Theory Broadcast_Chain

theory Broadcast_Chain
  imports "Psi_Calculi.Chain"

lemma pair_perm_fresh_contr:
  fixes a::'a and b::'a
    at: "at TYPE('a)"
    prems: "b  pi" "(a, b)  set pi"
  shows False
  using prems
  by(induct pi)
    (auto simp add: supp_list_cons fresh_list_nil supp_prod at_supp[OF at]
                    fresh_list_cons fresh_prod at_fresh[OF at])

lemma pair_perm_fresh_contr':
  fixes a::'a and b::'a
    at: "at TYPE('a)"
    prems: "a  pi" "(a, b)  set pi"
  shows False
  using prems
  by(induct pi)
    (auto simp add: supp_list_cons fresh_list_nil supp_prod at_supp[OF at]
                    fresh_list_cons fresh_prod at_fresh[OF at])

lemma list_set_supp:
  fixes l :: "('d::fs_name) list"
  shows "supp (set l) = (supp l :: name set)"
proof(induct l)
  case Nil then show ?case
    by (simp add: supp_list_nil supp_set_empty)
  case (Cons x xs) then show ?case
    using at_name_inst fs_name_inst pt_list_set_supp pt_name_inst by blast

lemma name_set_supp:
  assumes "finite a"
  shows "supp a = (a::name set)"
  using assms
  by(rule at_fin_set_supp[OF at_name_inst])

lemma supp_idem:
  fixes l :: "('d::fs_name)"
  shows "supp((supp l)::name set) = (supp(l)::name set)"
proof -
  have f: "finite((supp l)::name set)"
    by finite_guess
  show ?thesis
    by(rule name_set_supp[OF f])

lemma fresh_supp:
  fixes a :: name
    and X :: "('d::fs_name)"
  shows "a  ((supp X)::name set) = a  X"
  by(simp add: fresh_def supp_idem)

lemma fresh_chain_supp:
  fixes A :: "name list"
    and X :: "('d::fs_name)"
  shows "A ♯* ((supp X)::name set) = A ♯* X"
  unfolding fresh_star_def
  by(simp add: fresh_supp)

lemma fresh_chain_fin_union:
  fixes X::"('d::fs_name set)"
    and Y::"('d::fs_name set)"
    and A::"name list"
  assumes f1: "finite X"
    and f2: "finite Y"
  shows "A♯*(XY) = (A♯*X  A♯*Y)"
  unfolding fresh_star_def
  apply(subst fresh_fin_union[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst, OF fs_name_inst, OF f1, OF f2])
  by blast

lemma fresh_subset:
  fixes S :: "name set"
    and S' :: "name set"
    and a :: name
  assumes "a  S"
    and "S'  S"
    and "finite S"

shows "a  S'"
proof -
  have "finite S'" using S'  S finite S
    by(rule Finite_Set.finite_subset)
  with assms show ?thesis
    by(auto simp add: fresh_def supp_subset Chain.name_list_supp name_set_supp)

lemma fresh_subset':
  fixes S :: "'d::fs_name set"
    and S' :: "'d::fs_name set"
    and a :: name
  assumes "a  S"
    and "S'  S"
    and "finite S"

shows "a  S'"
proof -
  have "finite S'" using S'  S finite S
    by(rule Finite_Set.finite_subset)
  have "supp S'  ((supp S)::name set)"
    apply(rule Chain.supp_subset)
    by fact+
  with assms show ?thesis
    unfolding fresh_def
    by auto

lemma fresh_star_subset':
  fixes S :: "'d::fs_name set"
    and S' :: "'d::fs_name set"
    and A :: "name list"
  assumes "A ♯* S"
    and "S'  S"
    and "finite S"

shows "A ♯* S'"
  using assms
  unfolding fresh_star_def
  by(auto simp add: fresh_subset')

lemma fresh_star_subset:
  fixes S :: "name set"
    and S' :: "name set"
    and A :: "name list"
  assumes "A ♯* S"
    and "S'  S"
    and "finite S"

shows "A ♯* S'"
  using assms
  unfolding fresh_star_def
  by(auto simp add: fresh_subset)

lemma times_set_fresh:
  fixes a  :: name
    and S  :: "name list"
    and S' :: "name list"
  assumes "a  set S"
    and "a  set S'"
  shows "a  set S × set S'"
  using assms
proof(cases S)
  case Nil then show ?thesis by(simp add: fresh_set_empty)
  case (Cons s Svec) then show ?thesis
  proof(cases S')
    case Nil then show ?thesis by(simp add: fresh_set_empty)
    case (Cons s' S') then show ?thesis
      using S = s # Svec assms
      apply(subst fresh_cart_prod[OF pt_name_inst, OF pt_name_inst, OF fs_name_inst, OF fs_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])

lemma times_set_fresh_star:
  fixes A  :: "name list"
    and S  :: "name list"
    and S' :: "name list"
  assumes "A ♯* set S"
    and "A ♯* set S'"
  shows "A ♯* (set S × set S')"
  using assms
  unfolding fresh_star_def
proof(induct A)
  case Nil show ?case by simp
  case(Cons a A)
  have "a  set S" and "a  set S'" using Cons by simp+
  then have "a  (set S × set S')" by(rule times_set_fresh)
  have " xset A. (x  set S)" and " xset A. (x  set S')" using Cons
    by simp+
  then have "xset A. x  set S × set S'" using Cons by simp
  then show ?case using a  (set S × set S')
    by simp

lemma supp_list_set:
  fixes M::"'d::fs_name list"
  shows "(supp M) = ((supp(set M))::name set)"
proof(induct M)
  case Nil then show ?case by(simp add: supp_set_empty supp_list_nil)
  case (Cons m M)
  have lhs: "(supp (m # M)::name set) = supp m  supp M" by(simp add: supp_list_cons)
  have rhs: "(supp (set (m # M))::name set) = supp m  supp M"
  proof -
    have "supp (set (m # M)) = (supp (set [m]  set M)::name set)"
      by simp
    moreover have " = supp (set [m])  supp(set M)"
      apply(rule supp_fin_union[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst, OF fs_name_inst])
      by simp+
    moreover have " = supp m  supp M"
      using calculation(1) calculation(2) lhs list_set_supp by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by simp
  show ?case
    unfolding lhs rhs
    by(rule refl)

lemma fresh_list_set:
  fixes M::"'d::fs_name list"
    and A::"name list"
  shows "A ♯* set M = A ♯* M"
  unfolding fresh_star_def fresh_def supp_list_set
  by(rule refl)

lemma permSupp:
  fixes Ψ  :: "name prm"
    and Ψ' :: "'d::fs_name"

shows "(supp(Ψ  Ψ')::name set)  ((supp Ψ)  (supp Ψ'))"
proof -
    fix x::name
    let ?P = "λy. ([(x, y)]  Ψ)  ([(x, y)]  Ψ')  Ψ  Ψ'"
    let ?Q = "λy Ψ. ([(x, y)]  Ψ)  Ψ"
    assume "finite {y. ?Q y Ψ'}"
    moreover assume "finite {y. ?Q y Ψ}"
    and "infinite {b. [(x, b)]  Ψ  Ψ'  Ψ  Ψ'}"
    from infinite {b. [(x, b)]  Ψ  Ψ'  Ψ  Ψ'} have "infinite {y. ?P(y)}"
      by(subst cp1[symmetric, OF cp_pt_inst, OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
    then have "infinite({y. ?P(y)} - {y. ?Q y Ψ})"
      using finite {y. ?Q y Ψ'} finite {y. ?Q y Ψ}
      by - (rule Diff_infinite_finite)
    ultimately have "infinite(({y. ?P(y)} - {y. ?Q y Ψ}) - {y. ?Q y Ψ'})"
      by(rule Diff_infinite_finite)
    then have "infinite({y. ?P(y)  ¬(?Q y Ψ)  ¬ (?Q y Ψ')})" by(simp add: set_diff_eq)
    moreover have "{y. ?P(y)  ¬(?Q y Ψ)  ¬ (?Q y Ψ')} = {}"
      by auto
    ultimately have "infinite {}"
      by - (drule Infinite_cong, auto)
    then have False by simp
  from this show ?thesis
    by(force simp add: supp_def)
