Theory Binary_Relations_Function_Lambda
subsection ‹Lambda Abstractions›
theory Binary_Relations_Function_Lambda
imports Binary_Relations_Clean_Functions
consts rel_lambda :: "'a ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c) ⇒ 'd"
definition "rel_lambda_pred A f x y ≡ A x ∧ f x = y"
adhoc_overloading rel_lambda ⇌ rel_lambda_pred
open_bundle rel_lambda_syntax
"_rel_lambda" :: "pttrns ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c" (‹(2λ_ : _./ _)› 60)
"_rel_lambda" ⇌ rel_lambda
"λx xs : A. f" ⇀ "CONST rel_lambda A (λx. (λxs : A. f))"
"λx : A. f" ⇌ "CONST rel_lambda A (λx. f)"
lemma rel_lambdaI [intro]:
assumes "A x"
and "f x = y"
shows "(λx : A. f x) x y"
using assms unfolding rel_lambda_pred_def by auto
lemma rel_lambda_appI:
assumes "A x"
shows "(λx : A. f x) x (f x)"
using assms by auto
lemma rel_lambdaE [elim!]:
assumes "(λx : A. f x) x y"
obtains "A x" "y = f x"
using assms unfolding rel_lambda_pred_def by auto
lemma rel_lambda_cong [cong]:
"⟦⋀x. A x ⟷ A' x; ⋀x. A' x ⟹ f x = f' x⟧ ⟹ (λx : A. f x) = λx : A'. f' x"
by (intro ext) auto
lemma in_dom_rel_lambda_eq [simp]: "in_dom (λx : A. f x) = A"
by auto
lemma in_codom_rel_lambda_eq_has_inverse_on [simp]: "in_codom (λx : A. f x) = has_inverse_on A f"
by fastforce
lemma left_total_on_rel_lambda: "left_total_on A (λx : A. f x)"
by auto
lemma right_unique_on_rel_lambda: "right_unique_on A (λx : A. f x)"
by auto
lemma crel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_rel_lambda: "((x : A) →⇩c ((=) (f x))) (λx : A. f x)"
by (intro crel_dep_mono_wrt_predI') auto
text ‹Compare the following with @{thm mono_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_dep_mono_wrt_pred_eval}.›
lemma mono_dep_mono_wrt_pred_crel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_rel_lambda:
"((A : ⊤) ⇒ ((x : A) ⇒ B x) ⇒ (x : A) →⇩c B x) rel_lambda"
by (urule (rr) dep_mono_wrt_predI crel_dep_mono_wrt_predI') auto
lemma rel_lambda_eval_eq [simp]:
assumes "A x"
shows "(λx : A. f x)`x = f x"
using assms by (intro eval_eq_if_right_unique_onI) auto
lemma app_eq_if_rel_lambda_eqI:
assumes "(λx : A. f x) = (λx : A. g x)"
and "A x"
shows "f x = g x"
using assms by (auto dest: fun_cong)
lemma crel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_inf_rel_lambda_inf_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred:
assumes "((x : A) → B x) R"
shows "((x : A ⊓ A') →⇩c B x) (λx : A ⊓ A'. R`x)"
using assms by force
corollary crel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_rel_lambda_if_le_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred:
assumes "((x : A) → B x) R"
and [uhint]: "A' ≤ A"
shows "((x : A') →⇩c B x) (λx : A'. R`x)"
supply inf_absorb2[uhint]
by (urule crel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_inf_rel_lambda_inf_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred) (fact assms)
lemma rel_lambda_ext:
assumes "((x : A) →⇩c B x) R"
and "⋀x. A x ⟹ f x = R`x"
shows "(λx : A. f x) = R"
using assms by (intro ext iffI) (auto intro!: rel_lambdaI intro: rel_eval_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI)
lemma rel_lambda_eval_eq_if_crel_dep_mono_wrt_pred [simp]: "((x : A) →⇩c B x) R ⟹ (λx : A. R`x) = R"
by (rule rel_lambda_ext) auto
text ‹Every element of @{term "(x : A) →⇩c (B x)"} may be expressed as a lambda abstraction.›
lemma eq_rel_lambda_if_crel_dep_mono_wrt_predE:
assumes "((x : A) →⇩c B x) R"
obtains f where "R = (λx : A. f x)"
let ?f="(λx. R`x)"
from assms show "R = (λx : A. (λx. R`x) x)" by simp
lemma rel_restrict_left_eq_rel_lambda_if_le_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred:
assumes "((x : A) → B x) R"
and "A' ≤ A"
shows "R↾⇘A'⇙ = (λx : A'. R`x)"
proof -
from assms mono_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_ge_crel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_rel_restrict_left
have "((x : A') →⇩c B x) R↾⇘A'⇙" by force
then show ?thesis
supply ‹A' ≤ A›[uhint] inf_absorb2[uhint] by (urule rel_lambda_ext[symmetric]) auto
lemma mono_rel_lambda: "mono (λA. λx : A. f x)"
by auto