Theory Ground_FOL_Compactness

(* Title:        Part of the proof of compactness of first-order logic following Harrison's one in
 *               HOL-Light
 * Author:       Sophie Tourret <sophie.tourret at>, 2023 *)

theory Ground_FOL_Compactness  

fun qfree :: form  bool where
  qfree  = True
| qfree (Atom p ts) = True
| qfree (φ  ψ) = (qfree φ  qfree ψ)
| qfree ( x. φ) = False

lemma qfree_iff_BV_empty: "qfree φ  BV φ = {}"
  by (induction φ) auto

lemma qfree_no_quantif: qfree r  ¬(x p. r = x. p)  ¬(x p. r = x. p)
  using qfree.simps(3) qfree.simps(4) by blast

lemma qfree_formsubst: qfree φ  qfree (φ fm σ)
proof (induction φ)
  case (Forall x φ)
  then show ?case 
    using formsubst_def_switch by (metis (no_types, lifting) formsubst.simps(4) qfree_no_quantif)
qed simp+

(* != propositional compactness is not proved as in Harrison.
      Instead the existing AFP entry is reused *)

fun form_to_formula :: "form  (nat×nterm list) formula" where
  form_to_formula  = 
| form_to_formula (Atom p ts) = formula.Atom (p,ts)
| form_to_formula (φ  ψ) = Imp (form_to_formula φ) (form_to_formula ψ)
| form_to_formula ( x. φ) = 

fun pholds :: (form  bool)  form  bool (‹_ p _› [30, 80] 80) where
  I p   False
| I p Atom p ts  I (Atom p ts)
| I p φ  ψ  ((I p φ)  (I p ψ))
| I p ( x. φ)  I ( x. φ)

definition psatisfiable :: "form set  bool" where
  psatisfiable S  I. φS. I p φ

abbreviation psatisfies where psatisfies I Φ  φΦ. pholds I φ

definition val_to_prop_val :: "(form  bool)  ((nat × nterm list)  bool)" where
  val_to_prop_val I = (λx. I (Atom (fst x) (snd x)))

lemma pholds_Not: I p Not φ  ¬ (I p φ)
  by simp

lemma pentails_equiv: qfree φ  (I p φ  (val_to_prop_val I)  (form_to_formula φ))
proof (induction φ)
  case Bot
  then show ?case
    unfolding val_to_prop_val_def by simp
  case (Atom x1 x2)
  then show ?case
    unfolding val_to_prop_val_def by simp
  case (Implies φ1 φ2)
  then have qfree φ1 and qfree φ2 by simp+
  then have I p φ1 = val_to_prop_val I  form_to_formula φ1 and
            I p φ2 = val_to_prop_val I  form_to_formula φ2
    using Implies(1) Implies(2) by simp+
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Forall x1 φ)
  then have False by simp
  then show ?case by simp

lemma pentails_equiv_set:
  assumes all_qfree: φS. qfree φ
  shows psatisfiable S  sat (form_to_formula ` S)
proof -
    assume psat_s: psatisfiable S
    then obtain I where I_is: φS. I p φ
      unfolding psatisfiable_def by blast
    define 𝒜 where 𝒜 = val_to_prop_val I
    then have φS. 𝒜  (form_to_formula φ)
      using pentails_equiv all_qfree I_is by blast
    then have sat (form_to_formula ` S)
      unfolding sat_def by blast
  moreover {
    assume sat (form_to_formula ` S)
    then obtain 𝒜 where a_is: φS. 𝒜  form_to_formula φ
      by (meson image_eqI sat_def)
    define I where i_is: I = (λx. 𝒜 (pred x, args x))
    then have 𝒜 = val_to_prop_val I
      unfolding val_to_prop_val_def by simp
    then have φS. I p φ
      using pentails_equiv all_qfree a_is by blast
    then have psatisfiable S
      unfolding psatisfiable_def by auto
  ultimately show psatisfiable S  sat (form_to_formula ` S)
    by argo

definition finsat :: "form set  bool" where
  finsat S  TS. finite T  psatisfiable T

lemma finsat_fin_sat_eq:
  assumes all_qfree: φS. qfree φ
  shows finsat S  fin_sat (form_to_formula ` S)
    assume finsat_s: finsat S
    then show fin_sat (form_to_formula ` S)
      unfolding fin_sat_def finsat_def 
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms finite_subset_image pentails_equiv_set subset_eq)
    assume fin_sat_s: fin_sat (form_to_formula ` S)
    show finsat S
      unfolding finsat_def
      by (meson assms compactness fin_sat_s pentails_equiv_set psatisfiable_def subsetD)

lemma psatisfiable_mono: psatisfiable S   T  S  psatisfiable T
  unfolding psatisfiable_def by blast

lemma finsat_mono: finsat S  T  S  finsat T
  unfolding finsat_def by blast

lemma finsat_satisfiable: psatisfiable S  finsat S
  unfolding psatisfiable_def finsat_def by blast

lemma prop_compactness: (φ  S. qfree φ)  finsat S = psatisfiable S
  by (simp add: compactness finsat_fin_sat_eq finsat_satisfiable pentails_equiv_set)

text ‹as above, more in the style of HOL Light›
lemma compact_prop:
  assumes B. finite B; B  A  I. psatisfies I B and φ. φ  A  qfree φ
  shows I. psatisfies I A
  by (metis assms finsat_def prop_compactness psatisfiable_def)

text ‹Three results required for the FOL uniformity theorem›

lemma compact_prop_alt:
  assumes I. φA. I p φ φ. φ  A  qfree φ
  obtains B where finite B B  A I. φB. I p φ
proof -
  have φ. φ  FOL_Syntax.Not ` A  qfree φ
    using assms by force
  have I. psatisfies I (FOL_Syntax.Not ` A)
    by (simp add: assms) 
  ultimately obtain B where B: finite B B  (FOL_Syntax.Not ` A) I. rB. ¬ (I p r)
    using compact_prop [of FOL_Syntax.Not ` A] by fastforce
  show thesis
    show finite (Not -` B)
      using form.inject by (metis finite B finite_vimageI injI)
    show Not -` B  A
      using B by auto
    show φ  Not -` B. I p φ for I
      using B by force

lemma finite_disj_lemma:
  assumes finite A
  shows Φ. set Φ  A  (I. I p foldr () Φ   (φA. I p φ))
  using assms
proof (induction A)
  case empty
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (insert φ A)
  then obtain Φ where set Φ  A I. I p foldr () Φ   (φA. I p φ)
    by blast
  then show ?case 
    by (force simp: intro!: exI [where x="φ#Φ"])

lemma compact_disj:
  assumes I. φA. I p φ φ. φ  A  qfree φ
  obtains Φ where set Φ  A I. I p foldr () Φ 
  by (smt (verit, best) assms compact_prop_alt finite_disj_lemma order_trans)
