Theory Bumping

(* Title:        Part of the proof of compactness of first-order logic following Harrison's one in
 *               HOL-Light
 * Author:       Sophie Tourret <sophie.tourret at>, 2024 *)

theory Bumping

(* Diverges from hol-light version by reusing a nat × nat ⇒ nat encoding available in Isabelle/HOL 
 * /!\ The encoding is not the same (but it serves the same purpose)
 * The hol-light names numpair, numfst and numsnd have been kept to help with the translation *)
abbreviation numpair where
  numpair m n  prod_encode (m,n)

abbreviation numfst where
  numfst k  fst (prod_decode k)

abbreviation numsnd where
  numsnd k  snd (prod_decode k)

(* bumpmod in hol-light *)
definition bump_intrp :: "'m intrp  'm intrp" where
  bump_intrp  = Abs_intrp ((dom ), (λk zs. (intrp_fn ) (numsnd k) zs), (intrp_rel ))

lemma bump_dom [simp]: dom (bump_intrp ) = dom 
proof -
  have is_struct: struct (dom ) 
    by (simp add: intrp_is_struct)
  then show ?thesis unfolding bump_intrp_def using dom_Abs_is_fst by blast

lemma bump_intrp_fn [simp]: intrp_fn (bump_intrp ) (numpair 0 f) ts = intrp_fn  f ts
proof -
  have is_struct: struct (dom )
    by (smt (verit, best) intrp_is_struct struct_def)
  then show ?thesis unfolding bump_intrp_def by simp

lemma bump_intrp_rel [simp]: intrp_rel (bump_intrp ) n = intrp_rel  n
  unfolding bump_intrp_def
  by (smt (verit) intrp_is_struct intrp_rel_Abs_is_snd_snd struct_def)

(* bumpterm in hol-light *)
fun bump_nterm :: "nterm  nterm" where
  bump_nterm (Var x) = Var x
| bump_nterm (Fun f ts) = Fun (numpair 0 f) (map bump_nterm ts)

(* bumpform in hol-light *)
fun bump_form :: "form  form" where
  bump_form  = 
| bump_form (Atom p ts) = Atom p (map bump_nterm ts)
| bump_form (φ  ψ) = (bump_form φ)  (bump_form ψ)
| bump_form ( x. φ) =  x. (bump_form φ)

lemma bumpterm: t⟧⇗,β= bump_nterm t⟧⇗bump_intrp ,β⇖›
proof (induct t)
  case (Var x)
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Fun f ts)
  then have intrp_fn  f [t⟧⇗,β. t  ts] =
    intrp_fn  f [bump_nterm t⟧⇗bump_intrp ,β. t  ts]
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) map_eq_conv)
  also have ... = 
    intrp_fn (bump_intrp ) (numpair 0 f) [bump_nterm t⟧⇗bump_intrp ,β. t  ts]
    by (simp add: bump_intrp_fn)
  also have ... = 
    intrp_fn (bump_intrp ) (numpair 0 f) [t⟧⇗bump_intrp ,β. t  (map bump_nterm ts)]
    using map_eq_conv by fastforce
  ultimately show ?case by auto

lemma bump_intrp_rel_holds: (map (λt. t⟧⇗,β) ts  intrp_rel  n) =
  (map ((λt. t⟧⇗bump_intrp ,β)  bump_nterm) ts  intrp_rel (bump_intrp ) n)
proof -
  have (λt. t⟧⇗,β) = (λt. t⟧⇗bump_intrp ,β)  bump_nterm
    using bumpterm by fastforce
  then have map (λt. t⟧⇗,β) ts = map ((λt. t⟧⇗bump_intrp ,β)  bump_nterm) ts
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis bump_intrp_rel)

lemma bumpform: , β  φ = (bump_intrp ), β  (bump_form φ)
proof (induct φ arbitrary: β)
  case Bot
  then show ?case
    unfolding bump_intrp_def by auto
  case (Atom x1 x2)
  then show ?case
    using bump_intrp_rel_holds by auto
  case (Implies φ1 φ2)
  then show ?case
    unfolding bump_intrp_def by auto
  case (Forall x1 φ)
  have (a  dom . (bump_intrp ),β(x1 := a)  bump_form φ) = 
    (a  dom . ,β(x1 := a)  φ)
    using Forall by presburger
  then show ?case
    by simp

lemma functions_form_bumpform: (f, m)  functions_form (bump_form φ) 
  k. (f = numpair 0 k)  (k, m)  functions_form φ
proof (induct φ)
  case (Atom p ts)
  then have tset ts. (f, m)  functions_term (bump_nterm t) by simp
  then obtain t where t_in: t  set ts and fm_in_t: (f, m)  functions_term (bump_nterm t)
      by blast
  have k. f = numpair 0 k  (k, m)  functions_term t
    using fm_in_t
  proof (induction t)
    case (Var x)
    then show ?case by auto
    case (Fun g us)
    have t_in_disj: functions_term (bump_nterm (Fun g us)) = 
      {((numpair 0 g), length us)}  ( u  set us. functions_term (bump_nterm u))
      by simp
    then show ?case
    proof (cases "(f, m) = ((numpair 0 g), length us)")
      case True
      then show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      then have (f, m)  ( u  set us. functions_term (bump_nterm u))
        using t_in_disj
        using Fun.prems by blast
      then show ?thesis
        using Fun(1) by fastforce
  then have k. f = numpair 0 k  (xset ts. (k, m)  functions_term x)
    using t_in by blast
  then show ?case using Atom by simp
qed auto

lemma bumpform_interpretation: is_interpretation (language {φ})  
  is_interpretation (language {(bump_form φ)}) (bump_intrp )
  unfolding is_interpretation_def language_def
  by (metis bump_dom bump_intrp_fn fst_conv functions_form_bumpform lang_singleton language_def)

(* unbumpterm in hol-light *)
fun unbump_nterm :: "nterm  nterm" where
  unbump_nterm (Var x) = Var x
| unbump_nterm (Fun f ts) = Fun (numsnd f) (map unbump_nterm ts)

(* unbumpform in hol-light *)
fun unbump_form :: "form  form" where
  unbump_form  = 
| unbump_form (Atom p ts) = Atom p (map unbump_nterm ts)
| unbump_form (φ  ψ) = (unbump_form φ)  (unbump_form ψ)
| unbump_form ( x. φ) =  x. (unbump_form φ)

lemma unbumpterm [simp]: "unbump_nterm (bump_nterm t) = t"
  by (induct t) (simp add: list.map_ident_strong)+

lemma unbumpform [simp]: unbump_form (bump_form φ) = φ
  by (induct φ) (simp add: list.map_ident_strong)+

(* unbumpmod in hol-light *)
definition unbump_intrp :: "'m intrp  'm intrp" where
  unbump_intrp  = Abs_intrp (dom , (λk zs. (intrp_fn ) (numpair 0 k) zs), (intrp_rel ))

(* UNBUMPMOD_TERM in hol-light *)
lemma unbump_term_intrp: bump_nterm t⟧⇗,β= t⟧⇗unbump_intrp ,β⇖›
proof (induct t)
  case (Fun f ts)
  then show ?case 
    unfolding unbump_intrp_def
    by (smt (verit, best) bump_nterm.simps(2) concat_map eval.simps(2) intrp_fn_Abs_is_fst_snd 
        intrp_is_struct list.map_cong0 struct_def)
qed simp

(*  UNBUMPMOD in hol-light *)
lemma unbump_holds: (,β  bump_form φ) = (unbump_intrp ,β  φ)
proof (induct φ arbitrary: β)
  case Bot
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Atom p ts)
  then show ?case
    unfolding unbump_intrp_def using bump_intrp_def bumpform dom_Abs_is_fst functions_form_bumpform
        holds_indep_intrp_if intrp_fn_Abs_is_fst_snd intrp_is_struct intrp_rel_Abs_is_snd_snd
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) prod_encode_inverse snd_conv)
  case (Implies φ1 φ2)
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Forall x φ)
  then show ?case
    by (smt (verit, best) bump_form.simps(4) dom_Abs_is_fst holds.simps(4) intrp_is_struct 
        struct_def unbump_intrp_def)

abbreviation numlist where
  numlist ns  list_encode ns

fun num_of_term :: "nterm  nat" where
  num_of_term (Var x) = numpair 0 x
| num_of_term (Fun f ts) = numpair 1 (numpair f (numlist (map num_of_term ts)))

(* to move in AFP theory First-Order Terms.Term *)
lemma term_induct2:
  "(x y. P (Var x) (Var y))
     (x g us. P (Var x) (Fun g us))
     (f ts y. P (Fun f ts) (Var y)) 
     (f ts g us. (p q. p  set ts  q  set us  P p q)  P (Fun f ts) (Fun g us))
     P t1 t2"
proof (induction t2 arbitrary: t1)
  case (Var y)
  then show ?case by (metis is_FunE is_VarE)
  case (Fun g us)
  then have p  set ts  q  set us  P p q for ts p q
    by blast
  then show ?case
    using Fun by (metis is_FunE is_VarE)

lemma num_of_term_inj: num_of_term s = num_of_term t  s = t
proof (induction s t rule: term_induct2)
  case (4 f ts g us)
  have (Fun f ts = Fun g us)  num_of_term (Fun f ts) = num_of_term (Fun g us)
    by auto
  moreover {
    assume num_of_term (Fun f ts) = num_of_term (Fun g us)
    then have numpair f (numlist (map num_of_term ts)) = numpair g (numlist (map num_of_term us))
      by auto
    then have fun_eq: f = g and nl_eq: numlist (map num_of_term ts) = (numlist (map num_of_term us))
      by auto
    then have "map num_of_term ts = map num_of_term us"
      using list_encode_eq by blast
    then have args_eq: ts = us
      using 4 by (metis list.inj_map_strong)
    have Fun f ts = Fun g us
      using fun_eq args_eq by simp
  ultimately show ?case by auto
qed auto

fun num_of_form :: "form  nat" where
  num_of_form  = numpair 0 0
| num_of_form (Atom p ts) = numpair 1 (numpair p (numlist (map num_of_term ts)))
| num_of_form (φ  ψ) = numpair 2 (numpair (num_of_form φ) (num_of_form ψ))
| num_of_form (x. φ) = numpair 3 (numpair x (num_of_form φ))

lemma numlist_num_of_term: numlist (map num_of_term ts) = (numlist (map num_of_term us))  ts = us
  by (smt (verit) list.inj_map_strong list_encode_eq num_of_term_inj)

lemma num_of_form_inj: num_of_form φ = num_of_form ψ  φ = ψ
  show num_of_form φ = num_of_form ψ  φ = ψ
  proof (induct φ arbitrary: ψ rule: num_of_form.induct)
    case 1
    then show ?case
      using num_of_form.elims num_of_form.simps(1)  zero_neq_numeral zero_neq_one
      by (metis prod.sel(1) prod_encode_inverse)
    case (2 p ts)
    then show ?case
    proof (cases ψ)
      case Bot
      then show ?thesis
        using "2" num_of_term_inj by fastforce
      case (Atom q us)
      then show ?thesis
        using "2" by (simp add: numlist_num_of_term)
      case (Implies ψ1 ψ2)
      then show ?thesis
        using "2" by simp
      case (Forall y ψ1)
      then have k. num_of_form ψ = numpair 3 k 
        by auto
      moreover have k'. num_of_form (Atom p ts) = numpair 1 k'
        by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis using "2" by force
    case (3 φ1 φ2)
    then show ?case
      by (smt (verit, best) One_nat_def Pair_inject Suc_eq_numeral form.distinct(11) 
          form.distinct(7) form.sel(3) form.sel(4) nat.simps(3) num_of_form.elims numeral_3_eq_3
          numerals(2) prod_encode_eq)
    case (4 x φ1)
    then show ?case
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) One_nat_def Zero_neq_Suc num_of_form.elims num_of_form.simps(4)
          numeral_3_eq_3 numerals(2) old.nat.inject prod_encode_eq)
qed auto

consts term_of_num :: "nat  nterm"
specification (term_of_num) n. term_of_num n = (THE t. num_of_term t = n)
  using num_of_term_inj by force

(* TERM_OF_NUM in hol-light *)
lemma term_of_num_of_term [simp]: term_of_num(num_of_term t) = t
  using num_of_term_inj HOL.nitpick_choice_spec by auto

consts form_of_num :: "nat  form"
specification (form_of_num) n. form_of_num n = (THE φ. num_of_form φ = n)
  using num_of_form_inj by force

(* FORM_OF_NUM in hol-light *)
lemma form_of_num_of_form [simp]: form_of_num (num_of_form φ) = φ
  using num_of_form_inj HOL.nitpick_choice_spec by auto
