Theory Parallel_Composition
theory Parallel_Composition
imports Up_To_Technique MWLs
locale WHATWHERE_Secure_Programs =
L? : MWLs_semantics "E" "BMap"
+ WWs? : WHATWHERE "MWLsSteps_det" "E" "pp" "DA" "lH"
for E :: "('exp, 'id, 'val) Evalfunction"
and BMap :: "'val ⇒ bool"
and DA :: "('id, 'd::order) DomainAssignment"
and lH :: "('d, 'exp) lHatches"
lemma SdlHPPB_restricted_on_PP_is_SdlHPPB:
assumes SdlHPPB: "SdlHPPB d PP R'"
assumes inR': "(V,V) ∈ R'"
assumes Rdef: "R = {(V',V''). (V',V'') ∈ R'
∧ set (PPV V') ⊆ set (PPV V)
∧ set (PPV V'') ⊆ set (PPV V)}"
shows "SdlHPPB d PP R"
proof (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def, auto)
from SdlHPPB have "sym R'"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
with Rdef show "sym R"
by (simp add: sym_def)
from SdlHPPB have "trans R'"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
with Rdef show "trans R"
by (simp add: trans_def, auto)
fix V' V''
assume inR_part: "(V',V'') ∈ R"
with SdlHPPB Rdef show "length V' = length V''"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def, auto)
fix V' V'' i
assume inR_part: "(V',V'') ∈ R"
assume irange: "i < length V'"
assume notIDC:
"¬ IDC d (V'!i) (htchLoc (pp (V'!i)))"
with SdlHPPB inR_part irange Rdef
show "NDC d (V'!i)"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def, auto)
fix V' V'' i α p m1 m1' m2
assume inR_part: "(V',V'') ∈ R"
assume irange: "i < length V'"
assume step: "⟨V'!i,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m2⟩"
assume dhequal: "m1 ∼⇘d,(htchLocSet PP)⇙ m1'"
from inR_part SdlHPPB Rdef have eqlen: "length V' = length V''"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def, auto)
from inR_part Rdef
have "set (PPV V') ⊆ set (PPV V) ∧ set (PPV V'') ⊆ set (PPV V)"
by auto
with irange PPc_in_PPV_version eqlen
have PPc_Vs_at_i:
"set (PPc (V'!i)) ⊆ set (PPV V) ∧ set (PPc (V''!i)) ⊆ set (PPV V)"
by (metis subset_trans)
from SdlHPPB inR_part Rdef irange step dhequal
strongdlHPPB_aux[of "d" "PP" "R'" "i"
"V'" "V''" "m1" "α" "p" "m2" "m1'"]
obtain p' α' m2' where stepreq: "⟨V''!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' R' ∧ (α,α') ∈ R' ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V'!i)) m2 m2'"
by auto
have Rpp': "stepResultsinR p p' R"
proof -
fix c c'
assume step1: "⟨V'!i,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨Some c,m2⟩"
assume step2: "⟨V''!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨Some c',m2'⟩"
assume inR'_res: "([c],[c']) ∈ R'"
from PPc_Vs_at_i step1 step2 PPsc_of_step
have "set (PPc c) ⊆ set (PPV V) ∧ set (PPc c') ⊆ set (PPV V)"
by (metis (no_types) option.sel xt1(6))
with inR'_res Rdef have "([c],[c']) ∈ R"
by auto
thus ?thesis
by (metis step stepResultsinR_def stepreq)
have Rαα': "(α,α') ∈ R"
proof -
from PPc_Vs_at_i step stepreq PPsα_of_step have
"set (PPV α) ⊆ set (PPV V) ∧ set (PPV α') ⊆ set (PPV V)"
by (metis (no_types) xt1(6))
with stepreq Rdef show ?thesis
by auto
from stepreq Rpp' Rαα' show
"∃p' α' m2'. ⟨V''!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' R ∧ (α,α') ∈ R ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V'!i)) m2 m2'"
by auto
theorem parallel_composition:
"⟦ ∀i < length V. WHATWHERE_Secure [V!i]; unique_PPV V ⟧
proof (simp add: WHATWHERE_Secure_def, induct V, auto)
fix d PP
from WHATWHERE_empty
show "∃R. SdlHPPB d PP R ∧ ([],[]) ∈ R"
by (simp add: WHATWHERE_Secure_def)
fix c V d PP
assume IH: "⟦ ∀i < length V.
∀d PP. ∃R. SdlHPPB d PP R ∧ ([V!i],[V!i]) ∈ R;
unique_PPV V ⟧
⟹ ∀d PP. ∃R. SdlHPPB d PP R ∧ (V,V) ∈ R"
assume ISassump: "∀i < Suc (length V).
∀d PP. ∃R. SdlHPPB d PP R ∧ ([(c#V)!i],[(c#V)!i]) ∈ R"
assume uniPPcV: "unique_PPV (c#V)"
hence IHassump1: "unique_PPV V"
by (simp add: unique_PPV_def)
from uniPPcV have nocommonPP: "set (PPc c) ∩ set (PPV V) = {}"
by (simp add: unique_PPV_def)
from ISassump have IHassump2: "∀i < length V.
∀d PP. ∃R. SdlHPPB d PP R ∧ ([V!i],[V!i]) ∈ R"
by auto
with IHassump1 IH obtain RV' where RV'assump:
"SdlHPPB d PP RV' ∧ (V,V) ∈ RV'"
by blast
define RV where "RV = {(V',V''). (V',V'') ∈ RV' ∧ set (PPV V') ⊆ set (PPV V)
∧ set (PPV V'') ⊆ set (PPV V)}"
with RV'assump RV_def SdlHPPB_restricted_on_PP_is_SdlHPPB
have SdlHPPRV: "SdlHPPB d PP RV"
by force
from ISassump obtain Rc' where Rc'assump:
"SdlHPPB d PP Rc' ∧ ([c],[c]) ∈ Rc'"
by (metis append_Nil drop_Nil neq0_conv not_Cons_self
nth_append_length Cons_nth_drop_Suc zero_less_Suc)
define Rc where "Rc = {(V',V''). (V',V'') ∈ Rc' ∧ set (PPV V') ⊆ set (PPc c)
∧ set (PPV V'') ⊆ set (PPc c)}"
with Rc'assump Rc_def SdlHPPB_restricted_on_PP_is_SdlHPPB
have SdlHPPRc: "SdlHPPB d PP Rc"
by force
from nocommonPP have "Domain RV ∩ Domain Rc ⊆ {[]}"
by (simp add: RV_def Rc_def, auto,
metis Int_mono inf_commute inf_idem le_bot nocommonPP unique_V_uneq)
with commonArefl_subset_commonDomain
have Areflassump1: "Arefl RV ∩ Arefl Rc ⊆ {[]}"
by force
define R where "R = {(V',V''). ∃c c' W W'. V' = c#W ∧ V'' = c'#W' ∧ W ≠ []
∧ W' ≠ [] ∧ ([c],[c']) ∈ Rc ∧ (W,W') ∈ RV}"
with RV_def RV'assump Rc_def Rc'assump have inR:
"V ≠ [] ⟹ (c#V,c#V) ∈ R"
by auto
from R_def Rc_def RV_def nocommonPP
have "Domain R ∩ Domain (Rc ∪ RV) = {}"
by (simp add: R_def Rc_def RV_def, auto,
metis inf_bot_right le_inf_iff subset_empty unique_V_uneq,
metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) inf_absorb1 inf_bot_right le_inf_iff unique_c_uneq)
with commonArefl_subset_commonDomain
have Areflassump2: "Arefl R ∩ Arefl (Rc ∪ RV) ⊆ {[]}"
by force
have disjuptoR:
"disj_dlHPP_Bisimulation_Up_To_R' d PP (Rc ∪ RV) R"
proof (simp add: disj_dlHPP_Bisimulation_Up_To_R'_def, auto)
from Areflassump1 SdlHPPRc SdlHPPRV Union_Strong_dlHPP_Bisim
show "SdlHPPB d PP (Rc ∪ RV)"
by force
from SdlHPPRV have symRV: "sym RV"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
from SdlHPPRc have symRc: "sym Rc"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
with symRV R_def show "sym R"
by (simp add: sym_def, auto)
from SdlHPPRV have transRV: "trans RV"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
from SdlHPPRc have transRc: "trans Rc"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def)
show "trans R"
proof -
fix V V' V''
assume p1: "(V,V') ∈ R"
assume p2: "(V',V'') ∈ R"
have "(V,V'') ∈ R"
proof -
from p1 R_def obtain c c' W W' where p1assump:
"V = c#W ∧ V' = c'#W' ∧ W ≠ [] ∧ W' ≠ [] ∧
([c],[c']) ∈ Rc ∧ (W,W') ∈ RV"
by auto
with p2 R_def obtain c'' W'' where p2assump:
"V'' = c''#W'' ∧ W'' ≠ [] ∧
([c'],[c'']) ∈ Rc ∧ (W',W'') ∈ RV"
by auto
with p1assump transRc transRV have
trans_assump: "([c],[c'']) ∈ Rc ∧ (W,W'') ∈ RV"
by (simp add: trans_def, blast)
with p1assump p2assump R_def show ?thesis
by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding trans_def by blast
fix V V'
assume "(V,V') ∈ R"
with R_def SdlHPPRV show "length V = length V'"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def, auto)
fix V V' i
assume inR: "(V,V') ∈ R"
assume irange: "i < length V"
assume notIDC: "¬ IDC d (V!i)
(htchLoc (pp (V!i)))"
from inR R_def obtain c c' W W' where VV'assump:
"V = c#W ∧ V'=c'#W' ∧ W ≠ [] ∧ W' ≠ [] ∧
([c],[c']) ∈ Rc ∧ (W,W') ∈ RV"
by auto
from VV'assump SdlHPPRc have Case_i0:
"i = 0 ⟹ (NDC d (V!i) ∨
IDC d (V!i) (htchLoc (pp (V!i))))"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def, auto)
from VV'assump SdlHPPRV have "∀i < length W.
(NDC d (W!i) ∨
IDC d (W!i) (htchLoc (pp (W!i))))"
by (simp add: Strong_dlHPP_Bisimulation_def, auto)
with irange VV'assump have Case_in0:
"i > 0 ⟹ (NDC d (V!i) ∨
IDC d (V!i) (htchLoc (pp (V!i))))"
by simp
from notIDC Case_i0 Case_in0
show "NDC d (V!i)"
by auto
fix V V' m1 m1' m2 α p i
assume inR: "(V,V') ∈ R"
assume irange: "i < length V"
assume step: "⟨V!i,m1⟩ →⊲α⊳ ⟨p,m2⟩"
assume dhequal: "m1 ∼⇘d,(htchLocSet PP)⇙ m1'"
from inR R_def obtain c c' W W' where VV'assump:
"V = c#W ∧ V'=c'#W' ∧ W ≠ [] ∧ W' ≠ [] ∧
([c],[c']) ∈ Rc ∧ (W,W') ∈ RV"
by auto
from VV'assump SdlHPPRc strongdlHPPB_aux[of "d" "PP"
"Rc" "0" "[c]" "[c']"] step dhequal
have Case_i0:
"i = 0 ⟹ ∃p' α' m2'.
⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R ∪ (Rc ∪ RV)) ∧
((α,α') ∈ R ∨ (α,α') ∈ Rc ∨ (α,α') ∈ RV) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def, blast)
from step VV'assump irange have rewV:
"i > 0 ⟹ (i-Suc 0) < length W ∧ V!i = W!(i-Suc 0)"
by simp
with irange VV'assump step dhequal SdlHPPRV
strongdlHPPB_aux[of "d" "PP" "RV" _ "W" "W'"]
have Case_in0:
"i > 0 ⟹ ∃p' α' m2'.
⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R ∪ (Rc ∪ RV)) ∧
((α,α') ∈ R ∨ (α,α') ∈ Rc ∨ (α,α') ∈ RV) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
by (simp add: stepResultsinR_def, blast)
from Case_i0 Case_in0
show "∃p' α' m2'.
⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ →⊲α'⊳ ⟨p',m2'⟩ ∧
stepResultsinR p p' (R ∪ (Rc ∪ RV)) ∧
((α,α') ∈ R ∨ (α,α') ∈ Rc ∨ (α,α') ∈ RV) ∧
dhequality_alternative d PP (pp (V!i)) m2 m2'"
by auto
with Areflassump2 Rc'assump Up_To_Technique
show "∃R. SdlHPPB d PP R ∧ (c#V, c#V) ∈ R"
by (metis UnCI inR)