Theory Preliminaries
theory Preliminaries
imports Main "HOL-Library.FuncSet"
section "Simulations"
abbreviation I
where "I ≡"
lemma comp_identity_simulation:
assumes "simulation A B F"
shows "I B ∘ F = F"
using assms simulation.extensionality simulation.preserves_reflects_arr
by fastforce
lemma comp_simulation_identity:
assumes "simulation A B F"
shows "F ∘ I A = F"
using assms residuation.not_arr_null rts.axioms(1) simulation.extensionality
by fastforce
lemma product_identity_simulation:
assumes "rts A" and "rts B"
shows " A B (I A) (I B) = I (product_rts.resid A B)"
proof -
interpret A: rts A
using assms(1) by blast
interpret B: rts B
using assms(2) by blast
interpret A: identity_simulation A ..
interpret B: identity_simulation B ..
interpret AxB: product_rts A B ..
interpret IAxIB: product_simulation A B A B ..
interpret AxB: identity_simulation AxB.resid ..
show " ="
using IAxIB.map_def by auto
locale constant_simulation =
A: rts A +
B: rts B
for A :: "'a resid" (infix ‹\⇩A› 70)
and B :: "'b resid" (infix ‹\⇩B› 70)
and b :: 'b +
assumes ide_b: "B.ide b"
abbreviation map
where "map t ≡ if A.arr t then b else B.null"
sublocale simulation A B map
using ide_b A.con_implies_arr
by unfold_locales auto
lemma is_simulation:
shows "simulation A B map"
locale inverse_simulations =
A: rts A +
B: rts B +
F: simulation B A F +
G: simulation A B G
for A :: "'a resid" (infix ‹\⇩A› 70)
and B :: "'b resid" (infix ‹\⇩B› 70)
and F :: "'b ⇒ 'a"
and G :: "'a ⇒ 'b" +
assumes inv: "G o F = I B"
and inv': "F o G = I A"
lemma inv_simp [simp]:
assumes "B.arr y"
shows "G (F y) = y"
using assms inv by (metis comp_apply)
lemma inv'_simp [simp]:
assumes "A.arr x"
shows "F (G x) = x"
using assms inv' by (metis comp_apply)
lemma induce_bij_betw_arr_sets:
shows "bij_betw F (Collect B.arr) (Collect A.arr)"
using inv inv' by (intro bij_betwI) auto
lemma preserve_sources_exactly:
assumes "B.arr t"
shows "A.sources (F t) = F ` B.sources t"
show "F ` B.sources t ⊆ A.sources (F t)"
using F.preserves_sources by auto
show "A.sources (F t) ⊆ F ` B.sources t"
by (metis A.ide_implies_arr A.source_is_ide G.preserves_sources assms
image_subset_iff inv'_simp inv_simp subsetI)
lemma preserve_targets_exactly:
assumes "B.arr t"
shows "A.targets (F t) = F ` B.targets t"
show "F ` B.targets t ⊆ A.targets (F t)"
using F.preserves_targets by auto
show "A.targets (F t) ⊆ F ` B.targets t"
by (metis A.ide_implies_arr A.target_is_ide G.preserves_targets assms
image_subset_iff inv'_simp inv_simp subsetI)
lemma preserve_weakly_extensional_rts:
assumes "weakly_extensional_rts A"
shows "weakly_extensional_rts B"
using assms
by (metis A.ide_implies_arr B.ide_implies_arr B.rts_axioms
F.preserves_con F.preserves_ide inv_simp B.prfx_implies_con
weakly_extensional_rts.con_imp_eq_src weakly_extensional_rts.ide_iff_src_self
weakly_extensional_rts.intro weakly_extensional_rts_axioms.intro)
lemma preserve_extensional_rts:
assumes "extensional_rts A"
shows "extensional_rts B"
using assms
by (metis (full_types) B.con_implies_arr(2) B.rts_axioms extensional_rts.extensionality
extensional_rts.intro extensional_rts_axioms.intro inv_simp B.prfx_implies_con
lemma preserve_rts_with_composites:
assumes "rts_with_composites A"
shows "rts_with_composites B"
by (metis B.composable_def B.rts_axioms B.seqE F.preserves_seq G.preserves_composites
assms inv_simp rts_with_composites.intro rts_with_composites.obtains_composite_of
lemma preserve_rts_with_joins:
assumes "rts_with_joins A"
shows "rts_with_joins B"
proof -
show "rts_with_joins B"
fix t u
assume con: "B.con t u"
obtain t' u' where 1: "A.con t' u' ∧ G t' = t ∧ G u' = u"
using con B.con_implies_arr(1-2) F.preserves_con inv_simp by meson
have "A.joinable t' u'"
using assms 1 rts_with_joins.has_joins by auto
thus "B.joinable t u"
by (metis "1" A.joinable_def B.joinable_def G.preserves_joins)
lemma inverse_simulations_sym:
assumes "inverse_simulations A B F G"
shows "inverse_simulations B A G F"
using assms
by (simp add: inverse_simulations_axioms_def inverse_simulations_def)
locale invertible_simulation =
simulation +
assumes invertible: "∃G. inverse_simulations A B G F"
lemma invertible_simulation_def':
shows "invertible_simulation A B F ⟷ (∃G. inverse_simulations A B G F)"
using inverse_simulations_def invertible_simulation_axioms_def
by blast
lemma invertible_simulation_iff:
shows "invertible_simulation A B F ⟷
simulation A B F ∧
bij_betw F (Collect (residuation.arr A)) (Collect (residuation.arr B)) ∧
(∀t u. residuation.con B (F t) (F u) ⟶ residuation.con A t u)"
proof (intro iffI conjI)
assume F: "invertible_simulation A B F"
interpret F: invertible_simulation A B F
using F by blast
obtain G where G: "inverse_simulations A B G F"
using F.invertible by blast
interpret FG: inverse_simulations A B G F
using G by blast
show "simulation A B F"
using F.simulation_axioms by blast
have *: "⋀y. y ∈ Collect F.B.arr ⟹ F (G y) = y"
by (metis CollectD FG.inv comp_apply)
show "bij_betw F (Collect F.A.arr) (Collect F.B.arr)"
using G inverse_simulations.induce_bij_betw_arr_sets inverse_simulations_sym
by blast
show "∀t u. F.B.con (F t) (F u) ⟶ F.A.con t u"
by (metis F.B.not_con_null(1) F.B.not_con_null(2) F.extensionality FG.F.preserves_con
FG.inv' comp_apply)
assume F: "simulation A B F ∧
bij_betw F (Collect (residuation.arr A)) (Collect (residuation.arr B)) ∧
(∀t u. residuation.con B (F t) (F u) ⟶ residuation.con A t u)"
interpret F: simulation A B F
using F by blast
let ?G = "λy. if y ∈ F ` Collect F.A.arr
then inv_into (Collect F.A.arr) F y
else F.A.null"
interpret G: simulation B A ?G
show "⋀t. ¬ F.B.arr t ⟹ ?G t = F.A.null"
by fastforce
fix t u
assume 1: "F.B.con t u"
have 2: "?G t = inv_into (Collect F.A.arr) F t ∧
?G u = inv_into (Collect F.A.arr) F u"
using 1 F F.B.con_implies_arr
by (simp add: bij_betw_def)
have 3: "F.A.con (inv_into (Collect F.A.arr) F t)
(inv_into (Collect F.A.arr) F u)"
using 1 F.B.con_implies_arr F
by (metis bij_betw_imp_surj_on f_inv_into_f mem_Collect_eq)
thus 4: "F.A.con (?G t) (?G u)"
using 2 by simp
have "?G (B t u) = inv_into (Collect F.A.arr) F (B t u)"
by (metis 1 F CollectI F.B.arr_resid_iff_con bij_betw_def)
also have "... = A (?G t) (?G u)"
proof -
have "F (A (?G t) (?G u)) = B (F (?G t)) (F (?G u))"
using 4 F.preserves_resid by presburger
also have "... = B t u"
using 4 F.A.not_con_null(1-2) f_inv_into_f
by (auto simp add: f_inv_into_f)
finally have "F (A (?G t) (?G u)) = B t u" by blast
thus ?thesis
by (metis 4 F F.A.arr_resid bij_betw_inv_into_left mem_Collect_eq)
finally show "?G (B t u) = A (?G t) (?G u)" by blast
interpret FG: inverse_simulations A B ?G F
show "F ∘ ?G = I B"
fix t
show "(F ∘ ?G) t = I B t"
apply simp
by (metis F F.A.not_arr_null bij_betw_def f_inv_into_f mem_Collect_eq
show "?G ∘ F = I A"
fix t
show "(?G ∘ F) t = I A t"
apply simp
by (metis F F.preserves_reflects_arr bij_betw_def inv_into_f_f mem_Collect_eq)
show "invertible_simulation A B F"
using FG.inverse_simulations_axioms invertible_simulation_def
by unfold_locales blast
context invertible_simulation
lemma is_bijection_betw_arr_sets:
shows "bij_betw F (Collect A.arr) (Collect B.arr)"
using invertible_simulation_axioms invertible_simulation_iff by metis
lemma reflects_con:
assumes "residuation.con B (F t) (F u)"
shows "residuation.con A t u"
using assms invertible_simulation_axioms invertible_simulation_iff by metis
context inverse_simulations
sublocale F: invertible_simulation B A F
by (meson inverse_simulations_axioms inverse_simulations_sym invertible_simulation_def')
sublocale G: invertible_simulation A B G
by (meson inverse_simulations_axioms invertible_simulation_def')
lemma inverse_simulation_unique:
assumes "inverse_simulations A B G F"
and "inverse_simulations A B G' F"
shows "G = G'"
proof -
interpret FG: inverse_simulations A B G F
using assms(1) by simp
interpret FG': inverse_simulations A B G' F
using assms(2) by simp
show ?thesis
fix x
show "G x = G' x"
by (metis FG'.F.extensionality FG'.F.preserves_reflects_arr FG'.inv FG.F.extensionality
FG.inv' comp_apply)
locale inverse_simulation =
A: rts A +
B: rts B +
F: invertible_simulation
definition map
where "map ≡ SOME G. inverse_simulations A B G F"
interpretation inverse_simulations A B map F
using F.invertible invertible_simulation_def map_def
someI_ex [of "λG. inverse_simulations A B G F"]
by auto
sublocale simulation B A map ..
lemma is_simulation:
shows "simulation B A map"
sublocale inverse_simulations A B map F ..
lemma map_simp:
assumes "B.arr x"
shows "map x = inv_into (Collect A.arr) F x"
by (metis CollectI F.preserves_reflects_arr assms bij_betw_inv_into_left
inv_simp inverse_simulations.induce_bij_betw_arr_sets
inverse_simulations_axioms inverse_simulations_sym)
lemma map_eq:
shows "map = (λx. if B.arr x then inv_into (Collect A.arr) F x else A.null)"
using map_simp by (meson F.extensionality)
context inverse_simulations
lemma inverse_eq:
shows " A B G = F"
by (metis G.invertible_simulation_axioms inverse_simulation.intro
inverse_simulation.map_def inverse_simulation_unique inverse_simulations_axioms
inverse_simulations_def someI_ex)
lemma invertible_simulation_identity:
assumes "rts A"
shows [intro]: "invertible_simulation A A (I A)"
and "inverse_simulations A A (I A) (I A)"
and " A A (I A) = I A"
proof -
interpret A: rts A
using assms by blast
interpret id: identity_simulation A ..
show 1: "inverse_simulations A A"
by unfold_locales auto
thus "invertible_simulation A A"
using id.simulation_axioms invertible_simulation.intro
by blast
show " A A ="
using 1 inverse_simulation_unique [of A A]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹invertible_simulation A A› assms
inverse_simulation.intro inverse_simulation.map_def someI_ex)
lemma inverse_simulations_compose:
assumes "inverse_simulations A B F' F" and "inverse_simulations B C G' G"
shows "inverse_simulations A C (F' ∘ G') (G ∘ F)"
proof -
interpret FF': inverse_simulations A B F' F
using assms by blast
interpret GG': inverse_simulations B C G' G
using assms by blast
interpret GoF: composite_simulation A B C F G ..
interpret F'oG': composite_simulation C B A G' F' ..
show ?thesis
show " ∘ F'oG'.map = I C"
by (metis FF'.inv GG'.F.extensionality GG'.F.preserves_reflects_arr
GG'.inv comp_def)
show "F'oG'.map ∘ = I A"
by (metis FF'.A.not_arr_null FF'.G.preserves_reflects_arr FF'.inv
FF'.inv' GG'.inv' comp_apply)
lemma invertible_simulation_comp [intro]:
assumes "invertible_simulation A B F" and "invertible_simulation B C G"
shows "invertible_simulation A C (G ∘ F)"
and "inverse_simulations A C
( A B F ∘ B C G) (G ∘ F)"
and " A C (G ∘ F) = A B F ∘ B C G"
proof -
obtain F' where F': "inverse_simulations A B F' F"
using assms(1) invertible_simulation.invertible by blast
interpret FF': inverse_simulations A B F' F
using F' by blast
obtain G' where G': "inverse_simulations B C G' G"
using assms(2) invertible_simulation.invertible by blast
interpret GG': inverse_simulations B C G' G
using G' by blast
interpret GoF: composite_simulation A B C F G ..
interpret F'oG': composite_simulation C B A G' F' ..
interpret F': inverse_simulation A B F
using F' assms(1) inverse_simulation_def inverse_simulations_def by blast
interpret G': inverse_simulation B C G
using G' assms(2)
by (simp add: inverse_simulation.intro inverse_simulations_def)
have F'_eq: "F' = F'.map"
using F' F'.inverse_simulations_axioms inverse_simulation_unique by blast
have G'_eq: "G' = G'.map"
using G' G'.inverse_simulations_axioms inverse_simulation_unique by blast
have 1: "inverse_simulations A C (F' ∘ G') (G ∘ F)"
using F' G' inverse_simulations_compose by blast
thus 2: "invertible_simulation A C (G ∘ F)"
using invertible_simulation_def by unfold_locales blast
show "inverse_simulations A C (F'.map ∘ G'.map)"
using F'_eq G'_eq 1 by blast
show " A C = F'.map ∘ G'.map"
using 1 2 F'_eq G'_eq inverse_simulation_unique
by (metis FF'.A.rts_axioms GG'.B.rts_axioms inverse_simulation.intro
inverse_simulation.map_def someI_ex)
lemma inverse_simulation_product [intro]:
assumes "invertible_simulation A B F" and "invertible_simulation C D G"
shows "invertible_simulation (product_rts.resid A C) (product_rts.resid B D)
( A C F G)"
and "inverse_simulations (product_rts.resid A C) (product_rts.resid B D)
( B D
( A B F) ( C D G))
( A C F G)"
and " (product_rts.resid A C) (product_rts.resid B D)
( A C F G) = B D
( A B F) ( C D G)"
proof -
interpret A: rts A
using assms(1) by (simp add: invertible_simulation_iff simulation_def)
interpret B: rts B
using assms(1) by (simp add: invertible_simulation_iff simulation_def)
interpret C: rts C
using assms(2) by (simp add: invertible_simulation_iff simulation_def)
interpret D: rts D
using assms(2) by (simp add: invertible_simulation_iff simulation_def)
interpret AxC: product_rts A C ..
interpret BxD: product_rts B D ..
interpret F: simulation A B F
using assms(1) invertible_simulation_def invertible_simulation_iff by blast
interpret F': inverse_simulation A B F
using assms(1) invertible_simulation.invertible by unfold_locales auto
interpret FF': inverse_simulations A B F'.map F ..
interpret G: simulation C D G
using assms(2) invertible_simulation_def invertible_simulation_iff by blast
interpret G': inverse_simulation C D G
using assms(2) invertible_simulation.invertible by unfold_locales auto
interpret GG': inverse_simulations C D G'.map G ..
interpret FxG: product_simulation A C B D F G ..
interpret F'xG': product_simulation B D A C F'.map G'.map ..
interpret inverse_simulations AxC.resid BxD.resid F'xG'.map
show " ∘ F'xG'.map = I BxD.resid"
fix t
show "( ∘ F'xG'.map) t = I BxD.resid t"
using F'.inv G'.inv FxG.map_def F'xG'.map_def
F.extensionality G.extensionality
by auto
show "F'xG'.map ∘ = I AxC.resid"
fix t
show "(F'xG'.map ∘ t = I AxC.resid t"
using F'.inv' G'.inv' FxG.map_def F'xG'.map_def
F'.extensionality G'.extensionality
by auto
show "inverse_simulations AxC.resid BxD.resid F'xG'.map" ..
show "invertible_simulation AxC.resid BxD.resid"
using inverse_simulations_axioms
by unfold_locales blast
thus " AxC.resid BxD.resid = F'xG'.map"
by (metis inverse_simulation.intro inverse_simulation.map_def
inverse_simulation_unique inverse_simulations_axioms invertible_simulation_def
simulation_def someI_ex)
lemma invertible_simulation_cancel_left:
assumes "invertible_simulation A B H"
shows "⟦simulation C A F; simulation C A G; H ∘ F = H ∘ G⟧ ⟹ F = G"
proof -
obtain K where K: "inverse_simulations A B K H"
using assms(1) invertible_simulation.invertible by blast
interpret HK: inverse_simulations A B K H
using K by blast
show "⟦simulation C A F; simulation C A G; H ∘ F = H ∘ G⟧ ⟹ F = G"
by (metis HK.inv' HOL.ext comp_def simulation.extensionality
lemma invertible_simulation_cancel_right:
assumes "invertible_simulation A B H"
shows "⟦simulation B C F; simulation B C G; F ∘ H = G ∘ H⟧ ⟹ F = G"
proof -
obtain K where K: "inverse_simulations A B K H"
using assms(1) invertible_simulation.invertible by blast
interpret HK: inverse_simulations A B K H
using K by blast
show "⟦simulation B C F; simulation B C G; F ∘ H = G ∘ H⟧ ⟹ F = G"
by (metis HK.inv HOL.ext comp_def simulation.extensionality)
definition isomorphic_rts
where "isomorphic_rts A B ≡ ∃F G. inverse_simulations A B G F"
lemma isomorphic_rts_reflexive:
assumes "rts A"
shows "isomorphic_rts A A"
using assms invertible_simulation_identity isomorphic_rts_def by blast
lemma isomorphic_rts_symmetric:
assumes "isomorphic_rts A B"
shows "isomorphic_rts B A"
using assms inverse_simulations_sym isomorphic_rts_def by meson
lemma isomorphic_rts_transitive [trans]:
assumes "isomorphic_rts A B" and "isomorphic_rts B C"
shows "isomorphic_rts A C"
using assms invertible_simulation_comp(1) isomorphic_rts_def
by (metis inverse_simulations.axioms(4) invertible_simulation.invertible
lemma isomorphism_cong_props:
assumes "isomorphic_rts A B"
shows weakly_extensional_cong_iso: "weakly_extensional_rts A ⟹ weakly_extensional_rts B"
and extensional_cong_iso: "extensional_rts A ⟹ extensional_rts B"
and rts_with_composites_cong_iso: "rts_with_composites A ⟹ rts_with_composites B"
and rts_with_joins_cong_iso: "rts_with_joins A ⟹ rts_with_joins B"
proof -
obtain F G where FG: "inverse_simulations A B G F"
using assms(1)
by (meson invertible_simulation_def' isomorphic_rts_def)
interpret FG: inverse_simulations A B G F
using FG by blast
show "weakly_extensional_rts A ⟹ weakly_extensional_rts B"
using FG.preserve_weakly_extensional_rts by auto
show "extensional_rts A ⟹ extensional_rts B"
using FG.preserve_extensional_rts by auto
show "rts_with_composites A ⟹ rts_with_composites B"
using FG.preserve_rts_with_composites by auto
show "rts_with_joins A ⟹ rts_with_joins B"
using FG.preserve_rts_with_joins by auto
lemma (in simulation) simulation_inv_intoI:
assumes "inj_on F (Collect A.arr)" and "F ` (Collect A.arr) = Collect B.arr"
and "⋀t. ¬ B.arr t ⟹ inv_into (Collect A.arr) F t = A.null"
and "⋀t u. t ⌢⇩B u ⟹
inv_into (Collect A.arr) F t ⌢⇩A inv_into (Collect A.arr) F u"
shows "simulation B A (inv_into (Collect A.arr) F)"
show "⋀t. ¬ B.arr t ⟹ inv_into (Collect A.arr) F t = A.null"
using assms(3) by blast
show "⋀t u. t ⌢⇩B u ⟹
inv_into (Collect A.arr) F t ⌢⇩A inv_into (Collect A.arr) F u"
using assms(4) by blast
show "⋀t u. t ⌢⇩B u ⟹
inv_into (Collect A.arr) F (t \\⇩B u) =
inv_into (Collect A.arr) F t \\⇩A inv_into (Collect A.arr) F u"
by (simp add: assms(1-2,4) f_inv_into_f inv_into_f_eq B.con_implies_arr(1-2))
section "Transformations"
lemma (in transformation) preserves_arr:
assumes "A.arr t"
shows "B.arr (τ t)"
by (metis A.ide_trg A.trg_def B.conI B.con_implies_arr(2) B.not_ide_null
assms respects_cong)
lemma (in transformation) preserves_con:
assumes "t ⌢⇩A u"
shows "τ t ⌢⇩B τ u" and "τ t ⌢⇩B F u"
proof -
obtain a where a: "a ∈ A.sources t ∩ A.sources u"
using assms(1)
by (meson A.con_imp_common_source all_not_in_conv)
have 1: "B.join_of (τ a) (F t) (τ t) ∧ B.join_of (τ a) (F u) (τ u)"
using a naturality3 by auto
show "τ t ⌢⇩B τ u"
by (metis (full_types) "1" B.composite_ofE B.con_composite_of_iff
B.cong_subst_left(1) B.join_ofE G.simulation_axioms IntD1 IntD2
a assms naturality2_ax simulation.preserves_con)
thus "τ t ⌢⇩B F u"
using assms
by (meson "1" B.con_sym B.con_with_join_of_iff(2) B.join_of_symmetric)
lemma (in transformation) naturality1':
assumes "A.arr t"
shows "B.composite_of (F t) (τ (A.trg t)) (τ t)"
using assms
by (metis A.src_in_sources B.join_ofE naturality1 naturality3)
lemma (in transformation) naturality2':
assumes "A.arr t"
shows "B.composite_of (τ (A.src t)) (G t) (τ t)"
by (metis A.src_in_sources B.join_ofE assms naturality2 naturality3)
locale transformation_to_extensional_rts =
transformation +
B: extensional_rts B
notation B.comp (infixr ‹⋅⇩B› 55)
notation B.join (infixr ‹⊔⇩B› 52)
lemma naturality1'⇩E:
shows "F t ⋅⇩B τ (A.trg t) = τ t"
and "A.arr t ⟹ B.composable (F t) (τ (A.trg t))"
proof -
show "F t ⋅⇩B τ (A.trg t) = τ t"
using naturality1' B.comp_is_composite_of(2)
by (metis A.arr_trg_iff_arr B.comp_null(2) extensionality)
thus "A.arr t ⟹ B.composable (F t) (τ (A.trg t))"
by (simp add: B.composable_iff_arr_comp preserves_arr)
lemma naturality2'⇩E:
shows "τ (A.src t) ⋅⇩B G t = τ t"
and "A.arr t ⟹ B.composable (τ (A.src t)) (G t)"
proof -
show "τ (A.src t) ⋅⇩B G t = τ t"
using naturality2' B.comp_is_composite_of(2)
by (metis B.comp_null(2) G.extensionality extensionality)
thus "A.arr t ⟹ B.composable (τ (A.src t)) (G t)"
by (simp add: B.composable_iff_arr_comp preserves_arr)
lemma naturality3'⇩E:
shows "τ (A.src t) ⊔⇩B F t = τ t"
and "A.arr t ⟹ B.joinable (τ (A.src t)) (F t)"
proof -
show "τ (A.src t) ⊔⇩B F t = τ t"
using naturality3
by (metis B.extensional_rts_axioms B.join_expansion(1) B.joinable_iff_composable
extensionality extensional_rts.join_def naturality2 naturality2'⇩E(1-2))
thus "A.arr t ⟹ B.joinable (τ (A.src t)) (F t)"
by (metis B.joinable_iff_arr_join preserves_arr)
lemma naturality⇩E:
shows "τ (A.src t) ⋅⇩B G t = F t ⋅⇩B τ (A.trg t)"
using naturality1'⇩E(1) naturality2'⇩E(1) by presburger
lemma general_naturality:
assumes "A.con x y"
shows "τ x \\⇩B F y = τ (x \\⇩A y)"
and "F x \\⇩B τ y = G (x \\⇩A y)"
proof -
show "τ x \\⇩B F y = τ (x \\⇩A y)"
using assms
by (metis A.con_imp_cong_src A.con_implies_arr(2) A.ide_src A.ide_trg
A.src_resid B.resid_comp(2) G.preserves_resid naturality1 naturality2
naturality2'⇩E(1) preserves_con(2) respects_cong_ide)
show "F x \\⇩B τ y = G (x \\⇩A y)"
using assms
by (metis A.arr_resid A.con_sym A.ide_src A.src_resid B.resid_comp(1)
F.preserves_resid naturality1'⇩E(1) naturality2 preserves_con(2)
lemma preserves_prfx:
assumes "t ≲⇩A u"
shows "τ t ≲⇩B τ u"
proof -
have "τ t \\⇩B τ u = B.trg (τ (A.src t)) \\⇩B (F u \\⇩B τ (A.src t)) ⊔⇩B
B.trg (F u) \\⇩B (τ (A.src t) \\⇩B F u)"
proof -
have "τ t \\⇩B τ u = (τ (A.src t) ⊔⇩B F t) \\⇩B (τ (A.src t) ⊔⇩B F u)"
by (metis A.con_imp_cong_src A.con_implies_arr(2) A.ide_src
A.prfx_implies_con assms naturality3'⇩E(1) respects_cong_ide)
also have "... = (τ (A.src t) \\⇩B (τ (A.src t) ⊔⇩B F u)) ⊔⇩B
(F t \\⇩B (τ (A.src t) ⊔⇩B F u))"
by (metis assms calculation A.con_implies_arr(2) A.con_sym
A.prfx_implies_con B.arr_resid_iff_con B.con_sym B.resid_join⇩E(3)
naturality3'⇩E(2) preserves_con(1))
also have "... = (τ (A.src t) \\⇩B τ (A.src t)) \\⇩B (F u \\⇩B τ (A.src t)) ⊔⇩B
(F t \\⇩B F u) \\⇩B (τ (A.src t) \\⇩B F u)"
by (metis (full_types) assms calculation A.prfx_implies_con
B.arr_prfx_join_self B.conE B.conI B.join_def B.prfx_implies_con
B.resid_join⇩E(1-2) B.null_is_zero(2) preserves_con(1))
also have "... = B.trg (τ (A.src t)) \\⇩B (F u \\⇩B τ (A.src t)) ⊔⇩B
B.trg (F u) \\⇩B (τ (A.src t) \\⇩B F u)"
by (metis B.apex_arr_prfx⇩W⇩E(2) B.trg_def B.trg_ide F.preserves_prfx assms)
finally show ?thesis by blast
moreover have "B.ide ..."
proof -
have "B.ide (B.trg (τ (A.src t)) \\⇩B (F u \\⇩B τ (A.src t)))"
by (metis A.not_arr_null A.src_def B.rts_axioms assms
extensionality B.cong_char naturality2' preserves_con(2)
A.arr_resid_iff_con B.arr_resid_iff_con B.cube A.ide_implies_arr
B.trg_def rts.con_prfx_composite_of(2))
moreover have "B.ide (B.trg (F u) \\⇩B (τ (A.src t) \\⇩B F u))"
using B.apex_sym B.cube B.trg_def calculation by force
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis B.apex_sym B.ide_iff_src_self B.ide_implies_arr
B.join_arr_self B.prfx_implies_con B.src_resid⇩W⇩E)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
locale transformation_by_components =
A: rts A +
B: extensional_rts B +
F: simulation A B F +
G: simulation A B G
for A :: "'a resid" (infix ‹\⇩A› 55)
and B :: "'b resid" (infix ‹\⇩B› 55)
and F :: "'a ⇒ 'b"
and G :: "'a ⇒ 'b"
and τ :: "'a ⇒ 'b" +
assumes preserves_src: "A.ide a ⟹ B.src (τ a) = F a"
and preserves_trg: "A.ide a ⟹ B.trg (τ a) = G a"
and respects_cong_ide: "⟦A.ide a; A.cong a a'⟧ ⟹ τ a = τ a'"
and naturality1: "a ∈ A.sources t ⟹ τ a \\⇩B F t = τ (a \\⇩A t)"
and naturality2: "a ∈ A.sources t ⟹ F t \\⇩B τ a = G t"
and joinable: "a ∈ A.sources t ⟹ B.joinable (τ a) (F t)"
notation B.comp (infixr ‹⋅⇩B› 55)
notation B.join (infixr ‹⊔⇩B› 52)
definition map
where "map t = τ (A.src t) ⊔⇩B F t"
lemma map_eq:
shows "map t = (if A.arr t then τ (A.src t) ⊔⇩B F t else B.null)"
unfolding map_def
by (metis B.conE B.join_def B.joinable_implies_con B.null_is_zero(2)
lemma map_simp_ide [simp]:
assumes "A.ide a"
shows "map a = τ a"
using assms map_def
by (simp add: B.join_prfx(2) naturality2 respects_cong_ide)
sublocale transformation A B F G map
using map_eq preserves_src preserves_trg naturality1 naturality2 joinable
apply (unfold_locales)
apply presburger
apply (metis A.ide_backward_stable map_simp_ide respects_cong_ide)
apply (metis map_simp_ide)
apply (metis map_simp_ide)
apply (metis A.in_sourcesE A.source_is_prfx map_simp_ide)
apply (metis A.in_sourcesE map_simp_ide)
by (metis A.con_implies_arr(1) A.in_sourcesE A.sources_are_cong
A.src_in_sources B.join_is_join_of map_simp_ide respects_cong_ide)
lemma is_transformation:
shows "transformation A B F G map"
locale identity_transformation =
transformation +
assumes identity: "A.ide a ⟹ B.ide (τ a)"
lemma src_eq_trg:
shows "F = G"
fix x
show "F x = G x"
by (metis A.con_arr_src(2) A.ide_src B.resid_arr_ide
F.extensionality G.extensionality identity naturality2 preserves_con(2)
sublocale simulation ..
lemma comp_identity_transformation:
assumes "transformation A B F G T"
shows "I B ∘ T = T"
using assms transformation.extensionality transformation.preserves_arr
by fastforce
lemma comp_transformation_identity:
assumes "transformation A B F G T"
shows "T ∘ I A = T"
using assms residuation.not_arr_null rts_def transformation.extensionality
by fastforce
locale constant_transformation =
A: rts A +
B: weakly_extensional_rts B
for A :: "'a resid" (infix ‹\⇩A› 70)
and B :: "'b resid" (infix ‹\⇩B› 70)
and t :: 'b +
assumes arr_t: "B.arr t"
abbreviation map
where "map x ≡ if A.arr x then t else B.null"
abbreviation F
where "F ≡ A B (B.src t)"
abbreviation G
where "G ≡ A B (B.trg t)"
interpretation F: simulation A B F
using arr_t A.con_implies_arr B.resid_arr_ide
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation G: simulation A B G
using arr_t A.con_implies_arr B.resid_arr_ide
by unfold_locales auto
sublocale transformation A B F G map
using arr_t B.join_of_arr_src(2) A.ide_backward_stable A.ide_implies_arr
apply unfold_locales
apply argo
apply meson
apply (metis (full_types))
apply (metis (full_types))
apply (metis (full_types) A.arr_iff_has_source A.in_sourcesE A.source_is_prfx
B.con_arr_src(2) B.con_imp_coinitial B.resid_ide(1) ex_in_conv B.ide_src)
apply (metis (full_types) A.in_sourcesE B.null_is_zero(1) B.resid_src_arr)
by (metis (full_types) A.con_implies_arr(1) A.in_sourcesE B.src_in_sources)
lemma is_transformation:
shows "transformation A B F G map"
locale simulation_as_transformation =
simulation +
B: weakly_extensional_rts B
sublocale transformation A B F F F
using extensionality B.join_of_arr_src(1) A.con_sym B.resid_arr_ide
apply unfold_locales
by auto (meson B.ide_backward_stable B.weak_extensionality preserves_ide
sublocale identity_transformation A B F F F
by unfold_locales auto
lemma transformation_eqI:
assumes "transformation A B F G σ" and "transformation A B F H τ"
and "extensional_rts B"
and "⋀a. residuation.ide A a ⟹ σ a = τ a"
shows "σ = τ"
interpret A:rts A
using assms(1) simulation.axioms(1) transformation_def by blast
interpret B: extensional_rts B
using assms(3) by simp
interpret F: simulation A B F
using assms(1) transformation.axioms(3) by blast
interpret G: simulation A B G
using assms(1) transformation.axioms(4) by blast
interpret σ: transformation A B F G σ
using assms(1) by blast
interpret τ: transformation A B F H τ
using assms(2) by blast
fix t
show "σ t = τ t"
by (metis A.prfx_reflexive A.trg_def B.composite_of_unique σ.extensionality
σ.naturality1' τ.extensionality τ.naturality1' assms(4))
lemma invertible_simulation_cancel_left':
assumes "invertible_simulation A B H"
shows "⟦transformation C A F G S; transformation C A F G T;
H ∘ S = H ∘ T⟧
⟹ S = T"
proof -
obtain K where K: "inverse_simulations A B K H"
using assms(1) invertible_simulation.invertible by blast
interpret HK: inverse_simulations A B K H
using K by blast
show "⟦transformation C A F G S; transformation C A F G T;
H ∘ S = H ∘ T⟧
⟹ S = T"
by (metis HK.inv' HOL.ext comp_def transformation.extensionality
lemma invertible_simulation_cancel_right':
assumes "invertible_simulation A B H"
shows "⟦transformation B C F G S; transformation B C F G T;
S ∘ H = T ∘ H⟧
⟹ S = T"
proof -
obtain K where K: "inverse_simulations A B K H"
using assms(1) invertible_simulation.invertible by blast
interpret HK: inverse_simulations A B K H
using K by blast
show "⟦transformation B C F G S; transformation B C F G T;
S ∘ H = T ∘ H⟧
⟹ S = T"
by (metis HK.inv HOL.ext comp_def transformation.extensionality)
section "Binary Simulations"
locale binary_simulation_between_weakly_extensional_rts =
binary_simulation +
A1: weakly_extensional_rts A1 +
A0: weakly_extensional_rts A0 +
B: weakly_extensional_rts B
interpretation A: product_of_weakly_extensional_rts A1 A0 ..
sublocale simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A.resid B F ..
lemma fixing_arr_gives_transformation_1:
assumes "A1.arr t1"
shows "transformation A0 B
(λt0. F (A1.src t1, t0)) (λt0. F (A1.trg t1, t0))
(λt0. F (t1, t0))"
proof -
interpret Fsrc: simulation A0 B ‹λt0. F (A1.src t1, t0)›
using assms fixing_ide_gives_simulation_1 by simp
interpret Fsrc: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A0 B
‹λt0. F (A1.src t1, t0)›
interpret Ftrg: simulation A0 B ‹λt0. F (A1.trg t1, t0)›
using assms fixing_ide_gives_simulation_1 by simp
interpret Ftrg: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A0 B
‹λt0. F (A1.trg t1, t0)›
show "transformation A0 B
(λt0. F (A1.src t1, t0)) (λt0. F (A1.trg t1, t0))
(λt0. F (t1, t0))"
show "⋀f. ¬ A0.arr f ⟹ F (t1, f) = B.null"
by (simp add: extensionality)
show "⋀f. A0.ide f ⟹ B.src (F (t1, f)) = F (A1.src t1, f)"
using assms B.src_eqI by simp
show "⋀f. A0.ide f ⟹ B.trg (F (t1, f)) = F (A1.trg t1, f)"
by (metis assms fixing_ide_gives_simulation_0 simulation.preserves_trg)
show "⋀a a'. ⟦A0.ide a; A0.cong a a'⟧ ⟹ F (t1, a) = F (t1, a')"
using A0.ide_backward_stable A0.weak_extensionality by blast
fix a f
assume f: "a ∈ A0.sources f"
show "F (t1, a) \\⇩B F (A1.src t1, f) = F (t1, a \\⇩A⇩0 f)"
by (metis A.resid_def A0.prfx_implies_con
A1.con_arr_src(1) A1.resid_arr_src assms f fst_conv
preserves_resid A.con_char A0.source_is_prfx snd_conv)
show "F (A1.src t1, f) \\⇩B F (t1, a) = F (A1.trg t1, f)"
by (metis A.resid_def A1.con_arr_src(2) A1.resid_src_arr assms f
fst_conv preserves_resid A.con_char A0.in_sourcesE
A0.resid_arr_ide snd_conv)
show "B.join_of (F (t1, a)) (F (A1.src t1, f)) (F (t1, f))"
by (metis A.join_of_char(1) A0.con_implies_arr(2)
A1.join_of_arr_src(2) A1.src_in_sources assms f fst_conv preserves_joins
A0.join_of_arr_src(1) A0.prfx_implies_con A0.source_is_prfx snd_conv)
lemma fixing_arr_gives_transformation_0:
assumes "A0.arr t2"
shows "transformation A1 B
(λt1. F (t1, A0.src t2)) (λt1. F (t1, A0.trg t2))
(λt1. F (t1, t2))"
proof -
interpret Fsrc: simulation A1 B ‹λt1. F (t1, A0.src t2)›
using assms fixing_ide_gives_simulation_0 by simp
interpret Fsrc: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A1 B
‹λt1. F (t1, A0.src t2)›
interpret Ftrg: simulation A1 B ‹λt1. F (t1, A0.trg t2)›
using assms fixing_ide_gives_simulation_0 by simp
interpret Ftrg: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A1 B
‹λt1. F (t1, A0.trg t2)›
show "transformation A1 B
(λt1. F (t1, A0.src t2)) (λt1. F (t1, A0.trg t2))
(λt1. F (t1, t2))"
show "⋀f. ¬ A1.arr f ⟹ F (f, t2) = B.null"
by (simp add: extensionality)
show "⋀f. A1.ide f ⟹ B.src (F (f, t2)) = F (f, A0.src t2)"
using assms B.src_eqI by simp
show "⋀f. A1.ide f ⟹ B.trg (F (f, t2)) = F (f, A0.trg t2)"
by (metis assms fixing_ide_gives_simulation_1 simulation.preserves_trg)
show "⋀a a'. ⟦A1.ide a; A1.cong a a'⟧ ⟹ F (a, t2) = F (a', t2)"
using A1.ide_backward_stable A1.weak_extensionality by blast
fix a f
assume f: "a ∈ A1.sources f"
show "F (a, t2) \\⇩B F (f, A0.src t2) = F (a \\⇩A⇩1 f, t2)"
by (metis A.resid_def A0.resid_arr_src
A1.prfx_implies_con assms f fst_conv preserves_resid
A.con_char A0.con_arr_src(1) A1.source_is_prfx snd_conv)
show "F (f, A0.src t2) \\⇩B F (a, t2) = F (f, A0.trg t2)"
by (metis A.con_char A.resid_def A0.con_arr_src(2)
A0.resid_src_arr assms f fst_conv preserves_resid
A1.in_sourcesE A1.resid_arr_ide snd_conv)
show "B.join_of (F (a, t2)) (F (f, A0.src t2)) (F (f, t2))"
by (metis A.join_of_char(1) A0.join_of_arr_src(2) A0.src_in_sources
A1.in_sourcesE assms f fst_conv preserves_joins
A1.con_implies_arr(1) A1.join_of_arr_src(1) snd_conv)
locale transformation_of_binary_simulations =
A1: rts A1 +
A0: rts A0 +
B: weakly_extensional_rts B +
A1xA0: product_rts A1 A0 +
F: binary_simulation A1 A0 B F +
G: binary_simulation A1 A0 B G +
transformation A1xA0.resid B F G τ
for A1 :: "'a1 resid" (infix ‹\⇩A⇩1› 55)
and A0 :: "'a0 resid" (infix ‹\⇩A⇩0› 55)
and B :: "'b resid" (infix ‹\⇩B› 55)
and F :: "'a1 * 'a0 ⇒ 'b"
and G :: "'a1 * 'a0 ⇒ 'b"
and τ :: "'a1 * 'a0 ⇒ 'b"
notation A0.con (infix ‹⌢⇩A⇩0› 50)
notation A0.prfx (infix ‹≲⇩A⇩0› 50)
notation A0.cong (infix ‹∼⇩A⇩0› 50)
notation A1.con (infix ‹⌢⇩A⇩1› 50)
notation A1.prfx (infix ‹≲⇩A⇩1› 50)
notation A1.cong (infix ‹∼⇩A⇩1› 50)
notation B.con (infix ‹⌢⇩B› 50)
notation B.prfx (infix ‹≲⇩B› 50)
notation B.cong (infix ‹∼⇩B› 50)
notation A1xA0.resid (infix ‹\⇩A⇩1⇩x⇩A⇩0› 55)
sublocale A1xA0: product_rts A1 A0 ..
lemma fixing_ide_gives_transformation_1:
assumes "A1.ide a1"
shows "transformation A0 B (λf0. F (a1, f0)) (λf0. G (a1, f0))
(λf0. τ (a1, f0))"
proof -
interpret Fa1: simulation A0 B ‹λf0. F (a1, f0)›
using assms F.fixing_ide_gives_simulation_1 by simp
interpret Ga1: simulation A0 B ‹λf0. G (a1, f0)›
using assms "G.fixing_ide_gives_simulation_1" by simp
show ?thesis
fix f
show "¬ A0.arr f ⟹ τ (a1, f) = B.null"
by (simp add: extensionality)
show "A0.ide f ⟹ B.src (τ (a1, f)) = F (a1, f)"
using assms preserves_src by force
show "A0.ide f ⟹ B.trg (τ (a1, f)) = G (a1, f)"
by (simp add: assms preserves_trg)
show "⋀a a'. ⟦A0.ide a; a ∼⇩A⇩0 a'⟧ ⟹ τ (a1, a) = τ (a1, a')"
using A1xA0.prfx_char assms respects_cong_ide by auto
fix a
assume f: "a ∈ A0.sources f"
show "τ (a1, a) \\⇩B F (a1, f) = τ (a1, a \\⇩A⇩0 f)"
proof -
have "A1xA0.con (a1, a) (a1, f)"
using assms f A1xA0.con_char A0.prfx_implies_con A0.source_is_prfx
by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using assms f naturality1_ax A1xA0.resid_def by fastforce
show "F (a1, f) \\⇩B τ (a1, a) = G (a1, f)"
using assms f naturality2_ax by auto
show "B.join_of (τ (a1, a)) (F (a1, f)) (τ (a1, f))"
using assms f naturality3 by auto
lemma fixing_ide_gives_transformation_0:
assumes "A0.ide a0"
shows "transformation A1 B (λf1. F (f1, a0)) (λf1. G (f1, a0))
(λf1. τ (f1, a0))"
proof -
interpret Fa0: simulation A1 B ‹λf1. F (f1, a0)›
using assms F.fixing_ide_gives_simulation_0 by simp
interpret Ga0: simulation A1 B ‹λf1. G (f1, a0)›
using assms "G.fixing_ide_gives_simulation_0" by simp
show ?thesis
fix f
show "¬ A1.arr f ⟹ τ (f, a0) = B.null"
by (simp add: extensionality)
show "A1.ide f ⟹ B.src (τ (f, a0)) = F (f, a0)"
by (simp add: assms preserves_src)
show "A1.ide f ⟹ B.trg (τ (f, a0)) = G (f, a0)"
by (simp add: assms preserves_trg)
show "⋀a a'. ⟦A1.ide a; a ∼⇩A⇩1 a'⟧ ⟹ τ (a, a0) = τ (a', a0)"
using A1xA0.prfx_char assms respects_cong_ide by auto
fix a
assume f: "a ∈ A1.sources f"
show "τ (a, a0) \\⇩B F (f, a0) = τ (a \\⇩A⇩1 f, a0)"
proof -
have "A1xA0.con (a, a0) (f, a0)"
by (simp add: A1.rts_axioms assms f rts.prfx_implies_con rts.source_is_prfx)
thus ?thesis
using assms f A1xA0.resid_def
by (metis A0.ideE A1.source_is_ide A1xA0.con_char A1xA0.con_sym
A1xA0.ide_char A1xA0.in_sourcesI fst_conv naturality1_ax snd_conv)
show "F (f, a0) \\⇩B τ (a, a0) = G (f, a0)"
using assms f naturality2_ax by auto
show "B.join_of (τ (a, a0)) (F (f, a0)) (τ (f, a0))"
using assms f naturality3 by auto
section "Horizontal Composite of Transformations"
lemma transformation_whisker_left:
assumes "transformation A B F G τ" and "simulation B C H"
and "weakly_extensional_rts C"
shows "transformation A C (H ∘ F) (H ∘ G) (H ∘ τ)"
proof -
interpret C: weakly_extensional_rts C
using assms(3) by blast
interpret τ: transformation A B F G τ
using assms by blast
interpret H: simulation B C H
using assms by blast
interpret HoF: composite_simulation A B C F H ..
interpret HoG: composite_simulation A B C G H ..
show ?thesis
fix t
show "¬ τ.A.arr t ⟹ (H ∘ τ) t = C.null"
by (simp add: H.extensionality τ.extensionality)
show "τ.A.ide t ⟹ C.src ((H ∘ τ) t) = t"
by (metis C.src_eqI H.preserves_con HoF.preserves_ide τ.A.ide_implies_arr
τ.B.con_arr_src(2) τ.preserves_arr τ.preserves_src comp_eq_dest_lhs)
show "τ.A.ide t ⟹ C.trg ((H ∘ τ) t) = t"
by (metis H.preserves_trg τ.A.ide_implies_arr τ.preserves_arr
τ.preserves_trg comp_apply)
show "⋀a a'. ⟦τ.A.ide a; τ.A.cong a a'⟧ ⟹ (H ∘ τ) a = (H ∘ τ) a'"
using τ.respects_cong_ide by auto
fix a
assume t: "a ∈ τ.A.sources t"
show "C ((H ∘ τ) a) ( t) = (H ∘ τ) (A a t)"
by (metis H.preserves_resid τ.A.con_sym τ.A.in_sourcesE τ.naturality1_ax
τ.preserves_con(2) comp_apply t)
show "C ( t) ((H ∘ τ) a) = t"
by (metis H.preserves_resid τ.A.con_implies_arr(1) τ.A.in_sourcesE
τ.B.arr_resid_iff_con τ.G.preserves_reflects_arr τ.naturality2_ax
comp_apply t)
show "C.join_of ((H ∘ τ) a) ( t) ((H ∘ τ) t)"
using H.preserves_joins τ.naturality3 t by auto
lemma transformation_whisker_right:
assumes "transformation B C F G τ" and "simulation A B H"
and "rts A"
shows "transformation A C (F ∘ H) (G ∘ H) (τ ∘ H)"
proof -
interpret A: rts A
using assms(3) by blast
interpret τ: transformation B C F G τ
using assms by blast
interpret H: simulation A B H
using assms by blast
interpret FoH: composite_simulation A B C H F ..
interpret GoH: composite_simulation A B C H G ..
show ?thesis
fix t
show "¬ A.arr t ⟹ (τ ∘ H) t = τ.B.null"
by (simp add: τ.extensionality)
show "A.ide t ⟹ τ.B.src ((τ ∘ H) t) = t"
by (simp add: τ.preserves_src)
show "A.ide t ⟹ τ.B.trg ((τ ∘ H) t) = t"
by (simp add: τ.preserves_trg)
show "⋀a a'. ⟦A.ide a; a ∼⇩A a'⟧ ⟹ (τ ∘ H) a = (τ ∘ H) a'"
using H.preserves_prfx τ.respects_cong_ide by auto
fix a
assume t: "a ∈ A.sources t"
show "C ((τ ∘ H) a) ( t) = (τ ∘ H) (A a t)"
using A.prfx_implies_con A.source_is_prfx τ.naturality1_ax t by auto
show "C ( t) ((τ ∘ H) a) = t"
using τ.naturality2_ax t by auto
show "τ.B.join_of ((τ ∘ H) a) ( t) ((τ ∘ H) t)"
using τ.naturality3 t by auto
Horizontal composition of transformations requires reasoning about joins
which it is not clear that it is possible to do unless extensionality is assumed.
lemma horizontal_composite:
assumes "transformation B C F G σ" and "transformation A B H K τ"
and "extensional_rts B" and "extensional_rts C"
shows "transformation A C (F ∘ H) (G ∘ K) (σ ∘ τ)"
proof -
interpret A: rts A
using assms(2) transformation_def by blast
interpret B: extensional_rts B
using assms(3) by blast
interpret C: extensional_rts C
using assms(4) by blast
interpret σ: transformation B C F G σ
using assms by blast
interpret σ: transformation_to_extensional_rts B C F G σ ..
interpret τ: transformation A B H K τ
using assms by blast
interpret τ: transformation_to_extensional_rts A B H K τ ..
interpret FoH: composite_simulation A B C H F ..
interpret GoH: composite_simulation A B C H G ..
interpret FoK: composite_simulation A B C K F ..
interpret GoK: composite_simulation A B C K G ..
show ?thesis
write A (infix ‹\⇩A› 55)
write B (infix ‹\⇩B› 55)
write C (infix ‹\⇩C› 55)
write B.join (infixr ‹⊔⇩B› 52)
write C.join (infixr ‹⊔⇩C› 52)
fix t
show "¬ A.arr t ⟹ (σ ∘ τ) t = C.null"
by (simp add: σ.extensionality τ.extensionality)
show "⋀a a'. ⟦A.ide a; a ∼⇩A a'⟧ ⟹ (σ ∘ τ) a = (σ ∘ τ) a'"
by (simp add: τ.respects_cong_ide)
show "A.ide t ⟹ C.src ((σ ∘ τ) t) = t"
by (metis A.residuation_axioms B.rts_axioms C.src_composite_of σ.naturality2'
σ.preserves_src τ.preserves_arr τ.preserves_src comp_apply
residuation.ide_implies_arr rts.ide_src)
show "A.ide t ⟹ C.trg ((σ ∘ τ) t) = t"
by (metis A.ide_implies_arr C.trg_composite_of σ.G.preserves_trg σ.naturality2'
τ.preserves_arr τ.preserves_trg comp_eq_dest_lhs)
fix a
assume t: "a ∈ A.sources t"
show "(σ ∘ τ) a \\⇩C t = (σ ∘ τ) (A a t)"
by (simp add: A.rts_axioms A.source_is_prfx σ.general_naturality(1)
τ.naturality1_ax τ.preserves_con(2) rts.prfx_implies_con t)
show " t \\⇩C (σ ∘ τ) a = t"
by (metis A.rts_axioms B.con_sym σ.general_naturality(2) τ.naturality2_ax
τ.preserves_con(2) comp_eq_dest_lhs rts.prfx_implies_con rts.source_is_prfx t)
show "C.join_of ((σ ∘ τ) a) ( t) ((σ ∘ τ) t)"
proof -
have "σ (τ a) ⊔⇩C F (H t) = σ (τ t)"
proof (intro C.join_eqI)
show 1: "C.prfx (σ (τ a)) (σ (τ t))"
by (simp add: A.source_is_prfx σ.preserves_prfx τ.preserves_prfx t)
show 2: "C.prfx (F (H t)) (σ (τ t))"
using t
by (metis "1" B.arr_resid_iff_con B.composite_ofE B.ide_implies_arr
C.not_con_null(2) C.prfx_implies_con ‹¬ A.arr t ⟹ (σ ∘ τ) t = C.null›
σ.G.preserves_ide σ.general_naturality(2) τ.naturality1' comp_apply)
show 3: "σ (τ t) \\⇩C F (H t) = σ (τ a) \\⇩C F (H t)"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "1" A.arrE A.con_sym A.in_sourcesE
A.resid_arr_self A.src_congI C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2)
‹¬ A.arr t ⟹ (σ ∘ τ) t = C.null› σ.general_naturality(1) τ.general_naturality(1)
τ.naturality1 τ.preserves_con(2) τ.respects_cong_ide comp_eq_dest_lhs t)
show "σ (τ t) \\⇩C σ (τ a) = F (H t) \\⇩C σ (τ a)"
proof -
have "σ (τ t) \\⇩C σ (τ a) =
(σ (τ a) ⊔⇩C F (H t)) \\⇩C σ (τ a)"
proof -
have "σ (τ t) = σ (τ a) ⊔⇩C F (H t)"
by (metis "2" "3" C.comp_eqI C.composable_iff_comp_not_null C.join_def
C.join_expansion(1) C.join_sym C.joinable_iff_composable)
thus ?thesis by argo
also have "... = F (H t) \\⇩C σ (τ a)"
by (metis "1" C.arr_prfx_join_self C.comp_eqI C.comp_resid_prfx
C.con_sym_ax C.join_def C.join_expansion(1) C.null_is_zero(2)
σ.extensionality σ.preserves_arr calculation)
finally show ?thesis by blast
thus ?thesis
using t
by (metis A.con_implies_arr(1) A.in_sourcesE C.join_is_join_of
C.joinable_iff_join_not_null C.not_arr_null σ.preserves_arr τ.preserves_arr