Theory UMM

 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

theory UMM
instantiation word :: (len8) stack_type
  by intro_classes (simp add: typ_info_word stack_typ_info_def stack_byte_name_def)

instantiation ptr :: (c_type) stack_type
  by intro_classes (simp add: typ_info_ptr stack_typ_info_def stack_byte_name_def )

lemma list_neq_witness: "x  set ys  x  set xs  xs  ys"
  by blast

lemma stack_typ_info_array_tag_n:
  "stack_typ_info ((array_tag_n n)::('a::{stack_type},'b::finite) array xtyp_info)"
  apply (induct n)
    apply (simp add: stack_typ_info_def atn_base stack_byte_name_def)
    apply (rule list_neq_witness [where x="CHR ''r''"])
     apply simp
    apply simp
  apply (simp add: atn_rec)
  apply (rule stack_typ_info_ti_typ_combine')
  apply assumption

instantiation array ::(stack_type, finite) stack_type
  by intro_classes (simp add: typ_info_array array_tag_def stack_typ_info_array_tag_n)

lemma max_non_zero_unfold: "NO_MATCH 0 a  NO_MATCH 0 b  max a b = (if a  b then b else a)"
  by (simp add: max_def)

lemma eq_comp:
  assumes eq1: "field_update (component_desc x) bs v  g"
  assumes eq2: "field_update (component_desc x) bs w  g"
  shows "field_update (component_desc x) bs v = field_update (component_desc x) bs w"
  using eq1 eq2 by simp

lemma word_rcat_single: "word_rcat [x] = x"
  by (simp add: word_rcat_def bin_rcat_def)

lemma length_word_rsplit_8: "length ((word_rsplit (x::8 word)) :: 8 word list) = 1"
  by (simp add: word_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_def)
lemma length_word_rsplit_16: "length ((word_rsplit (x::16 word)) :: 8 word list) = 2"
  by (simp add: word_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_def)
lemma length_word_rsplit_32: "length ((word_rsplit (x::32 word)) :: 8 word list) = 4"
  by (simp add: word_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_def)
lemma length_word_rsplit_64: "length ((word_rsplit (x::64 word)) :: 8 word list) = 8"
  by (simp add: word_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_def)
lemma length_word_rsplit_128: "length ((word_rsplit (x::128 word)) :: 8 word list) = 16"
  by (simp add: word_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_def)

lemma length_word_rsplit_signed_8: "length ((word_rsplit (x::8 signed word)) :: 8 word list) = 1"
  by (simp add: word_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_def)
lemma length_word_rsplit_signed_16: "length ((word_rsplit (x::16 signed word)) :: 8 word list) = 2"
  by (simp add: word_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_def)
lemma length_word_rsplit_signed_32: "length ((word_rsplit (x::32 signed word)) :: 8 word list) = 4"
  by (simp add: word_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_def)
lemma length_word_rsplit_signed_64: "length ((word_rsplit (x::64 signed word)) :: 8 word list) = 8"
  by (simp add: word_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_def)
lemma length_word_rsplit_signed_128: "length ((word_rsplit (x::128 signed word)) :: 8 word list) = 16"
  by (simp add: word_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_def)

lemmas length_word_rsplit =

lemmas wf_component_descs_intros =

lemmas component_descs_independent_intros =

lemmas wf_field_descs_intros =

lemmas contained_field_descs_intros =

lemmas field_update_simps =
 size_of_def ti_typ_pad_combine_def empty_typ_info_def ti_typ_combine_def ti_pad_combine_def
 final_pad_def padup_def Let_def

lemmas size_td_simps_arr_fl =
    size_td_array align_td_array max_def

method wf_xfield_solver =
 (intro_locales, rule wf_field.intro; simp add: comp_def)

method try_wf_xfield_solver methods m =
 (match conclusion in "wf_xfield acc upd" for acc upd  wf_xfield_solver | m)

method wf_component_descs_solver =
(try_wf_xfield_solver (rule wf_component_descs_intros))+

(* don't evaluate (unfold) the type-tag just to get the toplevel field descs. make specialised rules, to
  select the toplevel field descs. *)
method field_desc_independent_solver =
(rule field_desc_independent_PAD_expand,
 simp only:  aggregate_typ_combinators_simps set_toplevel_field_descs_combinator_simps,
 (simp only: insert_union_out)?,
 rule field_desc_independent_PAD_collapse,
 rule field_desc_independent.intro;
 fastforce simp add: fu_commutes_def)

method component_descs_independent_solver =
 ( (try_wf_xfield_solver rule component_descs_independent_intros)+;

method wf_field_descs_solver =
(try_wf_xfield_solver (rule wf_field_descs_intros))+

method contained_field_descs_solver =
(rule contained_field_descs_intros)+

lemma unat_less_helper': "x < of_nat n  True  unat x < n"
  by (simp add: unat_less_helper)

lemma unat_less_helper_numeral:
  "x < (numeral n)  unat x < (numeral n)"
  "x < 1  unat x < 1"
  by (simp_all add: unat_less_helper)

lemma unat_less_helper_numeral':
  "x < (numeral n)  True  unat x < (numeral n)"
  "x < 1  True  unat x < 1"
  using unat_less_helper_numeral by blast+

lemma nat_sint_less_helper:
  "i <s of_nat n  0 ≤s i  (nat (sint i)) < n"
  by (simp add: sint_eq_uint unat_less_helper word_sle_msb_le word_sless_msb_less)

lemma nat_sint_less_helper':
  "i <s of_nat n  True  0 ≤s i  True  (nat (sint i)) < n"
  by (simp add: nat_sint_less_helper)

lemma nat_sint_less_helper_numeral: 
  "i <s (numeral n)  0 ≤s i  nat (sint i) < (numeral n)"
  "i <s 1  0 ≤s i  nat (sint i) < 1"
  subgoal by (metis nat_uint_eq not_less signed.leD sint_eq_uint 
      unat_less_helper_numeral(1) word_msb_0 word_sle_msb_le)
  by (metis linorder_not_less nat_code(2) signed.leD signed_0 word_less_1 word_msb_0 word_sle_msb_le zero_less_one)

lemma nat_sint_less_helper_numeral': 
  "i <s (numeral n)  True  0 ≤s i  True  nat (sint i) < (numeral n)"
  "i <s 1  True  0 ≤s i  True  nat (sint i) < 1"
  using nat_sint_less_helper_numeral by blast+

lemma sint_ucast_eq_uint':
    " LENGTH('a) < LENGTH('b)
             sint ((ucast :: ('a::len word  'b::len word)) x) = uint x"
  apply (rule sint_ucast_eq_uint)
  apply (simp add: is_down_def target_size_def source_size_def)

lemma sint_ucast_signed_eq_uint:
  "LENGTH('a) < LENGTH('b)  sint (ucast (x :: 'a :: len word) :: 'b :: len signed word) = uint x"
  apply transfer
  apply (clarsimp simp add: signed_take_bit_take_bit)

lemma ucast_unat_sless_helper: 
  "UCAST('a::len  'b::len signed) x <s of_nat n  
       LENGTH('a::len) < LENGTH('b::len)  unat x < n"
  by (smt (verit, best) Word.of_nat_unat nat_int_comparison(2) of_nat_numeral 
      sint_ucast_signed_eq_uint unat_lt2p unat_of_nat_eq word_sless_sint_le)

lemma ucast_unat_sless_helper': 
  "UCAST('a::len  'b::len signed) x <s of_nat n  True  
       LENGTH('a::len) < LENGTH('b::len)  unat x < n"
  using ucast_unat_sless_helper by blast

lemma ucast_unat_sless_helper_numeral_n: 
  "UCAST('a::len  'b::len signed) x <s (numeral n)  
       LENGTH('a::len) < LENGTH('b::len)  unat x < (numeral n)"
  using ucast_unat_sless_helper
  by (metis of_nat_numeral)

lemma ucast_unat_sless_helper_numeral_1:
  "UCAST('a::len  'b::len signed) x <s 1  
       LENGTH('a::len) < LENGTH('b::len)  unat x < 1"
  using ucast_unat_sless_helper
  by force

lemmas ucast_unat_sless_helper_numeral = 

lemma ucast_unat_sless_helper_numeral': 
  "UCAST('a::len  'b::len signed) x <s (numeral n)  True  
       LENGTH('a::len) < LENGTH('b::len)  unat x < (numeral n)"
  "UCAST('a::len  'b::len signed) x <s 1  True  
       LENGTH('a::len) < LENGTH('b::len)  unat x < 1"
  using ucast_unat_sless_helper_numeral by blast+

lemma ucast_unat_less_helper: 
  "UCAST('a::len  'b::len) x < of_nat n  
   LENGTH('a::len)  LENGTH('b::len)  unat x < n"
  by (metis unat_less_helper unat_ucast_up_simp)

lemma ucast_unat_less_helper': 
  "UCAST('a::len  'b::len) x < of_nat n  True  
   LENGTH('a::len)  LENGTH('b::len)  unat x < n"
  using ucast_unat_less_helper by blast

lemma ucast_unat_less_helper_numeral_n: 
  "UCAST('a::len  'b::len) x < (numeral n)  
   LENGTH('a::len)  LENGTH('b::len)  unat x < (numeral n)"
  using ucast_unat_less_helper
  by (metis of_nat_numeral)

lemma ucast_unat_less_helper_numeral_1: 
  "UCAST('a::len  'b::len) x < 1  
   LENGTH('a::len)  LENGTH('b::len)  unat x < 1"
  using ucast_unat_less_helper
  by force

lemmas ucast_unat_less_helper_numeral = 

lemma ucast_unat_less_helper_numeral': 
  "UCAST('a::len  'b::len) x < (numeral n)  True  
   LENGTH('a::len)  LENGTH('b::len)  unat x < (numeral n)"
  "UCAST('a::len  'b::len) x < 1  True  
   LENGTH('a::len)  LENGTH('b::len)  unat x < 1"
  using ucast_unat_less_helper_numeral by blast+

lemma len_of_less_basic_cases: 
  "LENGTH(8) < LENGTH(16)"
  "LENGTH(8) < LENGTH(32)"
  "LENGTH(8) < LENGTH(64)"
  "LENGTH(8) < LENGTH(128)"
  "LENGTH(16) < LENGTH(32)"
  "LENGTH(16) < LENGTH(64)"
  "LENGTH(16) < LENGTH(128)"
  "LENGTH(32) < LENGTH(64)"
  "LENGTH(32) < LENGTH(128)"
  "LENGTH(64) < LENGTH(128)"
  by simp_all

lemma len_of_le_basic_cases: 
  "LENGTH(8)  LENGTH(16)"
  "LENGTH(8)  LENGTH(32)"
  "LENGTH(8)  LENGTH(64)"
  "LENGTH(8)  LENGTH(128)"
  "LENGTH(16)  LENGTH(32)"
  "LENGTH(16)  LENGTH(64)"
  "LENGTH(16)  LENGTH(128)"
  "LENGTH(32)  LENGTH(64)"
  "LENGTH(32)  LENGTH(128)"
  "LENGTH(64)  LENGTH(128)"
  by simp_all

ML structure UMM_Tools =
fun tactic_from_method (m:Proof.context -> Method.method) ctxt thms st =
   (m ctxt thms (ctxt, st)) |> Seq.filter_results |> snd

fun tactic_from_src ctxt src =
  val (_, tok) = Method.read_closure_input ctxt src
  val m = Method.method ctxt tok
in tactic_from_method m end

val wf_component_descs_tac = tactic_from_src @{context} wf_component_descs_solver
val component_descs_independent_tac = tactic_from_src @{context} component_descs_independent_solver
val wf_field_descs_tac = tactic_from_src @{context} wf_field_descs_solver
val contained_field_descs_tac = tactic_from_src @{context} contained_field_descs_solver


ML val UMM_ss = simpset_of context

lemma heap_update_fold_comp_apply : "heap_update p v (g z)  (heap_update p v  g) z"
  by (simp add: comp_apply)

  fg_cons_simps and
  typ_info_simps and
  td_names_simps and
  typ_name_simps and
  upd_lift_simps and
  upd_other_simps and
  size_align_simps and
  fl_Some_simps and
  fl_ti_simps and
  sub_typ_simps and
  typ_tag_defs and
  size_simps and
  typ_name_itself and
  heap_update_fold_toplevel_fields and
  heap_update_fold_toplevel_fields_pointless and
  h_val_fields and heap_update_fields and

named_theorems field_lookup_prems (* additional prems for some simprocs *)


lemma field_of_lookup_info:
  fixes p::"'a:: mem_type ptr"
  assumes field: "field_of off (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b::mem_type)) (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a))"
  shows "f. f  set (field_names_u (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a)) (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b))) 
             field_lookup (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b), unat off) 
             field_of_t (PTR('b) &(pf)) p 
             &(pf) = ptr_val (p::'a ptr) + off 
             {&(pf)..+size_td (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b))}  ptr_span p"
proof -
  have "wf_desc (typ_info_t TYPE('a))" by (rule wf_desc)

  from td_set_field_lookup [OF wf_desc_export_uinfo_pres(1) [OF this]] field
  obtain f where lookup_u: "field_lookup (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b), unat off)"
    by (auto simp add: field_of_def typ_uinfo_t_def)
  from field_lookup_export_uinfo_Some_rev [OF lookup_u [simplified typ_uinfo_t_def]]
  obtain s' where lookup: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (s', unat off)" and
       exp_s': "export_uinfo (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) = export_uinfo s'"
    by blast
  from field_names_SomeD3 [OF lookup]
  have f_in: "f  set (field_names_u (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a)) (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b)))"
    by (simp add: field_names_u_field_names_export_uinfo_conv (1) [symmetric] typ_uinfo_t_def exp_s')

  from lookup
  have addr: "&(pf) = ptr_val (p::'a ptr) + off"
    by (simp add: field_lvalue_def)
  from field_tag_sub [OF lookup]
  have contained: "{&(pf)..+size_td (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b))}  ptr_span p"
    by (simp add: exp_s' typ_uinfo_t_def)

  from field addr
  have "field_of_t (PTR('b) &(pf)) p"
    by (simp add: field_of_t_def field_of_def)

  with contained addr lookup_u f_in
  show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma sub_typ_field_names_u_nonempty:
  assumes s_t: "s  t"
  shows "field_names_u t s  []"
proof -
  from s_t obtain n where "(s, n)  td_set t 0"
    by (auto simp add: typ_tag_le_def)
  from td_set_field_names_u_nonempty (1) [OF this] show ?thesis.

definition "TO_SUC (n::nat)  n"

simproc_setup TO_SUC (TO_SUC (numeral x)) = fn phi => fn ctxt => fn ct =>
  SOME (Simplifier.rewrite (ctxt addsimps @{thms TO_SUC_def Num.numeral_nat}) ct)
declare [[simproc del: TO_SUC]]

lemma array_tag_SUC:
"array_tag (t::('a::c_type,'b::finite) array itself) = array_tag_n (TO_SUC (CARD('b)))"
  by (simp add: array_tag_def TO_SUC_def)

lemma field_lookup_cons: "field_lookup t [f] m = Some (t', n)  wf_desc t 
  field_lookup t (f # g # gs) m = field_lookup t' (g#gs) n"
  using field_lookup_prefix_Some''(1)[rule_format, where f = "[f]" and g = "g#gs"]
  by auto

lemma field_lookup_cons':
  "field_lookup (typ_info_t (TYPE('a::mem_type))) [f] m = Some (t', n) 
  field_lookup (typ_info_t (TYPE('a::mem_type))) (f # g # gs) m = field_lookup t' (g#gs) n"
  by (simp add: field_lookup_cons)

lemma exists_conj_disj: "P  (n. (P  Q n)  R n) = (n. Q n  R n) "
  by blast

lemma abs_if_eq:
  assumes "x. b x  f1 x = f2 x"
  assumes "x. ¬ b x  g1 x = g2 x"
  shows "(λx. if b x then f1 x else g1 x) = (λx. if b x then f2 x else g2 x)  True"
  using assms
  by metis

lemma field_lookup_typ_uinfo_t_Some:
"field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a::c_type)) f m = Some (s, n) 
field_lookup (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a)) f m = Some (export_uinfo s, n)"
  by (simp add: typ_uinfo_t_def field_lookup_export_uinfo_Some)

lemma adjust_ti_wf_fd_pres':
  fixes t::"'a xtyp_info"
  and st::"'a xtyp_info_struct"
  and ts::"'a xtyp_info_tuple list"
  and x::"'a xtyp_info_tuple"
  assumes fg_cons: "fg_cons acc upd"
 "wf_fd t 
    wf_fd (map_td (λn algn. update_desc acc upd) (update_desc acc upd) t)"
 "wf_fd_struct st 
    wf_fd_struct (map_td_struct (λn algn. update_desc acc upd) (update_desc acc upd) st)"
 "wf_fd_list ts 
    wf_fd_list (map_td_list (λn algn. update_desc acc upd) (update_desc acc upd) ts)"
 "wf_fd_tuple x 
    wf_fd_tuple (map_td_tuple (λn algn. update_desc acc upd) (update_desc acc upd) x)"
proof (induct t and st and ts and x )
case (TypDesc algn st nm)
then show ?case by auto
case (TypScalar  algn st d)
  then show ?case 
    apply simp
    apply (simp add: fd_cons_struct_def)
    apply (insert fg_cons)
    apply (simp add: fd_cons_desc_def fg_cons_def)
    apply safe
      by (auto simp add: fd_cons_double_update_def update_desc_def)
      by (auto simp add: fd_cons_update_access_def update_desc_def)
      by (auto simp add: fd_cons_access_update_def update_desc_def)
      by (auto simp add: fd_cons_length_def update_desc_def)
  case (TypAggregate ts)
  then show ?case by auto
  case Nil_typ_desc
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons_typ_desc x fs)
  obtain d nm y where x: "x = DTuple d nm y" by (cases x) auto

  from Cons_typ_desc.prems obtain
    wf_fd_d: "wf_fd d" and
    wf_fd_fs: "wf_fd_list fs" and
    commutes_d_fs: "fu_commutes (update_ti_t d) (update_ti_list_t fs)" and
    fa_fu_ind_d_fs: "fa_fu_ind
     field_access = access_ti d, field_update = update_ti_t d, field_sz = size_td d
     field_access = access_ti_list fs, field_update = update_ti_list_t fs,
        field_sz = size_td_list fs
     (size_td_list fs) (size_td d)" and
    fa_fu_ind_fs_d: "fa_fu_ind
     field_access = access_ti_list fs, field_update = update_ti_list_t fs,
        field_sz = size_td_list fs
     field_access = access_ti d, field_update = update_ti_t d, field_sz = size_td d
     (size_td d) (size_td_list fs)"
     by (simp add: x)

   note hyps = Cons_typ_desc.hyps [simplified x, simplified]
   note hyp_d = hyps(1) [OF  wf_fd_d]
   note hyp_fs = hyps(2) [OF wf_fd_fs]
  show ?case
    apply (simp add: x hyp_d hyp_fs)
    apply safe
      using commutes_d_fs fg_cons
      apply (simp add: fu_commutes_def fg_cons_def)
      by auto (* takes a few seconds *)
        (smt (verit) adjust_ti_def fg_cons field_desc.select_convs(2) field_desc_adjust_ti(3) field_desc_list_def
          map_td_ext'(3) map_td_extI update_desc_def update_ti_t_adjust_ti wf_fd_d wf_fd_fs)
      using fa_fu_ind_d_fs fg_cons
      apply (simp add: fa_fu_ind_def fg_cons_def)
      apply clarsimp
      by (smt (verit) fu_commutes (update_ti_t (map_td (λn algn. update_desc acc upd) (update_desc acc upd) d)) (update_ti_list_t (map_td_list (λn algn. update_desc acc upd) (update_desc acc upd) fs))
          fa_fu_v fd_cons_length fd_cons_update_access fu_commutes_def hyp_d map_td_size(1) wf_fd_consD)
      using fa_fu_ind_fs_d fg_cons
      apply (simp add: fa_fu_ind_def fg_cons_def)
      apply clarsimp
      by (metis adjust_ti_def fg_cons update_ti_t_adjust_ti)
  case (DTuple_typ_desc d nm y)
  then show ?case by auto

lemma adjust_ti_wf_fd_pres[simp]: "fg_cons acc upd  wf_fd t  wf_fd (adjust_ti t acc upd)"
  by (simp add: adjust_ti_wf_fd_pres' adjust_ti_def)

lemma neq_td_names_eq_neq_export_uinfo: "td_names (typ_info_t t)  td_names (typ_info_t s)
   export_uinfo (typ_info_t t) = export_uinfo (typ_info_t s)  False"
  by (metis td_names_export_uinfo)

lemma set_field_names_no_padding_all_field_names_no_padding_conv':
"set (field_names_no_padding (typ_info_t TYPE('a::mem_type)) t) =
  (λf. s n. field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (s, n)  export_uinfo s = t)
  (set (all_field_names_no_padding (typ_info_t TYPE('a))))"
  by (simp add: set_field_names_no_padding_all_field_names_no_padding_conv Set.filter_def)

lemma field_names_no_padding_all_field_names_no_padding_conv':
"field_names_no_padding (typ_info_t TYPE('a::mem_type)) t =
  (λf. s n. field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (s, n)  export_uinfo s = t)
  (all_field_names_no_padding (typ_info_t TYPE('a)))"
  by (simp add: field_names_no_padding_all_field_names_no_padding_conv Set.filter_def)

lemma set_filter_insert: "Set.filter P (insert x S) =
   (if P x then insert x (Set.filter P S) else Set.filter P S)"
  by (auto simp add: Set.filter_def)

lemma set_filter_cons_image: "Set.filter P ((#) x ` S) = (#) x ` Set.filter (λfs.  P (x#fs)) S"
  by (auto simp add: Set.filter_def)

lemma set_filter_Sup: "Set.filter P (xX. S x) = (xX. Set.filter P (S x))"
  by (auto simp add: Set.filter_def)

lemma set_filter_empty: "Set.filter P {} = {}"
  by (auto simp add: Set.filter_def)

lemma cons_image_Sup: "(#) x ` (xsX. S xs) = (xsX. ((#) x ` S xs))"
  by (rule image_UN)

lemma set_filter_image_all:
  assumes "x. x < n  P (f x)"
  shows "Set.filter P (f ` {0..<n}) =  f ` {0..<n}"
  using assms
  by fastforce

lemma set_filter_image_none:
  assumes "x. x < n  ¬ P (f x)"
  shows "Set.filter P (f ` {0..<n}) =  {}"
  using assms
  by fastforce

lemma set_filter_union_distrib: "Set.filter P (X  Y) = Set.filter P X  Set.filter P Y"
  by (auto simp add: Set.filter_def)

lemma sub_typ_refl [simp]: "TYPE('a) τ TYPE('a::c_type)"
  by (simp add: sub_typ_def)

lemma not_sub_typ_via_td_name:
  assumes ta: "typ_name (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: c_type))  pad_typ_name"
  and   tina: "typ_name (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: c_type))  td_names (typ_info_t TYPE('b :: c_type))"
shows   "¬ TYPE('a :: c_type) τ TYPE('b :: c_type)"
  using ta tina
  apply (clarsimp simp add: sub_typ_def typ_tag_le_def)
  apply (drule td_set_td_names)
   apply (auto simp add: typ_uinfo_t_def )

lemma nat_to_bin_string_eq_to_nat_eq:
  assumes eq: "nat_to_bin_string n = nat_to_bin_string m"
shows "n = m"
  using eq
proof (induct n  arbitrary: m rule: nat_less_induct)
  case (1 n)
  then obtain eq: "nat_to_bin_string n = nat_to_bin_string m" and
    hyp: "m x. m < n   nat_to_bin_string m = nat_to_bin_string x  m = x"
    by auto

  show ?case
  proof (cases n)
    case 0
    with eq show ?thesis
      apply(cases m)
       apply (simp add: ntbs)
      apply (simp add: ntbs)
      by (metis list.simps(3))
    case (Suc n')
    note n' = this
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases m)
      case 0
      with eq show ?thesis
        apply (simp add: n' ntbs)
        by (meson list.simps(3))
      case (Suc m')
      have le: "(Suc n' div 2) < n"
        by (simp add: n')

      note hyp' = hyp [OF le, of "Suc m' div 2"]
      from eq show ?thesis
        apply (simp add: n' Suc)
        apply (subst (asm) (1 2) ntbs)
        apply clarsimp
        apply (frule hyp')
        apply (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
         apply arith+

lemma nat_to_bin_string_inj [simp]: "nat_to_bin_string n = nat_to_bin_string m  n = m"
  using nat_to_bin_string_eq_to_nat_eq by blast

simproc_setup nat_to_bin_string (nat_to_bin_string (numeral x)) = fn phi => fn ctxt => fn ct =>
  SOME (Simplifier.rewrite (ctxt addsimps @{thms nat_to_bin_string.simps}) ct)

lemma rewrite_solve_prop:
  assumes rew: "(PROP P)  Trueprop Q"
  assumes solve: "PROP Trueprop Q"
  shows "(PROP P)  Trueprop True"
proof -
  from solve have "Q = True" by simp
  from rew [simplified this]
  show "PROP ?thesis"
    by simp

lemma trueprop_eq_bool_eq:
  assumes prop_eq: "PROP Trueprop P  PROP Trueprop Q"
  shows "P = Q"
proof (cases P)
  case True
  with prop_eq have "Q"
    by (simp add: True)
  with True show ?thesis by simp
  case False
  with prop_eq have "Q = False"
    by (cases Q) auto
  with False show ?thesis by simp

lemmas rewrite_solve_prop_eq = eq_reflection [OF trueprop_eq_bool_eq, OF rewrite_solve_prop]
lemmas trueprop_eq_bool_meta_eq = trueprop_eq_bool_eq [THEN eq_reflection]

lemma export_uinfo_typ_uinfo_t_match[simp]:
  "export_uinfo (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) = typ_uinfo_t (t::'a::c_type itself) = True"
  by (simp add: typ_uinfo_t_def)

lemma export_uinfo_eq_sub_typ_conv:
  "export_uinfo (typ_info_t TYPE('a::c_type)) = export_uinfo (typ_info_t TYPE('b::c_type))
      TYPE('a) τ TYPE('b)  TYPE('b) τ TYPE ('a)"
  apply standard
   apply (simp add: fold_typ_uinfo_t sub_typ_def)
  by (simp add: dual_order.antisym fold_typ_uinfo_t sub_typ_def)

lemma typ_uinfo_eq_sub_typ_conv:
  "typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a::c_type) = export_uinfo (typ_info_t TYPE('b::c_type))
      TYPE('a) τ TYPE('b)  TYPE('b) τ TYPE ('a)"
  "export_uinfo (typ_info_t TYPE('a::c_type)) = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b::c_type)
      TYPE('a) τ TYPE('b)  TYPE('b) τ TYPE ('a)"
  "typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a::c_type) = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b::c_type)
      TYPE('a) τ TYPE('b)  TYPE('b) τ TYPE ('a)"
  by (simp_all add: typ_uinfo_t_def export_uinfo_eq_sub_typ_conv)

lemma array_typ_subtyp_array_typ: 
  assumes "typ_uinfo_t (TYPE ('a::mem_type)) = typ_uinfo_t (TYPE('c::mem_type))"
  shows "typ_uinfo_t (TYPE ('a::mem_type['b::finite])) = typ_uinfo_t (TYPE('c['b::finite]))"
  apply (simp add: typ_uinfo_array_tag_n_m_eq)
  apply (simp add:  uinfo_array_tag_n_m_def)
  using assms
  by simp

lemma le_array_typ_intro: 
  "TYPE ('a::mem_type) τ TYPE ('c::mem_type)  
  TYPE ('c::mem_type) τ TYPE ('a::mem_type) 
  TYPE('a::mem_type['b::finite]) τ TYPE('c::mem_type['b::finite])"
  using typ_uinfo_eq_sub_typ_conv array_typ_subtyp_array_typ
  by (smt (verit))

lemma sub_typ_signed_unsiged: "TYPE('a::len8 signed word) τ TYPE('a word)"
  by (simp add: sub_typ_def typ_uinfo_t_signed_word_word_conv)

lemma sub_typ_unsigned_signed: "TYPE('a word) τ TYPE('a::len8 signed word)"
  by (simp add: sub_typ_def typ_uinfo_t_signed_word_word_conv)

lemma sub_typ_proper_conv: "TYPE('a::c_type) <τ TYPE('b::c_type) 
       typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a)  typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b)  TYPE('a::c_type) τ TYPE('b::c_type)"
  by (metis sub_typ_def sub_typ_proper_def typ_tag_lt_def)

lemma sub_typ_proper_to_sub_typ:
  "TYPE('a::c_type) <τ TYPE('b::c_type)  TYPE('a::c_type) τ TYPE('b::c_type)"
  using sub_typ_proper_conv by blast

lemma to_bytes_p_zero: "to_bytes_p ('a::xmem_type) = replicate (size_of TYPE('a)) 0"
  by (simp add: zero_def to_bytes_p_def to_bytes_from_bytes_id)

lemma field_lookup_zero:
  assumes fl: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a::xmem_type)) f 0 = Some (t, n)"
  assumes match: "export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b::c_type)"
  shows "from_bytes (access_ti0 t ('a)) = ('b)"
proof -
  from field_access_take_dropD [OF fl, simplified]
  have eq1: "take (size_td t) (drop n (to_bytes_p ('a))) = access_ti0 t ('a)" by simp

  from fl match have sz: "size_td t = size_of TYPE('b)"
    by (simp add: export_size_of)
  from fl have le: "size_of TYPE('b)  size_of TYPE('a) - n"
    by (metis export_size_of field_lookup_offset_size fold_typ_uinfo_t nat_move_sub_le sz)

  have "take (size_td t) (drop n (to_bytes_p ('a))) = replicate (size_of TYPE('b)) 0"
    by (simp add:  to_bytes_p_zero sz le)
  with eq1 have eq2: "access_ti0 t ('a) = replicate (size_of TYPE('b)) 0" by simp
  show ?thesis
    apply (simp add: eq2)
    apply (simp add: zero_def)

lemma field_lookup_zero':
  assumes fl: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a::xmem_type)) f 0  Some (t, n)"
  assumes match: "export_uinfo t = export_uinfo (typ_info_t TYPE('b::c_type))"
  shows "from_bytes (access_ti0 t ('a)) = ('b)"
  using field_lookup_zero [simplified typ_uinfo_t_def, OF _ match] fl by blast

lemma array_index_zero:
  assumes i_bound: "i  < CARD('b)"
  shows "('a :: array_outer_max_size)['b :: array_max_count])).[i] = ('a)"
proof -
  from field_lookup_array  [OF i_bound, where 'a='a ]
  have fl: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a['b])) [replicate i CHR ''1''] 0 =
         Some (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) (λx. x.[i]) (λx f. Arrays.update f i x), i * size_of TYPE('a))"
    by simp

  have "export_uinfo (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) (λx::'a['b]. x.[i]) (λx f. Arrays.update f i x)) = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a)"
    by (simp add: typ_uinfo_t_def i_bound)

  from field_lookup_zero [OF fl this]
  show ?thesis
    by simp

named_theorems zero_simps and make_zero