Theory Polygon_Convex_Lemmas
theory Polygon_Convex_Lemmas
section "Misc. Convex Polygon Properties"
lemma polygon_path_image_subset_convex:
assumes "length vts > 0"
shows "path_image (make_polygonal_path vts) ⊆ convex hull (set vts)" (is "path_image ?p ⊆ ?S")
using assms
proof(induct vts rule: make_polygonal_path.induct)
case 1
then show ?case by simp
case (2 a)
then show ?case by auto
case (3 a b)
show ?case (is "path_image ?p ⊆ ?S")
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x
assume x_in_path_image: "x ∈ path_image ?p"
then have "x ∈ path_image (linepath a b)" by auto
thus "x ∈ ?S"
unfolding path_image_def linepath_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) ‹x ∈ path_image (linepath a b)› convex_alt convex_convex_hull hull_subset in_mono in_segment(1) linepath_image_01 list.set_intros(1) path_image_def set_subset_Cons)
case (4 a b c tl)
let ?vts = "a # b # c # tl"
show ?case (is "path_image ?p ⊆ ?S")
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x
assume x_in_path_image: "x ∈ path_image ?p"
show "x ∈ ?S"
proof cases
assume "x ∈ set ?vts"
thus ?thesis by (simp add: hull_inc)
assume x_notin: "x ∉ set ?vts"
obtain u where p_u: "u ∈ {0..1} ∧ ?p u = x"
using x_in_path_image unfolding path_image_def by auto
then have p_head_tail: "?p = (linepath a b) +++ make_polygonal_path (b # c # tl)"
by auto
have abc_in_S: "set ?vts ⊆ convex hull (set ?vts)" by (simp add: hull_subset)
{ assume u_assm: "u ≤ 1/2"
then have "?p u = (1 - 2 * u) *⇩R a + (2 * u) *⇩R b"
using p_head_tail unfolding linepath_def joinpaths_def
by presburger
hence "x ∈ ?S"
using abc_in_S convexD_alt[of ?S a b "2 * u"] u_assm p_u by simp
} moreover
{ assume u_assm: "u > 1/2"
then have "x = (make_polygonal_path (b # c # tl) (2 * u - 1))" (is "x = (?p' (2 * u - 1))")
using p_head_tail p_u unfolding linepath_def joinpaths_def by auto
moreover have "0 < (2 * u - 1)" using u_assm by linarith
ultimately have "x ∈ path_image ?p'"
using p_u by (simp add: path_image_def)
moreover have "path_image ?p' ⊆ convex hull (set (b # c # tl))" using 4(1) by auto
moreover have "... ⊆ convex hull (set (a # b # c # tl))"
by (meson hull_mono set_subset_Cons)
ultimately have "x ∈ ?S" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by linarith
lemma convex_contains_simple_closed_path_imp_contains_path_inside:
assumes "convex S"
assumes "simple_path p ∧ closed_path p"
assumes "path_image p ⊆ S"
shows "path_inside p ⊆ S"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Compl_subset_Compl_iff Un_subset_iff assms(1) assms(3) boolean_algebra_class.boolean_algebra.double_compl outside_subset_convex path_inside_def union_with_inside)
lemma convex_polygon_is_convex_hull:
assumes "polygon p"
assumes "convex (path_inside p ∪ path_image p)"
assumes "p = make_polygonal_path vts"
shows "convex hull (set vts) = path_inside p ∪ path_image p" (is "?hull = ?poly")
have "?hull ⊆ ?poly"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x
assume "x ∈ ?hull"
moreover have "∀H. (convex H ∧ (set vts) ⊆ H) ⟶ ?hull ⊆ H" by (simp add: hull_minimal)
moreover have "convex (?poly) ∧ (set vts) ⊆ ?poly"
using assms(2) assms(3) vertices_on_path_image by auto
ultimately show "x ∈ ?poly" by auto
moreover have "?hull ⊇ ?poly"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x
assume "x ∈ ?poly"
moreover have "path_image p ⊆ ?hull"
using polygon_path_image_subset_convex[of vts] polygon_at_least_3_vertices assms
by force
moreover from calculation have "path_inside p ⊆ ?hull"
using convex_contains_simple_closed_path_imp_contains_path_inside polygon_def assms(1)
by auto
ultimately show "x ∈ ?hull" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma convex_polygon_inside_is_convex_hull_interior:
assumes "polygon p"
assumes "convex (path_inside p)"
assumes "p = make_polygonal_path vts"
shows "interior (convex hull (set vts)) = path_inside p"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms closure_Un_frontier convex_closure convex_interior_closure convex_polygon_is_convex_hull inside_outside_def inside_outside_polygon interior_eq)
lemma convex_polygon_inside_is_convex_hull_interior2:
assumes "polygon p"
assumes "convex (path_inside p ∪ path_image p)"
assumes "p = make_polygonal_path vts"
shows "interior (convex hull (set vts)) = path_inside p"
using assms closure_Un_frontier convex_closure convex_interior_closure convex_polygon_is_convex_hull inside_outside_def inside_outside_polygon interior_eq
by (smt (verit, best) List.finite_set compact_eq_bounded_closed finite_imp_compact_convex_hull frontier_complement inside_frontier_eq_interior outside_inside path_inside_def path_outside_def sup_commute)
lemma polygon_convex_iff:
assumes "polygon p"
shows "convex (path_inside p) ⟷ convex (path_inside p ∪ path_image p)"
using convex_polygon_inside_is_convex_hull_interior
using convex_polygon_inside_is_convex_hull_interior2
by (metis Jordan_inside_outside_real2 closed_path_def assms closure_Un_frontier convex_closure convex_interior convex_polygon_is_convex_hull path_inside_def polygon_def polygon_to_polygonal_path)
lemma convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image:
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
assumes "convex (path_inside p)"
shows "frontier (convex hull (set vts)) = path_image p"
using assms
unfolding frontier_def polygon_of_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Jordan_inside_outside_real2 closed_path_def convex_closure_interior convex_convex_hull convex_polygon_inside_is_convex_hull_interior frontier_def interior_interior path_inside_def polygon_def)
lemma convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image2:
assumes "polygon p"
assumes "convex (path_inside p)"
shows "frontier (path_image p ∪ path_inside p) = path_image p"
using assms
by (simp add: Jordan_inside_outside_real2 closed_path_def path_inside_def polygon_def union_with_inside)
lemma convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image3:
assumes "polygon p"
assumes "convex (path_image p ∪ path_inside p)"
shows "frontier (path_image p ∪ path_inside p) = path_image p"
using assms polygon_convex_iff
by (simp add: convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image2 sup_commute)
lemma polygon_frontier_is_path_image:
assumes "polygon p"
shows "frontier (path_inside p) = path_image p"
using inside_outside_polygon unfolding inside_outside_def
using assms by presburger
lemma convex_path_inside_means_convex_polygon:
assumes "polygon p"
assumes "frontier (convex hull (set vts)) = path_image p"
shows "convex (path_inside p)"
by (metis List.finite_set assms(2) convex_convex_hull convex_interior finite_imp_bounded_convex_hull inside_frontier_eq_interior path_inside_def)
lemma convex_hull_of_polygon_is_convex_hull_of_vts:
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
shows "convex hull (path_image p ∪ path_inside p) = convex hull (set vts)"
proof -
have len_vts: "length vts > 0"
by (metis assms card.empty empty_set length_greater_0_conv not_numeral_le_zero polygon_at_least_3_vertices polygon_of_def)
have "path_image p ∪ path_inside p ⊆ convex hull (set vts)"
using polygon_path_image_subset_convex[OF len_vts]
using assms convex_contains_simple_closed_path_imp_contains_path_inside polygon_def polygon_of_def by auto
then have subset1: "convex hull (path_image p ∪ path_inside p) ⊆ convex hull (set vts)"
by (simp add: convex_hull_subset)
have "set vts ⊆ path_image p ∪ path_inside p" using assms vertices_on_path_image
by (simp add: polygon_of_def sup.coboundedI1)
then have subset2: "convex hull (set vts) ⊆ convex hull (path_image p ∪ path_inside p)"
by (simp add: hull_mono)
show ?thesis using subset1 subset2
by auto
lemma convex_hull_frontier_polygon:
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
assumes "¬ set vts ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
shows "¬ convex (path_inside p)"
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) convex_polygon_frontier_is_path_image polygon_of_def vertices_on_path_image)
lemma frontier_int_subset:
assumes "A ⊆ B"
shows "(frontier B) ∩ A ⊆ frontier A"
by (metis assms closure_Un_frontier frontier_Int inf.absorb_iff2 inf_sup_aci(1) subset_Un_eq sup_inf_distrib2)
lemma in_frontier_in_subset:
assumes "A ⊆ B"
assumes "x ∈ frontier B"
assumes "x ∈ A"
shows "x ∈ frontier A"
by (metis assms frontier_int_subset IntI in_mono)
lemma in_frontier_in_subset_convex_hull:
assumes "A ⊆ B"
assumes "x ∈ frontier (convex hull B)"
assumes "x ∈ convex hull A"
shows "x ∈ frontier (convex hull A)"
by (metis in_frontier_in_subset assms hull_mono)
lemma convex_hull_two_extreme_points:
fixes S :: "'a::euclidean_space set"
assumes "finite S"
assumes "convex hull S ≠ {}"
assumes "∀x. convex hull S ≠ {x}"
shows "card {x. x extreme_point_of (convex hull S)} ≥ 2" (is "card ?ep ≥ 2")
have "compact (convex hull S)" by (simp add: assms(1) finite_imp_compact_convex_hull)
then have "convex hull S = convex hull ?ep"
using Krein_Milman_Minkowski[OF _ convex_convex_hull] by blast
moreover then obtain x where "x ∈ ?ep" using assms(2) by fastforce
moreover have "?ep ≠ {x}" using assms(3) calculation(1) by force
ultimately obtain y where "x ∈ ?ep ∧ y ∈ ?ep ∧ x ≠ y" by blast
moreover have "finite ?ep" using assms(1) extreme_points_of_convex_hull finite_subset by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def Orderings.order_eq_iff Suc_1 Suc_leI card_1_singletonE card_gt_0_iff empty_iff insert_Diff not_less_eq_eq singleton_insert_inj_eq)
lemma convex_hull_two_vts_on_frontier:
fixes S :: "'a::euclidean_space set"
assumes "card S ≥ 2"
shows "card (S ∩ frontier (convex hull S)) ≥ 2"
have "S ⊆ convex hull S" by (simp add: hull_subset)
then have "convex hull S ≠ {} ∧ card (convex hull S) ≠ 1"
by (metis Suc_1 add_leD2 assms card.empty card_1_singletonE convex_hull_eq_empty not_one_le_zero numeral_le_one_iff plus_1_eq_Suc semiring_norm(69) subset_singletonD)
moreover have "finite S" using assms by (metis Suc_1 Suc_leD card_eq_0_iff not_one_le_zero)
ultimately have "card {x. x extreme_point_of (convex hull S)} ≥ 2"
using convex_hull_two_extreme_points by fastforce
moreover have "{x. x extreme_point_of (convex hull S)} ⊆ S ∩ frontier (convex hull S)"
have "{x. x extreme_point_of (convex hull S)} ⊆ S" by (simp add: extreme_points_of_convex_hull)
moreover have "{x. x extreme_point_of (convex hull S)} ∩ interior (convex hull S) = {}"
using extreme_point_not_in_interior by blast
moreover have "{x. x extreme_point_of (convex hull S)} ⊆ convex hull S"
using ‹S ⊆ convex hull S› calculation(1) by blast
moreover have "convex hull S = interior (convex hull S) ∪ frontier (convex hull S)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Diff_empty Suc_1 assms card.infinite closure_Un_frontier closure_convex_hull convex_closure_interior convex_convex_hull empty_subsetI finite_imp_compact frontier_def interior_interior not_less_eq_eq sup_absorb2 zero_less_one_class.zero_le_one)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by (smt (verit, del_insts) assms extreme_points_of_convex_hull card_gt_0_iff finite_Int linorder_not_less not_numeral_le_zero order_less_le order_less_le_trans psubset_card_mono)
section "Vertices on Convex Frontier Implies Polygon is Convex"
lemma convex_cut_aux:
assumes "∀v ∈ S. z ∙ v ≤ 0"
shows "convex hull S ⊆ {x. z ∙ x ≤ 0}"
by (simp add: assms convex_halfspace_le hull_minimal subsetI)
lemma convex_cut_aux':
assumes "∀v ∈ S. z ∙ v ≥ 0"
shows "convex hull S ⊆ {x. z ∙ x ≥ 0}"
using convex_cut_aux[of S "-z"] assms by auto
lemma convex_cut:
assumes "z ≠ 0"
assumes "{x. z ∙ x = 0} ∩ interior (convex hull S) ≠ {}"
obtains v1 v2 where "v1 ≠ v2 ∧ {v1, v2} ⊆ S ∧ v1 ∈ {x. z ∙ x < 0} ∧ v2 ∈ {x. z ∙ x > 0}"
let ?P1 = "{x. z ∙ x ≤ 0}"
let ?P2 = "{x. z ∙ x ≥ 0}"
have "frontier ?P1 = {x. z ∙ x = 0}"
by (simp add: assms(1) frontier_halfspace_le)
moreover have "frontier ?P2 = {x. z ∙ x = 0}"
by (simp add: assms(1) frontier_halfspace_ge)
ultimately have "¬ convex hull S ⊆ ?P1 ∧ ¬ convex hull S ⊆ ?P2"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) DiffE IntE assms(2) disjoint_iff frontier_def inf.absorb_iff2 interior_Int)
moreover have "(∀v ∈ S. z ∙ v ≤ 0) ⟹ convex hull S ⊆ ?P1" using convex_cut_aux by blast
moreover have "(∀v ∈ S. z ∙ v ≥ 0) ⟹ convex hull S ⊆ ?P2" using convex_cut_aux' by blast
ultimately obtain v1 v2 where "{v1, v2} ⊆ S ∧ z ∙ v1 < 0 ∧ z ∙ v2 > 0"
using linorder_not_le by auto
thus ?thesis using that by fastforce
lemma affine_2_int_convex:
fixes S :: "'a::euclidean_space set"
assumes "{a, b} ⊆ S"
assumes "{a, b} ⊆ frontier (convex hull S)"
assumes "affine hull {a, b} ∩ interior (convex hull S) ≠ {}"
shows "affine hull {a, b} ∩ convex hull S = convex hull {a, b}"
let ?H = "convex hull S"
let ?L = "affine hull {a, b} ∩ ?H"
have 1: "?L ⊇ convex hull {a, b}"
by (meson Int_greatest assms(1) convex_hull_subset_affine_hull hull_mono)
moreover have "?L ⊆ convex hull {a, b}"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x
assume *: "x ∈ ?L"
then obtain u v where uv: "x = u *⇩R a + v *⇩R b ∧ u + v = 1" using affine_hull_2 by blast
have "rel_interior ?L ⊆ rel_interior ?H"
using subset_rel_interior_convex[of ?L ?H]
by (metis assms(3) convex_affine_hull convex_convex_hull convex_rel_interior_inter_two inf_bot_right inf_le2 rel_interior_affine_hull rel_interior_nonempty_interior)
moreover have ab_frontier: "a ∈ frontier ?H ∧ b ∈ frontier ?H" using assms by blast
ultimately have ab_rel_frontier: "a ∈ rel_frontier ?L ∧ b ∈ rel_frontier ?L"
by (metis IntI affine_affine_hull assms(3) convex_affine_rel_frontier_Int convex_convex_hull hull_subset inf_commute insert_subset)
{ assume **: "u < 0"
then have "b ∈ open_segment a x"
from uv have "b = (1/v) *⇩R x - (u/v) *⇩R a"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) ** divide_inverse_commute inverse_eq_divide real_vector_affinity_eq vector_space_assms(3) Groups.add_ac(2))
moreover from uv have "1/v - u/v = 1"
by (metis "**" add.commute add_cancel_right_left diff_divide_distrib divide_self_if eq_diff_eq' not_one_less_zero)
ultimately have "b = (1 - 1/v) *⇩R a + (1/v) *⇩R x" by (simp add: diff_eq_eq)
moreover from uv ** have "0 < 1/v ∧ 1/v < 1" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis "1" ab_rel_frontier affine_hull_sing convex_hull_singleton empty_iff equalityI in_segment(2) inf_le1 insert_absorb rel_frontier_sing scaleR_collapse singletonI)
then have "b ∈ rel_interior (convex hull {a, x})"
by (metis empty_iff open_segment_idem rel_interior_closed_segment segment_convex_hull)
moreover have "x ∈ ?H" using * by blast
ultimately have "b ∈ interior ?H"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) "*" IntD2 Int_empty_right 1 affine_affine_hull affine_hull_affine_Int_nonempty_interior affine_hull_convex_hull assms(3) convex_Int convex_affine_hull convex_convex_hull convex_rel_interior_inter_two hull_hull hull_redundant_eq insert_commute insert_subsetI rel_interior_affine_hull rel_interior_mono rel_interior_nonempty_interior rel_interior_subset subset_hull subset_iff)
then have False by (metis DiffD2 ab_frontier frontier_def)
} moreover
{ assume **: "v < 0"
then have "a ∈ open_segment b x"
from uv have "a = (1/u) *⇩R x - (v/u) *⇩R b"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) ** divide_inverse_commute inverse_eq_divide real_vector_affinity_eq vector_space_assms(3) Groups.add_ac(2))
moreover from uv have "1/u - v/u = 1"
by (metis "**" add_cancel_right_left diff_divide_distrib divide_self_if eq_diff_eq' not_one_less_zero)
ultimately have "a = (1 - 1/u) *⇩R b + (1/u) *⇩R x" by (simp add: diff_eq_eq)
moreover from uv ** have "0 < 1/u ∧ 1/u < 1" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis "1" ab_rel_frontier affine_hull_sing convex_hull_singleton empty_iff equalityI in_segment(2) inf_le1 insert_absorb rel_frontier_sing scaleR_collapse singletonI)
then have "a ∈ rel_interior (convex hull {b, x})"
by (metis empty_iff open_segment_idem rel_interior_closed_segment segment_convex_hull)
moreover have "x ∈ ?H" using * by blast
ultimately have "a ∈ interior ?H"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) "*" IntD2 Int_empty_right 1 affine_affine_hull affine_hull_affine_Int_nonempty_interior affine_hull_convex_hull assms(3) convex_Int convex_affine_hull convex_convex_hull convex_rel_interior_inter_two hull_hull hull_redundant_eq insert_commute insert_subsetI rel_interior_affine_hull rel_interior_mono rel_interior_nonempty_interior rel_interior_subset subset_hull subset_iff)
then have False by (metis DiffD2 ab_frontier frontier_def)
ultimately have "0 ≤ u ∧ u ≤ 1 ∧ 0 ≤ v ∧ v ≤ 1" using uv by argo
thus "x ∈ convex hull {a, b}" by (simp add: convexD hull_inc uv)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma halfplane_frontier_affine_hull:
fixes b v :: "real^2"
assumes "b ≠ 0"
assumes "v ≠ 0"
assumes "b ∈ {x. v ∙ x = 0}"
shows "{x. v ∙ x = 0} = affine hull {0, b}"
let ?F = "{x. v ∙ x = 0}"
let ?A = "affine hull {0, b}"
have "?F ⊆ ?A"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix y
assume *: "y ∈ ?F"
have "y ∈ ?A" if "y = 0" by (simp add: assms(2) hull_inc that)
moreover have "y ∈ ?A" if "b$1 ≠ 0"
have "v ∙ y = 0" using * by fast
moreover have "v ∙ b = 0" using assms by force
moreover have "v ∙ y = v$1 * y$1 + v$2 * y$2" by (simp add: inner_vec_def sum_2 real_2_inner)
moreover have "v ∙ b = v$1 * b$1 + v$2 * b$2" by (simp add: inner_vec_def sum_2 real_2_inner)
ultimately have 0: "v$1 * y$1 + v$2 * y$2 = 0 ∧ 0 = v$1 * b$1 + v$2 * b$2" by auto
moreover obtain c where c: "y$1 = c * b$1" using ‹b$1 ≠ 0›
by (metis hyperplane_eq_Ex inner_real_def mult.commute)
ultimately have "v$1 * y$1 + v$2 * y$2 = 0 ∧ 0 = c * v$1 * b$1 + c * v$2 * b$2" by algebra
then have "v$1 * y$1 + v$2 * y$2 = v$1 * y$1 + c * v$2 * b$2" using c by algebra
then have "v$2 * y$2 = c * v$2 * b$2" by argo
then have "y$2 = c * b$2"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) 0 exhaust_2 mult.commute mult.left_commute mult_cancel_left that assms vec_eq_iff zero_index)
then have "y = c *⇩R b" using c
by (smt (verit) exhaust_2 real_scaleR_def vec_eq_iff vector_scaleR_component)
then have "y ∈ span {0, b}" by (meson insert_subset span_mul span_superset)
thus "y ∈ ?A"
by (simp add: affine_hull_span_0 assms(2) hull_inc)
moreover have "y ∈ ?A" if "b$2 ≠ 0"
have "v ∙ y = 0" using * by fast
moreover have "v ∙ b = 0" using assms by force
moreover have "v ∙ y = v$1 * y$1 + v$2 * y$2" by (simp add: inner_vec_def sum_2 real_2_inner)
moreover have "v ∙ b = v$1 * b$1 + v$2 * b$2" by (simp add: inner_vec_def sum_2 real_2_inner)
ultimately have 0: "v$1 * y$1 + v$2 * y$2 = 0 ∧ 0 = v$1 * b$1 + v$2 * b$2" by auto
moreover obtain c where c: "y$2 = c * b$2" using ‹b$2 ≠ 0›
by (metis hyperplane_eq_Ex inner_real_def mult.commute)
ultimately have "v$1 * y$1 + v$2 * y$2 = 0 ∧ 0 = c * v$1 * b$1 + c * v$2 * b$2" by algebra
then have "v$1 * y$1 + v$2 * y$2 = 0 ∧ 0 = c * v$1 * b$1 + v$2 * y$2" using c by algebra
then have "v$1 * y$1 = c * v$1 * b$1" by argo
then have "y$1 = c * b$1"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) 0 exhaust_2 mult.commute mult.left_commute mult_cancel_left that assms vec_eq_iff zero_index)
then have "y = c *⇩R b" using c
by (smt (verit) exhaust_2 real_scaleR_def vec_eq_iff vector_scaleR_component)
then have "y ∈ span {0, b}" by (meson insert_subset span_mul span_superset)
thus "y ∈ ?A"
by (simp add: affine_hull_span_0 assms(2) hull_inc)
ultimately show "y ∈ ?A"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) assms(1) exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff zero_index)
moreover have "?A ⊆ ?F"
proof(rule subsetI)
fix x
assume "x ∈ ?A"
then obtain α β where "x = α *⇩R 0 + β *⇩R b ∧ α + β = 1" using affine_hull_2 by blast
then have "v ∙ x = α * (v ∙ 0) + β * (v ∙ b)" by (simp add: assms(1))
then have "v ∙ x = 0" using assms(3) by auto
thus "x ∈ ?F" by fast
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma vts_on_convex_frontier_aux:
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
assumes "vts!0 = 0"
assumes "set vts ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
shows "path_image (linepath (vts!0) (vts!1)) ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
let ?H = "convex hull (set vts)"
let ?a = "vts!0"
let ?b = "vts!1"
let ?l = "linepath ?a ?b"
let ?L = "path_image ?l"
let ?A = "affine hull {?a, ?b}"
let ?x = "?b - ?a"
obtain v where v: "v ∙ ?x = 0 ∧ v ≠ 0"
let ?v = "(vector [?x$2, -?x$1])::(real^2)"
have "?a ≠ ?b"
by (smt (verit, best) Cons_nth_drop_Suc One_nat_def Suc_le_eq arc_distinct_ends assms(1) assms(2) card.empty drop0 empty_set length_greater_0_conv list.sel(1) list.sel(3) make_polygonal_path.elims make_polygonal_path.simps(1) make_polygonal_path.simps(2) nth_drop pathfinish_linepath pathstart_linepath plus_1_eq_Suc polygon_at_least_3_vertices polygon_def polygon_of_def polygon_pathstart rel_simps(28) simple_path_joinE)
then have "?x ≠ 0" by simp
then have "?v ∙ ?x = 0 ∧ ?v ≠ 0"
have "?v ∙ ?x = (?x$2 * ?x$1) + (-?x$1 * ?x$2)"
by (simp add: inner_vec_def sum_2 real_2_inner)
then have "?v ∙ ?x = 0" by argo
moreover have "?v ≠ 0"
by (smt (verit, best) ‹?x ≠ 0› exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2) zero_index)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
thus ?thesis using that by blast
let ?P1 = "{x. v ∙ x ≤ 0}"
let ?P2 = "{x. v ∙ x ≥ 0}"
let ?P1_int = "{x. v ∙ x < 0}"
let ?P2_int = "{x. v ∙ x > 0}"
let ?F = "{x. v ∙ x = 0}"
have "?b ≠ 0"
by (smt (verit) Cons_nth_drop_Suc One_nat_def Suc_le_eq Suc_le_length_iff arc_distinct_ends assms(1) assms(2) card.empty drop0 drop_eq_Nil empty_set le_numeral_extra(4) length_greater_0_conv list.inject make_polygonal_path.elims make_polygonal_path.simps(2) nat_less_le pathfinish_linepath pathstart_linepath polygon_at_least_3_vertices polygon_def polygon_of_def polygon_pathstart rel_simps(28) simple_path_joinE)
moreover have "?b ∈ ?F" using assms(2) v by auto
ultimately have F: "?F = ?A"
using halfplane_frontier_affine_hull[of ?b v] v assms(2) by presburger
moreover have "?L ⊆ ?A" by (simp add: convex_hull_subset_affine_hull segment_convex_hull)
ultimately have L_subset_F: "?L ⊆ ?F" by blast
have L_subset_H: "?L ⊆ ?H"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add_gr_0 assms(1) card.empty convex_contains_segment convex_convex_hull diff_less empty_set hull_subset leD length_greater_0_conv less_numeral_extra(1) nth_mem numeral_3_eq_3 path_image_linepath plus_1_eq_Suc polygon_at_least_3_vertices polygon_of_def rotate_polygon_vertices_same_set rotated_polygon_vertices_helper(2) subset_code(1))
have frontier_P1: "frontier ?P1 = ?F" by (simp add: v frontier_halfspace_le)
have frontier_P2: "frontier ?P2 = ?F" by (simp add: v frontier_halfspace_ge)
have interior_P1: "interior ?P1 = ?P1_int" by (simp add: v)
have interior_P2: "interior ?P2 = ?P2_int" by (simp add: v)
have convex_P1: "convex ?P1" by (simp add: convex_halfspace_le)
have convex_P2: "convex ?P2" by (simp add: convex_halfspace_ge)
have P1_int_P2: "?P1 ∩ ?P2 = ?F" by (simp add: halfspace_Int_eq(1))
let ?H1 = "?H ∩ ?P1"
let ?H2 = "?H ∩ ?P2"
have "¬ collinear (set vts)" using polygon_vts_not_collinear assms(1) by simp
then have nonempty_interior_H: "interior ?H ≠ {}"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Jordan_inside_outside_real2 closed_path_def Un_Int_eq(4) assms(1) convex_hull_of_polygon_is_convex_hull_of_vts disjoint_iff hull_subset inf.orderE interior_Int interior_eq interior_subset path_inside_def polygon_def polygon_of_def)
have convex_H1: "convex ?H1" by (simp add: convex_Int convex_P1)
have convex_H2: "convex ?H2" by (simp add: convex_Int convex_P2)
have "?H ⊆ ?P1 ∨ ?H ⊆ ?P2"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume *: "¬ (?H ⊆ ?P1 ∨ ?H ⊆ ?P2)"
moreover have "interior ?H ⊆ ?P1 ⟹ ?H ⊆ ?P1"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_Un_eq(3) Krein_Milman_frontier List.finite_set P1_int_P2 closure_Un_frontier closure_convex_hull closure_mono compact_frontier convex_closure_interior convex_convex_hull finite_imp_compact_convex_hull frontier_P1 nonempty_interior_H)
moreover have "interior ?H ⊆ ?P2 ⟹ ?H ⊆ ?P2"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_Un_eq(3) Krein_Milman_frontier List.finite_set P1_int_P2 calculation(1) calculation(2) closure_Un_frontier closure_convex_hull closure_mono compact_frontier convex_closure_interior convex_convex_hull emptyE finite_imp_compact_convex_hull frontier_P2 inf_commute subsetI)
ultimately have "interior ?H ∩ ?P1 ≠ {} ∧ interior ?H ∩ -?P1 ≠ {}" by force
moreover have "path_connected (interior ?H)" by (simp add: convex_imp_path_connected)
ultimately have F_int_interior_H: "?F ∩ interior ?H ≠ {}"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) path_connected_frontier ComplD disjoint_eq_subset_Compl frontier_P1 subset_eq)
then obtain v1 v2 where v1v2: "v1 ≠ v2 ∧ {v1, v2} ⊆ set vts
∧ v1 ∈ interior ?P1 ∧ v2 ∈ interior ?P2"
using convex_cut frontier_P1 interior_P1 interior_P2 v by metis
then obtain i j where ij: "vts!i = v1 ∧ vts!j = v2
∧ 2 ≤ i ∧ 2 ≤ j ∧ i ≠ j ∧ i < length vts - 1 ∧ j < length vts - 1"
obtain i j where "vts!i = v1 ∧ vts!j = v2 ∧ i ≠ j ∧ i < length vts ∧ j < length vts"
by (metis in_set_conv_nth insert_subset v1v2)
moreover have "2 ≤ i"
{ assume "i = 0 ∨ i = 1"
then have "vts!i = ?a ∨ vts!i = ?b" by blast
then have "vts!i ∈ ?F" by (simp add: F hull_inc)
then have False using calculation(1) interior_P1 v1v2 by auto
thus ?thesis by presburger
moreover have "2 ≤ j"
{ assume "j = 0 ∨ j = 1"
then have "vts!j = ?a ∨ vts!j = ?b" by blast
then have "vts!j ∈ ?F" by (simp add: F hull_inc)
then have False using calculation(1) interior_P2 v1v2 by auto
thus ?thesis by presburger
moreover have False if "i = length vts - 1"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) F assms(1) calculation(1) frontier_P1 frontier_def have_wraparound_vertex hull_subset insertCI insert_Diff last_conv_nth last_snoc less_nat_zero_code list.size(3) polygon_of_def subset_Diff_insert that v1v2)
moreover have False if "j = length vts - 1"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) F assms(1) calculation(1) frontier_P2 frontier_def have_wraparound_vertex hull_subset insertCI insert_Diff last_conv_nth last_snoc less_nat_zero_code list.size(3) polygon_of_def subset_Diff_insert that v1v2)
ultimately show ?thesis using that by fastforce
let ?i' = "min i j"
let ?j' = "max i j"
let ?vts' = "take (?j' - ?i' + 1) (drop ?i' vts)"
let ?p' = "make_polygonal_path ?vts'"
have vts'_sublist: "sublist ?vts' vts" using sublist_order.order.trans by blast
then have vts'_sublist_tl: "sublist ?vts' (tl vts)"
by (metis Suc_1 Suc_eq_plus1 drop_Suc ij max_def min_def nat_minus_add_max not_less_eq_eq sublist_drop sublist_order.dual_order.trans sublist_take)
have p'_start_finish: "{pathstart ?p', pathfinish ?p'} = {v1, v2}"
have "?vts'!0 = vts!?i'" using ij by force
moreover have "?vts'!(?j' - ?i') = vts!?j'"
using diff_is_0_eq diff_zero ij less_numeral_extra(1) max.cobounded1 min_absorb2 min_def nth_drop nth_take order_less_imp_le
by fastforce
moreover have "(vts!?i' = v1 ∧ vts!?j' = v2) ∨ (vts!?i' = v2 ∧ vts!?j' = v1)"
using ij by linarith
moreover have "pathstart ?p' = ?vts'!0 ∧ pathfinish ?p' = ?vts'!(?j' - ?i')"
using ij min_diff polygon_pathfinish polygon_pathstart
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) add_diff_cancel_right' add_diff_inverse_nat length_drop length_take less_diff_conv max.commute max_min_same(1) min.absorb4 nat_minus_add_max not_add_less2 plus_1_eq_Suc plus_nat.simps(2) take_eq_Nil zero_less_one)
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
then have "path_image ?p' ∩ interior ?P2 ≠ {} ∧ path_image ?p' ∩ interior ?P1 ≠ {}"
by (metis v1v2 IntI doubleton_eq_iff empty_iff pathfinish_in_path_image pathstart_in_path_image)
then have "path_image ?p' ∩ -?P1 ≠ {} ∧ path_image ?p' ∩ ?P1 ≠ {}"
using interior_P2
by (smt (verit, best) disjoint_iff_not_equal in_mono inf_shunt interior_P1 mem_Collect_eq)
moreover have "path_connected (path_image ?p')"
using make_polygonal_path_gives_path path_connected_path_image by blast
ultimately obtain z where z: "z ∈ path_image ?p' ∩ ?F"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) path_connected_frontier DiffE Diff_triv all_not_in_conv frontier_P1)
moreover have "path_image ?p' ⊆ ?H"
have "path_image p ⊆ ?H"
by (metis assms(1) insert_subset length_pos_if_in_set polygon_of_def polygon_path_image_subset_convex v1v2)
moreover have "path_image ?p' ⊆ path_image p"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) vts'_sublist sublist_path_image_subset One_nat_def Suc_leI p'_start_finish assms(1) doubleton_eq_iff length_greater_0_conv make_polygonal_path.simps(1) pathfinish_linepath pathstart_linepath polygon_of_def v1v2)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately have "z ∈ path_image ?p' ∩ (?H ∩ ?F)" by blast
moreover have "?H ∩ ?F = ?L"
using affine_2_int_convex[of ?a ?b "set vts"]
by (smt (verit, best) assms(3) F F_int_interior_H inf_commute segment_convex_hull path_image_linepath Suc_1 add_leD2 assms(1) empty_subsetI insert_subset length_greater_0_conv lessI nat_neq_iff nth_mem numeral_Bit0 order.strict_iff_not plus_1_eq_Suc polygon_of_def polygon_vertices_length_at_least_4 take_all_iff take_eq_Nil IntE inf.orderE)
ultimately have "z ∈ ?L ∩ path_image ?p'" by blast
moreover have "?L ∩ path_image ?p' ⊆ {?a, ?b}"
let ?p_tl = "make_polygonal_path (tl vts)"
have "p = make_polygonal_path vts ∧ loop_free p"
using assms unfolding polygon_of_def polygon_def simple_path_def by blast
moreover have "[?a, ?b] = take 2 vts"
by (metis Cons_nth_drop_Suc One_nat_def Suc_1 append_Cons append_Nil calculation constant_linepath_is_not_loop_free drop0 drop_eq_Nil insert_subset length_pos_if_in_set linorder_not_le make_polygonal_path.simps(2) take0 take_Suc_conv_app_nth v1v2)
moreover have "tl vts = drop (2 - 1) vts" by (simp add: drop_Suc)
moreover have "?l = make_polygonal_path [?a, ?b]" using make_polygonal_path.simps by simp
moreover have "length vts > 2" using ij by linarith
moreover have "pathstart ?l = ?a ∧ pathstart ?p_tl = ?b"
using calculation(3) calculation(5) polygon_pathstart by auto
ultimately have "?L ∩ path_image ?p_tl ⊆ {?a, ?b}"
using loop_free_split_int[of p vts "[?a, ?b]" 2 "tl vts" ?l ?p_tl "length vts"] by auto
moreover have "path_image ?p' ⊆ path_image ?p_tl"
using sublist_path_image_subset
by (metis add.commute ij le_add2 length_drop length_take less_diff_conv min.absorb4 min.cobounded1 min_def vts'_sublist_tl)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately have *: "z = ?a ∨ z = ?b" by blast
let ?𝔦 = "?i'"
let ?𝔧 = "?j' - ?i' + 1"
let ?𝔨 = "?𝔦 + ?𝔧"
let ?x1 = "(2^?𝔦 - 1)/(2^?𝔦)::real"
let ?x2 = "(2^(?𝔨-1) - 1)/(2^(?𝔨-1))::real"
have "?vts' = take ?𝔧 (drop ?𝔦 vts)" by blast
moreover have "?𝔨 ≤ length vts - 1 ∧ 2 ≤ ?𝔧" using ij by linarith
ultimately have "path_image ?p' = p`{?x1..?x2}"
using vts_sublist_path_image assms(1) unfolding polygon_of_def by metis
moreover have x1x2: "?x1 > 1/2 ∧ ?x2 < 1"
have "?i' ≥ 2" using ij by linarith
then have "(1::real) < 2^?i' - 1"
by (smt (z3) dual_order.strict_trans1 linorder_le_less_linear numeral_le_one_iff power_one_right power_strict_increasing semiring_norm(69))
thus ?thesis by simp
moreover have "p 0 ∉ p`{?x1..?x2} ∧ p (1/2) ∉ p`{?x1..?x2}"
have False if *: "p 0 ∈ p`{?x1..?x2}"
obtain t where t: "t ∈ {?x1..?x2} ∧ p t = p 0" using * by auto
then have "t ≥ ?x1 ∧ t ≤ ?x2" by presburger
then have "1/2 < t ∧ t < 1" using x1x2 by argo
thus False
using t assms(1) unfolding polygon_of_def polygon_def simple_path_def loop_free_def
by force
moreover have False if *: "p (1/2) ∈ p`{?x1..?x2}"
obtain t where t: "t ∈ {?x1..?x2} ∧ p t = p (1/2)" using * by auto
then have "t ≥ ?x1 ∧ t ≤ ?x2" by presburger
then have "1/2 < t ∧ t < 1" using x1x2 by argo
thus False
using t assms(1) unfolding polygon_of_def polygon_def simple_path_def loop_free_def
by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
moreover have "?a = p 0"
by (metis assms(1) card.empty empty_set not_numeral_le_zero pathstart_def polygon_at_least_3_vertices polygon_of_def polygon_pathstart)
moreover have "?b = p (1/2)"
have "p = ?l +++ (make_polygonal_path (tl vts))"
by (smt (verit, best) One_nat_def Suc_1 assms(1) ij length_Cons length_greater_0_conv length_tl less_imp_le_nat list.sel(3) list.size(3) make_polygonal_path.elims nth_Cons_0 nth_tl order_less_le_trans polygon_of_def pos2 zero_less_diff)
then have "p (1/2) = ?l 1"
unfolding joinpaths_def by simp
thus ?thesis by (simp add: linepath_1')
ultimately have "?a ∉ path_image ?p' ∧ ?b ∉ path_image ?p'" by presburger
thus False using z * by blast
then have "frontier ?P1 ∩ ?H ⊆ frontier ?H ∨ frontier ?P2 ∩ ?H ⊆ frontier ?H"
using frontier_int_subset by auto
moreover have "?L ⊆ frontier ?P1 ∧ ?L ⊆ frontier ?P2"
using frontier_P1 frontier_P2 L_subset_F by presburger
ultimately show ?thesis using L_subset_H by fast
lemma vts_on_convex_frontier_aux':
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
assumes "set vts ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
shows "path_image (linepath (vts!0) (vts!1)) ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
let ?a = "vts!0"
let ?f = "λv. v + (-?a)"
let ?vts' = "map ?f vts"
let ?p' = "make_polygonal_path ?vts'"
have len_vts: "length vts ≥ 2"
using assms(1) polygon_of_def polygon_vertices_length_at_least_4 by fastforce
then have p': "?p' = ?f ∘ p"
using make_polygonal_path_translate[of vts "-?a"] assms unfolding polygon_of_def by presburger
then have 0: "?vts'!0 = 0"
by (metis len_vts neg_eq_iff_add_eq_0 nth_map order_less_le_trans pos2)
moreover have vts': "set ?vts' = ?f ` (set vts)" by simp
ultimately have "convex hull (set ?vts') = ?f ` (convex hull (set vts))"
using convex_hull_translation[of "-?a" "set vts"] by force
then have "frontier (convex hull (set ?vts')) = frontier (?f ` (convex hull (set vts)))"
by auto
then have frontier_translation:
"frontier (convex hull (set ?vts')) = ?f ` (frontier ((convex hull (set vts))))"
using frontier_translation[of "-?a" "convex hull (set vts)"] by simp
have "?f (vts!0) = ?vts'!0 ∧ ?f (vts!1) = ?vts'!1" using 0 len_vts by auto
then have linepath_translation:
"?f ` path_image (linepath (vts!0) (vts!1)) = path_image (linepath (?vts'!0) (?vts'!1))"
using linepath_translation[of ?a "-?a" "vts!1"] by (simp add: path_image_compose)
have "polygon_of ?p' ?vts'" using translation_is_polygon assms(1) p' by presburger
moreover have "set ?vts' ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set ?vts'))"
have "frontier (convex hull (set ?vts')) = frontier (convex hull (?f ` (set vts)))"
using vts' by presburger
then have "frontier (convex hull (set ?vts')) = ?f ` (frontier (convex hull (set vts)))"
using frontier_translation by presburger
thus ?thesis using vts' assms(2) by auto
ultimately have "path_image (linepath (?vts'!0) (?vts'!1)) ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set ?vts'))"
using vts_on_convex_frontier_aux assms 0 by blast
then have "?f ` path_image (linepath (vts!0) (vts!1)) ⊆ ?f ` (frontier ((convex hull (set vts))))"
using linepath_translation frontier_translation by argo
thus ?thesis by force
lemma vts_on_convex_frontier:
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
assumes "set vts ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
assumes "i < length vts - 1"
shows "path_image (linepath (vts!i) (vts!(i+1))) ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
let ?vts' = "rotate_polygon_vertices vts i"
let ?p' = "make_polygonal_path ?vts'"
have "polygon_of ?p' ?vts'"
using assms(1) polygon_of_def rotation_is_polygon by blast
moreover have "set ?vts' ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set ?vts'))"
using assms(1) assms(2) polygon_of_def rotate_polygon_vertices_same_set by auto
ultimately have "path_image (linepath (?vts'!0) (?vts'!1)) ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set ?vts'))"
using vts_on_convex_frontier_aux' by presburger
moreover have "?vts'!0 = vts!i ∧ ?vts'!1 = vts!(i+1)"
using assms(3)
using rotated_polygon_vertices[of ?vts' vts i "i+1"]
using rotated_polygon_vertices[of ?vts' vts i "i"]
by (smt (verit, best) Suc_leI add.commute add.right_neutral add_2_eq_Suc' add_diff_cancel_left' add_lessD1 assms(1) have_wraparound_vertex hd_Nil_eq_last hd_conv_nth last_snoc le_add1 less_diff_conv plus_1_eq_Suc polygon_of_def)
moreover have "frontier (convex hull (set ?vts')) = frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
by (metis assms(1) polygon_of_def rotate_polygon_vertices_same_set)
ultimately show ?thesis by argo
lemma vts_on_frontier_means_path_image_on_frontier:
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
assumes "set vts ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
shows "path_image p ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
proof(rule subsetI)
let ?H = "convex hull (set vts)"
fix x assume "x ∈ path_image p"
moreover have "path_image p = (⋃ {path_image (linepath (vts!i) (vts!(i+1))) | i. i ≤ (length vts) - 2})"
using polygonal_path_image_linepath_union assms unfolding polygon_of_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add_leD2 numeral_Bit0 polygon_vertices_length_at_least_4)
ultimately obtain i where "i ≤ (length vts) - 2 ∧ x ∈ path_image (linepath (vts!i) (vts!(i+1)))"
by blast
thus "x ∈ frontier ?H"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) One_nat_def Suc_diff_Suc add.commute add_2_eq_Suc' assms(1) assms(2) in_mono le_add1 le_zero_eq less_Suc_eq_le less_diff_conv linorder_not_less plus_1_eq_Suc vts_on_convex_frontier vts_on_convex_frontier_aux')
lemma vts_on_convex_frontier_interior:
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
assumes "set vts ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
shows "path_inside p = interior (convex hull (set vts))"
let ?H = "convex hull (set vts)"
have "path_inside p ⊆ interior (convex hull (set vts))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_empty assms(1) convex_contains_simple_closed_path_imp_contains_path_inside convex_convex_hull convex_hull_eq_empty convex_hull_of_polygon_is_convex_hull_of_vts empty_set inside_outside_def inside_outside_polygon interior_maximal length_greater_0_conv polygon_def polygon_of_def polygon_path_image_subset_convex)
moreover have "interior (convex hull (set vts)) ⊆ path_inside p"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume *: "¬ interior (convex hull (set vts)) ⊆ path_inside p"
then obtain x where x: "x ∈ interior (convex hull (set vts)) - path_inside p" by blast
obtain y where y: "y ∈ path_inside p"
using inside_outside_polygon assms unfolding inside_outside_def polygon_of_def by fastforce
let ?l = "linepath x y"
have 1: "path_image ?l ⊆ interior ?H"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) DiffE calculation convex_contains_segment convex_convex_hull convex_interior in_mono linepath_image_01 path_defs(4) x y)
have "path_image ?l ∩ frontier (path_inside p) ≠ {}"
using inside_outside_polygon assms unfolding inside_outside_def polygon_of_def
by (smt (verit) "*" Diff_disjoint Diff_eq_empty_iff Int_Un_eq(2) Int_assoc Un_Int_eq(3) assms(1) calculation connected_Int_frontier convex_connected convex_convex_hull convex_interior frontier_def inf.absorb_iff2 vts_on_frontier_means_path_image_on_frontier)
then have 2: "path_image ?l ∩ path_image p ≠ {}"
using inside_outside_polygon assms unfolding inside_outside_def polygon_of_def by blast
show False
using 1 2 vts_on_frontier_means_path_image_on_frontier
using Diff_disjoint Int_lower2 Int_subset_iff assms(1) assms(2) frontier_def inf_le1
by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma vts_subset_frontier:
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
assumes "set vts ⊆ frontier (convex hull (set vts))"
shows "convex (path_image p ∪ path_inside p)"
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) vts_on_convex_frontier_interior convex_convex_hull convex_interior polygon_convex_iff polygon_of_def sup_commute)
lemma convex_hull_of_nonconvex_polygon_strict_subset_ep:
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
assumes "¬ (convex (path_image p ∪ path_inside p))"
shows "{v. v extreme_point_of (convex hull (set vts))} ⊂ set vts"
let ?ep = "{v. v extreme_point_of (convex hull (set vts))}"
let ?H = "convex hull (set vts)"
have "?ep ⊆ frontier ?H"
by (metis Krein_Milman_frontier List.finite_set convex_convex_hull extreme_point_of_convex_hull finite_imp_compact_convex_hull mem_Collect_eq subsetI)
thus ?thesis using assms vts_subset_frontier extreme_points_of_convex_hull by force
lemma convex_hull_of_nonconvex_polygon_strict_subset:
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
assumes "¬ (convex (path_image p ∪ path_inside p))"
shows "∃v ∈ set vts. v ∈ interior (convex hull (set vts))"
using assms vts_subset_frontier
by (smt (verit) Diff_iff UnCI closure_Un_frontier frontier_def hull_inc subsetI)
lemma convex_polygon_means_linepaths_inside:
fixes p :: "R_to_R2"
assumes "polygon_of p vts"
assumes convex_is: "convex hull (set vts) = (path_inside p ∪ path_image p)"
assumes a_in: "a ∈ (path_inside p ∪ path_image p)"
assumes b_in: "b ∈ (path_inside p ∪ path_image p)"
shows "path_image (linepath a b) ⊆ (path_inside p ∪ path_image p)"
proof -
let ?conv = "path_inside p ∪ path_image p"
have "∀u≥0. ∀v≥0. u + v = 1 ⟶ u *⇩R a + v *⇩R b ∈ ?conv"
using convex_is a_in b_in unfolding convex_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) convexD convex_convex_hull convex_is)
then have "(1 - x) *⇩R a + x *⇩R b ∈ ?conv" if x_in: "x ∈ {0..1}" for x
using x_in by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding linepath_def path_image_def
by fast