Theory Language_Composition
theory Language_Composition
imports WHATWHERE_Secure_Skip_Assign
context WHATWHERE_Secure_Programs
theorem Compositionality_Seq:
assumes WWs_part1: "WHATWHERE_Secure [c1]"
assumes WWs_part2: "WHATWHERE_Secure [c2]"
assumes uniPPc1c2: "unique_PPc (c1;c2)"
shows "WHATWHERE_Secure [c1;c2]"
proof (simp add: WHATWHERE_Secure_def, auto)
fix d PP
from uniPPc1c2 have nocommonPP: "set (PPc c1) ∩ set (PPc c2) = {}"
by (simp add: unique_PPV_def unique_PPc_def)
from WWs_part1 obtain R1' where R1'assump:
"SdlHPPB d PP R1' ∧ ([c1],[c1]) ∈ R1'"
by (simp add: WHATWHERE_Secure_def, auto)
define R1 where "R1 = {(V,V'). (V,V') ∈ R1' ∧ set (PPV V) ⊆ set (PPc c1)
∧ set (PPV V') ⊆ set (PPc c1)}"
from R1'assump R1_def SdlHPPB_restricted_on_PP_is_SdlHPPB
have SdlHPPR1: "SdlHPPB d PP R1"
by force
from WWs_part2 obtain R2' where R2'assump:
"SdlHPPB d PP R2' ∧ ([c2],[c2]) ∈ R2'"
by (simp add: WHATWHERE_Secure_def, auto)
define R2 where "R2 = {(V,V'). (V,V') ∈ R2' ∧ set (PPV V) ⊆ set (PPc c2)
∧ set (PPV V') ⊆ set (PPc c2)}"
from R2'assump R2_def SdlHPPB_restricted_on_PP_is_SdlHPPB
have SdlHPPR2: "SdlHPPB d PP R2"
by force
from nocommonPP have nocommonDomain: "Domain R1 ∩ Domain R2 ⊆ {[]}"
by (simp add: R1_def R2_def, auto,
metis inf_greatest inf_idem le_bot unique_V_uneq)
with commonArefl_subset_commonDomain
have Areflassump1: "Arefl R1 ∩ Arefl R2 ⊆ {[]}"
by force
define R0 where "R0 = {(s1,s2). ∃c1 c1' c2 c2'. s1 = [c1;c2] ∧ s2 = [c1';c2'] ∧
([c1],[c1']) ∈ R1 ∧ ([c2],[c2']) ∈ R2}"
with R1_def R1'assump R2_def R2'assump
have inR0: "([c1;c2],[c1;c2]) ∈ R0"
by auto
have "Domain R0 ∩ Domain (R1 ∪ R2) = {}"
by (simp add: R0_def R1_def R2_def, auto, metis Int_absorb1 Int_assoc Int_empty_left
nocommonPP unique_c_uneq, metis Int_absorb Int_absorb1
Int_assoc Int_empty_left nocommonPP unique_c_uneq)
with commonArefl_subset_commonDomain
have Areflassump2: "Arefl R0 ∩ Arefl (R1 ∪ R2) ⊆ {[]}"
by force
have disjuptoR0:
"disj_dlHPP_Bisimulation_Up_To_R' d PP (R1 ∪ R2) R0"
proof (simp add: disj_dlHPP_Bisimulation_Up_To_R'_def, auto)
from Areflassump1 SdlHPPR1 SdlHPPR2 Union_Strong_dlHPP_Bisim
show "SdlHPPB d PP (R1 ∪ R2)"
by metis
from SdlHPPR1 have symR1: "sym R1"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
from SdlHPPR2 have symR2: "sym R2"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
with symR1 R0_def show "sym R0"
by (simp add: sym_def, auto)
from SdlHPPR1 have transR1: "trans R1"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
from SdlHPPR2 have transR2: "trans R2"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
show "trans R0"
proof -
fix V V' V''
assume p1: "(V,V') ∈ R0"
assume p2: "(V',V'') ∈ R0"
have "(V,V'') ∈ R0"
proof -
from p1 R0_def obtain c1 c2 c1' c2' where p1assump:
"V = [c1;c2] ∧ V' = [c1';c2'] ∧
([c1],[c1']) ∈ R1 ∧ ([c2],[c2']) ∈ R2"
by auto
with p2 R0_def obtain c1'' c2'' where p2assump:
"V'' = [c1'';c2''] ∧
([c1'],[c1'']) ∈ R1 ∧ ([c2'],[c2'']) ∈ R2"
by auto
with p1assump transR1 transR2 have
trans_assump: "([c1],[c1'']) ∈ R1 ∧ ([c2],[c2'']) ∈ R2"
by (simp add: trans_def, blast)
with p1assump p2assump R0_def show ?thesis
by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding trans_def by blast
fix V V'
assume "(V,V') ∈ R0"
with R0_def show "length V = length V'"
by auto
fix V V' i
assume inR0: "(V,V') ∈ R0"
assume irange: "i < length V"
assume notIDC: "¬ IDC d (V!i) (htchLoc (pp (V!i)))"
from inR0 R0_def obtain c1 c2 c1' c2' where VV'assump:
"V = [c1;c2] ∧ V' = [c1';c2'] ∧
([c1],[c1']) ∈ R1 ∧ ([c2],[c2']) ∈ R2"
by auto
have eqnextmem: "⋀m. ⟦c1;c2⟧(m) = ⟦c1⟧(m)"
proof -
fix m
from nextmem_exists_and_unique obtain m' where c1nextmem:
"∃p α. ⟨c1,m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m'⟩
∧ (∀m''. (∃p α. ⟨c1,m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m''⟩) ⟶ m'' = m')"
by force
hence eqdir1: "⟦c1⟧(m) = m'"
by (simp add: NextMem_def, auto)
from c1nextmem obtain p α where "⟨c1,m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m'⟩"
by auto
with c1nextmem have "∃p α. ⟨c1;c2,m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m'⟩
∧ (∀m''. (∃p α. ⟨c1;c2,m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m''⟩) ⟶ m'' = m')"
by (auto, metis MWLsSteps_det.seq1 MWLsSteps_det.seq2
option.exhaust, metis MWLsSteps_det_cases(3))
hence eqdir2: "⟦c1;c2⟧(m) = m'"
by (simp add: NextMem_def, auto)
with eqdir1 show "⟦c1;c2⟧(m) = ⟦c1⟧(m)"
by auto
have eqpp: "pp (c1;c2) = pp c1"
by simp
from VV'assump SdlHPPR1 have "IDC d c1 (htchLoc (pp c1))
∨ NDC d c1"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def, auto)
with eqnextmem eqpp have "IDC d (c1;c2)
(htchLoc (pp (c1;c2))) ∨ NDC d (c1;c2)"
by (simp add: IDC_def NDC_def)
with inR0 irange notIDC VV'assump
show "NDC d (V!i)"
by (simp add: IDC_def, auto)
fix V V' m1 m1' m2 α p i
assume inR0: "(V,V') ∈ R0"
assume irange: "i < length V"
assume step: "⟨V!i,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m2⟩"
assume dhequal: "m1 ∼⇘d,htchLocSet PP⇙ m1'"
from inR0 R0_def obtain c1 c1' c2 c2' where R0pair:
"V = [c1;c2] ∧ V' = [c1';c2'] ∧ ([c1],[c1']) ∈ R1
∧ ([c2],[c2']) ∈ R2"
by auto
from R0pair irange have i0: "i = 0" by simp
have eqpp: "pp (c1;c2) = pp c1"
by simp
from R0pair step i0 obtain c3 where case_distinction:
"(p = Some c2 ∧ ⟨c1,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨None,m2⟩)
∨ (p = Some (c3;c2) ∧ ⟨c1,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨Some c3,m2⟩)"
by (simp, insert MWLsSteps_det.simps[of "c1;c2" "m1"],
assume passump: "p = Some c2"
assume StepAssump: "⟨c1,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨None,m2⟩"
hence Vstep_case1:
"⟨c1;c2,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨Some c2,m2⟩"
by (simp add: MWLsSteps_det.seq1)
from SdlHPPR1 StepAssump R0pair dhequal
strongdlHPPB_aux[of "d" "PP"
"R1" "0" "[c1]" "[c1']" "m1" "α" "None" "m2" "m1'"]
obtain p' α' m2' where c1c1'reason:
"p' = None ∧ ⟨c1',m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧ (α,α') ∈ R1 ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp c1) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def, fastforce)
with eqpp c1c1'reason have conclpart:
"⟨c1';c2',m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨Some c2',m2'⟩ ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (c1;c2)) m2 m2'"
by (auto, simp add: MWLsSteps_det.seq1)
with passump R0pair c1c1'reason i0
have case1_concl:
"∃p' α' m2'.
⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ (R1 ∪ R2)) ∧
((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R1 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R2) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def, auto)
assume passump: "p = Some (c3;c2)"
assume StepAssump: "⟨c1,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨Some c3,m2⟩"
hence Vstep_case2: "⟨c1;c2,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨Some (c3;c2),m2⟩"
by (simp add: MWLsSteps_det.seq2)
from SdlHPPR1 StepAssump R0pair dhequal
strongdlHPPB_aux[of "d" "PP"
"R1" "0" "[c1]" "[c1']" "m1" "α" "Some c3" "m2" "m1'"]
obtain p' c3' α' m2' where c1c1'reason:
"p' = Some c3' ∧ ⟨c1',m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
([c3],[c3']) ∈ R1 ∧ (α,α') ∈ R1 ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp c1) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def, fastforce)
with eqpp c1c1'reason have conclpart:
"⟨c1';c2',m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨Some (c3';c2'),m2'⟩ ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (c1;c2)) m2 m2'"
by (auto, simp add: MWLsSteps_det.seq2)
from c1c1'reason R0pair R0_def have
"([c3;c2],[c3';c2']) ∈ R0"
by auto
with R0pair conclpart passump c1c1'reason i0
have case1_concl:
"∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ (R1 ∪ R2)) ∧
((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R1 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R2) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def, auto)
show "∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ (R1 ∪ R2)) ∧
((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R1 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R2) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
by blast
with inR0 Areflassump2 Up_To_Technique
have "SdlHPPB d PP (R0 ∪ (R1 ∪ R2))"
by auto
with inR0 show "∃R. SdlHPPB d PP R ∧ ([c1;c2],[c1;c2]) ∈ R"
by auto
theorem Compositionality_Spawn:
assumes WWs_threads: "WHATWHERE_Secure V"
assumes uniPPspawn: "unique_PPc (spawn⇘ι⇙ V)"
shows "WHATWHERE_Secure [spawn⇘ι⇙ V]"
proof (simp add: WHATWHERE_Secure_def, auto)
fix d PP
from uniPPspawn have pp_difference: "ι ∉ set (PPV V)"
by (simp add: unique_PPc_def)
from WWs_threads obtain R' where R'assump:
"SdlHPPB d PP R' ∧ (V,V) ∈ R'"
by (simp add: WHATWHERE_Secure_def, auto)
define R where "R = {(V',V''). (V',V'') ∈ R' ∧ set (PPV V') ⊆ set (PPV V)
∧ set (PPV V'') ⊆ set (PPV V)}"
from R'assump R_def SdlHPPB_restricted_on_PP_is_SdlHPPB
have SdlHPPR: "SdlHPPB d PP R"
by force
define R0 where "R0 = {(sp1,sp2). ∃ι' ι'' V' V''.
sp1 = [spawn⇘ι'⇙ V'] ∧ sp2 = [spawn⇘ι''⇙ V'']
∧ ι' ∉ set (PPV V) ∧ ι'' ∉ set (PPV V) ∧ (V',V'') ∈ R}"
with R_def R'assump pp_difference have inR0:
"([spawn⇘ι⇙ V],[spawn⇘ι⇙ V]) ∈ R0"
by auto
from R0_def R_def R'assump have "Domain R0 ∩ Domain R = {}"
by auto
with commonArefl_subset_commonDomain
have Areflassump: "Arefl R0 ∩ Arefl R ⊆ {[]}"
by force
have disjuptoR0:
"disj_dlHPP_Bisimulation_Up_To_R' d PP R R0"
proof (simp add: disj_dlHPP_Bisimulation_Up_To_R'_def, auto)
from SdlHPPR show "SdlHPPB d PP R"
by auto
from SdlHPPR have symR: "sym R"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
with R0_def show "sym R0"
by (simp add: sym_def, auto)
from SdlHPPR have transR: "trans R"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
with R0_def show "trans R0"
proof -
fix V1 V2 V3
assume inR1: "(V1,V2) ∈ R0"
assume inR2: "(V2,V3) ∈ R0"
from inR1 R0_def obtain W W' ι ι' where p1: "V1 = [spawn⇘ι⇙ W]
∧ V2 = [spawn⇘ι'⇙ W'] ∧ ι ∉ set (PPV V) ∧ ι' ∉ set (PPV V)
∧ (W,W') ∈ R"
by auto
with inR2 R0_def obtain W'' ι'' where p2: "V3 = [spawn⇘ι''⇙ W'']
∧ ι'' ∉ set (PPV V) ∧ (W',W'') ∈ R"
by auto
from p1 p2 transR have "(W,W'') ∈ R"
by (simp add: trans_def, auto)
with p1 p2 R0_def have "(V1,V3) ∈ R0"
by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding trans_def by blast
fix V' V''
from SdlHPPR have eqlenR: "(V',V'') ∈ R ⟹ length V' = length V''"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def, auto)
with R0_def show "(V',V'') ∈ R0 ⟹ length V' = length V''"
by auto
fix V' V'' i
assume inR0: "(V',V'') ∈ R0"
assume irange: "i < length V'"
from inR0 R0_def obtain ι' ι'' W' W''
where R0pair: "V' = [spawn⇘ι'⇙ W'] ∧ V'' = [spawn⇘ι''⇙ W'']"
by auto
fix m
from nextmem_exists_and_unique obtain m' where spawnnextmem:
"∃p α. ⟨spawn⇘ι'⇙ W',m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m'⟩
∧ (∀m''. (∃p α. ⟨spawn⇘ι'⇙ W',m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m''⟩) ⟶ m'' = m')"
by force
hence "m = m'"
by (metis MWLsSteps_det.spawn)
with spawnnextmem have eqnextmem:
"⟦spawn⇘ι'⇙ W'⟧(m) = m"
by (simp add: NextMem_def, auto)
with R0pair irange show "NDC d (V'!i)"
by (simp add: NDC_def)
fix V' V'' i m1 m1' m2 α p
assume inR0: "(V',V'') ∈ R0"
assume irange: "i < length V'"
assume step: "⟨V'!i,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m2⟩"
assume dhequal: "m1 ∼⇘d,htchLocSet PP⇙ m1'"
from inR0 R0_def obtain ι' ι'' W' W''
where R0pair: "V' = [spawn⇘ι'⇙ W']
∧ V'' = [spawn⇘ι''⇙ W''] ∧ (W',W'') ∈ R"
by auto
with step irange
have conc_step1: "α = W' ∧ p = None ∧ m2 = m1"
by (simp, metis MWLsSteps_det_cases(6))
from R0pair irange
obtain p' α' m2' where conc_step2: "⟨V''!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩
∧ p' = None ∧ α' = W'' ∧ m2' = m1'"
by (simp, metis MWLsSteps_det.spawn)
with R0pair conc_step1 dhequal irange
show "∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V''!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ R) ∧
((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V'!i)) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def
dhequality_alternative_def, auto)
with Areflassump Up_To_Technique
have "SdlHPPB d PP (R0 ∪ R)"
by auto
with inR0 show "∃R. SdlHPPB d PP R ∧
([spawn⇘ι⇙ V],[spawn⇘ι⇙ V]) ∈ R"
by auto
theorem Compositionality_If:
assumes dind: "∀d. b ≡⇘d⇙ b"
assumes WWs_branch1: "WHATWHERE_Secure [c1]"
assumes WWs_branch2: "WHATWHERE_Secure [c2]"
assumes uniPPif: "unique_PPc (if⇘ι⇙ b then c1 else c2 fi)"
shows "WHATWHERE_Secure [if⇘ι⇙ b then c1 else c2 fi]"
proof (simp add: WHATWHERE_Secure_def, auto)
fix d PP
from uniPPif have nocommonPP: "set (PPc c1) ∩ set (PPc c2) = {}"
by (simp add: unique_PPc_def)
from uniPPif have pp_difference: "ι ∉ set (PPc c1) ∪ set (PPc c2)"
by (simp add: unique_PPc_def)
from WWs_branch1 obtain R1' where R1'assump:
"SdlHPPB d PP R1' ∧ ([c1],[c1]) ∈ R1'"
by (simp add: WHATWHERE_Secure_def, auto)
define R1 where "R1 = {(V,V'). (V,V') ∈ R1' ∧ set (PPV V) ⊆ set (PPc c1)
∧ set (PPV V') ⊆ set (PPc c1)}"
from R1'assump R1_def SdlHPPB_restricted_on_PP_is_SdlHPPB
have SdlHPPR1: "SdlHPPB d PP R1"
by force
from WWs_branch2 obtain R2' where R2'assump:
"SdlHPPB d PP R2' ∧ ([c2],[c2]) ∈ R2'"
by (simp add: WHATWHERE_Secure_def, auto)
define R2 where "R2 = {(V,V'). (V,V') ∈ R2' ∧ set (PPV V) ⊆ set (PPc c2)
∧ set (PPV V') ⊆ set (PPc c2)}"
from R2'assump R2_def SdlHPPB_restricted_on_PP_is_SdlHPPB
have SdlHPPR2: "SdlHPPB d PP R2"
by force
from nocommonPP have "Domain R1 ∩ Domain R2 ⊆ {[]}"
by (simp add: R1_def R2_def, auto,
metis empty_subsetI inf_idem inf_mono set_eq_subset unique_V_uneq)
with commonArefl_subset_commonDomain
have Areflassump1: "Arefl R1 ∩ Arefl R2 ⊆ {[]}"
by force
with SdlHPPR1 SdlHPPR2 Union_Strong_dlHPP_Bisim have SdlHPPR1R2:
"SdlHPPB d PP (R1 ∪ R2)"
by force
define R where "R = (R1 ∪ R2) ∪ {([],[])}"
define R0 where "R0 = {(i1,i2). ∃ι' ι'' b' b'' c1' c1'' c2' c2''.
i1 = [if⇘ι'⇙ b' then c1' else c2' fi]
∧ i2 = [if⇘ι''⇙ b'' then c1'' else c2'' fi]
∧ ι' ∉ (set (PPc c1) ∪ set (PPc c2))
∧ ι'' ∉ (set (PPc c1) ∪ set (PPc c2)) ∧ ([c1'],[c1'']) ∈ R1
∧ ([c2'],[c2'']) ∈ R2 ∧ b' ≡⇘d⇙ b''}"
with R_def R1_def R1'assump R2_def R2'assump pp_difference dind
have inR0: "([if⇘ι⇙ b then c1 else c2 fi],[if⇘ι⇙ b then c1 else c2 fi]) ∈ R0"
by auto
from R0_def R_def R1_def R2_def
have "Domain R0 ∩ Domain R = {}"
by auto
with commonArefl_subset_commonDomain
have Areflassump2: "Arefl R0 ∩ Arefl R ⊆ {[]}"
by force
have disjuptoR0:
"disj_dlHPP_Bisimulation_Up_To_R' d PP R R0"
proof (simp add: disj_dlHPP_Bisimulation_Up_To_R'_def, auto)
from SdlHPPR1R2 adding_emptypair_keeps_SdlHPPB
show "SdlHPPB d PP R"
by (simp add: R_def)
from SdlHPPR1 have symR1: "sym R1"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
from SdlHPPR2 have symR2: "sym R2"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
from symR1 symR2 d_indistinguishable_sym R0_def show "sym R0"
by (simp add: sym_def, fastforce)
from SdlHPPR1 have transR1: "trans R1"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
from SdlHPPR2 have transR2: "trans R2"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
show "trans R0"
proof -
fix V' V'' V'''
assume p1: "(V',V'') ∈ R0"
assume p2: "(V'',V''') ∈ R0"
from p1 R0_def obtain ι' ι'' b' b'' c1' c1'' c2' c2'' where
passump1: "V' = [if⇘ι'⇙ b' then c1' else c2' fi]
∧ V'' = [if⇘ι''⇙ b'' then c1'' else c2'' fi]
∧ ι' ∉ (set (PPc c1) ∪ set (PPc c2))
∧ ι'' ∉ (set (PPc c1) ∪ set (PPc c2))
∧ ([c1'],[c1'']) ∈ R1 ∧ ([c2'],[c2'']) ∈ R2
∧ b' ≡⇘d⇙ b''"
by force
with p2 R0_def obtain ι''' b''' c1''' c2''' where
passump2: "V''' = [if⇘ι'''⇙ b''' then c1''' else c2''' fi]
∧ ι''' ∉ (set (PPc c1) ∪ set (PPc c2))
∧ ([c1''],[c1''']) ∈ R1 ∧ ([c2''],[c2''']) ∈ R2
∧ b'' ≡⇘d⇙ b'''"
by force
with passump1 transR1 transR2 d_indistinguishable_trans
have "([c1'],[c1''']) ∈ R1 ∧ ([c2'],[c2''']) ∈ R2
∧ b' ≡⇘d⇙ b'''"
by (metis transD)
with passump1 passump2 R0_def have "(V',V''') ∈ R0"
by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding trans_def by blast
fix V V'
assume inR0: "(V,V') ∈ R0"
with R0_def show "length V = length V'" by auto
fix V' V'' i
assume inR0: "(V',V'') ∈ R0"
assume irange: "i < length V'"
assume notIDC: "¬ IDC d (V'!i) (htchLoc (pp (V'!i)))"
from inR0 R0_def obtain ι' ι'' b' b'' c1' c1'' c2' c2''
where R0pair: "V' = [if⇘ι'⇙ b' then c1' else c2' fi]
∧ V'' = [if⇘ι''⇙ b'' then c1'' else c2'' fi]
∧ ι' ∉ set (PPc c1) ∪ set (PPc c2)
∧ ι'' ∉ set (PPc c1) ∪ set (PPc c2)
∧ ([c1'],[c1'']) ∈ R1 ∧ ([c2'],[c2'']) ∈ R2
∧ b' ≡⇘d⇙ b''"
by force
have "NDC d (if⇘ι'⇙ b' then c1' else c2' fi)"
proof -
fix m
from nextmem_exists_and_unique obtain m' p α where ifnextmem:
"⟨if⇘ι'⇙ b' then c1' else c2' fi,m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m'⟩
∧ (∀m''.(∃p α.⟨if⇘ι'⇙ b' then c1' else c2' fi,m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m''⟩)
⟶ m'' = m')"
by blast
hence "m = m'"
by (metis MWLsSteps_det.iffalse MWLsSteps_det.iftrue)
with ifnextmem have eqnextmem:
"⟦if⇘ι'⇙ b' then c1' else c2' fi⟧(m) = m"
by (simp add: NextMem_def, auto)
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: NDC_def)
with R0pair irange show "NDC d (V'!i)"
by simp
fix V' V'' i m1 m1' m2 α p
assume inR0: "(V',V'') ∈ R0"
assume irange: "i < length V'"
assume step: "⟨V'!i,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m2⟩"
assume dhequal: "m1 ∼⇘d,htchLocSet PP⇙ m1'"
from inR0 R0_def obtain ι' ι'' b' b'' c1' c1'' c2' c2''
where R0pair: "V' = [if⇘ι'⇙ b' then c1' else c2' fi]
∧ V'' = [if⇘ι''⇙ b'' then c1'' else c2'' fi]
∧ ι' ∉ set (PPc c1) ∪ set (PPc c2)
∧ ι'' ∉ set (PPc c1) ∪ set (PPc c2)
∧ ([c1'],[c1'']) ∈ R1 ∧ ([c2'],[c2'']) ∈ R2
∧ b' ≡⇘d⇙ b''"
by force
with R0pair irange step have case_distinction:
"(p = Some c1' ∧ BMap (E b' m1) = True)
∨ (p = Some c2' ∧ BMap (E b' m1) = False)"
by (simp, metis MWLsSteps_det_cases(4))
assume passump: "p = Some c1'"
assume eval: "BMap (E b' m1) = True"
from R0pair step irange have stepconcl: "α = [] ∧ m2 = m1"
by (simp, metis MWLs_semantics.MWLsSteps_det_cases(4))
from eval R0pair dhequal have eval': "BMap (E b'' m1') = True"
by (simp add: d_indistinguishable_def dH_equal_def, auto)
hence step': "⟨if⇘ι''⇙ b'' then c1'' else c2'' fi,m1'⟩ →⊲[]⊳
⟨Some c1'',m1'⟩"
by (simp add: MWLsSteps_det.iftrue)
with passump R0pair R_def dhequal stepconcl irange
have "∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V''!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ R) ∧
((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V'!i)) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def dhequality_alternative_def,
assume passump: "p = Some c2'"
assume eval: "BMap (E b' m1) = False"
from R0pair step irange have stepconcl: "α = [] ∧ m2 = m1"
by (simp, metis MWLs_semantics.MWLsSteps_det_cases(4))
from eval R0pair dhequal have eval': "BMap (E b'' m1') = False"
by (simp add: d_indistinguishable_def dH_equal_def, auto)
hence step': "⟨if⇘ι''⇙ b'' then c1'' else c2'' fi,m1'⟩ →⊲[]⊳
⟨Some c2'',m1'⟩"
by (simp add: MWLsSteps_det.iffalse)
with passump R0pair R_def dhequal stepconcl irange
have "∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V''!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ R) ∧
((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V'!i)) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def dhequality_alternative_def,
show "∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V''!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ R) ∧
((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V'!i)) m2 m2'"
by auto
with Areflassump2 Up_To_Technique
have "SdlHPPB d PP (R0 ∪ R)"
by auto
with inR0 show "∃R. SdlHPPB d PP R
∧ ([if⇘ι⇙ b then c1 else c2 fi],[if⇘ι⇙ b then c1 else c2 fi]) ∈ R"
by auto
theorem Compositionality_While:
assumes dind: "∀d. b ≡⇘d⇙ b"
assumes WWs_body: "WHATWHERE_Secure [c]"
assumes uniPPwhile: "unique_PPc (while⇘ι⇙ b do c od)"
shows "WHATWHERE_Secure [while⇘ι⇙ b do c od]"
proof (simp add: WHATWHERE_Secure_def, auto)
fix d PP
from uniPPwhile have pp_difference: "ι ∉ set (PPc c)"
by (simp add: unique_PPc_def)
from WWs_body obtain R' where R'assump:
"SdlHPPB d PP R' ∧ ([c],[c]) ∈ R'"
by (simp add: WHATWHERE_Secure_def, auto)
define R where "R = {(V,V'). (V,V') ∈ R' ∧ set (PPV V) ⊆ set (PPc c) ∧
set (PPV V') ⊆ set (PPc c)} ∪ {([],[])}"
with R'assump SdlHPPB_restricted_on_PP_is_SdlHPPB
have SdlHPPR: "SdlHPPB d PP R"
proof -
from R'assump SdlHPPB_restricted_on_PP_is_SdlHPPB have
{(V,V'). (V,V') ∈ R' ∧ set (PPV V) ⊆ set (PPc c) ∧
set (PPV V') ⊆ set (PPc c)}"
by force
with adding_emptypair_keeps_SdlHPPB have
({(V,V'). (V,V') ∈ R' ∧ set (PPV V) ⊆ set (PPc c) ∧
set (PPV V') ⊆ set (PPc c)} ∪ {([],[])})"
by auto
with R_def show ?thesis
by auto
define R1 where "R1 = {(w1,w2). ∃ι ι' b b' c1 c1' c2 c2'.
w1 = [c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)]
∧ w2 = [c1';(while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c2' od)]
∧ ι ∉ set (PPc c) ∧ ι' ∉ set (PPc c)
∧ ([c1],[c1']) ∈ R ∧ ([c2],[c2']) ∈ R
∧ b ≡⇘d⇙ b'}"
define R2 where "R2 = {(w1,w2). ∃ι ι' b b' c1 c1'.
w1 = [while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od]
∧ w2 = [while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c1' od]
∧ ι ∉ set (PPc c) ∧ ι' ∉ set (PPc c) ∧
([c1],[c1']) ∈ R ∧ b ≡⇘d⇙ b'}"
define R0 where "R0 = R1 ∪ R2"
from R2_def R_def R'assump pp_difference dind
have inR2: "([while⇘ι⇙ b do c od],[while⇘ι⇙ b do c od]) ∈ R2"
by auto
from R0_def R1_def R2_def R_def R'assump have
"Domain R0 ∩ Domain R = {}"
by auto
with commonArefl_subset_commonDomain
have Areflassump: "Arefl R0 ∩ Arefl R ⊆ {[]}"
by force
from SdlHPPR have symR: "sym R"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
from symR R1_def d_indistinguishable_sym have symR1: "sym R1"
by (simp add: sym_def, fastforce)
from symR R2_def d_indistinguishable_sym have symR2: "sym R2"
by (simp add: sym_def, fastforce)
have disjuptoR1R2:
"disj_dlHPP_Bisimulation_Up_To_R' d PP R R0"
proof (simp add: disj_dlHPP_Bisimulation_Up_To_R'_def, auto)
from SdlHPPR show "SdlHPPB d PP R"
by auto
from symR1 symR2 R0_def show "sym R0"
by (simp add: sym_def)
from SdlHPPR have transR: "trans R"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
have transR1: "trans R1"
proof -
fix V V' V''
assume p1: "(V,V') ∈ R1"
assume p2: "(V',V'') ∈ R1"
from p1 R1_def obtain ι ι' b b' c1 c1' c2 c2' where passump1:
"V = [c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)]
∧ V' = [c1';(while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c2' od)]
∧ ι ∉ set (PPc c) ∧ ι' ∉ set (PPc c)
∧ ([c1],[c1']) ∈ R ∧ ([c2],[c2']) ∈ R
∧ b ≡⇘d⇙ b'"
by force
with p2 R1_def obtain ι'' b'' c1'' c2'' where passump2:
"V'' = [c1'';(while⇘ι''⇙ b'' do c2'' od)] ∧ ι'' ∉ set (PPc c)
∧ ([c1'],[c1'']) ∈ R ∧ ([c2'],[c2'']) ∈ R
∧ b' ≡⇘d⇙ b''"
by force
with passump1 transR d_indistinguishable_trans
have "([c1],[c1'']) ∈ R ∧ ([c2],[c2'']) ∈ R ∧ b ≡⇘d⇙ b''"
by (metis trans_def)
with passump1 passump2 R1_def have "(V,V'') ∈ R1"
by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding trans_def by blast
have transR2: "trans R2"
proof -
fix V V' V''
assume p1: "(V,V') ∈ R2"
assume p2: "(V',V'') ∈ R2"
from p1 R2_def obtain ι ι' b b' c1 c1' where passump1:
"V = [while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od]
∧ V' = [while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c1' od]
∧ ι ∉ set (PPc c) ∧ ι' ∉ set (PPc c)
∧ ([c1],[c1']) ∈ R ∧ b ≡⇘d⇙ b'"
by force
with p2 R2_def obtain ι'' b'' c1'' where passump2:
"V'' = [while⇘ι''⇙ b'' do c1'' od] ∧ ι'' ∉ set (PPc c)
∧ ([c1'],[c1'']) ∈ R ∧ b' ≡⇘d⇙ b''"
by force
with passump1 transR d_indistinguishable_trans
have "([c1],[c1'']) ∈ R ∧ b ≡⇘d⇙ b''"
by (metis trans_def)
with passump1 passump2 R2_def have "(V,V'') ∈ R2"
by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding trans_def by blast
from SdlHPPR have eqlenR: "∀(V,V')∈R. length V = length V'"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
from R1_def eqlenR have eqlenR1: "∀(V,V')∈R1. length V = length V'"
by auto
from R2_def eqlenR have eqlenR2: "∀(V,V')∈R2. length V = length V'"
by auto
from R1_def R2_def have "Domain R1 ∩ Domain R2 = {}"
by auto
with commonArefl_subset_commonDomain have Arefl_a:
"Arefl R1 ∩ Arefl R2 = {}"
by force
with symR1 symR2 transR1 transR2 eqlenR1 eqlenR2 trans_RuR'
have "trans (R1 ∪ R2)"
by force
with R0_def show "trans R0" by auto
fix V V'
assume inR0: "(V,V') ∈ R0"
with R0_def R1_def R2_def show "length V = length V'" by auto
fix V V' i
assume inR0: "(V,V') ∈ R0"
assume irange: "i < length V"
assume notIDC: "¬ IDC d (V!i)
(htchLoc (pp (V!i)))"
from inR0 R0_def R1_def R2_def obtain ι ι' b b' c1 c1' c2 c2'
where R0pair: "((V = [c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)]
∧ V' = [c1';(while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c2' od)])
∨ (V = [while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od] ∧ V' = [while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c1' od]))
∧ ι ∉ set (PPc c) ∧ ι' ∉ set (PPc c)
∧ ([c1],[c1']) ∈ R ∧ ([c2],[c2']) ∈ R
∧ b ≡⇘d⇙ b'"
by force
with irange SdlHPPR strongdlHPPB_NDCIDCaux
[of "d" "PP" "R" "[c1]" "[c1']" "i"]
have c1NDCIDC:
"NDC d c1 ∨ IDC d c1 (htchLoc (pp c1))"
by auto
have case1: "NDC d (c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)) ∨
IDC d (c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od))
(htchLoc (pp (c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od))))"
proof -
have eqnextmem: "⋀m. ⟦c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)⟧(m) = ⟦c1⟧(m)"
proof -
fix m
from nextmem_exists_and_unique obtain m' where c1nextmem:
"∃p α. ⟨c1,m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m'⟩
∧ (∀m''. (∃p α. ⟨c1,m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m''⟩) ⟶ m'' = m')"
by force
hence eqdir1: "⟦c1⟧(m) = m'"
by (simp add: NextMem_def, auto)
from c1nextmem obtain p α where "⟨c1,m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m'⟩"
by auto
with c1nextmem have
"∃p α. ⟨c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od),m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m'⟩
∧ (∀m''. (∃p α. ⟨c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od),m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m''⟩)
⟶ m'' = m')"
by (auto, metis MWLsSteps_det.seq1 MWLsSteps_det.seq2
option.exhaust, metis MWLsSteps_det_cases(3))
hence eqdir2: "⟦c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)⟧(m) = m'"
by (simp add: NextMem_def, auto)
with eqdir1 show "⟦c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)⟧(m) = ⟦c1⟧(m)"
by auto
have eqpp: "pp (c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)) = pp c1"
by simp
with c1NDCIDC eqnextmem show
"NDC d (c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)) ∨
IDC d (c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od))
(htchLoc (pp (c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od))))"
by (simp add: IDC_def NDC_def)
have case2: "NDC d (while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od)"
proof -
fix m
from nextmem_exists_and_unique obtain m' p α
where whilenextmem: "⟨while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od,m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m'⟩
∧ (∀m''. (∃p α. ⟨while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od,m⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m''⟩)
⟶ m'' = m')"
by blast
hence "m = m'"
by (metis MWLsSteps_det.whilefalse MWLsSteps_det.whiletrue)
with whilenextmem have eqnextmem:
"⟦while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od⟧(m) = m"
by (simp add: NextMem_def, auto)
thus "NDC d (while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od)"
by (simp add: NDC_def)
from R0pair case1 case2 irange notIDC
show "NDC d (V!i)"
by force
fix V V' i m1 m1' m2 α p
assume inR0: "(V,V') ∈ R0"
assume irange: "i < length V"
assume step: "⟨V!i,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m2⟩"
assume dhequal: "m1 ∼⇘d,htchLocSet PP⇙ m1'"
from inR0 R0_def R1_def R2_def obtain ι ι' b b' c1 c1' c2 c2'
where R0pair: "((V = [c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)]
∧ V' = [c1';(while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c2' od)])
∨ (V = [while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od] ∧ V' = [while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c1' od]))
∧ ι ∉ set (PPc c) ∧ ι' ∉ set (PPc c)
∧ ([c1],[c1']) ∈ R ∧ ([c2],[c2']) ∈ R
∧ b ≡⇘d⇙ b'"
by force
have case1: "⟦ V = [c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)];
V' = [c1';(while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c2' od)] ⟧
⟹ ∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ R) ∧ ((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
proof -
assume Vassump: "V = [c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)]"
assume V'assump: "V' = [c1';(while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c2' od)]"
have eqpp: "pp (c1;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)) = pp c1"
by simp
from Vassump irange step irange obtain c3
where case_distinction:
"(p = Some (while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od) ∧ ⟨c1,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨None,m2⟩)
∨ (p = Some (c3;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od))
∧ ⟨c1,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨Some c3,m2⟩)"
by (simp, metis MWLsSteps_det_cases(3))
assume passump: "p = Some (while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od)"
assume stepassump: "⟨c1,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨None,m2⟩"
with R0pair SdlHPPR dhequal
strongdlHPPB_aux[of "d" "PP" "R"
_ "[c1]" "[c1']" "m1" "α" "None" "m2" "m1'"]
obtain p' α' m2' where c1c1'reason:
"p' = None ∧ ⟨c1',m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧ (α,α') ∈ R ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp c1) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def, fastforce)
hence conclpart:
"⟨c1';(while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c2' od),m1'⟩
→⊲α'⊳ ⟨Some (while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c2' od),m2'⟩"
by (auto, simp add: MWLsSteps_det.seq1)
from R0pair R0_def R2_def have
"([while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od],[while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c2' od]) ∈ R0"
by simp
with passump V'assump Vassump eqpp conclpart
c1c1'reason irange
have "∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ R) ∧ ((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨
(α,α') ∈ R) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def, auto)
assume passump: "p = Some (c3;(while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od))"
assume stepassump: "⟨c1,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨Some c3,m2⟩"
with R0pair SdlHPPR dhequal
strongdlHPPB_aux[of "d" "PP" "R"
_ "[c1]" "[c1']" "m1" "α" "Some c3" "m2" "m1'"]
obtain p' c3' α' m2' where c1c1'reason:
"p' = Some c3' ∧ ⟨c1',m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
([c3],[c3']) ∈ R ∧ (α,α') ∈ R ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp c1) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def, fastforce)
hence conclpart:
"⟨c1';(while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c2' od),m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳
⟨Some (c3';while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c2' od),m2'⟩"
by (auto, simp add: MWLsSteps_det.seq2)
from c1c1'reason R0pair R0_def R1_def have
"([c3;while⇘ι⇙ b do c2 od],[c3';while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c2' od]) ∈ R0"
by simp
with passump V'assump Vassump eqpp conclpart c1c1'reason irange
have "∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ R) ∧
((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def, auto)
ultimately show "∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ R) ∧
((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
by auto
have case2: "⟦ V = [while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od]; V' = [while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c1' od] ⟧
⟹ ∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ R) ∧ ((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
proof -
assume Vassump: "V = [while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od]"
assume V'assump: "V' = [while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c1' od]"
from Vassump irange step have case_distinction:
"(p = None ∧ BMap (E b m1) = False)
∨ p = (Some (c1;while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od)) ∧ BMap (E b m1) = True"
by (simp, metis MWLsSteps_det_cases(5) option.simps(2))
assume passump: "p = None"
assume eval: "BMap (E b m1) = False"
with Vassump step irange have stepconcl: "α = [] ∧ m2 = m1"
by (simp, metis (no_types) MWLsSteps_det_cases(5))
from eval R0pair dhequal have eval': "BMap (E b' m1') = False"
by (simp add: d_indistinguishable_def dH_equal_def, auto)
hence "⟨while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c1' od,m1'⟩ →⊲[]⊳ ⟨None,m1'⟩"
by (simp add: MWLsSteps_det.whilefalse)
with passump R_def Vassump V'assump stepconcl dhequal irange
have "∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ R) ∧ ((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def dhequality_alternative_def,
assume passump: "p = (Some (c1;while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od))"
assume eval: "BMap (E b m1) = True"
with Vassump step irange have stepconcl: "α = [] ∧ m2 = m1"
by (simp, metis (no_types) MWLsSteps_det_cases(5))
from eval R0pair dhequal have eval':
"BMap (E b' m1') = True"
by (simp add: d_indistinguishable_def dH_equal_def, auto)
hence step': "⟨while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c1' od,m1'⟩ →⊲[]⊳
⟨Some (c1';while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c1' od),m1'⟩"
by (simp add: MWLsSteps_det.whiletrue)
from R1_def R0pair have inR1:
"([c1;while⇘ι⇙ b do c1 od],[c1';while⇘ι'⇙ b' do c1' od]) ∈ R1"
by auto
with step' R0_def passump R_def Vassump V'assump
stepconcl dhequal irange
have "∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ R) ∧ ((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def dhequality_alternative_def,
show "∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ R) ∧ ((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
by auto
with case1 R0pair show "∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R0 ∪ R) ∧ ((α,α') ∈ R0 ∨ (α,α') ∈ R) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
by auto
with Areflassump Up_To_Technique
have "SdlHPPB d PP (R0 ∪ R)"
by auto
with inR2 R0_def show "∃R. SdlHPPB d PP R ∧
([while⇘ι⇙ b do c od], [while⇘ι⇙ b do c od]) ∈ R"
by auto