(1) subset_pocket_path_vts sup.bounded_iff)
have "set ?filled_vts ⊆ set ?rotated_vts"
unfolding fill_pocket_0_def
by (metis b_in hd_in_set insert_subset length_pos_if_in_set less_numeral_extra(3) list.simps(15) list.size(3) rotated_vts_set set_drop_subset)
then have subset_filled: "set ?filled_vts ⊆ set vts"
using rotated_vts_set by blast
have taut1: "?filled_p = make_polygonal_path ?filled_vts" by blast
have all_integral_filled_vts: "all_integral ?filled_vts"
using subset_filled less by (meson all_integral_def subset_iff)
have taut2: "card (integral_inside ?filled_p) = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside ?filled_p}"
unfolding integral_inside by blast
have taut3: "card (integral_boundary ?filled_p) = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image ?filled_p}"
unfolding integral_boundary by blast
have filled_vts_0_frontier: "?filled_vts!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull (set ?filled_vts))"
have "?filled_vts!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull set vts)"
using filled_0 vts_0_frontier by presburger
moreover have "?filled_vts!0 ∈ convex hull (set ?filled_vts)"
by (metis have_wraparound_vertex hull_inc in_set_conv_decomp polygon_filled_p)
moreover have "set ?filled_vts ⊆ set vts" using subset_filled by force
ultimately show ?thesis using in_frontier_in_subset_convex_hull by blast
have ih_filled: "measure lebesgue (path_inside ?filled_p)
= card (integral_inside ?filled_p) + ((card (integral_boundary ?filled_p)) / 2) - 1"
using less(1)[OF filled_vts_card polygon_filled_p taut1 all_integral_filled_vts taut2 taut3 filled_vts_0_frontier]
by blast
have "set ?pocket_path_vts ⊂ set vts"
using pocket_path_vts_card subset_pocket_path_vts by force
moreover have pocket_path_set: "set ?pocket_path_vts = set ?pocket_vts"
by (smt (verit) Nil_is_append_conv rotated_0 a_neq_b append_Cons append_Nil hd_Nil_eq_last hd_append2 hd_conv_nth hd_in_set insert_absorb list.simps(15) pocket_0 rev_append set_append set_rev)
ultimately have "set ?pocket_vts ⊂ set vts" by blast
then have pocket_vts_card: "card (set ?pocket_vts) < card (set vts)"
by (meson finite_vts psubset_card_mono)
have all_integral_pocket_vts: "all_integral ?pocket_vts"
using subset_pocket less unfolding all_integral_def by blast
have taut1: "?pocket = make_polygonal_path ?pocket_vts" by blast
have taut2: "card (integral_inside ?pocket) = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside ?pocket}"
unfolding integral_inside by blast
have taut3: "card (integral_boundary ?pocket) = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image ?pocket}"
unfolding integral_boundary by blast
have pocket_vts_0_frontier: "?pocket_vts!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull (set ?pocket_vts))"
have "?pocket_vts!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull set vts)"
using pocket_0 vts_0_frontier by presburger
moreover have "?pocket_vts!0 ∈ convex hull (set ?pocket_vts)"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) hull_inc in_set_conv_decomp pocket_0)
moreover have "set ?pocket_vts ⊆ set vts" using subset_pocket by force
ultimately show ?thesis using in_frontier_in_subset_convex_hull by blast
have ih_pocket: "measure lebesgue (path_inside ?pocket) = card (integral_inside ?pocket) + ((card (integral_boundary ?pocket)) / 2) - 1"
using less(1)[OF pocket_vts_card polygon_pocket taut1 all_integral_pocket_vts taut2 taut3 pocket_vts_0_frontier]
by blast
let ?i = "0::nat"
let ?j = "1::nat"
let ?vts = "butlast ?filled_vts"
let ?vts1 = "[]"
let ?vts2 = "[]"
let ?vts3 = "butlast (drop 2 ?filled_vts)"
let ?cutvts = "?pocket_good_path_vts"
let ?p = "?filled_p"
let ?p1 = "make_polygonal_path (?a # ?vts2 @ [?b] @ rev ?cutvts @ [?a])"
let ?p2 = "?pr"
let ?I1 = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside ?p1}"
let ?B1 = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image ?p1}"
let ?I2 = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside ?p2}"
let ?B2 = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image ?p2}"
let ?I = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside ?p}"
let ?B = "card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image ?p}"
have "rev ?pocket_vts = (?a # ?vts2 @ [?b] @ rev ?cutvts @ [?a])"
by (smt (verit) a_neq_b append_Nil append_butlast_last_id hd_Nil_eq_last hd_append2 hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth length_butlast list.collapse list.size(3) pocket_0 rev.simps(2) rev_append rev_rev_ident snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
then have pocket_rev_image: "path_image ?pocket = path_image ?p1"
using polygon_at_least_3_vertices polygon_pocket card_length
by (smt (verit, best) One_nat_def Suc_1 le_add2 le_trans numeral_3_eq_3 plus_1_eq_Suc rev_vts_path_image polygon_at_least_3_vertices polygon_pocket card_length)
then have pocket_rev_inside: "path_inside ?pocket = path_inside ?p1"
unfolding path_inside_def by argo
have split': "is_polygon_split_path ?vts ?i ?j ?cutvts" using split by blast
have 0: "?vts1 = take ?i ?vts" by auto
have 1: "?vts2 = take (?j - ?i - 1) (drop (Suc ?i) ?vts)" by simp
have 2: "?vts3 = drop (?j - ?i) (drop (Suc ?i) ?vts)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def Suc_1 diff_zero drop_butlast drop_drop plus_1_eq_Suc)
have 3: "?a = ?vts ! ?i"
by (smt (z3) Nil_is_append_conv pocket_path_set filled_0 hd_conv_nth is_polygon_split_path_def length_greater_0_conv list.distinct(1) nth_append nth_butlast pocket_0 set_empty split')
have 4: "?b = ?vts ! ?j"
have "?b = ?filled_vts!1"
unfolding construct_pocket_0_def fill_pocket_0_def
by (smt (z3) Suc_eq_plus1 a_neq_b construct_pocket_0_def diff_Suc_1 diff_is_0_eq' drop_eq_Nil hd_conv_nth hd_drop_conv_nth hd_last_rotated last_conv_nth length_take linorder_not_less min.absorb4 nat_le_linear not_less_eq_eq nth_Cons' nth_take one_neq_zero take_all_iff take_eq_Nil)
thus ?thesis by (metis is_polygon_split_path_def nth_butlast split')
have 5: "?pocket_path = make_polygonal_path (?a # ?cutvts @ [?b])"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) a_neq_b butlast.simps(2) butlast_tl hd_Cons_tl hd_Nil_eq_last last.simps snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
have 6: "?p = make_polygonal_path (?vts @ [?vts!0])"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) butlast_conv_take have_wraparound_vertex is_polygon_split_path_def nth_butlast polygon_filled_p split')
have 7: "?p1 = make_polygonal_path (?a # ?vts2 @ [?b] @ rev ?cutvts @ [?a])" by blast
have 8: "?p2 = make_polygonal_path (?vts1 @ ([?a] @ ?cutvts @ [?b]) @ ?vts3 @ [?vts!0])"
have "?rotated_vts = ?vts1 @ ([?a] @ ?cutvts @ [?b]) @ ?vts3 @ [?vts!0]"
unfolding construct_pocket_0_def fill_pocket_0_def
by (smt (verit) "3" Suc_1 hd_last_rotated a_neq_b append_Cons append_Nil append_butlast_last_id append_take_drop_id construct_pocket_0_def drop_Suc drop_drop drop_eq_Nil fill_pocket_0_def hd_Nil_eq_last hd_append2 hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth last_drop length_Cons length_take length_tl linorder_not_less list.collapse list.sel(3) list.size(3) min.absorb4 plus_1_eq_Suc take_all_iff)
thus ?thesis by argo
have 9: "?I1 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside ?p1}" by blast
have 10: "?B1 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image ?p1}" by blast
have 11: "?I2 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside ?p2}" by blast
have 12: "?B2 = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image ?p2}" by blast
have 13: "?I = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside ?p}" by blast
have 14: "?B = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image ?p}" by blast
have 15: "all_integral ?vts"
using subset_filled less
unfolding all_integral_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) all_integral_def all_integral_filled_vts in_set_butlastD)
have 16: "measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p) = ?I + ?B/2 - 1"
using ih_filled unfolding integral_inside integral_boundary by blast
have 17: "measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p1) = ?I1 + ?B1/2 - 1"
using ih_pocket unfolding integral_inside integral_boundary using pocket_rev_image pocket_rev_inside by force
have "measure lebesgue (path_inside ?p2) = ?I2 + ?B2/2 - 1"
using pick_split_path_union_main(3)
[OF split' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17] less(5-6) by blast
moreover have "?I2 = I" using less(5) pr_image path_inside_def by presburger
moreover have "?B2 = B" using less(6) pr_image path_image_def by presburger
ultimately have ?case by (simp add: path_inside_def pocket_rev_inside pr_image)
ultimately have ?case by blast
ultimately show ?case using card_vts by linarith
theorem pick:
fixes p :: "R_to_R2"
assumes "polygon p"
assumes "p = make_polygonal_path vts"
assumes "all_integral vts"
assumes "I = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
assumes "B = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
shows "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"
obtain p' vts' where "polygon_of p' vts'
∧ vts'!0 ∈ frontier (convex hull (set vts'))
∧ path_image p' = path_image p
∧ all_integral vts'
∧ set vts' = set vts"
using pick_rotate assms unfolding polygon_of_def by blast
thus ?thesis using assms pick_unrotated unfolding path_inside_def polygon_of_def by fastforce