Theory ResiduatedTransitionSystem
chapter "Residuated Transition Systems"
theory ResiduatedTransitionSystem
imports Main "HOL-Library.FuncSet"
section "Basic Definitions and Properties"
subsection "Partial Magmas"
text ‹
A \emph{partial magma} consists simply of a partial binary operation.
We represent the partiality by assuming the existence of a unique value ‹null›
that behaves as a zero for the operation.
locale partial_magma =
fixes OP :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a"
assumes ex_un_null: "∃!n. ∀t. OP n t = n ∧ OP t n = n"
definition null :: 'a
where "null = (THE n. ∀t. OP n t = n ∧ OP t n = n)"
lemma null_eqI:
assumes "⋀t. OP n t = n ∧ OP t n = n"
shows "n = null"
using assms null_def ex_un_null the1_equality [of "λn. ∀t. OP n t = n ∧ OP t n = n"]
by auto
lemma null_is_zero [simp]:
shows "OP null t = null" and "OP t null = null"
using null_def ex_un_null theI' [of "λn. ∀t. OP n t = n ∧ OP t n = n"]
by auto
subsection "Residuation"
text ‹
A \emph{residuation} is a partial magma subject to three axioms.
The first, ‹con_sym_ax›, states that the domain of a residuation is symmetric.
The second, ‹con_imp_arr_resid›, constrains the results of residuation either to be ‹null›,
which indicates inconsistency, or something that is self-consistent, which we will
define below to be an ``arrow''.
The ``cube axiom'', ‹cube_ax›, states that if ‹v› can be transported by residuation
around one side of the ``commuting square'' formed by ‹t› and ‹u \ t›, then it can also
be transported around the other side, formed by ‹u› and ‹t \ u›, with the same result.
type_synonym 'a resid = "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a"
locale residuation = partial_magma resid
for resid :: "'a resid" (infix ‹\› 70) +
assumes con_sym_ax: "t \\ u ≠ null ⟹ u \\ t ≠ null"
and con_imp_arr_resid: "t \\ u ≠ null ⟹ (t \\ u) \\ (t \\ u) ≠ null"
and cube_ax: "(v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) ≠ null ⟹ (v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) = (v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
text ‹
The axiom ‹cube_ax› is equivalent to the following unconditional form.
The locale assumptions use the weaker form to avoid having to treat
the case ‹(v \ t) \ (u \ t) = null› specially for every interpretation.
lemma cube:
shows "(v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) = (v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
using cube_ax by metis
text ‹
We regard ‹t› and ‹u› as \emph{consistent} if the residuation ‹t \ u› is defined.
It is convenient to make this a definition, with associated notation.
definition con (infix ‹⌢› 50)
where "t ⌢ u ≡ t \\ u ≠ null"
lemma conI [intro]:
assumes "t \\ u ≠ null"
shows "t ⌢ u"
using assms con_def by blast
lemma conE [elim]:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
and "t \\ u ≠ null ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms con_def by simp
lemma con_sym:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
shows "u ⌢ t"
using assms con_def con_sym_ax by blast
text ‹
We call ‹t› an \emph{arrow} if it is self-consistent.
definition arr
where "arr t ≡ t ⌢ t"
lemma arrI [intro]:
assumes "t ⌢ t"
shows "arr t"
using assms arr_def by simp
lemma arrE [elim]:
assumes "arr t"
and "t ⌢ t ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms arr_def by simp
lemma not_arr_null [simp]:
shows "¬ arr null"
by (auto simp add: con_def)
lemma con_implies_arr:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
shows "arr t" and "arr u"
using assms
by (metis arrI con_def con_imp_arr_resid cube null_is_zero(2))+
lemma arr_resid [simp]:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
shows "arr (t \\ u)"
using assms con_imp_arr_resid by blast
lemma arr_resid_iff_con:
shows "arr (t \\ u) ⟷ t ⌢ u"
by auto
lemma con_arr_self [simp]:
assumes "arr f"
shows "f ⌢ f"
using assms arrE by auto
lemma not_con_null [simp]:
shows "con null t = False" and "con t null = False"
by auto
text ‹
The residuation of an arrow along itself is the \emph{canonical target} of the arrow.
definition trg
where "trg t ≡ t \\ t"
lemma resid_arr_self:
shows "t \\ t = trg t"
using trg_def by auto
lemma arr_trg_iff_arr:
shows "arr (trg t) ⟷ arr t"
by (metis arrI arrE arr_resid_iff_con resid_arr_self)
text ‹
An \emph{identity} is an arrow that is its own target.
definition ide
where "ide a ≡ a ⌢ a ∧ a \\ a = a"
lemma ideI [intro]:
assumes "a ⌢ a" and "a \\ a = a"
shows "ide a"
using assms ide_def by auto
lemma ideE [elim]:
assumes "ide a"
and "⟦a ⌢ a; a \\ a = a⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms ide_def by blast
lemma ide_implies_arr [simp]:
assumes "ide a"
shows "arr a"
using assms by blast
lemma not_ide_null [simp]:
shows "ide null = False"
by auto
subsection "Residuated Transition System"
text ‹
A \emph{residuated transition system} consists of a residuation subject to
additional axioms that concern the relationship between identities and residuation.
These axioms make it possible to sensibly associate with each arrow certain nonempty
sets of identities called the \emph{sources} and \emph{targets} of the arrow.
Axiom ‹ide_trg› states that the canonical target ‹trg t› of an arrow ‹t› is an identity.
Axiom ‹resid_arr_ide› states that identities are right units for residuation,
when it is defined.
Axiom ‹resid_ide_arr› states that the residuation of an identity along an arrow is
again an identity, assuming that the residuation is defined.
Axiom ‹con_imp_coinitial_ax› states that if arrows ‹t› and ‹u› are consistent,
then there is an identity that is consistent with both of them (\emph{i.e.}~they
have a common source).
Axiom ‹con_target› states that an identity of the form ‹t \ u›
(which may be regarded as a ``target'' of ‹u›) is consistent with any other
arrow ‹v \ u› obtained by residuation along ‹u›.
We note that replacing the premise ‹ide (t \ u)› in this axiom by either ‹arr (t \ u)›
or ‹t ⌢ u› would result in a strictly stronger statement.
locale rts = residuation +
assumes ide_trg [simp]: "arr t ⟹ ide (trg t)"
and resid_arr_ide: "⟦ide a; t ⌢ a⟧ ⟹ t \\ a = t"
and resid_ide_arr [simp]: "⟦ide a; a ⌢ t⟧ ⟹ ide (a \\ t)"
and con_imp_coinitial_ax: "t ⌢ u ⟹ ∃a. ide a ∧ a ⌢ t ∧ a ⌢ u"
and con_target: "⟦ide (t \\ u); u ⌢ v⟧ ⟹ t \\ u ⌢ v \\ u"
text ‹
We define the \emph{sources} of an arrow ‹t› to be the identities that
are consistent with ‹t›.
definition sources
where "sources t = {a. ide a ∧ t ⌢ a}"
text ‹
We define the \emph{targets} of an arrow ‹t› to be the identities that
are consistent with the canonical target ‹trg t›.
definition targets
where "targets t = {b. ide b ∧ trg t ⌢ b}"
lemma in_sourcesI [intro, simp]:
assumes "ide a" and "t ⌢ a"
shows "a ∈ sources t"
using assms sources_def by simp
lemma in_sourcesE [elim]:
assumes "a ∈ sources t"
and "⟦ide a; t ⌢ a⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms sources_def by auto
lemma in_targetsI [intro, simp]:
assumes "ide b" and "trg t ⌢ b"
shows "b ∈ targets t"
using assms targets_def resid_arr_self by simp
lemma in_targetsE [elim]:
assumes "b ∈ targets t"
and "⟦ide b; trg t ⌢ b⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms targets_def resid_arr_self by force
lemma trg_in_targets:
assumes "arr t"
shows "trg t ∈ targets t"
using assms
by (meson ideE ide_trg in_targetsI)
lemma source_is_ide:
assumes "a ∈ sources t"
shows "ide a"
using assms by blast
lemma target_is_ide:
assumes "a ∈ targets t"
shows "ide a"
using assms by blast
text ‹
Consistent arrows have a common source.
lemma con_imp_common_source:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
shows "sources t ∩ sources u ≠ {}"
using assms
by (meson disjoint_iff in_sourcesI con_imp_coinitial_ax con_sym)
text ‹
Arrows are characterized by the property of having a nonempty set of sources,
or equivalently, by that of having a nonempty set of targets.
lemma arr_iff_has_source:
shows "arr t ⟷ sources t ≠ {}"
using con_imp_common_source con_implies_arr(1) sources_def by blast
lemma arr_iff_has_target:
shows "arr t ⟷ targets t ≠ {}"
using trg_def trg_in_targets by fastforce
text ‹
The residuation of a source of an arrow along that arrow gives a target
of the same arrow.
However, it is \emph{not} true that every target of an arrow ‹t› is of the
form ‹u \ t› for some ‹u› with ‹t ⌢ u›.
lemma resid_source_in_targets:
assumes "a ∈ sources t"
shows "a \\ t ∈ targets t"
by (metis arr_resid assms con_target con_sym resid_arr_ide ide_trg
in_sourcesE resid_ide_arr in_targetsI resid_arr_self)
text ‹
Residuation along an identity reflects identities.
lemma ide_backward_stable:
assumes "ide a" and "ide (t \\ a)"
shows "ide t"
by (metis assms ideE resid_arr_ide arr_resid_iff_con)
lemma resid_reflects_con:
assumes "t ⌢ v" and "u ⌢ v" and "t \\ v ⌢ u \\ v"
shows "t ⌢ u"
using assms cube
by (elim conE) auto
lemma con_transitive_on_ide:
assumes "ide a" and "ide b" and "ide c"
shows "⟦a ⌢ b; b ⌢ c⟧ ⟹ a ⌢ c"
using assms
by (metis resid_arr_ide con_target con_sym)
lemma sources_are_con:
assumes "a ∈ sources t" and "a' ∈ sources t"
shows "a ⌢ a'"
using assms
by (metis (no_types, lifting) CollectD con_target con_sym resid_ide_arr
sources_def resid_reflects_con)
lemma sources_con_closed:
assumes "a ∈ sources t" and "ide a'" and "a ⌢ a'"
shows "a' ∈ sources t"
using assms
by (metis (no_types, lifting) con_target con_sym resid_arr_ide
mem_Collect_eq sources_def)
lemma sources_eqI:
assumes "sources t ∩ sources t' ≠ {}"
shows "sources t = sources t'"
using assms sources_def sources_are_con sources_con_closed by blast
lemma targets_are_con:
assumes "b ∈ targets t" and "b' ∈ targets t"
shows "b ⌢ b'"
using assms sources_are_con sources_def targets_def by blast
lemma targets_con_closed:
assumes "b ∈ targets t" and "ide b'" and "b ⌢ b'"
shows "b' ∈ targets t"
using assms sources_con_closed sources_def targets_def by blast
lemma targets_eqI:
assumes "targets t ∩ targets t' ≠ {}"
shows "targets t = targets t'"
using assms targets_def targets_are_con targets_con_closed by blast
text ‹
Arrows are \emph{coinitial} if they have a common source, and \emph{coterminal}
if they have a common target.
definition coinitial
where "coinitial t u ≡ sources t ∩ sources u ≠ {}"
definition coterminal
where "coterminal t u ≡ targets t ∩ targets u ≠ {}"
lemma coinitialI [intro]:
assumes "arr t" and "sources t = sources u"
shows "coinitial t u"
using assms coinitial_def arr_iff_has_source by simp
lemma coinitialE [elim]:
assumes "coinitial t u"
and "⟦arr t; arr u; sources t = sources u⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms coinitial_def sources_eqI arr_iff_has_source by auto
lemma con_imp_coinitial:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
shows "coinitial t u"
using assms
by (simp add: coinitial_def con_imp_common_source)
lemma coinitial_iff:
shows "coinitial t t' ⟷ arr t ∧ arr t' ∧ sources t = sources t'"
by (metis arr_iff_has_source coinitial_def inf_idem sources_eqI)
lemma coterminal_iff:
shows "coterminal t t' ⟷ arr t ∧ arr t' ∧ targets t = targets t'"
by (metis arr_iff_has_target coterminal_def inf_idem targets_eqI)
lemma coterminal_iff_con_trg:
shows "coterminal t u ⟷ trg t ⌢ trg u"
by (metis coinitial_iff con_imp_coinitial coterminal_iff in_targetsE trg_in_targets
resid_arr_self arr_resid_iff_con sources_def targets_def)
lemma coterminalI [intro]:
assumes "arr t" and "targets t = targets u"
shows "coterminal t u"
using assms coterminal_iff arr_iff_has_target by auto
lemma coterminalE [elim]:
assumes "coterminal t u"
and "⟦arr t; arr u; targets t = targets u⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms coterminal_iff by auto
lemma sources_resid [simp]:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
shows "sources (t \\ u) = targets u"
unfolding targets_def trg_def
using assms conI conE
by (metis con_imp_arr_resid assms coinitial_iff con_imp_coinitial
cube ex_un_null sources_def)
lemma targets_resid_sym:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
shows "targets (t \\ u) = targets (u \\ t)"
using assms
apply (intro targets_eqI)
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms cube inf_idem arr_iff_has_target arr_def
arr_resid_iff_con sources_resid)
text ‹
Arrows ‹t› and ‹u› are \emph{sequential} if the set of targets of ‹t› equals
the set of sources of ‹u›.
definition seq
where "seq t u ≡ arr t ∧ arr u ∧ targets t = sources u"
lemma seqI [intro]:
shows "⟦arr t; targets t = sources u⟧ ⟹ seq t u"
and "⟦arr u; targets t = sources u⟧ ⟹ seq t u"
using seq_def arr_iff_has_source arr_iff_has_target by metis+
lemma seqE [elim]:
assumes "seq t u"
and "⟦arr t; arr u; targets t = sources u⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms seq_def by blast
subsubsection "Congruence of Transitions"
text ‹
Residuation induces a preorder ‹≲› on transitions, defined by ‹t ≲ u› if and only if
‹t \ u› is an identity.
abbreviation prfx (infix ‹≲› 50)
where "t ≲ u ≡ ide (t \\ u)"
lemma prfxE:
assumes "t ≲ u"
and "ide (t \\ u) ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms by fastforce
lemma prfx_implies_con:
assumes "t ≲ u"
shows "t ⌢ u"
using assms arr_resid_iff_con by blast
lemma prfx_reflexive:
assumes "arr t"
shows "t ≲ t"
by (simp add: assms resid_arr_self)
lemma prfx_transitive [trans]:
assumes "t ≲ u" and "u ≲ v"
shows "t ≲ v"
using assms con_target resid_ide_arr ide_backward_stable cube conI
by metis
lemma source_is_prfx:
assumes "a ∈ sources t"
shows "a ≲ t"
using assms resid_source_in_targets by blast
text ‹
The equivalence ‹∼› associated with ‹≲› is substitutive with respect to residuation.
abbreviation cong (infix ‹∼› 50)
where "t ∼ u ≡ t ≲ u ∧ u ≲ t"
lemma congE:
assumes "t ∼ u "
and "⟦t ⌢ u; ide (t \\ u); ide (u \\ t)⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms prfx_implies_con by blast
lemma cong_reflexive:
assumes "arr t"
shows "t ∼ t"
using assms prfx_reflexive by simp
lemma cong_symmetric:
assumes "t ∼ u"
shows "u ∼ t"
using assms by simp
lemma cong_transitive [trans]:
assumes "t ∼ u" and "u ∼ v"
shows "t ∼ v"
using assms prfx_transitive by auto
lemma cong_subst_left:
assumes "t ∼ t'" and "t ⌢ u"
shows "t' ⌢ u" and "t \\ u ∼ t' \\ u"
apply (meson assms con_sym con_target prfx_implies_con resid_reflects_con)
by (metis assms con_sym con_target cube prfx_implies_con resid_ide_arr resid_reflects_con)
lemma cong_subst_right:
assumes "u ∼ u'" and "t ⌢ u"
shows "t ⌢ u'" and "t \\ u ∼ t \\ u'"
proof -
have 1: "t ⌢ u' ∧ t \\ u' ⌢ u \\ u' ∧
(t \\ u) \\ (u' \\ u) = (t \\ u') \\ (u \\ u')"
using assms cube con_sym con_target cong_subst_left(1) by meson
show "t ⌢ u'"
using 1 by simp
show "t \\ u ∼ t \\ u'"
by (metis 1 arr_resid_iff_con assms(1) cong_reflexive resid_arr_ide)
lemma cong_implies_coinitial:
assumes "u ∼ u'"
shows "coinitial u u'"
using assms con_imp_coinitial prfx_implies_con by simp
lemma cong_implies_coterminal:
assumes "u ∼ u'"
shows "coterminal u u'"
using assms
by (metis con_implies_arr(1) coterminalI ideE prfx_implies_con sources_resid
lemma ide_imp_con_iff_cong:
assumes "ide t" and "ide u"
shows "t ⌢ u ⟷ t ∼ u"
using assms
by (metis con_sym resid_ide_arr prfx_implies_con)
lemma sources_are_cong:
assumes "a ∈ sources t" and "a' ∈ sources t"
shows "a ∼ a'"
using assms sources_are_con
by (metis CollectD ide_imp_con_iff_cong sources_def)
lemma sources_cong_closed:
assumes "a ∈ sources t" and "a ∼ a'"
shows "a' ∈ sources t"
using assms sources_def
by (meson in_sourcesE in_sourcesI cong_subst_right(1) ide_backward_stable)
lemma targets_are_cong:
assumes "b ∈ targets t" and "b' ∈ targets t"
shows "b ∼ b'"
using assms(1-2) sources_are_cong sources_def targets_def by blast
lemma targets_cong_closed:
assumes "b ∈ targets t" and "b ∼ b'"
shows "b' ∈ targets t"
using assms targets_def sources_cong_closed sources_def by blast
lemma targets_char:
shows "targets t = {b. arr t ∧ t \\ t ∼ b}"
unfolding targets_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) con_def con_implies_arr(2) con_sym cong_reflexive
ide_def resid_arr_ide trg_def)
lemma coinitial_ide_are_cong:
assumes "ide a" and "ide a'" and "coinitial a a'"
shows "a ∼ a'"
using assms coinitial_def
by (metis ideE in_sourcesI coinitialE sources_are_cong)
lemma cong_respects_seq:
assumes "seq t u" and "cong t t'" and "cong u u'"
shows "seq t' u'"
by (metis assms coterminalE coinitialE cong_implies_coinitial
cong_implies_coterminal seqE seqI(1))
subsubsection "Chosen Sources"
text ‹
In a general RTS, sources are not unique and (in contrast to the case for targets)
there isn't even any canonical source. However, it is useful to choose an arbitrary
source for each transition. Once we have at least weak extensionality, this will
be the unique source and stronger things can be proved about it.
definition src
where "src t ≡ if arr t then SOME a. a ∈ sources t else null"
lemma src_in_sources:
assumes "arr t"
shows "src t ∈ sources t"
using assms someI_ex [of "λa. a ∈ sources t"] arr_iff_has_source src_def
by auto
lemma src_congI:
assumes "ide a" and "a ⌢ t"
shows "src t ∼ a"
using assms src_in_sources sources_are_cong
by (metis arr_iff_has_source con_sym emptyE in_sourcesI)
lemma arr_src_iff_arr:
shows "arr (src t) ⟷ arr t"
by (metis arrI conE null_is_zero(2) sources_are_con arrE src_def src_in_sources)
lemma arr_src_if_arr [simp]:
assumes "arr t"
shows "arr (src t)"
using assms arr_src_iff_arr by blast
lemma sources_char⇩C⇩S:
shows "sources t = {a. arr t ∧ src t ∼ a}"
unfolding sources_def
by (meson con_implies_arr(1) con_sym in_sourcesE sources_cong_closed
src_congI src_in_sources)
lemma targets_char':
shows "targets t = {b. arr t ∧ trg t ∼ b}"
unfolding targets_def
using targets_char targets_def trg_def by presburger
lemma con_imp_cong_src:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
shows "src t ∼ src u"
using assms con_imp_coinitial_ax cong_transitive src_congI by blast
lemma ide_src [simp]:
assumes "arr t"
shows "ide (src t)"
using assms src_in_sources by blast
lemma src_resid:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
shows "src (t \\ u) ∼ trg u"
using assms
by (metis con_implies_arr(2) con_sym con_target ide_trg src_congI trg_def)
lemma apex_arr_prfx':
assumes "prfx t u"
shows "trg (u \\ t) ∼ trg u"
and "trg (t \\ u) ∼ trg u"
using assms
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) ide_def mem_Collect_eq prfx_implies_con
sources_resid targets_resid_sym sources_def targets_char' trg_in_targets)
by (metis assms ideE prfx_transitive arr_resid_iff_con src_resid)
lemma seqI⇩C⇩S [intro, simp]:
shows "⟦arr t; trg t ∼ src u⟧ ⟹ seq t u"
and "⟦arr u; trg t ∼ src u⟧ ⟹ seq t u"
apply (metis ide_trg in_sourcesE not_ide_null prfx_implies_con resid_arr_ide
seqI(1) sources_resid src_def src_in_sources trg_def)
by (metis in_sourcesE prfx_implies_con resid_arr_ide seqI(2) sources_resid
src_in_sources trg_def)
lemma seqE⇩C⇩S [elim]:
assumes "seq t u"
and "⟦arr u; arr t; trg t ∼ src u⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms
by (metis seq_def sources_are_cong src_in_sources trg_in_targets)
lemma coinitial_iff':
shows "coinitial t u ⟷ arr t ∧ arr u ∧ src t ∼ src u"
by (metis (full_types) arr_resid_iff_con coinitialE coinitialI ide_implies_arr
resid_arr_ide con_imp_coinitial in_sourcesE src_in_sources)
lemma coterminal_iff':
shows "coterminal t u ⟷ arr t ∧ arr u ∧ trg t ∼ trg u"
by (meson coterminalE ide_imp_con_iff_cong coterminal_iff_con_trg ide_trg)
lemma coinitialI' [intro]:
assumes "arr t" and "src t ∼ src u"
shows "coinitial t u"
by (metis assms(2) coinitial_iff' not_ide_null null_is_zero(2) src_def)
lemma coinitialE' [elim]:
assumes "coinitial t u"
and "⟦arr t; arr u; src t ∼ src u⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms coinitial_iff' by blast
lemma coterminalI' [intro]:
assumes "arr t" and "trg t ∼ trg u"
shows "coterminal t u"
by (simp add: assms(2) prfx_implies_con coterminal_iff_con_trg)
lemma coterminalE' [elim]:
assumes "coterminal t u"
and "⟦arr t; arr u; trg t ∼ trg u⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms coterminal_iff' by blast
lemma src_cong_ide:
assumes "ide a"
shows "src a ∼ a"
using arrI assms src_congI by blast
lemma trg_ide [simp]:
assumes "ide a"
shows "trg a = a"
using assms resid_arr_self by auto
lemma ide_iff_src_cong_self:
assumes "arr a"
shows "ide a ⟷ src a ∼ a"
by (metis assms ide_backward_stable in_sourcesE src_cong_ide src_in_sources)
lemma ide_iff_trg_cong_self:
assumes "arr a"
shows "ide a ⟷ trg a ∼ a"
by (metis assms ideE ide_backward_stable ide_trg trg_def)
lemma src_src_cong_src:
assumes "arr t"
shows "src (src t) ∼ src t"
using assms src_cong_ide src_in_sources by blast
lemma trg_trg_cong_trg:
assumes "arr t"
shows "trg (trg t) ∼ trg t"
using assms by fastforce
lemma src_trg_cong_trg:
assumes "arr t"
shows "src (trg t) ∼ trg t"
using assms ide_trg src_cong_ide by blast
lemma trg_src_cong_src:
assumes "arr t"
shows "trg (src t) ∼ src t"
using assms
by (metis in_sourcesE resid_arr_self trg_ide src_in_sources)
lemma resid_ide_cong:
assumes "ide a" and "coinitial a t"
shows "t \\ a ∼ t" and "a \\ t ∼ trg t"
using assms
apply (metis coinitialE cong_reflexive ideE in_sourcesE in_sourcesI resid_arr_ide)
by (metis apex_arr_prfx'(2) assms coinitialE ideE in_sourcesI resid_arr_self
lemma con_arr_src [simp]:
assumes "arr f"
shows "f ⌢ src f" and "src f ⌢ f"
using assms src_in_sources con_sym by blast+
lemma resid_src_arr_cong:
assumes "arr f"
shows "src f \\ f ∼ trg f"
using assms
by (meson resid_source_in_targets src_in_sources trg_in_targets targets_are_cong)
lemma resid_arr_src_cong:
assumes "arr f"
shows "f \\ src f ∼ f"
using assms
by (metis cong_reflexive in_sourcesE resid_arr_ide src_in_sources)
subsection "Weakly Extensional RTS"
text ‹
A \emph{weakly extensional} RTS is an RTS that satisfies the additional condition that
identity arrows have trivial congruence classes. This axiom has a number of useful
consequences, including that each arrow has a unique source and target.
locale weakly_extensional_rts = rts +
assumes weak_extensionality: "⟦t ∼ u; ide t; ide u⟧ ⟹ t = u"
lemma con_ide_are_eq:
assumes "ide a" and "ide a'" and "a ⌢ a'"
shows "a = a'"
using assms ide_imp_con_iff_cong weak_extensionality by blast
lemma coinitial_ide_are_eq:
assumes "ide a" and "ide a'" and "coinitial a a'"
shows "a = a'"
using assms coinitial_def con_ide_are_eq by blast
lemma arr_has_un_source:
assumes "arr t"
shows "∃!a. a ∈ sources t"
using assms
by (meson arr_iff_has_source con_ide_are_eq ex_in_conv in_sourcesE sources_are_con)
lemma arr_has_un_target:
assumes "arr t"
shows "∃!b. b ∈ targets t"
using assms
by (metis arrE arr_has_un_source arr_resid sources_resid)
lemma src_eqI:
assumes "ide a" and "a ⌢ t"
shows "src t = a"
using assms src_in_sources
by (metis arr_has_un_source resid_arr_ide in_sourcesI arr_resid_iff_con con_sym)
lemma sources_char⇩W⇩E:
shows "sources t = {a. arr t ∧ src t = a}"
using arr_iff_has_source con_sym src_eqI by auto
lemma targets_char⇩W⇩E:
shows "targets t = {b. arr t ∧ trg t = b}"
using trg_in_targets arr_has_un_target arr_iff_has_target by auto
lemma con_imp_eq_src:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
shows "src t = src u"
using assms
by (metis con_imp_coinitial_ax src_eqI)
lemma src_resid⇩W⇩E [simp]:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
shows "src (t \\ u) = trg u"
using assms
by (metis arr_resid_iff_con con_implies_arr(2) arr_has_un_source trg_in_targets
sources_resid src_in_sources)
lemma apex_sym:
shows "trg (t \\ u) = trg (u \\ t)"
by (metis arr_has_un_target con_sym_ax arr_resid_iff_con conI targets_resid_sym
lemma apex_arr_prfx⇩W⇩E:
assumes "prfx t u"
shows "trg (u \\ t) = trg u"
and "trg (t \\ u) = trg u"
using assms
apply (metis apex_sym arr_resid_iff_con ideE src_resid⇩W⇩E)
by (metis arr_resid_iff_con assms ideE src_resid⇩W⇩E)
lemma seqI⇩W⇩E [intro, simp]:
shows "⟦arr t; trg t = src u⟧ ⟹ seq t u"
and "⟦arr u; trg t = src u⟧ ⟹ seq t u"
by (metis arrE arr_src_iff_arr arr_trg_iff_arr in_sourcesE resid_arr_ide
seqI(1) sources_resid src_in_sources trg_def)+
lemma seqE⇩W⇩E [elim]:
assumes "seq t u"
and "⟦arr u; arr t; trg t = src u⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms
by (metis arr_has_un_source seq_def src_in_sources trg_in_targets)
lemma coinitial_iff⇩W⇩E:
shows "coinitial t u ⟷ arr t ∧ arr u ∧ src t = src u"
by (metis arr_has_un_source coinitial_def coinitial_iff disjoint_iff_not_equal
lemma coterminal_iff⇩W⇩E:
shows "coterminal t u ⟷ arr t ∧ arr u ∧ trg t = trg u"
by (metis arr_has_un_target coterminal_iff_con_trg coterminal_iff trg_in_targets)
lemma coinitialI⇩W⇩E [intro]:
assumes "arr t" and "src t = src u"
shows "coinitial t u"
using assms coinitial_iff⇩W⇩E by (metis arr_src_iff_arr)
lemma coinitialE⇩W⇩E [elim]:
assumes "coinitial t u"
and "⟦arr t; arr u; src t = src u⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms coinitial_iff⇩W⇩E by blast
lemma coterminalI⇩W⇩E [intro]:
assumes "arr t" and "trg t = trg u"
shows "coterminal t u"
using assms coterminal_iff⇩W⇩E by (metis arr_trg_iff_arr)
lemma coterminalE⇩W⇩E [elim]:
assumes "coterminal t u"
and "⟦arr t; arr u; trg t = trg u⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms coterminal_iff⇩W⇩E by blast
lemma src_ide [simp]:
assumes "ide a"
shows "src a = a"
using arrI assms src_eqI by blast
lemma ide_iff_src_self:
assumes "arr a"
shows "ide a ⟷ src a = a"
using assms by (metis ide_src src_ide)
lemma ide_iff_trg_self:
assumes "arr a"
shows "ide a ⟷ trg a = a"
using assms ide_def resid_arr_self ide_trg by metis
lemma src_src [simp]:
shows "src (src t) = src t"
using ide_src src_def src_ide by auto
lemma trg_trg [simp]:
shows "trg (trg t) = trg t"
by (metis con_def con_implies_arr(2) cong_reflexive ide_def null_is_zero(2) resid_arr_self)
lemma src_trg [simp]:
shows "src (trg t) = trg t"
by (metis con_def not_arr_null src_def src_resid⇩W⇩E trg_def)
lemma trg_src [simp]:
shows "trg (src t) = src t"
by (metis ide_src null_is_zero(2) resid_arr_self src_def trg_ide)
lemma resid_ide:
assumes "ide a" and "coinitial a t"
shows "t \\ a = t" and "a \\ t = trg t"
using assms resid_arr_ide apply blast
using assms
by (metis con_def con_sym_ax ideE in_sourcesE in_sourcesI resid_ide_arr
coinitialE src_ide src_resid⇩W⇩E)
lemma resid_src_arr [simp]:
assumes "arr f"
shows "src f \\ f = trg f"
using assms
by (simp add: con_imp_coinitial resid_ide(2))
lemma resid_arr_src [simp]:
assumes "arr f"
shows "f \\ src f = f"
using assms
by (simp add: resid_arr_ide)
subsection "Extensional RTS"
text ‹
An \emph{extensional} RTS is an RTS in which all arrows have trivial congruence classes;
that is, congruent arrows are equal.
locale extensional_rts = rts +
assumes extensionality: "t ∼ u ⟹ t = u"
sublocale weakly_extensional_rts
using extensionality
by unfold_locales auto
lemma cong_char:
shows "t ∼ u ⟷ arr t ∧ t = u"
by (metis arrI cong_reflexive prfx_implies_con extensionality)
subsection "Composites of Transitions"
text ‹
Residuation can be used to define a notion of composite of transitions.
Composites are not unique, but they are unique up to congruence.
context rts
definition composite_of
where "composite_of u t v ≡ u ≲ v ∧ v \\ u ∼ t"
lemma composite_ofI [intro]:
assumes "u ≲ v" and "v \\ u ∼ t"
shows "composite_of u t v"
using assms composite_of_def by blast
lemma composite_ofE [elim]:
assumes "composite_of u t v"
and "⟦u ≲ v; v \\ u ∼ t⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms composite_of_def by auto
lemma arr_composite_of:
assumes "composite_of u t v"
shows "arr v"
using assms
by (meson composite_of_def con_implies_arr(2) prfx_implies_con)
lemma composite_of_unq_upto_cong:
assumes "composite_of u t v" and "composite_of u t v'"
shows "v ∼ v'"
using assms cube ide_backward_stable prfx_transitive
by (elim composite_ofE) metis
lemma composite_of_ide_arr:
assumes "ide a"
shows "composite_of a t t ⟷ t ⌢ a"
using assms
by (metis composite_of_def con_implies_arr(1) con_sym resid_arr_ide resid_ide_arr
prfx_implies_con prfx_reflexive)
lemma composite_of_arr_ide:
assumes "ide b"
shows "composite_of t b t ⟷ t \\ t ⌢ b"
using assms
by (metis arr_resid_iff_con composite_of_def ide_imp_con_iff_cong con_implies_arr(1)
prfx_implies_con prfx_reflexive)
lemma composite_of_source_arr:
assumes "arr t" and "a ∈ sources t"
shows "composite_of a t t"
using assms composite_of_ide_arr sources_def by auto
lemma composite_of_arr_target:
assumes "arr t" and "b ∈ targets t"
shows "composite_of t b t"
by (metis arrE assms composite_of_arr_ide in_sourcesE sources_resid)
lemma composite_of_ide_self:
assumes "ide a"
shows "composite_of a a a"
using assms composite_of_ide_arr by blast
lemma con_prfx_composite_of:
assumes "composite_of t u w"
shows "t ⌢ w" and "w ⌢ v ⟹ t ⌢ v"
using assms apply force
using assms composite_of_def con_target prfx_implies_con
resid_reflects_con con_sym
by meson
lemma sources_composite_of:
assumes "composite_of u t v"
shows "sources v = sources u"
using assms
by (meson arr_resid_iff_con composite_of_def con_imp_coinitial cong_implies_coinitial
lemma targets_composite_of:
assumes "composite_of u t v"
shows "targets v = targets t"
proof -
have "targets t = targets (v \\ u)"
using assms composite_of_def
by (meson cong_implies_coterminal coterminal_iff)
also have "... = targets (u \\ v)"
using assms targets_resid_sym con_prfx_composite_of by metis
also have "... = targets v"
using assms composite_of_def
by (metis prfx_implies_con sources_resid ideE)
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma resid_composite_of:
assumes "composite_of t u w" and "w ⌢ v"
shows "v \\ t ⌢ w \\ t"
and "v \\ t ⌢ u"
and "v \\ w ∼ (v \\ t) \\ u"
and "composite_of (t \\ v) (u \\ (v \\ t)) (w \\ v)"
proof -
show 0: "v \\ t ⌢ w \\ t"
using assms con_def
by (metis con_target composite_ofE conE con_sym cube)
show 1: "v \\ w ∼ (v \\ t) \\ u"
proof -
have "v \\ w = (v \\ w) \\ (t \\ w)"
using assms composite_of_def
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) con_target con_sym resid_arr_ide)
also have "... = (v \\ t) \\ (w \\ t)"
using assms cube by metis
also have "... ∼ (v \\ t) \\ u"
using assms 0 cong_subst_right(2) [of "w \\ t" u "v \\ t"] by blast
finally show ?thesis by blast
show 2: "v \\ t ⌢ u"
using assms 1 by force
show "composite_of (t \\ v) (u \\ (v \\ t)) (w \\ v)"
proof (unfold composite_of_def, intro conjI)
show "t \\ v ≲ w \\ v"
using assms cube con_target composite_of_def resid_ide_arr by metis
show "(w \\ v) \\ (t \\ v) ≲ u \\ (v \\ t)"
by (metis assms(1) 2 composite_ofE con_sym cong_subst_left(2) cube)
thus "u \\ (v \\ t) ≲ (w \\ v) \\ (t \\ v)"
using assms
by (metis composite_of_def con_implies_arr(2) cong_subst_left(2)
prfx_implies_con arr_resid_iff_con cube)
lemma con_composite_of_iff:
assumes "composite_of t u v"
shows "w ⌢ v ⟷ w \\ t ⌢ u"
by (meson arr_resid_iff_con assms composite_ofE con_def con_implies_arr(1)
con_sym_ax cong_subst_right(1) resid_composite_of(2) resid_reflects_con)
definition composable
where "composable t u ≡ ∃v. composite_of t u v"
lemma composableD [dest]:
assumes "composable t u"
shows "arr t" and "arr u" and "targets t = sources u"
using assms arr_composite_of arr_iff_has_source composable_def sources_composite_of
arr_composite_of arr_iff_has_target composable_def targets_composite_of
apply auto[2]
by (metis assms composable_def composite_ofE con_prfx_composite_of(1) con_sym
cong_implies_coinitial coinitial_iff sources_resid)
lemma composable_imp_seq:
assumes "composable t u"
shows "seq t u"
using assms by blast
lemma composable_permute:
shows "composable t (u \\ t) ⟷ composable u (t \\ u)"
unfolding composable_def
by (metis cube ide_backward_stable ide_imp_con_iff_cong prfx_implies_con
composite_ofE composite_ofI)
lemma diamond_commutes_upto_cong:
assumes "composite_of t (u \\ t) v" and "composite_of u (t \\ u) v'"
shows "v ∼ v'"
using assms cube ide_backward_stable prfx_transitive
by (elim composite_ofE) metis
lemma bounded_imp_con:
assumes "composite_of t u v" and "composite_of t' u' v"
shows "con t t'"
by (meson assms composite_of_def con_prfx_composite_of prfx_implies_con
arr_resid_iff_con con_implies_arr(2))
lemma composite_of_cancel_left:
assumes "composite_of t u v" and "composite_of t u' v"
shows "u ∼ u'"
using assms composite_of_def cong_transitive by blast
subsubsection "RTS with Composites"
locale rts_with_composites = rts +
assumes has_composites: "seq t u ⟹ composable t u"
lemma composable_iff_seq:
shows "composable g f ⟷ seq g f"
using composable_imp_seq has_composites by blast
lemma composableI [intro]:
assumes "seq g f"
shows "composable g f"
using assms composable_iff_seq by auto
lemma composableE [elim]:
assumes "composable g f" and "seq g f ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms composable_iff_seq by blast
lemma obtains_composite_of:
assumes "seq g f"
obtains h where "composite_of g f h"
using assms has_composites composable_def by blast
subsection "Joins of Transitions"
context rts
text ‹
Transition ‹v› is a \emph{join} of ‹u› and ‹v› when ‹v› is the diagonal of the square
formed by ‹u›, ‹v›, and their residuals. As was the case for composites,
joins in an RTS are not unique, but they are unique up to congruence.
definition join_of
where "join_of t u v ≡ composite_of t (u \\ t) v ∧ composite_of u (t \\ u) v"
lemma join_ofI [intro]:
assumes "composite_of t (u \\ t) v" and "composite_of u (t \\ u) v"
shows "join_of t u v"
using assms join_of_def by simp
lemma join_ofE [elim]:
assumes "join_of t u v"
and "⟦composite_of t (u \\ t) v; composite_of u (t \\ u) v⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms join_of_def by simp
definition joinable
where "joinable t u ≡ ∃v. join_of t u v"
lemma joinable_implies_con:
assumes "joinable t u"
shows "t ⌢ u"
by (meson assms bounded_imp_con join_of_def joinable_def)
lemma joinable_implies_coinitial:
assumes "joinable t u"
shows "coinitial t u"
using assms
by (simp add: con_imp_coinitial joinable_implies_con)
lemma joinable_iff_composable:
shows "joinable t u ⟷ composable t (u \\ t)"
show "joinable t u ⟹ composable t (u \\ t)"
unfolding joinable_def join_of_def composable_def by auto
show "composable t (u \\ t) ⟹ joinable t u"
proof -
assume 1: "composable t (u \\ t)"
obtain v where v: "composite_of t (u \\ t) v"
using 1 composable_def by blast
have "composite_of u (t \\ u) v"
show "u ≲ v"
by (metis v composite_ofE cube ide_backward_stable)
show "v \\ u ∼ t \\ u"
by (metis v ‹u ≲ v› coinitial_ide_are_cong composite_ofE
con_imp_coinitial cube prfx_implies_con)
thus "joinable t u"
using v joinable_def by auto
lemma join_of_un_upto_cong:
assumes "join_of t u v" and "join_of t u v'"
shows "v ∼ v'"
using assms join_of_def composite_of_unq_upto_cong by auto
lemma join_of_symmetric:
assumes "join_of t u v"
shows "join_of u t v"
using assms join_of_def by simp
lemma join_of_arr_self:
assumes "arr t"
shows "join_of t t t"
by (meson assms composite_of_arr_ide ideE join_of_def prfx_reflexive)
lemma join_of_arr_src:
assumes "arr t" and "a ∈ sources t"
shows "join_of a t t" and "join_of t a t"
proof -
show "join_of a t t"
by (meson assms composite_of_arr_target composite_of_def composite_of_source_arr join_of_def
prfx_transitive resid_source_in_targets)
thus "join_of t a t"
using join_of_symmetric by blast
lemma sources_join_of:
assumes "join_of t u v"
shows "sources t = sources v" and "sources u = sources v"
using assms join_of_def sources_composite_of by blast+
lemma targets_join_of:
assumes "join_of t u v"
shows "targets (t \\ u) = targets v" and "targets (u \\ t) = targets v"
using assms join_of_def targets_composite_of by blast+
lemma join_of_resid:
assumes "join_of t u w" and "con v w"
shows "join_of (t \\ v) (u \\ v) (w \\ v)"
using assms con_sym cube join_of_def resid_composite_of(4) by fastforce
lemma con_with_join_of_iff:
assumes "join_of t u w"
shows "u ⌢ v ∧ v \\ u ⌢ t \\ u ⟹ w ⌢ v"
and "w ⌢ v ⟹ t ⌢ v ∧ v \\ t ⌢ u \\ t"
proof -
have *: "t ⌢ v ∧ v \\ t ⌢ u \\ t ⟷ u ⌢ v ∧ v \\ u ⌢ t \\ u"
by (metis arr_resid_iff_con con_implies_arr(1) con_sym cube)
show "u ⌢ v ∧ v \\ u ⌢ t \\ u ⟹ w ⌢ v"
by (meson assms con_composite_of_iff con_sym join_of_def)
show "w ⌢ v ⟹ t ⌢ v ∧ v \\ t ⌢ u \\ t"
by (meson assms con_prfx_composite_of join_of_def resid_composite_of(2))
lemma join_of_respects_cong_left:
assumes "join_of t u v" and "cong t t'"
shows "join_of t' u v"
using assms prfx_transitive cong_subst_left(2) cong_subst_right(2)
apply (elim join_ofE composite_ofE, intro join_ofI composite_ofI)
by (meson con_sym con_with_join_of_iff(2) prfx_implies_con)+
lemma join_of_respects_cong_right:
assumes "join_of t u v" and "cong u u'"
shows "join_of t u' v"
using assms join_of_respects_cong_left join_of_symmetric
by meson
subsubsection "RTS with Joins"
locale rts_with_joins = rts +
assumes has_joins: "t ⌢ u ⟹ joinable t u"
subsection "Joins and Composites in a Weakly Extensional RTS"
context weakly_extensional_rts
lemma src_composite_of:
assumes "composite_of u t v"
shows "src v = src u"
using assms
by (metis con_imp_eq_src con_prfx_composite_of(1))
lemma trg_composite_of:
assumes "composite_of u t v"
shows "trg v = trg t"
by (metis arr_composite_of arr_has_un_target arr_iff_has_target assms
targets_composite_of trg_in_targets)
lemma src_join_of:
assumes "join_of t u v"
shows "src t = src v" and "src u = src v"
by (metis assms join_ofE src_composite_of)+
lemma trg_join_of:
assumes "join_of t u v"
shows "trg (t \\ u) = trg v" and "trg (u \\ t) = trg v"
by (metis assms join_of_def trg_composite_of)+
subsection "Joins and Composites in an Extensional RTS"
context extensional_rts
lemma composite_of_unique:
assumes "composite_of t u v" and "composite_of t u v'"
shows "v = v'"
using assms composite_of_unq_upto_cong extensionality by fastforce
lemma divisors_of_ide:
assumes "composite_of t u v" and "ide v"
shows "ide t" and "ide u"
proof -
show "ide t"
using assms ide_backward_stable by blast
show "ide u"
by (metis assms(1-2) composite_ofE con_ide_are_eq con_prfx_composite_of(1)
text ‹
Here we define composition of transitions. Note that we compose transitions
in diagram order, rather than in the order used for function composition.
This may eventually lead to confusion, but here (unlike in the case of a category)
transitions are typically not functions, so we don't have the constraint of having
to conform to the order of function application and composition, and diagram order
seems more natural.
definition comp (infixr ‹⋅› 55)
where "t ⋅ u ≡ if composable t u then THE v. composite_of t u v else null"
lemma comp_is_composite_of:
shows "composable t u ⟹ composite_of t u (t ⋅ u)"
and "composite_of t u v ⟹ t ⋅ u = v"
proof -
show "composable t u ⟹ composite_of t u (t ⋅ u)"
using comp_def composite_of_unique the1I2 [of "composite_of t u" "composite_of t u"]
by metis
thus "composite_of t u v ⟹ t ⋅ u = v"
using composite_of_unique composable_def by auto
lemma comp_null [simp]:
shows "null ⋅ t = null" and "t ⋅ null = null"
by (meson composableD not_arr_null comp_def)+
lemma composable_iff_arr_comp:
shows "composable t u ⟷ arr (t ⋅ u)"
by (metis arr_composite_of comp_is_composite_of(2) composable_def comp_def not_arr_null)
lemma composable_iff_comp_not_null:
shows "composable t u ⟷ t ⋅ u ≠ null"
by (metis composable_iff_arr_comp comp_def not_arr_null)
lemma comp_src_arr [simp]:
assumes "arr t" and "src t = a"
shows "a ⋅ t = t"
using assms comp_is_composite_of(2) composite_of_source_arr src_in_sources by blast
lemma comp_arr_trg [simp]:
assumes "arr t" and "trg t = b"
shows "t ⋅ b = t"
using assms comp_is_composite_of(2) composite_of_arr_target trg_in_targets by blast
lemma comp_ide_self:
assumes "ide a"
shows "a ⋅ a = a"
using assms comp_is_composite_of(2) composite_of_ide_self by fastforce
lemma arr_comp [intro, simp]:
assumes "composable t u"
shows "arr (t ⋅ u)"
using assms composable_iff_arr_comp by blast
lemma trg_comp [simp]:
assumes "composable t u"
shows "trg (t ⋅ u) = trg u"
by (metis arr_has_un_target assms comp_is_composite_of(2) composable_def
composable_imp_seq arr_iff_has_target seq_def targets_composite_of trg_in_targets)
lemma src_comp [simp]:
assumes "composable t u"
shows "src (t ⋅ u) = src t"
using assms comp_is_composite_of arr_iff_has_source sources_composite_of src_def
by auto
lemma con_comp_iff:
shows "w ⌢ t ⋅ u ⟷ composable t u ∧ w \\ t ⌢ u"
by (meson comp_is_composite_of(1) composable_iff_arr_comp con_composite_of_iff
lemma con_compI [intro]:
assumes "composable t u" and "w \\ t ⌢ u"
shows "w ⌢ t ⋅ u" and "t ⋅ u ⌢ w"
using assms con_comp_iff con_sym by blast+
lemma resid_comp:
assumes "t ⋅ u ⌢ w"
shows "w \\ (t ⋅ u) = (w \\ t) \\ u"
and "(t ⋅ u) \\ w = (t \\ w) ⋅ (u \\ (w \\ t))"
proof -
have 1: "composable t u"
using assms composable_iff_comp_not_null by force
show "w \\ (t ⋅ u) = (w \\ t) \\ u"
using 1
by (meson assms cong_char composable_def resid_composite_of(3) comp_is_composite_of(1))
show "(t ⋅ u) \\ w = (t \\ w) ⋅ (u \\ (w \\ t))"
using assms 1 composable_def comp_is_composite_of(2) resid_composite_of
by metis
lemma prfx_decomp:
assumes "t ≲ u"
shows "t ⋅ (u \\ t) = u"
by (meson assms arr_resid_iff_con comp_is_composite_of(2) composite_of_def con_sym
cong_reflexive prfx_implies_con)
lemma prfx_comp:
assumes "arr u" and "t ⋅ v = u"
shows "t ≲ u"
by (metis assms comp_is_composite_of(2) composable_def composable_iff_arr_comp
lemma comp_eqI:
assumes "t ≲ v" and "u = v \\ t"
shows "t ⋅ u = v"
by (metis assms prfx_decomp)
lemma comp_assoc:
assumes "composable (t ⋅ u) v"
shows "t ⋅ (u ⋅ v) = (t ⋅ u) ⋅ v"
proof -
have 1: "t ≲ (t ⋅ u) ⋅ v"
by (meson assms composable_iff_arr_comp composableD prfx_comp
moreover have "((t ⋅ u) ⋅ v) \\ t = u ⋅ v"
proof -
have "((t ⋅ u) ⋅ v) \\ t = ((t ⋅ u) \\ t) ⋅ (v \\ (t \\ (t ⋅ u)))"
by (meson assms calculation con_sym prfx_implies_con resid_comp(2))
also have "... = u ⋅ v"
proof -
have 2: "(t ⋅ u) \\ t = u"
by (metis assms comp_is_composite_of(2) composable_def composable_iff_arr_comp
composable_imp_seq composite_of_def extensionality seqE)
moreover have "v \\ (t \\ (t ⋅ u)) = v"
using assms
by (meson 1 con_comp_iff con_sym composable_imp_seq resid_arr_ide
prfx_implies_con prfx_comp seqE)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
finally show ?thesis by blast
ultimately show "t ⋅ (u ⋅ v) = (t ⋅ u) ⋅ v"
by (metis comp_eqI)
text ‹
We note the following assymmetry: ‹composable (t ⋅ u) v ⟹ composable u v› is true,
but ‹composable t (u ⋅ v) ⟹ composable t u› is not.
lemma comp_cancel_left:
assumes "arr (t ⋅ u)" and "t ⋅ u = t ⋅ v"
shows "u = v"
using assms
by (metis composable_def composable_iff_arr_comp composite_of_cancel_left extensionality
lemma comp_resid_prfx [simp]:
assumes "arr (t ⋅ u)"
shows "(t ⋅ u) \\ t = u"
using assms
by (metis comp_cancel_left comp_eqI prfx_comp)
lemma bounded_imp_con⇩E:
assumes "t ⋅ u ∼ t' ⋅ u'"
shows "t ⌢ t'"
by (metis arr_resid_iff_con assms con_comp_iff con_implies_arr(2) prfx_implies_con
lemma join_of_unique:
assumes "join_of t u v" and "join_of t u v'"
shows "v = v'"
using assms join_of_def composite_of_unique by blast
definition join (infix ‹⊔› 52)
where "t ⊔ u ≡ if joinable t u then THE v. join_of t u v else null"
lemma join_is_join_of:
assumes "joinable t u"
shows "join_of t u (t ⊔ u)"
using assms joinable_def join_def join_of_unique
the1I2 [of "join_of t u" "join_of t u"]
by force
lemma joinable_iff_arr_join:
shows "joinable t u ⟷ arr (t ⊔ u)"
by (metis cong_char join_is_join_of join_of_un_upto_cong not_arr_null join_def)
lemma joinable_iff_join_not_null:
shows "joinable t u ⟷ t ⊔ u ≠ null"
by (metis join_def joinable_iff_arr_join not_arr_null)
lemma join_sym:
shows "t ⊔ u = u ⊔ t"
by (metis join_def join_of_unique join_is_join_of join_of_symmetric joinable_def)
lemma src_join:
assumes "joinable t u"
shows "src (t ⊔ u) = src t"
using assms
by (metis con_imp_eq_src con_prfx_composite_of(1) join_is_join_of join_of_def)
lemma trg_join:
assumes "joinable t u"
shows "trg (t ⊔ u) = trg (t \\ u)"
using assms
by (metis arr_resid_iff_con join_is_join_of joinable_iff_arr_join
joinable_implies_con in_targetsE src_eqI targets_join_of(1) trg_in_targets)
lemma resid_join⇩E [simp]:
assumes "joinable t u" and "v ⌢ t ⊔ u"
shows "v \\ (t ⊔ u) = (v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
and "v \\ (t ⊔ u) = (v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)"
and "(t ⊔ u) \\ v = (t \\ v) ⊔ (u \\ v)"
proof -
show 1: "v \\ (t ⊔ u) = (v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
by (meson assms con_sym join_of_def resid_composite_of(3) extensionality
show "v \\ (t ⊔ u) = (v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)"
by (metis "1" cube)
show "(t ⊔ u) \\ v = (t \\ v) ⊔ (u \\ v)"
using assms joinable_def join_of_resid join_is_join_of extensionality
by (meson join_of_unique)
lemma join_eqI:
assumes "t ≲ v" and "u ≲ v" and "v \\ u = t \\ u" and "v \\ t = u \\ t"
shows "t ⊔ u = v"
using assms composite_of_def cube ideE join_of_def joinable_def join_of_unique
join_is_join_of trg_def
by metis
lemma comp_join:
assumes "joinable (t ⋅ u) (t ⋅ u')"
shows "composable t (u ⊔ u')"
and "t ⋅ (u ⊔ u') = t ⋅ u ⊔ t ⋅ u'"
proof -
have "t ≲ t ⋅ u ⊔ t ⋅ u'"
using assms
by (metis composable_def composite_of_def join_of_def join_is_join_of
joinable_implies_con prfx_transitive comp_is_composite_of(2) con_comp_iff)
moreover have "(t ⋅ u ⊔ t ⋅ u') \\ t = u ⊔ u'"
by (metis arr_resid_iff_con assms calculation comp_resid_prfx con_implies_arr(2)
joinable_implies_con resid_join⇩E(3) con_implies_arr(1) ide_implies_arr)
ultimately show "t ⋅ (u ⊔ u') = t ⋅ u ⊔ t ⋅ u'"
by (metis comp_eqI)
thus "composable t (u ⊔ u')"
by (metis assms joinable_iff_join_not_null comp_def)
lemma join_src:
assumes "arr t"
shows "src t ⊔ t = t"
using assms joinable_def join_of_arr_src join_is_join_of join_of_unique src_in_sources
by meson
lemma join_arr_self:
assumes "arr t"
shows "t ⊔ t = t"
using assms joinable_def join_of_arr_self join_is_join_of join_of_unique by blast
lemma arr_prfx_join_self:
assumes "joinable t u"
shows "t ≲ t ⊔ u"
using assms
by (meson composite_of_def join_is_join_of join_of_def)
lemma con_prfx:
shows "⟦t ⌢ u; v ≲ u⟧ ⟹ t ⌢ v"
and "⟦t ⌢ u; v ≲ t⟧ ⟹ v ⌢ u"
apply (metis arr_resid con_arr_src(1) ide_iff_src_self prfx_implies_con resid_reflects_con
by (metis arr_resid_iff_con comp_eqI con_comp_iff con_implies_arr(1) con_sym)
lemma join_prfx:
assumes "t ≲ u"
shows "t ⊔ u = u" and "u ⊔ t = u"
proof -
show "t ⊔ u = u"
using assms
by (metis (no_types, lifting) join_eqI ide_iff_src_self ide_implies_arr resid_arr_self
prfx_implies_con src_resid⇩W⇩E)
thus "u ⊔ t = u"
by (metis join_sym)
lemma con_with_join_if [intro, simp]:
assumes "joinable t u" and "u ⌢ v" and "v \\ u ⌢ t \\ u"
shows "t ⊔ u ⌢ v"
and "v ⌢ t ⊔ u"
proof -
show "t ⊔ u ⌢ v"
using assms con_with_join_of_iff [of t u "join t u" v] join_is_join_of by simp
thus "v ⌢ t ⊔ u"
using assms con_sym by blast
lemma join_assoc⇩E:
assumes "arr ((t ⊔ u) ⊔ v)" and "arr (t ⊔ (u ⊔ v))"
shows "(t ⊔ u) ⊔ v = t ⊔ (u ⊔ v)"
proof (intro join_eqI)
have tu: "joinable t u"
by (metis arr_src_iff_arr assms(1) joinable_iff_arr_join src_join)
have uv: "joinable u v"
by (metis assms(2) joinable_iff_arr_join joinable_iff_join_not_null joinable_implies_con
have tu_v: "joinable (t ⊔ u) v"
by (simp add: assms(1) joinable_iff_arr_join)
have t_uv: "joinable t (u ⊔ v)"
by (simp add: assms(2) joinable_iff_arr_join)
show 0: "t ⊔ u ≲ t ⊔ (u ⊔ v)"
proof -
have "(t ⊔ u) \\ (t ⊔ (u ⊔ v)) = ((u \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)) \\ ((v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t))"
proof -
have "(t ⊔ u) \\ (t ⊔ (u ⊔ v)) = ((t ⊔ u) \\ t) \\ ((u ⊔ v) \\ t)"
by (metis t_uv tu arr_prfx_join_self conI con_with_join_if(2)
join_sym joinable_iff_join_not_null not_ide_null resid_join⇩E(2))
also have "... = (t \\ t ⊔ u \\ t) \\ ((u ⊔ v) \\ t)"
by (simp add: tu con_sym joinable_implies_con)
also have "... = (t \\ t ⊔ u \\ t) \\ (u \\ t ⊔ v \\ t)"
by (simp add: t_uv uv joinable_implies_con)
also have "... = (u \\ t) \\ join (u \\ t) (v \\ t)"
by (metis tu con_implies_arr(1) cong_subst_left(2) cube join_eqI join_sym
joinable_iff_join_not_null joinable_implies_con prfx_reflexive trg_def trg_join)
also have "... = ((u \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)) \\ ((v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t))"
proof -
have 1: "joinable (u \\ t) (v \\ t)"
by (metis t_uv uv con_sym joinable_iff_join_not_null joinable_implies_con
resid_join⇩E(3) conE)
moreover have "u \\ t ⌢ u \\ t ⊔ v \\ t"
using arr_prfx_join_self 1 prfx_implies_con by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using resid_join⇩E(2) [of "u \\ t" "v \\ t" "u \\ t"] by blast
finally show ?thesis by blast
moreover have "ide ..."
by (metis tu_v tu arr_resid_iff_con con_sym cube joinable_implies_con prfx_reflexive
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
show 1: "v ≲ t ⊔ (u ⊔ v)"
by (metis arr_prfx_join_self join_sym joinable_iff_join_not_null prfx_transitive t_uv uv)
show "(t ⊔ (u ⊔ v)) \\ v = (t ⊔ u) \\ v"
proof -
have "(t ⊔ (u ⊔ v)) \\ v = t \\ v ⊔ (u ⊔ v) \\ v"
by (metis 1 assms(2) join_def not_arr_null resid_join⇩E(3) prfx_implies_con)
also have "... = t \\ v ⊔ (u \\ v ⊔ v \\ v)"
by (metis 1 conE conI con_sym join_def resid_join⇩E(1) resid_join⇩E(3) null_is_zero(2)
also have "... = t \\ v ⊔ u \\ v"
by (metis arr_resid_iff_con con_sym cube cong_char join_prfx(2) joinable_implies_con uv)
also have "... = (t ⊔ u) \\ v"
by (metis 0 1 con_implies_arr(1) con_prfx(1) joinable_iff_arr_join resid_join⇩E(3)
finally show ?thesis by blast
show "(t ⊔ (u ⊔ v)) \\ (t ⊔ u) = v \\ (t ⊔ u)"
proof -
have 2: "(t ⊔ (u ⊔ v)) \\ (t ⊔ u) = t \\ (t ⊔ u) ⊔ (u ⊔ v) \\ (t ⊔ u)"
by (metis 0 assms(2) join_def not_arr_null resid_join⇩E(3) prfx_implies_con)
also have 3: "... = (t \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) ⊔ (u ⊔ v) \\ (t ⊔ u)"
by (metis tu arr_prfx_join_self prfx_implies_con resid_join⇩E(2))
also have 4: "... = (u ⊔ v) \\ (t ⊔ u)"
proof -
have "(t \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) = src ((u ⊔ v) \\ (t ⊔ u))"
using src_resid⇩W⇩E trg_join
by (metis (full_types) t_uv tu 0 arr_resid_iff_con con_implies_arr(1) con_sym
cube prfx_implies_con resid_join⇩E(1) trg_def)
thus ?thesis
by (metis tu arr_prfx_join_self conE join_src prfx_implies_con resid_join⇩E(2) src_def)
also have "... = u \\ (t ⊔ u) ⊔ v \\ (t ⊔ u)"
by (metis 0 2 3 4 uv conI con_sym_ax not_ide_null resid_join⇩E(3))
also have "... = (u \\ u) \\ (t \\ u) ⊔ v \\ (t ⊔ u)"
by (metis tu arr_prfx_join_self join_sym joinable_iff_join_not_null prfx_implies_con
also have "... = v \\ (t ⊔ u)"
proof -
have "(u \\ u) \\ (t \\ u) = src (v \\ (t ⊔ u))"
by (metis tu_v tu con_sym cube joinable_implies_con src_resid⇩W⇩E trg_def trg_join
thus ?thesis
using tu_v arr_resid_iff_con con_sym join_src joinable_implies_con
by presburger
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma join_prfx_monotone:
assumes "t ≲ u" and "u ⊔ v ⌢ t ⊔ v"
shows "t ⊔ v ≲ u ⊔ v"
proof -
have "(t ⊔ v) \\ (u ⊔ v) = (t \\ u) \\ (v \\ u)"
proof -
have "(t ⊔ v) \\ (u ⊔ v) = t \\ (u ⊔ v) ⊔ v \\ (u ⊔ v)"
using assms join_sym resid_join⇩E(3) [of t v "join u v"] joinable_iff_join_not_null
by fastforce
also have "... = (t \\ u) \\ (v \\ u) ⊔ (v \\ u) \\ (v \\ u)"
by (metis (full_types) assms(2) conE conI joinable_iff_join_not_null null_is_zero(1)
resid_join⇩E(1-2) con_sym_ax)
also have "... = (t \\ u) \\ (v \\ u) ⊔ trg (v \\ u)"
using trg_def by fastforce
also have "... = (t \\ u) \\ (v \\ u) ⊔ src ((t \\ u) \\ (v \\ u))"
by (metis assms(1-2) con_implies_arr(1) con_target joinable_iff_arr_join
joinable_implies_con src_resid⇩W⇩E)
also have "... = (t \\ u) \\ (v \\ u)"
by (metis arr_resid_iff_con assms(2) con_implies_arr(1) con_sym join_def
join_src join_sym not_arr_null resid_join⇩E(2))
finally show ?thesis by blast
moreover have "ide ..."
by (metis arr_resid_iff_con assms(1-2) calculation con_sym resid_ide_arr)
ultimately show ?thesis by presburger
lemma join_eqI':
assumes "t ≲ v" and "u ≲ v" and "v \\ u = t \\ u" and "v \\ t = u \\ t"
shows "v = t ⊔ u"
using assms composite_of_def cube ideE join_of_def joinable_def join_of_unique
join_is_join_of trg_def
by metis
text ‹
We note that it is not the case that the existence of either of ‹t ⊔ (u ⊔ v)›
or ‹(t ⊔ u) ⊔ v› implies that of the other. For example, if ‹(t ⊔ u) ⊔ v ≠ null›,
then it is not necessarily the case that ‹u ⊔ v ≠ null›.
lemma join_expansion:
assumes "joinable t u"
shows "t ⊔ u = t ⋅ (u \\ t)" and "seq t (u \\ t)"
apply (metis assms comp_is_composite_of(2) join_is_join_of join_of_def)
using assms joinable_iff_composable by auto
lemma join3_expansion:
assumes "joinable (t ⊔ u) v"
shows "(t ⊔ u) ⊔ v = (t ⋅ (u \\ t)) ⋅ ((v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t))"
by (metis assms con_implies_arr(1) join_expansion(1) joinable_iff_arr_join
joinable_implies_con resid_comp(1))
lemma join_comp:
assumes "joinable (t ⋅ u) v"
shows "(t ⋅ u) ⊔ v = t ⋅ (v \\ t) ⋅ (u \\ (v \\ t))"
by (metis assms composable_iff_comp_not_null extensional_rts.comp_assoc
extensional_rts_axioms join_expansion(1) join_sym joinable_iff_composable
joinable_iff_join_not_null joinable_implies_con resid_comp(1))
subsubsection "Extensional RTS with Joins"
locale extensional_rts_with_joins =
rts_with_joins +
lemma joinable_iff_con [iff]:
shows "joinable t u ⟷ t ⌢ u"
by (meson has_joins joinable_implies_con)
lemma joinableE [elim]:
assumes "joinable t u" and "t ⌢ u ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms joinable_iff_con by blast
lemma src_join⇩E⇩J [simp]:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
shows "src (t ⊔ u) = src t"
using assms
by (meson has_joins src_join)
lemma trg_join⇩E⇩J:
assumes "t ⌢ u"
shows "trg (t ⊔ u) = trg (t \\ u)"
using assms
by (meson has_joins trg_join)
lemma resid_join⇩E⇩J [simp]:
assumes "t ⌢ u" and "v ⌢ t ⊔ u"
shows "v \\ (t ⊔ u) = (v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)"
and "(t ⊔ u) \\ v = (t \\ v) ⊔ (u \\ v)"
using assms has_joins resid_join⇩E [of t u v] by blast+
lemma join_assoc:
shows "t ⊔ (u ⊔ v) = (t ⊔ u) ⊔ v"
proof -
have *: "⋀t u v. con (t ⊔ u) v ⟹ t ⊔ (u ⊔ v) = (t ⊔ u) ⊔ v"
proof -
fix t u v
assume 1: "con (t ⊔ u) v"
have vt_ut: "v \\ t ⌢ u \\ t"
using 1
by (metis con_with_join_of_iff(2) join_def join_is_join_of not_con_null(1))
have tv_uv: "t \\ v ⌢ u \\ v"
using vt_ut cube con_sym
by (metis arr_resid_iff_con)
have 2: "(t ⊔ u) ⊔ v = (t ⋅ (u \\ t)) ⋅ (v \\ (t ⋅ (u \\ t)))"
using 1
by (metis comp_is_composite_of(2) con_implies_arr(1) has_joins join_is_join_of
join_of_def joinable_iff_arr_join)
also have "... = t ⋅ ((u \\ t) ⋅ (v \\ (t ⋅ (u \\ t))))"
using 1
by (metis calculation has_joins joinable_iff_join_not_null comp_assoc comp_def)
also have "... = t ⋅ ((u \\ t) ⋅ ((v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)))"
using 1
by (metis 2 comp_null(2) con_compI(2) con_comp_iff has_joins resid_comp(1)
conI joinable_iff_join_not_null)
also have "... = t ⋅ ((v \\ t) ⊔ (u \\ t))"
by (metis vt_ut comp_is_composite_of(2) has_joins join_of_def join_is_join_of)
also have "... = t ⋅ ((u \\ t) ⊔ (v \\ t))"
using join_sym by metis
also have "... = t ⋅ ((u ⊔ v) \\ t)"
by (metis tv_uv vt_ut con_implies_arr(2) con_sym con_with_join_of_iff(1) has_joins
join_is_join_of arr_resid_iff_con resid_join⇩E(3))
also have "... = t ⊔ (u ⊔ v)"
by (metis comp_is_composite_of(2) comp_null(2) conI has_joins join_is_join_of
join_of_def joinable_iff_join_not_null)
finally show "t ⊔ (u ⊔ v) = (t ⊔ u) ⊔ v"
by simp
thus ?thesis
by (metis (full_types) has_joins joinable_iff_join_not_null joinable_implies_con con_sym)
lemma join_is_lub:
assumes "t ≲ v" and "u ≲ v"
shows "t ⊔ u ≲ v"
proof -
have "(t ⊔ u) \\ v = (t \\ v) ⊔ (u \\ v)"
using assms resid_join⇩E(3) [of t u v]
by (metis arr_prfx_join_self con_target con_sym join_assoc joinable_iff_con
joinable_iff_join_not_null prfx_implies_con resid_reflects_con)
also have "... = trg v ⊔ trg v"
using assms
by (metis ideE prfx_implies_con src_resid⇩W⇩E trg_ide)
also have "... = trg v"
by (metis assms(2) ide_iff_src_self ide_implies_arr join_arr_self prfx_implies_con
finally have "(t ⊔ u) \\ v = trg v" by blast
moreover have "ide (trg v)"
using assms
by (metis con_implies_arr(2) prfx_implies_con cong_char trg_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
subsubsection "Extensional RTS with Composites"
text ‹
If an extensional RTS is assumed to have composites for all composable pairs of transitions,
then the ``semantic'' property of transitions being composable can be replaced by the
``syntactic'' property of transitions being sequential. This results in simpler
statements of a number of properties.
locale extensional_rts_with_composites =
rts_with_composites +
lemma seq_implies_arr_comp:
assumes "seq t u"
shows "arr (t ⋅ u)"
using assms
by (meson composable_iff_arr_comp composable_iff_seq)
lemma arr_comp⇩E⇩C [intro, simp]:
assumes "arr t" and "trg t = src u"
shows "arr (t ⋅ u)"
using assms
by (simp add: seq_implies_arr_comp)
lemma arr_compE⇩E⇩C [elim]:
assumes "arr (t ⋅ u)"
and "⟦arr t; arr u; trg t = src u⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
using assms composable_iff_arr_comp composable_iff_seq by blast
lemma trg_comp⇩E⇩C [simp]:
assumes "seq t u"
shows "trg (t ⋅ u) = trg u"
by (meson assms has_composites trg_comp)
lemma src_comp⇩E⇩C [simp]:
assumes "seq t u"
shows "src (t ⋅ u) = src t"
using assms src_comp has_composites by simp
lemma con_comp_iff⇩E⇩C [simp]:
shows "w ⌢ t ⋅ u ⟷ seq t u ∧ u ⌢ w \\ t"
and "t ⋅ u ⌢ w ⟷ seq t u ∧ u ⌢ w \\ t"
using composable_iff_seq con_comp_iff con_sym by meson+
lemma comp_assoc⇩E⇩C:
shows "t ⋅ (u ⋅ v) = (t ⋅ u) ⋅ v"
apply (cases "seq t u")
apply (metis arr_comp comp_assoc comp_def not_arr_null arr_compE⇩E⇩C arr_comp⇩E⇩C
seq_implies_arr_comp trg_comp⇩E⇩C)
by (metis comp_def composable_iff_arr_comp seqI⇩W⇩E(1) src_comp arr_compE⇩E⇩C)
lemma diamond_commutes:
shows "t ⋅ (u \\ t) = u ⋅ (t \\ u)"
proof (cases "t ⌢ u")
show "¬ t ⌢ u ⟹ ?thesis"
by (metis comp_null(2) conI con_sym)
assume con: "t ⌢ u"
have "(t ⋅ (u \\ t)) \\ u = (t \\ u) ⋅ ((u \\ t) \\ (u \\ t))"
using con
by (metis (no_types, lifting) arr_resid_iff_con con_compI(2) con_implies_arr(1)
resid_comp(2) con_imp_arr_resid con_sym comp_def arr_comp⇩E⇩C src_resid⇩W⇩E conI)
moreover have "u ≲ t ⋅ (u \\ t)"
by (metis arr_resid_iff_con calculation con cong_reflexive comp_arr_trg
resid_arr_self resid_comp(1) apex_sym)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis comp_eqI con comp_arr_trg resid_arr_self arr_resid apex_sym)
lemma mediating_transition:
assumes "t ⋅ v = u ⋅ w"
shows "v \\ (u \\ t) = w \\ (t \\ u)"
proof (cases "seq t v")
assume 1: "seq t v"
hence 2: "arr (u ⋅ w)"
using assms by (metis arr_comp⇩E⇩C seqE⇩W⇩E)
have 3: "v \\ (u \\ t) = ((t ⋅ v) \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)"
by (metis 2 assms comp_resid_prfx)
also have "... = (t ⋅ v) \\ (t ⋅ (u \\ t))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "2" assms con_comp_iff⇩E⇩C(2) con_imp_eq_src
con_sym comp_resid_prfx prfx_comp resid_comp(1) arr_compE⇩E⇩C arr_comp⇩E⇩C
also have "... = (u ⋅ w) \\ (u ⋅ (t \\ u))"
using assms diamond_commutes by presburger
also have "... = ((u ⋅ w) \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
by (metis 3 assms calculation cube)
also have "... = w \\ (t \\ u)"
using 2 by simp
finally show ?thesis by blast
assume 1: "¬ seq t v"
have "v \\ (u \\ t) = null"
using 1
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) arr_resid_iff_con coinitial_iff⇩W⇩E con_imp_coinitial
seqI⇩W⇩E(2) src_resid⇩W⇩E conI)
also have "... = w \\ (t \\ u)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1" arr_comp⇩E⇩C assms composable_imp_seq con_imp_eq_src
con_implies_arr(2) comp_def not_arr_null conI src_resid⇩W⇩E)
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma induced_arrow:
assumes "seq t u" and "t ⋅ u = t' ⋅ u'"
shows "(t' \\ t) ⋅ (u \\ (t' \\ t)) = u"
and "(t \\ t') ⋅ (u \\ (t' \\ t)) = u'"
and "(t' \\ t) ⋅ v = u ⟹ v = u \\ (t' \\ t)"
apply (metis assms comp_eqI arr_compE⇩E⇩C prfx_comp resid_comp(1) arr_resid_iff_con
apply (metis assms comp_resid_prfx arr_compE⇩E⇩C resid_comp(2) arr_resid_iff_con
by (metis assms(1) comp_resid_prfx seq_def)
text ‹
If an extensional RTS has composites, then it automatically has joins.
sublocale extensional_rts_with_joins
fix t u
assume con: "t ⌢ u"
have 1: "con u (t ⋅ (u \\ t))"
using con_compI(1) [of t "u \\ t" u]
by (metis con con_implies_arr(1) con_sym diamond_commutes prfx_implies_con
prfx_comp src_resid⇩W⇩E arr_comp⇩E⇩C)
have "t ⊔ u = t ⋅ (u \\ t)"
proof (intro join_eqI)
show "t ≲ t ⋅ (u \\ t)"
by (metis 1 composable_def comp_is_composite_of(2) composite_of_def
moreover show 2: "u ≲ t ⋅ (u \\ t)"
using 1 arr_resid con con_sym prfx_reflexive resid_comp(1) by metis
moreover show "(t ⋅ (u \\ t)) \\ u = t \\ u"
using 1 diamond_commutes induced_arrow(2) resid_comp(2) by force
ultimately show "(t ⋅ (u \\ t)) \\ t = u \\ t"
by (metis con_comp_iff⇩E⇩C(1) con_sym prfx_implies_con resid_comp(2)
thus "joinable t u"
by (metis "1" con_implies_arr(2) joinable_iff_join_not_null not_arr_null)
lemma comp_join⇩E⇩C:
assumes "composable t u" and "joinable u u'"
shows "composable t (u ⊔ u')"
and "t ⋅ (u ⊔ u') = t ⋅ u ⊔ t ⋅ u'"
proof -
have 1: "u ⊔ u' = u ⋅ (u' \\ u) ∧ u ⊔ u' = u' ⋅ (u \\ u')"
using assms joinable_implies_con diamond_commutes
by (metis comp_is_composite_of(2) join_is_join_of join_ofE)
show 2: "composable t (u ⊔ u')"
using assms 1 composable_iff_seq arr_comp src_join arr_compE⇩E⇩C
joinable_iff_arr_join seqI⇩W⇩E(1)
by metis
have "con (t ⋅ u) (t ⋅ u')"
using 1 2 arr_comp arr_compE⇩E⇩C assms(2) comp_assoc⇩E⇩C comp_resid_prfx
con_comp_iff joinable_implies_con comp_def not_arr_null
by metis
thus "t ⋅ (u ⊔ u') = t ⋅ u ⊔ t ⋅ u'"
using assms comp_join(2) joinable_iff_con by blast
lemma resid_common_prefix:
assumes "t ⋅ u ⌢ t ⋅ v"
shows "(t ⋅ u) \\ (t ⋅ v) = u \\ v"
using assms
by (metis con_comp_iff con_sym con_comp_iff⇩E⇩C(2) con_implies_arr(2)
induced_arrow(1) resid_comp(1-2) arr_resid_iff_con)
subsection "Confluence"
text ‹
An RTS is \emph{confluent} if every coinitial pair of transitions is consistent.
locale confluent_rts = rts +
assumes confluence: "coinitial t u ⟹ con t u"
section "Simulations"
text ‹
\emph{Simulations} are morphisms of residuated transition systems.
They are assumed to preserve consistency and residuation.
locale simulation =
A: rts A +
B: rts B
for A :: "'a resid" (infix ‹\⇩A› 70)
and B :: "'b resid" (infix ‹\⇩B› 70)
and F :: "'a ⇒ 'b" +
assumes extensionality: "¬ A.arr t ⟹ F t = B.null"
and preserves_con [simp]: "A.con t u ⟹ B.con (F t) (F u)"
and preserves_resid [simp]: "A.con t u ⟹ F (t \\⇩A u) = F t \\⇩B F u"
notation A.con (infix ‹⌢⇩A› 50)
notation A.prfx (infix ‹≲⇩A› 50)
notation A.cong (infix ‹∼⇩A› 50)
notation B.con (infix ‹⌢⇩B› 50)
notation B.prfx (infix ‹≲⇩B› 50)
notation B.cong (infix ‹∼⇩B› 50)
lemma preserves_reflects_arr [iff]:
shows "B.arr (F t) ⟷ A.arr t"
by (metis A.arr_def B.con_implies_arr(2) B.not_arr_null extensionality preserves_con)
lemma preserves_ide [simp]:
assumes "A.ide a"
shows "B.ide (F a)"
by (metis A.ideE assms preserves_con preserves_resid B.ideI)
lemma preserves_sources:
shows "F ` A.sources t ⊆ B.sources (F t)"
using A.sources_def B.sources_def preserves_con preserves_ide by auto
lemma preserves_targets:
shows "F ` A.targets t ⊆ B.targets (F t)"
by (metis A.arrE B.arrE A.sources_resid B.sources_resid equals0D image_subset_iff
A.arr_iff_has_target preserves_reflects_arr preserves_resid preserves_sources)
lemma preserves_trg [simp]:
assumes "A.arr t"
shows "B.trg (F t) = F (A.trg t)"
using assms A.trg_def B.trg_def by auto
lemma preserves_seq:
shows "A.seq t u ⟹ B.seq (F t) (F u)"
by (metis A.in_sourcesE A.seqE B.seqI(1) B.targets_composite_of preserves_con
preserves_reflects_arr preserves_resid B.composite_of_arr_target
A.resid_arr_ide B.sources_resid A.trg_in_targets B.trg_in_targets
simulation.preserves_trg simulation_axioms)
lemma preserves_composites:
assumes "A.composite_of t u v"
shows "B.composite_of (F t) (F u) (F v)"
using assms
by (metis A.composite_ofE A.prfx_implies_con B.composite_of_def preserves_ide
preserves_resid A.con_sym)
lemma preserves_joins:
assumes "A.join_of t u v"
shows "B.join_of (F t) (F u) (F v)"
using assms A.join_of_def B.join_of_def A.joinable_def
by (metis A.joinable_implies_con preserves_composites preserves_resid)
lemma preserves_prfx:
assumes "t ≲⇩A u"
shows "F t ≲⇩B F u"
using assms
by (metis A.prfx_implies_con preserves_ide preserves_resid)
lemma preserves_cong:
assumes "t ∼⇩A u"
shows "F t ∼⇩B F u"
using assms preserves_prfx by simp
subsection "Identity Simulation"
locale identity_simulation =
abbreviation map
where "map ≡ λt. if arr t then t else null"
sublocale simulation resid resid map
using con_implies_arr con_sym arr_resid_iff_con
by unfold_locales auto
subsection "Composite of Simulations"
lemma simulation_comp [intro]:
assumes "simulation A B F" and "simulation B C G"
shows "simulation A C (G o F)"
proof -
interpret F: simulation A B F using assms(1) by auto
interpret G: simulation B C G using assms(2) by auto
show "simulation A C (G o F)"
using F.extensionality G.extensionality by unfold_locales auto
locale composite_simulation =
F: simulation A B F +
G: simulation B C G
for A :: "'a resid"
and B :: "'b resid"
and C :: "'c resid"
and F :: "'a ⇒ 'b"
and G :: "'b ⇒ 'c"
abbreviation map
where "map ≡ G o F"
sublocale simulation A C map
using F.simulation_axioms G.simulation_axioms by blast
lemma is_simulation:
shows "simulation A C map"
using F.simulation_axioms G.simulation_axioms by blast
subsection "Simulations into a Weakly Extensional RTS"
locale simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts =
simulation +
B: weakly_extensional_rts B
lemma preserves_src [simp]:
shows "a ∈ A.sources t ⟹ B.src (F t) = F a"
by (metis equals0D image_subset_iff B.arr_iff_has_source
preserves_sources B.arr_has_un_source B.src_in_sources)
lemma preserves_trg [simp]:
shows "b ∈ A.targets t ⟹ B.trg (F t) = F b"
by (metis equals0D image_subset_iff B.arr_iff_has_target
preserves_targets B.arr_has_un_target B.trg_in_targets)
subsection "Simulations into an Extensional RTS"
locale simulation_to_extensional_rts =
simulation +
B: extensional_rts B
notation B.comp (infixr ‹⋅⇩B› 55)
notation B.join (infixr ‹⊔⇩B› 52)
lemma preserves_comp:
assumes "A.composite_of t u v"
shows "F v = F t ⋅⇩B F u"
using assms
by (metis preserves_composites B.comp_is_composite_of(2))
lemma preserves_join:
assumes "A.join_of t u v"
shows "F v = F t ⊔⇩B F u"
using assms preserves_joins
by (meson B.join_is_join_of B.join_of_unique B.joinable_def)
subsection "Simulations between Weakly Extensional RTS's"
locale simulation_between_weakly_extensional_rts =
simulation_to_weakly_extensional_rts +
A: weakly_extensional_rts A
lemma preserves_src [simp]:
shows "B.src (F t) = F (A.src t)"
by (metis A.arr_src_iff_arr A.src_in_sources extensionality image_subset_iff
preserves_reflects_arr preserves_sources B.arr_has_un_source B.src_def
lemma preserves_trg [simp]:
shows "B.trg (F t) = F (A.trg t)"
by (metis A.arr_trg_iff_arr A.trg_def B.null_is_zero(2) B.trg_def
extensionality preserves_resid A.arrE)
subsection "Simulations between Extensional RTS's"
locale simulation_between_extensional_rts =
simulation_to_extensional_rts +
A: extensional_rts A
sublocale simulation_between_weakly_extensional_rts ..
notation A.comp (infixr "⋅⇩A" 55)
notation A.join (infixr "⊔⇩A" 52)
lemma preserves_comp:
assumes "A.composable t u"
shows "F (t ⋅⇩A u) = F t ⋅⇩B F u"
using assms
by (metis A.arr_comp A.comp_resid_prfx A.composableD(2) A.not_arr_null
A.prfx_comp B.comp_eqI preserves_prfx preserves_resid A.conI)
lemma preserves_join:
assumes "A.joinable t u"
shows "F (t ⊔⇩A u) = F t ⊔⇩B F u"
using assms
by (meson A.join_is_join_of B.joinable_def preserves_joins B.join_is_join_of
subsection "Transformations"
text ‹
A \emph{transformation} is a morphism of simulations, analogously to how a natural
transformation is a morphism of functors, except the normal commutativity
condition for that ``naturality squares'' is replaced by the requirement that
the arrows at the apex of such a square are given by residuation of the
arrows at the base. If the codomain RTS is extensional, then this
condition implies the commutativity of the square with respect to composition,
as would be the case for a natural transformation between functors.
The proper way to define a transformation when the domain and codomain are
general RTS's is not yet clear to me. However, if the codomain is
weakly extensional, then we have unique sources and targets, so there is no problem.
The definition below is limited to that case. I do not make any attempt here
to develop facts about transformations. My main reason for including this
definition here is so that in the subsequent application to the ‹λ›-calculus,
I can exhibit ‹β›-reduction as an example of a transformation.
locale transformation =
A: rts A +
B: weakly_extensional_rts B +
F: simulation A B F +
G: simulation A B G
for A :: "'a resid" (infix ‹\⇩A› 70)
and B :: "'b resid" (infix ‹\⇩B› 70)
and F :: "'a ⇒ 'b"
and G :: "'a ⇒ 'b"
and τ :: "'a ⇒ 'b" +
assumes extensionality: "¬ A.arr f ⟹ τ f = B.null"
and respects_cong_ide: "⟦A.ide a; A.cong a a'⟧ ⟹ τ a = τ a'"
and preserves_src: "A.ide f ⟹ B.src (τ f) = F f"
and preserves_trg: "A.ide f ⟹ B.trg (τ f) = G f"
and naturality1_ax: "a ∈ A.sources f ⟹ τ a \\⇩B F f = τ (a \\⇩A f)"
and naturality2_ax: "a ∈ A.sources f ⟹ F f \\⇩B τ a = G f"
and naturality3: "a ∈ A.sources f ⟹ B.join_of (τ a) (F f) (τ f)"
notation A.con (infix ‹⌢⇩A› 50)
notation A.prfx (infix ‹≲⇩A› 50)
notation B.con (infix ‹⌢⇩B› 50)
notation B.prfx (infix ‹≲⇩B› 50)
lemma naturality1:
shows "τ (A.src f) \\⇩B F f = τ (A.trg f)"
by (metis A.arr_trg_iff_arr A.ide_trg A.resid_src_arr_cong
A.src_in_sources B.null_is_zero(2) F.extensionality extensionality
naturality1_ax respects_cong_ide)
lemma naturality2:
shows "F f \\⇩B τ (A.src f) = G f"
by (metis A.src_in_sources B.null_is_zero(1) F.extensionality G.extensionality
lemma respects_cong:
assumes "A.cong u u'"
shows "B.cong (τ u) (τ u')"
proof -
obtain a where a: "a ∈ A.sources u ∩ A.sources u'"
using assms
by (meson A.con_imp_common_source A.prfx_implies_con ex_in_conv)
have "B.cong (F u) (F u')"
using assms F.preserves_cong by blast
thus ?thesis
using a naturality3 B.join_of_respects_cong_right
by (metis A.con_imp_common_source A.prfx_implies_con A.sources_eqI
B.join_of_un_upto_cong assms inf.idem)
section "Normal Sub-RTS's and Congruence"
text ‹
We now develop a general quotient construction on an RTS.
We define a \emph{normal sub-RTS} of an RTS to be a collection of transitions ‹𝔑› having
certain ``local'' closure properties. A normal sub-RTS induces an equivalence
relation ‹≈⇩0›, which we call \emph{semi-congruence}, by defining ‹t ≈⇩0 u› to hold exactly
when ‹t \ u› and ‹u \ t› are both in ‹𝔑›. This relation generalizes the relation ‹∼›
defined for an arbitrary RTS, in the sense that ‹∼› is obtained when ‹𝔑› consists of
all and only the identity transitions. However, in general the relation ‹≈⇩0› is fully
substitutive only in the left argument position of residuation; for the right argument position,
a somewhat weaker property is satisfied. We then coarsen ‹≈⇩0› to a relation ‹≈›, by defining
‹t ≈ u› to hold exactly when ‹t› and ‹u› can be transported by residuation along transitions
in ‹𝔑› to a common source, in such a way that the residuals are related by ‹≈⇩0›.
To obtain full substitutivity of ‹≈› with respect to residuation, we need to impose an
additional condition on ‹𝔑›. This condition, which we call \emph{coherence},
states that transporting a transition ‹t› along parallel transitions ‹u› and ‹v› in ‹𝔑› always
yields residuals ‹t \ u› and ‹u \ t› that are related by ‹≈⇩0›. We show that, under the
assumption of coherence, the relation ‹≈› is fully substitutive, and the quotient of the
original RTS by this relation is an extensional RTS which has the ‹𝔑›-connected components of
the original RTS as identities. Although the coherence property has a somewhat \emph{ad hoc}
feel to it, we show that, in the context of the other conditions assumed for ‹𝔑›, coherence is
in fact equivalent to substitutivity for ‹≈›.
subsection "Normal Sub-RTS's"
locale normal_sub_rts =
R: rts +
fixes 𝔑 :: "'a set"
assumes elements_are_arr: "t ∈ 𝔑 ⟹ R.arr t"
and ide_closed: "R.ide a ⟹ a ∈ 𝔑"
and forward_stable: "⟦ u ∈ 𝔑; R.coinitial t u ⟧ ⟹ u \\ t ∈ 𝔑"
and backward_stable: "⟦ u ∈ 𝔑; t \\ u ∈ 𝔑 ⟧ ⟹ t ∈ 𝔑"
and composite_closed_left: "⟦ u ∈ 𝔑; R.seq u t ⟧ ⟹ ∃v. R.composite_of u t v"
and composite_closed_right: "⟦ u ∈ 𝔑; R.seq t u ⟧ ⟹ ∃v. R.composite_of t u v"
lemma prfx_closed:
assumes "u ∈ 𝔑" and "R.prfx t u"
shows "t ∈ 𝔑"
using assms backward_stable ide_closed by blast
lemma composite_closed:
assumes "t ∈ 𝔑" and "u ∈ 𝔑" and "R.composite_of t u v"
shows "v ∈ 𝔑"
using assms backward_stable R.composite_of_def prfx_closed by blast
lemma factor_closed:
assumes "R.composite_of t u v" and "v ∈ 𝔑"
shows "t ∈ 𝔑" and "u ∈ 𝔑"
apply (metis assms R.composite_of_def prfx_closed)
by (meson assms R.composite_of_def R.con_imp_coinitial forward_stable prfx_closed
lemma resid_along_elem_preserves_con:
assumes "t ⌢ t'" and "R.coinitial t u" and "u ∈ 𝔑"
shows "t \\ u ⌢ t' \\ u"
proof -
have "R.coinitial (t \\ t') (u \\ t')"
by (metis assms R.arr_resid_iff_con R.coinitialI R.con_imp_common_source forward_stable
elements_are_arr R.con_implies_arr(2) R.sources_resid R.sources_eqI)
hence "t \\ t' ⌢ u \\ t'"
by (metis assms(3) R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial R.con_sym elements_are_arr
forward_stable R.arr_resid_iff_con)
thus ?thesis
using assms R.cube forward_stable by fastforce
subsubsection "Normal Sub-RTS's of an Extensional RTS with Composites"
locale normal_in_extensional_rts_with_composites =
R: extensional_rts +
R: rts_with_composites +
lemma factor_closed⇩E⇩C:
assumes "t ⋅ u ∈ 𝔑"
shows "t ∈ 𝔑" and "u ∈ 𝔑"
using assms factor_closed
by (metis R.arrE R.composable_def R.comp_is_composite_of(2) R.con_comp_iff
lemma comp_in_normal_iff:
shows "t ⋅ u ∈ 𝔑 ⟷ t ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.seq t u"
by (metis R.comp_is_composite_of(2) composite_closed elements_are_arr
factor_closed(1-2) R.composable_def R.has_composites R.rts_with_composites_axioms
R.extensional_rts_axioms extensional_rts_with_composites.arr_compE⇩E⇩C
extensional_rts_with_composites_def R.seqI⇩W⇩E(1))
subsection "Semi-Congruence"
context normal_sub_rts
text ‹
We will refer to the elements of ‹𝔑› as \emph{normal transitions}.
Generalizing identity transitions to normal transitions in the definition of congruence,
we obtain the notion of \emph{semi-congruence} of transitions with respect to a
normal sub-RTS.
abbreviation Cong⇩0 (infix ‹≈⇩0› 50)
where "t ≈⇩0 t' ≡ t \\ t' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ t' \\ t ∈ 𝔑"
lemma Cong⇩0_reflexive:
assumes "R.arr t"
shows "t ≈⇩0 t"
using assms R.cong_reflexive ide_closed by simp
lemma Cong⇩0_symmetric:
assumes "t ≈⇩0 t'"
shows "t' ≈⇩0 t"
using assms by simp
lemma Cong⇩0_transitive [trans]:
assumes "t ≈⇩0 t'" and "t' ≈⇩0 t''"
shows "t ≈⇩0 t''"
by (metis (full_types) R.arr_resid_iff_con assms backward_stable forward_stable
elements_are_arr R.coinitialI R.cube R.sources_resid)
lemma Cong⇩0_imp_con:
assumes "t ≈⇩0 t'"
shows "R.con t t'"
using assms R.arr_resid_iff_con elements_are_arr by blast
lemma Cong⇩0_imp_coinitial:
assumes "t ≈⇩0 t'"
shows "R.sources t = R.sources t'"
using assms by (meson Cong⇩0_imp_con R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial)
text ‹
Semi-congruence is preserved and reflected by residuation along normal transitions.
lemma Resid_along_normal_preserves_Cong⇩0:
assumes "t ≈⇩0 t'" and "u ∈ 𝔑" and "R.sources t = R.sources u"
shows "t \\ u ≈⇩0 t' \\ u"
by (metis Cong⇩0_imp_coinitial R.arr_resid_iff_con R.coinitialI R.coinitial_def
R.cube R.sources_resid assms elements_are_arr forward_stable)
lemma Resid_along_normal_reflects_Cong⇩0:
assumes "t \\ u ≈⇩0 t' \\ u" and "u ∈ 𝔑"
shows "t ≈⇩0 t'"
using assms
by (metis backward_stable R.con_imp_coinitial R.cube R.null_is_zero(2)
forward_stable R.conI)
text ‹
Semi-congruence is substitutive for the left-hand argument of residuation.
lemma Cong⇩0_subst_left:
assumes "t ≈⇩0 t'" and "t ⌢ u"
shows "t' ⌢ u" and "t \\ u ≈⇩0 t' \\ u"
proof -
have 1: "t ⌢ u ∧ t ⌢ t' ∧ u \\ t ⌢ t' \\ t"
using assms
by (metis Resid_along_normal_preserves_Cong⇩0 Cong⇩0_imp_con Cong⇩0_reflexive R.con_sym
R.null_is_zero(2) R.arr_resid_iff_con R.sources_resid R.conI)
hence 2: "t' ⌢ u ∧ u \\ t ⌢ t' \\ t ∧
(t \\ u) \\ (t' \\ u) = (t \\ t') \\ (u \\ t') ∧
(t' \\ u) \\ (t \\ u) = (t' \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)"
by (meson R.con_sym R.cube R.resid_reflects_con)
show "t' ⌢ u"
using 2 by simp
show "t \\ u ≈⇩0 t' \\ u"
using assms 1 2
by (metis R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_imp_coinitial R.cube forward_stable)
text ‹
Semi-congruence is not exactly substitutive for residuation on the right.
Instead, the following weaker property is satisfied. Obtaining exact substitutivity
on the right is the motivation for defining a coarser notion of congruence below.
lemma Cong⇩0_subst_right:
assumes "u ≈⇩0 u'" and "t ⌢ u"
shows "t ⌢ u'" and "(t \\ u) \\ (u' \\ u) ≈⇩0 (t \\ u') \\ (u \\ u')"
using assms
apply (meson Cong⇩0_subst_left(1) R.con_sym)
using assms
by (metis R.sources_resid Cong⇩0_imp_con Cong⇩0_reflexive Resid_along_normal_preserves_Cong⇩0
R.arr_resid_iff_con residuation.cube R.residuation_axioms)
lemma Cong⇩0_subst_Con:
assumes "t ≈⇩0 t'" and "u ≈⇩0 u'"
shows "t ⌢ u ⟷ t' ⌢ u'"
using assms
by (meson Cong⇩0_subst_left(1) Cong⇩0_subst_right(1))
lemma Cong⇩0_cancel_left:
assumes "R.composite_of t u v" and "R.composite_of t u' v'" and "v ≈⇩0 v'"
shows "u ≈⇩0 u'"
proof -
have "u ≈⇩0 v \\ t"
using assms(1) ide_closed by blast
also have "v \\ t ≈⇩0 v' \\ t"
by (meson assms(1,3) Cong⇩0_subst_left(2) R.composite_of_def R.con_sym R.prfx_implies_con)
also have "v' \\ t ≈⇩0 u'"
using assms(2) ide_closed by blast
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma Cong⇩0_iff:
shows "t ≈⇩0 t' ⟷
(∃u u' v v'. u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ v ≈⇩0 v' ∧
R.composite_of t u v ∧ R.composite_of t' u' v')"
proof (intro iffI)
show "∃u u' v v'. u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ v ≈⇩0 v' ∧
R.composite_of t u v ∧ R.composite_of t' u' v'
⟹ t ≈⇩0 t'"
by (meson Cong⇩0_transitive R.composite_of_def ide_closed prfx_closed)
show "t ≈⇩0 t' ⟹ ∃u u' v v'. u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ v ≈⇩0 v' ∧
R.composite_of t u v ∧ R.composite_of t' u' v'"
by (metis Cong⇩0_imp_con Cong⇩0_transitive R.composite_of_def R.prfx_reflexive
R.arrI R.ideE)
lemma diamond_commutes_upto_Cong⇩0:
assumes "t ⌢ u" and "R.composite_of t (u \\ t) v" and "R.composite_of u (t \\ u) v'"
shows "v ≈⇩0 v'"
proof -
have "v \\ v ≈⇩0 v' \\ v ∧ v' \\ v' ≈⇩0 v \\ v'"
have 1: "(v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) ≈⇩0 (v' \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
using assms(2-3) R.cube [of v t u]
by (metis R.con_target R.composite_ofE R.ide_imp_con_iff_cong ide_closed
have 2: "v \\ v ≈⇩0 v' \\ v"
proof -
have "v \\ v ≈⇩0 (v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)"
using assms R.composite_of_def ide_closed
by (meson R.composite_of_unq_upto_cong R.prfx_implies_con R.resid_composite_of(3))
also have "(v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) ≈⇩0 (v' \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
using 1 by simp
also have "(v' \\ u) \\ (t \\ u) ≈⇩0 (v' \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)"
by (metis "1" Cong⇩0_transitive R.cube)
also have "(v' \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) ≈⇩0 v' \\ v"
using assms R.composite_of_def ide_closed
by (metis "1" R.conI R.con_sym_ax R.cube R.null_is_zero(2) R.resid_composite_of(3))
finally show ?thesis by auto
moreover have "v' \\ v' ≈⇩0 v \\ v'"
proof -
have "v' \\ v' ≈⇩0 (v' \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
using assms R.composite_of_def ide_closed
by (meson R.composite_of_unq_upto_cong R.prfx_implies_con R.resid_composite_of(3))
also have "(v' \\ u) \\ (t \\ u) ≈⇩0 (v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)"
using 1 by simp
also have "(v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) ≈⇩0 (v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
using R.cube [of v t u] ide_closed
by (metis Cong⇩0_reflexive R.arr_resid_iff_con assms(2) R.composite_of_def
also have "(v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u) ≈⇩0 v \\ v'"
using assms R.composite_of_def ide_closed
by (metis 2 R.conI elements_are_arr R.not_arr_null R.null_is_zero(2)
finally show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
thus ?thesis
by (metis assms(2-3) R.composite_of_unq_upto_cong R.resid_arr_ide Cong⇩0_imp_con)
subsection "Congruence"
text ‹
We use semi-congruence to define a coarser relation as follows.
definition Cong (infix ‹≈› 50)
where "Cong t t' ≡ ∃u u'. u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ t \\ u ≈⇩0 t' \\ u'"
lemma CongI [intro]:
assumes "u ∈ 𝔑" and "u' ∈ 𝔑" and "t \\ u ≈⇩0 t' \\ u'"
shows "Cong t t'"
using assms Cong_def by auto
lemma CongE [elim]:
assumes "t ≈ t'"
obtains u u'
where "u ∈ 𝔑" and "u' ∈ 𝔑" and "t \\ u ≈⇩0 t' \\ u'"
using assms Cong_def by auto
lemma Cong_imp_arr:
assumes "t ≈ t'"
shows "R.arr t" and "R.arr t'"
using assms Cong_def
by (meson R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_implies_arr(2) R.con_sym elements_are_arr)+
lemma Cong_reflexive:
assumes "R.arr t"
shows "t ≈ t"
by (metis CongI Cong⇩0_reflexive assms R.con_imp_coinitial_ax ide_closed
R.resid_arr_ide R.arrE R.con_sym)
lemma Cong_symmetric:
assumes "t ≈ t'"
shows "t' ≈ t"
using assms Cong_def by auto
text ‹
The existence of composites of normal transitions is used in the following.
lemma Cong_transitive [trans]:
assumes "t ≈ t''" and "t'' ≈ t'"
shows "t ≈ t'"
proof -
obtain u u'' where uu'': "u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u'' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ t \\ u ≈⇩0 t'' \\ u''"
using assms Cong_def by blast
obtain v' v'' where v'v'': "v' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ v'' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ t'' \\ v'' ≈⇩0 t' \\ v'"
using assms Cong_def by blast
let ?w = "(t \\ u) \\ (v'' \\ u'')"
let ?w' = "(t' \\ v') \\ (u'' \\ v'')"
let ?w'' = "(t'' \\ v'') \\ (u'' \\ v'')"
have w'': "?w'' = (t'' \\ u'') \\ (v'' \\ u'')"
by (metis R.cube)
have u''v'': "R.coinitial u'' v''"
by (metis (full_types) R.coinitial_iff elements_are_arr R.con_imp_coinitial
R.arr_resid_iff_con uu'' v'v'')
hence v''u'': "R.coinitial v'' u''"
by (meson R.con_imp_coinitial elements_are_arr forward_stable R.arr_resid_iff_con v'v'')
have 1: "?w \\ ?w'' ∈ 𝔑"
proof -
have "(v'' \\ u'') \\ (t'' \\ u'') ∈ 𝔑"
by (metis Cong⇩0_transitive R.con_imp_coinitial forward_stable Cong⇩0_imp_con
resid_along_elem_preserves_con R.arrI R.arr_resid_iff_con u''v'' uu'' v'v'')
thus ?thesis
by (metis Cong⇩0_subst_left(2) R.con_sym R.null_is_zero(1) uu'' w'' R.conI)
have 2: "?w'' \\ ?w ∈ 𝔑"
by (metis 1 Cong⇩0_subst_left(2) uu'' w'' R.conI)
have 3: "R.seq u (v'' \\ u'')"
by (metis (full_types) 2 Cong⇩0_imp_coinitial R.sources_resid
Cong⇩0_imp_con R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_implies_arr(2) R.seqI(1) uu'' R.conI)
have 4: "R.seq v' (u'' \\ v'')"
by (metis 1 Cong⇩0_imp_coinitial Cong⇩0_imp_con R.arr_resid_iff_con
R.con_implies_arr(2) R.seq_def R.sources_resid v'v'' R.conI)
obtain x where x: "R.composite_of u (v'' \\ u'') x"
using 3 composite_closed_left uu'' by blast
obtain x' where x': "R.composite_of v' (u'' \\ v'') x'"
using 4 composite_closed_left v'v'' by presburger
have "?w ≈⇩0 ?w'"
proof -
have "?w ≈⇩0 ?w'' ∧ ?w' ≈⇩0 ?w''"
using 1 2
by (metis Cong⇩0_subst_left(2) R.null_is_zero(2) v'v'' R.conI)
thus ?thesis
using Cong⇩0_transitive by blast
moreover have "x ∈ 𝔑 ∧ ?w ≈⇩0 t \\ x"
apply (intro conjI)
apply (meson composite_closed forward_stable u''v'' uu'' v'v'' x)
apply (metis (full_types) R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_implies_arr(2) R.con_sym
ide_closed forward_stable R.composite_of_def R.resid_composite_of(3)
Cong⇩0_subst_right(1) prfx_closed u''v'' uu'' v'v'' x R.conI)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) 1 R.con_composite_of_iff ide_closed
R.resid_composite_of(3) R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_implies_arr(1) R.con_sym x R.conI)
moreover have "x' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ ?w' ≈⇩0 t' \\ x'"
apply (intro conjI)
apply (meson composite_closed forward_stable uu'' v''u'' v'v'' x')
apply (metis (full_types) Cong⇩0_subst_right(1) R.composite_ofE R.con_sym
ide_closed forward_stable R.con_imp_coinitial prfx_closed
R.resid_composite_of(3) R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_implies_arr(1) uu'' v'v'' x' R.conI)
by (metis (full_types) Cong⇩0_subst_left(1) R.composite_ofE R.con_sym ide_closed
forward_stable R.con_imp_coinitial prfx_closed R.resid_composite_of(3)
R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_implies_arr(1) uu'' v'v'' x' R.conI)
ultimately show "t ≈ t'"
using Cong_def Cong⇩0_transitive by metis
lemma Cong_closure_props:
shows "t ≈ u ⟹ u ≈ t"
and "⟦t ≈ u; u ≈ v⟧ ⟹ t ≈ v"
and "t ≈⇩0 u ⟹ t ≈ u"
and "⟦u ∈ 𝔑; R.sources t = R.sources u⟧ ⟹ t ≈ t \\ u"
proof -
show "t ≈ u ⟹ u ≈ t"
using Cong_symmetric by blast
show "⟦t ≈ u; u ≈ v⟧ ⟹ t ≈ v"
using Cong_transitive by blast
show "t ≈⇩0 u ⟹ t ≈ u"
by (metis Cong⇩0_subst_left(2) Cong_def Cong_reflexive R.con_implies_arr(1)
R.null_is_zero(2) R.conI)
show "⟦u ∈ 𝔑; R.sources t = R.sources u⟧ ⟹ t ≈ t \\ u"
proof -
assume u: "u ∈ 𝔑" and coinitial: "R.sources t = R.sources u"
obtain a where a: "a ∈ R.targets u"
by (meson elements_are_arr empty_subsetI R.arr_iff_has_target subsetI subset_antisym u)
have "t \\ u ≈⇩0 (t \\ u) \\ a"
proof -
have "R.arr t"
using R.arr_iff_has_source coinitial elements_are_arr u by presburger
thus ?thesis
by (meson u a R.arr_resid_iff_con coinitial ide_closed forward_stable
elements_are_arr R.coinitial_iff R.composite_of_arr_target R.resid_composite_of(3))
thus ?thesis
using Cong_def
by (metis a R.composite_of_arr_target elements_are_arr factor_closed(2) u)
lemma Cong⇩0_implies_Cong:
assumes "t ≈⇩0 t'"
shows "t ≈ t'"
using assms Cong_closure_props(3) by simp
lemma in_sources_respects_Cong:
assumes "t ≈ t'" and "a ∈ R.sources t" and "a' ∈ R.sources t'"
shows "a ≈ a'"
proof -
obtain u u' where uu': "u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ t \\ u ≈⇩0 t' \\ u'"
using assms Cong_def by blast
show "a ≈ a'"
show "u ∈ 𝔑"
using uu' by simp
show "u' ∈ 𝔑"
using uu' by simp
show "a \\ u ≈⇩0 a' \\ u'"
proof -
have "a \\ u ∈ R.targets u"
by (metis Cong⇩0_imp_con R.arr_resid_iff_con assms(2) R.con_imp_common_source
R.con_implies_arr(1) R.resid_source_in_targets R.sources_eqI uu')
moreover have "a' \\ u' ∈ R.targets u'"
by (metis Cong⇩0_imp_con R.arr_resid_iff_con assms(3) R.con_imp_common_source
R.resid_source_in_targets R.con_implies_arr(1) R.sources_eqI uu')
moreover have "R.targets u = R.targets u'"
by (metis Cong⇩0_imp_coinitial Cong⇩0_imp_con R.arr_resid_iff_con
R.con_implies_arr(1) R.sources_resid uu')
ultimately show ?thesis
using ide_closed R.targets_are_cong by presburger
lemma in_targets_respects_Cong:
assumes "t ≈ t'" and "b ∈ R.targets t" and "b' ∈ R.targets t'"
shows "b ≈ b'"
proof -
obtain u u' where uu': "u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ t \\ u ≈⇩0 t' \\ u'"
using assms Cong_def by blast
have seq: "R.seq (u \\ t) ((t' \\ u') \\ (t \\ u)) ∧ R.seq (u' \\ t') ((t \\ u) \\ (t' \\ u'))"
by (metis R.arr_iff_has_source R.arr_iff_has_target R.conI elements_are_arr R.not_arr_null
R.seqI(2) R.sources_resid R.targets_resid_sym uu')
obtain v where v: "R.composite_of (u \\ t) ((t' \\ u') \\ (t \\ u)) v"
using seq composite_closed_right uu' by presburger
obtain v' where v': "R.composite_of (u' \\ t') ((t \\ u) \\ (t' \\ u')) v'"
using seq composite_closed_right uu' by presburger
show "b ≈ b'"
show v_in_𝔑: "v ∈ 𝔑"
by (metis composite_closed R.con_imp_coinitial R.con_implies_arr(1) forward_stable
R.composite_of_def R.prfx_implies_con R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_sym uu' v)
show v'_in_𝔑: "v' ∈ 𝔑"
by (metis backward_stable R.composite_of_def R.con_imp_coinitial forward_stable
R.null_is_zero(2) prfx_closed uu' v' R.conI)
show "b \\ v ≈⇩0 b' \\ v'"
using assms uu' v v'
by (metis R.arr_resid_iff_con ide_closed R.seq_def R.sources_resid R.targets_resid_sym
R.resid_source_in_targets seq R.sources_composite_of R.targets_are_cong
lemma sources_are_Cong:
assumes "a ∈ R.sources t" and "a' ∈ R.sources t"
shows "a ≈ a'"
using assms
by (simp add: ide_closed R.sources_are_cong Cong_closure_props(3))
lemma targets_are_Cong:
assumes "b ∈ R.targets t" and "b' ∈ R.targets t"
shows "b ≈ b'"
using assms
by (simp add: ide_closed R.targets_are_cong Cong_closure_props(3))
text ‹
It is \emph{not} the case that sources and targets are ‹≈›-closed;
\emph{i.e.} ‹t ≈ t' ⟹ sources t = sources t'› and ‹t ≈ t' ⟹ targets t = targets t'›
do not hold, in general.
lemma Resid_along_normal_preserves_reflects_con:
assumes "u ∈ 𝔑" and "R.sources t = R.sources u"
shows "t \\ u ⌢ t' \\ u ⟷ t ⌢ t'"
by (metis R.arr_resid_iff_con assms R.con_implies_arr(1-2) elements_are_arr R.coinitial_iff
R.resid_reflects_con resid_along_elem_preserves_con)
text ‹
We can alternatively characterize ‹≈› as the least symmetric and transitive
relation on transitions that extends ‹≈⇩0› and has the property
of being preserved by residuation along transitions in ‹𝔑›.
inductive Cong'
where "⋀t u. Cong' t u ⟹ Cong' u t"
| "⋀t u v. ⟦Cong' t u; Cong' u v⟧ ⟹ Cong' t v"
| "⋀t u. t ≈⇩0 u ⟹ Cong' t u"
| "⋀t u. ⟦R.arr t; u ∈ 𝔑; R.sources t = R.sources u⟧ ⟹ Cong' t (t \\ u)"
lemma Cong'_if:
shows "⟦u ∈ 𝔑; u' ∈ 𝔑; t \\ u ≈⇩0 t' \\ u'⟧ ⟹ Cong' t t'"
proof -
assume u: "u ∈ 𝔑" and u': "u' ∈ 𝔑" and 1: "t \\ u ≈⇩0 t' \\ u'"
show "Cong' t t'"
using u u' 1
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cong'.simps Cong⇩0_imp_con R.arr_resid_iff_con
R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial)
lemma Cong_char:
shows "Cong t t' ⟷ Cong' t t'"
proof -
have "Cong t t' ⟹ Cong' t t'"
using Cong_def Cong'_if by blast
moreover have "Cong' t t' ⟹ Cong t t'"
apply (induction rule: Cong'.induct)
using Cong_symmetric apply simp
using Cong_transitive apply simp
using Cong_closure_props(3) apply simp
using Cong_closure_props(4) by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using Cong_def by blast
lemma normal_is_Cong_closed:
assumes "t ∈ 𝔑" and "t ≈ t'"
shows "t' ∈ 𝔑"
using assms
by (metis (full_types) CongE R.con_imp_coinitial forward_stable
R.null_is_zero(2) backward_stable R.conI)
subsection "Congruence Classes"
text ‹
Here we develop some notions relating to the congruence classes of ‹≈›.
definition Cong_class (‹⦃_⦄›)
where "Cong_class t ≡ {t'. t ≈ t'}"
definition is_Cong_class
where "is_Cong_class 𝒯 ≡ ∃t. t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ 𝒯 = ⦃t⦄"
definition Cong_class_rep
where "Cong_class_rep 𝒯 ≡ SOME t. t ∈ 𝒯"
lemma Cong_class_is_nonempty:
assumes "is_Cong_class 𝒯"
shows "𝒯 ≠ {}"
using assms is_Cong_class_def Cong_class_def by auto
lemma rep_in_Cong_class:
assumes "is_Cong_class 𝒯"
shows "Cong_class_rep 𝒯 ∈ 𝒯"
using assms is_Cong_class_def Cong_class_rep_def someI_ex [of "λt. t ∈ 𝒯"]
by metis
lemma arr_in_Cong_class:
assumes "R.arr t"
shows "t ∈ ⦃t⦄"
using assms Cong_class_def Cong_reflexive by simp
lemma is_Cong_classI:
assumes "R.arr t"
shows "is_Cong_class ⦃t⦄"
using assms Cong_class_def is_Cong_class_def Cong_reflexive by blast
lemma is_Cong_classI' [intro]:
assumes "𝒯 ≠ {}"
and "⋀t t'. ⟦t ∈ 𝒯; t' ∈ 𝒯⟧ ⟹ t ≈ t'"
and "⋀t t'. ⟦t ∈ 𝒯; t' ≈ t⟧ ⟹ t' ∈ 𝒯"
shows "is_Cong_class 𝒯"
proof -
obtain t where t: "t ∈ 𝒯"
using assms by auto
have "𝒯 = ⦃t⦄"
unfolding Cong_class_def
using assms(2-3) t by blast
thus ?thesis
using is_Cong_class_def t by blast
lemma Cong_class_memb_is_arr:
assumes "is_Cong_class 𝒯" and "t ∈ 𝒯"
shows "R.arr t"
using assms Cong_class_def is_Cong_class_def Cong_imp_arr(2) by force
lemma Cong_class_membs_are_Cong:
assumes "is_Cong_class 𝒯" and "t ∈ 𝒯" and "t' ∈ 𝒯"
shows "Cong t t'"
using assms Cong_class_def is_Cong_class_def
by (metis CollectD Cong_closure_props(2) Cong_symmetric)
lemma Cong_class_eqI:
assumes "t ≈ t'"
shows "⦃t⦄ = ⦃t'⦄"
using assms Cong_class_def
by (metis (full_types) Collect_cong Cong'.intros(1-2) Cong_char)
lemma Cong_class_eqI':
assumes "is_Cong_class 𝒯" and "is_Cong_class 𝒰" and "𝒯 ∩ 𝒰 ≠ {}"
shows "𝒯 = 𝒰"
using assms is_Cong_class_def Cong_class_eqI Cong_class_membs_are_Cong Int_emptyI
by (metis (no_types, lifting))
lemma is_Cong_classE [elim]:
assumes "is_Cong_class 𝒯"
and "⟦𝒯 ≠ {}; ⋀t t'. ⟦t ∈ 𝒯; t' ∈ 𝒯⟧ ⟹ t ≈ t'; ⋀t t'. ⟦t ∈ 𝒯; t' ≈ t⟧ ⟹ t' ∈ 𝒯⟧ ⟹ T"
shows T
proof -
have 𝒯: "𝒯 ≠ {}"
using assms Cong_class_is_nonempty by simp
moreover have 1: "⋀t t'. ⟦t ∈ 𝒯; t' ∈ 𝒯⟧ ⟹ t ≈ t'"
using assms Cong_class_membs_are_Cong by metis
moreover have "⋀t t'. ⟦t ∈ 𝒯; t' ≈ t⟧ ⟹ t' ∈ 𝒯"
using assms Cong_class_def
by (metis 1 Cong_class_eqI Cong_imp_arr(1) is_Cong_class_def arr_in_Cong_class)
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms by blast
lemma Cong_class_rep [simp]:
assumes "is_Cong_class 𝒯"
shows "⦃Cong_class_rep 𝒯⦄ = 𝒯"
by (metis Cong_class_membs_are_Cong Cong_class_eqI assms is_Cong_class_def rep_in_Cong_class)
lemma Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep:
assumes "is_Cong_class 𝒯" and "t ∈ 𝒯"
shows "Cong t (Cong_class_rep 𝒯)"
using assms Cong_class_membs_are_Cong rep_in_Cong_class by simp
lemma composite_of_normal_arr:
shows "⟦ R.arr t; u ∈ 𝔑; R.composite_of u t t' ⟧ ⟹ t' ≈ t"
by (meson Cong'.intros(3) Cong_char R.composite_of_def R.con_implies_arr(2)
ide_closed R.prfx_implies_con Cong_closure_props(2,4) R.sources_composite_of)
lemma composite_of_arr_normal:
shows "⟦ arr t; u ∈ 𝔑; R.composite_of t u t' ⟧ ⟹ t' ≈⇩0 t"
by (meson Cong_closure_props(3) R.composite_of_def ide_closed prfx_closed)
subsection "Coherent Normal Sub-RTS's"
text ‹
A \emph{coherent} normal sub-RTS is one that satisfies a parallel moves property with respect
to arbitrary transitions. The congruence ‹≈› induced by a coherent normal sub-RTS is
fully substitutive with respect to consistency and residuation,
and in fact coherence is equivalent to substitutivity in this context.
locale coherent_normal_sub_rts = normal_sub_rts +
assumes coherent: "⟦ R.arr t; u ∈ 𝔑; u' ∈ 𝔑; R.sources u = R.sources u';
R.targets u = R.targets u'; R.sources t = R.sources u ⟧
⟹ t \\ u ≈⇩0 t \\ u'"
context normal_sub_rts
text ‹
The above ``parallel moves'' formulation of coherence is equivalent to the following
formulation, which involves ``opposing spans''.
lemma coherent_iff:
shows "(∀t u u'. R.arr t ∧ u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.sources t = R.sources u ∧
R.sources u = R.sources u' ∧ R.targets u = R.targets u'
⟶ t \\ u ≈⇩0 t \\ u')
(∀t t' v v' w w'. v ∈ 𝔑 ∧ v' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w' ∈ 𝔑 ∧
R.sources v = R.sources w ∧ R.sources v' = R.sources w' ∧
R.targets w = R.targets w' ∧ t \\ v ≈⇩0 t' \\ v'
⟶ t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w')"
assume 1: "∀t t' v v' w w'. v ∈ 𝔑 ∧ v' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w' ∈ 𝔑 ∧
R.sources v = R.sources w ∧ R.sources v' = R.sources w' ∧
R.targets w = R.targets w' ∧ t \\ v ≈⇩0 t' \\ v'
⟶ t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w'"
show "∀t u u'. R.arr t ∧ u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.sources t = R.sources u ∧
R.sources u = R.sources u' ∧ R.targets u = R.targets u'
⟶ t \\ u ≈⇩0 t \\ u'"
proof (intro allI impI, elim conjE)
fix t u u'
assume t: "R.arr t" and u: "u ∈ 𝔑" and u': "u' ∈ 𝔑"
and tu: "R.sources t = R.sources u" and sources: "R.sources u = R.sources u'"
and targets: "R.targets u = R.targets u'"
show "t \\ u ≈⇩0 t \\ u'"
by (metis 1 Cong⇩0_reflexive Resid_along_normal_preserves_Cong⇩0 sources t targets
tu u u')
assume 1: "∀t u u'. R.arr t ∧ u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.sources t = R.sources u ∧
R.sources u = R.sources u' ∧ R.targets u = R.targets u'
⟶ t \\ u ≈⇩0 t \\ u'"
show "∀t t' v v' w w'. v ∈ 𝔑 ∧ v' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w' ∈ 𝔑 ∧
R.sources v = R.sources w ∧ R.sources v' = R.sources w' ∧
R.targets w = R.targets w' ∧ t \\ v ≈⇩0 t' \\ v'
⟶ t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w'"
proof (intro allI impI, elim conjE)
fix t t' v v' w w'
assume v: "v ∈ 𝔑" and v': "v' ∈ 𝔑" and w: "w ∈ 𝔑" and w': "w' ∈ 𝔑"
and vw: "R.sources v = R.sources w" and v'w': "R.sources v' = R.sources w'"
and ww': "R.targets w = R.targets w'"
and tvt'v': "(t \\ v) \\ (t' \\ v') ∈ 𝔑" and t'v'tv: "(t' \\ v') \\ (t \\ v) ∈ 𝔑"
show "t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w'"
proof -
have 3: "R.sources t = R.sources v ∧ R.sources t' = R.sources v'"
using R.con_imp_coinitial
by (meson Cong⇩0_imp_con tvt'v' t'v'tv
R.coinitial_iff R.arr_resid_iff_con)
have 2: "t \\ w ≈ t' \\ w'"
using Cong_closure_props
by (metis tvt'v' t'v'tv 3 vw v'w' v v' w w')
obtain z z' where zz': "z ∈ 𝔑 ∧ z' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ (t \\ w) \\ z ≈⇩0 (t' \\ w') \\ z'"
using 2 by auto
have "(t \\ w) \\ z ≈⇩0 (t \\ w) \\ z'"
proof -
have "R.coinitial ((t \\ w) \\ z) ((t \\ w) \\ z')"
proof -
have "R.targets z = R.targets z'"
using ww' zz'
by (metis Cong⇩0_imp_coinitial Cong⇩0_imp_con R.con_sym_ax
R.null_is_zero(2) R.sources_resid R.conI)
moreover have "R.sources ((t \\ w) \\ z) = R.targets z"
using ww' zz'
by (metis R.con_def R.not_arr_null R.null_is_zero(2)
R.sources_resid elements_are_arr)
moreover have "R.sources ((t \\ w) \\ z') = R.targets z'"
using ww' zz'
by (metis Cong_closure_props(4) Cong_imp_arr(2) R.arr_resid_iff_con
R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial R.sources_resid)
ultimately show ?thesis
using ww' zz'
apply (intro R.coinitialI)
apply auto
by (meson R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_implies_arr(2) elements_are_arr)
thus ?thesis
apply (intro conjI)
by (metis 1 R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial R.arr_resid_iff_con
R.sources_resid zz')+
hence "(t \\ w) \\ z' ≈⇩0 (t' \\ w') \\ z'"
using zz' Cong⇩0_transitive Cong⇩0_symmetric by blast
thus ?thesis
using zz' Resid_along_normal_reflects_Cong⇩0 by metis
context coherent_normal_sub_rts
text ‹
The proof of the substitutivity of ‹≈› with respect to residuation only uses
coherence in the ``opposing spans'' form.
lemma coherent':
assumes "v ∈ 𝔑" and "v' ∈ 𝔑" and "w ∈ 𝔑" and "w' ∈ 𝔑"
and "R.sources v = R.sources w" and "R.sources v' = R.sources w'"
and "R.targets w = R.targets w'" and "t \\ v ≈⇩0 t' \\ v'"
shows "t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w'"
show "(t \\ w) \\ (t' \\ w') ∈ 𝔑"
using assms coherent coherent_iff by meson
show "(t' \\ w') \\ (t \\ w) ∈ 𝔑"
using assms coherent coherent_iff by meson
text ‹
The relation ‹≈› is substitutive with respect to both arguments of residuation.
lemma Cong_subst:
assumes "t ≈ t'" and "u ≈ u'" and "t ⌢ u" and "R.sources t' = R.sources u'"
shows "t' ⌢ u'" and "t \\ u ≈ t' \\ u'"
proof -
obtain v v' where vv': "v ∈ 𝔑 ∧ v' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ t \\ v ≈⇩0 t' \\ v'"
using assms by auto
obtain w w' where ww': "w ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u \\ w ≈⇩0 u' \\ w'"
using assms by auto
let ?x = "t \\ v" and ?x' = "t' \\ v'"
let ?y = "u \\ w" and ?y' = "u' \\ w'"
have xx': "?x ≈⇩0 ?x'"
using assms vv' by blast
have yy': "?y ≈⇩0 ?y'"
using assms ww' by blast
have 1: "t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w'"
proof -
have "R.sources v = R.sources w"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cong⇩0_imp_con R.arr_resid_iff_con assms(3)
R.con_imp_common_source R.con_implies_arr(2) R.sources_eqI ww' xx')
moreover have "R.sources v' = R.sources w'"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(4) R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial
Cong⇩0_imp_con R.arr_resid_iff_con ww' xx')
moreover have "R.targets w = R.targets w'"
by (metis Cong⇩0_implies_Cong Cong⇩0_imp_coinitial Cong_imp_arr(1)
R.arr_resid_iff_con R.sources_resid ww')
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms vv' ww'
by (intro coherent' [of v v' w w' t]) auto
have 2: "t' \\ w' ⌢ u' \\ w'"
using assms 1 ww'
by (metis Cong⇩0_subst_left(1) Cong⇩0_subst_right(1)
Resid_along_normal_preserves_reflects_con R.arr_resid_iff_con
R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial elements_are_arr)
thus 3: "t' ⌢ u'"
using ww' R.cube by force
have "t \\ u ≈ ((t \\ u) \\ (w \\ u)) \\ (?y' \\ ?y)"
proof -
have "t \\ u ≈ (t \\ u) \\ (w \\ u)"
by (metis Cong_closure_props(4) assms(3) R.con_imp_coinitial
elements_are_arr forward_stable R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_implies_arr(1)
R.sources_resid ww')
also have "... ≈ ((t \\ u) \\ (w \\ u)) \\ (?y' \\ ?y)"
by (metis Cong⇩0_imp_con Cong_closure_props(4) Cong_imp_arr(2)
R.arr_resid_iff_con calculation R.con_implies_arr(2) R.targets_resid_sym
R.sources_resid ww')
finally show ?thesis by simp
also have "... ≈ (((t \\ w) \\ ?y) \\ (?y' \\ ?y))"
using ww'
by (metis Cong_imp_arr(2) Cong_reflexive calculation R.cube)
also have "... ≈ (((t' \\ w') \\ ?y) \\ (?y' \\ ?y))"
using 1 Cong⇩0_subst_left(2) [of "t \\ w" "(t' \\ w')" ?y]
Cong⇩0_subst_left(2) [of "(t \\ w) \\ ?y" "(t' \\ w') \\ ?y" "?y' \\ ?y"]
by (meson 2 Cong⇩0_implies_Cong Cong⇩0_subst_Con Cong_imp_arr(2)
R.arr_resid_iff_con calculation ww')
also have "... ≈ ((t' \\ w') \\ ?y') \\ (?y \\ ?y')"
using 2 Cong⇩0_implies_Cong Cong⇩0_subst_right(2) ww' by presburger
also have 4: "... ≈ (t' \\ u') \\ (w' \\ u')"
using 2 ww'
by (metis Cong⇩0_imp_con Cong_closure_props(4) Cong_symmetric R.cube R.sources_resid)
also have "... ≈ t' \\ u'"
using ww' 3 4
by (metis Cong_closure_props(4) Cong_imp_arr(2) Cong_symmetric R.con_imp_coinitial
R.con_implies_arr(2) forward_stable R.sources_resid R.arr_resid_iff_con)
finally show "t \\ u ≈ t' \\ u'" by simp
lemma Cong_subst_con:
assumes "R.sources t = R.sources u" and "R.sources t' = R.sources u'"
and "t ≈ t'" and "u ≈ u'"
shows "t ⌢ u ⟷ t' ⌢ u'"
using assms by (meson Cong_subst(1) Cong_symmetric)
lemma Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal:
assumes "R.composite_of t u t'" and "u ∈ 𝔑"
shows "t' ≈⇩0 t"
using assms backward_stable R.composite_of_def ide_closed by blast
lemma Cong_composite_of_normal_arr:
assumes "R.composite_of u t t'" and "u ∈ 𝔑"
shows "t' ≈ t"
using assms
by (meson Cong_closure_props(2-4) R.arr_composite_of ide_closed R.composite_of_def
context normal_sub_rts
text ‹
Coherence is not an arbitrary property: here we show that substitutivity of
congruence in residuation is equivalent to the ``opposing spans'' form of coherence.
lemma Cong_subst_iff_coherent':
shows "(∀t t' u u'. t ≈ t' ∧ u ≈ u' ∧ t ⌢ u ∧ R.sources t' = R.sources u'
⟶ t' ⌢ u' ∧ t \\ u ≈ t' \\ u')
(∀t t' v v' w w'. v ∈ 𝔑 ∧ v' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w' ∈ 𝔑 ∧
R.sources v = R.sources w ∧ R.sources v' = R.sources w' ∧
R.targets w = R.targets w' ∧ t \\ v ≈⇩0 t' \\ v'
⟶ t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w')"
assume 1: "∀t t' u u'. t ≈ t' ∧ u ≈ u' ∧ t ⌢ u ∧ R.sources t' = R.sources u'
⟶ t' ⌢ u' ∧ t \\ u ≈ t' \\ u'"
show "∀t t' v v' w w'. v ∈ 𝔑 ∧ v' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w' ∈ 𝔑 ∧
R.sources v = R.sources w ∧ R.sources v' = R.sources w' ∧
R.targets w = R.targets w' ∧ t \\ v ≈⇩0 t' \\ v'
⟶ t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w'"
proof (intro allI impI, elim conjE)
fix t t' v v' w w'
assume v: "v ∈ 𝔑" and v': "v' ∈ 𝔑" and w: "w ∈ 𝔑" and w': "w' ∈ 𝔑"
and sources_vw: "R.sources v = R.sources w"
and sources_v'w': "R.sources v' = R.sources w'"
and targets_ww': "R.targets w = R.targets w'"
and tt': "(t \\ v) \\ (t' \\ v') ∈ 𝔑" and t't: "(t' \\ v') \\ (t \\ v) ∈ 𝔑"
show "t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w'"
proof -
have 2: "⋀t t' u u'. ⟦t ≈ t'; u ≈ u'; t ⌢ u; R.sources t' = R.sources u'⟧
⟹ t' ⌢ u' ∧ t \\ u ≈ t' \\ u'"
using 1 by blast
have 3: "t \\ w ≈ t \\ v ∧ t' \\ w' ≈ t' \\ v'"
by (metis tt' t't sources_vw sources_v'w' Cong⇩0_subst_right(2)
Cong_closure_props(4) Cong_def R.arr_resid_iff_con Cong_closure_props(3)
Cong_imp_arr(1) normal_is_Cong_closed v w v' w')
have "(t \\ w) \\ (t' \\ w') ≈ (t \\ v) \\ (t' \\ v')"
using 2 [of "t \\ w" "t \\ v" "t' \\ w'" "t' \\ v'"] 3
by (metis tt' t't targets_ww' 1 Cong⇩0_imp_con Cong_imp_arr(1) Cong_symmetric
R.arr_resid_iff_con R.sources_resid)
moreover have "(t' \\ w') \\ (t \\ w) ≈ (t' \\ v') \\ (t \\ v)"
using 2 3
by (metis tt' t't targets_ww' Cong⇩0_imp_con Cong_symmetric
Cong_imp_arr(1) R.arr_resid_iff_con R.sources_resid)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (meson tt' t't normal_is_Cong_closed Cong_symmetric)
assume 1: "∀t t' v v' w w'. v ∈ 𝔑 ∧ v' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w' ∈ 𝔑 ∧
R.sources v = R.sources w ∧ R.sources v' = R.sources w' ∧
R.targets w = R.targets w' ∧ t \\ v ≈⇩0 t' \\ v'
⟶ t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w'"
show "∀t t' u u'. t ≈ t' ∧ u ≈ u' ∧ t ⌢ u ∧ R.sources t' = R.sources u'
⟶ t' ⌢ u' ∧ t \\ u ≈ t' \\ u'"
proof (intro allI impI, elim conjE, intro conjI)
have *: "⋀t t' v v' w w'. ⟦v ∈ 𝔑; v' ∈ 𝔑; w ∈ 𝔑; w' ∈ 𝔑;
R.sources v = R.sources w; R.sources v' = R.sources w';
R.targets v = R.targets v'; R.targets w = R.targets w';
t \\ v ≈⇩0 t' \\ v'⟧
⟹ t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w'"
using 1 by metis
fix t t' u u'
assume tt': "t ≈ t'" and uu': "u ≈ u'" and con: "t ⌢ u"
and t'u': "R.sources t' = R.sources u'"
obtain v v' where vv': "v ∈ 𝔑 ∧ v' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ t \\ v ≈⇩0 t' \\ v'"
using tt' by auto
obtain w w' where ww': "w ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u \\ w ≈⇩0 u' \\ w'"
using uu' by auto
let ?x = "t \\ v" and ?x' = "t' \\ v'"
let ?y = "u \\ w" and ?y' = "u' \\ w'"
have xx': "?x ≈⇩0 ?x'"
using tt' vv' by blast
have yy': "?y ≈⇩0 ?y'"
using uu' ww' by blast
have 1: "t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w'"
proof -
have "R.sources v = R.sources w ∧ R.sources v' = R.sources w'"
show "R.sources v' = R.sources w'"
using Cong⇩0_imp_con R.arr_resid_iff_con R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial
t'u' vv' ww'
by metis
show "R.sources v = R.sources w"
by (metis con elements_are_arr R.not_arr_null R.null_is_zero(2) R.conI
R.con_imp_common_source rts.sources_eqI R.rts_axioms vv' ww')
moreover have "R.targets v = R.targets v' ∧ R.targets w = R.targets w'"
by (metis Cong⇩0_imp_coinitial Cong⇩0_imp_con R.arr_resid_iff_con
R.con_implies_arr(2) R.sources_resid vv' ww')
ultimately show ?thesis
using vv' ww' xx'
by (intro * [of v v' w w' t t']) auto
have 2: "t' \\ w' ⌢ u' \\ w'"
using 1 tt' ww'
by (meson Cong⇩0_imp_con Cong⇩0_subst_Con R.arr_resid_iff_con con R.con_imp_coinitial
R.con_implies_arr(2) resid_along_elem_preserves_con)
thus 3: "t' ⌢ u'"
using ww' R.cube by force
have "t \\ u ≈ (t \\ u) \\ (w \\ u)"
by (metis Cong_closure_props(4) R.arr_resid_iff_con con R.con_imp_coinitial
elements_are_arr forward_stable R.con_implies_arr(2) R.sources_resid ww')
also have "(t \\ u) \\ (w \\ u) ≈ ((t \\ u) \\ (w \\ u)) \\ (?y' \\ ?y)"
using yy'
by (metis Cong⇩0_imp_con Cong_closure_props(4) Cong_imp_arr(2)
R.arr_resid_iff_con calculation R.con_implies_arr(2) R.sources_resid R.targets_resid_sym)
also have "... ≈ (((t \\ w) \\ ?y) \\ (?y' \\ ?y))"
using ww'
by (metis Cong_imp_arr(2) Cong_reflexive calculation R.cube)
also have "... ≈ (((t' \\ w') \\ ?y) \\ (?y' \\ ?y))"
proof -
have "((t \\ w) \\ ?y) \\ (?y' \\ ?y) ≈⇩0 ((t' \\ w') \\ ?y) \\ (?y' \\ ?y)"
using 1 2 Cong⇩0_subst_left(2)
by (meson Cong⇩0_subst_Con calculation Cong_imp_arr(2) R.arr_resid_iff_con ww')
thus ?thesis
using Cong⇩0_implies_Cong by presburger
also have "... ≈ ((t' \\ w') \\ ?y') \\ (?y \\ ?y')"
by (meson "2" Cong⇩0_implies_Cong Cong⇩0_subst_right(2) ww')
also have 4: "... ≈ (t' \\ u') \\ (w' \\ u')"
using 2 ww'
by (metis Cong⇩0_imp_con Cong_closure_props(4) Cong_symmetric R.cube R.sources_resid)
also have "... ≈ t' \\ u'"
using ww' 2 3 4
by (metis Cong'.intros(1) Cong'.intros(4) Cong_char Cong_imp_arr(2)
R.arr_resid_iff_con forward_stable R.con_imp_coinitial R.sources_resid
finally show "t \\ u ≈ t' \\ u'" by simp
subsection "Quotient by Coherent Normal Sub-RTS"
text ‹
We now define the quotient of an RTS by a coherent normal sub-RTS and show that it is
an extensional RTS.
locale quotient_by_coherent_normal =
R: rts +
N: coherent_normal_sub_rts
definition Resid (infix ‹⦃\⦄› 70)
where "𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰 ≡
if N.is_Cong_class 𝒯 ∧ N.is_Cong_class 𝒰 ∧ (∃t u. t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ u ∈ 𝒰 ∧ t ⌢ u)
then N.Cong_class
(fst (SOME tu. fst tu ∈ 𝒯 ∧ snd tu ∈ 𝒰 ∧ fst tu ⌢ snd tu) \\
snd (SOME tu. fst tu ∈ 𝒯 ∧ snd tu ∈ 𝒰 ∧ fst tu ⌢ snd tu))
else {}"
sublocale partial_magma Resid
using N.Cong_class_is_nonempty Resid_def
by unfold_locales metis
lemma is_partial_magma:
shows "partial_magma Resid"
lemma null_char:
shows "null = {}"
using N.Cong_class_is_nonempty Resid_def
by (metis null_is_zero(2))
lemma Resid_by_members:
assumes "N.is_Cong_class 𝒯" and "N.is_Cong_class 𝒰" and "t ∈ 𝒯" and "u ∈ 𝒰" and "t ⌢ u"
shows "𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰 = ⦃t \\ u⦄"
using assms Resid_def someI_ex [of "λtu. fst tu ∈ 𝒯 ∧ snd tu ∈ 𝒰 ∧ fst tu ⌢ snd tu"]
apply simp
by (meson N.Cong_class_membs_are_Cong N.Cong_class_eqI N.Cong_subst(2)
R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial)
abbreviation Con (infix ‹⦃⌢⦄› 50)
where "𝒯 ⦃⌢⦄ 𝒰 ≡ 𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰 ≠ {}"
lemma Con_char:
shows "𝒯 ⦃⌢⦄ 𝒰 ⟷
N.is_Cong_class 𝒯 ∧ N.is_Cong_class 𝒰 ∧ (∃t u. t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ u ∈ 𝒰 ∧ t ⌢ u)"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) N.Cong_class_is_nonempty N.is_Cong_classI
Resid_def Resid_by_members R.arr_resid_iff_con)
lemma Con_sym:
assumes "Con 𝒯 𝒰"
shows "Con 𝒰 𝒯"
using assms Con_char R.con_sym by meson
lemma is_Cong_class_Resid:
assumes "𝒯 ⦃⌢⦄ 𝒰"
shows "N.is_Cong_class (𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰)"
using assms Con_char Resid_by_members R.arr_resid_iff_con N.is_Cong_classI by auto
lemma Con_witnesses:
assumes "𝒯 ⦃⌢⦄ 𝒰" and "t ∈ 𝒯" and "u ∈ 𝒰"
shows "∃v w. v ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w ∈ 𝔑 ∧ t \\ v ⌢ u \\ w"
proof -
have 1: "N.is_Cong_class 𝒯 ∧ N.is_Cong_class 𝒰 ∧ (∃t u. t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ u ∈ 𝒰 ∧ t ⌢ u)"
using assms Con_char by simp
obtain t' u' where t'u': "t' ∈ 𝒯 ∧ u' ∈ 𝒰 ∧ t' ⌢ u'"
using 1 by auto
have 2: "t' ≈ t ∧ u' ≈ u"
using assms 1 t'u' N.Cong_class_membs_are_Cong by auto
obtain v v' where vv': "v ∈ 𝔑 ∧ v' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ t' \\ v ≈⇩0 t \\ v'"
using 2 by auto
obtain w w' where ww': "w ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u' \\ w ≈⇩0 u \\ w'"
using 2 by auto
have 3: "w ⌢ v"
by (metis R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_def R.con_imp_coinitial R.ex_un_null
N.elements_are_arr R.null_is_zero(2) N.resid_along_elem_preserves_con t'u' vv' ww')
have "R.seq v (w \\ v)"
by (simp add: N.elements_are_arr R.seq_def 3 vv')
obtain x where x: "R.composite_of v (w \\ v) x"
using N.composite_closed_left ‹R.seq v (w \ v)› vv' by blast
obtain x' where x': "R.composite_of v' (w \\ v) x'"
using x vv' N.composite_closed_left
by (metis N.Cong⇩0_implies_Cong N.Cong⇩0_imp_coinitial N.Cong_imp_arr(1)
R.composable_def R.composable_imp_seq R.con_implies_arr(2)
R.seq_def R.sources_resid R.arr_resid_iff_con)
have *: "t' \\ x ≈⇩0 t \\ x'"
by (metis N.coherent' N.composite_closed N.forward_stable R.con_imp_coinitial
R.targets_composite_of 3 R.con_sym R.sources_composite_of vv' ww' x x')
obtain y where y: "R.composite_of w (v \\ w) y"
using x vv' ww'
by (metis R.arr_resid_iff_con R.composable_def R.composable_imp_seq
R.con_imp_coinitial R.seq_def R.sources_resid N.elements_are_arr
N.forward_stable N.composite_closed_left)
obtain y' where y': "R.composite_of w' (v \\ w) y'"
using y ww'
by (metis N.Cong⇩0_imp_coinitial N.Cong_closure_props(3) N.Cong_imp_arr(1)
R.composable_def R.composable_imp_seq R.con_implies_arr(2) R.seq_def
R.sources_resid N.composite_closed_left R.arr_resid_iff_con)
have **: "u' \\ y ≈⇩0 u \\ y'"
by (metis N.composite_closed N.forward_stable R.con_imp_coinitial R.targets_composite_of
‹w ⌢ v› N.coherent' R.sources_composite_of vv' ww' y y')
have 4: "x ∈ 𝔑 ∧ y ∈ 𝔑"
using x y vv' ww' * **
by (metis 3 N.composite_closed N.forward_stable R.con_imp_coinitial R.con_sym)
have "t \\ x' ⌢ u \\ y'"
proof -
have "t \\ x' ≈⇩0 t' \\ x"
using * by simp
moreover have "t' \\ x ⌢ u' \\ y"
proof -
have "t' \\ x ⌢ u' \\ x"
using t'u' vv' ww' 4 *
by (metis N.Resid_along_normal_preserves_reflects_con N.elements_are_arr
R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial R.arr_resid_iff_con)
moreover have "u' \\ x ≈⇩0 u' \\ y"
using ww' x y
by (metis 4 N.Cong⇩0_imp_coinitial N.Cong⇩0_imp_con N.Cong⇩0_transitive
N.coherent' N.factor_closed(2) R.sources_composite_of
R.targets_composite_of R.targets_resid_sym)
ultimately show ?thesis
using N.Cong⇩0_subst_right by blast
moreover have "u' \\ y ≈⇩0 u \\ y'"
using ** R.con_sym by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using N.Cong⇩0_subst_Con by auto
moreover have "x' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ y' ∈ 𝔑"
using x' y' vv' ww'
by (metis N.Cong_composite_of_normal_arr N.Cong_imp_arr(2) N.composite_closed
R.con_imp_coinitial N.forward_stable R.arr_resid_iff_con)
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
abbreviation Arr
where "Arr 𝒯 ≡ Con 𝒯 𝒯"
lemma Arr_Resid:
assumes "Con 𝒯 𝒰"
shows "Arr (𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰)"
by (metis Con_char N.Cong_class_memb_is_arr R.arrE N.rep_in_Cong_class
assms is_Cong_class_Resid)
lemma Cube:
assumes "Con (𝒱 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯) (𝒰 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯)"
shows "(𝒱 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯) ⦃\\⦄ (𝒰 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯) = (𝒱 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰) ⦃\\⦄ (𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰)"
proof -
obtain t u where tu: "t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ u ∈ 𝒰 ∧ t ⌢ u ∧ 𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰 = ⦃t \\ u⦄"
using assms
by (metis Con_char N.Cong_class_is_nonempty R.con_sym Resid_by_members)
obtain t' v where t'v: "t' ∈ 𝒯 ∧ v ∈ 𝒱 ∧ t' ⌢ v ∧ 𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒱 = ⦃t' \\ v⦄"
using assms
by (metis Con_char N.Cong_class_is_nonempty Resid_by_members Con_sym)
have tt': "t ≈ t'"
using assms
by (metis N.Cong_class_membs_are_Cong N.Cong_class_is_nonempty Resid_def t'v tu)
obtain w w' where ww': "w ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w'"
using tu t'v tt' by auto
have 1: "𝒰 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯 = ⦃u \\ t⦄ ∧ 𝒱 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯 = ⦃v \\ t'⦄"
by (metis Con_char N.Cong_class_is_nonempty R.con_sym Resid_by_members assms t'v tu)
obtain x x' where xx': "x ∈ 𝔑 ∧ x' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ (u \\ t) \\ x ⌢ (v \\ t') \\ x'"
using 1 Con_witnesses [of "𝒰 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯" "𝒱 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯" "u \\ t" "v \\ t'"]
by (metis N.arr_in_Cong_class R.con_sym t'v tu assms Con_sym R.arr_resid_iff_con)
have "R.seq t x"
by (metis R.arr_resid_iff_con R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial R.seqI(2)
R.sources_resid xx')
have "R.seq t' x'"
by (metis R.arr_resid_iff_con R.sources_resid R.coinitialE R.con_imp_coinitial
R.seqI(2) xx')
obtain tx where tx: "R.composite_of t x tx"
using xx' ‹R.seq t x› N.composite_closed_right [of x t] R.composable_def by auto
obtain t'x' where t'x': "R.composite_of t' x' t'x'"
using xx' ‹R.seq t' x'› N.composite_closed_right [of x' t'] R.composable_def by auto
let ?tx_w = "tx \\ w" and ?t'x'_w' = "t'x' \\ w'"
let ?w_tx = "(w \\ t) \\ x" and ?w'_t'x' = "(w' \\ t') \\ x'"
let ?u_tx = "(u \\ t) \\ x" and ?v_t'x' = "(v \\ t') \\ x'"
let ?u_w = "u \\ w" and ?v_w' = "v \\ w'"
let ?w_u = "w \\ u" and ?w'_v = "w' \\ v"
have w_tx_in_𝔑: "?w_tx ∈ 𝔑"
using tx ww' xx' R.con_composite_of_iff [of t x tx w]
by (metis (full_types) N.Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal N.Cong⇩0_subst_left(1)
N.forward_stable R.null_is_zero(2) R.con_imp_coinitial R.conI R.con_sym)
have w'_t'x'_in_𝔑: "?w'_t'x' ∈ 𝔑"
using t'x' ww' xx' R.con_composite_of_iff [of t' x' t'x' w']
by (metis (full_types) N.Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal N.Cong⇩0_subst_left(1)
R.con_sym N.forward_stable R.null_is_zero(2) R.con_imp_coinitial R.conI)
have 2: "?tx_w ≈⇩0 ?t'x'_w'"
proof -
have "?tx_w ≈⇩0 t \\ w"
using t'x' tx ww' xx' N.Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal [of t x tx] N.Cong⇩0_subst_left(2)
by (metis N.Cong⇩0_transitive R.conI)
also have "t \\ w ≈⇩0 t' \\ w'"
using ww' by blast
also have "t' \\ w' ≈⇩0 ?t'x'_w'"
using t'x' tx ww' xx' N.Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal [of t' x' t'x'] N.Cong⇩0_subst_left(2)
by (metis N.Cong⇩0_transitive R.conI)
finally show ?thesis by blast
obtain z where z: "R.composite_of ?tx_w (?t'x'_w' \\ ?tx_w) z"
by (metis "2" R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_implies_arr(2) N.elements_are_arr
N.composite_closed_right R.seqI(1) R.sources_resid)
obtain z' where z': "R.composite_of ?t'x'_w' (?tx_w \\ ?t'x'_w') z'"
by (metis "2" R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_implies_arr(2) N.elements_are_arr
N.composite_closed_right R.seqI(1) R.sources_resid)
have 3: "z ≈⇩0 z'"
using 2 N.diamond_commutes_upto_Cong⇩0 N.Cong⇩0_imp_con z z' by blast
have "R.targets z = R.targets z'"
by (metis R.targets_resid_sym z z' R.targets_composite_of R.conI)
have Con_z_uw: "z ⌢ ?u_w"
proof -
have "?tx_w ⌢ ?u_w"
by (meson 3 N.Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal N.Cong⇩0_subst_left(1)
R.bounded_imp_con R.con_implies_arr(1) R.con_imp_coinitial
N.resid_along_elem_preserves_con tu tx ww' xx' z z' R.arr_resid_iff_con)
thus ?thesis
using 2 N.Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal N.Cong⇩0_subst_left(1) z by blast
moreover have Con_z'_vw': "z' ⌢ ?v_w'"
proof -
have "?t'x'_w' ⌢ ?v_w'"
by (meson 3 N.Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal N.Cong⇩0_subst_left(1)
R.bounded_imp_con t'v t'x' ww' xx' z z' R.con_imp_coinitial
N.resid_along_elem_preserves_con R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_implies_arr(1))
thus ?thesis
by (meson 2 N.Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal N.Cong⇩0_subst_left(1) z')
moreover have Con_z_vw': "z ⌢ ?v_w'"
using 3 Con_z'_vw' N.Cong⇩0_subst_left(1) by blast
moreover have *: "?u_w \\ z ⌢ ?v_w' \\ z"
proof -
obtain y where y: "R.composite_of (w \\ tx) (?t'x'_w' \\ ?tx_w) y"
by (metis 2 R.arr_resid_iff_con R.composable_def R.composable_imp_seq
R.con_imp_coinitial N.elements_are_arr N.composite_closed_right
R.seq_def R.targets_resid_sym ww' z N.forward_stable)
obtain y' where y': "R.composite_of (w' \\ t'x') (?tx_w \\ ?t'x'_w') y'"
by (metis 2 R.arr_resid_iff_con R.composable_def R.composable_imp_seq
R.con_imp_coinitial N.elements_are_arr N.composite_closed_right
R.targets_resid_sym ww' z' R.seq_def N.forward_stable)
have y_comp: "R.composite_of (w \\ tx) ((t'x' \\ w') \\ (tx \\ w)) y"
using y by simp
have y_in_normal: "y ∈ 𝔑"
by (metis 2 Con_z_uw R.arr_iff_has_source R.arr_resid_iff_con N.composite_closed
R.con_imp_coinitial R.con_implies_arr(1) N.forward_stable
R.sources_composite_of ww' y_comp z)
have y_coinitial: "R.coinitial y (u \\ tx)"
using y R.arr_composite_of R.sources_composite_of
apply (intro R.coinitialI)
apply auto
apply (metis N.Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal N.Cong⇩0_subst_right(1)
R.composite_of_cancel_left R.con_sym R.not_ide_null R.null_is_zero(2)
R.sources_resid R.conI tu tx xx')
by (metis R.arr_iff_has_source R.not_arr_null R.sources_resid empty_iff R.conI)
have y_con: "y ⌢ u \\ tx"
using y_in_normal y_coinitial
by (metis R.coinitial_iff N.elements_are_arr N.forward_stable
have A: "?u_w \\ z ∼ (u \\ tx) \\ y"
proof -
have "(u \\ tx) \\ y ∼ ((u \\ tx) \\ (w \\ tx)) \\ (?t'x'_w' \\ ?tx_w)"
using y_comp y_con
R.resid_composite_of(3) [of "w \\ tx" "?t'x'_w' \\ ?tx_w" y "u \\ tx"]
by simp
also have "((u \\ tx) \\ (w \\ tx)) \\ (?t'x'_w' \\ ?tx_w) ∼ ?u_w \\ z"
by (metis Con_z_uw R.resid_composite_of(3) z R.cube)
finally show ?thesis by blast
have y'_comp: "R.composite_of (w' \\ t'x') (?tx_w \\ ?t'x'_w') y'"
using y' by simp
have y'_in_normal: "y' ∈ 𝔑"
by (metis 2 Con_z'_vw' R.arr_iff_has_source R.arr_resid_iff_con
N.composite_closed R.con_imp_coinitial R.con_implies_arr(1)
N.forward_stable R.sources_composite_of ww' y'_comp z')
have y'_coinitial: "R.coinitial y' (v \\ t'x')"
using y' R.coinitial_def
by (metis Con_z'_vw' R.arr_resid_iff_con R.composite_ofE R.con_imp_coinitial
R.con_implies_arr(1) R.cube R.prfx_implies_con R.resid_composite_of(1)
R.sources_resid z')
have y'_con: "y' ⌢ v \\ t'x'"
using y'_in_normal y'_coinitial
by (metis R.coinitial_iff N.elements_are_arr N.forward_stable
have B: "?v_w' \\ z' ∼ (v \\ t'x') \\ y'"
proof -
have "(v \\ t'x') \\ y' ∼ ((v \\ t'x') \\ (w' \\ t'x')) \\ (?tx_w \\ ?t'x'_w')"
using y'_comp y'_con
R.resid_composite_of(3) [of "w' \\ t'x'" "?tx_w \\ ?t'x'_w'" y' "v \\ t'x'"]
by blast
also have "((v \\ t'x') \\ (w' \\ t'x')) \\ (?tx_w \\ ?t'x'_w') ∼ ?v_w' \\ z'"
by (metis Con_z'_vw' R.cube R.resid_composite_of(3) z')
finally show ?thesis by blast
have C: "u \\ tx ⌢ v \\ t'x'"
using tx t'x' xx' R.con_sym R.cong_subst_right(1) R.resid_composite_of(3)
by (meson R.coinitial_iff R.arr_resid_iff_con y'_coinitial y_coinitial)
have D: "y ≈⇩0 y'"
proof -
have "y ≈⇩0 w \\ tx"
using 2 N.Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal y_comp by blast
also have "w \\ tx ≈⇩0 w' \\ t'x'"
proof -
have "w \\ tx ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w' \\ t'x' ∈ 𝔑"
using N.factor_closed(1) y_comp y_in_normal y'_comp y'_in_normal by blast
moreover have "R.coinitial (w \\ tx) (w' \\ t'x')"
by (metis C R.coinitial_def R.con_implies_arr(2) N.elements_are_arr
R.sources_resid calculation R.con_imp_coinitial R.arr_resid_iff_con y_con)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (meson R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_imp_coinitial N.forward_stable
also have "w' \\ t'x' ≈⇩0 y'"
using 2 N.Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal y'_comp by blast
finally show ?thesis by blast
have par_y_y': "R.sources y = R.sources y' ∧ R.targets y = R.targets y'"
using D N.Cong⇩0_imp_coinitial R.targets_composite_of y'_comp y_comp z z'
‹R.targets z = R.targets z'›
by presburger
have E: "(u \\ tx) \\ y ⌢ (v \\ t'x') \\ y'"
proof -
have "(u \\ tx) \\ y ⌢ (v \\ t'x') \\ y"
using C N.Resid_along_normal_preserves_reflects_con R.coinitial_iff
y_coinitial y_in_normal
by presburger
moreover have "(v \\ t'x') \\ y ≈⇩0 (v \\ t'x') \\ y'"
using par_y_y' N.coherent R.coinitial_iff y'_coinitial y'_in_normal y_in_normal
by presburger
ultimately show ?thesis
using N.Cong⇩0_subst_right(1) by blast
hence "?u_w \\ z ⌢ ?v_w' \\ z'"
proof -
have "(u \\ tx) \\ y ∼ ?u_w \\ z"
using A by simp
moreover have "(u \\ tx) \\ y ⌢ (v \\ t'x') \\ y'"
using E by blast
moreover have "(v \\ t'x') \\ y' ∼ ?v_w' \\ z'"
using B R.cong_symmetric by blast
moreover have "R.sources ((u \\ w) \\ z) = R.sources ((v \\ w') \\ z')"
by (simp add: Con_z'_vw' Con_z_uw R.con_sym ‹R.targets z = R.targets z'›)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (meson N.Cong⇩0_subst_Con N.ide_closed)
moreover have "?v_w' \\ z' ≈ ?v_w' \\ z"
by (meson 3 Con_z_vw' N.CongI N.Cong⇩0_subst_right(2) R.con_sym)
moreover have "R.sources ((v \\ w') \\ z) = R.sources ((u \\ w) \\ z)"
by (metis R.con_implies_arr(1) R.sources_resid calculation(1) calculation(2)
N.Cong_imp_arr(2) R.arr_resid_iff_con)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis N.Cong_reflexive N.Cong_subst(1) R.con_implies_arr(1))
ultimately have **: "?v_w' \\ z ⌢ ?u_w \\ z ∧
(?v_w' \\ z) \\ (?u_w \\ z) = (?v_w' \\ ?u_w) \\ (z \\ ?u_w)"
by (meson R.con_sym R.cube)
have Cong_t_z: "t ≈ z"
by (metis 2 N.Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal N.Cong_closure_props(2-3)
N.Cong_closure_props(4) N.Cong_imp_arr(2) R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial
tx ww' xx' z R.arr_resid_iff_con)
have Cong_u_uw: "u ≈ ?u_w"
by (meson Con_z_uw N.Cong_closure_props(4) R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial
ww' R.arr_resid_iff_con)
have Cong_v_vw': "v ≈ ?v_w'"
by (meson Con_z_vw' N.Cong_closure_props(4) R.coinitial_iff ww' R.con_imp_coinitial
have 𝒯: "N.is_Cong_class 𝒯 ∧ z ∈ 𝒯"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cong_t_z N.Cong_class_eqI N.Cong_class_is_nonempty
N.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep N.Cong_class_rep N.Cong_imp_arr(2) N.arr_in_Cong_class
tu assms Con_char)
have 𝒰: "N.is_Cong_class 𝒰 ∧ ?u_w ∈ 𝒰"
by (metis Con_char Con_z_uw Cong_u_uw Int_iff N.Cong_class_eqI' N.Cong_class_eqI
N.arr_in_Cong_class R.con_implies_arr(2) N.is_Cong_classI tu assms empty_iff)
have 𝒱: "N.is_Cong_class 𝒱 ∧ ?v_w' ∈ 𝒱"
by (metis Con_char Con_z_vw' Cong_v_vw' Int_iff N.Cong_class_eqI' N.Cong_class_eqI
N.arr_in_Cong_class R.con_implies_arr(2) N.is_Cong_classI t'v assms empty_iff)
show "(𝒱 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯) ⦃\\⦄ (𝒰 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯) = (𝒱 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰) ⦃\\⦄ (𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰)"
proof -
have "(𝒱 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯) ⦃\\⦄ (𝒰 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯) = ⦃(?v_w' \\ z) \\ (?u_w \\ z)⦄"
using 𝒯 𝒰 𝒱 * Resid_by_members
by (metis ** Con_char N.arr_in_Cong_class R.arr_resid_iff_con assms R.con_implies_arr(2))
moreover have "(𝒱 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰) ⦃\\⦄ (𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰) = ⦃(?v_w' \\ ?u_w) \\ (z \\ ?u_w)⦄"
using Resid_by_members [of 𝒱 𝒰 ?v_w' ?u_w] Resid_by_members [of 𝒯 𝒰 z ?u_w]
Resid_by_members [of "𝒱 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰" "𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰" "?v_w' \\ ?u_w" "z \\ ?u_w"]
by (metis 𝒯 𝒰 𝒱 * ** N.arr_in_Cong_class R.con_implies_arr(2) N.is_Cong_classI
R.resid_reflects_con R.arr_resid_iff_con)
ultimately show ?thesis
using ** by simp
sublocale residuation Resid
using null_char Con_sym Arr_Resid Cube
by unfold_locales metis+
lemma is_residuation:
shows "residuation Resid"
lemma arr_char:
shows "arr 𝒯 ⟷ N.is_Cong_class 𝒯"
by (metis N.is_Cong_class_def arrI not_arr_null null_char N.Cong_class_memb_is_arr
Con_char R.arrE arrE arr_resid conI)
lemma ide_char:
shows "ide 𝒰 ⟷ arr 𝒰 ∧ 𝒰 ∩ 𝔑 ≠ {}"
show "ide 𝒰 ⟹ arr 𝒰 ∧ 𝒰 ∩ 𝔑 ≠ {}"
apply (elim ideE)
by (metis Con_char N.Cong⇩0_reflexive Resid_by_members disjoint_iff null_char
N.arr_in_Cong_class R.arrE R.arr_resid arr_resid conE)
show "arr 𝒰 ∧ 𝒰 ∩ 𝔑 ≠ {} ⟹ ide 𝒰"
proof -
assume 𝒰: "arr 𝒰 ∧ 𝒰 ∩ 𝔑 ≠ {}"
obtain u where u: "R.arr u ∧ u ∈ 𝒰 ∩ 𝔑"
using 𝒰 arr_char
by (metis IntI N.Cong_class_memb_is_arr disjoint_iff)
show ?thesis
by (metis IntD1 IntD2 N.Cong_class_eqI N.Cong_closure_props(4) N.arr_in_Cong_class
N.is_Cong_classI Resid_by_members 𝒰 arrE arr_char disjoint_iff ideI
N.Cong_class_eqI' R.arrE u)
lemma ide_char':
shows "ide 𝒜 ⟷ arr 𝒜 ∧ 𝒜 ⊆ 𝔑"
by (metis Int_absorb2 Int_emptyI N.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep N.Cong_closure_props(1)
ide_char not_arr_null null_char N.normal_is_Cong_closed arr_char subsetI)
lemma con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N:
shows "con 𝒯 𝒰 ⟷
N.is_Cong_class 𝒯 ∧ N.is_Cong_class 𝒰 ∧ (∃t u. t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ u ∈ 𝒰 ∧ t ⌢ u)"
by (metis Con_char conE conI null_char)
lemma con_imp_coinitial_members_are_con:
assumes "con 𝒯 𝒰" and "t ∈ 𝒯" and "u ∈ 𝒰" and "R.sources t = R.sources u"
shows "t ⌢ u"
by (meson assms N.Cong_subst(1) N.is_Cong_classE con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N)
sublocale rts Resid
show 1: "⋀𝒜 𝒯. ⟦ide 𝒜; con 𝒯 𝒜⟧ ⟹ 𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒜 = 𝒯"
proof -
fix 𝒜 𝒯
assume 𝒜: "ide 𝒜" and con: "con 𝒯 𝒜"
obtain t a where ta: "t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ a ∈ 𝒜 ∧ R.con t a ∧ 𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒜 = ⦃t \\ a⦄"
using con con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N Resid_by_members by auto
have "a ∈ 𝔑"
using 𝒜 ta ide_char' by auto
hence "t \\ a ≈ t"
by (meson N.Cong_closure_props(4) N.Cong_symmetric R.coinitialE R.con_imp_coinitial
thus "𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒜 = 𝒯"
using ta
by (metis N.Cong_class_eqI N.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep N.Cong_class_rep con con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N)
show "⋀𝒯. arr 𝒯 ⟹ ide (trg 𝒯)"
by (metis N.Cong⇩0_reflexive Resid_by_members disjoint_iff ide_char N.Cong_class_memb_is_arr
N.arr_in_Cong_class N.is_Cong_class_def arr_char R.arrE R.arr_resid resid_arr_self)
show "⋀𝒜 𝒯. ⟦ide 𝒜; con 𝒜 𝒯⟧ ⟹ ide (𝒜 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯)"
by (metis 1 arrE arr_resid con_sym ideE ideI cube)
show "⋀𝒯 𝒰. con 𝒯 𝒰 ⟹ ∃𝒜. ide 𝒜 ∧ con 𝒜 𝒯 ∧ con 𝒜 𝒰"
proof -
fix 𝒯 𝒰
assume 𝒯𝒰: "con 𝒯 𝒰"
obtain t u where tu: "𝒯 = ⦃t⦄ ∧ 𝒰 = ⦃u⦄ ∧ t ⌢ u"
using 𝒯𝒰 con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N arr_char
by (metis N.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep N.Cong_class_eqI N.Cong_class_rep)
obtain a where a: "a ∈ R.sources t"
using 𝒯𝒰 tu R.con_implies_arr(1) R.arr_iff_has_source by blast
have "ide ⦃a⦄ ∧ con ⦃a⦄ 𝒯 ∧ con ⦃a⦄ 𝒰"
proof (intro conjI)
have 2: "a ∈ 𝔑"
using 𝒯𝒰 tu a arr_char N.ide_closed R.sources_def by force
show 3: "ide ⦃a⦄"
using 𝒯𝒰 tu 2 a ide_char arr_char con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N
by (metis IntI N.arr_in_Cong_class N.is_Cong_classI empty_iff N.elements_are_arr)
show "con ⦃a⦄ 𝒯"
using 𝒯𝒰 tu 2 3 a ide_char arr_char con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N
by (metis N.arr_in_Cong_class R.composite_of_source_arr
R.composite_of_def R.prfx_implies_con R.con_implies_arr(1))
show "con ⦃a⦄ 𝒰"
using 𝒯𝒰 tu a ide_char arr_char con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N
by (metis N.arr_in_Cong_class R.composite_of_source_arr R.con_prfx_composite_of
N.is_Cong_classI R.con_implies_arr(1) R.con_implies_arr(2))
thus "∃𝒜. ide 𝒜 ∧ con 𝒜 𝒯 ∧ con 𝒜 𝒰" by auto
show "⋀𝒯 𝒰 𝒱. ⟦ide (𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰); con 𝒰 𝒱⟧ ⟹ con (𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰) (𝒱 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰)"
proof -
fix 𝒯 𝒰 𝒱
assume 𝒯𝒰: "ide (𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰)"
assume 𝒰𝒱: "con 𝒰 𝒱"
obtain t u where tu: "t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ u ∈ 𝒰 ∧ t ⌢ u ∧ 𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰 = ⦃t \\ u⦄"
using 𝒯𝒰
by (meson Resid_by_members ide_implies_arr con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N arr_resid_iff_con)
obtain v u' where vu': "v ∈ 𝒱 ∧ u' ∈ 𝒰 ∧ v ⌢ u' ∧ 𝒱 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰 = ⦃v \\ u'⦄"
by (meson R.con_sym Resid_by_members 𝒰𝒱 con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N)
have 1: "u ≈ u'"
using 𝒰𝒱 tu vu'
by (meson N.Cong_class_membs_are_Cong con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N)
obtain w w' where ww': "w ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ u \\ w ≈⇩0 u' \\ w'"
using 1 by auto
have 2: "((t \\ u) \\ (w \\ u)) \\ ((u' \\ w') \\ (u \\ w)) ⌢
((v \\ u') \\ (w' \\ u')) \\ ((u \\ w) \\ (u' \\ w'))"
proof -
have "((t \\ u) \\ (w \\ u)) \\ ((u' \\ w') \\ (u \\ w)) ∈ 𝔑"
proof -
have "t \\ u ∈ 𝔑"
using tu N.arr_in_Cong_class R.arr_resid_iff_con 𝒯𝒰 ide_char' by blast
hence "(t \\ u) \\ (w \\ u) ∈ 𝔑"
by (metis N.Cong_closure_props(4) N.forward_stable R.null_is_zero(2)
R.con_imp_coinitial R.sources_resid N.Cong_imp_arr(2) R.arr_resid_iff_con
tu ww' R.conI)
thus ?thesis
by (metis N.Cong_closure_props(4) N.normal_is_Cong_closed R.sources_resid
R.targets_resid_sym N.elements_are_arr R.arr_resid_iff_con ww' R.conI)
moreover have "R.sources (((t \\ u) \\ (w \\ u)) \\ ((u' \\ w') \\ (u \\ w))) =
R.sources (((v \\ u') \\ (w' \\ u')) \\ ((u \\ w) \\ (u' \\ w')))"
proof -
have "R.sources (((t \\ u) \\ (w \\ u)) \\ ((u' \\ w') \\ (u \\ w))) =
R.targets ((u' \\ w') \\ (u \\ w))"
using R.arr_resid_iff_con N.elements_are_arr R.sources_resid calculation by blast
also have "... = R.targets ((u \\ w) \\ (u' \\ w'))"
by (metis R.targets_resid_sym R.conI)
also have "... = R.sources (((v \\ u') \\ (w' \\ u')) \\ ((u \\ w) \\ (u' \\ w')))"
using R.arr_resid_iff_con N.elements_are_arr R.sources_resid
by (metis N.Cong_closure_props(4) N.Cong_imp_arr(2) R.con_implies_arr(1)
R.con_imp_coinitial N.forward_stable R.targets_resid_sym vu' ww')
finally show ?thesis by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) N.Cong⇩0_imp_con N.Cong_closure_props(4)
N.Cong_imp_arr(2) R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_imp_coinitial N.forward_stable
R.null_is_zero(2) R.conI)
moreover have "t \\ u ≈ ((t \\ u) \\ (w \\ u)) \\ ((u' \\ w') \\ (u \\ w))"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) N.Cong_closure_props(4) N.Cong_transitive
N.forward_stable R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_imp_coinitial R.rts_axioms calculation
rts.coinitial_iff ww')
moreover have "v \\ u' ≈ ((v \\ u') \\ (w' \\ u')) \\ ((u \\ w) \\ (u' \\ w'))"
proof -
have "w' \\ u' ∈ 𝔑"
by (meson R.con_implies_arr(2) R.con_imp_coinitial N.forward_stable
ww' N.Cong⇩0_imp_con R.arr_resid_iff_con)
moreover have "(u \\ w) \\ (u' \\ w') ∈ 𝔑"
using ww' by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by (meson 2 N.Cong_closure_props(2) N.Cong_closure_props(4) R.arr_resid_iff_con
R.coinitial_iff R.con_imp_coinitial)
ultimately show "con (𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰) (𝒱 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰)"
using con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N N.Cong_class_def N.is_Cong_classI tu vu' R.arr_resid_iff_con
by auto
lemma is_rts:
shows "rts Resid"
sublocale extensional_rts Resid
fix 𝒯 𝒰
assume 𝒯𝒰: "cong 𝒯 𝒰"
show "𝒯 = 𝒰"
proof -
obtain t u where tu: "𝒯 = ⦃t⦄ ∧ 𝒰 = ⦃u⦄ ∧ t ⌢ u"
by (metis Con_char N.Cong_class_eqI N.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep N.Cong_class_rep
𝒯𝒰 ide_char not_arr_null null_char)
have "t ≈⇩0 u"
show "t \\ u ∈ 𝔑"
using tu 𝒯𝒰 Resid_by_members [of 𝒯 𝒰 t u]
by (metis (full_types) N.arr_in_Cong_class R.con_implies_arr(1-2)
N.is_Cong_classI ide_char' R.arr_resid_iff_con subset_iff)
show "u \\ t ∈ 𝔑"
using tu 𝒯𝒰 Resid_by_members [of 𝒰 𝒯 u t] R.con_sym
by (metis (full_types) N.arr_in_Cong_class R.con_implies_arr(1-2)
N.is_Cong_classI ide_char' R.arr_resid_iff_con subset_iff)
hence "t ≈ u"
using N.Cong⇩0_implies_Cong by simp
thus "𝒯 = 𝒰"
by (simp add: N.Cong_class_eqI tu)
theorem is_extensional_rts:
shows "extensional_rts Resid"
lemma sources_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N:
shows "sources 𝒯 = {𝒜. arr 𝒯 ∧ 𝒜 = {a. ∃t a'. t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ a' ∈ R.sources t ∧ a' ≈ a}}"
proof -
let ?𝒜 = "{a. ∃t a'. t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ a' ∈ R.sources t ∧ a' ≈ a}"
have 1: "arr 𝒯 ⟹ ide ?𝒜"
proof (unfold ide_char', intro conjI)
assume 𝒯: "arr 𝒯"
show "?𝒜 ⊆ 𝔑"
using N.ide_closed N.normal_is_Cong_closed by blast
show "arr ?𝒜"
proof -
have "N.is_Cong_class ?𝒜"
show "?𝒜 ≠ {}"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Collect_empty_eq N.Cong_class_def N.Cong_imp_arr(1)
N.is_Cong_class_def N.sources_are_Cong R.arr_iff_has_source R.sources_def
𝒯 arr_char mem_Collect_eq)
show "⋀a a'. ⟦a ∈ ?𝒜; a' ≈ a⟧ ⟹ a' ∈ ?𝒜"
using N.Cong_transitive by blast
show "⋀a a'. ⟦a ∈ ?𝒜; a' ∈ ?𝒜⟧ ⟹ a ≈ a'"
proof -
fix a a'
assume a: "a ∈ ?𝒜" and a': "a' ∈ ?𝒜"
obtain t b where b: "t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ b ∈ R.sources t ∧ b ≈ a"
using a by blast
obtain t' b' where b': "t' ∈ 𝒯 ∧ b' ∈ R.sources t' ∧ b' ≈ a'"
using a' by blast
have "b ≈ b'"
using 𝒯 arr_char b b'
by (meson IntD1 N.Cong_class_membs_are_Cong N.in_sources_respects_Cong)
thus "a ≈ a'"
by (meson N.Cong_symmetric N.Cong_transitive b b')
thus ?thesis
using arr_char by auto
moreover have "arr 𝒯 ⟹ con 𝒯 ?𝒜"
proof -
assume 𝒯: "arr 𝒯"
obtain t a where a: "t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ a ∈ R.sources t"
using 𝒯 arr_char
by (metis N.Cong_class_is_nonempty R.arr_iff_has_source empty_subsetI
N.Cong_class_memb_is_arr subsetI subset_antisym)
have "t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ a ∈ {a. ∃t a'. t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ a' ∈ R.sources t ∧ a' ≈ a} ∧ t ⌢ a"
using a N.Cong_reflexive R.sources_def R.con_implies_arr(2) by fast
thus ?thesis
using 𝒯 1 arr_char con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N [of 𝒯 ?𝒜] by auto
ultimately have "arr 𝒯 ⟹ ?𝒜 ∈ sources 𝒯"
using sources_def by blast
thus ?thesis
using "1" ide_char sources_char⇩W⇩E by auto
lemma targets_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N:
shows "targets 𝒯 = {ℬ. arr 𝒯 ∧ ℬ = 𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯}"
proof -
have "targets 𝒯 = {ℬ. ide ℬ ∧ con (𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯) ℬ}"
by (simp add: targets_def trg_def)
also have "... = {ℬ. arr 𝒯 ∧ ide ℬ ∧ (∃t u. t ∈ 𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯 ∧ u ∈ ℬ ∧ t ⌢ u)}"
using arr_resid_iff_con con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N arr_char arr_def by auto
also have "... = {ℬ. arr 𝒯 ∧ ide ℬ ∧
(∃t t' b u. t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ t' ∈ 𝒯 ∧ t ⌢ t' ∧ b ∈ ⦃t \\ t'⦄ ∧ u ∈ ℬ ∧ b ⌢ u)}"
apply auto
apply (metis (full_types) Resid_by_members cong_char not_ide_null null_char Con_char)
by (metis Resid_by_members arr_char)
also have "... = {ℬ. arr 𝒯 ∧ ide ℬ ∧
(∃t t' b. t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ t' ∈ 𝒯 ∧ t ⌢ t' ∧ b ∈ ⦃t \\ t'⦄ ∧ b ∈ ℬ)}"
proof -
have "⋀ℬ t t' b. ⟦arr 𝒯; ide ℬ; t ∈ 𝒯; t' ∈ 𝒯; t ⌢ t'; b ∈ ⦃t \\ t'⦄⟧
⟹ (∃u. u ∈ ℬ ∧ b ⌢ u) ⟷ b ∈ ℬ"
proof -
fix ℬ t t' b
assume 𝒯: "arr 𝒯" and ℬ: "ide ℬ" and t: "t ∈ 𝒯" and t': "t' ∈ 𝒯"
and tt': "t ⌢ t'" and b: "b ∈ ⦃t \\ t'⦄"
have 0: "b ∈ 𝔑"
by (metis Resid_by_members 𝒯 b ide_char' ide_trg arr_char subsetD t t' trg_def tt')
show "(∃u. u ∈ ℬ ∧ b ⌢ u) ⟷ b ∈ ℬ"
using 0
by (meson N.Cong_closure_props(3) N.forward_stable N.elements_are_arr
ℬ arr_char R.con_imp_coinitial N.is_Cong_classE ide_char' R.arrE
R.con_sym subsetD)
thus ?thesis
using ide_char arr_char
by (metis (no_types, lifting))
also have "... = {ℬ. arr 𝒯 ∧ ide ℬ ∧ (∃t t'. t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ t' ∈ 𝒯 ∧ t ⌢ t' ∧ ⦃t \\ t'⦄ ⊆ ℬ)}"
proof -
have "⋀ℬ t t' b. ⟦arr 𝒯; ide ℬ; t ∈ 𝒯; t' ∈ 𝒯; t ⌢ t'⟧
⟹ (∃b. b ∈ ⦃t \\ t'⦄ ∧ b ∈ ℬ) ⟷ ⦃t \\ t'⦄ ⊆ ℬ"
using ide_char arr_char
apply (intro iffI)
apply (metis IntI N.Cong_class_eqI' R.arr_resid_iff_con N.is_Cong_classI empty_iff
by (meson N.arr_in_Cong_class R.arr_resid_iff_con subsetD)
thus ?thesis
using ide_char arr_char
by (metis (no_types, lifting))
also have "... = {ℬ. arr 𝒯 ∧ ide ℬ ∧ 𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯 ⊆ ℬ}"
using arr_char ide_char Resid_by_members [of 𝒯 𝒯]
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) arrE con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N)
also have "... = {ℬ. arr 𝒯 ∧ ℬ = 𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯}"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) arr_has_un_target calculation con_ide_are_eq
cong_reflexive mem_Collect_eq targets_def trg_def)
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma src_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N:
shows "src 𝒯 = {a. arr 𝒯 ∧ (∃t a'. t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ a' ∈ R.sources t ∧ a' ≈ a)}"
using sources_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N [of 𝒯]
by (simp add: null_char src_def)
lemma trg_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N:
shows "trg 𝒯 = 𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒯"
unfolding trg_def by blast
subsubsection "Quotient Map"
abbreviation quot
where "quot t ≡ ⦃t⦄"
sublocale quot: simulation_to_extensional_rts resid Resid quot
show "⋀t. ¬ R.arr t ⟹ ⦃t⦄ = null"
using N.Cong_class_def N.Cong_imp_arr(1) null_char by force
show "⋀t u. t ⌢ u ⟹ con ⦃t⦄ ⦃u⦄"
by (meson N.arr_in_Cong_class N.is_Cong_classI R.con_implies_arr(1-2) con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N)
show "⋀t u. t ⌢ u ⟹ ⦃t \\ u⦄ = ⦃t⦄ ⦃\\⦄ ⦃u⦄"
by (metis N.arr_in_Cong_class N.is_Cong_classI R.con_implies_arr(1-2) Resid_by_members)
lemma quotient_is_simulation:
shows "simulation resid Resid quot"
lemma ide_quot_normal:
assumes "t ∈ 𝔑"
shows "ide (quot t)"
using assms
by (metis IntI N.arr_in_Cong_class N.elements_are_arr empty_iff
quot.preserves_reflects_arr ide_char)
If a simulation ‹F› from ‹R› to an extensional RTS ‹B› maps every element of ‹𝔑›
to an identity, then it has a unique extension along the quotient map.
lemma is_couniversal:
assumes "extensional_rts B"
and "simulation resid B F"
and "⋀t. t ∈ 𝔑 ⟹ residuation.ide B (F t)"
shows "∃!F'. simulation Resid B F' ∧ F' ∘ quot = F"
proof -
interpret B: extensional_rts B
using assms(1) simulation.axioms(2) by blast
interpret F: simulation resid B F
using assms by blast
have 1: "⋀t u. t ≈ u ⟹ F t = F u"
proof -
fix t u
assume Cong: "t ≈ u"
obtain v w where vw: "v ∈ 𝔑 ∧ w ∈ 𝔑 ∧ t \\ v ≈⇩0 u \\ w"
using Cong by blast
have "B.cong (F t) (F u)"
by (metis assms(3) vw B.cong_char F.preserves_reflects_arr F.preserves_resid
N.elements_are_arr R.arr_resid_iff_con B.arr_resid_iff_con B.resid_arr_ide)
thus "F t = F u"
using B.extensionality by blast
let ?F' = "λ𝒯. if arr 𝒯 then F (N.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) else B.null"
interpret F': simulation Resid B ?F'
show "⋀𝒯. ¬ arr 𝒯 ⟹ ?F' 𝒯 = B.null"
by argo
fix 𝒯 𝒰
assume con: "con 𝒯 𝒰"
show "B.con (?F' 𝒯) (?F' 𝒰)"
using con
by (metis (full_types) 1 F.preserves_con N.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep arr_char
show "?F' (𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰) = B (?F' 𝒯) (?F' 𝒰)"
proof -
have 2: "N.is_Cong_class 𝒯 ∧ N.is_Cong_class 𝒰"
using con con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N by auto
obtain t u where tu: "t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ u ∈ 𝒰 ∧ t ⌢ u"
using con con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N by force
have "?F' (𝒯 ⦃\\⦄ 𝒰) = ?F' ⦃t \\ u⦄"
using tu 2 Resid_by_members by force
also have "... = F (t \\ u)"
by (metis tu N.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep N.arr_in_Cong_class N.is_Cong_classI
R.arr_resid ‹⋀y x. x ≈ y ⟹ F x = F y› quot.preserves_reflects_arr)
also have "... = B (F t) (F u)"
by (simp add: tu)
also have "... = B (?F' 𝒯) (?F' 𝒰)"
by (metis (full_types) tu 1 2 N.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep con
finally show ?thesis by blast
have "simulation Resid B ?F' ∧ ?F' ∘ quot = F"
proof -
have "?F' ∘ quot = F"
fix t
have "?F' (quot t) = F t"
by (metis 1 F.extensionality N.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep N.arr_in_Cong_class
arr_char quot.preserves_reflects_arr)
thus "(?F' ∘ quot) t = F t"
by auto
thus ?thesis
using F'.simulation_axioms by blast
moreover have "⋀F''. ⟦simulation Resid B F''; F'' ∘ quot = F⟧ ⟹ F'' = ?F'"
using simulation.extensionality arr_char by force
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
definition ext_to_quotient
where "ext_to_quotient B F ≡ THE F'. simulation Resid B F' ∧ F' ∘ quot = F"
lemma ext_to_quotient_props:
assumes "extensional_rts B"
and "simulation resid B F"
and "⋀t. t ∈ 𝔑 ⟹ residuation.ide B (F t)"
shows "simulation Resid B (ext_to_quotient B F)" and "ext_to_quotient B F ∘ quot = F"
proof -
have "simulation Resid B (ext_to_quotient B F) ∧ ext_to_quotient B F ∘ quot = F"
unfolding ext_to_quotient_def
using assms is_couniversal [of B F]
theI' [of "λF'. simulation (⦃\\⦄) B F' ∧ F' ∘ quot = F"]
by fastforce
thus "simulation Resid B (ext_to_quotient B F)" and "ext_to_quotient B F ∘ quot = F"
by auto
subsection "Identities form a Coherent Normal Sub-RTS"
text ‹
We now show that the collection of identities of an RTS form a coherent normal sub-RTS,
and that the associated congruence ‹≈› coincides with ‹∼›.
Thus, every RTS can be factored by the relation ‹∼› to obtain an extensional RTS.
Although we could have shown that fact much earlier, we have delayed proving it so that
we could simply obtain it as a special case of our general quotient result without
redundant work.
context rts
interpretation normal_sub_rts resid ‹Collect ide›
show "⋀t. t ∈ Collect ide ⟹ arr t"
by blast
show 1: "⋀a. ide a ⟹ a ∈ Collect ide"
by blast
show "⋀u t. ⟦u ∈ Collect ide; coinitial t u⟧ ⟹ u \\ t ∈ Collect ide"
by (metis 1 CollectD arr_def coinitial_iff
con_sym in_sourcesE in_sourcesI resid_ide_arr)
show "⋀u t. ⟦u ∈ Collect ide; t \\ u ∈ Collect ide⟧ ⟹ t ∈ Collect ide"
using ide_backward_stable by blast
show "⋀u t. ⟦u ∈ Collect ide; seq u t⟧ ⟹ ∃v. composite_of u t v"
by (metis composite_of_source_arr ide_def in_sourcesI mem_Collect_eq seq_def
show "⋀u t. ⟦u ∈ Collect ide; seq t u⟧ ⟹ ∃v. composite_of t u v"
by (metis arrE composite_of_arr_target in_sourcesI seqE mem_Collect_eq)
lemma identities_form_normal_sub_rts:
shows "normal_sub_rts resid (Collect ide)"
interpretation coherent_normal_sub_rts resid ‹Collect ide›
apply unfold_locales
by (metis CollectD Cong⇩0_reflexive Cong_closure_props(4) Cong_imp_arr(2)
arr_resid_iff_con resid_arr_ide)
lemma identities_form_coherent_normal_sub_rts:
shows "coherent_normal_sub_rts resid (Collect ide)"
lemma Cong_iff_cong:
shows "Cong t u ⟷ t ∼ u"
by (metis CollectD Cong_def ide_closed resid_arr_ide
Cong_closure_props(3) Cong_imp_arr(2) arr_resid_iff_con)
section "Paths"
text ‹
A \emph{path} in an RTS is a nonempty list of arrows such that the set
of targets of each arrow suitably matches the set of sources of its successor.
The residuation on the given RTS extends inductively to a residuation on
paths, so that paths also form an RTS. The append operation on lists
yields a composite for each pair of compatible paths.
locale paths_in_rts =
R: rts
type_synonym 'b arr = "'b list"
fun Srcs
where "Srcs [] = {}"
| "Srcs [t] = R.sources t"
| "Srcs (t # T) = R.sources t"
fun Trgs
where "Trgs [] = {}"
| "Trgs [t] = R.targets t"
| "Trgs (t # T) = Trgs T"
fun Arr
where "Arr [] = False"
| "Arr [t] = R.arr t"
| "Arr (t # T) = (R.arr t ∧ Arr T ∧ R.targets t ⊆ Srcs T)"
fun Ide
where "Ide [] = False"
| "Ide [t] = R.ide t"
| "Ide (t # T) = (R.ide t ∧ Ide T ∧ R.targets t ⊆ Srcs T)"
lemma Arr_induct:
assumes "⋀t. Arr [t] ⟹ P [t]"
and "⋀t U. ⟦Arr (t # U); U ≠ []; P U⟧ ⟹ P (t # U)"
shows "Arr T ⟹ P T"
proof (induct T)
show "Arr [] ⟹ P []"
using Arr.simps(1) by blast
show "⋀t U. ⟦Arr U ⟹ P U; Arr (t # U)⟧ ⟹ P (t # U)"
by (metis assms Arr.simps(2-3) list.exhaust)
lemma Ide_induct:
assumes "⋀t. R.ide t ⟹ P [t]"
and "⋀t T. ⟦R.ide t; R.targets t ⊆ Srcs T; P T⟧ ⟹ P (t # T)"
shows "Ide T ⟹ P T"
proof (induct T)
show "Ide [] ⟹ P []"
using Ide.simps(1) by blast
show "⋀t T. ⟦Ide T ⟹ P T; Ide (t # T)⟧ ⟹ P (t # T)"
by (metis assms Ide.simps(2-3) list.exhaust)
lemma set_Arr_subset_arr:
assumes "Arr T"
shows "set T ⊆ Collect R.arr"
apply (induct T rule: Arr_induct)
using assms Arr.elims(2) by auto
lemma Arr_imp_arr_hd [simp]:
assumes "Arr T"
shows "R.arr (hd T)"
using assms
by (metis Arr.simps(1) CollectD hd_in_set set_Arr_subset_arr subset_code(1))
lemma Arr_imp_arr_last [simp]:
assumes "Arr T"
shows "R.arr (last T)"
using assms
by (metis Arr.simps(1) CollectD in_mono last_in_set set_Arr_subset_arr)
lemma Arr_imp_Arr_tl [simp]:
assumes "Arr T" and "tl T ≠ []"
shows "Arr (tl T)"
using assms
by (metis Arr.simps(3) list.exhaust_sel list.sel(2))
lemma set_Ide_subset_ide:
assumes "Ide T"
shows "set T ⊆ Collect R.ide"
apply (induct T rule: Ide_induct)
using assms by auto
lemma Ide_imp_Ide_hd [simp]:
assumes "Ide T"
shows "R.ide (hd T)"
using assms
by (metis Ide.simps(1) CollectD hd_in_set set_Ide_subset_ide subset_code(1))
lemma Ide_imp_Ide_last [simp]:
assumes "Ide T"
shows "R.ide (last T)"
using assms
by (metis Ide.simps(1) CollectD in_mono last_in_set set_Ide_subset_ide)
lemma Ide_imp_Ide_tl [simp]:
assumes "Ide T" and "tl T ≠ []"
shows "Ide (tl T)"
using assms
by (metis Ide.simps(3) list.exhaust_sel list.sel(2))
lemma Ide_implies_Arr:
assumes "Ide T"
shows "Arr T"
apply (induct T rule: Ide_induct)
using assms
apply auto[3]
by (metis Arr.elims(2) Arr.simps(3) R.ide_implies_arr)
lemma const_ide_is_Ide:
shows "⟦T ≠ []; R.ide (hd T); set T ⊆ {hd T}⟧ ⟹ Ide T"
apply (induct T)
apply auto[2]
by (metis Ide.simps(2-3) R.ideE R.sources_resid Srcs.simps(2-3) empty_iff insert_iff
list.exhaust_sel list.set_sel(1) order_refl subset_singletonD)
lemma Ide_char:
shows "Ide T ⟷ Arr T ∧ set T ⊆ Collect R.ide"
apply (induct T)
apply auto[1]
by (metis Arr.simps(3) Ide.simps(2-3) Ide_implies_Arr empty_subsetI
insert_subset list.simps(15) mem_Collect_eq neq_Nil_conv set_empty)
lemma IdeI [intro]:
assumes "Arr T" and "set T ⊆ Collect R.ide"
shows "Ide T"
using assms Ide_char by force
lemma Arr_has_Src:
shows "Arr T ⟹ Srcs T ≠ {}"
apply (cases T)
apply simp
by (metis R.arr_iff_has_source Srcs.elims Arr.elims(2) list.distinct(1) list.sel(1))
lemma Arr_has_Trg:
shows "Arr T ⟹ Trgs T ≠ {}"
using R.arr_iff_has_target
apply (induct T)
apply simp
by (metis Arr.simps(2) Arr.simps(3) Trgs.simps(2-3) list.exhaust_sel)
lemma Srcs_are_ide:
shows "Srcs T ⊆ Collect R.ide"
apply (cases T)
apply simp
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Srcs.elims list.distinct(1) mem_Collect_eq
R.sources_def subsetI)
lemma Trgs_are_ide:
shows "Trgs T ⊆ Collect R.ide"
apply (induct T)
apply simp
by (metis R.arr_iff_has_target R.sources_resid Srcs.simps(2) Trgs.simps(2-3)
Srcs_are_ide empty_subsetI list.exhaust R.arrE)
lemma Srcs_are_con:
assumes "a ∈ Srcs T" and "a' ∈ Srcs T"
shows "a ⌢ a'"
using assms
by (metis Srcs.elims empty_iff R.sources_are_con)
lemma Srcs_con_closed:
assumes "a ∈ Srcs T" and "R.ide a'" and "a ⌢ a'"
shows "a' ∈ Srcs T"
using assms R.sources_con_closed
apply (cases T, auto)
by (metis Srcs.simps(2-3) neq_Nil_conv)
lemma Srcs_eqI:
assumes "Srcs T ∩ Srcs T' ≠ {}"
shows "Srcs T = Srcs T'"
using assms R.sources_eqI
apply (cases T; cases T')
apply auto
apply (metis IntI Srcs.simps(2-3) empty_iff neq_Nil_conv)
by (metis Srcs.simps(2-3) assms neq_Nil_conv)
lemma Trgs_are_con:
shows "⟦b ∈ Trgs T; b' ∈ Trgs T⟧ ⟹ b ⌢ b'"
apply (induct T)
apply auto
by (metis R.targets_are_con Trgs.simps(2-3) list.exhaust_sel)
lemma Trgs_con_closed:
shows "⟦b ∈ Trgs T; R.ide b'; b ⌢ b'⟧ ⟹ b' ∈ Trgs T"
apply (induct T)
apply auto
by (metis R.targets_con_closed Trgs.simps(2-3) neq_Nil_conv)
lemma Trgs_eqI:
assumes "Trgs T ∩ Trgs T' ≠ {}"
shows "Trgs T = Trgs T'"
using assms Trgs_are_ide Trgs_are_con Trgs_con_closed by blast
lemma Srcs_simp⇩P:
assumes "Arr T"
shows "Srcs T = R.sources (hd T)"
using assms
by (metis Arr_has_Src Srcs.simps(1) Srcs.simps(2) Srcs.simps(3) list.exhaust_sel)
lemma Trgs_simp⇩P:
shows "Arr T ⟹ Trgs T = R.targets (last T)"
apply (induct T)
apply simp
by (metis Arr.simps(3) Trgs.simps(2) Trgs.simps(3) last_ConsL last_ConsR neq_Nil_conv)
subsection "Residuation on Paths"
text ‹
It was more difficult than I thought to get a correct formal definition for residuation
on paths and to prove things from it. Straightforward attempts to write a single
recursive definition ran into problems with being able to prove termination,
as well as getting the cases correct so that the domain of definition was symmetric.
Eventually I found the definition below, which simplifies the termination proof
to some extent through the use of two auxiliary functions, and which has a
symmetric form that makes symmetry easier to prove. However, there was still
some difficulty in proving the recursive expansions with respect to cons and
append that I needed.
text ‹
The following defines residuation of a single transition along a path, yielding a transition.
fun Resid1x (infix ‹⇧1\⇧*› 70)
where "t ⇧1\\⇧* [] = R.null"
| "t ⇧1\\⇧* [u] = t \\ u"
| "t ⇧1\\⇧* (u # U) = (t \\ u) ⇧1\\⇧* U"
text ‹
Next, we have residuation of a path along a single transition, yielding a path.
fun Residx1 (infix ‹⇧*\⇧1› 70)
where "[] ⇧*\\⇧1 u = []"
| "[t] ⇧*\\⇧1 u = (if t ⌢ u then [t \\ u] else [])"
| "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧1 u =
(if t ⌢ u ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t) ≠ [] then (t \\ u) # T ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t) else [])"
text ‹
Finally, residuation of a path along a path, yielding a path.
function (sequential) Resid (infix ‹⇧*\⇧*› 70)
where "[] ⇧*\\⇧* _ = []"
| "_ ⇧*\\⇧* [] = []"
| "[t] ⇧*\\⇧* [u] = (if t ⌢ u then [t \\ u] else [])"
| "[t] ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) =
(if t ⌢ u ∧ (t \\ u) ⇧1\\⇧* U ≠ R.null then [(t \\ u) ⇧1\\⇧* U] else [])"
| "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* [u] =
(if t ⌢ u ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t) ≠ [] then (t \\ u) # (T ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t)) else [])"
| "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) =
(if t ⌢ u ∧ (t \\ u) ⇧1\\⇧* U ≠ R.null ∧
(T ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t)) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u)) ≠ []
then (t \\ u) ⇧1\\⇧* U # (T ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t)) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u))
else [])"
by pat_completeness auto
text ‹
Residuation of a path along a single transition is length non-increasing.
Actually, it is length-preserving, except in case the path and the transition
are not consistent. We will show that later, but for now this is what we
need to establish termination for (‹\›).
lemma length_Residx1:
shows "length (T ⇧*\\⇧1 u) ≤ length T"
proof (induct T arbitrary: u)
show "⋀u. length ([] ⇧*\\⇧1 u) ≤ length []"
by simp
fix t T u
assume ind: "⋀u. length (T ⇧*\\⇧1 u) ≤ length T"
show "length ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧1 u) ≤ length (t # T)"
using ind
by (cases T, cases "t ⌢ u", cases "T ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t)") auto
termination Resid
proof (relation "measure (λ(T, U). length T + length U)")
show "wf (measure (λ(T, U). length T + length U))"
by simp
fix t t' T u U
have "length ((t' # T) ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t)) + length (U ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u))
< length (t # t' # T) + length (u # U)"
using length_Residx1
by (metis add_less_le_mono impossible_Cons le_neq_implies_less list.size(4) trans_le_add1)
thus 1: "(((t' # T) ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t), U ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u)), t # t' # T, u # U)
∈ measure (λ(T, U). length T + length U)"
by simp
show "(((t' # T) ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t), U ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u)), t # t' # T, u # U)
∈ measure (λ(T, U). length T + length U)"
using 1 length_Residx1 by blast
have "length (T ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t)) + length (U ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u)) ≤ length T + length U"
using length_Residx1 by (simp add: add_mono)
thus 2: "((T ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t), U ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u)), t # T, u # U)
∈ measure (λ(T, U). length T + length U)"
by simp
show "((T ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t), U ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u)), t # T, u # U)
∈ measure (λ(T, U). length T + length U)"
using 2 length_Residx1 by blast
lemma Resid1x_null:
shows "R.null ⇧1\\⇧* T = R.null"
apply (induct T)
apply auto
by (metis R.null_is_zero(1) Resid1x.simps(2-3) list.exhaust)
lemma Resid1x_ide:
shows "⟦R.ide a; a ⇧1\\⇧* T ≠ R.null⟧ ⟹ R.ide (a ⇧1\\⇧* T)"
proof (induct T arbitrary: a)
show "⋀a. a ⇧1\\⇧* [] ≠ R.null ⟹ R.ide (a ⇧1\\⇧* [])"
by simp
fix a t T
assume a: "R.ide a"
assume ind: "⋀a. ⟦R.ide a; a ⇧1\\⇧* T ≠ R.null⟧ ⟹ R.ide (a ⇧1\\⇧* T)"
assume con: "a ⇧1\\⇧* (t # T) ≠ R.null"
have 1: "a ⌢ t"
using con
by (metis R.con_def Resid1x.simps(2-3) Resid1x_null list.exhaust)
show "R.ide (a ⇧1\\⇧* (t # T))"
using a 1 con ind R.resid_ide_arr
by (metis Resid1x.simps(2-3) list.exhaust)
abbreviation Con (infix ‹⇧*⌢⇧*› 50)
where "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ≡ T ⇧*\\⇧* U ≠ []"
lemma Con_sym1:
shows "T ⇧*\\⇧1 u ≠ [] ⟷ u ⇧1\\⇧* T ≠ R.null"
proof (induct T arbitrary: u)
show "⋀u. [] ⇧*\\⇧1 u ≠ [] ⟷ u ⇧1\\⇧* [] ≠ R.null"
by simp
show "⋀t T u. (⋀u. T ⇧*\\⇧1 u ≠ [] ⟷ u ⇧1\\⇧* T ≠ R.null)
⟹ (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧1 u ≠ [] ⟷ u ⇧1\\⇧* (t # T) ≠ R.null"
proof -
fix t T u
assume ind: "⋀u. T ⇧*\\⇧1 u ≠ [] ⟷ u ⇧1\\⇧* T ≠ R.null"
show "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧1 u ≠ [] ⟷ u ⇧1\\⇧* (t # T) ≠ R.null"
show "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧1 u ≠ [] ⟹ u ⇧1\\⇧* (t # T) ≠ R.null"
by (metis R.con_sym Resid1x.simps(2-3) Residx1.simps(2-3)
ind neq_Nil_conv R.conE)
show "u ⇧1\\⇧* (t # T) ≠ R.null ⟹ (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧1 u ≠ []"
using ind R.con_sym
apply (cases T)
apply auto
by (metis R.conI Resid1x_null)
lemma Con_sym_ind:
shows "length T + length U ≤ n ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ U ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
proof (induct n arbitrary: T U)
show "⋀T U. length T + length U ≤ 0 ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ U ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
by simp
fix n and T U :: "'a list"
assume ind: "⋀T U. length T + length U ≤ n ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ U ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
assume 1: "length T + length U ≤ Suc n"
show "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ U ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
using R.con_sym Con_sym1
apply (cases T; cases U)
apply auto[3]
proof -
fix t u T' U'
assume T: "T = t # T'" and U: "U = u # U'"
show "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ U ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
proof (cases "T' = []")
show "T' = [] ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ U ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
using T U Con_sym1 R.con_sym
by (cases U') auto
show "T' ≠ [] ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ U ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
proof (cases "U' = []")
show "⟦T' ≠ []; U' = []⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ U ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
using T U R.con_sym Con_sym1
by (cases T') auto
show "⟦T' ≠ []; U' ≠ []⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ U ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
proof -
assume T': "T' ≠ []" and U': "U' ≠ []"
have 2: "length (U' ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u)) + length (T' ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t)) ≤ n"
proof -
have "length (U' ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u)) + length (T' ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t))
≤ length U' + length T'"
by (simp add: add_le_mono length_Residx1)
also have "... ≤ length T' + length U'"
using T' add.commute not_less_eq_eq by auto
also have "... ≤ n"
using 1 T U by simp
finally show ?thesis by blast
show "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ U ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
assume Con: "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
have 3: "t ⌢ u ∧ T' ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t) ≠ [] ∧ (t \\ u) ⇧1\\⇧* U' ≠ R.null ∧
(T' ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t)) ⇧*\\⇧* (U' ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u)) ≠ []"
using Con T U T' U' Con_sym1
apply (cases T', cases U')
apply simp_all
by (metis Resid.simps(1) Resid.simps(6) neq_Nil_conv)
hence "u ⌢ t ∧ U' ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u) ≠ [] ∧ (u \\ t) ⇧1\\⇧* T' ≠ R.null"
using T' U' R.con_sym Con_sym1 by simp
moreover have "(U' ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u)) ⇧*\\⇧* (T' ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t)) ≠ []"
using 2 3 ind by simp
ultimately show "U ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
using T U T' U'
by (cases T'; cases U') auto
assume Con: "U ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
have 3: "u ⌢ t ∧ U' ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u) ≠ [] ∧ (u \\ t) ⇧1\\⇧* T' ≠ R.null ∧
(U' ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u)) ⇧*\\⇧* (T' ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t)) ≠ []"
using Con T U T' U' Con_sym1
apply (cases T'; cases U')
apply auto
apply argo
by force
hence "t ⌢ u ∧ T' ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t) ≠ [] ∧ (t \\ u) ⇧1\\⇧* U' ≠ R.null"
using T' U' R.con_sym Con_sym1 by simp
moreover have "(T' ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t)) ⇧*\\⇧* (U' ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u)) ≠ []"
using 2 3 ind by simp
ultimately show "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
using T U T' U'
by (cases T'; cases U') auto
lemma Con_sym:
shows "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ U ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
using Con_sym_ind by blast
lemma Residx1_as_Resid:
shows "T ⇧*\\⇧1 u = T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]"
proof (induct T)
show "[] ⇧*\\⇧1 u = [] ⇧*\\⇧* [u]" by simp
fix t T
assume ind: "T ⇧*\\⇧1 u = T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]"
show "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧1 u = (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* [u]"
by (cases T) auto
lemma Resid1x_as_Resid':
shows "t ⇧1\\⇧* U = (if [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U ≠ [] then hd ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U) else R.null)"
proof (induct U)
show "t ⇧1\\⇧* [] = (if [t] ⇧*\\⇧* [] ≠ [] then hd ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* []) else R.null)" by simp
fix u U
assume ind: "t ⇧1\\⇧* U = (if [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U ≠ [] then hd ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U) else R.null)"
show "t ⇧1\\⇧* (u # U) = (if [t] ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) ≠ [] then hd ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U)) else R.null)"
using Resid1x_null
by (cases U) auto
text ‹
The following recursive expansion for consistency of paths is an intermediate
result that is not yet quite in the form we really want.
lemma Con_rec:
shows "[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ⟷ t ⌢ u"
and "T ≠ [] ⟹ t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ⟷ t ⌢ u ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t]"
and "U ≠ [] ⟹ [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* (u # U) ⟷ t ⌢ u ∧ [t \\ u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
and "⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []⟧ ⟹
t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟷ t ⌢ u ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t] ∧ [t \\ u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧
T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]"
proof -
show "[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ⟷ t ⌢ u"
by simp
show "T ≠ [] ⟹ t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ⟷ t ⌢ u ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t]"
using Residx1_as_Resid
by (cases T) auto
show "U ≠ [] ⟹ [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* (u # U) ⟷ t ⌢ u ∧ [t \\ u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
using Resid1x_as_Resid' Con_sym Con_sym1 Resid1x.simps(3) Residx1_as_Resid
by (cases U) auto
show "⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []⟧ ⟹
t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟷ t ⌢ u ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t] ∧ [t \\ u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧
T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]"
using Residx1_as_Resid Resid1x_as_Resid' Con_sym1 Con_sym R.con_sym
by (cases T; cases U) auto
text ‹
This version is a more appealing form of the previously proved fact ‹Resid1x_as_Resid'›.
lemma Resid1x_as_Resid:
assumes "[t] ⇧*\\⇧* U ≠ []"
shows "[t] ⇧*\\⇧* U = [t ⇧1\\⇧* U]"
using assms Con_rec(2,4)
apply (cases U; cases "tl U")
apply auto
by argo+
text ‹
The following is an intermediate version of a recursive expansion for residuation,
to be improved subsequently.
lemma Resid_rec:
shows [simp]: "[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ⟹ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* [u] = [t \\ u]"
and "⟦T ≠ []; t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u]⟧ ⟹ (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* [u] = (t \\ u) # (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t])"
and "⟦U ≠ []; Con [t] (u # U)⟧ ⟹ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) = [t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U"
and "⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []; Con (t # T) (u # U)⟧ ⟹
(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) = ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U) @ ((T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]))"
proof -
show "[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ⟹ Resid [t] [u] = [t \\ u]"
by (meson Resid.simps(3))
show "⟦T ≠ []; t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u]⟧ ⟹ (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* [u] = (t \\ u) # (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t])"
using Residx1_as_Resid
by (metis Residx1.simps(3) list.exhaust_sel)
show 1: "⟦U ≠ []; [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U⟧ ⟹ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) = [t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U"
by (metis Con_rec(3) Resid1x.simps(3) Resid1x_as_Resid list.exhaust)
show "⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []; t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U⟧ ⟹
(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) = ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U) @ ((T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]))"
proof -
assume T: "T ≠ []" and U: "U ≠ []" and Con: "Con (t # T) (u # U)"
have tu: "t ⌢ u"
using Con Con_rec by metis
have "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) = ((t \\ u) ⇧1\\⇧* U) # ((T ⇧*\\⇧1 (u \\ t)) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧1 (t \\ u)))"
using T U Con tu
by (cases T; cases U) auto
also have "... = ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U) @ ((T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]))"
using T U Con tu Con_rec(4) Resid1x_as_Resid Residx1_as_Resid by force
finally show ?thesis by simp
text ‹
For consistent paths, residuation is length-preserving.
lemma length_Resid_ind:
shows "⟦length T + length U ≤ n; T ⇧*⌢⇧* U⟧ ⟹ length (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) = length T"
apply (induct n arbitrary: T U)
apply simp
proof -
fix n T U
assume ind: "⋀T U. ⟦length T + length U ≤ n; T ⇧*⌢⇧* U⟧
⟹ length (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) = length T"
assume Con: "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
assume len: "length T + length U ≤ Suc n"
show "length (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) = length T"
using Con len ind Resid1x_as_Resid length_Cons Con_rec(2) Resid_rec(2)
apply (cases T; cases U)
apply auto
apply (cases "tl T = []"; cases "tl U = []")
apply auto
apply metis
apply fastforce
proof -
fix t T' u U'
assume T: "T = t # T'" and U: "U = u # U'"
assume T': "T' ≠ []" and U': "U' ≠ []"
show "length ((t # T') ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U')) = Suc (length T')"
using Con Con_rec(4) Con_sym Resid_rec(4) T T' U U' ind len by auto
lemma length_Resid:
assumes "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
shows "length (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) = length T"
using assms length_Resid_ind by auto
lemma Con_initial_left:
shows "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
apply (induct U)
apply simp
by (metis Con_rec(1-4))
lemma Con_initial_right:
shows "T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u]"
apply (induct T)
apply simp
by (metis Con_rec(1-4))
lemma Resid_cons_ind:
shows "⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []; length T + length U ≤ n⟧ ⟹
(∀t. t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ∧
(∀u. T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* [u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U) ∧
(∀t. t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟶ (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) ∧
(∀u. T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟶ T ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof (induct n arbitrary: T U)
show "⋀T U. ⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []; length T + length U ≤ 0⟧ ⟹
(∀t. t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ∧
(∀u. T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* [u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U) ∧
(∀t. t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟶ (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) ∧
(∀u. T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟶ T ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
by simp
fix n and T U :: "'a list"
assume ind: "⋀T U. ⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []; length T + length U ≤ n⟧ ⟹
(∀t. t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ∧
(∀u. T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* [u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U) ∧
(∀t. t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟶ (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) ∧
(∀u. T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟶ T ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
assume T: "T ≠ []" and U: "U ≠ []"
assume len: "length T + length U ≤ Suc n"
show "(∀t. t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ∧
(∀u. T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* [u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U) ∧
(∀t. t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟶ (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) ∧
(∀u. T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟶ T ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof (intro allI conjI iffI impI)
fix t
show 1: "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
proof (cases U)
show "U = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using U by simp
fix u U'
assume U: "U = u # U'"
assume Con: "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "U' = []")
show "U' = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using T U Con R.con_sym Con_rec(2) Resid_rec(2) by auto
assume U': "U' ≠ []"
have "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = [t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U' @ (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
using T U U' Con Resid_rec(4) by fastforce
also have 1: "... = [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
using T U U' Con Con_rec(3-4) Resid_rec(3) by auto
also have "... = [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* ((u \\ t) # (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]))"
proof -
have "T ⇧*\\⇧* ((u \\ t) # (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
using T U U' ind [of T "U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]"] Con Con_rec(4) Con_sym len length_Resid
by fastforce
thus ?thesis by auto
also have "... = [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
using T U U' 1 Con Con_rec(4) Con_sym1 Residx1_as_Resid
Resid1x_as_Resid Resid_rec(2) Con_sym Con_initial_left
by auto
finally show ?thesis by simp
show "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
by (simp add: Con_initial_left)
show "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
by (metis "1" Suc_inject T append_Nil2 length_0_conv length_Cons length_Resid)
show "[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t] ⟹ t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
proof (cases U)
show "⟦[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]; U = []⟧ ⟹ t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
using U by simp
fix u U'
assume U: "U = u # U'"
assume Con: "[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]"
show "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
proof (cases "U' = []")
show "U' = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using T U Con
by (metis Con_rec(2) Resid.simps(3) R.con_sym)
assume U': "U' ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof -
have "t ⌢ u"
using T U U' Con Con_rec(3) by blast
moreover have "T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t]"
using T U U' Con Con_initial_right Con_sym1 Residx1_as_Resid
Resid1x_as_Resid Resid_rec(2)
by (metis Con_sym)
moreover have "[t \\ u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U'"
using T U U' Con Resid_rec(3) by force
moreover have "T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Con Con_sym Resid_rec(2) Suc_le_mono
T U U' add_Suc_right calculation(3) ind len length_Cons length_Resid)
ultimately show ?thesis
using T U U' Con_rec(4) by simp
fix u
show 1: "T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U"
proof (cases T)
show 2: "⟦T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U; T = []⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U"
using T by simp
fix t T'
assume T: "T = t # T'"
assume Con: "T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "T' = []")
show "T' = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using T U Con Con_rec(3) Resid1x_as_Resid Resid_rec(3) by force
assume T': "T' ≠ []"
have "T ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) = [t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ (T' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
using T U T' Con Resid_rec(4) [of T' U t u] by simp
also have "... = ((t \\ u) # (T' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t])) ⇧*\\⇧* U"
proof -
have "length (T' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) + length U ≤ n"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Con Con_rec(4) One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_leI
T T' U add_Suc le_less_trans len length_Resid lessI list.size(4)
thus ?thesis
using ind [of "T' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]" U] Con Con_rec(4) T T' U by auto
also have "... = (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U"
using T U T' Con Con_rec(2,4) Resid_rec(2) by force
finally show ?thesis by simp
show "T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u]"
using 1 by force
show "T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* [u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
using 1 by fastforce
show "T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* [u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U"
proof (cases T)
show "⟦T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* [u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U; T = []⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U"
using T by simp
fix t T'
assume T: "T = t # T'"
assume Con: "T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* [u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
show "Con T (u # U)"
proof (cases "T' = []")
show "T' = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using Con T U Con_rec(1,3) by auto
assume T': "T' ≠ []"
have "t ⌢ u"
using Con T U T' Con_rec(2) by blast
moreover have 2: "T' ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t]"
using Con T U T' Con_rec(2) by blast
moreover have "[t \\ u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
using Con T U T'
by (metis Con_initial_left Resid_rec(2))
moreover have "T' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]"
proof -
have 0: "length (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]) = length U"
using Con T U T' length_Resid Con_sym calculation(3) by blast
hence 1: "length T' + length (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]) ≤ n"
using Con T U T' len length_Resid Con_sym by simp
have "length ((T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U) =
length ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U) + length ((T' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]))"
proof -
have "(T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U =
[t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ (T' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
by (metis 0 1 2 Con Resid_rec(2) T T' U ind length_Resid)
thus ?thesis
using Con T U T' length_Resid by simp
moreover have "length ((T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U) = length T"
using Con T U T' length_Resid by metis
moreover have "length ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U) ≤ 1"
using Con T U T' Resid1x_as_Resid
by (metis One_nat_def length_Cons list.size(3) order_refl zero_le)
ultimately show ?thesis
using Con T U T' length_Resid by auto
ultimately show "T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U"
using T Con_rec(4) [of T' U t u] by fastforce
text ‹
The following are the final versions of recursive expansion for consistency
and residuation on paths. These are what I really wanted the original definitions
to look like, but if this is tried, then ‹Con› and ‹Resid› end up having to be mutually
recursive, expressing the definitions so that they are single-valued becomes an issue,
and proving termination is more problematic.
lemma Con_cons:
assumes "T ≠ []" and "U ≠ []"
shows "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]"
and "T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* [u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
using assms Resid_cons_ind [of T U] by blast+
lemma Con_consI [intro, simp]:
shows "⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []; [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U; T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]⟧ ⟹ t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
and "⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []; T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u]; T ⇧*\\⇧* [u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U"
using Con_cons by auto
lemma Resid_cons:
assumes "U ≠ []"
shows "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U) @ (T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
and "T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U"
using assms Resid_cons_ind [of T U] Resid.simps(1)
by blast+
text ‹
The following expansion of residuation with respect to the first argument
is stated in terms of the more primitive cons, rather than list append,
but as a result ‹⇧1\⇧*› has to be used.
lemma Resid_cons':
assumes "T ≠ []"
shows "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = (t ⇧1\\⇧* U) # (T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
using assms
by (metis Con_sym Resid.simps(1) Resid1x_as_Resid Resid_cons(1)
append_Cons append_Nil)
lemma Srcs_Resid_Arr_single:
assumes "T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u]"
shows "Srcs (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) = R.targets u"
proof (cases T)
show "T = [] ⟹ Srcs (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) = R.targets u"
using assms by simp
fix t T'
assume T: "T = t # T'"
show "Srcs (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) = R.targets u"
proof (cases "T' = []")
show "T' = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using assms T R.sources_resid by auto
assume T': "T' ≠ []"
have "Srcs (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) = Srcs ((t # T') ⇧*\\⇧* [u])"
using T by simp
also have "... = Srcs ((t \\ u) # (T' ⇧*\\⇧* ([u] ⇧*\\⇧* T')))"
using assms T
by (metis Resid_rec(2) Srcs.elims T' list.distinct(1) list.sel(1))
also have "... = R.sources (t \\ u)"
using Srcs.elims by blast
also have "... = R.targets u"
using assms Con_rec(2) T T' R.sources_resid by force
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma Srcs_Resid_single_Arr:
shows "[u] ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⟹ Srcs ([u] ⇧*\\⇧* T) = Trgs T"
proof (induct T arbitrary: u)
show "⋀u. [u] ⇧*⌢⇧* [] ⟹ Srcs ([u] ⇧*\\⇧* []) = Trgs []"
by simp
fix t u T
assume ind: "⋀u. [u] ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⟹ Srcs ([u] ⇧*\\⇧* T) = Trgs T"
assume Con: "[u] ⇧*⌢⇧* t # T"
show "Srcs ([u] ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T)) = Trgs (t # T)"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using Con Srcs_Resid_Arr_single Trgs.simps(2) by presburger
assume T: "T ≠ []"
have "Srcs ([u] ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T)) = Srcs ([u \\ t] ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
using Con Resid_rec(3) T by force
also have "... = Trgs T"
using Con ind Con_rec(3) T by auto
also have "... = Trgs (t # T)"
by (metis T Trgs.elims Trgs.simps(3))
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma Trgs_Resid_sym_Arr_single:
shows "T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ⟹ Trgs (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) = Trgs ([u] ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
proof (induct T arbitrary: u)
show "⋀u. [] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ⟹ Trgs ([] ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) = Trgs ([u] ⇧*\\⇧* [])"
by simp
fix t u T
assume ind: "⋀u. T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ⟹ Trgs (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) = Trgs ([u] ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
assume Con: "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u]"
show "Trgs ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) = Trgs ([u] ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T))"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using R.targets_resid_sym
by (simp add: R.con_sym)
assume T: "T ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof -
have "Trgs ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) = Trgs ((t \\ u) # (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]))"
using Con Resid_rec(2) T by auto
also have "... = Trgs (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t])"
using T Con Con_rec(2) [of T t u]
by (metis Trgs.elims Trgs.simps(3))
also have "... = Trgs ([u \\ t] ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
using T Con ind Con_sym by metis
also have "... = Trgs ([u] ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T))"
using T Con Con_sym Resid_rec(3) by presburger
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma Srcs_Resid [simp]:
shows "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ Srcs (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) = Trgs U"
proof (induct U arbitrary: T)
show "⋀T. T ⇧*⌢⇧* [] ⟹ Srcs (T ⇧*\\⇧* []) = Trgs []"
using Con_sym Resid.simps(1) by blast
fix u U T
assume ind: "⋀T. T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ Srcs (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) = Trgs U"
assume Con: "T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U"
show "Srcs (T ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U)) = Trgs (u # U)"
by (metis Con Resid_cons(2) Srcs_Resid_Arr_single Trgs.simps(2-3) ind
lemma Trgs_Resid_sym [simp]:
shows "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ Trgs (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) = Trgs (U ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
proof (induct U arbitrary: T)
show "⋀T. T ⇧*⌢⇧* [] ⟹ Trgs (T ⇧*\\⇧* []) = Trgs ([] ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
by (meson Con_sym Resid.simps(1))
fix u U T
assume ind: "⋀T. T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ Trgs (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) = Trgs (U ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
assume Con: "T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U"
show "Trgs (T ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U)) = Trgs ((u # U) ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
proof (cases "U = []")
show "U = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using Con Trgs_Resid_sym_Arr_single by blast
assume U: "U ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof -
have "Trgs (T ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U)) = Trgs ((T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
using U by (metis Con Resid_cons(2))
also have "... = Trgs (U ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]))"
using U Con by (metis Con_sym ind)
also have "... = Trgs ((u # U) ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Con_cons(1) Con_sym Resid.simps(1) Resid_cons'
Trgs.simps(3) U neq_Nil_conv)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma img_Resid_Srcs:
shows "Arr T ⟹ (λa. [a] ⇧*\\⇧* T) ` Srcs T ⊆ (λb. [b]) ` Trgs T"
proof (induct T)
show "Arr [] ⟹ (λa. [a] ⇧*\\⇧* []) ` Srcs [] ⊆ (λb. [b]) ` Trgs []"
by simp
fix t :: 'a and T :: "'a list"
assume tT: "Arr (t # T)"
assume ind: "Arr T ⟹ (λa. [a] ⇧*\\⇧* T) ` Srcs T ⊆ (λb. [b]) ` Trgs T"
show "(λa. [a] ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T)) ` Srcs (t # T) ⊆ (λb. [b]) ` Trgs (t # T)"
fix B
assume B: "B ∈ (λa. [a] ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T)) ` Srcs (t # T)"
show "B ∈ (λb. [b]) ` Trgs (t # T)"
proof (cases "T = []")
assume T: "T = []"
obtain a where a: "a ∈ R.sources t ∧ [a \\ t] = B"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) B R.composite_of_source_arr R.con_prfx_composite_of(1)
Resid_rec(1) Srcs.simps(2) T Arr.simps(2) Con_rec(1) imageE tT)
have "a \\ t ∈ Trgs (t # T)"
using tT T a
by (simp add: R.resid_source_in_targets)
thus ?thesis
using B a image_iff by fastforce
assume T: "T ≠ []"
obtain a where a: "a ∈ R.sources t ∧ [a] ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T) = B"
using tT T B Srcs.elims by blast
have "[a \\ t] ⇧*\\⇧* T = B"
using tT T B a
by (metis Con_rec(3) R.arrI R.resid_source_in_targets R.targets_are_cong
Resid_rec(3) R.arr_resid_iff_con R.ide_implies_arr)
moreover have "a \\ t ∈ Srcs T"
using a tT
by (metis Arr.simps(3) R.resid_source_in_targets T neq_Nil_conv subsetD)
ultimately show ?thesis
using T tT ind
by (metis Trgs.simps(3) Arr.simps(3) image_iff list.exhaust_sel subsetD)
lemma Resid_Arr_Src:
shows "⟦Arr T; a ∈ Srcs T⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* [a] = T"
proof (induct T arbitrary: a)
show "⋀a. ⟦Arr []; a ∈ Srcs []⟧ ⟹ [] ⇧*\\⇧* [a] = []"
by simp
fix a t T
assume ind: "⋀a. ⟦Arr T; a ∈ Srcs T⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* [a] = T"
assume Arr: "Arr (t # T)"
assume a: "a ∈ Srcs (t # T)"
show "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* [a] = t # T"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using a R.resid_arr_ide R.sources_def by auto
assume T: "T ≠ []"
show "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* [a] = t # T"
proof -
have 1: "R.arr t ∧ Arr T ∧ R.targets t ⊆ Srcs T"
using Arr T
by (metis Arr.elims(2) list.sel(1) list.sel(3))
have 2: "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* [a]"
using T a Arr Con_rec(2)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) img_Resid_Srcs Con_sym imageE image_subset_iff
have "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* [a] = (t \\ a) # (T ⇧*\\⇧* [a \\ t])"
using 2 T Resid_rec(2) by simp
moreover have "t \\ a = t"
using Arr a R.sources_def
by (metis "2" CollectD Con_rec(2) T Srcs_are_ide in_mono R.resid_arr_ide)
moreover have "T ⇧*\\⇧* [a \\ t] = T"
by (metis "1" "2" R.in_sourcesI R.resid_source_in_targets Srcs_are_ide T a
Con_rec(2) in_mono ind mem_Collect_eq)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma Con_single_ide_ind:
shows "R.ide a ⟹ [a] ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⟷ Arr T ∧ a ∈ Srcs T"
proof (induct T arbitrary: a)
show "⋀a. [a] ⇧*⌢⇧* [] ⟷ Arr [] ∧ a ∈ Srcs []"
by simp
fix a t T
assume ind: "⋀a. R.ide a ⟹ [a] ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⟷ Arr T ∧ a ∈ Srcs T"
assume a: "R.ide a"
show "[a] ⇧*⌢⇧* (t # T) ⟷ Arr (t # T) ∧ a ∈ Srcs (t # T)"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using a Con_sym
by (metis Arr.simps(2) Resid_Arr_Src Srcs.simps(2) R.arr_iff_has_source
Con_rec(1) empty_iff R.in_sourcesI list.distinct(1))
assume T: "T ≠ []"
have 1: "[a] ⇧*⌢⇧* (t # T) ⟷ a ⌢ t ∧ [a \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
using a T Con_cons(2) [of "[a]" T t] by simp
also have 2: "... ⟷ a ⌢ t ∧ Arr T ∧ a \\ t ∈ Srcs T"
using a T ind R.resid_ide_arr by blast
also have "... ⟷ Arr (t # T) ∧ a ∈ Srcs (t # T)"
using a T Con_sym R.con_sym Resid_Arr_Src R.con_implies_arr Srcs_are_ide
apply (cases T)
apply simp
by (metis Arr.simps(3) R.resid_arr_ide R.targets_resid_sym Srcs.simps(3)
Srcs_Resid_Arr_single calculation dual_order.eq_iff list.distinct(1)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma Con_single_ide_iff:
assumes "R.ide a"
shows "[a] ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⟷ Arr T ∧ a ∈ Srcs T"
using assms Con_single_ide_ind by simp
lemma Con_single_ideI [intro]:
assumes "R.ide a" and "Arr T" and "a ∈ Srcs T"
shows "[a] ⇧*⌢⇧* T" and "T ⇧*⌢⇧* [a]"
using assms Con_single_ide_iff Con_sym by auto
lemma Resid_single_ide:
assumes "R.ide a" and "[a] ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
shows "[a] ⇧*\\⇧* T ∈ (λb. [b]) ` Trgs T" and [simp]: "T ⇧*\\⇧* [a] = T"
using assms Con_single_ide_ind img_Resid_Srcs Resid_Arr_Src Con_sym
by blast+
lemma Resid_Arr_Ide_ind:
shows "⟦Ide A; T ⇧*⌢⇧* A⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* A = T"
proof (induct A)
show "⟦Ide []; T ⇧*⌢⇧* []⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* [] = T"
by simp
fix a A
assume ind: "⟦Ide A; T ⇧*⌢⇧* A⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* A = T"
assume Ide: "Ide (a # A)"
assume Con: "T ⇧*⌢⇧* a # A"
show "T ⇧*\\⇧* (a # A) = T"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Con Con_initial_left Con_sym Ide Ide.elims(2)
Resid_cons(2) Resid_single_ide(2) ind list.inject)
lemma Resid_Ide_Arr_ind:
shows "⟦Ide A; A ⇧*⌢⇧* T⟧ ⟹ Ide (A ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
proof (induct A)
show "⟦Ide []; [] ⇧*⌢⇧* T⟧ ⟹ Ide ([] ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
by simp
fix a A
assume ind: "⟦Ide A; A ⇧*⌢⇧* T⟧ ⟹ Ide (A ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
assume Ide: "Ide (a # A)"
assume Con: "a # A ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
have T: "Arr T"
using Con Ide Con_single_ide_ind Con_initial_left Ide.elims(2)
by blast
show "Ide ((a # A) ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
proof (cases "A = []")
show "A = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
by (metis Con Con_sym1 Ide Ide.simps(2) Resid1x_as_Resid Resid1x_ide
Residx1_as_Resid Con_sym)
assume A: "A ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof -
have "Ide ([a] ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
by (metis Con Con_initial_left Con_sym Con_sym1 Ide Ide.simps(3)
Resid1x_as_Resid Residx1_as_Resid Ide.simps(2) Resid1x_ide
moreover have "Trgs ([a] ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⊆ Srcs (A ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
using A T Ide Con
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Con_sym Ide.elims(2) Ide.simps(2) Resid_Arr_Ide_ind
Srcs_Resid Trgs_Resid_sym Con_cons(2) dual_order.eq_iff list.inject)
moreover have "Ide (A ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* [a]))"
by (metis A Con Con_cons(1) Con_sym Ide Ide.simps(3) Resid_Arr_Ide_ind
Resid_single_ide(2) ind list.exhaust_sel)
moreover have "Ide ((a # A) ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⟷
Ide ([a] ⇧*\\⇧* T) ∧ Ide (A ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* [a])) ∧
Trgs ([a] ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⊆ Srcs (A ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
using calculation(1-3)
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Con Ide Ide.simps(3) Resid1x_as_Resid Resid_cons'
Trgs.simps(2) Con_single_ide_iff Ide.simps(2) Ide_implies_Arr Resid_Arr_Src
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma Resid_Ide:
assumes "Ide A" and "A ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
shows "T ⇧*\\⇧* A = T" and "Ide (A ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
using assms Resid_Ide_Arr_ind Resid_Arr_Ide_ind Con_sym by auto
lemma Con_Ide_iff:
shows "Ide A ⟹ A ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⟷ Arr T ∧ Srcs T = Srcs A"
proof (induct A)
show "Ide [] ⟹ [] ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⟷ Arr T ∧ Srcs T = Srcs []"
by simp
fix a A
assume ind: "Ide A ⟹ A ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⟷ Arr T ∧ Srcs T = Srcs A"
assume Ide: "Ide (a # A)"
show "a # A ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⟷ Arr T ∧ Srcs T = Srcs (a # A)"
proof (cases "A = []")
show "A = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using Con_single_ide_ind Ide
by (metis Arr.simps(2) Con_sym Ide.simps(2) Ide_implies_Arr R.arrE
Resid_Arr_Src Srcs.simps(2) Srcs_Resid R.in_sourcesI)
assume A: "A ≠ []"
have "a # A ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⟷ [a] ⇧*⌢⇧* T ∧ A ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* [a]"
using A Ide Con_cons(1) [of A T a] by fastforce
also have 1: "... ⟷ Arr T ∧ a ∈ Srcs T"
by (metis A Arr_has_Src Con_single_ide_ind Ide Ide.elims(2) Resid_Arr_Src
Srcs_Resid_Arr_single Con_sym Srcs_eqI ind inf.absorb_iff2 list.inject)
also have "... ⟷ Arr T ∧ Srcs T = Srcs (a # A)"
by (metis A 1 Con_sym Ide Ide.simps(3) R.ideE
R.sources_resid Resid_Arr_Src Srcs.simps(3) Srcs_Resid_Arr_single
list.exhaust_sel R.in_sourcesI)
finally show "a # A ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⟷ Arr T ∧ Srcs T = Srcs (a # A)"
by blast
lemma Con_IdeI:
assumes "Ide A" and "Arr T" and "Srcs T = Srcs A"
shows "A ⇧*⌢⇧* T" and "T ⇧*⌢⇧* A"
using assms Con_Ide_iff Con_sym by auto
lemma Con_Arr_self:
shows "Arr T ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
proof (induct T)
show "Arr [] ⟹ [] ⇧*⌢⇧* []"
by simp
fix t T
assume ind: "Arr T ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
assume Arr: "Arr (t # T)"
show "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* t # T"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using Arr R.arrE by simp
assume T: "T ≠ []"
have "t ⌢ t ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [t \\ t] ∧ [t \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* T ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ t]"
proof -
have "t ⌢ t"
using Arr Arr.elims(1) by auto
moreover have "T ⇧*⌢⇧* [t \\ t]"
proof -
have "Ide [t \\ t]"
by (simp add: R.arr_def R.prfx_reflexive calculation)
moreover have "Srcs [t \\ t] = Srcs T"
by (metis Arr Arr.simps(2) Arr_has_Trg R.arrE R.sources_resid Srcs.simps(2)
Srcs_eqI T Trgs.simps(2) Arr.simps(3) inf.absorb_iff2 list.exhaust)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis Arr Con_sym T Arr.simps(3) Con_Ide_iff neq_Nil_conv)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis Con_single_ide_ind Con_sym R.prfx_reflexive
Resid_single_ide(2) ind R.con_implies_arr(1))
thus ?thesis
using Con_rec(4) [of T T t t] by force
lemma Resid_Arr_self:
shows "Arr T ⟹ Ide (T ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
proof (induct T)
show "Arr [] ⟹ Ide ([] ⇧*\\⇧* [])"
by simp
fix t T
assume ind: "Arr T ⟹ Ide (T ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
assume Arr: "Arr (t # T)"
show "Ide ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T))"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using Arr R.prfx_reflexive by auto
assume T: "T ≠ []"
have 1: "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T) = t ⇧1\\⇧* (t # T) # T ⇧*\\⇧* ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
using Arr T Resid_cons' [of T t "t # T"] Con_Arr_self by presburger
also have "... = (t \\ t) ⇧1\\⇧* T # T ⇧*\\⇧* (t ⇧1\\⇧* [t] # T ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
using Arr T Resid_cons' [of T t "[t]"]
by (metis Con_initial_right Resid1x.simps(3) calculation neq_Nil_conv)
also have "... = (t \\ t) ⇧1\\⇧* T # (T ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
by (metis 1 Resid1x.simps(2) Residx1.simps(2) Residx1_as_Resid T calculation
Con_cons(1) Con_rec(4) Resid_cons(2) list.distinct(1) list.inject)
finally have 2: "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T) =
(t \\ t) ⇧1\\⇧* T # (T ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
by blast
moreover have "Ide ..."
proof -
have "R.ide ((t \\ t) ⇧1\\⇧* T)"
using Arr T
by (metis Con_initial_right Con_rec(2) Con_sym1 R.con_implies_arr(1)
Resid1x_ide Con_Arr_self Residx1_as_Resid R.prfx_reflexive)
moreover have "Ide ((T ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* [t])))"
using Arr T
by (metis Con_Arr_self Con_rec(4) Resid_single_ide(2) Con_single_ide_ind
Resid.simps(3) ind R.prfx_reflexive R.con_implies_arr(2))
moreover have "R.targets ((t \\ t) ⇧1\\⇧* T) ⊆
Srcs ((T ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* [t])))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) 1 2 Con_cons(1) Resid1x_as_Resid T Trgs.simps(2)
Trgs_Resid_sym Srcs_Resid dual_order.eq_iff list.discI list.inject)
ultimately show ?thesis
using Arr T
by (metis Ide.simps(1,3) list.exhaust_sel)
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma Con_imp_eq_Srcs:
assumes "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
shows "Srcs T = Srcs U"
proof (cases T)
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using assms by simp
fix t T'
assume T: "T = t # T'"
show "Srcs T = Srcs U"
proof (cases U)
show "U = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using assms T by simp
fix u U'
assume U: "U = u # U'"
show "Srcs T = Srcs U"
by (metis Con_initial_right Con_rec(1) Con_sym R.con_imp_common_source
Srcs.simps(2-3) Srcs_eqI T Trgs.cases U assms)
lemma Arr_iff_Con_self:
shows "Arr T ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
proof (induct T)
show "Arr [] ⟷ [] ⇧*⌢⇧* []"
by simp
fix t T
assume ind: "Arr T ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
show "Arr (t # T) ⟷ t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* t # T"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
by auto
assume T: "T ≠ []"
show ?thesis
show "Arr (t # T) ⟹ t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* t # T"
using Con_Arr_self by simp
show "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* t # T ⟹ Arr (t # T)"
proof -
assume Con: "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* t # T"
have "R.arr t"
using T Con Con_rec(4) [of T T t t] by blast
moreover have "Arr T"
using T Con Con_rec(4) [of T T t t] ind R.arrI
by (meson R.prfx_reflexive Con_single_ide_ind)
moreover have "R.targets t ⊆ Srcs T"
using T Con
by (metis Con_cons(2) Con_imp_eq_Srcs Trgs.simps(2)
Srcs_Resid list.distinct(1) subsetI)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (cases T) auto
lemma Arr_Resid_single:
shows "T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ⟹ Arr (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u])"
proof (induct T arbitrary: u)
show "⋀u. [] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ⟹ Arr ([] ⇧*\\⇧* [u])"
by simp
fix t u T
assume ind: "⋀u. T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u] ⟹ Arr (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u])"
assume Con: "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u]"
show "Arr ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* [u])"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using Con Arr_iff_Con_self R.con_imp_arr_resid Con_rec(1) by fastforce
assume T: "T ≠ []"
have "Arr ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⟷ Arr ((t \\ u) # (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]))"
using Con T Resid_rec(2) by auto
also have "... ⟷ R.arr (t \\ u) ∧ Arr (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) ∧
R.targets (t \\ u) ⊆ Srcs (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t])"
using Con T
by (metis Arr.simps(3) Con_rec(2) neq_Nil_conv)
also have "... ⟷ R.con t u ∧ Arr (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t])"
using Con T
by (metis Srcs_Resid_Arr_single Con_rec(2) R.arr_resid_iff_con subsetI
also have "... ⟷ True"
using Con ind T Con_rec(2) by blast
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma Con_imp_Arr_Resid:
shows "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ Arr (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof (induct U arbitrary: T)
show "⋀T. T ⇧*⌢⇧* [] ⟹ Arr (T ⇧*\\⇧* [])"
by (meson Con_sym Resid.simps(1))
fix u U T
assume ind: "⋀T. T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ Arr (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
assume Con: "T ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U"
show "Arr (T ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U))"
by (metis Arr_Resid_single Con Resid_cons(2) ind)
lemma Cube_ind:
shows "⟦T ⇧*⌢⇧* U; V ⇧*⌢⇧* T; length T + length U + length V ≤ n⟧ ⟹
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U) ∧
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟶
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
proof (induct n arbitrary: T U V)
show "⋀T U V. ⟦T ⇧*⌢⇧* U; V ⇧*⌢⇧* T; length T + length U + length V ≤ 0⟧ ⟹
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U) ∧
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟶
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
by simp
fix n and T U V :: "'a list"
assume Con_TU: "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U" and Con_VT: "V ⇧*⌢⇧* T"
have T: "T ≠ []"
using Con_TU by auto
have U: "U ≠ []"
using Con_TU Con_sym Resid.simps(1) by blast
have V: "V ≠ []"
using Con_VT by auto
assume len: "length T + length U + length V ≤ Suc n"
assume ind: "⋀T U V. ⟦T ⇧*⌢⇧* U; V ⇧*⌢⇧* T; length T + length U + length V ≤ n⟧ ⟹
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U) ∧
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟶
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
show "(V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U) ∧
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟶ (V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
proof (cases V)
show "V = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using V by simp
fix v V'
assume V: "V = v # V'"
show ?thesis
proof (cases U)
show "U = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using U by simp
fix u U'
assume U: "U = u # U'"
show ?thesis
proof (cases T)
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using T by simp
fix t T'
assume T: "T = t # T'"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "V' = []", cases "U' = []", cases "T' = []")
show "⟦V' = []; U' = []; T' = []⟧ ⟹ ?thesis"
using T U V R.cube Con_TU Resid.simps(2-3) R.arr_resid_iff_con
R.con_implies_arr Con_sym
by metis
assume T': "T' ≠ []" and V': "V' = []" and U': "U' = []"
have 1: "U ⇧*⌢⇧* [t]"
using T Con_TU Con_cons(2) Con_sym Resid.simps(2) by metis
have 2: "V ⇧*⌢⇧* [t]"
using V Con_VT Con_initial_right T by blast
show ?thesis
proof (intro conjI impI)
have 3: "length [t] + length U + length V ≤ n"
using T T' le_Suc_eq len by fastforce
show *: "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
proof -
have "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T' ⇧*⌢⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T'"
using Con_TU Con_VT Con_sym Resid_cons(2) T T' by force
also have "... ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t] ∧
(V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*⌢⇧* T' ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
proof (intro iffI conjI)
show "(V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T' ⇧*⌢⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T' ⟹ V ⇧*\\⇧* [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]"
using T U V T' U' V' 1 ind [of "T'"] len Con_TU Con_rec(2) Resid_rec(1)
Resid.simps(1) length_Cons Suc_le_mono add_Suc
by (metis (no_types))
show "(V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T' ⇧*⌢⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T' ⟹
(V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*⌢⇧* T' ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
using T U V T' U' V'
by (metis Con_sym Resid.simps(1) Resid_rec(1) Suc_le_mono ind len
length_Cons list.size(3-4))
show "V ⇧*\\⇧* [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t] ∧
(V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*⌢⇧* T' ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⟹
(V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T' ⇧*⌢⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T'"
using T U V T' U' V' 1 ind len Con_TU Con_VT Con_rec(1-3)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def Resid_rec(1) Suc_le_mono
add.commute list.size(3) list.size(4) plus_1_eq_Suc)
also have "... ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*⌢⇧* T' ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
by (metis 2 3 Con_sym ind Resid.simps(1))
also have "... ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
using Con_rec(2) [of T' t]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1" Con_TU Con_cons(2) Resid.simps(1)
Resid.simps(3) Resid_rec(2) T T' U U')
finally show ?thesis by simp
assume Con: "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T"
show "(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof -
have "(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T') ⇧*\\⇧* ((U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T')"
using Con_TU Con_VT Con_sym Resid_cons(2) T T' by force
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) ⇧*\\⇧* (T' ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
using T U V T' U' V' 1 Con ind [of T' "Resid U [t]" "Resid V [t]"]
by (metis One_nat_def add.commute calculation len length_0_conv length_Resid
list.size(4) nat_add_left_cancel_le Con_sym plus_1_eq_Suc)
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U)) ⇧*\\⇧* (T' ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
by (metis "1" "2" "3" Con_sym ind)
also have "... = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
using T U T' U' Con *
by (metis Con_sym Resid_rec(1-2) Resid.simps(1) Resid_cons(2))
finally show ?thesis by simp
assume U': "U' ≠ []" and V': "V' = []"
show ?thesis
proof (intro conjI impI)
show *: "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
proof (cases "T' = []")
assume T': "T' = []"
show ?thesis
proof -
have "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* (u \\ t) # (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
using Con_TU Con_sym Resid_rec(2) T T' U U' by auto
also have "... ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]"
by (metis Con_TU Con_cons(2) Con_rec(3) Con_sym Resid.simps(1) T U U')
also have "... ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]"
using T U V V' R.cube_ax
apply simp
by (metis R.con_implies_arr(1) R.not_arr_null R.con_def)
also have "... ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U' ⇧*⌢⇧* [t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U'"
proof -
have "length [t \\ u] + length U' + length (V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ≤ n"
using T U V V' len by force
thus ?thesis
by (metis Con_sym Resid.simps(1) add.commute ind)
also have "... ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
by (metis Con_TU Resid_cons(2) Resid_rec(3) T T' U U' Con_cons(2)
length_Resid length_0_conv)
finally show ?thesis by simp
assume T': "T' ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof -
have "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T' ⇧*⌢⇧* ((U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T')"
using Con_TU Con_VT Con_sym Resid_cons(2) T T' by force
also have "... ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*⌢⇧* T' ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
proof -
have "length T' + length (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) + length (V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ≤ n"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Con_TU Con_VT Con_initial_right Con_sym
One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 T ab_semigroup_add_class.add_ac(1)
add_le_imp_le_left len length_Resid list.size(4) plus_1_eq_Suc)
thus ?thesis
by (metis Con_TU Con_VT Con_cons(1) Con_cons(2) T T' U V ind list.discI)
also have "... ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*⌢⇧* T' ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
proof -
have "length [t] + length U + length V ≤ n"
using T T' le_Suc_eq len by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by (metis Con_TU Con_VT Con_initial_left Con_initial_right T ind)
also have "... ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
by (metis Con_cons(2) Con_sym Resid.simps(1) Resid1x_as_Resid
Residx1_as_Resid Resid_cons' T T')
finally show ?thesis by blast
show "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟹
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof -
assume Con: "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "T' = []")
assume T': "T' = []"
show ?thesis
proof -
have 1: "(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) =
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* ((u \\ t) # (U'⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]))"
using Con_TU Con_sym Resid_rec(2) T T' U U' by force
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
by (metis Con Con_TU Con_rec(2) Con_sym Resid_cons(2) T T' U U'
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
by (metis "*" Con Con_rec(3) R.cube Resid.simps(1,3) T T' U V V'
calculation R.conI R.conE)
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U') ⇧*\\⇧* ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U')"
proof -
have "length [t \\ u] + length (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]) + length (V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ≤ n"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Nat.le_diff_conv2 One_nat_def T U V V'
add.commute add_diff_cancel_left' add_leD2 len length_Cons
length_Resid list.size(3) plus_1_eq_Suc)
thus ?thesis
by (metis Con_sym add.commute Resid.simps(1) ind length_Resid)
also have "... = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
by (metis Con_TU Con_cons(2) Resid_cons(2) T T' U U'
Resid_rec(3) length_0_conv length_Resid)
finally show ?thesis by blast
assume T': "T' ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof -
have "(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) =
((V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* ([u] ⇧*\\⇧* T)) ⇧*\\⇧* (U' ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]))"
by (metis Con Con_TU Resid.simps(2) Resid1x_as_Resid U U'
Con_cons(2) Con_sym Resid_cons' Resid_cons(2))
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u])) ⇧*\\⇧* (U' ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]))"
proof -
have "length T + length [u] + length V ≤ n"
using U U' antisym_conv len not_less_eq_eq by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by (metis Con_TU Con_VT Con_initial_right U ind)
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U') ⇧*\\⇧* ((T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U')"
proof -
have "length (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) + length U' + length (V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ≤ n"
using Con_TU Con_initial_right U V V' len length_Resid by force
thus ?thesis
by (metis Con Con_TU Con_cons(2) U U' calculation ind length_0_conv
also have "... = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
by (metis "*" Con Con_TU Resid_cons(2) U U' length_Resid length_0_conv)
finally show ?thesis by blast
assume V': "V' ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "U' = []")
assume U': "U' = []"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "T' = []")
assume T': "T' = []"
show ?thesis
proof (intro conjI impI)
show *: "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
proof -
have "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ (v \\ t) # (V' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ v]) ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t]"
using Con_TU Con_VT Con_sym Resid_rec(1-2) T T' U U' V V'
by metis
also have "... ⟷ [v \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t] ∧
V' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ v] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ v] ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ v]"
proof -
have "V' ⇧*⌢⇧* [t \\ v]"
using T T' V V' Con_VT Con_rec(2) by blast
thus ?thesis
using R.con_def R.con_sym R.cube
Con_rec(2) [of "V' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ v]" "v \\ t" "u \\ t"]
by auto
also have "... ⟷ [v \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t] ∧
V' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ v] ⇧*⌢⇧* [t \\ v] ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ v]"
proof -
have "length [t \\ v] + length [u \\ v] + length V' ≤ n"
using T U V len by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by (metis Con_imp_Arr_Resid Arr_has_Src Con_VT T T' Trgs.simps(1)
Trgs_Resid_sym V V' Con_rec(2) Srcs_Resid ind)
also have "... ⟷ [v \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t] ∧
V' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ v] ⇧*⌢⇧* [t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* [v \\ u]"
by (simp add: R.con_def R.cube)
also have "... ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
assume 1: "V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
have tu_vu: "t \\ u ⌢ v \\ u"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) 1 T T' U U' V V' Con_rec(3)
Resid_rec(1-2) Con_sym length_Resid length_0_conv)
have vt_ut: "v \\ t ⌢ u \\ t"
using 1
by (metis R.con_def R.con_sym R.cube tu_vu)
show "[v \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t] ∧ V' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ v] ⇧*⌢⇧* [t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* [v \\ u]"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1" Con_TU Con_cons(1) Con_rec(1-2)
Resid_rec(1) T T' U U' V V' Resid_rec(2) length_Resid
length_0_conv vt_ut)
assume 1: "[v \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t] ∧
V' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ v] ⇧*⌢⇧* [t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* [v \\ u]"
have tu_vu: "t \\ u ⌢ v \\ u ∧ v \\ t ⌢ u \\ t"
by (metis 1 Con_sym Resid.simps(1) Residx1.simps(2)
have tu: "t ⌢ u"
using Con_TU Con_rec(1) T T' U U' by blast
show "V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) 1 Con_rec(2) Con_sym
R.con_implies_arr(2) Resid.simps(1,3) T T' U U' V V'
Resid_rec(2) R.arr_resid_iff_con)
finally show ?thesis by simp
show "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟹
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof -
assume Con: "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T"
have "(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) = ((v \\ t) # (V' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ v])) ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]"
using Con_TU Con_VT Con_sym Resid_rec(1-2) T T' U U' V V' by metis
also have 1: "... = ((v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)) #
(V' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ v]) ⇧*\\⇧* ([u \\ v] ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ v])"
apply simp
by (metis Con Con_VT Con_rec(2) R.conE R.conI R.con_sym R.cube
Resid_rec(2) T T' V V' calculation(1))
also have "... = ((v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)) #
(V' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ v]) ⇧*\\⇧* ([t \\ v] ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ v])"
proof -
have "length [t \\ v] + length [u \\ v] + length V' ≤ n"
using T U V len by fastforce
moreover have "u \\ v ⌢ t \\ v"
by (metis 1 Con_VT Con_rec(2) R.con_sym_ax T T' V V' list.discI
R.conE R.conI R.cube)
moreover have "t \\ v ⌢ u \\ v"
using R.con_sym calculation(2) by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis Con_VT Con_rec(2) T T' V V' Con_rec(1) ind)
also have "... = ((v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)) #
((V' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ v]) ⇧*\\⇧* ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* [v \\ u]))"
using R.cube by fastforce
also have "... = ((v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)) #
((V' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ v]) ⇧*\\⇧* ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* [v \\ u]))"
by (metis R.cube)
also have "... = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof -
have "(V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) = ((v \\ u) # ((V' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ v]))) ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]"
using T T' U U' V Resid_cons(1) [of "[u]" v V']
by (metis "*" Con Con_TU Resid.simps(1) Resid_rec(1) Resid_rec(2))
also have "... = ((v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)) #
((V' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ v]) ⇧*\\⇧* ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* [v \\ u]))"
by (metis "*" Con Con_initial_left calculation Con_sym Resid.simps(1)
finally show ?thesis by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
assume T': "T' ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof (intro conjI impI)
show *: "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
proof -
have "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T' ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t] ⇧*\\⇧* T'"
using Con_TU Con_VT Con_sym Resid_cons(2) Resid_rec(3) T T' U U'
by force
also have "... ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* T' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]"
proof -
have "length [u \\ t] + length T' + length (V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ≤ n"
using Con_VT Con_initial_right T U length_Resid len by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by (metis Con_TU Con_VT Con_rec(2) T T' U V add.commute Con_cons(2)
ind list.discI)
also have "... ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u] ⇧*⌢⇧* T' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]"
proof -
have "length [t] + length [u] + length V ≤ n"
using T T' U le_Suc_eq len by fastforce
hence "(V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* ([u] ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) = (V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* [u])"
using ind [of "[t]" "[u]" V]
by (metis Con_TU Con_VT Con_initial_left Con_initial_right T U)
thus ?thesis
by (metis (full_types) Con_TU Con_initial_left Con_sym Resid_rec(1) T U)
also have "... ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
by (metis Con_TU Con_cons(2) Con_rec(2) Resid.simps(1) Resid_rec(2)
T T' U U')
finally show ?thesis by simp
show "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟹
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof -
assume Con: "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T"
have "(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T') ⇧*\\⇧* ([u \\ t] ⇧*\\⇧* T')"
using Con_TU Con_VT Con_sym Resid_cons(2) Resid_rec(3) T T' U U'
by force
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (T' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t])"
proof -
have "length [u \\ t] + length T' + length (Resid V [t]) ≤ n"
using Con_VT Con_initial_right T U length_Resid len by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by (metis Con_TU Con_VT Con_cons(2) Con_rec(2) T T' U V add.commute
ind list.discI)
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]) ⇧*\\⇧* (T' ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t])"
proof -
have "length [t] + length [u] + length V ≤ n"
using T T' U le_Suc_eq len by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using ind [of "[t]" "[u]" V]
by (metis Con_TU Con_VT Con_initial_left Con_sym Resid_rec(1) T U)
also have "... = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
using * Con Con_TU Con_rec(2) Resid_cons(2) Resid_rec(2) T T' U U'
by auto
finally show ?thesis by simp
assume U': "U' ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "T' = []")
assume T': "T' = []"
show ?thesis
proof (intro conjI impI)
show *: "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
proof -
have "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* (u \\ t) # (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
using T U V T' U' V' Con_TU Con_VT Con_sym Resid_rec(2) by auto
also have "... ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t] ∧
(V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]"
by (metis Con_TU Con_VT Con_cons(2) Con_initial_right
Con_rec(2) Con_sym T U U')
also have "... ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u \\ t] ∧
(V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]"
proof -
have "length [u] + length [t] + length V ≤ n"
using T U V T' U' V' len not_less_eq_eq order_trans by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using ind [of "[t]" "[u]" V]
by (metis Con_TU Con_VT Con_initial_right Resid_rec(1) T U
Con_sym length_Cons)
also have "... ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* [u] ⇧*⌢⇧* [t \\ u] ∧
(V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]"
proof -
have "length [t] + length [u] + length V ≤ n"
using T U V T' U' V' len antisym_conv not_less_eq_eq by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using ind [of "[t]"]
by (metis (full_types) Con_TU Con_VT Con_initial_right Con_sym
Resid_rec(1) T U)
also have "... ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U' ⇧*⌢⇧* [t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U'"
proof -
have "length [t \\ u] + length U' + length (V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ≤ n"
by (metis T T' U add.assoc add.right_neutral add_leD1
add_le_cancel_left length_Resid len length_Cons list.size(3)
thus ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Con_sym Resid.simps(1)
add.commute ind)
also have "... ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
by (metis Con_TU Resid_cons(2) Resid_rec(3) T T' U U'
Con_cons(2) length_Resid length_0_conv)
finally show ?thesis by blast
show "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟹
(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof -
assume Con: "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T"
have "(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) =
(V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* ((u \\ t) # (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]))"
using Con_TU Con_sym Resid_rec(2) T T' U U' by auto
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
by (metis Con Con_TU Con_rec(2) Con_sym T T' U U' calculation
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
proof -
have "length [t] + length [u] + length V ≤ n"
using T U U' le_Suc_eq len by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using T U Con_TU Con_VT Con_sym ind [of "[t]" "[u]" V]
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Con_initial_right Resid.simps(3))
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* U') ⇧*\\⇧* ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U')"
proof -
have "length [t \\ u] + length U' + length (V ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) ≤ n"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) T T' U add.left_commute
add.right_neutral add_leD2 add_le_cancel_left len length_Cons
length_Resid list.size(3) plus_1_eq_Suc)
thus ?thesis
by (metis Con Con_TU Con_rec(3) T T' U U' calculation
ind length_0_conv length_Resid)
also have "... = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
by (metis "*" Con Con_TU Resid_rec(3) T T' U U' Resid_cons(2)
length_Resid length_0_conv)
finally show ?thesis by blast
assume T': "T' ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof (intro conjI impI)
have 1: "U ⇧*⌢⇧* [t]"
using T Con_TU
by (metis Con_cons(2) Con_sym Resid.simps(2))
have 2: "V ⇧*⌢⇧* [t]"
using V Con_VT Con_initial_right T by blast
have 3: "length T' + length (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) + length (V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ≤ n"
using "1" "2" T len length_Resid by force
have 4: "length [t] + length U + length V ≤ n"
using T T' len antisym_conv not_less_eq_eq by fastforce
show *: "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
proof -
have "V ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* T ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T' ⇧*⌢⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T'"
using Con_TU Con_VT Con_sym Resid_cons(2) T T' by force
also have "... ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*⌢⇧* T' ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
by (metis 3 Con_TU Con_VT Con_cons(1) Con_cons(2) T T' U V ind
also have "... ⟷ (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*⌢⇧* T' ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
by (metis 1 2 4 Con_sym ind)
also have "... ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* hd ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U) # T' ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
by (metis 1 Con_TU Con_cons(1) Con_cons(2) Resid.simps(1)
Resid1x_as_Resid T T' list.sel(1))
also have "... ⟷ V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T ⇧*\\⇧* U"
using 1 Resid_cons' [of T' t U] Con_TU T T' Resid1x_as_Resid
by force
finally show ?thesis by simp
show "(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof -
have "(V ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) =
((V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T') ⇧*\\⇧* ((U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* T')"
using Con_TU Con_VT Con_sym Resid_cons(2) T T' by force
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) ⇧*\\⇧* (T' ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "3" Con_TU Con_VT T T' U V Con_cons(1)
Con_cons(2) ind list.simps(3))
also have "... = ((V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U)) ⇧*\\⇧* (T' ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
by (metis 1 2 4 Con_sym ind)
also have "... = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* ((t # T') ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
by (metis "*" Con_TU Con_cons(1) Resid1x_as_Resid
Resid_cons' T T' U calculation Resid_cons(2) list.distinct(1))
also have "... = (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
using T by fastforce
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma Cube:
shows "T ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⟷ T ⇧*\\⇧* V ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* V"
and "T ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⟹ (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* V) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* V)"
proof -
show "T ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⟷ T ⇧*\\⇧* V ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* V"
using Cube_ind by (metis Con_sym Resid.simps(1) le_add2)
show "T ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* V ⇧*\\⇧* U ⟹ (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* (V ⇧*\\⇧* U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* V) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* V)"
using Cube_ind by (metis Con_sym Resid.simps(1) order_refl)
lemma Con_implies_Arr:
assumes "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
shows "Arr T" and "Arr U"
using assms Con_sym
by (metis Con_imp_Arr_Resid Arr_iff_Con_self Cube(1) Resid.simps(1))+
sublocale partial_magma Resid
by (unfold_locales, metis Resid.simps(1) Con_sym)
lemma is_partial_magma:
shows "partial_magma Resid"
lemma null_char:
shows "null = []"
by (metis null_is_zero(2) Resid.simps(1))
sublocale residuation Resid
using null_char Con_sym Arr_iff_Con_self Con_imp_Arr_Resid Cube null_is_zero(2)
by unfold_locales auto
lemma is_residuation:
shows "residuation Resid"
lemma arr_char:
shows "arr T ⟷ Arr T"
using null_char Arr_iff_Con_self by fastforce
lemma arrI⇩P [intro]:
assumes "Arr T"
shows "arr T"
using assms arr_char by auto
lemma ide_char:
shows "ide T ⟷ Ide T"
by (metis Con_Arr_self Ide_implies_Arr Resid_Arr_Ide_ind Resid_Arr_self arr_char ide_def
lemma con_char:
shows "con T U ⟷ Con T U"
using null_char by auto
lemma conI⇩P [intro]:
assumes "Con T U"
shows "con T U"
using assms con_char by auto
sublocale rts Resid
show "⋀A T. ⟦ide A; con T A⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* A = T"
using Resid_Arr_Ide_ind ide_char null_char by auto
show "⋀T. arr T ⟹ ide (trg T)"
by (metis arr_char Resid_Arr_self ide_char resid_arr_self)
show "⋀A T. ⟦ide A; con A T⟧ ⟹ ide (A ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
by (simp add: Resid_Ide_Arr_ind con_char ide_char)
show "⋀T U. con T U ⟹ ∃A. ide A ∧ con A T ∧ con A U"
proof -
fix T U
assume TU: "con T U"
have 1: "Srcs T = Srcs U"
using TU Con_imp_eq_Srcs con_char by force
obtain a where a: "a ∈ Srcs T ∩ Srcs U"
using 1
by (metis Int_absorb Int_emptyI TU arr_char Arr_has_Src con_implies_arr(1))
show "∃A. ide A ∧ con A T ∧ con A U"
using a 1
by (metis (full_types) Ball_Collect Con_single_ide_ind Ide.simps(2) Int_absorb TU
Srcs_are_ide arr_char con_char con_implies_arr(1-2) ide_char)
show "⋀T U V. ⟦ide (Resid T U); con U V⟧ ⟹ con (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) (V ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
using null_char ide_char
by (metis Con_imp_Arr_Resid Con_Ide_iff Srcs_Resid con_char con_sym arr_resid_iff_con
theorem is_rts:
shows "rts Resid"
notation cong (infix ‹⇧*∼⇧*› 50)
notation prfx (infix ‹⇧*≲⇧*› 50)
lemma sources_char⇩P:
shows "sources T = {A. Ide A ∧ Arr T ∧ Srcs A = Srcs T}"
using Con_Ide_iff Con_sym con_char ide_char sources_def by fastforce
lemma sources_cons:
shows "Arr (t # T) ⟹ sources (t # T) = sources [t]"
apply (induct T)
apply simp
using sources_char⇩P by auto
lemma targets_char⇩P:
shows "targets T = {B. Ide B ∧ Arr T ∧ Srcs B = Trgs T}"
unfolding targets_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) trg_def Arr.simps(1) Ide_implies_Arr Resid_Arr_self
arr_char Con_Ide_iff Srcs_Resid con_char ide_char con_implies_arr(1))
lemma seq_char':
shows "seq T U ⟷ Arr T ∧ Arr U ∧ Trgs T ∩ Srcs U ≠ {}"
show "seq T U ⟹ Arr T ∧ Arr U ∧ Trgs T ∩ Srcs U ≠ {}"
unfolding seq_def
using Arr_has_Trg arr_char Con_Arr_self sources_char⇩P trg_def trg_in_targets
by fastforce
assume 1: "Arr T ∧ Arr U ∧ Trgs T ∩ Srcs U ≠ {}"
have "targets T = sources U"
proof -
obtain a where a: "R.ide a ∧ a ∈ Trgs T ∧ a ∈ Srcs U"
using 1 Trgs_are_ide by blast
have "Trgs [a] = Trgs T"
using a 1
by (metis Con_single_ide_ind Con_sym Resid_Arr_Src Srcs_Resid Trgs_eqI)
moreover have "Srcs [a] = Srcs U"
using a 1 Con_single_ide_ind Con_imp_eq_Srcs by blast
moreover have "Trgs [a] = Srcs [a]"
using a
by (metis R.sources_resid Srcs.simps(2) Trgs.simps(2) R.ideE)
ultimately show ?thesis
using 1 sources_char⇩P targets_char⇩P by auto
thus "seq T U"
using 1 by blast
lemma seq_char:
shows "seq T U ⟷ Arr T ∧ Arr U ∧ Trgs T = Srcs U"
by (metis Int_absorb Srcs_Resid Arr_has_Src Arr_iff_Con_self Srcs_eqI seq_char')
lemma seqI⇩P [intro]:
assumes "Arr T" and "Arr U" and "Trgs T ∩ Srcs U ≠ {}"
shows "seq T U"
using assms seq_char' by auto
lemma coinitial_char:
shows "coinitial T U ⟹ Arr T ∧ Arr U ∧ Srcs T = Srcs U"
and "Arr T ∧ Arr U ∧ Srcs T ∩ Srcs U ≠ {} ⟹ coinitial T U"
proof -
show "coinitial T U ⟹ Arr T ∧ Arr U ∧ Srcs T = Srcs U"
unfolding seq_def
by (metis Con_imp_eq_Srcs arr_char coinitial_iff
con_char prfx_implies_con source_is_prfx src_in_sources)
assume 1: "Arr T ∧ Arr U ∧ Srcs T ∩ Srcs U ≠ {}"
have "sources T = sources U"
proof -
obtain a where a: "R.ide a ∧ a ∈ Srcs T ∧ a ∈ Srcs U"
using 1 Srcs_are_ide by blast
have "Srcs [a] = Srcs T"
using a 1
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Con_imp_eq_Srcs Resid_Arr_Src)
moreover have "Srcs [a] = Srcs U"
using a 1 Con_single_ide_ind Con_imp_eq_Srcs by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using 1 sources_char⇩P targets_char⇩P by auto
thus "coinitial T U"
using 1 by blast
lemma coinitialI⇩P [intro]:
assumes "Arr T" and "Arr U" and "Srcs T ∩ Srcs U ≠ {}"
shows "coinitial T U"
using assms coinitial_char(2) by auto
lemma Ide_imp_sources_eq_targets:
assumes "Ide T"
shows "sources T = targets T"
using assms
by (metis Resid_Arr_Ide_ind arr_iff_has_source arr_iff_has_target con_char
arr_def sources_resid)
subsection "Inclusion Map"
text ‹
Inclusion of an RTS to the RTS of its paths.
abbreviation incl
where "incl ≡ λt. if R.arr t then [t] else null"
sublocale incl: simulation resid Resid incl
using R.con_implies_arr(1-2) con_char R.arr_resid_iff_con null_char
by unfold_locales auto
lemma incl_is_simulation:
shows "simulation resid Resid incl"
lemma incl_is_injective:
shows "inj_on incl (Collect R.arr)"
by (intro inj_onI) simp
lemma reflects_con:
assumes "incl t ⇧*⌢⇧* incl u"
shows "t ⌢ u"
using assms
by (metis (full_types) Arr.simps(1) Con_implies_Arr(1-2) Con_rec(1) null_char)
subsection "Composites of Paths"
text ‹
The RTS of paths has composites, given by the append operation on lists.
context paths_in_rts
lemma Srcs_append [simp]:
assumes "T ≠ []"
shows "Srcs (T @ U) = Srcs T"
by (metis Nil_is_append_conv Srcs.simps(2) Srcs.simps(3) assms hd_append list.exhaust_sel)
lemma Trgs_append [simp]:
shows "U ≠ [] ⟹ Trgs (T @ U) = Trgs U"
proof (induct T)
show "U ≠ [] ⟹ Trgs ([] @ U) = Trgs U"
by auto
show "⋀t T. ⟦U ≠ [] ⟹ Trgs (T @ U) = Trgs U; U ≠ []⟧
⟹ Trgs ((t # T) @ U) = Trgs U"
by (metis Nil_is_append_conv Trgs.simps(3) append_Cons list.exhaust)
lemma seq_implies_Trgs_eq_Srcs:
shows "⟦Arr T; Arr U; Trgs T ⊆ Srcs U⟧ ⟹ Trgs T = Srcs U"
by (metis inf.orderE Arr_has_Trg seqI⇩P seq_char)
lemma Arr_append_iff⇩P:
shows "⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []⟧ ⟹ Arr (T @ U) ⟷ Arr T ∧ Arr U ∧ Trgs T ⊆ Srcs U"
proof (induct T arbitrary: U)
show "⋀U. ⟦[] ≠ []; U ≠ []⟧ ⟹ Arr ([] @ U) = (Arr [] ∧ Arr U ∧ Trgs [] ⊆ Srcs U)"
by simp
fix t T and U :: "'a list"
assume ind: "⋀U. ⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []⟧
⟹ Arr (T @ U) = (Arr T ∧ Arr U ∧ Trgs T ⊆ Srcs U)"
assume U: "U ≠ []"
show "Arr ((t # T) @ U) ⟷ Arr (t # T) ∧ Arr U ∧ Trgs (t # T) ⊆ Srcs U"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using Arr.elims(1) U by auto
assume T: "T ≠ []"
have "Arr ((t # T) @ U) ⟷ Arr (t # (T @ U))"
by simp
also have "... ⟷ R.arr t ∧ Arr (T @ U) ∧ R.targets t ⊆ Srcs (T @ U)"
using T U
by (metis Arr.simps(3) Nil_is_append_conv neq_Nil_conv)
also have "... ⟷ R.arr t ∧ Arr T ∧ Arr U ∧ Trgs T ⊆ Srcs U ∧ R.targets t ⊆ Srcs T"
using T U ind by auto
also have "... ⟷ Arr (t # T) ∧ Arr U ∧ Trgs (t # T) ⊆ Srcs U"
using T U
by (metis Arr.simps(3) Trgs.simps(3) neq_Nil_conv)
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma Arr_consI⇩P [intro, simp]:
assumes "R.arr t" and "Arr U" and "R.targets t ⊆ Srcs U"
shows "Arr (t # U)"
using assms Arr.elims(3) by blast
lemma Arr_appendI⇩P [intro, simp]:
assumes "Arr T" and "Arr U" and "Trgs T ⊆ Srcs U"
shows "Arr (T @ U)"
using assms
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Arr_append_iff⇩P)
lemma Arr_appendE⇩P [elim]:
assumes "Arr (T @ U)" and "T ≠ []" and "U ≠ []"
and "⟦Arr T; Arr U; Trgs T = Srcs U⟧ ⟹ thesis"
shows thesis
using assms Arr_append_iff⇩P seq_implies_Trgs_eq_Srcs by force
lemma Ide_append_iff⇩P:
shows "⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []⟧ ⟹ Ide (T @ U) ⟷ Ide T ∧ Ide U ∧ Trgs T ⊆ Srcs U"
using Ide_char by auto
lemma Ide_appendI⇩P [intro, simp]:
assumes "Ide T" and "Ide U" and "Trgs T ⊆ Srcs U"
shows "Ide (T @ U)"
using assms
by (metis Ide.simps(1) Ide_append_iff⇩P)
lemma Resid_append_ind:
shows "⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []; V ≠ []⟧ ⟹
(V @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ V ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* V) ∧
(T ⇧*⌢⇧* V @ U ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* V ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* V ⇧*⌢⇧* U) ∧
(V @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟶ (V @ T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = V ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* V)) ∧
(T ⇧*⌢⇧* V @ U ⟶ T ⇧*\\⇧* (V @ U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* V) ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof (induct V arbitrary: T U)
show "⋀T U. ⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []; [] ≠ []⟧ ⟹
([] @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ [] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* []) ∧
(T ⇧*⌢⇧* [] @ U ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [] ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* [] ⇧*⌢⇧* U) ∧
([] @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟶ ([] @ T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = [] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [])) ∧
(T ⇧*⌢⇧* [] @ U ⟶ T ⇧*\\⇧* ([] @ U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* []) ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
by simp
fix v :: 'a and T U V :: "'a list"
assume ind: "⋀T U. ⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []; V ≠ []⟧ ⟹
(V @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ V ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* V) ∧
(T ⇧*⌢⇧* V @ U ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* V ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* V ⇧*⌢⇧* U) ∧
(V @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟶ (V @ T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = V ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* V)) ∧
(T ⇧*⌢⇧* V @ U ⟶ T ⇧*\\⇧* (V @ U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* V) ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
assume T: "T ≠ []" and U: "U ≠ []"
show "((v # V) @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷ (v # V) ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V)) ∧
(T ⇧*⌢⇧* (v # V) @ U ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* (v # V) ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V) ⇧*⌢⇧* U) ∧
((v # V) @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟶
((v # V) @ T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = (v # V) ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V))) ∧
(T ⇧*⌢⇧* (v # V) @ U ⟶ T ⇧*\\⇧* ((v # V) @ U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V)) ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof (intro conjI iffI impI)
show 1: "(v # V) @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹
((v # V) @ T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = (v # V) ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V))"
proof (cases "V = []")
show "V = [] ⟹ (v # V) @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ ?thesis"
using T U Resid_cons(1) U by auto
assume V: "V ≠ []"
assume Con: "(v # V) @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
have "((v # V) @ T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = (v # (V @ T)) ⇧*\\⇧* U"
by simp
also have "... = [v] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ (V @ T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [v])"
using T U Con Resid_cons by simp
also have "... = [v] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ V ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [v]) @ T ⇧*\\⇧* ((U ⇧*\\⇧* [v]) ⇧*\\⇧* V)"
using T U V Con ind Resid_cons
by (metis Con_sym Cons_eq_appendI append_is_Nil_conv Con_cons(1))
also have "... = (v # V) ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V))"
using ind[of T]
by (metis Con Con_cons(2) Cons_eq_appendI Resid_cons(1) Resid_cons(2) T U V
append.assoc append_is_Nil_conv Con_sym)
finally show ?thesis by simp
show 2: "T ⇧*⌢⇧* (v # V) @ U ⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* ((v # V) @ U) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V)) ⇧*\\⇧* U"
proof (cases "V = []")
show "V = [] ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* (v # V) @ U ⟹ ?thesis"
using Resid_cons(2) T U by auto
assume V: "V ≠ []"
assume Con: "T ⇧*⌢⇧* (v # V) @ U"
have "T ⇧*\\⇧* ((v # V) @ U) = T ⇧*\\⇧* (v # (V @ U))"
by simp
also have 1: "... = (T ⇧*\\⇧* [v]) ⇧*\\⇧* (V @ U)"
using V Con Resid_cons(2) T by force
also have "... = ((T ⇧*\\⇧* [v]) ⇧*\\⇧* V) ⇧*\\⇧* U"
using T U V 1 Con ind
by (metis Con_initial_right Cons_eq_appendI)
also have "... = (T ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V)) ⇧*\\⇧* U"
using T V Con
by (metis Con_cons(2) Con_initial_right Cons_eq_appendI Resid_cons(2))
finally show ?thesis by blast
show "(v # V) @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ v # V ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
by (metis 1 Con_sym Resid.simps(1) append_Nil)
show "(v # V) @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V)"
using T U Con_sym
by (metis 1 Con_initial_right Resid_cons(1-2) append.simps(2) ind self_append_conv)
show "T ⇧*⌢⇧* (v # V) @ U ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* v # V"
using 2 by fastforce
show "T ⇧*⌢⇧* (v # V) @ U ⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V) ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
using 2 by fastforce
show "T ⇧*⌢⇧* v # V ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V) ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* (v # V) @ U"
proof -
assume Con: "T ⇧*⌢⇧* v # V ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V) ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
have "T ⇧*⌢⇧* (v # V) @ U ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* v # (V @ U)"
by simp
also have "... ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* [v] ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* [v] ⇧*⌢⇧* V @ U"
using T U Con_cons(2) by simp
also have "... ⟷ T ⇧*\\⇧* [v] ⇧*⌢⇧* V @ U"
by fastforce
also have "... ⟷ True"
using Con ind
by (metis Con_cons(2) Resid_cons(2) T U self_append_conv2)
finally show ?thesis by blast
show "v # V ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V) ⟹ (v # V) @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
proof -
assume Con: "v # V ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* (v # V)"
have "(v # V) @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟷v # (V @ T) ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
by simp
also have "... ⟷ [v] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ V @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [v]"
using T U Con_cons(1) by simp
also have "... ⟷ V @ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [v]"
by (metis Con Con_cons(1) U)
also have "... ⟷ True"
using Con ind
by (metis Con_cons(1) Con_sym Resid_cons(2) T U append_self_conv2)
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma Con_append:
assumes "T ≠ []" and "U ≠ []" and "V ≠ []"
shows "T @ U ⇧*⌢⇧* V ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* V ∧ U ⇧*⌢⇧* V ⇧*\\⇧* T"
and "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U @ V ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* V"
using assms Resid_append_ind by blast+
lemma Con_appendI [intro]:
shows "⟦T ⇧*⌢⇧* V; U ⇧*⌢⇧* V ⇧*\\⇧* T⟧ ⟹ T @ U ⇧*⌢⇧* V"
and "⟦T ⇧*⌢⇧* U; T ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* V⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U @ V"
by (metis Con_append(1) Con_sym Resid.simps(1))+
lemma Resid_append [intro, simp]:
shows "⟦T ≠ []; T @ U ⇧*⌢⇧* V⟧ ⟹ (T @ U) ⇧*\\⇧* V = (T ⇧*\\⇧* V) @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* (V ⇧*\\⇧* T))"
and "⟦U ≠ []; V ≠ []; T ⇧*⌢⇧* U @ V⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U @ V) = (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* V"
using Resid_append_ind
apply (metis Con_sym Resid.simps(1) append_self_conv)
using Resid_append_ind
by (metis Resid.simps(1))
lemma Resid_append2 [simp]:
assumes "T ≠ []" and "U ≠ []" and "V ≠ []" and "W ≠ []"
and "T @ U ⇧*⌢⇧* V @ W"
shows "(T @ U) ⇧*\\⇧* (V @ W) =
(T ⇧*\\⇧* V) ⇧*\\⇧* W @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* (V ⇧*\\⇧* T)) ⇧*\\⇧* (W ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* V))"
using assms Resid_append
by (metis Con_append(1-2) append_is_Nil_conv)
lemma append_is_composite_of:
assumes "seq T U"
shows "composite_of T U (T @ U)"
unfolding composite_of_def
using assms
apply (intro conjI)
apply (metis Arr.simps(1) Resid_Arr_self Resid_Ide_Arr_ind Arr_appendI⇩P
Resid_append_ind ide_char order_refl seq_char)
apply (metis Arr.simps(1) Arr_appendI⇩P Con_Arr_self Resid_Arr_self Resid_append_ind
ide_char seq_char order_refl)
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Con_Arr_self Con_append(1) Resid_Arr_self Arr_appendI⇩P
Ide_append_iff⇩P Resid_append(1) ide_char seq_char order_refl)
sublocale rts_with_composites Resid
using append_is_composite_of composable_def by unfold_locales blast
theorem is_rts_with_composites:
shows "rts_with_composites Resid"
lemma arr_append [intro, simp]:
assumes "seq T U"
shows "arr (T @ U)"
using assms arrI⇩P seq_char by simp
lemma arr_append_imp_seq:
assumes "T ≠ []" and "U ≠ []" and "arr (T @ U)"
shows "seq T U"
using assms arr_char seq_char Arr_append_iff⇩P seq_implies_Trgs_eq_Srcs by simp
lemma sources_append [simp]:
assumes "seq T U"
shows "sources (T @ U) = sources T"
using assms
by (meson append_is_composite_of sources_composite_of)
lemma targets_append [simp]:
assumes "seq T U"
shows "targets (T @ U) = targets U"
using assms
by (meson append_is_composite_of targets_composite_of)
lemma cong_respects_seq⇩P:
assumes "seq T U" and "T ⇧*∼⇧* T'" and "U ⇧*∼⇧* U'"
shows "seq T' U'"
by (meson assms cong_respects_seq)
lemma cong_append [intro]:
assumes "seq T U" and "T ⇧*∼⇧* T'" and "U ⇧*∼⇧* U'"
shows "T @ U ⇧*∼⇧* T' @ U'"
have 1: "⋀T U T' U'. ⟦seq T U; T ⇧*∼⇧* T'; U ⇧*∼⇧* U'⟧ ⟹ seq T' U'"
using assms cong_respects_seq⇩P by simp
have 2: "⋀T U T' U'. ⟦seq T U; T ⇧*∼⇧* T'; U ⇧*∼⇧* U'⟧ ⟹ T @ U ⇧*≲⇧* T' @ U'"
proof -
fix T U T' U'
assume TU: "seq T U" and TT': "T ⇧*∼⇧* T'" and UU': "U ⇧*∼⇧* U'"
have T'U': "seq T' U'"
using TU TT' UU' cong_respects_seq⇩P by simp
have 3: "Ide (T ⇧*\\⇧* T') ∧ Ide (T' ⇧*\\⇧* T) ∧ Ide (U ⇧*\\⇧* U') ∧ Ide (U' ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
using TU TT' UU' ide_char by blast
have "(T @ U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T' @ U') =
((T ⇧*\\⇧* T') ⇧*\\⇧* U') @ U ⇧*\\⇧* ((T' ⇧*\\⇧* T) @ U' ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* T'))"
proof -
have 4: "T ≠ [] ∧ U ≠ [] ∧ T' ≠ [] ∧ U' ≠ []"
using TU TT' UU' Arr.simps(1) seq_char ide_char by auto
moreover have "(T @ U) ⇧*\\⇧* (T' @ U') ≠ []"
proof (intro Con_appendI)
show "T ⇧*\\⇧* T' ≠ []"
using "3" by force
show "(T ⇧*\\⇧* T') ⇧*\\⇧* U' ≠ []"
using "3" T'U' ‹T ⇧*\⇧* T' ≠ []› Con_Ide_iff seq_char by fastforce
show "U ⇧*\\⇧* ((T' @ U') ⇧*\\⇧* T) ≠ []"
proof -
have "U ⇧*\\⇧* ((T' @ U') ⇧*\\⇧* T) = U ⇧*\\⇧* ((T' ⇧*\\⇧* T) @ U' ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* T'))"
by (metis Con_appendI(1) Resid_append(1) ‹(T ⇧*\⇧* T') ⇧*\⇧* U' ≠ []›
‹T ⇧*\⇧* T' ≠ []› calculation Con_sym)
also have "... = (U ⇧*\\⇧* (T' ⇧*\\⇧* T)) ⇧*\\⇧* (U' ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* T'))"
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Con_append(2) Resid_append(2) ‹(T ⇧*\⇧* T') ⇧*\⇧* U' ≠ []›
Con_implies_Arr(1) Con_sym)
also have "... = U ⇧*\\⇧* U'"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) "3" Ide.simps(1) Resid_Ide(1) Srcs_Resid TU
‹(T ⇧*\⇧* T') ⇧*\⇧* U' ≠ []› Con_Ide_iff seq_char)
finally show ?thesis
using 3 UU' by force
ultimately show ?thesis
using Resid_append2 [of T U T' U'] seq_char
by (metis Con_append(2) Con_sym Resid_append(2) Resid.simps(1))
moreover have "Ide ..."
have 3: "Ide (T ⇧*\\⇧* T') ∧ Ide (T' ⇧*\\⇧* T) ∧ Ide (U ⇧*\\⇧* U') ∧ Ide (U' ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
using TU TT' UU' ide_char by blast
show 4: "Ide ((T ⇧*\\⇧* T') ⇧*\\⇧* U')"
using TU T'U' TT' UU' 1 3
by (metis (full_types) Srcs_Resid Con_Ide_iff Resid_Ide_Arr_ind seq_char)
show 5: "Ide (U ⇧*\\⇧* ((T' ⇧*\\⇧* T) @ U' ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* T')))"
proof -
have "U ⇧*\\⇧* (T' ⇧*\\⇧* T) = U"
by (metis (full_types) "3" TT' TU Con_Ide_iff Resid_Ide(1) Srcs_Resid
con_char seq_char prfx_implies_con)
moreover have "U' ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* T') = U'"
by (metis "3" "4" Ide.simps(1) Resid_Ide(1))
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis "3" "4" Arr.simps(1) Con_append(2) Ide.simps(1) Resid_append(2)
TU Con_sym seq_char)
show "Trgs ((T ⇧*\\⇧* T') ⇧*\\⇧* U') ⊆ Srcs (U ⇧*\\⇧* (T' ⇧*\\⇧* T @ U' ⇧*\\⇧* (T ⇧*\\⇧* T')))"
by (metis 4 5 Arr_append_iff⇩P Ide.simps(1) Nil_is_append_conv
calculation Con_imp_Arr_Resid)
ultimately show "T @ U ⇧*≲⇧* T' @ U'"
using ide_char by presburger
show "T @ U ⇧*≲⇧* T' @ U'"
using assms 2 by simp
show "T' @ U' ⇧*≲⇧* T @ U"
using assms 1 2 cong_symmetric by blast
lemma cong_cons [intro]:
assumes "seq [t] U" and "t ∼ t'" and "U ⇧*∼⇧* U'"
shows "t # U ⇧*∼⇧* t' # U'"
using assms cong_append [of "[t]" U "[t']" U']
by (simp add: R.prfx_implies_con ide_char)
lemma cong_append_ideI [intro]:
assumes "seq T U"
shows "ide T ⟹ T @ U ⇧*∼⇧* U" and "ide U ⟹ T @ U ⇧*∼⇧* T"
and "ide T ⟹ U ⇧*∼⇧* T @ U" and "ide U ⟹ T ⇧*∼⇧* T @ U"
proof -
show 1: "ide T ⟹ T @ U ⇧*∼⇧* U"
using assms
by (metis append_is_composite_of composite_ofE resid_arr_ide prfx_implies_con
show 2: "ide U ⟹ T @ U ⇧*∼⇧* T"
by (meson assms append_is_composite_of composite_ofE ide_backward_stable)
show "ide T ⟹ U ⇧*∼⇧* T @ U"
using 1 cong_symmetric by auto
show "ide U ⟹ T ⇧*∼⇧* T @ U"
using 2 cong_symmetric by auto
lemma cong_cons_ideI [intro]:
assumes "seq [t] U" and "R.ide t"
shows "t # U ⇧*∼⇧* U" and "U ⇧*∼⇧* t # U"
using assms cong_append_ideI [of "[t]" U]
by (auto simp add: ide_char)
lemma prfx_decomp:
assumes "[t] ⇧*≲⇧* [u]"
shows "[t] @ [u \\ t] ⇧*∼⇧* [u]"
show 1: "[u] ⇧*≲⇧* [t] @ [u \\ t]"
using assms
by (metis Con_imp_Arr_Resid Con_rec(3) Resid.simps(3) Resid_rec(3) R.con_sym
append.left_neutral append_Cons arr_char cong_reflexive list.distinct(1))
show "[t] @ [u \\ t] ⇧*≲⇧* [u]"
proof -
have "([t] @ [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* [u] = ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* [u]) @ ([u \\ t] ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t])"
using assms
by (metis Arr_Resid_single Con_Arr_self Con_appendI(1) Con_sym Resid_append(1)
Resid_rec(1) con_char list.discI prfx_implies_con)
moreover have "Ide ..."
using assms
by (metis 1 Con_sym append_Nil2 arr_append_imp_seq calculation cong_append_ideI(4)
ide_backward_stable Con_implies_Arr(2) Resid_Arr_self con_char ide_char
prfx_implies_con arr_resid_iff_con)
ultimately show ?thesis
using ide_char by presburger
lemma composite_of_single_single:
assumes "R.composite_of t u v"
shows "composite_of [t] [u] ([t] @ [u])"
show "[t] ⇧*≲⇧* [t] @ [u]"
proof -
have "[t] ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] @ [u]) = ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ⇧*\\⇧* [u]"
using assms by auto
moreover have "Ide ..."
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Con_implies_Arr(2) R.bounded_imp_con
R.con_composite_of_iff R.con_prfx_composite_of(1) assms resid_ide_arr
Con_rec(1) Resid.simps(3) Resid_Arr_self con_char ide_char)
ultimately show ?thesis
using ide_char by presburger
show "([t] @ [u]) ⇧*\\⇧* [t] ⇧*∼⇧* [u]"
using assms
by (metis ‹prfx [t] ([t] @ [u])› append_is_composite_of arr_append_imp_seq
composite_ofE con_def not_Cons_self2 Con_implies_Arr(2) arr_char null_char
subsection "Paths in a Weakly Extensional RTS"
locale paths_in_weakly_extensional_rts =
R: weakly_extensional_rts +
lemma ex_un_Src:
assumes "Arr T"
shows "∃!a. a ∈ Srcs T"
using assms
by (simp add: Srcs_simp⇩P R.arr_has_un_source)
fun Src
where "Src T = R.src (hd T)"
lemma Srcs_simp⇩P⇩W⇩E:
assumes "Arr T"
shows "Srcs T = {Src T}"
proof -
have "[R.src (hd T)] ∈ sources T"
by (metis Arr_imp_arr_hd Con_single_ide_ind Ide.simps(2) Srcs_simp⇩P assms
con_char ide_char in_sourcesI con_sym R.ide_src R.src_in_sources)
hence "R.src (hd T) ∈ Srcs T"
using assms
by (metis Srcs.elims Arr_has_Src list.sel(1) R.arr_iff_has_source R.src_in_sources)
thus ?thesis
using assms ex_un_Src by auto
lemma ex_un_Trg:
assumes "Arr T"
shows "∃!b. b ∈ Trgs T"
using assms
apply (induct T)
apply auto[1]
by (metis Con_Arr_self Ide_implies_Arr Resid_Arr_self Srcs_Resid ex_un_Src)
fun Trg
where "Trg [] = R.null"
| "Trg [t] = R.trg t"
| "Trg (t # T) = Trg T"
lemma Trg_simp [simp]:
shows "T ≠ [] ⟹ Trg T = R.trg (last T)"
apply (induct T)
apply auto
by (metis Trg.simps(3) list.exhaust_sel)
lemma Trgs_simp⇩P⇩W⇩E [simp]:
assumes "Arr T"
shows "Trgs T = {Trg T}"
using assms
by (metis Arr_imp_arr_last Con_Arr_self Con_imp_Arr_Resid R.trg_in_targets
Srcs.simps(1) Srcs_Resid Srcs_simp⇩P⇩W⇩E Trg_simp insertE insert_absorb insert_not_empty
lemma Src_resid [simp]:
assumes "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
shows "Src (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) = Trg U"
using assms Con_imp_Arr_Resid Con_implies_Arr(2) Srcs_Resid Srcs_simp⇩P⇩W⇩E by force
lemma Trg_resid_sym:
assumes "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
shows "Trg (T ⇧*\\⇧* U) = Trg (U ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
using assms Con_imp_Arr_Resid Con_sym Trgs_Resid_sym by auto
lemma Src_append [simp]:
assumes "seq T U"
shows "Src (T @ U) = Src T"
using assms
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Src.simps hd_append seq_char)
lemma Trg_append [simp]:
assumes "seq T U"
shows "Trg (T @ U) = Trg U"
using assms
by (metis Ide.simps(1) Resid.simps(1) Trg_simp append_is_Nil_conv ide_char ide_trg
last_appendR seqE trg_def)
lemma Arr_append_iff⇩P⇩W⇩E:
assumes "T ≠ []" and "U ≠ []"
shows "Arr (T @ U) ⟷ Arr T ∧ Arr U ∧ Trg T = Src U"
using assms Arr_appendE⇩P Srcs_simp⇩P⇩W⇩E by auto
lemma Arr_consI⇩P⇩W⇩E [intro, simp]:
assumes "R.arr t" and "Arr U" and "R.trg t = Src U"
shows "Arr (t # U)"
using assms
by (metis Arr.simps(2) Srcs_simp⇩P⇩W⇩E Trg.simps(2) Trgs.simps(2) Trgs_simp⇩P⇩W⇩E
dual_order.eq_iff Arr_consI⇩P)
lemma Arr_consE [elim]:
assumes "Arr (t # U)"
and "⟦R.arr t; U ≠ [] ⟹ Arr U; U ≠ [] ⟹ R.trg t = Src U⟧ ⟹ thesis"
shows thesis
using assms
by (metis Arr_append_iff⇩P⇩W⇩E Trg.simps(2) append_Cons append_Nil list.distinct(1)
lemma Arr_appendI⇩P⇩W⇩E [intro, simp]:
assumes "Arr T" and "Arr U" and "Trg T = Src U"
shows "Arr (T @ U)"
using assms
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Arr_append_iff⇩P⇩W⇩E)
lemma Arr_appendE⇩P⇩W⇩E [elim]:
assumes "Arr (T @ U)" and "T ≠ []" and "U ≠ []"
and "⟦Arr T; Arr U; Trg T = Src U⟧ ⟹ thesis"
shows thesis
using assms Arr_append_iff⇩P⇩W⇩E seq_implies_Trgs_eq_Srcs by force
lemma Ide_append_iff⇩P⇩W⇩E:
assumes "T ≠ []" and "U ≠ []"
shows "Ide (T @ U) ⟷ Ide T ∧ Ide U ∧ Trg T = Src U"
using assms Ide_char
apply (intro iffI)
by force auto
lemma Ide_appendI⇩P⇩W⇩E [intro, simp]:
assumes "Ide T" and "Ide U" and "Trg T = Src U"
shows "Ide (T @ U)"
using assms
by (metis Ide.simps(1) Ide_append_iff⇩P⇩W⇩E)
lemma Ide_appendE [elim]:
assumes "Ide (T @ U)" and "T ≠ []" and "U ≠ []"
and "⟦Ide T; Ide U; Trg T = Src U⟧ ⟹ thesis"
shows thesis
using assms Ide_append_iff⇩P⇩W⇩E by metis
lemma Ide_consI [intro, simp]:
assumes "R.ide t" and "Ide U" and "R.trg t = Src U"
shows "Ide (t # U)"
using assms
by (simp add: Ide_char)
lemma Ide_consE [elim]:
assumes "Ide (t # U)"
and "⟦R.ide t; U ≠ [] ⟹ Ide U; U ≠ [] ⟹ R.trg t = Src U⟧ ⟹ thesis"
shows thesis
using assms
by (metis Con_rec(4) Ide.simps(2) Ide_imp_Ide_hd Ide_imp_Ide_tl R.trg_def R.trg_ide
Resid_Arr_Ide_ind Trg.simps(2) ide_char list.sel(1) list.sel(3) list.simps(3)
Src_resid ide_def)
lemma Ide_imp_Src_eq_Trg:
assumes "Ide T"
shows "Src T = Trg T"
using assms
by (metis Ide.simps(1) Src_resid ide_char ide_def)
subsection "Paths in a Confluent RTS"
text ‹
Here we show that confluence of an RTS extends to confluence of the RTS of its paths.
locale paths_in_confluent_rts =
paths_in_rts +
R: confluent_rts
lemma confluence_single:
assumes "⋀t u. R.coinitial t u ⟹ t ⌢ u"
shows "⟦R.arr t; Arr U; R.sources t = Srcs U⟧ ⟹ [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
proof (induct U arbitrary: t)
show "⋀t. ⟦R.arr t; Arr []; R.sources t = Srcs []⟧ ⟹ [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* []"
by simp
fix t u U
assume ind: "⋀t. ⟦R.arr t; Arr U; R.sources t = Srcs U⟧ ⟹ [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
assume t: "R.arr t"
assume uU: "Arr (u # U)"
assume coinitial: "R.sources t = Srcs (u # U)"
hence 1: "R.coinitial t u"
using t uU
by (metis Arr.simps(2) Con_implies_Arr(1) Con_imp_eq_Srcs Con_initial_left
Srcs.simps(2) Con_Arr_self R.coinitial_iff)
show "[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U"
proof (cases "U = []")
show "U = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using assms t uU coinitial R.coinitial_iff by fastforce
assume U: "U ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof -
have 2: "Arr [t \\ u] ∧ Arr U ∧ Srcs [t \\ u] = Srcs U"
using assms 1 t uU U R.arr_resid_iff_con
apply (intro conjI)
apply simp
apply (metis Con_Arr_self Con_implies_Arr(2) Resid_cons(2))
by (metis (full_types) Con_cons(2) Srcs.simps(2) Srcs_Resid Trgs.simps(2)
Con_Arr_self Con_imp_eq_Srcs list.simps(3) R.sources_resid)
have "[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U ⟷ t ⌢ u ∧ [t \\ u] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
using U Con_rec(3) [of U t u] by simp
also have "... ⟷ True"
using assms t uU U 1 2 ind by force
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma confluence_ind:
shows "⟦Arr T; Arr U; Srcs T = Srcs U⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
proof (induct T arbitrary: U)
show "⋀U. ⟦Arr []; Arr U; Srcs [] = Srcs U⟧ ⟹ [] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
by simp
fix t T U
assume ind: "⋀U. ⟦Arr T; Arr U; Srcs T = Srcs U⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
assume tT: "Arr (t # T)"
assume U: "Arr U"
assume coinitial: "Srcs (t # T) = Srcs U"
show "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using U tT coinitial confluence_single [of t U] R.confluence by simp
assume T: "T ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof -
have 1: "[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
using tT U coinitial R.confluence
by (metis R.arr_def Srcs.simps(2) T Con_Arr_self Con_imp_eq_Srcs
Con_initial_right Con_rec(4) confluence_single)
moreover have "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]"
using 1 tT U T coinitial ind [of "U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]"]
by (metis (full_types) Con_imp_Arr_Resid Arr_iff_Con_self Con_implies_Arr(2)
Con_imp_eq_Srcs Con_sym R.sources_resid Srcs.simps(2) Srcs_Resid
Trgs.simps(2) Con_rec(4))
ultimately show ?thesis
using Con_cons(1) [of T U t] by fastforce
lemma confluence⇩P:
assumes "coinitial T U"
shows "con T U"
using assms confluence_ind sources_char⇩P coinitial_def con_char by auto
sublocale confluent_rts Resid
apply (unfold_locales)
using confluence⇩P by simp
lemma is_confluent_rts:
shows "confluent_rts Resid"
subsection "Simulations Lift to Paths"
text ‹
In this section we show that a simulation from RTS ‹A› to RTS ‹B› determines a simulation
from the RTS of paths in ‹A› to the RTS of paths in ‹B›. In other words, the path-RTS
construction is functorial with respect to simulation.
context simulation
interpretation P⇩A: paths_in_rts A
interpretation P⇩B: paths_in_rts B
lemma map_Resid_single:
shows "P⇩A.con T [u] ⟹ map F (P⇩A.Resid T [u]) = P⇩B.Resid (map F T) [F u]"
apply (induct T arbitrary: u)
apply simp
proof -
fix t u T
assume ind: "⋀u. P⇩A.con T [u] ⟹ map F (P⇩A.Resid T [u]) = P⇩B.Resid (map F T) [F u]"
assume 1: "P⇩A.con (t # T) [u]"
show "map F (P⇩A.Resid (t # T) [u]) = P⇩B.Resid (map F (t # T)) [F u]"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using "1" P⇩A.null_char by fastforce
assume T: "T ≠ []"
show ?thesis
using T 1 ind P⇩A.con_def P⇩A.null_char P⇩A.Con_rec(2) P⇩A.Resid_rec(2) P⇩B.Con_rec(2)
apply simp
by (metis A.con_sym Nil_is_map_conv preserves_con preserves_resid)
lemma map_Resid:
shows "P⇩A.con T U ⟹ map F (P⇩A.Resid T U) = P⇩B.Resid (map F T) (map F U)"
apply (induct U arbitrary: T)
using P⇩A.Resid.simps(1) P⇩A.con_char P⇩A.con_sym
apply blast
proof -
fix u U T
assume ind: "⋀T. P⇩A.con T U ⟹
map F (P⇩A.Resid T U) = P⇩B.Resid (map F T) (map F U)"
assume 1: "P⇩A.con T (u # U)"
show "map F (P⇩A.Resid T (u # U)) = P⇩B.Resid (map F T) (map F (u # U))"
proof (cases "U = []")
show "U = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using "1" map_Resid_single by force
assume U: "U ≠ []"
have "P⇩B.Resid (map F T) (map F (u # U)) =
P⇩B.Resid (P⇩B.Resid (map F T) [F u]) (map F U)"
using U 1 P⇩B.Resid_cons(2)
apply simp
by (metis P⇩B.Arr.simps(1) P⇩B.Con_consI(2) P⇩B.Con_implies_Arr(1) list.map_disc_iff)
also have "... = map F (P⇩A.Resid (P⇩A.Resid T [u]) U)"
using U 1 ind
by (metis P⇩A.Con_initial_right P⇩A.Resid_cons(2) P⇩A.con_char map_Resid_single)
also have "... = map F (P⇩A.Resid T (u # U))"
using "1" P⇩A.Resid_cons(2) P⇩A.con_char U by auto
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma preserves_paths:
shows "P⇩A.Arr T ⟹ P⇩B.Arr (map F T)"
by (metis P⇩A.Con_Arr_self P⇩A.conI⇩P P⇩B.Arr_iff_Con_self map_Resid map_is_Nil_conv)
interpretation Fx: simulation P⇩A.Resid P⇩B.Resid ‹λT. if P⇩A.Arr T then map F T else []›
let ?Fx = "λT. if P⇩A.Arr T then map F T else []"
show "⋀T. ¬ P⇩A.arr T ⟹ ?Fx T = P⇩B.null"
by (simp add: P⇩A.arr_char P⇩B.null_char)
show "⋀T U. P⇩A.con T U ⟹ P⇩B.con (?Fx T) (?Fx U)"
using P⇩A.Con_implies_Arr(1) P⇩A.Con_implies_Arr(2) P⇩A.con_char map_Resid by fastforce
show "⋀T U. P⇩A.con T U ⟹ ?Fx (P⇩A.Resid T U) = P⇩B.Resid (?Fx T) (?Fx U)"
by (simp add: P⇩A.Con_imp_Arr_Resid P⇩A.Con_implies_Arr(1) P⇩A.Con_implies_Arr(2)
P⇩A.con_char map_Resid)
lemma lifts_to_paths:
shows "simulation P⇩A.Resid P⇩B.Resid (λT. if P⇩A.Arr T then map F T else [])"
subsection "Normal Sub-RTS's Lift to Paths"
text ‹
Here we show that a normal sub-RTS ‹N› of an RTS ‹R› lifts to a normal sub-RTS
of the RTS of paths in ‹N›, and that it is coherent if ‹N› is.
locale paths_in_rts_with_normal =
R: rts +
N: normal_sub_rts +
text ‹
We define a ``normal path'' to be a path that consists entirely of normal transitions.
We show that the collection of all normal paths is a normal sub-RTS of the RTS of paths.
definition NPath
where "NPath T ≡ (Arr T ∧ set T ⊆ 𝔑)"
lemma Ide_implies_NPath:
assumes "Ide T"
shows "NPath T"
using assms
by (metis Ball_Collect NPath_def Ide_implies_Arr N.ide_closed set_Ide_subset_ide
lemma NPath_implies_Arr:
assumes "NPath T"
shows "Arr T"
using assms NPath_def by simp
lemma NPath_append:
assumes "T ≠ []" and "U ≠ []"
shows "NPath (T @ U) ⟷ NPath T ∧ NPath U ∧ Trgs T ⊆ Srcs U"
using assms NPath_def by auto
lemma NPath_appendI [intro, simp]:
assumes "NPath T" and "NPath U" and "Trgs T ⊆ Srcs U"
shows "NPath (T @ U)"
using assms NPath_def by simp
lemma NPath_Resid_single_Arr:
shows "⟦t ∈ 𝔑; Arr U; R.sources t = Srcs U⟧ ⟹ NPath (Resid [t] U)"
proof (induct U arbitrary: t)
show "⋀t. ⟦t ∈ 𝔑; Arr []; R.sources t = Srcs []⟧ ⟹ NPath (Resid [t] [])"
by simp
fix t u U
assume ind: "⋀t. ⟦t ∈ 𝔑; Arr U; R.sources t = Srcs U⟧ ⟹ NPath (Resid [t] U)"
assume t: "t ∈ 𝔑"
assume uU: "Arr (u # U)"
assume src: "R.sources t = Srcs (u # U)"
show "NPath (Resid [t] (u # U))"
proof (cases "U = []")
show "U = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using NPath_def t src
apply simp
by (metis Arr.simps(2) R.arr_resid_iff_con R.coinitialI N.forward_stable
N.elements_are_arr uU)
assume U: "U ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof -
have "NPath (Resid [t] (u # U)) ⟷ NPath (Resid [t \\ u] U)"
using t U uU src
by (metis Arr.simps(2) Con_implies_Arr(1) Resid_rec(3) Con_rec(3) R.arr_resid_iff_con)
also have "... ⟷ True"
proof -
have "t \\ u ∈ 𝔑"
using t U uU src N.forward_stable [of t u]
by (metis Con_Arr_self Con_imp_eq_Srcs Con_initial_left
Srcs.simps(2) inf.idem Arr_has_Src R.coinitial_def)
moreover have "Arr U"
using U uU
by (metis Arr.simps(3) neq_Nil_conv)
moreover have "R.sources (t \\ u) = Srcs U"
using t uU src
by (metis Con_Arr_self Srcs.simps(2) U calculation(1) Con_imp_eq_Srcs
Con_rec(4) N.elements_are_arr R.sources_resid R.arr_resid_iff_con)
ultimately show ?thesis
using ind [of "t \\ u"] by simp
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma NPath_Resid_Arr_single:
shows "⟦ NPath T; R.arr u; Srcs T = R.sources u ⟧ ⟹ NPath (Resid T [u])"
proof (induct T arbitrary: u)
show "⋀u. ⟦NPath []; R.arr u; Srcs [] = R.sources u⟧ ⟹ NPath (Resid [] [u])"
by simp
fix t u T
assume ind: "⋀u. ⟦NPath T; R.arr u; Srcs T = R.sources u⟧ ⟹ NPath (Resid T [u])"
assume tT: "NPath (t # T)"
assume u: "R.arr u"
assume src: "Srcs (t # T) = R.sources u"
show "NPath (Resid (t # T) [u])"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using tT u src NPath_def
by (metis Arr.simps(2) NPath_Resid_single_Arr Srcs.simps(2) list.set_intros(1) subsetD)
assume T: "T ≠ []"
have "R.coinitial u t"
by (metis R.coinitialI Srcs.simps(3) T list.exhaust_sel src u)
hence con: "t ⌢ u"
using tT T u src R.con_sym NPath_def
by (metis N.forward_stable N.elements_are_arr R.not_arr_null
list.set_intros(1) R.conI subsetD)
have 1: "NPath (Resid (t # T) [u]) ⟷ NPath ((t \\ u) # Resid T [u \\ t])"
proof -
have "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* [u]"
proof -
have 2: "[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* [u]"
by (simp add: Con_rec(1) con)
moreover have "T ⇧*⌢⇧* Resid [u] [t]"
proof -
have "NPath T"
using tT T NPath_def
by (metis NPath_append append_Cons append_Nil)
moreover have 3: "R.arr (u \\ t)"
using con by (meson R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_sym)
moreover have "Srcs T = R.sources (u \\ t)"
using tT T u src con
by (metis "3" Arr_iff_Con_self Con_cons(2) Con_imp_eq_Srcs
R.sources_resid Srcs_Resid Trgs.simps(2) NPath_implies_Arr list.discI
ultimately show ?thesis
using 2 ind [of "u \\ t"] NPath_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using tT T u src Con_cons(1) [of T "[u]" t] by simp
thus ?thesis
using tT T u src Resid_cons(1) [of T t "[u]"] Resid_rec(2) by presburger
also have "... ⟷ True"
proof -
have 2: "t \\ u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.arr (u \\ t)"
using tT u src con NPath_def
by (meson R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_sym N.forward_stable ‹R.coinitial u t›
list.set_intros(1) subsetD)
moreover have 3: "NPath (T ⇧*\\⇧* [u \\ t])"
using tT ind [of "u \\ t"] NPath_def
by (metis Con_Arr_self Con_imp_eq_Srcs Con_rec(4) R.arr_resid_iff_con
R.sources_resid Srcs.simps(2) T calculation insert_subset list.exhaust
list.simps(15) Arr.simps(3))
moreover have "R.targets (t \\ u) ⊆ Srcs (Resid T [u \\ t])"
using tT T u src NPath_def
by (metis "3" Arr.simps(1) R.targets_resid_sym Srcs_Resid_Arr_single con subset_refl)
ultimately show ?thesis
using NPath_def
by (metis Arr_consI⇩P N.elements_are_arr insert_subset list.simps(15))
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma NPath_Resid [simp]:
shows "⟦NPath T; Arr U; Srcs T = Srcs U⟧ ⟹ NPath (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof (induct T arbitrary: U)
show "⋀U. ⟦NPath []; Arr U; Srcs [] = Srcs U⟧ ⟹ NPath ([] ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
by simp
fix t T U
assume ind: "⋀U. ⟦NPath T; Arr U; Srcs T = Srcs U⟧ ⟹ NPath (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
assume tT: "NPath (t # T)"
assume U: "Arr U"
assume Coinitial: "Srcs (t # T) = Srcs U"
show "NPath ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using tT U Coinitial NPath_Resid_single_Arr [of t U] NPath_def by force
assume T: "T ≠ []"
have 0: "NPath ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⟷ NPath ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
proof -
have "U ≠ []"
using U by auto
moreover have "(t # T) ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
proof -
have "t ∈ 𝔑"
using tT NPath_def by auto
moreover have "R.sources t = Srcs U"
using Coinitial
by (metis Srcs.elims U list.sel(1) Arr_has_Src)
ultimately have 1: "[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
using U NPath_Resid_single_Arr [of t U] NPath_def by auto
moreover have "T ⇧*⌢⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
proof -
have "Srcs T = Srcs (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
using tT U Coinitial 1
by (metis Con_Arr_self Con_cons(2) Con_imp_eq_Srcs Con_sym Srcs_Resid_Arr_single
T list.discI NPath_implies_Arr)
hence "NPath (T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
using tT U Coinitial 1 Con_sym ind [of "Resid U [t]"] NPath_def
by (metis Con_imp_Arr_Resid Srcs.elims T insert_subset list.simps(15)
thus ?thesis
using NPath_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using Con_cons(1) [of T U t] by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
using tT U T Coinitial Resid_cons(1) by auto
also have "... ⟷ True"
proof (intro iffI, simp_all)
have 1: "NPath ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
by (metis Coinitial NPath_Resid_single_Arr Srcs_simp⇩P U insert_subset
list.sel(1) list.simps(15) NPath_def tT)
moreover have 2: "NPath (T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
by (metis "0" Arr.simps(1) Con_cons(1) Con_imp_eq_Srcs Con_implies_Arr(1-2)
NPath_def T append_Nil2 calculation ind insert_subset list.simps(15) tT)
moreover have "Trgs ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⊆ Srcs (T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
by (metis Arr.simps(1) NPath_def Srcs_Resid Trgs_Resid_sym calculation(2)
ultimately show "NPath ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U @ T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
using NPath_append [of "T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])" "[t] ⇧*\\⇧* U"] by fastforce
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma Backward_stable_single:
shows "⟦NPath U; NPath ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U)⟧ ⟹ NPath [t]"
proof (induct U arbitrary: t)
show "⋀t. ⟦NPath []; NPath ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* [])⟧ ⟹ NPath [t]"
using NPath_def by simp
fix t u U
assume ind: "⋀t. ⟦NPath U; NPath ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U)⟧ ⟹ NPath [t]"
assume uU: "NPath (u # U)"
assume resid: "NPath ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U))"
show "NPath [t]"
using uU ind NPath_def
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Arr.simps(2) Con_implies_Arr(2) N.backward_stable
N.elements_are_arr Resid_rec(1) Resid_rec(3) insert_subset list.simps(15) resid)
lemma Backward_stable:
shows "⟦NPath U; NPath (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)⟧ ⟹ NPath T"
proof (induct T arbitrary: U)
show "⋀U. ⟦NPath U; NPath ([] ⇧*\\⇧* U)⟧ ⟹ NPath []"
by simp
fix t T U
assume ind: "⋀U. ⟦NPath U; NPath (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)⟧ ⟹ NPath T"
assume U: "NPath U"
assume resid: "NPath ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
show "NPath (t # T)"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using U resid Backward_stable_single by blast
assume T: "T ≠ []"
have 1: "NPath ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U) ∧ NPath (T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
using T U NPath_append resid NPath_def
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Con_cons(1) Resid_cons(1))
have 2: "t ∈ 𝔑"
using 1 U Backward_stable_single NPath_def by simp
moreover have "NPath T"
using 1 U resid ind
by (metis 2 Arr.simps(2) Con_imp_eq_Srcs NPath_Resid N.elements_are_arr)
moreover have "R.targets t ⊆ Srcs T"
using resid 1 Con_imp_eq_Srcs Con_sym Srcs_Resid_Arr_single NPath_def
by (metis Arr.simps(1) dual_order.eq_iff)
ultimately show ?thesis
using NPath_def
by (simp add: N.elements_are_arr)
sublocale normal_sub_rts Resid ‹Collect NPath›
using Ide_implies_NPath NPath_implies_Arr arr_char ide_char coinitial_def
sources_char⇩P append_is_composite_of
apply unfold_locales
apply auto
using Backward_stable
by metis+
theorem normal_extends_to_paths:
shows "normal_sub_rts Resid (Collect NPath)"
lemma Resid_NPath_preserves_reflects_Con:
assumes "NPath U" and "Srcs T = Srcs U"
shows "T ⇧*\\⇧* U ⇧*⌢⇧* T' ⇧*\\⇧* U ⟷ T ⇧*⌢⇧* T'"
using assms NPath_def NPath_Resid con_char con_imp_coinitial resid_along_elem_preserves_con
Con_implies_Arr(2) Con_sym Cube(1)
by (metis Arr.simps(1) mem_Collect_eq)
notation Cong⇩0 (infix ‹≈⇧*⇩0› 50)
notation Cong (infix ‹≈⇧*› 50)
lemma Cong⇩0_cancel_left⇩C⇩S:
assumes "T @ U ≈⇧*⇩0 T @ U'" and "T ≠ []" and "U ≠ []" and "U' ≠ []"
shows "U ≈⇧*⇩0 U'"
using assms Cong⇩0_cancel_left [of T U "T @ U" U' "T @ U'"] Cong⇩0_reflexive
by (metis Cong⇩0_implies_Cong Cong_imp_arr(1) arr_append_imp_seq)
lemma Srcs_respects_Cong:
assumes "T ≈⇧* T'" and "a ∈ Srcs T" and "a' ∈ Srcs T'"
shows "[a] ≈⇧* [a']"
proof -
obtain U U' where UU': "NPath U ∧ NPath U' ∧ T ⇧*\\⇧* U ≈⇧*⇩0 T' ⇧*\\⇧* U'"
using assms(1) by blast
show ?thesis
show "U ∈ Collect NPath"
using UU' by simp
show "U' ∈ Collect NPath"
using UU' by simp
show "[a] ⇧*\\⇧* U ≈⇧*⇩0 [a'] ⇧*\\⇧* U'"
proof -
have "NPath ([a] ⇧*\\⇧* U) ∧ NPath ([a'] ⇧*\\⇧* U')"
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Con_imp_eq_Srcs Con_implies_Arr(1) Con_single_ide_ind
NPath_implies_Arr N.ide_closed R.in_sourcesE Srcs.simps(2) Srcs_simp⇩P
UU' assms(2-3) elements_are_arr not_arr_null null_char NPath_Resid_single_Arr)
thus ?thesis
using UU'
by (metis Con_imp_eq_Srcs Cong⇩0_imp_con NPath_Resid Srcs_Resid
con_char NPath_implies_Arr mem_Collect_eq arr_resid_iff_con con_implies_arr(2))
lemma Trgs_respects_Cong:
assumes "T ≈⇧* T'" and "b ∈ Trgs T" and "b' ∈ Trgs T'"
shows "[b] ≈⇧* [b']"
proof -
have "[b] ∈ targets T ∧ [b'] ∈ targets T'"
proof -
have 1: "Ide [b] ∧ Ide [b']"
using assms
by (metis Ball_Collect Trgs_are_ide Ide.simps(2))
moreover have "Srcs [b] = Trgs T"
using assms
by (metis 1 Con_imp_Arr_Resid Con_imp_eq_Srcs Cong_imp_arr(1) Ide.simps(2)
Srcs_Resid Con_single_ide_ind con_char arrE)
moreover have "Srcs [b'] = Trgs T'"
using assms
by (metis Con_imp_Arr_Resid Con_imp_eq_Srcs Cong_imp_arr(2) Ide.simps(2)
Srcs_Resid 1 Con_single_ide_ind con_char arrE)
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding targets_char⇩P
using assms Cong_imp_arr(2) arr_char by blast
thus ?thesis
using assms targets_char in_targets_respects_Cong [of T T' "[b]" "[b']"] by simp
lemma Cong⇩0_append_resid_NPath:
assumes "NPath (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
shows "Cong⇩0 (T @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* T)) U"
proof (intro conjI)
show 0: "(T @ U ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* U ∈ Collect NPath"
proof -
have 1: "(T @ U ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = T ⇧*\\⇧* U @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* T) ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* T)"
by (metis Arr.simps(1) NPath_implies_Arr assms Con_append(1) Con_implies_Arr(2)
Con_sym Resid_append(1) con_imp_arr_resid null_char)
moreover have "NPath ..."
using assms
by (metis 1 Arr_append_iff⇩P NPath_append NPath_implies_Arr Ide_implies_NPath
Nil_is_append_conv Resid_Arr_self arr_char con_char arr_resid_iff_con
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
show "U ⇧*\\⇧* (T @ U ⇧*\\⇧* T) ∈ Collect NPath"
using assms 0
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Con_implies_Arr(2) Cong⇩0_reflexive Resid_append(2)
append.right_neutral arr_char Con_sym)
locale paths_in_rts_with_coherent_normal =
R: rts +
N: coherent_normal_sub_rts +
sublocale paths_in_rts_with_normal resid 𝔑 ..
notation Cong⇩0 (infix ‹≈⇧*⇩0› 50)
notation Cong (infix ‹≈⇧*› 50)
text ‹
Since composites of normal transitions are assumed to exist, normal paths can be
``folded'' by composition down to single transitions.
lemma NPath_folding:
shows "NPath U ⟹ ∃u. u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.sources u = Srcs U ∧ R.targets u = Trgs U ∧
(∀t. con [t] U ⟶ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ u])"
proof (induct U)
show "NPath [] ⟹ ∃u. u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.sources u = Srcs [] ∧ R.targets u = Trgs [] ∧
(∀t. con [t] [] ⟶ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* [] ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ u])"
using NPath_def by auto
fix v U
assume ind: "NPath U ⟹ ∃u. u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.sources u = Srcs U ∧ R.targets u = Trgs U ∧
(∀t. con [t] U ⟶ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ u])"
assume vU: "NPath (v # U)"
show "∃vU. vU ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.sources vU = Srcs (v # U) ∧ R.targets vU = Trgs (v # U) ∧
(∀t. con [t] (v # U) ⟶ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* (v # U) ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ vU])"
proof (cases "U = []")
show "U = [] ⟹ ∃vU. vU ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.sources vU = Srcs (v # U) ∧
R.targets vU = Trgs (v # U) ∧
(∀t. con [t] (v # U) ⟶ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* (v # U) ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ vU])"
using vU Resid_rec(1) con_char
by (metis Cong⇩0_reflexive NPath_def Srcs.simps(2) Trgs.simps(2) arr_resid_iff_con
insert_subset list.simps(15))
assume "U ≠ []"
hence U: "NPath U"
using vU by (metis NPath_append append_Cons append_Nil)
obtain u where u: "u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.sources u = Srcs U ∧ R.targets u = Trgs U ∧
(∀t. con [t] U ⟶ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ u])"
using U ind by blast
have seq: "R.seq v u"
show "R.arr u"
by (simp add: N.elements_are_arr u)
show "R.trg v ∼ R.src u"
proof -
have "R.targets v = R.sources u"
by (metis (full_types) NPath_implies_Arr R.sources_resid Srcs.simps(2)
‹U ≠ []› Con_Arr_self Con_imp_eq_Srcs Con_initial_right Con_rec(2)
u vU)
thus ?thesis
using R.seqI(2) ‹R.arr u› by blast
obtain vu where vu: "R.composite_of v u vu"
using N.composite_closed_right seq u by presburger
have "vu ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.sources vu = Srcs (v # U) ∧ R.targets vu = Trgs (v # U) ∧
(∀t. con [t] (v # U) ⟶ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* (v # U) ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ vu])"
proof (intro conjI allI)
show "vu ∈ 𝔑"
by (meson NPath_def N.composite_closed list.set_intros(1) subsetD u vU vu)
show "R.sources vu = Srcs (v # U)"
by (metis Con_imp_eq_Srcs Con_initial_right NPath_implies_Arr
R.sources_composite_of Srcs.simps(2) Arr_iff_Con_self vU vu)
show "R.targets vu = Trgs (v # U)"
by (metis R.targets_composite_of Trgs.simps(3) ‹U ≠ []› list.exhaust_sel u vu)
fix t
show "con [t] (v # U) ⟶ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* (v # U) ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ vu]"
proof (intro impI)
assume t: "con [t] (v # U)"
have 1: "[t] ⇧*\\⇧* (v # U) = [t \\ v] ⇧*\\⇧* U"
using t Resid_rec(3) ‹U ≠ []› con_char by force
also have "... ≈⇧*⇩0 [(t \\ v) \\ u]"
using 1 t u by force
also have "[(t \\ v) \\ u] ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ vu]"
proof -
have "(t \\ v) \\ u ∼ t \\ vu"
using vu R.resid_composite_of
by (metis (no_types, lifting) N.Cong⇩0_composite_of_arr_normal N.Cong⇩0_subst_right(1)
‹U ≠ []› Con_rec(3) con_char R.con_sym t u)
thus ?thesis
using Ide.simps(2) R.prfx_implies_con Resid.simps(3) ide_char ide_closed
by presburger
finally show "[t] ⇧*\\⇧* (v # U) ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ vu]" by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
text ‹
Coherence for single transitions extends inductively to paths.
lemma Coherent_single:
assumes "R.arr t" and "NPath U" and "NPath U'"
and "R.sources t = Srcs U" and "Srcs U = Srcs U'" and "Trgs U = Trgs U'"
shows "[t] ⇧*\\⇧* U ≈⇧*⇩0 [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U'"
proof -
have 1: "con [t] U ∧ con [t] U'"
using assms
by (metis Arr.simps(1-2) Arr_iff_Con_self Resid_NPath_preserves_reflects_Con
Srcs.simps(2) con_char)
obtain u where u: "u ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.sources u = Srcs U ∧ R.targets u = Trgs U ∧
(∀t. con [t] U ⟶ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ u])"
using assms NPath_folding by metis
obtain u' where u': "u' ∈ 𝔑 ∧ R.sources u' = Srcs U' ∧ R.targets u' = Trgs U' ∧
(∀t. con [t] U' ⟶ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U' ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ u'])"
using assms NPath_folding by metis
have "[t] ⇧*\\⇧* U ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ u]"
using u 1 by blast
also have "[t \\ u] ≈⇧*⇩0 [t \\ u']"
using assms(1,4-6) N.Cong⇩0_imp_con N.coherent u u' NPath_def by simp
also have "[t \\ u'] ≈⇧*⇩0 [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U'"
using u' 1 by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma Coherent:
shows "⟦ Arr T; NPath U; NPath U'; Srcs T = Srcs U;
Srcs U = Srcs U'; Trgs U = Trgs U' ⟧
⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* U ≈⇧*⇩0 T ⇧*\\⇧* U'"
proof (induct T arbitrary: U U')
show "⋀U U'. ⟦ Arr []; NPath U; NPath U'; Srcs [] = Srcs U;
Srcs U = Srcs U'; Trgs U = Trgs U' ⟧
⟹ [] ⇧*\\⇧* U ≈⇧*⇩0 [] ⇧*\\⇧* U'"
by (simp add: arr_char)
fix t T U U'
assume tT: "Arr (t # T)" and U: "NPath U" and U': "NPath U'"
and Srcs1: "Srcs (t # T) = Srcs U" and Srcs2: "Srcs U = Srcs U'"
and Trgs: "Trgs U = Trgs U'"
and ind: "⋀U U'. ⟦ Arr T; NPath U; NPath U'; Srcs T = Srcs U;
Srcs U = Srcs U'; Trgs U = Trgs U' ⟧
⟹ T ⇧*\\⇧* U ≈⇧*⇩0 T ⇧*\\⇧* U'"
have t: "R.arr t"
using tT by (metis Arr.simps(2) Con_Arr_self Con_rec(4) R.arrI)
show "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U ≈⇧*⇩0 (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U'"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
by (metis Srcs.simps(2) Srcs1 Srcs2 Trgs U U' Coherent_single Arr.simps(2) tT)
assume T: "T ≠ []"
let ?t = "[t] ⇧*\\⇧* U" and ?t' = "[t] ⇧*\\⇧* U'"
let ?T = "T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
let ?T' = "T ⇧*\\⇧* (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
have 0: "(t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U = ?t @ ?T ∧ (t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U' = ?t' @ ?T'"
using tT U U' Srcs1 Srcs2
by (metis Arr_has_Src Arr_iff_Con_self Resid_cons(1) Srcs.simps(1)
have 1: "?t ≈⇧*⇩0 ?t'"
by (metis Srcs1 Srcs2 Srcs_simp⇩P Trgs U U' list.sel(1) Coherent_single t tT)
have A: "?T ⇧*\\⇧* (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t) = T ⇧*\\⇧* ((U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) @ (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t))"
using 1 Arr.simps(1) Con_append(2) Con_sym Resid_append(2) Con_implies_Arr(1)
by (metis arr_char elements_are_arr)
have B: "?T' ⇧*\\⇧* (?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t') = T ⇧*\\⇧* ((U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) @ (?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t'))"
by (metis "1" Con_appendI(2) Con_sym Resid.simps(1) Resid_append(2) elements_are_arr
not_arr_null null_char)
have E: "?T ⇧*\\⇧* (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t) ≈⇧*⇩0 ?T' ⇧*\\⇧* (?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t')"
proof -
have "Arr T"
using Arr.elims(1) T tT by blast
moreover have "NPath (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t] @ ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U') ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
using 1 U t tT Srcs1 Srcs_simp⇩P
apply (intro NPath_appendI)
apply auto
by (metis Arr.simps(1) NPath_def Srcs_Resid Trgs_Resid_sym)
moreover have "NPath (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t] @ ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U'))"
using t U' 1 Con_imp_eq_Srcs Trgs_Resid_sym
apply (intro NPath_appendI)
apply auto
apply (metis Arr.simps(2) NPath_Resid Resid.simps(1))
by (metis Arr.simps(1) NPath_def Srcs_Resid)
moreover have "Srcs T = Srcs (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t] @ ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U') ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
using A B
by (metis (full_types) "0" "1" Arr_has_Src Con_cons(1) Con_implies_Arr(1)
Srcs.simps(1) Srcs_append T elements_are_arr not_arr_null null_char
moreover have "Srcs (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t] @ ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U') ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U)) =
Srcs (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t] @ ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U'))"
by (metis "1" Con_implies_Arr(2) Con_sym Cong⇩0_imp_con Srcs_Resid Srcs_append
arr_char con_char arr_resid_iff_con)
moreover have "Trgs (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t] @ ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U') ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U)) =
Trgs (U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t] @ ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U'))"
using "1" Cong⇩0_imp_con con_char by force
ultimately show ?thesis
using A B ind [of "(U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) @ (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t)" "(U' ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) @ (?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t')"]
by simp
have C: "NPath ((?T ⇧*\\⇧* (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t)) ⇧*\\⇧* (?T' ⇧*\\⇧* (?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t')))"
using E by blast
have D: "NPath ((?T' ⇧*\\⇧* (?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t')) ⇧*\\⇧* (?T ⇧*\\⇧* (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t)))"
using E by blast
show ?thesis
have 2: "((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U') =
((?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t') ⇧*\\⇧* ?T') @ ((?T ⇧*\\⇧* (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t)) ⇧*\\⇧* (?T' ⇧*\\⇧* (?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t')))"
proof -
have "((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U') = (?t @ ?T) ⇧*\\⇧* (?t' @ ?T')"
using 0 by fastforce
also have "... = ((?t @ ?T) ⇧*\\⇧* ?t') ⇧*\\⇧* ?T'"
using tT T U U' Srcs1 Srcs2 0
by (metis Con_appendI(2) Con_cons(1) Con_sym Resid.simps(1) Resid_append(2))
also have "... = ((?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t') @ (?T ⇧*\\⇧* (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t))) ⇧*\\⇧* ?T'"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Arr.simps(1) Con_appendI(1) Con_implies_Arr(1)
D NPath_def Resid_append(1) null_is_zero(2))
also have "... = ((?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t') ⇧*\\⇧* ?T') @
((?T ⇧*\\⇧* (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t)) ⇧*\\⇧* (?T' ⇧*\\⇧* (?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t')))"
proof -
have "?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t' @ ?T ⇧*\\⇧* (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t) ⇧*⌢⇧* ?T'"
using C D E Con_sym
by (metis Con_append(2) Cong⇩0_imp_con con_char arr_resid_iff_con
thus ?thesis
using Resid_append(1)
by (metis Con_sym append.right_neutral Resid.simps(1))
finally show ?thesis by simp
moreover have 3: "NPath ..."
proof -
have "NPath ((?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t') ⇧*\\⇧* ?T')"
using 0 1 E
by (metis Con_imp_Arr_Resid Con_imp_eq_Srcs NPath_Resid Resid.simps(1)
ex_un_null mem_Collect_eq)
moreover have "Trgs ((?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t') ⇧*\\⇧* ?T') =
Srcs ((?T ⇧*\\⇧* (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t)) ⇧*\\⇧* (?T' ⇧*\\⇧* (?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t')))"
using C
by (metis NPath_implies_Arr Srcs.simps(1) Srcs_Resid
Trgs_Resid_sym Arr_has_Src)
ultimately show ?thesis
using C by blast
ultimately show "((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U) ⇧*\\⇧* ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U') ∈ Collect NPath"
by simp
have 4: "((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U') ⇧*\\⇧* ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U) =
((?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t) ⇧*\\⇧* ?T) @ ((?T' ⇧*\\⇧* (?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t')) ⇧*\\⇧* (?T ⇧*\\⇧* (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t)))"
by (metis "0" "2" "3" Arr.simps(1) Con_implies_Arr(1) Con_sym D NPath_def Resid_append2)
moreover have "NPath ..."
proof -
have "NPath ((?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t) ⇧*\\⇧* ?T)"
by (metis "1" CollectD Cong⇩0_imp_con E con_imp_coinitial forward_stable
arr_resid_iff_con con_implies_arr(2))
moreover have "NPath ((?T' ⇧*\\⇧* (?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t')) ⇧*\\⇧* (?T ⇧*\\⇧* (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t)))"
using U U' 1 D ind Coherent_single [of t U' U] by blast
moreover have "Trgs ((?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t) ⇧*\\⇧* ?T) =
Srcs ((?T' ⇧*\\⇧* (?t ⇧*\\⇧* ?t')) ⇧*\\⇧* (?T ⇧*\\⇧* (?t' ⇧*\\⇧* ?t)))"
by (metis Arr.simps(1) NPath_def Srcs_Resid Trgs_Resid_sym calculation(2))
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately show "((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U') ⇧*\\⇧* ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U) ∈ Collect NPath"
by simp
sublocale rts_with_composites Resid
using is_rts_with_composites by simp
sublocale coherent_normal_sub_rts Resid ‹Collect NPath›
fix T U U'
assume T: "arr T" and U: "U ∈ Collect NPath" and U': "U' ∈ Collect NPath"
assume sources_UU': "sources U = sources U'" and targets_UU': "targets U = targets U'"
and TU: "sources T = sources U"
have "Srcs T = Srcs U"
using TU sources_char⇩P T arr_iff_has_source by auto
moreover have "Srcs U = Srcs U'"
by (metis Con_imp_eq_Srcs T TU con_char con_imp_coinitial_ax con_sym in_sourcesE
in_sourcesI arr_def sources_UU')
moreover have "Trgs U = Trgs U'"
using U U' targets_UU' targets_char
by (metis (full_types) arr_iff_has_target composable_def composable_iff_seq
composite_of_arr_target elements_are_arr equals0I seq_char)
ultimately show "T ⇧*\\⇧* U ≈⇧*⇩0 T ⇧*\\⇧* U'"
using T U U' Coherent [of T U U'] arr_char by blast
theorem coherent_normal_extends_to_paths:
shows "coherent_normal_sub_rts Resid (Collect NPath)"
lemma Cong⇩0_append_Arr_NPath:
assumes "T ≠ []" and "Arr (T @ U)" and "NPath U"
shows "Cong⇩0 (T @ U) T"
using assms
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Arr_appendE⇩P NPath_implies_Arr append_is_composite_of arrI⇩P
arr_append_imp_seq composite_of_arr_normal mem_Collect_eq)
lemma Cong_append_NPath_Arr:
assumes "T ≠ []" and "Arr (U @ T)" and "NPath U"
shows "U @ T ≈⇧* T"
using assms
by (metis (full_types) Arr.simps(1) Con_Arr_self Con_append(2) Con_implies_Arr(2)
Con_imp_eq_Srcs composite_of_normal_arr Srcs_Resid append_is_composite_of arr_char
NPath_implies_Arr mem_Collect_eq seq_char)
subsubsection "Permutation Congruence"
text ‹
Here we show that ‹⇧*∼⇧*› coincides with ``permutation congruence'':
the least congruence respecting composition that relates ‹[t, u \ t]› and ‹[u, t \ u]›
whenever ‹t ⌢ u› and that relates ‹T @ [b]› and ‹T› whenever ‹b› is an identity
such that ‹seq T [b]›.
inductive PCong
where "Arr T ⟹ PCong T T"
| "PCong T U ⟹ PCong U T"
| "⟦PCong T U; PCong U V⟧ ⟹ PCong T V"
| "⟦seq T U; PCong T T'; PCong U U'⟧ ⟹ PCong (T @ U) (T' @ U')"
| "⟦seq T [b]; R.ide b⟧ ⟹ PCong (T @ [b]) T"
| "t ⌢ u ⟹ PCong [t, u \\ t] [u, t \\ u]"
lemmas PCong.intros(3) [trans]
lemma PCong_append_Ide:
shows "⟦seq T B; Ide B⟧ ⟹ PCong (T @ B) T"
proof (induct B)
show "⟦seq T []; Ide []⟧ ⟹ PCong (T @ []) T"
by auto
fix b B T
assume ind: "⟦seq T B; Ide B⟧ ⟹ PCong (T @ B) T"
assume seq: "seq T (b # B)"
assume Ide: "Ide (b # B)"
have "T @ (b # B) = (T @ [b]) @ B"
by simp
also have "PCong ... (T @ B)"
apply (cases "B = []")
using Ide PCong.intros(5) seq apply force
using seq Ide PCong.intros(4) [of "T @ [b]" B T B]
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Ide_imp_Ide_hd PCong.intros(1) PCong.intros(5)
append_is_Nil_conv arr_append arr_append_imp_seq arr_char calculation
list.distinct(1) list.sel(1) seq_char)
also have "PCong (T @ B) T"
proof (cases "B = []")
show "B = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using PCong.intros(1) seq seq_char by force
assume B: "B ≠ []"
have "seq T B"
using B seq Ide
by (metis Con_imp_eq_Srcs Ide_imp_Ide_hd Trgs_append ‹T @ b # B = (T @ [b]) @ B›
append_is_Nil_conv arr_append arr_append_imp_seq arr_char cong_cons_ideI(2)
list.distinct(1) list.sel(1) not_arr_null null_char seq_char ide_implies_arr)
thus ?thesis
using seq Ide ind
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Ide.elims(3) Ide.simps(3) seq_char)
finally show "PCong (T @ (b # B)) T" by blast
lemma PCong_imp_Cong:
shows "PCong T U ⟹ T ⇧*∼⇧* U"
proof (induct rule: PCong.induct)
show "⋀T. Arr T ⟹ T ⇧*∼⇧* T"
using cong_reflexive by blast
show "⋀T U. ⟦PCong T U; T ⇧*∼⇧* U⟧ ⟹ U ⇧*∼⇧* T"
by blast
show "⋀T U V. ⟦PCong T U; T ⇧*∼⇧* U; PCong U V; U ⇧*∼⇧* V⟧ ⟹ T ⇧*∼⇧* V"
using cong_transitive by blast
show "⋀T U U' T'. ⟦seq T U; PCong T T'; T ⇧*∼⇧* T'; PCong U U'; U ⇧*∼⇧* U'⟧
⟹ T @ U ⇧*∼⇧* T' @ U'"
using cong_append by simp
show "⋀T b. ⟦seq T [b]; R.ide b⟧ ⟹ T @ [b] ⇧*∼⇧* T"
using cong_append_ideI(4) ide_char by force
show "⋀t u. t ⌢ u ⟹ [t, u \\ t] ⇧*∼⇧* [u, t \\ u]"
proof -
have "⋀t u. t ⌢ u ⟹ [t, u \\ t] ⇧*≲⇧* [u, t \\ u]"
proof -
fix t u
assume con: "t ⌢ u"
have "([t] @ [u \\ t]) ⇧*\\⇧* ([u] @ [t \\ u]) =
[(t \\ u) \\ (t \\ u), ((u \\ t) \\ (u \\ t)) \\ ((t \\ u) \\ (t \\ u))]"
using con Resid_append2 [of "[t]" "[u \\ t]" "[u]" "[t \\ u]"]
apply simp
by (metis R.arr_resid_iff_con R.con_target R.conE R.con_sym
R.prfx_implies_con R.prfx_reflexive R.cube)
moreover have "Ide ..."
using con
by (metis Arr.simps(2) Arr.simps(3) Ide.simps(2) Ide.simps(3) R.arr_resid_iff_con
R.con_sym R.resid_ide_arr R.prfx_reflexive calculation Con_imp_Arr_Resid)
ultimately show"[t, u \\ t] ⇧*≲⇧* [u, t \\ u]"
using ide_char by auto
thus "⋀t u. t ⌢ u ⟹ [t, u \\ t] ⇧*∼⇧* [u, t \\ u]"
using R.con_sym by blast
lemma PCong_permute_single:
shows "[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ PCong ([t] @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) (U @ ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
proof (induct U arbitrary: t)
show "⋀t. [t] ⇧*⌢⇧* [] ⟹ PCong ([t] @ [] ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ([] @ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* [])"
by auto
fix t u U
assume ind: "⋀t. [t] ⇧*\\⇧* U ≠ [] ⟹ PCong ([t] @( U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) (U @ ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
assume con: "[t] ⇧*⌢⇧* u # U"
show "PCong ([t] @ (u # U) ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) ((u # U) @ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U))"
proof (cases "U = []")
show "U = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
by (metis PCong.intros(6) Resid.simps(3) append_Cons append_eq_append_conv2
append_self_conv con_char con_def con con_sym_ax)
assume U: "U ≠ []"
show "PCong ([t] @ ((u # U) ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) ((u # U) @ ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U)))"
proof -
have "[t] @ ((u # U) ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) = [t] @ ([u \\ t] @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]))"
using Con_sym Resid_rec(2) U con by auto
also have "... = ([t] @ [u \\ t]) @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
by auto
also have "PCong ... (([u] @ [t \\ u]) @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]))"
proof -
have "PCong ([t] @ [u \\ t]) ([u] @ [t \\ u])"
using con
by (simp add: Con_rec(3) PCong.intros(6) U)
thus ?thesis
by (metis Arr_Resid_single Con_implies_Arr(1) Con_rec(2) Con_sym
PCong.intros(1,4) Srcs_Resid U append_is_Nil_conv append_is_composite_of
arr_append_imp_seq arr_char calculation composite_of_unq_upto_cong
con not_arr_null null_char ide_implies_arr seq_char)
also have "([u] @ [t \\ u]) @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]) = [u] @ ([t \\ u] @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]))"
by simp
also have "PCong ... ([u] @ (U @ ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U)))"
proof -
have "PCong ([t \\ u] @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])) (U @ ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
using ind
by (metis Resid_rec(3) U con)
moreover have "seq [u] ([t \\ u] @ U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
show "Arr [u]"
using Con_implies_Arr(2) Con_initial_right con by blast
show "Arr ([t \\ u] @ U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
using Con_implies_Arr(1) U con Con_imp_Arr_Resid Con_rec(3) Con_sym
by fastforce
show "Trgs [u] ∩ Srcs ([t \\ u] @ U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u]) ≠ {}"
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Arr.simps(2) Arr_has_Trg Con_implies_Arr(1)
Int_absorb R.arr_resid_iff_con R.sources_resid Resid_rec(3)
Srcs.simps(2) Srcs_append Trgs.simps(2) U ‹Arr [u]› con)
moreover have "PCong [u] [u]"
using PCong.intros(1) calculation(2) seq_char by force
ultimately show ?thesis
using U arr_append arr_char con seq_char
PCong.intros(4) [of "[u]" "[t \\ u] @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t \\ u])"
"[u]" "U @ ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U)"]
by blast
also have "([u] @ (U @ ([t \\ u] ⇧*\\⇧* U))) = ((u # U) @ [t] ⇧*\\⇧* (u # U))"
by (metis Resid_rec(3) U append_Cons append_Nil con)
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma PCong_permute:
shows "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ PCong (T @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* T)) (U @ (T ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
proof (induct T arbitrary: U)
show "⋀U. [] ⇧*\\⇧* U ≠ [] ⟹ PCong ([] @ U ⇧*\\⇧* []) (U @ [] ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
by simp
fix t T U
assume ind: "⋀U. T ⇧*⌢⇧* U ⟹ PCong (T @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* T)) (U @ (T ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
assume con: "t # T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
show "PCong ((t # T) @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T))) (U @ ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
proof (cases "T = []")
assume T: "T = []"
have "(t # T) @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T)) = [t] @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])"
using con T by simp
also have "PCong ... (U @ ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
using PCong_permute_single T con by blast
finally show ?thesis
using T by fastforce
assume T: "T ≠ []"
have "(t # T) @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T)) = [t] @ (T @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* (t # T)))"
by simp
also have "PCong ... ([t] @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) @ (T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])))"
using ind [of "U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]"]
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Con_imp_Arr_Resid Con_implies_Arr(2) Con_sym
PCong.intros(1,4) Resid_cons(2) Srcs_Resid T arr_append arr_append_imp_seq
calculation con not_arr_null null_char seq_char)
also have "[t] @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]) @ (T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) =
([t] @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) @ (T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t]))"
by simp
also have "PCong (([t] @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) @ (T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])))
((U @ ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U)) @ (T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])))"
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Con_cons(1) Con_imp_Arr_Resid Con_implies_Arr(2)
PCong.intros(1,4) PCong_permute_single Srcs_Resid T Trgs_append arr_append
arr_char con seq_char)
also have "(U @ ([t] ⇧*\\⇧* U)) @ (T ⇧*\\⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇧* [t])) = U @ ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇧* U)"
by (metis Resid.simps(2) Resid_cons(1) append.assoc con)
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma Cong_imp_PCong:
assumes "T ⇧*∼⇧* U"
shows "PCong T U"
proof -
have "PCong T (T @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* T))"
using assms PCong.intros(2) PCong_append_Ide
by (metis Con_implies_Arr(1) Ide.simps(1) Srcs_Resid ide_char Con_imp_Arr_Resid
also have "PCong (T @ (U ⇧*\\⇧* T)) (U @ (T ⇧*\\⇧* U))"
using PCong_permute assms con_char prfx_implies_con by presburger
also have "PCong (U @ (T ⇧*\\⇧* U)) U"
using assms PCong_append_Ide
by (metis Con_imp_Arr_Resid Con_implies_Arr(1) Srcs_Resid arr_resid_iff_con
ide_implies_arr con_char ide_char seq_char)
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma Cong_iff_PCong:
shows "T ⇧*∼⇧* U ⟷ PCong T U"
using PCong_imp_Cong Cong_imp_PCong by blast
section "Composite Completion"
text ‹
The RTS of paths in an RTS factors via the coherent normal sub-RTS of identity
paths into an extensional RTS with composites, which can be regarded as a
``composite completion'' of the original RTS.
locale composite_completion =
R: rts R
for R :: "'a resid"
type_synonym 'b arr = "'b list set"
interpretation N: coherent_normal_sub_rts R ‹Collect R.ide›
using R.rts_axioms R.identities_form_coherent_normal_sub_rts by auto
sublocale P: paths_in_rts_with_coherent_normal R ‹Collect R.ide› ..
sublocale Q: quotient_by_coherent_normal P.Resid ‹Collect P.NPath› ..
definition resid (infix ‹⦃⇧*\⇧*⦄› 70)
where "resid ≡ Q.Resid"
sublocale extensional_rts resid
unfolding resid_def
using Q.extensional_rts_axioms by simp
notation con (infix ‹⦃⇧*⌢⇧*⦄› 50)
notation prfx (infix ‹⦃⇧*≲⇧*⦄› 50)
notation P.Resid (infix ‹⇧*\⇧*› 70)
notation P.Con (infix ‹⇧*⌢⇧*› 50)
notation P.Cong (infix ‹⇧*≈⇧*› 50)
notation P.Cong⇩0 (infix ‹⇧*≈⇩0⇧*› 50)
notation P.Cong_class (‹⦃_⦄›)
lemma P_ide_iff_NPath:
shows "P.ide T ⟷ P.NPath T"
using P.NPath_def P.ide_char P.ide_closed by auto
lemma Cong_eq_Cong⇩0:
shows "T ⇧*≈⇧* T' ⟷ T ⇧*≈⇩0⇧* T'"
by (metis Collect_cong P.Cong_iff_cong P_ide_iff_NPath mem_Collect_eq)
lemma Srcs_respects_Cong:
assumes "T ⇧*≈⇧* T'"
shows "P.Srcs T = P.Srcs T'"
using assms
by (meson P.Con_imp_eq_Srcs P.Cong⇩0_imp_con P.con_char Cong_eq_Cong⇩0)
lemma sources_respects_Cong:
assumes "T ⇧*≈⇧* T'"
shows "P.sources T = P.sources T'"
using assms
by (meson P.Cong⇩0_imp_coinitial Cong_eq_Cong⇩0)
lemma Trgs_respects_Cong:
assumes "T ⇧*≈⇧* T'"
shows "P.Trgs T = P.Trgs T'"
by (metis Cong_eq_Cong⇩0 P.Srcs_Resid P.con_char P.cube P.ide_def
P_ide_iff_NPath assms mem_Collect_eq)
lemma targets_respects_Cong:
assumes "T ⇧*≈⇧* T'"
shows "P.targets T = P.targets T'"
using assms P.Cong_imp_arr(1) P.Cong_imp_arr(2) P.arr_iff_has_target
P.targets_char⇩P Trgs_respects_Cong
by force
lemma ide_char⇩C⇩C:
shows "ide 𝒯 ⟷ arr 𝒯 ∧ (∀T. T ∈ 𝒯 ⟶ P.Ide T)"
by (metis Ball_Collect P.IdeI P.Ide_implies_NPath Q.ide_char' P.NPath_def
lemma con_char⇩C⇩C:
shows "𝒯 ⦃⇧*⌢⇧*⦄ 𝒰 ⟷ arr 𝒯 ∧ arr 𝒰 ∧ P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯 ⇧*⌢⇧* P.Cong_class_rep 𝒰"
show "arr 𝒯 ∧ arr 𝒰 ∧ P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯 ⇧*⌢⇧* P.Cong_class_rep 𝒰 ⟹ 𝒯 ⦃⇧*⌢⇧*⦄ 𝒰"
by (metis P.Cong_class_rep P.conI⇩P Q.arr_char Q.quot.preserves_con resid_def)
show "𝒯 ⦃⇧*⌢⇧*⦄ 𝒰 ⟹ arr 𝒯 ∧ arr 𝒰 ∧ P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯 ⇧*⌢⇧* P.Cong_class_rep 𝒰"
proof -
assume con: "𝒯 ⦃⇧*⌢⇧*⦄ 𝒰"
have 1: "arr 𝒯 ∧ arr 𝒰"
using con coinitial_iff con_imp_coinitial by blast
moreover have "P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯 ⇧*⌢⇧* P.Cong_class_rep 𝒰"
proof -
obtain T U where TU: "T ∈ 𝒯 ∧ U ∈ 𝒰 ∧ P.Con T U"
using P.con_char Q.con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N con resid_def by auto
have "T ⇧*≈⇧* P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯 ∧ U ⇧*≈⇧* P.Cong_class_rep 𝒰"
using TU 1 P.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep Q.arr_char resid_def by simp
thus ?thesis
using TU P.Cong_subst(1) [of T "P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯" U "P.Cong_class_rep 𝒰"]
by (metis P.coinitial_iff P.con_char P.con_imp_coinitial sources_respects_Cong)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma con_char⇩C⇩C':
shows "𝒯 ⦃⇧*⌢⇧*⦄ 𝒰 ⟷ arr 𝒯 ∧ arr 𝒰 ∧ (∀T U. T ∈ 𝒯 ∧ U ∈ 𝒰 ⟶ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U)"
show "arr 𝒯 ∧ arr 𝒰 ∧ (∀T U. T ∈ 𝒯 ∧ U ∈ 𝒰 ⟶ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U) ⟹ 𝒯 ⦃⇧*⌢⇧*⦄ 𝒰"
using con_char⇩C⇩C P.rep_in_Cong_class Q.arr_char resid_def by simp
show "𝒯 ⦃⇧*⌢⇧*⦄ 𝒰 ⟹ arr 𝒯 ∧ arr 𝒰 ∧ (∀T U. T ∈ 𝒯 ∧ U ∈ 𝒰 ⟶ T ⇧*⌢⇧* U)"
proof (intro conjI allI impI)
assume 1: "𝒯 ⦃⇧*⌢⇧*⦄ 𝒰"
show "arr 𝒯"
using 1 con_implies_arr by simp
show "arr 𝒰"
using 1 con_implies_arr by simp
fix T U
assume 2: "T ∈ 𝒯 ∧ U ∈ 𝒰"
show "T ⇧*⌢⇧* U"
proof -
have "P.Cong T (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯)"
using ‹arr 𝒯›
by (simp add: "2" P.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep Q.arr_char resid_def)
moreover have "P.con (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒰)"
using 1 con_char⇩C⇩C by blast
moreover have "P.Cong (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒰) U"
using ‹arr 𝒰›
by (simp add: "2" P.Cong_class_membs_are_Cong P.rep_in_Cong_class
Q.arr_char resid_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (meson Cong_eq_Cong⇩0 P.Cong⇩0_subst_Con P.con_char)
lemma resid_char:
shows "𝒯 ⦃⇧*\\⇧*⦄ 𝒰 =
(if 𝒯 ⦃⇧*⌢⇧*⦄ 𝒰 then ⦃P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯 ⇧*\\⇧* P.Cong_class_rep 𝒰⦄ else {})"
by (metis P.con_char P.rep_in_Cong_class Q.Resid_by_members Q.arr_char arr_resid_iff_con
con_char⇩C⇩C Q.is_Cong_class_Resid resid_def)
lemma resid_simp:
assumes "𝒯 ⦃⇧*⌢⇧*⦄ 𝒰" and "T ∈ 𝒯" and "U ∈ 𝒰"
shows "𝒯 ⦃⇧*\\⇧*⦄ 𝒰 = ⦃P.Resid T U⦄"
using assms resid_char
by (metis (no_types, lifting) P.con_char con_char⇩C⇩C' Q.Resid_by_members
Q.con_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N resid_def)
lemma src_char':
shows "src 𝒯 = {A. arr 𝒯 ∧ P.Ide A ∧ P.Srcs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs A}"
proof (cases "arr 𝒯")
show "¬ arr 𝒯 ⟹ ?thesis"
by (simp add: Q.null_char Q.src_def resid_def)
assume 𝒯: "arr 𝒯"
have 1: "∃A. P.Ide A ∧ P.Srcs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs A"
by (metis P.Con_imp_eq_Srcs P.con_char P.con_imp_coinitial_ax P.ide_char
𝒯 con_char⇩C⇩C arrE)
let ?A = "SOME A. P.Ide A ∧ P.Srcs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs A"
have A: "P.Ide ?A ∧ P.Srcs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs ?A"
using 1 someI_ex [of "λA. P.Ide A ∧ P.Srcs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs A"] by simp
have a: "arr ⦃?A⦄"
using A P.ide_char P.is_Cong_classI Q.arr_char resid_def by auto
have ide_a: "ide ⦃?A⦄"
using a A P.Cong_class_def P.normal_is_Cong_closed P_ide_iff_NPath P.ide_char ide_char⇩C⇩C
by auto
have "sources 𝒯 = {⦃?A⦄}"
proof -
have "𝒯 ⦃⇧*⌢⇧*⦄ ⦃?A⦄"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) A P.Cong_class_rep P.conI⇩P Q.quot.preserves_con
𝒯 con_arr_self con_char⇩C⇩C P.Arr_iff_Con_self P.Con_IdeI(2) Q.arr_char resid_def)
hence "⦃?A⦄ ∈ sources 𝒯"
using ide_a in_sourcesI by simp
thus ?thesis
using sources_char⇩W⇩E by auto
moreover have "⦃?A⦄ = {A. P.Ide A ∧ P.Srcs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs A}"
show "{A. P.Ide A ∧ P.Srcs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs A} ⊆ ⦃?A⦄"
using A P.Cong_class_def P.Cong_closure_props(3) P.Ide_implies_Arr
P.ide_closed P.ide_char
by fastforce
show "⦃?A⦄ ⊆ {A. P.Ide A ∧ P.Srcs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs A}"
using a A P.Cong_class_def Srcs_respects_Cong ide_a ide_char⇩C⇩C by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using 𝒯 src_in_sources sources_char⇩W⇩E by auto
lemma src_char:
shows "src 𝒯 = {A. arr 𝒯 ∧ P.Ide A ∧ (∀T. T ∈ 𝒯 ⟶ P.Srcs T = P.Srcs A)}"
proof (cases "arr 𝒯")
show "¬ arr 𝒯 ⟹ ?thesis"
using src_char' by simp
assume 𝒯: "arr 𝒯"
have "⋀T. T ∈ 𝒯 ⟹ P.Srcs T = P.Srcs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯)"
using 𝒯 P.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep Srcs_respects_Cong Q.arr_char resid_def by auto
thus ?thesis
using 𝒯 src_char' P.is_Cong_class_def Q.arr_char resid_def by force
lemma trg_char':
shows "trg 𝒯 = {B. arr 𝒯 ∧ P.Ide B ∧ P.Trgs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs B}"
proof (cases "arr 𝒯")
show "¬ arr 𝒯 ⟹ ?thesis"
using resid_char resid_def Q.trg_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N by auto
assume 𝒯: "arr 𝒯"
have 1: "∃B. P.Ide B ∧ P.Trgs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs B"
by (metis P.Con_implies_Arr(2) P.Resid_Arr_self P.Srcs_Resid 𝒯 con_char⇩C⇩C arrE)
define B where "B = (SOME B. P.Ide B ∧ P.Trgs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs B)"
have B: "P.Ide B ∧ P.Trgs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs B"
unfolding B_def
using 1 someI_ex [of "λB. P.Ide B ∧ P.Trgs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs B"] by simp
hence 2: "P.Ide B ∧ P.Con (P.Resid (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯)) B"
using 𝒯
by (metis (no_types, lifting) P.Con_Ide_iff P.Ide_implies_Arr P.Resid_Arr_self
P.Srcs_Resid arrE P.Con_implies_Arr(2) con_char⇩C⇩C)
have b: "arr ⦃B⦄"
by (simp add: "2" P.ide_char P.is_Cong_classI Q.arr_char resid_def)
have ide_b: "ide ⦃B⦄"
by (simp add: "2" P.ide_char resid_def)
have "targets 𝒯 = {⦃B⦄}"
proof -
have "cong (𝒯 ⦃⇧*\\⇧*⦄ 𝒯) ⦃B⦄"
by (metis "2" P.con_char Q.ide_imp_con_iff_cong Q.quot.preserves_con
𝒯 composite_completion.resid_char composite_completion_axioms
cong_reflexive ide_b resid_def)
thus ?thesis
using 𝒯 Q.targets_char⇩Q⇩C⇩N [of 𝒯] cong_char resid_def by auto
moreover have "⦃B⦄ = {B. P.Ide B ∧ P.Trgs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs B}"
show "{B. P.Ide B ∧ P.Trgs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs B} ⊆ ⦃B⦄"
using B P.Cong_class_def P.Cong_closure_props(3) P.Ide_implies_Arr
P.ide_closed P.ide_char
by force
show "⦃B⦄ ⊆ {B. P.Ide B ∧ P.Trgs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs B}"
proof -
have "⋀B'. P.Cong B' B ⟹ P.Ide B' ∧ P.Trgs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs B'"
using B P_ide_iff_NPath P.normal_is_Cong_closed Srcs_respects_Cong
by (metis P.Cong_closure_props(1) P.ide_char mem_Collect_eq)
thus ?thesis
using P.Cong_class_def by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using 𝒯 trg_in_targets targets_char by auto
lemma trg_char:
shows "trg 𝒯 = {B. arr 𝒯 ∧ P.Ide B ∧ (∀T. T ∈ 𝒯 ⟶ P.Trgs T = P.Srcs B)}"
proof (cases "arr 𝒯")
show "¬ arr 𝒯 ⟹ ?thesis"
using trg_char' by presburger
assume 𝒯: "arr 𝒯"
have "⋀T. T ∈ 𝒯 ⟹ P.Trgs T = P.Trgs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯)"
using 𝒯
by (metis P.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep Trgs_respects_Cong Q.arr_char resid_def)
thus ?thesis
using 𝒯 trg_char' P.is_Cong_class_def Q.arr_char resid_def by force
lemma prfx_char:
shows "𝒯 ⦃⇧*≲⇧*⦄ 𝒰 ⟷ arr 𝒯 ∧ arr 𝒰 ∧ (∀T U. T ∈ 𝒯 ∧ U ∈ 𝒰 ⟶ P.prfx T U)"
show "𝒯 ⦃⇧*≲⇧*⦄ 𝒰 ⟹ arr 𝒯 ∧ arr 𝒰 ∧ (∀T U. T ∈ 𝒯 ∧ U ∈ 𝒰 ⟶ P.prfx T U)"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Ball_Collect P.arr_in_Cong_class
P.arr_resid_iff_con P.conI⇩P P_ide_iff_NPath Q.ide_char'
con_char⇩C⇩C' prfx_implies_con resid_def resid_simp)
show "arr 𝒯 ∧ arr 𝒰 ∧ (∀T U. T ∈ 𝒯 ∧ U ∈ 𝒰 ⟶ P.prfx T U) ⟹ 𝒯 ⦃⇧*≲⇧*⦄ 𝒰"
by (metis P.Cong_class_rep P.rep_in_Cong_class Q.arr_char Q.quot.preserves_prfx
lemma quotient_reflects_con:
assumes "con (Q.quot t) (Q.quot u)"
shows "P.con t u"
using assms P.arr_in_Cong_class P.con_char con_char⇩C⇩C' resid_def by force
lemma is_extensional_rts_with_composites:
shows "extensional_rts_with_composites resid"
fix 𝒯 𝒰
assume seq: "seq 𝒯 𝒰"
obtain T where T: "𝒯 = ⦃T⦄"
by (metis P.Cong_class_rep Q.arr_char Q.seqE⇩W⇩E resid_def seq)
obtain U where U: "𝒰 = ⦃U⦄"
by (metis P.Cong_class_rep Q.arr_char Q.seqE⇩W⇩E resid_def seq)
have 1: "P.Arr T ∧ P.Arr U"
using P.arr_char T U resid_def seq by auto
have 2: "P.Trgs T = P.Srcs U"
proof -
have "P.Trgs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒰)"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) P.Con_imp_eq_Srcs P.rep_in_Cong_class
Q.arr_char con_arr_src(2) con_char⇩C⇩C' mem_Collect_eq resid_def
seq seqE⇩W⇩E trg_char')
thus ?thesis
by (metis "1" P.Cong_class_memb_Cong_rep P.arrI⇩P P.arr_in_Cong_class
P.is_Cong_classI Srcs_respects_Cong T Trgs_respects_Cong U)
have "P.Arr (T @ U)"
using 1 2 by simp
moreover have "P.Ide (T ⇧*\\⇧* (T @ U))"
by (metis "1" P.Con_append(2) P.Con_sym P.Resid_Arr_self P.Resid_Ide_Arr_ind
P.Resid_append(2) P.Trgs.simps(1) calculation P.Arr_has_Trg)
moreover have "(T @ U) ⇧*\\⇧* T ⇧*≈⇧* U"
by (metis "1" P.Arr.simps(1) P.Con_implies_Arr(2) P.Cong⇩0_implies_Cong
P.con_sym_ax P.null_char calculation(2) P.Cong⇩0_append_resid_NPath
P.Cong⇩0_cancel_left⇩C⇩S P.Ide_implies_NPath)
ultimately have "composite_of 𝒯 𝒰 ⦃T @ U⦄"
by (metis "1" P.Arr.simps(1) P.append_is_composite_of P.arrI⇩P P.arr_append_imp_seq
Q.quot.preserves_composites T U resid_def)
thus "composable 𝒯 𝒰"
using composable_def by auto
sublocale extensional_rts_with_composites resid
using is_extensional_rts_with_composites by simp
notation comp (infixr "⦃⇧*⋅⇧*⦄" 55)
subsection "Inclusion Map"
definition incl
where "incl ≡ Q.quot ∘ P.incl"
sublocale incl: simulation R resid incl
unfolding incl_def resid_def
using P.incl_is_simulation Q.quotient_is_simulation composite_simulation.intro
by blast
sublocale incl: simulation_to_extensional_rts R resid incl ..
lemma incl_is_simulation:
shows "simulation R resid incl"
lemma incl_simp [simp]:
shows "incl t = ⦃[t]⦄"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) P.Arr.simps(2) P.Arr_iff_Con_self P.Ide.simps(1)
P.cong_reflexive P.ide_char Q.quot.extensionality incl.extensionality incl_def
o_apply resid_def)
lemma incl_reflects_con:
assumes "incl t ⦃⇧*⌢⇧*⦄ incl u"
shows "R.con t u"
by (metis P.Con_rec(1) P.arr_in_Cong_class assms con_char⇩C⇩C' incl_simp
Q.quot.preserves_reflects_arr resid_def)
lemma cong_iff_eq_incl:
assumes "R.arr t" and "R.arr u"
shows "incl t = incl u ⟷ R.cong t u"
by (metis P.Ide.simps(2) P.arr_in_Cong_class assms(1) incl_reflects_con
conE cong_char ide_char⇩C⇩C incl.preserves_prfx incl.preserves_reflects_arr
incl.preserves_resid incl_simp prfx_implies_con Q.quot.extensionality resid_def)
lemma incl_cancel_left:
assumes "transformation X R F G T" and "transformation X R F' G' T'"
and "extensional_rts R"
and "incl ∘ T = incl ∘ T'"
shows "T = T'"
proof -
interpret R: extensional_rts R
using assms(3) by blast
interpret T: transformation X R F G T
using assms(1) by blast
interpret T': transformation X R F' G' T'
using assms(2) by blast
show "T = T'"
fix x
show "T x = T' x"
by (metis R.cong_char T'.extensionality T.A.cong_reflexive T.extensionality
T.respects_cong assms(4) comp_apply cong_iff_eq_incl incl.preserves_reflects_arr)
text ‹
The inclusion is surjective on identities.
lemma img_incl_ide:
shows "incl ` (Collect R.ide) = Collect ide"
show "incl ` Collect R.ide ⊆ Collect ide"
using incl.preserves_ide by force
show "Collect ide ⊆ incl ` Collect R.ide"
fix 𝒜
assume 𝒜: "𝒜 ∈ Collect ide"
obtain A where A: "A ∈ 𝒜"
using 𝒜 Q.ide_char resid_def by auto
have "P.NPath A"
by (metis A Ball_Collect 𝒜 Q.ide_char' mem_Collect_eq resid_def)
obtain a where a: "a ∈ P.Srcs A"
using ‹P.NPath A›
by (meson P.NPath_implies_Arr equals0I P.Arr_has_Src)
have "𝒜 = ⦃[a]⦄"
proof -
have "A ⇧*≈⇩0⇧* [a]"
by (metis P.Con_Arr_self P.Con_imp_eq_Srcs P.Con_implies_Arr(1)
P.Con_sym P.NPath_implies_Arr P.Resid_Arr_Src P.conI⇩P P.ideI
P.ide_closed P.resid_ide_arr ‹P.NPath A› a mem_Collect_eq)
thus ?thesis
by (metis A CollectD P.Cong⇩0_imp_con P.Cong⇩0_subst_left(1)
P.Cong_class_eqI P.Cong_closure_props(3) P.resid_arr_ide
P_ide_iff_NPath Q.ideE 𝒜 ‹P.NPath A› resid_def resid_simp)
thus "𝒜 ∈ incl ` Collect R.ide"
using P.Srcs_are_ide a by auto
subsection "Composite Completion of a Weakly Extensional RTS"
locale composite_completion_of_weakly_extensional_rts =
R: weakly_extensional_rts R +
sublocale P: paths_in_weakly_extensional_rts R ..
sublocale incl: simulation_between_weakly_extensional_rts R resid incl ..
notation comp (infixr "⦃⇧*⋅⇧*⦄" 55)
lemma src_char⇩C⇩C⇩W⇩E:
shows "src 𝒯 = (if arr 𝒯 then incl (P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯)) else null)"
proof (cases "arr 𝒯")
show "¬ arr 𝒯 ⟹ ?thesis"
using src_def by auto
assume 𝒯: "arr 𝒯"
have "src 𝒯 = {A. P.Ide A ∧ P.Srcs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs A}"
using 𝒯 src_char' [of 𝒯] by simp
moreover have 1: "⋀A. P.Ide A ⟹
P.Srcs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs A ⟷
P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Src A"
by (metis 𝒯 P.Con_implies_Arr(2) P.Ide_implies_Arr con_arr_self con_char⇩C⇩C
insertCI P.Srcs_simp⇩P⇩W⇩E singletonD)
ultimately have 2: "src 𝒯 = {A. P.Ide A ∧ P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Src A}"
by blast
also have "... = incl (P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯))"
proof -
have "incl (P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯)) = Q.quot [R.src (hd (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯))]"
by auto
also have "... = {A. P.Ide A ∧ P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Src A}"
apply auto[1]
apply (metis Q.null_char R.ide_iff_src_self R.src_src empty_iff ide_char⇩C⇩C
incl.extensionality incl.preserves_ide incl_simp resid_def)
apply (metis "1" CollectD P.Cong_class_def P.Ide.simps(2)
P.paths_in_weakly_extensional_rts_axioms Q.null_char R.rts_axioms R.src_trg
R.trg_src Srcs_respects_Cong calculation composite_completion.ide_char⇩C⇩C
composite_completion_axioms empty_iff incl.extensionality incl.preserves_ide
list.sel(1) paths_in_weakly_extensional_rts.Src.elims resid_def rts.ide_src)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) 2 P.Cong_class_def P.Ide.simps(2)
P.Ide_imp_Ide_hd P.Src.elims P.is_Cong_classE Q.arr_char Q.src_src R.src_ide
list.sel(1) mem_Collect_eq resid_def src_char')
finally show ?thesis by blast
finally show ?thesis
using 𝒯 by auto
lemma trg_char⇩C⇩C⇩W⇩E:
shows "trg 𝒯 = (if arr 𝒯 then incl (P.Trg (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯)) else null)"
proof (cases "arr 𝒯")
show "¬ arr 𝒯 ⟹ ?thesis"
using trg_def by auto
assume 𝒯: "arr 𝒯"
have "trg 𝒯 = {A. P.Ide A ∧ P.Trg (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Src A}"
proof -
have "trg 𝒯 = {B. P.Ide B ∧ P.Trgs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs B}"
using 𝒯 trg_char' [of 𝒯] by simp
moreover have "⋀B. P.Ide B ⟹
P.Trgs (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Srcs B ⟷
P.Trg (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯) = P.Src B"
by (metis P.Con_implies_Arr(1) P.Ide_implies_Arr 𝒯 con_arr_self con_char⇩C⇩C
P.Srcs_simp⇩P⇩W⇩E P.Trgs_simp⇩P⇩W⇩E singleton_inject)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
also have "... = incl (P.Trg (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯))"
using incl.preserves_trg
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) P.rep_in_Cong_class 𝒯 arr_trg_iff_arr
calculation mem_Collect_eq Q.arr_char resid_def src_char⇩C⇩C⇩W⇩E src_trg)
finally show ?thesis
using 𝒯 by auto
text ‹
When applied to a weakly extensional RTS, the composite completion construction
does not identify any states that are distinct in the original RTS.
lemma incl_injective_on_ide:
shows "inj_on incl (Collect R.ide)"
by (metis R.con_ide_are_eq ideE incl.preserves_ide incl_reflects_con inj_onCI
text ‹
When applied to a weakly extensional RTS, the composite completion construction
is a bijection between the states of the original RTS and the states of its
lemma incl_bijective_on_ide:
shows "incl ∈ Collect R.ide → Collect ide"
and "(λ𝒜. P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒜)) ∈ Collect ide → Collect R.ide"
and "⋀a. R.ide a ⟹ (λ𝒜. P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒜)) (incl a) = a"
and "⋀𝒜. ide 𝒜 ⟹ incl ((λ𝒜. P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒜)) 𝒜) = 𝒜"
and "bij_betw incl (Collect R.ide) (Collect ide)"
and "bij_betw (λ𝒜. P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒜)) (Collect ide) (Collect R.ide)"
proof -
show 1: "incl ∈ Collect R.ide → Collect ide"
using img_incl_ide by auto
show 2: "(λ𝒜. P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒜)) ∈ Collect ide → Collect R.ide"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) P.Src.elims Pi_I' R.ide_iff_trg_self
R.trg_src ide_implies_arr incl.preserves_reflects_arr mem_Collect_eq
src_char⇩C⇩C⇩W⇩E src_ide)
show 3: "⋀a. R.ide a ⟹ (λ𝒜. P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒜)) (incl a) = a"
by (metis R.ide_backward_stable R.weak_extensionality cong_iff_eq_incl
incl.preserves_ide incl.preserves_reflects_arr ide_implies_arr
src_char⇩C⇩C⇩W⇩E src_ide)
show 4: "⋀𝒜. ide 𝒜 ⟹ incl ((λ𝒜. P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒜)) 𝒜) = 𝒜"
using src_char⇩C⇩C⇩W⇩E src_ide by auto
show "bij_betw incl (Collect R.ide) (Collect ide)"
using incl_injective_on_ide img_incl_ide bij_betw_def by blast
show "bij_betw (λ𝒜. P.Src (P.Cong_class_rep 𝒜)) (Collect ide) (Collect R.ide)"
using 1 2 3 4 bij_betwI by force
subsection "Composite Completion of an Extensional RTS"
locale composite_completion_of_extensional_rts =
R: extensional_rts R +
sublocale composite_completion_of_weakly_extensional_rts ..
sublocale incl: simulation_between_extensional_rts R resid incl ..
subsection "Freeness of Composite Completion"
text ‹
In this section we show that the composite completion construction is free:
any simulation from RTS ‹A› to an extensional RTS with composites ‹B›
extends uniquely to a simulation on the composite completion of ‹A›.
type_synonym 'a comp = "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a"
locale rts_with_chosen_composites =
rts +
fixes comp :: "'a comp" (infixr "⋅" 55)
assumes comp_extensionality_ax: "⋀t u :: 'a. ¬ seq t u ⟹ t ⋅ u = null"
and composite_of_comp_ax: "⋀t u v :: 'a. seq t u ⟹ composite_of t u (t ⋅ u)"
and comp_assoc_ax: "⋀t u v :: 'a. ⟦seq t u; seq u v⟧ ⟹ (t ⋅ u) ⋅ v = t ⋅ (u ⋅ v)"
and resid_comp_right_ax: "t ⋅ u ⌢ w ⟹ w \\ (t ⋅ u) = (w \\ t) \\ u"
and resid_comp_left_ax: "(t ⋅ u) \\ w = (t \\ w) ⋅ (u \\ (w \\ t))"
lemma comp_assoc⇩C⇩C:
shows "t ⋅ u ⋅ v = (t ⋅ u) ⋅ v"
using comp_extensionality_ax comp_assoc_ax
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) composite_of_comp_ax not_arr_null seq_def
sources_composite_of targets_composite_of)
lemma comp_null⇩C⇩C:
shows "t ⋅ null = null" and "null ⋅ t = null"
using comp_extensionality_ax not_arr_null apply blast
by (simp add: comp_extensionality_ax seq_def)
lemma composable_iff_arr_comp⇩C⇩C:
shows "composable t u ⟷ arr (t ⋅ u)"
by (metis arr_composite_of comp_extensionality_ax composable_def
composable_imp_seq composite_of_comp_ax not_arr_null)
lemma composable_iff_comp_not_null⇩C⇩C:
shows "composable t u ⟷ t ⋅ u ≠ null"
by (metis comp_extensionality_ax composable_def composable_iff_arr_comp⇩C⇩C
composite_of_comp_ax not_arr_null)
lemma con_comp_iff⇩C⇩C:
shows "w ⌢ t ⋅ u ⟷ composable t u ∧ w \\ t ⌢ u"
by (metis composable_iff_comp_not_null⇩C⇩C composable_imp_seq composite_of_comp_ax
con_composite_of_iff not_con_null(2))
lemma con_compI⇩C⇩C [intro]:
assumes "composable t u" and "w \\ t ⌢ u"
shows "w ⌢ t ⋅ u" and "t ⋅ u ⌢ w"
using assms con_comp_iff⇩C⇩C con_sym by blast+
sublocale rts_with_composites resid
using composite_of_comp_ax composable_def
by unfold_locales auto
context paths_in_weakly_extensional_rts
abbreviation Comp
where "Comp T U ≡ if seq T U then T @ U else null"
sublocale rts_with_chosen_composites Resid Comp
show "⋀T U. ¬ seq T U ⟹ Comp T U = null"
by argo
show "⋀t u v. seq t u ⟹ composite_of t u (Comp t u)"
by (simp add: append_is_composite_of)
show "⋀t u v. ⟦seq t u; seq u v⟧ ⟹ Comp (Comp t u) v = Comp t (Comp u v)"
by (simp add: seq_def)
show "⋀t u w. con (Comp t u) w ⟹ w ⇧*\\⇧* Comp t u = (w ⇧*\\⇧* t) ⇧*\\⇧* u"
by (metis (full_types) Arr.simps(1) Con_append(2) con_implies_arr(1)
not_arr_null Resid.simps(1) Resid_append(2) paths_in_rts.seq_char
show "⋀t u w. Comp t u ⇧*\\⇧* w = Comp (t ⇧*\\⇧* w) (u ⇧*\\⇧* (w ⇧*\\⇧* t))"
proof -
fix t u w
have "⟦Arr t; Arr u; {Trg t} = Srcs u; (t @ u) ⇧*\\⇧* w ≠ []⟧
⟹ Trg (t ⇧*\\⇧* w) ∈ Srcs (u ⇧*\\⇧* (w ⇧*\\⇧* t))"
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Con_imp_Arr_Resid Con_implies_Arr(2) Resid_append_ind
Srcs_Resid Trgs_Resid_sym Trgs_simp⇩P⇩W⇩E insertI1)
thus "Comp t u ⇧*\\⇧* w = Comp (t ⇧*\\⇧* w) (u ⇧*\\⇧* (w ⇧*\\⇧* t))"
using seq_char con_char null_char Con_implies_Arr
apply auto[1]
by (metis Arr_has_Src Con_append(1) Resid_append(1) Src_resid Srcs.simps(1)
Srcs_simp⇩P⇩W⇩E Trg_resid_sym con_imp_arr_resid singleton_iff Con_imp_eq_Srcs)+
lemma extends_to_rts_with_chosen_composites:
shows "rts_with_chosen_composites Resid Comp"
context extensional_rts_with_composites
lemma extends_to_rts_with_chosen_composites:
shows "rts_with_chosen_composites resid comp"
using composable_iff_comp_not_null comp_is_composite_of(1) comp_assoc⇩E⇩C
resid_comp(1-2) comp_null(2) conI con_comp_iff⇩E⇩C(2) mediating_transition
apply unfold_locales
apply auto[4]
by (metis comp_null(2) composable_imp_seq resid_comp(2))
sublocale rts_with_chosen_composites resid comp
using extends_to_rts_with_chosen_composites by blast
locale extension_to_paths =
A: rts A +
B: rts_with_chosen_composites B comp⇩B +
F: simulation A B F +
paths_in_rts A
for A :: "'a resid" (infix ‹\⇩A› 70)
and B :: "'b resid" (infix ‹\⇩B› 70)
and comp⇩B :: "'b comp" (infixr ‹⋅⇩B› 55)
and F :: "'a ⇒ 'b"
notation Resid (infix ‹⇧*\⇩A⇧*› 70)
notation Resid1x (infix ‹⇧1\⇩A⇧*› 70)
notation Residx1 (infix ‹⇧*\⇩A⇧1› 70)
notation Con (infix ‹⇧*⌢⇩A⇧*› 70)
notation B.con (infix ‹⌢⇩B› 50)
fun map
where "map [] = B.null"
| "map [t] = F t"
| "map (t # T) = (if arr (t # T) then F t ⋅⇩B map T else B.null)"
lemma map_o_incl_eq:
shows "map (incl t) = F t"
by (simp add: null_char F.extensionality)
lemma extensionality:
shows "¬ arr T ⟹ map T = B.null"
using F.extensionality arr_char
by (metis Arr.simps(2) map.elims)
lemma preserves_comp:
shows "⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []; Arr (T @ U)⟧ ⟹ map (T @ U) = map T ⋅⇩B map U"
proof (induct T arbitrary: U)
show "⋀U. [] ≠ [] ⟹ map ([] @ U) = map [] ⋅⇩B map U"
by simp
fix t and T U :: "'a list"
assume ind: "⋀U. ⟦T ≠ []; U ≠ []; Arr (T @ U)⟧
⟹ map (T @ U) = map T ⋅⇩B map U"
assume U: "U ≠ []"
assume Arr: "Arr ((t # T) @ U)"
hence 1: "Arr (t # (T @ U))"
by simp
have 2: "Arr (t # T)"
by (metis Con_Arr_self Con_append(1) Con_implies_Arr(1) Arr U append_is_Nil_conv
show "map ((t # T) @ U) = comp⇩B (map (t # T)) (map U)"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
by (metis (full_types) "1" arr_char U append_Cons append_Nil list.exhaust
map.simps(2) map.simps(3))
assume T: "T ≠ []"
have "map ((t # T) @ U) = map (t # (T @ U))"
by simp
also have "... = F t ⋅⇩B map (T @ U)"
using T 1
by (metis arr_char Nil_is_append_conv list.exhaust map.simps(3))
also have "... = F t ⋅⇩B (map T ⋅⇩B map U)"
using ind
by (metis "1" Con_Arr_self Con_implies_Arr(1) Con_rec(4) T U append_is_Nil_conv)
also have "... = (F t ⋅⇩B map T) ⋅⇩B map U"
using B.comp_assoc⇩C⇩C by blast
also have "... = map (t # T) ⋅⇩B map U"
using T 2
by (metis arr_char list.exhaust map.simps(3))
finally show "map ((t # T) @ U) = map (t # T) ⋅⇩B map U" by simp
lemma preserves_arr_ind:
shows "⟦arr T; a ∈ Srcs T⟧ ⟹ B.arr (map T) ∧ F a ∈ B.sources (map T)"
proof (induct T arbitrary: a)
show "⋀a. ⟦arr []; a ∈ Srcs []⟧ ⟹ B.arr (map []) ∧ F a ∈ B.sources (map [])"
using arr_char by simp
fix a t T
assume a: "a ∈ Srcs (t # T)"
assume tT: "arr (t # T)"
assume ind: "⋀a. ⟦arr T; a ∈ Srcs T⟧ ⟹ B.arr (map T) ∧ F a ∈ B.sources (map T)"
have 1: "a ∈ A.sources t"
using a tT Con_imp_eq_Srcs Con_initial_right Srcs.simps(2) con_char
by blast
show "B.arr (map (t # T)) ∧ F a ∈ B.sources (map (t # T))"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using 1arr_char tT by auto
assume T: "T ≠ []"
obtain a' where a': "a' ∈ A.targets t"
using tT "1" A.resid_source_in_targets by auto
have 2: "a' ∈ Srcs T"
using a' tT
by (metis Con_Arr_self A.sources_resid Srcs.simps(2) arr_char T
Con_imp_eq_Srcs Con_rec(4))
have "B.arr (map (t # T)) ⟷ B.arr (F t ⋅⇩B map T)"
using tT T by (metis map.simps(3) neq_Nil_conv)
also have "... ⟷ True"
proof -
have "B.arr (F t ⋅⇩B map T)"
proof -
have "B.seq (F t) (map T)"
show "B.arr (map T)"
by (metis "2" A.rts_axioms Con_implies_Arr(2) Resid_cons(2)
T arrE arr_resid ind not_arr_null null_char
paths_in_rts.arr_char paths_in_rts.intro tT)
show "B.trg (F t) ∼⇩B B.src (map T)"
proof (intro B.coinitial_ide_are_cong)
show "B.ide (B.trg (F t))"
by (meson "1" A.in_sourcesE A.residuation_axioms B.ide_trg
F.preserves_reflects_arr residuation.con_implies_arr(1))
show "B.ide (B.src (map T))"
by (simp add: ‹B.arr (map T)›)
show "B.coinitial (B.trg (F t)) (B.src (map T))"
using a' ind extensionality
by (metis "1" "2" A.con_implies_arr(1) A.in_sourcesE A.in_targetsE
B.con_sym B.cong_implies_coinitial B.in_sourcesE B.not_arr_null
B.sources_con_closed B.src_congI F.preserves_con F.preserves_trg
‹B.arr (map T)› ‹B.ide (B.trg (F t))›)
thus ?thesis
using B.composable_iff_arr_comp⇩C⇩C by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
finally have "B.arr (map (t # T))" by blast
moreover have "F a ∈ B.sources (map (t # T))"
proof -
have "F a ∈ B.sources (F t)"
using 1 tT F.preserves_sources by blast
moreover have "B.sources (F t) = B.sources (map (t # T))"
proof -
have "B.sources (F t) = B.sources (F t ⋅⇩B map T)"
by (metis B.comp_extensionality_ax B.composite_of_comp_ax
B.not_arr_null B.sources_composite_of ‹B.arr (F t ⋅⇩B map T) = True›)
also have "... = B.sources (map (t # T))"
by (metis T list.exhaust map.simps(3) tT)
finally show ?thesis by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma preserves_arr:
shows "arr T ⟹ B.arr (map T)"
using preserves_arr_ind arr_char Arr_has_Src by blast
lemma preserves_sources:
assumes "arr T" and "a ∈ Srcs T"
shows "F a ∈ B.sources (map T)"
using assms preserves_arr_ind by simp
lemma preserves_targets:
shows "⟦arr T; b ∈ Trgs T⟧ ⟹ F b ∈ B.targets (map T)"
proof (induct T)
show "⟦arr []; b ∈ Trgs []⟧ ⟹ F b ∈ B.targets (map [])"
by simp
fix t T
assume tT: "arr (t # T)"
assume b: "b ∈ Trgs (t # T)"
assume ind: "⟦arr T; b ∈ Trgs T⟧ ⟹ F b ∈ B.targets (map T)"
show "F b ∈ B.targets (map (t # T))"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using tT b arr_char by auto
assume T: "T ≠ []"
show ?thesis
proof -
have "F b ∈ B.targets (map T)"
by (metis Resid_cons(2) T Trgs.simps(3) arrE b con_char
con_implies_arr(2) ind neq_Nil_conv tT)
moreover have "B.targets (map T) = B.targets (map (t # T))"
proof -
have "B.targets (map T) = B.targets (F t ⋅⇩B map T)"
by (metis B.comp_extensionality_ax B.composite_of_comp_ax
B.not_arr_null B.targets_composite_of T append_Cons append_Nil
arr_char preserves_arr list.distinct(1) map.simps(2)
preserves_comp tT)
also have "... = B.targets (map (t # T))"
by (metis T list.exhaust map.simps(3) tT)
finally show ?thesis by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma preserves_Resid1x_ind:
shows "t ⇧1\\⇩A⇧* U ≠ A.null ⟹ F t ⌢⇩B map U ∧ F (t ⇧1\\⇩A⇧* U) = F t \\⇩B map U"
proof (induct U arbitrary: t)
show "⋀t. t ⇧1\\⇩A⇧* [] ≠ A.null ⟹ F t ⌢⇩B map [] ∧ F (t ⇧1\\⇩A⇧* []) = F t \\⇩B map []"
by simp
fix t u U
assume uU: "t ⇧1\\⇩A⇧* (u # U) ≠ A.null"
assume ind: "⋀t. t ⇧1\\⇩A⇧* U ≠ A.null
⟹ F t ⌢⇩B map U ∧ F (t ⇧1\\⇩A⇧* U) = F t \\⇩B map U"
show "F t ⌢⇩B map (u # U) ∧ F (t ⇧1\\⇩A⇧* (u # U)) = F t \\⇩B map (u # U)"
show 1: "F t ⌢⇩B map (u # U)"
proof (cases "U = []")
show "U = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using Resid1x.simps(2) map.simps(2) F.preserves_con uU by fastforce
assume U: "U ≠ []"
have 3: "[t] ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* [u] ≠ [] ∧ ([t] ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* [u]) ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* U ≠ []"
using Con_cons(2) [of "[t]" U u]
by (meson Resid1x_as_Resid' U not_Cons_self2 uU)
hence 2: "F t ⌢⇩B F u ∧ F t \\⇩B F u ⌢⇩B map U"
by (metis Con_rec(1) Con_sym Con_sym1 Residx1_as_Resid Resid_rec(1)
F.preserves_con F.preserves_resid ind)
moreover have "B.seq (F u) (map U)"
by (metis B.coinitialE B.con_imp_coinitial calculation B.seqI(1)
ultimately have "F t ⌢⇩B map ([u] @ U)"
by (metis "3" B.composite_of_comp_ax B.con_composite_of_iff Con_consI(2)
Con_implies_Arr(2) append_Cons list.simps(3) map.simps(2) preserves_comp
thus ?thesis by simp
show "F (t ⇧1\\⇩A⇧* (u # U)) = F t \\⇩B map (u # U)"
proof (cases "U = []")
show "U = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using Resid1x.simps(2) F.preserves_resid map.simps(2) uU by fastforce
assume U: "U ≠ []"
have "F (t ⇧1\\⇩A⇧* (u # U)) = F ((t \\⇩A u) ⇧1\\⇩A⇧* U)"
using Resid1x_as_Resid' Resid_rec(3) U uU by metis
also have "... = F (t \\⇩A u) \\⇩B map U"
using uU U ind Con_rec(3) Resid1x_as_Resid [of "t \\⇩A u" U]
by (metis Resid1x.simps(3) list.exhaust)
also have "... = (F t \\⇩B F u) \\⇩B map U"
using uU U
by (metis Resid1x_as_Resid' F.preserves_resid Con_rec(3))
also have "... = F t \\⇩B (F u ⋅⇩B map U)"
proof -
have "F u ⋅⇩B map U ⌢⇩B F t"
show "B.composable (F u) (map U)"
by (metis "1" B.composable_iff_comp_not_null⇩C⇩C B.not_con_null(2)
U append.left_neutral append_Cons arr_char extensionality
map.simps(2) not_Cons_self preserves_comp)
show "F t \\⇩B F u ⌢⇩B map U"
by (metis B.arr_resid_iff_con Resid1x.simps(3) U calculation
ind list.exhaust uU)
thus ?thesis
using B.resid_comp_right_ax [of "F u" "map U" "F t"] by argo
also have "... = F t \\⇩B map (u # U)"
by (metis Resid1x_as_Resid' con_char U map.simps(3) neq_Nil_conv
con_implies_arr(2) uU)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma preserves_Residx1_ind:
shows "U ⇧*\\⇩A⇧1 t ≠ [] ⟹ map U ⌢⇩B F t ∧ map (U ⇧*\\⇩A⇧1 t) = map U \\⇩B F t"
proof (induct U arbitrary: t)
show "⋀t. [] ⇧*\\⇩A⇧1 t ≠ [] ⟹ map [] ⌢⇩B F t ∧ map ([] ⇧*\\⇩A⇧1 t) = map [] \\⇩B F t"
by simp
fix t u U
assume ind: "⋀t. U ⇧*\\⇩A⇧1 t ≠ [] ⟹ map U ⌢⇩B F t ∧ map (U ⇧*\\⇩A⇧1 t) = map U \\⇩B F t"
assume uU: "(u # U) ⇧*\\⇩A⇧1 t ≠ []"
show "map (u # U) ⌢⇩B F t ∧ map ((u # U) ⇧*\\⇩A⇧1 t) = map (u # U) \\⇩B F t"
proof (cases "U = []")
show "U = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using Residx1.simps(2) F.preserves_con F.preserves_resid map.simps(2) uU
by presburger
assume U: "U ≠ []"
show ?thesis
show "map (u # U) ⌢⇩B F t"
using uU U Con_sym1 B.con_sym preserves_Resid1x_ind by blast
show "map ((u # U) ⇧*\\⇩A⇧1 t) = map (u # U) \\⇩B F t"
proof -
have "map ((u # U) ⇧*\\⇩A⇧1 t) = map ((u \\⇩A t) # U ⇧*\\⇩A⇧1 (t \\⇩A u))"
using uU U Residx1_as_Resid Resid_rec(2) by fastforce
also have "... = F (u \\⇩A t) ⋅⇩B map (U ⇧*\\⇩A⇧1 (t \\⇩A u))"
by (metis Residx1_as_Resid arr_char U Con_imp_Arr_Resid
Con_rec(2) Resid_rec(2) list.exhaust map.simps(3) uU)
also have "... = F (u \\⇩A t) ⋅⇩B map U \\⇩B F (t \\⇩A u)"
using uU U ind Con_rec(2) Residx1_as_Resid by force
also have "... = (F u \\⇩B F t) ⋅⇩B map U \\⇩B (F t \\⇩B F u)"
using uU U
by (metis Con_initial_right Con_rec(1) Con_sym1 Resid1x_as_Resid'
Residx1_as_Resid F.preserves_resid)
also have "... = (F u ⋅⇩B map U) \\⇩B F t"
using B.resid_comp_left_ax by auto
also have "... = map (u # U) \\⇩B F t"
by (metis Con_implies_Arr(2) Con_sym Residx1_as_Resid U
arr_char map.simps(3) neq_Nil_conv uU)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma preserves_resid_ind:
shows "con T U ⟹ map T ⌢⇩B map U ∧ map (T ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* U) = map T \\⇩B map U"
proof (induct T arbitrary: U)
show "⋀U. con [] U ⟹ map [] ⌢⇩B map U ∧ map ([] ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* U) = map [] \\⇩B map U"
using con_char Resid.simps(1) by blast
fix t T U
assume tT: "con (t # T) U"
assume ind: "⋀U. con T U ⟹
map T ⌢⇩B map U ∧ map (T ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* U) = map T \\⇩B map U"
show "map (t # T) ⌢⇩B map U ∧ map ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* U) = map (t # T) \\⇩B map U"
proof (cases "T = []")
assume T: "T = []"
show ?thesis
using T tT
apply simp
by (metis Resid1x_as_Resid Residx1_as_Resid con_char
Con_sym Con_sym1 map.simps(2) preserves_Resid1x_ind)
assume T: "T ≠ []"
have 1: "map (t # T) = F t ⋅⇩B map T"
using tT T
by (metis con_implies_arr(1) list.exhaust map.simps(3))
show ?thesis
show 2: "B.con (map (t # T)) (map U)"
using T tT
by (metis "1" B.composable_iff_comp_not_null⇩C⇩C B.con_compI⇩C⇩C(2) B.con_sym
B.not_arr_null Con_cons(1) Residx1_as_Resid con_char con_implies_arr(1-2)
preserves_arr ind not_arr_null null_char preserves_Residx1_ind)
show "map ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* U) = map (t # T) \\⇩B map U"
proof -
have "map ((t # T) ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* U) = map (([t] ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* U) @ (T ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* [t])))"
by (metis Resid.simps(1) Resid_cons(1) con_char ex_un_null tT)
also have "... = map ([t] ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* U) ⋅⇩B map (T ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* [t]))"
by (metis Arr.simps(1) Con_imp_Arr_Resid Con_implies_Arr(2) Con_sym
Resid_cons(1-2) con_char T preserves_comp tT)
also have "... = (map [t] \\⇩B map U) ⋅⇩B map (T ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* (U ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* [t]))"
by (metis Con_initial_right Con_sym Resid1x_as_Resid
Residx1_as_Resid con_char Con_sym1 map.simps(2)
preserves_Resid1x_ind tT)
also have "... = (map [t] \\⇩B map U) ⋅⇩B (map T \\⇩B map (U ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* [t]))"
using tT T ind
by (metis Con_cons(1) Con_sym Resid.simps(1) con_char)
also have "... = (map [t] \\⇩B map U) ⋅⇩B (map T \\⇩B (map U \\⇩B map [t]))"
using tT T
by (metis Con_cons(1) Con_sym Resid.simps(2) Residx1_as_Resid
con_char map.simps(2) preserves_Residx1_ind)
also have "... = (F t \\⇩B map U) ⋅⇩B (map T \\⇩B (map U \\⇩B F t))"
using tT T by simp
also have "... = map (t # T) \\⇩B map U"
using 1 B.resid_comp_left_ax by auto
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma preserves_con:
assumes "con T U"
shows "map T ⌢⇩B map U"
using assms preserves_resid_ind by simp
lemma preserves_resid:
assumes "con T U"
shows "map (T ⇧*\\⇩A⇧* U) = map T \\⇩B map U"
using assms preserves_resid_ind by simp
sublocale simulation Resid B map
using con_char preserves_con preserves_resid extensionality
by unfold_locales auto
lemma is_extension:
shows "map ∘ incl = F"
using map_o_incl_eq by auto
lemma is_universal:
shows "simulation Resid B map" and "map ∘ incl = F"
and "⋀F'. ⟦simulation Resid B F'; F' o incl = F⟧
⟹ ∀T. arr T ⟶ B.cong (F' T) (map T)"
proof -
show "simulation Resid B map" and "map ∘ incl = F"
using map_o_incl_eq simulation_axioms by auto
show "⋀F'. ⟦simulation Resid B F'; F' o incl = F⟧ ⟹ ∀T. arr T ⟶ F' T ∼⇩B map T"
proof (intro allI impI)
fix F' T
assume F': "simulation Resid B F'"
assume 1: "F' o incl = F"
interpret F': simulation Resid B F'
using F' by simp
show "arr T ⟹ B.cong (F' T) (map T)"
proof (induct T)
show "arr [] ⟹ F' [] ∼⇩B map []"
by (simp add: arr_char F'.extensionality)
fix t T
assume ind: "arr T ⟹ F' T ∼⇩B map T"
assume arr: "arr (t # T)"
show "F' (t # T) ∼⇩B map (t # T)"
proof (cases "Arr (t # T)")
show "¬ Arr (t # T) ⟹ ?thesis"
using arr arr_char by blast
assume tT: "Arr (t # T)"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "T = []")
show 2: "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using F' 1 tT B.prfx_reflexive arr map.simps(2) by force
assume T: "T ≠ []"
have "F' (t # T) ∼⇩B F' [t] ⋅⇩B map T"
proof -
have "F' (t # T) = F' ([t] @ T)"
by simp
also have "... ∼⇩B F' [t] ⋅⇩B F' T"
proof -
have "composite_of [t] T ([t] @ T)"
using T tT
by (metis (full_types) Arr.simps(2) Con_Arr_self
append_is_composite_of Con_implies_Arr(1) Con_imp_eq_Srcs
Con_rec(4) Resid_rec(1) Srcs_Resid seq_char A.arrI)
thus ?thesis
using F'.preserves_composites B.composite_of_comp_ax
by (meson B.comp_extensionality_ax B.composable_def
B.composite_of_unq_upto_cong B.composable_iff_comp_not_null⇩C⇩C)
also have "F' [t] ⋅⇩B F' T ∼⇩B F' [t] ⋅⇩B map T"
show 0: "F' [t] ⋅⇩B F' T ≲⇩B F' [t] ⋅⇩B map T"
proof -
have "F' [t] ⋅⇩B F' T ⌢⇩B F' [t] ⋅⇩B map T"
show 1: "B.composable (F' [t]) (F' T)"
using B.composable_iff_comp_not_null⇩C⇩C calculation by force
show "(F' [t] ⋅⇩B map T) \\⇩B F' [t] ⌢⇩B F' T"
by (meson 1 B.composableD(1-2) B.composableE B.composable_def
B.con_compI⇩C⇩C(1) B.cong_respects_seq B.cong_subst_left(1)
B.has_composites B.prfx_implies_con B.prfx_reflexive
B.resid_composite_of(2) B.rts_axioms F'.preserves_reflects_arr
ind rts.composite_ofE)
thus ?thesis
by (metis B.con_implies_arr(2) B.con_sym B.not_arr_null
B.prfx_implies_con B.prfx_transitive B.resid_comp_right_ax
F'.extensionality calculation ind)
show "F' [t] ⋅⇩B map T ≲⇩B F' [t] ⋅⇩B F' T"
proof -
have 1: "F' [t] ⋅⇩B map T ⌢⇩B F' [t] ⋅⇩B F' T"
show "B.composable (F' [t]) (map T)"
using 0 B.composable_iff_comp_not_null⇩C⇩C
by force
show "(F' [t] ⋅⇩B F' T) \\⇩B F' [t] ⌢⇩B map T"
by (meson B.con_comp_iff⇩C⇩C B.prfx_implies_con
‹F' [t] ⋅⇩B F' T ≲⇩B F' [t] ⋅⇩B map T›)
hence "(F' [t] ⋅⇩B map T) \\⇩B (F' [t] ⋅⇩B F' T) =
((F' [t] ⋅⇩B map T) \\⇩B F' [t]) \\⇩B F' T"
using B.resid_comp_right_ax B.con_sym by blast
thus ?thesis
by (metis 1 B.con_arr_self B.con_implies_arr(1) B.cong_reflexive
B.not_ide_null B.null_is_zero(2) B.prfx_transitive
B.resid_comp_right_ax extensionality ind)
finally show ?thesis by blast
also have "F' [t] ⋅⇩B map T = (F' ∘ incl) t ⋅⇩B map T"
using tT
by (simp add: arr_char null_char F'.extensionality)
also have "... = F t ⋅⇩B map T"
using F' 1 by simp
also have "... = map (t # T)"
using T tT
by (metis arr_char list.exhaust map.simps(3))
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma extension_to_paths_comp:
assumes "rts_with_chosen_composites B comp⇩B"
and "rts_with_chosen_composites C comp⇩C"
and "simulation A B F" and "simulation B C G"
and "⋀t u. rts.composable B t u ⟹ G (comp⇩B t u) = comp⇩C (G t) (G u)"
shows " A C comp⇩C (G ∘ F) = G ∘ A B comp⇩B F"
proof -
interpret A: rts A
using assms(3) simulation_def simulation_axioms_def by blast
interpret B: rts_with_chosen_composites B comp⇩B
using assms(1) by blast
interpret C: rts_with_chosen_composites C comp⇩C
using assms(2) by blast
interpret F: simulation A B F
using assms(3) by blast
interpret G: simulation B C G
using assms(4) by blast
interpret GoF: composite_simulation A B C F G ..
interpret Ap: paths_in_rts A ..
interpret Fx: extension_to_paths A B comp⇩B F ..
interpret G_o_Fx: composite_simulation Ap.Resid B C G ..
interpret GoF_x: extension_to_paths A C comp⇩C ‹G ∘ F› ..
show " ="
fix T
show " T = T"
proof (cases "Ap.arr T")
show "¬ Ap.arr T ⟹ ?thesis"
using G_o_Fx.extensionality GoF_x.extensionality by presburger
assume T: "Ap.arr T"
show ?thesis
proof (induct T rule: Ap.Arr_induct)
show "Ap.Arr T"
using T Ap.arr_char by simp
show "⋀t. Ap.Arr [t] ⟹ [t] = [t]"
by auto
show "⋀t U. ⟦Ap.Arr (t # U); U ≠ []; U = U⟧
⟹ (t # U) = (t # U)"
proof -
fix t U
assume t: "Ap.Arr (t # U)" and U: "U ≠ []"
assume ind: " U = U"
show " (t # U) = (t # U)"
proof -
have " (t # U) = comp⇩C ( [t]) ( U)"
by (metis GoF_x.preserves_comp U append_Cons append_Nil
list.distinct(1) t)
also have "... = comp⇩C (G ( [t])) (G ( U))"
using ind by simp
also have "... = G (comp⇩B ( [t]) ( U))"
by (metis B.composable_iff_comp_not_null⇩C⇩C B.not_arr_null
Fx.extension_to_paths_axioms Fx.preserves_comp U append_Cons
append_Nil assms(5) extension_to_paths.preserves_arr
extension_to_paths_def not_Cons_self2 paths_in_rts.arr_char t)
also have "... = G ( ([t] @ U))"
by (metis Fx.preserves_comp U append.left_neutral append_Cons
not_Cons_self2 t)
also have "... = (t # U)"
by simp
finally show ?thesis by blast
locale extension_to_composite_completion =
A: rts A +
B: extensional_rts_with_composites B +
simulation A B F
for A :: "'a resid" (infix ‹\⇩A› 70)
and B :: "'b resid" (infix ‹\⇩B› 70)
and F :: "'a ⇒ 'b"
interpretation N: coherent_normal_sub_rts A ‹Collect A.ide›
using A.rts_axioms A.identities_form_coherent_normal_sub_rts by auto
sublocale P: paths_in_rts_with_coherent_normal A ‹Collect A.ide› ..
sublocale Q: quotient_by_coherent_normal P.Resid ‹Collect P.NPath› ..
sublocale Ac: composite_completion A ..
notation P.Resid (infix ‹⇧*\⇩A⇧*› 70)
notation P.Resid1x (infix ‹⇧1\⇩A⇧*› 70)
notation P.Residx1 (infix ‹⇧*\⇩A⇧1› 70)
notation P.Con (infix ‹⇧*⌢⇩A⇧*› 70)
notation B.comp (infixr ‹⋅⇩B› 55)
notation B.con (infix ‹⌢⇩B› 50)
interpretation F_ext: extension_to_paths A B B.comp F ..
definition map
where "map = Q.ext_to_quotient B"
sublocale simulation Ac.resid B map
unfolding map_def Ac.resid_def
using Q.ext_to_quotient_props [of B] F_ext.simulation_axioms
F_ext.preserves_ide B.extensional_rts_axioms P.ide_char Ac.P_ide_iff_NPath
by blast
lemma is_simulation:
shows "simulation Ac.resid B map"
lemma is_extension:
shows "map ∘ Ac.incl = F"
proof -
have "map ∘ Ac.incl = map ∘ Q.quot ∘ P.incl"
using Ac.incl_def by auto
also have "... = ∘ P.incl"
using Q.ext_to_quotient_props [of B]
by (simp add: B.extensional_rts_axioms F_ext.simulation_axioms
Ac.P_ide_iff_NPath P.ide_char map_def)
also have "... = F"
by (simp add: F_ext.is_extension)
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma is_universal:
shows "∃!F'. simulation Ac.resid B F' ∧ F' ∘ Ac.incl = F"
show 0: "simulation Ac.resid B map ∧ map ∘ Ac.incl = F"
using simulation_axioms is_extension by auto
fix F'
assume F': "simulation Ac.resid B F' ∧ F' ∘ Ac.incl = F"
interpret F': simulation Ac.resid B F'
using F' by blast
show "F' = map"
proof -
have "F' ∘ Q.quot ="
proof -
interpret F'_o_quot: simulation P.Resid B ‹F' ∘ Q.quot›
using F' Q.quotient_is_simulation Ac.resid_def by auto
interpret incl: simulation A P.Resid P.incl
using P.incl_is_simulation by blast
interpret F'_o_quot_o_incl: composite_simulation A P.Resid B P.incl
‹F' ∘ Q.quot›
have "(F' ∘ Q.quot) ∘ P.incl = F"
using F' Ac.incl_def by auto
hence "∀T. P.arr T ⟶ (F' ∘ Q.quot) T ∼⇩B T"
using F_ext.is_universal(3) F'_o_quot.simulation_axioms by blast
hence "∀T. P.arr T ⟶ (F' ∘ Q.quot) T = T"
using B.cong_char by blast
thus ?thesis
proof -
have "∀as. (F' ∘ Q.quot) as = as ∨ ¬ P.arr as"
using ‹∀T. P.arr T ⟶ (F' ∘ Q.quot) T = T› by blast
then show ?thesis
using F'_o_quot.extensionality F_ext.extensionality by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "0" B.extensional_rts_axioms F'
F_ext.preserves_ide F_ext.simulation_axioms Ac.P_ide_iff_NPath
Q.ext_to_quotient_props(2) Q.is_couniversal map_def mem_Collect_eq
context composite_completion
lemma arrows_factor_as_paths:
assumes "arr 𝒯"
shows "∃T. P.arr T ∧ R resid comp incl T = 𝒯"
proof -
interpret inclx: extension_to_paths R resid comp incl ..
let ?T = "P.Cong_class_rep 𝒯"
have "P.arr ?T"
by (metis P.Cong_class_memb_is_arr P.rep_in_Cong_class
Q.quotient_by_coherent_normal_axioms assms
quotient_by_coherent_normal.arr_char resid_def)
moreover have " ?T = 𝒯"
proof -
have "⋀T. P.arr T ⟹ T = ⦃T⦄"
proof -
fix T
show "P.arr T ⟹ T = ⦃T⦄"
proof (induct T)
show "P.arr [] ⟹ [] = Q.quot []"
using P.not_arr_null P.null_char by auto
fix a U
assume ind: "P.arr U ⟹ U = Q.quot U"
assume aU: "P.arr (a # U)"
show " (a # U) = Q.quot (a # U)"
using Q.quotient_is_simulation aU cong_char incl_def
inclx.is_universal(3) resid_def
by force
thus ?thesis
using Q.arr_char assms calculation resid_def by force
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma extension_to_composite_completion_comp:
assumes "extensional_rts_with_composites B"
and "extensional_rts_with_composites C"
and "simulation A B F" and "simulation B C G"
shows " A C (G ∘ F) =
G ∘ A B F"
proof -
interpret B: extensional_rts_with_composites B
using assms(1) by blast
interpret C: extensional_rts_with_composites C
using assms(2) by blast
interpret F: simulation A B F
using assms(3) by blast
interpret G: simulation B C G
using assms(4) by blast
interpret GoF: composite_simulation A B C F G ..
interpret Ac: composite_completion A ..
interpret Fc: extension_to_composite_completion A B F ..
interpret GoFc: extension_to_composite_completion A C ..
show " = G ∘"
proof -
have "G ∘ ∘ Ac.incl = ∘ Ac.incl"
using GoFc.is_extension Fc.is_extension comp_assoc by metis
thus ?thesis
using GoFc.is_extension GoFc.is_universal GoFc.simulation_axioms
G.simulation_axioms Fc.simulation_axioms simulation_comp
by metis
lemma composite_completion_of_rts:
assumes "rts A"
shows "∃(A' :: 'a list set resid) I.
extensional_rts_with_composites A' ∧ simulation A A' I ∧
(∀B (J :: 'a ⇒ 'c). extensional_rts_with_composites B ∧ simulation A B J
⟶ (∃!J'. simulation A' B J' ∧ J' o I = J))"
proof (intro exI conjI)
interpret A: rts A
using assms by auto
interpret A': composite_completion A ..
show "extensional_rts_with_composites A'.resid"
show "simulation A A'.resid A'.incl"
using A'.incl_is_simulation by simp
show "∀B (J :: 'a ⇒ 'c). extensional_rts_with_composites B ∧ simulation A B J
⟶ (∃!J'. simulation A'.resid B J' ∧ J' o A'.incl = J)"
proof (intro allI impI)
fix B :: "'c resid" and J
assume 1: "extensional_rts_with_composites B ∧ simulation A B J"
interpret B: extensional_rts_with_composites B
using 1 by simp
interpret J: simulation A B J
using 1 by simp
interpret J: extension_to_composite_completion A B J
show "∃!J'. simulation A'.resid B J' ∧ J' ∘ A'.incl = J"
using J.is_universal by auto
section "Constructions on RTS's"
subsection "Products of RTS's"
locale product_rts =
A: rts A +
B: rts B
for A :: "'a resid" (infix ‹\⇩A› 70)
and B :: "'b resid" (infix ‹\⇩B› 70)
notation A.con (infix ‹⌢⇩A› 50)
notation A.prfx (infix ‹≲⇩A› 50)
notation A.cong (infix ‹∼⇩A› 50)
notation B.con (infix ‹⌢⇩B› 50)
notation B.prfx (infix ‹≲⇩B› 50)
notation B.cong (infix ‹∼⇩B› 50)
type_synonym ('c, 'd) arr = "'c * 'd"
abbreviation (input) Null :: "('a, 'b) arr"
where "Null ≡ (A.null, B.null)"
definition resid :: "('a, 'b) arr ⇒ ('a, 'b) arr ⇒ ('a, 'b) arr"
where "resid t u = (if fst t ⌢⇩A fst u ∧ snd t ⌢⇩B snd u
then (fst t \\⇩A fst u, snd t \\⇩B snd u)
else Null)"
notation resid (infix ‹\› 70)
sublocale partial_magma resid
by unfold_locales
(metis A.con_implies_arr(1-2) A.not_arr_null fst_conv resid_def)
lemma is_partial_magma:
shows "partial_magma resid"
lemma null_char [simp]:
shows "null = Null"
by (metis B.null_is_zero(1) ex_un_null null_is_zero(1) resid_def B.conE snd_conv)
sublocale residuation resid
show "⋀t u. t \\ u ≠ null ⟹ u \\ t ≠ null"
by (metis A.con_def A.con_sym null_char prod.inject resid_def B.con_sym)
show "⋀t u. t \\ u ≠ null ⟹ (t \\ u) \\ (t \\ u) ≠ null"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.arrE B.con_def B.con_imp_arr_resid fst_conv null_char
resid_def A.arr_resid snd_conv)
show "⋀v t u. (v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) ≠ null ⟹ (v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) = (v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
proof -
fix t u v
assume 1: "(v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) ≠ null"
have "(fst v \\⇩A fst t) \\⇩A (fst u \\⇩A fst t) ≠ A.null"
by (metis 1 A.not_arr_null fst_conv null_char null_is_zero(1-2)
resid_def A.arr_resid)
moreover have "(snd v \\⇩B snd t) \\⇩B (snd u \\⇩B snd t) ≠ B.null"
by (metis 1 B.not_arr_null snd_conv null_char null_is_zero(1-2)
resid_def B.arr_resid)
ultimately show "(v \\ t) \\ (u \\ t) = (v \\ u) \\ (t \\ u)"
using resid_def null_char A.con_def B.con_def A.cube B.cube
apply simp
by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.conI A.con_sym_ax A.resid_reflects_con
B.con_sym_ax B.null_is_zero(1))
lemma is_residuation:
shows "residuation resid"
notation con (infix ‹⌢› 50)
lemma arr_char [iff]:
shows "arr t ⟷ A.arr (fst t) ∧ B.arr (snd t)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.arr_def B.arr_def B.conE null_char resid_def
arr_def con_def snd_eqD)
lemma ide_char [iff]:
shows "ide t ⟷ A.ide (fst t) ∧ B.ide (snd t)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) A.residuation_axioms B.residuation_axioms
arr_char arr_def fst_conv null_char prod.collapse resid_def residuation.conE
residuation.ide_def residuation.ide_implies_arr residuation_axioms snd_conv)
lemma con_char [iff]:
shows "t ⌢ u ⟷ fst t ⌢⇩A fst u ∧ snd t ⌢⇩B snd u"
by (simp add: con_def resid_def B.con_def)
lemma trg_char:
shows "trg t = (if arr t then (A.trg (fst t), B.trg (snd t)) else Null)"
using A.trg_def B.trg_def resid_def trg_def by auto
sublocale rts resid
show "⋀t. arr t ⟹ ide (trg t)"
by (simp add: trg_char)
show 1: "⋀a t. ⟦ide a; t ⌢ a⟧ ⟹ t \\ a = t"
by (simp add: A.resid_arr_ide B.resid_arr_ide resid_def)
thus "⋀a t. ⟦ide a; a ⌢ t⟧ ⟹ ide (a \\ t)"
using arr_resid cube
apply (elim ideE, intro ideI)
apply auto
by (metis 1 conI con_sym_ax ideI null_is_zero(2))
show "⋀t u. t ⌢ u ⟹ ∃a. ide a ∧ a ⌢ t ∧ a ⌢ u"
proof -
fix t u
assume tu: "t ⌢ u"
obtain a1 where a1: "a1 ∈ A.sources (fst t) ∩ A.sources (fst u)"
by (meson A.con_imp_common_source all_not_in_conv con_char tu)
obtain a2 where a2: "a2 ∈ B.sources (snd t) ∩ B.sources (snd u)"
by (meson B.con_imp_common_source all_not_in_conv con_char tu)
have "ide (a1, a2) ∧ (a1, a2) ⌢ t ∧ (a1, a2) ⌢ u"
using a1 a2 ide_char con_char
by (metis A.con_imp_common_source A.in_sourcesE A.sources_eqI
B.con_imp_common_source B.in_sourcesE B.sources_eqI con_sym
fst_conv inf_idem snd_conv tu)
thus "∃a. ide a ∧ a ⌢ t ∧ a ⌢ u" by blast
show "⋀t u v. ⟦ide (t \\ u); u ⌢ v⟧ ⟹ t \\ u ⌢ v \\ u"
proof -
fix t u v
assume tu: "ide (t \\ u)"
assume uv: "u ⌢ v"
have "A.ide (fst t \\⇩A fst u) ∧ B.ide (snd t \\⇩B snd u)"
using tu ide_char
by (metis conI con_char fst_eqD ide_implies_arr not_arr_null resid_def snd_conv)
moreover have "fst u ⌢⇩A fst v ∧ snd u ⌢⇩B snd v"
using uv con_char by blast
ultimately show "t \\ u ⌢ v \\ u"
by (simp add: A.con_target A.con_sym A.prfx_implies_con
B.con_target B.con_sym B.prfx_implies_con resid_def)
lemma is_rts:
shows "rts resid"
notation prfx (infix ‹≲› 50)
notation cong (infix ‹∼› 50)
lemma sources_char:
shows "sources t = A.sources (fst t) × B.sources (snd t)"
by force
lemma targets_char:
shows "targets t = A.targets (fst t) × B.targets (snd t)"
show "targets t ⊆ A.targets (fst t) × B.targets (snd t)"
using targets_def ide_char con_char resid_def trg_char trg_def by auto
show "A.targets (fst t) × B.targets (snd t) ⊆ targets t"
fix a
assume a: "a ∈ A.targets (fst t) × B.targets (snd t)"
show "a ∈ targets t"
show "ide a"
using a ide_char by auto
show "trg t ⌢ a"
using a trg_char con_char [of "trg t" a]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) SigmaE arr_char con_char con_implies_arr(1)
fst_conv A.in_targetsE B.in_targetsE A.arr_resid_iff_con
B.arr_resid_iff_con A.trg_def B.trg_def snd_conv)
lemma prfx_char:
shows "t ≲ u ⟷ fst t ≲⇩A fst u ∧ snd t ≲⇩B snd u"
using A.prfx_implies_con B.prfx_implies_con resid_def by auto
lemma cong_char:
shows "t ∼ u ⟷ fst t ∼⇩A fst u ∧ snd t ∼⇩B snd u"
using prfx_char by auto
lemma join_of_char:
shows "join_of t u v ⟷ A.join_of (fst t) (fst u) (fst v) ∧ B.join_of (snd t) (snd u) (snd v)"
and "joinable t u ⟷ A.joinable (fst t) (fst u) ∧ B.joinable (snd t) (snd u)"
proof -
show "⋀v. join_of t u v ⟷
A.join_of (fst t) (fst u) (fst v) ∧ B.join_of (snd t) (snd u) (snd v)"
fix v
show "join_of t u v ⟹
A.join_of (fst t) (fst u) (fst v) ∧ B.join_of (snd t) (snd u) (snd v)"
proof -
assume 1: "join_of t u v"
have 2: "t ⌢ u ∧ t ⌢ v ∧ u ⌢ v ∧ u ⌢ t ∧ v ⌢ t ∧ v ⌢ u"
by (meson 1 bounded_imp_con con_prfx_composite_of(1) join_ofE con_sym)
show "A.join_of (fst t) (fst u) (fst v) ∧ B.join_of (snd t) (snd u) (snd v)"
using 1 2 prfx_char resid_def
by (elim conjE join_ofE composite_ofE congE conE,
intro conjI A.join_ofI B.join_ofI A.composite_ofI B.composite_ofI)
show "A.join_of (fst t) (fst u) (fst v) ∧ B.join_of (snd t) (snd u) (snd v)
⟹ join_of t u v"
using cong_char resid_def
by (elim conjE A.join_ofE B.join_ofE A.composite_ofE B.composite_ofE,
intro join_ofI composite_ofI)
thus "joinable t u ⟷ A.joinable (fst t) (fst u) ∧ B.joinable (snd t) (snd u)"
using joinable_def A.joinable_def B.joinable_def by simp
locale product_of_weakly_extensional_rts =
A: weakly_extensional_rts A +
B: weakly_extensional_rts B +
sublocale weakly_extensional_rts resid
show "⋀t u. ⟦t ∼ u; ide t; ide u⟧ ⟹ t = u"
by (metis cong_char ide_char prod.exhaust_sel A.weak_extensionality B.weak_extensionality)
lemma is_weakly_extensional_rts:
shows "weakly_extensional_rts resid"
lemma src_char:
shows "src t = (if arr t then (A.src (fst t), B.src (snd t)) else null)"
proof (cases "arr t")
show "¬ arr t ⟹ ?thesis"
using src_def by presburger
assume t: "arr t"
show ?thesis
using t con_char arr_char
by (intro src_eqI) auto
locale product_of_extensional_rts =
A: extensional_rts A +
B: extensional_rts B +
sublocale extensional_rts resid
show "⋀t u. t ∼ u ⟹ t = u"
by (metis A.extensionality B.extensionality cong_char prod.collapse)
lemma is_extensional_rts:
shows "extensional_rts resid"
subsubsection "Product Simulations"
locale product_simulation =
A1: rts A1 +
A0: rts A0 +
B1: rts B1 +
B0: rts B0 +
A1xA0: product_rts A1 A0 +
B1xB0: product_rts B1 B0 +
F1: simulation A1 B1 F1 +
F0: simulation A0 B0 F0
for A1 :: "'a1 resid" (infix ‹\⇩A⇩1› 70)
and A0 :: "'a0 resid" (infix ‹\⇩A⇩0› 70)
and B1 :: "'b1 resid" (infix ‹\⇩B⇩1› 70)
and B0 :: "'b0 resid" (infix ‹\⇩B⇩0› 70)
and F1 :: "'a1 ⇒ 'b1"
and F0 :: "'a0 ⇒ 'b0"
definition map
where "map = (λa. if A1xA0.arr a then (F1 (fst a), F0 (snd a))
else (F1 A1.null, F0 A0.null))"
lemma map_simp [simp]:
assumes "A1.arr a1" and "A0.arr a0"
shows "map (a1, a0) = (F1 a1, F0 a0)"
using assms map_def by auto
sublocale simulation A1xA0.resid B1xB0.resid map
show "⋀t. ¬ A1xA0.arr t ⟹ map t = B1xB0.null"
using map_def F1.extensionality F0.extensionality by auto
show "⋀t u. A1xA0.con t u ⟹ B1xB0.con (map t) (map u)"
using A1xA0.con_char B1xB0.con_char A1.con_implies_arr A0.con_implies_arr by auto
show "⋀t u. A1xA0.con t u ⟹ map (A1xA0.resid t u) = B1xB0.resid (map t) (map u)"
using A1xA0.resid_def B1xB0.resid_def A1.con_implies_arr A0.con_implies_arr
by auto
lemma is_simulation:
shows "simulation A1xA0.resid B1xB0.resid map"
subsubsection "Binary Simulations"
locale binary_simulation =
A1: rts A1 +
A0: rts A0 +
A: product_rts A1 A0 +
B: rts B +
simulation A.resid B F
for A1 :: "'a1 resid" (infix ‹\⇩A⇩1› 70)
and A0 :: "'a0 resid" (infix ‹\⇩A⇩0› 70)
and B :: "'b resid" (infix ‹\⇩B› 70)
and F :: "'a1 * 'a0 ⇒ 'b"
lemma fixing_ide_gives_simulation_1:
assumes "A1.ide a1"
shows "simulation A0 B (λt0. F (a1, t0))"
show "⋀t0. ¬ A0.arr t0 ⟹ F (a1, t0) = B.null"
using assms extensionality A.arr_char by simp
show "⋀t0 u0. A0.con t0 u0 ⟹ B.con (F (a1, t0)) (F (a1, u0))"
using assms A.con_char preserves_con by auto
show "⋀t0 u0. A0.con t0 u0 ⟹ F (a1, t0 \\⇩A⇩0 u0) = F (a1, t0) \\⇩B F (a1, u0)"
using assms A.con_char A.resid_def preserves_resid
by (metis A1.ideE fst_conv snd_conv)
lemma fixing_ide_gives_simulation_0:
assumes "A0.ide a0"
shows "simulation A1 B (λt1. F (t1, a0))"
show "⋀t1. ¬ A1.arr t1 ⟹ F (t1, a0) = B.null"
using assms extensionality A.arr_char by simp
show "⋀t1 u1. A1.con t1 u1 ⟹ B.con (F (t1, a0)) (F (u1, a0))"
using assms A.con_char preserves_con by auto
show "⋀t1 u1. A1.con t1 u1 ⟹ F (t1 \\⇩A⇩1 u1, a0) = F (t1, a0) \\⇩B F (u1, a0)"
using assms A.con_char A.resid_def preserves_resid
by (metis A0.ideE fst_conv snd_conv)
subsection "Sub-RTS's"
A sub-RTS of an RTS ‹R› may be determined by specifying a subset of the transitions
of ‹R› that is closed under residuation and in addition includes some common source
for every consistent pair of transitions contained in it.
locale sub_rts =
R: rts R
for R :: "'a resid" (infix ‹\⇩R› 70)
and Arr :: "'a ⇒ bool" +
assumes inclusion: "Arr t ⟹ R.arr t"
and resid_closed: "⟦Arr t; Arr u; R.con t u⟧ ⟹ Arr (t \\⇩R u)"
and enough_sources: "⟦Arr t; Arr u; R.con t u⟧ ⟹
∃a. Arr a ∧ a ∈ R.sources t ∧ a ∈ R.sources u"
notation R.con (infix ‹⌢⇩R› 50)
notation R.prfx (infix ‹≲⇩R› 50)
notation R.cong (infix ‹∼⇩R› 50)
definition resid :: "'a resid" (infix ‹\› 70)
where "t \\ u ≡ if Arr t ∧ Arr u ∧ t ⌢⇩R u then t \\⇩R u else R.null"
sublocale partial_magma resid
using R.not_con_null(2) R.null_is_zero(1) resid_def
by unfold_locales metis
lemma is_partial_magma:
shows "partial_magma resid"
lemma null_char:
shows "null = R.null"
by (metis R.not_arr_null inclusion null_eqI resid_def)
sublocale residuation resid
using R.conE R.con_sym R.not_con_null(1) null_is_zero(1) resid_def
apply unfold_locales
apply metis
apply (metis R.con_def R.con_imp_arr_resid resid_closed)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) R.con_def R.cube resid_closed)
lemma is_residuation:
shows "residuation resid"
notation con (infix ‹⌢› 50)
lemma arr_char:
shows "arr t ⟷ Arr t"
by (metis R.con_arr_self R.con_def R.not_arr_null arrE con_def inclusion
null_is_zero(2) resid_def residuation.con_implies_arr(1) residuation_axioms)
lemma ide_char:
shows "ide t ⟷ Arr t ∧ R.ide t"
by (metis R.ide_def arrI arr_char con_def ide_def not_arr_null resid_def)
lemma con_char:
shows "con t u ⟷ Arr t ∧ Arr u ∧ R.con t u"
by (metis R.conE arr_char con_def not_arr_null null_is_zero(1) resid_def)
lemma trg_char:
shows "trg = (λt. if arr t then R.trg t else null)"
using arr_char trg_def R.trg_def resid_def by fastforce
sublocale rts resid
using arr_char ide_char con_char trg_char resid_def resid_closed inclusion
apply unfold_locales
using R.prfx_reflexive trg_def apply force
apply (simp add: R.resid_arr_ide)
apply simp
apply (meson R.con_sym R.in_sourcesE enough_sources)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) R.con_target arr_resid_iff_con con_sym_ax null_char)
lemma is_rts:
shows "rts resid"
notation prfx (infix ‹≲› 50)
notation cong (infix ‹∼› 50)
lemma sources_subset:
shows "sources t ⊆ {a. Arr t ∧ a ∈ R.sources t}"
using con_char ide_char by fastforce
lemma targets_subset:
shows "targets t ⊆ {b. Arr t ∧ b ∈ R.targets t}"
fix b
assume b: "b ∈ targets t"
show "b ∈ {b. Arr t ∧ b ∈ R.targets t}"
by (metis CollectI R.rts_axioms arr_char arr_iff_has_target b con_char
emptyE ide_char in_targetsE rts.in_targetsI trg_char)
lemma prfx_char⇩S⇩R⇩T⇩S:
shows "prfx t u ⟷ Arr t ∧ Arr u ∧ R.prfx t u"
using arr_char con_char ide_char
by (metis R.prfx_implies_con prfx_implies_con resid_closed resid_def)
lemma cong_char⇩S⇩R⇩T⇩S:
shows "t ∼ u ⟷ Arr t ∧ Arr u ∧ t ∼⇩R u"
using prfx_char⇩S⇩R⇩T⇩S by force
lemma composite_of_char:
shows "composite_of t u v ⟷ Arr t ∧ Arr u ∧ Arr v ∧ R.composite_of t u v"
show "composite_of t u v ⟹ Arr t ∧ Arr u ∧ Arr v ∧ R.composite_of t u v"
by (metis R.composite_of_def R.con_sym composite_ofE con_char prfx_char⇩S⇩R⇩T⇩S
resid_def rts.prfx_implies_con rts_axioms)
show "Arr t ∧ Arr u ∧ Arr v ∧ R.composite_of t u v ⟹ composite_of t u v"
using composite_of_def resid_closed resid_def rts.composite_ofE ide_char
by fastforce
lemma join_of_char:
shows "join_of t u v ⟷ Arr t ∧ Arr u ∧ Arr v ∧ R.join_of t u v"
using composite_of_char
by (metis R.bounded_imp_con R.join_of_def join_of_def resid_closed resid_def)
lemma preserves_weakly_extensional_rts:
assumes "weakly_extensional_rts R"
shows "weakly_extensional_rts resid"
by (metis assms cong_char⇩S⇩R⇩T⇩S ide_char rts_axioms weakly_extensional_rts.intro
weakly_extensional_rts.weak_extensionality weakly_extensional_rts_axioms.intro)
lemma preserves_extensional_rts:
assumes "extensional_rts R"
shows "extensional_rts resid"
by (meson assms extensional_rts.cong_char extensional_rts.intro
extensional_rts_axioms.intro prfx_char⇩S⇩R⇩T⇩S rts_axioms)
abbreviation incl
where "incl t ≡ if arr t then t else null"
sublocale Incl: simulation resid R incl
using resid_closed resid_def
by unfold_locales (auto simp add: null_char arr_char con_char)
lemma inclusion_is_simulation:
shows "simulation resid R incl"
lemma incl_cancel_left:
assumes "transformation X resid F G T" and "transformation X resid F' G' T'"
and "incl ∘ T = incl ∘ T'"
shows "T = T'"
fix x
interpret T: transformation X resid F G T
using assms(1) by blast
interpret T': transformation X resid F' G' T'
using assms(2) by blast
show "T x = T' x"
proof -
have "T x = (incl ∘ T) x"
using T.extensionality T.A.prfx_reflexive T.respects_cong arr_char prfx_char⇩S⇩R⇩T⇩S
by auto
also have "... = (incl ∘ T') x"
using assms(3) by auto
also have "... = T' x"
using T'.extensionality T.A.prfx_reflexive T'.respects_cong arr_char prfx_char⇩S⇩R⇩T⇩S
by fastforce
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma incl_reflects_con:
assumes "R.con (incl t) (incl u)"
shows "con t u"
by (metis (full_types) R.not_con_null(1) R.not_con_null(2) arr_char
assms con_char null_char)
lemma corestriction_of_simulation:
assumes "simulation X R F"
and "⋀x. residuation.arr X x ⟹ Arr (F x)"
shows "simulation X resid F" and "incl ∘ F = F"
proof -
interpret X: rts X
using assms(1) simulation_def by blast
interpret F: simulation X R F
using assms(1) by blast
interpret F': simulation X resid F
using assms(2) con_char resid_def F.extensionality null_char
by unfold_locales auto
show 1: "simulation X resid F" ..
show "incl ∘ F = F"
using F.extensionality null_char by fastforce
lemma corestriction_of_transformation:
assumes "simulation X resid F" and "simulation X resid G"
and "transformation X R F G T"
and "⋀x. residuation.arr X x ⟹ Arr (T x)"
shows "transformation X resid F G T" and "incl ∘ T = T"
proof -
interpret X: rts X
using assms(3) transformation_def by blast
interpret R: weakly_extensional_rts R
using assms(3) transformation_def by blast
interpret S: weakly_extensional_rts resid
by (simp add: R.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms preserves_weakly_extensional_rts)
interpret F: simulation X resid F
using assms(1) transformation_def by blast
interpret G: simulation X resid G
using assms(2) transformation_def by blast
interpret T: transformation X R F G T
using assms(3) by blast
interpret T': transformation X resid F G T
show "⋀f. ¬ X.arr f ⟹ T f = null"
by (simp add: T.extensionality null_char)
show "⋀x x'. ⟦X.ide x; X.cong x x'⟧ ⟹ T x = T x'"
using T.respects_cong_ide by blast
show "⋀f. X.ide f ⟹ src (T f) = F f"
by (metis F.preserves_ide F.preserves_reflects_arr R.arr_resid_iff_con
R.arr_src_iff_arr R.ide_implies_arr R.resid_arr_src S.con_imp_eq_src
S.src_ide T.F.preserves_ide T.preserves_src X.con_implies_arr(2)
X.ideE arr_char assms(4) con_char)
show "⋀f. X.ide f ⟹ trg (T f) = G f"
by (simp add: T.preserves_trg arr_char assms(4) trg_char)
show "⋀a f. a ∈ X.sources f ⟹ T a \\ F f = T (X a f)"
by (metis F.preserves_reflects_arr R.residuation_axioms T.naturality1_ax
X.arr_iff_has_source X.ex_un_null X.ide_implies_arr X.in_sourcesE
X.not_arr_null X.null_eqI X.source_is_prfx arr_char assms(4) resid_def
show "⋀a f. a ∈ X.sources f ⟹ F f \\ T a = G f"
by (metis F.preserves_reflects_arr R.arr_resid_iff_con
T.G.preserves_reflects_arr T.naturality2_ax X.in_sourcesE
X.residuation_axioms arr_char assms(4) resid_def
residuation.con_implies_arr(1) residuation.ide_implies_arr)
show "⋀a f. a ∈ X.sources f ⟹ join_of (T a) (F f) (T f)"
by (meson F.preserves_reflects_arr T.naturality3 X.con_implies_arr(1)
X.ide_implies_arr X.in_sourcesE arr_char assms(4) join_of_char)
show 1: "transformation X resid F G T" ..
show "incl ∘ T = T"
using T.extensionality arr_char assms(4) null_char by fastforce
locale source_replete_sub_rts =
R: rts R
for R :: "'a resid" (infix "\\⇩R" 70)
and Arr :: "'a ⇒ bool" +
assumes inclusion: "Arr t ⟹ R.arr t"
and resid_closed: "⟦Arr t; Arr u; R.con t u⟧ ⟹ Arr (t \\⇩R u)"
and source_replete: "Arr t ⟹ R.sources t ⊆ Collect Arr"
sublocale sub_rts
using inclusion resid_closed source_replete
apply unfold_locales
apply auto[2]
by (metis Collect_mem_eq Collect_mono_iff R.con_imp_common_source
R.sources_eqI R.src_in_sources)
lemma is_sub_rts:
shows "sub_rts R Arr"
lemma sources_char⇩S⇩R⇩T⇩S:
shows "sources t = {a. Arr t ∧ a ∈ R.sources t}"
using source_replete sources_subset
apply auto[1]
by (metis Ball_Collect R.in_sourcesE con_char ide_char in_sourcesI)
lemma targets_char⇩S⇩R⇩T⇩S:
shows "targets t = {b. Arr t ∧ b ∈ R.targets t}"
show "targets t ⊆ {b. Arr t ∧ b ∈ R.targets t}"
using targets_subset by blast
show "{b. Arr t ∧ b ∈ R.targets t} ⊆ targets t"
fix b
assume b: "b ∈ {b. Arr t ∧ b ∈ R.targets t}"
show "b ∈ targets t"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) R.in_targetsE R.rts_axioms arr_char b
con_arr_self mem_Collect_eq rts.in_sourcesI sources_char⇩S⇩R⇩T⇩S sources_resid
trg_char trg_def trg_in_targets)
interpretation P⇩R: paths_in_rts R
interpretation P: paths_in_rts resid
lemma path_reflection:
shows "⟦P⇩R.Arr T; set T ⊆ Collect Arr⟧ ⟹ P.Arr T"
proof (induct T, simp)
fix t T
assume ind: "⟦P⇩R.Arr T; set T ⊆ Collect Arr⟧ ⟹ P.Arr T"
assume tT: "P⇩R.Arr (t # T)"
assume set: "set (t # T) ⊆ Collect Arr"
have 1: "R.arr t"
using tT
by (metis P⇩R.Arr_imp_arr_hd list.sel(1))
show "P.Arr (t # T)"
proof (cases "T = []")
show "T = [] ⟹ ?thesis"
using 1 set arr_char by simp
assume T: "T ≠ []"
show ?thesis
show "arr t"
using 1 arr_char set by simp
show "P.Arr T"
using T tT P⇩R.Arr_imp_Arr_tl
by (metis ind insert_subset list.sel(3) list.simps(15) set)
show "targets t ⊆ P.Srcs T"
proof -
have "targets t ⊆ R.targets t"
using targets_subset by blast
also have "... ⊆ R.sources (hd T)"
using T tT
by (metis P⇩R.Arr.simps(3) P⇩R.Srcs_simp⇩P list.collapse)
also have "... ⊆ P.Srcs T"
using P.Arr_imp_arr_hd P.Srcs_simp⇩P ‹P.Arr T› sources_char⇩S⇩R⇩T⇩S arr_char
by force
finally show ?thesis by blast
locale sub_rts_of_weakly_extensional_rts =
R: weakly_extensional_rts R +
sub_rts R Arr
for R :: "'a resid" (infix "\\⇩R" 70)
and Arr :: "'a ⇒ bool"
sublocale weakly_extensional_rts resid
using R.weakly_extensional_rts_axioms preserves_weakly_extensional_rts
by blast
lemma is_weakly_extensional_rts:
shows "weakly_extensional_rts resid"
lemma src_char:
shows "src = (λt. if arr t then R.src t else null)"
fix t
show "src t = (if arr t then R.src t else null)"
by (metis R.src_eqI con_arr_src(2) con_char ide_char ide_src src_def)
lemma targets_char:
assumes "arr t"
shows "targets t = {R.trg t}"
using assms trg_char trg_in_targets arr_has_un_target by auto
locale sub_rts_of_extensional_rts =
R: extensional_rts R +
sub_rts R Arr
for R :: "'a resid" (infix "\\⇩R" 70)
and Arr :: "'a ⇒ bool"
sublocale sub_rts_of_weakly_extensional_rts ..
sublocale extensional_rts resid
using R.extensional_rts_axioms preserves_extensional_rts
by blast
lemma is_extensional_rts:
shows "extensional_rts resid"
text ‹
Here we justify the terminology ``normal sub-RTS'', which was introduced earlier,
by showing that a normal sub-RTS really is a sub-RTS.
lemma (in normal_sub_rts) is_sub_rts:
shows "source_replete_sub_rts resid (λt. t ∈ 𝔑)"
using elements_are_arr ide_closed
apply unfold_locales
apply blast
apply (meson R.con_def R.con_imp_coinitial R.con_sym_ax forward_stable)
by blast