Theory Unit_Geometry

theory Unit_Geometry


section "Measure Setup"

lemma finite_convex_is_measurable:
  fixes p :: "(real^2) set"
  assumes "p = convex hull l" and "finite l"
  shows "p  sets lebesgue"
  have "polytope p"
    unfolding polytope_def using assms by force
  hence "compact p" using polytope_imp_compact by auto
  thus ?thesis using lmeasurable_compact by blast

lemma unit_square_lebesgue: "unit_square  sets lebesgue"
  using finite_convex_is_measurable by auto

lemma unit_triangle_lebesgue: "unit_triangle  sets lebesgue"
  using finite_convex_is_measurable by auto

lemma unit_triangle_lmeasurable: "unit_triangle  lmeasurable"
  by (simp add: bounded_convex_hull bounded_set_imp_lmeasurable unit_triangle_lebesgue)

section "Unit Triangle"

lemma unit_triangle_vts_not_collinear:
  "¬ collinear {(vector [0, 0])::real^2, vector [1, 0], vector [0, 1]}"
  (is "¬ collinear {?a, ?b, ?c}")
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ ¬ collinear {?a, ?b, ?c}"
  then have "collinear {?a, ?b, ?c}" by auto
  then obtain u :: "real^2" where u: "u  0 
      (x{?a, ?b, ?c}. y{?a, ?b, ?c}. c. x - y = c *R u)"
    by (meson collinear)
  then obtain c1 c2 where c1: "?b - ?a = c1 *R u" and c2: "?c - ?a = c2 *R u" by blast
  then have "c1 *R u = ?b"
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) diff_zero scaleR_eq_0_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2) vector_minus_component vector_scaleR_component zero_neq_one) 
  moreover have "c2 *R u = ?c" using c1 c2 calculation by force
  ultimately have "u$1 = 0  u$2 = 0"
    by (metis scaleR_eq_0_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2) vector_scaleR_component zero_neq_one)
  then have "u = 0"
    by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff zero_index)
  moreover have "u  0" using u by auto
  ultimately show False by auto

lemma unit_triangle_convex:
  assumes "p = (make_polygonal_path [vector [0, 0], vector [1, 0], vector [0, 1], vector[0, 0]])"
    (is "p = make_polygonal_path [?O, ?e1, ?e2, ?O]")
  shows "convex (path_inside p)"
  have "¬ collinear {?O, ?e1, ?e2}" by (simp add: unit_triangle_vts_not_collinear)
  thus ?thesis using triangle_is_convex make_triangle_def assms by force

lemma unit_triangle_char:
  shows "unit_triangle = {x. 0  x $ 1  0  x $ 2  x $ 1 + x $ 2  1}"
    (is "unit_triangle = ?S")
  have "unit_triangle  ?S"
  proof(rule subsetI)
    fix x assume "x  unit_triangle"
    then obtain a b c where
        "x =  a *R (vector [0, 0]) + b *R (vector [1, 0]) + c *R (vector [0, 1])
           a  0  b  0  c  0  a + b + c = 1"
      using convex_hull_3 by blast
    thus "x  {x. 0  x $ 1  0  x $ 2  x $ 1 + x $ 2  1}" by simp
  moreover have "?S  unit_triangle"
  proof(rule subsetI)
    fix x assume "x  ?S"
    then obtain b c where bc: "x$1 = b  x$2 = c  0  b  0  c  b + c  1" by blast
    moreover then obtain a where "a  0  a + b + c = 1" using that[of "1 - b - c"] by argo
    moreover have "a *R ((vector [0, 0])::(real^2)) = vector [0, 0]" by (simp add: vec_scaleR_2)
    moreover have "x = (a *R vector [0, 0]) + (b *R vector [1, 0]) + (c *R vector [0, 1])"
      using segment_horizontal bc by fastforce
    ultimately show "x  unit_triangle" using convex_hull_3 by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma unit_triangle_interior_char:
  shows "interior unit_triangle = {x. 0 < x $ 1  0 < x $ 2  x $ 1 + x $ 2 < 1}"
    (is "interior unit_triangle = ?S")
  have "interior unit_triangle  ?S"
  proof(rule subsetI)
    fix x assume "x  interior unit_triangle"
    moreover have "DIM(real^2) = 2" by simp
    ultimately obtain a b c where
        "x =  a *R (vector [0, 0]) + b *R (vector [1, 0]) + c *R (vector [0, 1])
           a > 0  b > 0  c > 0  a + b + c = 1"
      using interior_convex_hull_3_minimal[of "(vector [0, 0])::(real^2)" "(vector [1, 0])::(real^2)" "(vector [0, 1])::(real^2)"]
      using unit_triangle_vts_not_collinear
      by auto
    thus "x  {x. 0 < x $ 1  0 < x $ 2  x $ 1 + x $ 2 < 1}" by simp
  moreover have "?S  interior unit_triangle"
  proof(rule subsetI)
    fix x assume "x  ?S"
    then obtain b c where bc: "x$1 = b  x$2 = c  0 < b  0 < c  b + c < 1" by blast
    moreover then obtain a where "a > 0  a + b + c = 1" using that[of "1 - b - c"] by argo
    moreover have "a *R ((vector [0, 0])::(real^2)) = vector [0, 0]" by (simp add: vec_scaleR_2)
    moreover have "x = (a *R vector [0, 0]) + (b *R vector [1, 0]) + (c *R vector [0, 1])"
      using segment_horizontal bc by fastforce
    moreover have "DIM(real^2) = 2" by simp
    ultimately show "x  interior unit_triangle"
      using interior_convex_hull_3_minimal[of "(vector [0, 0])::(real^2)" "(vector [1, 0])::(real^2)" "(vector [0, 1])::(real^2)"]
      using unit_triangle_vts_not_collinear
      by fast
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma unit_triangle_is_elementary: "elem_triangle (vector [0, 0]) (vector [1, 0]) (vector [0, 1])"
  (is "elem_triangle ?a ?b ?c")
  let ?UT = "unit_triangle"
  have "¬ collinear {?a, ?b, ?c}" using unit_triangle_vts_not_collinear by auto
  moreover have "integral_vec ?a  integral_vec ?b  integral_vec ?c"
    by (simp add: integral_vec_def is_int_def)
  moreover have "{x  ?UT. integral_vec x} = {?a, ?b, ?c}" (is "?UT_integral = ?abc")
    have "?UT_integral  ?abc" using calculation(2) hull_subset by fastforce
    moreover have "?UT_integral  ?abc"
    proof - 
      have "x. x  unit_triangle  integral_vec x  x  vector [0, 0]  x  vector [1, 0]  x  vector [0, 1]  False"
        fix x
        assume *: "x  unit_triangle"
               "integral_vec x"
               " x  vector [0, 0]" 
               "x  vector [1, 0]" 
               "x  vector [0, 1]" 
        then have x_inset: "x {x. 0  x $ 1  0  x $ 2  x $ 1 + x $ 2  1}"
          using unit_triangle_char by auto
        have "x $ 1 = 1  x $ 2  0"
          using *           
          by (smt (verit, del_insts) exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
        then have "x $ 1 = 1  x $ 1 + x $ 2 > 1  x $ 2 < 0"
          using *(2) unfolding integral_vec_def is_int_def 
          by linarith
        then have x1_not_1: "x$1 = 1  False"
          using x_inset by simp
        have "x $ 1 = 0  x $ 2  0  x $ 2  1"
          using * 
          by (smt (verit, del_insts) exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
        then have "x $ 1 = 0  x $ 1 + x $ 2 > 1  x $ 1 + x $ 2 < 0"
          using *(2) unfolding integral_vec_def is_int_def 
          by auto
        then have x1_not_0: "x $ 1 = 0  False"
          using x_inset by simp
        have x1_not_lt0: "x $ 1 < 0  False"
          using x_inset by auto
        have x1_not_gt1: "x $ 1 > 1  False"
          using x_inset by auto 
        then show "False" using x1_not_0 x1_not_1 x1_not_lt0 x1_not_gt1
          using *(2) unfolding integral_vec_def is_int_def 
          by force
      then have "x  ?UT_integral. x  ?abc  integral_vec x  False"
        by blast
      then show ?thesis by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis by blast 
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding elem_triangle_def by auto

lemma unit_triangles_same_area:
  "measure lebesgue unit_triangle' = measure lebesgue unit_triangle"
  let ?a = "(vector [1, 1])::real^2"
  let ?b = "(vector [0, 1])::real^2"
  let ?c = "(vector [1, 0])::real^2"
  let ?A = "triangle_affine ?a ?b ?c"
  let ?L = "triangle_linear ?a ?b ?c"
  have collinear_second_component: "c::real^2. collinear {?a, ?b, c}  c $ 2 = 1"
  proof - 
    fix p
    assume "collinear {?a, ?b, p} "
    then obtain u where u_prop: "x{vector [1, 1], vector [0, 1], p}.
           y{vector [1, 1], vector [0, 1], p}. c. x - y = c *R u"
      unfolding collinear_def by auto
    then have c_ab: "c. ?a - ?b = c *R u"
      by blast
    then have u_2: "u $ 2 = 0"
      using vector_2 
      by (metis cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel diff_zero scaleR_eq_0_iff vector_minus_component vector_scaleR_component zero_neq_one)
    have u_1: "u$1  0"
      using c_ab vector_2 
      by (smt (z3) scaleR_right_diff_distrib vector_minus_component vector_scaleR_component)
    then have "(c. ?a - p = c *R u)  (c. ?b - p = c *R u)"
      using u_prop by blast
    then show "p $ 2 = 1"
      using u_1 u_2 
      by (metis eq_iff_diff_eq_0 scaleR_zero_right vector_2(2) vector_minus_component vector_scaleR_component)
  have "unit_triangle' = convex hull {?a, ?b, ?c}" by (simp add: insert_commute)
  then have "?A ` unit_triangle = unit_triangle'" using triangle_affine_img[of ?a ?b ?c] by argo
  moreover have "abs (det (matrix ?L)) = 1"
    have "matrix ?L = transpose (vector [?b - ?a, ?c - ?a])"
      unfolding triangle_linear_def
      by (simp add: triangle_mat_def)
    also have "det ... = det (vector [?b - ?a, ?c - ?a])" using det_transpose by blast
    also have "... = (?b - ?a)$1 * (?c - ?a)$2 - (?c - ?a)$1 * (?b - ?a)$2"
      using det_2 by (metis mult.commute vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
    finally show ?thesis by simp
  moreover have "¬ collinear {?a, ?b, ?c}" using collinear_second_component vector_2 by force
  ultimately have "measure lebesgue unit_triangle' = integral unit_triangle (λ(x::real^2). 1)"
    using triangle_measure_integral_of_det[of ?a ?b ?c]
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Henstock_Kurzweil_Integration.integral_cong insert_commute)
  also have "... = measure lebesgue unit_triangle"
    by (simp add: lmeasure_integral unit_triangle_lmeasurable)
  finally show ?thesis .

section "Unit Square"

(* based on existing convex_hull_3 lemma *)
lemma convex_hull_4:
  "convex hull {a,b,c,d} = { u *R a + v *R b + w *R c + t *R d | u v w t. 0  u  0  v  0  w  0  t  u + v + w + t = 1}"
proof -
  have fin: "finite {a,b,c,d}" "finite {b,c,d}" "finite {c,d}" "finite {d}"
    by auto
  have *: "x y z w ::real. x + y + z + w = 1  x = 1 - y - z - w"
    by (auto simp: field_simps)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding convex_hull_finite[OF fin(1)]
    unfolding convex_hull_finite_step[OF fin(2)]
    unfolding convex_hull_finite_step[OF fin(3)]
    unfolding convex_hull_finite_step[OF fin(4)]
    unfolding *
    apply auto
     apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) add.commute diff_add_cancel diff_diff_eq)
    subgoal for v w t
      apply (rule exI [where x="1 - v - w - t"], simp)
      apply (rule exI [where x=v], simp)
      apply (rule exI [where x=w], simp)
      apply (rule exI [where x="λx. t"], simp)

lemma unit_square_characterization_helper:
  fixes a b :: real
  assumes "0  a  a  1  0  b  b  1" and
          "a  b"
  obtains u v w t where
      "vector [a, b] = u *R ((vector [0, 0])::real^2)
        + v *R (vector [0, 1])
        + w *R (vector [1, 1])
        + t *R (vector [1, 0])
       0  u  0  v  0  w  0  t  u + v + w + t = 1"
  let ?a = "(vector [0, 0])::(real^2)"
  let ?b = "(vector [0, 1])::(real^2)"
  let ?c = "(vector [1, 1])::(real^2)"
  let ?d = "(vector [1, 0])::(real^2)"
  let ?w = "a"
  let ?v = "b - a"
  let ?u = "(1 - ?w - ?v)::real"
  let ?t = "0::real"
  let ?T = "{u *R ?a + v *R ?b + w *R ?c + t *R ?d | u v w t. 0  u  0  v  0  w  0  t  u + v + w + t = 1}"
  have "?u *R ?a = 0"
    by (smt (verit, del_insts) exhaust_2 scaleR_zero_right vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2) zero_index)
  moreover have "?w *R ?c = vector [a, a]"
    have "(?w *R ?c)$1 = a" by simp
    moreover have "(?w *R ?c)$2 = a" by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis by (smt (verit) vec_eq_iff exhaust_2 vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
  moreover have "?v *R ?b = vector [0, b - a]"
    have "(?v *R ?b)$1 = 0" by fastforce
    moreover have "(?v *R ?b)$2 = b - a" by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis by (smt (verit) vec_eq_iff exhaust_2 vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
  ultimately have "?u *R ?a + ?v *R ?b + ?w *R ?c + ?t *R ?d = vector [0, b - a] + vector [a, a]"
    by fastforce
  also have "... = vector [a, b]"
    by (smt (verit, del_insts) diff_add_cancel exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2) vector_add_component)
  finally have "vector [a, b] = ?u *R ?a + ?v *R ?b + ?w *R ?c + ?t *R ?d" by presburger
  moreover have "0  ?u  ?u  1   0  ?v  ?v  1" using assms by simp
  moreover have "0  ?w  ?w  1  0  ?t  ?t  1" using assms  by simp
  moreover have "?u + ?v + ?w + ?t = 1" by argo
  ultimately show ?thesis using that[of ?u ?v ?w ?t] by blast

lemma unit_square_characterization:
  "unit_square = {x. 0  x$1  x$1  1  0  x$2  x$2  1}" (is "unit_square = ?S")
  let ?a = "(vector [0, 0])::(real^2)"
  let ?b = "(vector [0, 1])::(real^2)"
  let ?c = "(vector [1, 1])::(real^2)"
  let ?d = "(vector [1, 0])::(real^2)"
  let ?T = "{u *R ?a + v *R ?b + w *R ?c + t *R ?d | u v w t. 0  u  0  v  0  w  0  t  u + v + w + t = 1}"
  have "unit_square = ?T" using convex_hull_4 by blast
  moreover have "?T  ?S"
  proof(rule subsetI)
    fix x
    assume "x  ?T"
    then obtain u v w t where "x = u *R ?a + v *R ?b + w *R ?c + t *R ?d" and
        "0  u" and "0  v" and "0  w" and "0  t" and "u + v + w + t = 1" by auto
    moreover from this have
        "x$1 = u * 0 + v * 0 + w * 1 + t * 1  x$2 = u * 0 + v * 1 + w * 1 + t * 0" by simp
    ultimately have "0  x$1  x$1  1  0  x$2  x$2  1" by linarith
    thus "x  ?S" by blast
  moreover have "?S  ?T"
  proof(rule subsetI)
    fix x :: "real^2"
    assume *: "x  ?S"
    { assume "x$1 < x$2"
      then have "x$1  x$2" by fastforce
      then obtain u v w t where "vector [x$1, x$2] = u *R ?a + v *R ?b + w *R ?c + t *R ?d  0  u  0  v  0  w  0  t  u + v + w + t = 1"
        using * unit_square_characterization_helper[of "x$1" "x$2"] by blast
      moreover have "x = vector [x$1, x$2]"
        by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
      ultimately have "x  ?T" by force
    } moreover
    { assume "x$1  x$2"
      then obtain u v w t where **: "vector [x$2, x$1] = u *R ?a + v *R ?b + w *R ?c + t *R ?d  0  u  0  v  0  w  0  t  u + v + w + t = 1"
        using * unit_square_characterization_helper[of "x$2" "x$1"] by blast
      have x1: "x$1 = v + w" using **
        by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) mult_cancel_left1 real_scaleR_def scaleR_zero_right vector_2(2) vector_add_component vector_scaleR_component)
      have x2: "x$2 = w + t" using **
        by (smt (verit) mult_cancel_left1 real_scaleR_def scaleR_zero_right vector_2(1) vector_add_component vector_scaleR_component)
      have "(u *R ?a + t *R ?b + w *R ?c + v *R ?d)$1 = w + v" by auto
      moreover have "(u *R ?a + t *R ?b + w *R ?c + v *R ?d)$2 = t + w" by fastforce
      ultimately have "u *R ?a + t *R ?b + w *R ?c + v *R ?d = vector [w + v, t + w]"
        by (smt (verit) vec_eq_iff exhaust_2 vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
      also have "... = x" using x1 x2
        by (smt (verit, del_insts) add.commute exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
      ultimately have "x  ?T"
        by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) ** mem_Collect_eq)
    ultimately show "x  ?T" by argo
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma e1e2_basis:
  defines "e1  (vector [1, 0])::(real^2)" and
          "e2  (vector [0, 1])::(real^2)"
  shows "e1 = axis 1 (1::real)" and "e1  (Basis::((real^2) set))" and
        "e2 = axis 2 (1::real)" and "e2  (Basis::((real^2) set))"
  have "(1::real)  Basis" by simp
  then have "axis 1 (1::real)  (i. u(Basis::(real set)). {axis i u})" by blast
  moreover show e1_axis: "e1 = axis 1 (1::real)"
    unfolding axis_def vector_def e1_def by auto
  ultimately show e1_basis: "e1  (Basis::((real^2) set))" by simp

  have "(1::real)  Basis" by simp
  then have "axis 1 (1::real)  (i. u(Basis::(real set)). {axis i u})" by blast
  moreover show e2_axis: "e2 = axis 2 (1::real)"
    unfolding axis_def vector_def e2_def by auto
  ultimately show e2_basis: "e2  (Basis::((real^2) set))" by simp

lemma unit_square_cbox: "unit_square = cbox (vector [0, 0]) (vector [1, 1])"
  let ?O = "(vector [0, 0])::(real^2)"
  let ?e1 = "(vector [1, 0])::(real^2)"
  let ?e2 = "(vector [0, 1])::(real^2)"
  let ?I = "(vector [1, 1])::(real^2)"
  let ?cbox = "{x. iBasis. ?O  i  x  i  x  i  ?I  i}"

  have "unit_square = {x. 0  x$1  x$1  1  0  x$2  x$2  1}" (is "unit_square = ?S")
    using unit_square_characterization by auto
  moreover have "?S  ?cbox"
  proof(rule subsetI)
    fix x
    assume *: "x  ?S"
    have "?O  ?e1  x  ?e1  x  ?e1  ?I  ?e1"
      using e1e2_basis
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) * cart_eq_inner_axis mem_Collect_eq vector_2(1))
    moreover have "?O  ?e2  x  ?e2  x  ?e2  ?I  ?e2"
      using e1e2_basis
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) * cart_eq_inner_axis mem_Collect_eq vector_2(2))
    ultimately show "x  ?cbox"
      by (smt (verit, best) * axis_index cart_eq_inner_axis exhaust_2 mem_Collect_eq vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
  moreover have "?cbox  ?S"
  proof(rule subsetI)
    fix x :: "real^2"
    assume *: "x  ?cbox"
    then have "0  ?e1  x" using e1e2_basis
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) cart_eq_inner_axis inner_commute mem_Collect_eq vector_2(1))
    moreover have "?e1  x  1" using e1e2_basis
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) * inner_axis inner_commute mem_Collect_eq real_inner_1_right vector_2(1))
    moreover have "0  ?e2  x"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) * cart_eq_inner_axis e1e2_basis(3) e1e2_basis(4) inner_commute mem_Collect_eq vector_2(2))
    moreover have "?e2  x  1"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) * cart_eq_inner_axis e1e2_basis(3) e1e2_basis(4) inner_commute mem_Collect_eq vector_2(2))
    moreover have "?e1  x = x$1"
      by (simp add: cart_eq_inner_axis e1e2_basis inner_commute)
    moreover have "?e2  x = x$2"
      by (simp add: cart_eq_inner_axis e1e2_basis inner_commute)
    ultimately show "x  ?S" by force
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding cbox_def by order

lemma unit_square_area: "measure lebesgue unit_square = 1"
  let ?e1 = "(vector [1, 0])::(real^2)"
  let ?e2 = "(vector [0, 1])::(real^2)"
  have "unit_square = cbox (vector [0, 0]) (vector [1, 1])" (is "unit_square = cbox ?O ?I")
    using unit_square_cbox by blast
  also have "emeasure lborel ... = 1" using emeasure_lborel_cbox_eq
    have "?I  ?e1 = (1::real)"
      by (simp add: e1e2_basis(1) inner_axis' inner_commute)
    moreover have "?I  ?e2 = (1::real)" by (simp add: e1e2_basis(3) inner_axis' inner_commute)
    ultimately have basis_dot: "b  Basis. ?I  b = 1"
      by (metis (full_types) axis_inverse e1e2_basis(1) e1e2_basis(3) exhaust_2)

    have "?O  ?e1  ?I  ?e1" by (simp add: e1e2_basis(1) inner_axis)
    moreover have "?O  ?e2  ?I  ?e2" by (simp add: e1e2_basis(3) inner_axis)
    ultimately have "b  Basis. ?O  b  ?I  b"
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) axis_index cart_eq_inner_axis exhaust_2 insert_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
    then have "emeasure lborel (cbox ?O ?I) = (bBasis. (?I - ?O)  b)"
      using emeasure_lborel_cbox_eq by auto
    also have "... = (bBasis. ?I  b)"
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) axis_index diff_zero euclidean_all_zero_iff exhaust_2 inner_axis real_inner_1_right vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
    also have "... = (bBasis. (1::real))" using basis_dot by fastforce
    finally show ?thesis by simp
  finally have "emeasure lborel unit_square = 1" .
  moreover have "emeasure lborel unit_square = measure lebesgue unit_square"
    by (simp add: emeasure_eq_measure2 unit_square_cbox)
  ultimately show ?thesis by fastforce

section "Unit Triangle Area is 1/2"

lemma unit_triangle'_char:
  shows "unit_triangle' = {x.  x $ 1  1  x $ 2  1  x $ 1 + x $ 2  1}"
proof - 
  let ?I = "(vector [1, 1])::real^2"
  let ?e1 = "(vector [1, 0])::real^2"
  let ?e2 = "(vector [0, 1])::real^2"
  have "unit_triangle' = {u *R ?I + v *R ?e1 + w *R ?e2 | u v w. 0  u  0  v  0  w  u + v + w = 1}"
    using convex_hull_3[of ?I ?e1 ?e2] by auto
  moreover have "u v w. u *R ?I + v *R ?e1 + w *R ?e2 = ((vector [u + v, u + w])::real^2)"
    fix u v w :: real

    let ?v_e1 = "((vector [v, 0])::real^2)"
    let ?w_e2 = "((vector [0, w])::real^2)"
    let ?u_I = "((vector [u, u])::real^2)"

    have "u *R ?I = ?u_I" using vec_scaleR_2 by simp
    moreover have "v *R ?e1 = ?v_e1" using vec_scaleR_2 by simp
    moreover have "w *R ?e2 = ?w_e2" using vec_scaleR_2 by simp
    ultimately have 1: "u *R ?I + v *R ?e1 + w *R ?e2 = ?u_I + ?v_e1 + ?w_e2" by argo
    moreover have "(?u_I  + ?v_e1 + ?w_e2)$1 = u + v"
      using vector_add_component by simp
    moreover have "(?u_I  + ?v_e1 + ?w_e2)$2 = u + w"
      using vector_add_component by simp
    ultimately have "?u_I  + ?v_e1 + ?w_e2 = ((vector [u + v, u + w])::real^2)"
      using vector_2 exhaust_2 by (smt (verit, del_insts) vec_eq_iff)
    thus "u *R ?I + v *R ?e1 + w *R ?e2 = ((vector [u + v, u + w])::real^2)" using 1 by argo
  ultimately have 1: "unit_triangle' = {(vector[u + v, u + w])::real^2 | u v w. 0  u  0  v  0  w  u + v + w = 1}"
    (is "unit_triangle' = ?S")
    by presburger
  have "unit_triangle' = {(vector[x, y])::real^2 | x y. 0  x  x  1  0  y  y  1  x + y  1}"
    (is "unit_triangle' = ?T")
  proof- (* can probably be cleaner *)
    have "x y::real. u v w. 0  u  0  v  0  w  u + v + w = 1  x = u + v  y = u + w
         0  x  x  1  0  y  y  1  x + y  1" by force
    moreover have *: "x y::real. 0  x  x  1  0  y  y  1  x + y  1
         u v w. 0  u  0  v  0  w  u + v + w = 1  x = u + v  y = u + w"
      fix x y :: real
      let ?u = "y + x - 1"
      let ?v = "1 - y"
      let ?w = "1 - x"
      assume "0  x  x  1  0  y  y  1  1  x + y"
      then have "0  ?u  0  ?v  0  ?w  ?u + ?v + ?w = 1  x = ?u + ?v  y = ?u + ?w" by argo 
      thus "u v w. 0  u  0  v  0  w  u + v + w = 1  x = u + v  y = u + w" by blast
    ultimately have "x y::real. ((u v w. 0  u  0  v  0  w  u + v + w = 1  x = u + v  y = u + w)
         (0  x  x  1  0  y  y  1  x + y  1))"
      by metis
    then have "z::real^2. ((u v w. 0  u  0  v  0  w  u + v + w = 1  z$1 = u + v  z$2 = u + w)
         (0  z$1  z$1  1  0  z$2  z$2  1  z$1 + z$2  1))" by presburger
    then have "z::real^2. ((u v w. 0  u  0  v  0  w  u + v + w = 1  z = vector [u + v, u + w])
         (x y. 0  x  x  1  0  y  y  1  x + y  1  z = vector [x, y]))"
      by (smt (verit) *)
    moreover have "z::real^2. z  ?S  (u v w. 0  u  0  v  0  w  u + v + w = 1  z = vector [u + v, u + w])"
      by blast
    moreover have "z::real^2. z  ?T  (x y. 0  x  x  1  0  y  y  1  x + y  1  z = vector [x, y])"
      by blast
    ultimately have "?S = ?T" by auto
    then show ?thesis using 1 by auto
  moreover have "{x. 0  x$1  x$1  1  0  x$2  x$2  1  x$1 + x$2  1}  ?T"
  proof(rule subsetI)
    fix z :: "real^2"
    assume *: "z  {x. 0  x$1  x$1  1  0  x$2  x$2  1  x$1 + x$2  1}"
    then obtain x y :: real where "z = vector[x, y]  0  x" using forall_vector_2 by fastforce
    moreover from this have "x  1  0  y  y  1  x + y  1" using * vector_2[of x y] by simp
    ultimately show "z  ?T" by blast
  moreover have "?T  {x. 0  x$1  x$1  1  0  x$2  x$2  1  x$1 + x$2  1}"
    using vector_2 by force
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (smt (verit, best) Collect_cong subset_antisym)

lemma unit_square_split_diag:
  shows "unit_square = unit_triangle  unit_triangle'"
  let ?S = "({vector [0, 0], vector [0, 1], vector [1, 0]})::((real^2) set)"
  let ?S' = "({vector [1, 1], vector [0, 1], vector [1, 0]})::((real^2) set)"
  have "unit_triangle  unit_triangle'  convex hull (?S  ?S')" by (simp add: hull_mono)
  moreover have "convex hull (?S  ?S')  unit_triangle  unit_triangle'"
    by (smt (z3) Un_commute Un_left_commute Un_upper1 in_mono insert_is_Un mem_Collect_eq subsetI sup.idem unit_square_characterization unit_triangle_char unit_triangle'_char)
  moreover have "unit_square = convex hull (?S  ?S')" by (simp add: insert_commute)
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma unit_triangle_INT_unit_triangle'_measure:
  "measure lebesgue (unit_triangle  unit_triangle') = 0"
proof - 
  let ?e1 = "(vector [1, 0])::real^2"
  let ?e2 = "(vector [0, 1])::real^2"
  have "unit_triangle  unit_triangle' = {x::(real^2).  0  x $ 1  x $ 1  1  0  x $ 2  x $ 2  1  x $ 1 + x $ 2 = 1}"
    (is "unit_triangle  unit_triangle' = ?S")
    using unit_triangle_char unit_triangle'_char 
    by auto
  also have "... = path_image (linepath ?e2 ?e1)"
    (is "... = ?p")
    have "?S  ?p"
    proof(rule subsetI)
      fix x :: "real^2"
      assume "x  ?S"
      then have *: "0  1 - x$2  x$2 = 1 - x$1  0  x$2  x$2  1" by simp

      have "x$2 *R ?e2 + x$1 *R ?e1 = vector[x$1, x$2]"
        have "(x$1 *R ?e1)$1 = x$1" by simp
        moreover have "(x$1 *R ?e1)$2 = 0" by auto
        moreover have "(x$2 *R ?e2)$1 = 0" by auto
        moreover have "(x$2 *R ?e2)$2 = x$2" by fastforce
        ultimately have "x$1 *R ?e1 = vector [x$1, 0]  x$2 *R ?e2 = vector [0, x$2]"
          by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
        then have "x$1 *R ?e1 + x$2 *R ?e2 = vector [x$1, 0] + vector [0, x$2]" by auto
        moreover from this have "(x$1 *R ?e1 + x$2 *R ?e2)$1 = x$1" by auto
        moreover from calculation have "(x$1 *R ?e1 + x$2 *R ?e2)$2 = x$2" by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (smt (verit) add.commute exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
      also have "... = x"
        by (smt (verit, best) exhaust_2 vec_eq_iff vector_2(1) vector_2(2))
      finally have "x$2 *R ?e2 + x$1 *R ?e1 = x" .
      then have "x = (λx. (1 - x) *R ?e2 + x *R ?e1) (x$1)  x$1  {0..1}" using * by auto
      thus "x  ?p" unfolding path_image_def linepath_def by fast
    moreover have "?p  ?S"
    proof(rule subsetI)
      fix x
      assume *: "x  ?p"
      then obtain t where *: "x = (1 - t) *R ?e2 + t *R ?e1  t  {0..1}"
        unfolding path_image_def linepath_def by blast
      moreover from this have "x$1 = t" by simp
      moreover from calculation have "x$2 = 1 - t" by simp
      moreover from calculation have "0  t  t  1  0  1 - t  1 - t  1" by simp
      ultimately show "x  ?S" by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis by blast
  also have "measure lebesgue ?p = 0" using linepath_has_measure_0 by blast
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma unit_triangle_area: "measure lebesgue unit_triangle = 1/2" 
  let  = "measure lebesgue"
  have " unit_square =  unit_triangle +  unit_triangle'"
    using unit_square_split_diag unit_triangle_INT_unit_triangle'_measure
    by (simp add: finite_imp_bounded_convex_hull measurable_convex measure_Un3)
  thus ?thesis using unit_triangles_same_area unit_square_area by simp
