Theory Broadcast_Thms
theory Broadcast_Thms
imports Broadcast_Chain Broadcast_Frame Semantics Simulation Bisimulation Sim_Pres
Sim_Struct_Cong Bisim_Pres Bisim_Struct_Cong Bisim_Subst
context env
subsection ‹Syntax›
subsubsection ‹Psi calculus agents~-- Definition~2›
text ‹
@{term M}, @{term N} range over message terms. @{term P}, @{term Q} range over processes.
@{term C} ranges over cases.
▪ Output: @{term "M⟨N⟩.P"}
▪ Input: @{term "M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P"}
▪ Case: @{term "Case C"}
▪ Par: @{term "(P ∥ Q)"}
▪ Res: @{term "⦇νx⦈(P::('a,'b,'c) psi)"}
▪ Assert: @{term "⦃Ψ⦄"}
▪ Bang: @{term "!P"}
text ‹
▪ Cases: @{term "□ φ ⇒ P C"}
subsubsection ‹Parameters~-- Definition~1›
text ‹
▪ Channel equivalence: @{term "M ↔ N"}
▪ Composition: @{term "Ψ⇩P ⊗ Ψ⇩Q"}
▪ Unit: @{term "𝟭"}
▪ Entailment: @{term "Ψ ⊢ φ"}
subsubsection ‹Extra predicates for broadcast~-- Definition~5›
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▪ Output connectivity: @{term "M ≼ N"}
▪ Input connectivity: @{term "M ≽ N"}
subsubsection ‹Transitions~-- Definition~3›
text ‹
▪ @{term "Ψ ⊳ P ⟼α P'"}
subsubsection ‹Actions (\texorpdfstring{@{term α}}{alpha})~-- Definition~7›
text ‹
▪ Input: @{term "M⦇N⦈"}
▪ Output: @{term "M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N⟩"}
▪ Broadcast input: @{term "¿M⦇N⦈"}
▪ Broadcast output: @{term "¡M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N⟩"}
▪ Silent action: @{term "τ"}
subsection ‹Semantics›
subsubsection ‹Basic Psi semantics~-- Table~1›
text ‹
▪ Theorem {\it Input}:
@{thm [display] Input[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it Output}:
@{thm [display] Output[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it Case}:
@{thm [display] Case[no_vars]}
▪ Theorems {\it Par1} and {\it Par2}:
@{thm [display] Par1[no_vars]}
@{thm [display] Par2[no_vars]}
▪ Theorems {\it Comm1} and {\it Comm2}:
@{thm [display] Comm1[no_vars]}
@{thm [display] Comm2[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it Open}:
@{thm [display] Open[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it Scope}:
@{thm [display] Scope[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it Bang}:
@{thm [display] Bang[no_vars]}
subsubsection ‹Broadcast rules~-- Table~2›
text ‹
▪ Theorem {\it BrInput}:
@{thm [display] BrInput[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it BrOutput}:
@{thm [display] BrOutput[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it BrMerge}:
@{thm [display] BrMerge[no_vars]}
▪ Theorems {\it BrComm1} and {\it BrComm2}:
@{thm [display] BrComm1[no_vars]}
@{thm [display] BrComm2[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it BrClose}:
@{thm [display] BrClose[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it BrOpen}:
@{thm [display] BrOpen[no_vars]}
subsubsection ‹Requirements for broadcast~-- Definition~6›
text ‹
▪ Theorem {\it chanOutConSupp}:
@{thm [display] chanOutConSupp[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it chanInConSupp}:
@{thm [display] chanInConSupp[no_vars]}
subsubsection ‹Strong bisimulation~-- Definition~4›
text ‹
▪ Theorem {\it bisim.step}:
@{thm [display] bisim.step[no_vars]}
subsection ‹Theorems›
subsubsection ‹Congruence properties of strong bisimulation~-- Theorem~8›
text ‹
▪ Theorem {\it bisimOutputPres}:
@{thm [display] bisimOutputPres[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimInputPres}:
@{thm [display] bisimInputPres[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimCasePres}:
@{thm [display] bisimCasePres[no_vars]}
▪ Theorems {\it bisimParPres} and {\it bisimParPresSym}:
@{thm [display] bisimParPres[no_vars]}
@{thm [display] bisimParPresSym[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimResPres}:
@{thm [display] bisimResPres[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimBangPres}:
@{thm [display] bisimBangPres[no_vars]}
subsubsection ‹Strong congruence, bisimulation closed under substitution~-- Definition~9›
text ‹
▪ Theorem {\it closeSubst\_def}:
@{thm [display] closeSubst_def[no_vars]}
▪ @{term "Ψ ⊳ P ∼⇩s Q"}
subsubsection ‹Strong congruence is a process congruence for all \texorpdfstring{@{term Ψ}}{Psi}~-- Theorem~10›
text ‹
▪ Theorem {\it bisimSubstOutputPres}:
@{thm [display] bisimSubstOutputPres[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimSubstInputPres}:
@{thm [display] bisimSubstInputPres[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimSubstCasePres}:
@{thm [display] bisimSubstCasePres[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimSubstParPres}:
@{thm [display] bisimSubstParPres[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimSubstResPres}:
@{thm [display] bisimSubstResPres[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimSubstBangPres}:
@{thm [display] bisimSubstBangPres[no_vars]}
subsubsection ‹Structural equivalence~-- Theorem~11›
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▪ Theorem {\it bisimCasePushRes}:
@{thm [display] bisimCasePushRes[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimInputPushRes}:
@{thm [display] bisimInputPushRes[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimOutputPushRes}:
@{thm [display] bisimOutputPushRes[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimParAssoc}:
@{thm [display] bisimParAssoc[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimParComm}:
@{thm [display] bisimParComm[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimResNil}:
@{thm [display] bisimResNil[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimScopeExt}:
@{thm [display] bisimScopeExt[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimResComm}:
@{thm [display] bisimResComm[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bangExt}:
@{thm [display] bangExt[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it bisimParNil}:
@{thm [display] bisimParNil[no_vars]}
subsubsection ‹Support of processes in broadcast transitions~-- Lemma~14›
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▪ Theorem {\it brInputTermSupp}:
@{thm [display] brInputTermSupp[no_vars]}
▪ Theorem {\it brOutputTermSupp}:
@{thm [display] brOutputTermSupp[no_vars]}