Theory CTranslationSetup
chapter ‹Setup Lex / Yacc and Translation from C to Simpl›
theory CTranslationSetup
"cond_sorry_modifies_proofs" :: thy_decl
"mlyacc":: thy_load
ML ‹
structure Coerce_Syntax =
val show_types = Ptr_Syntax.show_ptr_types
fun coerce_tr' cnst ctxt typ ts = if Config.get ctxt show_types then
case Term.strip_type typ of
([S], T) =>
(Syntax.const cnst $ Syntax_Phases.term_of_typ ctxt S
$ Syntax_Phases.term_of_typ ctxt T
, ts)
| _ => raise Match
else raise Match
definition coerce::"'a::mem_type ⇒ 'b::mem_type" where
"coerce v = from_bytes (to_bytes_p v)"
"_coerce" :: "type ⇒ type ⇒ logic"
(‹(‹indent=1 notation=‹mixfix COERCE››COERCE/(‹indent=1 notation=‹infix coerce››'(_ → _')))›)
"_coerce" == coerce
"COERCE('a → 'b)" => "CONST coerce :: ('a ⇒ 'b)"
‹ [(@{const_syntax coerce}, Coerce_Syntax.coerce_tr' @{syntax_const "_coerce"})] ›
lemma coerce_id[simp]:
shows "coerce v = v"
by (simp add: coerce_def)
lemma coerce_cancel_packed[simp]:
fixes v::"'a::packed_type"
assumes sz_eq: "size_of (TYPE('a)) = size_of (TYPE('b))"
shows "coerce ((coerce v)::'b::packed_type) = v"
using assms
apply (simp add: coerce_def)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) access_ti⇩0_def access_ti⇩0_to_bytes
field_access_update_same(1) inv_p length_replicate length_to_bytes_p
packed_type_intro_simps(1) wf_fd)
definition coerce_map:: "('a::mem_type ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('b::mem_type ⇒ 'b)" where
"coerce_map f v = coerce (f (coerce v))"
lemma coerce_map_id[simp]: "coerce_map f (coerce v) = f v"
by (simp add: coerce_map_def)
lemma coerce_coerce_map_cancel_packed[simp]:
fixes f::"'a::packed_type ⇒ 'a"
fixes v::"'b::packed_type"
assumes sz_eq[simp]: "size_of (TYPE('a)) = size_of (TYPE('b))"
shows "((coerce (coerce_map f v))::'a) = f (coerce v)"
by (simp add: coerce_map_def)
named_theorems global_const_defs and
global_const_array_selectors and
global_const_non_array_selectors and
named_theorems fun_ptr_simps
named_theorems fun_ptr_intros
named_theorems fun_ptr_distinct
named_theorems fun_ptr_subtree
named_theorems disjoint_𝒢_𝒮
text ‹
We integrate mllex and mlyacc directly into Isabelle:
▪ We compile the SML files according to the description in 🗏‹tools/mlyacc/src/FILES›
▪ We export the necessary signatures and structures to the Isabelle/ML environment.
▪ As mllex / mlyacc operate directly on files we invoke them on temporary files and
redirect stdout / stderr to display the messages within PIDE. We wrap this in Isabelle commands
@{command mllex}, @{command mlyacc}.
SML_import ‹
infix 1 |> val op |> = Basics.|>
structure File_Stream = File_Stream
val make_path = Path.explode o ML_System.standard_path
SML_file ‹tools/mllex/mllex.ML›
SML_export ‹structure LexGen = LexGen›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/mlyacclib/MLY_base-sig.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/mlyacclib/MLY_stream.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/mlyacclib/MLY_lrtable.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/mlyacclib/MLY_join.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/mlyacclib/MLY_parser2.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/utils.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/sigs.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/hdr.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/yacc-grm-sig.sml›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/yacc-grm.sml›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/yacc.lex.sml›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/parse.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/grammar.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/core.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/coreutils.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/graph.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/look.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/lalr.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/mklrtable.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/mkprstruct.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/shrink.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/verbose.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/absyn-sig.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/absyn.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/yacc.ML›
SML_file ‹tools/mlyacc/src/link.ML›
SML_export ‹signature LR_TABLE = LR_TABLE›
SML_export ‹structure LrTable = LrTable›
SML_export ‹signature LR_PARSER = LR_PARSER›
SML_export ‹structure LrParser = LrParser›
SML_export ‹signature TOKEN = TOKEN›
SML_export ‹signature PARSER_DATA = PARSER_DATA›
SML_export ‹signature PARSE_GEN = PARSE_GEN›
SML_export ‹signature LEXER = LEXER›
SML_export ‹signature PARSER_DATA = PARSER_DATA›
SML_export ‹signature PARSER = PARSER›
SML_export ‹signature ARG_PARSER = ARG_PARSER›
SML_export ‹structure ParseGen = ParseGen›
SML_export ‹functor Join(structure Lex : LEXER
structure ParserData: PARSER_DATA
structure LrParser : LR_PARSER
sharing ParserData.LrTable = LrParser.LrTable
sharing ParserData.Token = LrParser.Token
sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.svalue = ParserData.svalue
sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.pos = ParserData.pos
sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.token = ParserData.Token.token): PARSER =
Join(structure Lex = Lex
structure ParserData = ParserData
structure LrParser = LrParser)›
SML_export ‹functor JoinWithArg(structure Lex : ARG_LEXER
structure ParserData: PARSER_DATA
structure LrParser : LR_PARSER
sharing ParserData.LrTable = LrParser.LrTable
sharing ParserData.Token = LrParser.Token
sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.svalue = ParserData.svalue
sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.pos = ParserData.pos
sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.token = ParserData.Token.token)
JoinWithArg(structure Lex = Lex
structure ParserData = ParserData
structure LrParser = LrParser)
ML ‹
val tmp_io = Synchronized.var "tmp_io" ()
fun system_command cmd =
if Isabelle_System.bash cmd <> 0 then error ("System command failed: " ^ cmd) else ();
fun copy_file qualify_ref src0 dst0 =
val src = Path.expand src0;
val dst = Path.expand dst0;
val target = if File.is_dir dst then Path.append dst (Path.base src) else dst;
if File.eq (src, target) then
else if qualify_ref then
ignore (system_command ("sed 's/ ref / Unsynchronized.ref /g' " ^ File.bash_path src ^ " > " ^ File.bash_path target))
ignore (system_command ("cp -f " ^ File.bash_path src ^ " " ^ File.bash_path target))
fun file_command qualify_ref tag exts f files thy =
val (files, thy) = files thy
val {src_path, lines,...}: Token.file = the_single files
val filename = Path.file_name src_path
val full_src_path = Path.append (Resources.master_directory thy) src_path
val _ = Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir tag (fn tmp_dir => Synchronized.change tmp_io (fn _ =>
val orig_stdOut = TextIO.getOutstream TextIO.stdOut
val orig_stdErr = TextIO.getOutstream TextIO.stdErr
val out_file = (Utils.sanitized_path thy tmp_dir (Path.ext "out" src_path))
val err_file = (Utils.sanitized_path thy tmp_dir (Path.ext "err" src_path))
val dir = Path.dir out_file
val _ = Isabelle_System.make_directory dir
val stdOut = TextIO.openOut (File.platform_path out_file)
val stdErr = TextIO.openOut (File.platform_path err_file)
val _ = TextIO.setOutstream (TextIO.stdOut, TextIO.getOutstream stdOut)
val _ = TextIO.setOutstream (TextIO.stdErr, TextIO.getOutstream stdErr)
val tmp_file = Utils.sanitized_path thy tmp_dir src_path
val _ = File.write tmp_file (cat_lines lines)
val res = Exn.result f (File.platform_path tmp_file)
val _ = TextIO.setOutstream (TextIO.stdOut, orig_stdOut)
val _ = TextIO.setOutstream (TextIO.stdErr, orig_stdErr)
val _ = TextIO.closeOut stdOut
val _ = TextIO.closeOut stdErr
val lines = filter (fn s => s <> "") (File.read_lines out_file @ File.read_lines err_file)
val msg = if null lines then "" else ":\n" ^ (prefix_lines " " (cat_lines lines))
case res of
Exn.Res () =>
val result_files = map (fn ext => (Path.ext ext tmp_file,
Path.ext ext full_src_path)) exts
val _ = app (fn (src, dst) => copy_file qualify_ref src dst) result_files
val _ = tracing (Markup.markup Markup.keyword1 tag ^ " " ^ quote filename ^ " succeeded" ^ msg)
in () end
| Exn.Exn exn =>
error (Markup.markup Markup.keyword1 tag ^ " " ^ quote filename ^ " failed" ^ msg ^
"\n" ^ Runtime.exn_message exn)
val _ =
@{command_keyword "mllex"} "generate lexer"
(Resources.provide_parse_files single >> (Toplevel.theory o (file_command true "mllex" ["sml"] LexGen.lexGen)))
val _ =
@{command_keyword "mlyacc"} "generate parser"
(Resources.provide_parse_files single >> (Toplevel.theory o (file_command true "mlyacc" ["sig", "sml"] ParseGen.parseGen)))
primrec map_of_default ::
"('p ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('p * 'a) list ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'a"
"map_of_default d [] x = d x"
| "map_of_default d (x # xs) x' = (if fst x = x' then snd x else map_of_default d xs x')"
lemma map_of_default_append: ‹map_of_default d (xs @ ys) = map_of_default (map_of_default d ys) xs›
by (induction xs arbitrary: d ys) auto
lemma map_of_default_map_of_conv:
‹map_of_default d xs p = (case map_of xs p of Some f ⇒ f | None ⇒ d p)›
by (induction xs) (auto simp add: fun_upd_same fun_upd_other)
lemma map_of_default_fallthrough:
"p ∉ set (map fst xs) ⟹ map_of_default d xs p = d p"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma map_of_default_distinct:
assumes "distinct (map fst xs)"
shows "list_all (λ(p, f). map_of_default d xs p = f) xs"
using assms
apply (induction xs)
apply simp_all
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) image_iff list.pred_mono_strong prod.case_eq_if)
lemma map_of_default_default_conv:
assumes "list_all (λ(p, f). d p = f) xs"
shows "map_of_default d xs = d"
using assms
by (induct xs) auto
lemma map_of_default_monotone_cons[partial_function_mono]:
assumes f1 [partial_function_mono]: "monotone R X f1"
assumes [partial_function_mono]: "monotone R X (λf. map_of_default d (xs f) p)"
shows "monotone R X (λf. map_of_default d ((p1, f1 f)#xs f) p)"
apply (simp only: map_of_default.simps fst_conv snd_conv cong: if_cong)
apply (intro partial_function_mono)
hide_const (open) StaticFun.Node
primrec tree_of :: "'a list ⇒ 'a tree"
"tree_of [] = Tip"
| "tree_of (x#xs) = Node (Tip) x False (tree_of xs)"
lemma set_of_tree_of: "set_of (tree_of xs) = set xs"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma all_distinct_tree_of:
assumes "all_distinct (tree_of xs)"
shows "distinct xs"
using assms by (induct xs) (auto simp add: set_of_tree_of)
lemma all_distinct_tree_of':
"all_distinct t ⟹ tree_of xs ≡ t ⟹ distinct xs"
by (simp add: all_distinct_tree_of)
lemma map_of_default_fallthrough':
"map fst xs ≡ ps ⟹ tree_of ps ≡ t ⟹ p ∉ set_of t ⟹ map_of_default d xs p = d p"
apply (rule map_of_default_fallthrough)
using set_of_tree_of [of "map fst xs"]
apply simp
primrec list_of :: "'a tree ⇒ 'a list"
"list_of Tip = []"
| "list_of (Node l x d r) = list_of l @ (if d then [] else [x]) @ list_of r"
lemma list_of_tree_of_conv [simp]: "list_of (tree_of xs) = xs"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma set_list_of_set_of_conv: "set (list_of t) = set_of t"
by (induct t) auto
lemma all_distinct_list_of:
assumes "all_distinct t"
shows "distinct (list_of t)"
using assms by (induct t) (auto simp add: set_list_of_set_of_conv)
lemma map_of_default_distinct_lookup_list_all:
"distinct (map fst xs) ⟹ list_all (λ(p, f). map_of_default d xs p = f) xs"
by (induct xs) (auto simp add: case_prod_beta' image_iff list.pred_mono_strong)
lemma map_of_default_distinct_lookup_list_all':
assumes ps: "map fst xs ≡ ps"
assumes t: "tree_of ps ≡ t"
assumes dist: "all_distinct t"
shows "list_all (λ(p, f). map_of_default d xs p = f) xs"
using all_distinct_tree_of' [OF dist t] ps
by (simp add: map_of_default_distinct_lookup_list_all)
lemma map_of_default_distinct_lookup_list_all'':
assumes t: "list_of t ≡ ps"
assumes ps: "map fst xs ≡ ps"
assumes dist: "all_distinct t"
shows "list_all (λ(p, f). map_of_default d xs p = f) xs"
by (metis all_distinct_list_of dist map_of_default_distinct_lookup_list_all ps t)
lemma map_of_default_other_lookup_list_all:
"set ps ∩ set (map fst xs) = {} ⟹ list_all (λp. map_of_default d xs p = d p) ps"
using map_of_default_fallthrough [where d=d and xs= xs]
apply (induct xs)
apply (clarsimp simp add: list.pred_True )
by (smt (verit, best) IntI ball_empty list.pred_set)
lemma delete_Some_subset: "DistinctTreeProver.delete x t = Some t' ⟹ set_of t ⊆ {x} ∪ set_of t'"
by (induct t arbitrary: t') (auto split: option.splits if_split_asm)
lemma delete_Some_set_of_union:
assumes del: "DistinctTreeProver.delete x t = Some t'" shows "set_of t = {x} ∪ set_of t'"
proof -
from delete_Some_set_of [OF del] have "set_of t' ⊆ set_of t" .
from delete_Some_x_set_of [OF del] obtain "x ∈ set_of t" "x ∉ set_of t'"
by simp
ultimately have "{x} ∪ set_of t' ⊆ set_of t"
by blast
with delete_Some_subset [OF del]
show ?thesis by blast
primrec undeleted :: "'a tree ⇒ bool"
"undeleted Tip = True"
| "undeleted (Node l y d r) = (¬ d ∧ undeleted l ∧ undeleted r)"
lemma undeleted_tree_of[simp]: "undeleted (tree_of xs)"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma subtract_union_subset:
"subtract t⇩1 t⇩2 = Some t ⟹ undeleted t⇩1 ⟹ set_of t⇩2 ⊆ set_of t⇩1 ∪ set_of t"
proof (induct t⇩1 arbitrary: t⇩2 t)
case Tip thus ?case by simp
case (Node l x b r)
have sub: "subtract (Node l x b r) t⇩2 = Some t" by fact
from Node.prems obtain not_b: "¬ b" and undeleted_l: "undeleted l" and undeleted_r: "undeleted r"
by simp
from subtract_Some_set_of [OF sub] have sub_t2: "set_of (Node l x b r) ⊆ set_of t⇩2" .
show ?case
proof (cases "DistinctTreeProver.delete x t⇩2")
case (Some t⇩2')
note del_x_Some = this
from delete_Some_set_of_union [OF Some]
have t2'_t2: "set_of t⇩2 = {x} ∪ set_of t⇩2'" .
show ?thesis
proof (cases "subtract l t⇩2'")
case (Some t⇩2'')
note sub_l_Some = this
from Node.hyps (1) [OF Some undeleted_l]
have t2''_t2': "set_of t⇩2' ⊆ set_of l ∪ set_of t⇩2''" .
show ?thesis
proof (cases "subtract r t⇩2''")
case (Some t⇩2''')
from Node.hyps (2) [OF Some undeleted_r]
have "set_of t⇩2'' ⊆ set_of r ∪ set_of t⇩2'''" .
with Some sub_l_Some del_x_Some sub t2''_t2' t2'_t2 not_b
show ?thesis
by auto
case None
with del_x_Some sub_l_Some sub
show ?thesis
by simp
case None
with del_x_Some sub
show ?thesis
by simp
case None
with sub show ?thesis by simp
lemma subtract_union_eq:
assumes sub: "subtract t⇩1 t⇩2 = Some t"
assumes und: "undeleted t⇩1"
shows "set_of t⇩2 = set_of t⇩1 ∪ set_of t"
from sub und
show "set_of t⇩2 ⊆ set_of t⇩1 ∪ set_of t"
by (rule subtract_union_subset)
from subtract_Some_set_of_res [OF sub] have "set_of t ⊆ set_of t⇩2".
moreover from subtract_Some_set_of [OF sub] have "set_of t⇩1 ⊆ set_of t⇩2" .
show "set_of t⇩1 ∪ set_of t ⊆ set_of t⇩2" by blast
lemma subtract_empty:
assumes sub: "subtract t⇩1 t⇩2 = Some t"
assumes und: "undeleted t⇩1"
assumes empty: "set_of t = {}"
shows "set_of t⇩1 = set_of t⇩2"
using subtract_union_eq [OF sub und] empty by simp
lemma map_of_default_other_lookup_Ball:
assumes ps: "list_of t ≡ ps"
assumes map_fst: "map fst xs ≡ ps"
assumes sub: "subtract t t_all = Some t_sub"
shows "∀p ∈ set_of t_sub. map_of_default d xs p = d p"
by (metis disjoint_iff map_fst map_of_default_fallthrough ps set_list_of_set_of_conv sub subtract_Some_dist_res)
lemma subtract_set_of_exchange_first:
assumes sub1: "subtract t⇩1 t = Some t'"
assumes sub2: "subtract t⇩2 t = Some t''"
assumes und1: "undeleted t⇩1"
assumes und2: "undeleted t⇩2"
assumes seq: "set_of t⇩1 = set_of t⇩2"
shows "set_of t' = set_of t''"
using subtract_union_eq [OF sub1 und1] subtract_union_eq [OF sub2 und2] seq
subtract_Some_dist_res [OF sub1] subtract_Some_dist_res [OF sub2]
by blast
lemma TWO: "Suc (Suc 0) = 2" by arith
fun_addr_of :: "int ⇒ unit ptr" where
"fun_addr_of i ≡ Ptr (word_of_int i)"
ptr_range :: "'a::c_type ptr ⇒ addr set" where
"ptr_range p ≡ {ptr_val (p::'a ptr) ..< ptr_val p + word_of_int(int(size_of (TYPE('a)))) }"
lemma guarded_spec_body_wp [vcg_hoare]:
"P ⊆ {s. (∀t. (s,t) ∈ R ⟶ t ∈ Q) ∧ (Ft ∉ F ⟶ (∃t. (s,t) ∈ R))}
⟹ Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F ⇙ P (guarded_spec_body Ft R) Q, A"
apply (simp add: guarded_spec_body_def)
apply (cases "Ft ∈ F")
apply (erule HoarePartialDef.Guarantee)
apply (rule HoarePartialDef.conseqPre, rule HoarePartialDef.Spec)
apply auto[1]
apply (rule HoarePartialDef.conseqPre, rule HoarePartialDef.Guard[where P=P])
apply (rule HoarePartialDef.conseqPre, rule HoarePartialDef.Spec)
apply auto[1]
apply simp
apply (erule order_trans)
apply (auto simp: image_def Bex_def)
named_theorems recursive_records_fold_congs and recursive_records_split_all_eqs
ML_file "../lib/ml-helpers/StringExtras.ML"
ML_file "topo_sort.ML"
ML_file "isa_termstypes.ML"
mllex "StrictC.lex"
mlyacc "StrictC.grm"
ML_file "StrictC.grm.sig"
ML_file "StrictC.grm.sml"
ML_file "StrictC.lex.sml"
ML_file "StrictCParser.ML"
ML_file "complit.ML"
ML_file "hp_termstypes.ML"
ML_file "termstypes-sig.ML"
term "word_of_int"
ML_file "termstypes.ML"
ML_file "recursive_records/recursive_record_pp.ML"
ML_file "recursive_records/recursive_record_package.ML"
ML_file "UMM_termstypes.ML"
ML_file "expression_typing.ML"
ML_file "program_analysis.ML"
ML_file "cached_theory_simproc.ML"
ML_file "UMM_Proofs.ML"
simproc_setup size_of_bound (‹size_of TYPE('a::c_type) ≤ n›) = ‹K (fn ctxt => fn ct =>
val _ = (case Thm.term_of ct of
@{term_pat "size_of ?T ≤ _ "} => if UMM_Proofs.is_ctype T then () else raise Match
| _ => raise Match)
val ctxt' = ctxt addsimps (Named_Theorems.get ctxt @{named_theorems size_simps})
val eq = Simplifier.asm_full_rewrite ctxt' ct
val _ = Utils.verbose_msg 5 ctxt (fn _ => "size_of_bound: " ^ Thm.string_of_thm ctxt eq)
val rhs = Thm.rhs_of eq |> Thm.term_of
if rhs aconv \<^term>‹True› orelse rhs aconv \<^term>‹False› then
handle Match => NONE)
named_theorems enum_defs
ML_file "heapstatetype.ML"
ML_file "MemoryModelExtras-sig.ML"
ML_file "MemoryModelExtras.ML"
ML_file "calculate_state.ML"
ML_file "syntax_transforms.ML"
ML_file "expression_translation.ML"
ML_file "modifies_proofs.ML"
ML_file "HPInter.ML"
ML_file "stmt_translation.ML"
method_setup vcg = ‹Hoare.vcg ›
"Simpl 'vcg' followed by C parser 'shorten_names'"
method_setup vcg_step = ‹Hoare.vcg_step ›
"Simpl 'vcg_step' followed by C parser 'shorten_names'"
declare typ_info_word [simp del]
declare typ_info_ptr [simp del]
lemma valid_call_Spec_eq_subset:
"Γ' procname = Some (Spec R) ⟹
HoarePartialDef.valid Γ' NF P (Call procname) Q A = (P ⊆ fst ` R ∧ (R ⊆ (- P) × UNIV ∪ UNIV × Q))"
apply (safe; simp?)
subgoal for x
apply (clarsimp simp: HoarePartialDef.valid_def)
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (drule_tac x="Normal x" in spec, elim allE)
apply (drule mp, erule exec.Call, rule exec.SpecStuck)
apply (auto simp: image_def)[2]
apply (clarsimp simp: HoarePartialDef.valid_def)
apply (elim allE, drule mp, erule exec.Call, erule exec.Spec)
apply auto[1]
apply (clarsimp simp: HoarePartialDef.valid_def)
apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases, simp_all)
apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases, auto)
lemma creturn_wp [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (exnupd (λ_. Return)) (rvupd (λ_. v s) s) ∈ A}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F ⇙P creturn exnupd rvupd v Q, A"
unfolding creturn_def
by vcg
lemma creturn_wp_total [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (exnupd (λ_. Return)) (rvupd (λ_. v s) s) ∈ A}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇩t⇘/F ⇙P creturn exnupd rvupd v Q, A"
unfolding creturn_def
by vcg
lemma creturn_void_wp [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (exnupd (λ_. Return)) s ∈ A}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F ⇙P creturn_void exnupd Q, A"
unfolding creturn_void_def
by vcg
lemma creturn_void_wp_total [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (exnupd (λ_. Return)) s ∈ A}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇩t⇘/F ⇙P creturn_void exnupd Q, A"
unfolding creturn_void_def
by vcg
lemma cbreak_wp [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (exnupd (λ_. Break)) s ∈ A}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F ⇙P cbreak exnupd Q, A"
unfolding cbreak_def
by vcg
lemma cbreak_wp_totoal [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (exnupd (λ_. Break)) s ∈ A}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇩t⇘/F ⇙P cbreak exnupd Q, A"
unfolding cbreak_def
by vcg
lemma ccatchbrk_wp [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (exnupd s = Break ⟶ s ∈ Q) ∧
(exnupd s ≠ Break ⟶ s ∈ A)}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F ⇙P ccatchbrk exnupd Q, A"
unfolding ccatchbrk_def
by vcg
lemma ccatchbrk_wp_total [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (exnupd s = Break ⟶ s ∈ Q) ∧
(exnupd s ≠ Break ⟶ s ∈ A)}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇩t⇘/F ⇙P ccatchbrk exnupd Q, A"
unfolding ccatchbrk_def
by vcg
lemma cgoto_wp [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (exnupd (λ_. Goto l)) s ∈ A}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F ⇙P cgoto l exnupd Q, A"
unfolding cgoto_def
by vcg
lemma cgoto_wp_total [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (exnupd (λ_. Goto l)) s ∈ A}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇩t⇘/F ⇙P cgoto l exnupd Q, A"
unfolding cgoto_def
by vcg
lemma ccatchgoto_wp [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (exnupd s = Goto l ⟶ s ∈ Q) ∧
(exnupd s ≠ Goto l ⟶ s ∈ A)}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F ⇙P ccatchgoto l exnupd Q, A"
unfolding ccatchgoto_def
by vcg
lemma ccatchgoto_wp_total [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (exnupd s = Goto l ⟶ s ∈ Q) ∧
(exnupd s ≠ Goto l ⟶ s ∈ A)}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇩t⇘/F ⇙P ccatchgoto l exnupd Q, A"
unfolding ccatchgoto_def
by vcg
lemma ccatchreturn_wp [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (is_local (exnupd s) ⟶ s ∈ Q) ∧
(¬ is_local (exnupd s) ⟶ s ∈ A)}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F ⇙P ccatchreturn exnupd Q, A"
unfolding ccatchreturn_def
by vcg
lemma ccatchreturn_wp_total [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. (is_local (exnupd s) ⟶ s ∈ Q) ∧
(¬ is_local (exnupd s) ⟶ s ∈ A)}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇩t⇘/F ⇙P ccatchreturn exnupd Q, A"
unfolding ccatchreturn_def
by vcg
lemma cexit_wp [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. exnupd s ∈ A}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F ⇙P cexit exnupd Q, A"
unfolding cexit_def
by vcg
lemma cexit_wp_total [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. exnupd s ∈ A}"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇩t⇘/F ⇙P cexit exnupd Q, A"
unfolding cexit_def
by vcg
lemma cchaos_wp [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. ∀x. (v x s) ∈ Q }"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F ⇙P cchaos v Q, A"
unfolding cchaos_def
using assms by (blast intro: HoarePartial.Spec)
lemma cchaos_wp_total [vcg_hoare]:
assumes "P ⊆ {s. ∀x. (v x s) ∈ Q }"
shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇩t⇘/F ⇙P cchaos v Q, A"
unfolding cchaos_def
using assms by (blast intro: HoareTotal.Spec)
lemma lvar_nondet_init_wp [vcg_hoare]:
"P ⊆ {s. ∀v. (upd (λ_. v)) s ∈ Q} ⟹ Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F ⇙ P lvar_nondet_init upd Q, A"
unfolding lvar_nondet_init_def
by (rule HoarePartialDef.conseqPre, vcg, auto)
lemma lvar_nondet_init_wp_total [vcg_hoare]:
"P ⊆ {s. ∀v. (upd (λ_. v)) s ∈ Q} ⟹ Γ,Θ⊢⇩t⇘/F ⇙ P lvar_nondet_init upd Q, A"
unfolding lvar_nondet_init_def
by (rule HoareTotalDef.conseqPre, vcg, auto)
lemma Seq_propagate_precond:
"⟦Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F⇙ P c⇩1 P,A; Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F⇙ P c⇩2 Q,A⟧ ⟹ Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F⇙ P (Seq c⇩1 c⇩2) Q,A"
apply (rule hoarep.Seq)
apply assumption
apply assumption
lemma Seq_propagate_precond_total:
"⟦Γ,Θ⊢⇩t⇘/F⇙ P c⇩1 P,A; Γ,Θ⊢⇩t⇘/F⇙ P c⇩2 Q,A⟧ ⟹ Γ,Θ⊢⇩t⇘/F⇙ P (Seq c⇩1 c⇩2) Q,A"
apply (rule hoaret.Seq)
apply assumption
apply assumption
lemma mem_safe_lvar_init [simp,intro]:
assumes upd: "⋀g v s. globals_update g (upd (λ_. v) s) = upd (λ_. v) (globals_update g s)"
assumes acc: "⋀v s. globals (upd (λ_. v) s) = globals s"
shows "mem_safe (lvar_nondet_init upd) x"
apply (clarsimp simp: mem_safe_def lvar_nondet_init_def)
apply (erule exec.cases; clarsimp simp: restrict_safe_def)
apply (fastforce simp: restrict_safe_OK_def restrict_htd_def upd acc intro: exec.Spec)
apply (simp add: exec_fatal_def)
apply (fastforce simp: exec_fatal_def restrict_htd_def upd acc intro!: exec.SpecStuck)
lemma intra_safe_lvar_nondet_init [simp]:
"intra_safe (lvar_nondet_init upd :: (('a::heap_state_type','l,'e,'x) state_scheme,'p,'f) com) =
(∀Γ. mem_safe (lvar_nondet_init upd :: (('a::heap_state_type','l,'e,'x) state_scheme,'p,'f) com)
(Γ :: (('a,'l,'e,'x) state_scheme,'p,'f) body))"
by (simp add: lvar_nondet_init_def)
lemma proc_deps_lvar_nondet_init [simp]:
"proc_deps (lvar_nondet_init upd) Γ = {}"
by (simp add: lvar_nondet_init_def)
declare word_neq_0_conv[simp]
declare [[hoare_use_generalise=true]]