Theory TLS

theory TLS

section‹ A Temporal Logic of Safety (TLS) \label{sec:tls} ›


We model systems with finite and infinite sequences of states, closed
under stuttering following citet"Lamport:1994". This theory relates
the safety logic of \S\ref{sec:safety_logic} to the powerset
(quotiented by stuttering) representing properties of these sequences
(see \S\ref{sec:tls-safety}). Most of this story is standard but the
addition of finite sequences does have some impact.

  historical motivations for future-time linear temporal logic (LTL): citet"MannaPnueli:1991" and "OwickiLamport:1982".
  a discussion on the merits of proving liveness: 🌐‹›

  Lamport (and Abadi et al) treat infinite stuttering as termination
   citet‹p189› in "Lamport:1999": ``we can represent a terminating execution of any system by an
   infinite behavior that ends with a sequence of nothing but stuttering steps. We have no need of
   finite behaviors (finite sequences of states), so we consider only infinite ones.''
   this conflates divergence with termination
   we separate those concepts here so we can support sequential composition
  the traditional account of liveness properties breaks down (see \S\ref{sec:safety_closure})


subsection‹ Stuttering\label{sec:tls-stuttering} ›


An infinitary version of consttrace.natural'.

  we need to normalize the agent labels for sequences that infinitely stutter

Source materials:


definition trailing :: "'c  ('a, 'b) tllist  ('c, 'b) tllist" where
  "trailing s xs = (if tfinite xs then TNil (terminal xs) else trepeat s)"

corecursive collapse :: "'s  ('a × 's, 'v) tllist  ('a × 's, 'v) tllist" where
  "collapse s xs = (if snd ` tset xs  {s} then trailing (undefined, s) xs
               else if snd (thd xs) = s then collapse s (ttl xs)
               else TCons (thd xs) (collapse (snd (thd xs)) (ttl xs)))"
proof -
  have "(LEAST i. s  snd (tnth (ttl xs) i)) < (LEAST i. s  snd (tnth xs i))"
    if *: "¬ snd ` tset xs  {s}"
   and **: "snd (thd xs) = s"
   for s and xs :: "('a × 's, 'v) tllist"
  proof -
    from * obtain a s' where "(a, s')  tset xs" and "s  s'" by fastforce
    then obtain i where "snd (tnth xs i)  s"
      by (atomize_elim, induct rule: tset_induct) (auto intro: exI[of _ 0] exI[of _ "Suc i" for i])
    with * ** have "(LEAST i. s  snd (tnth xs i)) = Suc (LEAST i. s  snd (tnth xs (Suc i)))"
      by (cases xs) (simp_all add: Least_Suc[where n=i])
    with * show "(LEAST i. s  snd (tnth (ttl xs) i)) < (LEAST i. s  snd (tnth xs i))"
      by (cases xs) simp_all
  then show ?thesis
    by (relation "measure (λ(s, xs). LEAST i. s  snd (tnth xs i))"; simp)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tmap"

lemma trailing:
  shows "tmap sf vf (trailing s xs) = trailing (sf s) (tmap sf vf xs)"
by (simp add: trailing_def tmap_trepeat)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tlength"

lemma trailing:
  shows "tlength (trailing s xs)  tlength xs"
by (fastforce simp: trailing_def dest: not_lfinite_llength)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "trailing"

lemma simps[simp]:
  shows TNil: "trailing s (TNil b) = TNil b"
    and TCons: "trailing s (TCons x xs) = trailing s xs"
    and ttl: "ttl (trailing s xs) = trailing s xs"
    and idempotent: "trailing s (trailing s xs) = trailing s xs"
    and tset_finite: "tset (trailing s xs) = (if tfinite xs then {} else {s})"
    and trepeat: "trailing s (trepeat s) = trepeat s"
by (simp_all add: trailing_def)

lemma eq_TNil_conv:
  shows "trailing s xs = TNil b  tfinite xs  terminal xs = b"
    and "TNil b = trailing s xs  tfinite xs  terminal xs = b"
    and "is_TNil (trailing s xs)  tfinite xs"
by (auto simp: trailing_def dest: is_TNil_tfinite)

lemma eq_TCons_conv:
  shows "trailing s xs = TCons y ys  ¬tfinite xs  TCons y ys = trepeat s"
    and "TCons y ys = trailing s xs  ¬tfinite xs  TCons y ys = trepeat s"
by (auto simp: trailing_def)

lemma tmap:
  shows "trailing s (tmap sf vf xs) = tmap id vf (trailing s xs)"
by (simp add: trailing_def tmap_trepeat)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "collapse"

lemma unique:
  assumes "s xs. f s xs = (if snd ` tset xs  {s} then trailing (undefined, s) xs
                      else if snd (thd xs) = s then f s (ttl xs)
                      else TCons (thd xs) (f (snd (thd xs)) (ttl xs)))"
  shows "f = collapse"
proof(intro ext)
  show "f s xs = collapse s xs" for s xs
  proof(coinduction arbitrary: s xs)
    case (Eq_tllist s xs) show ?case
      apply (induct arg"(s, xs)" arbitrary: s xs rule: collapse.inner_induct)
      apply (subst (1 2 3) assms)
      apply (subst (1 2 3) collapse.code)
      apply simp
      apply (subst (1 2 3) assms)
      apply (subst (1 2 3) collapse.code)
      apply simp
      apply (metis assms collapse.code)

lemma collapse:
  shows "collapse s (collapse s xs) = collapse s xs"
proof -
  have "(λs xs. collapse s (collapse s xs)) = collapse"
    apply (rule collapse.unique)
    apply (subst (1 2 3) collapse.code)
    apply auto
  then show ?thesis
    by (fastforce simp: fun_eq_iff)

lemma simps[simp]:
  shows TNil: "collapse s (TNil b) = TNil b"
    and TCons: "collapse s (TCons x xs) = (if snd x = s then collapse s xs else TCons x (collapse (snd x) xs))"
    and trailing: "collapse s (trailing (undefined, s) xs) = trailing (undefined, s) xs"
by (simp_all add: collapse.code trailing_def)

lemma tshift_stuttering:
  assumes "snd ` set xs  {s}"
  shows "collapse s (tshift xs ys) = collapse s ys"
using assms by (induct xs) simp_all

lemma infinite_trailing:
  assumes "¬tfinite xs"
  assumes "snd ` tset xs  {s'}"
  shows "collapse s xs = (if s = s' then trepeat (undefined, s') else TCons (thd xs) (trepeat (undefined, s')))"
using assms by (cases xs) (simp_all add: assms collapse.code trailing_def)

lemma eq_TNil_conv:
  shows "collapse s xs = TNil b  tfinite xs  snd ` tset xs  {s}  terminal xs = b" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
    and "TNil b = collapse s xs  tfinite xs  snd ` tset xs  {s}  terminal xs = b" (is "?thesis1")
proof -
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
  proof(rule iffI)
    show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    proof(induct arg"(s, xs)" arbitrary: s xs rule: collapse.inner_induct[case_names step])
      case (step s xs) then show ?case
        by (cases xs; clarsimp split: if_splits)
           (subst (asm) collapse.code; clarsimp simp: trailing.eq_TNil_conv split: if_splits)
    show "?rhs  ?lhs"
      by (simp add: conj_explode) (induct arbitrary: s rule: tfinite_induct; simp)
  then show ?thesis1
    by (rule eq_commute_conv)

lemma is_TNil_conv:
  shows "is_TNil (collapse s xs)  tfinite xs  snd ` tset xs  {s}" (is "?thesis2")
by (simp add: is_TNil_def collapse.eq_TNil_conv)

lemma eq_TConsE:
  assumes "collapse s xs = TCons y ys"
    (trailing_stuttering) "¬ tfinite xs"
                      and "snd ` tset xs = {s}"
                      and "TCons y ys = trepeat (undefined, s)"
  | (step) us ys' where "xs = tshift us (TCons y ys')"
                    and "snd ` set us  {s}"
                    and "snd y  s"
                    and "collapse (snd y) ys' = ys"
apply atomize_elim
using assms
proof(induct arg"(s, xs)" arbitrary: s xs rule: collapse.inner_induct[case_names step])
  case (step s xs) show ?case
  proof(cases xs)
    case (TNil v) with step.prems show ?thesis by simp
    case (TCons x xs') show ?thesis
    proof(cases "snd ` tset xs'  {snd x}")
      case True with TCons trans[OF collapse.code[symmetric] step.prems] show ?thesis
        by (force simp: trailing.eq_TCons_conv tshift_eq_TCons_conv split: if_split_asm)
      case False with TCons trans[OF collapse.code[symmetric] step.prems] step.hyps[OF refl]
      show ?thesis
        by (cases x, cases y)
           (simp add: trailing.eq_TCons_conv tshift_eq_TCons_conv trepeat_eq_TCons_conv
                      eq_snd_iff exI[where x="[]"]
               split: if_split_asm; safe; force dest!: spec[where x="(fst x, s) # us" for us])

lemma eq_TCons_conv:
  shows "collapse s xs = TCons y ys
      (¬tfinite xs  snd ` tset xs = {s}  TCons y ys = trepeat (undefined, s))
        (xs' ys'. xs = tshift xs' (TCons y ys')  snd ` set xs'  {s}  snd y  s  collapse (snd y) ys' = ys)" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
    and "TCons y ys = collapse s xs
      (¬tfinite xs  snd ` tset xs = {s}  TCons y ys = trepeat (undefined, s))
        (xs' ys'. xs = tshift xs' (TCons y ys')  snd ` set xs'  {s}  snd y  s  collapse (snd y) ys' = ys)" (is ?thesis1)
proof -
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (auto elim: collapse.eq_TConsE simp: collapse.tshift_stuttering collapse.infinite_trailing)
  then show ?thesis1
    by (rule eq_commute_conv)

lemma tfinite:
  shows "tfinite (collapse s xs)  tfinite xs" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  show ?lhs if ?rhs
    using that by (induct arbitrary: s rule: tfinite_induct) simp_all
  show ?rhs if ?lhs
    using that by (induct "collapse s xs" arbitrary: s xs rule: tfinite_induct)
                  (auto simp: collapse.eq_TNil_conv collapse.eq_TCons_conv trepeat_eq_TCons_conv)

lemma tfinite_conv:
  assumes "collapse s xs = collapse s' xs'"
  shows "tfinite xs  tfinite xs'"
by (metis assms collapse.tfinite)

lemma terminal:
  shows "terminal (collapse s xs) = terminal xs"
proof(cases "tfinite xs")
  case True
  then obtain i where "tlength xs  enat i"
    using llength_eq_infty_conv_lfinite by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
  proof(induct i arbitrary: s xs)
    case (Suc i s xs) then show ?case
      by (cases xs) (simp_all flip: eSuc_enat)
  qed (clarsimp simp: enat_0 tlength_0_conv)
qed (simp add: collapse.tfinite terminal_tinfinite)

lemma tlength:
  shows "tlength (collapse s xs)  tlength xs"
proof(cases "tfinite xs")
  case True then show ?thesis
    by (induct arbitrary: s rule: tfinite_induct) (auto intro: order.trans[OF _ ile_eSuc])
  case False then show ?thesis
    by (fastforce dest: not_lfinite_llength)

lemma tset_memberD:
  assumes "(a, s')  tset (collapse s xs)"
  shows "s'  snd ` tset xs"
using assms
by (induct "collapse s xs" arbitrary: s xs rule: tset_induct)
   (auto simp: collapse.eq_TCons_conv trepeat_eq_TCons_conv tset_tshift image_Un)

lemma tset_memberD2:
  assumes "(a, s')  tset xs"
  shows "s = s'  s'  snd ` tset (collapse s xs)"
using assms by (induct xs arbitrary: a s rule: tset_induct; simp; fast)

lemma tshift:
  shows "collapse s (tshift xs ys) = tshift (trace.natural' s xs) (collapse (' s xs) ys)"
by (induct xs arbitrary: s) simp_all

lemma trepeat:
  shows "collapse s (trepeat (a, s)) = trepeat (undefined, s)"
by (subst collapse.code) (simp add: trailing_def)

lemma eq_trepeat_conv:
  shows "trepeat (undefined, s) = collapse s xs  ¬tfinite xs  snd ` tset xs = {s}" (is "?thesis1")
    and "collapse s xs = trepeat (undefined, s)  ¬tfinite xs  snd ` tset xs = {s}" (is "?thesis2")
proof -
  show ?thesis1
    by (rule iffI,
        (subst (asm) trepeat_unfold, simp add: collapse.eq_TCons_conv),
        simp add: collapse.infinite_trailing)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (rule eq_commute_conv)

lemma treplicate:
  shows "collapse s (treplicate i (a, s) v) = TNil v"
by (subst collapse.code) (simp add: trailing.eq_TNil_conv split: nat.split)

lemma eq_tshift_conv:
  shows "collapse s xs = tshift ys zs
      (xs' xs'' ys'. tshift xs' xs'' = xs  trace.natural' s xs' @ ys' = ys
           ((¬tfinite xs''  snd ` tset xs'' = {' s xs'}  tshift ys' zs = trepeat (undefined,' s xs'))
             (ys' = []  collapse (' s xs') xs'' = zs)))" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
    and "tshift ys zs = collapse s xs
      (xs' xs'' ys'. tshift xs' xs'' = xs  trace.natural' s xs' @ ys' = ys
           ((¬tfinite xs''  snd ` tset xs'' = {' s xs'}  tshift ys' zs = trepeat (undefined,' s xs'))
             (ys' = []  collapse (' s xs') xs'' = zs)))" (is ?thesis1)
proof -
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
  proof(rule iffI)
    show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    proof(induct ys arbitrary: s xs)
      case Nil then show ?case
        by (simp add: exI[where x="[]"])
      case (Cons y ys s xs)
      from Cons.prems[simplified] show ?case
      proof(cases rule: collapse.eq_TConsE)
        case trailing_stuttering then show ?thesis
          by (simp add: exI[where x="[]"])
        case (step xs' ys')
        from step(1-3) Cons.hyps[OF step(4)] show ?thesis
          by (fastforce simp: trace.natural'.append tshift_append
                   simp flip: trace.natural'.eq_Nil_conv
                       intro: exI[where x="xs' @ y # ys''" for ys''])
    show "?rhs  ?lhs"
      by (auto simp: collapse.tshift tshift_append collapse.infinite_trailing)
  then show ?thesis1
    by (rule eq_commute_conv)

lemma eq_collapse_ttake_dropn_conv:
  shows "collapse s xs = collapse s ys
      (j. trace.natural' s (fst (ttake i xs)) = trace.natural' s (fst (ttake j ys))
             snd (ttake i xs) = snd (ttake j ys)
             collapse (' s (fst (ttake i xs))) (tdropn i xs)
            = collapse (' s (fst (ttake i xs))) (tdropn j ys))" (is "?lhs  (j. ?rhs i j s xs ys)")
proof(rule iffI)
  show "?lhs  (j. ?rhs i j s xs ys)"
  proof(induct i arbitrary: s xs ys)
    case (Suc i s xs ys) show ?case
    proof(cases xs)
      case (TNil b) with Suc.prems show ?thesis
        by (fastforce intro: exI[where x="case tlength ys of   undefined | enat j  Suc j"]
                       simp: collapse.eq_TNil_conv trace.natural'.eq_Nil_conv
                             ttake_eq_Some_conv tfinite_tlength_conv tdropn_tlength
                       dest: in_set_ttakeD)
      case (TCons x xs') show ?thesis
      proof(cases "snd x = s")
        case True with Suc TCons show ?thesis by simp
        case False
        note Suc.prems TCons False
        moreover from calculation
        obtain us ys'
          where "ys = tshift us (TCons x ys')"
            and "snd ` set us  {s}"
            and "collapse (snd x) ys' = collapse (snd x) xs'"
          by (auto simp: collapse.eq_TCons_conv trepeat_eq_TCons_conv)
        moreover from calculation Suc.hyps[of "snd x" "xs'" "ys'"]
        obtain j where "?rhs i j (snd x) xs' ys'"
          by presburger
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (auto simp: ttake_tshift trace.natural'.append tdropn_tshift
              simp flip: trace.natural'.eq_Nil_conv
                  intro: exI[where x="Suc (length us) + j"])
  qed (simp add: exI[where x=0])
  show "j. ?rhs i j s xs ys  ?lhs"
    by (metis collapse.tshift'.natural' tshift_fst_ttake_tdropn_id)

lemmas eq_collapse_ttake_dropnE = exE[OF iffD1[OF collapse.eq_collapse_ttake_dropn_conv]]

lemma tshift_tdropn:
  assumes "trace.natural' s (fst (ttake i xs)) = trace.natural' s ys"
  shows "collapse s (tshift ys (tdropn i xs)) = collapse s xs"
by (metis assms collapse.tshift'.natural' tshift_fst_ttake_tdropn_id)

lemma map_collapse:
  shows "collapse (sf s) (tmap (map_prod af sf) vf (collapse s xs))
       = collapse (sf s) (tmap (map_prod af sf) vf xs)" (is "?lhs s xs = ?rhs s xs")
proof(coinduction arbitrary: s xs)
  case (Eq_tllist s xs) show ?case
  proof(intro conjI; (intro impI)?)
    have *: "sf s' = sf s"
      if "tfinite xs" and "sf ` snd ` tset (collapse s xs)  {sf s}" and "(a, s')  tset xs"
    for a s s'
      using that by (induct arbitrary: s rule: tfinite_induct; clarsimp split: if_split_asm; metis)
    show "is_TNil (?lhs s xs)  is_TNil (?rhs s xs)"
      by (rule iffI,
          fastforce dest!: * simp: collapse.is_TNil_conv collapse.tfinite tllist.set_map snd_image_map_prod,
          fastforce dest!: collapse.tset_memberD simp: collapse.is_TNil_conv collapse.tfinite tllist.set_map)
    show "terminal (?lhs s xs) = terminal (?rhs s xs)"
      if "is_TNil (?lhs s xs)" and "is_TNil (?rhs s xs)"
      using that by (simp add: collapse.is_TNil_conv collapse.terminal)
    assume "¬is_TNil (?lhs s xs)" and "¬is_TNil (?rhs s xs)"
    then obtain y ys z zs where l: "?lhs s xs = TCons y ys" and r: "?rhs s xs = TCons z zs"
      by (simp add: tllist.disc_eq_case(2) split: tllist.split_asm)
    from l show "thd (?lhs s xs) = thd (?rhs s xs)
               (s' xs'. ttl (?lhs s xs) = ?lhs s' xs'  ttl (?rhs s xs) = ?rhs s' xs')"
    proof(cases rule: collapse.eq_TConsE)
      case trailing_stuttering
      note left = this
      from r show ?thesis
      proof(cases rule: collapse.eq_TConsE)
        case trailing_stuttering
        from left(3) trailing_stuttering(3) show ?thesis
          by (fold l r) (simp; metis)
        case (step us zs')
        from left(2) step(1,3) have False
          by (clarsimp simp: tset_tshift tset_tmap tmap_eq_tshift_conv TCons_eq_tmap_conv collapse.tshift
                      split: if_split_asm)
             (use step(2) in fastforce simp flip:'.map[where af=af])
        then show ?thesis ..
      case (step us ys')
      note left = this
      from r show ?thesis
      proof(cases rule: collapse.eq_TConsE)
        case trailing_stuttering
        have False
          if "sf s'  sf s"
         and "(λx. sf (snd x)) ` tset xs = {sf s}"
         and "(λx. sf (snd x)) ` set us  {sf s}"
         and "collapse s xs = tshift us (TCons (a, s') vs)"
         for a s' us vs
          using that
          by (force simp: tset_tshift
                   dest!: arg_cong[where f="λxs. s'  snd ` tset xs"] collapse.tset_memberD
                   intro: imageI[where f="λx. sf (snd x)"])
        with l left(3) trailing_stuttering(2) have False
          by (fastforce simp: tset_tmap tmap_eq_tshift_conv TCons_eq_tmap_conv collapse.eq_TCons_conv
                              trepeat_eq_TCons_conv snd_image_map_prod image_image)
        then show ?thesis ..
        case (step vs zs')
        from left step show ?thesis
          unfolding l r
          apply (clarsimp simp: tmap_eq_tshift_conv collapse.tshift TCons_eq_tmap_conv
                                tmap_tshift trace.natural'.map_natural'[where af=af and sf=sf and s=s]
                                iffD2[OF trace.natural'.eq_Nil_conv(1)]
                         dest!: arg_cong[where f="λxs. collapse (sf s) (tmap (map_prod af sf) vf xs)"]
                         split: if_split_asm)
            apply (use step(2) in fastforce simp flip:'.map[where af=af])
           apply (metis list.set_map'.idle'.map'.natural')
          apply metis

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "behavior"

definition natural :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t" ("T") where
  "Tω = behavior.B (behavior.init ω) (collapse (behavior.init ω) ( ω))"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "sset"

lemma collapse[simp]:
  shows "behavior.sset (behavior.B s (collapse s xs)) = behavior.sset (behavior.B s xs)"
by (auto simp: behavior.sset.simps collapse.tset_memberD dest: collapse.tset_memberD2[where s=s])

lemma natural[simp]:
  shows "behavior.sset (Tω) = behavior.sset ω"
by (simp add: behavior.natural_def)

lemma continue:
  shows "behavior.sset (σ @-B xs) = trace.sset σ  (case trace.term σ of None  snd ` tset xs | Some _  {})"
by (cases σ)
   (simp add: behavior.sset.simps behavior.continue_def tshift2_def tset_tshift image_Un trace.sset.simps
       split: option.split)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "natural"

lemma sel[simp]:
  shows "behavior.init (Tω) = behavior.init ω"
    and " (Tω) = collapse (behavior.init ω) ( ω)"
by (simp_all add: behavior.natural_def)

lemma TNil:
  shows "T(behavior.B s (TNil v)) = behavior.B s (TNil v)"
by (simp add: behavior.natural_def)

lemma tfinite:
  shows "tfinite ( (T ω))  tfinite ( ω)"
by (simp add: behavior.natural_def collapse.tfinite)

lemma continue:
  shows "T(σ @-B xs) = σ @-B (collapse ( σ) xs)"
by (simp add: behavior.t.expand tshift2_def collapse.tshift split: option.split)

lemma tshift:
  shows "T(behavior.B s (tshift as xs)) = behavior.B s (collapse s (tshift as xs))"
by (simp add: behavior.natural_def)

lemma trepeat:
  shows "T(behavior.B s (trepeat (a, s))) = behavior.B s (trepeat (undefined, s))"
by (simp add: behavior.natural_def collapse.trepeat)

lemma treplicate:
  shows "T(behavior.B s (treplicate i (a, s) v)) = behavior.B s (TNil v)"
by (simp add: behavior.natural_def collapse.treplicate)

lemma map_natural:
  shows "T( af sf vf (Tω)) = T( af sf vf ω)"
by (simp add: behavior.natural_def collapse.map_collapse)

lemma idle:
  assumes "behavior.sset ω  {behavior.init ω}"
  shows "Tω = behavior.B (behavior.init ω) (trailing (undefined, behavior.init ω) ( ω))"
using assms by (cases ω) (simp add: behavior.natural_def behavior.sset.simps collapse.code)

setup Sign.parent_path

interpretation stuttering: galois.image_vimage_idempotent "T"
by standard (simp add: behavior.natural_def collapse.collapse)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "stuttering"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "equiv"

abbreviation syn :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t  bool" (infix "T" 50) where
  "ω1 T ω2  behavior.stuttering.equivalent ω1 ω2"

lemma map:
  assumes "ω1 T ω2"
  shows " af sf vf ω1 T af sf vf ω2"
by (metis assms behavior.natural.map_natural)

lemma takeE:
  assumes "ω1 T ω2"
  obtains j where "behavior.take i ω1 S behavior.take j ω2"
using assms
by (fastforce simp: behavior.natural_def trace.natural_def
              elim: collapse.eq_collapse_ttake_dropnE[where s="behavior.init ω2" and i=i and xs=" ω1" and ys=" ω2"])

lemma idle_dropn:
  assumes "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'"
  assumes "behavior.sset ω  {behavior.init ω}"
  shows "ω T ω'"
proof -
  from behavior.sset.dropn_le[OF assms(1)] assms(2)
  have "behavior.sset ω'  {behavior.init ω'}" and "behavior.init ω' = behavior.init ω"
    using behavior.t.set_sel(2) subset_singletonD by fastforce+
  from assms(1) behavior.natural.idle[OF assms(2)] behavior.natural.idle[OF this(1)] this(2)
  show ?thesis
    by (simp add: trailing_def)
       (metis  behavior.dropn.tfiniteD behavior.dropn.eq_Some_tdropnD terminal_tdropn)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "trace.stuttering.equiv.behavior"

lemma takeE:
  fixes σ :: "('a, 's, 'v) trace.t"
  assumes "behavior.take i ω S σ"
  obtains ω' j where "ω T ω'" and "σ = behavior.take j ω'"
proof atomize_elim
  have "ys j. collapse s xs = collapse s ys  trace.T s xs' (snd (ttake i xs)) = behavior.take j (behavior.B s ys)"
    if "trace.natural' s (fst (ttake i xs)) = trace.natural' s xs'"
   for s xs' and xs :: "('a × 's, 'v) tllist"
    using that
    by (cases "snd (ttake i xs)")
       (fastforce simp: behavior.take.tshift ttake_eq_Some_conv tdropn_tlength
                        trace.take.all trace.take.all_iff
                 intro: exI[where x="tshift xs' (tdropn i xs)"]
                        exI[where x="length xs'"] exI[where x="Suc (length xs')"]
                  dest: collapse.tshift_tdropn)+
  with assms show "ω' j. ω T ω'  σ = behavior.take j ω'"
    by (cases σ)
       (clarsimp simp: behavior.natural_def trace.natural_def behavior.split_Ex)

lemmas rev_takeE = trace.stuttering.equiv.behavior.takeE[OF sym]

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "trace.natural.behavior"

lemma takeE:
  fixes ω :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t"
  obtains j where "(behavior.take i ω) = behavior.take j (Tω)"
proof atomize_elim
  have "j. trace.natural' s (fst (ttake i xs)) = fst (ttake j (collapse s xs))
           snd (ttake i xs) = snd (ttake j (collapse s xs))"
   for s and xs :: "('a × 's, 'v) tllist"
  proof(induct i arbitrary: s xs)
    case 0 show ?case by (fastforce simp: ttake_eq_Nil_conv)
    case (Suc i s xs) show ?case
    proof(cases xs)
      case (TCons x' xs') with Suc[where s="snd x'" and xs=xs'] show ?thesis
        by (fastforce intro: exI[where x="Suc j" for j])
    qed (simp add: exI[where x=1])
  then show "j.  (behavior.take i ω) = behavior.take j (T ω)"
    by (simp add: behavior.take_def trace.natural_def split_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ The ‹('a, 's, 'v) tls› lattice \label{sec:tls-tls} ›


This is our version of Lamport's TLA lattice which we treat in a ``semantic'' way similarly to

  there is a somewhat natural partial ordering on the tls› lattice induced by the connection with
   the spec› lattice (see \S\ref{sec:tls-safety} and \S\ref{sec:safety_closure}) which we do not use


typedef ('a, 's, 'v) tls = "behavior.stuttering.closed :: ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set set"
morphisms unTLS TLS
by blast

setup_lifting type_definition_tls

instantiation tls :: (type, type, type) complete_boolean_algebra

lift_definition bot_tls :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls" is empty ..
lift_definition top_tls :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls" is UNIV ..
lift_definition sup_tls :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" is sup ..
lift_definition inf_tls :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" is inf ..
lift_definition less_eq_tls :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  bool" is less_eq .
lift_definition less_tls :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  bool" is less .
lift_definition Inf_tls :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls set  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" is Inf ..
lift_definition Sup_tls :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls set  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" is "λX. Sup X {}" ..
lift_definition minus_tls :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" is minus ..
lift_definition uminus_tls :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" is uminus ..

by (standard; transfer;
    auto simp: behavior.stuttering.cl_bot
               behavior.stuttering.closed_strict_complete_distrib_lattice_axiomI[OF behavior.stuttering.cl_bot])


  SUPE[where 'a="('a, 's, 'v) tls", intro!]
  SupE[where 'a="('a, 's, 'v) tls", intro!]
  Sup_le_iff[where 'a="('a, 's, 'v) tls", simp]
  SupI[where 'a="('a, 's, 'v) tls", intro]
  SUPI[where 'a="('a, 's, 'v) tls", intro]
  rev_SUPI[where 'a="('a, 's, 'v) tls", intro?]
  INFE[where 'a="('a, 's, 'v) tls", intro]

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tls"

lemma boolean_implication_transfer[transfer_rule]:
  shows "rel_fun (pcr_tls (=) (=) (=)) (rel_fun (pcr_tls (=) (=) (=)) (pcr_tls (=) (=) (=))) (B) (B)"
unfolding boolean_implication_def by transfer_prover

lemma bot_not_top:
  shows "  ( :: ('a, 's, 'v) tls)"
by transfer simp

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Irreducible elements\label{sec:tls-singleton} ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "raw"

definition singleton :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set" where
  "singleton ω = {ω}"

lemma singleton_le_conv:
  shows "raw.singleton σ1  raw.singleton σ2  Tσ1 = Tσ2"
by (rule iffI; fastforce simp: raw.singleton_def simp flip: behavior.stuttering.cl_axiom
                         dest: behavior.stuttering.clE behavior.stuttering.equiv_cl_singleton)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tls"

lift_definition singleton :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" ("_T" [0]) is raw.singleton
by (simp add: raw.singleton_def)

abbreviation singleton_behavior_syn :: "'s  ('a × 's, 'v) tllist  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" ("_, _T" [0, 0]) where
  "s, xsT  behavior.B s xsT"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "singleton"

lemma Sup_prime:
  shows "Sup_prime ωT"
by (clarsimp simp: Sup_prime_on_def)
   (transfer; auto simp: raw.singleton_def behavior.stuttering.cl_bot
                  elim!: Sup_prime_onE[OF behavior.stuttering.Sup_prime_on_singleton])

lemma nchotomy:
  shows "Xbehavior.stuttering.closed. x = (tls.singleton ` X)"
by transfer
   (use behavior.stuttering.closed_conv in auto simp add: raw.singleton_def
                                                simp flip: behavior.stuttering.distributive)

lemmas exhaust = bexE[OF tls.singleton.nchotomy]

lemma collapse[simp]:
  shows "(tls.singleton ` {ω. ωT  P}) = P"
by (rule tls.singleton.exhaust[of P]) (simp add: antisym SUP_le_iff SUP_upper)

lemmas not_bot = Sup_prime_not_bot[OF tls.singleton.Sup_prime] ―‹ Non-triviality ›

setup Sign.parent_path

lemma singleton_le_ext_conv:
  shows "P  Q  (ω. ωT  P  ωT  Q)" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (rule tls.singleton.exhaust[where x=P]; rule tls.singleton.exhaust[where x=Q]; blast)
qed fastforce

lemmas singleton_le_conv = raw.singleton_le_conv[transferred]
lemmas singleton_le_extI = iffD2[OF tls.singleton_le_ext_conv, rule_format]

lemma singleton_eq_conv[simp]:
  shows "ωT = ω'T  ω T ω'"
using tls.singleton_le_conv by (force intro: antisym)

lemma singleton_cong:
  assumes "ω T ω'"
  shows "ωT = ω'T"
using assms by simp

setup Sign.mandatory_path "singleton"

named_theorems le_conv ‹ simplification rules for ‹⦉σ⦊T ≤ const …› ›

lemma boolean_implication_le_conv[tls.singleton.le_conv]:
  shows "σT  P B Q  (σT  P  σT  Q)"
by transfer
   (auto simp: raw.singleton_def boolean_implication.set_alt_def
        elim!: behavior.stuttering.clE behavior.stuttering.closed_in[OF _ sym])

lemmas antisym = antisym[OF tls.singleton_le_extI tls.singleton_le_extI]

lemmas top = tls.singleton.collapse[of , simplified, symmetric]

lemma simps[simp]:
  shows "TωT = ωT"
    and "s, xsT  s, collapse s xsT"
    and "snd ` set ys  {s}  s, tshift ys xsT = s, xsT"
    and "s, TCons (a, s) xsT = s, xsT"
by (simp_all add: antisym tls.singleton_le_conv behavior.natural_def
                  behavior.stuttering.f_idempotent collapse.collapse collapse.tshift_stuttering)

lemmas Sup_irreducible = iffD1[OF heyting.Sup_prime_Sup_irreducible_iff tls.singleton.Sup_prime]
lemmas sup_irreducible = Sup_irreducible_on_imp_sup_irreducible_on[OF tls.singleton.Sup_irreducible, simplified]
lemmas Sup_leE[elim] = Sup_prime_onE[OF tls.singleton.Sup_prime, simplified]
lemmas sup_le_conv[simp] = sup_irreducible_le_conv[OF tls.singleton.sup_irreducible]
lemmas Sup_le_conv[simp] = Sup_prime_on_conv[OF tls.singleton.Sup_prime, simplified]
lemmas compact_point = Sup_prime_is_compact[OF tls.singleton.Sup_prime]
lemmas compact[cont_intro] = compact_points_are_ccpo_compact[OF tls.singleton.compact_point]

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ The idle process\label{sec:tls-idle} ›


The idle process contains no transitions and does not terminate.


setup Sign.mandatory_path "raw"

definition idle :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set" where
  "idle = (s. raw.singleton (behavior.B s (trepeat (undefined, s))))"

lemma idle_alt_def:
  shows "raw.idle = {ω. ¬tfinite ( ω)  behavior.sset ω  {behavior.init ω}}" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym[OF _ subsetI])
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (force simp: raw.idle_def raw.singleton_def behavior.split_all behavior.natural_def
                    behavior.sset.simps collapse.trepeat collapse.eq_trepeat_conv
              elim: behavior.stuttering.clE
              dest: collapse.tfinite_conv)
  show "ω  ?lhs" if "ω  ?rhs" for ω
    using that
    by (cases ω)
       (auto simp: raw.idle_def raw.singleton_def behavior.natural_def behavior.sset.simps
                   behavior.stuttering.idemI collapse.infinite_trailing
             elim: behavior.stuttering.clE
            intro: exI[where x="behavior.init ω"])

setup Sign.mandatory_path "idle"

lemma not_tfinite:
  assumes "ω  raw.idle"
  shows "¬tfinite ( ω)"
using assms by (simp add: raw.idle_alt_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "behavior.stuttering.closed"

lemma idle[iff]:
  shows "raw.idle  behavior.stuttering.closed"
by (simp add: raw.idle_def raw.singleton_def
              behavior.stuttering.closed_UNION[simplified behavior.stuttering.cl_bot, simplified])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tls"

lift_definition idle :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls" is raw.idle ..

lemma idle_alt_def:
  shows "tls.idle = (s. s, trepeat (undefined, s)T)"
by transfer (simp add: raw.idle_def behavior.stuttering.cl_bot)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "singleton"

lemma idle_le_conv[tls.singleton.le_conv]:
  shows "ωT  tls.idle  ¬tfinite ( ω)  behavior.sset ω  {behavior.init ω}"
by transfer (simp add: raw.singleton_def behavior.stuttering.least_conv; simp add: raw.idle_alt_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "idle"

lemma minimal_le:
  shows "s, trepeat (undefined, s)T  tls.idle"
by (simp add: tls.singleton.idle_le_conv behavior.sset.simps)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Temporal Logic for ‹('a, 's, 'v) tls› \label{sec:tls-ltl} ›


The following is a straightforward shallow embedding of the
now-traditional anchored semantics of LTL citet"MannaPnueli:1988".


  as we lack next/X/○› (due to stuttering closure) we do not have induction for 𝒰› (until)
  citet"Lamport:1994" omitted the LTL ``until'' operator from TLA as he considered it too hard to use
  As citet"DeGiacomoVardi:2013" observe, things get non-standard on finite traces
   see \S\ref{sec:safety_closure} for an example
   citet"Maier:2004" provides an alternative account


setup Sign.mandatory_path "raw"

definition state_prop :: "'s pred  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set" where
  "state_prop P = {ω. P (behavior.init ω)}"

  until :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set"
  "until P Q = {ω . i. ω'Q. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  (j<i. the (behavior.dropn j ω)  P)}"

  eventually :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set"
  "eventually P = raw.until UNIV P"

  always :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set"
  "always P = -raw.eventually (-P)"

abbreviation (input) "unless P Q  raw.until P Q  raw.always P"

definition terminated :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set" where
  "terminated = {ω. tfinite ( ω)  behavior.sset ω  {behavior.init ω}}"

lemma untilI:
  assumes "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'"
  assumes "ω'  Q"
  assumes "j. j < i  the (behavior.dropn j ω)  P"
  shows "ω  raw.until P Q"
using assms unfolding raw.until_def by blast

lemma eventually_alt_def:
  shows "raw.eventually P = {ω . ω'P. i. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'}"
by (auto simp: raw.eventually_def raw.until_def)

lemma always_alt_def:
  shows "raw.always P = {ω . i ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  ω'  P}"
by (auto simp: raw.always_def raw.eventually_alt_def)

lemma alwaysI:
  assumes "i ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  ω'  P"
  shows "ω  raw.always P"
by (simp add: raw.always_alt_def assms)

lemma alwaysD:
  assumes "ω  raw.always P"
  assumes "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'"
  shows "ω'  P"
using assms by (simp add: raw.always_alt_def)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "state_prop"

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono raw.state_prop"
by (fastforce intro: monoI simp: raw.state_prop_def)

lemma simps:
    "raw.state_prop False = {}"
    "raw.state_prop  = {}"
    "raw.state_prop True = UNIV"
    "raw.state_prop  = UNIV"
    "- raw.state_prop P = raw.state_prop (- P)"
    "raw.state_prop P  raw.state_prop Q = raw.state_prop (P  Q)"
    "raw.state_prop P  raw.state_prop Q = raw.state_prop (P  Q)"
    "(raw.state_prop P B raw.state_prop Q) = raw.state_prop (P B Q)"
by (auto simp: raw.state_prop_def boolean_implication.set_alt_def)

lemma Inf:
  shows "raw.state_prop (X) = (raw.state_prop ` X)"
by (fastforce simp: raw.state_prop_def)

lemma Sup:
  shows "raw.state_prop (X) = (raw.state_prop ` X)"
by (fastforce simp: raw.state_prop_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "terminated"

lemma inf_always_le:
  fixes P :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set"
  assumes "P  behavior.stuttering.closed"
  shows "raw.terminated  P  raw.always P"
by (rule subsetI[OF raw.alwaysI])
   (auto simp: raw.terminated_def
         elim: behavior.stuttering.closed_in[OF _ _ assms] behavior.stuttering.equiv.idle_dropn)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "until"

lemma base:
  shows "ω  Q  ω  raw.until P Q"
    and "Q  raw.until P Q"
by (force simp: raw.until_def)+

lemma step:
  assumes "ω  P"
  assumes " ω = Some ω'"
  assumes "ω'  raw.until P Q"
  shows "ω  raw.until P Q"
proof -
  from ω'  raw.until P Q
  obtain i ω''
    where "ω''  Q" and "j<i. the (behavior.dropn j ω')  P" and "behavior.dropn i ω' = Some ω''"
    by (clarsimp simp: raw.until_def)
  with assms(1,2) show ?thesis
    by (clarsimp simp: raw.until_def behavior.dropn.Suc less_Suc_eq_0_disj
               intro!: exI[where x="Suc i"])

lemmas intro[intro] =

lemma induct[case_names base step, consumes 1, induct set: raw.until]:
  assumes "ω  raw.until P Q"
  assumes base: "ω. ω  Q  R ω"
  assumes step: "ω ω'. ω  P; ω = Some ω'; ω'  raw.until P Q; R ω'  R ω"
  shows "R ω"
proof -
  from ω  raw.until P Q obtain ω' i
    where "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'" and "ω'  Q" and "j<i. the (behavior.dropn j ω)  P"
    unfolding raw.until_def by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof(induct i arbitrary: ω)
    case 0 then show ?case
      by (force intro: base)
    case Suc from Suc.prems show ?case
      by (fastforce intro: step Suc.hyps dest: spec[where x="Suc j" for j]
                     simp: behavior.dropn.Suc raw.until_def
                    split: Option.bind_split_asm)

lemma mono:
  assumes "P  P'"
  assumes "Q  Q'"
  shows "raw.until P Q  raw.until P' Q'"
unfolding raw.until_def using assms by blast

lemma botL:
  shows "raw.until {} Q = Q"
by (force simp: raw.until_def)

lemma botR:
  shows "raw.until P {} = {}"
by (force simp: raw.until_def)

lemma untilR:
  shows "raw.until P (raw.until P Q) = raw.until P Q" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym[OF subsetI])
  show "ω  ?rhs" if "ω  ?lhs" for ω using that by induct blast+
  show "?rhs  ?lhs" by blast

lemma InfL_not_empty:
  assumes "X  {}"
  shows "raw.until (X) Q = (xX. raw.until x Q)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym[OF _ subsetI])
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (simp add: INT_greatest Inter_lower raw.until.mono)
  show "ω  ?lhs" if "ω  ?rhs" for ω
  proof -
    from X  {} obtain P where "P  X" by blast
    with that obtain i ω'
      where *: "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'" "ω'  Q" "j<i. the (behavior.dropn j ω)  P"
      unfolding raw.until_def by blast
    from this(1,2) obtain k ω''
      where **: "k  i" "behavior.dropn k ω = Some ω''" "ω''  Q" "j<k. the (behavior.dropn j ω)  Q"
      using ex_has_least_nat[where k=i and P="λk. k  i  (ω''. behavior.dropn k ω = Some ω''  ω''  Q)" and m=id]
      by clarsimp (metis (no_types, lifting) behavior.dropn.shorterD leD nle_le option.sel order.trans)
    from that * ** show ?thesis
      by (clarsimp simp: raw.until_def intro!: exI[where x=k])
         (metis order.strict_trans1 linorder_not_le option.sel)

lemma SupR:
  shows "raw.until P (X) = (raw.until P ` X)"
unfolding raw.until_def by blast

lemma weakenL:
  shows "raw.until UNIV P = raw.until (- P) P" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym[OF subsetI])
  show "ω  ?rhs" if "ω  ?lhs" for ω using that by induct blast+
  show "?rhs  ?lhs" by (simp add: raw.until.mono)

lemma implication_ordering_le: ―‹ citet‹(16)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "raw.until P Q  raw.until (-Q) R  raw.until P R"
by (clarsimp simp: raw.until_def) (metis order.trans linorder_not_le option.sel)

lemma infR_ordering_le: ―‹ citet‹(18)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "raw.until P (Q  R)  raw.until (raw.until P Q) R" (is "?lhs ?rhs")
proof(rule subsetI)
  show "ω  ?rhs" if "ω  ?lhs" for ω
    using that
  proof induct
    case (step ω ω') then show ?case
      by - (rule raw.until.step, rule raw.until.step;
            blast intro: subsetD[OF raw.until.mono, rotated -1])
  qed blast

lemma untilL:
  shows "raw.until (raw.until P Q) Q  raw.until P Q" (is "?lhs ?rhs")
proof(rule subsetI)
  show "ω  ?rhs" if "ω  ?lhs" for ω
    using that by induct auto

lemma alwaysR_le:
  shows "raw.until P (raw.always Q)  raw.always (raw.until P Q)" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule subsetI)
  show "ω  ?rhs" if "ω  ?lhs" for ω
    using that
  proof induct
    case (base ω) then show ?case by (auto simp: raw.always_alt_def)
    case (step ω ω') show ?case
    proof(rule raw.alwaysI)
      fix i ω'' assume "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω''"
      with step "behavior.dropn.0" show "ω''  raw.until P Q"
        by (cases i; clarsimp simp: raw.always_alt_def behavior.dropn.Suc; blast)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "unless"

lemma neg:
  shows "- (raw.until P Q  raw.always P) = raw.until (- Q) (- P  - Q)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym[OF subsetI], (unfold Compl_Un Int_iff conj_explode Compl_iff)[1])
  fix ω
  assume *: "ω  raw.until P Q"
  assume "ω  raw.always P"
  then obtain k ω'
    where "behavior.dropn k ω = Some ω'"
      and "ω'  P"
    by (clarsimp simp: raw.always_alt_def)
  with ex_has_least_nat[where k=k and P="λi. ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  ω'  P" and m=id]
  obtain k ω'
    where "behavior.dropn k ω = Some ω'"
      and "ω'  P"
      and "j<k. the (behavior.dropn j ω)  P"
    by clarsimp (metis behavior.dropn.shorterD less_le_not_le option.distinct(1) option.exhaust_sel)
  with * behavior.dropn.shorterD show "ω  ?rhs"
    by (fastforce simp: raw.until_def intro: exI[where x=k])
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (clarsimp simp: raw.always_alt_def raw.until_def subset_iff; metis nat_neq_iff option.sel)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "eventually"

lemma terminated:
  shows "raw.eventually raw.terminated = {ω. tfinite ( ω)}" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym[OF _ subsetI])
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (clarsimp simp: raw.eventually_alt_def raw.terminated_def behavior.dropn.tfiniteD)
  show "ω  ?lhs" if "ω  ?rhs" for ω
  proof -
    note ω  ?rhs
    moreover from calculation
    obtain i where "tlength ( ω) = enat i"
      by (clarsimp simp: tfinite_tlength_conv)
    moreover from calculation
    obtain ω' where "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'"
      using behavior.dropn.eq_Some_tlength_conv by fastforce
    moreover from calculation
    have "behavior.sset ω'  {behavior.init ω'}"
      by (cases ω')
         (clarsimp dest!: behavior.dropn.eq_Some_tdropnD simp: tdropn_tlength behavior.sset.simps)
    ultimately show "ω  ?lhs"
      by (auto simp: raw.eventually_alt_def raw.terminated_def dest: behavior.dropn.tfiniteD)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "behavior.stuttering.closed.raw"

lemma state_prop[intro]:
  shows "raw.state_prop P  behavior.stuttering.closed"
by (fastforce simp: raw.state_prop_def behavior.natural_def elim: behavior.stuttering.clE)

lemma terminated[intro]:
  shows "raw.terminated  behavior.stuttering.closed"
by (rule behavior.stuttering.closedI)
   (clarsimp simp: raw.terminated_def elim!: behavior.stuttering.clE;
    metis behavior.natural.sel(1) behavior.natural.tfinite behavior.sset.natural)

lemma until[intro]:
  assumes "P  behavior.stuttering.closed"
  assumes "Q  behavior.stuttering.closed"
  shows "raw.until P Q  behavior.stuttering.closed"
proof -
  have "ω2  raw.until P Q" if "ω1  raw.until P Q" and "ω1 T ω2" for ω1 ω2
    using that
  proof(induct arbitrary: ω2 rule: raw.until.induct)
    case (base ω1 ω2) with assms(2) show ?case
      by (blast intro: behavior.stuttering.closed_in)
    case (step ω1 ω' ω2)
    show ?case
    proof(cases "ω' T ω1")
      case True with ω1 T ω2 step.hyps(4) show ?thesis
        by simp
      case False
      from assms(1) ω1  P ω1 T ω2 have "ω2  P"
        by (blast intro: behavior.stuttering.closed_in)
      from False ω1 T ω2 ω1 = Some ω'
      obtain a s0 s1 xs1 xs' ys'
        where ω1: "ω1 = behavior.B s0 (TCons (a, s1) xs1)"
          and ω2: "ω2 = behavior.B s0 (tshift xs' (TCons (a, s1) ys'))"
          and *: "collapse s0 (TCons (a, s1) xs1) = collapse s0 (tshift xs' (TCons (a, s1) ys'))"
                 "s0  s1"
          and **: "collapse s1 ys' = collapse s1 xs1"
          and xs': "snd ` set xs'  {s0}"
        by (cases ω1; cases ω2; cases " ω1"; simp)
           (fastforce simp: behavior.natural_def collapse.eq_TCons_conv trepeat_eq_TCons_conv
                     split: if_splits)
      from ω2 ω2  P xs' show ?thesis
      proof(induct xs' arbitrary: ω2)
        case Nil with ω1 ** step.hyps(2,4) show ?case
          by (auto simp: behavior.natural_def)
        case (Cons x' xs')
        with behavior.stuttering.closed_in[OF _ _ P  behavior.stuttering.closed] ω1 ** step(3)
        show ?case
          by (auto simp: behavior.natural_def  behavior.split_all)
  then show ?thesis
    by (fastforce elim: behavior.stuttering.clE)

lemma eventually[intro]:
  assumes "P  behavior.stuttering.closed"
  shows "raw.eventually P  behavior.stuttering.closed"
using assms by (auto simp: raw.eventually_def)

lemma always[intro]:
  assumes "P  behavior.stuttering.closed"
  shows "raw.always P  behavior.stuttering.closed"
using assms by (auto simp: raw.always_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tls"

definition valid :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  bool" where
  "valid P  P = "

lift_definition state_prop :: "'s pred  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" is raw.state_prop ..
lift_definition terminated :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls" is raw.terminated ..
lift_definition until :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" is raw.until ..

definition eventually :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" where
  "eventually P = tls.until  P"

definition always :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" where
  "always P = -tls.eventually (-P)"

definition release :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" where
  "release P Q = -(tls.until (-P) (-Q))"

definition unless :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" where
  "unless P Q = tls.until P Q  tls.always P"

abbreviation (input) always_imp_syn :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" where
  "always_imp_syn P Q  tls.always (P B Q)"

abbreviation (input) leads_to :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" where
  "leads_to P Q  tls.always_imp_syn P (tls.eventually Q)"

bundle "notation"

notation tls.valid (" _" [30] 30)
notation tls.state_prop ("_" [0])
notation tls.until (infix "𝒰" 85)
notation tls.eventually ("_" [87] 87)
notation tls.always ("_" [87] 87)
notation tls.release (infixr "" 85)
notation tls.unless (infixr "𝒲" 85)
notation tls.always_imp_syn (infixr "" 75)
notation tls.leads_to (infixr "" 75)


bundle "no_notation"

no_notation tls.valid (" _" [30] 30)
no_notation tls.state_prop ("_" [0])
no_notation tls.until (infixr "𝒰" 85)
no_notation tls.eventually ("_" [87] 87)
no_notation tls.always ("_" [87] 87)
no_notation tls.release (infixr "" 85)
no_notation tls.unless (infixr "𝒲" 85)
no_notation tls.always_imp_syn (infixr "" 75)
no_notation tls.leads_to (infixr "" 75)


unbundle tls.notation

lemma validI:
  assumes "  P"
  shows " P"
by (simp add: assms tls.valid_def top.extremum_uniqueI)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "valid"

lemma trans[trans]:
  assumes " P"
  assumes "P  Q"
  shows " Q"
using assms by (simp add: tls.valid_def top.extremum_unique)

lemma mp:
  assumes " P B Q"
  assumes " P"
  shows " Q"
using assms by (simp add: tls.valid_def)

lemmas rev_mp =[rotated]

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "singleton"

lemma uminus_le_conv[tls.singleton.le_conv]:
  shows "ωT  -P  ¬ωT  P"
by transfer
   (simp add: raw.singleton_def behavior.stuttering.closed_uminus behavior.stuttering.least_conv)

lemma state_prop_le_conv[tls.singleton.le_conv]:
  shows "ωT  tls.state_prop P  P (behavior.init ω)"
by transfer
   (simp add: raw.singleton_def behavior.stuttering.least_conv[OF behavior.stuttering.closed.raw.state_prop];
    simp add: raw.state_prop_def)

lemma terminated_le_conv[tls.singleton.le_conv]:
  shows "ωT  tls.terminated  tfinite ( ω)  behavior.sset ω  {behavior.init ω}"
by transfer
   (simp add: raw.singleton_def behavior.stuttering.least_conv[OF behavior.stuttering.closed.raw.terminated];
    simp add: raw.terminated_def)

lemma until_le_conv[tls.singleton.le_conv]:
  fixes P :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls"
  shows "ωT  P 𝒰 Q  (i ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'
                                 ω'T  Q
                                 (j<i. the (behavior.dropn j ω)T  P))" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
  proof transfer
    fix ω and P Q :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set"
    assume *: "P  behavior.stuttering.closed" "Q  behavior.stuttering.closed"
       and "raw.singleton ω  raw.until P Q"
    then have "i. ω'Q. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  (j<i. the (behavior.dropn j ω)  P)"
      by (auto simp: raw.singleton_def raw.until_def)
    with * show "i ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'
                       raw.singleton ω'  Q  (j<i. raw.singleton (the (behavior.dropn j ω))  P)"
      by (auto simp: raw.singleton_def behavior.stuttering.least_conv)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by transfer
       (unfold raw.singleton_def;
        rule behavior.stuttering.least[OF _ behavior.stuttering.closed.raw.until];
        auto 10 0 intro: iffD2[OF eqset_imp_iff[OF raw.until_def]])

lemma eventually_le_conv[tls.singleton.le_conv]:
  shows "ωT  P  (i ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  ω'T  P)"
by (simp add: tls.eventually_def tls.singleton.le_conv)

lemma always_le_conv[tls.singleton.le_conv]:
  shows "ωT  tls.always P  (i ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  ω'T  P)"
by (simp add: tls.always_def tls.singleton.le_conv)

setup Sign.parent_path

interpretation until: closure_complete_lattice_distributive_class "tls.until P" for P
proof standard
  show "(x  tls.until P y) = (tls.until P x  tls.until P y)" for x y
  by transfer
     (intro iffD2[OF order_class.order.closure_axioms_alt_def[unfolded closure_axioms_def], rule_format]
            conjI allI raw.until.base monoI raw.until.mono order.refl raw.until.untilR, assumption)
  show "tls.until P (X)  (tls.until P ` X)  tls.until P " for X
    by transfer (simp add: raw.until.SupR behavior.stuttering.cl_bot)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "until"

lemmas botL = raw.until.botL[transferred]
lemmas botR = raw.until.botR[transferred]
lemmas topR = tls.until.cl_top
lemmas expansiveR = tls.until.expansive[of P Q for P Q]

lemmas weakenL = raw.until.weakenL[transferred]

lemmas mono = raw.until.mono[transferred]

lemma strengthen[strg]:
  assumes "st_ord F P P'"
  assumes "st_ord F Q Q'"
  shows "st_ord F (P 𝒰 Q) (P' 𝒰 Q')"
using assms by (cases F) (auto simp: tls.until.mono)

lemma SupL_le:
  shows "(xX. x 𝒰 R)  (X) 𝒰 R"
by (simp add: SupI tls.until.mono)

lemma supL_le:
  shows "P 𝒰 R  Q 𝒰 R  (P  Q) 𝒰 R"
by (simp add: tls.until.mono)

lemma SupR:
  shows "P 𝒰 (X) = ((𝒰) P ` X)"
by (simp add: tls.until.cl_Sup tls.until.botR)

lemmas supR = tls.until.cl_sup

lemmas InfL_not_empty = raw.until.InfL_not_empty[transferred]
lemmas infL = tls.until.InfL_not_empty[where X="{P, Q}" for P Q, simplified, of P Q R for P Q R]
lemmas InfR_le = tls.until.cl_Inf_le
lemmas infR_le = tls.until.cl_inf_le[of P Q R for P Q R]

lemma implication_ordering_le: ―‹ citet‹(16)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P 𝒰 Q  (-Q) 𝒰 R  P 𝒰 R"
by transfer (rule raw.until.implication_ordering_le)

lemma supL_ordering_le: ―‹ citet‹(17)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P 𝒰 (Q 𝒰 R)  (P  Q) 𝒰 R" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof -
  have "?rhs = (P  Q) 𝒰 ((P  Q) 𝒰 R)" by (rule tls.until.idempotent(1)[symmetric])
  also have "?lhs  " by (blast intro: tls.until.mono le_supI1 le_supI2)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma infR_ordering_le: ―‹ citet‹(18)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P 𝒰 (Q  R)  (P 𝒰 Q) 𝒰 R"
by transfer (rule raw.until.infR_ordering_le)

lemma boolean_implication_distrib_le: ―‹ citet‹(19)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "(P B Q) 𝒰 R  (P 𝒰 R) B (Q 𝒰 R)"
by (metis galois.conj_imp.galois order.refl tls.until.infL tls.until.mono)

lemma excluded_middleR: ―‹ citet‹(23)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows " P 𝒰 Q  P 𝒰 (-Q)"
by (simp add: tls.validI tls.until.cl_top flip: tls.until.cl_sup)

lemmas untilR = tls.until.idempotent(1)[of P Q for P Q]

lemma untilL:
  shows "(P 𝒰 Q) 𝒰 Q = P 𝒰 Q" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by transfer (rule raw.until.untilL)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    using tls.until.infR_ordering_le[where P=P and Q=Q and R=Q] by simp

lemma absorb:
  shows "P 𝒰 P = P"
by (metis tls.until.botL tls.until.untilL)

lemma absorb_supL: ―‹ citet‹(23)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P  P 𝒰 Q = P  Q"
by (metis inf_commute inf_sup_absorb le_iff_sup
          tls.until.absorb tls.until.cl_sup tls.until.expansive tls.until.infL)

lemma absorb_supR: ―‹ citet‹(23)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "Q  P 𝒰 Q = P 𝒰 Q"
by (simp add: sup.absorb2 tls.until.expansive)

lemma eventually_le:
  shows "P 𝒰 Q  Q"
by (simp add: tls.eventually_def tls.until.mono)

lemma absorb_eventually:
  shows inf_eventually_absorbR: "P 𝒰 Q  Q = P 𝒰 Q" ―‹ citet‹(39)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
    and sup_eventually_absorbR: "P 𝒰 Q  Q = Q" ―‹ citet‹(40)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
    and eventually_absorbR: "P 𝒰 Q = Q" ―‹ citet‹(41)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
by (simp_all add: tls.eventually_def sup.absorb2 tls.until.mono
                  order.eq_iff order.trans[OF tls.until.supL_ordering_le] tls.until.expansiveR
            flip: tls.until.infL)

lemma sup_le: ―‹ citet‹(28)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P 𝒰 Q  P  Q"
by (simp add: ac_simps sup.absorb_iff1 tls.until.absorb_supL tls.until.absorb_supR)

lemma ordering: ―‹ citet‹(251)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "(-P) 𝒰 Q  (-Q) 𝒰 P = (P  Q)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  have "?lhs =  𝒰 P  (- Q) 𝒰 P   𝒰 Q  (- P) 𝒰 Q"
    by (simp add: ac_simps inf.absorb2 tls.until.mono)
  also have " = (- P) 𝒰 P  (- Q) 𝒰 P  (- Q) 𝒰 Q  (- P) 𝒰 Q"
    by (simp add: tls.until.weakenL)
  also have " = (- (P  Q)) 𝒰 (P  Q)"
    by (simp add: ac_simps tls.until.cl_sup flip: tls.until.infL)
  also have " = ?rhs"
    by (simp add: tls.eventually_def tls.until.weakenL)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemmas simps =

setup Sign.parent_path

interpretation eventually: closure_complete_lattice_distributive_class tls.eventually
unfolding tls.eventually_def
by (simp add: tls.until.closure_complete_lattice_distributive_class_axioms)

lemma eventually_alt_def:
  shows "P = (-P) 𝒰 P"
by (simp add: tls.eventually_def tls.until.weakenL)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "eventually"

lemma transfer[transfer_rule]:
  shows "rel_fun (pcr_tls (=) (=) (=)) (pcr_tls (=) (=) (=)) raw.eventually tls.eventually"
unfolding tls.eventually_def raw.eventually_def by transfer_prover

lemma bot:
  shows " = "
by (simp add: tls.eventually_def tls.until.simps)

lemma bot_conv:
  shows "P =   P = "
by (auto simp: bot.extremum_uniqueI[OF order.trans[OF tls.eventually.expansive]])

lemmas top = tls.eventually.cl_top

lemmas monotone = tls.eventually.monotone_cl
lemmas mono = tls.eventually.mono_cl

lemmas Sup = tls.eventually.cl_Sup[simplified, simplified]
lemmas sup = tls.eventually.Sup[where X="{P, Q}" for P Q, simplified]

lemmas Inf_le = tls.eventually.cl_Inf_le
lemmas inf_le = tls.eventually.cl_inf_le

lemma neg:
  shows "-P = (-P)"
by (simp add: tls.always_def)

lemma boolean_implication_le:
  shows "P B Q  (P B Q)"
by (simp add: boolean_implication.conv_sup tls.eventually.sup)
   (meson le_supI1 compl_mono order.trans le_supI1 tls.eventually.expansive)

lemmas simps =

lemma terminated:
  shows "tls.terminated = (tls.singleton ` {ω. tfinite ( ω)})"
by transfer
   (auto elim!: behavior.stuttering.clE
          dest: iffD2[OF behavior.natural.tfinite]
          simp: raw.eventually.terminated behavior.stuttering.cl_bot raw.singleton_def collapse.tfinite)

lemma always_imp_le:
  shows "P  Q  P B Q"
by (simp add: tls.always_def boolean_implication.conv_sup flip: shunt2)
   (metis inf_commute order.refl shunt2 sup.commute tls.eventually.mono tls.eventually.sup)

lemma until:
  shows "(P 𝒰 Q) = Q"
by (meson antisym tls.eventually.mono tls.until.eventually_le tls.until.expansiveR)

setup Sign.parent_path

lemma always_alt_def:
  shows "P = P 𝒲 "
by (simp add: tls.unless_def tls.until.simps)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "always"

lemma transfer[transfer_rule]:
  shows "rel_fun (pcr_tls (=) (=) (=)) (pcr_tls (=) (=) (=)) raw.always tls.always"
unfolding tls.always_def raw.always_def by transfer_prover

textconsttls.always is an interior operator ›

lemma idempotent[simp]:
  shows "P = P"
by (simp add: tls.always_def)

lemma contractive:
  shows "P  P"
by (simp add: tls.always_def compl_le_swap2 tls.eventually.expansive)

lemma monotone[iff]:
  shows "mono tls.always"
by (simp add: tls.always_def monoI tls.eventually.mono)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF tls.always.monotone]
lemmas mono[trans] = monoD[OF tls.always.monotone]

lemma bot:
  shows " = "
by (simp add: tls.always_def tls.eventually.simps)

lemma top:
  shows " = "
by (simp add: tls.always_def tls.eventually.simps)

lemma top_conv:
  shows "P =   P = "
by (auto simp: intro: top.extremum_uniqueI[OF order.trans[OF _ tls.always.contractive]])

lemma Sup_le:
  shows "(tls.always ` X)  (X)"
by (simp add: SupI tls.always.mono)

lemma sup_le:
  shows "P  Q  (P  Q)"
by (simp add: tls.always.mono)

lemma Inf:
  shows "(X) = (tls.always ` X)"
by (rule iffD1[OF compl_eq_compl_iff])
   (simp add: tls.always_def image_image tls.eventually.Sup uminus_Inf)

lemma inf:
  shows "(P  Q) = P  Q"
by (simp add: tls.always_def tls.eventually.sup)

lemma neg:
  shows "-P = (-P)"
by (simp add: tls.always_def)

lemma always_necessitation:
  assumes " P"
  shows " P"
using assms by (simp add: tls.valid_def

lemma valid_conv:
  shows " P   P"
by (simp add: tls.valid_def tls.always.top_conv)

lemma always_imp_le:
  shows "P  Q  P B Q"
by (simp add: galois.conj_imp.lower_upper_contractive tls.always.mono
        flip: galois.conj_imp.galois tls.always.inf)

lemma eventually_le:
  shows "P  P"
using tls.always.contractive tls.eventually.mono by blast

lemma not_until_le: ―‹ citet‹(81)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P  -(Q 𝒰 (-P))"
by (simp add: compl_le_swap1 tls.always.neg tls.until.eventually_le)

lemmas simps =

setup Sign.parent_path

lemma until_alwaysR_le: ―‹ citet‹(140)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P 𝒰 Q  (P 𝒰 Q)"
by transfer (rule raw.until.alwaysR_le)

lemma until_alwaysR: ―‹ citet‹(141)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P 𝒰 P = P"
by (simp add: order.eq_iff order.trans[OF tls.until_alwaysR_le] tls.until.simps)

lemma eventually_always_always_eventually_le: ―‹ citet‹(145)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P  P"
by (simp add: tls.eventually_def tls.until_alwaysR_le)

lemma always_inf_eventually_eventually_le:
  shows "P  Q  (P  Q)"
by (simp add: shunt1 order.trans[OF _ tls.eventually.always_imp_le]
        flip: boolean_implication_def)

lemma always_always_imp: ―‹citet‹\S2.2: T33 frame› in "KroegerMerz:2008"
  shows " P B Q B (P  Q)"
by (simp add: tls.validI tls.always.inf flip: boolean_implication.infL)

lemma always_eventually_imp: ―‹citet‹\S2.2: T34 frame› in "KroegerMerz:2008"
  shows " P B Q B (P  Q)"
by (simp add: tls.validI tls.always_inf_eventually_eventually_le)

lemma always_imp_always_generalization: ―‹citet‹\S2.2: T35› in "KroegerMerz:2008"
  shows "P  Q  P B Q"
by (simp add: order.trans[OF tls.always.always_imp_le])

lemma always_imp_eventually_generalization: ―‹citet‹\S2.2: T36› in "KroegerMerz:2008"
  shows "P  Q  P B Q"
by (metis tls.eventually.always_imp_le tls.eventually.idempotent(1))


The following show that there is no point nesting consttls.always and consttls.eventually
more than two deep.

lemma always_eventually_always_absorption: ―‹citet‹\S2.2: T37› in "KroegerMerz:2008"
  shows "P = P"
by (metis order.eq_iff tls.eventually.expansive tls.eventually.idempotent(1)

lemma eventually_always_eventually_absorption: ―‹citet‹\S2.2: T38› in "KroegerMerz:2008"
  shows "P = P"
by (metis tls.always.neg tls.always_def tls.always_eventually_always_absorption)

lemma always_imp_always_eventually_le: ―‹ citet‹(157)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P  Q  P B Q"
by (simp add: order.trans[OF _ tls.always.always_imp_le]
              order.trans[OF _ tls.always.mono[OF tls.eventually.always_imp_le]])

lemma always_imp_eventually_always_le: ―‹ citet‹(158)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P  Q  P B Q"
by (simp add: order.trans[OF _ tls.eventually.always_imp_le]
              order.trans[OF _ tls.always.mono[OF tls.always.always_imp_le]])

lemma always_eventually_inf_le:
  shows "(P  Q)  P  Q" ―‹ citet‹(159)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
by (simp add: tls.always.mono tls.eventually.mono)

lemma eventually_always_sup_le:
  shows "P  Q  (P  Q)" ―‹ citet‹(160)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
by (simp add: le_infI2 tls.always.mono tls.eventually.mono)

lemma always_eventually_sup: ―‹ citet‹(161)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  fixes P :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls"
  shows "(P  Q) = P  Q" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
  proof transfer
    fix P Q :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set"
    have "ω'P. i. behavior.dropn i ωj = Some ω'"
      if "i ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  (ω''P  Q. i. behavior.dropn i ω' = Some ω'')"
     and "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ωi"
     and "ω'Q. i. behavior.dropn i ωi  Some ω'"
     and "behavior.dropn j ω = Some ωj"
      for ω i j ωi ωj
      using spec[where x="max i j", OF that(1)] that(2,3,4)
      by (clarsimp simp: nat_le_iff_add split: split_asm_max;
          metis add_diff_inverse_nat behavior.dropn.dropn bind.bind_lunit order.asym)
    then show "raw.always (raw.eventually (P  Q))
             raw.always (raw.eventually P)  raw.always (raw.eventually Q)"
      by (clarsimp simp: raw.eventually_alt_def raw.always_alt_def)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (simp add: tls.eventually.sup order.trans[OF _ tls.always.sup_le])

lemma eventually_always_inf: ―‹ citet‹(162)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "(P  Q) = P  Q"
by (subst compl_eq_compl_iff[symmetric])
   (simp add: tls.always.neg tls.always_eventually_sup tls.eventually.neg)

lemma eventual_latching: ―‹ citet‹(163)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "(P B Q) = (-P)  Q" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (rule order.trans[OF tls.eventually.mono[OF tls.always_imp_always_eventually_le]])
       (simp add: boolean_implication.conv_sup tls.always.neg
                  tls.eventually.neg tls.eventually.sup tls.eventually_always_eventually_absorption)
  have "Q  (- P  Q)"
    apply (rule order.trans[OF tls.eventually.mono[OF eq_refl[OF tls.always.idempotent[symmetric]]]])
    apply (rule tls.eventually.mono[OF tls.always.mono])
    apply simp
  then show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (simp add: le_sup_iff boolean_implication.conv_sup monoD)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "unless"

lemma transfer[transfer_rule]:
  shows "rel_fun (pcr_tls (=) (=) (=)) (rel_fun (pcr_tls (=) (=) (=)) (pcr_tls (=) (=) (=)))
                 (λP Q. raw.until P Q  raw.always P)
unfolding tls.unless_def by transfer_prover

lemma neg: ―‹ citet‹(170)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "-(P 𝒲 Q) = (-Q) 𝒰 (-P  -Q)"
by transfer (rule raw.unless.neg)

lemma alwaysR_le: ―‹ citet‹(177)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P 𝒲 Q  (P 𝒲 Q)"
by (simp add: tls.unless_def order.trans[OF tls.until_alwaysR_le] tls.always.mono
              order.trans[OF _ tls.always.sup_le])

lemma sup_le: ―‹ citet‹(206)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P 𝒲 Q  P  Q"
by (rule iffD1[OF compl_le_compl_iff]) (simp add: tls.unless.neg tls.until.expansive)

lemma ordering: ―‹ citet‹(252)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows " (-P) 𝒲 Q  (-Q) 𝒲 P"
by (simp add: ac_simps tls.validI tls.unless_def tls.until.ordering tls.eventually.sup flip: tls.eventually.neg)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "until"

lemma eq_unless_inf_eventually:
  shows "P 𝒰 Q = (P 𝒲 Q)  Q"
by transfer (force simp: raw.until_def raw.eventually_def raw.always_alt_def behavior.dropn.shorterD)

lemma always_strengthen_le: ―‹ citet‹(83)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P  (Q 𝒰 R)  (P  Q) 𝒰 (P  R)"
by transfer
   (clarsimp simp: raw.until_def raw.always_alt_def;
    fastforce simp: behavior.dropn.shorterD del: exI intro!: exI)

lemma until_weakI:
  shows "P  Q  P 𝒰 Q" (is "?lhs  ?rhs") ―‹ citet‹(84)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
by (simp add: tls.eventually_def order.trans[OF tls.until.always_strengthen_le] tls.until.mono)

lemma always_impL: ―‹ citet‹(86)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "P  P'  P 𝒰 Q  P' 𝒰 Q" (is ?thesis1)
    and "P 𝒰 Q  P  P'  P' 𝒰 Q" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  show ?thesis1
    by (rule order.trans[OF tls.until.always_strengthen_le])
       (simp add: tls.until.mono boolean_implication.shunt1)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (simp add: inf_commute)

lemma always_impR: ―‹ citet‹(85)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "Q  Q'  P 𝒰 Q  P 𝒰 Q'" (is ?thesis1)
    and "P 𝒰 Q  Q  Q'  P 𝒰 Q'" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  show ?thesis1
    by (rule order.trans[OF tls.until.always_strengthen_le])
       (simp add: tls.until.mono boolean_implication.shunt1)
  then show ?thesis2
    by (simp add: inf_commute)

lemma neg: ―‹ citet‹(173)› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows "-(P 𝒰 Q) = (-Q) 𝒲 (-P  -Q)"
unfolding tls.unless_def
by (simp flip: tls.until.eq_unless_inf_eventually tls.unless.neg tls.eventually.neg

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "state_prop"

lemmas monotone = raw.state_prop.monotone[transferred]
lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF tls.state_prop.monotone]
lemmas mono = monoD[OF tls.state_prop.monotone]

lemma Sup:
  shows "tls.state_prop (X) = (tls.state_prop ` X)"
by transfer (simp add: raw.state_prop.Sup behavior.stuttering.cl_bot)

lemma Inf:
  shows "tls.state_prop (X) = (tls.state_prop ` X)"
by transfer (simp add: raw.state_prop.Inf)

lemmas simps = raw.state_prop.simps[transferred]

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "terminated"

lemma not_bot:
  shows "tls.terminated  "
by transfer
   (simp add: raw.terminated_def exI[where x="behavior.B undefined (TNil undefined)"] behavior.sset.simps)

lemma not_top:
  shows "tls.terminated  "
by transfer
   (fastforce simp: raw.terminated_def
              dest: subsetD[OF Set.equalityD2, where c="behavior.B undefined (trepeat (undefined, undefined))"])

lemma inf_always:
  shows "tls.terminated  P = tls.terminated  P"
by (rule antisym[OF inf.mono[OF order.refl tls.always.contractive]])
   (transfer; simp add: raw.terminated.inf_always_le)

lemma always_le_conv:
  shows "tls.terminated  P  tls.terminated  P"
by (simp add: inf.order_iff tls.terminated.inf_always)

lemma inf_eventually:
  shows "tls.terminated  P = tls.terminated  P" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym[OF _ inf.mono[OF order.refl tls.eventually.expansive]])
  have "tls.terminated  - P  tls.terminated  -P"
    by (simp add: tls.terminated.inf_always tls.eventually.neg)
  then show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (simp add: boolean_implication.shunt1 boolean_implication.imp_trivialI)

lemma eventually_le_conv:
  shows "tls.terminated  tls.eventually P  tls.terminated  P"
by (simp add: inf.order_iff tls.terminated.inf_eventually)

lemma eq_always_terminated:
  shows "tls.terminated = tls.terminated"
by (rule order.antisym[OF _ tls.always.contractive])
   (simp add: tls.terminated.always_le_conv)

setup Sign.parent_path

subsubsection‹ Leads-to and leads-to-via \label{sec:TLS_leads-to} ›


So-called ‹response› properties are of the form
P  ◇Q› (pronounced ``P› leads to Q›'', written
P  Q›) citep"MannaPnueli:1991". This connective is similar
to the ``ensures'' modality of citet‹\S3.4.4› in "ChandyMisra:1989".

citet"Jackson:1998" used the more general
``P› leads to Q› via I›'' form P  I 𝒰 Q›
to establish liveness properties in a sequential setting.


lemma leads_to_refl:
  shows " P  P"
by (simp add: tls.validI boolean_implication.shunt_top tls.always.top_conv tls.eventually.expansive

lemma leads_to_mono:
  assumes "P'  P"
  assumes "Q  Q'"
  shows "P  Q  P'  Q'"
by (simp add: assms boolean_implication.mono tls.always.mono tls.eventually.mono)

lemma leads_to_supL:
  shows "(P  R)  (Q  R)  (P  Q)  R"
by (simp add: boolean_implication.conv_sup sup_inf_distrib2 tls.always.inf)

lemma always_imp_leads_to:
  shows "P  Q  P  Q"
by (simp add: boolean_implication.mono tls.always.mono tls.eventually.expansive)

lemma leads_to_eventually:
  shows "P  (P  Q)  Q"
by (simp add: galois.conj_imp.galois tls.always_imp_eventually_generalization)

lemma leads_to_leads_to_via:
  shows "P  Q 𝒰 R  P  R"
by (simp add: boolean_implication.mono tls.always.mono tls.until.eventually_le)

lemma leads_to_trans:
  shows "P  Q  Q  R  P  R" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof -
  have "?lhs  P  Q  (Q  R)"
    by (simp add: tls.always.simps)
  also have "  P  Q  Q  R"
    by (meson order.refl inf_mono tls.always.mono tls.always_imp_eventually_generalization)
  also have "  ?rhs"
    by (simp add: boolean_implication.trans tls.always.mono flip: tls.always.inf)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma leads_to_via_weakenR:
  shows "Q  Q'  P  I 𝒰 Q  P  I 𝒰 Q'"
by transfer
   (clarsimp simp: raw.always_alt_def raw.until_def boolean_implication.set_alt_def;
    metis behavior.dropn.dropn Option.bind.bind_lunit)

lemma leads_to_via_supL: ―‹ useful for case distinctions ›
  shows "P  I 𝒰 Q  P'  I' 𝒰 Q  P  P'  (I  I') 𝒰 Q"
by (simp add: boolean_implication.conv_sup ac_simps le_infI2 le_supI2
              monoD[OF tls.always.monotone] tls.until.mono)

lemma leads_to_via_trans:
  shows "(P  I 𝒰 Q)  (Q  I' 𝒰 R)  P  (I  I') 𝒰 R" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof -
  have "?lhs  (P B I 𝒰 (I' 𝒰 R))"
    by (subst inf.commute) (rule tls.leads_to_via_weakenR)
  also have "  ?rhs"
    by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF tls.until.supL_ordering_le]) (rule order.refl)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma leads_to_via_disj: ―‹ more like a chaining rule ›
  shows "(P  I 𝒰 Q)  (Q  I' 𝒰 R)  (P  Q  (I  I') 𝒰 R)"
by (simp add: boolean_implication_def inf.coboundedI2 le_supI2 tls.always.mono tls.until.mono)

subsubsection‹ Fairness\label{sec:tls-fairness} ›


A few renderings of weak fairness. citet"vanGlabbeekHofner:2019" call this
``response to insistence'' as a generalisation of weak fairness.


definition weakly_fair :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" where
  "weakly_fair enabled taken = enabled  taken"

lemma weakly_fair_def2:
  shows "tls.weakly_fair enabled taken = (-((enabled  -taken)))"
by (simp add: tls.weakly_fair_def tls.always_def tls.eventually.sup)

lemma weakly_fair_def3:
  shows "tls.weakly_fair enabled taken = enabled B taken"
by (simp add: tls.weakly_fair_def boolean_implication.conv_sup
              tls.always.neg tls.always_eventually_sup tls.eventually.neg
        flip: tls.eventually.sup)

lemma weakly_fair_def4:
  shows "tls.weakly_fair enabled taken = (enabled B taken)"
by (simp add: tls.weakly_fair_def boolean_implication.conv_sup tls.always.neg tls.eventually.sup)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "weakly_fair"

lemma mono:
  assumes "P'  P"
  assumes "Q  Q'"
  shows "tls.weakly_fair P Q  tls.weakly_fair P' Q'"
unfolding tls.weakly_fair_def
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF assms(1)])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF assms(2)])
apply (rule order.refl)

lemma strengthen[strg]:
  assumes "st_ord (¬F) P P'"
  assumes "st_ord F Q Q'"
  shows "st_ord F (tls.weakly_fair P Q) (tls.weakly_fair P' Q')"
using assms by (cases F) (auto simp: tls.weakly_fair.mono)

lemma weakly_fair_triv:
  shows "(-enabled)  tls.weakly_fair enabled taken"
by (simp add: tls.weakly_fair_def3 boolean_implication.conv_sup tls.always.neg tls.eventually.neg)

lemma mp:
  shows "tls.weakly_fair enabled taken  enabled  taken"
by (simp add: tls.weakly_fair_def boolean_implication.shunt1 tls.always.contractive)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "always"

lemma weakly_fair:
  shows "(tls.weakly_fair enabled taken) = tls.weakly_fair enabled taken"
by (simp add: tls.weakly_fair_def tls.always.simps)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "eventually"

lemma weakly_fair:
  shows "(tls.weakly_fair enabled taken) = tls.weakly_fair enabled taken"
by (simp add: tls.weakly_fair_def4 tls.always_eventually_always_absorption)

setup Sign.parent_path


Similarly for strong fairness. citet"vanGlabbeekHofner:2019" call this
"response to persistence" as a generalisation of strong fairness.


definition strongly_fair :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" where
  "strongly_fair enabled taken = enabled  taken"

lemma strongly_fair_def2:
  shows "tls.strongly_fair enabled taken = (-(enabled  -taken))"
by (simp add: tls.strongly_fair_def boolean_implication.conv_sup tls.always.neg tls.eventually.sup)

lemma strongly_fair_def3:
  shows "tls.strongly_fair enabled taken = enabled B taken"
by (simp add: tls.strongly_fair_def boolean_implication.conv_sup tls.always.neg tls.eventually.neg
                 tls.always_eventually_sup tls.eventually_always_eventually_absorption
        flip: tls.eventually.sup)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "strongly_fair"

lemma mono:
  assumes "P'  P"
  assumes "Q  Q'"
  shows "tls.strongly_fair P Q  tls.strongly_fair P' Q'"
unfolding tls.strongly_fair_def
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF assms(1)])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF assms(2)])
apply (rule order.refl)

lemma strengthen[strg]:
  assumes "st_ord (¬F) P P'"
  assumes "st_ord F Q Q'"
  shows "st_ord F (tls.strongly_fair P Q) (tls.strongly_fair P' Q')"
using assms by (cases F) (auto simp: tls.strongly_fair.mono)

lemma supL: ―‹ does not hold for consttls.weakly_fair
  shows "tls.strongly_fair (enabled1  enabled2) taken
      = (tls.strongly_fair enabled1 taken  tls.strongly_fair enabled2 taken)"
by (simp add: boolean_implication.conv_sup sup_inf_distrib2 tls.always.inf tls.always_eventually_sup

lemma weakly_fair_le:
  shows "tls.strongly_fair enabled taken  tls.weakly_fair enabled taken"
by (simp add: tls.strongly_fair_def3 tls.weakly_fair_def3 boolean_implication.mono

lemma always_enabled_weakly_fair_strongly_fair:
  shows "enabled  tls.weakly_fair enabled taken B tls.strongly_fair enabled taken"
by (simp add: boolean_eq_def boolean_implication_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "always"

lemma strongly_fair:
  shows "(tls.strongly_fair enabled taken) = tls.strongly_fair enabled taken"
by (simp add: tls.strongly_fair_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "eventually"

lemma strongly_fair:
  shows "(tls.strongly_fair enabled taken) = tls.strongly_fair enabled taken"
by (simp add: tls.strongly_fair_def2 tls.always.neg tls.always_eventually_always_absorption)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Safety Properties\label{sec:tls-safety} ›


We now carve the safety properties out of the typ('a, 's, 'v) tls lattice.

  citet‹\S2› in "AlpernSchneider:1985" and "AlpernDemersSchneider:1986" and "Schneider:1987"
   observes that Lamport's earlier definitions do not work without stuttering
   provides the now standard definition that works with and without stuttering
  citet‹\S2.2› in "AbadiLamport:1991": topological definitions and intuitions
  citet‹\S2.2› in "Sistla:1994"

We go a different way: we establish a Galois connection with typ('a, 's, 'v) spec.

  our safety closure for typ('a, 's, 'v) tls introduces infinite sequences to stand for the
   prefixes in typ('a, 's, 'v) spec
   i.e., the non-termination of trace σ› (trace.term σ = None›)
    is represented by a behavior ending with σ› infinitely stuttered
   citet‹\S2.1› in "AbadiLamport:1991" consider these behaviors to represent terminating processes


setup Sign.mandatory_path "raw"

definition to_spec :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set  ('a, 's, 'v) trace.t set" where
  "to_spec T = {behavior.take i ω |ω i. ω  T}"

definition from_spec :: "('a, 's, 'v) trace.t set  ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set" where
  "from_spec S = {ω . i. behavior.take i ω  S}"

interpretation safety: galois.powerset raw.to_spec raw.from_spec
by standard (fastforce simp: raw.to_spec_def raw.from_spec_def)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "from_spec"

lemma empty:
  shows "raw.from_spec {} = {}"
by (simp add: raw.from_spec_def)

lemma singleton:
  shows "raw.from_spec (Safety_Logic.raw.singleton σ)
       = (raw.singleton ` {ω . i. behavior.take i ω  Safety_Logic.raw.singleton σ})" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs" by (force simp: raw.from_spec_def TLS.raw.singleton_def)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (clarsimp simp: raw.from_spec_def TLS.raw.singleton_def Safety_Logic.raw.singleton_def
                 elim!: behavior.stuttering.clE)
       (metis behavior.stuttering.equiv.takeE raw.spec.closed raw.spec.closed.stuttering_closed
              trace.stuttering.clI trace.stuttering.closed_conv)

lemma sup:
  assumes "P  raw.spec.closed"
  assumes "Q  raw.spec.closed"
  shows "raw.from_spec (P  Q) = raw.from_spec P  raw.from_spec Q"
by (rule antisym[OF _])
   (clarsimp simp: raw.from_spec_def;
    meson behavior.take.mono downwards.closed_in linorder_le_cases
          raw.spec.closed.downwards_closed[OF assms(1)] raw.spec.closed.downwards_closed[OF assms(2)])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "to_spec"

lemma singleton:
  shows "raw.to_spec (TLS.raw.singleton ω)
       = (i. Safety_Logic.raw.singleton (behavior.take i ω))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (fastforce simp: TLS.raw.singleton_def raw.to_spec_def
                        Safety_Logic.raw.singleton_def raw.spec.cl_def
                  elim: behavior.stuttering.clE behavior.stuttering.equiv.takeE[OF sym]
                        trace.stuttering.clI[OF _ sym, rotated])
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (fastforce simp: Safety_Logic.raw.singleton_def raw.spec.cl_def TLS.raw.singleton_def
                        raw.to_spec_def trace.less_eq_take_def trace.take.behavior.take
                  elim: downwards.clE trace.stuttering.clE trace.stuttering.equiv.behavior.takeE)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "safety"

lemma cl_altI:
  assumes "i. ω'  P. behavior.take i ω = behavior.take i ω'"
  shows "ω P"
using assms by (fastforce simp: raw.from_spec_def raw.to_spec_def)

lemma cl_altE:
  assumes "ω P"
  obtains ω' where "ω'  P" and "behavior.take i ω = behavior.take i ω'"
proof(atomize_elim, cases "enat i  tlength ( ω)")
  case True with assms show "ω'. ω'  P  behavior.take i ω = behavior.take i ω'"
    by (clarsimp simp: raw.from_spec_def raw.to_spec_def)
       (metis behavior.take.length behavior.take.sel(3)  ttake_eq_None_conv(1)
              min.absorb2 min_enat2_conv_enat the_enat.simps)
  case False with assms show "ω'. ω'  P  behavior.take i ω = behavior.take i ω'"
    by (clarsimp simp: raw.from_spec_def raw.to_spec_def)
       (metis behavior.continue.take_drop_id behavior.take.continue_id leI)

lemma cl_alt_def: ―‹ citet"AlpernDemersSchneider:1986": the classical definition: ω› belongs to the safety closure of P› if every prefix of ω› can be extended to a behavior in P›
  shows " P = {ω. i. β. behavior.take i ω @-B β  P}" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by clarsimp (metis behavior.continue.take_drop_id
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
  proof(clarify intro!:
    fix ω i
    assume "j. β. behavior.take j ω @-B β  P"
    then show "ω'P. behavior.take i ω = behavior.take i ω'"
      by (force dest: spec[where x=i]
               intro: exI[where x=i] rev_bexI
                simp: behavior.take.continue trace.take.behavior.take trace.continue.self_conv
                      ttake_eq_None_conv length_ttake
               split: option.split enat.split)

lemma closed_alt_def: ―‹ If ω› is not in P› then some prefix of ω› has irretrievably gone wrong ›
  shows " = {P. ω. ω  P  (i. β. behavior.take i ω @-B β  P)}"
unfolding by fast

lemma closed_alt_def2: ―‹ Contraposition gives the customary prefix-closure definition ›
  shows " = {P. ω. (i. β. behavior.take i ω @-B β  P)  ω  P}"
unfolding by fast

lemma closedI2:
  assumes "ω. (i. β. behavior.take i ω @-B β  P)  ω  P"
  shows "P"
using assms unfolding by fast

lemma closedE2:
  assumes "P"
  assumes "i. ω  P  β. behavior.take i ω @-B β  P"
  shows "ω  P"
using assms unfolding by blast

setup Sign.mandatory_path "cl"

lemma state_prop:
  shows " (raw.state_prop P) = raw.state_prop P"
by (simp add: raw.state_prop_def)

lemma terminated_iff:
  assumes "ω  raw.terminated"
  shows "ω P  ω  P" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  from assms obtain i where "tlength ( ω) = enat i"
    by (clarsimp simp: raw.terminated_def tfinite_tlength_conv)
  then show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (metis[where i="Suc i"]
              behavior.continue.take_drop_id behavior.take.continue_id enat_ord_simps(2) lessI)
qed (simp add:')

lemma terminated:
  shows " raw.terminated = raw.idle  raw.terminated" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym[OF subsetI subsetI])
  fix ω
  assume "ω  ?lhs"
  then have "snd (tnth ( ω) i) = behavior.init ω"
         if "enat i < tlength ( ω)"
        for i
    using that
    by (clarsimp simp: raw.terminated_def behavior.take_def behavior.split_all behavior.sset.simps
             simp del: ttake.simps
                elim!:[where i="Suc i"])
       (metis (no_types, lifting) Suc_ile_eq in_tset_conv_tnth nth_ttake
              doubleton_eq_iff insert_image insert_absorb2 lessI subset_singletonD ttake_eq_None_conv(1))
  then have "behavior.sset ω  {behavior.init ω}"
    by (cases ω) (clarsimp simp: behavior.sset.simps tset_conv_tnth)
  then show "ω  ?rhs"
    by (simp add: raw.idle_alt_def raw.terminated_def)
  show "ω  ?lhs" if "ω  ?rhs" for ω
    using that
  proof(cases rule: UnE[consumes 1, case_names idle terminated])
    case idle show ?thesis
      fix i
      let ?ω' = "behavior.take i ω @-B TNil undefined"
      from idle have "?ω'  raw.terminated"
        by (auto simp: raw.idle_alt_def raw.terminated_def behavior.sset.continue
                 dest: subsetD[OF behavior.sset.take_le]
                split: option.split)
      from idle have "behavior.take i ω = behavior.take i ?ω'"
        by (simp add: raw.idle_alt_def behavior.take.continue trace.take.behavior.take
                      length_ttake tfinite_tlength_conv)
      ultimately show "ω'raw.terminated. behavior.take i ω = behavior.take i ω'"
        by blast
  qed (auto intro:')

lemma le_terminated_bot:
  assumes "P  behavior.stuttering.closed"
  assumes " P  raw.terminated"
  shows "P = {}"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume P  {} then obtain ω where "ω  P" by blast
  let ?ω' = "behavior.B (behavior.init ω) (trepeat (undefined, behavior.init ω))"
  from ω  P have "?ω' P"
    by (fastforce intro: exI[where x=" ω"]
                         behavior.stuttering.f_closedI[OF P  behavior.stuttering.closed]
                   simp: behavior.take.trepeat behavior.continue.simps
                         behavior.natural.tshift collapse.tshift trace.natural'.replicate
                         behavior.stuttering.f_closed[OF P  behavior.stuttering.closed]
              simp flip: behavior.natural_def)
  moreover have "?ω'  raw.terminated"
    by (simp add: raw.terminated_def)
  moreover note P  raw.terminated
  ultimately show False by blast

lemma always_le:
  shows " (raw.always P)  raw.always ( P)"
unfolding raw.always_alt_def subset_iff mem_Collect_eq
proof(intro allI impI)
  fix ω i ω' j
  assume *: "i. β. k ω'. behavior.dropn k (behavior.take i ω @-B β) = Some ω'  ω'  P"
     and **: "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'"
  from spec[where x="i + j", OF *] ** behavior.take.dropn[OF **, where j=j]
  show "β. behavior.take j ω' @-B β  P"
    by (clarsimp dest!: spec[where x=i])
       (subst (asm) behavior.dropn.continue_shorter;
        force simp: length_ttake trace.dropn.behavior.take
              dest: behavior.dropn.eq_Some_tlengthD
             split: enat.split)

lemma eventually:
  assumes "P  "
  shows " (raw.eventually P)
      = -raw.eventually raw.terminated  raw.eventually P" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym[OF subsetI iffD2[OF Un_subset_iff, simplified conj_explode, rule_format, OF subsetI]])
  show "ω  ?rhs" if "ω  ?lhs" for ω
  proof(cases "tlength ( ω)")
    case (enat i) with that show ?thesis
      by (fastforce dest: spec[where x="Suc i"]
                    simp: raw.terminated_def behavior.take.continue_id)
  qed (simp add: raw.eventually.terminated tfinite_tlength_conv)
  from assms obtain ωP where "ωP  P" by blast
  show "ω  ?lhs" if "ω  -raw.eventually raw.terminated" for ω
  proof(intro exI bexI)
    fix i
    let ?ω' = "behavior.take i ω @-B TCons (undefined, behavior.init ωP) ( ωP)"
    from ωP  P ω  -raw.eventually raw.terminated show "?ω'  raw.eventually P"
      unfolding raw.eventually.terminated
      by (auto intro!: exI[where x="Suc i"]
                 simp: raw.eventually_alt_def tfinite_tlength_conv behavior.dropn.continue
                       length_ttake ttake_eq_None_conv)
    from ω  -raw.eventually raw.terminated show "behavior.take i ω = behavior.take i ?ω'"
      by (simp add: raw.eventually.terminated behavior.take.continue trace.take.behavior.take
                    length_ttake tfinite_tlength_conv
             split: enat.split)
  show "raw.eventually P  ?lhs"
    by (fast intro!: order.trans[OF _])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "closed"

lemma always_eventually:
  assumes "P"
  assumes "i. ji. β. behavior.take j ω @-B β  P"
  shows "ω  P"
using assms(1)
  fix i
  from spec[OF assms(2), where x=i] obtain j β where "i  j" and "behavior.take j ω @-B β  P"
    by blast
  then show "β. behavior.take i ω @-B β  P" if "ω  P"
    using that
    by (clarsimp simp: tdropn_tshift2 behavior.continue.tshift2 behavior.continue.take_drop_shorter length_ttake
                        behavior.continue.term_Some behavior.take.term_Some_conv ttake_eq_Some_conv
                split: enat.split split_min
               intro!: exI[where x="tdropn i ( (behavior.take j ω @-B β))"])

lemma sup:
  assumes "P"
  assumes "Q"
  shows "P  Q"
by (clarsimp simp:
   (meson assms sup.cobounded1 sup.cobounded2)

lemma unless: ―‹ citet‹\S3.1› in "Sistla:1994" -- minimality is irrelevant ›
  assumes "P"
  assumes "Q"
  shows "raw.unless P Q"
  fix ω assume *: "β. behavior.take i ω @-B β  raw.unless P Q" for i
  show "ω  raw.unless P Q"
  proof(cases "i j ω'. β. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  behavior.take j ω' @-B β  P")
    case True
    with P have "behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  ω'  P" for i ω'
      by (blast intro:
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: raw.always_alt_def)
    case False
    then obtain ω' k l
      where **: "behavior.dropn k ω = Some ω'" "β. behavior.take l ω' @-B β  P"
      by clarsimp
      fix i β
      assume kli: "k + l  i"
      note **
      from kli have "j. i - k = l + j" by presburger
      from behavior.dropn k ω = Some ω' kli
      have ***: "k  length ( (behavior.take i ω))"
        by (fastforce simp: length_ttake split: enat.splits
                      dest: behavior.dropn.eq_Some_tlengthD)
      ultimately have ****: "ω''. behavior.dropn k (behavior.take i ω @-B β) = Some ω''  ω''  P"
        by (force simp: behavior.dropn.continue_shorter trace.dropn.behavior.take behavior.take.add
             simp flip: behavior.continue.tshift2)
        assume PQ: "behavior.take i ω @-B β  raw.unless P Q"
        from **** PQ obtain m
          where "m  k"
            and "ω'. behavior.dropn m (behavior.take i ω @-B β) = Some ω'  ω'  Q"
            and "p<m. (ω'. behavior.dropn p (behavior.take i ω @-B β) = Some ω'  ω'  P)"
          by (auto 6 0 simp: raw.until_def raw.always_alt_def)
             (metis behavior.dropn.shorterD leI nle_le option.sel)
        with kli ***
        have "(mk. (ω'. behavior.dropn m ω = Some ω'  behavior.take (i - m) ω' @-B β  Q)
                    (p<m. (ω'. behavior.dropn p ω = Some ω'  behavior.take (i - p) ω' @-B β  P)))"
          by (clarsimp simp: exI[where x=m] behavior.dropn.continue_shorter trace.dropn.behavior.take)
    then have "i. ni. mk. β. (ω'. behavior.dropn m ω = Some ω'  behavior.take (n - m) ω' @-B β  Q)
                                   (p<m. ω'. behavior.dropn p ω = Some ω'  behavior.take (n - p) ω' @-B β  P)"
      using * by (metis nle_le)
    then obtain m
      where "m  k" "i. ni. β. (ω'. behavior.dropn m ω = Some ω'  behavior.take (n - m) ω' @-B β  Q)
                               (p<m. ω'. behavior.dropn p ω = Some ω'  behavior.take (n - p) ω' @-B β  P)"
      by (clarsimp simp: always_eventually_pigeonhole)
    with behavior.dropn.shorterD[OF behavior.dropn k ω = Some ω' m  k][OF P][OF Q]
    show "ω  raw.unless P Q"
      apply -
      apply clarsimp
      apply (rule raw.untilI, assumption)
       apply (meson add_le_imp_le_diff)
      apply (metis add_le_imp_le_diff option.sel behavior.dropn.shorterD[OF _ less_imp_le])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "downwards.closed"

lemma to_spec:
  shows "range raw.to_spec  downwards.closed"
by (fastforce elim: downwards.clE simp: raw.to_spec_def trace.less_eq_take_def trace.take.behavior.take)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "trace.stuttering.closed"

lemma to_spec:
  shows "raw.to_spec ` behavior.stuttering.closed  trace.stuttering.closed"
by (fastforce simp: raw.to_spec_def
              elim: trace.stuttering.clE trace.stuttering.equiv.E trace.stuttering.equiv.behavior.takeE
              dest: behavior.stuttering.closed_in)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "raw.spec.closed"

lemma to_spec:
  shows "raw.to_spec ` behavior.stuttering.closed  raw.spec.closed"
using downwards.closed.to_spec trace.stuttering.closed.to_spec by (blast intro: raw.spec.closed.I)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "behavior.stuttering.closed"

lemma from_spec:
  shows "raw.from_spec ` trace.stuttering.closed
       (behavior.stuttering.closed :: ('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set set)"
proof -
  have *: "behavior.take i ω2  P "
    if "ω1 T ω2" and "i. behavior.take i ω1  P" and "P  trace.stuttering.closed"
   for ω1 ω2 i and P :: "('a, 's, 'v) trace.t set"
    using that(2-)
    by - (rule behavior.stuttering.equiv.takeE[OF sym[OF ω1 T ω2], where i=i];
          fastforce intro: trace.stuttering.closed_in)
  show ?thesis
    by (fastforce simp: raw.from_spec_def elim: behavior.stuttering.clE *)

lemma safety_cl:
  assumes "P  behavior.stuttering.closed"
  shows " P  behavior.stuttering.closed"
unfolding using assms
by (blast intro: subsetD[OF behavior.stuttering.closed.from_spec]
                 subsetD[OF trace.stuttering.closed.to_spec])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tls"

lift_definition to_spec :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) spec" is raw.to_spec
using raw.spec.closed.to_spec by blast

lift_definition from_spec :: "('a, 's, 'v) spec  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" is raw.from_spec
by (meson image_subset_iff behavior.stuttering.closed.from_spec raw.spec.closed.stuttering_closed)

interpretation safety: galois.complete_lattice_class tls.to_spec tls.from_spec
by standard (transfer; simp add:

setup Sign.mandatory_path "from_spec"

lemma singleton:
  notes spec.singleton.transfer[transfer_rule]
  shows "tls.from_spec (spec.singleton σ)
       = (tls.singleton ` {ω . i. behavior.take i ω  Safety_Logic.raw.singleton σ})"
by transfer (simp add: behavior.stuttering.cl_bot raw.from_spec.singleton)

lemmas bot = raw.from_spec.empty[transferred]

lemma sup:
  shows "tls.from_spec (P  Q) = tls.from_spec P  tls.from_spec Q"
by transfer (rule raw.from_spec.sup)

lemmas Inf =
lemmas inf =

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "to_spec"

lemma singleton:
  notes spec.singleton.transfer[transfer_rule]
  shows "tls.to_spec (tls.singleton ω) = (i. spec.singleton (behavior.take i ω))"
by transfer (simp add: raw.to_spec.singleton)

lemmas bot =

lemmas Sup =
lemmas sup =

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "safety"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "cl"

lemma transfer[transfer_rule]:
  shows "rel_fun (pcr_tls (=) (=) (=)) (pcr_tls (=) (=) (=))"
unfolding by transfer_prover

lemma bot[iff]:
  shows "  = "
by (simp add:

lemma sup:
  shows " (P  Q) = P Q"
by (simp add: tls.from_spec.sup tls.to_spec.sup)

lemmas state_prop =[transferred]
lemmas always_le =[transferred]

lemma eventually: ―‹ all the infinite traces and any finite ones that satisfy ◇P›
  assumes "P  "
  shows " (P) = -tls.terminated  P"
using assms by transfer (rule

lemma terminated_iff:
  assumes "ωT  tls.terminated"
  shows "ωT P  ωT  P" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
using assms
by transfer
   (simp add: raw.singleton_def behavior.stuttering.least_conv
              behavior.stuttering.closed.safety_cl behavior.stuttering.closed.raw.terminated)

lemma terminated:
  shows " tls.terminated = tls.idle  tls.terminated"
by transfer (simp add:

lemma not_terminated:
  shows " (- tls.terminated) = - tls.terminated" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  have "?lhs = ((- tls.terminated))"
    by (simp flip: tls.always.neg tls.terminated.eq_always_terminated)
  also have " = - tls.terminated  (- tls.terminated)"
    by (metis tls.terminated.not_top
              boolean_algebra.compl_zero boolean_algebra_class.boolean_algebra.double_compl)
  also have " = ?rhs"
    by (simp add: sup.absorb2 tls.eventually.expansive
            flip: tls.always.neg tls.terminated.eq_always_terminated)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma le_terminated_conv:
  shows " P  tls.terminated  P = " (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by transfer (rule
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by simp

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "closed"

lemma transfer[transfer_rule]:
  shows "rel_set (pcr_tls (=) (=) (=))
       " (is "rel_set _ ?lhs ?rhs")
proof(rule rel_setI)
  fix X assume "X  ?lhs" then show "Y?rhs. pcr_tls (=) (=) (=) X Y"
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting)
              tls.from_spec.rep_eq TLS_inverse cr_tls_def tls.pcr_cr_eq tls.to_spec.rep_eq Int_iff)
  fix Y assume "Y  ?rhs" then show "X?lhs. pcr_tls (=) (=) (=) X Y"
    by (metis tls.from_spec.rep_eq
              tls.pcr_cr_eq cr_tls_def unTLS Int_iff)

lemma bot:
  shows ""
by (simp add:

lemma sup:
  assumes "P"
  assumes "Q"
  shows "P  Q"
by (simp add: assms flip:

lemmas inf =

lemma boolean_implication:
  assumes "-P"
  assumes "Q"
  shows "P B Q"
by (simp add: assms boolean_implication.conv_sup

lemma state_prop:
  shows "tls.state_prop P"
by (simp add:

lemma not_terminated:
  shows "- tls.terminated"
by (simp add:

lemma unless:
  assumes "P"
  assumes "Q"
  shows "tls.unless P Q"
using assms by transfer (blast intro:

lemma always:
  assumes "P"
  shows "tls.always P"
by (simp add: assms tls.always_alt_def

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "cl"

lemma until_unless_le:
  assumes "P"
  assumes "Q"
  shows " (tls.until P Q)  tls.unless P Q"
by (simp add: order.trans[OF] tls.until.eq_unless_inf_eventually
        flip:[OF[OF assms]])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "singleton"

lemma to_spec_le_conv[tls.singleton.le_conv]:
  notes spec.singleton.transfer[transfer_rule]
  shows "σ  tls.to_spec P  (ω i. ωT  P  σ = behavior.take i ω)"
by transfer
   (simp add: TLS.raw.singleton_def behavior.stuttering.least_conv Safety_Logic.raw.singleton_def
              raw.spec.least_conv[OF subsetD[OF raw.spec.closed.to_spec]];
    fastforce simp: raw.to_spec_def)

lemma from_spec_le_conv[tls.singleton.le_conv]:
  notes spec.singleton.transfer[transfer_rule]
  shows "ωT  tls.from_spec P  (i. behavior.take i ω  P)"
by transfer
   (simp add: TLS.raw.singleton_def Safety_Logic.raw.singleton_def raw.spec.least_conv
              subsetD[OF behavior.stuttering.closed.from_spec
                         imageI[OF raw.spec.closed.stuttering_closed]];
    simp add: raw.from_spec_def)

lemma safety_cl_le_conv[tls.singleton.le_conv]:
  shows "ωT P  (i. ω'. ω'T  P  behavior.take i ω = behavior.take i ω')"
by transfer
   (simp add: TLS.raw.singleton_def behavior.stuttering.least_conv behavior.stuttering.closed.safety_cl;
    fastforce intro:

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Maps\label{sec:tls-maps} ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tls"

definition map :: "('a  'b)  ('s  't)  ('v  'w)  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('b, 't, 'w) tls" where
  "map af sf vf P = (tls.singleton ` af sf vf ` {σ. σT  P})"

definition invmap :: "('a  'b)  ('s  't)  ('v  'w)  ('b, 't, 'w) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" where
  "invmap af sf vf P = (tls.singleton ` af sf vf -` {σ. σT  P})"

abbreviation amap ::"('a  'b)  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('b, 's, 'v) tls" where
  "amap af af id id"
abbreviation ainvmap ::"('a  'b)  ('b, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" where
  "ainvmap af  tls.invmap af id id"
abbreviation smap ::"('s  't)  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 't, 'v) tls" where
  "smap sf id sf id"
abbreviation sinvmap ::"('s  't)  ('a, 't, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" where
  "sinvmap sf  tls.invmap id sf id"
abbreviation vmap ::"('v  'w)  ('a, 's, 'v) tls  ('a, 's, 'w) tls" where ―‹ aka liftM›
  "vmap vf id id vf"
abbreviation vinvmap ::"('v  'w)  ('a, 's, 'w) tls  ('a, 's, 'v) tls" where
  "vinvmap vf  tls.invmap id id vf"

interpretation map_invmap: galois.complete_lattice_distributive_class
  " af sf vf"
  "tls.invmap af sf vf" for af sf vf
proof standard
  show " af sf vf P  Q  P  tls.invmap af sf vf Q" (is "?lhs  ?rhs") for P Q
  proof(rule iffI)
    show "?lhs  ?rhs"
      by (fastforce simp: tls.map_def tls.invmap_def intro: tls.singleton_le_extI)
    show "?rhs  ?lhs"
      by (fastforce simp: tls.map_def tls.invmap_def tls.singleton_le_conv
                    dest: order.trans[of _ P][where af=af and sf=sf and vf=vf]
                    cong: tls.singleton_cong)
  show "tls.invmap af sf vf (X)  (tls.invmap af sf vf ` X)" for X
    by (fastforce simp: tls.invmap_def)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "singleton"

lemma map_le_conv[tls.singleton.le_conv]:
  shows "ωT af sf vf P  (ω'. ω'T  P  ωT af sf vf ω'T)"
by (simp add: tls.map_def)

lemma invmap_le_conv[tls.singleton.le_conv]:
  shows "ωT  tls.invmap af sf vf P af sf vf ωT  P"
by (simp add: tls.invmap_def tls.singleton_le_conv)
   (metis behavior.natural.map_natural tls.singleton_eq_conv)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "map"

lemmas bot = tls.map_invmap.lower_bot

lemmas monotone = tls.map_invmap.monotone_lower
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF]

lemmas Sup = tls.map_invmap.lower_Sup
lemmas sup = tls.map_invmap.lower_sup

lemmas Inf_le = tls.map_invmap.lower_Inf_le ―‹ Converse does not hold ›
lemmas inf_le = tls.map_invmap.lower_inf_le ―‹ Converse does not hold ›

lemmas invmap_le = tls.map_invmap.lower_upper_contractive

lemma singleton:
  shows " af sf vf ωT = af sf vf ωT"
by (auto simp: tls.map_def order.eq_iff tls.singleton_le_conv intro:

lemma top:
  assumes "surj af"
  assumes "surj sf"
  assumes "surj vf"
  shows " af sf vf  = "
by (rule antisym)
   (auto simp: assms surj_f_inv_f
        intro: exI[where x=" (inv af) (inv sf) (inv vf) σ" for σ])

lemma id:
  shows " id id id P = P"
    and " (λx. x) (λx. x) (λx. x) P = P"
by (simp_all add: tls.map_def flip: id_def)

lemma comp:
  shows " af sf vf ag sg vg = (af  ag) (sf  sg) (vf  vg)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    and " af sf vf ( ag sg vg P) = (λa. af (ag a)) (λs. sf (sg s)) (λv. vf (vg v)) P" (is ?thesis1)
proof -
  have "?lhs P = ?rhs P" for P
    by (rule tls.singleton.exhaust[where x=P])
       (simp add: map_prod.comp image_image comp_def)
  then show "?lhs = ?rhs" and ?thesis1 by (simp_all add: comp_def)

lemmas map =

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "invmap"

lemmas bot = tls.map_invmap.upper_bot
lemmas top = tls.map_invmap.upper_top

lemmas monotone = tls.map_invmap.monotone_upper
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF tls.invmap.monotone]

lemmas Sup = tls.map_invmap.upper_Sup
lemmas sup = tls.map_invmap.upper_sup

lemmas Inf = tls.map_invmap.upper_Inf
lemmas inf = tls.map_invmap.upper_inf

lemma singleton:
  shows "tls.invmap af sf vf ωT = (tls.singleton ` {ω'. af sf vf ω'T  ωT})"
by (simp add: tls.invmap_def)

lemma id:
  shows "tls.invmap id id id P = P"
    and "tls.invmap (λx. x) (λx. x) (λx. x) P = P"
unfolding id_def[symmetric] by (metis tls.map_invmap.lower_upper_lower(2))+

lemma comp:
  shows "tls.invmap af sf vf (tls.invmap ag sg vg P) = tls.invmap (λx. ag (af x)) (λs. sg (sf s)) (λv. vg (vf v)) P"  (is "?lhs P = ?rhs P")
    and "tls.invmap af sf vf  tls.invmap ag sg vg = tls.invmap (ag  af) (sg  sf) (vg  vf)" (is ?thesis1)
proof -
  show "?lhs P = ?rhs P" for P
    by (auto intro: tls.singleton.antisym tls.singleton_le_extI simp: tls.singleton.le_conv)
  then show ?thesis1
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff comp_def)

lemmas invmap = tls.invmap.comp

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "to_spec"

lemma map:
  shows "tls.to_spec ( af sf vf P) = af sf vf (tls.to_spec P)"
by (rule tls.singleton.exhaust[of P])
   (simp add: image_image
              tls.to_spec.singleton tls.to_spec.Sup

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Abadi's axioms for TLA\label{sec:tls-abadi_axioms} ›


The axioms for ``propositional'' TLA due to citet"Abadi:1990" hold in this model.
These are complete for consttls.always and consttls.eventually.

  Abadi says that the temporal system is D aka S4.3Dum; see citet‹\S8› in "Goldblatt:1992"
   the only interesting axiom here is 5: the discrete-time Dummett axiom
  ``propositional'' means that actions are treated separately; we omit this part as we don't have actions ala TLA


setup Sign.mandatory_path "tls.Abadi"

lemma Ax1:
  shows " (P B Q)B P B Q"
by (simp add: tls.valid_def boolean_implication.shunt_top tls.always.always_imp_le)

lemma Ax2:
  shows " P B P"
by (simp add: tls.valid_def boolean_implication.shunt_top tls.always.contractive)

lemma Ax3:
  shows " P B P"
by (simp add: tls.validI)

lemma Ax4:
   ―‹ ``a classical way to express that time is linear -- that any two instants in the future are ordered''
       citet‹(254) Lemmon formula› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020"
  shows " (P B Q)  (Q B P)"
proof -
  have " (-P) 𝒲 Q  (-Q) 𝒲 P" by (rule tls.unless.ordering)
  also have "  ((-P) 𝒲 Q)  ((-Q) 𝒲 P)"
    by (metis sup_mono tls.always.idempotent tls.unless.alwaysR_le)
  also have "  (-P  Q)  (-Q  P)"
    by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF tls.unless.sup_le])
       (meson order.refl sup_mono tls.always.contractive tls.always.mono)
  also have " = (P B Q)  (Q B P)"
    by (simp add: boolean_implication.conv_sup)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma Ax5:
  ―‹ ``expresses the discreteness of time''
      See also citet‹\S4.1 ``the Dummett formula''› in "WarfordVegaStaley:2020": for them
      ``next'' encodes discreteness ›
  fixes P :: "('a, 's, 'v) tls"
  shows " ((P B P) B P) B P B P" (is " ?goal")
proof -
  have raw_Ax5: "raw.always (raw.eventually (P  raw.eventually (-P))  P)
                    raw.eventually (raw.always P)
                P" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
   for P :: "('a, 's, 'v) behavior.t set"
proof(rule subsetI)
  fix ω assume "ω  ?lhs"
  from IntD2[OF ω  ?lhs]
  obtain i
    where "ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  ω'  raw.always P"
    by (force simp: raw.always_alt_def raw.eventually_alt_def)
  then obtain i
    where i: "ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  ω'  raw.always P"
      and "j<i. ω'. behavior.dropn j ω = Some ω'  ω'  raw.always P"
    using ex_has_least_nat[where k=i and P="λi. ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  ω'  raw.always P" and m=id]
    by (auto dest: leD)
  have "ω'. behavior.dropn (i - j) ω = Some ω'  ω'  raw.always P" for j
  proof(induct j)
    case (Suc j) show ?case
    proof(cases "j < i")
      case True show ?thesis
      proof(rule ccontr)
        assume "ω'. behavior.dropn (i - Suc j) ω = Some ω'  ω'  raw.always P"
        with ω'. behavior.dropn i ω = Some ω'  ω'  raw.always P
        have "ω'. behavior.dropn (i - Suc j) ω = Some ω'  ω'  raw.always P"
          using behavior.dropn.shorterD[OF _ diff_le_self] by blast
        then obtain k where "ω'. behavior.dropn (i - Suc j + k) ω = Some ω'  ω'  P"
          by (clarsimp simp: raw.always_alt_def behavior.dropn.add behavior.dropn.Suc) blast
        with Suc.hyps j < i
        have "ω'. behavior.dropn (i - Suc j) ω = Some ω'  ω'  P"
          by (fastforce simp: raw.always_alt_def behavior.dropn.add
                       split: nat_diff_split_asm
                        dest: spec[where x="k - 1"])
        with j < i IntD1[OF ω  ?lhs]
        obtain m n where "ω' ω'' ω'''. behavior.dropn (i - Suc j) ω = Some ω'  ω'  P
                                       behavior.dropn m ω' = Some ω''          ω''  P
                                       behavior.dropn n ω'' = Some ω'''        ω'''  P"
          by (simp add: raw.always_alt_def raw.eventually_alt_def)
             (blast dest: spec[where x="i - Suc j"])
        with j < i Suc.hyps
        show False
          by (clarsimp simp: raw.always_alt_def dest!: spec[where x="m + n - 1"] split: nat_diff_split_asm)
             (metis behavior.dropn.Suc behavior.dropn.bind_tl_commute behavior.dropn.dropn bind.bind_lunit)
    qed (use Suc.hyps in simp)
  qed (use i in simp)
  from this[of i] show "ω  P"
    by (fastforce simp: raw.always_alt_def dest: spec[where x=0])
  show ?thesis
  proof(rule tls.validI)
    have "((P  (- P))  P)  P  P"
      by (rule raw_Ax5[transferred])
    then have "((P  (- P))  P)  P  P"
      by (simp add: boolean_implication.conv_sup tls.always.neg)
    then show "  ?goal"
      by - (intro iffD1[OF boolean_implication.shunt1];
            simp add: boolean_implication.conv_sup tls.always.neg)

lemma Ax6:
  assumes " P"
  shows " P"
by (rule tls.always.always_necessitation[OF assms])

―‹ Ax7: propositional tautologies: given by the classboolean_algebra instance ›

lemma Ax8:
  assumes " P"
  assumes " P B Q"
  shows " Q"
by (rule tls.valid.rev_mp[OF assms])

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Tweak syntax ›

unbundle tls.no_notation
no_notation tls.singleton ("_T")

setup Sign.mandatory_path "tls"

bundle extra_notation

notation tls.singleton ("_T" [0])
notation tls.from_spec ("_" [0])


bundle no_extra_notation

no_notation tls.singleton ("_T" [0])
no_notation tls.from_spec ("_" [0])


setup Sign.parent_path
