Theory Canonical_Models
theory Canonical_Models
imports Skolem_Normal_Form
inductive_set terms_set :: ‹(nat × nat) set ⇒ nterm set› for fns :: ‹(nat × nat) set› where
vars: ‹(Var v) ∈ terms_set fns›
| fn: ‹(Fun f ts) ∈ terms_set fns›
if ‹(f, length ts) ∈ fns› ‹⋀t. t ∈ set ts ⟹ t ∈ terms_set fns›
lemma struct_terms_set [iff]: ‹struct (terms_set A)›
by (metis empty_iff struct.intro terms_set.vars)
lemma stupid_canondom: ‹t ∈ terms_set (fst ℒ) ⟹ functions_term t ⊆ (fst ℒ)›
by (induction t rule: terms_set.induct) auto
lemma finite_subset_instance: ‹finite t' ⟹ t' ⊆ {φ ⋅⇩f⇩m σ |σ φ. P σ ∧ φ ∈ s} ⟹
(∃t. finite t ∧ t ⊆ s ∧ t' ⊆ {φ ⋅⇩f⇩m σ |σ φ. P σ ∧ φ ∈ t})›
proof (induction t' rule: finite.induct)
case emptyI
then show ?case by blast
case (insertI A a)
obtain φa where phi_in: ‹φa ∈ s› and phi_ex_subs: ‹∃σ. P σ ∧ a = φa ⋅⇩f⇩m σ›
using insertI(3) by auto
obtain Φ where Phi_subs: ‹Φ ⊆ s› and ‹finite Φ› and Phi_set: ‹A ⊆ {φ ⋅⇩f⇩m σ |σ φ. P σ ∧ φ ∈ Φ}›
using insertI(3) insertI(2) by auto
then have ‹finite (φa ▹ Φ)›
by auto
moreover have ‹(φa ▹ Φ) ⊆ s›
using phi_in Phi_subs by auto
moreover have ‹a ▹ A ⊆ {φ ⋅⇩f⇩m σ |σ φ. P σ ∧ φ ∈ (φa ▹ Φ)}›
using phi_ex_subs Phi_set by blast
ultimately show ?case by blast
lemma finite_subset_skolem: ‹finite u ⟹ u ⊆ {skolem φ |φ. φ ∈ s} ⟹
(∃t. finite t ∧ t ⊆ s ∧ u = {skolem φ |φ. φ ∈ t})›
proof (induction u rule: finite.induct)
case emptyI
then show ?case by auto
case (insertI A a)
obtain φa where phi_in: ‹φa ∈ s› and phi_ex_subs: ‹a = skolem φa›
using insertI(3) by auto
obtain Φ where Phi_subs: ‹Φ ⊆ s› and ‹finite Φ› and Phi_set: ‹A = {skolem φ |φ. φ ∈ Φ}›
using insertI(3) insertI(2) by auto
then have ‹finite (φa ▹ Φ)›
by auto
moreover have ‹(φa ▹ Φ) ⊆ s›
using phi_in Phi_subs by auto
moreover have ‹a ▹ A = {skolem φ |φ. φ ∈ (φa ▹ Φ)}›
using phi_ex_subs Phi_set by blast
ultimately show ?case
by blast
lemma valuation_exists: ‹¬ (dom M = {}) ⟹ ∃β. is_valuation M β›
unfolding dom_def is_valuation_def by fast
lemma holds_itlist_exists:
‹(M❙,β ⊨ (foldr (λx p. ❙∃x❙. p) xs φ)) ⟷
(∃as. length as = length xs ∧ set as ⊆ dom M ∧
(M❙,(foldr (λu β. β(fst u := snd u)) (rev (zip xs as)) β) ⊨ φ))›
proof (induction xs arbitrary: β φ)
case Nil
then show ?case by simp
case (Cons x xs)
show ?case
by (force simp add: Cons length_Suc_conv simp flip: fun_upd_def)
definition canonical :: ‹(nat × nat) set × (nat × nat) set ⇒ nterm intrp ⇒ bool› where
‹canonical ℒ ℳ ≡ (dom ℳ = terms_set (fst ℒ) ∧ (∀f. intrp_fn ℳ f = Fun f))›
definition pintrp_of_intrp :: ‹'m intrp ⇒ (nat ⇒ 'm) ⇒ (form ⇒ bool)› where
‹pintrp_of_intrp ℳ β = (λφ. ℳ❙,β ⊨ φ)›
canon_of_prop :: ‹((nat × nat) set × (nat × nat) set) ⇒ (form ⇒ bool) ⇒ nterm intrp› where
‹canon_of_prop ℒ I ≡ Abs_intrp (terms_set (fst ℒ), Fun, (λp. {ts. I (Atom p ts)}))›
lemma dom_canon_of_prop [simp]: ‹dom (canon_of_prop ℒ I) = terms_set (fst ℒ)›
by (simp add: canon_of_prop_def)
lemma intrp_fn_canon_of_prop [simp]: ‹intrp_fn (canon_of_prop ℒ I) = Fun›
by (simp add: canon_of_prop_def)
lemma intrp_rel_canon_of_prop [simp]: ‹intrp_rel (canon_of_prop ℒ I) = (λp. {ts. I (Atom p ts)})›
by (simp add: canon_of_prop_def)
lemma pholds_pintrp_of_intrp:
‹qfree φ ⟹ (pintrp_of_intrp ℳ β) ⊨⇩p φ ⟷ ℳ❙,β ⊨ φ›
unfolding pintrp_of_intrp_def by (induction φ) simp+
lemma intrp_of_canon_of_prop [simp]:
‹pintrp_of_intrp (canon_of_prop ℒ I) Var (Atom p ts) = I (Atom p ts)›
proof -
have §: ‹terms_set (fst ℒ) ≠ {}›
using terms_set.vars by auto
have ‹∀t ∈ set ts. ⟦t⟧⇗Abs_intrp (terms_set (fst ℒ), Fun, λp. {ts. I (form.Atom p ts)}),Var⇖ = t›
proof (induction ts)
case Nil
then show ?case by simp
case (Cons t ts)
have ‹⟦t⟧⇗Abs_intrp (terms_set (fst ℒ), Fun, λp. {ts. I (form.Atom p ts)}),Var⇖ = t›
proof (induction t)
case (Var x)
then show ?case
by simp
case Fun
then show ?case
by (simp add: § struct_def map_idI)
with Cons show ?case
by simp
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: § struct_def canon_of_prop_def pintrp_of_intrp_def holds_def map_idI)
lemma holds_canon_of_prop:
assumes ‹qfree φ› shows ‹(canon_of_prop ℒ I)❙,Var ⊨ φ ⟷ I ⊨⇩p φ›
proof -
have ‹pintrp_of_intrp (canon_of_prop ℒ I) Var ⊨⇩p φ ⟷ I ⊨⇩p φ›
using assms
by (induction φ) auto
with assms show ?thesis
using pholds_pintrp_of_intrp by blast
lemma holds_canon_of_prop_general:
assumes ‹qfree φ› shows ‹(canon_of_prop ℒ I)❙,β ⊨ φ ⟷ I ⊨⇩p (φ ⋅⇩f⇩m β)›
proof -
have ‹pintrp_of_intrp (canon_of_prop ℒ I) β ⊨⇩p φ ⟷ I ⊨⇩p (φ ⋅⇩f⇩m β)›
using assms
proof (induction φ)
case Atom
have ‹⟦t⟧⇗Abs_intrp (terms_set (fst ℒ), Fun, λp. {ts. I (form.Atom p ts)}),β⇖ = t ⋅ β› for t
using term_subst_eval by (metis empty_iff intrp_fn_Abs_is_fst_snd struct_def terms_set.simps)
moreover have ‹struct (terms_set (fst ℒ))›
by (metis empty_iff struct.intro terms_set.vars)
ultimately show ?case
by (simp add: canon_of_prop_def pintrp_of_intrp_def Atom)
qed auto
with assms show ?thesis
by (simp add: pholds_pintrp_of_intrp)
lemma canonical_canon_of_prop: ‹canonical ℒ (canon_of_prop ℒ I)›
unfolding canonical_def canon_of_prop_def
by (metis dom_Abs_is_fst emptyE intrp_fn_Abs_is_fst_snd struct_def terms_set.vars)
lemma interpretation_canon_of_prop: ‹is_interpretation ℒ (canon_of_prop ℒ I)›
unfolding is_interpretation_def canon_of_prop_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) canonical_canon_of_prop canonical_def dom_Abs_is_fst
intrp_fn_Abs_is_fst_snd intrp_is_struct subset_code(1) terms_set.fn)
lemma prop_valid_imp_fol_valid: ‹qfree φ ∧ (∀I. I ⊨⇩p φ) ⟹ (∀ℳ β. ℳ❙,β ⊨ φ)›
using pholds_pintrp_of_intrp by fast
lemma fol_valid_imp_prop_valid: ‹qfree φ ∧ (∀ℳ β. canonical (language {φ}) ℳ ⟶ ℳ❙,β ⊨ φ)
⟹ ∀I. I ⊨⇩p φ›
using canonical_canon_of_prop holds_canon_of_prop by blast
lemma satisfies_psatisfies: ‹⟦φ ∈ Φ; Φ ⊆ {φ. qfree φ}; satisfies ℳ Φ; is_valuation ℳ β⟧ ⟹
psatisfies (pintrp_of_intrp ℳ β) Φ›
using pholds_pintrp_of_intrp satisfies_def by blast
lemma psatisfies_instances:
assumes qf: ‹Φ ⊆ {φ. qfree φ}›
and ps: ‹psatisfies I {φ ⋅⇩f⇩m β |φ β. (∀x. β x ∈ terms_set (fst ℒ)) ∧ φ ∈ Φ}›
shows ‹satisfies (canon_of_prop ℒ I) Φ›
unfolding satisfies_def is_valuation_def
by (smt (verit, best) dom_canon_of_prop holds_canon_of_prop_general mem_Collect_eq ps qf
lemma satisfies_instances:
assumes ‹is_interpretation (language Ξ) ℳ›
shows ‹satisfies ℳ {φ ⋅⇩f⇩m σ |φ σ. φ ∈ Φ ∧ (∀x. σ x ∈ terms_set (fst (language Ξ)))} ⟷
satisfies ℳ Φ›
unfolding satisfies_def mem_Collect_eq
proof (intro iffI strip)
fix β φ
assume ℳ: ‹∀β φ. is_valuation ℳ β ⟶ φ ∈ Φ ⟶ ℳ❙,β ⊨ φ› ‹is_valuation ℳ β›
and ‹∃φ' σ. φ = φ' ⋅⇩f⇩m σ ∧ φ' ∈ Φ ∧ (∀x. σ x ∈ terms_set (fst (language Ξ)))›
then obtain φ' σ where σ: ‹φ = φ' ⋅⇩f⇩m σ› ‹φ' ∈ Φ› ‹∀x. σ x ∈ terms_set (functions_forms Ξ)›
by (auto simp add: language_def)
with ℳ assms have ‹ℳ❙,(λv. ⟦σ v⟧⇗ℳ,β⇖) ⊨ φ'›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) eq_fst_iff interpretation_eval interpretation_sublanguage
is_valuation_def language_def stupid_canondom)
with assms show ‹ℳ❙,β ⊨ φ›
by (simp add: σ swap_subst_eval)
qed (metis subst_var terms_set.vars)
lemma compact_canon_qfree:
assumes qf: ‹Φ ⊆ {φ. qfree φ}›
and int: ‹⋀Ψ. ⟦finite Ψ; Ψ ⊆ Φ⟧
⟹ ∃ℳ::'a intrp. is_interpretation (language Ξ) ℳ ∧ dom ℳ ≠ {} ∧ satisfies ℳ Ψ›
obtains 𝒞 where ‹is_interpretation (language Ξ) 𝒞› ‹canonical (language Ξ) 𝒞› ‹satisfies 𝒞 Φ›
proof -
define Γ where ‹Γ ≡ λX. {φ ⋅⇩f⇩m β |β φ. (∀x. β x ∈ terms_set (fst (language Ξ))) ∧ φ ∈ X}›
have ‹psatisfiable (Γ Φ)›
unfolding psatisfiable_def
proof (rule compact_prop)
fix Θ
assume ‹finite Θ› ‹Θ ⊆ Γ Φ›
then have ‹∃Ψ. finite Ψ ∧ Ψ ⊆ Φ ∧ Θ ⊆ Γ Ψ›
using finite_subset_instance Γ_def by force
then obtain Ψ where Ψ: ‹finite Ψ› ‹Ψ ⊆ Φ› ‹Θ ⊆ Γ Ψ›
by auto
have ‹psatisfiable Θ›
proof (rule psatisfiable_mono)
obtain ℳ::‹'a intrp› where ℳ: ‹is_interpretation (language Ξ) ℳ› ‹dom ℳ ≠ {}›
‹satisfies ℳ Ψ›
using int Ψ by meson
then obtain β where β: ‹is_valuation ℳ β›
by (meson valuation_exists)
moreover have ‹Γ Ψ ⊆ {φ. qfree φ}›
using Γ_def Ψ qf qfree_formsubst by auto
moreover have ‹satisfies ℳ (Γ Ψ)›
using ℳ unfolding Γ_def
by (smt (verit, del_insts) mem_Collect_eq satisfies_def satisfies_instances)
ultimately show ‹psatisfiable (Γ Ψ)›
by (meson psatisfiable_def satisfies_psatisfies)
qed (use Ψ in auto)
then show ‹∃I. psatisfies I Θ›
using psatisfiable_def by blast
qed (use qf qfree_formsubst Γ_def in force)
with qf that show thesis
unfolding Γ_def psatisfiable_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) canonical_canon_of_prop interpretation_canon_of_prop
mem_Collect_eq psatisfies_instances)
lemma interpretation_restrictlanguage:
‹Ψ ⊆ Φ ⟹ is_interpretation (language Φ) ℳ ⟹ is_interpretation (language Ψ) ℳ›
unfolding is_interpretation_def language_def functions_forms_def predicates_def
by (metis Union_mono fstI image_mono in_mono)
lemma interpretation_extendlanguage:
fixes ℳ:: ‹'a intrp›
assumes int: ‹is_interpretation (language Ψ) ℳ› and ‹dom ℳ ≠ {}›
and ‹satisfies ℳ Ψ›
obtains 𝒩 where ‹dom 𝒩 = dom ℳ› ‹intrp_rel 𝒩 = intrp_rel ℳ›
‹is_interpretation (language Φ) 𝒩› ‹satisfies 𝒩 Ψ›
define m where ‹m ≡ (SOME a. a ∈ dom ℳ)›
have m: ‹m ∈ dom ℳ›
by (simp add: ‹dom ℳ ≠ {}› m_def some_in_eq)
define 𝒩 where ‹𝒩 ≡ Abs_intrp
(dom ℳ,
(λg zs. if (g,length zs) ∈ functions_forms Ψ then intrp_fn ℳ g zs else m),
intrp_rel ℳ)›
show eq: ‹dom 𝒩 = dom ℳ› ‹intrp_rel 𝒩 = intrp_rel ℳ›
by (simp_all add: 𝒩_def)
show ‹is_interpretation (language Φ) 𝒩›
proof -
have §: ‹fst (language Ψ) = functions_forms Ψ›
by (simp add: language_def)
obtain β where ‹is_valuation ℳ (β ℳ)›
by (meson ‹dom ℳ ≠ {}› valuation_exists)
then have ‹∀n. β ℳ n ∈ dom ℳ›
using is_valuation_def by blast
with eq m int show ?thesis
unfolding 𝒩_def is_interpretation_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) § intrp_fn_Abs_is_fst_snd intrp_is_struct)
show ‹satisfies 𝒩 Ψ›
unfolding satisfies_def
proof (intro strip)
fix β φ
assume β: ‹is_valuation 𝒩 β› and ‹φ ∈ Ψ›
then have ‹is_valuation ℳ β›
by (simp add: eq is_valuation_def)
then have ‹ℳ❙,β ⊨ φ›
using ‹φ ∈ Ψ› ‹satisfies ℳ Ψ› by (simp add: satisfies_def)
have ‹(𝒩❙,β ⊨ φ) ⟷ (ℳ❙,β ⊨ φ)›
proof (intro holds_cong)
fix f :: nat and ts :: ‹'a list›
assume ‹(f, length ts) ∈ functions_form φ›
then show ‹intrp_fn 𝒩 f ts = intrp_fn ℳ f ts›
using 𝒩_def ‹φ ∈ Ψ› functions_forms_def by auto
qed (auto simp: eq)
ultimately show ‹𝒩❙,β ⊨ φ› by auto
theorem compact_ls:
assumes ‹⋀Ψ. ⟦finite Ψ; Ψ ⊆ Φ⟧
⟹ ∃ℳ::'a intrp. is_interpretation (language Φ) ℳ ∧ dom ℳ ≠ {} ∧ satisfies ℳ Ψ›
obtains 𝒞::‹nterm intrp› where ‹is_interpretation (language Φ) 𝒞› ‹dom 𝒞 ≠ {}› ‹satisfies 𝒞 Φ›
proof -
have ‹∃ℳ::'a intrp. is_interpretation(language (skolem ` Φ)) ℳ ∧
dom ℳ ≠ {} ∧ satisfies ℳ Ψ›
if Ψ: ‹finite Ψ› ‹Ψ ⊆ skolem ` Φ› for Ψ
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) assms finite_subset_image interpretation_extendlanguage
interpretation_restrictlanguage skolem_satisfiable that)
with compact_canon_qfree skolem_qfree
obtain 𝒞 where 𝒞: ‹is_interpretation (language (skolem ` Φ)) 𝒞›
‹canonical (language (skolem ` Φ)) 𝒞›
‹satisfies 𝒞 (skolem ` Φ)›
by blast
have ‹dom 𝒞 ≠ {}›
using struct_def by blast
with skolem_satisfiable[of Φ] 𝒞 that show thesis
by metis
lemma canon:
assumes ‹is_interpretation (language Φ) ℳ› ‹dom ℳ ≠ {}› ‹satisfies ℳ Φ›
obtains 𝒞::‹nterm intrp› where ‹is_interpretation (language Φ) 𝒞› ‹dom 𝒞 ≠ {}› ‹satisfies 𝒞 Φ›
using compact_ls assms unfolding satisfies_def by blast
definition lowmod :: ‹nterm intrp ⇒ nat intrp› where
‹lowmod ℳ ≡ Abs_intrp (num_of_term ` (dom ℳ),
(λg ns. num_of_term (intrp_fn ℳ g (map term_of_num ns))),
(λp. {ns. (map term_of_num ns) ∈ intrp_rel ℳ p}))›
lemma dom_lowmod [simp]: ‹dom (lowmod ℳ) = num_of_term ` (dom ℳ)›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) dom_Abs_is_fst image_is_empty intrp_is_struct lowmod_def struct_def)
lemma intrp_fn_lowmod [simp]: ‹intrp_fn (lowmod ℳ) f ns = num_of_term (intrp_fn ℳ f (map term_of_num ns))›
by (metis dom_lowmod intrp_fn_Abs_is_fst_snd intrp_is_struct lowmod_def)
lemma intrp_rel_lowmod [simp]: ‹intrp_rel (lowmod ℳ) p = {ns. (map term_of_num ns) ∈ intrp_rel ℳ p}›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) dom_lowmod intrp_is_struct intrp_rel_Abs_is_snd_snd lowmod_def)
lemma is_valuation_lowmod: ‹is_valuation (lowmod 𝒞) (num_of_term ∘ β) ⟷ is_valuation 𝒞 β›
by (simp add: is_valuation_def image_iff num_of_term_inj)
lemma lowmod_dom_empty: ‹dom (lowmod ℳ) = {} ⟷ dom ℳ = {}›
by simp
lemma lowmod_termval:
assumes ‹is_valuation (lowmod ℳ) β›
shows ‹eval t (lowmod ℳ) β = num_of_term (eval t ℳ (term_of_num ∘ β))›
proof (induction t)
case (Var x)
then show ?case
using assms unfolding is_valuation_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) comp_apply dom_lowmod eval.simps(1) image_iff term_of_num_of_term)
case (Fun f args)
then show ?case
using assms unfolding is_valuation_def comp_apply intrp_fn_lowmod eval.simps
by (smt (verit) concat_map map_eq_conv term_of_num_of_term)
lemma lowmod_holds:
assumes ‹is_valuation (lowmod ℳ) β›
shows ‹(lowmod ℳ)❙,β ⊨ φ ⟷ ℳ❙,(term_of_num ∘ β) ⊨ φ›
using assms
proof (induction φ arbitrary: β)
case (Atom x1 x2)
then show ?case
using lowmod_termval [OF Atom] by (simp add: comp_def)
case (Forall x1 φ)
then have ‹⋀a. a ∈ dom ℳ ⟹ is_valuation (lowmod ℳ) (β(x1 := num_of_term a))›
by (simp add: valuation_valmod)
with Forall show ?case
apply simp
by (smt (verit, best) fun_upd_apply holds_indep_β_if term_of_num_of_term)
qed auto
lemma lowmod_intrp: ‹is_interpretation ℒ (lowmod ℳ) = is_interpretation ℒ ℳ›
have inj: ‹inj num_of_term›
by (meson injI num_of_term_inj)
show ‹is_interpretation ℒ (lowmod ℳ) ⟹ is_interpretation ℒ ℳ›
unfolding is_interpretation_def dom_lowmod intrp_fn_lowmod inj_image_mem_iff [OF inj]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) concat_map image_mono image_set length_map map_idI term_of_num_of_term)
show ‹is_interpretation ℒ ℳ ⟹ is_interpretation ℒ (lowmod ℳ)›
unfolding is_interpretation_def dom_lowmod intrp_fn_lowmod subset_iff
by (smt (verit, best) image_iff length_map list.set_map term_of_num_of_term)
lemma loewenheim_skolem:
assumes ‹is_interpretation (language Φ) ℳ› ‹dom ℳ ≠ {}›
assumes ‹⋀φ. φ ∈ Φ ⟹ qfree φ› ‹satisfies ℳ Φ›
obtains 𝒩 :: ‹nat intrp› where ‹is_interpretation (language Φ) 𝒩› ‹dom 𝒩 ≠ {}› ‹satisfies 𝒩 Φ›
proof -
obtain 𝒞::‹nterm intrp› where 𝒞: ‹is_interpretation (language Φ) 𝒞› ‹dom 𝒞 ≠ {}› ‹satisfies 𝒞 Φ›
using assms canon by blast
show ?thesis
show ‹is_interpretation (language Φ) (lowmod 𝒞)›
by (simp add: 𝒞 lowmod_intrp)
show ‹dom (lowmod 𝒞) ≠ {}›
by (simp add: 𝒞)
show ‹satisfies (lowmod 𝒞) Φ›
using 𝒞 unfolding satisfies_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) comp_apply dom_lowmod image_iff is_valuation_def lowmod_holds term_of_num_of_term)
theorem uniformity:
assumes ‹qfree φ›
‹⋀𝒞::nterm intrp. ⋀β. ⟦dom 𝒞 ≠ {}; is_valuation 𝒞 β⟧ ⟹ 𝒞❙,β ⊨ foldr Exists xs φ›
obtains σs where ‹⋀σ x. σ ∈ set σs ⟹ σ x ∈ terms_set (fst (language {φ}))›
‹⋀I. I ⊨⇩p (foldr (λφ ψ. φ ❙∨ ψ) (map (λσ. φ ⋅⇩f⇩m σ) σs) ❙⊥)›
proof -
define A where ‹A ≡ formsubst φ ` {σ. ∀x. σ x ∈ terms_set (fst (language {φ}))}›
have ‹∃φ' ∈ A. I ⊨⇩p φ'› for I
proof -
have *: False if ‹satisfies (canon_of_prop (language {φ}) I) {❙¬ φ}›
proof -
obtain β where β: ‹is_valuation (canon_of_prop (language {φ}) I) β›
by (metis struct_def valuation_exists intrp_is_struct)
then have ‹canon_of_prop (language {φ}) I❙, β ⊨ foldr Exists xs φ›
using assms struct_def by fastforce
then obtain as where len: ‹length as = length xs›
and sub: ‹set as ⊆ terms_set (fst (language {φ}))›
and sat0: ‹canon_of_prop (language {φ}) I❙,
foldr (λu β. β(fst u := snd u)) (rev (zip xs as)) β ⊨ φ›
by (force simp add: holds_itlist_exists)
define F where ‹F ≡ λas::nterm list. λxs::nat list. foldr (λu β. β(fst u := snd u)) (rev (zip xs as))›
have F_Cons: ‹F (a#as) (x#xs) β = F as xs ((β(x := a)))› for a as x xs β
by (simp add: F_def)
have sat: ‹canon_of_prop (language {φ}) I❙, F as xs β ⊨ φ›
using sat0 by (simp add: F_def)
have ‹⟦length as = length xs;
set as ⊆ dom (canon_of_prop (language {φ}) I);
is_valuation (canon_of_prop (language {φ}) I) β⟧
⟹ is_valuation (canon_of_prop (language {φ}) I) (F as xs β)›
for xs as
proof (induction xs arbitrary: as β)
case Nil
then show ?case
by (simp add: F_def is_valuation_def)
case (Cons x xs as β)
then obtain a as' where aas': ‹as = a#as'› ‹length as' = length xs›
by (metis length_Suc_conv)
with Cons show ?case
by (simp add: is_valuation_def aas' F_Cons)
then have ‹is_valuation (canon_of_prop (language {φ}) I) (F as xs β)›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) β dom_canon_of_prop len sub)
then show ?thesis
using sat satisfies_def that by (force simp: F_def)
then show ?thesis
using psatisfies_instances [of concl: ‹language {φ}› I ‹{❙¬ φ}›] ‹qfree φ›
by (force simp: A_def)
then obtain Φ where Φ: ‹set Φ ⊆ A› ‹⋀I. I ⊨⇩p foldr (❙∨) Φ ❙⊥›
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) A_def assms(1) compact_disj image_iff qfree_formsubst)
show thesis
define sf where ‹sf ≡ λq. @σ. (∀i. σ i ∈ terms_set (fst (language {φ}))) ∧ q = φ ⋅⇩f⇩m σ›
have sf_works: ‹(∀i. sf a i ∈ terms_set (fst (language {φ}))) ∧ a = φ ⋅⇩f⇩m (sf a)›
if ‹a ∈ A› for a
using that unfolding A_def sf_def image_iff Bex_def mem_Collect_eq
by (rule someI_ex)
show ‹σ i ∈ terms_set (fst (language {φ}))›
if ‹σ ∈ set (map sf Φ)› for σ i
proof -
have *: ‹set Θ ⊆ A ⟹ σ ∈ set (map sf Θ) ⟹ σ i ∈ terms_set (fst (language {φ}))› for Θ
by (induction Θ) (auto simp: sf_works)
then show ?thesis
using Φ that by fastforce
show ‹I ⊨⇩p foldr (❙∨) (map ((⋅⇩f⇩m) φ) (map sf Φ)) ❙⊥› for I
using Φ(2) [of I] Φ(1)
by (induction Φ) (use sf_works in force)+