Theory FOL_Semantics

(* Title:        Part of the proof of compactness of first-order logic following Harrison's one in
 *               HOL Light
 * Author:       Sophie Tourret <sophie.tourret at>, 2023 *)

theory FOL_Semantics
  imports FOL_Syntax

locale struct =
    M :: 'm set and
    FN :: nat  'm list  'm and
    REL :: nat  'm list set (* in hol-ligh a boolean is returned instead *)
    M_nonempty: M  {}

typedef 'm intrp =
  { (M :: 'm set, FN :: nat  'm list  'm, REL :: nat  'm list set). struct M}
  using struct.intro
  by fastforce

declare Abs_intrp_inverse [simp] Rep_intrp_inverse [simp]

setup_lifting type_definition_intrp

lift_definition dom :: 'm intrp  'm set is fst .
lift_definition intrp_fn :: 'm intrp  (nat  'm list  'm) is fst  snd .
lift_definition intrp_rel :: 'm intrp  (nat  'm list set) is snd  snd .

lemma intrp_is_struct [iff]: struct (dom )
  by transfer auto 

lemma dom_Abs_is_fst [simp]: struct M  dom (Abs_intrp (M, FN, REL)) = M
  by (simp add: dom.rep_eq) 

lemma intrp_fn_Abs_is_fst_snd [simp]: struct M  intrp_fn (Abs_intrp (M, FN, REL)) = FN
  by (simp add: intrp_fn.rep_eq) 

lemma intrp_rel_Abs_is_snd_snd [simp]: 
  struct M  intrp_rel (Abs_intrp (M, FN, REL)) = REL
  by (simp add: intrp_rel.rep_eq) 

(* in HOL Light: valuation *)
definition is_valuation :: 'm intrp  (nat  'm)  bool where
  is_valuation  β  ( v. β v  dom ) 

lemma valuation_valmod: is_valuation  β; a  dom   is_valuation  (β(x := a))
  by (simp add: is_valuation_def)

fun eval (* HOL Light: termval *)
  :: nterm  'm intrp  (nat  'm)  'm
  (_⟧⇗_,_ [50, 0, 0] 70) where
  Var v⟧⇗_,β= β v
| Fun f ts⟧⇗,β= intrp_fn  f [t⟧⇗,β. t  ts] 

definition list_all :: ('a  bool)  'a list  bool where
  [simp]: list_all P ls  (fold (λl b. b  P l) ls True)

lemma term_subst_eval: intrp_fn M = Fun  t  v = eval t M v
  by (induction t) auto

lemma term_eval_triv[simp]: intrp_fn M = Fun  eval t M Var = t
  by (metis subst_apply_term_empty term_subst_eval)

lemma fold_bool_prop: (fold (λl b. b  P l) ls b) = (b  (lset ls. P l))
  by (induction ls arbitrary: b) auto

lemma list_all_set: list_all P ls = (lset ls. P l)
  unfolding list_all_def using fold_bool_prop by auto

hide_const lang

definition is_interpretation where
  is_interpretation lang   
    ((f l. (f, length(l))  fst lang  set l  dom   intrp_fn  f l  dom ))

lemma interpretation_sublanguage: funs2  funs1  is_interpretation (funs1, pred1) 
   is_interpretation (funs2, preds2) 
  unfolding is_interpretation_def by auto

lemma interpretation_eval:
  assumes : is_interpretation (functions_term t,any)  and val: is_valuation  β
  shows t⟧⇗,β dom 
proof (induction t)
  case (Var x)
  with val show ?case
    by (simp add: is_valuation_def)
  case (Fun f ts)
  then have t⟧⇗,β dom  if t  set ts for t
    by (meson interpretation_sublanguage supt.arg supt_imp_funas_term_subset that)
  then show ?case
    using Fun by (simp add: is_interpretation_def image_subsetI)

(* Notation Warning: To prevent ambiguity with tuples, the comma is *bold* *)
fun holds
  :: 'm intrp  (nat  'm)  form  bool (‹_,_  _› [30, 30, 80] 80) where
  ,β    False
| ,β  Atom p ts  [t⟧⇗,β. t  ts]  intrp_rel  p
| ,β  φ  ψ  ((,β  φ)  (,β  ψ))
| ,β  (x. φ)  (a  dom . ,β(x := a)  φ)

lemma holds_exists: ,β  (x. φ)  (a  dom . ,β(x := a)  φ)
  by simp

lemma holds_indep_β_if:
   v  FV φ. β1 v = β2 v  ,β1  φ  ,β2  φ
proof (induction φ arbitrary: β1 β2)
  case Bot
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Atom p ts)
  then have  t  set ts.  v  FVT t. β1 v = β2 v
    by simp 
  then have [t⟧⇗,β1. t  ts] = [t⟧⇗,β2. t  ts]
  proof (induction ts) 
    case Nil
    then show ?case
      by simp
    case (Cons a ts)
    then show ?case
    proof (induction a)
      case (Var x)
      then show ?case
        by simp 
      case (Fun f ts')
      then have  t  set ts'.  v  FVT t. β1 v = β2 v
        by simp 
      then have [t⟧⇗,β1. t  ts'] = [t⟧⇗,β2. t  ts']
        using Cons.IH Fun.IH Fun.prems(2)
        by force
      then have intrp_fn  f [t⟧⇗,β1. t  ts'] = intrp_fn  f [t⟧⇗,β2. t  ts']
        by argo 
      then show ?case
        using Cons.IH Fun.prems(2)
        by force 
  then have [t⟧⇗,β1. t  ts]  intrp_rel  p  [t⟧⇗,β2. t  ts]  intrp_rel  p
    by argo
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Implies φ ψ)
  then have
    v  FV φ. β1 v = β2 v and
    v  FV ψ. β1 v = β2 v
    by auto
  then have
    ,β1  φ  ,β2  φ and
    ,β1  ψ  ,β2  ψ
    using Implies.IH by auto
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Forall x φ)
  then have a  dom . (,β1(x := a)  φ) = (,β2(x := a)  φ)
    by simp
  then show ?case 
    by simp

lemma holds_indep_intrp_if:
    φ :: form and
     ℳ' :: 'm intrp 
    dom_eq: dom  = dom ℳ' and
    rel_eq:  p. intrp_rel  p = intrp_rel ℳ' p and
    fn_eq:  f ts. (f, length ts)  functions_form φ  intrp_fn  f ts = intrp_fn ℳ' f ts
    β.  ,β  φ  ℳ',β  φ
  using fn_eq
proof (intro allI impI, induction φ)
  case (Atom p ts)

  have all_fn_sym_in: ( t  set ts. functions_term t)  functions_form (Atom p ts) (is ?A  _)
    by simp 

  have eval_tm_eq: t⟧⇗,β= t⟧⇗ℳ',β⇖›
    if functions_term t  functions_form (Atom p ts) 
    for t 
    using that
  proof (induction t) 
    case (Fun f ts') 

    have  t'  set ts'. functions_term t'  functions_form (Atom p ts)
      using Fun.prems
      by auto
    moreover have (f, length [t'⟧⇗,β. t'  ts'])  functions_form (Atom p ts)
      using Fun.prems
      by fastforce 
    ultimately show ?case
      using Fun.IH Atom.prems(1)[rule_format, of f [t'⟧⇗,β. t'  ts']] 
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) eval.simps(2) map_eq_conv)
  qed auto 

  have ,β  Atom p ts  [t⟧⇗,β. t  ts]  intrp_rel  p
    by simp
  also have ...  [t⟧⇗,β. t  ts]  intrp_rel ℳ' p
    by (simp add: rel_eq)
  also have ...  [t⟧⇗ℳ',β. t  ts]  intrp_rel ℳ' p
    using eval_tm_eq all_fn_sym_in
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) UN_subset_iff map_eq_conv)
  also have ...  ℳ',β  Atom p ts
    by auto 
  finally show ?case .
  case (Forall x φ)

  have ,β  ( x. φ)  ( a  dom . ,β(x := a)  φ)
    by simp 
  also have ... = ( a  dom . ℳ',β(x := a)  φ)
    using Forall.IH Forall.prems by simp
  also have ... = ( a  dom ℳ'. ℳ',β(x := a)  φ)
    by (simp add: dom_eq)
  also have ... = (ℳ',β  ( x. φ))
    by auto 
  finally show ?case . 
qed auto

text ‹the above in a more idiomatic form (it is a congruence rule)›
corollary holds_cong:
    dom  = dom ℳ'
    p. intrp_rel  p = intrp_rel ℳ' p
    f ts. (f, length ts)  functions_form φ  intrp_fn  f ts = intrp_fn ℳ' f ts
  shows ,β  φ  ℳ',β  φ
  using assms holds_indep_intrp_if by blast

abbreviation (input) termsubst  β σ v  σ v⟧⇗,β⇖›

(* HOL Light: termval_termsubst *)
lemma subst_lemma_terms: t  σ⟧⇗,β= t⟧⇗,termsubst  β σ⇖›
proof (induction t)
  case (Var v)
  then show ?case
    by auto 
  case (Fun f ts)

  have Fun f ts  σ⟧⇗,β= Fun f [t  σ. t  ts]⟧⇗,β⇖›
    by auto
  also have ... = intrp_fn  f [t⟧⇗,β. t  [t  σ. t  ts]]
    by auto 
  also have ... = intrp_fn  f [t  σ⟧⇗,β. t  ts]
    unfolding map_map
    by (meson comp_apply)
  also have ... = intrp_fn  f [t⟧⇗,termsubst  β σ. t  ts]
    using Fun.IH
    by (smt (verit, best) map_eq_conv) 
  also have ... = Fun f ts⟧⇗,termsubst  β σ⇖›
    by auto 
  finally show ?case .

lemma eval_indep_β_if:
  assumes  v  FVT t. β v = β' v
  shows t⟧⇗,β= t⟧⇗,β'⇖›
    using assms
proof (induction t)
  case (Var v)
  then show ?case
    by auto 
  case (Fun f ts)
  then show ?case
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) eval.simps(2) map_eq_conv term.set_intros(4)) 

lemma concat_map: [f t. t  [g t. t  ts]] = [f (g t). t  ts] by simp

(* more general than HOL Light: holds_formsubst1 holds_rename *)
lemma swap_subst_eval: ,β  (φ fm σ)  ,(λv. termsubst  β σ v)  φ
proof (induction φ arbitrary: σ β)
  case (Atom p ts)
  have ,β  (Atom p ts fm σ)  ,β  (Atom p [t  σ. t  ts])
    by auto
  also have ...  [t⟧⇗,β. t  [t  σ. t  ts]]  intrp_rel  p
    by auto
  also have ...  [t  σ⟧⇗,β. t  ts]  intrp_rel  p
    using concat_map[of "λt. t⟧⇗,β⇖" "λt. t  σ"] by presburger
  also have ...  [t⟧⇗,termsubst  β σ. t  ts]  intrp_rel  p
    using subst_lemma_terms[of _ σ  β] by auto
  finally show ?case
    by simp
  case (Forall x φ)
  define σ' where "σ' = σ(x := Var x)"
  show ?case
  proof (cases  y. y  FV ( x. φ)  x  FVT (σ' y))
    case False
    then have (x. φ) fm σ = x. (φ fm σ')
      using formsubst_def_switch σ'_def by fastforce
    then have ,β  ((x. φ) fm σ) = (a  dom . ,β(x := a)  (φ fm σ'))
      by auto
    also have ... = (a  dom . ,(λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β(x := a))  φ)
      using Forall by blast
    also have ... = (a  dom . ,(λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)  φ)
      assume forward: a  dom . ,(λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β(x := a))  φ
      show a  dom . ,(λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)  φ
        fix a
        assume a  dom 
        then have ,(λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β(x := a))  φ
          using forward by blast
        moreover have vFV φ. (λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β(x := a)) v = ((λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
          fix v
          assume v  FV φ
          then have v  x  σ' v⟧⇗,β(x := a)= ((λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) DiffI FV.simps(4) False eval_indep_β_if fun_upd_other singletonD)
          moreover have v = x  σ' v⟧⇗,β(x := a)= ((λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
            using σ'_def by auto
          ultimately show σ' v⟧⇗,β(x := a)= ((λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
            by simp
        ultimately show ,(λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)  φ
          using holds_indep_β_if by fast
      assume backward: a  dom . ,(λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)  φ
      show a  dom . ,(λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β(x := a))  φ
        fix a
        assume a  dom 
        then have ,(λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)  φ
          using backward by blast
        moreover have vFV φ. (λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β(x := a)) v = ((λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
          fix v
          assume v  FV φ
          then have v  x  σ' v⟧⇗,β(x := a)= ((λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) DiffI FV.simps(4) False eval_indep_β_if fun_upd_other singletonD)
          moreover have v = x  σ' v⟧⇗,β(x := a)= ((λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
            using σ'_def by auto
          ultimately show σ' v⟧⇗,β(x := a)= ((λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
            by simp
        ultimately show ,(λv. σ' v⟧⇗,β(x := a))  φ
          using holds_indep_β_if by fast
    also have ... = (,(λv. σ v⟧⇗,β)  ( x. φ))
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) σ'_def fun_upd_apply holds.simps(4) holds_indep_β_if)
    finally show ?thesis .
    case True
    then have x_ex: y. y  FV φ - {x}  x  FVT (σ' y)
      by simp
    then have x_in: x  FV (φ fm σ')
      using formsubst_fv
      by auto
    define z where z = variant (FV (φ fm σ'))
    then have z  x
      using x_in variant_form by auto
    have ( x. φ) fm σ =   z. (φ fm σ(x := Var z))
      using z_def True formsubst_def_switch σ'_def by (smt (verit, best) formsubst.simps(4))
    then have ,β  ((x. φ) fm σ) = (a  dom . ,β(z := a)  (φ fm σ(x := Var z)))
      by auto
    also have ... = (a  dom . ,(λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β(z := a))  φ)
      using Forall by blast
    also have ... = (a  dom . ,(λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)  φ)
      assume forward: adom . ,(λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β(z := a))  φ
      show adom . ,(λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)  φ
        fix a
        assume a  dom 
        then have ,(λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β(z := a))  φ
          using forward by blast
        moreover have vFV φ. (λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β(z := a)) v = 
          ((λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
          fix v
          assume v_in: v  FV φ
          then have v  x  z  FVT (σ v)
            using z_def variant_form by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) σ'_def eval_term.simps(1) 
              formsubst_fv fun_upd_other mem_Collect_eq)
          then have v  x  σ v⟧⇗,β(z := a)= σ v⟧⇗,β⇖›
            by (simp add: eval_indep_β_if)
          then have v  x 
            (λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β(z := a)) v = ((λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
            by auto
          moreover have v = x 
            (λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β(z := a)) v = ((λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
            by auto
          ultimately show 
            (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β(z := a)= ((λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
            by auto
        ultimately show ,(λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)  φ
          using holds_indep_β_if by fast
      assume backward: adom . ,(λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)  φ
      show adom . ,(λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β(z := a))  φ
        fix a
        assume a  dom 
        then have ,(λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)  φ
          using backward by auto
        moreover have vFV φ. (λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β(z := a)) v = 
          ((λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
          fix v
          assume v_in: v  FV φ
          then have v  x  z  FVT (σ v)
            using z_def variant_form by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) σ'_def eval_term.simps(1) 
              formsubst_fv fun_upd_other mem_Collect_eq)
          then have v  x  σ v⟧⇗,β(z := a)= σ v⟧⇗,β⇖›
            by (simp add: eval_indep_β_if)
          then have v  x 
            (λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β(z := a)) v = ((λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
            by auto
          moreover have v = x 
            (λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β(z := a)) v = ((λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
            by auto
          ultimately show 
            (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β(z := a)= ((λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)) v
            by auto
        ultimately show ,(λv. (σ(x := Var z)) v⟧⇗,β(z := a))  φ
          using holds_indep_β_if by fast
    also have ... = (a  dom . ,(λv. σ v⟧⇗,β)(x := a)  φ)
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) fun_upd_apply holds_indep_β_if)
    also have ... = (,(λv. σ v⟧⇗,β)  ( x. φ))
      by auto
    finally show ?thesis .
qed auto

definition satisfies :: 'm intrp  form set  bool where
  satisfies  S  (β φ. is_valuation  β  φ  S  ,β  φ)

lemma satisfies_iff_satisfies_sing: satisfies M S  (φS. satisfies M {φ})
  by (auto simp: satisfies_def)
