Theory RTSConstructions

(*  Title:       RTSConstructions
    Author:      Eugene W. Stark <>, 2024
    Maintainer:  Eugene W. Stark <>

theory RTSConstructions
imports Main Preliminaries ZFC_in_HOL.ZFC_Cardinals

section "Notation"

  text ‹
    Some of the theories in the HOL library that we depend on define global notation involving
    generic symbols that we would like to use here.  It would be best if there were some way
    to import these theories without also having to import this notation, but for now the best
    we can do is to uninstall the notation involving the symbols at issue.

  (* I really don't like global notation -- it's rude. *)
  no_notation Equipollence.eqpoll (infixl  50)
  no_notation Equipollence.lepoll (infixl  50)
  no_notation Lattices.sup_class.sup (infixl  65)
  no_notation ZFC_Cardinals.cmult   (infixl  70)

  no_syntax "_Tuple"    :: "[V, Vs]  V"                 ((_,/ _))
  no_syntax "_hpattern" :: "[pttrn, patterns]  pttrn"   ((_,/ _))

section "Some Constraints on a Type"

subsection "Nondegenerate"

  text ‹
    We will call a type ``nondegenerate'' if it has at least two elements.
    This means that the type admits RTS's with a non-empty set of arrows
    (after using one of the elements for the required null value).

  locale nondegenerate =
  fixes type :: "'a itself"
  assumes is_nondegenerate: "x y :: 'a. x  y"

subsection "Lifting"

  text ‹
    A type 'a› ``admits lifting'' if there is an injection from the type 'a option› to 'a›.

  locale lifting =
  fixes type :: "'a itself"
  assumes admits_lifting: "l :: 'a option  'a. inj l"

    definition some_lift :: "'a option  'a"
    where "some_lift  SOME l :: 'a option  'a. inj l"

    lemma inj_some_lift:
    shows "inj some_lift"
      using admits_lifting someI_ex [of "λl. inj l"] some_lift_def by fastforce

    text ‹
      A type that admits lifting is obviously nondegenerate.

    sublocale nondegenerate
    proof (unfold_locales, intro exI)
      show "some_lift None  some_lift (Some (some_lift None))"
        using injD inj_some_lift by fastforce


subsection "Pairing"

  text ‹
    A type 'a› ``admits pairing'' if there exists an injective ``pairing function'' from
    'a * 'a› to 'a›.  This allows us to encode pairs of elements of 'a› without
    having to pass to a higher type.

  locale pairing =
  fixes type :: "'a itself"
  assumes admits_pairing: "p :: 'a * 'a  'a. inj p"

    definition some_pair :: "'a * 'a  'a"
    where "some_pair  SOME p :: 'a * 'a  'a. inj p"

    abbreviation is_pair
    where "is_pair x  x  range some_pair"

    definition first :: "'a  'a"
    where "first x  fst (inv some_pair x)"

    definition second :: "'a  'a"
    where "second x = snd (inv some_pair x)"

    lemma inj_some_pair:
    shows "inj some_pair"
      using admits_pairing someI_ex [of "λp. inj p"] some_pair_def by fastforce

    lemma first_conv:
    shows "first (some_pair (x, y)) = x"
      using first_def inj_some_pair by auto

    lemma second_conv:
    shows "second (some_pair (x, y)) = y"
      using second_def inj_some_pair by auto

    lemma pair_conv:
    assumes "is_pair x"
    shows "some_pair (first x, second x) = x"
      using assms first_def second_def inj_some_pair by force


  text ‹
    A type that is nondegenerate and admits pairing also admits lifting.

  locale nondegenerate_and_pairing =
    nondegenerate + pairing

    sublocale lifting type
      obtain c :: 'a where c: "x. c  some_pair (c, x)"
        using is_nondegenerate inj_some_pair
        by (metis (full_types) first_conv second_conv)
      let ?f = "λNone  c | Some x  some_pair (c, x)"
      have "inj ?f"
        unfolding inj_def
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) c option.case_eq_if option.collapse
      thus "l :: 'a option  'a. inj l"
        by blast


subsection "Exponentiation"

  text ‹
    In order to define the exponential [A, B]› of an RTS A› and an RTS B›
    at a type 'a› without having to pass to a higher type, we need the type 'a›
    to be large enough to embed the set of all extensional
    functions that have ``small'' sets as their domains.  Here we are using the
    notion of ``small'' provided by the @{session ZFC_in_HOL} extension to HOL.
    Now, the standard Isabelle/HOL definition of ``extensional'' uses the specific chosen
    value undefined› as the default value for an extensional function outside of its domain,
    but here we need to apply this concept in cases where the value could be something else
    (the null value for an RTS, in particular).  So, we define a notion of a function
    that has at most one ``popular value'' in its range, where a popular value is one with a
    ``large'' preimage.  If such a function in addition has a small range, then it in some
    sense has a small encoding, which consists of its graph restricted to its domain
    (which must then necessarily be small), paired with the single default value that it
    takes outside its domain.

  abbreviation popular_value :: "('a  'b)  'b  bool"
  where "popular_value F y  ¬ small {x. F x = y}"

  definition some_popular_value :: "('a  'b)  'b"
  where "some_popular_value F  SOME y. popular_value F y"

  abbreviation at_most_one_popular_value
  where "at_most_one_popular_value F  1 y. popular_value F y"

  definition small_function
  where "small_function F  small (range F)  at_most_one_popular_value F"

  lemma small_preimage_unpopular:
  fixes F :: "'a  'b"
  assumes "small_function F"
  shows "small {x. F x  some_popular_value F}"
  proof (cases "y. popular_value F y")
    assume 1: "¬ (y. popular_value F y)"
    have "y. small {x. F x = y}"
      using 1 by blast
    moreover have "UNIV = (yrange F. {x. F x = y})"
      by auto
    ultimately have "small (UNIV :: 'a set)"
      using assms(1) small_function_def by (metis small_UN)
    thus ?thesis
      using smaller_than_small by blast
    assume 1: "y. popular_value F y"
    have "popular_value F (some_popular_value F)"
      using 1 someI_ex [of "λy. popular_value F y"] some_popular_value_def by metis
    hence 2: "y. y  some_popular_value F  small {x. F x = y}"
      using assms
      unfolding small_function_def
      by (meson Uniq_D)
    moreover have "{x. F x  some_popular_value F} =
                   (y{y. y  range F  y  some_popular_value F}. {x. F x = y})"
      by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using assms
      unfolding small_function_def
      by auto

  text ‹
    A type 'a› ``admits exponentiation'' if there is an injective function that maps
    each small function from 'a› to 'a› back into 'a›.

  locale exponentiation =
  fixes type :: "'a itself"
  assumes admits_exponentiation:
            "e :: ('a  'a)  'a. inj_on e (Collect small_function)"

    definition "some_inj" :: "('a  'a)  'a"
    where "some_inj  SOME e :: ('a  'a)  'a. inj_on e (Collect small_function)"

    lemma inj_some_inj:
    shows "inj_on some_inj (Collect small_function)"
      using some_inj_def admits_exponentiation
            someI_ex [of "λe :: ('a  'a)  'a. inj_on e (Collect small_function)"]
      unfolding small_function_def
      by presburger

    definition app :: "'a  'a  'a"
    where "app f  inv_into
                     {F. small (range F) 
                         at_most_one_popular_value F} some_inj f"

    lemma app_some_inj:
    assumes "small_function F"
    shows "app (some_inj F) = F"
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Collect_cong assms inv_into_f_f app_def
          inj_some_inj mem_Collect_eq small_function_def)

    lemma some_inj_lam_app:
    assumes "f  some_inj ` Collect small_function"
    shows "some_inj (λx. app f x) = f"
      using assms f_inv_into_f
      unfolding small_function_def
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) app_def)



    text ‹
      The type @{typ V} (axiomatized in @{theory "ZFC_in_HOL.ZFC_in_HOL"}) admits exponentiation.
      We show this by exhibiting a ``small encoding'' for small functions.  We provide this fact
      as evidence of the nontriviality of the subsequent development, in the sense that if the
      existence of the type @{typ V} is consistent with HOL, then the existence of infinite types
      satisfying the locale assumptions for @{locale exponentiation} is also consistent with HOL.

    interpretation exponentiation TYPE(V)
      show "e :: (V  V)  V. inj_on e (Collect small_function)"
        let ?e = "λF. vpair (some_popular_value F)
                            (set ((λa. vpair a (F a)) ` {x. F x  some_popular_value F}))"
        show "inj_on ?e (Collect small_function)"
        proof (intro inj_onI)
          fix F F' :: "V  V"
          assume F: "F  Collect small_function"
          assume F': "F'  Collect small_function"
          assume eq:
            "vpair (some_popular_value F)
                   (set ((λa. vpair a (F a)) ` {x. F x  some_popular_value F})) =
             vpair (some_popular_value F')
                   (set ((λa. vpair a (F' a)) ` {x. F' x  some_popular_value F'}))"
          have 1: "some_popular_value F = some_popular_value F' 
                   set ((λa. vpair a (F a)) ` {x. F x  some_popular_value F}) =
                   set ((λa. vpair a (F' a)) ` {x. F' x  some_popular_value F'})"
            using eq by blast
          have 2: "(λa. vpair a (F a)) ` {x. F x  some_popular_value F} =
                   (λa. vpair a (F' a)) ` {x. F' x  some_popular_value F'}"
          proof -
            have "small {x. F x  some_popular_value F}"
              using F small_preimage_unpopular by blast
            hence "small ((λa. vpair a (F a)) ` {x. F x  some_popular_value F})"
              by blast
            thus ?thesis
              by (metis (full_types) 1 F' mem_Collect_eq replacement set_injective
          show "F = F'"
            fix x
            show "F x = F' x"
              using 1 2
              by (cases "F x = some_popular_value F") force+

    lemma V_admits_exponentiation:
    shows "exponentiation TYPE(V)"

subsection "Universe"

  locale universe = nondegenerate_and_pairing + exponentiation

    The type @{typ V} axiomatized in @{theory "ZFC_in_HOL.ZFC_in_HOL"} is a universe.


    interpretation nondegenerate TYPE(V)
      obtain f :: "bool  V" where f: "inj f"
        using inj_compose inj_ord_of_nat by blast
      show "x y :: V. x  y"
        by (metis Inl_Inr_iff)

    lemma V_is_nondegenerate:
    shows "nondegenerate TYPE(V)"

    interpretation pairing TYPE(V)
      apply unfold_locales
      using inj_on_vpair by blast

    lemma V_admits_pairing:
    shows "pairing TYPE(V)"

    interpretation exponentiation TYPE(V)
      using V_admits_exponentiation by blast

    interpretation universe TYPE(V)

    lemma V_is_universe:
    shows "universe TYPE(V)"


section "Small RTS's"

    We will call an RTS ``small'' if its set of arrows is a small set.

  locale small_rts =
    rts +
  assumes small: "small (Collect arr)"

  lemma isomorphic_to_small_rts_is_small_rts:
  assumes "small_rts A" and "isomorphic_rts A B"
  shows "small_rts B"
  proof -
    interpret A: small_rts A
      using assms by blast
    interpret B: rts B
      using assms isomorphic_rts_def inverse_simulations_def by blast
    obtain F G where FG: "inverse_simulations A B F G"
      using assms isomorphic_rts_def by blast
    interpret FG: inverse_simulations A B F G
      using FG by blast
    show "small_rts B"
      using A.small FG.G.is_bijection_betw_arr_sets
      apply unfold_locales
      by (metis bij_betw_imp_surj_on replacement)

  lemma small_function_transformation:
  assumes "small_rts A" and "small_rts B" and "transformation A B F G T"
  shows "small_function T"
  proof -
    interpret A: small_rts A
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret B: small_rts B
      using assms(2) by blast
    interpret T: transformation A B F G T
      using assms(3) by blast
    have 1: "range T  Collect B.arr  {B.null}"
      using T.extensionality T.preserves_arr by blast
    show ?thesis
    proof (unfold small_function_def, intro conjI)
      show "small (range T)"
        using assms(2) 1 B.small smaller_than_small by blast
      show "at_most_one_popular_value T"
      proof -
        have "v. popular_value T v  v = B.null"
        proof -
          fix v
          assume v: "popular_value T v"
          have "v  B.null  v  range T"
            using v
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) empty_Collect_eq rangeI small_empty)
          thus "v = B.null"
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) A.small Collect_mono T.extensionality
                smaller_than_small v)
        thus ?thesis
          using Uniq_def by blast

  text ‹
    We can't simply use the previous fact to prove the following, because our
    definition of transformation includes extensionality conditions that are
    not part of the definition of simulation.  So, we have to repeat the proof.

  lemma small_function_simulation:
  assumes "small_rts A" and "small_rts B" and "simulation A B F"
  shows "small_function F"
  proof -
    interpret A: small_rts A
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret B: small_rts B
      using assms(2) by blast
    interpret F: simulation A B F
      using assms(3) by blast
    have 1: "range F  Collect B.arr  {B.null}"
      using F.extensionality F.preserves_reflects_arr by blast
    show ?thesis
    proof (unfold small_function_def, intro conjI)
      show "small (range F)"
        using assms(2) 1 B.small smaller_than_small by blast
      show "at_most_one_popular_value F"
      proof -
        have "v. popular_value F v  v = B.null"
        proof -
          fix v
          assume v: "popular_value F v"
          have "v  B.null  v  range F"
            using v
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) empty_Collect_eq rangeI small_empty)
          thus "v = B.null"
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) A.small Collect_mono F.extensionality
                smaller_than_small v)
        thus ?thesis
          using Uniq_def by blast

  lemma small_function_resid:
  fixes A :: "'a resid"
  assumes "small_rts A"
  shows "small_function A"
  and "t. small_function (A t)"
  proof -
    interpret A: small_rts A
      using assms by blast
    show 1: "small_function A"
    proof (unfold small_function_def, intro conjI)
      show "small (range A)"
      proof -
        have "range A  A ` Collect A.arr  A ` {x. ¬ A.arr x}"
          by blast
        moreover have "small (A ` Collect A.arr)"
          using A.small by blast
        moreover have "small (A ` {x. ¬ A.arr x})"
        proof -
          have "x. ¬ A.arr x  A x = (λx. A.null)"
            using A.con_implies_arr(1) by blast
          hence "A ` {x. ¬ A.arr x}  {λx. A.null}"
            by blast
          thus ?thesis
            by (meson small_empty small_insert smaller_than_small)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (meson small_Un smaller_than_small)
      show "at_most_one_popular_value A"
      proof -
        have "v. popular_value A v  v  A ` {x. ¬ A.arr x}"
        proof -
          fix v
          assume v: "popular_value A v"
          have "¬ small {x. ¬ A.arr x  A x = v}"
          proof -
            have "¬ small ({x. A x = v} - {x. A.arr x  A x = v})"
              by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) A.small Collect_mono
                  Un_Diff_cancel small_Un smaller_than_small sup_ge2 v)
            moreover have "{x. A x = v} - {x. A.arr x  A x = v} =
                           {x. ¬ A.arr x  A x = v}"
              by blast
            ultimately show ?thesis by metis
          hence "v  A ` {x. ¬ A.arr x  A x = v}"
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) empty_Collect_eq image_eqI
                mem_Collect_eq small_empty)
          thus "v  A ` {x. ¬ A.arr x}" by blast
        moreover have "A ` {x. ¬ A.arr x}  {λx. A.null}"
        proof -
          have "x. ¬ A.arr x  A x = (λx. A.null)"
            using A.con_implies_arr(1) by blast
          thus ?thesis by blast
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) Uniq_def empty_iff singletonD
    show 2: "t. small_function (A t)"
    proof -
      fix t
      show "small_function (A t)"
      proof (unfold small_function_def, intro conjI)
        show "small (range (A t))"
        proof -
          have "range (A t)  Collect A.arr  {A.null}"
            using A.arr_resid by blast
          moreover have "small (Collect A.arr  {A.null})"
            using A.small by simp
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using smaller_than_small by blast
        show "at_most_one_popular_value (A t)"
        proof -
          have "v. popular_value (A t) v  v = A.null"
          proof -
            fix v
            assume v: "popular_value (A t) v"
            have "¬ small {u. A t u = v}"
              using v by blast
            hence "¬ ({u. A t u = v}  Collect A.arr)"
              using A.small smaller_than_small by blast
            hence "u. A t u = v  ¬ A.arr u"
              by blast
            thus "v = A.null"
              using A.con_implies_arr(2) by blast
          thus ?thesis
            using Uniq_def by blast

  context exponentiation

    lemma small_function_some_inj_resid:
    fixes A :: "'a resid"
    assumes "small_rts A"
    shows "small_function (λt. some_inj (A t))"
    proof -
      interpret A: small_rts A
        using assms by blast
      show "small_function (λt. some_inj (A t))"
      proof (unfold small_function_def, intro conjI)
        show "small (range (λt. some_inj (A t)))"
        proof -
          have "range (λt. some_inj (A t)) = some_inj ` range (λt. A t)"
            by auto
          moreover have "small ..."
            using assms small_function_resid(1)
            by (metis replacement small_function_def)
          ultimately show ?thesis by auto
        show "at_most_one_popular_value (λt. some_inj (A t))"
        proof -
          have 3: "t v. popular_value (λt. some_inj (A t)) v
                             v  some_inj ` Collect (popular_value A)"
          proof -
            fix t v
            assume v: "popular_value (λt. some_inj (A t)) v"
            have "¬ small {t. A t = inv_into (Collect small_function) some_inj v}"
              using assms v inj_some_inj small_function_resid(2) inv_into_f_f
              by (smt (verit) CollectI Collect_cong Collect_empty_eq)
            proof - (* TODO: Best I have found without smt. *)
              have 1: "t. A.arr t  some_inj (A t)  v"
                have 2: "t. A.arr t  A t  (λu. A.null)"
                  using A.con_implies_arr(1) by fastforce
                have 3: "v = some_inj (λu. A.null)"
                  using v 2
                  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) A.small Collect_mono
                show "t. some_inj (A t)  v  A.arr t"
                  using 2 3 by force
                show "t. A.arr t  some_inj (A t)  v"
                  using assms 2 3 inj_some_inj app_some_inj small_function_resid(2)
                  by (metis A.not_arr_null)
              have "{t. A t = inv_into (Collect small_function) some_inj v} =
                    {t. ¬ A.arr t}"
                using 1
                by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.not_arr_null CollectD CollectI
                    app_some_inj assms f_inv_into_f image_eqI inv_into_into
              thus ?thesis
                using v 1 by auto
            hence "inv_into (Collect small_function) some_inj v
                       Collect (popular_value A)"
              by auto
            moreover have "some_inj
                             (inv_into (Collect small_function) some_inj v) = v"
              using assms v inj_some_inj
                    f_inv_into_f [of v some_inj "Collect small_function"]
              by (metis (mono_tags) small_function_resid(2) empty_Collect_eq
                  inv_into_f_f mem_Collect_eq small_empty)
            ultimately show "v  some_inj ` Collect (popular_value A)"
              by force
          show ?thesis
            fix u v
            assume u: "popular_value (λx. some_inj (A x)) u"
            assume v: "popular_value (λx. some_inj (A x)) v"
            obtain f where f: "popular_value A f  some_inj f = u"
              using u 3 by blast
            obtain g where g: "popular_value A g  some_inj g = v"
              using v 3 by blast
            have "f = g"
              using assms f g small_function_resid(1) Uniq_D
              unfolding small_function_def
              by auto fastforce
            thus "u = v"
              using f g by blast

    fun some_inj_resid :: "'a resid  'a"
    where "some_inj_resid A = (some_inj (λt. some_inj (A t)))"

    lemma inj_on_some_inj_resid:
    shows "inj_on some_inj_resid {A :: 'a resid. small_rts A}"
      fix A B :: "'a resid"
      assume A: "A  {A. small_rts A}" and B: "B  {B. small_rts B}"
      assume eq: "some_inj_resid A = some_inj_resid B"
      interpret A: small_rts A
        using A by blast
      interpret B: small_rts B
        using B by blast
      show "A = B"
      proof -
        have "some_inj (λt. some_inj (A t)) = some_inj (λt. some_inj (B t))"
          using A B eq by simp
        moreover have "small_function (λt. some_inj (A t))"
          using A small_function_some_inj_resid by auto
        moreover have "small_function (λt. some_inj (B t))"
          using B small_function_some_inj_resid by auto
        ultimately have "(λt. some_inj (A t)) = (λt. some_inj (B t))"
          using A B inj_some_inj
          by (simp add: inj_onD)
        hence "t. A t = B t"
          using A B inj_some_inj small_function_resid(2)
          by (metis app_some_inj mem_Collect_eq)
        thus "A = B" by blast


section "Injective Images of RTS's"

    Here we show that the image of an RTS A› at type @{typ 'a}, under a function from @{typ 'a}
    to @{typ 'b} that is injective on the set of arrows, is an RTS at type @{typ 'b} that is
    isomorphic to A›.  We will use this, together with the universe assumptions, to obtain
    isomorphic images, of constructions such as product and exponential RTS, that yield results
    that ``live'' at the same type as their arguments.

  locale inj_image_rts =
    A: rts A
    for map :: "'a  'b"
    and A :: "'a resid"  (infix \A 70) +
    assumes inj_map: "inj_on map (Collect A.arr  {A.null})"

    notation A.con    (infix A 50)
    notation A.prfx   (infix A 50)
    notation A.cong   (infix A 50)

    abbreviation Null
    where "Null  map A.null"

    abbreviation Arr
    where "Arr t  t  map ` Collect A.arr"

    abbreviation map'
    where "map' t  inv_into (Collect A.arr) map t"

    definition resid :: "'b resid"  (infix \ 70)
    where "t \\ u = (if Arr t  Arr u then map (map' t \\A map' u) else Null)"

    lemma inj_map':
    shows "inj_on map (Collect A.arr)"
      using inj_map by auto

    lemma map_null:
    shows "map A.null  map ` Collect A.arr"
      using inj_map by simp

    lemma map'_map [simp]:
    assumes "A.arr t"
    shows "map' (map t) = t"
      using assms inj_map by simp

    lemma map_map' [simp]:
    assumes "Arr t"
    shows "map (map' t) = t"
      using assms f_inv_into_f by metis

    sublocale ResiduatedTransitionSystem.partial_magma resid
      by (metis ResiduatedTransitionSystem.partial_magma.intro map_null resid_def)

    lemma null_char:
    shows "null = Null"
      by (metis map_null null_is_zero(2) resid_def)

    sublocale residuation resid
      show "t u. t \\ u  null  u \\ t  null"
        unfolding resid_def null_char
        by (metis A.arr_resid A.conI A.con_sym imageI map_null mem_Collect_eq)
      show "t u. t \\ u  null  (t \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)  null"
        unfolding resid_def null_char inj_map
        apply simp
        by (metis CollectI A.arr_resid A.conI A.con_imp_arr_resid imageI
            map'_map map_null)
      show "v t u. (v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)  null
                         (v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) = (v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
      proof -
        fix t u v
        assume vt_ut: "(v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)  null"
        have 1: "Arr t  Arr u  Arr v"
          using vt_ut
          by (metis map_null null_char resid_def)
        have "(v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) = map ((map' v \\A map' t) \\A (map' u \\A map' t))"
          using 1 null_char resid_def vt_ut
          apply auto[1]
          by (metis A.arr_resid A.conI map'_map map_null vt_ut)
        also have
            "... = map ((map' v \\A map' u) \\A (map' t \\A map' u))"
          using A.cube by simp
        also have "... = (v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
          using 1 null_char resid_def
          apply auto[1]
            apply (metis CollectI A.conI image_eqI map'_map map_null A.arr_resid)
           apply (metis A.conI A.con_implies_arr(1) image_eqI mem_Collect_eq)
          by (metis CollectI A.conI A.con_implies_arr(2) image_eqI)
        finally show "(v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) = (v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
          by blast

    notation con   (infix  50)

    lemma con_char:
    shows "t  u  Arr t  Arr u  map' t A map' u"
      using null_char con_def inj_map resid_def A.con_def
      by (metis (full_types) image_eqI map_null mem_Collect_eq A.arr_resid)

    lemma arr_char:
    shows "arr t  Arr t"
      using arr_def con_char inj_map by auto

    lemma ide_charII:
    shows "ide t  Arr t  A.ide (map' t)"
      unfolding ide_def resid_def con_char
      using inj_map' f_inv_into_f
      by (metis A.ide_def inv_into_f_f mem_Collect_eq A.arr_resid)

    lemma trg_char:
    shows "trg t = (if Arr t then map (A.trg (map' t)) else null)"
      unfolding trg_def resid_def A.trg_def null_char by simp

    sublocale rts resid
      show "t. arr t  ide (trg t)"
        using ide_charII inj_map trg_char trg_def by fastforce
      show 1: "a t. ide a; t  a  t \\ a = t"
        by (simp add: A.resid_arr_ide con_char f_inv_into_f ide_charII resid_def)
      show "a t. ide a; a  t  ide (a \\ t)"
        by (metis 1 arrE arr_resid con_sym cube ideE ideI)
      show "t u. t  u  a. ide a  a  t  a  u"
        by (metis (full_types) CollectI A.con_imp_coinitial_ax ide_charII
            image_eqI inj_image_rts.con_char inj_image_rts_axioms map'_map
      show "t u v. ide (t \\ u); u  v  t \\ u  v \\ u"
      proof -
        fix t u v
        assume ide: "ide (t \\ u)"
        assume con: "u  v"
        have "Arr t  Arr u  Arr v"
          using ide con ide_charII con_char
          by (metis arr_resid_iff_con ide_implies_arr)
        moreover have "A.arr (map' t \\A map' u)"
          using ide ide_charII resid_def
          by (meson A.arr_resid arr_resid_iff_con con_char ide_implies_arr)
        moreover have "A.arr (map' v \\A map' u)"
          using con con_char
          by (meson A.arr_resid A.con_sym)
        ultimately show "t \\ u  v \\ u"
          using ide con ide_charII con_char resid_def A.con_target by simp

    notation prfx   (infix  50)
    notation cong   (infix  50)

      The function @{term map} and its inverse (both suitably extensionalized) determine an
      isomorphism between A› and its image.

    abbreviation mapext
    where "mapext t  if A.arr t then map t else null"

    abbreviation map'ext
    where "map'ext t  if Arr t then map' t else A.null"

    sublocale Map: simulation A resid mapext
      using con_char A.con_implies_arr resid_def
      by unfold_locales auto

    sublocale Map': simulation resid A map'ext
      using arr_char con_char resid_def
      by unfold_locales auto

    sublocale inverse_simulations resid A mapext map'ext
      using arr_char map_null null_char
      by unfold_locales auto

    lemma invertible_simulation_map:
    shows "invertible_simulation A resid mapext"
      using inverse_simulations_axioms inverse_simulations_sym invertible_simulation_def'
      by fast
    lemma invertible_simulation_map':
    shows "invertible_simulation resid A map'ext"
      using inverse_simulations_axioms inverse_simulations_sym invertible_simulation_def'
      by fast

    lemma inj_on_map:
    shows "inj_on mapext (Collect A.arr)"
      using induce_bij_betw_arr_sets bij_betw_def by blast

    lemma range_map':
    shows "map'ext ` (Collect arr) = Collect A.arr"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) bij_betw_imp_surj_on
          inverse_simulations_axioms inverse_simulations_sym)

    lemma cong_charII:
    shows "t  u  Arr t  Arr u  map' t A map' u"
      by (metis (full_types) Map'.preserves_resid Map.preserves_ide con_def
          ide_charII not_arr_null null_char resid_def residuation.ide_implies_arr

    lemma preserves_weakly_extensional_rts:
    assumes "weakly_extensional_rts A"
    shows "weakly_extensional_rts resid"
      by (metis assms cong_charII ide_charII inv_into_injective rts_axioms
          weakly_extensional_rts.intro weakly_extensional_rts.weak_extensionality

    lemma preserves_extensional_rts:
    assumes "extensional_rts A"
    shows "extensional_rts resid"
      interpret A: extensional_rts A
        using assms by blast
      show "t u. t  u  t = u"
        using cong_charII ide_charII
        by (meson A.extensionality inv_into_injective)

    lemma preserves_reflects_small_rts:
    shows "small_rts A  small_rts resid"
      using induce_bij_betw_arr_sets
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.rts_axioms bij_betw_def rts_axioms
          small_image_iff small_rts.intro small_rts.small small_rts_axioms_def)


  lemma inj_image_rts_comp:
  fixes F :: "'a  'b" and G :: "'b  'c"
  assumes "inj F" and "inj G"
  assumes "rts X"
  shows "inj_image_rts.resid (G  F) X =
         inj_image_rts.resid G (inj_image_rts.resid F X)"
  proof -
    interpret X: rts X
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret FX: inj_image_rts F X
      by (metis X.rts_axioms assms(1)
          inj_image_rts_axioms_def inj_image_rts_def inj_on_subset top_greatest)
    interpret GFX: inj_image_rts G FX.resid
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) FX.rts_axioms assms(2) inj_def
          inj_image_rts_axioms_def inj_image_rts_def inj_onI)
    interpret GoF_X: inj_image_rts G o F X
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) X.rts_axioms
          assms(1-2) inj_compose inj_image_rts_axioms_def
          inj_image_rts_def inj_on_subset  top_greatest)
    show "GoF_X.resid = GFX.resid"
    proof -
      have "t u. GoF_X.resid t u = GFX.resid t u"
        unfolding GoF_X.resid_def GFX.resid_def
        using FX.arr_char FX.null_char FX.resid_def'_map by auto
      thus ?thesis by blast

  lemma inj_image_rts_map_comp:
  fixes F :: "'a  'b" and G :: "'b  'c"
  assumes "inj F" and "inj G"
  assumes "rts X"
  shows "inj_image_rts.mapext (G  F) X =
         inj_image_rts.mapext G (inj_image_rts.resid F X) 
           (inj_image_rts.mapext F X)"
  and "'ext (G  F) X ='ext F X 'ext G (inj_image_rts.resid F X)"
  proof -
    interpret X: rts X
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret FX: inj_image_rts F X
      by (metis X.rts_axioms assms(1) inj_image_rts_axioms_def inj_image_rts_def
          inj_on_subset top_greatest)
    interpret GFX: inj_image_rts G FX.resid
      by (metis FX.rts_axioms Int_UNIV_right assms(2) inj_image_rts.intro
          inj_image_rts_axioms.intro inj_on_Int)
    interpret GoF_X: inj_image_rts G o F X
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) X.rts_axioms assms(1-2) inj_compose
          inj_image_rts_axioms_def inj_image_rts_def inj_on_subset top_greatest)
    show "GoF_X.mapext = GFX.mapext  FX.mapext"
      using FX.null_char GFX.null_char GoF_X.null_char by fastforce
    show "'ext ='ext'ext"
      using FX.arr_char FX.not_arr_null'_map by fastforce

section "Empty RTS"

    For any type, there exists an empty RTS having that type as its arrow type.
    Since types in HOL are nonempty, we may use the guaranteed element @{term undefined}
    as the null value.

  locale empty_rts

    definition resid :: "'e resid"
    where "resid t u = undefined"

    sublocale ResiduatedTransitionSystem.partial_magma resid
      by unfold_locales (metis resid_def)

    lemma null_char:
    shows "null = undefined"
      by (metis null_is_zero(1) resid_def)

    sublocale residuation resid
      apply unfold_locales
      by (metis resid_def)+
    lemma arr_char:
    shows "arr t  False"
      using null_char resid_def
      by (metis arrE conE)

    lemma ide_charERTS:
    shows "ide t  False"
      using arr_char by force

    lemma con_char:
    shows "con t u  False"
      by (simp add: con_def null_char resid_def)

    lemma trg_char:
    shows "trg t = null"
      by (simp add: null_char resid_def trg_def)

    sublocale rts resid
      apply unfold_locales
          apply (metis arr_char)
      by (metis con_char)+

    lemma cong_charERTS:
    shows "cong t u  False"
      by (simp add: ide_charERTS)

    sublocale small_rts resid
      apply unfold_locales
      by (metis Collect_empty_eq arr_char small_empty)

    lemma is_small_rts:
    shows "small_rts resid"

    sublocale extensional_rts resid
      by unfold_locales (simp add: cong_charERTS)

    lemma is_extensional_rts:
    shows "extensional_rts resid"

    lemma src_char:
    shows "src t = null"
      by (simp add: arr_char src_def)

    lemma prfx_char:
    shows "prfx t u  False"
      using ide_charERTS by metis

    lemma composite_of_char:
    shows "composite_of t u v  False"
      using composite_of_def prfx_char by metis

    lemma composable_char:
    shows "composable t u  False"
      using composable_def composite_of_char by metis

    lemma seq_char:
    shows "seq t u  False"
      using arr_char by (metis seqE)

    sublocale rts_with_composites resid
      by unfold_locales (simp add: composable_char seq_char)

    lemma is_rts_with_composites:
    shows "rts_with_composites resid"

    sublocale extensional_rts_with_composites resid ..

    lemma is_extensional_rts_with_composites:
    shows "extensional_rts_with_composites resid"

    lemma comp_char:
    shows "comp t u = null"
      by (meson composable_char composable_iff_comp_not_null)

      There is a unique simulation from an empty RTS to any other RTS.

    definition initiator :: "'e resid  'a  'e"
    where "initiator A  (λt. ResiduatedTransitionSystem.partial_magma.null A)"

    lemma initiator_is_simulation:
    assumes "rts A"
    shows "simulation resid A (initiator A)"
      using assms initiator_def con_char
      by (metis rts_axioms simulation_axioms.intro simulation_def)

    lemma universality:
    assumes "rts A"
    shows "∃!F. simulation resid A F"
      show "simulation resid A (initiator A)"
        using assms initiator_is_simulation by blast
      show "F. simulation resid A F  F = initiator A"
        by (metis HOL.ext initiator_def arr_char simulation.extensionality)


section "One-Transition RTS"

    For any type having at least two elements, there exists a one-transition RTS
    having that type as its arrow type.  We use the already-distinguished element
    @{term undefined} as the null value and some value distinct from @{term undefined}
    as the single transition.

  locale one_arr_rts =
    nondegenerate arr_type
    for arr_type :: "'t itself"

    definition the_arr :: 't
    where "the_arr  SOME t. t  undefined"

    definition resid :: "'t resid"  (infix \1 70)
    where "resid t u = (if t = the_arr  u = the_arr then the_arr else undefined)"

    sublocale ResiduatedTransitionSystem.partial_magma resid
      using resid_def
      by unfold_locales metis

    lemma null_char:
    shows "null = undefined"
      by (metis null_is_zero(1) resid_def)

    sublocale residuation resid
      using null_char resid_def
      by unfold_locales metis+

    notation con  (infix 1 50)

    lemma arr_char:
    shows "arr t  t = the_arr"
      using null_char resid_def is_nondegenerate
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) arr_def con_def someI_ex the_arr_def)

    lemma ide_char1RTS:
    shows "ide t  t = the_arr"
      using arr_char ide_def resid_def by auto

    lemma con_char:
    shows "con t u  arr t  arr u"
      by (metis arr_char con_arr_self con_implies_arr(2) con_sym)

    lemma trg_char:
    shows "trg t = (if arr t then t else null)"
      by (simp add: arr_char null_char resid_def trg_def)

    sublocale rts resid
      using con_char arr_char ide_char1RTS trg_char ideE
      by unfold_locales metis+

    notation prfx  (infix 1 50)
    notation cong  (infix 1 50)

    lemma cong_char1RTS:
    shows "t 1 u  arr t  arr u"
      using arr_char ide_char1RTS not_ide_null null_char resid_def by force

    sublocale extensional_rts resid
      using arr_char cong_char1RTS
      by unfold_locales auto

    lemma is_extensional_rts:
    shows "extensional_rts resid"

    lemma src_char:
    shows "src t = (if t = the_arr then t else null)"
      using arr_char ide_char1RTS src_def src_ide by presburger

    lemma prfx_char:
    shows "t 1 u  arr t  arr u"
      by (metis cong_char1RTS)

    lemma composite_of_char:
    shows "composite_of t u v  arr t  arr u  arr v"
      using composite_of_def
      by (metis composite_of_ide_self prfx_char)

    lemma composable_char:
    shows "composable t u  arr t  arr u"
      using composable_def composite_of_char by auto

    lemma seq_char:
    shows "seq t u  arr t  arr u"
      using arr_char composable_char composable_imp_seq by auto

    sublocale rts_with_composites resid
      by unfold_locales (simp add: composable_char seq_char)

    lemma is_rts_with_composites:
    shows "rts_with_composites resid"

    sublocale extensional_rts_with_composites resid ..

    lemma is_extensional_rts_with_composites:
    shows "extensional_rts_with_composites resid"

    sublocale small_rts resid
      by (simp add: Collect_cong arr_char rts_axioms small_rts.intro

    lemma is_small_rts:
    shows "small_rts resid"

    lemma comp_char:
    shows "comp t u = (if arr t  arr u then the_arr else null)"
      using arr_char composable_iff_comp_not_null trg_char by auto

      For an arbitrary RTS A›, there is a unique simulation from A› to the one-transition RTS.

    definition terminator :: "'a resid  'a  't"
    where "terminator A  (λt. if residuation.arr A t then the_arr else null)"

    lemma terminator_is_simulation:
    assumes "rts A"
    shows "simulation A resid (terminator A)"
    proof -
      interpret A: rts A
        using assms by blast
      show ?thesis
        unfolding terminator_def
        using assms ide_char1RTS ideE A.con_implies_arr
        apply (unfold_locales)
          by auto metis

    lemma universality:
    assumes "rts A"
    shows "∃!F. simulation A resid F"
      show "simulation A resid (terminator A)"
        using assms terminator_is_simulation by blast
      show "F. simulation A resid F  F = terminator A"
        unfolding terminator_def
        by (meson arr_char simulation.extensionality

      A ``global transition'' of an RTS A› is a transformation from the one-arrow RTS
      to A›.  An important fact is that equality of simulations and of transformations
      is determined by their compositions with global transitions.

    lemma eq_simulation_iff:
    assumes "weakly_extensional_rts A"
    and "simulation A B F" and "simulation A B G"
    shows "F = G 
           (Q R T. transformation resid A Q R T  F  T = G  T)"
      interpret A: weakly_extensional_rts A
        using assms(1) simulation_def by blast
      interpret F: simulation A B F
        using assms(2) by blast
      interpret G: simulation A B G
        using assms(3) by blast
      show "F = G 
              Q R T. transformation resid A Q R T  F  T = G  T"
        by blast
      show "Q R T. transformation resid A Q R T  F  T = G  T
                        F = G"
      proof -
        have "F  G 
                (Q R T. transformation resid A Q R T  F  T  G  T)"
        proof -
          assume 1: "F  G"
          obtain t where t: "A.arr t  F t  G t"
            using 1 F.extensionality G.extensionality by fastforce
          interpret T: constant_transformation resid A t
            using t by unfold_locales blast
          have "transformation resid A T.F T.G"
            using T.transformation_axioms by simp
          moreover have "F  G"
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) arr_char comp_apply t)
          ultimately show "Q R T. transformation resid A Q R T 
                                   F  T  G  T"
            by blast
        thus "Q R T. transformation resid A Q R T  F  T = G  T
                  F = G"
          by blast

    lemma eq_transformation_iff:
    assumes "weakly_extensional_rts A" and "weakly_extensional_rts B"
    and "transformation A B F G U" and "transformation A B F G V"
    shows "U = V 
           (Q R T. transformation resid A Q R T  U  T = V  T)"
      interpret A: weakly_extensional_rts A
        using assms(1) simulation_def by blast
      interpret B: weakly_extensional_rts B
        using assms(2) simulation_def by blast
      interpret U: transformation A B F G U
        using assms(3) by blast
      interpret V: transformation A B F G V
        using assms(4) by blast
      show "U = V 
              Q R T. transformation resid A Q R T  U  T = V  T"
        by blast
      show "Q R T. transformation resid A Q R T  U  T = V  T
                        U = V"
      proof -
        have "U  V 
                (Q R T. transformation resid A Q R T  U  T  V  T)"
        proof -
          assume 1: "U  V"
          obtain t where t: "A.arr t  U t  V t"
            using 1 U.extensionality V.extensionality by fastforce
          interpret T: constant_transformation resid A t
            using t by unfold_locales blast
          have "transformation resid A T.F T.G"
            using T.transformation_axioms by simp
          moreover have "U  V"
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) arr_char comp_apply t)
          ultimately show "Q R T. transformation resid A Q R T 
                                   U  T  V  T"
            by blast
        thus "Q R T. transformation resid A Q R T  U  T = V  T
                          U = V"
          by blast


section "Fibered Product RTS"

  locale fibered_product_rts =
  A: rts A +
  B: rts B +
  C: weakly_extensional_rts C +
  F: simulation A C F +
  G: simulation B C G
  for A :: "'a resid"  (infix \A 70)
  and B :: "'b resid"  (infix \B 70)
  and C :: "'c resid"  (infix \C 70)
  and F :: "'a  'c"
  and G :: "'b  'c"

    notation A.con   (infix A 50)
    notation B.con   (infix B 50)
    notation C.con   (infix C 50)
    notation A.prfx  (infix A 50)
    notation B.prfx  (infix B 50)
    notation C.prfx  (infix C 50)
    notation A.cong  (infix A 50)
    notation B.cong  (infix B 50)
    notation C.cong  (infix C 50)

    abbreviation Arr
    where "Arr  λtu. A.arr (fst tu)  B.arr (snd tu)  F (fst tu) = G (snd tu)"

    abbreviation Ide
    where "Ide  λtu. A.ide (fst tu)  B.ide (snd tu)  F (fst tu) = G (snd tu)"

    abbreviation Con
    where "Con  λtu vw. fst tu A fst vw  snd tu B snd vw 
                          F (fst tu) = G (snd tu)  F (fst vw) = G (snd vw)"

    definition resid :: "('a * 'b) resid" (infix \ 70)
    where "tu \\ vw =
           (if Con tu vw then (fst tu \\A fst vw, snd tu \\B snd vw)
            else (A.null, B.null))"

    sublocale ResiduatedTransitionSystem.partial_magma resid
      using resid_def
      by unfold_locales
         (metis B.arr_resid_iff_con B.ex_un_null B.not_arr_null
           B.null_is_zero(2) snd_conv)

    lemma null_char:
    shows "null = (A.null, B.null)"
      unfolding null_def
      using ex_un_null resid_def
            the1_equality [of "λn. f. n \\ f = n  f \\ n = n" "(A.null, B.null)"]
      by simp

    sublocale residuation resid
      show "t u. t \\ u  null  u \\ t  null"
        by (metis A.con_sym B.con_sym B.residuation_axioms null_char prod.inject
            resid_def residuation.con_def)
      show "t u. t \\ u  null  (t \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)  null"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.conE A.conI A.con_imp_arr_resid B.con_def
            B.con_imp_arr_resid F.preserves_resid G.preserves_resid fst_conv null_char
            resid_def snd_conv)
      show "v t u. (v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)  null  (v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) = (v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
      proof -
        fix v t u
        assume 1: "(v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)  null"
        have 2: "(v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) =
                 ((fst v \\A fst t) \\A (fst u \\A fst t),
                  (snd v \\B snd t) \\B (snd u \\B snd t))"
          using 1 resid_def null_char by auto
        also have "... = ((fst v \\A fst u) \\A (fst t \\A fst u),
                          (snd v \\B snd u) \\B (snd t \\B snd u))"
          using A.cube B.cube by simp
        also have "... = (v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
        proof -
          have "Con (v \\ u) (t \\ u)"
          proof -
            have "fst v \\A fst u A fst t \\A fst u"
              using 1 2 A.cube
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.con_def fst_conv null_char resid_def)
            moreover have "snd v \\B snd u B snd t \\B snd u"
              using 1 2 B.cube
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) B.con_def null_char resid_def snd_conv)
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using 1 resid_def
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.conI A.con_implies_arr(1) A.not_arr_null
                  A.not_con_null(2) B.conI B.con_implies_arr(1) B.not_arr_null
                  B.not_con_null(2) F.preserves_resid G.preserves_resid fst_eqD
                  null_char snd_eqD)
          thus ?thesis
            using resid_def null_char by auto
        finally show "(v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) = (v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
          by blast

    notation con  (infix  50)

    lemma arr_char:
    shows "arr t  Arr t"
      by (metis B.arr_def B.conE Pair_inject conE conI null_char resid_def
          A.arr_def arr_def)

    lemma con_char:
    shows "t  u  Con t u"
      by (metis B.conE null_char resid_def con_def snd_conv)

    lemma ide_charFP:
    shows "ide t  Ide t"
      unfolding ide_def
      using con_char resid_def
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.ide_def fst_conv prod.exhaust_sel
          B.ide_def snd_conv)

    lemma trg_char:
    shows "trg t = (if arr t then (A.trg (fst t), B.trg (snd t)) else null)"
      by (simp add: A.trg_def B.trg_def con_char null_char resid_def
          arr_def trg_def)

    sublocale rts resid
      show "t. arr t  ide (trg t)"
        using trg_char ide_charFP arr_char F.preserves_trg G.preserves_trg
        apply simp
        using F.preserves_trg G.preserves_trg by metis
      show 1: "a t. ide a; t  a  t \\ a = t"
        by (simp add: A.resid_arr_ide B.resid_arr_ide con_char ide_charFP
      show "a t. ide a; a  t  ide (a \\ t)"
        by (metis 1 arr_resid_iff_con con_sym cube ide_def)
      show "t u. t  u  a. ide a  a  t  a  u"
      proof -
        fix t u
        assume con: "t  u"
        obtain a where a: "A.ide a  a A fst t  a A fst u"
          using con con_char A.con_imp_coinitial_ax by fastforce
        obtain b where b: "B.ide b  b B snd t  b B snd u"
          using con con_char B.con_imp_coinitial_ax by fastforce
        have "F a = G b"
          by (metis C.src_eqI F.preserves_con F.preserves_ide G.preserves_con
              G.preserves_ide a b con con_char)
        thus "a. ide a  a  t  a  u"
          using a b ide_charFP con con_char by auto
      show "t u v. ide (t \\ u); u  v  t \\ u  v \\ u"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.con_target B.con_target arr_char
            arr_resid_iff_con con_char con_sym fst_conv ide_charFP
            ide_implies_arr resid_def snd_conv)

    notation prfx  (infix  50)
    notation cong  (infix  50)

    lemma prfx_char:
    shows "t  u  F (fst t) = G (snd t)  F (fst u) = G (snd u) 
                     fst t A fst u  snd t B snd u"
      using A.prfx_implies_con B.prfx_implies_con ide_charFP resid_def
      by auto

    lemma cong_charFP:
    shows "t  u  F (fst t) = G (snd t)  F (fst u) = G (snd u) 
                     fst t A fst u  snd t B snd u"
      using prfx_char by auto

    lemma sources_char:
    shows "sources t =
           {a. F (fst t) = G (snd t)  F (fst a) = G (snd a) 
               fst a  A.sources (fst t)  snd a  B.sources (snd t)}"
      using con_char ide_charFP sources_def by auto

    lemma targets_charFP:
    shows "targets t =
           {a. F (fst t) = G (snd t)  F (fst a) = G (snd a) 
               fst a  A.targets (fst t)  snd a  B.targets (snd t)}"
      show "targets t  {a. F (fst t) = G (snd t)  F (fst a) = G (snd a) 
                            fst a  A.targets (fst t)  snd a  B.targets (snd t)}"
        using arr_char arr_iff_has_target ide_charFP
        apply auto[1]
          apply (metis arr_char arr_composite_of composite_of_arr_ide in_targetsE
         apply (metis A.in_targetsI con_char con_implies_arr(1) fst_conv
            in_targetsE not_arr_null trg_char)
        by (metis B.in_targetsI con_char con_implies_arr(1) in_targetsE
            not_arr_null snd_conv trg_char)
      show "{a. F (fst t) = G (snd t)  F (fst a) = G (snd a) 
                fst a  A.targets (fst t)  snd a  B.targets (snd t)}  targets t"
        using A.arr_iff_has_target B.arr_iff_has_target arr_char con_char
          ide_charFP ide_trg targets_def trg_char
        by auto

    definition P0 :: "'a × 'b  'b"
    where "P0 t  if arr t then snd t else B.null"

    definition P1 :: "'a × 'b  'a"
    where "P1 t  if arr t then fst t else A.null"

    sublocale P0: simulation resid B P0
      using P0_def con_char resid_def arr_resid con_implies_arr(1-2)
      by unfold_locales auto

    lemma P0_is_simulation:
    shows "simulation resid B P0"

    sublocale P1: simulation resid A P1
      using P1_def con_char resid_def arr_resid con_implies_arr(1-2)
      by unfold_locales auto

    lemma P1_is_simulation:
    shows "simulation resid A P1"

    lemma commutativity:
    shows "F o P1 = G o P0"
      using F.extensionality G.extensionality P1_def P0_def arr_char by auto

    definition tuple :: "'x resid  ('x  'a)  ('x  'b)  'x  'a × 'b"
    where "tuple X H K  λt. if residuation.arr X t then (H t, K t) else null"

    lemma universality:
    assumes "rts X" and "simulation X A H" and "simulation X B K"
    and "F o H = G o K"
    shows [intro]: "simulation X resid (tuple X H K)"
    and "P1  tuple X H K = H" and "P0  tuple X H K = K"
    and "∃!HK. simulation X resid HK  P1 o HK = H  P0 o HK = K"
    proof -
      interpret X: rts X
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret H: simulation X A H
        using assms(2) by blast
      interpret K: simulation X B K
        using assms(3) by blast
      let ?HK = "tuple X H K"
      interpret HK: simulation X resid ?HK
        show "t. ¬ X.arr t  ?HK t = null"
          unfolding tuple_def by simp
        fix t u
        assume con: "X.con t u"
        have 1: "X.arr t  X.arr u"
          using con X.con_implies_arr(1) X.con_implies_arr(2) by force
        show 2: "con (?HK t) (?HK u)"
          by (metis 1 assms(4) comp_apply con con_char fst_conv tuple_def
              H.preserves_con K.preserves_con snd_conv)
        show "?HK (X t u) = resid (?HK t) (?HK u)"
          using 1 2 con resid_def null_char con_char arr_char
          by (simp add: tuple_def)
      show "simulation X resid (tuple X H K)"
      show "P1  ?HK = H"
        fix t
        show "(P1  ?HK) t = H t"
          using P1_def HK.preserves_reflects_arr
          by (simp add: H.extensionality tuple_def)
      moreover show "P0  ?HK = K"
        fix t
        show "(P0  ?HK) t = K t"
          using P0_def HK.preserves_reflects_arr
          by (simp add: K.extensionality tuple_def)
      have "simulation X resid ?HK  P1  ?HK = H  P0  ?HK = K"
        using HK.simulation_axioms by simp
      moreover have "M. simulation X resid M  P1  M = H  P0  M = K
                             M = ?HK"
        unfolding P1_def P0_def tuple_def
        using simulation.extensionality simulation.preserves_reflects_arr
        by fastforce
      ultimately show "∃!HK. simulation X resid HK 
                             P1 o HK = H  P0 o HK = K"
        by auto

    (* TODO: Show the corresponding universality property for transformations. *)

    lemma preserves_weakly_extensional_rts:
    assumes "weakly_extensional_rts A" and "weakly_extensional_rts B"
    shows "weakly_extensional_rts resid"
      using assms
      by unfold_locales
         (metis con_char ide_charFP prod.exhaust_sel prfx_implies_con

    lemma preserves_extensional_rts:
    assumes "extensional_rts A" and "extensional_rts B"
    shows "extensional_rts resid"
      using assms
      by unfold_locales
         (metis (no_types, lifting) extensional_rts.extensionality fst_conv ide_charFP
          ide_implies_arr not_arr_null null_char prod.exhaust_sel resid_def snd_conv)

    lemma preserves_small_rts:
    assumes "small_rts A" and "small_rts B"
    shows "small_rts resid"
      interpret A: small_rts A
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret B: small_rts B
        using assms(2) by blast
      show "small (Collect arr)"
      proof -
        have 1: "Collect arr  {t. A.arr (fst t)  B.arr (snd t)}"
          using arr_char by blast
        obtain φ
          where φ: "inj_on φ (Collect A.arr)  φ ` Collect A.arr  range elts"
          using A.small small_def by metis
        obtain ψ
          where ψ: "inj_on ψ (Collect B.arr)  ψ ` Collect B.arr  range elts"
          using B.small small_def by metis
        let ?φψ = "λab. vpair (φ (fst ab)) (ψ (snd ab))"
        have "inj_on ?φψ (Collect arr)"
          using 1 φ ψ arr_char inj_on_def [of φ "Collect A.arr"]
                inj_on_def [of ψ "Collect B.arr"] prod.expand
          by (intro inj_onI) force
        moreover have "?φψ ` Collect arr  range elts"
        proof -
          have "?φψ ` Collect arr 
                elts (vtimes (set (φ ` Collect A.arr)) (set (ψ ` Collect B.arr)))"
            using A.small B.small arr_char by auto
          thus ?thesis
            by (meson down_raw)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (meson small_def)


  locale fibered_product_of_weakly_extensional_rts =
    A: weakly_extensional_rts A +
    B: weakly_extensional_rts B +

    sublocale weakly_extensional_rts resid
      using A.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms B.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms
      by auto

    lemma is_weakly_extensional_rts:
    shows "weakly_extensional_rts resid"

    lemma src_char:
    shows "src t = (if arr t then (A.src (fst t), B.src (snd t)) else null)"
    proof (cases "arr t")
      show "¬ arr t  ?thesis"
        using src_def by presburger
      assume t: "arr t"
      show ?thesis
      proof (intro src_eqI)
        show "ide (if arr t then (A.src (fst t), B.src (snd t)) else null)"
          using t ide_charFP
          by simp (metis A.src_eqI B.src_eqI con_arr_src(2) con_char ide_src)
        show "(if arr t then (A.src (fst t), B.src (snd t)) else null)  t"
          using t con_char arr_char
          by simp
             (metis A.arr_def A.src_eqI B.arr_def B.src_eqI
                    con_imp_coinitial_ax ide_charFP)


  locale fibered_product_of_extensional_rts =
    A: extensional_rts A +
    B: extensional_rts B +

    sublocale fibered_product_of_weakly_extensional_rts A B ..
    sublocale extensional_rts resid
      using A.extensional_rts_axioms B.extensional_rts_axioms preserves_extensional_rts
      by blast

    lemma is_extensional_rts:
    shows "extensional_rts resid"


  locale fibered_product_of_small_rts =
    A: small_rts A +
    B: small_rts B +

    sublocale small_rts resid
      by (simp add: A.small_rts_axioms B.small_rts_axioms preserves_small_rts)

    lemma is_small_rts:
    shows "small_rts resid"


section "Product RTS"

    It is possible to define a product construction for RTS's as a special case of the
    fibered product, but some inconveniences result from that approach.
    In addition, we have already defined a product construction in
    @{theory ResiduatedTransitionSystem.ResiduatedTransitionSystem}.
    So, we will build on that existing construction.

  notation product_rts.resid  (infixr  51)

  definition pointwise_tuple :: "('x  'a)  ('x  'b)  'x  'a × 'b"  (⟨⟨_, _⟩⟩)
  where "pointwise_tuple H K  (λt. (H t, K t))"

  context product_rts

    definition P0 :: "'a × 'b  'b"
    where "P0 t  if arr t then snd t else B.null"

    definition P1 :: "'a × 'b  'a"
    where "P1 t  if arr t then fst t else A.null"

    sublocale P0: simulation resid B P0
      using P0_def con_char resid_def arr_resid con_implies_arr(1-2)
      by unfold_locales auto

    lemma P0_is_simulation:
    shows "simulation resid B P0"

    sublocale P1: simulation resid A P1
      using P1_def con_char resid_def arr_resid con_implies_arr(1-2)
      by unfold_locales auto

    lemma P1_is_simulation:
    shows "simulation resid A P1"

    abbreviation tuple :: "('x  'a)  ('x  'b)  'x  'a × 'b"
    where "tuple  pointwise_tuple"

    lemma universality:
    assumes "simulation X A H" and "simulation X B K"
    shows [intro]: "simulation X resid ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩"
    and "P1  ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ = H" and "P0  ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ = K"
    and "∃!HK. simulation X resid HK  P1 o HK = H  P0 o HK = K"
    proof -
      interpret H: simulation X A H
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret K: simulation X B K
        using assms(2) by blast
      interpret HK: simulation X resid ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩
        show "t. ¬ H.A.arr t  ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ t = null"
          by (simp add: H.extensionality K.extensionality pointwise_tuple_def)
        fix t u
        assume con: "H.A.con t u"
        have 1: "H.A.arr t  H.A.arr u"
          using con H.A.con_implies_arr(1-2) by force
        show "con (⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ t) (⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ u)"
          using 1 con con_char H.preserves_con K.preserves_con pointwise_tuple_def
          by (metis fst_conv snd_conv)
        thus "⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ (X t u) = resid (⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ t) (⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ u)"
          unfolding pointwise_tuple_def
          using 1 con resid_def null_char con_char arr_char
          by simp
      show "simulation X resid ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩" ..
      show "P1  ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ = H"
        unfolding pointwise_tuple_def
        using P1_def HK.preserves_reflects_arr 
        by (auto simp add: H.extensionality)
      moreover show "P0  ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ = K"
        unfolding pointwise_tuple_def
        using P0_def HK.preserves_reflects_arr
        by (auto simp add: K.extensionality)
      ultimately have "simulation X resid ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ 
                         P1  ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ = H  P0  ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ = K"
        using HK.simulation_axioms by simp
      moreover have "M. simulation X resid M  P1  M = H  P0  M = K
                             M = ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩"
        fix M t
        assume 1: "simulation X resid M  P1  M = H  P0  M = K"
        interpret M: simulation X resid M
          using 1 by blast
        show "M t = ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ t"
          using 1 M.extensionality M.preserves_reflects_arr
          unfolding P1_def P0_def pointwise_tuple_def
          by force
      show "∃!HK. simulation X resid HK  P1 o HK = H  P0 o HK = K"
        by auto

    lemma proj_joint_monic:
    assumes "simulation X resid F" and "simulation X resid G"
    and "P0  F = P0  G" and "P1  F = P1  G"
    shows "F = G"
      using assms(1-4) P0_is_simulation P1_is_simulation universality(4)
      by blast

    lemma tuple_proj:
    assumes "simulation X resid F"
    shows "⟨⟨P1  F, P0  F⟩⟩ = F"
      by (meson P0_is_simulation P1_is_simulation proj_joint_monic assms
          universality(1-3) simulation_comp)

    lemma proj_tuple:
    assumes "simulation X A F" and "simulation X B G"
    shows "P1  ⟨⟨F, G⟩⟩ = F" and "P0  ⟨⟨F, G⟩⟩ = G"
      using assms(1-2) universality(2-3) by auto

    lemma preserves_weakly_extensional_rts:
    assumes "weakly_extensional_rts A" and "weakly_extensional_rts B"
    shows "weakly_extensional_rts resid"
      by (metis assms(1-2) ide_char prfx_char prod.exhaust_sel rts_axioms
          weakly_extensional_rts.intro weakly_extensional_rts.weak_extensionality

    lemma preserves_extensional_rts:
    assumes "extensional_rts A" and "extensional_rts B"
    shows "extensional_rts resid"
    proof -
      interpret A: extensional_rts A
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret B: extensional_rts B
        using assms(2) by blast
      show ?thesis
        by unfold_locales
           (metis A.extensionality B.extensionality cong_char prod.collapse)

    lemma preserves_small_rts:
    assumes "small_rts A" and "small_rts B"
    shows "small_rts resid"
      interpret A: small_rts A
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret B: small_rts B
        using assms(2) by blast
      show "small (Collect arr)"
      proof -
        (* It is slightly shorter to use what has already been shown for fibered product. *)
        interpret One: one_arr_rts TYPE(bool)
          by unfold_locales auto
        interpret simulation A One.resid One.terminator A
          using One.terminator_is_simulation A.rts_axioms by blast
        interpret simulation B One.resid One.terminator B
          using One.terminator_is_simulation B.rts_axioms by blast
        interpret AxB: fibered_product_of_small_rts A B One.resid
                           One.terminator A One.terminator B ..
        have "Collect arr  Collect AxB.arr"
          using AxB.arr_char arr_char One.terminator_def
          by (metis Collect_mono)
        moreover have "small (Collect AxB.arr)"
          using AxB.small by blast
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using smaller_than_small by blast

    lemma preserves_rts_with_composites:
    assumes "rts_with_composites A" and "rts_with_composites B"
    shows "rts_with_composites resid"
      fix t u
      assume seq: "seq t u"
      have 1: "A.seq (fst t) (fst u)"
        using seq sources_char targets_char
        apply (elim seqE, intro A.seqI)
         apply auto[1]
        by (simp add: A.arr_iff_has_target B.arr_iff_has_target times_eq_iff)
      have 2: "B.seq (snd t) (snd u)"
        using seq sources_char targets_char
        apply (elim seqE, intro B.seqI)
         apply auto[1]
        by (simp add: A.arr_iff_has_target B.arr_iff_has_target times_eq_iff)
      obtain fv where fv: "A.composite_of (fst t) (fst u) fv"
        using 1
        by (meson assms(1) rts_with_composites.obtains_composite_of)
      obtain sv where sv: "B.composite_of (snd t) (snd u) sv"
        using 2
        by (meson assms(2) rts_with_composites.obtains_composite_of)
      have "composite_of t u (fv, sv)"
        show "t  (fv, sv)"
          using fv prfx_char sv by auto
        show "(fv, sv) \\ t  u"
          show "(fv, sv) \\ t  u"
            using fv sv
            apply (elim A.composite_ofE B.composite_ofE)
            by (metis A.con_implies_arr(1) A.not_arr_null A.residuation_axioms
                B.con_sym fst_conv prfx_char resid_def residuation.conI snd_conv)
          show "u  (fv, sv) \\ t"
            using fv sv
            apply (elim A.composite_ofE B.composite_ofE)
            by (simp add: A.con_sym A.prfx_implies_con B.con_sym B.prfx_implies_con
                product_rts.resid_def product_rts_axioms)
      thus "composable t u"
        using composable_def by auto

    lemma preserves_extensional_rts_with_composites:
    assumes "extensional_rts_with_composites A" and "extensional_rts_with_composites B"
    shows "extensional_rts_with_composites resid"
      using assms preserves_extensional_rts preserves_rts_with_composites
      by (simp add: extensional_rts_with_composites_def)


  locale product_of_extensional_rts =
    A: extensional_rts A +
    B: extensional_rts B +

    sublocale product_of_weakly_extensional_rts A B ..

    sublocale extensional_rts resid
      using A.extensional_rts_axioms B.extensional_rts_axioms preserves_extensional_rts
      by blast

    lemma is_extensional_rts:
    shows "extensional_rts resid"

    lemma proj_tuple2:
    assumes "transformation X A F G S" and "transformation X B H K T"
    shows "P1  ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ = S" and "P0  ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ = T"
    proof -
      interpret S: transformation X A F G S
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret T: transformation X B H K T
        using assms(2) by blast
      show "P1  ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ = S"
        fix t
        show "(P1  ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩) t = S t"
          unfolding pointwise_tuple_def P1_def
          using S.extensionality S.preserves_arr T.preserves_arr
          apply auto[1]
          by metis+
      show "P0  ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ = T"
        fix t
        show "(P0  ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩) t = T t"
          unfolding pointwise_tuple_def P0_def
          using T.extensionality S.preserves_arr T.preserves_arr
          apply auto[1]
          by metis+

    lemma universality2:
    assumes "simulation X resid F" and "simulation X resid G"
    and "transformation X A (P1  F) (P1  G) S"
    and "transformation X B (P0  F) (P0  G) T"
    shows [intro]: "transformation X resid F G ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩"
    and "P1  ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ = S" and "P0  ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ = T"
    and "∃!ST. transformation X resid F G ST  P1 o ST = S  P0 o ST = T"
    proof -
      interpret X: rts X
        using assms(1) simulation_def by auto
      interpret A: weakly_extensional_rts A
        using assms(3) transformation_def by blast
      interpret B: weakly_extensional_rts B
        using assms(4) transformation_def by blast
      interpret X: rts X
        using assms(4) transformation_def by blast
      interpret F: simulation X resid F
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret F: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts X resid F ..
      interpret G: simulation X resid G
        using assms(2) by blast
      interpret G: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts X resid G ..
      interpret P1oF: composite_simulation X resid A F P1 ..
      interpret P1oF: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts X A ..
      interpret P1oG: composite_simulation X resid A G P1 ..
      interpret P1oG: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts X A ..
      interpret P0oF: composite_simulation X resid B F P0 ..
      interpret P0oF: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts X A ..
      interpret P0oG: composite_simulation X resid B G P0 ..
      interpret P0oF: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts X A ..
      interpret S: transformation X A P1  F P1  G S
        using assms(3) by blast
      interpret S: transformation_to_extensional_rts X A P1  F P1  G S ..
      interpret T: transformation X B P0  F P0  G T
        using assms(4) by blast
      interpret T: transformation_to_extensional_rts X B P0  F P0  G T ..
      interpret ST: transformation X resid F G ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩
        show "t. ¬ X.arr t  ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ t = null"
          by (simp add: S.extensionality T.extensionality pointwise_tuple_def)
        fix t
        assume t: "X.ide t"
        have arr: "arr (⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ t)"
          unfolding pointwise_tuple_def
          using t S.preserves_arr T.preserves_arr by auto
        show "src (⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ t) = F t"
        proof -
          have "F t = ((P1  F) t, (P0  F) t)"
            using t tuple_proj F.simulation_axioms pointwise_tuple_def
            by metis
          thus ?thesis
            using arr src_char arr_char
            by (simp add: S.preserves_src T.preserves_src t pointwise_tuple_def)
        show "trg (⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ t) = G t"
        proof -
          have "G t = ((P1  G) t, (P0  G) t)"
            using t tuple_proj G.simulation_axioms pointwise_tuple_def
            by metis
          thus ?thesis
            using arr trg_char arr_char
            by (simp add: S.preserves_trg T.preserves_trg t pointwise_tuple_def)
        show "a a'. X.ide a; X.cong a a'  tuple S T a = tuple S T a'"
          by (simp add: S.respects_cong_ide T.respects_cong_ide pointwise_tuple_def)
        fix a t
        assume t: "a  X.sources t"
        have con1: "S a A P1 (F t)"
        proof -
          have "S t = A.join (S a) (P1 (F t))"
            by (metis A.join_is_join_of A.join_of_unique A.joinable_def S.naturality3
                comp_apply t)
          hence "A.prfx (S a) (S t)  A.prfx (P1 (F t)) (S t)"
            by (metis A.composite_ofE S.naturality1' S.preserves_prfx X.con_implies_arr(1)
                X.in_sourcesE X.source_is_prfx o_apply t)
          thus ?thesis
            using A.con_prfx(1) A.prfx_implies_con by blast
        moreover have con0: "T a B P0 (F t)"
        proof -
          have "T t = B.join (T a) (P0 (F t))"
            by (metis B.join_is_join_of B.join_of_unique B.joinable_def T.naturality3
                o_apply t)
          hence "B.prfx (T a) (T t)  B.prfx (P0 (F t)) (T t)"
            by (metis B.arr_prfx_join_self B.join_def B.join_sym B.null_is_zero(2)
                T.preserves_prfx X.source_is_prfx t)
          thus ?thesis
            using B.con_prfx(1) B.prfx_implies_con by blast
        show "⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ a \\ F t = ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ (X a t)"
        proof -
          have "⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ a \\ F t =
                (S a, T a) \\ (P1 (F t), P0 (F t))"
            using t tuple_proj [of X F] F.simulation_axioms
                  pointwise_tuple_def [of S T]
                  pointwise_tuple_def [of]
            apply auto[1]
            by metis
          also have "... = (S a \\A P1 (F t), T a \\B P0 (F t))"
            using t con0 con1 resid_def by auto
          also have "... = (S (X a t), T (X a t))"
            using S.naturality1_ax T.naturality1_ax t by force
          also have "... = ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ (X a t)"
            using t pointwise_tuple_def by metis
          finally show ?thesis by force
        show "F t \\ ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ a = G t"
        proof -
          have "F t \\ ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ a =
                (P1 (F t), P0 (F t)) \\ (S a, T a)"
            using t tuple_proj [of X F] F.simulation_axioms
                  pointwise_tuple_def [of S T]
                  pointwise_tuple_def [of]
            apply auto[1]
            by metis
          also have "... = (P1 (F t) \\A S a, P0 (F t) \\B T a)"
            by (simp add: A.con_sym B.con_sym con0 con1 resid_def)
          also have "... = ( t, t)"
            using S.naturality2_ax T.naturality2_ax t by auto
          also have "... = G t"
            using t tuple_proj G.simulation_axioms pointwise_tuple_def by metis
          finally show ?thesis by blast
        show "join_of (⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ a) (F t) (⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ t)"
        proof -
          have "A.join_of (S a) ( t) (S t)"
            using t con1 S.naturality3 by blast
          moreover have "B.join_of (T a) ( t) (T t)"
            using T.naturality3 t by blast
          ultimately show ?thesis
            unfolding pointwise_tuple_def
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) A.con_implies_arr(2) P0_def
                P1.preserves_reflects_arr P1_def comp_apply con1 fst_conv
                join_of_char(1) snd_conv)
      show 1: "transformation X (\\) F G ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩" ..
      show 2: "P1  ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ = S" and 3: "P0  ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ = T"
        using proj_tuple2 S.transformation_axioms T.transformation_axioms
        by blast+
      show "∃!ST. transformation X (\\) F G ST  P1  ST = S  P0  ST = T"
      proof -
        have "ST. transformation X (\\) F G ST; P1  ST = S; P0  ST = T
                        ST = ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩"
        proof -
          fix ST
          assume ST: "transformation X resid F G ST"
          assume 0: "P0  ST = T"
          assume 1: "P1  ST = S"
          interpret ST: transformation X resid F G ST
            using ST by blast
          show "ST = ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩"
            fix t
            show "ST t = ⟨⟨S, T⟩⟩ t"
              unfolding pointwise_tuple_def
              using 0 1 ST.preserves_arr ST.extensionality P0_def P1_def
              apply auto[1]
              by (metis prod.exhaust_sel)
        thus ?thesis
          using 1 2 3 by metis

    lemma proj_joint_monic2:
    assumes "transformation X resid F G S" and "transformation X resid F G T"
    and "P0  S = P0  T" and "P1  S = P1  T"
    shows "S = T"
      using assms transformation_whisker_left [of X resid F G S] universality2(4)
            A.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms B.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms
            P1.simulation_axioms P0.simulation_axioms
      by (metis transformation_def)

    lemma join_char:
    shows "join t u =
           (if joinable t u
            then (A.join (fst t) (fst u), B.join (snd t) (snd u))
            else null)"
      by (metis A.join_is_join_of B.join_is_join_of fst_conv join_is_join_of
          join_of_char(1-2) join_of_unique joinable_iff_join_not_null snd_conv)

    lemma join_simp:
    assumes "joinable t u"
    shows "join t u = (A.join (fst t) (fst u), B.join (snd t) (snd u))"
      using assms join_char by auto


  locale product_of_small_rts =
    A: small_rts A +
    B: small_rts B +

    sublocale small_rts resid
      using A.small_rts_axioms B.small_rts_axioms preserves_small_rts
      by blast

    lemma is_small_rts:
    shows "small_rts resid"


  lemma simulation_tuple [intro]:
  assumes "simulation X A H" and "simulation X B K"
  and "Y = A  B"
  shows "simulation X Y ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩"
    using assms product_rts.universality(1) [of A B X H K]
    by (simp add: product_rts.intro simulation_def)

  lemma simulation_product [intro]:
  assumes "simulation A B H" and "simulation C D K"
  and "X = A  C" and "Y = B  D"
  shows "simulation X Y ( A C H K)"
    using assms
    by (meson product_rts_def product_rts_def product_simulation.intro
        product_simulation.is_simulation simulation_def simulation_def)

  lemma comp_pointwise_tuple:
  shows "⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩  L = ⟨⟨H  L, K  L⟩⟩"
    unfolding pointwise_tuple_def
    by auto

  lemma comp_product_simulation_tuple2:
  assumes "simulation A A' F" and "simulation B B' G"
  and "transformation X A H0 H1 H" and "transformation X B K0 K1 K"
  shows " A B F G  ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ = ⟨⟨F  H, G  K⟩⟩"
  proof -
    interpret X: rts X
      using assms(3) transformation.axioms(1) by blast
    interpret A: rts A
      using assms(1) simulation.axioms(1) by blast
    interpret B: rts B
      using assms(2) simulation.axioms(1) by blast
    interpret A': rts A'
      using assms(1) simulation.axioms(2) by blast
    interpret B': rts B'
      using assms(2) simulation.axioms(2) by blast
    interpret AxB: product_rts A B ..
    interpret A'xB': product_rts A' B' ..
    interpret F: simulation A A' F
      using assms by blast
    interpret G: simulation B B' G
       using assms by blast
    interpret FxG: product_simulation A B A' B' F G ..
    interpret H: transformation X A H0 H1 H
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret K: transformation X B K0 K1 K
      using assms(4) by blast
    show ?thesis
      fix x
      show "(  ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩) x = ⟨⟨F  H, G  K⟩⟩ x"
        using FxG.extensionality pointwise_tuple_def F.extensionality G.extensionality
              H.extensionality K.extensionality H.preserves_arr K.preserves_arr
        by (cases "X.arr x") (auto simp add: pointwise_tuple_def)

  lemma comp_product_simulation_tuple:
  assumes "simulation A A' F" and "simulation B B' G"
  and "simulation X A H" and "simulation X B K"
  shows " A B F G  ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩ = ⟨⟨F  H, G  K⟩⟩"
  proof -
    (* Proof is repeated because I don't want to have the extensionality assumption. *)
    interpret X: rts X
      using assms(3) simulation.axioms(1) by blast
    interpret A: rts A
      using assms(1) simulation.axioms(1) by blast
    interpret B: rts B
      using assms(2) simulation.axioms(1) by blast
    interpret A': rts A'
      using assms(1) simulation.axioms(2) by blast
    interpret B': rts B'
      using assms(2) simulation.axioms(2) by blast
    interpret AxB: product_rts A B ..
    interpret A'xB': product_rts A' B' ..
    interpret F: simulation A A' F
      using assms by blast
    interpret G: simulation B B' G
       using assms by blast
    interpret FxG: product_simulation A B A' B' F G ..
    interpret H: simulation X A H
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret K: simulation X B K
      using assms(4) by blast
    show ?thesis
      fix x
      show "(  ⟨⟨H, K⟩⟩) x = ⟨⟨F  H, G  K⟩⟩ x"
        using FxG.extensionality pointwise_tuple_def F.extensionality G.extensionality
              H.extensionality K.extensionality H.preserves_reflects_arr
        by (cases "X.arr x") (auto simp add: pointwise_tuple_def)

   * TODO: The (strong) extensionality assumption on B1 and B0 is present because
   * the proof uses transformation_by_components, which requires that assumption.
   * It might be possible to weaken the locale assumptions for transformation_by_components,
   * in which case we would need only weak extensionality of B1 and B0 here.

  locale product_transformation =
    A1: rts A1 +
    A0: rts A0 +
    B1: extensional_rts B1 +
    B0: extensional_rts B0 +
    A1xA0: product_rts A1 A0 +
    B1xB0: product_rts B1 B0 +
    F1: simulation A1 B1 F1 +
    F0: simulation A0 B0 F0 +
    G1: simulation A1 B1 G1 +
    G0: simulation A0 B0 G0 +
    T1: transformation A1 B1 F1 G1 T1 +
    T0: transformation A0 B0 F0 G0 T0
  for A1 :: "'a1 resid"      (infix \A1 70)
  and A0 :: "'a0 resid"      (infix \A0 70)
  and B1 :: "'b1 resid"      (infix \B1 70)
  and B0 :: "'b0 resid"      (infix \B0 70)
  and F1 :: "'a1  'b1"
  and F0 :: "'a0  'b0"
  and G1 :: "'a1  'b1"
  and G0 :: "'a0  'b0"
  and T1 :: "'a1  'b1"
  and T0 :: "'a0  'b0"

    sublocale F1: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A1 B1 F1 ..
    sublocale F0: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A0 B0 F0 ..
    sublocale G1: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A1 B1 G1 ..
    sublocale G0: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A0 B0 G0 ..

    sublocale A1xA0: product_rts A1 A0 ..
    sublocale B1xB0: product_of_extensional_rts B1 B0 ..
    sublocale F1xF0: product_simulation A1 A0 B1 B0 F1 F0 ..
    sublocale G1xG0: product_simulation A1 A0 B1 B0 G1 G0 ..

    abbreviation (input) map0 :: "'a1 × 'a0  'b1 × 'b0"
    where "map0  (λa. (T1 (fst a), T0 (snd a)))"

    sublocale TC: transformation_by_components
                    A1xA0.resid B1xB0.resid map0
      show "a. A1xA0.ide a  B1xB0.src (map0 a) = a"
        unfolding F1xF0.map_def
        using T1.preserves_arr T0.preserves_arr T1.preserves_src T0.preserves_src
        by auto
      show "a. A1xA0.ide a  B1xB0.trg (map0 a) = a"
        unfolding G1xG0.map_def
        using T1.preserves_arr T0.preserves_arr T1.preserves_trg T0.preserves_trg
        by auto
      show "a a'. A1xA0.ide a; A1xA0.cong a a'
                       (T1 (fst a), T0 (snd a)) = (T1 (fst a'), T0 (snd a'))"
        using A1xA0.cong_char T0.respects_cong_ide T1.respects_cong_ide by auto
      fix a t
      assume t: "a  A1xA0.sources t"
      show "B1xB0.resid (map0 a) ( t) = map0 (A1xA0.resid a t)"
      proof -
        have "B1xB0.resid (map0 a) ( t) =
              (T1 (fst a) \\B1 F1 (fst t), T0 (snd a) \\B0 F0 (snd t))"
          using t F1xF0.map_def B1xB0.resid_def
          apply simp
          by (meson A1xA0.arr_char A1xA0.con_char A1xA0.con_implies_arr(1)
              A1xA0.in_sourcesE A1xA0.prfx_implies_con A1xA0.source_is_prfx
              T0.preserves_con(2) T1.preserves_con(2))
        also have "... = map0 (A1xA0.resid a t)"
          unfolding A1xA0.resid_def
          using t A0.prfx_implies_con A1.prfx_implies_con A1xA0.prfx_char
                A1xA0.source_is_prfx T0.naturality1_ax T1.naturality1_ax
          by auto
        finally show ?thesis by blast
      show "B1xB0.resid ( t) (map0 a) =
        using t F1xF0.map_def G1xG0.map_def B1xB0.resid_def
        apply simp
        by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) A0.in_sourcesI A0.not_arr_null
            A1.in_sourcesI A1.not_arr_null A1xA0.con_char A1xA0.ide_char
            A1xA0.in_sourcesE B0.arr_resid_iff_con B0.not_con_null(1)
            B1.arr_resid_iff_con F0.extensionality G0.extensionality
            G0.preserves_reflects_arr G1.extensionality G1.preserves_reflects_arr
            T0.naturality2_ax T1.naturality2_ax)
      show "B1xB0.joinable (map0 a) ( t)"
        using t F1xF0.map_def T1.naturality3 T0.naturality3
        apply simp
        by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) A0.con_implies_arr(1) A0.in_sourcesI
            A1.con_implies_arr(1) A1.in_sourcesI A1xA0.con_char A1xA0.ide_char
            A1xA0.in_sourcesE B0.joinable_def B1.joinable_def B1xB0.join_of_char(2)
            fst_conv snd_conv)

    definition map :: "'a1 × 'a0  'b1 × 'b0"
    where "map"

    sublocale transformation
                A1xA0.resid B1xB0.resid map
      unfolding map_def ..

    lemma is_transformation:
    shows "transformation A1xA0.resid B1xB0.resid map"

    lemma map_simp:
    shows "map t = B1xB0.join (map0 (A1xA0.src t)) ( t)"
      unfolding map_def TC.map_def by blast

    lemma map_simp_ide:
    assumes "A1xA0.ide t"
    shows "map t = map0 (A1xA0.src t)"
      unfolding map_def
      using A1xA0.src_cong_ide TC.map_simp_ide TC.respects_cong_ide assms
      by presburger


  lemma comp_product_transformation_tuple:
  assumes "transformation_to_extensional_rts A1 B1 F1 G1 T1"
  and "transformation_to_extensional_rts A0 B0 F0 G0 T0"
  and "simulation X A1 H1" and "simulation X A0 H0"
  shows " A1 A0 B1 B0 F1 F0 T1 T0  ⟨⟨H1, H0⟩⟩ =
         ⟨⟨T1  H1, T0  H0⟩⟩"
  proof -
    interpret X: rts X
      using assms(3) simulation.axioms(1) by blast
    interpret A1: rts A1
      using assms(1) transformation_to_extensional_rts.axioms(1)
      by blast
    interpret A0: rts A0
      using assms(2) transformation_to_extensional_rts.axioms(1)
      by blast
    interpret B1: extensional_rts B1
      using assms(1) transformation_to_extensional_rts.axioms(2) by blast
    interpret B0: extensional_rts B0
      using assms(2) transformation_to_extensional_rts.axioms(2) by blast
    interpret F1: simulation A1 B1 F1
      using assms(1) transformation_to_extensional_rts.axioms(1)
            transformation.axioms(3) simulation.axioms(3)
      by blast
    interpret F0: simulation A0 B0 F0
      using assms(2) transformation_to_extensional_rts.axioms(1)
            transformation.axioms(3) simulation.axioms(3)
      by blast
    interpret G1: simulation A1 B1 G1
      using assms(1) transformation_to_extensional_rts.axioms(1)
            transformation.axioms(4) simulation.axioms(3)
      by blast
    interpret G0: simulation A0 B0 G0
      using assms(2) transformation_to_extensional_rts.axioms(1)
            transformation.axioms(4) simulation.axioms(3)
      by blast
    interpret T1: transformation_to_extensional_rts A1 B1 F1 G1 T1
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret T0: transformation_to_extensional_rts A0 B0 F0 G0 T0
      using assms(2) by blast
    interpret A1xA0: product_rts A1 A0 ..
    interpret B1xB0: product_of_extensional_rts B1 B0 ..
    interpret F1xF0: product_simulation A1 A0 B1 B0 F1 F0 ..
    interpret G1xG0: product_simulation A1 A0 B1 B0 G1 G0 ..
    interpret T1xT0: product_transformation A1 A0 B1 B0 F1 F0 G1 G0 T1 T0
    interpret H1: simulation X A1 H1
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret H0: simulation X A0 H0
      using assms(4) by blast
    show ?thesis
      fix x
      show "(  ⟨⟨H1, H0⟩⟩) x = ⟨⟨T1  H1, T0  H0⟩⟩ x"
      proof -
        have "X.arr x 
                  (T1 (fst (A1xA0.src (H1 x, H0 x))),
                   T0 (snd (A1xA0.src (H1 x, H0 x))))
                  (F1 (H1 x), F0 (H0 x)) =
              (T1 (H1 x), T0 (H0 x))"
        proof -
          assume x: "X.arr x"
          have "B1xB0.join
                  (T1 (fst (A1xA0.src (H1 x, H0 x))),
                   T0 (snd (A1xA0.src (H1 x, H0 x))))
                  (F1 (H1 x), F0 (H0 x)) =
                  (T1 (A1.src (H1 x)), T0 (A0.src (H0 x)))
                  (F1 (H1 x), F0 (H0 x))"
            by (metis A0.src_congI A1.src_congI A1xA0.arr_char A1xA0.con_arr_src(2)
                A1xA0.con_char A1xA0.ide_char A1xA0.ide_src H0.preserves_reflects_arr
                H1.preserves_reflects_arr T0.respects_cong_ide T1.respects_cong_ide
                fst_conv snd_conv x)
          also have "... = (T1 (H1 x), T0 (H0 x))"
            using x B1xB0.join_char
            by (simp add: B1xB0.join_of_char(2) T0.naturality3'E(1-2)
          finally show ?thesis by blast
        thus ?thesis
          using pointwise_tuple_def H1.extensionality H0.extensionality
                T1.extensionality T0.extensionality T1xT0.extensionality T1xT0.map_def
                T1xT0.TC.map_def comp_product_simulation_tuple
                F1xF0.product_simulation_axioms G1xG0.product_simulation_axioms
          by (cases "X.arr x") (auto simp add: pointwise_tuple_def)

  lemma simulation_interchange:
  assumes "simulation A A' F" and "simulation B B' G"
  and "simulation A' A'' F'" and "simulation B' B'' G'"
  shows " A B (F'  F) (G'  G) = A' B' F' G' A B F G"
  proof -
    interpret F: simulation A A' F
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret G: simulation B B' G
      using assms(2) by blast
    interpret F': simulation A' A'' F'
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret G': simulation B' B'' G'
      using assms(4) by blast
    interpret F'oF: composite_simulation A A' A'' F F' ..
    interpret G'oG: composite_simulation B B' B'' G G' ..
    interpret FxG: product_simulation A B A' B' F G ..
    interpret F'xG': product_simulation A' B' A'' B'' F' G' ..
    interpret F'oFxG'oG: product_simulation A B A'' B'' F'  F G'  G ..
    show "F'oFxG' = F'xG'.map"
      unfolding F'oFxG'oG.map_def FxG.map_def F'xG'.map_def
      using F.extensionality G.extensionality F'.extensionality G'.extensionality by auto

subsection "Associators"

  text ‹
    For any RTS's A›, B›, and C›, there exists an invertible ``associator'' simulation
    from the product RTS (A × B) × C)› to the product RTS A × (B × C)›.

  locale ASSOC =
    A: rts A +
    B: rts B +
    C: rts C
  for A :: "'a resid"
  and B :: "'b resid"
  and C :: "'c resid"

    sublocale AxB: product_rts A B ..
    sublocale BxC: product_rts B C ..
    sublocale AxB_xC: product_rts AxB.resid C ..
    sublocale Ax_BxC: product_rts A BxC.resid ..

    text ‹
      The following definition is expressed in a form that makes it evident that it
      defines a simulation.

    definition map :: "('a × 'b) × 'c  'a × 'b × 'c"
    where "map  Ax_BxC.tuple
                   (AxB.P1  AxB_xC.P1) 
                   (BxC.tuple (AxB.P0  AxB_xC.P1) AxB_xC.P0)"

    sublocale simulation AxB_xC.resid Ax_BxC.resid map
      unfolding map_def
      using AxB.P0.simulation_axioms AxB.P1.simulation_axioms
            AxB_xC.P0.simulation_axioms AxB_xC.P1.simulation_axioms
      by (intro simulation_tuple simulation_comp) auto

    lemma is_simulation:
    shows "simulation AxB_xC.resid Ax_BxC.resid map"

    text ‹
      The following explicit formula is more convenient for calculations.

    lemma map_eq:
    shows "map = (λx. if AxB_xC.arr x
                      then (fst (fst x), (snd (fst x), snd x))
                      else Ax_BxC.null)"
      unfolding map_def pointwise_tuple_def AxB.P0_def AxB.P1_def
        AxB_xC.P0_def AxB_xC.P1_def
      by auto

    definition map' :: "'a × 'b × 'c  ('a × 'b) × 'c"
    where "map'  AxB_xC.tuple
                    (AxB.tuple Ax_BxC.P1 (BxC.P1  Ax_BxC.P0))
                    (BxC.P0  Ax_BxC.P0)"

    sublocale inv: simulation Ax_BxC.resid AxB_xC.resid map'
      unfolding map'_def
      using BxC.P0.simulation_axioms BxC.P1.simulation_axioms
            Ax_BxC.P0.simulation_axioms Ax_BxC.P1.simulation_axioms
      by (intro simulation_tuple simulation_comp) auto

    lemma inv_is_simulation:
    shows "simulation Ax_BxC.resid AxB_xC.resid map'"

    lemma map'_eq:
    shows "map' =
           (λx. if Ax_BxC.arr x
                then ((fst x, fst (snd x)), snd (snd x))
                else AxB_xC.null)"
      unfolding map'_def pointwise_tuple_def BxC.P0_def BxC.P1_def
        Ax_BxC.P0_def Ax_BxC.P1_def
      by auto

    lemma inverse_simulations_map'_map:
    shows "inverse_simulations AxB_xC.resid Ax_BxC.resid map' map"
      show "map  map' = I Ax_BxC.resid"
        unfolding map_eq map'_eq by auto
      show "map'  map = I AxB_xC.resid"
        unfolding map_eq map'_eq by auto

section "Exponential RTS"

  text ‹
    The exponential [A, B]› of RTS's A› and B› has states corresponding to simulations
    from A› to B› and transitions corresponding to transformations between such simulations.
    Since our definition of transformation has assumed that A› and B› are weakly extensional,
    we need to include those assumptions here.  In addition, the definition of residuation
    for the exponential RTS uses the assumption of uniqueness of joins, so we actually assume
    that B› is extensional.  Things become rather inconvenient if this assumption is not made,
    and I have not investigated whether relaxing it is possible.

  locale consistent_transformations =
    A: rts A +
    B: extensional_rts B +
    F: simulation A B F +
    G: simulation A B G +
    H: simulation A B H +
    σ: transformation A B F G σ +
    τ: transformation A B F H τ
  for A :: "'a resid"      (infix \A 70)
  and B :: "'b resid"      (infix \B 70)
  and F :: "'a  'b"
  and G :: "'a  'b"
  and H :: "'a  'b"
  and σ :: "'a  'b"
  and τ :: "'a  'b" +
  assumes con: "A.ide a  B.con (σ a) (τ a)"

    sublocale σ: transformation_to_extensional_rts A B F G σ ..
    sublocale τ: transformation_to_extensional_rts A B F H τ ..

    sublocale sym: consistent_transformations A B F H G τ σ
      by (meson B.residuation_axioms con consistent_transformations_axioms
          consistent_transformations_axioms.intro consistent_transformations_def

    text ‹
      The ``apex'' determined by consistent transformations σ› and τ› is the simulation
      whose value at a transition t› of A› may be visualized as the apex of a rectangular
      parallelepiped, which is formed with t› as its base, the components at src c› of the
      transformations associated with the two transitions and their residuals,
      and the images of t› under these transformations.

    abbreviation apex :: "'a  'b"
    where "apex  (λt. if A.arr t
                       then H t \\B (σ (A.src t) \\B τ (A.src t))
                       else B.null)"

    abbreviation resid :: "'a  'b"
    where "resid  (λt. if A.arr t
                        then (σ (A.src t) \\B τ (A.src t)) B H t
                        else B.null)"


    For unknown reasons, it is necessary to close and re-open the context here in order
    to obtain access to sym› as a sublocale.

  context consistent_transformations

    lemma sym_apex_eq:
    shows "sym.apex = apex"
      fix t
      show "sym.apex t = apex t"
        by (metis (full_types) σ.naturality2 τ.naturality2 B.cube)

      The apex associated with two consistent transformations is a simulation.
      The proof that it preserves residuation can be visualized in terms of a
      three-dimensional figure consisting of four rectangular parallelepipeds connected
      into an overall diamond shape, with Dom τ t› and Dom σ u› (which is equal to Dom τ u›)
      and their residuals at the base of the overall diamond and with Apex σ τ t›
      and Apex σ τ u› at its peak.

    interpretation apex: simulation A B apex
      show "t. ¬ A.arr t  apex t = B.null"
        by simp
      show "t u. t A u  apex t B apex u"
      proof -
        fix t u
        assume con: "t A u"
        obtain a where a: "a  A.sources t  A.sources u"
          using con
          by (meson A.con_imp_common_source ex_in_conv)
        have "apex t B apex u 
              H t \\B (σ a \\B τ a) B
              H u \\B (σ a \\B τ a)"
          show "apex t B apex u  H t \\B (σ a \\B τ a) B H u \\B (σ a \\B τ a)"
            by (metis (full_types) A.con_implies_arr(1) A.con_sym A.in_sourcesE
                A.rts_axioms IntE σ.respects_cong_ide τ.respects_cong_ide
                a rts.src_congI)
          show "H t \\B (σ a \\B τ a) B H u \\B (σ a \\B τ a)  apex t B apex u"
            using a con A.con_sym A.con_implies_arr(1-2)
            apply simp
            by (metis A.in_sourcesE A.src_congI σ.respects_cong_ide τ.respects_cong_ide)
        also have "...  (F t \\B τ a) \\B
                                  (σ a \\B τ a) B
                           (F u \\B τ a) \\B
                                  (σ a \\B τ a)"
          using τ.naturality2_ax a by auto
        also have "...  (F t \\B F u) \\B τ (a \\A u) B
                           (σ a \\B F u) \\B τ (a \\A u)"
          using B.con_def B.cube τ.naturality1_ax a by auto
        also have "...  (F t \\B F u) \\B τ (a \\A u) B
                           σ (a \\A u) \\B τ (a \\A u)"
          by (metis A.arr_resid_iff_con B.null_is_zero(2) σ.general_naturality(1)
        also have "...  F (t \\A u) \\B τ (a \\A u) B
                           σ (a \\A u) \\B τ (a \\A u)"
          using F.preserves_resid con by presburger
        also have "...  True"
        proof -
          have "σ (a \\A u) \\B F (t \\A u) = σ (A.trg (t \\A u))"
            by (metis A.con_sym A.con_target A.source_is_prfx A.src_congI
                IntE σ.naturality1 σ.respects_cong_ide a con)
          moreover have "τ (a \\A u) \\B F (t \\A u) = τ (A.trg (t \\A u))"
            by (metis A.con_sym A.con_target A.source_is_prfx A.src_congI
                IntE τ.naturality1 τ.respects_cong_ide a con)
          moreover have "σ (A.trg (t \\A u)) B  τ (A.trg (t \\A u))"
            using A.arr_resid A.ide_trg B.con_sym con sym.con by blast
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using B.cube
            by (metis B.conE B.conI B.con_sym)
        finally show "apex t B apex u" by blast
      show "t u. t A u  apex (t \\A u) = apex t \\B apex u"
        using A.con_implies_arr
        apply simp
        using B.cube
        by (metis A.arr_resid_iff_con A.con_imp_cong_src A.ide_src A.rts_axioms
            σ.naturality1 σ.respects_cong_ide τ.naturality1 τ.naturality2
            τ.respects_cong_ide rts.src_resid)

    lemma simulation_apex:
    shows "simulation A B apex"

    lemma resid_ide:
    assumes "A.ide a"
    shows "resid a = σ a \\B τ a"
      by (metis (full_types) A.arrE A.ide_implies_arr A.src_congI B.join_prfx(2)
          σ.respects_cong_ide τ.respects_cong_ide apex.preserves_ide assms)

    interpretation resid: transformation (\A) (\B) H apex resid
    proof -
      have 2: "f. A.ide f  B.joinable (σ (A.src f) \\B τ (A.src f)) (H f)"
        using B.joinable_iff_arr_join con resid_ide by auto
      show "transformation (\\A) (\\B) H apex resid"
        show "f. ¬ A.arr f  resid f = B.null"
          by force
        show 3: "f. A.ide f  B.src (resid f) = H f"
          using "2" B.join_sym B.joinable_iff_join_not_null B.src_join by force
        show "f. A.ide f  B.trg (resid f) = apex f"
          by (metis (full_types) A.ide_implies_arr B.extensional_rts_axioms
              B.resid_ide(2) B.rts_axioms H.preserves_ide apex.preserves_ide
              extensional_rts.join_prfx(2) rts.con_imp_coinitial)
        show "a a'. A.ide a; a A a'  resid a = resid a'"
          by (metis A.ide_backward_stable σ.respects_cong_ide τ.respects_cong_ide
        show "a f. a  A.sources f  H f \\B resid a = apex f"
          apply simp
          by (metis A.con_implies_arr(2) A.con_sym A.in_sourcesE A.src_congI
              σ.respects_cong_ide τ.respects_cong_ide resid_ide)
        show "a f. a  A.sources f  resid a \\B H f = resid (a \\A f)"
          apply simp
          by (metis A.ide_implies_arr A.source_is_ide A.source_is_prfx B.cube
              σ.naturality1_ax τ.naturality1_ax τ.naturality2_ax resid_ide)
        show "a f. a  A.sources f  B.join_of (resid a) (H f) (resid f)"
        proof -
          fix a f
          assume f: "a  A.sources f"
          have 1: "B.joinable (σ a \\B τ a) (H f)"
            using f
            by (metis A.con_implies_arr(1) A.in_sourcesE A.source_is_prfx
                A.sources_are_cong A.src_in_sources B.arr_resid_iff_con B.con_sym
                B.con_with_join_if(2) B.joinable_iff_join_not_null B.not_arr_null
                B.resid_joinE(3) H.preserves_reflects_arr σ.naturality1_ax
                σ.naturality3'E(2) σ.respects_cong_ide τ.naturality1_ax
                τ.naturality2 τ.respects_cong_ide con)
          show "B.join_of (resid a) (H f) (resid f)"
            using f 1 resid_ide A.con_implies_arr(1) B.join_sym
            apply auto[1]
            by (metis A.con_sym A.in_sourcesE A.src_congI B.join_is_join_of
                σ.respects_cong_ide τ.respects_cong_ide)

    lemma transformation_resid:
    shows "transformation (\\A) (\\B) H apex resid"

    lemma whisker_left:
    assumes "simulation B C K" and "extensional_rts C"
    shows "consistent_transformations A C (K  F) (K  G) (K  H) (K  σ) (K  τ)"
    proof -
      interpret C: extensional_rts C
        using assms(2) by blast
      interpret K: simulation B C K
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret Koσ: transformation A C K  F K  G K  σ
        using assms σ.transformation_axioms transformation_whisker_left
        by blast
      interpret Koτ: transformation A C K  F K  H K  τ
        using assms τ.transformation_axioms transformation_whisker_left
        by blast
      show ?thesis
          by unfold_locales (simp add: B.con_sym sym.con)

    lemma whisker_right:
    assumes "simulation C A K"
    shows "consistent_transformations C B (F  K) (G  K) (H  K) (σ  K) (τ  K)"
    proof -
      interpret K: simulation C A K
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret σoK: transformation C B F  K G  K σ  K
        using K.simulation_axioms σ.transformation_axioms simulation_def
        by blast
      interpret τoK: transformation C B F  K H  K τ  K
        using assms τ.transformation_axioms simulation_def transformation_whisker_right
        by blast
      show ?thesis
          by unfold_locales (simp add: B.con_sym sym.con)


    Now we can define the exponential [A, B]› of RTS's A› and B›.

  locale exponential_rts =
  A: weakly_extensional_rts A +
  B: extensional_rts B
  for A :: "'a resid"      (infix \A 70)
  and B :: "'b resid"      (infix \B 70)

    notation A.con   (infix A 50)
    notation A.prfx  (infix A 50)
    notation B.con   (infix B 50)
    notation B.join  (infixr B 52)
    notation B.prfx  (infix B 50)

    datatype ('aa, 'bb) arr =
    | MkArr 'aa  'bb 'aa  'bb 'aa  'bb

    abbreviation MkIde :: "('a  'b)  ('a, 'b) arr"
    where "MkIde a  MkArr a a a"

    fun Dom :: "('a, 'b) arr  'a  'b"
    where "Dom (MkArr F _ _) = F"
        | "Dom _ = undefined"

    fun Cod :: "('a, 'b) arr  'a  'b"
    where "Cod (MkArr _ G _) = G"
        | "Cod _ = undefined"

    fun Map :: "('a, 'b) arr  'a  'b"
    where "Map (MkArr _ _ τ) = τ"
        | "Map _ = undefined"

    abbreviation Arr :: "('a, 'b) arr  bool"
    where "Arr  λτ. τ  Null  transformation A B (Dom τ) (Cod τ) (Map τ)"

    abbreviation Ide :: "('a, 'b) arr  bool"
    where "Ide  λτ. τ  Null 
                     identity_transformation A B (Dom τ) (Cod τ) (Map τ)"

    text ‹
      In order to define consistency for transitions of the exponential, we at least need
      to have pointwise consistency of the components of the corresponding transitions.
      Surprisingly, this is sufficient.

    abbreviation Con :: "('a, 'b) arr  ('a, 'b) arr  bool"
    where "Con  λσ τ. Arr σ  Arr τ  Dom σ = Dom τ 
                       (a. A.ide a  B.con (Map σ a) (Map τ a))"

    lemma Con_sym:
    assumes "Con σ τ"
    shows "Con τ σ"
      using assms B.con_sym by auto

    lemma Con_implies_consistent_transformations:
    assumes "Con σ τ"
    shows "consistent_transformations
             A B (Dom σ) (Cod σ) (Cod τ) (Map σ) (Map τ)"
    proof -
      interpret σ: transformation A B Dom σ Cod σ Map σ
        using assms by auto
      interpret τ: transformation A B Dom σ Cod τ Map τ
        using assms by auto
      show ?thesis
        using assms
        apply intro_locales
        by (simp add: consistent_transformations_axioms_def)

    definition Apex :: "('a, 'b) arr  ('a, 'b) arr  'a  'b"
    where "Apex σ τ = (λt. if A.arr t
                           then Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))
                           else B.null)"

    lemma Apex_sym:
    assumes "Con σ τ"
    shows "Apex σ τ = Apex τ σ"
      unfolding Apex_def
      using assms Con_implies_consistent_transformations
              [of A B "Dom σ" "Cod σ" "Cod τ" "Map σ" "Map τ"]
      by auto

    lemma Apex_is_simulation [intro]:
    assumes "Con σ τ"
    shows "simulation A B (Apex σ τ)"
      unfolding Apex_def
      using assms Con_implies_consistent_transformations
      by blast

    abbreviation Resid :: "('a, 'b) arr  ('a, 'b) arr  'a  'b"
    where "Resid σ τ  (λt. if A.arr t
                            then (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t)) B Cod τ t
                            else B.null)"

    definition resid :: "('a, 'b) arr resid"    (infix \ 70)
    where "σ \\ τ =
           (if Con σ τ
            then MkArr (Cod τ)
                   (consistent_transformations.apex A B (Cod τ) (Map σ) (Map τ))
                   (consistent_transformations.resid A B (Cod τ) (Map σ) (Map τ))
            else Null)"

    lemma Dom_resid':
    assumes "Con σ τ"
    shows "Dom (σ \\ τ) = Cod τ"
      using assms resid_def by auto

    lemma Cod_resid':
    assumes "Con σ τ"
    shows "Cod (σ \\ τ) = Apex σ τ"
      unfolding Apex_def
      using assms resid_def Con_implies_consistent_transformations by auto

    lemma Map_resid':
    assumes "Con σ τ"
    shows "Map (σ \\ τ) = (λt. if A.arr t
                               then Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) B Cod τ t
                               else B.null)"
      using assms resid_def by auto

    lemma Map_resid_ide':
    assumes "Con σ τ" and "A.ide a"
    shows "Map (σ \\ τ) a = Map σ a \\B Map τ a"
      unfolding resid_def
      using assms Con_implies_consistent_transformations
              [of A B "Dom σ" "Cod σ" "Cod τ" "Map σ" "Map τ"]
      by auto

    lemma transformation_Map_resid:
    assumes "Con σ τ"
    shows "transformation (\\A) (\\B) (Cod τ) (Apex σ τ) (Map (σ \\ τ))"
      using assms Apex_def resid_def Con_implies_consistent_transformations
              [of A B "Dom σ" "Cod σ" "Cod τ" "Map σ" "Map τ"]
      by auto

    sublocale ResiduatedTransitionSystem.partial_magma resid
      show "∃!n. t. n \\ t = n  t \\ n = n"
        using resid_def by metis

    lemma null_char:
    shows "null = Null"
      by (metis null_is_zero(2) resid_def)

    sublocale residuation resid
      show "σ τ. σ \\ τ  null  τ \\ σ  null"
        using resid_def null_char Con_sym
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) arr.simps(2))
      show "σ τ. σ \\ τ  null  (σ \\ τ) \\ (σ \\ τ)  null"
      proof -
        fix σ τ
        assume 1: "σ \\ τ  null"
        have "Con σ τ"
          using 1
          by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) null_char resid_def)
        hence "Con (σ \\ τ) (σ \\ τ)"
          using 1 null_char Dom_resid' Cod_resid' transformation_Map_resid
          apply auto[1]
          by (metis A.ideE transformation.preserves_con(1))
        thus "(σ \\ τ) \\ (σ \\ τ)  null"
          by (simp add: null_char resid_def)
      show "ρ σ τ. (σ \\ τ) \\ (ρ \\ τ)  null
                        (σ \\ τ) \\ (ρ \\ τ) = (σ \\ ρ) \\ (τ \\ ρ)"
      proof -
        fix ρ σ τ
        assume στ_ρσ: "(σ \\ τ) \\ (ρ \\ τ)  null"
        have στ: "Con σ τ"
          using στ_ρσ resid_def
          by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) null_char)
        have ρτ: "Con ρ τ"
          using στ_ρσ resid_def
          by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) null_char)
        have στ_ρτ: "Con (σ \\ τ) (ρ \\ τ)"
          using στ_ρσ resid_def
          by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) null_char)
        interpret σ: transformation A B Dom σ Cod σ Map σ
          using στ by blast
        interpret τ: transformation A B Dom σ Cod τ Map τ
          using στ by auto
        interpret ρ: transformation A B Dom σ Cod ρ Map ρ
          using στ ρτ by auto
        have 1: "a. A.ide a  Map σ a \\B Map τ a B Map ρ a \\B Map τ a"
          using στ ρτ Map_resid_ide' στ_ρτ by force
        show "(σ \\ τ) \\ (ρ \\ τ) = (σ \\ ρ) \\ (τ \\ ρ)"
        proof -
          interpret στ: transformation A B Cod τ Apex σ τ Map (σ \ τ)
            using στ_ρσ στ ρτ resid_def transformation_Map_resid [of σ τ] by blast
          interpret ρτ: transformation A B Cod τ Apex ρ τ Map (ρ \ τ)
            using στ_ρσ στ ρτ resid_def transformation_Map_resid [of ρ τ] by blast
          have σρ: "Con σ ρ"
            by (metis στ ρτ 1 B.resid_reflects_con)
          have τρ: "Con τ ρ"
            by (metis ρτ B.con_sym)
          interpret σρ: transformation A B Cod ρ Apex σ ρ Map (σ \ ρ)
            using σρ transformation_Map_resid by blast
          interpret τρ: transformation A B Cod ρ Apex τ ρ Map (τ \ ρ)
            using τρ transformation_Map_resid by blast
          have σρ_τρ: "Con (σ \\ ρ) (τ \\ ρ)"
          proof (intro conjI)
            show "σ \\ ρ  Null"
              using σρ resid_def by force
            show "τ \\ ρ  Null"
              by (metis στ_ρσ τ σ. σ \ τ  null  τ \ σ  null null_char
            show "Dom (σ \\ ρ) = Dom (τ \\ ρ)"
              using σρ τρ exponential_rts.resid_def exponential_rts_axioms by force
            show "transformation A B (Dom (σ \\ ρ)) (Cod (σ \\ ρ)) (Map (σ \\ ρ))"
              using σρ σρ.transformation_axioms Dom_resid' Cod_resid' by auto
            show "transformation A B (Dom (τ \\ ρ)) (Cod (τ \\ ρ)) (Map (τ \\ ρ))"
              using τρ τρ.transformation_axioms Dom_resid' Cod_resid' by auto
            show "a. A.ide a  Map (σ \\ ρ) a B Map (τ \\ ρ) a"
              using 1 B.con_def B.cube Map_resid_ide' σρ τρ by force
          interpret στ_ρτ: transformation A B Apex ρ τ Apex (σ \ τ) (ρ \ τ)
                                         Map ((σ \ τ) \ (ρ \ τ))
            by (metis ρτ Cod_resid' στ_ρτ transformation_Map_resid)
          interpret σρ_τρ: transformation A B Apex τ ρ Apex (σ \ ρ) (τ \ ρ)
                                         Map ((σ \ ρ) \ (τ \ ρ))
            using σρ_τρ transformation_Map_resid
            by (metis Cod_resid' τρ)
          show "(σ \\ τ) \\ (ρ \\ τ) = (σ \\ ρ) \\ (τ \\ ρ)"
          proof -
            have 2: "a. A.ide a 
                           Map ((σ \\ τ) \\ (ρ \\ τ)) a = Map ((σ \\ ρ) \\ (τ \\ ρ)) a"
              using B.cube Map_resid_ide' ρτ σρ σρ_τρ στ στ_ρτ τρ by auto
            have 3: "Apex (σ \\ ρ) (τ \\ ρ) = Apex (σ \\ τ) (ρ \\ τ)"
            proof -
              have "(λt. if A.arr t
                         then Cod (τ \\ ρ) t \\B
                                (Map (σ \\ ρ) (A.src t) \\B Map (τ \\ ρ) (A.src t))
                         else B.null) =
                    (λt. if A.arr t
                         then Cod (ρ \\ τ) t \\B
                                (Map (σ \\ τ) (A.src t) \\B Map (ρ \\ τ) (A.src t))
                         else B.null)"
                fix t
                show "(if A.arr t
                         then Cod (τ \\ ρ) t \\B
                                (Map (σ \\ ρ) (A.src t) \\B Map (τ \\ ρ) (A.src t))
                         else B.null) =
                      (if A.arr t
                         then Cod (ρ \\ τ) t \\B
                                (Map (σ \\ τ) (A.src t) \\B Map (ρ \\ τ) (A.src t))
                         else B.null)"
                proof (cases "A.arr t")
                  show "¬ A.arr t  ?thesis"
                    by auto
                  assume t: "A.arr t"
                  show ?thesis
                    by (metis 2 A.ide_src Apex_def Apex_sym σρ_τρ.naturality2
                        στ_ρτ.naturality2 τρ)
              thus ?thesis
                using Apex_def by simp
            have "x y. x  null; y  null;
                         Dom x = Dom y; Cod x = Cod y; Map x = Map y
                            x = y"
              by (metis Cod.elims Dom.simps(1) Map.simps(1) null_char)
            moreover have "(σ \\ ρ) \\ (τ \\ ρ)  null"
              using σρ_τρ exponential_rts.resid_def exponential_rts_axioms null_char
              by force
            moreover have "Dom ((σ \\ τ) \\ (ρ \\ τ)) = Dom ((σ \\ ρ) \\ (τ \\ ρ))"
              using ρτ Apex_sym Cod_resid' Dom_resid' σρ_τρ στ_ρτ τρ by auto
            moreover have "Cod ((σ \\ τ) \\ (ρ \\ τ)) = Cod ((σ \\ ρ) \\ (τ \\ ρ))"
              using Cod_resid' σρ_τρ στ_ρτ 3 by auto
            moreover have "Map ((σ \\ τ) \\ (ρ \\ τ)) = Map ((σ \\ ρ) \\ (τ \\ ρ))"
              using ρτ 2 3 σρ_τρ.transformation_axioms στ_ρτ.transformation_axioms
                    transformation_eqI B.extensional_rts_axioms Apex_sym
              by metis
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using στ_ρσ null_char by blast

    notation con   (infix  50)

    lemma con_char:
    shows "σ  τ  Con σ τ"
      using con_def resid_def null_char by auto

    lemma arr_char:
    shows "arr τ  Arr τ"
      by (metis A.ide_implies_arr B.arr_def arrE arrI con_char

    lemma Dom_resid [simp]:
    assumes "σ  τ"
    shows "Dom (σ \\ τ) = Cod τ"
      using assms Dom_resid' con_char by auto

    lemma Cod_resid [simp]:
    assumes "σ  τ"
    shows "Cod (σ \\ τ) = Apex σ τ"
      using assms Cod_resid' con_char by auto

    lemma Map_resid [simp]:
    assumes "σ  τ"
    shows "Map (σ \\ τ) = (λt. if A.arr t
                               then Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) B Cod τ t
                               else B.null)"
      using assms Map_resid' con_char by auto

    lemma Map_resid_ide [simp]:
    assumes "con σ τ" and "A.ide a"
    shows "Map (σ \\ τ) a = Map σ a \\B Map τ a"
      using Map_resid_ide' assms(1-2) con_char by blast

    lemma resid_Map:
    assumes "con ρ σ" and "t A u"
    shows "Map ρ t \\B Map σ u = Map (ρ \\ σ) (t \\A u)"
    proof -
      interpret ρ: transformation A B Dom ρ Cod ρ Map ρ
        using assms(1) arr_char con_implies_arr(1) by blast
      interpret ρ: transformation_to_extensional_rts A B Dom ρ Cod ρ Map ρ
      interpret σ: transformation A B Dom σ Cod σ Map σ
        using assms(1) arr_char con_implies_arr(2) by blast
      interpret σ: transformation_to_extensional_rts A B
                     Dom σ Cod σ Map σ
      interpret ρσ: transformation A B Cod σ Apex ρ σ Map (ρ \ σ)
        using assms con_char transformation_Map_resid by auto
      interpret ρσ: transformation_to_extensional_rts A B
                      Cod σ Apex ρ σ Map (ρ \ σ)
      have "Map ρ t \\B Map σ u = Map ρ t \\B (Map σ (A.src u) B Dom σ u)"
        by (metis σ.naturality3'E(1))
      also have "... =
                 (Map ρ t \\B Map σ (A.src u)) \\B (Dom σ u \\B Map σ (A.src u))"
        using B.resid_joinE(2) [of "Map σ (A.src u)" "Dom σ u" "Map ρ t"]
        by (metis A.con_implies_arr(2) B.conI B.con_sym_ax B.con_with_join_if(2)
            B.join_sym B.joinable_iff_join_not_null B.null_is_zero(2) σ.naturality3'E(2)
      also have "... = (Map ρ t \\B Map σ (A.src u)) \\B Cod σ u"
        using σ.naturality2 by presburger
      also have "... =
                 ((Map ρ (A.src t) B Dom ρ t) \\B Map σ (A.src u)) \\B Cod σ u"
        by (metis ρ.naturality3'E(1))
      also have "... =
                 (((Map ρ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src u)) B
                    (Dom ρ t \\B Map σ (A.src u))))
                    \\B Cod σ u"
        using B.resid_joinE(3)
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) A.con_imp_eq_src A.ide_trg A.residuation_axioms
            B.con_sym B.con_with_join_if(2) B.joinable_implies_con ρ.naturality1
            ρ.naturality3'E(2) σ.naturality1 σ.naturality3'E(2) assms(1-2) con_char
      also have "... = (Map (ρ \\ σ) (A.src t) B Cod σ t) \\B Cod σ u"
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) A.con_imp_eq_src A.con_implies_arr(1) A.ide_src
            Map_resid_ide σ.naturality2 assms(1-2) con_char)
      also have "... = Map (ρ \\ σ) (A.src t) \\B Cod σ u B Cod σ t \\B Cod σ u"
        by (metis (full_types) assms(2) A.con_implies_arr(1) B.conE B.conI B.con_sym_ax
            B.resid_joinE(3) ρσ.naturality3'E(1-2) ρσ.preserves_con(2))
      also have "... = Map (ρ \\ σ) (A.src t) \\B Cod σ u B Cod σ (t \\A u)"
        using assms(2) by fastforce
      also have "... = Map (ρ \\ σ) (A.trg u) B Cod σ (t \\A u)"
        using A.con_imp_eq_src ρσ.naturality1 assms(2) by presburger
      also have "... = Map (ρ \\ σ) (t \\A u)"
        by (metis A.src_residWE ρσ.naturality3'E(1) assms(2))
      finally show ?thesis by simp

    lemma resid_def':
    shows "σ \\ τ =
           (if σ  τ
            then MkArr (Cod τ) (Apex σ τ)
                       (λt. if A.arr t
                            then Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) B Cod τ t
                            else B.null)
            else null)"
      using Apex_def resid_def con_char null_char Dom_resid Cod_resid Map_resid
      by auto

    lemma trg_simp:
    assumes "arr τ"
    shows "trg τ = MkArr (Cod τ) (Cod τ) (Cod τ)"
    proof -
      interpret τ: transformation A B Dom τ Cod τ Map τ
        using assms arr_char by blast
      have "trg τ = τ \\ τ"
        using assms trg_def by blast
      also have "... = MkArr (Cod τ) (Cod τ) (Cod τ)"
      proof -
        have "Dom (τ \\ τ) = Cod τ"
          using Dom_resid assms by blast
        moreover have "Cod (τ \\ τ) = Cod τ"
        proof -
          have "(λt. if A.arr t
                     then Cod τ t \\B (Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))
                     else B.null) =
                Cod τ"
            fix t
            show "(if A.arr t
                   then Cod τ t \\B (Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))
                   else B.null) =
                  Cod τ t"
              by (metis A.con_arr_src(1) A.ide_src A.resid_arr_src B.trg_def
                τ.G.extensionality τ.G.preserves_resid τ.preserves_trg)
          thus ?thesis
            using resid_def Apex_def τ.transformation_axioms assms
                  arr_char null_char τ.preserves_arr
            by auto
        moreover have "Map (τ \\ τ) = Cod τ"
        proof -
          have "(λt. if A.arr t
                     then Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) B Cod τ t
                     else B.null) =
                Cod τ"
            fix t
            show "(if A.arr t
                   then Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) B Cod τ t
                   else B.null) =
                  Cod τ t"
              by (metis B.arr_resid_iff_con B.join_src B.src_residWE B.trg_def
                  τ.G.extensionality τ.G.preserves_reflects_arr τ.naturality2)
          thus ?thesis
            using resid_def τ.transformation_axioms assms arr_char
                  A.ide_implies_arr B.residuation_axioms τ.preserves_arr
            by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using assms arr_char
          by (metis Cod.simps(1) Dom.simps(1) Map.simps(1) arr.exhaust arrE
              conE null_char)
      finally show ?thesis by blast

    lemma trg_char:
    shows "trg = (λτ. if arr τ then MkIde (Cod τ) else null)"
      using trg_simp trg_def by fastforce

    lemma Map_trg [simp]:
    assumes "arr τ"
    shows "Map (trg τ) = Cod τ"
      using assms trg_simp by auto

    lemma resid_Map_self:
    assumes "arr σ" and "t A u"
    shows "Map σ t \\B Map σ u = Cod σ (t \\A u)"
      using assms resid_Map [of σ σ t u]
      by (metis Map_trg arrE trg_def)

    lemma ide_charERTS [iff]:
    shows "ide τ  τ  null  simulation A B (Map τ) 
                     Dom τ = Map τ  Cod τ = Map τ"
      show "ide τ  τ  null  simulation A B (Map τ) 
                      Dom τ = Map τ  Cod τ = Map τ"
        by (metis Dom_resid Map.simps(1) arr_char ideE ide_implies_arr
            null_char transformation_def trg_simp trg_def)
      show "τ  null  simulation A B (Map τ) 
            Dom τ = Map τ  Cod τ = Map τ
                ide τ"
      proof -
        assume 1: "τ  null  simulation A B (Map τ) 
                   Dom τ = Map τ  Cod τ = Map τ"
        interpret τ: simulation A B Map τ
          using 1 by blast
        interpret τ: simulation_as_transformation A B Map τ ..
        show "ide τ"
          by (metis 1 Cod.elims Dom.simps(1) Map.simps(1)
              τ.transformation_axioms arr_char arr_def ide_def null_char
              trg_simp trg_def)

    sublocale rts resid
      show "t. arr t  ide (trg t)"
        using arr_char ide_charERTS trg_simp
        by (metis (full_types) Cod.simps(1) arr.simps(2) con_def con_imp_arr_resid
          con_implies_arr(2) ide_def null_char trg_def)
      show "a t. ide a; t  a  t \\ a = t"
      proof -
        fix a t
        assume a: "ide a"
        assume con: "t  a"
        interpret a: identity_transformation A B Dom a Cod a Map a
          using a ide_charERTS
          by (metis con con_char identity_transformation_axioms_def
              identity_transformation_def simulation.preserves_ide)
        interpret t: transformation A B Dom a Cod t Map t
           using con con_char by metis
        interpret t: transformation_to_extensional_rts A B Dom a Cod t Map t ..
        have "t \\ a = MkArr (Cod a) (Apex t a)
                             (λta. if A.arr ta
                                   then (Map t (A.src ta) \\B Map a (A.src ta)) B
                                          Cod a ta
                                   else B.null)"
          using con ide_charERTS con_char resid_def Apex_def
          by simp metis
        moreover have "Apex t a = Cod t"
        proof -
          have "(λu. if A.arr u
                     then Cod a u \\B (Map t (A.src u) \\B Map a (A.src u))
                     else B.null) =
                Cod t"
            fix u
            show "(if A.arr u
                   then Cod a u \\B (Map t (A.src u) \\B Map a (A.src u))
                   else B.null) =
                  Cod t u"
              by (metis A.src_src A.trg_src a a.src_eq_trg ide_charERTS
                  t.G.extensionality t.naturality1 t.naturality2)
          thus ?thesis
            using a con ide_charERTS con_char Apex_def by simp
        moreover have "(λu. if A.arr u
                            then Map t (A.src u) \\B Map a (A.src u) B Cod a u
                            else B.null) =
                       Map t"
          fix u
          show "(if A.arr u
                 then Map t (A.src u) \\B Map a (A.src u) B Cod a u
                 else B.null) =
                Map t u"
            by (metis A.src_src A.trg_src a ide_charERTS t.extensionality
                t.naturality1 t.naturality3'E(1))
        ultimately show "t \\ a = t"
          using con con_char
          by (metis Cod.elims Dom.simps(1) Map.simps(1) a.src_eq_trg)
      thus "a t. ide a; a  t  ide (a \\ t)"
        by (metis arrE arr_resid con_sym cube ideE ideI)
      show "t u. t  u  a. ide a  a  t  a  u"
      proof -
        fix t u
        assume con: "t  u"
        interpret t: transformation A B Dom t Cod t Map t
          using con con_char by blast
        interpret u: transformation A B Dom t Cod u Map u
          using con con_char by auto
        interpret Dom_t: transformation A B Dom t Dom t Dom t
          by (metis Cod.simps(1) Dom.simps(1) Map.simps(1) arr.simps(2)
              arr_char ide_charERTS ide_implies_arr null_char
        interpret Dom_t: identity_transformation A B Dom t Dom t Dom t
          by unfold_locales auto
        have "ide (MkIde (Dom t))"
          by (simp add: null_char t.F.simulation_axioms)
        moreover have "MkIde (Dom t)  t"
          using con con_char Dom_t.transformation_axioms Dom_t.identity
          by simp
             (metis A.ide_iff_src_self A.ide_implies_arr B.not_ide_null
               B.conI t.G.preserves_ide t.naturality2)
        moreover have "MkIde (Dom t)  u"
          using con con_char Dom_t.transformation_axioms Dom_t.identity
          by simp
             (metis A.ide_iff_src_self A.ide_implies_arr B.not_ide_null
               B.conI u.G.preserves_ide u.naturality2)
        ultimately show "a. ide a  a  t  a  u" by blast
      show "t u v. ide (t \\ u); u  v  t \\ u  v \\ u"
        by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Dom_resid conI con_implies_arr(1)
            cube ideE resid_arr_self conE con_imp_arr_resid trg_simp)

    lemma is_rts:
    shows "rts resid"

    sublocale extensional_rts resid
      fix t u
      assume cong: "cong t u"
      interpret t: transformation A B Dom t Cod t Map t
        using cong con_char prfx_implies_con by blast
      interpret u: transformation A B Dom t Cod u Map u
        using cong con_char prfx_implies_con by metis
      interpret tu: transformation A B Cod u Apex t u Map (t \ u)
        using cong transformation_Map_resid
        by (metis con_char prfx_implies_con)
      interpret tu: identity_transformation A B Cod u Apex t u Map (t \ u)
        by unfold_locales (meson ide_charERTS cong simulation.preserves_ide)
      interpret ut: transformation A B Cod t Apex t u Map (u \ t)
        using cong transformation_Map_resid Apex_sym
        by (metis con_char prfx_implies_con)
      interpret ut: identity_transformation A B Cod t Apex t u Map (u \ t)
        by unfold_locales (meson ide_charERTS cong simulation.preserves_ide)
      have 1: "a. A.ide a  Map t a = Map u a"
        by (metis B.cong_char Map_resid_ide congE cong tu.identity ut.identity)
      show "t = u"
        using t.transformation_axioms u.transformation_axioms
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1" B.extensional_rts_axioms Cod.elims
            Dom.simps(1) Map.simps(1) resid_def cong not_ide_null null_char
            tu.src_eq_trg ut.src_eq_trg)

    lemma is_extensional_rts:
    shows "extensional_rts resid"

    lemma conIERTS [intro]:
    assumes "coinitial σ τ"
    and "a. A.ide a  Map σ a B Map τ a"
    shows "σ  τ"
      using assms con_char
      by (metis (full_types) coinitialEWE con_arr_src(1))

    lemma conEERTS [elim]:
    assumes "σ  τ"
    and "coinitial σ τ; t u. A.con t u  Map σ t B Map τ u  T"
    shows T
      by (metis A.arr_resid_iff_con B.arr_resid_iff_con arr_char
          arr_resid_iff_con assms(1) assms(2) con_imp_coinitial resid_Map

    lemma arrI [intro]:
    assumes "f  null" and "transformation A B (Dom f) (Cod f) (Map f)"
    shows "arr f"
      using assms arr_char null_char by simp

    lemma arrE [elim]:
    assumes "arr f"
    and "f  null; transformation A B (Dom f) (Cod f) (Map f)  T"
    shows T
      using assms arr_char null_char by simp

    lemma arr_MkArr [iff]:
    shows "arr (MkArr F G τ)  transformation A B F G τ"
      using arr_char null_char transformation_def by fastforce

    lemma src_simp:
    assumes "arr τ"
    shows "src τ = MkIde (Dom τ)"
      by (metis Dom_resid arr_src_iff_arr assms con_arr_src(1) resid_arr_src
          trg_simp trg_src)

    lemma src_char:
    shows "src = (λτ. if arr τ then MkIde (Dom τ) else null)"
      using src_simp src_def by auto

    lemma Map_src [simp]:
    assumes "arr τ"
    shows "Map (src τ) = Dom τ"
      using assms src_simp by auto

    lemma ide_MkIde [iff]:
    shows "ide (MkIde F)  simulation A B F"
      using ide_charERTS null_char by auto

    (* TODO: This is pretty trivial, but sledgehammer typically has trouble finding this fact. *)
    lemma MkArr_Map:
    assumes "τ  Null"
    shows "τ = MkArr (Dom τ) (Cod τ) (Map τ)"
      using assms by (cases τ) auto

    lemma MkIde_Dom:
    assumes "arr τ"
    shows "MkIde (Dom τ) = src τ"
      using assms arr_char src_char by auto

    lemma MkIde_Cod:
    assumes "arr τ"
    shows "MkIde (Cod τ) = trg τ"
      using assms arr_char trg_char by auto

    lemma MkIde_Map:
    assumes "ide a"
    shows "MkIde (Map a) = a"
      using assms trg_char trg_ide by auto

    lemma arr_eqI:
    assumes "arr σ" and "arr τ" and "Dom σ = Dom τ" and "Cod σ = Cod τ"
    and "a. A.ide a  Map σ a = Map τ a"
    shows "σ = τ"
    proof -
      interpret σ: transformation A B Dom σ Cod σ Map σ
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret σ: transformation_to_extensional_rts A B
                     Dom σ Cod σ Map σ ..
      interpret τ: transformation A B Dom τ Cod τ Map τ
        using assms(2) by blast
      interpret τ: transformation_to_extensional_rts A B
                     Dom τ Cod τ Map τ ..
      have "Map σ = Map τ"
        by (metis assms(3-5) B.extensional_rts_axioms σ.transformation_axioms
            τ.transformation_axioms transformation_eqI)
      thus ?thesis
        using assms
        by (metis MkArr_Map arr_char)

    lemma seq_char:
    shows "seq σ τ  Arr σ  Arr τ  Cod σ = Dom τ"
      using arr_char src_char trg_char
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) Map_src Map_trg seqEWE seqIWE(1))

    notation prfx  (infix  50)

    lemma prfx_char:
    shows "σ  τ  arr σ  arr τ  Dom σ = Dom τ 
                     (a. A.ide a  Map σ a B Map τ a)"
      show "σ  τ  arr σ  arr τ  Dom σ = Dom τ 
                      (a. A.ide a  Map σ a B Map τ a)"
        by (metis Map_resid_ide con_char con_implies_arr(1-2) ide_charERTS
            prfx_implies_con simulation.preserves_ide)
      show "arr σ  arr τ  Dom σ = Dom τ 
            (a. A.ide a  Map σ a B Map τ a)  σ  τ"
      proof -
        assume 1: "arr σ  arr τ  Dom σ = Dom τ 
                   (a. A.ide a  Map σ a B Map τ a)"
        have 2: "σ  τ"
          using 1 con_char arr_char B.prfx_implies_con by force
        interpret στ: transformation A B Cod τ Apex σ τ Map (σ \ τ)
          using 2 con_char transformation_Map_resid by auto
        interpret στ: transformation_to_extensional_rts A B
                        Cod τ Apex σ τ Map (σ \ τ)
        interpret στ: simulation A B Map (σ \ τ)
          show "t. ¬ A.arr t  Map (σ \\ τ) t = B.null"
            using στ.extensionality by blast
          show 3: "t u. t A u  Map (σ \\ τ) t B Map (σ \\ τ) u"
            using στ.preserves_con by blast
          show "t u. t A u 
                       Map (σ \\ τ) (t \\A u) = Map (σ \\ τ) t \\B Map (σ \\ τ) u"
            by (metis 1 2 3 A.arr_resid A.con_arr_src(1) A.ide_src A.resid_arr_src
                B.resid_arr_ide arr_resid_iff_con Map_resid_ide resid_Map_self)
        show "σ  τ"
          show "σ \\ τ  null  simulation A B (Map (σ \\ τ)) 
                Dom (σ \\ τ) = Map (σ \\ τ)  Cod (σ \\ τ) = Map (σ \\ τ)"
          proof (intro conjI)
            show "σ \\ τ  null"
              using 2 by blast
            show "simulation A B (Map (σ \\ τ))"
            show 3: "Dom (σ \\ τ) = Map (σ \\ τ)"
            proof -
              have "Dom (σ \\ τ) = Cod τ"
                using 2 con_char by auto
              also have "... = Map (σ \\ τ)"
              proof -
                have "t. A.arr t 
                            Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) = B.src (Cod τ t)"
                proof -
                  fix t
                  assume t: "A.arr t"
                  show "Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) = B.src (Cod τ t)"
                  proof -
                    have "Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)"
                      using t 1 A.ide_src by blast
                    hence "Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) = Cod τ (A.src t)"
                      by (metis "2" A.ide_src B.ide_iff_src_self B.ide_implies_arr
                          Map_resid_ide στ.preserves_src t)
                    moreover have "Cod τ (A.src t) = B.src (Cod τ t)"
                      by (metis A.con_arr_src(2) A.ide_src B.src_eqI
                          στ.F.preserves_con στ.F.preserves_ide t)
                    ultimately show ?thesis by simp
                hence "t. Map (σ \\ τ) t = Cod τ t"
                  using 1 2 B.join_src στ.F.extensionality con_char by auto
                thus ?thesis by auto
              finally show ?thesis by blast
            show "Cod (σ \\ τ) = Map (σ \\ τ)"
            proof -
              have "Cod (σ \\ τ) = Apex σ τ"
                using 2 con_char by auto
              also have "... = Map (σ \\ τ)"
                fix t
                show "Apex σ τ t = Map (σ \\ τ) t"
                  using 1 Map_resid [of σ τ]
                  by (metis (no_types, lifting) 2 3 A.con_arr_src(1) A.resid_arr_src
                      Apex_def Dom_resid στ.naturality2 στ.preserves_resid)
              finally show ?thesis by blast

    lemma Map_preserves_prfx:
    assumes "σ  τ" and "A.arr t"
    shows "Map σ t B Map τ t"
      by (metis A.rts_axioms Map_resid_ide assms(1-2) prfx_char resid_Map
          rts.cong_reflexive rts.prfx_implies_con rts_axioms)

subsubsection "Joins in an Exponential RTS"

    notation join  (infixr  52)

    lemma join_char:
    shows "joinable σ τ 
           arr σ  arr τ  Dom σ = Dom τ 
           (t. A.arr t 
                  B.joinable (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) (Dom σ t))"
    and "σ  τ =
         (if joinable σ τ
          then MkArr (Dom τ) (Apex σ τ)
                     (λt. (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom τ t)
          else null)"
    proof (intro iffI)
      have *: "joinable σ τ 
                 arr σ  arr τ  Dom σ = Dom τ  σ  τ  Null 
                 Dom (σ  τ) = Dom σ  Cod (σ  τ) = Apex σ τ 
                 Map (σ  τ) =
                   (λt. (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom τ t) 
                 transformation A B (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) (Map (join σ τ)) 
                 (a. A.ide a  B.joinable (Map σ a B Map τ a) (Dom τ a)) 
                 (t. (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom τ t =
                       Map (σ  τ) t)"
      proof (intro conjI)
        assume 1: "joinable σ τ"
        show σ: "arr σ"
          using 1 con_implies_arr(1) joinable_implies_con by blast
        show τ: "arr τ"
          using 1 con_implies_arr(2) joinable_implies_con by blast
        show "Dom σ = Dom τ"
          using 1 con_char joinable_implies_con by presburger
        have 2: "join_of σ τ (σ  τ)"
          using 1 join_is_join_of by simp
        show "σ  τ  Null"
          using 1 joinable_iff_join_not_null null_char by force
        show Dom: "Dom (σ  τ) = Dom σ"
          by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "1" arr_prfx_join_self not_ide_null null_char
        show Cod: "Cod (σ  τ) = Apex σ τ"
          using 1 trg_simp Cod_resid trg_join joinable_implies_con arr_resid
          by (metis arr.inject joinable_iff_arr_join)
        interpret στ: transformation A B Dom σ Apex σ τ Map (σ  τ)
          using Dom Cod 1 joinable_implies_con con_char arr_char
          by (metis joinable_iff_arr_join)
        interpret στ: transformation_to_extensional_rts A B
                        Dom σ Apex σ τ Map (σ  τ) ..
        show "transformation A B (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) (Map (σ  τ))" ..
        have 3: "a. A.ide a  Map σ a B Map τ a = Map (σ  τ) a"
        proof (intro B.join_eqI)
          fix a
          assume a: "A.ide a"
          show "Map σ a B Map (σ  τ) a"
            using 1 a arr_prfx_join_self prfx_char by blast
          show "Map τ a B Map (σ  τ) a"
            using join_sym
            by (meson 2 a composite_ofE join_ofE prfx_char)
          show "Map (σ  τ) a \\B Map τ a = Map σ a \\B Map τ a"
            by (metis 1 2 Map_resid_ide a composite_ofE con_prfx_composite_of(1)
                extensionality join_ofE joinable_implies_con con_sym)
          show "Map (σ  τ) a \\B Map σ a = Map τ a \\B Map σ a"
            by (metis 1 Map_resid_ide Dom σ = Dom τ σ τ a arr_prfx_join_self
                join_src joinable_iff_arr_join joinable_implies_con prfx_implies_con
                resid_joinE(3) resid_src_arr con_sym src_simp trg_def)
        show "a. A.ide a  B.joinable (Map σ a B Map τ a) (Dom τ a)"
          by (metis 3 A.ide_iff_src_self A.ide_implies_arr Dom σ = Dom τ
        show "t. (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom τ t =
                  Map (σ  τ) t"
          by (metis "3" A.ide_src B.joinable_iff_join_not_null B.joinable_implies_con
              B.null_is_zero(2) B.residuation_axioms Dom σ = Dom τ
              στ.F.extensionality στ.naturality3'E(1) residuation.conE)
        thus "Map (σ  τ) =
              (λt. (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom τ t)"
          by auto
      show "σ  τ =
            (if joinable σ τ
             then MkArr (Dom τ) (Apex σ τ)
                        (λt. (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom τ t)
             else null)"
        using * MkArr_Map joinable_iff_join_not_null by fastforce
      show "joinable σ τ 
              arr σ  arr τ  Dom σ = Dom τ 
              (t. A.arr t 
                     B.joinable (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) (Dom σ t))"
        using *
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) B.joinable_iff_arr_join transformation.preserves_arr)
      show "arr σ  arr τ  Dom σ = Dom τ 
            (t. A.arr t 
                   B.joinable (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) (Dom σ t))
                joinable σ τ"
      proof -
        assume 1: "arr σ  arr τ  Dom σ = Dom τ 
                   (t. A.arr t 
                          B.joinable (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) (Dom σ t))"
        interpret σ: transformation A B Dom σ Cod σ Map σ
          using 1 arr_char by blast
        interpret τ: transformation A B Dom σ Cod τ Map τ
          using 1 arr_char by auto
        interpret Apex: simulation A B Apex σ τ
          using 1 arr_char Apex_is_simulation
          by (metis A.ide_iff_src_self A.ide_implies_arr B.con_implies_arr(1)
              B.joinable_iff_join_not_null B.joinable_implies_con B.not_arr_null)
        let ?Map = "λa. Map σ a B Map τ a"
        interpret στ: transformation_by_components
                        A B Dom σ Apex σ τ ?Map
          show 2: "a. A.ide a  B.src (?Map a) = Dom σ a"
            by (metis (full_types) 1 A.ide_implies_arr A.src_ide B.join_sym
                B.joinable_iff_join_not_null B.src_join B.src_src σ.preserves_src)
          show "a. A.ide a  B.trg (?Map a) = Apex σ τ a"
            by (metis (full_types) 2 A.ide_iff_src_self A.ide_implies_arr Apex_def
                B.con_arr_src(2) B.joinable_iff_arr_join B.joinable_iff_join_not_null
                B.not_ide_null B.null_is_zero(2) B.resid_joinE(1) B.resid_src_arr
                B.src_trg B.trg_def σ.F.preserves_ide τ.naturality2)
          show "a a'. A.ide a; a A a'  Map σ a B Map τ a = Map σ a' B Map τ a'"
            by (simp add: σ.respects_cong_ide τ.respects_cong_ide)
          show "a t. a  A.sources t 
                      (Map σ a B Map τ a) \\B Dom σ t =
                      Map σ (a \\A t) B Map τ (a \\A t)"
          proof -
            fix a t
            assume a: "a  A.sources t"
            have "(Map σ a B Map τ a) \\B Dom σ t =
                  Map σ a \\B Dom σ t B Map τ a \\B Dom σ t"
              using B.resid_joinE(3) [of "Map σ a" "Map τ a" "Dom σ t"]
              by (metis "1" A.con_ide_are_eq A.con_implies_arr(2) A.ide_backward_stable
                  A.ide_src A.rts_axioms A.source_is_prfx A.sources_are_cong
                  A.src_in_sources B.con_def B.con_sym B.join_def B.joinable_implies_con
                  B.null_is_zero(1) a rts.prfx_implies_con)
            also have "... = Map σ (a \\A t) B Map τ (a \\A t)"
              by (simp add: σ.naturality1_ax τ.naturality1_ax a)
            finally show "(Map σ a B Map τ a) \\B Dom σ t =
                          Map σ (a \\A t) B Map τ (a \\A t)"
              by blast
          show "a t. a  A.sources t 
                      Dom σ t \\B (Map σ a B Map τ a) = Apex σ τ t"
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1" A.in_sourcesE A.residuation_axioms
                A.src_eqI Apex_def B.extensional_rts_axioms B.joinable_implies_con
                B.residuation_axioms τ.naturality2_ax
                extensional_rts.joinable_iff_arr_join extensional_rts.resid_joinE(1)
                residuation.con_implies_arr(1) residuation.con_sym)
          show "a t. a  A.sources t 
                       B.joinable (Map σ a B Map τ a) (Dom σ t)"
            by (metis "1" A.con_implies_arr(1) A.con_sym A.in_sourcesE A.src_eqI)
        let ?Cod_στ = "λt. if A.arr t
                           then Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))
                           else B.null"
        let ?Map_στ = "λt. if A.arr t
                           then (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom σ t
                           else B.null"
        have στ': "transformation A B (Dom τ) ?Cod_στ ?Map_στ"
          using 1 Apex_def στ.map_eq στ.transformation_axioms by presburger
        let ?στ = "MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map"
        have στ: "arr ?στ"
          using arr_char στ.transformation_axioms by blast
        have con_σ_στ: "σ  ?στ"
          using 1 con_char σ.transformation_axioms στ.transformation_axioms
          by auto
             (metis (no_types, lifting) A.ide_implies_arr B.arr_prfx_join_self
              B.joinable_iff_join_not_null B.not_arr_null B.prfx_implies_con
        have con_τ_στ: "τ  ?στ"
          using 1 con_char τ.transformation_axioms στ.transformation_axioms
          by auto
             (metis (no_types, lifting) A.ide_implies_arr B.arr_prfx_join_self B.conI
              B.join_sym B.joinable_iff_join_not_null B.not_arr_null B.not_ide_null
        have 4: "Apex σ ?στ = Apex σ τ"
          fix t
          have "A.arr t 
                  (Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))) \\B
                     (Map σ (A.src t) \\B (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t))) =
                   Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))"
          proof -
            assume t: "A.arr t"
            have 4: "Map σ (A.src t) B
                     (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom τ (A.src t)"
              using t 1 B.arr_prfx_join_self B.joinable_iff_join_not_null στ.map_def
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.arr_src_iff_arr A.ide_src A.src_src)
            have "Map σ (A.src t) \\B
                    ((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom τ (A.src t)) =
                  B.src (Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t)))"
            proof -
              have "Map σ (A.src t) \\B
                      ((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom τ (A.src t)) =
                    (Map σ (A.src t) \\B (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t))) \\B
                       (Dom τ (A.src t) \\B (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)))"
                by (metis "4" B.join_def B.null_is_zero(2) B.prfx_implies_con
                    B.resid_joinE(2) B.residuation_axioms residuation.conE)
              also have "... = ((Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t)) \\B
                                  (Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t))) \\B
                                (Dom τ (A.src t) \\B (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)))"
                by (metis B.arr_prfx_join_self B.conI B.cube B.join_def B.not_ide_null
                    B.null_is_zero(2) B.resid_joinE(1))
              also have "... = ((Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t)) \\B
                                  (Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t))) \\B
                               ((Dom τ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t)) \\B
                                  (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t)))"
                by (metis "4" B.conI B.join_def B.not_ide_null B.null_is_zero(2)
                    B.resid_joinE(1) calculation)
              also have "... = B.trg (Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t)) \\B
                                 (B.trg (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t)))"
                by (metis (full_types) "1" A.src_src A.trg_src B.apex_sym B.cube B.trg_def
                    B.trg_trg σ.naturality1 τ.naturality1)
              also have "... = B.src (Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t)))"
                by (metis Apex.preserves_reflects_arr B.apex_sym B.conI B.not_arr_null
                    B.src_residWE B.trg_def B.trg_trg exponential_rts.Apex_def
                    exponential_rts_axioms t)
              finally show ?thesis by blast
            thus "(Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))) \\B
                     (Map σ (A.src t) \\B (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t))) =
                  Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))"
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) 1 4 A.ide_src A.src_src B.arr_src_iff_arr
                  B.prfx_implies_con B.resid_arr_src στ.map_def στ.map_simp_ide
                  B.arr_resid t)
          thus "Apex σ ?στ t = Apex σ τ t"
            unfolding Apex_def by simp
        have 5: "Apex τ ?στ = Apex σ τ"
          fix t
          have "A.arr t 
                  (Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))) \\B
                     (Map τ (A.src t) \\B (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t))) =
                  Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))"
          proof -
            assume t: "A.arr t"
            show "(Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))) \\B
                     (Map τ (A.src t) \\B (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t))) =
                  Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))"
            proof -
              have "Map τ (A.src t) \\B (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) =
                    B.src (Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t)))"
              proof -
                have "Map τ (A.src t) \\B (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) =
                      (Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t)) \\B
                        (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))"
                  by (metis (no_types, lifting) 1 A.arr_src_if_arr A.ide_src
                      B.arr_prfx_join_self B.join_sym B.joinable_iff_join_not_null
                      B.prfx_implies_con B.resid_joinE(1) στ.map_def στ.map_simp_ide
                also have "... = B.trg (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))"
                  using B.apex_sym B.cube B.trg_def by auto
                also have
                    "... = B.src (Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t)))"
                  by (metis Apex.preserves_reflects_arr Apex_def B.arr_resid_iff_con
                      B.src_residWE t)
                finally show ?thesis by blast
              thus ?thesis
                by (metis B.arr_resid_iff_con B.con_def B.con_implies_arr(1)
          thus "Apex τ ?στ t = Apex σ τ t"
            unfolding Apex_def by simp
        have "σ  τ = MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map"
        proof (intro join_eqI)
          show "σ  MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map"
          proof -
            have "σ \\ MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map = trg ?στ"
            proof -
              have "Dom (σ \\ MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map) = Dom (trg ?στ)"
                using στ con_σ_στ trg_simp by fastforce
              have "Cod (σ \\ MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map) = Cod (trg ?στ)"
                using στ 4 con_σ_στ trg_simp by fastforce
              have "Map (σ \\ MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map) = Map (trg ?στ)"
              proof -
                have "Map (σ \\ MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map) = Apex σ τ"
                  fix t
                  show "Map (σ \\ MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map) t =
                        Apex σ τ t"
                  proof (cases "A.arr t")
                    show "¬ A.arr t  ?thesis"
                      by (simp add: Apex.extensionality con_σ_στ)
                    assume t: "A.arr t"
                    have "Map σ (A.src t) \\B
                            (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Apex σ τ t =
                          Apex σ τ t"
                      by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.arr_src_if_arr A.ide_src A.ide_trg
                          A.resid_src_arr Apex.preserves_prfx B.apex_arr_prfxWE(2)
                          B.arr_prfx_join_self B.join_def B.join_prfx(1) B.not_arr_null
                          B.trg_ide στ.map_simp_ide στ.preserves_arr στ.preserves_trg t)
                    thus ?thesis
                      by (simp add: con_σ_στ t)
                thus ?thesis
                  using στ trg_simp by force
              ultimately show ?thesis
                using στ con_σ_στ resid_def' trg_simp by fastforce
            thus ?thesis
              using στ ide_trg by presburger
          show "τ  MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map"
          proof -
            have "τ \\ MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map = trg ?στ"
            proof -
              have "Dom (τ \\ MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map) = Dom (trg ?στ)"
                using στ con_τ_στ trg_def by fastforce
              moreover have "Cod (τ \\ MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map) =
                             Cod (trg ?στ)"
                using στ 5 Cod.simps(1) Cod_resid con_τ_στ trg_simp by presburger
              moreover have "Map (τ \\ MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map) =
                             Map (trg ?στ)"
              proof -
                have "Map (τ \\ MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map) = Apex σ τ"
                  fix t
                  show "Map (τ \\ MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map) t =
                        Apex σ τ t"
                  proof (cases "A.arr t")
                    show "¬ A.arr t  ?thesis"
                      by (simp add: Apex.extensionality con_τ_στ)
                    assume t: "A.arr t"
                    have "Map (τ \\ MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map) t =
                          Map τ (A.src t) \\B στ.map (A.src t) B Apex σ τ t"
                      using στ Map_resid
                      by (simp add: con_τ_στ t)
                    also have "... = Map τ (A.src t) \\B
                                       ((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B
                                           Dom σ (A.src t))
                                        B Apex σ τ t"
                      using t στ.map_def by simp
                    also have "... = ((Map τ (A.src t) \\B
                                         (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t))) \\B
                                         (Dom σ (A.src t) \\B
                                            (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t))))
                                         B Apex σ τ t"
                      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) A.rts_axioms A.src_src
                          A.trg_src B.arr_src_iff_arr B.cube B.join_src B.join_sym
                          B.resid_arr_src B.residuation_axioms σ.F.preserves_ide
                          στ.preserves_src τ.naturality1 residuation.ide_implies_arr
                          rts.ide_src t)
                    also have "... = (((Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t)) \\B
                                         (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))) \\B
                                        (Dom σ (A.src t) \\B
                                           (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t))))
                                         B Apex σ τ t"
                      by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.arr_src_iff_arr A.ide_src
                          B.arr_prfx_join_self B.join_sym
                          B.joinable_iff_join_not_null B.not_arr_null
                          B.prfx_implies_con B.resid_joinE(1) στ.map_simp_ide
                          στ.preserves_arr t)
                    also have "... = ((Cod τ (A.src t) \\B
                                         (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))) \\B
                                        (Dom σ (A.src t) \\B
                                           (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t))))
                                         B Apex σ τ t"
                      by (simp add: t τ.preserves_trg B.resid_arr_self)
                    also have "... = (Apex σ τ (A.src t) \\B
                                        (Dom σ (A.src t) \\B
                                           (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t))))
                                         B Apex σ τ t"
                      by (simp add: Apex_def τ.G.extensionality)
                    also have "... = (Apex σ τ (A.src t) \\B Apex σ τ (A.src t)) B
                                        Apex σ τ t"
                      using στ.naturality2 t by force
                    also have "... = Apex σ τ (A.src t) B Apex σ τ t"
                      by (metis A.ideE A.ide_src Apex.preserves_resid t)
                    also have "... = Apex σ τ t"
                      by (simp add: B.join_prfx(1) t)
                    finally show ?thesis by blast
                thus ?thesis
                  using στ trg_simp by force
              ultimately show ?thesis
                using στ con_τ_στ resid_def' trg_simp by fastforce
            thus ?thesis
              using στ ide_trg by presburger
          have 5: "a. A.ide a  Map σ a B Map τ a"
            by (metis A.ide_iff_src_self B.not_ide_null B.null_is_zero(2)
                B.residuation_axioms Apex.preserves_ide Apex_def residuation.con_def)
          have 6: "a. A.ide a 
                         (Map σ a B Map τ a) B Dom τ a B Map σ a"
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1" A.ide_iff_src_self
                B.arr_prfx_join_self B.conI B.con_sym B.join_def B.not_arr_null
                B.prfx_implies_con B.src_def σ.F.preserves_ide στ.map_eq
                στ.map_simp_ide στ.preserves_src)
          show "MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map \\ τ = σ \\ τ"
          proof -
            have "a. A.ide a 
                        (Map σ a B Map τ a) B Dom τ a B Map τ a"
              using B.con_sym στ.map_def con_τ_στ con_char by force
            have "transformation A B (Dom τ) ?Cod_στ ?Map_στ"
              using στ' by simp
            have "(λt. if A.arr t
                       then Cod τ t \\B
                              (Map (MkArr (Dom σ) ?Cod_στ ?Map_στ) (A.src t) \\B
                                 Map τ (A.src t))
                       else B.null) =
              fix t
              show "(if A.arr t
                     then Cod τ t \\B
                            (Map (MkArr (Dom σ) ?Cod_στ ?Map_στ) (A.src t) \\B
                               Map τ (A.src t))
                     else B.null) =
                    (if A.arr t
                     then Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))
                     else B.null)"
              proof -
                have "A.arr t 
                        Cod τ t \\B
                          (((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom σ (A.src t))
                              \\B Map τ (A.src t)) =
                        Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))"
                proof -
                  assume t: "A.arr t"
                  show "Cod τ t \\B
                          (((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom σ (A.src t))
                              \\B Map τ (A.src t)) =
                        Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))"
                  proof -
                    have "Cod τ t \\B
                            (((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom σ (A.src t))
                                 \\B Map τ (A.src t)) =
                          Cod τ t \\B
                            ((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) \\B
                                Map τ (A.src t))"
                      using στ.map_def στ.map_simp_ide t by force
                    also have "... = Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) B
                                                    Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))"
                      by (metis 1 B.arr_prfx_join_self B.conE B.con_sym_ax B.join_def
                          B.join_sym B.null_is_zero(2) B.prfx_implies_con
                          B.resid_joinE(3) t)
                    also have "... = Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) B
                                                    Cod τ (A.src t))"
                      using A.ide_src A.trg_src B.trg_def τ.preserves_trg t by presburger
                    also have "... = Cod τ t \\B (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))"
                      by (metis 5 A.ide_src B.arr_resid_iff_con B.join_src B.join_sym
                          B.src_residWE τ.preserves_trg t)
                    finally show ?thesis by blast
                thus ?thesis by auto
            have "(λt. if A.arr t
                       then (Map (MkArr (Dom σ) ?Cod_στ ?Map_στ) (A.src t) \\B
                               Map τ (A.src t))
                              B Cod τ t
                       else B.null) =
                  (λt. if A.arr t
                       then Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) B Cod τ t
                       else B.null)"
              fix t
              show "(if A.arr t
                     then Map (MkArr (Dom σ) ?Cod_στ ?Map_στ) (A.src t) \\B
                            Map τ (A.src t)
                            B Cod τ t
                     else B.null) =
                    (if A.arr t
                     then Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) B Cod τ t
                     else B.null)"
              proof -
                have "A.arr t 
                        ((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B
                            Dom σ (A.src t)) \\B
                          Map τ (A.src t) B Cod τ t =
                        Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) B Cod τ t"
                proof -
                  assume t: "A.arr t"
                  show "((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B
                            Dom σ (A.src t)) \\B
                          Map τ (A.src t) B Cod τ t =
                        Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) B Cod τ t"
                  proof -
                    have "((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B
                             Dom σ (A.src t)) \\B
                            Map τ (A.src t) B Cod τ t =
                           ((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) \\B
                              Map τ (A.src t))
                             B Cod τ t"
                      using στ.map_def στ.map_simp_ide t by fastforce
                    also have "... = (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) B
                                        Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t))
                                       B Cod τ t"
                      by (metis 1 B.arr_prfx_join_self B.conE B.con_sym_ax B.join_def
                          B.join_sym B.null_is_zero(2) B.prfx_implies_con B.resid_joinE(3)
                    also have "... =
                               (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t) B Cod τ (A.src t))
                                  B Cod τ t"
                      by (simp add: τ.preserves_trg B.resid_arr_self t)
                    also have "... = (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map τ (A.src t)) B Cod τ t"
                      by (metis 5 A.ide_src B.arr_resid_iff_con B.join_src B.join_sym
                          B.src_residWE τ.preserves_trg t)
                    finally show ?thesis by blast
                thus ?thesis by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis
              unfolding resid_def στ.map_eq Apex_def
              using 1 5 arr_char σ.transformation_axioms
              by auto
          show "MkArr (Dom σ) (Apex σ τ) στ.map \\ σ = τ \\ σ"
          proof -
            have "(λt. if A.arr t
                       then Cod σ t \\B
                              (Map (MkArr (Dom σ) ?Cod_στ ?Map_στ) (A.src t) \\B
                                 Map σ (A.src t))
                       else B.null) =
                  (λt. if A.arr t
                       then Cod σ t \\B (Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t))
                       else B.null)"
              fix t
              show "(if A.arr t
                     then Cod σ t \\B
                            (Map (MkArr (Dom σ) ?Cod_στ ?Map_στ) (A.src t) \\B
                               Map σ (A.src t))
                     else B.null) =
                    (if A.arr t
                     then Cod σ t \\B (Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t))
                     else B.null)"
              proof (cases "A.arr t")
                show "¬ A.arr t  ?thesis"
                  by simp
                assume t: "A.arr t"
                show ?thesis
                proof -
                  have "Cod σ t \\B
                          (((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B
                               Dom σ (A.src t)) \\B
                             Map σ (A.src t)) =
                        Cod σ t \\B
                          ((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) \\B
                              Map σ (A.src t))"
                    using στ.map_def στ.map_simp_ide t by fastforce
                  also have "... = Cod σ t \\B
                                     ((Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t)) B
                                        (Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t)))"
                    by (metis 1 B.arr_prfx_join_self B.conE B.con_sym_ax B.join_def
                        B.null_is_zero(2) B.prfx_implies_con B.resid_joinE(3) t)
                  also have "... = Cod σ t \\B
                                     (Cod σ (A.src t) B
                                        (Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t)))"
                    using A.ide_src A.trg_src B.trg_def σ.preserves_trg t by presburger
                  also have "... = Cod σ t \\B (Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t))"
                    by (metis (no_types, lifting) "5" A.ide_src B.arr_resid_iff_con
                        B.conI B.join_src B.src_residWE σ.preserves_trg B.con_sym_ax t)
                  finally show ?thesis by auto
            have "(λt. if A.arr t
                       then (Map (MkArr (Dom σ) ?Cod_στ ?Map_στ) (A.src t) \\B
                                    Map σ (A.src t))
                              B Cod σ t
                       else B.null) =
                  (λt. if A.arr t
                       then Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t) B Cod σ t
                       else B.null)"
              fix t
              show "(if A.arr t
                     then (Map (MkArr (Dom σ) ?Cod_στ ?Map_στ) (A.src t) \\B
                                  Map σ (A.src t))
                            B Cod σ t
                     else B.null) =
                    (if A.arr t
                     then Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t) B Cod σ t
                     else B.null)"
              proof (cases "A.arr t")
                show "¬ A.arr t  ?thesis"
                  by simp
                assume t: "A.arr t"
                show ?thesis
                proof -
                  have "(((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B
                             Dom σ (A.src t)) \\B
                           Map σ (A.src t)) B Cod σ t =
                        ((Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) \\B
                           Map σ (A.src t)) B Cod σ t"
                    using στ.map_def στ.map_simp_ide t by fastforce
                  also have "... = (Map σ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t) B
                                      Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t))
                                      B Cod σ t"
                    by (metis "1" B.arr_prfx_join_self B.conI B.con_sym_ax
                        B.ide_implies_arr B.join_def B.not_arr_null B.null_is_zero(2)
                        B.resid_joinE(3) t)
                  also have "... = (Cod σ (A.src t) B
                                      (Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t)))
                                      B Cod σ t"
                    using A.ide_src A.trg_src B.trg_def σ.preserves_trg t
                    by presburger
                  also have "... = (Map τ (A.src t) \\B Map σ (A.src t)) B Cod σ t"
                    by (metis (no_types, lifting) "5" A.ide_src B.arr_resid_iff_con
                        B.conI B.join_src B.src_residWE σ.preserves_trg B.con_sym_ax t)
                  finally show ?thesis by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis
              unfolding resid_def στ.map_eq Apex_def
              using 1 5 6 στ' σ.transformation_axioms arr_char B.con_sym
              by simp
        thus "joinable σ τ"
          by (metis στ joinable_iff_join_not_null not_arr_null)

    lemma Dom_join:
    assumes "joinable σ τ"
    shows "Dom (σ  τ) = Dom σ"
      using assms join_char by auto

    lemma Cod_join:
    assumes "joinable σ τ"
    shows "Cod (σ  τ) = Apex σ τ"
      using assms join_char by auto

    lemma Map_join:
    assumes "joinable σ τ"
    shows "Map (σ  τ) =
           (λt. (Map σ (A.src t) B Map τ (A.src t)) B Dom τ t)"
      using assms join_char by auto


subsection "Exponential of Small RTS's"

  locale exponential_of_small_rts =
    A: small_rts A +
    B: small_rts B +

    lemma small_Collect_fun:
    shows "small {F. F ` Collect A.arr  Collect B.arr 
                     F ` (UNIV - Collect A.arr)  {B.null}}"
    proof -
      let ?ℱ = "{F. F ` Collect A.arr  Collect B.arr 
                    F ` (UNIV - Collect A.arr)  {B.null}}"
      obtain φ where φ: "inj_on φ (Collect A.arr)  φ ` Collect A.arr  range elts"
        using A.small small_def by metis
      obtain ψ where ψ: "inj_on ψ (Collect B.arr)  ψ ` Collect B.arr  range elts"
        using B.small small_def by metis
      let ?graph = "λF :: 'a  'b. set ((λx. vpair (φ x) (ψ (F x))) ` Collect A.arr)"
      have "?graph ` ?ℱ  elts (VPow (vtimes (set (φ ` Collect A.arr))
                                              (set (ψ ` Collect B.arr))))"
        using A.small B.small small_def
        by (simp add: image_subset_iff set_image_le_iff)
      moreover have "inj_on ?graph ?ℱ"
      proof (intro inj_onI)
        fix F G
        assume F: "F  ?ℱ" and G: "G  ?ℱ"
        and eq: "?graph F = ?graph G"
        show "F = G"
          fix x
          show "F x = G x"
          proof (cases "A.arr x")
            show "¬ A.arr x  ?thesis"
              using F G
              by (simp add: image_subset_iff)
            assume x: "A.arr x"
            have "?graph F = ?graph G"
              using eq by simp
            hence "(λx. vpair (φ x) (ψ (F x))) ` Collect A.arr =
                   (λx. vpair (φ x) (ψ (G x))) ` Collect A.arr"
              using A.small by auto
            hence "x'. A.arr x'  vpair (φ x) (ψ (F x)) = vpair (φ x') (ψ (G x'))"
              using x by blast
            hence "vpair (φ x) (ψ (F x)) = vpair (φ x) (ψ (G x))"
              by (metis x φ inj_onD mem_Collect_eq vpair_inject)
            hence "ψ (F x) = ψ (G x)"
              by blast
            thus ?thesis
              using x F G ψ inj_onD [of ψ "Collect B.arr" "F x" "G x"] by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (meson down_raw small_def)

    lemma small_Collect_simulation:
    shows "small (Collect (simulation A B))"
    proof -
      have "F. simulation A B F 
                   F ` Collect A.arr  Collect B.arr 
                   F ` (UNIV - Collect A.arr)  {B.null}"
        apply (intro conjI)
         apply (simp add: image_subset_iff simulation.preserves_reflects_arr)
        using simulation.extensionality by fastforce
      thus ?thesis
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Collect_mono small_Collect_fun smaller_than_small)

    lemma small_Collect_transformation:
    assumes "simulation A B F" and "simulation A B G"
    shows "small (Collect (transformation A B F G))"
    proof -
      have "τ. transformation A B F G τ 
                  τ ` Collect A.arr  Collect B.arr 
                  τ ` (UNIV - Collect A.arr)  {B.null}"
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) DiffD2 image_subsetI mem_Collect_eq
            singleton_iff transformation.extensionality transformation.preserves_arr)
      thus ?thesis
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Collect_mono small_Collect_fun

    sublocale small_rts resid
      have "small (FGCollect (simulation A B) × Collect (simulation A B).
                                {FG} × Collect (transformation A B (fst FG) (snd FG)))"
      proof -
        have "small (Collect (simulation A B) × Collect (simulation A B))"
          using small_Collect_simulation by fastforce
        have "FG. FG  Collect (simulation A B) × Collect (simulation A B) 
                    small ({FG} × Collect (transformation A B (fst FG) (snd FG)))"
          using small_Collect_transformation by force
        ultimately show ?thesis by blast
      moreover have "(λt. ((Dom t, Cod t), Map t)) ` Collect arr 
              (FGCollect (simulation A B) × Collect (simulation A B).
                {FG} × Collect (transformation A B (fst FG) (snd FG)))"
        fix T
        assume T: "T  (λt. ((Dom t, Cod t), Map t)) ` Collect arr"
        obtain t where t: "arr t  T = ((Dom t, Cod t), Map t)"
          using T by blast
        have "simulation A B (Dom t)  simulation A B (Cod t) 
              transformation A B (Dom t) (Cod t) (Map t)"
          by (meson arr_char t transformation_def)
        thus "T 
                 (FGCollect (simulation A B) × Collect (simulation A B).
                {FG} × Collect (transformation A B (fst FG) (snd FG)))"
          using t by simp
      ultimately have "small ((λt. ((Dom t, Cod t), Map t)) ` Collect arr)"
        using smaller_than_small by blast
      moreover have "inj_on (λt. ((Dom t, Cod t), Map t)) (Collect arr)"
        using not_arr_null null_char MkArr_Map
        by (intro inj_onI) (metis fst_conv mem_Collect_eq snd_eqD)
      ultimately show "small (Collect arr)" by auto

    lemma is_small_rts:
    shows "small_rts resid"

  subsection "Exponential into RTS with Composites"

  locale exponential_into_rts_with_composites =
    A: rts A +
    B: rts_with_composites B +

    interpretation B: extensional_rts B ..
    interpretation B: extensional_rts_with_composites B ..

    notation B.comp  (infixr B 55)

    abbreviation COMP :: "('a, 'b) arr  ('a, 'b) arr  ('a, 'b) arr"
    where "COMP t u  MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u)
                        (λx. Map t (A.src x) B Map u (A.src x) B Dom t x)"

    lemma composite_of_iff:
    shows "composite_of t u v  seq t u  v = COMP t u"
      show "v. seq t u  v = COMP t u  composite_of t u v"
      proof (elim conjE)
        fix v
        assume tu: "seq t u"
        interpret T: transformation A B Dom t Cod t Map t
          using tu arr_char by blast
        interpret U: transformation A B Cod t Cod u Map u
          using tu arr_char src_simp
          by (metis Map_src Map_trg seqEWE)
        interpret TU: transformation_by_components A B Dom t Cod u
                        λa. B.comp (Map t a) (Map u a)
          show "a. A.ide a  B.src (B.comp (Map t a) (Map u a)) = Dom t a"
            by (metis A.ide_implies_arr B.rts_with_composites_axioms B.seqIWE(2)
                T.preserves_src T.preserves_trg U.preserves_arr U.preserves_src
                exponential_rts_axioms exponential_rts_def
          show 1: "a. A.ide a  B.trg (B.comp (Map t a) (Map u a)) = Cod u a"
            by (metis A.ide_implies_arr B.arr_src_iff_arr B.composable_iff_arr_comp
                B.trg_comp T.F.preserves_reflects_arr U.preserves_trg
                a. A.ide a  B.src (B.comp (Map t a) (Map u a)) = Dom t a)
          show "a a'. A.ide a; a A a'  Map t a B Map u a = Map t a' B Map u a'"
            using A.ide_backward_stable A.weak_extensionality by blast
          fix a x
          assume x: "a  A.sources x"
          show 2: "B.comp (Map t a) (Map u a) \\B Dom t x =
                B.comp (Map t (A a x)) (Map u (A a x))"
          proof -
            have "B.comp (Map t a) (Map u a) \\B Dom t x =
                  B.comp (Map t a \\B Dom t x)
                         (Map u a \\B (Dom t x \\B Map t a))"
              by (metis "1" A.ide_implies_arr A.source_is_ide A.source_is_prfx
                  B.arr_trg_iff_arr B.comp_def B.conI B.con_compI(2) B.con_sym_ax
                  B.not_arr_null B.resid_comp(2) T.naturality2_ax U.naturality1_ax
                  U.preserves_arr U.preserves_trg x)
            also have "... = B.comp (Map t (A a x)) (Map u (A a x))"
              using T.naturality1_ax T.naturality2_ax U.naturality1_ax x by presburger
            show "B.comp (Map t a) (Map u a) \\B Dom t x =
                  B.comp (Map t (A a x)) (Map u (A a x))"
              by blast
          show 1: "Dom t x \\B B.comp (Map t a) (Map u a) =
                   Cod u x"
            using x
            by (metis 2 A.prfx_implies_con A.residuation_axioms A.source_is_prfx
                B.arr_compEC B.arr_resid_iff_con B.resid_comp(1) T.naturality2_ax
                T.preserves_arr T.preserves_trg U.naturality2_ax U.preserves_src
          show "B.joinable (B.comp (Map t a) (Map u a)) (Dom t x)"
            using x B.joinable_iff_con
            by (metis "1" A.con_implies_arr(1) A.in_sourcesE B.arr_resid_iff_con
                B.con_sym U.G.simulation_axioms simulation.preserves_reflects_arr)
        have "composite_of t u (MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u)"
          have 1: "arr (MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u)"
            using arr_char TU.transformation_axioms by blast
          have "src (MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u) = src t"
            using 1 tu src_simp
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) Dom.simps(1) seqEWE)
          have 3: "trg (MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u) = trg u"
            using 1 trg_simp tu
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cod.simps(1) seqEWE)
          have "a. A.ide a 
                      Map t a B Map (MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u) a"
            using TU.map_simp_ide
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.ide_implies_arr B.prfx_comp
                Map.simps(1) TU.preserves_arr)
          thus 2: "t  MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u)"
            using 1 src_simp tu prfx_char [of t "MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u)"]
            by auto
          have "MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u) \\ t = u"
          proof -
            have "Dom (MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u) \\ t) = Dom u"
              by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) "2" Dom_resid conI con_sym_ax
                  exponential_rts.Map_src exponential_rts.Map_trg
                  exponential_rts.ide_charERTS exponential_rts_axioms seqEWE tu)
            moreover have "Cod (MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u) \\ t) = Cod u"
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1" "2" Cod.simps(1) Map_trg apex_sym
                  arr_resid conI con_sym_ax not_ide_null src_ide src_residWE trg_ide)
            moreover have "Map (MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u) \\ t) = Map u"
            proof -
              have "a. A.ide a 
                          Map (MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u) \\ t) a = Map u a"
                by (metis (no_types, lifting) "2" A.ide_implies_arr B.comp_resid_prfx
                    Map.simps(1) Map_resid_ide TU.map_simp_ide TU.preserves_arr
                    conI con_sym_ax not_ide_null)
              thus ?thesis
                using transformation_eqI
                      2 arr_char U.transformation_axioms
                by (metis (no_types, lifting) B.extensional_rts_axioms Dom_resid
                    arr_resid calculation(1-2) conI con_sym_ax not_ide_null)
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using 1
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) "2" MkArr_Map arr_char con_sym_ax
                  not_ide_null null_char seqEWE tu)
          thus "cong (MkArr (Dom t) (Cod u) \\ t) u"
            by (metis (full_types) 1 3 ide_trg trg_def)
        thus "v = COMP t u  composite_of t u v"
          unfolding TU.map_def by blast
      thus "composite_of t u v  seq t u  v = COMP t u"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) arrE arr_composite_of comp_is_composite_of(2)
            composable_imp_seq comp_def)

    corollary is_rts_with_composites:
    shows "rts_with_composites resid"
      using composite_of_iff composable_def
      by unfold_locales auto

    sublocale rts_with_composites resid
      using is_rts_with_composites by blast
    sublocale extensional_rts_with_composites resid ..

    lemma naturality:
    assumes "arr τ" and "A.arr u"
    shows "Dom τ u B Map τ (A.trg u) = Map τ (A.src u) B Cod τ u"
    proof -
      interpret τ: transformation A B Dom τ Cod τ Map τ
        using assms arr_char by blast
      show ?thesis
        using assms(2) τ.naturality1 τ.naturality2 τ.naturality3
        by (metis B.diamond_commutes)

    lemma Dom_comp [simp]:
    assumes "seq σ τ"
    shows "Dom (comp σ τ) = Dom σ"
      using assms
      by (metis Map_src composable_iff_arr_comp has_composites seqEWE src_comp)

    lemma Cod_comp [simp]:
    assumes "seq σ τ"
    shows "Cod (comp σ τ) = Cod τ"
      using assms
      by (metis Map_trg composable_iff_arr_comp has_composites seqEWE trg_comp)

    lemma Map_comp [simp]:
    assumes "seq σ τ"
    shows "Map (comp σ τ) =
           (λx. Map σ (A.src x) B Map τ (A.src x) B Dom σ x)"
      using assms composite_of_iff comp_is_composite_of has_composites
      by simp

    lemma Map_comp_ide:
    assumes "seq σ τ" and "A.ide x"
    shows "Map (comp σ τ) x = Map σ x B Map τ x"
    proof -
      have 1: "B.src (Map τ x) = Dom τ (A.src x)"
        using assms
        by (metis A.src_ide seq_char transformation.preserves_src)
      have "(Map σ (A.src x) B Map τ (A.src x)) B Dom σ x =
            Map σ (A.src x) B Map τ (A.src x)"
      proof -
        have "B.seq (Map σ (A.src x)) (Map τ (A.src x))"
          by (metis assms(1-2) 1 A.ideE A.ide_implies_arr A.src_ide
              B.seqIWE(2) B.trg_def seq_char resid_Map_self seqE
        hence "B.src (Map σ (A.src x) B Map τ (A.src x)) = Dom σ x"
          using assms A.src_ide seq_char transformation.preserves_src B.src_comp
          by (metis B.composable_iff_seq)
        thus ?thesis
          using assms B.join_src [of "Map σ (A.src x) B Map τ (A.src x)"] B.join_sym
                B.seq_implies_arr_comp B.seq (Map σ (A.src x)) (Map τ (A.src x))
          by presburger
      thus ?thesis
        using assms by force


subsection "Exponential by One"

    The isomorphism between an RTS A› and the exponential [𝟭, A]› is important
    in various situations.

  locale exponential_by_One =
    One: one_arr_rts +
    A: extensional_rts A
  for A :: "'a resid"      (infix \A 70)

    sublocale exponential_rts One.resid A ..
    notation resid   (infix \ 70)
    notation con     (infix  50)

    abbreviation Up :: "'a  ('b, 'a) arr"
    where "Up t 
           if A.arr t
           then MkArr
                  ( One.resid A (A.src t))
                  ( One.resid A (A.trg t))
                  ( One.resid A t)
           else null"

    abbreviation Dn :: "('b, 'a) arr  'a"
    where "Dn t  if arr t then Map t One.the_arr else A.null"

    sublocale Up: simulation A resid Up
      show "t. ¬ A.arr t  Up t = null"
        by simp
      fix t u
      assume tu: "t A u"
      interpret T: constant_transformation One.resid A t
        using tu A.con_implies_arr
        by unfold_locales blast
      interpret U: constant_transformation One.resid A u
        using tu A.con_implies_arr
        by unfold_locales blast
      interpret TU: constant_transformation One.resid A A t u
        using tu
        by unfold_locales auto
      have 2: "T.F = U.F"
        using tu A.con_implies_arr A.con_imp_eq_src by auto
      have 3: "TU.F = U.G"
        using tu by auto
      show 1: "Up t  Up u"
        show "coinitial (Up t) (Up u)"
          using tu 2 A.con_implies_arr sources_charWE src_char
                T.transformation_axioms U.transformation_axioms
          by (intro coinitialI) auto
        show "a. One.ide a  Map (Up t) a A Map (Up u) a"
          by (simp add: T.arr_t U.arr_t tu)
      show "Up (t \\A u) = Up t \\ Up u"
      proof (intro arr_eqI)
        show "arr (Up (t \\A u))"
          using tu TU.transformation_axioms by simp
        show "arr (Up t \\ Up u)"
          using 1 by auto
        show "Dom (Up (t \\A u)) = Dom (Up t \\ Up u)"
          using tu 2 3 A.con_implies_arr resid_def
                T.transformation_axioms U.transformation_axioms
          by simp
        show "Cod (Up (t \\A u)) = Cod (Up t \\ Up u)"
        proof -
          have "TU.G =
                (λt. if One.arr t
                     then Cod (MkArr U.F U.G t \\A
                            (Map (MkArr U.F T.G (One.src t) \\A
                               Map (MkArr U.F U.G (One.src t))
                     else A.null)"
            using A.apex_sym A.cube A.trg_def by auto
          thus ?thesis
            using tu 2 3 A.con_implies_arr resid_def
                  T.transformation_axioms U.transformation_axioms
            by simp
        show "a. One.ide a 
                     Map (Up (t \\A u)) a = Map (Up t \\ Up u) a"
          using tu 2 A.con_implies_arr resid_def
                T.transformation_axioms U.transformation_axioms
          apply simp
          by (metis "3" A.join_src A.join_sym TU.arr_t One.arr_char)

    sublocale Dn: simulation resid A Dn
      show "t. ¬ arr t  Dn t = A.null"
        by simp
      fix t u
      assume tu: "t  u"
      interpret T: transformation One.resid A Dom t Cod t Map t
        using tu con_implies_arr arr_char by blast
      interpret U: transformation One.resid A Dom u Cod u Map u
        using tu con_implies_arr arr_char by blast
      interpret TU: transformation One.resid A Cod u Apex t u Resid t u
        using tu transformation_Map_resid [of t u] resid_def [of t u] con_char
        by auto
      show 1: "Dn t A Dn u"
        using tu con_implies_arr con_char One.ide_char1RTS by auto
      have 2: "Dom t = Dom u"
        using tu con_char by auto
      show "Dn (t \\ u) = Dn t \\A Dn u"
        using tu 1 2 con_implies_arr resid_def One.ide_char1RTS One.arr_char
              null_char not_arr_null T.transformation_axioms U.transformation_axioms
              One.src_char A.null_is_zero A.not_arr_null TU.transformation_axioms
        apply auto[1]
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.join_src A.join_sym A.residuation_axioms
            A.src_residWE U.preserves_trg residuation.arr_resid)

    lemma inverse_simulations_Dn_Up:
    shows "inverse_simulations A resid Dn Up"
      show "Dn  Up = I A"
        using One.arr_char by auto
      show "Up  Dn = I resid"
        interpret UpoDown: composite_simulation resid A resid Dn Up ..
        fix t
        show "(Up  Dn) t = I resid t"
        proof (cases "arr t", intro arr_eqI)
          show "¬ arr t  (Up  Dn) t = I resid t"
            by auto
          show "arr t  arr ( t)" by blast
          show "arr t  arr (I resid t)" by simp
          fix t
          assume t: "arr t"
          interpret T: transformation One.resid A Dom t Cod t Map t
            using t arr_char [of t] by blast
          show "Dom ( t) = Dom (I resid t)"
            using t T.F.extensionality T.preserves_arr One.arr_char One.ide_char1RTS
            by auto
          show "Cod ( t) = Cod (I resid t)"
            using t T.G.extensionality T.preserves_arr One.arr_char One.ide_char1RTS
            by auto
          show "a. One.ide a  Map ( t) a = Map (I resid t) a"
            using t T.preserves_arr One.arr_char by auto


subsection "Evaluation Map"

  locale evaluation_map =
    A: weakly_extensional_rts A +
    B: extensional_rts B
  for A :: "'a resid"          (infix \A 55)
  and B :: "'b resid"          (infix \B 55)

    sublocale AB: exponential_rts A B ..
    sublocale ABxA: product_rts AB.resid A ..

    notation AB.resid        (infix \[A,B] 55)
    notation ABxA.resid      (infix \[A,B]xA 55)
    notation AB.con          (infix [A,B] 50)
    notation ABxA.con        (infix [A,B]×A 50)

    definition map :: "('a, 'b) AB.arr × 'a  'b"
    where "map Fg  if ABxA.arr Fg then AB.Map (fst Fg) (snd Fg) else B.null"

    lemma map_simp:
    assumes "ABxA.arr Fg"
    shows "map Fg = AB.Map (fst Fg) (snd Fg)"
      using assms map_def by auto

    lemma is_simulation:
    shows "simulation ABxA.resid B map"
      show "Fg. ¬ ABxA.arr Fg  map Fg = B.null"
        using map_def by auto
      fix Fg Fg'
      assume con: "Fg [A,B]×A Fg'"
      let ?F = "fst Fg" and ?g = "snd Fg"
      let ?F' = "fst Fg'" and ?g' = "snd Fg'"
      have con_FF': "?F [A,B] ?F'"
        using con by blast
      have con_gg': "?g A ?g'"
       using con by blast
      interpret F: transformation A B AB.Dom ?F AB.Cod ?F AB.Map ?F
        using AB.con_char con_FF' by auto
      interpret F': transformation A B
                      AB.Dom ?F AB.Cod ?F' AB.Map ?F'
        using AB.con_char con_FF' by metis
      interpret F_F': transformation A B AB.Cod ?F' AB.Apex ?F ?F'
                        AB.Map (AB.resid ?F ?F')
        using AB.con_char AB.transformation_Map_resid con_FF' by auto
      show "map Fg B map Fg'"
        by (metis A.arr_resid AB.resid_Map ABxA.con_implies_arr(2) B.conI
            B.not_arr_null F_F'.preserves_arr con con_FF' con_gg' map_def
      show "map (Fg \\[A,B]xA Fg') = map Fg \\B map Fg'"
        by (metis AB.resid_Map ABxA.arr_resid ABxA.con_implies_arr(2)
            ABxA.resid_def con con_FF' con_gg' fst_conv map_def
            ABxA.con_implies_arr(1) snd_conv)

    sublocale simulation ABxA.resid B map
      using is_simulation by auto
    sublocale binary_simulation AB.resid A B map ..

    lemma src_map:
    assumes "AB.arr Fg" and "A.arr f"
    shows "B.src (map (Fg, f)) = AB.Dom Fg (A.src f)"
    proof -
      interpret F: transformation A B AB.Dom Fg AB.Cod Fg AB.Map Fg
        using assms AB.arr_char by auto
      show ?thesis
        by (metis A.ide_src ABxA.arr_char B.src_composite_of F.naturality2'
            F.preserves_src assms(1) assms(2) fst_conv map_def snd_conv)

    lemma trg_map:
    assumes "AB.arr Fg" and "A.arr f"
    shows "B.trg (map (Fg, f)) = AB.Cod Fg (A.trg f)"
    proof -
      interpret F: transformation A B AB.Dom Fg AB.Cod Fg AB.Map Fg
        using assms AB.arr_char by auto
      show ?thesis
        by (simp add: A.trg_def AB.resid_Map_self B.trg_def assms map_def)


  subsection "Currying"

  locale Currying =
  A: weakly_extensional_rts A +
  B: weakly_extensional_rts B +
  C: extensional_rts C
  for A :: "'a resid"           (infix \A 55)
  and B :: "'b resid"           (infix \B 55)
  and C :: "'c resid"           (infix \C 55)

    sublocale AxB: product_of_weakly_extensional_rts A B ..
    sublocale BC: exponential_rts B C ..
    sublocale BCxB: product_rts BC.resid B ..
    sublocale E: evaluation_map B C ..

    notation A.con              (infix A 50)
    notation B.con              (infix B 50)
    notation C.con              (infix C 50)
    notation C.prfx             (infix C 50)
    notation C.join             (infixr C 52)
    notation AxB.resid          (infix \AxB 55)
    notation AxB.con            (infix AxB 52)
    notation AxB.prfx           (infix AxB 52)
    notation BC.resid           (infix \[B,C] 55)
    notation BC.con             (infix [B,C] 52)
    notation BC.join            (infixr [B,C] 52)
    notation BCxB.resid         (infix \[B,C]xB 55)
    notation BCxB.con           (infix [B,C]xB 52)

    definition Curry :: "('a × 'b  'c)  ('a × 'b  'c)  ('a × 'b  'c)
                            'a  ('b, 'c) BC.arr"
    where "Curry F G τ f =
           (if A.arr f
            then BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src f, g)) (λg. G (A.trg f, g)) (λg. τ (f, g))
            else BC.null)"

    abbreviation Curry3 :: "('a × 'b  'c)  'a  ('b, 'c) BC.arr"
    where "Curry3 F  Curry F F F"

    definition Uncurry :: "('a  ('b, 'c) BC.arr)  'a × 'b  'c"
    where "Uncurry τ f  if AxB.arr f then (τ (fst f), snd f) else C.null"

    lemma Curry_simp:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "Curry F G τ f =
           BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src f, g)) (λg. G (A.trg f, g)) (λg. τ (f, g))"
      using assms Curry_def by auto

    lemma Uncurry_simp:
    assumes "AxB.arr f"
    shows "Uncurry τ f = (τ (fst f), snd f)"
      using assms Uncurry_def by auto

    lemma Dom_Curry:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "BC.Dom (Curry F G τ f) = (λg. F (A.src f, g))"
      using assms Curry_simp by simp
    lemma Cod_Curry:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "BC.Cod (Curry F G τ f) = (λg. G (A.trg f, g))"
      using assms Curry_simp by simp
    lemma Map_Curry:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "BC.Map (Curry F G τ f) = (λg. τ (f, g))"
      using assms Curry_simp by simp
    lemma Map_simulation_expansion:
    assumes "simulation A BC.resid G" and "AxB.arr f"
    shows "BC.Map (G (fst f)) (snd f) =
           BC.Map (G (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) C
             BC.Map (G (A.src (fst f))) (snd f)"
    proof -
      interpret G: simulation A BC.resid G
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret G: simulation_to_extensional_rts A BC.resid G ..
      show ?thesis
      proof (intro C.join_eqI')
        show "BC.Map (G (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) C BC.Map (G (fst f)) (snd f)"
          by (metis B.con_arr_src(2) B.resid_src_arr B.trg_def
              BC.Map_preserves_prfx BC.cong_reflexive BC.resid_Map_self
              G.preserves_reflects_arr assms(2) AxB.arr_char B.arrE)
        show "BC.Map (G (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) C BC.Map (G (fst f)) (snd f)"
          by (meson A.source_is_prfx A.src_in_sources BC.Map_preserves_prfx
              G.preserves_prfx assms(2) AxB.arr_char)
        show "BC.Map (G (fst f)) (snd f) \\C BC.Map (G (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) =
              BC.Map (G (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                BC.Map (G (A.src (fst f))) (snd f)"
          by (metis A.con_arr_src(1) AxB.arr_char AxB.con_char B.con_arr_src(2)
              B.resid_src_arr B.trg_def BC.resid_Map G.preserves_con assms(2)
        show "BC.Map (G (fst f)) (snd f) \\C BC.Map (G (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) =
              BC.Map (G (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) \\C
                BC.Map (G (fst f)) (B.src (snd f))"
          by (metis A.con_arr_src(2) A.resid_arr_self A.resid_src_arr
              B.con_arr_src(1) BC.resid_Map G.preserves_con
              G.preserves_resid assms(2) AxB.arr_char A.arrE)

    lemma Map_simulation_monotone:
    assumes "simulation A BC.resid G" and "f AxB g"
    shows "BC.Map (G (fst f)) (snd f) C BC.Map (G (fst g)) (snd g)"
    proof -
      interpret G: simulation A BC.resid G
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret G: simulation_to_extensional_rts A BC.resid G ..
      show ?thesis
        using assms(2)
        by (metis AxB.con_char AxB.prfx_char AxB.prfx_implies_con
            BC.Map_resid_ide BC.arrE BC.con_def BC.ide_implies_arr
            BC.prfx_char BC.resid_Map G.preserves_prfx)

    lemma Curry_preserves_simulations [intro]:
    assumes "simulation AxB.resid C F"
    shows "simulation A BC.resid (Curry3 F)"
    proof -
      interpret F: simulation AxB.resid C F
        using assms by auto
      interpret F: binary_simulation_between_weakly_extensional_rts A B C F ..
      show ?thesis
        show "t. ¬ A.arr t  Curry3 F t = BC.null"
          using Curry_def by simp
        fix t u
        assume con: "t A u"
        interpret Ft: transformation B C λg. F (A.src u, g) λg. F (A.trg t, g)
                        λg. F (t, g)
          using con F.fixing_arr_gives_transformation_1 [of t] A.con_implies_arr(1)
          by simp
        interpret Fu: transformation B C λg. F (A.src u, g) λg. F (A.trg u, g)
                        λg. F (u, g)
          using con F.fixing_arr_gives_transformation_1 [of u] A.con_implies_arr(2)
          by simp
        show *: "Curry3 F t [B,C] Curry3 F u"
          using con Curry_def BC.con_char Curry_simp A.con_implies_arr
                A.con_imp_eq_src Ft.transformation_axioms Fu.transformation_axioms
          by simp
        show "Curry3 F (t \\A u) = Curry3 F t \\[B,C] Curry3 F u"
        proof -
          have "BC.Dom (Curry3 F (t \\A u)) =
                BC.Dom (Curry3 F t \\[B,C] Curry3 F u)"
            using * A.arr_resid A.con_implies_arr(2) A.src_residWE BC.Dom_resid
                  Cod_Curry Dom_Curry con
            by presburger
          moreover have "BC.Cod (Curry3 F (t \\A u)) =
                         BC.Cod (Curry3 F t \\[B,C] Curry3 F u)"
          proof -
            have "BC.Cod (Curry3 F (t \\A u)) = (λg. F (A.trg (t \\A u), g))"
              using Cod_Curry con by force
            also have "... = BC.Apex (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src u, g))
                                        (λg. F (A.trg t, g)) (λg. F (t, g)))
                                     (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src u, g))
                                        (λg. F (A.trg u, g)) (λg. F (u, g)))"
            proof -
              have "(λg. F (A.trg (t \\A u), g)) =
                    (λg. if B.arr g
                          then BC.Cod (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src u, g))
                                           (λg. F (A.trg u, g)) (λg. F (u, g))) g \\C
                                 (BC.Map (BC.MkArr
                                              (λg. F (A.src u, g)) (λg. F (A.trg t, g))
                                              (λg. F (t, g)))
                                         (B.src g) \\C
                                    BC.Map (BC.MkArr
                                                (λg. F (A.src u, g)) (λg. F (A.trg u, g))
                                                (λg. F (u, g)))
                                         (B.src g))
                          else C.null)"
                fix g
                show "F (A.trg (t \\A u), g) =
                      (if B.arr g
                       then BC.Cod (BC.MkArr
                                        (λg. F (A.src u, g)) (λg. F (A.trg u, g))
                                        (λg. F (u, g))) g \\C
                              (BC.Map (BC.MkArr
                                           (λg. F (A.src u, g)) (λg. F (A.trg t, g))
                                           (λg. F (t, g)))
                                      (B.src g) \\C
                                 BC.Map (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src u, g))
                                             (λg. F (A.trg u, g)) (λg. F (u, g)))
                                        (B.src g))
                       else C.null)"
                proof (cases "B.arr g")
                  show "¬ B.arr g  ?thesis"
                    by (metis A.arr_resid A.ide_trg F.fixing_ide_gives_simulation_1 con
                  assume g: "B.arr g"
                  have "F (t, B.src g) \\C F (u, B.src g) = F (t \\A u, B.src g)"
                    using g con F.preserves_resid AxB.resid_def AxB.con_char
                    by (metis AxB.con_arr_self B.arr_src_iff_arr B.trg_def B.trg_src
                        F.preserves_reflects_arr Ft.preserves_arr fst_conv snd_conv)
                  moreover have "F (A.trg (t \\A u), g) =
                                 F (A.trg u, g) \\C F (t \\A u, B.src g)"
                    using con g F.preserves_resid AxB.resid_def AxB.con_char
                    by auto
                       (metis (no_types, lifting) A.arr_resid A.con_imp_arr_resid
                        A.resid_src_arr A.src_residWE A.trg_def B.con_arr_src(1)
                        B.resid_arr_src A.con_def)
                  ultimately show ?thesis
                    using con BC.Apex_def A.con_implies_arr F.extensionality
                          F.preserves_trg F.preserves_resid AxB.resid_def
                    by auto
              thus ?thesis
                using con BC.Apex_def A.con_implies_arr F.extensionality F.preserves_trg
                by auto
            also have "... = BC.Cod (Curry3 F t \\[B,C] Curry3 F u)"
              using con Curry_def A.con_implies_arr A.con_imp_eq_src BC.Apex_def
                    Ft.transformation_axioms Fu.transformation_axioms BC.resid_def
              by simp
            finally show ?thesis by blast
          moreover have "BC.Map (Curry3 F (t \\A u)) =
                         BC.Map (Curry3 F t \\[B,C] Curry3 F u)"
          proof -
            have "BC.Map (Curry3 F (t \\A u)) = (λg. F (t \\A u, g))"
              using con Curry_def A.con_implies_arr A.con_imp_eq_src BC.Map_resid
              by simp
            also have "... =
                       (λg. if B.arr g
                             then BC.Map (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src u, g))
                                                   (λg. F (A.trg t, g))
                                                   (λg. F (t, g)))
                                          (B.src g) \\C
                                    BC.Map (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src u, g))
                                                     (λg. F (A.trg u, g))
                                                     (λg. F (u, g)))
                                           (B.src g) C
                                  BC.Cod (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src u, g))
                                                   (λg. F (A.trg u, g))
                                                   (λg. F (u, g)))
                             else C.null)"
              fix g
              show "F (t \\A u, g) =
                    (if B.arr g
                     then BC.Map (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src u, g))
                                           (λg. F (A.trg t, g))
                                           (λg. F (t, g)))
                                 (B.src g) \\C
                            BC.Map (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src u, g))
                                             (λg. F (A.trg u, g))
                                             (λg. F (u, g)))
                                   (B.src g) C
                          BC.Cod (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src u, g))
                                           (λg. F (A.trg u, g))
                                           (λg. F (u, g)))
                     else C.null)"
              proof (cases "B.arr g")
                show "¬ B.arr g  ?thesis"
                  using F.extensionality by simp
                assume g: "B.arr g"
                have "F (t \\A u, g) =
                      F (t, B.src g) \\C F (u, B.src g) C F (A.trg u, g)"
                proof -
                  have "F (t, B.src g) \\C F (u, B.src g) = F (t \\A u, B.src g)"
                    by (metis (no_types, lifting) AxB.con_char AxB.resid_def
                        B.ide_def B.ide_src F.preserves_resid con g fst_eqD snd_eqD)
                  moreover have "F (t \\A u, B.src g) C F (A.trg u, g) =
                                 F (t \\A u, g)"
                  proof -
                    have "C.join_of (F (t \\A u, B.src g)) (F (A.trg u, g))
                            (F (t \\A u, g))"
                      using F.preserves_joins BCxB.join_of_char
                      by (metis A.arr_resid A.join_of_arr_src(2) A.src_in_sources
                          A.src_residWE AxB.join_of_char(1) B.join_of_arr_src(1)
                          B.src_in_sources con g fst_eqD snd_conv)
                    thus ?thesis
                      by (meson C.join_is_join_of C.join_of_unique C.joinable_def)
                  ultimately show ?thesis by auto
                thus ?thesis
                  using g by simp
            finally show ?thesis
              using con Curry_def A.con_implies_arr A.con_imp_eq_src BC.Map_resid'
                    Ft.transformation_axioms Fu.transformation_axioms
              by simp
          moreover have "Curry3 F (t \\A u)  BC.Null"
            using BC.arr_char
            by (simp add: con Curry_def)
          moreover have "Curry3 F t \\[B,C] Curry3 F u  BC.Null"
            using con BC.arr_char "*" BC.null_char BC.con_def by force
          have "x y. BC.Dom x = BC.Dom y  BC.Cod x = BC.Cod y 
                       BC.Map x = BC.Map y  x  BC.Null  y  BC.Null
                           x = y"
            by (metis BC.Cod.simps(1) BC.Dom.simps(1) BC.Map.elims)
          ultimately show ?thesis by blast

    lemma Uncurry_preserves_simulations [intro]:
    assumes "simulation A BC.resid F"
    shows "simulation AxB.resid C (Uncurry F)"
    proof -
      interpret F: simulation A BC.resid F using assms by auto
      show ?thesis
        show "t. ¬ AxB.arr t  Uncurry F t = C.null"
          using Uncurry_def by presburger
        show "t u. t AxB u  Uncurry F t C Uncurry F u"
          using Uncurry_def AxB.con_implies_arr(1) AxB.con_implies_arr(2)
          by auto
        fix t u :: "'a * 'b"
        assume con: "t AxB u"
        have "Uncurry F (t \\AxB u) = (F (fst (t \\AxB u)), snd (t \\AxB u))"
          using AxB.arr_resid Uncurry_def con by presburger
        also have "... = Uncurry F t \\C Uncurry F u"
          using AxB.con_implies_arr(1) AxB.con_implies_arr(2) AxB.resid_def
            BCxB.resid_def E.preserves_resid Uncurry_simp con
          by auto
        finally show "Uncurry F (t \\AxB u) = Uncurry F t \\C Uncurry F u"
          by auto

    lemma Curry_preserves_transformations:
    assumes "transformation AxB.resid C F G τ"
    shows "transformation A BC.resid (Curry3 F) (Curry3 G) (Curry F G τ)"
    proof -
      interpret τ: transformation AxB.resid C F G τ using assms by auto
      interpret τ: transformation_to_extensional_rts AxB.resid C F G τ ..
      interpret τ: transformation_of_binary_simulations A B C F G τ ..
      interpret Curry_F: simulation A BC.resid Curry F F F
        using Curry_preserves_simulations τ.F.simulation_axioms by simp
      interpret Curry_G: simulation A BC.resid Curry G G G
        using Curry_preserves_simulations τ.G.simulation_axioms by simp
      show ?thesis
        fix f
        show "¬ A.arr f  Curry F G τ f = BC.null"
          using Curry_def by simp
        show "A.ide f  BC.src (Curry F G τ f) = Curry3 F f"
          unfolding Curry_def
          using BC.src_simp A.ide_implies_arr A.src_ide A.trg_ide BC.Dom.simps(1)
            BC.arr_MkArr τ.fixing_ide_gives_transformation_1
          by presburger
        show "A.ide f  BC.trg (Curry F G τ f) = Curry3 G f"
          unfolding Curry_def
          using BC.trg_simp A.ide_implies_arr A.src_ide A.trg_ide BC.Cod.simps(1)
            BC.arr_MkArr τ.fixing_ide_gives_transformation_1
          by presburger
        show "a a'. A.ide a; a A a'  Curry F G τ a = Curry F G τ a'"
          using A.ide_backward_stable A.weak_extensionality by blast
        fix a
        assume f: "a  A.sources f"
        interpret τ_src: transformation B C
                           λg. F (a, g) λg. G (a, g) λg. τ (a, g)
          using f τ.fixing_ide_gives_transformation_1 by auto
        interpret τ_trg: transformation B C
                           λg. F (A a f, g) λg. G (A a f, g) λg. τ (A a f, g)
          using f τ.fixing_ide_gives_transformation_1 A.source_is_prfx by blast
        interpret τ.F: binary_simulation_between_weakly_extensional_rts A B C F ..
        interpret F_f: transformation B C
                         λg. F (A.src f, g) λg. F (A a f, g) λg. F (f, g)
          using f τ.F.fixing_arr_gives_transformation_1
          by (metis (full_types) A.arr_resid_iff_con A.con_imp_eq_src
              A.in_sourcesE A.resid_src_arr A.rts_axioms A.src_ide rts.resid_arr_ide)
        show A: "Curry F G τ a \\[B,C] Curry3 F f = Curry F G τ (A a f)"
        proof -
          have "Curry F G τ a \\[B,C] Curry3 F f =
                BC.MkArr (λg. F (a, g)) (λg. G (a, g))
                    (λg. τ (a, g)) \\[B,C]
                  BC.MkArr (λg. F (a, g)) (λg. F (A a f, g)) (λg. F (f, g))"
          proof -
            have "A.src f = A.src a"
              using A.con_imp_eq_src f by blast
            thus ?thesis
              by (metis (no_types) A.con_implies_arr(1) A.ideE A.ide_iff_src_self
                  A.in_sourcesE A.resid_src_arr Curry_def f)
          also have "... = BC.MkArr (λg. F (A a f, g)) (λg. G (A a f, g))
                               (λg. τ (A a f, g))"
            (is "?LHS1 \\[B,C] ?LHS2 = ?RHS")
          proof -
            have 1: "?LHS1 [B,C] ?LHS2"
              show "BC.coinitial
                      (BC.MkArr (λg. F (a, g)) (λg. G (a, g)) (λg. τ (a, g)))
                      (BC.MkArr (λg. F (a, g)) (λg. F (a \\A f, g)) (λg. F (f, g)))"
                using A.con_imp_eq_src BC.coinitialIWE BC.src_char
                      F_f.transformation_axioms τ_src.transformation_axioms f
                by fastforce
              show "x. B.ide x 
                             (BC.MkArr (λg. F (a, g)) (λg. G (a, g)) (λg. τ (a, g))) x C
                             (BC.MkArr (λg. F (a, g)) (λg. F (a \\A f, g)) (λg. F (f, g))) x"
                by (simp add: A.prfx_implies_con A.rts_axioms τ.preserves_con(2)
                    f rts.source_is_prfx)
            have "BC.Dom (?LHS1 \\[B,C] ?LHS2) = BC.Dom ?RHS"
              using 1 f BC.Dom_resid BC.con_char by simp
            moreover have "BC.Cod (?LHS1 \\[B,C] ?LHS2) = BC.Cod ?RHS"
            proof -
              have "BC.Cod (?LHS1 \\[B,C] ?LHS2) = BC.Apex ?LHS1 ?LHS2"
                using 1 f BC.Cod_resid BC.con_char by fastforce
              also have "... = (λg. G (A a f, g))"
                fix g
                show "BC.Apex ?LHS1 ?LHS2 g = G (A a f, g)"
                proof -
                  have "a  A.sources f 
                          (B.arr g 
                             F (a \\A f, g) \\C (τ (a, B.src g) \\C F (f, B.src g)) =
                             G (a \\A f, g)) 
                          (¬ B.arr g  C.null = G (a \\A f, g))"
                    by (metis A.prfx_implies_con A.rts_axioms AxB.con_char AxB.resid_def
                        B.arr_src_if_arr B.ideE B.rts_axioms B.src_in_sources B.src_src
                        B.trg_def B.trg_src τ.general_naturality(1) τ_trg.G.extensionality
                        τ_trg.naturality2 fst_conv rts.source_is_prfx snd_conv)
                  thus ?thesis
                    using BC.Apex_def f by simp
              also have "... = BC.Cod ?RHS"
                using 1 f BC.Cod_resid BC.con_char by fastforce
              finally show ?thesis by blast
            moreover have "BC.Map (?LHS1 \\[B,C] ?LHS2) = BC.Map ?RHS"
              fix g
              have "τ (A.src f, B.src g) \\C F (f, B.src g) C F (A.trg f, g) =
                      τ (A.trg f, g)"
              proof -
                have "τ (A.src f, B.src g) \\C F (f, B.src g) C F (A.trg f, g) =
                      τ (A.trg f, B.src g) C F (A.trg f, g)"
                  by (metis AxB.arr_char AxB.src_char AxB.trg_char B.src_src B.trg_src
                      C.null_is_zero(2) F_f.extensionality F_f.preserves_arr
                      τ.F.preserves_reflects_arr τ.extensionality τ.naturality1
                      fst_conv snd_conv)
                also have "... = τ (A.trg f, g)"
                  by (metis A.src_trg AxB.arr_char AxB.not_arr_null AxB.src_char
                      B.arr_src_iff_arr τ.extensionality τ.naturality3'E(1)
                      fst_conv snd_conv)
                finally show ?thesis by blast
              moreover have "¬ B.arr g  C.null = τ (A.trg f, g)"
                using τ.extensionality by force
              ultimately show "BC.Map (?LHS1 \\[B,C] ?LHS2) g = BC.Map ?RHS g"
                using 1 A.sources_charWE f by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using 1 BC.con_char BC.resid_def by auto
          also have "... = Curry F G τ (A a f)"
            by (metis A.arr_trg_iff_arr A.con_imp_eq_src A.con_implies_arr(1) A.cube
                A.in_sourcesE A.resid_arr_ide A.resid_src_arr A.src_ide A.src_trg
                A.trg_def Curry_def f)
          finally show ?thesis by auto
        show "Curry3 F f \\[B,C] Curry F G τ a = Curry3 G f"
        proof -
          have "Curry3 F f \\[B,C] Curry F G τ a =
                BC.MkArr (λg. F (a, g)) (λg. F (A a f, g))
                    (λg. F (f, g)) \\[B,C]
                  BC.MkArr (λg. F (a, g)) (λg. G (a, g))
                      (λg. τ (a, g))"
          proof -
            have 1: "a = A.src f"
              by (metis (full_types) A.con_imp_eq_src A.in_sourcesE A.src_ide f)
            have "A.arr f"
              by (metis A.arr_resid A.in_sourcesE A.resid_arr_ide f)
            thus ?thesis
              using 1 by (simp add: Curry_def)
          also have "... = BC.MkArr (λg. G (a, g)) (λg. G (A a f, g))
                               (λg. G (f, g))"
            (is "?LHS1 \\[B,C] ?LHS2 = ?RHS")
          proof -
            have 1: "BC.con ?LHS1 ?LHS2"
              using A f BC.con_sym_ax BC.null_char Curry_simp A.source_is_prfx
              by auto
            have "BC.Dom (?LHS1 \\[B,C] ?LHS2) = BC.Dom ?RHS"
              using 1 f BC.Dom_resid BC.con_char by auto
            moreover have "BC.Cod (?LHS1 \\[B,C] ?LHS2) = BC.Cod ?RHS"
            proof -
              have "BC.Cod (?LHS1 \\[B,C] ?LHS2) = BC.Apex ?LHS1 ?LHS2"
                using 1 f BC.Dom_resid BC.con_char by fastforce
              also have "... = (λg. G (a \\A f, g))"
                fix g
                have "G (a, g) \\C (F (f, B.src g) \\C τ (a, B.src g)) =
                        G (a \\A f, g)"
                proof -
                  have "G (a, g) \\C (F (f, B.src g) \\C τ (a, B.src g)) =
                        G (a, g) \\C G (f, B.src g)"
                    by (metis A.rts_axioms AxB.ide_char AxB.in_sourcesI
                        AxB.product_rts_axioms B.ide_src B.sources_are_con
                        B.src_in_sources C.arrI C.con_def C.con_imp_arr_resid
                        C.resid_reflects_con τ.naturality2_ax
                        τ_src.G.preserves_reflects_arr f fst_eqD product_rts.con_char
                        rts.in_sourcesE snd_eqD)
                  also have "... = G ((a, g) \\AxB (f, B.src g))"
                    by (metis A.prfx_implies_con A.rts_axioms AxB.arr_resid_iff_con
                        AxB.con_char B.con_arr_src(1) B.not_arr_null B.src_def
                        C.null_is_zero(2) τ.G.extensionality τ.G.preserves_resid
                        τ_src.extensionality calculation f fst_conv rts.source_is_prfx
                  also have "... = G (a \\A f, g \\B B.src g)"
                    using AxB.resid_def B.arr_resid_iff_con τ.G.extensionality f
                    by auto
                  also have "... = G (a \\A f, g)"
                    by (metis B.resid_arr_src B.resid_reflects_con B.arr_def
                        B.arr_resid_iff_con AxB.arr_char τ.G.extensionality snd_conv)
                  finally show ?thesis by blast
                moreover have "¬ B.arr g  C.null = G (a \\A f, g)"
                  using τ.G.extensionality by force
                ultimately show "BC.Apex ?LHS1 ?LHS2 g = G (a \\A f, g)"
                  using BC.Apex_def f by auto
              also have "... = BC.Cod ?RHS"
                using 1 f by fastforce
              finally show ?thesis by blast
            moreover have "BC.Map (?LHS1 \\[B,C] ?LHS2) = BC.Map ?RHS"
              fix g
              show "BC.Map (?LHS1 \\[B,C] ?LHS2) g = BC.Map ?RHS g"
              proof -
                have "F (f, B.src g) \\C τ (a, B.src g) C G (a, g) =
                      G (f, g)"
                proof (cases "B.arr g")
                  show "¬ B.arr g  ?thesis"
                    by (metis B.arr_src_iff_arr C.arr_prfx_join_self
                        C.joinable_iff_join_not_null C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(1)
                        F_f.extensionality τ.naturality2)
                  assume g: "B.arr g"
                  have "F (f, B.src g) \\C τ (a, B.src g) C G (a, g) =
                        G (f, B.src g) C G (a, g)"
                    using τ.naturality2_ax f g by auto
                  also have "... = G (f, g)"
                    using f g
                            [of "(f, B.src g)" "(a, g)" "(f, g)"]
                    by (metis A.join_of_arr_src(2) AxB.arr_char AxB.join_of_char(1)
                        B.join_of_arr_src(1) B.src_in_sources C.join_is_join_of
                        C.join_of_unique C.joinable_def F_f.preserves_arr
                        τ.F.preserves_reflects_arr fst_conv snd_conv)
                  finally show ?thesis by blast
                thus ?thesis
                  using 1 f BC.Map_resid BC.con_char τ.G.extensionality by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using 1 BC.con_char BC.resid_def by auto
          also have "... = Curry3 G f"
          proof -
            have "a = A.src f"
              by (metis (full_types) A.con_imp_eq_src A.in_sourcesE A.src_ide f)
            thus ?thesis
              using A.resid_src_arr BC.null_is_zero(1) Curry_def calculation
              by presburger
          finally show ?thesis by blast
        show "BC.join_of (Curry F G τ a) (Curry3 F f) (Curry F G τ f)"
        proof -
          have *: "b t. b  B.sources t 
                          (τ (a, b) C F (f, b)) C F (a, t) =
                          τ (a, b) C F (f, t)"
          proof -
            fix b t
            assume t: "b  B.sources t"
            have 1: "C.joinable (τ (a, b)) (F (f, t))"
              by (metis A.rts_axioms AxB.ide_char AxB.in_sourcesI
                  AxB.product_rts_axioms B.in_sourcesE C.joinable_def
                  τ.naturality3 f fst_eqD product_rts.con_char rts.in_sourcesE
                  snd_eqD t)
            show "(τ (a, b) C F (f, b)) C F (a, t) =
                  τ (a, b) C F (f, t)"
            proof (intro C.join_eqI)
              show 2: "τ (a, b) C F (f, b) C
                         τ (a, b) C F (f, t)"
                by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.rts_axioms AxB.ide_char
                    AxB.in_sourcesI AxB.prfx_char AxB.prfx_reflexive
                    AxB.product_rts_axioms B.in_sourcesE B.source_is_prfx
                    B.sources_are_con C.arr_def C.join_is_join_of C.join_of_unique
                    C.joinable_def C.not_arr_null F_f.preserves_con(1) τ.F.extensionality
                    τ.naturality3 τ.preserves_prfx f fst_eqD product_rts.con_char
                    rts.in_sourcesE snd_eqD t)
              show 3: "F (a, t) C τ (a, b) C F (f, t)"
                by (metis "1" A.in_sourcesE A.prfx_implies_con A.rts_axioms A.src_eqI
                    C.arr_prfx_join_self C.composite_ofE C.ex_un_null C.join_sym
                    C.joinable_iff_arr_join C.null_is_zero(2) C.prfx_transitive
                    F_f.extensionality F_f.naturality1' f rts.source_is_prfx)
              show 4: "(τ (a, b) C F (f, t)) \\C F (a, t) =
                       (τ (a, b) C F (f, b)) \\C F (a, t)"
              proof -
                have "(τ (a, b) C F (f, t)) \\C F (a, t) =
                      τ (a, b) \\C F (a, t) C
                        F (f, t) \\C F (a, t)"
                  by (metis "1" "3" C.extensional_rts_axioms C.residuation_axioms
                      extensional_rts.resid_joinE(3) residuation.arr_resid_iff_con
                also have "... = τ (a, b) \\C F (a, t) C
                                     F (f, b) \\C F (a, t)"
                  using A.con_imp_eq_src C.composite_of_def C.cong_char
                        F_f.naturality1 F_f.naturality1' f t
                  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) A.rts_axioms A.source_is_ide
                      A.source_is_prfx A.src_eqI C.join_of_def F_f.naturality3
                also have "... = (τ (a, b) C F (f, b)) \\C
                                   F (a, t)"
                  by (metis 2 3 C.con_prfx(1) C.joinable_iff_arr_join C.resid_joinE(3)
                      C.con_implies_arr(1) C.prfx_implies_con)
                finally show ?thesis by blast
              show "(τ (a, b) C F (f, t)) \\C
                      (τ (a, b) C F (f, b)) =
                    F (a, t) \\C (τ (a, b) C F (f, b))"
              proof -
                have "(τ (a, b) C F (f, t)) \\C
                        (τ (a, b) C F (f, b)) =
                      τ (a, b) \\C (τ (a, b) C F (f, b)) C
                        F (f, t) \\C (τ (a, b) C F (f, b))"
                  using 1 2 C.prfx_implies_con C.resid_joinE(3) by blast
                also have "... = C.src (F (f, t) \\C
                                    (τ (a, b) C F (f, b))) C
                                   F (f, t) \\C (τ (a, b) C F (f, b))"
                proof -
                  have "C.src (F (f, t) \\C (τ (a, b) C F (f, b))) =
                        C.trg (τ (a, b) C F (f, b))"
                    by (metis "2" C.arr_prfx_join_self C.conI C.con_sym_ax
                        C.ide_implies_arr C.join_of_symmetric C.joinable_def
                        C.joinable_iff_join_not_null C.not_arr_null C.null_is_zero(1)
                        C.src_residWE calculation)
                  also have "... = τ (a, b) \\C
                                     (τ (a, b) C F (f, b))"
                    by (metis C.arr_prfx_join_self C.join_def C.null_is_zero(2)
                        C.prfx_implies_con C.resid_joinE(1) C.trg_def C.trg_join)
                  finally show ?thesis by argo
                also have "... = F (f, t) \\C
                                   (τ (a, b) C F (f, b))"
                  by (metis C.arr_prfx_join_self C.arr_resid_iff_con C.conI
                      C.ide_implies_arr C.join_def C.join_src C.null_is_zero(2)
                also have "... = (F (a, t) \\C F (f, b)) \\C
                                   (τ (a, b) \\C F (f, b))"
                proof -
                  have "F (f, t) \\C (τ (a, b) C F (f, b)) =
                        (F (f, t) \\C F (f, b)) \\C
                          (τ (a, b) \\C F (f, b))"
                    by (metis 2 C.con_sym_ax C.extensional_rts_axioms C.join_def
                        C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2) C.residuation_axioms
                        extensional_rts.resid_joinE(1) residuation.conI)
                  also have "... = (F (a, t) \\C F (f, b)) \\C
                                     (τ (a, b) \\C F (f, b))"
                  proof -
                    have "F (f, t) \\C F (f, b) = F (a, t) \\C F (f, b)"
                    proof -
                      have "F (f, t) \\C F (f, b) = F ((f, t) \\AxB (f, b))"
                        by (metis A.arrE AxB.arr_char AxB.con_char B.con_sym
                            B.prfx_implies_con B.source_is_prfx C.con_implies_arr(1)
                            F_f.preserves_con(1) τ.F.preserves_reflects_arr
                            τ.F.preserves_resid split_pairs t)
                      also have "... = F ((a, t) \\AxB (f, b))"
                        by (metis A.con_imp_coinitial A.prfx_implies_con A.resid_ide(2)
                            A.rts_axioms A.source_is_ide A.trg_def AxB.resid_def
                            f fst_conv rts.source_is_prfx snd_conv)
                      also have "... = F (a, t) \\C F (f, b)"
                        by (metis A.prfx_implies_con A.rts_axioms AxB.con_char
                            B.rts_axioms τ.F.preserves_resid f fst_conv rts.in_sourcesE
                            rts.source_is_prfx snd_conv t)
                      finally show ?thesis by blast
                    thus ?thesis by simp
                  finally show ?thesis by blast
                also have "... = F (a, t) \\C
                                   (τ (a, b) C F (f, b))"
                  by (metis 3 4 C.conI C.con_sym_ax C.join_def C.not_ide_null
                      C.null_is_zero(2) C.resid_joinE(1))
                finally show ?thesis by blast
          have 1: "BC.joinable
                     (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src a, g)) (λg. G (A.trg a, g)) (λg. τ (a, g)))
                     (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src f, g)) (λg. F (A.trg f, g)) (λg. F (f, g)))"
              using f * BC.join_char(1) C.joinable_iff_join_not_null
                    F_f.preserves_arr F_f.transformation_axioms AxB.src_char
                    τ.naturality3'E(2) τ_src.transformation_axioms
              apply auto
                apply (metis A.con_imp_coinitial A.con_sym A.in_sourcesE A.resid_ide(2))
               apply (metis A.con_imp_eq_src A.in_sourcesE)
              by (metis A.arr_has_un_source A.source_is_ide A.src_ide A.src_in_sources
          have "BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src a, g)) (λg. G (A.trg a, g)) (λg. τ (a, g)) [B,C]
                  BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src f, g)) (λg. F (A.trg f, g)) (λg. F (f, g)) =
                BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src a, g)) (λg. G (A.trg f, g)) (λg. τ (f, g))"
          proof -
            have "BC.Apex
                    (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src a, g)) (λg. G (A.trg a, g)) (λg. τ (a, g)))
                    (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src f, g)) (λg. F (A.trg f, g)) (λg. F (f, g))) =
                  (λg. G (A.trg f, g))"
              fix t
              show "BC.Apex
                      (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src a, g)) (λg. G (A.trg a, g))
                                (λg. τ (a, g)))
                      (BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src f, g)) (λg. F (A.trg f, g))
                                (λg. F (f, g))) t =
                    G (A.trg f, t)"
              proof -
                have "B.arr t 
                        F (A.trg f, t) \\C (τ (a, B.src t) \\C F (f, B.src t)) =
                        G (A.trg f, t)"
                proof -
                  assume t: "B.arr t"
                  (* TODO: Figure out why this has to be broken down so much. *)
                  have "F (A.trg f, t) \\C (τ (a, B.src t) \\C F (f, B.src t)) =
                        F (A.trg f, t) \\C τ ((a, B.src t) \\AxB (f, B.src t))"
                    by (simp add: A.prfx_implies_con A.rts_axioms τ.general_naturality(1)
                        f rts.source_is_prfx t)
                  also have "... = F (A.trg f, t) \\C τ (a \\A f, B.src t \\B B.src t)"
                    by (simp add: A.prfx_implies_con A.rts_axioms AxB.resid_def
                        f rts.source_is_prfx t)
                  also have "... = F (A.trg f, t) \\C τ (A.trg f, B.src t)"
                    by (metis A.con_implies_arr(1) A.in_sourcesE A.prfx_implies_con
                        A.resid_src_arr A.rts_axioms A.src_eqI B.ideE B.ide_src
                        f rts.source_is_prfx t)
                  also have "... = G ((A.trg f, t) \\AxB (A.trg f, B.src t))"
                    by (metis A.arr_def A.arr_trg_iff_arr A.con_implies_arr(2)
                        A.prfx_implies_con A.rts_axioms AxB.con_char B.con_arr_src(1)
                        τ.general_naturality(2) f rts.source_is_prfx split_pairs t)
                  also have "... = G ((A.trg f \\A A.trg f, t \\B B.src t))"
                    using A.con_implies_arr(1) AxB.resid_def f t by auto
                  also have "... = G (A.trg f, t)"
                    using A.trg_def A.trg_trg t by force
                  finally show ?thesis by blast
                thus ?thesis
                  using f τ.naturality1 [of "(f, B.src t)"]
                        τ.naturality2 [of "(A a f, t)"] AxB.trg_char AxB.src_char
                        τ.G.extensionality BC.Apex_def
                  by simp
            moreover have "(λt. (τ (a, B.src t) C F (f, B.src t)) C F (A.src f, t)) =
                           (λg. τ (f, g))"
              fix t
              show "(τ (a, B.src t) C F (f, B.src t)) C F (A.src f, t) = τ (f, t)"
                using f * τ.naturality3'E [of "(f, t)"]
                by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) A.con_imp_eq_src A.in_sourcesE
                    A.sources_are_con A.src_eqI AxB.arr_char AxB.not_arr_null
                    AxB.src_char B.not_arr_null B.src_def B.src_in_sources C.not_arr_null
                    F_f.preserves_arr τ.F.extensionality τ.extensionality fst_conv snd_conv)
              proof (cases "B.arr t")
                show "¬ B.arr t  ?thesis"
                  by (metis AxB.not_arr_null AxB.src_char B.arr_src_iff_arr
                      F_f.F.extensionality F_f.extensionality τ.F.extensionality
                      τ.F.preserves_reflects_arr τ.extensionality τ.naturality3'E(1)
                assume t: "B.arr t"
                show ?thesis
                proof -
                  have 1: "τ (a, B.src t) C τ (f, t)  F (f, B.src t) C τ (f, t) 
                           F (A.src f, t) C τ (f, t)"
                  proof (intro conjI)
                    show "τ (a, B.src t) C τ (f, t)"
                      using assms f τ.naturality3'E(1) [of "(f, t)"] A.source_is_prfx
                        AxB.prfx_char τ.preserves_prfx t
                      by auto
                    show "F (f, B.src t) C τ (f, t)"
                      by (metis A.arrE A.residuation_axioms A.rts_axioms AxB.con_char
                          AxB.cong_reflexive AxB.prfx_char B.con_arr_src(2) B.ide_trg
                          B.resid_src_arr F_f.preserves_arr τ.F.preserves_reflects_arr
                          τ.G.preserves_ide τ.general_naturality(2) f fst_conv
                          residuation.con_implies_arr(1) rts.in_sourcesE snd_conv t)
                    show "F (A.src f, t) C τ (f, t)"
                      by (metis C.composite_of_def C.not_arr_null C.prfx_transitive
                          F_f.naturality1' F_f.preserves_arr τ.F.extensionality τ.naturality1'
                  have "C.arr ((τ (a, B.src t) C F (f, B.src t)) C F (A.src f, t))"
                    using 1
                    by (metis "*" A.arr_has_un_source A.src_in_sources AxB.arr_char
                        AxB.src_char B.arr_has_un_source B.in_sourcesE B.resid_arr_ide
                        B.src_residWE B.trg_ide C.ex_un_null C.joinable_iff_arr_join
                        C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(1) τ.extensionality τ.naturality3'E(2)
                        f fst_eqD snd_eqD)
                  moreover have "C.arr (τ (a, B.src t) C F (f, B.src t) C F (A.src f, t))"
                    using 1
                    by (metis "*" A.rts_axioms A.source_is_prfx A.src_eqI
                        B.src_in_sources C.comp_is_composite_of(2) C.join_expansion(1)
                        C.joinable_def F_f.naturality2 F_f.naturality2' F_f.naturality3
                        calculation f rts.in_sourcesE rts.prfx_implies_con t)
                  ultimately have "(τ (a, B.src t) C F (f, B.src t)) C F (A.src f, t) =
                                   τ (a, B.src t) C (F (f, B.src t) C F (A.src f, t))"
                    using C.join_assocE by blast
                  also have "... = τ (a, B.src t) C F (f, t)"
                    by (metis "*" A.prfx_implies_con A.rts_axioms A.source_is_ide
                        A.src_eqI B.src_in_sources calculation f rts.source_is_prfx t)
                  also have "... = τ (f, t)"
                    by (metis "1" A.arr_has_un_source A.src_in_sources AxB.arr_char
                        AxB.src_char C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2) τ.extensionality
                        τ.naturality3'E(1) f fst_conv snd_conv)
                  finally show ?thesis by blast
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using f 1 BC.join_char(2)
              apply auto[1]
              by (simp add: BC.join_char(1))
          thus ?thesis
            unfolding Curry_def
            using f 1
                    [of "BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src a, g)) (λg. G (A.trg a, g)) (λg. τ (a, g))"
                        "BC.MkArr (λg. F (A.src f, g)) (λg. F (A.trg f, g)) (λg. F (f, g))"]
            apply auto
             apply (auto simp add: BC.join_char(2))
            using A.sources_charWE by blast

    lemma Uncurry_preserves_transformations:
    assumes "transformation A BC.resid F G τ"
    shows "transformation AxB.resid C (Uncurry F) (Uncurry G) (Uncurry τ)"
    proof -
      interpret τ: transformation A BC.resid F G τ using assms by auto
      interpret τ: transformation_to_extensional_rts A BC.resid F G τ ..
      interpret Uncurry_F: simulation AxB.resid C Uncurry F
        using τ.F.simulation_axioms Uncurry_preserves_simulations by blast
      interpret Uncurry_G: simulation AxB.resid C Uncurry G
        using τ.G.simulation_axioms Uncurry_preserves_simulations by blast
      interpret Uncurry_F: binary_simulation_between_weakly_extensional_rts
                             A B C Uncurry F
      interpret Uncurry_G: binary_simulation_between_weakly_extensional_rts
                             A B C Uncurry G
      show ?thesis
        show "t. ¬ AxB.arr t  Uncurry τ t = C.null"
          by (meson Uncurry_def)
        show "a. AxB.ide a  C.src (Uncurry τ a) = Uncurry F a"
          by (metis A.ide_implies_arr AxB.ide_char AxB.ide_implies_arr
              B.ide_implies_arr B.src_ide BC.Map_src Uncurry_simp
              E.map_def E.preserves_reflects_arr E.src_map
              Uncurry_F.preserves_reflects_arr τ.preserves_arr τ.preserves_src
              fst_conv snd_conv)
        show "a. AxB.ide a  C.trg (Uncurry τ a) = Uncurry G a"
          unfolding Uncurry_def
          using E.trg_map E.map_def BC.ide_charERTS τ.G.preserves_ide
          apply auto[1]
           apply (metis BC.Dom_resid BC.con_arr_src(2) BC.resid_src_arr
          by (meson A.ide_implies_arr τ.preserves_arr)
        show "a a'. AxB.ide a; AxB.cong a a'  Uncurry τ a = Uncurry τ a'"
          by (metis AxB.ide_backward_stable AxB.weak_extensionality)
        fix a f
        assume f: "a  AxB.sources f"
        interpret F_fst: transformation B C
                           BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f)))
                           BC.Map (F (A.trg (fst f)))
                           BC.Map (F (fst f))
        proof -
          have "(λt2. Uncurry F (A.src (fst f), t2)) = BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f)))"
            fix t2
            show "Uncurry F (A.src (fst f), t2) = BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) t2"
              using Uncurry_def E.map_def f
              apply (cases "B.arr t2")
               apply auto[2]
              using A.arr_src_if_arr A.con_implies_arr(1) apply blast
              by (metis A.ide_src AxB.arr_char AxB.con_implies_arr(1)
                  AxB.in_sourcesE BC.ide_charERTS τ.F.preserves_ide simulation.extensionality)
          moreover have "(λt2. Uncurry F (A.trg (fst f), t2)) =
                         BC.Map (F (A.trg (fst f)))"
            fix t2
            show "Uncurry F (A.trg (fst f), t2) = BC.Map (F (A.trg (fst f))) t2"
              using Uncurry_def E.map_def f
              apply (cases "B.arr t2")
              using AxB.con_implies_arr(1) apply auto[1]
              by (metis A.ide_trg AxB.arr_char AxB.con_implies_arr(1)
                  AxB.in_sourcesE BC.ide_charERTS τ.F.preserves_ide
                  simulation.extensionality snd_conv)
          moreover have "(λt2. Uncurry F (fst f, t2)) = BC.Map (F (fst f))"
            fix t2
            show "Uncurry F (fst f, t2) = BC.Map (F (fst f)) t2"
              using Uncurry_def E.map_def f
              apply (cases "B.arr t2")
              using AxB.con_implies_arr(1) apply auto[1]
              by (metis AxB.in_sourcesE AxB.product_rts_axioms AxB.residuation_axioms
                  BC.arrE τ.F.simulation_axioms product_rts.arr_char
                  residuation.con_implies_arr(1) simulation.preserves_reflects_arr
                  snd_eqD transformation.extensionality)
          show "transformation B C
                 (BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f)))) (BC.Map (F (A.trg (fst f))))
                 (BC.Map (F (fst f)))"
            using f Uncurry_F.fixing_arr_gives_transformation_1 [of "fst f"]
            by auto
        interpret τ_fst: transformation B C
                           BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f)))
                           BC.Map (G (A.trg (fst f)))
                           BC.Map (τ (fst f))
        proof -
          have "BC.arr (τ (fst f))"
            using A.con_implies_arr(1) τ.preserves_arr f by auto
          moreover have "BC.Dom (τ (fst f)) = BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f)))"
            by (metis A.ide_src AxB.arr_char AxB.con_implies_arr(1)
                AxB.in_sourcesE BC.Map_src BC.src_composite_of τ.naturality2'
                τ.preserves_arr τ.preserves_src f)
          moreover have "BC.Cod (τ (fst f)) = BC.Map (G (A.trg (fst f)))"
            by (metis A.ide_trg AxB.arr_char AxB.con_implies_arr(1)
                AxB.in_sourcesE BC.Map_trg BC.trg_composite_of τ.naturality1'
                τ.preserves_arr τ.preserves_trg f)
          ultimately show "transformation B C
                             (BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))))
                             (BC.Map (G (A.trg (fst f))))
                             (BC.Map (τ (fst f)))"
            using BC.arr_char [of "τ (fst f)"] by auto
        have 1: "Uncurry τ (AxB.src f) \\C Uncurry τ f = Uncurry G (AxB.trg f)"
        proof -
          have "Uncurry τ (AxB.src f) \\C Uncurry τ f =
                BC.Map (τ (A.src (fst f)))
                       (B.src (snd f)) \\C BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (snd f)"
            using f Uncurry_def E.map_def τ.extensionality τ_fst.extensionality
                  AxB.arr_char AxB.con_implies_arr(1)
            by (auto simp add: AxB.src_char τ.preserves_arr)
          also have 2: "... = BC.Map (τ (A.src (fst f))) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                                (BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) C
                                   BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f))"
            by (metis C.extensional_rts_axioms τ_fst.transformation_axioms
          also have 3: "... = (BC.Map (τ (A.src (fst f))) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                                 BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f)) \\C
                              (BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                                 BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f))"
            by (metis A.con_arr_src(2) AxB.arr_char AxB.residuation_axioms
                AxB.rts_axioms B.con_arr_src(2) BC.conEERTS C.extensional_rts_axioms
                C.join_def C.not_arr_null C.resid_joinE(1) τ.preserves_con(1)
                τ_fst.preserves_arr τ_fst.transformation_axioms f
                residuation.con_implies_arr(1) rts.in_sourcesE
          also have "... = BC.Map (τ (A.src (fst f))) (B.trg (snd f)) \\C
                             (BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                                BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f))"
            by (metis 2 3 A.con_arr_src(2) A.not_arr_null A.src_def B.con_arr_src(2)
                B.ide_trg B.resid_src_arr BC.Map_resid_ide BC.resid_Map C.null_is_zero(2)
                F_fst.F.extensionality τ.extensionality τ.preserves_con(1) τ_fst.naturality1)
          also have "... = BC.Map (τ (A.src (fst f))) (B.trg (snd f)) \\C
                           BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.trg (snd f))"
            using f τ_fst.naturality1 by fastforce
          also have "... = BC.Map (G (A.trg (fst f))) (B.trg (snd f))"
            by (metis A.ide_trg A.resid_src_arr B.arr_trg_iff_arr B.ide_trg
                BC.Map_preserves_prfx C.apex_arr_prfxWE(2) C.trg_ide τ.preserves_prfx
                τ_fst.preserves_trg f AxB.arr_char AxB.con_implies_arr(1) AxB.in_sourcesE)
          also have "... = Uncurry G (AxB.trg f)"
            by (metis AxB.arr_char AxB.con_implies_arr(1) AxB.in_sourcesE
                AxB.resid_source_in_targets AxB.residuation_axioms AxB.source_is_prfx
                AxB.src_ide AxB.src_residWE BC.Map_trg E.trg_map Uncurry_G.preserves_trg
                Uncurry_simp τ.G.preserves_reflects_arr τ.G.preserves_trg f
          finally show ?thesis by blast
        have 2: "Uncurry F f \\C Uncurry τ f = Uncurry G (AxB.trg f)"
        proof -
          have "Uncurry F f \\C Uncurry τ f =
                BC.Map (F (fst f)) (snd f) \\C BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (snd f)"
            by (metis "1" AxB.arr_trg_iff_arr AxB.con_implies_arr(1) AxB.in_sourcesE
                C.arr_resid_iff_con C.residuation_axioms E.map_def E.preserves_reflects_arr
                Uncurry_F.preserves_reflects_arr Uncurry_G.preserves_reflects_arr
                Uncurry_def f fst_conv residuation.con_implies_arr(2) snd_conv)
          also have "... = (BC.Map (F (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) C
                            BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f)) \\C
                              BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (snd f)"
            by (metis AxB.arr_iff_has_source AxB.arr_iff_has_target AxB.in_targetsE
                AxB.not_con_null(1) AxB.null_char AxB.trg_char
                Currying.Map_simulation_expansion Currying_axioms τ.F.simulation_axioms f)
          also have "... = (BC.Map (F (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                              BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (snd f)) C
                           (BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) \\C
                              BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (snd f))"
          proof -
            have 3: "C.joinable (BC.Map (F (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)))
                                (BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f))"
              by (metis AxB.arr_char AxB.con_implies_arr(1) AxB.in_sourcesE
                  C.joinable_iff_arr_join Currying.Map_simulation_expansion
                  Currying_axioms F_fst.preserves_arr τ.F.simulation_axioms f)
            moreover have "BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (snd f) C
                           (BC.Map (F (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) C
                              BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f))"
            proof -
              have 4: "BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) C
                       BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (snd f)"
                using f C.con_sym τ_fst.preserves_con(2)
                by (meson C.con_implies_arr(2) C.con_prfx_composite_of(1)
                    C.joinable_implies_con F_fst.F.preserves_reflects_arr
                    τ_fst.naturality1' calculation)
              moreover have "BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (snd f) \\C
                               BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) C
                             BC.Map (F (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                               BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f)"
              proof -
                have "BC.Map (F (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                        BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) =
                      BC.Map (F (fst f)) (B.trg (snd f))"
                  using f F_fst.naturality1 by blast
                have "BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (snd f) \\C
                        BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) =
                      BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.trg (snd f))"
                  by (metis A.con_arr_src(1) AxB.arr_char AxB.con_implies_arr(1)
                      AxB.in_sourcesE B.ide_trg B.prfx_implies_con B.src_trg B.trg_def
                      B.trg_trg BC.resid_Map τ.preserves_con(2) τ_fst.naturality1 f)
                moreover have "BC.Map (F (fst f)) (B.trg (snd f)) C
                               BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.trg (snd f))"
                  by (metis 4 A.not_arr_null A.src_def B.arr_trg_iff_arr
                      BC.Map_preserves_prfx BC.composite_ofE C.bounded_imp_con
                      C.con_implies_arr(1) C.prfx_implies_con F_fst.F.simulation_axioms
                      F_fst.naturality1' τ.F.extensionality τ.extensionality τ.naturality1'
                ultimately show ?thesis
                  using C.con_sym by presburger
              ultimately show ?thesis
              using 3 C.con_with_join_of_iff(1) C.con_sym C.join_is_join_of
                by blast
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using C.resid_joinE(3) by blast
          also have "... = BC.Map (G (A.trg (fst f))) (B.trg (snd f)) C
                           (BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) \\C
                              BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (snd f))"
          proof -
            have "BC.Map (F (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                    BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (snd f) =
                  BC.Map (F (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                    (BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) C
                       BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f))"
              using f τ_fst.naturality3 C.join_is_join_of C.join_of_unique
              by (metis C.extensional_rts_axioms τ_fst.transformation_axioms
            also have "... = (BC.Map (F (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                                BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.src (snd f))) \\C
                             (BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) \\C
                                BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)))"
              using AxB.arrE AxB.arr_char AxB.con_char B.ide_trg
                    B.prfx_implies_con B.resid_src_arr BC.conEERTS BC.con_sym
                    C.join_def C.not_arr_null C.null_is_zero(2) C.resid_joinE(2)
                    C.residuation_axioms τ.preserves_con(2) calculation f
                    residuation.arr_resid residuation.conI
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) B.not_arr_null B.src_def B.src_in_sources
                  C.arr_prfx_join_self C.joinable_def C.not_ide_null τ.F.extensionality
                  τ.extensionality τ_fst.extensionality τ_fst.naturality3)
            also have "... = BC.Map (G (A.trg (fst f))) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                             (BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) \\C
                                BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)))"
              by (metis A.trg_def AxB.arrE AxB.con_char AxB.con_implies_arr(1)
                  AxB.in_sourcesE B.ide_trg B.trg_src BC.Map_resid_ide BC.con_sym
                  C.null_is_zero(2) τ.general_naturality(2) τ.preserves_con(2)
                  τ_fst.extensionality f)
            also have "... = BC.Map (G (A.trg (fst f))) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                               BC.Map (G (A.trg (fst f))) (snd f)"
              using AxB.arr_char τ_fst.naturality2 f by presburger
            also have "... = BC.Map (G (A.trg (fst f))) (B.trg (snd f))"
              by (metis B.arr_trg_iff_arr B.con_arr_src(2) B.resid_src_arr
                  C.null_is_zero(2) τ_fst.G.extensionality τ_fst.G.preserves_resid)
            finally show ?thesis by simp
          also have "... = BC.Map (G (A.trg (fst f))) (B.trg (snd f)) C
                           BC.Map (G (A.trg (fst f))) (B.trg (snd f))"
          proof -
            have "BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) \\C
                                     BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (snd f) =
                  BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) \\C
                    (BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) C
                       BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f))"
              by (metis C.extensional_rts_axioms τ_fst.transformation_axioms
            also have "... = (BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) \\C
                                BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f)) \\C
                             (BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                                BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f))"
              by (meson AxB.arr_char AxB.in_sourcesE AxB.residuation_axioms
                  B.con_arr_src(2) C.arrE C.con_sym C.con_target
                  C.con_with_join_if(2) C.cong_char C.extensional_rts_axioms
                  F_fst.F.preserves_reflects_arr τ_fst.preserves_con(2)
                  τ_fst.transformation_axioms extensional_rts.resid_joinE(1)
                  f residuation.con_implies_arr(1)
            also have "... = BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (B.trg (snd f)) \\C
                             (BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                                BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f))"
              by (metis AxB.arr_char AxB.residuation_axioms AxB.rts_axioms
                  C.trg_def F_fst.F.preserves_trg f residuation.con_implies_arr(1)
            also have "... = BC.Map (G (A.trg (fst f))) (B.trg (snd f))"
              by (metis B.src_trg τ_fst.naturality1 τ_fst.naturality2)
            finally show ?thesis by simp
          also have "... = BC.Map (G (A.trg (fst f))) (B.trg (snd f))"
            by (metis AxB.product_rts_axioms B.arr_trg_iff_arr C.join_arr_self
                C.partial_magma_axioms Uncurry_def τ_fst.G.extensionality
                τ_fst.G.preserves_reflects_arr calculation
                partial_magma.null_is_zero(2) product_rts.arr_char)
          also have "... = Uncurry G (AxB.trg f)"
            by (metis "1" AxB.arr_char AxB.ide_trg B.ide_trg C.apex_arr_prfxWE(1)
                C.apex_sym C.null_is_zero(2) C.trg_ide Uncurry_G.preserves_ide
                Uncurry_def τ_fst.G.preserves_ide calculation)
          finally show ?thesis by blast
        have 3: "Uncurry τ (AxB.src f) =
                 BC.Map (τ (A.src (fst f))) (B.src (snd f))"
          using f 1 Uncurry_def E.map_def AxB.src_char τ.preserves_arr
          by auto
        have 4: "Uncurry F f = BC.Map (F (fst f)) (snd f)"
          by (metis AxB.con_implies_arr(1) AxB.in_sourcesE E.map_def
              E.preserves_reflects_arr Uncurry_F.preserves_reflects_arr
              Uncurry_def f fst_conv snd_conv)
        have 5: "Uncurry τ (AxB.trg f) =
                 BC.Map (τ (A.trg (fst f))) (B.trg (snd f))"
          using assms f Uncurry_def E.map_def AxB.arr_char AxB.arr_trg_iff_arr
                AxB.trg_char A.arr_trg_iff_arr AxB.arr_char
                AxB.con_implies_arr(1) τ.preserves_arr
          by auto
        show 6: "Uncurry F f \\C Uncurry τ a = Uncurry G f"
          using assms f 3 4 Uncurry_def E.map_def AxB.arr_char τ.preserves_arr
          apply auto[1]
           apply (metis A.resid_arr_ide AxB.con_char AxB.ide_char AxB.in_sourcesE
              B.resid_arr_ide BC.arr_resid_iff_con BC.resid_Map τ.G.preserves_con
              τ.G.preserves_resid τ.general_naturality(2))
          using C.null_is_zero(1) by force+
        have 7: "Uncurry τ f \\C Uncurry τ (AxB.src f) = Uncurry G f"
        proof -
          have "Uncurry τ f \\C Uncurry τ (AxB.src f) =
                BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (snd f) \\C BC.Map (τ (A.src (fst f)))
                       (B.src (snd f))"
            by (metis "1" "3" AxB.arr_trg_iff_arr AxB.null_char AxB.src_char
                AxB.trg_char C.not_arr_null C.null_is_zero(2) E.map_def
                Uncurry_G.preserves_reflects_arr Uncurry_def fst_conv snd_conv)
          also have "... = (BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) C
                            BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f)) \\C
                              BC.Map (τ (A.src (fst f))) (B.src (snd f))"
            by (metis C.extensional_rts_axioms τ_fst.transformation_axioms
          also have "... = BC.Map (τ (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) \\C
                             BC.Map (τ (A.src (fst f))) (B.src (snd f)) C
                           BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) \\C
                             BC.Map (τ (A.src (fst f))) (B.src (snd f))"
            by (metis "1" AxB.ide_trg AxB.rts_axioms C.conI C.con_sym_ax
                C.join_def C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2) C.resid_joinE(3)
                Uncurry_G.preserves_ide Uncurry_G.preserves_prfx Uncurry_def
                calculation f rts.source_is_prfx)
          also have "... = BC.Map (G (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) C
                           BC.Map (F (A.src (fst f))) (snd f) \\C
                             BC.Map (τ (A.src (fst f))) (B.src (snd f))"
          proof -
            have "τ (fst f) \\[B,C] τ (A.src (fst f)) = G (fst f)"
              by (metis AxB.arr_char AxB.residuation_axioms AxB.rts_axioms
                  BC.comp_resid_prfx BC.composable_iff_arr_comp τ.naturality2'E(1)
                  τ.naturality2'E(2) f residuation.con_implies_arr(1) rts.in_sourcesE)
            thus ?thesis
              by (metis A.con_arr_src(1) AxB.arr_char AxB.rts_axioms B.ide_src
                  BC.Map_resid_ide C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2)
                  Uncurry_G.preserves_prfx Uncurry_def τ.preserves_con(1)
                  f rts.source_is_prfx)
          also have "... = BC.Map (G (fst f)) (B.src (snd f)) C
                           BC.Map (G (A.src (fst f))) (snd f)"
            by (metis A.arr_src_if_arr A.src_src AxB.arr_char AxB.rts_axioms
                B.con_arr_src(1) B.resid_arr_src BC.composite_ofE
                BC.prfx_implies_con BC.resid_Map C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2)
                Uncurry_G.preserves_prfx Uncurry_def τ.naturality1' τ.naturality2
                f rts.source_is_prfx)
          also have "... = BC.Map (G (fst f)) (snd f)"
            by (metis AxB.con_implies_arr(1) AxB.in_sourcesE Map_simulation_expansion
                τ.G.simulation_axioms f)
          also have "... = Uncurry G f"
            by (metis AxB.source_is_prfx C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2) E.map_def
                Uncurry_G.preserves_prfx Uncurry_def f fst_conv snd_conv)
          finally show ?thesis by simp
        show "Uncurry τ a \\C Uncurry F f = Uncurry τ (a \\AxB f)"
        proof -
          have "Uncurry τ a \\C BC.Map (F (fst f)) (snd f) = Uncurry τ (a \\AxB f)"
            using f 3 5
            by (metis A.arr_trg_iff_arr AxB.arr_char AxB.arr_iff_has_source
                AxB.con_imp_coinitial AxB.ideE AxB.in_sourcesE AxB.not_arr_null
                AxB.not_ide_null AxB.null_is_zero(2) AxB.prfx_implies_con
                AxB.resid_ide(1) AxB.resid_ide(2) AxB.source_is_prfx
                AxB.src_residWE B.con_arr_src(2) B.resid_src_arr BC.arr_char
                BC.conI BC.null_char BC.resid_Map τ.naturality1 τ.preserves_arr)
          thus ?thesis
            using 4 by simp
        show "C.join_of (Uncurry τ a) (Uncurry F f) (Uncurry τ f)"
        proof (intro C.join_ofI C.composite_ofI)
          show "Uncurry τ a C Uncurry τ f"
            by (metis 1 AxB.con_imp_eq_src AxB.cong_reflexive AxB.in_sourcesE
                AxB.residuation_axioms AxB.src_ide AxB.trg_def Uncurry_G.preserves_ide
                f residuation.con_implies_arr(1))
          show "Uncurry F f C Uncurry τ f"
            by (metis 2 AxB.ide_trg C.null_is_zero(2) Uncurry_G.preserves_ide
                Uncurry_def Uncurry τ a C Uncurry τ f)
          thus "C.cong (Uncurry τ f \\C Uncurry τ a)
                       (Uncurry F f \\C Uncurry τ a)"
            by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) 6 7 AxB.con_imp_eq_src
                AxB.in_sourcesE AxB.src_ide C.cong_char C.ex_un_null C.null_is_zero(1)
                Uncurry_G.preserves_reflects_arr Uncurry τ a C Uncurry τ f
                t. ¬ AxB.arr t  Uncurry τ t = C.null f)
          thus "C.cong (Uncurry τ f \\C Uncurry F f)
                       (Uncurry τ a \\C Uncurry F f)"
            by (metis C.apex_arr_prfxWE(2) C.cube C.trg_ide
                Uncurry F f C Uncurry τ f Uncurry τ a C Uncurry τ f)

    lemma Uncurry_Curry:
    assumes "transformation AxB.resid C F G τ"
    shows "Uncurry (Curry F G τ) = τ"
      interpret τ: transformation AxB.resid C F G τ using assms by auto
      interpret Curry_τ: transformation A BC.resid
                           Curry3 F Curry3 G Curry F G τ
        using assms Curry_preserves_transformations τ.transformation_axioms
        by simp
      fix f
      have "¬ AxB.arr f  Uncurry (Curry F G τ) f = τ f"
        using Curry_def Uncurry_def τ.extensionality by auto
      moreover have "AxB.arr f  Uncurry (Curry F G τ) f = τ f"
        by (simp add: Curry_τ.preserves_arr Currying.Uncurry_def Currying_axioms
            E.map_def Map_Curry)
      ultimately show "Uncurry (Curry F G τ) f = τ f" by blast

    lemma Curry_Uncurry:
    assumes "transformation A BC.resid F G τ"
    shows "Curry (Uncurry F) (Uncurry G) (Uncurry τ) = τ"
      interpret τ: transformation A BC.resid F G τ
        using assms by blast
      interpret Uncurry_τ: transformation AxB.resid C
                             Uncurry F Uncurry G Uncurry τ
        using assms Uncurry_preserves_transformations by auto
      fix f
      show "Curry (Uncurry F) (Uncurry G) (Uncurry τ) f = τ f"
      proof (cases "A.arr f")
        show "¬ A.arr f  ?thesis"
          using Curry_def τ.extensionality by auto
        assume f: "A.arr f"
        have "Curry (Uncurry F) (Uncurry G) (Uncurry τ) f  BC.null"
          by (metis A.not_arr_null τ.F.extensionality τ.F.preserves_reflects_arr
              Curry_preserves_transformations f transformation.preserves_arr
        have "BC.Dom (Curry (Uncurry F) (Uncurry G) (Uncurry τ) f) =
              BC.Dom (τ f)"
          fix g
          show "BC.Dom (Curry (Uncurry F) (Uncurry G) (Uncurry τ) f) g =
                BC.Dom (τ f) g"
            using f Uncurry_def E.map_def Dom_Curry
            apply simp
            by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) A.arr_resid_iff_con A.ide_src
                A.resid_arr_src BC.con_char BC.ide_charERTS τ.F.preserves_ide
                τ.preserves_con(2) simulation.extensionality)
        have "BC.Cod (Curry (Uncurry F) (Uncurry G) (Uncurry τ) f) =
              BC.Cod (τ f)"
          fix g
          have "BC.Cod (τ f) = BC.Map (G (A.trg f))"
          proof -
            have "BC.trg (τ f) = G (A.trg f)"
              using f τ.preserves_trg
              by (metis BC.trg_composite_of τ.G.preserves_trg τ.naturality2')
            thus ?thesis
              using f BC.trg_simp τ.preserves_arr
              by (metis BC.Map.simps(1))
          thus "BC.Cod (Curry (Uncurry F) (Uncurry G) (Uncurry τ) f) g =
                BC.Cod (τ f) g"
            using Curry_def Uncurry_def E.map_def f Uncurry_τ.preserves_arr
            apply auto[1]
            by (metis A.ide_trg BC.ide_charERTS τ.G.preserves_ide
        have "BC.Map (Curry (Uncurry F) (Uncurry G) (Uncurry τ) f) =
              BC.Map (τ f)"
          fix g
          show "BC.Map (Curry (Uncurry F) (Uncurry G) (Uncurry τ) f) g =
                BC.Map (τ f) g"
            using Curry_def Uncurry_def E.map_def f Uncurry_τ.preserves_arr
            apply auto[1]
            by (metis BC.arrE transformation.extensionality)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using BC.null_char
          by (metis BC.MkArr_Map BC.not_arr_null τ.preserves_arr f)

    lemma src_Curry:
    assumes "transformation AxB.resid C F G τ" and "A.arr f"
    shows "BC.src (Curry F G τ f) = Curry3 F (A.src f)"
    proof -
      interpret τ: transformation A (\[B,C]) Curry3 F Curry3 G
                    Curry F G τ
        using assms Curry_preserves_transformations by blast
      show ?thesis
        by (metis A.ide_src BC.src_composite_of τ.naturality2' τ.preserves_src assms(2))

    lemma trg_Curry:
    assumes "transformation AxB.resid C F G τ" and "A.arr f"
    shows "BC.trg (Curry F G τ f) = Curry3 G (A.trg f)"
    proof -
      interpret τ: transformation A (\[B,C]) Curry3 F Curry3 G
                     Curry F G τ
        using assms Curry_preserves_transformations by blast
      show ?thesis
        by (metis BC.trg_composite_of τ.G.preserves_trg τ.naturality2' assms(2))

    lemma src_Uncurry:
    assumes "transformation A BC.resid F G τ" and "AxB.arr f"
    shows "C.src (Uncurry τ f) = Uncurry F (AxB.src f)"
    proof -
      interpret τ: transformation AxB.resid C Uncurry F Uncurry G
                     Uncurry τ
        using assms Uncurry_preserves_transformations by blast
      show ?thesis
        by (metis AxB.ide_src C.src_composite_of τ.naturality2'
            τ.preserves_src assms(2))

    lemma trg_Uncurry:
    assumes "transformation A BC.resid F G τ" and "AxB.arr f"
    shows "C.trg (Uncurry τ f) = Uncurry G (AxB.trg f)"
    proof -
      interpret τ: transformation AxB.resid C Uncurry F Uncurry G
                     Uncurry τ
        using assms Uncurry_preserves_transformations by blast
      show ?thesis
        by (metis C.trg_composite_of τ.G.preserves_trg τ.naturality2' assms(2))


  subsection "Currying and Uncurrying as Inverse Simulations"

  context Currying

    sublocale AxB_C: exponential_rts AxB.resid C ..
    sublocale A_BC: exponential_rts A BC.resid ..

    notation AxB_C.resid         (infix \[AxB,C] 55)
    notation AxB_C.con           (infix [AxB,C] 55)
    notation A_BC.resid          (infix \[A,[B,C]] 55)
    notation A_BC.con            (infix [A,[B,C]] 50)

    definition CURRY :: "('a × 'b, 'c) AxB_C.arr  ('a, ('b, 'c) BC.arr) A_BC.arr"
    where "CURRY 
           (λX. if AxB_C.arr X
                then A_BC.MkArr
                       (Curry (AxB_C.Dom X) (AxB_C.Dom X) (AxB_C.Dom X))
                       (Curry (AxB_C.Cod X) (AxB_C.Cod X) (AxB_C.Cod X))
                       (Curry (AxB_C.Dom X) (AxB_C.Cod X) (AxB_C.Map X))
                else A_BC.null)"

    lemma Dom_CURRY [simp]:
    assumes "AxB_C.arr f"
    shows "A_BC.Dom (CURRY f) =
           Curry (AxB_C.Dom f) (AxB_C.Dom f) (AxB_C.Dom f)"
      using assms CURRY_def by auto

    lemma Cod_CURRY [simp]:
    assumes "AxB_C.arr f"
    shows "A_BC.Cod (CURRY f) =
           Curry (AxB_C.Cod f) (AxB_C.Cod f) (AxB_C.Cod f)"
      using assms CURRY_def by auto

    lemma Map_CURRY [simp]:
    assumes "AxB_C.arr f"
    shows "A_BC.Map (CURRY f) =
           Curry (AxB_C.Dom f) (AxB_C.Cod f) (AxB_C.Map f)"
      using assms CURRY_def by auto

    lemma CURRY_preserves_con:
    assumes con: "AxB_C.con t u"
    shows "A_BC.con (CURRY t) (CURRY u)"
    proof (unfold A_BC.con_char, intro conjI)
      have t: "AxB_C.arr t"
        using AxB_C.con_implies_arr(1) con by blast
      have u: "AxB_C.arr u"
        using AxB_C.con_implies_arr(2) con by blast
      show 1: "CURRY t  AxB_C.Null"
        unfolding CURRY_def
        using AxB_C.con_implies_arr(1) con by force
      show 2: "transformation A BC.resid
                 (A_BC.Dom (CURRY t)) (A_BC.Cod (CURRY t))
                 (A_BC.Map (CURRY t))"
        using CURRY_def A_BC.null_char CURRY t  AxB_C.Null
        by fastforce
      show 3: "CURRY u  AxB_C.Null"
        unfolding CURRY_def
        using AxB_C.con_implies_arr(2) con by force
      show 4: "transformation A BC.resid
                 (A_BC.Dom (CURRY u)) (A_BC.Cod (CURRY u))
                 (A_BC.Map (CURRY u))"
        using CURRY_def A_BC.null_char CURRY u  AxB_C.Null
        by auto
      show "A_BC.Dom (CURRY t) = A_BC.Dom (CURRY u)"
        using CURRY_def A_BC.Dom.simps(1) A_BC.null_char AxB_C.con_char
              CURRY t  AxB_C.Null CURRY u  AxB_C.Null con
        by presburger
      show "a. A.ide a 
                  BC.con (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) a) (A_BC.Map (CURRY u) a)"
      proof (intro allI impI)
        fix a
        assume a: "A.ide a"
        have "A_BC.Map (CURRY t) a =
              Curry (AxB_C.Dom t) (AxB_C.Cod t) (AxB_C.Map t) a"
          using a t CURRY_def by simp
        moreover have "A_BC.Map (CURRY u) a =
                       Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u) a"
          using a u CURRY_def by simp
        have "BC.con (Curry (AxB_C.Dom t) (AxB_C.Cod t) (AxB_C.Map t) a)
                     (Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u) a)"
          using a 1 2 3 4 con calculation(1-2) BC.con_char A_BC.arr_char
                A_BC.con_arr_self A_BC.con_char AxB_C.con_char
          apply clarsimp
          using A.ide_implies_arr Dom_Curry Map_Curry
          by (intro conjI) metis+
        show "BC.con (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) a) (A_BC.Map (CURRY u) a)"
          by auto

    lemma CURRY_is_extensional:
    assumes "¬ AxB_C.arr t"
    shows "CURRY t = A_BC.null"
      using assms CURRY_def by simp

    lemma CURRY_preserves_arr:
    assumes "AxB_C.arr t"
    shows "A_BC.arr (CURRY t)"
      using assms CURRY_preserves_con by blast

    lemma Dom_Map_CURRY_resid:
    assumes con: "AxB_C.con t u" and f: "A.arr f"
    shows "BC.Dom (A_BC.Map (CURRY (t \\[AxB,C] u)) f) =
           BC.Dom (A_BC.Map (CURRY t \\[A,[B,C]] CURRY u) f)"
    proof -
      have t: "AxB_C.arr t"
        using assms(1) AxB_C.con_implies_arr(1) by blast
      have u: "AxB_C.arr u"
        using assms(1) AxB_C.con_implies_arr(2) by blast
      have "A_BC.con (CURRY t) (CURRY u)"
        using con CURRY_preserves_con by simp
      interpret Curry_trg_u: simulation A BC.resid Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod t)
        using t
        by (meson AxB_C.arrE Curry_preserves_simulations transformation_def)
      interpret Curry_trg_u: simulation_to_extensional_rts A BC.resid
                               Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod t)
      interpret Curry_trg_u: transformation A BC.resid
                               Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod u)
                               Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod u)
                               Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod u)
        using u
        by (metis A_BC.arr_MkArr A_BC.arr_trg_iff_arr A_BC.trg_char
            Cod_CURRY CURRY_preserves_arr)
      interpret Curry_u: transformation A BC.resid
                           Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom u)
                           Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod u)
                           Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u)
        using u Curry_preserves_transformations by blast
      interpret Curry_u: transformation_to_extensional_rts A BC.resid
                           Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom u)
                           Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod u)
                           Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u)
      have "BC.Dom (A_BC.Map (CURRY (t \\[AxB,C] u)) f) =
            (λg. AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f, g))"
        using f con Dom_Curry by simp
      have "... = BC.Dom (Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod u) f)"
        using f u Dom_Curry by auto
      have "... = BC.Dom
                      (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f) \\[B,C]
                         Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u)
                               (A.src f))
                      (Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod u) f))"
      proof -
        have "BC.joinable
                (Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod u) f)
                (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f) \\[B,C]
                   Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u) (A.src f))"
        proof -
          have "BC.joinable
                  (Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom u) f)
                  (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f))"
            using u f
            by (metis A.src_in_sources A_BC.con_char BC.join_of_symmetric
                BC.joinable_def Dom_CURRY CURRY t [A,[B,C]] CURRY u
          have 1: "Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u)
                     (A.src f) [B,C]
                   (Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom u) f [B,C]
                      A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f))"
          proof (intro BC.con_with_join_if)
            show "BC.joinable
                    (Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom u) f)
                    (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f))"
              using calculation by blast
            show "A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f) [B,C]
                  Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u) (A.src f)"
              using A_BC.con_char CURRY t [A,[B,C]] CURRY u f u by auto
            show "Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u)
                   (A.src f) \\[B,C]
                    A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f) [B,C]
                  Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom u) f \\[B,C] A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f)"
              using u A.ide_trg A_BC.con_char BC.conE BC.conI BC.con_sym_ax
                    BC.cube Dom_CURRY Map_CURRY
                    CURRY t [A,[B,C]] CURRY u
                    f transformation.naturality1
              by (metis (full_types))
          have "(Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom u) f [B,C]
                   A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f)) \\[B,C]
                   Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u) (A.src f) =
                 Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom u) f \\[B,C]
                   Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u)
                     (A.src f) [B,C]
                 A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f) \\[B,C]
                   Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u) (A.src f)"
            using BC.resid_joinE(3)
                    [of "Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom u) f" "A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f)"
                        "Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u)
                               (A.src f)"]
            by blast
          hence "BC.joinable
                   (Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom u) f \\[B,C]
                      Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u)
                        (A.src f))
                   (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f) \\[B,C]
                      Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u)
                        (A.src f))"
            by (metis 1 BC.arr_resid BC.con_sym BC.joinable_iff_arr_join)
          have "Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod u) f =
                Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom u) f \\[B,C]
                  Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u) (A.src f)"
            using f u Curry_u.naturality2 by presburger
          ultimately show ?thesis by simp
        thus ?thesis
          using f u BC.src_char BC.src_join BC.Dom_join BC.join_sym by auto
      also have "... = BC.Dom (A_BC.Map (CURRY t \\[A,[B,C]] CURRY u) f)"
        using f u con CURRY_preserves_con A_BC.Map_resid Dom_Curry
              Cod_Curry Cod_CURRY
        by simp
      finally show ?thesis by blast

    lemma Cod_Map_CURRY_resid:
    assumes con: "AxB_C.con t u" and f: "A.arr f"
    shows "BC.Cod (A_BC.Map (CURRY (t \\[AxB,C] u)) f) =
           BC.Cod (A_BC.Apex (CURRY t) (CURRY u) f)"
    proof -
      have t: "AxB_C.arr t"
        using assms(1) AxB_C.con_implies_arr(1) by blast
      have u: "AxB_C.arr u"
        using assms(1) AxB_C.con_implies_arr(2) by blast
      interpret Apex: simulation
                        A BC.resid A_BC.Apex (CURRY t) (CURRY u)
        using assms CURRY_preserves_con A_BC.Apex_is_simulation A_BC.con_char
        by blast
      interpret Cod_u: simulation AxB.resid C AxB_C.Cod u
        using AxB_C.ide_trg AxB_C.trg_char u by force
      interpret t: transformation
                     AxB.resid C AxB_C.Dom t AxB_C.Cod t AxB_C.Map t
        using t AxB_C.arr_char by blast
      interpret u: transformation
                     AxB.resid C AxB_C.Dom u AxB_C.Cod u AxB_C.Map u
        using u AxB_C.arr_char by blast

      have "BC.Cod (A_BC.Map (CURRY (t \\[AxB,C] u)) f) =
            BC.Cod (Curry3 (AxB_C.Apex t u) f)"
        by (simp add: con Curry_def)
      also have "... = BC.Cod (A_BC.Apex (CURRY t) (CURRY u) f)"
        fix g
        show "BC.Cod (Curry3 (AxB_C.Apex t u) f) g =
              BC.Cod (A_BC.Apex (CURRY t) (CURRY u) f) g"
        proof (cases "B.arr g")
          assume g: "¬ B.arr g"
          show ?thesis
            using f g Curry_def AxB_C.Apex_def A_BC.Apex_def
            apply simp
            using BC.Apex_def BC.Cod_resid BC.arr_resid_iff_con
            by presburger
          assume g: "B.arr g"
          show ?thesis
          proof -
            have "BC.Cod (Curry3 (AxB_C.Apex t u) f) g =
                  AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f, g) \\C
                    (AxB_C.Map t (AxB.src (A.trg f, g)) \\C
                       AxB_C.Map u (AxB.src (A.trg f, g)))"
              using assms t u f g AxB.con_char Cod_Curry AxB_C.Apex_def
              by simp
            also have "... = BC.Cod
                               (A_BC.Cod (CURRY u) f \\[B,C]
                                 (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f) \\[B,C]
                                  A_BC.Map (CURRY u) (A.src f))) g"
            proof -
              have "BC.con (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f)) 
                             (A_BC.Map (CURRY u) (A.src f))"
                using assms f g t u AxB_C.con_char BC.con_char
                by (metis (no_types, lifting) A_BC.Apex_def BC.arr_char
                    BC.conI BC.null_char Apex.simulation_axioms
              moreover have "BC.con (A_BC.Cod (CURRY u) f)
                                      (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f) \\[B,C]
                                         A_BC.Map (CURRY u) (A.src f))"
                using assms f g t u AxB_C.con_char BC.con_char
                by (metis A_BC.Apex_def BC.arr_char BC.conI BC.null_char
                  Apex.simulation_axioms simulation.preserves_reflects_arr)
              moreover have "AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f, g) \\C
                               (AxB_C.Map t (AxB.src (A.trg f, g)) \\C
                                AxB_C.Map u (AxB.src (A.trg f, g))) =
                             (AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f, g) \\C
                                (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                   AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g))) \\C
                             (AxB_C.Cod u (f, B.src g) \\C
                                (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                   AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g) C
                                 AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f, B.src g)))"
              proof -
                have "(AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f, g) \\C
                                (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                   AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g))) \\C
                             (AxB_C.Cod u (f, B.src g) \\C
                                (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                   AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g) C
                                 AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f, B.src g))) =
                      (AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f, g) \\C
                        (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                           AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g))) \\C
                        (AxB_C.Cod u (f, B.src g) \\C
                          (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                             AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g)))"
                proof -
                  have "C.src (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                 AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g)) =
                        AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f, B.src g)"
                  proof -
                    have "C.src (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                   AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g)) =
                          C.trg (AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g))"
                      using AxB_C.con_char con f g by force
                    also have "... = AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f, B.src g)"
                      by (metis A.ide_src AxB.product_rts_axioms
                          AxB_C.Map.simps(1) AxB_C.Map_resid_ide
                          AxB_C.con_arr_self AxB_C.trg_char
                          AxB_C.trg_def B.ide_src C.trg_def f g
                          fst_conv product_rts.ide_char snd_conv u)
                    finally show ?thesis by blast
                  thus ?thesis
                    using C.join_src
                    by (metis C.arr_resid C.conI C.join_sym
                also have "... = (AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f, g) \\C
                                    AxB_C.Cod u (f, B.src g)) \\C
                                 ((AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                     AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g)) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Cod u (f, B.src g))"
                  using C.cube by blast
                also have "... = AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f, g) \\C
                                 ((AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                     AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g)) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Cod u (f, B.src g))"
                  by (metis A.con_arr_src(2) A.resid_src_arr AxB.con_char
                      AxB.resid_def B.con_arr_src(1) B.resid_arr_src
                      Cod_u.preserves_resid f g fst_conv snd_conv)
                also have "... = AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f, g) \\C
                                 ((AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                     AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g)) \\C
                                  (AxB_C.Dom u (f, B.src g) \\C
                                     AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g)))"
                  by (metis AxB.arr_char AxB.src_char B.arr_src_iff_arr
                      B.src_src f g fst_conv snd_conv u.naturality2)
                also have "... = AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f, g) \\C
                                 ((AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                     AxB_C.Dom u (f, B.src g)) \\C
                                  (AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                     AxB_C.Dom u (f, B.src g)))"
                  using C.cube by presburger
                also have "... = AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f, g) \\C
                                 ((AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                     AxB_C.Dom t (f, B.src g)) \\C
                                  (AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                     AxB_C.Dom u (f, B.src g)))"
                  using assms
                  by (simp add: AxB_C.con_char)
                also have "... = AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f, g) \\C
                                 (AxB_C.Map t (A.trg f, B.src g) \\C
                                    AxB_C.Map u (A.trg f, B.src g))"
                proof -
                  have "AxB_C.Map t (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                          AxB_C.Dom t (f, B.src g) =
                        AxB_C.Map t (A.trg f, B.src g)"
                    by (metis AxB.arr_char AxB.src_char AxB.trg_char
                        B.arr_src_iff_arr B.src_src B.trg_src f g
                        fst_conv snd_conv t.naturality1)
                  moreover have "AxB_C.Map u (A.src f, B.src g) \\C
                                   AxB_C.Dom u (f, B.src g) =
                                 AxB_C.Map u (A.trg f, B.src g)"
                    by (metis AxB.arr_char AxB.src_char AxB.trg_char
                        B.arr_src_iff_arr B.src_src B.trg_src f g
                        fst_conv snd_conv u.naturality1)
                  ultimately show ?thesis by presburger
                also have "... = AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f, g) \\C
                                   (AxB_C.Map t (AxB.src (A.trg f, g)) \\C
                                      AxB_C.Map u (AxB.src (A.trg f, g)))"
                  by (simp add: AxB.src_char f g)
                finally show ?thesis by argo
              ultimately show ?thesis
                using assms f g t u AxB_C.con_char CURRY_preserves_con BC.Apex_def
                      Dom_Curry Cod_Curry Map_Curry BC.Cod_resid BC.Dom_resid
                by simp
            also have "... = BC.Cod (A_BC.Apex (CURRY t) (CURRY u) f) g"
              using assms f g CURRY_preserves_con CURRY_preserves_arr A_BC.Apex_def
              by simp
            finally show ?thesis by auto
      finally show ?thesis by blast
    lemma Map_Map_CURRY_resid:
    assumes con: "AxB_C.con t u" and f1: "A.arr f1"
    shows "BC.Map (A_BC.Map (CURRY (t \\[AxB,C] u)) f1) =
           BC.Map (A_BC.Map (A_BC.resid (CURRY t) (CURRY u)) f1)"
    proof -
      have t: "AxB_C.arr t"
        using assms(1) AxB_C.con_implies_arr(1) by blast
      have u: "AxB_C.arr u"
        using assms(1) AxB_C.con_implies_arr(2) by blast
      interpret t: transformation
                     AxB.resid C AxB_C.Dom t AxB_C.Cod t AxB_C.Map t
        using t AxB_C.arr_char [of t] by blast
      interpret t: transformation_of_binary_simulations
                     A B C AxB_C.Dom t AxB_C.Cod t AxB_C.Map t
      interpret u: transformation
                     AxB.resid C AxB_C.Dom u AxB_C.Cod u AxB_C.Map u
        using u AxB_C.arr_char [of u] by blast
      interpret u: transformation_of_binary_simulations
                     A B C AxB_C.Dom u AxB_C.Cod u AxB_C.Map u
      interpret tu: transformation
                      AxB.resid C AxB_C.Cod u AxB_C.Apex t u
                      AxB_C.Map (t \[AxB,C] u)
        using con AxB_C.arr_char [of "t \\[AxB,C] u"] by simp
      interpret tu: transformation_to_extensional_rts AxB.resid C
                      AxB_C.Cod u AxB_C.Apex t u AxB_C.Map (t \[AxB,C] u)
      interpret Curry_t: transformation A BC.resid
                           Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom t)
                           Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod t)
                           Curry (AxB_C.Dom t) (AxB_C.Cod t) (AxB_C.Map t)
        using t Curry_preserves_transformations by blast
      interpret Curry_u: transformation A BC.resid
                           Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom u)
                           Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod u)
                           Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u)
        using u Curry_preserves_transformations by blast
      interpret Apex: simulation
                        A BC.resid A_BC.Apex (CURRY t) (CURRY u)
        using assms CURRY_preserves_con A_BC.Apex_is_simulation A_BC.con_char
        by blast
      interpret Apex: simulation_to_extensional_rts
                        A BC.resid A_BC.Apex (CURRY t) (CURRY u)
      interpret Cod_u: simulation AxB.resid C AxB_C.Cod u
        using AxB_C.ide_trg AxB_C.trg_char u by force
      interpret Cod_u: binary_simulation A B C AxB_C.Cod u ..
      interpret Cod_u: binary_simulation_between_weakly_extensional_rts
                         A B C AxB_C.Cod u

      have *: "f2. B.arr f2 
                    ((AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                        AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                      AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, B.src f2)) C
                     AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) C
                    AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) =
                    AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2)"
      proof -
        fix f2
        assume f2: "B.arr f2"
        have 1:
          "Curry (AxB_C.Dom t) (AxB_C.Cod t) (AxB_C.Map t) (A.src f1) [B,C]
           Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u) (A.src f1)"
          by (metis A.ide_src A_BC.con_char con Map_CURRY f1
              CURRY_preserves_con t u)
        have "((AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                  AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, B.src f2)) C
               AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) C
              AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) =
              (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                 AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
               AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) C
              AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)"
          using AxB_C.Map_resid_ide con f1 f2 by force
        also have "... = (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                          AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) C AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)"
          using f1 f2 con AxB_C.Map_resid_ide by simp
        also have "... = AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) C
                         AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)"
          using AxB.src_char AxB_C.Map_resid_ide con f1 f2 by force
        also have "... = AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2)"
        proof (intro C.join_eqI)
          show 2: "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) C
                   AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2)"
          proof -
            have "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                    AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2) =
                 AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                    (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (AxB.src (f1, f2)) C
                       AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2))"
              using tu.naturality3'E(1) by presburger
            also have "... = (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (AxB.src (f1, f2))) \\C
                             (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2) \\C
                                AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (AxB.src (f1, f2)))"
              using C.resid_joinE(2)
                      [of "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (AxB.src (f1, f2))"
                          "AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2)"
                          "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2)"]
              by (metis A.cong_reflexive AxB.prfx_char B.ide_trg
                  B.resid_src_arr C.conI C.joinable_iff_join_not_null
                  C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2) calculation
                  f1 f2 fst_conv snd_conv tu.preserves_prfx)
            also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                             (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2) \\C
                                AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (AxB.src (f1, f2)))"
            proof -
              have "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (AxB.src (f1, f2)) =
                    (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                     AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) \\C
                      AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (AxB.src (f1, f2))"
                using AxB.src_char AxB_C.Map_resid_ide con f1 f2 by fastforce
              also have "... = AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                 AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (AxB.src (f1, f2)) C
                               AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                 AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (AxB.src (f1, f2))"
                using C.resid_joinE(3)
                        [of "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2)"
                            "AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)"
                            "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (AxB.src (f1, f2))"]
                by (metis AxB.arr_char AxB.src_char B.arr_src_if_arr B.src_src
                    C.arr_prfx_join_self C.prfx_implies_con f1 f2 fst_conv snd_conv
              also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                               AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                 AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (AxB.src (f1, f2))"
                using AxB.src_char C.trg_def f1 f2 tu.preserves_trg by fastforce
              also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                               AxB_C.Apex t u (f1, B.src f2)"
                using AxB.src_char AxB_C.Map_resid_ide AxB_C.Apex_def con f2
                by force
              also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (f1, B.src f2)"
              proof -
                have "C.prfx (AxB_C.Apex t u (A.src f1, B.src f2))
                             (AxB_C.Apex t u (f1, B.src f2))"
                  by (simp add: f1 f2)
                thus ?thesis
                  by (metis AxB.arr_char AxB.ide_src AxB.src_char
                      B.arr_src_iff_arr C.join_src C.prfx_implies_con
                      C.src_ide f1 f2 fst_conv snd_conv transformation_def
                      tu.G.preserves_ide tu.G.preserves_reflects_arr
              finally show ?thesis by auto
            have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (f1, B.src f2) \\C AxB_C.Apex t u (f1, f2)"
              by (simp add: f1 f2 tu.naturality2)
            also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, B.trg f2)"
              by (metis A.residuation_axioms A.trg_def AxB.con_char AxB.resid_def
                  B.con_arr_src(2) B.resid_src_arr f1 f2 fst_conv residuation.arrE
                  snd_conv tu.G.preserves_resid)
            finally have "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                            AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2) =
                          AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, B.trg f2)"
              by blast
            moreover have "C.ide ..."
              by (simp add: f1 f2)
            ultimately show ?thesis by simp
          show 3: "AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) C
                   AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2)"
          proof -
            have "AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                    AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2) =
                  AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                    (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                     AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2))"
              using AxB.src_char AxB_C.Map_resid_ide con f1 f2 by force
            have "... = (AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2)) \\C
                           (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                              AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2))"
            proof -
              have "C.joinable (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2))
                               (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2))"
                by (metis "2" AxB.src_char C.conI C.ex_un_null C.not_con_null(1)
                    C.not_ide_null fst_eqD snd_conv tu.extensionality tu.naturality3'E(2))
              moreover have "AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) C
                             AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                               AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2)"
                by (metis A.con_arr_src(1) A.ide_trg A.resid_src_arr
                    AxB.con_char AxB.prfx_char B.ide_trg B.residuation_axioms
                    B.trg_def C.con_sym C.con_target C.con_with_join_if(2)
                    C.joinable_implies_con calculation f1 f2 fst_conv
                    residuation.arrE snd_conv u.G.preserves_con
              ultimately show ?thesis
                using C.resid_joinE(1) by fastforce
            also have "... = AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f1, B.trg f2) \\C
                               (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2))"
            proof -
              have "AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2) =
                    AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f1, B.trg f2)"
                (* TODO: Rearrange interpretations above. *)
                using u.G.preserves_resid [of "(A.src f1, f2)" "(f1, f2)"]
                by (simp add: AxB.resid_def B.trg_def f1 f2)
              thus ?thesis
                by presburger
            also have "... = AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f1, B.trg f2) \\C
                               AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.trg f1, B.trg f2)"
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) AxB.arr_char AxB.src_char AxB.trg_char
                  f1 f2 fst_conv snd_conv tu.naturality1)
            also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, B.trg f2)"
              by (metis A.src_trg AxB.src_char AxB_C.Apex_def B.src_trg
                  C.null_is_zero(2) fst_conv snd_conv tu.extensionality
            finally have "AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                            AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2) =
                          AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, B.trg f2)"
              by blast
            moreover have "C.ide ..."
              by (simp add: f1 f2)
            ultimately show ?thesis by simp
          show 4: "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2) \\C
                     AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) =
                   AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                     AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)"
          proof -
            have "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2) \\C
                    AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) =
                  (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                   AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2)) \\C
                     AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)"
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) AxB.ide_src AxB.src_char
                  AxB_C.Map_resid AxB_C.Map_resid_ide C.arr_def
                  C.ide_iff_src_self C.ide_implies_arr C.not_arr_null
                  C.prfx_implies_con C.src_residWE C.trg_def 2 con
                  fst_conv snd_conv)
            also have "... = AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                               AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) C
                             AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2) \\C AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)"
              by (metis C.conE C.conI C.con_sym C.joinable_iff_join_not_null
                  C.null_is_zero(2) C.prfx_implies_con C.resid_joinE(3) 3 calculation)
            also have 4: "... = AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.trg f2) C
                                AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2) \\C AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)"
              by (metis A.src_src A.trg_src AxB.src_char AxB.trg_char C.con_sym_ax
                  C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2) 3 fst_conv snd_conv tu.naturality1
            also have "... = AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.trg f2) C
                             AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.trg f2)"
              using f1 f2 u.G.preserves_con AxB.resid_def B.trg_def
                    u.G.preserves_resid [of "(f1, f2)" "(A.src f1, f2)"]
              by simp
            also have "... = AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.trg f2)"
              using AxB.src_char AxB_C.Map_resid_ide con f1 f2 by force
            finally have L: "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2) \\C
                               AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) =
                             AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.trg f2)"
              by blast

            have 5: "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                       AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) =
                     (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                      AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) \\C AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)"
              using AxB.src_char AxB_C.Map_resid_ide con f1 f2 by auto
            also have "... = AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                               AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) C
                             AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)"
            proof -
              have "C.joinable (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2))
                               (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2))"
                by (metis "2" AxB.src_char B.src_src C.con_def C.not_con_null(1)
                    C.not_ide_null fst_eqD snd_eqD tu.extensionality tu.naturality3'E(2))
              moreover have "AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) C
                             AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                               AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)"
                by (metis 2 3 5 C.arr_resid_iff_con C.con_sym C.con_target
                    C.prfx_implies_con C.resid_reflects_con)
              ultimately show ?thesis
                using C.resid_joinE(3) by blast
            also have "... = AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                               AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) C
                             AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.trg f2)"
              using u.G.preserves_resid [of "(f1, B.src f2)" "(A.src f1, f2)"]
              by (simp add: AxB.resid_def f1 f2)
            also have "... = AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.trg f2) C
                             AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.trg f2)"
              using tu.naturality1 [of "(A.src f1, f2)"]
              by (simp add: AxB.src_char AxB.trg_char f1 f2)
            also have "... = AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.trg f2)"
              using AxB.src_char AxB_C.Map_resid_ide con f1 f2 by force
            finally have R: "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                               AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) =
                             AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.trg f2)"
              by blast

            show ?thesis
              using L R by auto
          show "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2) \\C
                  AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) =
                AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                  AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2)"
          proof -
            have 5: "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2) \\C
                       AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) =
                     (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                       AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2)) \\C
                       AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2)"
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) AxB.ide_src AxB.src_char
                  AxB_C.Map_resid AxB_C.Map_resid_ide C.arr_def
                  C.ide_iff_src_self C.ide_implies_arr C.not_arr_null
                  C.prfx_implies_con C.src_residWE C.trg_def 3 con
                  fst_conv snd_conv)
            also have 6: "... = AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) C
                                AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2)"
              by (metis C.conI C.con_sym_ax C.joinable_iff_join_not_null C.not_ide_null
                  C.null_is_zero(2) C.resid_joinE(3) 2 calculation)
            also have "... = (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2)) C
                             AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, f2)"
            proof -
              have "AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2) \\C
                      AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) =
                    (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) C AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)) \\C
                      AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2)"
              proof -
                have "AxB.join_of (f1, B.src f2) (A.src f1, f2) (f1, f2)"
                  using f1 f2
                  by (simp add: A.join_of_arr_src(2) AxB.join_of_char(1)
                thus ?thesis
                  using f1 f2 u.G.preserves_joins AxB.join_of_char
                        C.join_is_join_of C.join_of_unique C.joinable_def
                  by metis
              also have "... = (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2)) C
                               (AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2))"
                using C.resid_joinE(3) [of "AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)"
                                           "AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)"
                                           "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2)"]
                by (metis 2 5 6 C.conE C.conI C.con_sym_ax
                    C.join_def C.joinable_implies_con C.null_is_zero(2)
                    C.prfx_implies_con calculation)
              also have "... = (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                  (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                                   AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2))) C
                               (AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                                  (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                                   AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)))"
                using f2 AxB.src_char AxB_C.Map_resid_ide 2 con
                by force
              also have "... = (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) \\C
                                 (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                    AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) C
                                 AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                                   (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                                    AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2))"
              proof -
                have "AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                        (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                           AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) =
                      (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) \\C
                         (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                            AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2))"
                  by (metis (no_types, lifting) C.arr_prfx_join_self
                      C.conI C.con_sym_ax C.joinable_iff_join_not_null
                      C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(1) C.resid_joinE(1)
                      5 2 calculation)
                thus ?thesis by argo
              also have "... = (AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                  (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                   AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2))) C
                               (AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                                 (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                                  AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)))"
                using u.G.preserves_trg [of "(f1, B.src f2)"] AxB.trg_char
                      C.trg_def f1 f2
                by force
              also have "... = (AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.trg f1, B.src f2)) C
                               (AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                                  (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                                   AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)))"
                using tu.naturality1 [of "(f1, B.src f2)"] AxB.src_char
                      AxB.trg_char f1 f2
                by force
              also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, B.src f2) C
                               (AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                                 (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                                  AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)))"
                by (metis A.src_trg AxB.src_char AxB_C.Apex_def B.src_src
                          C.ex_un_null C.null_is_zero(1) fst_conv snd_conv
                          tu.extensionality tu.naturality2)
              also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, B.src f2) C
                               ((AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                                   AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) \\C
                                 (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                    AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)))"
                by (metis C.arr_prfx_join_self C.conI C.con_sym_ax
                    C.joinable_iff_join_not_null C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2)
                    C.resid_joinE(1) 2 5 calculation)
              also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, B.src f2) C
                               (AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.trg f1, B.src f2)"
                by (metis AxB.src_char AxB.trg_char B.src_src B.trg_src
                          C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(1) 2 fst_conv
                          snd_conv tu.extensionality tu.naturality1)
              also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, B.src f2) C
                               AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f1, f2) \\C
                                 AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.trg f1, B.src f2)"
                using u.G.preserves_resid [of "(A.src f1, f2)" "(f1, B.src f2)"]
                      AxB.resid_def f1 f2
                by auto
              also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, B.src f2) C
                               AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, f2)"
                by (metis A.arr_trg_iff_arr A.src_trg AxB.arr_char AxB.src_char
                          f1 f2 fst_conv snd_conv tu.naturality2)
              also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, f2)"
              proof -
                have "AxB.join_of (A.trg f1, B.src f2) (A.trg f1, f2) (A.trg f1, f2)"
                  by (simp add: AxB.join_of_arr_src(1) f1 f2)
                thus ?thesis
                  using tu.G.preserves_joins C.join_is_join_of
                        C.join_of_unique C.joinable_def
                  by meson
              finally have "AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2) \\C
                              AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) =
                            AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, f2)"
                by blast
              thus ?thesis by auto
            also have "... = (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2)) \\C
                               (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2)) C
                             AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, f2)"
            proof -
              have "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                      AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) =
                    AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                      (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                       AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2))"
                using f1 f2 AxB.src_char AxB_C.Map_resid_ide con by auto
              also have "... = (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2)) \\C
                                (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                   AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2))"
              proof -
                have "C.joinable (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2))
                                 (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2))"
                  by (metis C.arr_prfx_join_self C.con_sym_ax
                      C.joinable_iff_join_not_null C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(1)
                      2 5 6 calculation)
                moreover have "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                               AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                                 AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)"
                  using C.arr_prfx_join_self C.prfx_implies_con calculation
                  by presburger
                ultimately have "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                   (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                                    AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) =
                                 (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                    AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2)) \\C
                                      (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                         AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2))"
                  using f1 f2 C.resid_joinE(2) by blast
                thus ?thesis by blast
              finally have "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                              AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) =
                            (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                               AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2)) \\C
                                  (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                     AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2))"
                by blast
              thus ?thesis by argo
            also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2)) C
                             AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, f2)"
              by (metis AxB.ide_src AxB.src_char C.not_ide_null
                        C.null_is_zero(2) C.trg_def 2 fst_conv snd_conv tu.extensionality
            also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                               AxB_C.Apex t u (f1, B.src f2) C
                             AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, f2)"
              by (metis AxB.src_char B.src_trg B.trg_src C.con_sym_ax
                  C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2) 4 3 fst_conv snd_conv
                  tu.extensionality tu.naturality2)
            also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, B.src f2) C
                             AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, f2)"
              using tu.G.preserves_trg [of "(f1, B.src f2)"]
              by (simp add: AxB.trg_char C.con_imp_coinitial C.resid_ide(2) f1 f2)
            also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, f2)"
            proof -
              have "AxB.join_of (A.trg f1, B.src f2) (A.trg f1, f2) (A.trg f1, f2)"
                by (simp add: AxB.join_of_arr_src(1) f1 f2)
              thus ?thesis
                using tu.G.preserves_joins C.join_is_join_of C.join_of_unique
                by meson
            finally have L: "AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2) \\C
                                 AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) =
                             AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, f2)"
              by blast

            have R: "AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                       AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) =
                     AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, f2)"
            proof -
              have "AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                      AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, B.src f2) =
                    AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                      (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                       AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2))"
                using AxB.src_char AxB_C.Map_resid_ide con f1 f2 by force
              also have "... = (AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) \\C
                                 (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                    AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2))"
                by (metis C.conI C.con_sym_ax C.joinable_iff_join_not_null
                    C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2) C.resid_joinE(1) 3 4
              also have "... = AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f1, f2) \\C
                                 (AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                    AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2))"
                using u.G.preserves_resid [of "(A.src f1, f2)" "(f1, B.src f2)"]
                by (simp add: AxB.resid_def f1 f2)
              also have "... = AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f1, f2) \\C
                                 AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (A.trg f1, B.src f2)"
                by (metis AxB.src_char AxB.trg_char B.src_src B.trg_src
                    C.ex_un_null C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2) 2
                    fst_conv snd_conv tu.extensionality tu.naturality1)
              also have "... = AxB_C.Apex t u (A.trg f1, f2)"
                by (metis A.src_trg AxB.src_char C.conI C.con_sym_ax
                    C.prfx_implies_con C.residuation_axioms L 2 fst_conv
                    residuation.arr_resid snd_conv tu.G.preserves_reflects_arr
              finally show ?thesis by blast
            show ?thesis
              using L R by simp
        finally show "((AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                          AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                        AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, B.src f2)) C
                       AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) C
                      AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) =
                      AxB_C.Map (t \\[AxB,C] u) (f1, f2)"
         by simp
      have "BC.Map (A_BC.Map (CURRY (t \\[AxB,C] u)) f1) =
            (λf2. if B.arr f2
                  then AxB_C.Map t (AxB.src (f1, f2)) \\C
                         AxB_C.Map u (AxB.src (f1, f2)) C
                       AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2)
                  else C.null)"
        unfolding curry_def
        using f1 con Curry_simp by simp
      also have "... = (λf2. if B.arr f2
                             then ((AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                      AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                                    AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, B.src f2)) C
                                   AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) C
                                  AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)
                             else C.null)"
        using * con f1 by auto
      have "... = BC.Map (A_BC.Map (A_BC.resid (CURRY t) (CURRY u)) f1)"
      proof -
        have 1: "Curry
                   (AxB_C.Dom t) (AxB_C.Cod t) (AxB_C.Map t) (A.src f1) [B,C]
                   (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u) (A.src f1)"
          by (metis A.ide_src A_BC.con_char Map_CURRY con
              CURRY_preserves_con f1 t u)
        have "BC.Dom
                (Curry (AxB_C.Dom t) (AxB_C.Cod t) (AxB_C.Map t)
                   (A.src f1) \\[B,C]
                   Curry (AxB_C.Dom u) (AxB_C.Cod u) (AxB_C.Map u)
                     (A.src f1)) =
              (λf2. AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2))"
          using f1 t u 1 BC.Dom_resid Map_Curry Dom_Curry Cod_Curry by simp
        moreover have "transformation B C (λf2. AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2))
                                          (λf2. AxB_C.Cod u (A.trg f1, f2))
                                          (λf2. AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2))"
          using f1 Cod_u.fixing_arr_gives_transformation_1 by simp
        have "BC.Map (A_BC.Map (A_BC.resid (CURRY t) (CURRY u)) f1) =
              (λf2. (BC.Resid
                          (λg. AxB_C.Dom t (A.src f1, g))
                          (λg. AxB_C.Cod t (A.src f1, g))
                          (λg. AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, g)))
                          (λg. AxB_C.Dom u (A.src f1, g))
                          (λg. AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, g))
                          (λg. AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, g)))
                       (B.src f2) C
                     AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) C
                    AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2))"
          using * t u f1 C.joinable_iff_arr_join tu.preserves_arr con
                CURRY_preserves_con A_BC.Map_resid BC.join_char
                Map_CURRY BC.Map_resid_ide Map_Curry Dom_Curry Curry_def
          by auto
        also have "... = (λf2. if B.arr f2
                               then ((AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                      AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                                    AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, B.src f2)) C
                                   AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) C
                                  AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)
                               else C.null)"
          fix f2
          show "(BC.Resid
                      (λg. AxB_C.Dom t (A.src f1, g))
                      (λg. AxB_C.Cod t (A.src f1, g))
                      (λg. AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, g)))
                      (λg. AxB_C.Dom u (A.src f1, g))
                      (λg. AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, g))
                      (λg. AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, g)))
                   (B.src f2) C
                  AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) C
                 AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) =
                (if B.arr f2
                 then ((AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                        AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                       AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, B.src f2)) C
                      AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2)) C
                     AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)
                 else C.null)"
            apply (cases "B.arr f2")
             apply force
            using B.src_def C.arr_prfx_join_self C.join_def
            by fastforce
        finally show ?thesis by simp
      finally show ?thesis by blast

    lemma Cod_Curry_Apex:
    assumes con: "AxB_C.con t u" and f1: "A.arr f1"
    shows "BC.Cod
             (Curry (AxB_C.Apex t u) (AxB_C.Apex t u) (AxB_C.Apex t u) f1) =
           BC.Cod (A_BC.Map (A_BC.resid (CURRY t) (CURRY u)) f1)"
    proof -
      have "BC.Cod (Curry3 (AxB_C.Apex t u) f1) =
            BC.Cod (A_BC.Map (CURRY (t \\[AxB,C] u)) f1)"
        by (simp add: assms(1) Curry_def)
      also have "... = BC.Cod (A_BC.Apex (CURRY t) (CURRY u) f1)"
        using assms Cod_Map_CURRY_resid by simp
      also have "... =
                 BC.Cod (A_BC.Map (A_BC.resid (CURRY t) (CURRY u)) f1)"
      proof -
        have "BC.trg (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f1) \\[B,C]
                          A_BC.Map (CURRY u) (A.src f1) [B,C]
                        A_BC.Cod (CURRY u) f1) =
              BC.trg (A_BC.Cod (CURRY u) f1 \\[B,C]
                          (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f1) \\[B,C]
                             A_BC.Map (CURRY u) (A.src f1)))"
          by (metis A_BC.Map_preserves_prfx A_BC.Map_resid
              A_BC.cong_reflexive BC.apex_sym BC.joinable_iff_join_not_null
              BC.not_ide_null BC.null_is_zero(2) BC.trg_join
              CURRY_preserves_con con f1 A_BC.arr_resid)
        hence "BC.Cod (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f1) \\[B,C]
                           A_BC.Map (CURRY u) (A.src f1) [B,C]
                         A_BC.Cod (CURRY u) f1) =
               BC.Cod (A_BC.Cod (CURRY u) f1 \\[B,C]
                         (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f1) \\[B,C]
                            A_BC.Map (CURRY u) (A.src f1)))"
          using BC.trg_char
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) BC.Map_trg BC.arr_trg_iff_arr
              BC.con_imp_arr_resid BC.join_char(2)
              BC.joinable_iff_arr_join BC.trg_def)
        thus ?thesis
          using assms CURRY_preserves_con A_BC.Map_resid A_BC.Apex_def
          by simp
      finally show ?thesis by blast

    lemma Curry_preserves_Apex:
    assumes "AxB_C.con t u"
    shows "Curry3 (AxB_C.Apex t u) = A_BC.Apex (CURRY t) (CURRY u)"
      (is "?LHS = ?RHS")
    proof -
      have t: "AxB_C.arr t"
        using assms AxB_C.con_implies_arr(1) by blast
      have u: "AxB_C.arr u"
        using assms AxB_C.con_implies_arr(2) by blast
      interpret Apex: simulation
                        A BC.resid A_BC.Apex (CURRY t) (CURRY u)
        using assms CURRY_preserves_con A_BC.Apex_is_simulation A_BC.con_char
        by blast
      interpret Cod_u: simulation AxB.resid C AxB_C.Cod u
        using AxB_C.ide_trg AxB_C.trg_char u by force
      interpret Curry_Apex: simulation A BC.resid
                              Curry (AxB_C.Apex t u) (AxB_C.Apex t u)
                              (AxB_C.Apex t u)
        using Curry_preserves_simulations AxB_C.Apex_is_simulation
              AxB_C.con_char assms
        by blast
      show ?thesis
        fix f1
        show "?LHS f1 = ?RHS f1"
        proof (cases "A.arr f1")
          show "¬ A.arr f1  ?thesis"
            using A_BC.Apex_def Curry_def by force
          assume f1: "A.arr f1"
          interpret Apex_curry: transformation B C
                                  BC.Dom (A_BC.Apex (CURRY t) (CURRY u) f1)
                                  BC.Cod (A_BC.Apex (CURRY t) (CURRY u) f1)
                                  BC.Map (A_BC.Apex (CURRY t) (CURRY u) f1)
            using f1 BC.arr_char by blast
          interpret Map_Curry_Apex:
                    transformation B C
                             (AxB_C.Apex t u)
                             (AxB_C.Apex t u)
                             (AxB_C.Apex t u)
                             (AxB_C.Apex t u)
                             (AxB_C.Apex t u)
                             (AxB_C.Apex t u)
                            (AxB_C.Apex t u)
                            (AxB_C.Apex t u)
                            (AxB_C.Apex t u)
            using f1 Curry_Apex.preserves_reflects_arr BC.arr_char
            by blast
          show ?thesis
          proof -
            have "BC.Dom (?LHS f1) = BC.Dom (?RHS f1)"
              by (metis A.con_arr_src(1) A.con_arr_src(2) A.con_implies_arr(1)
                  A.ide_src A.resid_arr_src A_BC.Apex_def A_BC.Map_resid_ide
                  BC.Dom_resid BC.arr_resid_iff_con Apex.preserves_reflects_arr
                  Cod_Curry_Apex Curry_Apex.preserves_con
                  Curry_Apex.preserves_resid assms CURRY_preserves_con f1)
            have "BC.Cod (?LHS f1) = BC.Cod (?RHS f1)"
              using Cod_Curry_Apex Cod_Map_CURRY_resid assms f1 Curry_def
              by auto
            have "BC.Map (?LHS f1) = BC.Map (?RHS f1)"
              fix f2
              show "BC.Map (?LHS f1) f2 = BC.Map (?RHS f1) f2"
              proof (cases "B.arr f2")
                show "¬ B.arr f2  ?thesis"
                  by (simp add: Apex_curry.extensionality
                assume f2: "B.arr f2"
                show ?thesis
                proof -
                  have 0: "BC.Map (?LHS f1) f2 =
                           AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2) \\C
                             (AxB_C.Map t (AxB.src (f1, f2)) \\C
                                AxB_C.Map u (AxB.src (f1, f2)))"
                    using assms t u f1 f2 AxB.con_char Map_Curry AxB_C.Apex_def
                    by simp
                  also have "... =
                               (A_BC.Cod (CURRY u) f1 \\[B,C]
                                  (A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f1) \\[B,C]
                                     A_BC.Map (CURRY u) (A.src f1))) f2"
                  proof -
                    have 1: "AxB.join_of (f1, B.src f2) (A.src f1, f2) (f1, f2)"
                      by (simp add: A.join_of_arr_src(2) AxB.join_of_char(1)
                          B.join_of_arr_src(1) f1 f2)
                    have "A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f1) [B,C]
                          A_BC.Map (CURRY u) (A.src f1)"
                      using A.ide_src A_BC.con_char assms CURRY_preserves_con f1
                      by presburger
                    moreover have "A_BC.Cod (CURRY u) f1 [B,C]
                                   A_BC.Map (CURRY t) (A.src f1) \\[B,C]
                                     A_BC.Map (CURRY u) (A.src f1)"
                      by (metis A_BC.Apex_def BC.arrE BC.conI
                          Apex.preserves_reflects_arr f1)
                    moreover have "AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2) \\C
                                     (AxB_C.Map t (AxB.src (f1, f2)) \\C
                                        AxB_C.Map u (AxB.src (f1, f2))) =
                                   AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                     ((AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                         AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2)) C
                                      AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, B.src f2)) C
                                     AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                                       (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                          AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2))"
                    proof -
                      have "AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                              ((AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                  AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2)) C
                                 AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, B.src f2)) C
                            AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                              (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                 AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2)) =
                            AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) \\C
                              (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                 AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2)) C
                            AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2) \\C
                              (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                 AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2))"
                        using AxB_C.Map_resid_ide assms f1 f2 by fastforce
                      also have "... = (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) C
                                        AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)) \\C
                                         (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                            AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2))"
                      proof -
                        have "C.joinable (AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2))
                                         (AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2))"
                          using 1 Cod_u.preserves_joins C.joinable_def by blast
                        moreover have "AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                         AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2) C
                                       AxB_C.Cod u (f1, B.src f2) C
                                       AxB_C.Cod u (A.src f1, f2)"
                          by (metis (no_types, lifting) 0 1
                              AxB.join_of_un_upto_cong AxB.prfx_implies_con
                              AxB.residuation_axioms AxB.src_char
                              C.join_is_join_of C.join_of_unique C.joinable_def
                              C.residuation_axioms Cod_u.preserves_joins
                              Map_Curry_Apex.preserves_arr f2 fst_conv
                              residuation.arrI residuation.arr_resid_iff_con
                              residuation.con_sym snd_conv)
                        ultimately show ?thesis
                          using C.resid_joinE(3) by simp
                      also have "... = AxB_C.Cod u (f1, f2) \\C
                                        (AxB_C.Map t (A.src f1, B.src f2) \\C
                                           AxB_C.Map u (A.src f1, B.src f2))"
                        using 1 f1 f2 Cod_u.preserves_joins C.join_is_join_of
                        by (metis C.joinable_def)
                      finally show ?thesis
                        by (simp add: AxB.src_char f1 f2)
                    ultimately show ?thesis
                      using f1 f2 t u AxB_C.con_char BC.Map_resid BC.Apex_def
                            Cod_Curry Map_Curry
                      by simp
                  also have "... = BC.Map (?RHS f1) f2"
                    using assms f1 f2 CURRY_preserves_con CURRY_preserves_arr
                    by simp
                  finally show ?thesis by auto
            moreover have "?LHS f1  BC.Null"
              by (simp add: f1 Curry_def)
            moreover have "?RHS f1  BC.Null"
              using BC.arr_char f1 by blast
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by (metis BC.MkArr_Map)

    sublocale CURRY: simulation AxB_C.resid A_BC.resid CURRY
      show "t. ¬ AxB_C.arr t  CURRY t = A_BC.null"
        unfolding CURRY_def
        by auto
      fix t u
      assume con: "AxB_C.con t u"
      have t: "AxB_C.arr t"
        using AxB_C.con_implies_arr(1) con by blast
      have u: "AxB_C.arr u"
        using AxB_C.con_implies_arr(2) con by blast
      show "A_BC.con (CURRY t) (CURRY u)"
        using con CURRY_preserves_con by simp
      show "CURRY (t \\[AxB,C] u) = CURRY t \\[A,[B,C]] CURRY u"
      proof -
        have 1: "AxB_C.Dom (t \\[AxB,C] u) = AxB_C.Cod u"
          using con AxB_C.con_char by auto
        have 2: "AxB_C.Cod (t \\[AxB,C] u) = AxB_C.Apex t u"
          using con AxB_C.con_char by auto
        have "A_BC.Dom (CURRY (t \\[AxB,C] u)) =
              A_BC.Dom (CURRY t \\[A,[B,C]] CURRY u)"
          using con 1 2 t u AxB_C.con_char
          apply simp
          using CURRY t [A,[B,C]] CURRY u by force
        have "A_BC.Cod (CURRY (t \\[AxB,C] u)) =
              A_BC.Cod (CURRY t \\[A,[B,C]] CURRY u)"
          using con 1 2 t u AxB_C.con_char Curry_preserves_Apex
          apply simp
          using CURRY t [A,[B,C]] CURRY u by force
        have "A_BC.Map (CURRY (t \\[AxB,C] u)) =
              A_BC.Map (CURRY t \\[A,[B,C]] CURRY u)"
          (is "?LHS = ?RHS")
          fix f1
          show "?LHS f1 = ?RHS f1"
          proof (cases "A.arr f1")
            show "¬ A.arr f1  ?thesis"
              by (simp add: A_BC.con (CURRY t) (CURRY u) con Curry_def)
            assume f1: "A.arr f1"
            have "BC.Dom (?LHS f1) = BC.Dom (?RHS f1)"
              using Dom_Map_CURRY_resid con f1 by blast
            have "BC.Cod (?LHS f1) = BC.Cod (?RHS f1)"
              using Cod_Map_CURRY_resid Cod_Curry_Apex con
                    Curry_preserves_Apex f1
              by force
            have "BC.Map (?LHS f1) = BC.Map (?RHS f1)"
              using f1 con Map_Map_CURRY_resid by blast
            moreover have "?LHS f1  A_BC.Null"
              by (simp add: con f1 Curry_def)
            moreover have "?RHS f1  A_BC.Null"
              by (metis A.arrE A_BC.arr_def A_BC.arr_resid A_BC.conEERTS
                  BC.con_char CURRY t [A,[B,C]] CURRY u f1)
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by (metis BC.MkArr_Map)
        moreover have "CURRY t \\[A,[B,C]] CURRY u  AxB_C.Null"
          using A_BC.null_char A_BC.con (CURRY t) (CURRY u) by auto
        moreover have "CURRY (t \\[AxB,C] u)  A_BC.Null"
          using con A_BC.arr_char AxB_C.arr_resid CURRY_preserves_arr
          by presburger
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (metis A_BC.MkArr_Map)

    lemma CURRY_is_simulation:
    shows "simulation AxB_C.resid A_BC.resid CURRY"

    definition UNCURRY
                 :: "('a, ('b, 'c) BC.arr) A_BC.arr  ('a × 'b, 'c) AxB_C.arr"
    where "UNCURRY f  if A_BC.arr f
                       then AxB_C.MkArr (Uncurry (A_BC.Dom f))
                                        (Uncurry (A_BC.Cod f))
                                        (Uncurry (A_BC.Map f))
                       else AxB_C.null"

    lemma Dom_UNCURRY [simp]:
    assumes "A_BC.arr f"
    shows "AxB_C.Dom (UNCURRY f) = Uncurry (A_BC.Dom f)"
      using assms UNCURRY_def by auto

    lemma Cod_UNCURRY [simp]:
    assumes "A_BC.arr f"
    shows "AxB_C.Cod (UNCURRY f) = Uncurry (A_BC.Cod f)"
      using assms UNCURRY_def by auto

    lemma Map_UNCURRY [simp]:
    assumes "A_BC.arr f"
    shows "AxB_C.Map (UNCURRY f) = Uncurry (A_BC.Map f)"
      using assms UNCURRY_def by auto

    lemma UNCURRY_CURRY [simp]:
    assumes "AxB_C.arr t"
    shows "UNCURRY (CURRY t) = t"
    proof -
      interpret CURRY: simulation AxB_C.resid A_BC.resid CURRY
        using CURRY_is_simulation by simp
      have "UNCURRY (CURRY t) =
              (Uncurry (A_BC.Dom (CURRY t)))
              (Uncurry (A_BC.Cod (CURRY t)))
              (Uncurry (A_BC.Map (CURRY t)))"
        using assms UNCURRY_def by auto
      also have "... = AxB_C.MkArr
                         (Uncurry (Curry3 (AxB_C.Dom t)))
                         (Uncurry (Curry3 (AxB_C.Cod t)))
                            (Curry (AxB_C.Dom t) (AxB_C.Cod t) (AxB_C.Map t)))"
        using assms by simp
      also have "... =
                 AxB_C.MkArr (AxB_C.Dom t) (AxB_C.Cod t) (AxB_C.Map t)"
        by (metis AxB_C.arr_MkArr AxB_C.arr_char AxB_C.ide_MkIde
            AxB_C.ide_implies_arr Uncurry_Curry assms transformation_def)
      also have "... = t"
        using assms AxB_C.MkArr_Map AxB_C.arr_char by auto
      finally show ?thesis by blast

    lemma CURRY_UNCURRY [simp]:
    assumes "A_BC.arr t"
    shows "CURRY (UNCURRY t) = t"
    proof -
      have 1: "AxB_C.arr (UNCURRY t)"
        using assms AxB_C.arr_char UNCURRY_def Uncurry_preserves_transformations
        by fastforce
      have "CURRY (UNCURRY t) = 
              (Curry3 (Uncurry (A_BC.Dom t)))
              (Curry3 (Uncurry (A_BC.Cod t)))
              (Curry (Uncurry (A_BC.Dom t)) (Uncurry (A_BC.Cod t))
                     (Uncurry (A_BC.Map t)))"
        using assms 1 CURRY_def by simp
      also have "... = A_BC.MkArr (A_BC.Dom t) (A_BC.Cod t) (A_BC.Map t)"
        by (metis A_BC.arrE A_BC.arr_MkArr A_BC.arr_src_iff_arr
            A_BC.arr_trg_iff_arr A_BC.src_char A_BC.trg_char Curry_Uncurry assms)
      also have "... = t"
        using assms A_BC.MkArr_Map A_BC.arr_char by force
      finally show ?thesis by blast

    lemma UNCURRY_is_simulation:
    shows "simulation A_BC.resid AxB_C.resid UNCURRY"
      show "t. ¬ A_BC.arr t  UNCURRY t = AxB_C.null"
        using UNCURRY_def by auto
      show *: "t u. A_BC.con t u  AxB_C.con (UNCURRY t) (UNCURRY u)"
      proof -
        fix t u
        assume con: "A_BC.con t u"
        have t: "A_BC.arr t"
          using con
          by (simp add: A_BC.con_implies_arr(1))
        have u: "A_BC.arr u"
          using con
          by (simp add: A_BC.con_implies_arr(2))
        show "AxB_C.con (UNCURRY t) (UNCURRY u)"
        proof (unfold AxB_C.con_char, intro conjI)
          show "UNCURRY t  AxB_C.Null"
            using t UNCURRY_def by simp
          show "UNCURRY u  AxB_C.Null"
            using u UNCURRY_def by simp
          show "transformation AxB.resid C
                  (AxB_C.Dom (UNCURRY t)) (AxB_C.Cod (UNCURRY t))
                  (AxB_C.Map (UNCURRY t))"
            using t A_BC.arr_char Uncurry_preserves_transformations by simp
          show "transformation AxB.resid C
                  (AxB_C.Dom (UNCURRY u)) (AxB_C.Cod (UNCURRY u))
                  (AxB_C.Map (UNCURRY u))"
            using u A_BC.arr_char Uncurry_preserves_transformations by simp
          show "AxB_C.Dom (UNCURRY t) = AxB_C.Dom (UNCURRY u)"
            using t u con A_BC.con_char by simp
          show "ab. AxB.ide ab 
                       AxB_C.Map (UNCURRY t) ab C
                       AxB_C.Map (UNCURRY u) ab"
            using A_BC.con_char Uncurry_simp con t u by auto
      show "t u. t [A,[B,C]] u 
                     UNCURRY (t \\[A,[B,C]] u) =
                     UNCURRY t \\[AxB,C] UNCURRY u"
      proof -
        fix t u
        assume con: "A_BC.con t u"
        have con': "UNCURRY t [AxB,C] UNCURRY u"
          using con * by simp
        hence 1: "CURRY (UNCURRY t \\[AxB,C] UNCURRY u) =
                  CURRY (UNCURRY t) \\[A,[B,C]] CURRY (UNCURRY u)"
          by auto
        also have 2: "... = t \\[A,[B,C]] u"
          using A_BC.con_implies_arr(1) A_BC.con_implies_arr(2) con by force
        also have "... = CURRY (UNCURRY (t \\[A,[B,C]] u))"
          by (simp add: con)
        finally have "CURRY (UNCURRY t \\[AxB,C] UNCURRY u) =
                      CURRY (UNCURRY (t \\[A,[B,C]] u))"
          by blast
        thus "UNCURRY (t \\[A,[B,C]] u) = UNCURRY t \\[AxB,C] UNCURRY u"
          using con
          by (metis AxB_C.residuation_axioms UNCURRY_CURRY 1 2 con'

    sublocale UNCURRY: simulation A_BC.resid AxB_C.resid UNCURRY
      using UNCURRY_is_simulation by blast

    interpretation inverse_simulations
                     A_BC.resid AxB_C.resid CURRY UNCURRY
      using CURRY_UNCURRY UNCURRY_CURRY CURRY.extensionality
      by unfold_locales auto

    sublocale CURRY: invertible_simulation AxB_C.resid A_BC.resid CURRY

    lemma invertible_simulation_CURRY:
    shows "invertible_simulation AxB_C.resid A_BC.resid CURRY"

    sublocale UNCURRY: invertible_simulation
                         A_BC.resid AxB_C.resid UNCURRY

    lemma invertible_simulation_UNCURRY:
    shows "invertible_simulation A_BC.resid AxB_C.resid UNCURRY"

    sublocale inverse_simulations A_BC.resid AxB_C.resid CURRY UNCURRY

    lemma inverse_simulations_CURRY_UNCURRY:
    shows "inverse_simulations A_BC.resid AxB_C.resid CURRY UNCURRY"


subsection "Coextension of a Simulation"

  text ‹
    Here we define the coextension, of a simulation G› from X × A› to B›,
    to a simulation F› from X› to [A, B]›, and we prove that it is universal
    for the property eval ∘ (F × A) = G›.

  context evaluation_map

    abbreviation (input) coext
       :: "'c resid  ('c × 'a  'b)  'c  ('a, 'b) AB.arr"
    where "coext X G  Currying.Curry3 X A B G"

    lemma Uncurry_simulation_expansion:
    assumes "weakly_extensional_rts X"
    and "simulation X AB.resid F"
    shows "Currying.Uncurry X A B F =
           map  ( X A F (I A))"
    proof -
      interpret X: weakly_extensional_rts X
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret XxA: product_rts X A ..
      interpret F: simulation X AB.resid F
        using assms by blast
      interpret Currying X A B ..
      interpret A: identity_simulation A ..
      interpret FxA: product_simulation X A AB.resid A F ..
      show "Uncurry F = map"
        using Uncurry_def map_def FxA.map_def by auto

    lemma universality:
    assumes "weakly_extensional_rts X"
    and "simulation (X  A) B G"
    shows "simulation X AB.resid (Currying.Curry3 X A B G)"
    and "Currying.Uncurry X A B (coext X G) = G"
    and "∃!F. simulation X AB.resid F  Currying.Uncurry X A B F = G"
    proof -
      interpret X: weakly_extensional_rts X
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret XxA: product_rts X A ..
      interpret simulation XxA.resid B G
        using assms by blast
      interpret Currying X A B ..
      interpret A: identity_simulation A ..
      let ?F = "Curry G G G"
      interpret F: simulation X AB.resid ?F
        using assms Curry_preserves_simulations by blast
      interpret FxA: product_simulation X A AB.resid A ?F ..
      show "simulation X (\\[A,B]) ?F"
        using F.simulation_axioms by blast
      show "Uncurry (coext X G) = G"
        using Uncurry_simulation_expansion Uncurry_Curry Uncurry_def
              FxA.map_def Map_Curry map_def XxA.arr_char extensionality
        by auto
      have "F'. simulation X AB.resid F'  Uncurry F' = G  F' = ?F"
      proof -
        fix F'
        assume F': "simulation X AB.resid F'  Uncurry F' = G"
        interpret F': simulation X AB.resid F'
          using F' by blast
        interpret F': simulation_as_transformation X AB.resid F' ..
        interpret F'xA: product_simulation X A AB.resid A F' ..
        have "Uncurry F' = G"
          using F' F'xA.map_def Uncurry_def Map_Curry map_def XxA.arr_char
          by auto
        hence "Curry (Uncurry F') (Uncurry F') (Uncurry F') = ?F"
          by simp
        thus "F' = ?F"
          using Curry_Uncurry F'.transformation_axioms by simp
      ultimately show "∃!F. simulation X AB.resid F  Uncurry F = G"
        using F.simulation_axioms
        by (metis (no_types, lifting))

    lemma comp_coext_simulation:
    assumes "weakly_extensional_rts X" and "weakly_extensional_rts X'"
    and "simulation X X' G"
    and "simulation (X'  A) B H"
    shows "coext X' H  G  = coext X (H X A G (I A))"
    proof -
      interpret X: weakly_extensional_rts X
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret X': weakly_extensional_rts X'
        using assms(2) by blast
      interpret XxA: product_rts X A ..
      interpret X'xA: product_rts X' A ..
      interpret G: simulation X X' G
        using assms(3) by blast
      interpret H: simulation X'xA.resid B H
        using assms(4) by blast
      interpret A: identity_simulation A ..
      interpret GxA: product_simulation X A X' A G ..
      interpret coext_H: simulation X' AB.resid coext X' H
        using universality H.simulation_axioms X'.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms
        by auto
      interpret coext_H_o_G: simulation X AB.resid coext X' H  G
        using universality(1) [of X' H] simulation_comp G.simulation_axioms
          H.simulation_axioms X'.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms
        by auto
      interpret coext_H_o_G_x_A: product_simulation X A AB.resid A
                                   coext X' H  G ..

      have "coext X' H  G = coext X (map"
        using universality(1-3) X.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms
          coext_H_o_G.simulation_axioms coext_H_o_G_x_A.simulation_axioms
          simulation_axioms simulation_comp [of _ _ _ map]
        by (metis (no_types, lifting))
      also have "... = coext X
                         (map  ( X' A (coext X' H)
        using simulation_interchange
                [of X X' G A A AB.resid "coext X' H" A]
              G.simulation_axioms A.simulation_axioms coext_H.simulation_axioms
              comp_simulation_identity [of A A] A.simulation_axioms
          by simp
      also have "... = coext X
                         (map X' A (coext X' H)
        using fun.map_comp by metis
      also have "... = coext X (H"
        using H.simulation_axioms X'.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms universality(2)
              Uncurry_simulation_expansion coext_H.simulation_axioms
        by fastforce
      finally have "coext X' H  G = coext X (H" by blast
      thus ?thesis by fastforce


  (* TODO: See if the extensionality assumption on A can be weakened. *)
  locale evaluation_map_between_extensional_rts =
    evaluation_map +
  A: extensional_rts A

    lemma Uncurry_transformation_expansion:
    assumes "weakly_extensional_rts X"
    and "transformation X AB.resid F G T"
    shows "Currying.Uncurry X A B T =
           map X A AB.resid A F (I A) T (I A)"
    proof -
      interpret X: weakly_extensional_rts X
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret XxA: product_rts X A ..
      interpret F: simulation X AB.resid F
        using assms transformation_def by blast
      interpret G: simulation X AB.resid G
        using assms transformation_def by blast
      interpret T: transformation X AB.resid F G T
        using assms by blast
      interpret Currying X A B ..
      interpret Uncurry_F: simulation XxA.resid B Uncurry F
        using F.simulation_axioms Uncurry_preserves_simulations by blast
      interpret Uncurry_G: simulation XxA.resid B Uncurry G
        using G.simulation_axioms Uncurry_preserves_simulations by blast
      interpret Uncurry_T: transformation
                             XxA.resid B Uncurry F Uncurry G Uncurry T
        using T.transformation_axioms Uncurry_preserves_transformations by blast
      interpret A: identity_simulation A ..
      interpret A: simulation_as_transformation A A ..
      interpret TxA: product_transformation
                       X A AB.resid A F G T ..
      show "Uncurry T = map"
      proof (intro transformation_eqI
                     [of XxA.resid B "Uncurry F" "Uncurry G"
                         "Uncurry T" _ "map"])
        show "transformation XxA.resid B (Uncurry F) (Uncurry G) (Uncurry T)"
          using Uncurry_T.transformation_axioms by blast
        show "transformation
                XxA.resid B (Uncurry F) (Uncurry G) (map"
          using simulation_axioms F.simulation_axioms G.simulation_axioms
                  [of XxA.resid ABxA.resid
             B map]
                X.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms B.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms
                Uncurry_simulation_expansion [of X F]
                Uncurry_simulation_expansion [of X G]
          by presburger
        show "extensional_rts B"
          using B.extensional_rts_axioms by blast
        fix xa
        assume xa: "XxA.ide xa"
        show "Uncurry T xa = (map xa"
          using xa Uncurry_def map_def TxA.map_def by auto

    lemma universality2:
    assumes "weakly_extensional_rts X"
    and "transformation (X  A) B F G T"
    shows "transformation X AB.resid
             (Currying.Curry3 X A B F) (Currying.Curry3 X A B G)
             (Currying.Curry X A B F G T)"
    and "Currying.Uncurry X A B (Currying.Curry X A B F G T) = T"
    and "∃!T'. transformation X AB.resid
                 (Currying.Curry3 X A B F) (Currying.Curry3 X A B G)
               Currying.Uncurry X A B T' = T"
    proof -
      interpret X: weakly_extensional_rts X
        using assms(1) by blast
      interpret XxA: product_rts X A ..
      interpret XxA: product_of_weakly_extensional_rts X A ..
      interpret F: simulation XxA.resid B F
        using assms transformation_def by blast
      interpret F: simulation_as_transformation XxA.resid B F ..
      interpret G: simulation XxA.resid B G
        using assms transformation_def by blast
      interpret G: simulation_as_transformation XxA.resid B G ..
      interpret T: transformation XxA.resid B F G T
        using assms transformation_def by blast
      interpret T: transformation_to_extensional_rts XxA.resid B F G T ..
      interpret Currying X A B ..
      interpret A: identity_simulation A ..

      let ?F' = "Curry3 F"
      interpret F': simulation X AB.resid ?F'
        using F.simulation_axioms Curry_preserves_simulations by blast
      let ?G' = "Curry3 G"
      interpret G': simulation X AB.resid ?G'
        using G.simulation_axioms Curry_preserves_simulations by blast
      let ?T' = "Curry F G T"
      interpret T': transformation X AB.resid ?F' ?G' ?T'
        using T.transformation_axioms Curry_preserves_transformations
        by blast

      interpret ABxA: product_of_extensional_rts AB.resid A ..
      interpret BxA: product_of_extensional_rts B A ..

      interpret IA: identity_simulation A ..
      interpret IA: simulation_as_transformation A A ..
      interpret T'xA: product_transformation
                         X A AB.resid A ?F' I A ?G' I A ?T' I A ..

      show "transformation X AB.resid ?F' ?G' ?T'" ..
      moreover show "Uncurry (Curry F G T) = T"
      proof -
        have "map  T' = T"
          fix t
          show "(map  T' t = T t"
          proof (cases "XxA.arr t")
            show "¬ XxA.arr t  ?thesis"
              using T.extensionality T'xA.extensionality extensionality by simp
            assume t: "XxA.arr t"
            have 0: "X.arr (fst (XxA.src t))"
              using t XxA.arr_src_iff_arr by blast
            have 1: "A.arr (snd (XxA.src t))"
              using t XxA.arr_src_iff_arr by blast
            have 2: "AB.arr (fst (ABxA.join
                                   (Curry F G T (fst (XxA.src t)),
                                                 snd (XxA.src t))
                                   (T' t)))"
              using t 0 1 ABxA.arr_char BxA.joinable_iff_arr_join
                    T'xA.TC.joinable T'xA.map_simp T'xA.preserves_arr
              by presburger
            have 3: "A.arr (snd (ABxA.join
                                   (Curry F G T (fst (XxA.src t)),
                                                 snd (XxA.src t))
                                   (T' t)))"
              using t 0 1 ABxA.arr_char BxA.joinable_iff_arr_join
                    T'xA.TC.joinable T'xA.map_simp T'xA.preserves_arr
              by presburger

            have *: "(map  T' t =
                       (fst (ABxA.join
                               (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t)), A.src (snd t))
                               (Curry F F F (fst t), snd t)))
                       (snd (ABxA.join
                               (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t)), A.src (snd t))
                               (Curry F F F (fst t), snd t)))"
              unfolding map_def T'xA.map_simp
              using t 0 1 2 3 XxA.src_char trg_Curry
                    T'xA.F1xF0.map_simp [of "fst t" "snd t"]
              by simp

            have 6: "ABxA.joinable
                       (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t)), A.src (snd t))
                       (Curry F F F (fst t), snd t)"
            proof -
              have "AB.joinable (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t))) (Curry3 F (fst t))"
              proof -
                have "AB.arr (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t)))"
                  using t T'.preserves_arr X.arr_src_if_arr by blast
                moreover have "AB.arr (Curry F F F (fst t))"
                  using t AB.joinable_def T'.naturality3 by simp
                moreover have "AB.Dom (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t))) =
                               AB.Dom (Curry3 F (fst t))"
                  using t Dom_Curry by auto
                have "u. A.arr u
                                    (AB.Map (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t))) (A.src u) B
                                       AB.Map (Curry3 F (fst t)) (A.src u))
                                    (AB.Dom (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t))) u)"
                proof -
                  fix u
                  assume u: "A.arr u"
                  have "AB.Map (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t))) (A.src u) B
                        AB.Map (Curry F G T (fst t)) u"
                    using t u Map_Curry B.composite_of_def T.naturality2'
                    by auto
                  moreover have "AB.Map (Curry3 F (fst t)) (A.src u) B
                                 AB.Map (Curry F G T (fst t)) u"
                  proof -
                    have "F (fst t, A.src u) B T (fst t, u)"
                    proof -
                      have 1: "F (fst t, A.src u) \\B T (fst t, u) =
                               F (fst t, A.src u) \\B
                                 (T (X.src (fst t), A.src u) B F (fst t, u))"
                        by (metis T.naturality3'E(1) XxA.arr_char XxA.src_char
                            fst_conv snd_conv t u)
                      also have "... = (F (fst t, A.src u) \\B F (fst t, u)) \\B
                                       (T (X.src (fst t), A.src u) \\B F (fst t, u))"
                      proof -
                        have "B.joinable
                                (F (fst t, u))
                                (T (X.src (fst t), A.src u))"
                          using t u XxA.arr_char
                          by (metis B.join_sym B.joinable_iff_join_not_null
                              B.not_arr_null T.naturality3'E(1) T.preserves_arr
                              XxA.src_char fst_conv snd_conv)
                        moreover have "F (fst t, A.src u) B
                                       F (fst t, u) B T (X.src (fst t), A.src u)"
                          using t u 1
                          by (metis A.con_arr_src(1) B.conE B.conI B.con_sym
                              B.join_sym T.preserves_con(2) XxA.con_arr_self
                              XxA.con_char fst_conv snd_conv)
                        ultimately show ?thesis
                          using t u B.resid_joinE(2) B.join_sym by simp
                      also have "... = F (X.trg (fst t), A.trg u) \\B
                                       (T (X.src (fst t), A.src u) \\B F (fst t, u))"
                        using t u XxA.con_char XxA.resid_def X.trg_def
                              F.preserves_resid [of "(fst t, A.src u)" "(fst t, u)"]
                        by simp
                      moreover have "B.ide ..."
                      proof -
                        have "B.ide (F (X.trg (fst t), A.trg u))"
                          using t u F.preserves_ide XxA.ide_char by simp
                        moreover have "B.coinitial
                                          (F (X.trg (fst t), A.trg u))
                                          (T (X.src (fst t), A.src u) \\B F (fst t, u))"
                          show "B.arr (F (X.trg (fst t), A.trg u))"
                            using t u F.preserves_reflects_arr by simp
                          show "B.src (F (X.trg (fst t), A.trg u)) =
                                B.src (T (X.src (fst t), A.src u) \\B F (fst t, u))"
                            using t u XxA.arr_char [of "(fst t, u)"]
                            by (metis B.src_ide T.naturality1 T.preserves_src
                                XxA.arr_char XxA.ide_trg XxA.src_char XxA.trg_char
                                calculation fst_conv snd_conv)
                        ultimately show ?thesis
                          using t u B.resid_ide(2) by auto
                      ultimately show ?thesis by simp
                    thus ?thesis
                      using t u Map_Curry by auto
                  moreover have "AB.Dom (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t))) u B
                                 AB.Map (Curry F G T (fst t)) u"
                    using t u Dom_Curry Map_Curry
                    apply auto[1]
                    using A.trg_def T.general_naturality(2) XxA.ide_trg
                          XxA.resid_def XxA.trg_char
                    by force
                  ultimately show "B.joinable
                                     (AB.Map (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t))) (A.src u) B
                                        AB.Map (Curry F F F (fst t)) (A.src u))
                                     (AB.Dom (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t))) u)"
                    by (meson AB.join_char(1) AB.joinable_def T'.naturality3
                        X.src_in_sources XxA.arr_char t u)
                ultimately show ?thesis
                  unfolding AB.join_char(1)
                  using t Map_Curry Dom_Curry
                  by (intro allI impI conjI) auto
              moreover have "A.joinable (A.src (snd t)) (snd t)"
                using t A.join_src A.join_sym A.joinable_iff_join_not_null by force
              ultimately show ?thesis
                using ABxA.join_of_char(2) by auto
            hence "ABxA.join
                     (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t)), A.src (snd t))
                     (Curry3 F (fst t), snd t) =
                   (AB.join (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t))) (Curry3 F (fst t)),
                    A.join (A.src (snd t)) (snd t))"
              using t 0 1 2 3 ABxA.join_simp by auto
            also have "... = (AB.join
                                (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t)))
                                (Curry3 F (fst t)), snd t)"
              using t A.join_src A.join_sym XxA.src_char by simp
            also have "... = (Curry F G T (fst t), snd t)"
            proof -
              have "AB.join
                      (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t)))
                      (Curry3 F (fst t)) =
                    Curry F G T (fst t)"
              proof (intro AB.arr_eqI)
                show 4: "AB.arr
                               (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t)))
                               (Curry3 F (fst t)))"
                  using t "2" T'xA.F1xF0.map_def XxA.src_char calculation
                  by auto
                show 5: "AB.arr (Curry F G T (fst t))"
                  using t T'.preserves_arr by blast
                show "AB.Dom
                           (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t)))
                           (Curry3 F (fst t))) =
                      AB.Dom (Curry F G T (fst t))"
                  using t Dom_Curry
                  by (metis "4" AB.Dom_join AB.join_char(1) AB.joinable_iff_arr_join
                show "AB.Cod
                           (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t))) (Curry3 F (fst t))) =
                      AB.Cod (Curry F G T (fst t))"
                  using t Cod_Curry
                  by (metis "4" AB.join_is_join_of AB.join_of_unique
                      AB.joinable_iff_arr_join T'.naturality3 X.src_in_sources
                show "a. A.ide a 
                                  (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t)))
                                  (Curry3 F (fst t)))
                               a =
                             AB.Map (Curry F G T (fst t)) a"
                  using t Map_Curry AB.Map_join
                  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) "4" AB.join_is_join_of
                      AB.join_of_unique AB.joinable_iff_arr_join T'.naturality3
                      X.src_in_sources XxA.arr_char)
              thus ?thesis by simp
            finally have "ABxA.join
                            (Curry F G T (X.src (fst t)), A.src (snd t))
                            (Curry3 F (fst t), snd t) =
                          (Curry F G T (fst t), snd t)"
              by blast
            hence "(map  T' t = AB.Map (Curry F G T (fst t)) (snd t)"
              using * by auto
            also have "... = T t"
              using t Map_Curry by simp
            finally show "(map  T' t = T t" by blast
        thus ?thesis
          using Uncurry_transformation_expansion [of X ?F' ?G' ?T']
                X.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms T.transformation_axioms
          by blast
      have "T''. transformation X (\\[A,B]) (coext X F) (coext X G) T'';
                    Uncurry T'' = T
                       T'' = ?T'"
      proof -
        fix T''
        assume T'': "transformation X (\\[A,B]) (coext X F) (coext X G) T''"
        assume 1: "Uncurry T'' = T"
        interpret T'': transformation X AB.resid coext X F coext X G T''
          using T'' by blast
        interpret T''xA: product_transformation X A AB.resid A
                           coext X F I A coext X G I A T'' I A ..
        show "T'' = ?T'"
        proof (intro transformation_eqI)
          show "transformation X (\\[A,B]) (coext X F) (coext X G) T''"
            by fact
          show "transformation X (\\[A,B]) (coext X F) (coext X G) ?T'"
          show "extensional_rts AB.resid"
          fix x
          assume x: "X.ide x"
          show "T'' x = Curry F G T x"
          proof (intro AB.arr_eqI)
            show "AB.arr (T'' x)"
              using x T''.preserves_arr by blast
            show "AB.arr (Curry F G T x)"
              using x T'.preserves_arr by blast
            show "AB.Dom (T'' x) = AB.Dom (Curry F G T x)"
              unfolding Curry_def Uncurry_def
              using x map_def
              apply auto[1]
              by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) AB.Map_src Map_Curry
                  T''.preserves_src X.ide_implies_arr AB.arr (T'' x))
            show "AB.Cod (T'' x) = AB.Cod (Curry F G T x)"
              unfolding Curry_def Uncurry_def
              using x map_def
              apply auto[1]
              by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) AB.Map_trg Map_Curry
                  T''.preserves_trg X.ide_implies_arr AB.arr (T'' x))
            fix a
            assume a: "A.ide a"
            have "AB.Map (T'' x) a = T (x, a)"
            proof -
              have "AB.Map (T'' x) a = AB.Map (Curry F G (Uncurry T'') x) a"
                using T'' Curry_Uncurry [of "coext X F" "coext X G" T'']
                      Uncurry_Curry F.transformation_axioms
                by simp
              also have "... = AB.Map (Curry F G T x) a"
                unfolding Curry_def Uncurry_def
                using a x 1 map_def T''xA.map_simp_ide
                      T''.transformation_axioms X.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms
                        [of X "Curry3 F" "Curry3 G" T'']
                by auto
              also have "... = T (x, a)"
                unfolding Curry_def
                using a x by simp
              finally show ?thesis by simp
            thus "AB.Map (T'' x) a = AB.Map (Curry F G T x) a"
              unfolding Curry_def Uncurry_def
              using x a map_def by auto
      show "∃!T'. transformation X (\\[A,B]) (Curry3 F) (Curry3 G) T' 
                  Uncurry T' = T"
        by blast


subsection "Compositors"

  text ‹
    For any RTS's A›, B›, and C›, there exists a ``compositor'' simulation
    from the product of exponential RTS's [B, C] × [A, B]› to the exponential RTS [A, C]›.

  locale COMP =
    A: extensional_rts A +
    B: extensional_rts B +
    C: extensional_rts C
  for A :: "'a resid"
  and B :: "'b resid"
  and C :: "'c resid"

    sublocale AC: exponential_rts A C ..
    sublocale AB: exponential_rts A B ..
    sublocale BC: exponential_rts B C ..

    sublocale BCxAB: product_rts BC.resid AB.resid ..
    sublocale BCxAB: product_of_extensional_rts BC.resid AB.resid ..

    interpretation AB: identity_simulation AB.resid ..
    interpretation BC: identity_simulation BC.resid ..

    interpretation ABxA: product_rts AB.resid A ..
    interpretation BCxB: product_rts BC.resid B ..
    interpretation BCxAB: identity_simulation BCxAB.resid ..
    interpretation BCxAB_x_A: product_rts BCxAB.resid A ..
    interpretation BC_x_ABxA: product_rts BC.resid ABxA.resid ..

    interpretation E_AB: RTSConstructions.evaluation_map A B ..
    interpretation E_BC: RTSConstructions.evaluation_map B C ..
    interpretation BCxE_AB: product_simulation
                              BC.resid ABxA.resid BC.resid B

    interpretation ASSOC_BC_AB_A: ASSOC BC.resid AB.resid A ..
    sublocale Currying: Currying BCxAB.resid A C ..

    text ‹
      The following definition is expressed in a form that makes it evident that it
      defines a simulation.

    definition map :: "('b, 'c) BC.arr × ('a, 'b) AB.arr  ('a, 'c) AC.arr"
    where "map = (λF. Currying.Curry3 F)

    sublocale simulation BCxAB.resid AC.resid map
      unfolding map_def
      using E_BC.simulation_axioms BCxE_AB.simulation_axioms
            ASSOC_BC_AB_A.simulation_axioms simulation_comp
      by auto

    lemma is_simulation:
    shows "simulation BCxAB.resid AC.resid map"

    sublocale binary_simulation BC.resid AB.resid AC.resid map ..

    lemma is_binary_simulation:
    shows "binary_simulation BC.resid AB.resid AC.resid map"

    sublocale E_BC_o_BCxE_AB: composite_simulation
                                BC_x_ABxA.resid BCxB.resid C

    text ‹
      The following explicit formula is more useful for calculations.
      There is a bit of work involved to show that the two versions are equal,
      but notice that as a consequence we obtain a proof that the explicit formula
      actually defines a simulation.  A similar amount of work would be required
      to show this directly.

    lemma map_eq:
    shows "map = (λgf. if BCxAB.arr gf
                       then AC.MkArr
                              (BC.Dom (fst gf)  AB.Dom (snd gf))
                              (BC.Cod (fst gf)  AB.Cod (snd gf))
                              (BC.Map (fst gf)  AB.Map (snd gf))
                       else AC.Null)"
      fix gf
      show "map gf = (if BCxAB.arr gf
                      then AC.MkArr
                             (BC.Dom (fst gf)  AB.Dom (snd gf))
                             (BC.Cod (fst gf)  AB.Cod (snd gf))
                             (BC.Map (fst gf)  AB.Map (snd gf))
                      else AC.Null)"
      proof (cases "BCxAB.arr gf")
        show "¬ BCxAB.arr gf  ?thesis"
          using map_def Currying.Curry_def AC.null_char by presburger
        assume gf: "BCxAB.arr gf"
        have "AC.Dom (map gf) = BC.Dom (fst gf)  AB.Dom (snd gf)"
        proof -
          have "AC.Dom (map gf) =
                       ( ( (BCxAB.src gf, t))))"
            using gf Currying.Dom_Curry map_def by simp
          also have "... = BC.Dom (fst gf)  AB.Dom (snd gf)"
            fix t
            have "
                    ( ( (BCxAB.src gf, t))) =
                  (if A.arr t
                          ( (fst (BCxAB.src gf), snd (BCxAB.src gf), t))
                   else C.null)"
              using gf ASSOC_BC_AB_A.map_def BCxAB.arr_src_iff_arr
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) ASSOC_BC_AB_A.map_eq
                  ASSOC_BC_AB_A.preserves_reflects_arr BCxAB_x_A.arr_char
                  BCxE_AB.preserves_reflects_arr E_BC.extensionality
                  fst_conv snd_conv)
            also have "... =
                                 (fst (BCxAB.src gf),
                                  snd (BCxAB.src gf), t))"
              using BCxE_AB.map_def E_BC.extensionality by fastforce
            also have "... =
                                 (BC.src (fst gf), AB.src (snd gf), t))"
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) AB.src_eqI BC.src_eqI
                  BCxAB.con_arr_src(2) BCxAB.con_char BCxAB.ide_char
                  BCxAB.ide_src gf)
            also have "... =
                               (BC.src (fst gf),
                       (AB.src (snd gf), t))"
              using gf AB.src_simp BCxE_AB.map_simp BCxE_AB.map_def
              by simp
            also have "... = (BC.src (fst gf), AB.Dom (snd gf) t)"
              using gf E_AB.extensionality
                    E_AB.map_simp [of "(AB.src (snd gf), t)"]
                    AB.src_simp [of "snd gf"]
              apply auto[1]
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) AB.arr_MkArr AB.arr_src_iff_arr
            also have "... = BC.Dom (fst gf) (AB.Dom (snd gf) t)"
              using gf BC.src_simp E_BC.map_simp E_BC.extensionality
              apply auto[1]
              by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) BC.Map.simps(1) BC.arr_MkArr
                  BC.arr_src_iff_arr transformation.extensionality)
            also have "... = (BC.Dom (fst gf)  AB.Dom (snd gf)) t"
              by simp
            finally show "
                              ( (BCxAB.src gf, t))) =
                          (BC.Dom (fst gf)  AB.Dom (snd gf)) t"
              by blast
          finally show ?thesis by blast
        moreover have "AC.Cod (map gf) = BC.Cod (fst gf)  AB.Cod (snd gf)"
        proof -
          have "AC.Cod (map gf) =
                       ( ( (BCxAB.trg gf, t))))"
            using gf Currying.Cod_Curry map_def by simp
          also have "... = BC.Cod (fst gf)  AB.Cod (snd gf)"
            fix t
            have "
                    ( ( (BCxAB.trg gf, t))) =
                  (if A.arr t
                            (fst (BCxAB.trg gf), snd (BCxAB.trg gf), t))
                   else C.null)"
              using gf ASSOC_BC_AB_A.map_def BCxAB.arr_trg_iff_arr
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) ASSOC_BC_AB_A.map_eq
                  ASSOC_BC_AB_A.preserves_reflects_arr BCxAB_x_A.arr_char
                  BCxE_AB.preserves_reflects_arr E_BC.extensionality
                  fst_conv snd_conv)
            also have "... =
                                  (fst (BCxAB.trg gf), snd (BCxAB.trg gf), t))"
              using BCxE_AB.map_def E_BC.extensionality by fastforce
            also have "... =
                                  (BC.trg (fst gf), AB.trg (snd gf), t))"
              using BCxAB.trg_char gf by auto
            also have "... =
                               (BC.trg (fst gf), (AB.trg (snd gf), t))"
              using gf AB.trg_simp BCxE_AB.map_simp
              by (simp add: BCxE_AB.map_def E_BC.extensionality)
            also have "... = (BC.trg (fst gf), AB.Cod (snd gf) t)"
              using gf E_AB.extensionality E_AB.map_simp [of "(AB.trg (snd gf), t)"]
                    AB.trg_simp [of "snd gf"]
              apply auto[1]
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) AB.arr_MkArr AB.arr_trg_iff_arr
            also have "... = BC.Cod (fst gf) (AB.Cod (snd gf) t)"
              using gf BC.trg_simp BCxE_AB.map_simp E_BC.map_simp E_BC.extensionality
              apply auto[1]
              by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) BC.Map.simps(1) BC.arr_MkArr
                  BC.arr_trg_iff_arr transformation.extensionality)
            also have "... = (BC.Cod (fst gf)  AB.Cod (snd gf)) t"
              by simp
            finally show "
                               ( (BCxAB.trg gf, t))) =
                          (BC.Cod (fst gf)  AB.Cod (snd gf)) t"
              by blast
          finally show ?thesis by blast
        moreover have "AC.Map (map gf) = BC.Map (fst gf)  AB.Map (snd gf)"
        proof -
          have "AC.Map (map gf) =
                (λt. ( ( (gf, t))))"
            using gf Currying.Map_Curry map_def by simp
          also have "... = BC.Map (fst gf)  AB.Map (snd gf)"
            fix t
            have " ( ( (gf, t))) =
                  (if A.arr t
                   then ( (fst gf, snd gf, t))
                   else C.null)"
              using gf ASSOC_BC_AB_A.map_def
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) ASSOC_BC_AB_A.map_eq
                  ASSOC_BC_AB_A.preserves_reflects_arr BCxAB_x_A.arr_char
                  BCxE_AB.preserves_reflects_arr E_BC.extensionality fst_conv snd_conv)
            also have "... = ( (fst gf, snd gf, t))"
              using BCxE_AB.map_def E_BC_o_BCxE_AB.extensionality by force
            also have "... = BC.Map (fst gf) (AB.Map (snd gf) t)"
              using gf E_AB.map_def E_BC.map_def BCxE_AB.map_def AB.arr_char
              apply (auto simp add: transformation.preserves_arr)[1]
              by (simp add: transformation_axioms_def transformation_def)
            also have "... = (BC.Map (fst gf)  AB.Map (snd gf)) t"
              by simp
            finally show "
                            ( ( (gf, t))) =
                          (BC.Map (fst gf)  AB.Map (snd gf)) t"
              by blast
          finally show ?thesis by blast
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using gf Currying.Curry_simp map_def
          by (simp add: Currying.Curry_def AC.null_char)


subsection "Functoriality of Exponential"

  text ‹
    Here we show that the covariant and contravariant exponential RTS constructions are
    ``meta-functorial'': they preserve identity simulations and compositions of simulations.
    We say ``meta-functorial'', rather than ``functorial'', because we do not have formal
    categories to serve as the domain and codomain for these constructions.

  abbreviation cov_Exp
    :: "'c resid  'a resid  'b resid  ('a  'b)
            ('c, 'a) exponential_rts.arr  ('c, 'b) exponential_rts.arr"  (Exp)
  where "Exp X B C 
         λG t2. X B C (exponential_rts.MkIde G, t2)"

  abbreviation cnt_Exp
    :: "'a resid  'b resid  'c resid  ('a  'b)
            ('b, 'c) exponential_rts.arr  ('a, 'c) exponential_rts.arr"  (Exp)
  where "Exp A B X 
         λF t1. A B X (t1, exponential_rts.MkIde F)"

  lemma cov_Exp_eq:
  assumes "extensional_rts X" and "extensional_rts B" and "extensional_rts C"
  shows "Exp X B C G =
         (λt2. if simulation B C G  residuation.arr (exponential_rts.resid X B) t2
               then exponential_rts.MkArr
                      (G  exponential_rts.Dom t2)
                      (G  exponential_rts.Cod t2)
                      (G  exponential_rts.Map t2)
               else exponential_rts.Null)"
    interpret X: extensional_rts X
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret B: extensional_rts B
      using assms(2) by blast
    interpret C: extensional_rts C
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret XB: exponential_rts X B ..
    interpret XC: exponential_rts X C ..
    interpret COMP: COMP X B C ..
    fix t2
    show "Exp X B C G t2 =
          (if simulation B C G  XB.arr t2
           then XC.MkArr (G  XB.Dom t2) (G  XB.Cod t2) (G  XB.Map t2)
           else XC.Null)"
      using COMP.map_eq apply simp
      using COMP.BC.ide_implies_arr transformation.axioms(4) by blast

  lemma cnt_Exp_eq:
  assumes "extensional_rts X" and "extensional_rts A" and "extensional_rts B"
  shows "Exp A B X F =
         (λt1. if residuation.arr (exponential_rts.resid B X) t1  simulation A B F
               then exponential_rts.MkArr
                      (exponential_rts.Dom t1  F)
                      (exponential_rts.Cod t1  F)
                      (exponential_rts.Map t1  F)
         else exponential_rts.Null)"
    interpret X: extensional_rts X
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret A: extensional_rts A
      using assms(2) by blast
    interpret B: extensional_rts B
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret AX: exponential_rts A X ..
    interpret BX: exponential_rts B X ..
    interpret COMP: COMP A B X ..
    fix t1
    show "Exp A B X F t1 =
          (if BX.arr t1  simulation A B F
           then AX.MkArr (BX.Dom t1  F) (BX.Cod t1  F) (BX.Map t1  F)
           else AX.Null)"
      using COMP.map_eq apply simp
      using COMP.AB.ide_implies_arr transformation_def by blast

  lemma simulation_cov_Exp:
  assumes "extensional_rts X" and "extensional_rts B" and "extensional_rts C"
  and "simulation B C G"
  shows "simulation (exponential_rts.resid X B) (exponential_rts.resid X C)
           (Exp X B C G)"
  proof -
    interpret COMP X B C
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    show ?thesis
      using assms(4) fixing_ide_gives_simulation_1 by blast

  lemma simulation_cnt_Exp:
  assumes "extensional_rts X" and "extensional_rts A" and "extensional_rts B"
  and "simulation A B F"
  shows "simulation (exponential_rts.resid B X) (exponential_rts.resid A X)
           (Exp A B X F)"
  proof -
    interpret COMP A B X
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    show ?thesis
      using assms(4) fixing_ide_gives_simulation_0 by blast

  lemma cov_Exp_ide:
  assumes "extensional_rts X" and "extensional_rts B"
  shows "Exp X B B (I B) = I (exponential_rts.resid X B)"
  proof -
    interpret X: extensional_rts X
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret B: extensional_rts B
      using assms(2) by blast
    interpret XB: exponential_rts X B ..
    interpret BB: exponential_rts B B ..
    interpret B: identity_simulation B
      using assms
      by (simp add: extensional_rts.axioms(1) identity_simulation.intro)
    interpret I_XB: identity_simulation XB.resid ..
    interpret COMP X B B
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    interpret XB: simulation XB.resid XB.resid Exp X B B
      using simulation_cov_Exp X.extensional_rts_axioms B.extensional_rts_axioms
      by blast
    show ?thesis
      fix t2
      show " X B B (BB.MkIde, t2) = t2"
      proof (cases "XB.arr t2")
        show "¬ XB.arr t2  ?thesis"
          using XB.extensionality XB.extensionality by presburger
        assume t2: "XB.arr t2"
        interpret t2: transformation X B XB.Dom t2 XB.Cod t2 XB.Map t2
          using t2 by blast
        have "  XB.Dom t2 = XB.Dom t2"
          using comp_identity_simulation t2.F.simulation_axioms by blast
        moreover have "  XB.Cod t2 = XB.Cod t2"
          using comp_identity_simulation t2.G.simulation_axioms by blast
        moreover have "  XB.Map t2 = XB.Map t2"
          fix x
          show "(  XB.Map t2) x = XB.Map t2 x"
            apply simp
            by (metis t2.extensionality t2.preserves_arr)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using t2 map_eq comp_identity_simulation XB.MkArr_Map XB.arr_char
          by force

  lemma cnt_Exp_ide:
  assumes "extensional_rts X" and "extensional_rts B"
  shows "Exp B B X (I B) = I (exponential_rts.resid B X)"
  proof -
    interpret X: extensional_rts X
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret B: extensional_rts B
      using assms(2) by blast
    interpret BX: exponential_rts B X ..
    interpret BB: exponential_rts B B ..
    interpret B: identity_simulation B
      using assms
      by (simp add: extensional_rts.axioms(1) identity_simulation.intro)
    interpret I_BX: identity_simulation BX.resid ..
    interpret COMP B B X
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    interpret BX: simulation BX.resid BX.resid Exp B B X
      using X.extensional_rts_axioms B.extensional_rts_axioms simulation_cnt_Exp
      by blast
    show ?thesis
      fix t1
      show " B B X (t1, BB.MkIde (I B)) = t1"
      proof (cases "BX.arr t1")
        show "¬ BX.arr t1  ?thesis"
          using BX.extensionality [of t1] BX.extensionality [of t1] by presburger
        assume t1: "BX.arr t1"
        interpret t1: transformation B X BX.Dom t1 BX.Cod t1 BX.Map t1
          using t1 by blast
        have "BX.Dom t1 = BX.Dom t1"
          using comp_simulation_identity t1.F.simulation_axioms by blast
        moreover have "BX.Cod t1 = BX.Cod t1"
          using comp_simulation_identity t1.G.simulation_axioms by blast
        moreover have "BX.Map t1 = BX.Map t1"
          fix x
          show "(BX.Map t1 x = BX.Map t1 x"
            using t1.extensionality by fastforce
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using t1 map_eq comp_identity_simulation BX.MkArr_Map BX.arr_char
          by force

  lemma cov_Exp_comp:
  assumes "extensional_rts X" and "extensional_rts B" and "extensional_rts C"
  and "extensional_rts D" and "simulation B C F" and "simulation C D G"
  shows "Exp X B D (G  F) = Exp X C D G  Exp X B C F"
  proof -
    interpret X: extensional_rts X
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret B: extensional_rts B
      using assms(2) by blast
    interpret C: extensional_rts C
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret D: extensional_rts D
      using assms(4) by blast
    interpret XB: exponential_rts X B ..
    interpret BC: exponential_rts B C ..
    interpret CD: exponential_rts C D ..
    interpret BD: exponential_rts B D ..
    interpret XC: exponential_rts X C ..
    interpret XD: exponential_rts X D ..
    interpret F: simulation B C F
      using assms(5) by blast
    interpret G: simulation C D G
      using assms(6) by blast
    interpret GoF: composite_simulation B C D F G ..
    interpret XBC: COMP X B C
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    interpret XCD: COMP X C D
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    interpret XBD: COMP X B D
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    interpret EXP_F: simulation XB.resid XC.resid Exp X B C F
      using assms simulation_cov_Exp by blast
    interpret EXP_G: simulation XC.resid XD.resid Exp X C D G
      using assms simulation_cov_Exp by blast
    interpret EXP_GoF: simulation XB.resid XD.resid Exp X B D (G  F)
      using assms GoF.simulation_axioms simulation_cov_Exp
      by blast
    interpret F: simulation_as_transformation B C F ..
    interpret G: simulation_as_transformation C D G ..
    show "Exp X B D (G  F) = Exp X C D G  Exp X B C F"
      fix t2
      show "Exp X B D (G  F) t2 = (Exp X C D G  Exp X B C F) t2"
      proof (cases "XB.arr t2")
        show "¬ XB.arr t2  ?thesis"
          using EXP_GoF.extensionality EXP_F.extensionality EXP_G.extensionality
          by simp
        assume t2: "XB.arr t2"
        interpret t2: transformation X B XB.Dom t2 XB.Cod t2 XB.Map t2
          using t2 by blast
        show ?thesis
          using t2 XBD.map_eq XCD.map_eq XBC.map_eq transformation_whisker_left
                F.transformation_axioms G.transformation_axioms
                t2.transformation_axioms C.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms
                D.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms F.simulation_axioms
                  [of X B "XB.Dom t2" "XB.Cod t2" "XB.Map t2" C F]
          by auto

  lemma cnt_Exp_comp:
  assumes "extensional_rts X" and "extensional_rts B" and "extensional_rts C"
  and "extensional_rts D" and "simulation B C F" and "simulation C D G"
  shows "Exp B D X (G  F) = Exp B C X F  Exp C D X G"
  proof -
    interpret X: extensional_rts X
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret B: extensional_rts B
      using assms(2) by blast
    interpret C: extensional_rts C
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret D: extensional_rts D
      using assms(4) by blast
    interpret BC: exponential_rts B C ..
    interpret CD: exponential_rts C D ..
    interpret BD: exponential_rts B D ..
    interpret BX: exponential_rts B X ..
    interpret CX: exponential_rts C X ..
    interpret DX: exponential_rts D X ..
    interpret F: simulation B C F
      using assms(5) by blast
    interpret G: simulation C D G
      using assms(6) by blast
    interpret GoF: composite_simulation B C D F G ..
    interpret BCX: COMP B C X
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    interpret CDX: COMP C D X
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    interpret BDX: COMP B D X
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    interpret EXP_F: simulation CX.resid BX.resid Exp B C X F
      using assms simulation_cnt_Exp by blast
    interpret EXP_G: simulation DX.resid CX.resid Exp C D X G
      using assms simulation_cnt_Exp by blast
    interpret EXP_GoF: simulation DX.resid BX.resid Exp B D X (G  F)
      using assms GoF.simulation_axioms simulation_cnt_Exp
      by blast
    interpret F: simulation_as_transformation B C F ..
    interpret G: simulation_as_transformation C D G ..
    show "Exp B D X (G  F) = Exp B C X F  Exp C D X G"
      fix t1
      show "Exp B D X (G  F) t1 = (Exp B C X F  Exp C D X G) t1"
      proof (cases "DX.arr t1")
        show "¬ DX.arr t1  ?thesis"
          using EXP_GoF.extensionality EXP_F.extensionality EXP_G.extensionality
          by simp
        assume t1: "DX.arr t1"
        interpret t1: transformation D X DX.Dom t1 DX.Cod t1 DX.Map t1
          using t1 by blast
        show ?thesis
          using t1 BDX.map_eq CDX.map_eq BCX.map_eq
                F.transformation_axioms G.transformation_axioms
                t1.transformation_axioms B.rts_axioms
                C.rts_axioms F.simulation_axioms
                G.simulation_axioms transformation_whisker_right
                  [of D X "DX.Dom t1" "DX.Cod t1" "DX.Map t1" C G]
          by auto

  lemma cov_Exp_preserves_inverse_simulations:
  assumes "extensional_rts X" and "extensional_rts B" and "extensional_rts C"
  and "inverse_simulations B C G F"
  shows "inverse_simulations
            (exponential_rts.resid X B) (exponential_rts.resid X C)
            (Exp X C B G) (Exp X B C F)"
  proof -
    interpret X: extensional_rts X
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret B: extensional_rts B
      using assms(2) by blast
    interpret C: extensional_rts C
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret XB: exponential_rts X B ..
    interpret XC: exponential_rts X C ..
    interpret B: identity_simulation B
      using assms
      by (simp add: extensional_rts.axioms(1) identity_simulation.intro)
    interpret XB: identity_simulation XB.resid ..
    interpret C: identity_simulation C
      using assms
      by (simp add: extensional_rts.axioms(1) identity_simulation.intro)
    interpret XC: identity_simulation XC.resid ..
    interpret F: simulation B C F
      using assms(3-4) inverse_simulations_def by auto
    interpret G: simulation C B G
      using assms
      by (simp add: inverse_simulations_def)
    interpret XBC: COMP X B C
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    interpret XCB: COMP X C B
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    interpret XBB: COMP X B B
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    interpret XCC: COMP X C C
      using assms COMP_def by blast
    interpret HOM_F: simulation XB.resid XC.resid Exp X B C F
      using assms simulation_cov_Exp F.simulation_axioms by blast
    interpret HOM_G: simulation XC.resid XB.resid Exp X C B G
      using assms simulation_cov_Exp G.simulation_axioms by blast
    interpret FG: inverse_simulations B C G F
      using assms by blast
    show ?thesis
      show "Exp X B C F  Exp X C B G ="
      proof -
        have "Exp X B C F  Exp X C B G = Exp X C C (F  G)"
          using assms cov_Exp_comp [of X C B C G F] F.simulation_axioms
          by presburger
        also have "... = Exp X C C"
          using FG.inv by simp
        also have "... ="
          using assms cov_Exp_ide by blast
        finally show ?thesis by blast
      show "Exp X C B G  Exp X B C F ="
      proof -
        have "Exp X C B G  Exp X B C F = Exp X B B (G  F)"
          using assms cov_Exp_comp [of X B C B F G] F.simulation_axioms
          by presburger
        also have "... = Exp X B B"
          using FG.inv' by simp
        also have "... ="
          using assms cov_Exp_ide by blast
        finally show ?thesis by blast

  lemma cov_Exp_preserves_invertible_simulations:
  assumes "extensional_rts X" and "extensional_rts B" and "extensional_rts C"
  and "invertible_simulation B C F"
  shows "invertible_simulation
            (exponential_rts.resid X B) (exponential_rts.resid X C)
            (Exp X B C F)"
  proof -
    obtain G where G: "inverse_simulations B C G F"
      using assms inverse_simulations_def invertible_simulation_def' by blast
    have "inverse_simulations
            (exponential_rts.resid X B) (exponential_rts.resid X C)
            (Exp X C B G) (Exp X B C F)"
      using assms G cov_Exp_preserves_inverse_simulations by blast
    thus ?thesis
      using inverse_simulations_def invertible_simulation_def' by blast

  lemma cnt_Exp_preserves_inverse_simulations:
  assumes "extensional_rts X" and "extensional_rts B" and "extensional_rts C"
  and "inverse_simulations B C G F"
  shows "inverse_simulations
            (exponential_rts.resid B X) (exponential_rts.resid C X)
            (Exp B C X F) (Exp C B X G)"
  proof -
    interpret X: extensional_rts X
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret B: extensional_rts B
      using assms(2) by blast
    interpret C: extensional_rts C
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret BX: exponential_rts B X ..
    interpret CX: exponential_rts C X ..
    interpret B: identity_simulation B
      using assms
      by (simp add: extensional_rts.axioms(1) identity_simulation.intro)
    interpret BX: identity_simulation BX.resid ..
    interpret C: identity_simulation C
      using assms
      by (simp add: extensional_rts.axioms(1) identity_simulation.intro)
    interpret CX: identity_simulation CX.resid ..
    interpret F: simulation B C F
      using assms(3-4) inverse_simulations_def by auto
    interpret G: simulation C B G
      using assms by (simp add: inverse_simulations_def)
    interpret HOM_F: simulation CX.resid BX.resid Exp B C X F
      using assms simulation_cnt_Exp [of X B C F] F.simulation_axioms by blast
    interpret HOM_G: simulation BX.resid CX.resid Exp C B X G
      using assms simulation_cnt_Exp [of X C B G] G.simulation_axioms by blast
    interpret FG: inverse_simulations B C G F
      using assms by blast
    show ?thesis
      show "Exp C B X G  Exp B C X F ="
        using assms cnt_Exp_comp [of X C B C G F] F.simulation_axioms
              G.simulation_axioms FG.inv cnt_Exp_ide
        by force
      show "Exp B C X F  Exp C B X G ="
        using assms cnt_Exp_comp [of X B C B F G] F.simulation_axioms
              G.simulation_axioms FG.inv' cnt_Exp_ide
        by force

  lemma cnt_Exp_preserves_invertible_simulations:
  assumes "extensional_rts X" and "extensional_rts B" and "extensional_rts C"
  and "invertible_simulation B C F"
  shows "invertible_simulation
            (exponential_rts.resid C X) (exponential_rts.resid B X)
            (Exp B C X F)"
  proof -
    obtain G where G: "inverse_simulations B C G F"
      using assms inverse_simulations_def invertible_simulation_def' by blast
    show ?thesis
      using assms G cnt_Exp_preserves_inverse_simulations
            inverse_simulations_sym inverse_simulations_def invertible_simulation_def'
      by fast
