Theory List-Interleavings

theory "List-Interleavings"
imports Main

inductive interleave' :: "'a list  'a list  'a list  bool" 
  where [simp]: "interleave' [] [] []"
  | "interleave' xs ys zs interleave' (x#xs) ys (x#zs)"
  | "interleave' xs ys zs interleave' xs (x#ys) (x#zs)"

definition interleave :: "'a list  'a list  'a list set" (infixr "" 64)
  where "xs  ys = Collect (interleave' xs ys)"
lemma elim_interleave'[pred_set_conv]: "interleave' xs ys zs  zs  xs  ys" unfolding interleave_def by simp

lemmas interleave_intros[intro?] = interleave'.intros[to_set]
lemmas interleave_intros(1)[simp]
lemmas interleave_induct[consumes 1, induct set: interleave, case_names Nil left right] = interleave'.induct[to_set]
lemmas interleave_cases[consumes 1, cases set: interleave] = interleave'.cases[to_set]
lemmas interleave_simps = interleave'.simps[to_set]

inductive_cases interleave_ConsE[elim]: "(x#xs)  ys  zs"
inductive_cases interleave_ConsConsE[elim]: "xs  y#ys  z#zs"
inductive_cases interleave_ConsE2[elim]: "xs  x#ys  zs"
inductive_cases interleave_ConsE3[elim]: "xs  ys  x#zs"

lemma interleave_comm: "xs  ys  zs  xs  zs  ys"
  by (induction rule: interleave_induct) (auto intro: interleave_intros)

lemma interleave_Nil1[simp]: "[]  xs = {xs}"
  by (induction xs) (auto intro: interleave_intros elim: interleave_cases)

lemma interleave_Nil2[simp]: "xs  [] = {xs}"
  by (induction xs) (auto intro: interleave_intros elim: interleave_cases)

lemma interleave_nil_simp[simp]: "[]  xs  ys  xs = []  ys = []"
  by (auto elim: interleave_cases)

lemma append_interleave: "xs @ ys  xs  ys"
  by (induction xs) (auto intro: interleave_intros)

lemma interleave_assoc1: "a  xs  ys  b  a  zs   c. c  ys  zs   b  xs   c"
  by (induction b arbitrary: a  xs ys zs)
     (simp, fastforce del: interleave_ConsE elim!: interleave_ConsE  intro: interleave_intros)

lemma interleave_assoc2: "a  ys  zs  b  xs  a   c. c  xs  ys   b  c  zs"
  by (induction b arbitrary: a  xs ys zs )
     (simp, fastforce del: interleave_ConsE elim!: interleave_ConsE  intro: interleave_intros)

lemma interleave_set: "zs  xs  ys  set zs = set xs  set ys"
  by(induction rule:interleave_induct) auto

lemma interleave_tl: "xs  ys  zs  tl xs  tl ys  zs  tl xs  ys  (tl zs)"
  by(induction rule:interleave_induct) auto

lemma interleave_butlast: "xs  ys  zs  butlast xs  butlast ys  zs  butlast xs  ys  (butlast zs)"
  by (induction rule:interleave_induct) (auto intro: interleave_intros)

lemma interleave_take: "zs  xs  ys   n1 n2. n = n1 + n2   take n zs  take n1 xs  take n2 ys"
  apply(induction arbitrary: n rule:interleave_induct)
  apply auto
  apply arith
  apply (case_tac n, simp)
  apply (drule_tac x = nat in meta_spec)
  apply auto
  apply (rule_tac x = "Suc n1" in exI)
  apply (rule_tac x = "n2" in exI)
  apply (auto intro: interleave_intros)[1]

  apply (case_tac n, simp)
  apply (drule_tac x = nat in meta_spec)
  apply auto
  apply (rule_tac x = "n1" in exI)
  apply (rule_tac x = "Suc n2" in exI)
  apply (auto intro: interleave_intros)[1]

lemma filter_interleave: "xs  ys  zs  filter P xs  filter P ys  filter P zs"
  by (induction rule: interleave_induct)  (auto intro: interleave_intros)

lemma interleave_filtered: "xs  interleave (filter P xs)  (filter (λx'. ¬ P x') xs)"
  by (induction xs) (auto intro: interleave_intros)

function foo where 
  "foo [] [] = undefined"
| "foo xs [] = undefined"
| "foo [] ys = undefined"
| "foo (x#xs) (y#ys) = undefined (foo xs (y#ys)) (foo (x#xs) ys)"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by lexicographic_order
lemmas list_induct2'' = foo.induct[case_names NilNil ConsNil NilCons ConsCons]

lemma interleave_filter:
  assumes "xs  filter P ys  filter P zs"
  obtains xs' where "xs'  ys  zs" and "xs = filter P xs'"
using assms
apply atomize_elim
proof(induction ys zs arbitrary: xs rule: list_induct2'')
case NilNil
  thus ?case by simp
case (ConsNil ys xs)
  thus ?case by auto
case (NilCons zs xs)
  thus ?case by auto
case (ConsCons y ys z zs xs)
  show ?case
  proof(cases "P y")
  case False
    with ConsCons.prems(1)
    have "xs  filter P ys  filter P (z#zs)" by simp
    from ConsCons.IH(1)[OF this]
    obtain xs' where "xs'  ys  (z # zs)" "xs = filter P xs'" by auto
    hence "y#xs'  y#ys  z#zs" and "xs = filter P (y#xs')"
      using False by (auto intro: interleave_intros)
    thus ?thesis by blast
 case True
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "P z")
    case False
      with ConsCons.prems(1)
      have "xs  filter P (y#ys)  filter P zs" by simp
      from ConsCons.IH(2)[OF this]
      obtain xs' where "xs'  y#ys  zs" "xs = filter P xs'" by auto
      hence "z#xs'  y#ys  z#zs" and "xs = filter P (z#xs')"
        using False by (auto intro: interleave_intros)
      thus ?thesis by blast
    case True
      from ConsCons.prems(1) P y P z
      have "xs  y # filter P ys   z # filter P zs"  by simp
      thus ?thesis 
      proof(rule interleave_ConsConsE)
        fix xs'
        assume "xs = y # xs'" and "xs'  interleave (filter P ys) (z # filter P zs)"
        hence "xs'  filter P ys   filter P (z#zs)" using P z by simp
        from ConsCons.IH(1)[OF this]
        obtain xs'' where "xs''  ys  (z # zs)" and "xs' = filter P xs''" by auto
        hence "y#xs''  y#ys   z#zs" and "y#xs' = filter P (y#xs'')"
          using P y by (auto intro: interleave_intros)
        thus ?thesis using xs = _ by blast
        fix xs'
        assume "xs = z # xs'" and "xs'  y # filter P ys   filter P zs"
        hence "xs'  filter P (y#ys)  filter P zs" using P y by simp
        from ConsCons.IH(2)[OF this]
        obtain xs'' where "xs''  y#ys  zs" and "xs' = filter P xs''" by auto
        hence "z#xs''  y#ys  z#zs" and "z#xs' = filter P (z#xs'')"
          using P z by (auto intro: interleave_intros)
        thus ?thesis using xs = _ by blast
