Theory CoCallGraph-TTree

theory "CoCallGraph-TTree"
imports CoCallGraph "TTree-HOLCF"

lemma interleave_ccFromList:
  "xs  interleave ys zs  ccFromList xs = ccFromList ys  ccFromList zs  ccProd (set ys) (set zs)"
  by (induction rule: interleave_induct)
     (auto simp add: interleave_set ccProd_comm ccProd_insert2[where S' = "set xs" for xs]  ccProd_insert1[where S' = "set xs" for xs] )

lift_definition ccApprox :: "var ttree  CoCalls"
  is "λ xss .  lub (ccFromList ` xss)".

lemma ccApprox_paths: "ccApprox t = lub (ccFromList ` (paths t))" by transfer simp

lemma ccApprox_strict[simp]: "ccApprox  = "
  by (simp add: ccApprox_paths empty_is_bottom[symmetric])

lemma in_ccApprox: "(x--y(ccApprox t))  ( xs  paths t. (x--y(ccFromList xs)))"
  unfolding ccApprox_paths
  by transfer auto

lemma ccApprox_mono: "paths t  paths t'  ccApprox t  ccApprox t'"
  by (rule below_CoCallsI) (auto simp add: in_ccApprox)

lemma ccApprox_mono': "t   t'  ccApprox t  ccApprox t'"
  by (metis below_set_def ccApprox_mono paths_mono_iff)

lemma ccApprox_belowI: "( xs. xs  paths t  ccFromList xs  G)  ccApprox t  G"
  unfolding ccApprox_paths
  by transfer auto

lemma ccApprox_below_iff: "ccApprox t  G  ( xs  paths t. ccFromList xs  G)"
  unfolding ccApprox_paths by transfer auto

lemma cc_restr_ccApprox_below_iff: "cc_restr S (ccApprox t)  G  ( xs  paths t. cc_restr S (ccFromList xs)  G)"
  unfolding ccApprox_paths cc_restr_lub
  by transfer auto

lemma ccFromList_below_ccApprox:
  "xs  paths t  ccFromList xs  ccApprox t" 
by (rule below_CoCallsI)(auto simp add: in_ccApprox)

lemma ccApprox_nxt_below:
  "ccApprox (nxt t x)  ccApprox t"
by (rule below_CoCallsI)(auto simp add: in_ccApprox paths_nxt_eq elim!:  bexI[rotated])

lemma ccApprox_ttree_restr_nxt_below:
  "ccApprox (ttree_restr S (nxt t x))  ccApprox (ttree_restr S t)"
by (rule below_CoCallsI)
   (auto simp add: in_ccApprox filter_paths_conv_free_restr[symmetric] paths_nxt_eq  elim!:  bexI[rotated])

lemma ccApprox_ttree_restr[simp]: "ccApprox (ttree_restr S t) = cc_restr S (ccApprox t)"
  by (rule CoCalls_eqI) (auto simp add: in_ccApprox filter_paths_conv_free_restr[symmetric] )

lemma ccApprox_both: "ccApprox (t ⊗⊗ t') = ccApprox t  ccApprox t'  ccProd (carrier t) (carrier t')"
proof (rule below_antisym)
  show "ccApprox (t ⊗⊗ t')  ccApprox t  ccApprox t'  ccProd (carrier t) (carrier t')"
  by (rule below_CoCallsI)
     (auto 4 4  simp add: in_ccApprox paths_both Union_paths_carrier[symmetric]  interleave_ccFromList)
  have "ccApprox t  ccApprox (t ⊗⊗ t')"
    by (rule ccApprox_mono[OF both_contains_arg1])
  have "ccApprox t'  ccApprox (t ⊗⊗ t')"
    by (rule ccApprox_mono[OF both_contains_arg2])
  have "ccProd (carrier t) (carrier t')  ccApprox (t ⊗⊗ t')"
  proof(rule ccProd_belowI)
    fix x y
    assume "x  carrier t" and "y  carrier t'"
    then obtain xs ys where "x  set xs" and "y  set ys"
      and "xs  paths t" and "ys  paths t'" by (auto simp add: Union_paths_carrier[symmetric])
    hence "xs @ ys  paths (t ⊗⊗ t')" by (metis paths_both append_interleave)
    from x  set xs y  set ys
    have "x--y(ccFromList (xs@ys))" by simp
    show "x--y(ccApprox (t ⊗⊗ t'))" by (auto simp add: in_ccApprox simp del: ccFromList_append)
  show "ccApprox t  ccApprox t'  ccProd (carrier t) (carrier t')  ccApprox (t ⊗⊗ t')"
    by (simp add: join_below_iff)

lemma ccApprox_many_calls[simp]:
  "ccApprox (many_calls x) = ccProd {x} {x}"
  by transfer' (rule CoCalls_eqI, auto)

lemma ccApprox_single[simp]:
  "ccApprox (TTree.single y) = "
  by transfer' auto

lemma ccApprox_either[simp]: "ccApprox (t ⊕⊕ t') = ccApprox t  ccApprox t'"
  by transfer' (rule CoCalls_eqI, auto)

(* could work, but tricky
lemma ccApprox_lub_nxt: "ccApprox t = (⨆ x ∈UNIV. ccApprox (nxt t x) ⊔ (ccProd {x} (carrier (nxt t x))))"

lemma wild_recursion:
  assumes "ccApprox  t  G"
  assumes " x. x  S  f x = empty"
  assumes " x. x  S  ccApprox (f x)  G"
  assumes " x. x  S  ccProd (ccNeighbors x G) (carrier (f x))  G"
  shows "ccApprox (ttree_restr (-S) (substitute f T t))  G"
proof(rule ccApprox_belowI)
  fix xs
  define seen :: "var set" where "seen = {}"

  assume "xs  paths (ttree_restr (- S) (substitute f T t))"
  then obtain xs' xs'' where "xs = [xxs' . x  S]" and "substitute'' f T xs'' xs'" and "xs''  paths t"
    by (auto simp add: filter_paths_conv_free_restr2[symmetric] substitute_substitute'')
  note this(2)
  from ccApprox t  G and xs''  paths t
  have  "ccFromList xs''  G"
    by (auto simp add: ccApprox_below_iff)
  note assms(2)
  from assms(3,4)
  have " x ys. x  S  ys  paths (f x)  ccFromList ys  G"
    and " x ys. x  S  ys  paths (f x)  ccProd (ccNeighbors x G) (set ys)  G"
    by (auto simp add: ccApprox_below_iff Union_paths_carrier[symmetric] cc_lub_below_iff)
  have "ccProd seen (set xs'')  G" unfolding seen_def by simp
  have "ccFromList [xxs' . x  S]  G  ccProd (seen) (set xs')  G"
  proof(induction f T xs'' xs' arbitrary: seen rule: substitute''.induct[case_names Nil Cons])
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons zs f x xs' xs T ys)
    have seen_x: "ccProd seen {x}  G"
      using ccProd seen (set (x # xs))  G
      by (auto simp add: ccProd_insert2[where S' = "set xs" for xs] join_below_iff)

    show ?case
    proof(cases "x  S")
      case True

      from ccFromList (x # xs)  G
      have "ccProd {x} (set xs)  G" by (auto simp add: join_below_iff)
      hence subset1: "set xs  ccNeighbors x G" by transfer auto

      from ccProd seen (set (x # xs))  G
      have subset2: "seen   ccNeighbors x G"
        by (auto simp add: subset_ccNeighbors ccProd_insert2[where S' = "set xs" for xs] join_below_iff ccProd_comm)

      from subset1 and subset2
      have "seen  set xs  ccNeighbors x G" by auto
      hence "ccProd (seen  set xs) (set zs)  ccProd (ccNeighbors x G) (set zs)"
        by (rule ccProd_mono1)
      from x  S  zs  paths (f x)
      have "  G"
        by (rule Cons.prems(4))
      have "ccProd (seen  set xs) (set zs)  G" by this simp
      with x  S Cons.prems Cons.hyps
      have "ccFromList [xys . x  S]  G  ccProd (seen) (set ys)  G"
          apply -
          apply (rule Cons.IH)
          apply (auto simp add: f_nxt_def  join_below_iff  interleave_ccFromList interleave_set  ccProd_insert2[where S' = "set xs" for xs]
                  split: if_splits)
      with  x  S  seen_x
      show "ccFromList [xx # ys . x  S]  G   ccProd seen (set (x#ys))  G" 
          by (auto simp add: ccProd_insert2[where S' = "set xs" for xs] join_below_iff)
      case False

      from False Cons.prems Cons.hyps
      have *: "ccFromList [xys . x  S]  G  ccProd ((insert x seen)) (set ys)  G"
        apply -
        apply (rule Cons.IH[where seen = "insert x seen"])
        apply (auto simp add: ccApprox_both join_below_iff ttree_restr_both interleave_ccFromList insert_Diff_if
                   simp add:  ccProd_insert2[where S' = "set xs" for xs]
                   simp add:  ccProd_insert1[where S' = "seen"])
      from False *
      have "ccProd {x} (set ys)   G"
        by (auto simp add: insert_Diff_if ccProd_insert1[where S' = "seen"] join_below_iff)
      hence "ccProd {x} {x  set ys. x  S}  G"
        by (rule below_trans[rotated, OF _ ccProd_mono2]) auto
      note False seen_x
      show "ccFromList [xx # ys . x  S]  G  ccProd (seen) (set (x # ys))  G"
        by (auto simp add: join_below_iff  simp add: insert_Diff_if  ccProd_insert2[where S' = "set xs" for xs]   ccProd_insert1[where S' = "seen"])
  with xs = _
  show "ccFromList xs  G" by simp

lemma wild_recursion_thunked:
  assumes "ccApprox  t  G"
  assumes " x. x  S  f x = empty"
  assumes " x. x  S  ccApprox (f x)  G"
  assumes " x. x  S  ccProd (ccNeighbors x G - {x}  T) (carrier (f x))  G"
  shows "ccApprox (ttree_restr (-S) (substitute f T t))  G"
proof(rule ccApprox_belowI)
  fix xs

  define seen :: "var set" where "seen = {}"
  define seen_T :: "var set" where "seen_T = {}"

  assume "xs  paths (ttree_restr (- S) (substitute f T t))"
  then obtain xs' xs'' where "xs = [xxs' . x  S]" and "substitute'' f T xs'' xs'" and "xs''  paths t"
    by (auto simp add: filter_paths_conv_free_restr2[symmetric] substitute_substitute'')
  note this(2)
  from ccApprox t  G and xs''  paths t
  have  "ccFromList xs''  G"
    by (auto simp add: ccApprox_below_iff)
  hence  "ccFromList xs'' G|` (- seen_T)  G"
    by (rule rev_below_trans[OF _ cc_restr_below_arg])
  note assms(2)
  from assms(3,4)
  have " x ys. x  S  ys  paths (f x)  ccFromList ys  G"
    and " x ys. x  S  ys  paths (f x)  ccProd (ccNeighbors x G - {x}  T) (set ys)  G"
    by (auto simp add: ccApprox_below_iff seen_T_def Union_paths_carrier[symmetric] cc_lub_below_iff)
  have "ccProd seen (set xs'' - seen_T)  G" unfolding seen_def seen_T_def by simp
  have "seen  S = {}" unfolding seen_def by simp
  have "seen_T  S" unfolding seen_T_def by simp
  have " x. x  seen_T  f x = empty"  unfolding seen_T_def by simp
  have "ccFromList [xxs' . x  S]  G  ccProd (seen) (set xs' - seen_T)  G"
  proof(induction f T xs'' xs' arbitrary: seen seen_T rule: substitute''.induct[case_names Nil Cons])
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons zs f x xs' xs T ys)

    let  ?seen_T = "if x  T then insert x seen_T else seen_T"
    have subset: "- insert x seen_T  - seen_T" by auto
    have subset2: "set xs  - insert x seen_T  insert x (set xs)  - seen_T" by auto
    have subset3: "set zs  - insert x seen_T  set zs" by auto
    have subset4: "set xs  - seen_T  insert x (set xs)  - seen_T" by auto
    have subset5: "set zs  - seen_T  set zs" by auto
    have subset6: "set ys - seen_T  (set ys - ?seen_T)  {x}" by auto

    show ?case
    proof(cases "x  seen_T")
      assume "x  seen_T"
      have [simp]: "f x = empty" using x  seen_T Cons.prems by auto
      have [simp]: "f_nxt f T x = f" by (auto simp add: f_nxt_def split:if_splits)
      have [simp]: "zs = []" using zs  paths (f x) by simp
      have [simp]: "xs' = xs" using xs'  xs  zs by simp
      have [simp]: "x  S" using x  seen_T Cons.prems by auto

      from Cons.hyps Cons.prems
      have "ccFromList [xys . x  S]  G  ccProd seen (set ys - seen_T)  G"
        apply -
        apply (rule Cons.IH[where seen_T = seen_T])
        apply (auto simp add: join_below_iff Diff_eq)
        apply (erule below_trans[OF ccProd_mono[OF order_refl subset4]])
      thus ?thesis using x  seen_T by simp
      assume "x  seen_T"

      have seen_x: "ccProd seen {x}  G"
        using ccProd seen (set (x # xs) - seen_T)  G x  seen_T
        by (auto simp add: insert_Diff_if ccProd_insert2[where S' = "set xs - seen_T" for xs] join_below_iff)
      show ?case
      proof(cases "x  S")
        case True
        from cc_restr (- seen_T) (ccFromList (x # xs))  G
        have "ccProd {x} (set xs - seen_T)  G" using x  seen_T  by (auto simp add: join_below_iff Diff_eq)
        hence "set xs - seen_T  ccNeighbors x G" by transfer auto
        from seen_x
        have "seen   ccNeighbors x G" by (simp add: subset_ccNeighbors   ccProd_comm)
        have "x  seen" using True seen  S = {} by auto
        have "seen  (set xs  - ?seen_T)  ccNeighbors x G - {x}T" by auto
        hence "ccProd (seen  (set xs  - ?seen_T)) (set zs)  ccProd (ccNeighbors x G - {x}T) (set zs)"
          by (rule ccProd_mono1)
        from x  S  zs  paths (f x)
        have "  G"
          by (rule Cons.prems(4))
        have "ccProd (seen  (set xs  - ?seen_T)) (set zs)  G" by this simp
        with x  S Cons.prems Cons.hyps(1,2)
        have "ccFromList [xys . x  S]  G  ccProd (seen) (set ys - ?seen_T)  G"
            apply -
            apply (rule Cons.IH[where seen_T = "?seen_T"])
            apply (auto simp add: Un_Diff Int_Un_distrib2 Diff_eq f_nxt_def  join_below_iff  interleave_ccFromList interleave_set  ccProd_insert2[where S' = "set xs" for xs]
                    split: if_splits)
            apply (erule below_trans[OF cc_restr_mono1[OF subset]])
            apply (rule below_trans[OF cc_restr_below_arg], simp)
            apply (erule below_trans[OF ccProd_mono[OF order_refl Int_lower1]])
            apply (rule below_trans[OF cc_restr_below_arg], simp)
            apply (erule below_trans[OF ccProd_mono[OF order_refl Int_lower1]])
            apply (erule below_trans[OF ccProd_mono[OF order_refl subset2]])
            apply (erule below_trans[OF ccProd_mono[OF order_refl subset3]])
            apply (erule below_trans[OF ccProd_mono[OF order_refl subset4]])
            apply (erule below_trans[OF ccProd_mono[OF order_refl subset5]])
        with  x  S  seen_x x  seen_T
        show "ccFromList [xx # ys . x  S]  G   ccProd seen (set (x#ys) - seen_T)  G" 
            apply (auto simp add: insert_Diff_if ccProd_insert2[where S' = "set ys - seen_T" for xs] join_below_iff)
            apply (rule below_trans[OF ccProd_mono[OF order_refl subset6]])
            apply (subst ccProd_union2)
            apply (auto simp add: join_below_iff)
        case False
        from False Cons.prems Cons.hyps
        have *: "ccFromList [xys . x  S]  G  ccProd ((insert x seen)) (set ys - seen_T)  G"
          apply -
          apply (rule Cons.IH[where seen = "insert x seen" and seen_T = seen_T])
          apply (auto simp add: x  seen_T Diff_eq ccApprox_both join_below_iff ttree_restr_both interleave_ccFromList insert_Diff_if
                     simp add:  ccProd_insert2[where S' = "set xs  - seen_T" for xs]
                     simp add:  ccProd_insert1[where S' = "seen"])
        from False *
        have "ccProd {x} (set ys - seen_T)   G"
          by (auto simp add: insert_Diff_if ccProd_insert1[where S' = "seen"] join_below_iff)
        hence "ccProd {x} {x  set ys - seen_T. x  S}  G"
          by (rule below_trans[rotated, OF _ ccProd_mono2]) auto
        also have "{x  set ys - seen_T. x  S} =  {x  set ys. x  S}"
          using seen_T  S by auto
        have "ccProd {x} {x  set ys. x  S}  G".
        note False seen_x
        show "ccFromList [xx # ys . x  S]  G  ccProd (seen) (set (x # ys) - seen_T)  G"
          by (auto simp add: join_below_iff  simp add: insert_Diff_if  ccProd_insert2[where S' = "set ys - seen_T" for xs]   ccProd_insert1[where S' = "seen"])
  with xs = _
  show "ccFromList xs  G" by simp

inductive_set valid_lists :: "var set  CoCalls  var list set"
  for S G
  where  "[]  valid_lists S G"
  | "set xs  ccNeighbors x G  xs  valid_lists S G  x  S  x#xs  valid_lists S G"

inductive_simps valid_lists_simps[simp]: "[]  valid_lists S G" "(x#xs)  valid_lists S G"
inductive_cases vald_lists_ConsE: "(x#xs)  valid_lists S G"

lemma  valid_lists_downset_aux:
  "xs  valid_lists S CoCalls  butlast xs  valid_lists S CoCalls"
  by (induction xs) (auto dest: in_set_butlastD)

lemma valid_lists_subset: "xs  valid_lists S G  set xs  S"
  by (induction rule: valid_lists.induct) auto

lemma valid_lists_mono1:
  assumes "S  S'"
  shows "valid_lists S G  valid_lists S' G"
  fix xs
  assume "xs  valid_lists S G"
  thus "xs  valid_lists S' G"
    by (induction rule: valid_lists.induct) (auto dest: subsetD[OF assms])

lemma valid_lists_chain1:
   assumes "chain Y" 
   assumes "xs  valid_lists ((Y ` UNIV)) G"
   shows " i. xs  valid_lists (Y i) G"
  note chain Y
  from assms(2)
  have "set xs  (Y ` UNIV)" by (rule valid_lists_subset)
  have "finite (set xs)" by simp
  have "i. set xs  Y i" by (rule finite_subset_chain)
  then obtain i where "set xs  Y i"..

  from assms(2) this
  have "xs  valid_lists (Y i) G" by (induction rule:valid_lists.induct) auto
  thus ?thesis..

lemma valid_lists_chain2:
   assumes "chain Y" 
   assumes "xs  valid_lists S (i. Y i)"
   shows " i. xs  valid_lists S  (Y i)"
using assms(2)
proof(induction rule:valid_lists.induct[case_names Nil Cons])
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons xs x)

  from chain Y
  have "chain (λ i. ccNeighbors x (Y i))"
    apply (rule ch2ch_monofun[OF monofunI, rotated])
    unfolding below_set_def
    by (rule ccNeighbors_mono)
  from set xs  ccNeighbors x ( i. Y i)
  have "set xs  ( i. ccNeighbors x (Y i))"
    by (simp add:  lub_set)
  have "finite (set xs)" by simp
  have "i. set xs  ccNeighbors x (Y i)" by (rule finite_subset_chain)
  then obtain i where i: "set xs  ccNeighbors x (Y i)"..

  from Cons.IH
  obtain j where j: "xs  valid_lists S (Y j)"..

  from i
  have "set xs  ccNeighbors x (Y (max i j))"
    by (rule order_trans[OF _ ccNeighbors_mono[OF chain_mono[OF chain Y max.cobounded1]]])
  from j
  have "xs  valid_lists S (Y (max i j))" 
    by (induction rule: valid_lists.induct)
       (auto del: subsetI elim: order_trans[OF _ ccNeighbors_mono[OF chain_mono[OF chain Y max.cobounded2]]])
  note x  S
  have "x # xs  valid_lists S (Y (max i j))" by rule
  thus ?case..

lemma valid_lists_cc_restr: "valid_lists S G = valid_lists S (cc_restr S G)"
proof(rule set_eqI)
  fix xs
  show "(xs  valid_lists S G) = (xs  valid_lists S (cc_restr S G))"
    by (induction xs) (auto dest: subsetD[OF valid_lists_subset])

lemma interleave_valid_list:
  "xs  ys  zs  ys  valid_lists S G  zs  valid_lists S' G'  xs  valid_lists (S  S') (G  (G'  ccProd S S'))"
proof (induction rule:interleave_induct)
  case Nil
  show ?case by simp
  case (left ys zs xs x)

  from x # ys  valid_lists S G
  have "x  S" and "set ys  ccNeighbors x G" and "ys  valid_lists S G"
    by auto
  from xs  ys  zs
  have "set xs = set ys  set zs" by (rule interleave_set)
  with set ys  ccNeighbors x G valid_lists_subset[OF zs  valid_lists S' G']
  have "set xs  ccNeighbors x (G  (G'  ccProd S S'))"
    by (auto simp add: ccNeighbors_ccProd x  S)
  from ys  valid_lists S G zs  valid_lists S' G'
  have "xs  valid_lists (S  S') (G  (G'  ccProd S S'))"
    by (rule left.IH)
  from x  S
  have "x  S  S'" by simp
  show ?case..
  case (right ys zs xs x)

  from x # zs  valid_lists S' G'
  have "x  S'" and "set zs  ccNeighbors x G'" and "zs  valid_lists S' G'"
    by auto
  from xs  ys  zs
  have "set xs = set ys  set zs" by (rule interleave_set)
  with set zs  ccNeighbors x G' valid_lists_subset[OF ys  valid_lists S G]
  have "set xs  ccNeighbors x (G  (G'  ccProd S S'))"
    by (auto simp add: ccNeighbors_ccProd x  S')
  from ys  valid_lists S G zs  valid_lists S' G'
  have "xs  valid_lists (S  S') (G  (G'  ccProd S S'))"
    by (rule right.IH)
  from x  S'
  have "x  S  S'" by simp
  show ?case..

lemma interleave_valid_list':
  "xs  valid_lists (S  S') G   ys zs. xs  ys  zs  ys  valid_lists S G  zs  valid_lists S' G"
proof(induction rule: valid_lists.induct[case_names Nil Cons])
  case Nil show ?case by simp
  case (Cons xs x)
  then obtain ys zs where "xs  ys  zs" "ys  valid_lists S G" "zs  valid_lists S' G" by auto

    from xs  ys  zs have "set xs = set ys  set zs" by (rule interleave_set)
    with set xs  ccNeighbors x G 
    have "set ys  ccNeighbors x G" and "set zs  ccNeighbors x G"  by auto
  from x  S  S'
  show ?case
    assume "x  S"
    with set ys  ccNeighbors x G ys  valid_lists S G
    have "x # ys  valid_lists S G"
      by rule
    from xs  ys  zs
    have "x#xs  x#ys  zs"..
    show ?thesis using zs  valid_lists S' G by blast
    assume "x  S'"
    with set zs  ccNeighbors x G zs  valid_lists S' G
    have "x # zs  valid_lists S' G"
      by rule
    from xs  ys  zs
    have "x#xs  ys  x#zs"..
    show ?thesis using ys  valid_lists S G by blast

lemma many_calls_valid_list:
  "xs  valid_lists {x} (ccProd {x} {x})  xs  range (λn. replicate n x)"
  by (induction rule: valid_lists.induct) (auto, metis UNIV_I image_iff replicate_Suc)

lemma filter_valid_lists:
  "xs  valid_lists S G  filter P xs  valid_lists {a  S. P a} G"
by (induction rule:valid_lists.induct) auto

lift_definition ccTTree :: "var set  CoCalls  var ttree" is "λ S G. valid_lists S G" 
  by (auto intro: valid_lists_downset_aux)

lemma paths_ccTTree[simp]: "paths (ccTTree S G) = valid_lists S G" by transfer auto

lemma carrier_ccTTree[simp]: "carrier (ccTTree S G) = S"
  apply transfer
  apply (auto dest: valid_lists_subset)
  apply (rule_tac x = "[x]" in bexI)
  apply auto

lemma valid_lists_ccFromList:
  "xs  valid_lists S G  ccFromList xs  cc_restr S G"
by (induction rule:valid_lists.induct)
   (auto simp add: join_below_iff subset_ccNeighbors ccProd_below_cc_restr elim: subsetD[OF valid_lists_subset])

lemma ccApprox_ccTTree[simp]: "ccApprox (ccTTree S G) = cc_restr S G"
proof (transfer' fixing: S G, rule below_antisym)
  show "lub (ccFromList ` valid_lists S G)  cc_restr S G"
    apply (rule is_lub_thelub_ex)
    apply (metis coCallsLub_is_lub)
    apply (rule is_ubI)
    apply clarify
    apply (erule valid_lists_ccFromList)
  show "cc_restr S G  lub (ccFromList ` valid_lists S G)"
  proof (rule below_CoCallsI)
    fix x y
    have "x--y(ccFromList [y,x])" by simp
    assume "x--y(cc_restr S G)"
    hence "[y,x]  valid_lists S G"  by (auto simp add: elem_ccNeighbors)
    show "x--y(lub (ccFromList ` valid_lists S G))"
      by (rule in_CoCallsLubI[OF _ imageI])

lemma below_ccTTreeI:
  assumes "carrier t  S" and "ccApprox t  G"
  shows "t  ccTTree S G"
unfolding paths_mono_iff[symmetric] below_set_def
  fix xs
  assume "xs  paths t"
  with assms
  have "xs  valid_lists S G"
  proof(induction xs arbitrary : t)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons x xs)
    from x # xs  paths t
    have "possible t x" and "xs  paths (nxt t x)" by (auto simp add: Cons_path)

    have "ccProd {x} (set xs)  ccFromList (x # xs)" by simp
    from x # xs  paths t 
    have "  ccApprox t"
      by (rule ccFromList_below_ccApprox)
    note ccApprox t  G
    have "ccProd {x} (set xs)  G" by this simp_all
    hence "set xs  ccNeighbors x G" unfolding subset_ccNeighbors.
    have "xs  valid_lists S G"
    proof(rule Cons.IH)
      show "xs  paths (nxt t x)" by fact
      from carrier t  S
      show "carrier (nxt t x)  S" 
        by (rule order_trans[OF carrier_nxt_subset])
      from ccApprox t  G
      show "ccApprox (nxt t x)  G" 
        by (rule below_trans[OF ccApprox_nxt_below])
    from  carrier t  S and possible t x
    have "x  S" by (rule carrier_possible_subset)
    show ?case..
  thus "xs  paths (ccTTree S G)" by (metis paths_ccTTree)

lemma ccTTree_mono1:
  "S  S'  ccTTree S G  ccTTree S' G"
  by (rule below_ccTTreeI) (auto simp add:  cc_restr_below_arg)

lemma cont_ccTTree1:
  "cont (λ S. ccTTree S G)"
  apply (rule contI2)
  apply (rule monofunI)
  apply (erule ccTTree_mono1[folded below_set_def])
  apply (rule ttree_belowI)
  apply (simp add: paths_Either lub_set lub_is_either)
  apply (drule (1) valid_lists_chain1[rotated])
  apply simp

lemma ccTTree_mono2:
  "G  G'  ccTTree S G  ccTTree S G'"
  apply (rule ttree_belowI)
  apply simp
  apply (induct_tac  rule:valid_lists.induct) apply assumption
  apply simp
  apply simp
  apply (erule (1) order_trans[OF _ ccNeighbors_mono])

lemma ccTTree_mono:
  "S  S'  G  G'  ccTTree S G  ccTTree S' G'"
  by (metis below_trans[OF ccTTree_mono1 ccTTree_mono2])

lemma cont_ccTTree2:
  "cont (ccTTree S)"
  apply (rule contI2)
  apply (rule monofunI)
  apply (erule ccTTree_mono2)

  apply (rule ttree_belowI)
  apply (simp add: paths_Either lub_set lub_is_either)
  apply (drule (1) valid_lists_chain2)
  apply simp

lemmas cont_ccTTree = cont_compose2[where c = ccTTree, OF cont_ccTTree1 cont_ccTTree2, simp, cont2cont]

lemma ccTTree_below_singleI:
  assumes "S  S' = {}"
  shows "ccTTree S G  singles S'"
  fix xs x
  assume "xs  valid_lists S G" and "x  S'"
  from this assms
  have "length [x'xs . x' = x]  Suc 0"
  by(induction rule: valid_lists.induct[case_names Nil Cons]) auto
  thus ?thesis by transfer auto

lemma ccTTree_cc_restr: "ccTTree S G = ccTTree S (cc_restr S G)"
  by transfer' (rule valid_lists_cc_restr)

lemma ccTTree_cong_below: "cc_restr S G  cc_restr S G'  ccTTree S G  ccTTree S G'"
  by (metis ccTTree_mono2 ccTTree_cc_restr)
lemma ccTTree_cong: "cc_restr S G = cc_restr S G'  ccTTree S G = ccTTree S G'"
  by (metis ccTTree_cc_restr)

lemma either_ccTTree:
  "ccTTree S G ⊕⊕ ccTTree S' G'  ccTTree (S  S') (G  G')"
  by (auto intro!: either_belowI ccTTree_mono)

lemma interleave_ccTTree: 
   "ccTTree S G ⊗⊗ ccTTree S' G'  ccTTree (S  S') (G  G'  ccProd S S')"
   by transfer' (auto, erule (2) interleave_valid_list)

lemma interleave_ccTTree': 
   "ccTTree (S  S') G  ccTTree S G ⊗⊗ ccTTree S' G"
   by transfer' (auto dest!:  interleave_valid_list')

lemma many_calls_ccTTree:
  shows "many_calls x = ccTTree {x} (ccProd {x} {x})"
  apply (auto intro: many_calls_valid_list)
  apply (induct_tac n)
  apply (auto simp add: ccNeighbors_ccProd)

lemma filter_valid_lists':
  "xs  valid_lists {x'  S. P x'} G  xs  filter P ` valid_lists S G"
proof (induction xs )
  case Nil thus ?case by auto  (metis filter.simps(1) image_iff valid_lists_simps(1))
  case (Cons x xs)
  from Cons.prems
  have "set xs  ccNeighbors x G" and "xs  valid_lists {x'  S. P x'} G" and "x  S" and "P x" by auto

  from this(2) have "set xs  {x'  S. P x'}" by (rule valid_lists_subset)
  hence "x  set xs. P x" by auto
  hence [simp]: "filter P xs = xs" by (rule filter_True)
  from Cons.IH[OF xs  _]
  have "xs  filter P ` valid_lists S G".

  from  xs  valid_lists {x'  S. P x'} G
  have "xs  valid_lists S G" by (rule subsetD[OF valid_lists_mono1, rotated]) auto

  from set xs  ccNeighbors x G this x  S
  have "x # xs  valid_lists S G" by rule

  hence "filter P (x # xs)  filter P ` valid_lists S G" by (rule imageI)
  thus ?case using P x filter P xs =xs by simp

lemma without_ccTTree[simp]:
   "without x (ccTTree S G) = ccTTree (S - {x}) G"
by (transfer' fixing: x) (auto dest: filter_valid_lists'  filter_valid_lists[where P = "(λ x'. x' x)"]  simp add: set_diff_eq)

lemma ttree_restr_ccTTree[simp]:
   "ttree_restr S' (ccTTree S G) = ccTTree (S  S') G"
by (transfer' fixing: S') (auto dest: filter_valid_lists'  filter_valid_lists[where P = "(λ x'. x'  S')"]  simp add:Int_def)

lemma repeatable_ccTTree_ccSquare: "S  S'  repeatable (ccTTree S (ccSquare S'))"
   unfolding repeatable_def
   by transfer (auto simp add:ccNeighbors_ccSquare dest: subsetD[OF valid_lists_subset])

text ‹An alternative definition›

inductive valid_lists' :: "var set  CoCalls  var set  var list  bool"
  for S G
  where  "valid_lists' S G prefix []"
  | "prefix  ccNeighbors x G  valid_lists' S G (insert x prefix) xs  x  S  valid_lists' S G prefix (x#xs)"

inductive_simps valid_lists'_simps[simp]: "valid_lists' S G prefix []" "valid_lists' S G prefix (x#xs)"
inductive_cases vald_lists'_ConsE: "valid_lists' S G prefix (x#xs)"

lemma valid_lists_valid_lists':
  "xs  valid_lists S G  ccProd prefix (set xs)  G  valid_lists' S G prefix xs"
proof(induction arbitrary: prefix rule: valid_lists.induct[case_names Nil Cons])
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons xs x)

  from Cons.prems Cons.hyps Cons.IH[where prefix = "insert x prefix"]
  show ?case
  by (auto simp add: insert_is_Un[where A = "set xs"]  insert_is_Un[where A = prefix]
                     join_below_iff subset_ccNeighbors elem_ccNeighbors ccProd_comm simp del: Un_insert_left )

lemma valid_lists'_valid_lists_aux:
  "valid_lists' S G prefix xs   x  prefix  ccProd (set xs) {x}  G"
proof(induction  rule: valid_lists'.induct[case_names Nil Cons])
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons prefix x xs)
  thus ?case
    apply (auto simp add: ccProd_insert2[where S' = prefix] ccProd_insert1[where S' = "set xs"] join_below_iff subset_ccNeighbors)
    by (metis Cons.hyps(1) dual_order.trans empty_subsetI insert_subset subset_ccNeighbors)

lemma valid_lists'_valid_lists:
  "valid_lists' S G prefix xs  xs  valid_lists S G"
proof(induction  rule: valid_lists'.induct[case_names Nil Cons])
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons prefix x xs)
  thus ?case
    by (auto simp add: insert_is_Un[where A = "set xs"]  insert_is_Un[where A = prefix]
                   join_below_iff subset_ccNeighbors elem_ccNeighbors ccProd_comm simp del: Un_insert_left 
         intro: valid_lists'_valid_lists_aux)

text ‹Yet another definition›

lemma valid_lists_characterization:
  "xs  valid_lists S G  set xs  S  (n. ccProd (set (take n xs)) (set (drop n xs))  G)"
  fix x
  assume "xs  valid_lists S G"
  from  valid_lists_subset[OF this]
  show "x  set xs  x  S" by auto
  fix n
  assume "xs  valid_lists S G"
  thus "ccProd (set (take n xs)) (set (drop n xs))  G"
  proof(induction arbitrary: n rule: valid_lists.induct[case_names Nil Cons])
    case Nil thus ?case by simp
    case (Cons xs x)
    show ?case
    proof(cases n)
      case 0 thus ?thesis by simp
      case (Suc n)
      with Cons.hyps Cons.IH[where n = n]
      show ?thesis
      apply (auto simp add: ccProd_insert1[where S' = "set xs" for xs] join_below_iff subset_ccNeighbors)
      by (metis dual_order.trans set_drop_subset subset_ccNeighbors)
  assume "set xs  S"
  and " n. ccProd (set (take n xs)) (set (drop n xs))  G" 
  thus "xs  valid_lists S G"
  proof (induction xs)
    case Nil thus ?case by simp
    case (Cons x xs)
    from n. ccProd (set (take n (x # xs))) (set (drop n (x # xs)))  G
    have "n. ccProd (set (take n xs)) (set (drop n xs))  G"
      by -(rule, erule_tac x = "Suc n" in allE, auto simp add: ccProd_insert1[where S' = "set xs" for xs] join_below_iff)
    from Cons.prems Cons.IH[OF _ this]
    have "xs  valid_lists S G" by auto
    with Cons.prems(1)  spec[OF n. ccProd (set (take n (x # xs))) (set (drop n (x # xs)))  G, where x = 1]
    show ?case by (simp add: subset_ccNeighbors)
