Theory Type_System

Title: WHATandWHERE-Security
Authors: Sylvia Grewe, Alexander Lux, Heiko Mantel, Jens Sauer
theory Type_System
imports Language_Composition

locale Type_System =
  WWP?: WHATWHERE_Secure_Programs "E" "BMap" "DA" "lH"
  for E :: "('exp, 'id, 'val) Evalfunction"
  and BMap :: "'val  bool"
  and DA :: "('id, 'd::order) DomainAssignment"
  and lH :: "('d, 'exp) lHatches"
AssignSideCondition :: "'id  'exp  nat  bool"
and WhileSideCondition :: "'exp  bool"
and IfSideCondition :: 
  "'exp  ('exp,'id) MWLsCom  ('exp,'id) MWLsCom  bool" 
assumes semAssignSC: "AssignSideCondition x e ι  
  e ≡⇘DA x,(htchLoc ι)e  (m m' d ι'. (m ∼⇘d,(htchLoc ι')m'  
  x :=⇘ιe⟧(m) =⇘dx :=⇘ιe⟧(m'))
   x :=⇘ιe⟧(m) ∼⇘d,(htchLoc ι')x :=⇘ιe⟧(m'))" 
and semWhileSC: "WhileSideCondition e  d. e ≡⇘de"
and semIfSC: "IfSideCondition e c1 c2  d. e ≡⇘de"

― ‹Security typing rules for the language commands›
ComSecTyping :: "('exp, 'id) MWLsCom  bool"
  ("𝒞 _")
and ComSecTypingL :: "('exp,'id) MWLsCom list  bool"
   ("𝒱 _")
Skip: "⊢⇘𝒞⇙ skip⇘ι⇙" |
Assign: " AssignSideCondition x e ι  𝒞 x :=⇘ιe" |
Spawn: "𝒱 V   ⊢⇘𝒞⇙ spawn⇘ιV" |
Seq: "𝒞 c1;𝒞 c2  𝒞 c1;c2" |
While: "𝒞 c; WhileSideCondition b  
      ⊢⇘𝒞⇙ while⇘ιb do c od" |
If: "𝒞 c1;𝒞 c2; IfSideCondition b c1 c2 
   ⊢⇘𝒞⇙ if⇘ιb then c1 else c2 fi" |
Parallel: " i < length V.𝒞 V!i  𝒱 V"

inductive_cases parallel_cases:
"⊢𝒱 V"

definition auxiliary_predicate
"auxiliary_predicate V  unique_PPV V  WHATWHERE_Secure V" 

― ‹soundness proof of abstract type system›
theorem ComSecTyping_single_is_sound:
"𝒞 c; unique_PPc c 
   WHATWHERE_Secure [c]"
proof (induct rule: ComSecTyping_ComSecTypingL.inducts(1)
    [of _ _ "auxiliary_predicate"], simp_all add: auxiliary_predicate_def)
  fix ι
  show "WHATWHERE_Secure [skip⇘ι]"
    by (metis WHATWHERE_Secure_Skip)
  fix x e ι
  assume "AssignSideCondition x e ι"
  thus "WHATWHERE_Secure [x :=⇘ιe]"
    by (metis WHATWHERE_Secure_Assign semAssignSC)
  fix V ι
  assume IH: "unique_PPV V  WHATWHERE_Secure V"
  assume uniPPspawn: "unique_PPc (spawn⇘ιV)"
  hence "unique_PPV V"
    by (simp add: unique_PPV_def unique_PPc_def)
  with IH have "WHATWHERE_Secure V"
  with uniPPspawn show "WHATWHERE_Secure [spawn⇘ιV]"
    by (metis Compositionality_Spawn)
  fix c1 c2
  assume IH1: "unique_PPc c1  WHATWHERE_Secure [c1]"
  assume IH2: "unique_PPc c2  WHATWHERE_Secure [c2]"
  assume uniPPc1c2: "unique_PPc (c1;c2)"
  from uniPPc1c2 have uniPPc1: "unique_PPc c1"
    by (simp add: unique_PPc_def)
  with IH1 have IS1: "WHATWHERE_Secure [c1]"
  from uniPPc1c2 have uniPPc2: "unique_PPc c2"
    by (simp add: unique_PPc_def)
  with IH2 have IS2: "WHATWHERE_Secure [c2]"

  from IS1 IS2 uniPPc1c2 show "WHATWHERE_Secure [c1;c2]"
    by (metis Compositionality_Seq)
  fix c b ι
  assume SC: "WhileSideCondition b"
  assume IH: "unique_PPc c  WHATWHERE_Secure [c]"
  assume uniPPwhile: "unique_PPc (while⇘ιb do c od)"
  hence "unique_PPc c"
    by (simp add: unique_PPc_def)
  with IH have "WHATWHERE_Secure [c]"
  with uniPPwhile SC show "WHATWHERE_Secure [while⇘ιb do c od]"
    by (metis Compositionality_While semWhileSC)
  fix c1 c2 b ι
  assume SC: "IfSideCondition b c1 c2"  
  assume IH1: "unique_PPc c1  WHATWHERE_Secure [c1]"
  assume IH2: "unique_PPc c2  WHATWHERE_Secure [c2]"
  assume uniPPif: "unique_PPc (if⇘ιb then c1 else c2 fi)"
  from uniPPif have "unique_PPc c1"
    by (simp add: unique_PPc_def)
  with IH1 have IS1: "WHATWHERE_Secure [c1]"
  from uniPPif have "unique_PPc c2"
    by (simp add: unique_PPc_def)
  with IH2 have IS2: "WHATWHERE_Secure [c2]"
  from IS1 IS2 SC uniPPif show 
    "WHATWHERE_Secure [if⇘ιb then c1 else c2 fi]"
    by (metis Compositionality_If semIfSC)
  fix V
  assume IH: "i < length V.𝒞 V ! i 
    (unique_PPc (V!i)  WHATWHERE_Secure [V!i])"
  have "unique_PPV V  (i < length V. unique_PPc (V!i))"
    by (metis uniPPV_uniPPc)
  with IH have "unique_PPV V  (i < length V. WHATWHERE_Secure [V!i])" 
    by auto
  thus uniPPV: "unique_PPV V  WHATWHERE_Secure V"
    by (metis parallel_composition)

theorem ComSecTyping_list_is_sound:
"𝒱 V; unique_PPV V   WHATWHERE_Secure V"
by (metis ComSecTyping_single_is_sound parallel_cases 
  parallel_composition uniPPV_uniPPc)
