Theory Binary_Relations_Function_Base

✐‹creator "Kevin Kappelmann"›
section ‹Functions as Binary Relations›
theory Binary_Relations_Function_Base

text ‹Relational functions may contain further elements outside their specification.›

consts rel_dep_mono_wrt :: "'a  'b  'c"
consts rel_mono_wrt :: "'a  'b  'c"

open_bundle rel_mono_wrt_syntax
notation "rel_mono_wrt" (infixr  40)
  "_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred" :: "idt  'a  'b  'c  bool" ('(_/ :/ _')  (_) [41, 41, 40] 40)
syntax_consts "_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred"  rel_dep_mono_wrt
  "(x : A)  B"  "CONST rel_dep_mono_wrt A (λx. B)"

definition "rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred (A :: 'a  bool) (B :: 'a  'b  bool) (R :: 'a  'b  bool) 
  left_total_on A R  right_unique_on A R  ((x : A)  B x) (eval R)"
adhoc_overloading rel_dep_mono_wrt  rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred

definition "rel_mono_wrt_pred (A :: 'a  bool) (B :: 'b  bool) :: ('a  'b  bool)  bool 
  rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred A (λ(_ :: 'a). B)"
adhoc_overloading rel_mono_wrt  rel_mono_wrt_pred

lemma rel_mono_wrt_pred_eq_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred:
  "(((A :: 'a  bool)  (B :: 'b  bool)) :: ('a  'b  bool)  bool) = (((_ :: 'a) : A)  B)"
  by (simp add: rel_mono_wrt_pred_def)

lemma rel_mono_wrt_pred_eq_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_uhint [uhint]:
  assumes "(A :: 'a  bool)  A'"
  and "x. B :: 'b  bool  B' x"
  shows "(A  B)  ((x : A')  B' x)"
  using assms by (simp add: rel_mono_wrt_pred_eq_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred)

lemma rel_mono_wrt_pred_iff_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred:
  "((A :: 'a  bool)  (B :: 'b  bool)) (R :: 'a  'b  bool)  (((_ :: 'a) : A)  B) R"
  by (simp add: rel_mono_wrt_pred_def)

lemma rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI [intro]:
  assumes "left_total_on A R"
  and "right_unique_on A R"
  and "((x : A)  B x) (eval R)"
  shows "((x : A)  B x) R"
  using assms unfolding rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_def by auto

lemma rel_dep_mono_wrt_predE [elim]:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  obtains "left_total_on A R" "right_unique_on A R" "((x : A)  B x) (eval R)"
  using assms unfolding rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_def by auto

lemma rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_cong [cong]:
  assumes "A = A'"
  and "x y. A' x  B x = B' x"
  shows "((x : A)  B x) = ((x : A')  B' x)"
  using assms by fastforce

lemma rel_mono_wrt_predI [intro]:
  assumes "left_total_on A R"
  and "right_unique_on A R"
  and "(A  B) (eval R)"
  shows "(A  B) R"
  using assms by (urule rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI)

lemma rel_mono_wrt_predE [elim]:
  assumes "(A  B) R"
  obtains "left_total_on A R" "right_unique_on A R" "(A  B) (eval R)"
  using assms by (urule (e) rel_dep_mono_wrt_predE)

lemma mono_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_dep_mono_wrt_pred_eval: "(((x : A)  B x)  (x : A)  B x) eval"
  by auto

lemma ex1_rel_right_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  and "A x"
  shows "∃!y. R x y"
  using assms by (blast dest: right_unique_onD)

lemma eq_if_rel_if_rel_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  and "A x"
  and "R x y" "R x y'"
  shows "y = y'"
  using assms by (blast dest: right_unique_onD)

lemma eval_eq_if_rel_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI [simp]:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  and "A x"
  and "R x y"
  shows "R`x = y"
  using assms by (intro eq_if_rel_if_rel_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI[OF assms, symmetric])
  (blast intro!: rel_eval_if_ex1[where ?R=R] ex1_rel_right_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI)

lemma rel_if_eval_eq_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  and "A x"
  and "R`x = y"
  shows "R x y"
  by (rule rel_if_eval_eq_if_in_dom_if_right_unique_on_eq[where ?R=R])
  (use assms in blast dest: right_unique_onD)+

corollary rel_eval_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  and "A x"
  shows "R x (R`x)"
  using assms by (rule rel_if_eval_eq_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI) simp

corollary rel_iff_eval_eq_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  and "A x"
  shows "R x y  R`x = y"
  using assms by (intro iffI; rule eval_eq_if_rel_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI rel_if_eval_eq_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI)

lemma rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_relE:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  and "A x"
  and "R x y"
  obtains "B x y" "R`x = y"
  from assms show "R`x = y" by simp
  with assms show "B x y" by blast

lemma rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_relE':
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  obtains "x y. A x  R x y  B x y  R`x = y"
  using assms by (auto elim: rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_relE)

lemma rel_codom_if_rel_if_pred_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  and "A x"
  and "R x y"
  shows "B x y"
  using assms by (auto elim: rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_relE)

lemma rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_contravariant_dom:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  and [dest]: "x. A' x  A x"
  shows "((x : A')  B x) R"
  using assms by (fast intro!: rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI dest: right_unique_onD)

lemma rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_covariant_codom:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  and "x. A x  B x (R`x)  B' x (R`x)"
  shows "((x : A)  B' x) R"
  using assms by (fast dest: right_unique_onD)

lemma rel_mono_wrt_pred_in_codom_on_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  shows "(A  in_codom_on A B) R"
  using assms by fastforce

lemma eq_comp_eval_restrict_left_le_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  shows "((=)  eval R)A RA⇙"
  using assms by (intro le_relI) (force intro: rel_eval_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI)

lemma restrict_left_le_eq_comp_eval_restrict_left_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  shows "RA ((=)  eval R)A⇙"
  using assms by (intro le_relI) force

corollary restrict_left_eq_eq_comp_eval_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred:
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R"
  shows "RA= ((=)  eval R)A⇙"
  using assms eq_comp_eval_restrict_left_le_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred
  by (intro antisym) auto

lemma eval_eq_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI:
  fixes R :: "'a  'b  bool"
  assumes "((x : A)  B x) R" "((x : A')  B' x) R'"
  and "R  R'"
  and "(A  A') x"
  shows "R`x = R'`x"
proof -
  from assms have "R' x (R`x)" "R' x (R'`x)" by (auto intro: rel_eval_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI)
  with assms show ?thesis by (intro eval_eq_if_rel_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI[symmetric]) force+

lemma rel_agree_on_if_eval_eq_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred:
  assumes rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred: "R.  R  B. ((x : A)  B x) R"
  and "R R' x.  R   R'  A x  R`x = R'`x"
  shows "rel_agree_on A "
proof (rule rel_agree_onI)
  fix x y R R' assume hyps: " R" " R'" "A x" "R x y"
  with rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred have "y = R`x" by fastforce
  also from assms hyps have "... = R'`x" by blast
  finally have "y = R'`x" .
  moreover from rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred[OF  R'] obtain B where "((x : A)  B x) R'" by blast
  ultimately show "R' x y" using A x by (auto intro: rel_eval_if_rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI)

lemma mono_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_top_rel_dep_mono_wrt_pred_inf_rel_restrict_left:
  "(((x : A)  B x)  (A' : )  ((x : A  A')  B x)) rel_restrict_left"
  by (intro mono_wrt_predI dep_mono_wrt_predI rel_dep_mono_wrt_predI
    (*TODO: should be solved by some type-checking automation*)
      [THEN dep_mono_wrt_predD, THEN dep_mono_wrt_predD]
      [THEN dep_mono_wrt_predD, THEN dep_mono_wrt_predD])
