Theory Bisim_Struct_Cong

theory Bisim_Struct_Cong
  imports Bisim_Pres Sim_Struct_Cong "Psi_Calculi.Structural_Congruence"

text ‹This file is a (heavily modified) variant of the theory {\it Psi\_Calculi.Bisim\_Struct\_Cong}

context env begin

lemma bisimParComm:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
    and P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

shows "Ψ  P  Q  Q  P"
proof -
  let ?X = "{((Ψ::'b), ⦇ν*xvec((P::('a, 'b, 'c) psi)  Q), ⦇ν*xvec(Q  P)) | xvec Ψ P Q. xvec ♯* Ψ}"

  have "eqvt ?X"
    by(force simp add: eqvt_def pt_fresh_star_bij[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst] eqvts)

  have "(Ψ, P  Q, Q  P)  ?X"
    using resChain.base by(smt (verit) freshSets(1) mem_Collect_eq)
  then show ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: bisimWeakCoinduct)
    case(cStatEq Ψ PQ QP)
    from (Ψ, PQ, QP)  ?X
    obtain xvec P Q where PFrQ: "PQ = ⦇ν*xvec(P  Q)" and QFrP: "QP = ⦇ν*xvec(Q  P)" and "xvec ♯* Ψ"
      by auto

    obtain AP ΨP where FrP: "extractFrame P = AP, ΨP" and "AP ♯* Ψ" and "AP ♯* Q"
      by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ, Q)"]) auto
    obtain AQ ΨQ where FrQ: "extractFrame Q = AQ, ΨQ" and "AQ ♯* Ψ" and "AQ ♯* AP" and "AQ ♯* ΨP"
      by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ, AP, ΨP)"]) auto
    from FrQ AQ ♯* AP AP ♯* Q have "AP ♯* ΨQ" by(force dest: extractFrameFreshChain)
    have "(xvec@AP@AQ), Ψ  ΨP  ΨQ F (xvec@AQ@AP), Ψ  ΨQ  ΨP"
      by(simp add: frameChainAppend)
        (metis frameResChainPres frameResChainComm frameNilStatEq compositionSym Associativity Commutativity FrameStatEqTrans)
    with FrP FrQ PFrQ QFrP AP ♯* ΨQ AQ ♯* ΨP AQ ♯* AP xvec ♯* Ψ AP ♯* Ψ AQ ♯* Ψ
    show ?case by(auto simp add: frameChainAppend)
    case(cSim Ψ PQ QP)
    from (Ψ, PQ, QP)  ?X
    obtain xvec P Q where PFrQ: "PQ = ⦇ν*xvec(P  Q)" and QFrP: "QP = ⦇ν*xvec(Q  P)"
      and "xvec ♯* Ψ"
      by auto
    moreover have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(P  Q) ↝[?X] ⦇ν*xvec(Q  P)"
    proof -
      have "Ψ  P  Q ↝[?X] Q  P"
      proof -
        note eqvt ?X
        moreover have "Ψ P Q. (Ψ, P  Q, Q  P)  ?X"
          using resChain.base by(smt (verit) freshSets(1) mem_Collect_eq)
        moreover have "Ψ P Q xvec. (Ψ, P, Q)  ?X; xvec ♯* Ψ  (Ψ, ⦇ν*xvecP, ⦇ν*xvecQ)  ?X"
        proof (induct xvec)
          case Nil
          then show ?case
            by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Pair_inject freshChainAppend mem_Collect_eq resChainAppend)
          case (Cons a xvec)
          then show ?case
            by blast
        ultimately show ?thesis by(rule simParComm)
      moreover note eqvt ?X xvec ♯* Ψ
      moreover have "Ψ P Q xvec. (Ψ, P, Q)  ?X; xvec ♯* Ψ  (Ψ, ⦇ν*xvecP, ⦇ν*xvecQ)  ?X"
        using resChainAppend[symmetric] freshChainAppend by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by(rule resChainPres)
    ultimately show ?case by simp
    case(cExt Ψ PQ QP Ψ')
    from (Ψ, PQ, QP)  ?X
    obtain xvec P Q where PFrQ: "PQ = ⦇ν*xvec(P  Q)" and QFrP: "QP = ⦇ν*xvec(Q  P)"
      and "xvec ♯* Ψ"
      by auto

    obtain p where "(p  xvec) ♯* Ψ"
      and "(p  xvec) ♯* P"
      and "(p  xvec) ♯* Q"
      and "(p  xvec) ♯* Ψ'"
      and S: "(set p)  (set xvec) × (set(p  xvec))" and "distinctPerm p"
      by(rule name_list_avoiding[where c="(Ψ, P, Q, Ψ')"]) auto

    from (p  xvec) ♯* P (p  xvec) ♯* Q S have "⦇ν*xvec(P  Q) = ⦇ν*(p  xvec)(p  (P  Q))"
      by(subst resChainAlpha) auto
    then have PQAlpha: "⦇ν*xvec(P  Q) = ⦇ν*(p  xvec)((p  P)  (p  Q))"
      by(simp add: eqvts)

    from (p  xvec) ♯* P (p  xvec) ♯* Q S have "⦇ν*xvec(Q  P) = ⦇ν*(p  xvec)(p  (Q  P))"
      by(subst resChainAlpha) auto
    then have QPAlpha: "⦇ν*xvec(Q  P) = ⦇ν*(p  xvec)((p  Q)  (p  P))"
      by(simp add: eqvts)

    from (p  xvec) ♯* Ψ (p  xvec) ♯* Ψ' have "(Ψ  Ψ', ⦇ν*(p  xvec)((p  P)  (p  Q)), ⦇ν*(p  xvec)((p  Q)  (p  P)))  ?X"
      by auto
    with PFrQ QFrP PQAlpha QPAlpha show ?case by simp
    case(cSym Ψ PR QR)
    then show ?case by blast

inductive_set resCommRel :: "('b × ('a,'b,'c) psi × ('a,'b,'c) psi) set"
    resCommRel_refl : "(Ψ,P,P)  resCommRel"
  | resCommRel_swap : "a  Ψ; b  Ψ  (Ψ,⦇νa(⦇νbP),⦇νb(⦇νaP))  resCommRel"
  | resCommRel_res : "(Ψ,P,Q)  resCommRel; a  Ψ  (Ψ,⦇νaP,⦇νaQ)  resCommRel"

lemma eqvtResCommRel: "eqvt resCommRel"
proof -
    fix Ψ P Q
      and p::"name prm"
    assume "(Ψ,P,Q)  resCommRel"
    then have "(pΨ,pP,pQ)  resCommRel"
    proof(induct rule: resCommRel.inducts)
      case resCommRel_refl then show ?case by(rule resCommRel.intros)
      case(resCommRel_swap a Ψ b P)
      then have "(pa)  pΨ" and "(pb)  pΨ"
         apply -
        by(subst (asm) (1 2) perm_bool[where pi=p,symmetric], simp add: eqvts)+
      then show ?case unfolding eqvts
        by(rule resCommRel.intros)
      case(resCommRel_res Ψ P Q a)
      from a  Ψ have "(pa)  pΨ"
        apply -
        by(subst (asm) perm_bool[where pi=p,symmetric], simp add: eqvts)
      then show ?case using (p  Ψ, p  P, p  Q)  resCommRel
        unfolding eqvts
        by(intro resCommRel.intros)
  then show ?thesis unfolding eqvt_def
    by auto

lemma resCommRelStarRes:
  assumes "(Ψ,P,Q)  resCommRel"
    and   "a  Ψ"
  shows   "(Ψ,⦇νaP,⦇νaQ)  resCommRel"
  using assms
proof(induct rule: rel_trancl.induct)
  case r_into_rel_trancl then show ?case by(auto intro: resCommRel_res)
  case(rel_trancl_into_rel_trancl Ψ P Q R)
  then show ?case
    by(auto dest: resCommRel_res intro: rel_trancl.intros)

lemma resCommRelStarResChain:
  assumes "(Ψ,P,Q)  resCommRel"
    and   "xvec ♯* Ψ"
  shows   "(Ψ,⦇ν*xvecP,⦇ν*xvecQ)  resCommRel"
  using assms
  by(induct xvec) (auto simp add: resCommRelStarRes)

lemma length_induct1[consumes 0, case_names Nil Cons]:
  assumes b: "P []"
    and   s: " x xvec.  yvec. length xvec=length yvecP yvec  P(x#xvec)"
  shows   "P xvec"
proof(induct xvec rule: length_induct)
  case(1 xvec)
  then show ?case
  proof(cases xvec)
    case Nil then show ?thesis by(simp add: b)
    case(Cons y yvec)
    with ys. length ys < length xvec  P ys have "ys. length ys = length yvec  P ys" by simp
    then show ?thesis unfolding Cons
      using s by auto

lemma oneStepPerm_in_rel:
  assumes "xvec ♯* Ψ"
  shows "(Ψ,⦇ν*xvecP,⦇ν*(rotate1 xvec)P)  resCommRel"
  using assms
proof(induct xvec rule: length_induct1)
  case Nil then show ?case by(auto intro: resCommRel_refl)
  case(Cons x xvec)
  note Cons1 = this
  show ?case
  proof(cases xvec)
    case Nil then show ?thesis
      by(auto intro: resCommRel_refl)
    case(Cons y yvec)
    then have "x  Ψ" and "y  Ψ" and "xvec ♯* Ψ" using (x # xvec) ♯* Ψ
      by simp+
    have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*(x#y#yvec)P, ⦇ν*(y#x#yvec)P)  resCommRel" using x  Ψ y  Ψ
      by(auto intro: resCommRel_swap)
    moreover have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*(y#x#yvec)P, ⦇ν*(y#rotate1(x#yvec))P)  resCommRel"
    proof -
      have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*(x#yvec)P, ⦇ν*rotate1(x#yvec)P)  resCommRel" using xvec ♯* Ψ Cons x  Ψ
        by(intro Cons1) auto
      then show ?thesis using y  Ψ
        unfolding resChain.simps
        by(rule resCommRelStarRes)
    ultimately show ?thesis unfolding Cons
      by(auto intro: rel_trancl_transitive)

lemma fresh_same_multiset:
  fixes xvec::"name list"
    and yvec::"name list"
  assumes "mset xvec = mset yvec"
    and   "xvec ♯* X"
  shows   "yvec ♯* X"
proof -
  from mset xvec = mset yvec have "set xvec = set yvec"
    using mset_eq_setD by blast
  then show ?thesis using xvec ♯* X
    unfolding fresh_def fresh_star_def name_list_supp
    by auto

lemma nStepPerm_in_rel:
  assumes "xvec ♯* Ψ"
  shows "(Ψ,⦇ν*xvecP,⦇ν*(rotate n xvec)P)  resCommRel"
  using assms
proof(induct n)
  case 0 then show ?case by(auto intro: resCommRel_refl)
  case(Suc n)
  then have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*xvecP, ⦇ν*rotate n xvecP)  resCommRel"
    by simp
  moreover have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*rotate n xvecP,⦇ν*rotate (Suc n) xvecP)  resCommRel"
  proof -
      fix xvec::"name list"
      assume "xvec ♯* Ψ"
      have "rotate1 xvec ♯* Ψ" using xvec ♯* Ψ
      proof(induct xvec)
        case Nil then show ?case by simp
        case Cons then show ?case by simp
    note f1 = this
    have "rotate n xvec ♯* Ψ" using xvec ♯* Ψ
      by(induct n) (auto simp add: f1)
    then show ?thesis
      by(auto simp add: oneStepPerm_in_rel)
  ultimately show ?case
    by(rule rel_trancl_transitive)

lemma any_perm_in_rel:
  assumes "xvec ♯* Ψ"
    and   "mset xvec = mset yvec"
  shows "(Ψ,⦇ν*xvecP,⦇ν*yvecP)  resCommRel"
  using assms
proof(induct xvec arbitrary: yvec rule: length_induct1)
  case Nil then show ?case by(auto intro: resCommRel.intros)
  case(Cons x xvec)
  obtain yvec1 yvec2 where yveceq: "yvec=yvec1@x#yvec2"
  proof -
    assume 1: "yvec1 yvec2. yvec = yvec1 @ x # yvec2  thesis"
      note mset (x # xvec) = mset yvec
      then have " yvec1 yvec2. yvec=yvec1@x#yvec2"
      proof(induct xvec arbitrary: yvec rule: length_induct1)
        case Nil
        from mset [x] = mset yvec have "yvec = [x]"
          apply(induct yvec)
           apply simp
          apply(simp add: single_is_union)
        then show ?case by blast
        case(Cons x' xvec)
        have less: "{#x'#} ⊆# mset yvec" unfolding mset (x # x' # xvec) = mset yvec[symmetric]
          by simp
        from mset (x # x' # xvec) = mset yvec
        have "mset (x # xvec) = mset (remove1 x' yvec)"
          by (metis mset_remove1 remove1.simps(2))
        then have "yvec1 yvec2. (remove1 x' yvec) = yvec1 @ x # yvec2"
          by(intro Cons) simp+
        then obtain yvec1 yvec2 where "(remove1 x' yvec) = yvec1 @ x # yvec2"
          by blast
        then show ?case
        proof(induct yvec arbitrary: yvec1 yvec2)
          case Nil then show ?case by simp
          case(Cons y yvec) then show ?case
          proof(cases "x'=y")
            case True
            with remove1 x' (y # yvec) = yvec1 @ x # yvec2
            have "yvec = yvec1 @ x # yvec2"
              by simp
            then show ?thesis
              by (metis append_Cons)
            case False
            then have "remove1 x' (y#yvec) = y # remove1 x' (yvec)"
              by simp
            note Cons2=Cons
            show ?thesis
            proof(cases yvec1)
              case Nil
              then show ?thesis using Cons2 False
                by auto
              case(Cons y1 yvec1a)
              from remove1 x' (y # yvec) = yvec1 @ x # yvec2 yvec1 = y1 # yvec1a False have "y1=y"
                by simp
              from remove1 x' (y # yvec) = yvec1 @ x # yvec2
              have "remove1 x' yvec = yvec1a @ x # yvec2" unfolding Cons y1=y using False
                by simp
              then have "yvec1 yvec2. yvec = yvec1 @ x # yvec2"
                by(rule Cons2)
              then obtain yvec1 yvec2 where "yvec = yvec1 @ x # yvec2"
                by blast
              then show ?thesis
                by (metis append_Cons)
    then show ?thesis using 1
      by blast
  from (x # xvec) ♯* Ψ have "x  Ψ" and "xvec ♯* Ψ" by auto
  have "mset (x # xvec) = mset(yvec1 @ x # yvec2)"
    unfolding yveceq[symmetric] by fact
  then have "mset (xvec) = mset(yvec1 @ yvec2)"
    by(subst add_right_cancel[symmetric,where a="{#x#}"]) (simp add: add.assoc)
  then have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*xvecP, ⦇ν*(yvec1@yvec2)P)  resCommRel" using xvec ♯* Ψ
    by(intro Cons) auto
  moreover have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*(yvec1@yvec2)P, ⦇ν*(yvec2@yvec1)P)  resCommRel"
  proof -
    have e: "yvec2 @ yvec1 = rotate (length yvec1) (yvec1@yvec2)"
      apply(cases yvec2)
       apply simp
      apply(simp add: rotate_drop_take)
    have "(yvec1@yvec2) ♯* Ψ" using mset (xvec) = mset(yvec1 @ yvec2) xvec ♯* Ψ
      by(rule fresh_same_multiset)
    then show ?thesis unfolding e
      by(rule nStepPerm_in_rel)
  ultimately have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*xvecP, ⦇ν*(yvec2 @ yvec1)P)  resCommRel"
    by(rule rel_trancl_transitive)
  then have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*(x#xvec)P, ⦇ν*(x # yvec2 @ yvec1)P)  resCommRel"
    unfolding resChain.simps using x  Ψ
    by(rule resCommRelStarRes)
  moreover have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*(x # yvec2 @ yvec1)P, ⦇ν*(yvec1 @ x # yvec2)P)  resCommRel"
  proof -
    have e: "yvec1 @ x # yvec2 = rotate (1+length yvec2) (x#yvec2@yvec1)"
      apply(simp add: rotate_drop_take)
      apply(cases yvec1)
      by simp+
    have "(yvec1 @ x # yvec2) ♯* Ψ" using mset (x # xvec) = mset(yvec1 @ x # yvec2) (x#xvec) ♯* Ψ
      by(rule fresh_same_multiset)
    then have "(x # yvec2 @ yvec1) ♯* Ψ" by simp
    then show ?thesis unfolding e
      by(rule nStepPerm_in_rel)
  ultimately show ?case unfolding yveceq
    by(rule rel_trancl_transitive)

lemma bisimResComm:
  fixes x :: name
    and Ψ :: 'b
    and y :: name
    and P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

shows "Ψ  ⦇νx(⦇νyP)  ⦇νy(⦇νxP)"
proof(cases "x=y")
  case True
  then show ?thesis by(blast intro: bisimReflexive)
  case False
    fix x::name and y::name and P::"('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    assume "x  Ψ" and "y  Ψ"
    let ?X = resCommRel
    from x  Ψ y  Ψ have "(Ψ, ⦇νx(⦇νyP), ⦇νy(⦇νxP))  ?X"
      by(rule resCommRel_swap)
    then have "Ψ  ⦇νx(⦇νyP)  ⦇νy(⦇νxP)" using eqvtResCommRel
    proof(coinduct rule: bisimStarWeakCoinduct)
      case(cStatEq Ψ R S)
      then show ?case
      proof(induct rule: resCommRel.induct)
        case resCommRel_refl then show ?case by(rule FrameStatEqRefl)
        case(resCommRel_swap x Ψ y P)
        moreover obtain AP ΨP where "extractFrame P = AP, ΨP" and "AP ♯* Ψ" and "x  AP" and "y  AP"
          by(rule freshFrame[where C="(x, y, Ψ)"]) auto
        ultimately show ?case by(force intro: frameResComm FrameStatEqTrans)
        case(resCommRel_res Ψ P Q a)
        then show ?case by(auto intro: frameResPres)
      case(cSim Ψ R S)
      have "eqvt(resCommRel)"
        by(rule rel_trancl_eqvt) (rule eqvtResCommRel)
      from cSim show ?case
      proof(induct rule: resCommRel.induct)
        case(resCommRel_refl Ψ P)
        then show ?case
          by(rule simI[OF eqvt(resCommRel)]) (blast intro: resCommRel.intros)
        case(resCommRel_swap a Ψ b P)
        show ?case
          by(rule resComm) (fact|auto intro: resCommRel.intros any_perm_in_rel)+
        case(resCommRel_res Ψ P Q a)
        show ?case
          by(rule resPres[where Rel="resCommRel"]) (fact|simp add: resCommRelStarResChain)+
      case(cExt Ψ R S Ψ') then show ?case
      proof(induct arbitrary: Ψ' rule: resCommRel.induct)
        case resCommRel_refl then show ?case by(rule resCommRel_refl)
        case(resCommRel_swap a Ψ b P)
        then show ?case
        proof(cases "a=b")
          case True show ?thesis unfolding a=b by(rule resCommRel_refl)
          case False
          obtain x::name and y::name where "xy" and "x  Ψ" and "x  Ψ'" and "x  P" and "x  a" and "xb" and "y  Ψ" and "y  Ψ'" and "y  P" and "y  a" and "yb"
            apply(generate_fresh "name")
            apply(generate_fresh "name")
            by force
          then show ?thesis using False
            apply(subst (1 2) alphaRes[where x=a and y=x])
              apply assumption
             apply(simp add: fresh_abs_fun_iff[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst, OF fin_supp])
            apply(subst (1 2) alphaRes[where x=b and y=y])
              apply(simp add: fresh_abs_fun_iff[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst, OF fin_supp] fresh_left)
             apply assumption
            unfolding eqvts
            apply(subst (1) cp1[OF cp_pt_inst, OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
            by(auto simp add: eqvts swap_simps intro: resCommRel.intros)
        case(resCommRel_res Ψ P Q a)
        obtain b::name where "b  Ψ" and "b  a" and "b  P" and "b  Q" and "b  Ψ'"
          by(generate_fresh "name") auto
        have "(Ψ  ([(a,b)]Ψ'), P, Q)  resCommRel" by fact
        moreover from b  Ψ' have "a  ([(a, b)]  Ψ')" by(simp add: fresh_left swap_simps)
        with a  Ψ have "a  Ψ  ([(a,b)]Ψ')" by force
        ultimately have "(Ψ  ([(a,b)]Ψ'), ⦇νaP, ⦇νaQ)  resCommRel"
          by(rule resCommRel.intros)
        then have "([(a,b)](Ψ  ([(a,b)]Ψ'), ⦇νaP, ⦇νaQ))  resCommRel" using eqvtResCommRel
          by(intro eqvtI)
        then have "(Ψ  Ψ', ⦇νb([(a,b)]P), ⦇νb([(a,b)]Q))  resCommRel" using a  Ψ b  Ψ
          by(simp add: eqvts swap_simps)
        then show ?case using b  Q b  P
          apply(subst (1 2) alphaRes[where x=a and y=b])
          by(assumption|simp only: eqvts)+
      case(cSym Ψ R S) then show ?case
        by(induct rule: resCommRel.inducts) (auto intro: resCommRel.intros)
  moreover obtain x'::name where "x'  Ψ" and "x'  P" and "x'  x" and "x'  y"
    by(generate_fresh "name") auto
  moreover obtain y'::name where "y'  Ψ" and "y'  P" and "y'  x" and "y'  y" and "y'  x'"
    by(generate_fresh "name") auto
  ultimately have "Ψ  ⦇νx'(⦇νy'([(y, y'), (x, x')]  P))  ⦇νy'(⦇νx'([(y, y'), (x, x')]  P))" by auto
  then show ?thesis using x'  P x'  x x'  y y'  P y'  x y'  y y'  x' x  y
    apply(subst alphaRes[where x=x and y=x' and P=P], auto)
    apply(subst alphaRes[where x=y and y=y' and P=P], auto)
    apply(subst alphaRes[where x=x and y=x' and P="⦇νy'([(y, y')]  P)"], auto simp add: abs_fresh fresh_left)
    apply(subst alphaRes[where x=y and y=y' and P="⦇νx'([(x, x')]  P)"], auto simp add: abs_fresh fresh_left)
    by(subst perm_compose) (simp add: eqvts calc_atm)

lemma bisimResComm':
  fixes x    :: name
    and Ψ   :: 'b
    and xvec :: "name list"
    and P    :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

assumes "x  Ψ"
  and   "xvec ♯* Ψ"

shows "Ψ  ⦇νx(⦇ν*xvecP)  ⦇ν*xvec(⦇νxP)"
  using assms
  by(induct xvec) (auto intro: bisimResComm bisimReflexive bisimResPres bisimTransitive)

lemma bisimParPresSym:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
    and P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and R :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

assumes "Ψ  P  Q"

shows "Ψ  R  P  R  Q"
  using assms
  by(metis bisimParComm bisimParPres bisimTransitive)

lemma bisimScopeExt:
  fixes x :: name
    and Ψ :: 'b
    and P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

assumes "x  P"

shows "Ψ  ⦇νx(P  Q)  P  ⦇νxQ"
proof -
    fix x::name and Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    assume "x  Ψ" and "x  P"
    let ?X1 = "{((Ψ::'b), ⦇ν*xvec(⦇ν*yvec((P::('a, 'b, 'c) psi)  Q)), ⦇ν*xvec(P  (⦇ν*yvecQ))) | Ψ xvec yvec P Q. yvec ♯* Ψ  yvec ♯* P  xvec ♯* Ψ}"
    let ?X2 = "{((Ψ::'b), ⦇ν*xvec((P::('a, 'b, 'c) psi)  (⦇ν*yvecQ)), ⦇ν*xvec(⦇ν*yvec(P  Q))) | Ψ xvec yvec P Q. yvec ♯* Ψ  yvec ♯* P  xvec ♯* Ψ}"
    let ?X = "?X1  ?X2"
    from x  Ψ x  P have "(Ψ, ⦇νx(P  Q), P  ⦇νxQ)  ?X"
    proof -
      from x  Ψ x  P have "(Ψ, ⦇νx(P  Q), P  ⦇νxQ)  ?X1"
        by (smt (verit, del_insts) mem_Collect_eq freshSets(1) freshSets(5) resChain.base resChain.step)
      then show ?thesis by auto
    moreover have "eqvt ?X"
      by (rule eqvtUnion) (clarsimp simp add: eqvt_def eqvts, metis fresh_star_bij(2))+
    ultimately have "Ψ  ⦇νx(P  Q)  P  ⦇νxQ"
    proof(coinduct rule: transitiveStarCoinduct)
      case(cStatEq Ψ R T)
      then have "(Ψ, R, T)  ?X1  (Ψ, R, T)  ?X2"
        by blast
      then show ?case
      proof(rule disjE)
        assume "(Ψ, R, T)  ?X1"
        then obtain xvec yvec P Q where "R = ⦇ν*xvec(⦇ν*yvec(P  Q))" and "T = ⦇ν*xvec(P  (⦇ν*yvecQ))" and "xvec ♯* Ψ" and "yvec ♯* P" and "yvec ♯* Ψ"
          by auto
        moreover obtain AP ΨP where FrP: "extractFrame P = AP, ΨP" and "AP ♯* Ψ" and "yvec ♯* AP" and "AP ♯* Q"
          by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ, yvec, Q)"]) auto
        moreover obtain AQ ΨQ where FrQ: "extractFrame Q = AQ, ΨQ" and "AQ ♯* Ψ" and "yvec ♯* AQ" and "AQ ♯* AP" and "AQ ♯* ΨP"
          by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ, yvec, AP, ΨP)"]) auto
        moreover from FrQ AP ♯* Q AQ ♯* AP have "AP ♯* ΨQ"
          by(auto dest: extractFrameFreshChain)
        moreover from yvec ♯* P yvec ♯* AP FrP have "yvec ♯* ΨP"
          by(drule_tac extractFrameFreshChain) auto
        ultimately show ?case
          by(auto simp add: frameChainAppend[symmetric] freshChainAppend) (auto simp add: frameChainAppend intro: frameResChainPres frameResChainComm)
        assume "(Ψ, R, T)  ?X2"
        then obtain xvec yvec P Q where "T = ⦇ν*xvec(⦇ν*yvec(P  Q))" and "R = ⦇ν*xvec(P  (⦇ν*yvecQ))" and "xvec ♯* Ψ" and "yvec ♯* P" and "yvec ♯* Ψ"
          by auto
        moreover obtain AP ΨP where FrP: "extractFrame P = AP, ΨP" and "AP ♯* Ψ" and "yvec ♯* AP" and "AP ♯* Q"
          by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ, yvec, Q)"]) auto
        moreover obtain AQ ΨQ where FrQ: "extractFrame Q = AQ, ΨQ" and "AQ ♯* Ψ" and "yvec ♯* AQ" and "AQ ♯* AP" and "AQ ♯* ΨP"
          by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ, yvec, AP, ΨP)"]) auto
        moreover from FrQ AP ♯* Q AQ ♯* AP have "AP ♯* ΨQ"
          by(auto dest: extractFrameFreshChain)
        moreover from yvec ♯* P yvec ♯* AP FrP have "yvec ♯* ΨP"
          by(drule_tac extractFrameFreshChain) auto
        ultimately show ?case
          by(auto simp add: frameChainAppend[symmetric] freshChainAppend) (auto simp add: frameChainAppend intro: frameResChainPres frameResChainComm)
      case(cSim Ψ R T)
      let ?Y = "{(Ψ, P, Q) | Ψ P P' Q' Q. Ψ  P  P'  ((Ψ, P', Q')  ?X  Ψ  P'  Q')  Ψ  Q'  Q}"
      from eqvt ?X have "eqvt ?Y" by blast
      have C1: "Ψ R T y. (Ψ, R, T)  ?Y; (y::name)  Ψ  (Ψ, ⦇νyR, ⦇νyT)  ?Y"
      proof -
        fix Ψ R T y
        assume "(Ψ, R, T)  ?Y"
        then obtain R' T' where "Ψ  R  R'" and "(Ψ, R', T')  (?X  bisim)" and "Ψ  T'  T" by force
        assume "(y::name)  Ψ"
        show "(Ψ, ⦇νyR, ⦇νyT)  ?Y"
        proof(cases "(Ψ, R', T')  ?X")
          assume "(Ψ, R', T')  ?X"
          show ?thesis
          proof(cases "(Ψ, R', T')  ?X1")
            assume "(Ψ, R', T')  ?X1"
            then obtain xvec yvec P Q where R'eq: "R' = ⦇ν*xvec(⦇ν*yvec(P  Q))" and T'eq: "T' = ⦇ν*xvec(P  (⦇ν*yvecQ))"
              and "xvec ♯* Ψ" and "yvec ♯* P" and "yvec ♯* Ψ"
              by auto
            from Ψ  R  R' y  Ψ have "Ψ  ⦇νyR  ⦇νyR'" by(rule bisimResPres)
            moreover from xvec ♯* Ψ y  Ψ yvec ♯* P yvec ♯* Ψ have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*(y#xvec)⦇ν*yvec(P  Q), ⦇ν*(y#xvec)(P  (⦇ν*yvecQ)))  ?X1"
              by(force simp del: resChain.simps)
            with R'eq T'eq have "(Ψ, ⦇νyR', ⦇νyT')  ?X  bisim" by simp
            moreover from Ψ  T'  T y  Ψ have "Ψ  ⦇νyT'  ⦇νyT" by(rule bisimResPres)
            ultimately show ?thesis by blast
            assume "(Ψ, R', T')  ?X1"
            with (Ψ, R', T')  ?X have "(Ψ, R', T')  ?X2" by blast
            then obtain xvec yvec P Q where T'eq: "T' = ⦇ν*xvec(⦇ν*yvec(P  Q))" and R'eq: "R' = ⦇ν*xvec(P  (⦇ν*yvecQ))" and "xvec ♯* Ψ" and "yvec ♯* P" and "yvec ♯* Ψ"
              by auto
            from Ψ  R  R' y  Ψ have "Ψ  ⦇νyR  ⦇νyR'" by(rule bisimResPres)
            moreover from xvec ♯* Ψ y  Ψ yvec ♯* P yvec ♯* Ψ have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*(y#xvec)(P  (⦇ν*yvecQ)), ⦇ν*(y#xvec)(⦇ν*yvec(P  Q)))  ?X2"
              by(force simp del: resChain.simps)
            with R'eq T'eq have "(Ψ, ⦇νyR', ⦇νyT')  ?X  bisim" by simp
            moreover from Ψ  T'  T y  Ψ have "Ψ  ⦇νyT'  ⦇νyT" by(rule bisimResPres)
            ultimately show ?thesis by blast
          assume "(Ψ, R', T')  ?X"
          with (Ψ, R', T')  ?X  bisim have "Ψ  R'  T'" by blast
          with Ψ  R  R' Ψ  T'  T y  Ψ show ?thesis
            by(blast dest: bisimResPres)
      have C1': "Ψ R T y. (Ψ, R, T)  ?Y; (y::name)  Ψ  (Ψ, ⦇νyR, ⦇νyT)  ?Y"
      proof -
        fix Ψ R
          and T::"('a,'b,'c) psi"
          and y::name
        assume "(Ψ, R, T)  ?Y"
          and  "y  Ψ"
        then show "(Ψ, ⦇νyR, ⦇νyT)  ?Y"
        proof(induct rule: rel_trancl.induct)
          case(r_into_rel_trancl Ψ P Q)
          then show ?case
            by (intro rel_trancl.intros(1)) (rule C1)
          case(rel_trancl_into_rel_trancl Ψ P Q R)
          then show ?case
            using rel_trancl.intros(2) C1 by meson
      have C1'': "Ψ R T yvec. (Ψ, R, T)  ?Y; (yvec::name list) ♯* Ψ  (Ψ, ⦇ν*yvecR, ⦇ν*yvecT)  ?Y"
      proof -
        fix Ψ R T
          and yvec::"name list"
        assume "(Ψ, R, T)  ?Y"
          and  "yvec ♯* Ψ"
        then show "(Ψ, ⦇ν*yvecR, ⦇ν*yvecT)  ?Y"
          apply(induct yvec)
           apply simp
          unfolding resChain.simps
          by(rule C1') simp+
      have C2: "y Ψ' R S zvec. y  Ψ'; y  R; zvec ♯* Ψ'  (Ψ', ⦇νy(⦇ν*zvec(R  S)), ⦇ν*zvec(R  ⦇νyS))  ?Y"
      proof -
        fix   y::name
          and Ψ::'b
          and R::"('a,'b,'c) psi"
          and S::"('a,'b,'c) psi"
          and zvec::"name list"
        assume "y  Ψ"
          and  "y  R"
          and  "zvec ♯* Ψ"
        have "Ψ  ⦇νy(⦇ν*zvec(R  S))  (⦇ν*zvec(⦇νy(R  S)))"
          by(rule bisimResComm') fact+
        moreover have "(Ψ, (⦇ν*zvec(⦇νy(R  S))), ⦇ν*zvec(R  ⦇νyS))  ?X" using y  Ψ y  R zvec ♯* Ψ
          apply clarsimp
          apply(rule exI[where x=zvec])
          apply(rule exI[where x="[y]"])
          by auto
        moreover have "Ψ  ⦇ν*zvec(R  ⦇νyS)  ⦇ν*zvec(R  ⦇νyS)"
          by(rule bisimReflexive)
        ultimately show "(Ψ, ⦇νy(⦇ν*zvec(R  S)), ⦇ν*zvec(R  ⦇νyS))  ?Y"
          by blast
      have C2': "y Ψ' R S zvec. y  Ψ'; y  R; zvec ♯* Ψ'  (Ψ', ⦇ν*zvec(R  ⦇νyS), ⦇νy(⦇ν*zvec(R  S)))  ?Y"
      proof -
        fix   y::name
          and Ψ::'b
          and R::"('a,'b,'c) psi"
          and S::"('a,'b,'c) psi"
          and zvec::"name list"
        assume "y  Ψ"
          and  "y  R"
          and  "zvec ♯* Ψ"
        have "Ψ  (⦇ν*zvec(⦇νy(R  S)))  ⦇νy(⦇ν*zvec(R  S))"
          by(rule bisimSymmetric[OF bisimResComm']) fact+
        moreover have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*zvec(R  ⦇νyS), (⦇ν*zvec(⦇νy(R  S))))  ?X" using y  Ψ y  R zvec ♯* Ψ
          apply(intro UnI2)
          apply clarsimp
          apply(rule exI[where x=zvec])
          apply(rule exI[where x="[y]"])
          by auto
        moreover have "Ψ  ⦇ν*zvec(R  ⦇νyS)  ⦇ν*zvec(R  ⦇νyS)"
          by(rule bisimReflexive)
        ultimately show "(Ψ, ⦇ν*zvec(R  ⦇νyS), ⦇νy(⦇ν*zvec(R  S)))  ?Y"
          by blast
      have C3: "Ψ' zvec R y. y  Ψ'; zvec ♯* Ψ'  (Ψ', ⦇νy(⦇ν*zvecR), ⦇ν*zvec(⦇νyR))  ?Y"
      proof -
        fix   y::name
          and Ψ::'b
          and R::"('a,'b,'c) psi"
          and zvec::"name list"
        assume "y  Ψ"
          and  "zvec ♯* Ψ"
        then have "Ψ  ⦇νy(⦇ν*zvecR)  ⦇ν*zvec(⦇νyR)"
          by(rule bisimResComm')
        then show "(Ψ, ⦇νy(⦇ν*zvecR), ⦇ν*zvec(⦇νyR))  ?Y"
          by(blast intro: bisimReflexive)
      have C4: "Ψ' R S zvec. zvec ♯* R; zvec ♯* Ψ'  (Ψ', (⦇ν*zvec(R  S)), (R  (⦇ν*zvecS)))  ?Y"
      proof -
        fix   Ψ::'b
          and R::"('a,'b,'c) psi"
          and S::"('a,'b,'c) psi"
          and zvec::"name list"
        assume "zvec ♯* R"
          and  "zvec ♯* Ψ"
        then have "(Ψ, (⦇ν*zvec(R  S)), (R  (⦇ν*zvecS)))  ?X"
          apply clarsimp
          apply(rule exI[where x="[]"])
          apply(rule exI[where x=zvec])
          by auto
        then show "(Ψ, (⦇ν*zvec(R  S)), (R  (⦇ν*zvecS)))  ?Y"
          by(blast intro: bisimReflexive)
      have C4': "Ψ' R S zvec. zvec ♯* R; zvec ♯* Ψ'  (Ψ', (R  (⦇ν*zvecS)), (⦇ν*zvec(R  S)))  ?Y"
      proof -
        fix   Ψ::'b
          and R::"('a,'b,'c) psi"
          and S::"('a,'b,'c) psi"
          and zvec::"name list"
        assume "zvec ♯* R"
          and  "zvec ♯* Ψ"
        then have "(Ψ, (R  (⦇ν*zvecS)), (⦇ν*zvec(R  S)))  ?X"
          apply(intro UnI2)
          apply clarsimp
          apply(rule exI[where x="[]"])
          apply(rule exI[where x=zvec])
          by auto
        then show "(Ψ, (R  (⦇ν*zvecS)), (⦇ν*zvec(R  S)))  ?Y"
          by(blast intro: bisimReflexive)
        fix Ψ P Q R
        assume "Ψ  P ↝[?Y] Q"
          and  "Ψ  Q ↝[?Y] R"
        moreover note rel_trancl_eqvt[OF eqvt ?Y]
        moreover have "{(Ψ, P, R) | Ψ P R. Q. (Ψ, P, Q)  ?Y  (Ψ, Q, R)  ?Y}  ?Y"
          by(auto intro: rel_trancl_transitive)
        ultimately have  "Ψ  P ↝[?Y] R"
          by(rule transitive)
      note trans = this

      show ?case
      proof(cases "(Ψ, R, T)  ?X1")
        assume "(Ψ, R, T)  ?X1"
        then obtain xvec yvec P Q where Req: "R = ⦇ν*xvec(⦇ν*yvec(P  Q))" and Teq: "T = ⦇ν*xvec(P  (⦇ν*yvecQ))" and "xvec ♯* Ψ" and "yvec ♯* P" and "yvec ♯* Ψ"
          by auto
        have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(⦇ν*yvec(P  Q)) ↝[?Y] ⦇ν*xvec(P  (⦇ν*yvecQ))"
        proof -
          have "Ψ  ⦇ν*yvec(P  Q) ↝[?Y] P  (⦇ν*yvecQ)" using yvec ♯* Ψ yvec ♯* P
          proof(induct yvec arbitrary: Q)
            case Nil show ?case
              unfolding resChain.simps
              by(rule monotonic[where A="?Y"]) (blast intro: reflexive bisimReflexive)+
            case(Cons y yvec)
            then have "yvec ♯* P" and "yvec ♯* Ψ" and "y  Ψ" and "y  P"
              by simp+
            have "Ψ  ⦇ν*(y#yvec)P  Q ↝[?Y] ⦇ν*yvec(⦇νy(P  Q))"
            proof -
              have "Ψ  ⦇ν*(y#yvec)P  Q ↝[bisim] ⦇ν*yvec(⦇νy(P  Q))"
                unfolding resChain.simps
                apply(rule bisimE)
                apply(rule bisimResComm')
                by fact+
              then have "Ψ  ⦇ν*(y#yvec)P  Q ↝[?Y] ⦇ν*yvec(⦇νy(P  Q))"
                apply -
                apply(drule monotonic[where B="?Y"])
                by auto (blast intro: bisimTransitive bisimReflexive)
              then show ?thesis
                apply -
                apply(drule monotonic[where B="?Y"])
                by blast
            moreover have "Ψ  ⦇ν*yvec(⦇νy(P  Q)) ↝[?Y] ⦇ν*yvec(P  ⦇νyQ)"
            proof -
              have "Ψ  ⦇νy(P  Q) ↝[?Y] P  ⦇νyQ"
                apply(rule scopeExtLeft)
                      apply fact
                     apply fact
                    apply(rule rel_trancl_eqvt)
                    apply fact
                   apply(blast intro: bisimReflexive)
                by fact+
              then show ?thesis using yvec ♯* Ψ
              proof(induct yvec)
                case Nil then show ?case by simp
                case(Cons y' yvec)
                then show ?case
                  unfolding resChain.simps
                  apply -
                  apply(rule resPres[where Rel="?Y" and Rel'="?Y"])
                      apply simp
                     apply(rule rel_trancl_eqvt[OF eqvt ?Y])
                    apply simp
                   apply simp
                  by(rule C1'')
            moreover have "Ψ  ⦇ν*yvec(P  ⦇νyQ) ↝[?Y] P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ))"
              by(rule Cons) fact+
            moreover have "Ψ  P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ)) ↝[?Y] P  (⦇ν*(y#yvec)Q)"
            proof -
              have "Ψ  P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ)) ↝[bisim] P  (⦇ν*(y#yvec)Q)"
                unfolding resChain.simps
                apply(rule bisimE)
                apply(rule bisimParPresSym)
                apply(rule bisimSymmetric[OF bisimResComm'])
                by fact+
              then have "Ψ  P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ)) ↝[?Y] P  (⦇ν*(y#yvec)Q)"
                apply -
                apply(drule monotonic[where B="?Y"])
                by auto (blast intro: bisimTransitive bisimReflexive)
              then show ?thesis
                apply -
                apply(drule monotonic[where B="?Y"])
                by blast
            moreover have "Ψ  ⦇ν*yvecP  ⦇νyQ ↝[?Y] P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ))"
              by(rule Cons) fact+
            moreover have "Ψ  P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ)) ↝[?Y] P  (⦇ν*(y#yvec)Q)"
            proof -
              have "Ψ  P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ)) ↝[bisim] P  (⦇νy(⦇ν*yvecQ))"
                apply(rule bisimE)
                apply(rule bisimParPresSym)
                apply(rule bisimSymmetric[OF bisimResComm'])
                by fact+
              then have "Ψ  P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ)) ↝[?Y] P  (⦇νy(⦇ν*yvecQ))"
                apply -
                apply(drule monotonic[where B="?Y"])
                by auto (blast intro: bisimTransitive bisimReflexive)
              then show ?thesis
                unfolding resChain.simps
                apply -
                apply(drule monotonic[where B="?Y"])
                by blast
            ultimately show ?case
              by(blast dest: trans)
          then show ?thesis using xvec ♯* Ψ
            apply(induct xvec)
             apply simp
            unfolding resChain.simps
            apply(rule resPres)
                apply simp
               apply(rule rel_trancl_eqvt[OF eqvt ?Y])
              apply simp
             apply simp
            apply(rule C1'')
             apply simp
            by assumption
        then show ?case unfolding Req Teq
          by -
        assume "(Ψ, R, T)  ?X1"
        then have "(Ψ, R, T)  ?X2" using (Ψ, R, T)  ?X by blast
        then obtain xvec yvec P Q where Teq: "T = ⦇ν*xvec(⦇ν*yvec(P  Q))" and Req: "R = ⦇ν*xvec(P  (⦇ν*yvecQ))" and "xvec ♯* Ψ" and "yvec ♯* P" and "yvec ♯* Ψ"
          by auto
        have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(P  (⦇ν*yvecQ)) ↝[?Y] ⦇ν*xvec(⦇ν*yvec(P  Q))"
        proof -
          have "Ψ  P  (⦇ν*yvecQ) ↝[?Y] ⦇ν*yvec(P  Q)" using yvec ♯* P yvec ♯* Ψ
          proof(induct yvec arbitrary: Q)
            case Nil show ?case
              unfolding resChain.simps
              by(rule monotonic[where A="?Y"]) (blast intro: reflexive bisimReflexive)+
            case(Cons y yvec)
            then have "yvec ♯* P" and "yvec ♯* Ψ" and "y  Ψ" and "y  P"
              by simp+
            have "Ψ  ⦇ν*yvec(⦇νy(P  Q)) ↝[?Y] ⦇ν*(y#yvec)P  Q"
            proof -
              have "Ψ  ⦇ν*yvec(⦇νy(P  Q)) ↝[bisim] ⦇ν*(y#yvec)P  Q"
                unfolding resChain.simps
                apply(rule bisimE)
                apply(rule bisimSymmetric[OF bisimResComm'])
                by fact+
              then have "Ψ  ⦇ν*yvec(⦇νy(P  Q)) ↝[?Y] ⦇ν*(y#yvec)P  Q"
                apply -
                apply(drule monotonic[where B="?Y"])
                by auto (blast intro: bisimTransitive bisimReflexive)
              then show ?thesis
                apply -
                apply(drule monotonic[where B="?Y"])
                by blast
            moreover have "Ψ  ⦇ν*yvec(P  ⦇νyQ) ↝[?Y] ⦇ν*yvec(⦇νy(P  Q))"
            proof -
              have "Ψ  P  ⦇νyQ ↝[?Y] ⦇νy(P  Q)"
                apply(rule scopeExtRight)
                     apply fact
                    apply fact
                   apply(rule rel_trancl_eqvt)
                   apply fact
                  apply(blast intro: bisimReflexive)
                by fact+
              then show ?thesis using yvec ♯* Ψ
              proof(induct yvec)
                case Nil then show ?case by simp
                case(Cons y' yvec)
                then show ?case
                  unfolding resChain.simps
                  apply -
                  apply(rule resPres[where Rel="?Y" and Rel'="?Y"])
                      apply simp
                     apply(rule rel_trancl_eqvt[OF eqvt ?Y])
                    apply simp
                   apply simp
                  by(rule C1'')
              moreover have "Ψ  P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ)) ↝[?Y] ⦇ν*yvec(P  ⦇νyQ)"
                by(rule Cons) fact+
              moreover have "Ψ  P  (⦇ν*(y#yvec)Q) ↝[?Y] P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ))"
              proof -
                have "Ψ  P  (⦇ν*(y#yvec)Q) ↝[bisim] P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ))"
                  unfolding resChain.simps
                  apply(rule bisimE)
                  apply(rule bisimParPresSym)
                  apply(rule bisimResComm')
                  by fact+
                then have "Ψ  P  (⦇ν*(y#yvec)Q) ↝[?Y] P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ))"
                  apply -
                  apply(drule monotonic[where B="?Y"])
                  by auto (blast intro: bisimTransitive bisimReflexive)
                then show ?thesis
                  apply -
                  apply(drule monotonic[where B="?Y"])
                  by blast
            moreover have "Ψ  P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ)) ↝[?Y] ⦇ν*yvecP  ⦇νyQ"
              by(rule Cons) fact+
            moreover have "Ψ  P  (⦇ν*(y#yvec)Q) ↝[?Y] P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ))"
            proof -
              have "Ψ  P  (⦇νy(⦇ν*yvecQ)) ↝[bisim] P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ))"
                apply(rule bisimE)
                apply(rule bisimParPresSym)
                apply(rule bisimResComm')
                by fact+
              then have "Ψ  P  (⦇νy(⦇ν*yvecQ)) ↝[?Y] P  (⦇ν*yvec(⦇νyQ))"
                apply -
                apply(drule monotonic[where B="?Y"])
                by auto (blast intro: bisimTransitive bisimReflexive)
              then show ?thesis
                unfolding resChain.simps
                apply -
                apply(drule monotonic[where B="?Y"])
                by blast
            ultimately show ?case
              by(blast dest: trans)
          then show ?thesis using xvec ♯* Ψ
            apply(induct xvec)
             apply simp
            unfolding resChain.simps
            apply(rule resPres)
                apply simp
               apply(rule rel_trancl_eqvt[OF eqvt ?Y])
              apply simp
             apply simp
            apply(rule C1'')
             apply simp
            by assumption
        then show ?case unfolding Req Teq
          by -
      case(cExt Ψ R T Ψ')
      show ?case
      proof(cases "(Ψ, R, T)  ?X1")
        assume "(Ψ, R, T)  ?X1"
        then obtain xvec yvec P Q where Req: "R = ⦇ν*xvec(⦇ν*yvec(P  Q))" and Teq: "T = ⦇ν*xvec(P  (⦇ν*yvecQ))" and "xvec ♯* Ψ" and "yvec ♯* P" and "yvec ♯* Ψ"
          by auto
        obtain p where "(p  yvec) ♯* Ψ" and "(p  yvec) ♯* P" and "(p  yvec) ♯* Q" and "(p  yvec) ♯* Ψ'" and "(p  yvec) ♯* xvec"
          and S: "(set p)  (set yvec) × (set(p  yvec))" and "distinctPerm p"
          by(rule name_list_avoiding[where c="(Ψ, P, Q, xvec, Ψ')"]) auto
        obtain q where "(q  xvec) ♯* Ψ" and "(q  xvec) ♯* Ψ'" and "(q  xvec) ♯* P"  and "(q  xvec) ♯* yvec" and "(q  xvec) ♯* Q" and "(q  xvec) ♯* (pP)" and "(q  xvec) ♯* (pQ)" and "distinctPerm q" and T: "(set q)  (set xvec) × (set(qxvec))" and "(q  xvec) ♯* (pyvec)"
          by(rule name_list_avoiding[where c="(Ψ, P, Q, yvec, pyvec, Ψ',pP,pQ)"]) auto
        note (p  yvec) ♯* Q set p  set yvec × set (p  yvec)
        moreover have "(p  yvec) ♯* (P  Q)" using (p  yvec) ♯* Q (p  yvec) ♯* P
          by simp
        moreover have "(Ψ  Ψ', ⦇ν*xvec⦇ν*p  yvecp  P  Q, ⦇ν*xvecP  (⦇ν*p  yvecp  Q))  ?X"
        proof -
          have Pdef: "(p  P) = P" using set p  set yvec × set(pyvec) yvec ♯* P (pyvec) ♯* P
            by simp
          have yvecdef: "(q  p  yvec) = (p yvec)" using set q  set xvec × set(qxvec) (pyvec) ♯* xvec (qxvec) ♯* (pyvec)
            by simp
          have "(q  xvec) ♯* (P  (⦇ν*p  yvecp  Q))" using (q  xvec) ♯* P (q  xvec) ♯* (pQ) (q  xvec) ♯* (pyvec)
            by simp
          moreover have "(q  xvec) ♯* (⦇ν*p  yvecp  P  Q)"
            unfolding eqvts Pdef
            using (q  xvec) ♯* P (q  xvec) ♯* (pQ) (q  xvec) ♯* (pyvec)
            by simp
          moreover note set q  set xvec × set (q  xvec)
          moreover have "(Ψ  Ψ', ⦇ν*q  xvecq  ⦇ν*p  yvecp  P  Q,
            ⦇ν*q  xvecq  P  (⦇ν*p  yvecp  Q))  ?X"
          proof -
            have "(pyvec) ♯* (ΨΨ')" using (pyvec) ♯* Ψ (pyvec) ♯* Ψ'
              by auto
            moreover have "(pyvec) ♯* (qP)" using (pyvec) ♯* P
              apply(subst yvecdef[symmetric])
              by(subst fresh_star_bij)
            moreover have "(qxvec) ♯* (ΨΨ')" using (qxvec) ♯* Ψ (qxvec) ♯* Ψ'
              by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis
              unfolding Pdef eqvts yvecdef
              by blast
          ultimately show ?thesis
            by(subst (1 2) resChainAlpha[where p=q and xvec=xvec])
        ultimately show ?case unfolding Req Teq
          apply(intro disjI1)
          by(subst (1 2) resChainAlpha[where p=p and xvec=yvec])
        assume "(Ψ, R, T)  ?X1"
        then have "(Ψ, R, T)  ?X2" using (Ψ,R,T)  ?X
          by blast
        then obtain xvec yvec P Q where Teq: "T = ⦇ν*xvec(⦇ν*yvec(P  Q))" and Req: "R = ⦇ν*xvec(P  (⦇ν*yvecQ))" and "xvec ♯* Ψ" and "yvec ♯* P" and "yvec ♯* Ψ"
          by auto
        obtain p where "(p  yvec) ♯* Ψ" and "(p  yvec) ♯* P" and "(p  yvec) ♯* Q" and "(p  yvec) ♯* Ψ'" and "(p  yvec) ♯* xvec"
          and S: "(set p)  (set yvec) × (set(p  yvec))" and "distinctPerm p"
          by(rule name_list_avoiding[where c="(Ψ, P, Q, xvec, Ψ')"]) auto
        obtain q where "(q  xvec) ♯* Ψ" and "(q  xvec) ♯* Ψ'" and "(q  xvec) ♯* P"  and "(q  xvec) ♯* yvec" and "(q  xvec) ♯* Q" and "(q  xvec) ♯* (pP)" and "(q  xvec) ♯* (pQ)" and "distinctPerm q" and T: "(set q)  (set xvec) × (set(qxvec))" and "(q  xvec) ♯* (pyvec)"
          by(rule name_list_avoiding[where c="(Ψ, P, Q, yvec, pyvec, Ψ',pP,pQ)"]) auto
        note (p  yvec) ♯* Q set p  set yvec × set (p  yvec)
        moreover have "(p  yvec) ♯* (P  Q)" using (p  yvec) ♯* Q (p  yvec) ♯* P
          by simp
        moreover have "(Ψ  Ψ', ⦇ν*xvecP  (⦇ν*p  yvecp  Q), ⦇ν*xvec⦇ν*p  yvecp  P  Q)  ?X"
        proof -
          have Pdef: "(p  P) = P" using set p  set yvec × set(pyvec) yvec ♯* P (pyvec) ♯* P
            by simp
          have yvecdef: "(q  p  yvec) = (p yvec)" using set q  set xvec × set(qxvec) (pyvec) ♯* xvec (qxvec) ♯* (pyvec)
            by simp
          have "(q  xvec) ♯* (P  (⦇ν*p  yvecp  Q))" using (q  xvec) ♯* P (q  xvec) ♯* (pQ) (q  xvec) ♯* (pyvec)
            by simp
          moreover have "(q  xvec) ♯* (⦇ν*p  yvecp  P  Q)"
            unfolding eqvts Pdef
            using (q  xvec) ♯* P (q  xvec) ♯* (pQ) (q  xvec) ♯* (pyvec)
            by simp
          moreover note set q  set xvec × set (q  xvec)
          moreover have "(Ψ  Ψ', ⦇ν*q  xvecq  P  (⦇ν*p  yvecp  Q), ⦇ν*q  xvecq  ⦇ν*p  yvecp  P  Q)  ?X"
          proof -
            have "(pyvec) ♯* (ΨΨ')" using (pyvec) ♯* Ψ (pyvec) ♯* Ψ'
              by auto
            moreover have "(pyvec) ♯* (qP)" using (pyvec) ♯* P
              apply(subst yvecdef[symmetric])
              by(subst fresh_star_bij)
            moreover have "(qxvec) ♯* (ΨΨ')" using (qxvec) ♯* Ψ (qxvec) ♯* Ψ'
              by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis
              unfolding Pdef eqvts yvecdef
              by blast
          ultimately show ?thesis
            by(subst (1 2) resChainAlpha[where p=q and xvec=xvec])
        ultimately show ?case unfolding Req Teq
          apply(intro disjI1)
          by(subst (1 2) resChainAlpha[where p=p and xvec=yvec])
      case(cSym Ψ P Q)
      then show ?case
        by(blast dest: bisimE)
  moreover obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  P" "y  Q"
    by(generate_fresh "name") auto
  ultimately have "Ψ  ⦇νy(P  ([(x, y)]  Q))  P  ⦇νy([(x, y)]  Q)" by auto
  then show ?thesis using assms y  P y  Q
    apply(subst alphaRes[where x=x and y=y and P=Q], auto)
    by(subst alphaRes[where x=x and y=y and P="P  Q"]) auto

lemma bisimScopeExtChain:
  fixes xvec :: "name list"
    and Ψ    :: 'b
    and P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

assumes "xvec ♯* Ψ"
  and   "xvec ♯* P"

shows "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(P  Q)  P  (⦇ν*xvecQ)"
  using assms
  by(induct xvec) (auto intro: bisimScopeExt bisimReflexive bisimTransitive bisimResPres)

lemma bisimParAssoc:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
    and P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and R :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

shows "Ψ  (P  Q)  R  P  (Q  R)"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(Ψ, ⦇ν*xvec((P  Q)  R), ⦇ν*xvec(P  (Q  R))) | Ψ xvec P Q R. xvec ♯* Ψ}"
  let ?Y = "{(Ψ, P, Q) | Ψ P P' Q' Q. Ψ  P  P'  (Ψ, P', Q')  ?X  Ψ  Q'  Q}"

  have "(Ψ, (P  Q)  R, P  (Q  R))  ?X"
    by(clarsimp, rule exI[where x="[]"]) auto
  moreover have "eqvt ?X" by(force simp add: eqvt_def simp add: pt_fresh_star_bij[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst] eqvts)
  ultimately show ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: weakTransitiveCoinduct')
    case(cStatEq Ψ PQR PQR')
    from (Ψ, PQR, PQR')  ?X obtain xvec P Q R where "xvec ♯* Ψ" and "PQR = ⦇ν*xvec((P  Q)  R)" and "PQR' = ⦇ν*xvec(P  (Q  R))"
      by auto
    moreover obtain AP ΨP where FrP: "extractFrame P = AP, ΨP" and "AP ♯* Ψ" and "AP ♯* Q" and "AP ♯* R"
      by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ, Q, R)"]) auto
    moreover obtain AQ ΨQ where FrQ: "extractFrame Q = AQ, ΨQ" and "AQ ♯* Ψ" and "AQ ♯* AP" and "AQ ♯* ΨP" and "AQ ♯* R"
      by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ, AP, ΨP, R)"]) auto
    moreover obtain AR ΨR where FrR: "extractFrame R = AR, ΨR" and "AR ♯* Ψ" and "AR ♯* AP" and "AR ♯* ΨP" and "AR ♯* AQ" and "AR ♯* ΨQ"
      by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ, AP, ΨP, AQ, ΨQ)"]) auto
    moreover from FrQ AP ♯* Q AQ ♯* AP have "AP ♯* ΨQ"
      by(auto dest: extractFrameFreshChain)
    moreover from FrR AP ♯* R AR ♯* AP have "AP ♯* ΨR"
      by(auto dest: extractFrameFreshChain)
    moreover from FrR AQ ♯* R AR ♯* AQ have "AQ ♯* ΨR"
      by(auto dest: extractFrameFreshChain)
    ultimately show ?case using freshCompChain
      by auto (metis frameChainAppend compositionSym Associativity frameNilStatEq frameResChainPres)
    case(cSim Ψ T S)
    from (Ψ, T, S)  ?X obtain xvec P Q R where "xvec ♯* Ψ" and TEq: "T = ⦇ν*xvec((P  Q)  R)"
      and SEq: "S = ⦇ν*xvec(P  (Q  R))"
      by auto
    from eqvt ?Xhave "eqvt ?Y" by blast
    have C1: "Ψ T S yvec. (Ψ, T, S)  ?Y; yvec ♯* Ψ  (Ψ, ⦇ν*yvecT, ⦇ν*yvecS)  ?Y"
    proof -
      fix Ψ T S yvec
      assume "(Ψ, T, S)  ?Y"
      then obtain T' S' where "Ψ  T  T'" and "(Ψ, T', S')  ?X" and "Ψ  S'  S" by force
      assume "(yvec::name list) ♯* Ψ"
      from (Ψ, T', S')  ?X obtain xvec P Q R where T'eq: "T' = ⦇ν*xvec((P  Q)  R)" and S'eq: "S' = ⦇ν*xvec(P  (Q  R))"
        and "xvec ♯* Ψ"
        by auto
      from Ψ  T  T' yvec ♯* Ψ have "Ψ  ⦇ν*yvecT  ⦇ν*yvecT'" by(rule bisimResChainPres)
      moreover from xvec ♯* Ψ yvec ♯* Ψ have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*(yvec@xvec)((P  Q)  R), ⦇ν*(yvec@xvec)(P  (Q  R)))  ?X"
        by force
      with T'eq S'eq have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*yvecT', ⦇ν*yvecS')  ?X" by(simp add: resChainAppend)
      moreover from Ψ  S'  S yvec ♯* Ψ have "Ψ  ⦇ν*yvecS'  ⦇ν*yvecS" by(rule bisimResChainPres)
      ultimately show "(Ψ, ⦇ν*yvecT, ⦇ν*yvecS)  ?Y" by blast

      fix y
      have "Ψ T S. (Ψ, T, S)  ?Y; y  Ψ  (Ψ, ⦇νyT, ⦇νyS)  ?Y"
        by(drule C1[where yvec2="[y]"]) auto
    note C2 = this

    have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec((P  Q)  R) ↝[?Y] ⦇ν*xvec(P  (Q  R))"
    proof -
      have "Ψ  (P  Q)  R ↝[?Y] P  (Q  R)"
      proof -
        note eqvt ?Y
        moreover have "Ψ P Q R. (Ψ, (P  Q)  R, P  (Q  R))  ?Y"
        proof -
          fix Ψ P Q R
          have "(Ψ::'b, ((P::('a, 'b, 'c) psi)  Q)  R, P  (Q  R))  ?X"
            by(clarsimp, rule exI[where x="[]"]) auto
          then show "(Ψ, (P  Q)  R, P  (Q  R))  ?Y"
            by(blast intro: bisimReflexive)
        moreover have "xvec Ψ P Q R. xvec ♯* Ψ; xvec ♯* P  (Ψ, ⦇ν*xvec((P  Q)  R), P  (⦇ν*xvec(Q  R)))  ?Y"
        proof -
          fix xvec Ψ P Q R
          assume "(xvec::name list) ♯* (Ψ::'b)" and "xvec ♯* (P::('a, 'b, 'c) psi)"
          from xvec ♯* Ψ have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*xvec((P  Q)  R), ⦇ν*xvec(P  (Q  R)))  ?X" by blast
          moreover from xvec ♯* Ψ xvec ♯* P have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(P  (Q  R))  P  (⦇ν*xvec(Q  R))"
            by(rule bisimScopeExtChain)
          ultimately show "(Ψ, ⦇ν*xvec((P  Q)  R), P  (⦇ν*xvec(Q  R)))  ?Y"
            by(blast intro: bisimReflexive)
        moreover have "xvec Ψ P Q R. xvec ♯* Ψ; xvec ♯* R  (Ψ, (⦇ν*xvec(P  Q))  R, ⦇ν*xvec(P  (Q  R)))  ?Y"
        proof -
          fix xvec Ψ P Q R
          assume "(xvec::name list) ♯* (Ψ::'b)" and "xvec ♯* (R::('a, 'b, 'c) psi)"
          have "Ψ  (⦇ν*xvec(P  Q))  R  R  (⦇ν*xvec(P  Q))" by(rule bisimParComm)
          moreover from xvec ♯* Ψ xvec ♯* R have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(R  (P  Q))  R  (⦇ν*xvec(P  Q))" by(rule bisimScopeExtChain)
          then have "Ψ  R  (⦇ν*xvec(P  Q))  ⦇ν*xvec(R  (P  Q))" by(rule bisimE)
          moreover from xvec ♯* Ψ have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(R  (P  Q))  ⦇ν*xvec((P  Q)  R)"
            by(metis bisimResChainPres bisimParComm)
          moreover from xvec ♯* Ψ have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*xvec((P  Q)  R), ⦇ν*xvec(P  (Q  R)))  ?X" by blast
          ultimately show "(Ψ, (⦇ν*xvec(P  Q))  R, ⦇ν*xvec(P  (Q  R)))  ?Y"  by(blast dest: bisimTransitive intro: bisimReflexive)
        ultimately show ?thesis using C1
          by(rule parAssocLeft)
      then show ?thesis using eqvt ?Y xvec ♯* Ψ C1
        by(rule resChainPres)
    with TEq SEq show ?case by simp
    case(cExt Ψ T S Ψ')
    from (Ψ, T, S)  ?X obtain xvec P Q R where "xvec ♯* Ψ" and TEq: "T = ⦇ν*xvec((P  Q)  R)"
      and SEq: "S = ⦇ν*xvec(P  (Q  R))"
      by auto
    obtain p where "(p  xvec) ♯* Ψ" and "(p  xvec) ♯* P" and "(p  xvec) ♯* Q" and "(p  xvec) ♯* R" and "(p  xvec) ♯* Ψ'"
      and S: "(set p)  (set xvec) × (set(p  xvec))" and "distinctPerm p"
      by(rule name_list_avoiding[where c="(Ψ, P, Q, R, Ψ')"]) auto

    from (p  xvec) ♯* Ψ (p  xvec) ♯* Ψ' have "(Ψ  Ψ', ⦇ν*(p  xvec)(((p  P)  (p  Q))  (p  R)), ⦇ν*(p  xvec)((p  P)  ((p  Q)  (p  R))))  ?X"
      by auto
    moreover from TEq (p  xvec) ♯* P (p  xvec) ♯* Q (p  xvec) ♯* R S have "T = ⦇ν*(p  xvec)(((p  P)  (p  Q))  (p  R))"
      apply clarsimp by(subst resChainAlpha[of p]) auto
    moreover from SEq (p  xvec) ♯* P (p  xvec) ♯* Q (p  xvec) ♯* R S have "S = ⦇ν*(p  xvec)((p  P)  ((p  Q)  (p  R)))"
      apply clarsimp by(subst resChainAlpha[of p]) auto
    ultimately show ?case by simp
    case(cSym Ψ T S)
    from (Ψ, T, S)  ?X obtain xvec P Q R where "xvec ♯* Ψ" and TEq: "T = ⦇ν*xvec((P  Q)  R)"
      and SEq: "⦇ν*xvec(P  (Q  R)) = S"
      by auto

    from xvec ♯* Ψ have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(P  (Q  R))  ⦇ν*xvec((R  Q)  P)"
      by(metis bisimParComm bisimParPres bisimTransitive bisimResChainPres)
    moreover from xvec ♯* Ψ have "(Ψ, ⦇ν*xvec((R  Q)  P), ⦇ν*xvec(R  (Q  P)))  ?X" by blast
    moreover from xvec ♯* Ψ have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(R  (Q  P))  ⦇ν*xvec((P  Q)  R)"
      by(metis bisimParComm bisimParPres bisimTransitive bisimResChainPres)
    ultimately show ?case using TEq SEq by(blast dest: bisimTransitive)

lemma bisimParNil:
  fixes P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

shows "Ψ  P  𝟬  P"
proof -
  let ?X1 = "{(Ψ, P  𝟬, P) | Ψ P. True}"
  let ?X2 = "{(Ψ, P, P  𝟬) | Ψ P. True}"
  let ?X = "?X1  ?X2"
  have "eqvt ?X" by(auto simp add: eqvt_def)
  have "(Ψ, P  𝟬, P)  ?X" by simp
  then show ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: bisimWeakCoinduct)
    case(cStatEq Ψ Q R)
    show ?case
    proof(cases "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X1")
      assume "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X1"
      then obtain P where "Q = P  𝟬" and "R = P" by auto
      moreover obtain AP ΨP where "extractFrame P = AP, ΨP" and "AP ♯* Ψ"
        by(rule freshFrame)
      ultimately show ?case
        apply clarsimp by(metis frameResChainPres frameNilStatEq Identity Associativity AssertionStatEqTrans Commutativity)
      assume "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X1"
      with (Ψ, Q, R)  ?X have "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X2" by blast
      then obtain P where "Q = P" and "R = P  𝟬" by auto
      moreover obtain AP ΨP where "extractFrame P = AP, ΨP" and "AP ♯* Ψ"
        by(rule freshFrame)
      ultimately show ?case
        apply clarsimp by(metis frameResChainPres frameNilStatEq Identity Associativity AssertionStatEqTrans AssertionStatEqSym Commutativity)
    case(cSim Ψ Q R)
    then show ?case using eqvt ?X
      by(auto intro: parNilLeft parNilRight)
    case(cExt Ψ Q R Ψ')
    then show ?case by auto
    case(cSym Ψ Q R)
    then show ?case by auto

lemma bisimResNil:
  fixes x :: name
    and Ψ :: 'b

shows "Ψ  ⦇νx𝟬  𝟬"
proof -
    fix x::name
    assume "x  Ψ"
    have "Ψ  ⦇νx𝟬  𝟬"
    proof -
      let ?X1 = "{(Ψ, ⦇νx𝟬, 𝟬) | Ψ x. x  Ψ}"
      let ?X2 = "{(Ψ, 𝟬, ⦇νx𝟬) | Ψ x. x  Ψ}"
      let ?X = "?X1  ?X2"

      from x  Ψ have "(Ψ, ⦇νx𝟬, 𝟬)  ?X" by auto
      then show ?thesis
      proof(coinduct rule: bisimWeakCoinduct)
        case(cStatEq Ψ P Q)
        then show ?case using freshComp by(force intro: frameResFresh FrameStatEqSym)
        case(cSim Ψ P Q)
        then show ?case
          by(force intro: resNilLeft resNilRight)
        case(cExt Ψ P Q Ψ')
        obtain y where "y  Ψ" and "y  Ψ'" and "y  x"
          by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
        show ?case
        proof(cases "(Ψ, P, Q)  ?X1")
          assume "(Ψ, P, Q)  ?X1"
          then obtain x where "P = ⦇νx𝟬" and "Q = 𝟬" by auto
          moreover have "⦇νx𝟬 = ⦇νy 𝟬" by(subst alphaRes) auto
          ultimately show ?case using y  Ψ y  Ψ' by auto
          assume "(Ψ, P, Q)  ?X1"
          with (Ψ, P, Q)  ?X have "(Ψ, P, Q)  ?X2" by auto
          then obtain x where "Q = ⦇νx𝟬" and "P = 𝟬" by auto
          moreover have "⦇νx𝟬 = ⦇νy 𝟬" by(subst alphaRes) auto
          ultimately show ?case using y  Ψ y  Ψ' by auto
        case(cSym Ψ P Q)
        then show ?case by auto
  moreover obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" by(generate_fresh "name") auto
  ultimately have "Ψ  ⦇νy𝟬  𝟬" by auto
  then show ?thesis by(subst alphaRes[where x=x and y=y]) auto

lemma bisimOutputPushRes:
  fixes x :: name
    and Ψ :: 'b
    and M :: 'a
    and N :: 'a
    and P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

assumes "x  M"
  and   "x  N"

shows "Ψ  ⦇νx(MN⟩.P)  MN⟩.⦇νxP"
proof -
    fix x::name and P::"('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    assume "x  Ψ" and "x  M" and "x  N"
    let ?X1 = "{(Ψ, ⦇νx(MN⟩.P), MN⟩.⦇νxP) | Ψ x M N P. x  Ψ  x  M  x  N}"
    let ?X2 = "{(Ψ, MN⟩.⦇νxP, ⦇νx(MN⟩.P)) | Ψ x M N P. x  Ψ  x  M  x  N}"
    let ?X = "?X1  ?X2"

    have "eqvt ?X"
      by(rule eqvtUnion) (force simp add: eqvt_def pt_fresh_bij[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst] eqvts)+
    from x  Ψ x  M x  N have "(Ψ, ⦇νx(MN⟩.P), MN⟩.⦇νxP)  ?X"
      by auto
    then have "Ψ  ⦇νx(MN⟩.P)  MN⟩.⦇νxP"
    proof(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct)
      case(cStatEq Ψ Q R)
      then show ?case using freshComp by(force intro: frameResFresh FrameStatEqSym)
      case(cSim Ψ Q R)
      then show ?case using eqvt ?X
        by(auto intro!: outputPushResLeft outputPushResRight bisimReflexive)
      case(cExt Ψ Q R Ψ')
      show ?case
      proof(cases "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X1")
        assume "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X1"
        then obtain x M N P where Qeq: "Q = ⦇νx(MN⟩.P)" and Req: "R = MN⟩.⦇νxP" and "x  Ψ" and "x  M" and "x  N" by auto
        obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  Ψ'" and "y  M" and "y  N" and "y  P"
          by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)

        moreover then have "(Ψ  Ψ', ⦇νy(MN⟩.([(x, y)]  P)), MN⟩.⦇νy([(x, y)]  P))  ?X" by auto
        moreover from Qeq x  M y  M x  N y  N y  P have "Q = ⦇νy(MN⟩.([(x, y)]  P))"
          apply clarsimp by(subst alphaRes[of y]) (auto simp add: eqvts)
        moreover from Req y  P have "R = MN⟩.⦇νy([(x, y)]  P)"
          apply clarsimp by(subst alphaRes[of y]) (auto simp add: eqvts)
        ultimately show ?case by blast
        assume "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X1"
        with (Ψ, Q, R)  ?X have "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X2" by blast
        then obtain x M N P where Req: "R = ⦇νx(MN⟩.P)" and Qeq: "Q = MN⟩.⦇νxP" and "x  Ψ" and "x  M" and "x  N" by auto
        obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  Ψ'" and "y  M" and "y  N" and "y  P"
          by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)

        moreover then have "(Ψ  Ψ', ⦇νy(MN⟩.([(x, y)]  P)), MN⟩.⦇νy([(x, y)]  P))  ?X" by auto
        moreover from Req x  M y  M x  N y  N y  P have "R = ⦇νy(MN⟩.([(x, y)]  P))"
          apply clarsimp by(subst alphaRes[of y]) (auto simp add: eqvts)
        moreover from Qeq y  P have "Q = MN⟩.⦇νy([(x, y)]  P)"
          apply clarsimp by(subst alphaRes[of y]) (auto simp add: eqvts)
        ultimately show ?case by blast
      case(cSym Ψ R Q)
      then show ?case by blast
  moreover obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  M" and "y  N" "y  P"
    by(generate_fresh "name") auto
  ultimately have "Ψ  ⦇νy(MN⟩.([(x, y)]  P))  MN⟩.⦇νy([(x, y)]  P)" by auto
  then show ?thesis using assms y  P y  M y  N
    apply(subst alphaRes[where x=x and y=y and P=P], auto)
    by(subst alphaRes[where x=x and y=y and P="MN⟩.P"]) auto

lemma bisimInputPushRes:
  fixes x    :: name
    and Ψ    :: 'b
    and M    :: 'a
    and xvec :: "name list"
    and N    :: 'a
    and P    :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

assumes "x  M"
  and   "x  xvec"
  and   "x  N"

shows "Ψ  ⦇νx(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P)  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.⦇νxP"
proof -
    fix x::name and P::"('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    assume "x  Ψ" and "x  M" and "x  N" and "x  xvec"
    let ?X1 = "{(Ψ, ⦇νx(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P), M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.⦇νxP) | Ψ x M xvec N P. x  Ψ  x  M  x  xvec  x  N}"
    let ?X2 = "{(Ψ, M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.⦇νxP, ⦇νx(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P)) | Ψ x M xvec N P. x  Ψ  x  M  x  xvec  x  N}"
    let ?X = "?X1  ?X2"

    have "eqvt ?X"
      by(rule eqvtUnion) (force simp add: eqvt_def pt_fresh_bij[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst] eqvts)+

    from x  Ψ x  M x  xvec x  N have "(Ψ, ⦇νx(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P), M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.⦇νxP)  ?X"
      by blast
    then have "Ψ  ⦇νx(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P)  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.⦇νxP"
    proof(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct)
      case(cStatEq Ψ Q R)
      then show ?case using freshComp by(force intro: frameResFresh FrameStatEqSym)
      case(cSim Ψ Q R)
      then show ?case using eqvt ?X
        by(auto intro!: inputPushResLeft inputPushResRight bisimReflexive)
      case(cExt Ψ Q R Ψ')
      show ?case
      proof(cases "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X1")
        assume "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X1"
        then obtain x M xvec N P where Qeq: "Q = ⦇νx(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P)" and Req: "R = M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.⦇νxP" and "x  Ψ"
          and "x  M" and "x  xvec" and "x  N" by auto
        obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  Ψ'" and "y  M" and "y  N" and "y  P" and "y  xvec"
          by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)

        moreover then have "(Ψ  Ψ', ⦇νy(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.([(x, y)]  P)), M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.⦇νy([(x, y)]  P))  ?X" by force
        moreover from Qeq x  M y  M x  xvec y  xvec x  N y  N y  P have "Q = ⦇νy(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.([(x, y)]  P))"
          apply clarsimp by(subst alphaRes[of y]) (auto simp add: eqvts inputChainFresh)
        moreover from Req y  P have "R = M⦇λ*xvec N ⦈.⦇νy([(x, y)]  P)"
          apply clarsimp by(subst alphaRes[of y]) (auto simp add: eqvts)
        ultimately show ?case by blast
        assume "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X1"
        with (Ψ, Q, R)  ?X have "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X2" by blast
        then obtain x M xvec N P where Req: "R = ⦇νx(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P)" and Qeq: "Q = M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.⦇νxP" and "x  Ψ"
          and "x  M" and "x  xvec" and "x  N" by auto
        obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  Ψ'" and "y  M" and "y  N" and "y  P" and "y  xvec"
          by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)

        moreover then have "(Ψ  Ψ', ⦇νy(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.([(x, y)]  P)), M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.⦇νy([(x, y)]  P))  ?X" by force
        moreover from Req x  M y  M x  xvec y  xvec x  N y  N y  P have "R = ⦇νy(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.([(x, y)]  P))"
          apply clarsimp by(subst alphaRes[of y]) (auto simp add: eqvts inputChainFresh)
        moreover from Qeq y  P have "Q = M⦇λ*xvec N ⦈.⦇νy([(x, y)]  P)"
          apply clarsimp by(subst alphaRes[of y]) (auto simp add: eqvts)
        ultimately show ?case by blast
      case(cSym Ψ R Q)
      then show ?case by blast
  moreover obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  M" and "y  N" and "y  P" and "y  xvec"
    by(generate_fresh "name") auto
  ultimately have "Ψ  ⦇νy(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.([(x, y)]  P))  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.⦇νy([(x, y)]  P)" by auto
  then show ?thesis using assms y  P y  M y  N y  xvec
    apply(subst alphaRes[where x=x and y=y and P=P], auto)
    by(subst alphaRes[where x=x and y=y and P="M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P"]) (auto simp add: inputChainFresh eqvts)

lemma bisimCasePushRes:
  fixes x  :: name
    and Ψ  :: 'b
    and Cs :: "('c × ('a, 'b, 'c) psi) list"

assumes "x  (map fst Cs)"

shows "Ψ  ⦇νx(Cases Cs)  Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νxP)) Cs)"
proof -
    fix x::name and Cs::"('c × ('a, 'b, 'c) psi) list"
    assume "x  Ψ" and "x  (map fst Cs)"
    let ?X1 = "{(Ψ, ⦇νx(Cases Cs), Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νxP)) Cs)) | Ψ x Cs. x  Ψ  x  (map fst Cs)}"
    let ?X2 = "{(Ψ, Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νxP)) Cs), ⦇νx(Cases Cs)) | Ψ x Cs. x  Ψ  x  (map fst Cs)}"
    let ?X = "?X1  ?X2"

    have "eqvt ?X"
      show "eqvt ?X1"
        apply(clarsimp simp add: eqvt_def eqvts)
        apply (rule exI)
        apply (rule exI)
        apply (rule conjI)
         apply (rule refl)
          apply(clarsimp simp add: eqvts)
         apply (simp add: fresh_bij)
        apply(drule pt_fresh_bij1[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
        apply(drule pt_fresh_bij1[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
       apply(simp add: eqvts)
        apply(simp add: eqvts)
      show "eqvt ?X2"
        apply(clarsimp simp add: eqvt_def eqvts)
        apply (rule exI)
        apply (rule exI)
        apply (subst conj_commute)
        apply (rule conjI)
        apply (rule conjI)
          apply (rule refl)
          apply (simp add: fresh_bij)
         apply(drule pt_fresh_bij1[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
         apply(drule pt_fresh_bij1[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
         apply(simp add: eqvts)
         apply(simp add: eqvts)
        apply(clarsimp simp add: eqvts)

    from x  Ψ x  map fst Cs have "(Ψ, ⦇νx(Cases Cs), Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νxP)) Cs))  ?X" by auto
    then have "Ψ  ⦇νx(Cases Cs)  Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νxP)) Cs)"
    proof(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct)
      case(cStatEq Ψ Q R)
      then show ?case using freshComp by(force intro: frameResFresh FrameStatEqSym)
      case(cSim Ψ Q R)
      then show ?case using eqvt ?X
        by(auto intro!: casePushResLeft casePushResRight bisimReflexive)
      case(cExt Ψ Q R Ψ')
      show ?case
      proof(cases "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X1")
        assume "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X1"
        then obtain x Cs where Qeq: "Q = ⦇νx(Cases Cs)" and Req: "R = Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νxP)) Cs)"
          and "x  Ψ" and "x  (map fst Cs)" by blast
        obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  Ψ'" and "y  Cs"
          by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
        from y  Cs x  (map fst Cs) have "y  map fst ([(x, y)]  Cs)" by(induct Cs) (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_list_nil)

        moreover with y  Ψ y  Ψ' have "(Ψ  Ψ', ⦇νy(Cases ([(x, y)]  Cs)), Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νyP)) ([(x, y)]  Cs)))  ?X"
          by auto
        moreover from Qeq y  Cs have "Q = ⦇νy(Cases([(x, y)]  Cs))"
          apply clarsimp by(subst alphaRes[of y]) (auto simp add: eqvts)
        moreover from Req y  Cs x  (map fst Cs) have "R = Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νyP)) ([(x, y)]  Cs))"
          by(induct Cs arbitrary: R) (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_prod alphaRes)
        ultimately show ?case by blast
        assume "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X1"
        with (Ψ, Q, R)  ?X have "(Ψ, Q, R)  ?X2" by blast
        then obtain x Cs where Req: "R = ⦇νx(Cases Cs)" and Qeq: "Q = Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νxP)) Cs)"
          and "x  Ψ" and "x  (map fst Cs)" by blast
        obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  Ψ'" and "y  Cs"
          by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
        from y  Cs x  (map fst Cs) have "y  map fst ([(x, y)]  Cs)" by(induct Cs) (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_list_nil)

        moreover with y  Ψ y  Ψ' have "(Ψ  Ψ', ⦇νy(Cases ([(x, y)]  Cs)), Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νyP)) ([(x, y)]  Cs)))  ?X"
          by auto
        moreover from Req y  Cs have "R = ⦇νy(Cases([(x, y)]  Cs))"
          apply clarsimp by(subst alphaRes[of y]) (auto simp add: eqvts)
        moreover from Qeq y  Cs x  (map fst Cs) have "Q = Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νyP)) ([(x, y)]  Cs))"
          by(induct Cs arbitrary: Q) (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_prod alphaRes)
        ultimately show ?case by blast
      case(cSym Ψ R Q)
      then show ?case by blast
  moreover obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  Cs" by(generate_fresh "name") auto
  moreover from x  map fst Cs have "y  map fst([(x, y)]  Cs)"
    by(induct Cs) (auto simp add: fresh_left calc_atm)
  ultimately have "Ψ  ⦇νy(Cases ([(x, y)]  Cs))  Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νyP)) ([(x, y)]  Cs))"
    by auto
  moreover from y  Cs have "⦇νy(Cases ([(x, y)]  Cs)) =  ⦇νx(Cases Cs)"
    by(simp add: alphaRes eqvts)
  moreover from x  map fst Cs y  Cs have "Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νyP)) ([(x, y)]  Cs)) = Cases(map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νxP)) Cs)"
    by(induct Cs) (auto simp add: alphaRes)
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma bangExt:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
    and P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

assumes "guarded P"

shows "Ψ  !P  P  !P"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(Ψ, !P, P  !P) | Ψ P. guarded P}  {(Ψ, P  !P, !P) | Ψ P. guarded P}"
  from guarded P have "(Ψ, !P, P  !P)  ?X" by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct)
    case(cStatEq Ψ Q R)
    from (Ψ, Q, R)  ?X obtain P where Eq: "(Q = !P  R = P  !P)  (Q = P  !P  R = !P)" and "guarded P"
      by auto
    obtain AP ΨP where FrP: "extractFrame P = AP, ΨP" and "AP ♯* Ψ" by(rule freshFrame)
    from FrP guarded P have "ΨP  SBottom'" by(blast dest: guardedStatEq)
    from ΨP  SBottom' have "Ψ  SBottom'  Ψ  ΨP  SBottom'" by(metis Identity Composition AssertionStatEqTrans Commutativity AssertionStatEqSym)
    then have "AP, Ψ  SBottom' F AP, Ψ  ΨP  SBottom'"
      by(force intro: frameResChainPres)
    moreover from AP ♯* Ψ have "⟨ε, Ψ  SBottom' F AP, Ψ  SBottom'"
      apply -
      by(rule FrameStatEqSym) (simp add: frameResFreshChain freshCompChain(1))
    ultimately show ?case using Eq AP ♯* Ψ FrP
      by auto (blast dest: FrameStatEqTrans FrameStatEqSym)+
    case(cSim Ψ Q R)
    then show ?case by(auto intro: bangExtLeft bangExtRight bisimReflexive)
    case(cExt Ψ Q R)
    then show ?case by auto
    case(cSym Ψ Q R)
    then show ?case by auto

lemma bisimScopeExtSym:
  fixes x :: name
    and Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

assumes "x  Ψ"
  and   "x  Q"

shows "Ψ  ⦇νx(P  Q)  (⦇νxP)  Q"
  using assms
  by(metis bisimScopeExt bisimTransitive bisimParComm bisimSymmetric bisimResPres)

lemma bisimScopeExtChainSym:
  fixes xvec :: "name list"
    and Q    :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and P    :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

assumes "xvec ♯* Ψ"
  and   "xvec ♯* Q"

shows "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(P  Q)  (⦇ν*xvecP)  Q"
  using assms
  by(induct xvec) (auto intro: bisimScopeExtSym bisimReflexive bisimTransitive bisimResPres)

lemma bisimParPresAuxSym:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
    and P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and R :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

assumes "Ψ  ΨR  P  Q"
  and   "extractFrame R = AR, ΨR"
  and   "AR ♯* Ψ"
  and   "AR ♯* P"
  and   "AR ♯* Q"

shows "Ψ  R  P  R  Q"
  using assms
  by(metis bisimParComm bisimParPresAux bisimTransitive)

lemma bangDerivative:
  fixes Ψ   :: 'b
    and P    :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and α    :: "'a action"
    and P'   :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

assumes "Ψ  !P α  P'"
  and   "Ψ  P  Q"
  and   "bn α ♯* Ψ"
  and   "bn α ♯* P"
  and   "bn α ♯* Q"
  and   "bn α ♯* subject α"
  and   "guarded Q"

obtains Q' R T where "Ψ  !Q α  Q'" and "Ψ  P'  R  !P" and "Ψ  Q'  T  !Q" and "Ψ  R  T"
  and "((supp R)::name set)  supp P'" and "((supp T)::name set)  supp Q'"
proof -
  from Ψ  !P α  P' have "guarded P"
    apply -
    by(ind_cases "Ψ  !P α  P'") (auto simp add: psi.inject)
  assume "Q' R T. Ψ  !Q α  Q'; Ψ  P'  R  !P; Ψ  Q'  T  !Q; Ψ  R  T; ((supp R)::name set)  supp P';
                    ((supp T)::name set)  supp Q'  thesis"
  moreover from Ψ  !P α  P' bn α ♯* subject α bn α ♯* Ψ bn α ♯* P bn α ♯* Q Ψ  P  Q guarded Q
  have "Q' T R . Ψ  !Q α   Q'  Ψ  P'  R  !P  Ψ  Q'  T  !Q  Ψ  R  T 
                  ((supp R)::name set)  supp P'  ((supp T)::name set)  supp Q'"
  proof(nominal_induct avoiding: Q rule: bangInduct')
    case(cAlpha α P' p Q)
    then obtain Q' T R where QTrans: "Ψ  !Q α  Q'" and "Ψ  P'  R  (P  !P)" and "Ψ  Q'  T  !Q" and "Ψ  R  T"
      and suppR: "((supp R)::name set)  supp P'" and suppT: "((supp T)::name set)  supp Q'"
      by blast
    from QTrans have "distinct(bn α)"
      by(rule boundOutputDistinct)
    have S: "set p  set(bn α) × set(bn(p  α))"
      by fact
    from QTrans bn(p  α) ♯* Q bn(p  α) ♯* α bn α ♯* subject α distinct(bn α) have "bn(p  α) ♯* Q'"
      by(drule_tac freeFreshChainDerivative) simp+
    with QTrans bn(p  α) ♯* α S bn α ♯* subject α have "Ψ  !Q (p  α)  (p  Q')"
      by(force simp add: residualAlpha)
    moreover from Ψ  P'  R  (P  !P) have "(p  Ψ)  (p  P')  (p  (R  (P  !P)))"
      by(rule bisimClosed)
    with bn α ♯* Ψ bn α ♯* P bn(p  α) ♯* Ψ bn(p  α) ♯* P S have "Ψ  (p  P')  (p  R)  (P  !P)"
      by(simp add: eqvts)
    moreover from Ψ  Q'  T  !Q have "(p  Ψ)  (p  Q')  (p  (T  !Q))"
      by(rule bisimClosed)
    with bn α ♯* Ψ bn α ♯* Q bn(p  α) ♯* Ψ bn(p  α) ♯* Q S have "Ψ  (p  Q')  (p  T)  !Q"
      by(simp add: eqvts)
    moreover from Ψ  R  T have "(p  Ψ)  (p  R)  (p  T)"
      by(rule bisimClosed)
    with bn α ♯* Ψ bn(p  α) ♯* Ψ S have "Ψ  (p  R)  (p  T)"
      by(simp add: eqvts)
    moreover from suppR have "((supp(p  R))::name set)  supp(p  P')"
      apply(erule_tac rev_mp)
      by(subst subsetClosed[of p, symmetric]) (simp add: eqvts)
    moreover from suppT have "((supp(p  T))::name set)  supp(p  Q')"
      apply(erule_tac rev_mp)
      by(subst subsetClosed[of p, symmetric]) (simp add: eqvts)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(cPar1 α P' Q)
    from Ψ  P  Q Ψ  P α  P' bn α ♯* Ψ bn α ♯* Q
    obtain Q' where QTrans: "Ψ  Q α  Q'" and "Ψ  P'  Q'"
      by(blast dest: bisimE simE)
    from QTrans have "Ψ  SBottom'  Q α  Q'"
      by(metis statEqTransition Identity AssertionStatEqSym)
    then have "Ψ  Q  !Q α  (Q'  !Q)"
      using bn α ♯* Q by(intro Par1) (assumption | simp)+
    then have "Ψ  !Q α  (Q'  !Q)"
      using guarded Q by(rule Bang)
    moreover from guarded P have "Ψ  P'  !P  P'  (P  !P)"
      by(metis bangExt bisimParPresSym)
    moreover have "Ψ  Q'  !Q  Q'  !Q"
      by(rule bisimReflexive)
    ultimately show ?case using Ψ  P'  Q'
      by(force simp add: psi.supp)
    case(cPar2 α P' Q)
    then obtain Q' T R where QTrans: "Ψ  !Q α  Q'" and "Ψ  P'  R  !P" and "Ψ  Q'  T  !Q"
      and "Ψ  R  T" and suppR: "((supp R)::name set)  supp P'" and suppT: "((supp T)::name set)  supp Q'"
      by blast
    note QTrans
    from Ψ  P'  R  !P have "Ψ  P  P'  R  (P  !P)"
      by(metis bisimParPresSym bisimParComm bisimTransitive bisimParAssoc)
    with QTrans show ?case using Ψ  Q'  T  !Q Ψ  R  T suppR suppT
      by(force simp add: psi.supp)
    case(cComm1 M N P' K xvec P'' Q)
    from Ψ  P  Q have "Ψ  Q ↝[bisim] P"
      by(metis bisimE)
    with Ψ  P MN  P' obtain Q' where QTrans: "Ψ  Q MN  Q'" and "Ψ  Q'  P'"
      by(force dest: simE)
    from QTrans have "Ψ  SBottom'  Q MN  Q'"
      by(metis statEqTransition Identity AssertionStatEqSym)
    moreover obtain AQ ΨQ where FrQ: "extractFrame Q = AQ, ΨQ" and "AQ ♯* Ψ" and "AQ ♯* Q" and "AQ ♯* M"
      by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ, Q, M)"]) auto
    note FrQ
    moreover from FrQ guarded Q have "ΨQ  SBottom'"
      by(blast dest: guardedStatEq)
    from Ψ  !P K⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  P'' xvec ♯* K Ψ  P  Q xvec ♯* Ψ xvec ♯* P xvec ♯* Q guarded Q
    obtain Q'' T R where QTrans': "Ψ  !Q K⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  Q''" and "Ψ  P''  R  !P" and "Ψ  Q''  T  !Q" and "Ψ  R  T"
      and suppR: "((supp R)::name set)  supp P''" and suppT: "((supp T)::name set)  supp Q''"
      using cComm1 by force
    from QTrans' ΨQ  SBottom' have "Ψ  ΨQ  !Q K⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  Q''"
      by(metis statEqTransition Identity compositionSym AssertionStatEqSym)
    moreover from Ψ  M  K ΨQ  SBottom' have "Ψ  ΨQ  SBottom'  M  K"
      by(metis statEqEnt Identity compositionSym AssertionStatEqSym)
    ultimately have "Ψ  Q  !Q τ  (⦇ν*xvec(Q'  Q''))" using AQ ♯* Ψ AQ ♯* Q AQ ♯* M xvec ♯* Q
      by(intro Comm1) (assumption | simp)+
    then have "Ψ  !Q τ  (⦇ν*xvec(Q'  Q''))"
      using guarded Q by(rule Bang)
    moreover from Ψ  P''  R  !P guarded P xvec ♯* Ψ have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(P'  P'')  ⦇ν*xvec((P'  R)  (P  !P))"
      by(metis bisimParPresSym bangExt bisimTransitive bisimParAssoc bisimSymmetric bisimResChainPres)
    with xvec ♯* Ψ xvec ♯* P have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(P'  P'')  (⦇ν*xvec(P'  R))  (P  !P)"
      by(metis bisimScopeExtChainSym bisimTransitive psiFreshVec)
    moreover from Ψ  Q''  T  !Q xvec ♯* Ψ xvec ♯* Q have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(Q'  Q'')  (⦇ν*xvec(Q'  T))  !Q"
      by(metis bisimParPresSym bisimTransitive bisimParAssoc bisimSymmetric bisimResChainPres bisimScopeExtChainSym psiFreshVec)
    moreover from Ψ  R  T Ψ  Q'  P' xvec ♯* Ψ have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(P'  R)  ⦇ν*xvec(Q'  T)"
      by(metis bisimParPresSym bisimTransitive bisimResChainPres bisimParComm bisimE(4))
    moreover from suppR have "((supp(⦇ν*xvec(P'  R)))::name set)   supp((⦇ν*xvec(P'  P'')))"
      by(auto simp add: psi.supp resChainSupp)
    moreover from suppT have "((supp(⦇ν*xvec(Q'  T)))::name set)   supp((⦇ν*xvec(Q'  Q'')))"
      by(auto simp add: psi.supp resChainSupp)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(cComm2 M xvec N P' K P'' Q)
    from Ψ  P  Q Ψ  P M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  P' xvec ♯* Ψ xvec ♯* Q
    obtain Q' where QTrans: "Ψ  Q M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  Q'" and "Ψ  P'  Q'"
      by(metis bisimE simE bn.simps)
    from QTrans have "Ψ  SBottom'  Q M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  Q'"
      by(metis statEqTransition Identity AssertionStatEqSym)
    moreover obtain AQ ΨQ where FrQ: "extractFrame Q = AQ, ΨQ" and "AQ ♯* Ψ" and "AQ ♯* Q" and "AQ ♯* M"
      by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ, Q, M)"]) auto
    note FrQ
    moreover from FrQ guarded Q have "ΨQ  SBottom'"
      by(blast dest: guardedStatEq)
    from Ψ  !P KN  P'' Ψ  P  Q guarded Q
    obtain Q'' T R where QTrans': "Ψ  !Q KN  Q''" and "Ψ  P''  R  !P" and "Ψ  Q''  T  !Q" and "Ψ  R  T"
      and suppR: "((supp R)::name set)  supp P''" and suppT: "((supp T)::name set)  supp Q''" using cComm2
      by force
    from QTrans' ΨQ  SBottom' have "Ψ  ΨQ  !Q KN  Q''"
      by(metis statEqTransition Identity compositionSym AssertionStatEqSym)
    moreover from Ψ  M  K ΨQ  SBottom' have "Ψ  ΨQ  SBottom'  M  K"
      by(metis statEqEnt Identity compositionSym AssertionStatEqSym)
    ultimately have "Ψ  Q  !Q τ  (⦇ν*xvec(Q'  Q''))" using AQ ♯* Ψ AQ ♯* Q AQ ♯* M xvec ♯* Q
      by(intro Comm2) (assumption | simp)+
    then have "Ψ  !Q τ  (⦇ν*xvec(Q'  Q''))" using guarded Q by(rule Bang)
    moreover from Ψ  P''  R  !P guarded P xvec ♯* Ψ have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(P'  P'')  ⦇ν*xvec((P'  R)  (P  !P))"
      by(metis bisimParPresSym bangExt bisimTransitive bisimParAssoc bisimSymmetric bisimResChainPres)
    with xvec ♯* Ψ xvec ♯* P have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(P'  P'')  (⦇ν*xvec(P'  R))  (P  !P)"
      by(metis bisimScopeExtChainSym bisimTransitive psiFreshVec)
    moreover from Ψ  Q''  T  !Q xvec ♯* Ψ xvec ♯* Q have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(Q'  Q'')  (⦇ν*xvec(Q'  T))  !Q"
      by(metis bisimParPresSym bisimTransitive bisimParAssoc bisimSymmetric bisimResChainPres bisimScopeExtChainSym psiFreshVec)
    moreover from Ψ  R  T Ψ  P'  Q' xvec ♯* Ψ have "Ψ  ⦇ν*xvec(P'  R)  ⦇ν*xvec(Q'  T)"
      by(metis bisimParPresSym bisimTransitive bisimResChainPres bisimParComm)
    moreover from suppR have "((supp(⦇ν*xvec(P'  R)))::name set)   supp((⦇ν*xvec(P'  P'')))"
      by(auto simp add: psi.supp resChainSupp)
    moreover from suppT have "((supp(⦇ν*xvec(Q'  T)))::name set)   supp((⦇ν*xvec(Q'  Q'')))"
      by(auto simp add: psi.supp resChainSupp)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(cBang α P' Q)
    then obtain Q' T R where QTrans: "Ψ  !Q α  Q'" and "Ψ  P'  R  (P  !P)" and "Ψ  Q'  T  !Q" and "Ψ  R  T"
      and suppR: "((supp R)::name set)  supp P'" and suppT: "((supp T)::name set)  supp Q'"
      by blast
    from Ψ  P'  R  (P  !P) guarded P have "Ψ  P'  R  !P"
      by(metis bangExt bisimParPresSym bisimTransitive bisimSymmetric)
    with QTrans show ?case using Ψ  Q'  T  !Q Ψ  R  T suppR suppT
      by blast
    case(cBrMerge M N P' P'' Q)
    then obtain Q' T R where "Ψ  !Q  ¿MN  Q'" and
      p''eq: "Ψ  P''  R  !P" and
      "Ψ  Q'  T  !Q" and "Ψ  R  T" and
      "supp R  (supp P''::name set)" and
      "supp T  (supp Q'::name set)"
      by blast
    obtain Q'' where "Ψ  Q  ¿MN  Q''" and "Ψ  Q''  P'"
    proof -
      assume g: "(Q''. Ψ  Q  ¿MN  Q''; Ψ  Q''  P'  thesis)"
      have "Q'. Ψ  Q  ¿MN  Q'  (Ψ, Q', P')  bisim"
        apply(rule simE)
           apply(rule bisimE)
           apply(rule bisimSymmetric)
        by fact+
      then show thesis
        using g by blast
    have "Ψ  𝟭  Q  ¿MN  Q''" using Ψ  Q  ¿MN  Q''
      by(rule statEqTransition) (rule AssertionStatEqSym[OF Identity])
    obtain AQ ΨQ where "extractFrame Q = AQ,ΨQ" and "distinct AQ" and "AQ ♯* Ψ" and "AQ ♯* Q" and "AQ ♯* M"
      by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ,Q,M)"]) force
    then have "ΨQ  𝟭" using guarded Q
      by(auto dest: guardedStatEq)
    have "Ψ  ΨQ  !Q  ¿MN  Q'" using Ψ  !Q  ¿MN  Q'
      by(rule statEqTransition) (metis ΨQ  𝟭 AssertionStatEqTrans AssertionStatEqSym Identity compositionSym)
    have "Ψ  !Q  ¿MN  Q''  Q'"
      by(rule Bang) (rule BrMerge|fact|simp)+
    moreover have "Ψ  P'  P''  (P'  R)  (P  !P)"
      apply(rule bisimTransitive[OF bisimParPresSym, OF p''eq])
      apply(rule bisimTransitive[OF bisimSymmetric, OF bisimParAssoc])
      apply(rule bisimParPresSym)
      apply(rule bangExt[OF guarded P])
    moreover have "Ψ  Q''  Q'  Q''  T  !Q" using Ψ  Q'  T  !Q
      by(metis bisimTransitive bisimParAssoc bisimParComm bisimParPres bisimSymmetric)
    moreover have "Ψ  (P'  R)  Q''  T" using Ψ  R  T and Ψ  Q''  P'
      apply -
      apply(erule bisimTransitive[OF bisimParPres, OF bisimSymmetric])
      apply(erule bisimTransitive[OF bisimParPresSym])
      by(rule bisimReflexive)
    moreover have "supp(P'  R)  (supp(P'P'')::name set)"
      using supp R  (supp P''::name set) by(auto simp add: psi.supp)
    moreover have "supp(Q''  T)  (supp(Q''  Q')::name set)"
      using supp T  (supp Q'::name set) by(auto simp add: psi.supp)
    ultimately show ?case
      by blast
    case(cBrComm1 M N P' xvec P'' Q)
    from Ψ  P  Q have "Ψ  Q ↝[bisim] P" by(metis bisimE)
    with Ψ  P ¿MN  P' obtain Q' where QTrans: "Ψ  Q ¿MN  Q'" and "Ψ  Q'  P'"
      by(force dest: simE)
    from QTrans have "Ψ  SBottom'  Q ¿MN  Q'"
      by(metis statEqTransition Identity AssertionStatEqSym)
    moreover obtain AQ ΨQ where FrQ: "extractFrame Q = AQ, ΨQ" and "AQ ♯* Ψ" and "AQ ♯* Q" and "AQ ♯* M"
      by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ, Q, M)"]) auto
    note FrQ
    moreover from FrQ guarded Q have "ΨQ  SBottom'"
      by(blast dest: guardedStatEq)
    from Ψ  !P ¡M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  P'' Ψ  P  Q xvec ♯* Ψ xvec ♯* P xvec ♯* Q guarded Q
    obtain Q'' T R where QTrans': "Ψ  !Q ¡M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  Q''" and "Ψ  P''  R  !P" and "Ψ  Q''  T  !Q"
      and "Ψ  R  T" and suppR: "((supp R)::name set)  supp P''" and suppT: "((supp T)::name set)  supp Q''"
      using cBrComm1 by force
    from QTrans' ΨQ  SBottom' have "Ψ  ΨQ  !Q ¡M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  Q''"
      by(metis statEqTransition Identity compositionSym AssertionStatEqSym)
    ultimately have "Ψ  Q  !Q ¡M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  Q'  Q''"
      using AQ ♯* Ψ AQ ♯* Q AQ ♯* M xvec ♯* Q by(intro BrComm1) (assumption | simp)+
    then have "Ψ  !Q ¡M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  Q'  Q''"
      using guarded Q by(rule Bang)
    moreover from Ψ  P''  R  !P guarded P xvec ♯* Ψ have "Ψ  P'  P''  (P'  R)  (P  !P)"
      by(metis bisimParPresSym bangExt bisimTransitive bisimParAssoc bisimSymmetric)
    moreover from Ψ  Q''  T  !Q xvec ♯* Ψ xvec ♯* Q have "Ψ  Q'  Q''  (Q'  T)  !Q"
      by(metis bisimParPresSym bisimTransitive bisimParAssoc bisimSymmetric)
    moreover from Ψ  R  T Ψ  Q'  P' xvec ♯* Ψ have "Ψ  P'  R  Q'  T"
      by(metis bisimParPresSym bisimTransitive bisimParComm bisimE(4))
    moreover from suppR have "((supp(P'  R))::name set)   supp((P'  P''))"
      by(auto simp add: psi.supp resChainSupp)
    moreover from suppT have "((supp(Q'  T))::name set)   supp((Q'  Q''))"
      by(auto simp add: psi.supp resChainSupp)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(cBrComm2 M N P' xvec P'' Q)
    from Ψ  P  Q have "Ψ  Q ↝[bisim] P" by(metis bisimE)
    with Ψ  P ¡M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  P' obtain Q' where QTrans: "Ψ  Q ¡M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  Q'" and "Ψ  Q'  P'"
      using xvec ♯* Ψ xvec ♯* P xvec ♯* Q by(auto dest: simE)
    from QTrans have "Ψ  SBottom'  Q ¡M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  Q'"
      by(metis statEqTransition Identity AssertionStatEqSym)
    moreover obtain AQ ΨQ where FrQ: "extractFrame Q = AQ, ΨQ" and "AQ ♯* Ψ" and "AQ ♯* Q" and "AQ ♯* M"
      by(rule freshFrame[where C="(Ψ, Q, M)"]) auto
    note FrQ
    moreover from FrQ guarded Q have "ΨQ  SBottom'" by(blast dest: guardedStatEq)
    from Ψ  !P ¿MN  P'' Ψ  P  Q xvec ♯* Ψ xvec ♯* P xvec ♯* Q guarded Q
    obtain Q'' T R where QTrans': "Ψ  !Q ¿MN  Q''" and "Ψ  P''  R  !P" and "Ψ  Q''  T  !Q"
      and "Ψ  R  T" and suppR: "((supp R)::name set)  supp P''" and suppT: "((supp T)::name set)  supp Q''"
      using cBrComm2 by force
    from QTrans' ΨQ  SBottom' have "Ψ  ΨQ  !Q ¿MN  Q''"
      by(metis statEqTransition Identity compositionSym AssertionStatEqSym)
    ultimately have "Ψ  Q  !Q ¡M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  Q'  Q''"
      using AQ ♯* Ψ AQ ♯* Q AQ ♯* M xvec ♯* Q by(intro BrComm2) (assumption | simp)+
    then have "Ψ  !Q ¡M⦇ν*xvec⦈⟨N  Q'  Q''"
      using guarded Q by(rule Bang)
    moreover from Ψ  P''  R  !P guarded P xvec ♯* Ψ have "Ψ  P'  P''  (P'  R)  (P  !P)"
      by(metis bisimParPresSym bangExt bisimTransitive bisimParAssoc bisimSymmetric)
    moreover from Ψ  Q''  T  !Q xvec ♯* Ψ xvec ♯* Q have "Ψ  Q'  Q''  (Q'  T)  !Q"
      by(metis bisimParPresSym bisimTransitive bisimParAssoc bisimSymmetric)
    moreover from Ψ  R  T Ψ  Q'  P' xvec ♯* Ψ have "Ψ  P'  R  Q'  T"
      by(metis bisimParPresSym bisimTransitive bisimParComm bisimE(4))
    moreover from suppR have "((supp(P'  R))::name set)   supp((P'  P''))"
      by(auto simp add: psi.supp resChainSupp)
    moreover from suppT have "((supp(Q'  T))::name set)   supp((Q'  Q''))"
      by(auto simp add: psi.supp resChainSupp)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma structCongBisim:
  fixes P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

assumes "P s Q"

shows "P  Q"
  using assms
  by(induct rule: structCong.induct)
    (auto intro: bisimReflexive bisimSymmetric bisimTransitive bisimParComm bisimParAssoc bisimParNil bisimResNil bisimResComm bisimScopeExt bisimCasePushRes bisimInputPushRes bisimOutputPushRes bangExt)

lemma bisimBangPres:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
    and P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
    and Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

assumes "Ψ  P  Q"
  and   "guarded P"
  and   "guarded Q"

shows "Ψ  !P  !Q"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(Ψ, R  !P, R  !Q) | Ψ P Q R. Ψ  P  Q  guarded P  guarded Q}"
  let ?Y = "{(Ψ, P, Q) | Ψ P P' Q' Q. Ψ  P  P'  (Ψ, P', Q')  ?X  Ψ  Q'  Q}"
  from assms have "(Ψ, 𝟬  !P, 𝟬  !Q)  ?X" by(blast intro: bisimReflexive)

  moreover have "eqvt ?X"
    apply(clarsimp simp add: eqvt_def)
    apply(drule bisimClosed)
    by force
  ultimately have "Ψ  𝟬  !P  𝟬  !Q"
  proof(coinduct rule: weakTransitiveCoinduct)
    case(cStatEq Ψ P Q)
    then show ?case by auto
    case(cSim Ψ RP RQ)
    from (Ψ, RP, RQ)  ?X obtain P Q R where "Ψ  P  Q" and "guarded P" and "guarded Q"
      and "RP = R  !P" and "RQ = R  !Q"
      by auto
    note Ψ  P  Q
    moreover from eqvt ?X have "eqvt ?Y" by blast
    moreover note guarded P guarded Q bisimE(2) bisimE(3) bisimE(4) statEqBisim bisimClosed bisimParAssoc[THEN bisimSymmetric]
      bisimParPres bisimParPresAuxSym bisimResChainPres bisimScopeExtChainSym bisimTransitive
    moreover have "Ψ P Q R T. Ψ  P  Q; (Ψ, Q, R)  ?Y; Ψ  R  T  (Ψ, P, T)  ?Y"
      by auto (metis bisimTransitive)
    moreover have "Ψ P Q R. Ψ  P  Q; guarded P; guarded Q  (Ψ, R  !P, R  !Q)  ?Y" by(blast intro: bisimReflexive)
    moreover have "Ψ P α P' Q. Ψ  !P α  P'; Ψ  P  Q; bn α ♯* Ψ;  bn α ♯* P;  bn α ♯* Q; guarded Q; bn α ♯* subject α 
                                         Q' R T.  Ψ  !Q α  Q'  Ψ  P'  R  !P   Ψ  Q'  T  !Q 
                                                   Ψ  R  T  ((supp R)::name set)  supp P' 
                                                   ((supp T)::name set)  supp Q'"
      by(blast elim: bangDerivative)
    ultimately have "Ψ  R  !P ↝[?Y] R  !Q"
      by(rule bangPres)
    with RP = R  !P RQ = R  !Q show ?case
      by blast
    case(cExt Ψ RP RQ Ψ')
    then show ?case by(blast dest: bisimE)
    case(cSym Ψ RP RQ)
    then show ?case by(blast dest: bisimE)
  then show ?thesis
    by(metis bisimTransitive bisimParNil bisimSymmetric bisimParComm)

