Theory Preliminaries

(*  Title:       Preliminaries_RTS
    Author:      Eugene W. Stark <>, 2024
    Maintainer:  Eugene W. Stark <>

theory Preliminaries
imports Main "HOL-Library.FuncSet"

section "Simulations"

  abbreviation I
  where "I"

  lemma comp_identity_simulation:
  assumes "simulation A B F"
  shows "I B  F = F"
    using assms simulation.extensionality simulation.preserves_reflects_arr
    by fastforce

  lemma comp_simulation_identity:
  assumes "simulation A B F"
  shows "F  I A = F"
    using assms residuation.not_arr_null rts.axioms(1) simulation.extensionality
    by fastforce

  lemma product_identity_simulation:
  assumes "rts A" and "rts B"
  shows " A B (I A) (I B) = I (product_rts.resid A B)"
  proof -
    interpret A: rts A
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret B: rts B
      using assms(2) by blast
    interpret A: identity_simulation A ..
    interpret B: identity_simulation B ..
    interpret AxB: product_rts A B ..
    interpret IAxIB: product_simulation A B A B ..
    interpret AxB: identity_simulation AxB.resid ..
    show " ="
      using IAxIB.map_def by auto

  locale constant_simulation =
    A: rts A +
    B: rts B
  for A :: "'a resid"      (infix \A 70)
  and B :: "'b resid"      (infix \B 70)
  and b :: 'b +
  assumes ide_b: "B.ide b"

    abbreviation map
    where "map t  if A.arr t then b else B.null"

    sublocale simulation A B map
      using ide_b A.con_implies_arr
      by unfold_locales auto

    lemma is_simulation:
    shows "simulation A B map"


   * TODO: The order of arguments was defined here to match inverse_functors,
   * which was in turn chosen to match adjunction, but it is very confusing.
  locale inverse_simulations =
    A: rts A +
    B: rts B +
    F: simulation B A F +
    G: simulation A B G
  for A :: "'a resid"      (infix \A 70)
  and B :: "'b resid"      (infix \B 70)
  and F :: "'b  'a"
  and G :: "'a  'b" +
  assumes inv: "G o F = I B"
  and inv': "F o G = I A"

    lemma inv_simp [simp]:
    assumes "B.arr y"
    shows "G (F y) = y"
      using assms inv by (metis comp_apply)

    lemma inv'_simp [simp]:
    assumes "A.arr x"
    shows "F (G x) = x"
      using assms inv' by (metis comp_apply)

    lemma induce_bij_betw_arr_sets:
    shows "bij_betw F (Collect B.arr) (Collect A.arr)"
      using inv inv' by (intro bij_betwI) auto

    lemma preserve_sources_exactly:
    assumes "B.arr t"
    shows "A.sources (F t) = F ` B.sources t"
      show "F ` B.sources t  A.sources (F t)"
        using F.preserves_sources by auto
      show "A.sources (F t)  F ` B.sources t"
        by (metis A.ide_implies_arr A.source_is_ide G.preserves_sources assms
            image_subset_iff inv'_simp inv_simp subsetI)

    lemma preserve_targets_exactly:
    assumes "B.arr t"
    shows "A.targets (F t) = F ` B.targets t"
      show "F ` B.targets t  A.targets (F t)"
        using F.preserves_targets by auto
      show "A.targets (F t)  F ` B.targets t"
        by (metis A.ide_implies_arr A.target_is_ide G.preserves_targets assms
            image_subset_iff inv'_simp inv_simp subsetI)

    lemma preserve_weakly_extensional_rts:
    assumes "weakly_extensional_rts A"
    shows "weakly_extensional_rts B"
      using assms
      by (metis A.ide_implies_arr B.ide_implies_arr B.rts_axioms
          F.preserves_con F.preserves_ide inv_simp B.prfx_implies_con
          weakly_extensional_rts.con_imp_eq_src weakly_extensional_rts.ide_iff_src_self
          weakly_extensional_rts.intro weakly_extensional_rts_axioms.intro)

    lemma preserve_extensional_rts:
    assumes "extensional_rts A"
    shows "extensional_rts B"
      using assms
      by (metis (full_types) B.con_implies_arr(2) B.rts_axioms extensional_rts.extensionality
          extensional_rts.intro extensional_rts_axioms.intro inv_simp B.prfx_implies_con

    lemma preserve_rts_with_composites:
    assumes "rts_with_composites A"
    shows "rts_with_composites B"
      by (metis B.composable_def B.rts_axioms B.seqE F.preserves_seq G.preserves_composites
          assms inv_simp rts_with_composites.intro rts_with_composites.obtains_composite_of

    lemma preserve_rts_with_joins:
    assumes "rts_with_joins A"
    shows "rts_with_joins B"
    proof -
      show "rts_with_joins B"
        fix t u
        assume con: "B.con t u"
        obtain t' u' where 1: "A.con t' u'  G t' = t  G u' = u"
          using con B.con_implies_arr(1-2) F.preserves_con inv_simp by meson
        have "A.joinable t' u'"
          using assms 1 rts_with_joins.has_joins by auto
        thus "B.joinable t u"
          by (metis "1" A.joinable_def B.joinable_def G.preserves_joins)


  lemma inverse_simulations_sym:
  assumes "inverse_simulations A B F G"
  shows "inverse_simulations B A G F"
    using assms
    by (simp add: inverse_simulations_axioms_def inverse_simulations_def)

  (* TODO: Interchange the definition and lemma here.  Also improve ordering of stuff. *)
  locale invertible_simulation =
    simulation +
  assumes invertible: "G. inverse_simulations A B G F"

  lemma invertible_simulation_def':
  shows "invertible_simulation A B F  (G. inverse_simulations A B G F)"
    using inverse_simulations_def invertible_simulation_axioms_def
    by blast

  lemma invertible_simulation_iff:
  shows "invertible_simulation A B F 
         simulation A B F 
         bij_betw F (Collect (residuation.arr A)) (Collect (residuation.arr B)) 
         (t u. residuation.con B (F t) (F u)  residuation.con A t u)"
  proof (intro iffI conjI)
    assume F: "invertible_simulation A B F"
    interpret F: invertible_simulation A B F
      using F by blast
    obtain G where G: "inverse_simulations A B G F"
      using F.invertible by blast
    interpret FG: inverse_simulations A B G F
      using G by blast
    show "simulation A B F"
      using F.simulation_axioms by blast
    have *: "y. y  Collect F.B.arr  F (G y) = y"
      by (metis CollectD FG.inv comp_apply)
    show "bij_betw F (Collect F.A.arr) (Collect F.B.arr)"
      using G inverse_simulations.induce_bij_betw_arr_sets inverse_simulations_sym
      by blast
    show "t u. F.B.con (F t) (F u)  F.A.con t u"
      by (metis F.B.not_con_null(1) F.B.not_con_null(2) F.extensionality FG.F.preserves_con
          FG.inv' comp_apply)
    assume F: "simulation A B F 
               bij_betw F (Collect (residuation.arr A)) (Collect (residuation.arr B)) 
               (t u. residuation.con B (F t) (F u)  residuation.con A t u)"
    interpret F: simulation A B F
      using F by blast
    let ?G = "λy. if y  F ` Collect F.A.arr
                  then inv_into (Collect F.A.arr) F y
                  else F.A.null"
    interpret G: simulation B A ?G
      show "t. ¬ F.B.arr t  ?G t = F.A.null"
        by fastforce
      fix t u
      assume 1: "F.B.con t u"
      have 2: "?G t = inv_into (Collect F.A.arr) F t 
               ?G u = inv_into (Collect F.A.arr) F u"
        using 1 F F.B.con_implies_arr
        by (simp add: bij_betw_def)
      have 3: "F.A.con (inv_into (Collect F.A.arr) F t)
                       (inv_into (Collect F.A.arr) F u)"
        using 1 F.B.con_implies_arr F
        by (metis bij_betw_imp_surj_on f_inv_into_f mem_Collect_eq)
      thus 4: "F.A.con (?G t) (?G u)"
        using 2 by simp
      have "?G (B t u) = inv_into (Collect F.A.arr) F (B t u)"
        by (metis 1 F CollectI F.B.arr_resid_iff_con bij_betw_def)
      also have "... = A (?G t) (?G u)"
      proof -
        have "F (A (?G t) (?G u)) = B (F (?G t)) (F (?G u))"
          using 4 F.preserves_resid by presburger
        also have "... = B t u"
          using 4 F.A.not_con_null(1-2) f_inv_into_f
          by (auto simp add: f_inv_into_f)
        finally have "F (A (?G t) (?G u)) = B t u" by blast
        thus ?thesis
          by (metis 4 F F.A.arr_resid bij_betw_inv_into_left mem_Collect_eq)
      finally show "?G (B t u) = A (?G t) (?G u)" by blast
    interpret FG: inverse_simulations A B ?G F
      show "F  ?G = I B"
        fix t
        show "(F  ?G) t = I B t"
          apply simp
          by (metis F F.A.not_arr_null bij_betw_def f_inv_into_f mem_Collect_eq
      show "?G  F = I A"
        fix t
        show "(?G  F) t = I A t"
          apply simp
          by (metis F F.preserves_reflects_arr bij_betw_def inv_into_f_f mem_Collect_eq)
    show "invertible_simulation A B F"
      using FG.inverse_simulations_axioms invertible_simulation_def
      by unfold_locales blast

  context invertible_simulation

    lemma is_bijection_betw_arr_sets:
    shows "bij_betw F (Collect A.arr) (Collect B.arr)"
      using invertible_simulation_axioms invertible_simulation_iff by metis

    lemma reflects_con:
    assumes "residuation.con B (F t) (F u)"
    shows "residuation.con A t u"
      using assms invertible_simulation_axioms invertible_simulation_iff by metis


  context inverse_simulations

    sublocale F: invertible_simulation B A F
      by (meson inverse_simulations_axioms inverse_simulations_sym invertible_simulation_def')

    sublocale G: invertible_simulation A B G
      by (meson inverse_simulations_axioms invertible_simulation_def')


  lemma inverse_simulation_unique:
  assumes "inverse_simulations A B G F"
  and "inverse_simulations A B G' F"
  shows "G = G'"
  proof -
    interpret FG: inverse_simulations A B G F
      using assms(1) by simp
    interpret FG': inverse_simulations A B G' F
      using assms(2) by simp
    show ?thesis
      fix x
      show "G x = G' x"
        by (metis FG'.F.extensionality FG'.F.preserves_reflects_arr FG'.inv FG.F.extensionality
            FG.inv' comp_apply)

  locale inverse_simulation =
    A: rts A +
    B: rts B +
    F: invertible_simulation

    definition map
    where "map  SOME G. inverse_simulations A B G F"

    interpretation inverse_simulations A B map F
      using F.invertible invertible_simulation_def map_def
            someI_ex [of "λG. inverse_simulations A B G F"]
      by auto

    sublocale simulation B A map ..

    lemma is_simulation:
    shows "simulation B A map"

    sublocale inverse_simulations A B map F ..

    lemma map_simp:
    assumes "B.arr x"
    shows "map x = inv_into (Collect A.arr) F x"
      by (metis CollectI F.preserves_reflects_arr assms bij_betw_inv_into_left
          inv_simp inverse_simulations.induce_bij_betw_arr_sets
          inverse_simulations_axioms inverse_simulations_sym)

    lemma map_eq:
    shows "map = (λx. if B.arr x then inv_into (Collect A.arr) F x else A.null)"
      using map_simp by (meson F.extensionality)


  context inverse_simulations

    lemma inverse_eq:
    shows " A B G = F"
      by (metis G.invertible_simulation_axioms inverse_simulation.intro
          inverse_simulation.map_def inverse_simulation_unique inverse_simulations_axioms
          inverse_simulations_def someI_ex)


  lemma invertible_simulation_identity:
  assumes "rts A"
  shows [intro]: "invertible_simulation A A (I A)"
  and "inverse_simulations A A (I A) (I A)"
  and " A A (I A) = I A"
  proof -
    interpret A: rts A
      using assms by blast
    interpret id: identity_simulation A ..
    show 1: "inverse_simulations A A"
      by unfold_locales auto
    thus "invertible_simulation A A"
      using id.simulation_axioms invertible_simulation.intro
      by blast
    show " A A ="
      using 1 inverse_simulation_unique [of A A]
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) invertible_simulation A A assms
          inverse_simulation.intro inverse_simulation.map_def someI_ex)

  lemma inverse_simulations_compose:
  assumes "inverse_simulations A B F' F" and "inverse_simulations B C G' G"
  shows "inverse_simulations A C (F'  G') (G  F)"
  proof -
    interpret FF': inverse_simulations A B F' F
      using assms by blast
    interpret GG': inverse_simulations B C G' G
      using assms by blast
    interpret GoF: composite_simulation A B C F G ..
    interpret F'oG': composite_simulation C B A G' F' ..
    show ?thesis
      show "  F'oG'.map = I C"
        by (metis FF'.inv GG'.F.extensionality GG'.F.preserves_reflects_arr
            GG'.inv comp_def)
      show "F'oG'.map = I A"
        by (metis FF'.A.not_arr_null FF'.G.preserves_reflects_arr FF'.inv
            FF'.inv' GG'.inv' comp_apply)

  lemma invertible_simulation_comp [intro]:
  assumes "invertible_simulation A B F" and "invertible_simulation B C G"
  shows "invertible_simulation A C (G  F)"
  and "inverse_simulations A C
         ( A B F B C G) (G  F)"
  and " A C (G  F) = A B F B C G"
  proof -
    obtain F' where F': "inverse_simulations A B F' F"
      using assms(1) invertible_simulation.invertible by blast
    interpret FF': inverse_simulations A B F' F
      using F' by blast
    obtain G' where G': "inverse_simulations B C G' G"
      using assms(2) invertible_simulation.invertible by blast
    interpret GG': inverse_simulations B C G' G
      using G' by blast
    interpret GoF: composite_simulation A B C F G ..
    interpret F'oG': composite_simulation C B A G' F' ..
    interpret F': inverse_simulation A B F
      using F' assms(1) inverse_simulation_def inverse_simulations_def by blast
    interpret G': inverse_simulation B C G
      using G' assms(2)
      by (simp add: inverse_simulation.intro inverse_simulations_def)
    have F'_eq: "F' = F'.map"
      using F' F'.inverse_simulations_axioms inverse_simulation_unique by blast
    have G'_eq: "G' = G'.map"
      using G' G'.inverse_simulations_axioms inverse_simulation_unique by blast
    have 1: "inverse_simulations A C (F'  G') (G  F)"
      using F' G' inverse_simulations_compose by blast
    thus 2: "invertible_simulation A C (G  F)"
      using invertible_simulation_def by unfold_locales blast
    show "inverse_simulations A C (F'.map  G'.map)"
      using F'_eq G'_eq 1 by blast
    show " A C = F'.map  G'.map"
      using 1 2 F'_eq G'_eq inverse_simulation_unique
      by (metis FF'.A.rts_axioms GG'.B.rts_axioms inverse_simulation.intro
          inverse_simulation.map_def someI_ex)

  lemma inverse_simulation_product [intro]:
  assumes "invertible_simulation A B F" and "invertible_simulation C D G"
  shows "invertible_simulation (product_rts.resid A C) (product_rts.resid B D)
           ( A C F G)"
  and "inverse_simulations (product_rts.resid A C) (product_rts.resid B D)
         ( B D
            ( A B F) ( C D G))
         ( A C F G)"
  and " (product_rts.resid A C) (product_rts.resid B D)
         ( A C F G) = B D
         ( A B F) ( C D G)"
  proof -
    interpret A: rts A
      using assms(1) by (simp add: invertible_simulation_iff simulation_def)
    interpret B: rts B
      using assms(1) by (simp add: invertible_simulation_iff simulation_def)
    interpret C: rts C
      using assms(2) by (simp add: invertible_simulation_iff simulation_def)
    interpret D: rts D
      using assms(2) by (simp add: invertible_simulation_iff simulation_def)
    interpret AxC: product_rts A C ..
    interpret BxD: product_rts B D ..
    interpret F: simulation A B F
      using assms(1) invertible_simulation_def invertible_simulation_iff by blast
    interpret F': inverse_simulation A B F
      using assms(1) invertible_simulation.invertible by unfold_locales auto
    interpret FF': inverse_simulations A B F'.map F ..
    interpret G: simulation C D G
      using assms(2) invertible_simulation_def invertible_simulation_iff by blast
    interpret G': inverse_simulation C D G
      using assms(2) invertible_simulation.invertible by unfold_locales auto
    interpret GG': inverse_simulations C D G'.map G ..
    interpret FxG: product_simulation A C B D F G ..
    interpret F'xG': product_simulation B D A C F'.map G'.map ..
    interpret inverse_simulations AxC.resid BxD.resid F'xG'.map
      show "  F'xG'.map = I BxD.resid"
        fix t
        show "(  F'xG'.map) t = I BxD.resid t"
          using F'.inv G'.inv FxG.map_def F'xG'.map_def
                F.extensionality G.extensionality
          by auto
      show "F'xG'.map = I AxC.resid"
        fix t
        show "(F'xG'.map t = I AxC.resid t"
          using F'.inv' G'.inv' FxG.map_def F'xG'.map_def
                F'.extensionality G'.extensionality
          by auto
    show "inverse_simulations AxC.resid BxD.resid F'xG'.map" ..
    show "invertible_simulation AxC.resid BxD.resid"
      using inverse_simulations_axioms
      by unfold_locales blast
    thus " AxC.resid BxD.resid = F'xG'.map"
      by (metis inverse_simulation.intro inverse_simulation.map_def
          inverse_simulation_unique inverse_simulations_axioms invertible_simulation_def
          simulation_def someI_ex)

  lemma invertible_simulation_cancel_left:
  assumes "invertible_simulation A B H"
  shows "simulation C A F; simulation C A G; H  F = H  G  F = G"
  proof -
    obtain K where K: "inverse_simulations A B K H"
      using assms(1) invertible_simulation.invertible by blast
    interpret HK: inverse_simulations A B K H
      using K by blast
    show "simulation C A F; simulation C A G; H  F = H  G  F = G"
      by (metis HK.inv' HOL.ext comp_def simulation.extensionality

  lemma invertible_simulation_cancel_right:
  assumes "invertible_simulation A B H"
  shows "simulation B C F; simulation B C G; F  H = G  H  F = G"
  proof -
    obtain K where K: "inverse_simulations A B K H"
      using assms(1) invertible_simulation.invertible by blast
    interpret HK: inverse_simulations A B K H
      using K by blast
    show "simulation B C F; simulation B C G; F  H = G  H  F = G"
      by (metis HK.inv HOL.ext comp_def simulation.extensionality)

  definition isomorphic_rts
  where "isomorphic_rts A B  F G. inverse_simulations A B G F"

  lemma isomorphic_rts_reflexive:
  assumes "rts A"
  shows "isomorphic_rts A A"
    using assms invertible_simulation_identity isomorphic_rts_def by blast

  lemma isomorphic_rts_symmetric:
  assumes "isomorphic_rts A B"
  shows "isomorphic_rts B A"
    using assms inverse_simulations_sym isomorphic_rts_def by meson

  lemma isomorphic_rts_transitive [trans]:
  assumes "isomorphic_rts A B" and "isomorphic_rts B C"
  shows "isomorphic_rts A C"
    using assms invertible_simulation_comp(1) isomorphic_rts_def
    by (metis inverse_simulations.axioms(4) invertible_simulation.invertible

  lemma isomorphism_cong_props:
  assumes "isomorphic_rts A B"
  shows weakly_extensional_cong_iso: "weakly_extensional_rts A  weakly_extensional_rts B"
  and extensional_cong_iso: "extensional_rts A  extensional_rts B"
  and rts_with_composites_cong_iso: "rts_with_composites A  rts_with_composites B"
  and rts_with_joins_cong_iso: "rts_with_joins A  rts_with_joins B"
  proof -
    obtain F G where FG: "inverse_simulations A B G F"
      using assms(1)
      by (meson invertible_simulation_def' isomorphic_rts_def)
    interpret FG: inverse_simulations A B G F
      using FG by blast
    show "weakly_extensional_rts A  weakly_extensional_rts B"
      using FG.preserve_weakly_extensional_rts by auto
    show "extensional_rts A  extensional_rts B"
      using FG.preserve_extensional_rts by auto
    show "rts_with_composites A  rts_with_composites B"
      using FG.preserve_rts_with_composites by auto
    show "rts_with_joins A  rts_with_joins B"
      using FG.preserve_rts_with_joins by auto

  lemma (in simulation) simulation_inv_intoI:
  assumes "inj_on F (Collect A.arr)" and "F ` (Collect A.arr) = Collect B.arr"
  and "t. ¬ B.arr t  inv_into (Collect A.arr) F t = A.null"
  and "t u. t B u 
               inv_into (Collect A.arr) F t A inv_into (Collect A.arr) F u"
  shows "simulation B A (inv_into (Collect A.arr) F)"
    show "t. ¬ B.arr t  inv_into (Collect A.arr) F t = A.null"
      using assms(3) by blast
    show "t u. t B u 
                   inv_into (Collect A.arr) F t A inv_into (Collect A.arr) F u"
      using assms(4) by blast
    show "t u. t B u 
                   inv_into (Collect A.arr) F (t \\B u) =
                   inv_into (Collect A.arr) F t \\A inv_into (Collect A.arr) F u"
      by (simp add: assms(1-2,4) f_inv_into_f inv_into_f_eq B.con_implies_arr(1-2))

section "Transformations"

  lemma (in transformation) preserves_arr:
  assumes "A.arr t"
  shows "B.arr (τ t)"
    by (metis A.ide_trg A.trg_def B.conI B.con_implies_arr(2) B.not_ide_null
        assms respects_cong)

  lemma (in transformation) preserves_con:
  assumes "t A u"
  shows "τ t B τ u" and "τ t B F u"
  proof -
    obtain a where a: "a  A.sources t  A.sources u"
      using assms(1)
      by (meson A.con_imp_common_source all_not_in_conv)
    have 1: "B.join_of (τ a) (F t) (τ t)  B.join_of (τ a) (F u) (τ u)"
      using a naturality3 by auto
    show "τ t B τ u"
      by (metis (full_types) "1" B.composite_ofE B.con_composite_of_iff
          B.cong_subst_left(1) B.join_ofE G.simulation_axioms IntD1 IntD2
          a assms naturality2_ax simulation.preserves_con)
    thus "τ t B F u"
      using assms
      by (meson "1" B.con_sym B.con_with_join_of_iff(2) B.join_of_symmetric)

  lemma (in transformation) naturality1':
  assumes "A.arr t"
  shows "B.composite_of (F t) (τ (A.trg t)) (τ t)"
    using assms
    by (metis A.src_in_sources B.join_ofE naturality1 naturality3)

  lemma (in transformation) naturality2':
  assumes "A.arr t"
  shows "B.composite_of (τ (A.src t)) (G t) (τ t)"
    by (metis A.src_in_sources B.join_ofE assms naturality2 naturality3)

  locale transformation_to_extensional_rts =
    transformation +
    B: extensional_rts B

    notation B.comp  (infixr B 55)
    notation B.join  (infixr B 52)

    lemma naturality1'E:
    shows "F t B τ (A.trg t) = τ t"
    and "A.arr t  B.composable (F t) (τ (A.trg t))"
    proof -
      show "F t B τ (A.trg t) = τ t"
        using naturality1' B.comp_is_composite_of(2)
        by (metis A.arr_trg_iff_arr B.comp_null(2) extensionality)
      thus "A.arr t  B.composable (F t) (τ (A.trg t))"
        by (simp add: B.composable_iff_arr_comp preserves_arr)

    lemma naturality2'E:
    shows "τ (A.src t) B G t = τ t"
    and "A.arr t  B.composable (τ (A.src t)) (G t)"
    proof -
      show "τ (A.src t) B G t = τ t"
        using naturality2' B.comp_is_composite_of(2)
        by (metis B.comp_null(2) G.extensionality extensionality)
      thus "A.arr t  B.composable (τ (A.src t)) (G t)"
        by (simp add: B.composable_iff_arr_comp preserves_arr)

    lemma naturality3'E:
    shows "τ (A.src t) B F t = τ t"
    and "A.arr t  B.joinable (τ (A.src t)) (F t)"
    proof -
      show "τ (A.src t) B F t = τ t"
        using naturality3
        by (metis B.extensional_rts_axioms B.join_expansion(1) B.joinable_iff_composable
            extensionality extensional_rts.join_def naturality2 naturality2'E(1-2))
      thus "A.arr t  B.joinable (τ (A.src t)) (F t)"
        by (metis B.joinable_iff_arr_join preserves_arr)

    lemma naturalityE:
    shows "τ (A.src t) B G t = F t B τ (A.trg t)"
      using naturality1'E(1) naturality2'E(1) by presburger

    lemma general_naturality:
    assumes "A.con x y"
    shows "τ x \\B F y = τ (x \\A y)"
    and "F x \\B τ y = G (x \\A y)"
    proof -
      show "τ x \\B F y = τ (x \\A y)"
        using assms
        by (metis A.con_imp_cong_src A.con_implies_arr(2) A.ide_src A.ide_trg
            A.src_resid B.resid_comp(2) G.preserves_resid naturality1 naturality2
            naturality2'E(1) preserves_con(2) respects_cong_ide)
      show "F x \\B τ y = G (x \\A y)"
        using assms
        by (metis A.arr_resid A.con_sym A.ide_src A.src_resid B.resid_comp(1)
            F.preserves_resid naturality1'E(1) naturality2 preserves_con(2)

     * TODO: Does this hold more generally?  I didn't immediately see how to generalize
     * the proof.
    lemma preserves_prfx:
    assumes "t A u"
    shows "τ t B τ u"
    proof -
      have "τ t \\B τ u = B.trg (τ (A.src t)) \\B (F u \\B τ (A.src t)) B
                            B.trg (F u) \\B (τ (A.src t) \\B F u)"
      proof -
        have "τ t \\B τ u = (τ (A.src t) B F t) \\B (τ (A.src t) B F u)"
          by (metis A.con_imp_cong_src A.con_implies_arr(2) A.ide_src
              A.prfx_implies_con assms naturality3'E(1) respects_cong_ide)
        also have "... = (τ (A.src t) \\B (τ (A.src t) B F u)) B
                         (F t \\B (τ (A.src t) B F u))"
          by (metis assms calculation A.con_implies_arr(2) A.con_sym
              A.prfx_implies_con B.arr_resid_iff_con B.con_sym B.resid_joinE(3)
              naturality3'E(2) preserves_con(1))
        also have "... = (τ (A.src t) \\B τ (A.src t)) \\B (F u \\B τ (A.src t)) B
                           (F t \\B F u) \\B (τ (A.src t) \\B F u)"
          by (metis (full_types) assms calculation A.prfx_implies_con
              B.arr_prfx_join_self B.conE B.conI B.join_def B.prfx_implies_con
              B.resid_joinE(1-2) B.null_is_zero(2) preserves_con(1))
        also have "... = B.trg (τ (A.src t)) \\B (F u \\B τ (A.src t)) B
                           B.trg (F u) \\B (τ (A.src t) \\B F u)"
          by (metis B.apex_arr_prfxWE(2) B.trg_def B.trg_ide F.preserves_prfx assms)
        finally show ?thesis by blast
      moreover have "B.ide ..."
      proof -
        have "B.ide (B.trg (τ (A.src t)) \\B (F u \\B τ (A.src t)))"
          by (metis A.not_arr_null A.src_def B.rts_axioms assms
              extensionality B.cong_char naturality2' preserves_con(2)
              A.arr_resid_iff_con B.arr_resid_iff_con B.cube A.ide_implies_arr
              B.trg_def rts.con_prfx_composite_of(2))
        moreover have "B.ide (B.trg (F u) \\B (τ (A.src t) \\B F u))"
          using B.apex_sym B.cube B.trg_def calculation by force
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (metis B.apex_sym B.ide_iff_src_self B.ide_implies_arr
              B.join_arr_self B.prfx_implies_con B.src_residWE)
      ultimately show ?thesis by simp


   * TODO: The (strong) extensionality assumption on B is used to guarantee the
   * existence of unique joins, so that the definition of map makes sense.
   * It might be possible to replace this by weak extensionality if the "joinable"
   * locale assumption is strengthened to state that exactly one join exists for
   * the indicated transitions.

  locale transformation_by_components =
    A: rts A +
    B: extensional_rts B + 
    F: simulation A B F +
    G: simulation A B G
  for A :: "'a resid"      (infix \A 55)
  and B :: "'b resid"      (infix \B 55)
  and F :: "'a  'b"
  and G :: "'a  'b"
  and τ :: "'a  'b" +
  assumes preserves_src: "A.ide a  B.src (τ a) = F a"
  and preserves_trg: "A.ide a  B.trg (τ a) = G a"
  and respects_cong_ide: "A.ide a; A.cong a a'  τ a = τ a'"
  and naturality1: "a  A.sources t  τ a \\B F t = τ (a \\A t)"
  and naturality2: "a  A.sources t  F t \\B τ a = G t"
  and joinable: "a  A.sources t  B.joinable (τ a) (F t)"

    notation B.comp  (infixr B 55)
    notation B.join  (infixr B 52)

    definition map
    where "map t = τ (A.src t) B F t"

    lemma map_eq:
    shows "map t = (if A.arr t then τ (A.src t) B F t else B.null)"
      unfolding map_def
      by (metis B.conE B.join_def B.joinable_implies_con B.null_is_zero(2)

    lemma map_simp_ide [simp]:
    assumes "A.ide a"
    shows "map a = τ a"
      using assms map_def
      by (simp add: B.join_prfx(2) naturality2 respects_cong_ide)

    sublocale transformation A B F G map
      using map_eq preserves_src preserves_trg naturality1 naturality2 joinable
      apply (unfold_locales)
            apply presburger
           apply (metis A.ide_backward_stable map_simp_ide respects_cong_ide)
          apply (metis map_simp_ide)
         apply (metis map_simp_ide)
        apply (metis A.in_sourcesE A.source_is_prfx map_simp_ide)
       apply (metis A.in_sourcesE map_simp_ide)
      by (metis A.con_implies_arr(1) A.in_sourcesE A.sources_are_cong
          A.src_in_sources B.join_is_join_of map_simp_ide respects_cong_ide)

    lemma is_transformation:
    shows "transformation A B F G map"


  locale identity_transformation =
    transformation +
  assumes identity: "A.ide a  B.ide (τ a)"

    lemma src_eq_trg:
    shows "F = G"
      fix x
      show "F x = G x"
        by (metis A.con_arr_src(2) A.ide_src B.resid_arr_ide
            F.extensionality G.extensionality identity naturality2 preserves_con(2)

    sublocale simulation ..


  lemma comp_identity_transformation:
  assumes "transformation A B F G T"
  shows "I B  T = T"
    using assms transformation.extensionality transformation.preserves_arr
    by fastforce

  lemma comp_transformation_identity:
  assumes "transformation A B F G T"
  shows "T  I A = T"
    using assms residuation.not_arr_null rts_def transformation.extensionality
    by fastforce

  locale constant_transformation =
    A: rts A +
    B: weakly_extensional_rts B
  for A :: "'a resid"      (infix \A 70)
  and B :: "'b resid"      (infix \B 70)
  and t :: 'b +
  assumes arr_t: "B.arr t"

    abbreviation map
    where "map x  if A.arr x then t else B.null"

    abbreviation F
    where "F A B (B.src t)"

    abbreviation G
    where "G A B (B.trg t)"

    interpretation F: simulation A B F
      using arr_t A.con_implies_arr B.resid_arr_ide
      by unfold_locales auto

    interpretation G: simulation A B G
      using arr_t A.con_implies_arr B.resid_arr_ide
      by unfold_locales auto

    sublocale transformation A B F G map
      using arr_t B.join_of_arr_src(2) A.ide_backward_stable A.ide_implies_arr
      apply unfold_locales
            apply argo
           apply meson
          apply (metis (full_types))
         apply (metis (full_types))
        apply (metis (full_types) A.arr_iff_has_source A.in_sourcesE A.source_is_prfx
          B.con_arr_src(2) B.con_imp_coinitial B.resid_ide(1) ex_in_conv B.ide_src)
       apply (metis (full_types) A.in_sourcesE B.null_is_zero(1) B.resid_src_arr)
      by (metis (full_types) A.con_implies_arr(1) A.in_sourcesE B.src_in_sources)

    lemma is_transformation:
    shows "transformation A B F G map"


  locale simulation_as_transformation =
    simulation +
    B: weakly_extensional_rts B

    sublocale transformation A B F F F
      using extensionality B.join_of_arr_src(1) A.con_sym B.resid_arr_ide
      apply unfold_locales
      by auto (meson B.ide_backward_stable B.weak_extensionality preserves_ide

    sublocale identity_transformation A B F F F
      by unfold_locales auto


  lemma transformation_eqI:
  assumes "transformation A B F G σ" and "transformation A B F H τ"
  and "extensional_rts B"
  and "a. residuation.ide A a  σ a = τ a"
  shows "σ = τ"
    interpret A:rts A
      using assms(1) simulation.axioms(1) transformation_def by blast
    interpret B: extensional_rts B
      using assms(3) by simp
    interpret F: simulation A B F
      using assms(1) transformation.axioms(3) by blast
    interpret G: simulation A B G
      using assms(1) transformation.axioms(4) by blast
    interpret σ: transformation A B F G σ
      using assms(1) by blast
    interpret τ: transformation A B F H τ
      using assms(2) by blast
    fix t
    show "σ t = τ t"
      by (metis A.prfx_reflexive A.trg_def B.composite_of_unique σ.extensionality
          σ.naturality1' τ.extensionality τ.naturality1' assms(4))

  lemma invertible_simulation_cancel_left':
  assumes "invertible_simulation A B H"
  shows "transformation C A F G S; transformation C A F G T;
          H  S = H  T
             S = T"
  proof -
    obtain K where K: "inverse_simulations A B K H"
      using assms(1) invertible_simulation.invertible by blast
    interpret HK: inverse_simulations A B K H
      using K by blast
    show "transformation C A F G S; transformation C A F G T;
           H  S = H  T
              S = T"
      by (metis HK.inv' HOL.ext comp_def transformation.extensionality

  lemma invertible_simulation_cancel_right':
  assumes "invertible_simulation A B H"
  shows "transformation B C F G S; transformation B C F G T;
          S  H = T  H
             S = T"
  proof -
    obtain K where K: "inverse_simulations A B K H"
      using assms(1) invertible_simulation.invertible by blast
    interpret HK: inverse_simulations A B K H
      using K by blast
    show "transformation B C F G S; transformation B C F G T;
           S  H = T  H
              S = T"
      by (metis HK.inv HOL.ext comp_def transformation.extensionality)

  section "Binary Simulations"

  locale binary_simulation_between_weakly_extensional_rts =
    binary_simulation +
    A1: weakly_extensional_rts A1 +
    A0: weakly_extensional_rts A0 +
    B: weakly_extensional_rts B

    interpretation A: product_of_weakly_extensional_rts A1 A0 ..
    sublocale simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A.resid B F ..

    lemma fixing_arr_gives_transformation_1:
    assumes "A1.arr t1"
    shows "transformation A0 B
             (λt0. F (A1.src t1, t0)) (λt0. F (A1.trg t1, t0))
             (λt0. F (t1, t0))"
    proof -
      interpret Fsrc: simulation A0 B λt0. F (A1.src t1, t0)
        using assms fixing_ide_gives_simulation_1 by simp
      interpret Fsrc: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A0 B
                        λt0. F (A1.src t1, t0)
      interpret Ftrg: simulation A0 B λt0. F (A1.trg t1, t0)
        using assms fixing_ide_gives_simulation_1 by simp
      interpret Ftrg: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A0 B
                        λt0. F (A1.trg t1, t0)
      show "transformation A0 B
              (λt0. F (A1.src t1, t0)) (λt0. F (A1.trg t1, t0))
              (λt0. F (t1, t0))"
        show "f. ¬ A0.arr f  F (t1, f) = B.null"
          by (simp add: extensionality)
        show "f. A0.ide f  B.src (F (t1, f)) = F (A1.src t1, f)"
          using assms B.src_eqI by simp
        show "f. A0.ide f  B.trg (F (t1, f)) = F (A1.trg t1, f)"
          by (metis assms fixing_ide_gives_simulation_0 simulation.preserves_trg)
        show "a a'. A0.ide a; A0.cong a a'  F (t1, a) = F (t1, a')"
          using A0.ide_backward_stable A0.weak_extensionality by blast
        fix a f
        assume f: "a  A0.sources f"
        show "F (t1, a) \\B F (A1.src t1, f) = F (t1, a \\A0 f)"
          by (metis A.resid_def A0.prfx_implies_con
              A1.con_arr_src(1) A1.resid_arr_src assms f fst_conv
              preserves_resid A.con_char A0.source_is_prfx snd_conv)
        show "F (A1.src t1, f) \\B F (t1, a) = F (A1.trg t1, f)"
          by (metis A.resid_def  A1.con_arr_src(2) A1.resid_src_arr assms f
              fst_conv preserves_resid A.con_char A0.in_sourcesE
              A0.resid_arr_ide snd_conv)
        show "B.join_of (F (t1, a)) (F (A1.src t1, f)) (F (t1, f))"
          by (metis A.join_of_char(1) A0.con_implies_arr(2)
              A1.join_of_arr_src(2) A1.src_in_sources assms f fst_conv preserves_joins
              A0.join_of_arr_src(1) A0.prfx_implies_con A0.source_is_prfx snd_conv)

    lemma fixing_arr_gives_transformation_0:
    assumes "A0.arr t2"
    shows "transformation A1 B
             (λt1. F (t1, A0.src t2)) (λt1. F (t1, A0.trg t2))
             (λt1. F (t1, t2))"
    proof -
      interpret Fsrc: simulation A1 B λt1. F (t1, A0.src t2)
        using assms fixing_ide_gives_simulation_0 by simp
      interpret Fsrc: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A1 B
        λt1. F (t1, A0.src t2)
      interpret Ftrg: simulation A1 B λt1. F (t1, A0.trg t2)
        using assms fixing_ide_gives_simulation_0 by simp
      interpret Ftrg: simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts A1 B
                        λt1. F (t1, A0.trg t2)
      show "transformation A1 B
              (λt1. F (t1, A0.src t2)) (λt1. F (t1, A0.trg t2))
              (λt1. F (t1, t2))"
        show "f. ¬ A1.arr f  F (f, t2) = B.null"
          by (simp add: extensionality)
        show "f. A1.ide f  B.src (F (f, t2)) = F (f, A0.src t2)"
          using assms B.src_eqI by simp
        show "f. A1.ide f  B.trg (F (f, t2)) = F (f, A0.trg t2)"
          by (metis assms fixing_ide_gives_simulation_1 simulation.preserves_trg)
        show "a a'. A1.ide a; A1.cong a a'  F (a, t2) = F (a', t2)"
          using A1.ide_backward_stable A1.weak_extensionality by blast

        fix a f
        assume f: "a  A1.sources f"
        show "F (a, t2) \\B F (f, A0.src t2) = F (a \\A1 f, t2)"
          by (metis A.resid_def A0.resid_arr_src
              A1.prfx_implies_con assms f fst_conv preserves_resid
              A.con_char A0.con_arr_src(1) A1.source_is_prfx snd_conv)
        show "F (f, A0.src t2) \\B F (a, t2) = F (f, A0.trg t2)"
          by (metis A.con_char A.resid_def A0.con_arr_src(2)
              A0.resid_src_arr assms f fst_conv preserves_resid
              A1.in_sourcesE A1.resid_arr_ide snd_conv)
        show "B.join_of (F (a, t2)) (F (f, A0.src t2)) (F (f, t2))"
          by (metis A.join_of_char(1) A0.join_of_arr_src(2) A0.src_in_sources
              A1.in_sourcesE assms f fst_conv preserves_joins
              A1.con_implies_arr(1) A1.join_of_arr_src(1) snd_conv)


  locale transformation_of_binary_simulations =
    A1: rts A1 +
    A0: rts A0 +
    B: weakly_extensional_rts B +
    A1xA0: product_rts A1 A0 +
    F: binary_simulation A1 A0 B F +
    G: binary_simulation A1 A0 B G +
    transformation A1xA0.resid B F G τ
  for A1 :: "'a1 resid"     (infix \A1 55)
  and A0 :: "'a0 resid"     (infix \A0 55)
  and B :: "'b resid"       (infix \B 55)
  and F :: "'a1 * 'a0  'b"
  and G :: "'a1 * 'a0  'b"
  and τ :: "'a1 * 'a0  'b"

    notation A0.con     (infix A0 50)
    notation A0.prfx    (infix A0 50)
    notation A0.cong    (infix A0 50)

    notation A1.con     (infix A1 50)
    notation A1.prfx    (infix A1 50)
    notation A1.cong    (infix A1 50)

    notation B.con     (infix B 50)
    notation B.prfx    (infix B 50)
    notation B.cong    (infix B 50)

    notation A1xA0.resid    (infix \A1xA0 55)

    sublocale A1xA0: product_rts A1 A0 ..

    lemma fixing_ide_gives_transformation_1:
    assumes "A1.ide a1"
    shows "transformation A0 B (λf0. F (a1, f0)) (λf0. G (a1, f0))
             (λf0. τ (a1, f0))"
    proof -
      interpret Fa1: simulation A0 B λf0. F (a1, f0)
        using assms F.fixing_ide_gives_simulation_1 by simp
      interpret Ga1: simulation A0 B λf0. G (a1, f0)
        using assms "G.fixing_ide_gives_simulation_1" by simp
      show ?thesis
        fix f
        show "¬ A0.arr f  τ (a1, f) = B.null"
          by (simp add: extensionality)
        show "A0.ide f  B.src (τ (a1, f)) = F (a1, f)"
          using assms preserves_src by force
        show "A0.ide f  B.trg (τ (a1, f)) = G (a1, f)"
          by (simp add: assms preserves_trg)
        show "a a'. A0.ide a; a A0 a'  τ (a1, a) = τ (a1, a')"
          using A1xA0.prfx_char assms respects_cong_ide by auto
        fix a
        assume f: "a  A0.sources f"
        show "τ (a1, a) \\B F (a1, f) = τ (a1, a \\A0 f)"
        proof -
          have "A1xA0.con (a1, a) (a1, f)"
            using assms f A1xA0.con_char A0.prfx_implies_con A0.source_is_prfx
            by fastforce
          thus ?thesis
            using assms f naturality1_ax A1xA0.resid_def by fastforce
        show "F (a1, f) \\B τ (a1, a) = G (a1, f)"
          using assms f naturality2_ax by auto
        show "B.join_of (τ (a1, a)) (F (a1, f)) (τ (a1, f))"
          using assms f naturality3 by auto

    lemma fixing_ide_gives_transformation_0:
    assumes "A0.ide a0"
    shows "transformation A1 B (λf1. F (f1, a0)) (λf1. G (f1, a0))
             (λf1. τ (f1, a0))"
    proof -
      interpret Fa0: simulation A1 B λf1. F (f1, a0)
        using assms F.fixing_ide_gives_simulation_0 by simp
      interpret Ga0: simulation A1 B λf1. G (f1, a0)
        using assms "G.fixing_ide_gives_simulation_0" by simp
      show ?thesis
        fix f
        show "¬ A1.arr f  τ (f, a0) = B.null"
          by (simp add: extensionality)
        show "A1.ide f  B.src (τ (f, a0)) = F (f, a0)"
          by (simp add: assms preserves_src)
        show "A1.ide f  B.trg (τ (f, a0)) = G (f, a0)"
          by (simp add: assms preserves_trg)
        show "a a'. A1.ide a; a A1 a'  τ (a, a0) = τ (a', a0)"
          using A1xA0.prfx_char assms respects_cong_ide by auto
        fix a
        assume f: "a  A1.sources f"
        show "τ (a, a0) \\B F (f, a0) = τ (a \\A1 f, a0)"
        proof -
          have "A1xA0.con (a, a0) (f, a0)"
            by (simp add: A1.rts_axioms assms f rts.prfx_implies_con rts.source_is_prfx)
          thus ?thesis
            using assms f A1xA0.resid_def
            by (metis A0.ideE A1.source_is_ide A1xA0.con_char A1xA0.con_sym
                A1xA0.ide_char A1xA0.in_sourcesI fst_conv naturality1_ax snd_conv)
        show "F (f, a0) \\B τ (a, a0) = G (f, a0)"
          using assms f naturality2_ax by auto
        show "B.join_of (τ (a, a0)) (F (f, a0)) (τ (f, a0))"
          using assms f naturality3 by auto


  section "Horizontal Composite of Transformations"

  lemma transformation_whisker_left:
  assumes "transformation A B F G τ" and "simulation B C H"
  and "weakly_extensional_rts C"
  shows "transformation A C (H  F) (H  G) (H  τ)"
  proof -
    interpret C: weakly_extensional_rts C
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret τ: transformation A B F G τ
      using assms by blast
    interpret H: simulation B C H
      using assms by blast
    interpret HoF: composite_simulation A B C F H ..
    interpret HoG: composite_simulation A B C G H ..
    show ?thesis
      fix t
      show "¬ τ.A.arr t  (H  τ) t = C.null"
        by (simp add: H.extensionality τ.extensionality)
      show "τ.A.ide t  C.src ((H  τ) t) = t"
        by (metis C.src_eqI H.preserves_con HoF.preserves_ide τ.A.ide_implies_arr
            τ.B.con_arr_src(2) τ.preserves_arr τ.preserves_src comp_eq_dest_lhs)
      show "τ.A.ide t  C.trg ((H  τ) t) = t"
        by (metis H.preserves_trg τ.A.ide_implies_arr τ.preserves_arr
            τ.preserves_trg comp_apply)
      show "a a'. τ.A.ide a; τ.A.cong a a'  (H  τ) a = (H  τ) a'"
        using τ.respects_cong_ide by auto
      fix a
      assume t: "a  τ.A.sources t"
      show "C ((H  τ) a) ( t) = (H  τ) (A a t)"
        by (metis H.preserves_resid τ.A.con_sym τ.A.in_sourcesE τ.naturality1_ax
            τ.preserves_con(2) comp_apply t)
      show "C ( t) ((H  τ) a) = t"
        by (metis H.preserves_resid τ.A.con_implies_arr(1) τ.A.in_sourcesE
            τ.B.arr_resid_iff_con τ.G.preserves_reflects_arr τ.naturality2_ax
            comp_apply t)
      show "C.join_of ((H  τ) a) ( t) ((H  τ) t)"
        using H.preserves_joins τ.naturality3 t by auto

  lemma transformation_whisker_right:
  assumes "transformation B C F G τ" and "simulation A B H"
  and "rts A"
  shows "transformation A C (F  H) (G  H) (τ  H)"
  proof -
    interpret A: rts A
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret τ: transformation B C F G τ
      using assms by blast
    interpret H: simulation A B H
      using assms by blast
    interpret FoH: composite_simulation A B C H F ..
    interpret GoH: composite_simulation A B C H G ..
    show ?thesis
      fix t
      show "¬ A.arr t  (τ  H) t = τ.B.null"
        by (simp add: τ.extensionality)
      show "A.ide t  τ.B.src ((τ  H) t) = t"
        by (simp add: τ.preserves_src)
      show "A.ide t  τ.B.trg ((τ  H) t) = t"
        by (simp add: τ.preserves_trg)
      show "a a'. A.ide a; a A a'  (τ  H) a = (τ  H) a'"
        using H.preserves_prfx τ.respects_cong_ide by auto
      fix a
      assume t: "a  A.sources t"
      show "C ((τ  H) a) ( t) = (τ  H) (A a t)"
        using A.prfx_implies_con A.source_is_prfx τ.naturality1_ax t by auto
      show "C ( t) ((τ  H) a) = t"
        using τ.naturality2_ax t by auto
      show "τ.B.join_of ((τ  H) a) ( t) ((τ  H) t)"
        using τ.naturality3 t by auto

    Horizontal composition of transformations requires reasoning about joins
    which it is not clear that it is possible to do unless extensionality is assumed.

  lemma horizontal_composite:
  assumes "transformation B C F G σ" and "transformation A B H K τ"
  and "extensional_rts B" and "extensional_rts C"
  shows "transformation A C (F  H) (G  K) (σ  τ)"
  proof -
    interpret A: rts A
      using assms(2) transformation_def by blast
    interpret B: extensional_rts B
      using assms(3) by blast
    interpret C: extensional_rts C
      using assms(4) by blast
    interpret σ: transformation B C F G σ
      using assms by blast
    interpret σ: transformation_to_extensional_rts B C F G σ ..
    interpret τ: transformation A B H K τ
      using assms by blast
    interpret τ: transformation_to_extensional_rts A B H K τ ..
    interpret FoH: composite_simulation A B C H F ..
    interpret GoH: composite_simulation A B C H G ..
    interpret FoK: composite_simulation A B C K F ..
    interpret GoK: composite_simulation A B C K G ..
    show ?thesis
       write A  (infix \A 55)
       write B  (infix \B 55)
       write C  (infix \C 55)
       write B.join  (infixr B 52)
       write C.join  (infixr C 52)
       fix t
       show "¬ A.arr t  (σ  τ) t = C.null"
         by (simp add: σ.extensionality τ.extensionality)
       show "a a'. A.ide a; a A a'  (σ  τ) a = (σ  τ) a'"
         by (simp add: τ.respects_cong_ide)
       show "A.ide t  C.src ((σ  τ) t) = t"
         by (metis A.residuation_axioms B.rts_axioms C.src_composite_of σ.naturality2'
             σ.preserves_src τ.preserves_arr τ.preserves_src comp_apply
             residuation.ide_implies_arr rts.ide_src)
       show "A.ide t  C.trg ((σ  τ) t) = t"
         by (metis A.ide_implies_arr C.trg_composite_of σ.G.preserves_trg σ.naturality2'
             τ.preserves_arr τ.preserves_trg comp_eq_dest_lhs)
       fix a
       assume t: "a  A.sources t"
       show "(σ  τ) a \\C t = (σ  τ) (A a t)"
         by (simp add: A.rts_axioms A.source_is_prfx σ.general_naturality(1)
             τ.naturality1_ax τ.preserves_con(2) rts.prfx_implies_con t)
       show " t \\C (σ  τ) a = t"
         by (metis A.rts_axioms B.con_sym σ.general_naturality(2) τ.naturality2_ax
             τ.preserves_con(2) comp_eq_dest_lhs rts.prfx_implies_con rts.source_is_prfx t)
       show "C.join_of ((σ  τ) a) ( t) ((σ  τ) t)"
       proof -
         have "σ (τ a) C F (H t) = σ (τ t)"
         proof (intro C.join_eqI)
           show 1: "C.prfx (σ (τ a)) (σ (τ t))"
             by (simp add: A.source_is_prfx σ.preserves_prfx τ.preserves_prfx t)
           show 2: "C.prfx (F (H t)) (σ (τ t))"
             using t
             by (metis "1" B.arr_resid_iff_con B.composite_ofE B.ide_implies_arr
                 C.not_con_null(2) C.prfx_implies_con ¬ A.arr t  (σ  τ) t = C.null
                 σ.G.preserves_ide σ.general_naturality(2) τ.naturality1' comp_apply)
           show 3: "σ (τ t) \\C F (H t) = σ (τ a) \\C F (H t)"
             by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "1" A.arrE A.con_sym A.in_sourcesE
                 A.resid_arr_self A.src_congI C.not_ide_null C.null_is_zero(2)
                 ¬ A.arr t  (σ  τ) t = C.null σ.general_naturality(1) τ.general_naturality(1)
                 τ.naturality1 τ.preserves_con(2) τ.respects_cong_ide comp_eq_dest_lhs t)
           show "σ (τ t) \\C σ (τ a) = F (H t) \\C σ (τ a)"
              * using t 1 2 3 C.apex_arr_prfx(1) C.apex_sym C.cube C.extensionality C.ideE C.trg_def
              * by (smt (verit, del_insts))
           proof -
             have "σ (τ t) \\C σ (τ a) =
                   (σ (τ a) C F (H t)) \\C σ (τ a)"
             proof -
               have "σ (τ t) = σ (τ a) C F (H t)"
                 by (metis "2" "3" C.comp_eqI C.composable_iff_comp_not_null C.join_def
                     C.join_expansion(1) C.join_sym C.joinable_iff_composable)
               thus ?thesis by argo
             also have "... = F (H t) \\C σ (τ a)"
               by (metis "1" C.arr_prfx_join_self C.comp_eqI C.comp_resid_prfx
                   C.con_sym_ax C.join_def C.join_expansion(1) C.null_is_zero(2)
                   σ.extensionality σ.preserves_arr calculation)
             finally show ?thesis by blast
         thus ?thesis
           using t
           by (metis A.con_implies_arr(1) A.in_sourcesE C.join_is_join_of
               C.joinable_iff_join_not_null C.not_arr_null σ.preserves_arr τ.preserves_arr
