Theory CoCallImplTTreeSafe

theory CoCallImplTTreeSafe
imports CoCallImplTTree CoCallAnalysisSpec TTreeAnalysisSpec

lemma valid_lists_many_calls:
  assumes "¬ one_call_in_path x p"
  assumes "p  valid_lists S G"
  shows "x--x  G"
using assms(2,1)
proof(induction rule:valid_lists.induct[case_names Nil Cons])
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons xs x')
  show ?case
  proof(cases "one_call_in_path x xs")
    case False
    from Cons.IH[OF this]
    show ?thesis.
    case True
    with ¬ one_call_in_path x (x' # xs)
    have [simp]: "x' = x" by (auto split: if_splits)

    have "x  set xs"
    proof(rule ccontr)
      assume "x  set xs"
      hence "no_call_in_path x xs" by (metis no_call_in_path_set_conv)
      hence "one_call_in_path x (x # xs)" by simp
      with Cons show False by simp
    with set xs  ccNeighbors x' G
    have "x  ccNeighbors x G" by auto
    thus ?thesis by simp

context CoCallArityEdom
 lemma carrier_Fexp': "carrier (Texp ea)  fv e"
    unfolding Texp_simp carrier_ccTTree
    by (rule Aexp_edom)


context CoCallAritySafe

lemma carrier_AnalBinds_below:
  "carrier ((Texp.AnalBinds  Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) x)  edom ((ABinds Δ)(Aheap Δ ea))"
by (auto simp add: Texp.AnalBinds_lookup Texp_def split: option.splits 
         elim!: subsetD[OF edom_mono[OF monofun_cfun_fun[OF ABind_below_ABinds]]])

sublocale TTreeAnalysisCarrier Texp
  apply standard
  unfolding Texp_simp carrier_ccTTree
  apply standard

sublocale TTreeAnalysisSafe Texp
  fix x e a

  from edom_mono[OF Aexp_App]
  have "{x}  edom (Aexp e(inca))  edom (Aexp (App e x)a)" by auto
  have "ccApprox (many_calls x ⊗⊗ ccTTree (edom (Aexp e(inca))) (ccExp e(inca))) 
    = cc_restr (edom (Aexp e(inca))) (ccExp e(inca))  ccProd {x} (insert x (edom (Aexp e(inca))))"
    by (simp add: ccApprox_both ccProd_insert2[where S' = "edom e" for e])
  have "edom (Aexp e(inca))  fv e"
    by (rule Aexp_edom)
  also(below_trans[OF eq_imp_below join_mono[OF below_refl ccProd_mono2[OF insert_mono] ]])
  have "cc_restr (edom (Aexp e(inca))) (ccExp e(inca))  ccExp e(inca)"
    by (rule cc_restr_below_arg)
  have "ccExp e(inca)  ccProd {x} (insert x (fv e))  ccExp (App e x)a" 
    by (rule ccExp_App)
  have "ccApprox (many_calls x ⊗⊗ ccTTree (edom (Aexp e(inca))) (ccExp e(inca)))  ccExp (App e x)a" by this simp_all
  show "many_calls x ⊗⊗ Texp e(inca)  Texp (App e x)a"
    unfolding Texp_simp by (auto intro!: below_ccTTreeI)
  fix y e n
  show "without y (Texp e(predn))  Texp (Lam [y]. e)n"
    unfolding Texp_simp
    by (auto dest: subsetD[OF Aexp_edom]
             intro!: below_ccTTreeI  below_trans[OF _ ccExp_Lam] cc_restr_mono1 subsetD[OF edom_mono[OF Aexp_Lam]])
  fix e y x a

  from edom_mono[OF Aexp_subst]
  have *: "edom (Aexp e[y::=x]a)  insert x (edom (Aexp ea) - {y})" by simp

  have "Texp e[y::=x]a = ccTTree (edom (Aexp e[y::=x]a)) (ccExp e[y::=x]a)"
    unfolding Texp_simp..
  also have "  ccTTree (insert x (edom (Aexp ea) - {y})) (ccExp e[y::=x]a)"
    by (rule ccTTree_mono1[OF *])
  also have "  many_calls x ⊗⊗ without x ()"
    by (rule paths_many_calls_subset)
  also have "without x (ccTTree (insert x (edom (Aexp ea) - {y})) (ccExp e[y::=x]a))
    = ccTTree (edom (Aexp ea) - {y} - {x}) (ccExp e[y::=x]a)"
    by simp
  also have "  ccTTree (edom (Aexp ea) - {y} - {x}) (ccExp ea)"
    by (rule ccTTree_cong_below[OF ccExp_subst]) auto
  also have " = without y (ccTTree (edom (Aexp ea) - {x}) (ccExp ea))"
    by simp (metis Diff_insert Diff_insert2)
  also have "ccTTree (edom (Aexp ea) - {x}) (ccExp ea)  ccTTree (edom (Aexp ea)) (ccExp ea)"
    by (rule ccTTree_mono1) auto
  also have " = Texp ea"
    unfolding Texp_simp..
  show "Texp e[y::=x]a  many_calls x ⊗⊗ without y (Texp ea)"
    by this simp_all
  fix v a
  have "upa  (Aexp (Var v)a) v" by (rule Aexp_Var)
  hence "v  edom (Aexp (Var v)a)" by (auto simp add: edom_def)
  thus "single v  Texp (Var v)a"
    unfolding Texp_simp
    by (auto intro: below_ccTTreeI)
  fix scrut e1 a e2
  have "ccTTree (edom (Aexp e1a)) (ccExp e1a) ⊕⊕ ccTTree (edom (Aexp e2a)) (ccExp e2a)
     ccTTree (edom (Aexp e1a)  edom (Aexp e2a)) (ccExp e1a  ccExp e2a)"
      by (rule either_ccTTree)
  note both_mono2'[OF this]
  have "ccTTree (edom (Aexp scrut0)) (ccExp scrut0) ⊗⊗ ccTTree (edom (Aexp e1a)  edom (Aexp e2a)) (ccExp e1a  ccExp e2a)
     ccTTree (edom (Aexp scrut0)  (edom (Aexp e1a)  edom (Aexp e2a))) (ccExp scrut0  (ccExp e1a  ccExp e2a)  ccProd (edom (Aexp scrut0)) (edom (Aexp e1a)  edom (Aexp e2a)))"
    by (rule interleave_ccTTree)
  have "edom (Aexp scrut0)  (edom (Aexp e1a)  edom (Aexp e2a)) = edom (Aexp scrut0  Aexp e1a  Aexp e2a)" by auto
  have "Aexp scrut0  Aexp e1a  Aexp e2a  Aexp (scrut ? e1 : e2)a"
    by (rule Aexp_IfThenElse)
  have "ccExp scrut0  (ccExp e1a  ccExp e2a)  ccProd (edom (Aexp scrut0)) (edom (Aexp e1a)  edom (Aexp e2a)) 
        ccExp (scrut ? e1 : e2)a"
    by (rule ccExp_IfThenElse)
  show "Texp scrut0 ⊗⊗ (Texp e1a ⊕⊕ Texp e2a)  Texp (scrut ? e1 : e2)a"
    unfolding Texp_simp
    by (auto simp add: ccApprox_both join_below_iff  below_trans[OF _ join_above2]
             intro!: below_ccTTreeI below_trans[OF cc_restr_below_arg]
                     below_trans[OF _ ccExp_IfThenElse]  subsetD[OF edom_mono[OF Aexp_IfThenElse]])
  fix e
  assume "isVal e"
  hence [simp]: "ccExp e0 = ccSquare (fv e)" by (rule ccExp_pap)
  thus "repeatable (Texp e0)"
    unfolding Texp_simp by (auto intro: repeatable_ccTTree_ccSquare[OF Aexp_edom])

definition Theap :: "heap  exp  Arity  var ttree"
  where "Theap Γ e = (Λ a. if nonrec Γ then ccTTree (edom (Aheap Γ ea)) (ccExp ea) else ttree_restr (edom (Aheap Γ ea)) anything)"

lemma Theap_simp: "Theap Γ ea = (if nonrec Γ then ccTTree (edom (Aheap Γ ea)) (ccExp ea) else ttree_restr (edom (Aheap Γ ea)) anything)"
  unfolding Theap_def by simp

lemma carrier_Fheap':"carrier (Theap Γ ea) = edom (Aheap Γ ea)"
    unfolding Theap_simp carrier_ccTTree by simp

sublocale TTreeAnalysisCardinalityHeap Texp Aexp Aheap Theap
  fix Γ e a
  show "carrier (Theap Γ ea) = edom (Aheap Γ ea)"
    by (rule carrier_Fheap')
  fix x Γ p e a
  assume "x  thunks Γ"
  assume "¬ one_call_in_path x p"
  hence "x  set p" by (rule more_than_one_setD)
  assume "p  paths (Theap Γ ea)" with x  set p
  have "x  carrier (Theap Γ ea)" by (auto simp add: Union_paths_carrier[symmetric])
  hence "x  edom (Aheap Γ ea)"
    unfolding Theap_simp by (auto split: if_splits)
  show "(Aheap Γ ea) x = up0"
  proof(cases "nonrec Γ")
    case False
    from False x  thunks Γ  x  edom (Aheap Γ ea)
    show ?thesis  by (rule aHeap_thunks_rec)
    case True
    with p  paths (Theap Γ ea)
    have "p  valid_lists (edom (Aheap Γ ea)) (ccExp ea)" by (simp add: Theap_simp)

    with ¬ one_call_in_path x p
    have "x--x (ccExp ea)" by (rule valid_lists_many_calls)
    from True x  thunks Γ this
    show ?thesis by (rule aHeap_thunks_nonrec)
  fix Δ e a

  have carrier: "carrier (substitute (Texp.AnalBinds Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ) (Texp ea))  edom (Aheap Δ ea)  edom (Aexp (Let Δ e)a)"
  proof(rule carrier_substitute_below)
    from edom_mono[OF Aexp_Let[of Δ e a]]
    show "carrier (Texp ea)  edom (Aheap Δ ea)  edom (Aexp (Let Δ e)a)"  by (simp add: Texp_def)
    fix x
    assume "x  edom (Aheap Δ ea)  edom (Aexp (Let Δ e)a)"
    hence "x  edom (Aheap Δ ea)  x : (edom (Aexp (Let Δ e)a))" by simp
    thus "carrier ((Texp.AnalBinds  Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) x)  edom (Aheap Δ ea)  edom (Aexp (Let Δ e)a)"
      assume "x  edom (Aheap Δ ea)"
      have "carrier ((Texp.AnalBinds  Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) x)  edom (ABinds Δ(Aheap Δ ea))"
        by (rule carrier_AnalBinds_below)
      also have "  edom (Aheap Δ ea  Aexp (Terms.Let Δ e)a)"
        using edom_mono[OF Aexp_Let[of Δ e a]] by simp
      finally show ?thesis by simp
      assume "x  edom (Aexp (Terms.Let Δ e)a)"
      hence "x  domA Δ" by (auto  dest: subsetD[OF Aexp_edom])
      hence "(Texp.AnalBinds  Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) x = "
        by (rule Texp.AnalBinds_not_there)
      thus ?thesis by simp

  show "ttree_restr (- domA Δ) (substitute (Texp.AnalBinds Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ) (Texp ea))  Texp (Let Δ e)a"
  proof (rule below_trans[OF _ eq_imp_below[OF Texp_simp[symmetric]]], rule below_ccTTreeI)
    have "carrier (ttree_restr (- domA Δ) (substitute (Texp.AnalBinds Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ) (Texp ea)))
       = carrier (substitute (Texp.AnalBinds Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ) (Texp ea)) - domA Δ" by auto
    also note carrier
    also have "edom (Aheap Δ ea)  edom (Aexp (Terms.Let Δ e)a) - domA Δ = edom (Aexp (Let Δ e)a)"
      by (auto dest: subsetD[OF edom_Aheap] subsetD[OF Aexp_edom])
    show "carrier (ttree_restr (- domA Δ) (substitute (Texp.AnalBinds Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ)(Texp ea)))
           edom (Aexp (Terms.Let Δ e)a)" by this auto
    let ?x = "ccApprox (ttree_restr (- domA Δ) (substitute (Texp.AnalBinds Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ) (Texp ea)))"
    have "?x = cc_restr (- domA Δ) ?x"  by simp
    also have "  cc_restr (- domA Δ) (ccHeap Δ ea)"
    proof(rule cc_restr_mono2[OF wild_recursion_thunked])
      have "ccExp ea  ccHeap Δ ea" by (rule ccHeap_Exp)
      thus "ccApprox (Texp ea)  ccHeap Δ ea"
        by (auto simp add: Texp_simp intro: below_trans[OF cc_restr_below_arg])
      fix x
      assume "x  domA Δ"
      thus "(Texp.AnalBinds Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) x = empty"
        by (metis Texp.AnalBinds_not_there empty_is_bottom)
      fix x
      assume "x  domA Δ"
      then obtain e' where e': "map_of Δ x = Some e'" by (metis domA_map_of_Some_the)
      show "ccApprox ((Texp.AnalBinds Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) x)  ccHeap Δ ea"
      proof(cases "(Aheap Δ ea) x")
        case bottom thus ?thesis using e' by (simp add: Texp.AnalBinds_lookup)
        case (up a')
        with e'
        have "ccExp e'a'  ccHeap Δ ea" by (rule ccHeap_Heap)
        thus ?thesis using up e'
          by (auto simp add: Texp.AnalBinds_lookup Texp_simp  intro: below_trans[OF cc_restr_below_arg])

      show "ccProd (ccNeighbors x (ccHeap Δ ea)- {x}  thunks Δ) (carrier ((Texp.AnalBinds  Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) x))  ccHeap Δ ea"
      proof(cases "(Aheap Δ ea) x")
        case bottom thus ?thesis using e' by (simp add: Texp.AnalBinds_lookup)
        case (up a')
        have subset: "(carrier (fup(Texp e')((Aheap Δ ea) x)))  fv e'"
          using up e' by (auto simp add: Texp.AnalBinds_lookup carrier_Fexp dest!: subsetD[OF Aexp_edom])
        from e' up
        have "ccProd (fv e') (ccNeighbors x (ccHeap Δ ea) - {x}  thunks Δ)  ccHeap Δ ea"
          by (rule ccHeap_Extra_Edges)
        show ?thesis using e'
          by (simp add: Texp.AnalBinds_lookup  Texp_simp ccProd_comm  below_trans[OF ccProd_mono2[OF subset]])
    also have "  ccExp (Let Δ e)a"
      by (rule ccExp_Let)
    show "ccApprox (ttree_restr (- domA Δ) (substitute (Texp.AnalBinds Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ) (Texp ea)))
         ccExp (Terms.Let Δ e)a" by this simp_all

  note carrier
  hence "carrier (substitute (ExpAnalysis.AnalBinds Texp Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ) (Texp ea))  edom (Aheap Δ ea)  - domA Δ"
    by (rule order_trans) (auto dest: subsetD[OF Aexp_edom])
  hence "ttree_restr (domA Δ)            (substitute (Texp.AnalBinds Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ) (Texp ea))
      = ttree_restr (edom (Aheap Δ ea)) (ttree_restr (domA Δ) (substitute (Texp.AnalBinds  Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ) (Texp ea)))"
    by -(rule ttree_restr_noop[symmetric], auto)
  have " = ttree_restr (edom (Aheap Δ ea)) (substitute (Texp.AnalBinds  Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ) (Texp ea))"
    by (simp add: inf.absorb2[OF edom_Aheap ])
  have "  Theap Δ e a"
  proof(cases "nonrec Δ")
    case False
    have "ttree_restr (edom (Aheap Δ ea)) (substitute (Texp.AnalBinds Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ) (Texp ea))
       ttree_restr (edom (Aheap Δ ea)) anything"
      by (rule ttree_restr_mono) simp
    also have " = Theap Δ ea"
      by (simp add: Theap_simp False)
    finally show ?thesis.
    case [simp]: True

    from True
    have "ttree_restr (edom (Aheap Δ ea)) (substitute (Texp.AnalBinds Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ) (Texp ea))
       = ttree_restr (edom (Aheap Δ ea)) (Texp ea)"
      by (rule nonrecE) (rule ttree_rest_substitute, auto simp add: carrier_Fexp fv_def fresh_def dest!: subsetD[OF edom_Aheap] subsetD[OF Aexp_edom])
    also have " = ccTTree (edom (Aexp ea)  edom (Aheap Δ ea)) (ccExp ea)"
      by (simp add: Texp_simp)
    also have "  ccTTree (edom (Aexp ea)  domA Δ) (ccExp ea)"
      by (rule ccTTree_mono1[OF Int_mono[OF order_refl edom_Aheap]])
    also have "  ccTTree (edom (Aheap Δ ea)) (ccExp ea)"
      by (rule ccTTree_mono1[OF edom_mono[OF Aheap_nonrec[OF True], simplified]])
    also have "  Theap Δ ea"
      by (simp add: Theap_simp)
    show ?thesis by this simp_all
  show "ttree_restr (domA Δ) (substitute (ExpAnalysis.AnalBinds Texp Δ(Aheap Δ ea)) (thunks Δ) (Texp ea))  Theap Δ ea".


(* TODO: Unused stuff from here, mostly about singles. Might be useful later. *)

lemma paths_singles: "xs  paths (singles S)  (x  S. one_call_in_path x xs)"
  by transfer (auto simp add: one_call_in_path_filter_conv)

lemma paths_singles': "xs  paths (singles S)  (x  (set xs  S). one_call_in_path x xs)"
  apply transfer
  apply (auto simp add: one_call_in_path_filter_conv)
  apply (erule_tac x = x in ballE)
  apply auto
  by (metis (poly_guards_query) filter_empty_conv le0 length_0_conv)

lemma both_below_singles1:
  assumes "t  singles S"
  assumes "carrier t'  S = {}"
  shows "t ⊗⊗ t'  singles S"
proof (rule ttree_belowI)
  fix xs
  assume "xs  paths (t ⊗⊗ t')"
  then obtain ys zs where "ys  paths t" and "zs  paths t'" and "xs  ys  zs" by (auto simp add: paths_both)
  with assms 
  have "ys  paths (singles S)" and "set zs  S = {}"
    by (metis below_ttree.rep_eq contra_subsetD paths.rep_eq, auto simp add: Union_paths_carrier[symmetric])
  with xs  ys  zs
  show "xs  paths (singles S)"
    by (induction) (auto simp add: paths_singles no_call_in_path_set_conv interleave_set dest: more_than_one_setD split: if_splits)

lemma paths_ttree_restr_singles: "xs  paths (ttree_restr S' (singles S))  set xs  S'  (x  S. one_call_in_path x xs)"
  show "xs  paths (ttree_restr S' (singles S))   set xs  S'  (x  S. one_call_in_path x xs)"
    by (auto simp add: filter_paths_conv_free_restr[symmetric] paths_singles)
  assume *: "set xs  S'  (xS. one_call_in_path x xs)"
  hence "set xs  S'" by auto
  hence [simp]: "filter (λ x'. x'  S') xs = xs" by (auto simp add: filter_id_conv)
  from *
  have "xs  paths (singles S)"
     by (auto simp add: paths_singles')
  hence "filter (λ x'. x'  S') xs  filter (λx'. x'  S') ` paths (singles S)"
    by (rule imageI)
  thus "xs  paths (ttree_restr S' (singles S))"
    by (auto simp add: filter_paths_conv_free_restr[symmetric] )

(* TODO: unused *)
lemma substitute_not_carrier:
  assumes "x  carrier t"
  assumes " x'. x  carrier (f x')"
  shows "x   carrier (substitute f T t)"
  have "ttree_restr ({x}) (substitute f T t) = ttree_restr ({x}) t"
  proof(rule ttree_rest_substitute)
    fix x'
    from x  carrier (f x')
    show "carrier (f x')  {x} = {}" by auto
  hence "x  carrier (ttree_restr ({x}) (substitute f T t))  x  carrier (ttree_restr ({x}) t)" by metis
  with assms(1)
  show ?thesis by simp

(* TODO: unused *)
lemma substitute_below_singlesI:
  assumes "t  singles S"
  assumes " x. carrier (f x)  S = {}"
  shows "substitute f T t  singles S"
proof(rule ttree_belowI)
  fix xs
  assume "xs  paths (substitute f T t)"
  thus "xs  paths (singles S)"
  using assms
  proof(induction f T t xs arbitrary: S rule: substitute_induct)
    case Nil
    thus ?case by simp
    case (Cons f T t x xs)

    from x#xs  _
    have xs: "xs  paths (substitute (f_nxt f T x) T (nxt t x ⊗⊗ f x))" by auto

    from t  singles S
    have "nxt t x  singles S" 
      by (metis "TTree-HOLCF.nxt_mono" below_trans nxt_singles_below_singles)
    from this carrier (f x)  S = {}
    have "nxt t x ⊗⊗ f x  singles S"
      by (rule both_below_singles1)
    { fix x'
      from  carrier (f x')  S = {}
      have "carrier (f_nxt f T x x')  S = {}"
        by (auto simp add: f_nxt_def)
    have IH: "xs  paths (singles S)"
      by (rule Cons.IH) 
  show ?case
    proof(cases "x  S")
      case True
      with carrier (f x)  S = {}
      have "x  carrier (f x)" by auto
      from t  singles S
      have "nxt t x  nxt (singles S) x" by (rule nxt_mono)
      hence "carrier (nxt t x)  carrier (nxt (singles S) x)" by (rule carrier_mono)
      from subsetD[OF this] True
      have "x  carrier (nxt t x)" by auto
      have "x  carrier (nxt t x ⊗⊗ f x)" by simp
      hence "x  carrier (substitute (f_nxt f T x) T (nxt t x ⊗⊗ f x))"
      proof(rule substitute_not_carrier)
        fix x'  
        from carrier (f x')  S = {} x  S
        show "x  carrier (f_nxt f T x x')" by (auto simp add: f_nxt_def)
      with xs
      have "x  set xs" by (auto simp add: Union_paths_carrier[symmetric])
      with IH
      have "xs  paths (without x (singles S))" by (rule paths_withoutI)
      thus ?thesis using True by (simp add: Cons_path)
      case False
      with IH
      show ?thesis by (simp add: Cons_path)
