Theory CoCallAnalysisImpl

theory CoCallAnalysisImpl
imports "Arity-Nominal" "Launchbury.Nominal-HOLCF" "Launchbury.Env-Nominal"  "Env-Set-Cpo" "Launchbury.Env-HOLCF" CoCallFix

fun combined_restrict :: "var set  (AEnv × CoCalls)  (AEnv × CoCalls)"
  where "combined_restrict S (env, G) = (env f|` S, cc_restr S G)"

lemma fst_combined_restrict[simp]:
  "fst (combined_restrict S p) = fst p f|` S"
  by (cases p, simp)

lemma snd_combined_restrict[simp]:
  "snd (combined_restrict S p) = cc_restr S (snd p)"
  by (cases p, simp)

lemma combined_restrict_eqvt[eqvt]:
  shows "π  combined_restrict S p = combined_restrict (π  S) (π  p)"
  by (cases p) auto

lemma combined_restrict_cont:
  "cont (λx. combined_restrict S x)"
  have "cont (λ(env, G). combined_restrict S (env, G))" by simp
  then show ?thesis by (simp only: case_prod_eta) 
lemmas cont_compose[OF combined_restrict_cont, cont2cont, simp]

lemma combined_restrict_perm:
  assumes "supp π ♯* S" and [simp]: "finite S"
  shows "combined_restrict S (π  p) = combined_restrict S p"
proof(cases p)
  fix env :: AEnv and  G :: CoCalls
  assume "p = (env, G)"
  from assms
  have "env_restr S (π  env) = env_restr S env" by (rule env_restr_perm)
  from assms
  have "cc_restr S (π  G) = cc_restr S G" by (rule cc_restr_perm)
  show ?thesis by simp

definition predCC :: "var set  (Arity  CoCalls)  (Arity  CoCalls)"
  where "predCC S f = (Λ a. if a  0 then cc_restr S (f(preda)) else ccSquare S)"

lemma predCC_eq:
  shows "predCC S f  a = (if a  0 then cc_restr S (f(preda)) else ccSquare S)"
  unfolding predCC_def
  apply (rule beta_cfun)
  apply (rule cont_if_else_above)
  apply (auto dest: subsetD[OF ccField_cc_restr])

lemma predCC_eqvt[eqvt, simp]: "π  (predCC S f) = predCC (π  S) (π  f)"
  apply (rule cfun_eqvtI)
  unfolding predCC_eq
  by perm_simp rule

lemma cc_restr_predCC:
  "cc_restr S (predCC S' fn) = (predCC (S'  S) (Λ n. cc_restr S (fn)))n"
  unfolding predCC_eq
  by (auto simp add: inf_commute ccSquare_def)

lemma cc_restr_predCC'[simp]:
  "cc_restr S (predCC S fn) = predCC S fn"
  unfolding predCC_eq by simp

  cCCexp :: "exp  (Arity  AEnv × CoCalls)" 
  "cCCexp (Var x) =      (Λ n . (esing x  (up  n),                                   ))"
| "cCCexp (Lam [x]. e) = (Λ n . combined_restrict (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (fst (cCCexp e(predn)), predCC (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (Λ a. snd(cCCexp ea))n))"
| "cCCexp (App e x) =    (Λ n . (fst (cCCexp e(incn))  (esing x  (up0)),          snd (cCCexp e(incn))  ccProd {x} (insert x (fv e))))"
| "cCCexp (Let Γ e) =    (Λ n . combined_restrict (fv (Let Γ e)) (CoCallArityAnalysis.cccFix_choose cCCexp Γ  (cCCexp en)))"
| "cCCexp (Bool b) =     "
| "cCCexp (scrut ? e1 : e2) = (Λ n. (fst (cCCexp scrut0)  fst (cCCexp e1n)  fst (cCCexp e2n),
     snd (cCCexp scrut0)  (snd (cCCexp e1n)  snd (cCCexp e2n))  ccProd (edom (fst (cCCexp scrut0))) (edom (fst (cCCexp e1n))  edom (fst (cCCexp e2n)))))"
proof goal_cases
  case 1
  show ?case
    unfolding eqvt_def cCCexp_graph_aux_def
    apply rule
    apply (perm_simp)
    apply (simp add: Abs_cfun_eqvt)
  case 3
  thus ?case by (metis Terms.exp_strong_exhaust)
  case prems: (10 x e x' e')
  from prems(9)
  show ?case
  proof(rule eqvt_lam_case)
    fix π :: perm
    assume *: "supp (-π) ♯* (fv (Lam [x]. e) :: var set)" 
    fix n
    have "combined_restrict (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (fst (cCCexp_sumC (π  e)(predn)), predCC (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (Λ a. snd(cCCexp_sumC (π  e)a))n)
       = combined_restrict (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (- π  (fst (cCCexp_sumC (π  e)(predn)), predCC (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (Λ a. snd(cCCexp_sumC (π  e)a))n))"
      by (rule combined_restrict_perm[symmetric, OF *]) simp
    also have " = combined_restrict (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (fst (cCCexp_sumC e(predn)), predCC (- π  fv (Lam [x]. e)) (Λ a. snd(cCCexp_sumC ea))n)"
      by (perm_simp, simp add: eqvt_at_apply[OF prems(1)] pemute_minus_self Abs_cfun_eqvt)
    also have "- π  fv (Lam [x]. e) = (fv (Lam [x]. e) :: var set)" by (rule perm_supp_eq[OF *])
    also note calculation
    thus "(Λ n. combined_restrict (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (fst (cCCexp_sumC (π  e)(predn)), predCC (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (Λ a. snd(cCCexp_sumC (π  e)a))n))
        = (Λ n. combined_restrict (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (fst (cCCexp_sumC e(predn)), predCC (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (Λ a. snd(cCCexp_sumC ea))n))" by simp
  case prems: (19 Γ body Γ' body')
  from prems(9)
  show ?case
  proof (rule eqvt_let_case)
    fix π :: perm
    assume *: "supp (-π) ♯* (fv (Terms.Let Γ body) :: var set)"
    { fix n
      have "combined_restrict (fv (Terms.Let Γ body)) (CoCallArityAnalysis.cccFix_choose cCCexp_sumC (π  Γ)(cCCexp_sumC (π  body)n))
      =  combined_restrict (fv (Terms.Let Γ body)) (- π  (CoCallArityAnalysis.cccFix_choose cCCexp_sumC (π  Γ)(cCCexp_sumC (π  body)n)))"
        by (rule combined_restrict_perm[OF *, symmetric]) simp
      also have "- π  (CoCallArityAnalysis.cccFix_choose cCCexp_sumC (π  Γ)(cCCexp_sumC (π  body)n)) = 
                       CoCallArityAnalysis.cccFix_choose (- π  cCCexp_sumC) Γ((- π  cCCexp_sumC) bodyn)"
        by (simp add: pemute_minus_self)
      also have "CoCallArityAnalysis.cccFix_choose (- π  cCCexp_sumC) Γ = CoCallArityAnalysis.cccFix_choose cCCexp_sumC Γ"
        by (rule cccFix_choose_cong[OF eqvt_at_apply[OF prems(1)] refl])
      also have "(- π  cCCexp_sumC) body = cCCexp_sumC body"
        by (rule eqvt_at_apply[OF prems(2)])
      also note calculation
    thus "(Λ n. combined_restrict (fv (Terms.Let Γ body)) (CoCallArityAnalysis.cccFix_choose cCCexp_sumC (π  Γ)(cCCexp_sumC (π  body)n))) =
         (Λ n. combined_restrict (fv (Terms.Let Γ body)) (CoCallArityAnalysis.cccFix_choose cCCexp_sumC Γ(cCCexp_sumC bodyn)))" by (simp only:)
qed auto

nominal_termination (eqvt) by lexicographic_order

locale CoCallAnalysisImpl
sublocale CoCallArityAnalysis cCCexp.
sublocale ArityAnalysis Aexp.

abbreviation Aexp_syn'' (𝒜⇘_) where "𝒜⇘ae  Aexp ea"
abbreviation Aexp_bot_syn'' (𝒜_) where "𝒜ae  fup(Aexp e)a"

abbreviation ccExp_syn'' (𝒢⇘_) where "𝒢⇘ae  CCexp ea"
abbreviation ccExp_bot_syn'' (𝒢_) where "𝒢ae  fup(CCexp e)a"

lemma cCCexp_eq[simp]:
  "cCCexp (Var x)n =      (esing x  (up  n),                                   )"
  "cCCexp (Lam [x]. e)n = combined_restrict (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (fst (cCCexp e(predn)), predCC (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (Λ a. snd(cCCexp ea))n)"
  "cCCexp (App e x)n =    (fst (cCCexp e(incn))  (esing x  (up0)),          snd (cCCexp e(incn))  ccProd {x} (insert x (fv e)))"
  "cCCexp (Let Γ e)n =    combined_restrict (fv (Let Γ e)) (CoCallArityAnalysis.cccFix_choose cCCexp Γ  (cCCexp en))"
  "cCCexp (Bool b)n = "
  "cCCexp (scrut ? e1 : e2)n = (fst (cCCexp scrut0)  fst (cCCexp e1n)  fst (cCCexp e2n),
        snd (cCCexp scrut0)  (snd (cCCexp e1n)  snd (cCCexp e2n))  ccProd (edom (fst (cCCexp scrut0))) (edom (fst (cCCexp e1n))  edom (fst (cCCexp e2n))))"
by (simp_all)
declare cCCexp.simps[simp del]

lemma Aexp_pre_simps:
  "𝒜⇘a(Var x) = esing x(upa)"
  "𝒜⇘a(Lam [x]. e) = Aexp e(preda) f|` fv (Lam [x]. e)"
  "𝒜⇘a(App e x) = Aexp e(inca)  esing x(up0)"
  "¬ nonrec Γ 
     𝒜⇘a(Let Γ e) = (Afix Γ(𝒜⇘ae  (λ_.up0) f|` thunks Γ)) f|` (fv (Let Γ e))"
  "x  fv e 
     𝒜⇘a(let x be e in exp) =
        (fup(Aexp e)(ABind_nonrec x e(𝒜⇘aexp, CCexp expa))  𝒜⇘aexp)
            f|` (fv (let x be e in exp))"
  "𝒜⇘a(Bool b) = "
  "𝒜⇘a(scrut ? e1 : e2) = 𝒜⇘0scrut  𝒜⇘ae1  𝒜⇘ae2"
 by (simp add: cccFix_eq Aexp_eq fup_Aexp_eq CCexp_eq fup_CCexp_eq)+

lemma CCexp_pre_simps:
  "CCexp (Var x)n = "
  "CCexp (Lam [x]. e)n = predCC (fv (Lam [x]. e)) (CCexp e)n"
  "CCexp (App e x)n = CCexp e(incn)  ccProd {x} (insert x (fv e))"
  "¬ nonrec Γ 
      CCexp (Let Γ e)n = cc_restr (fv (Let Γ e))
        (CCfix Γ(Afix Γ(Aexp en  (λ_.up0) f|` thunks Γ), CCexp en))"
  "x  fv e  CCexp (let x be e in exp)n =
    cc_restr (fv (let x be e in exp))
       (ccBind x e (Aheap_nonrec x e(Aexp expn, CCexp expn), CCexp expn)
        ccProd (fv e) (ccNeighbors x (CCexp expn) - (if isVal e then {} else {x}))  CCexp expn)"
  "CCexp (Bool b)n = "
  "CCexp (scrut ? e1 : e2)n =
       CCexp scrut0 
       (CCexp e1n  CCexp e2n) 
       ccProd (edom (Aexp scrut0)) (edom (Aexp e1n)  edom (Aexp e2n))"
by (simp add: cccFix_eq Aexp_eq fup_Aexp_eq CCexp_eq fup_CCexp_eq predCC_eq)+

  shows ccField_CCexp: "ccField (CCexp ea)  fv e" and Aexp_edom': "edom (𝒜⇘ae)  fv e"
  apply (induction e arbitrary: a rule: exp_induct_rec)
  apply (auto simp add: CCexp_pre_simps predCC_eq Aexp_pre_simps dest!: subsetD[OF ccField_cc_restr] subsetD[OF ccField_ccProd_subset])
  apply fastforce+

lemma cc_restr_CCexp[simp]:
  "cc_restr (fv e) (CCexp ea) = CCexp ea"
by (rule cc_restr_noop[OF ccField_CCexp])

lemma ccField_fup_CCexp:
  "ccField (fup(CCexp e)n)  fv e"
by (cases n) (auto dest: subsetD[OF ccField_CCexp])

lemma cc_restr_fup_ccExp_useless[simp]: "cc_restr (fv e) (fup(CCexp e)n) = fup(CCexp e)n"
  by (rule cc_restr_noop[OF ccField_fup_CCexp])

sublocale EdomArityAnalysis Aexp by standard (rule Aexp_edom')

lemma CCexp_simps[simp]:
  "𝒢⇘a(Var x) = "
  "𝒢⇘0(Lam [x]. e) = (fv (Lam [x]. e))2"
  "𝒢⇘inca(Lam [x]. e) = cc_delete x (𝒢⇘ae)"
  "𝒢⇘a(App e x) = 𝒢⇘incae  {x} insert x (fv e)"
  "¬ nonrec Γ  𝒢⇘a(Let Γ e) =
    (CCfix Γ(Afix Γ(𝒜⇘ae  (λ_.up0) f|` thunks Γ), 𝒢⇘ae)) G|` (- domA Γ)"
  "x  fv e'  𝒢⇘a(let x be e' in e) =
    cc_delete x
       (ccBind x e' (Aheap_nonrec x e'(𝒜⇘ae, 𝒢⇘ae), 𝒢⇘ae)
        fv e'  (ccNeighbors x (𝒢⇘ae) - (if isVal e' then {} else {x}))  𝒢⇘ae)"
  "𝒢⇘a(Bool b) = "
  "𝒢⇘a(scrut ? e1 : e2) =
       𝒢⇘0scrut  (𝒢⇘ae1  𝒢⇘ae2) 
       edom (𝒜⇘0scrut)  (edom (𝒜⇘ae1)  edom (𝒜⇘ae2))"
by (auto simp add: CCexp_pre_simps Diff_eq cc_restr_cc_restr[symmetric] predCC_eq 
            simp del: cc_restr_cc_restr cc_restr_join
            intro!: cc_restr_noop
            dest!: subsetD[OF ccField_cc_delete] subsetD[OF ccField_cc_restr]  subsetD[OF ccField_CCexp]
                   subsetD[OF ccField_CCfix] subsetD[OF ccField_ccBind]  subsetD[OF ccField_ccProd_subset] elem_to_ccField

definition Aheap where
  "Aheap Γ e = (Λ a. if nonrec Γ then (case_prod Aheap_nonrec (hd Γ))(Aexp ea, CCexp ea) else  (Afix Γ  (Aexp ea  (λ_.up0) f|` thunks Γ)) f|` domA Γ)"

lemma Aheap_simp1[simp]:
  "¬ nonrec Γ  Aheap Γ e a = (Afix Γ  (Aexp ea  (λ_.up0) f|` thunks Γ)) f|` domA Γ"
  unfolding Aheap_def by simp

lemma Aheap_simp2[simp]:
  "x  fv e'  Aheap [(x,e')] e a = Aheap_nonrec x e'(Aexp ea, CCexp ea)"
  unfolding Aheap_def by (simp add: nonrec_def)

lemma Aheap_eqvt'[eqvt]:
  "π  (Aheap Γ e) = Aheap (π  Γ) (π  e)"
  apply (rule cfun_eqvtI)
  apply (cases nonrec π rule: eqvt_cases[where x = Γ])
  apply simp
  apply (erule nonrecE)
  apply simp
  apply (erule nonrecE)
  apply simp
  apply (perm_simp, rule)
  apply simp
  apply (perm_simp, rule)

sublocale ArityAnalysisHeap Aheap.

sublocale ArityAnalysisHeapEqvt Aheap
  fix π show "π  Aheap = Aheap"
    by perm_simp rule

lemma Aexp_lam_simp: "Aexp (Lam [x]. e)  n = env_delete x (Aexp e  (pred  n))"
  have "Aexp (Lam [x]. e)  n = Aexp e(predn) f|` (fv e - {x})" by (simp add: Aexp_pre_simps)
  also have "... = env_delete x (Aexp e(predn)) f|` (fv e - {x})" by simp
  also have " = env_delete x (Aexp e(predn))"
     by (rule env_restr_useless) (auto dest: subsetD[OF Aexp_edom])
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma Aexp_Let_simp1:
  "¬ nonrec Γ  𝒜⇘a(Let Γ e) = (Afix Γ(𝒜⇘ae  (λ_.up0) f|` thunks Γ)) f|` (- domA Γ)"
  unfolding Aexp_pre_simps
  by (rule env_restr_cong) (auto simp add: dest!: subsetD[OF Afix_edom] subsetD[OF Aexp_edom] subsetD[OF thunks_domA])

lemma Aexp_Let_simp2:
  "x  fv e  𝒜⇘a(let x be e in exp) = env_delete x (𝒜ABind_nonrec x e  (𝒜⇘aexp, CCexp expa)e  𝒜⇘aexp)"
  unfolding Aexp_pre_simps env_delete_restr
  by (rule env_restr_cong) (auto dest!: subsetD[OF fup_Aexp_edom]  subsetD[OF Aexp_edom])

lemma Aexp_simps[simp]:
  "𝒜⇘a(Var x) = esing x(upa)"
  "𝒜⇘a(Lam [x]. e) = env_delete x (𝒜⇘predae)"
  "𝒜⇘a(App e x) = Aexp e(inca)  esing x(up0)"
  "¬ nonrec Γ  𝒜⇘a(Let Γ e) =
      (Afix Γ(𝒜⇘ae  (λ_.up0) f|` thunks Γ)) f|` (- domA Γ)"
  "x  fv e'  𝒜⇘a(let x be e' in e) =
      env_delete x (𝒜ABind_nonrec x e'(𝒜⇘ae, 𝒢⇘ae)e'  𝒜⇘ae)"
  "𝒜⇘a(Bool b) = "
  "𝒜⇘a(scrut ? e1 : e2) = 𝒜⇘0scrut  𝒜⇘ae1  𝒜⇘ae2"
 by (simp_all add: Aexp_lam_simp Aexp_Let_simp1 Aexp_Let_simp2, simp_all add: Aexp_pre_simps)

