Theory Category3.Adjunction

(*  Title:       Adjunction
    Author:      Eugene W. Stark <>, 2016
    Maintainer:  Eugene W. Stark <>

chapter Adjunction

theory Adjunction
imports Yoneda

    This theory defines the notions of adjoint functor and adjunction in various
    ways and establishes their equivalence.
    The notions ``left adjoint functor'' and ``right adjoint functor'' are defined
    in terms of universal arrows.
    ``Meta-adjunctions'' are defined in terms of natural bijections between hom-sets,
    where the notion of naturality is axiomatized directly.
    ``Hom-adjunctions'' formalize the notion of adjunction in terms of natural
    isomorphisms of hom-functors.
    ``Unit-counit adjunctions'' define adjunctions in terms of functors equipped
    with unit and counit natural transformations that satisfy the usual
    ``triangle identities.''
    The adjunction› locale is defined as the grand unification of all the
    definitions, and includes formulas that connect the data from each of them.
    It is shown that each of the definitions induces an interpretation of the
    adjunction› locale, so that all the definitions are essentially equivalent.
    Finally, it is shown that right adjoint functors are unique up to natural

    The reference cite"Wikipedia-Adjoint-Functors" was useful in constructing this theory.

  section "Left Adjoint Functor"

    ``@{term e} is an arrow from @{term "F x"} to @{term y}.''

  locale arrow_from_functor =
    C: category C +
    D: category D +
    F: "functor" D C F
    for D :: "'d comp"     (infixr D 55)
    and C :: "'c comp"     (infixr C 55)
    and F :: "'d  'c"
    and x :: 'd
    and y :: 'c
    and e :: 'c +
    assumes arrow: "D.ide x  C.in_hom e (F x) y"

    notation C.in_hom      («_ : _ C _»)
    notation D.in_hom      («_ : _ D _»)

      ``@{term g} is a @{term[source=true] D}-coextension of @{term f} along @{term e}.''

    definition is_coext :: "'d  'c  'd  bool"
    where "is_coext x' f g  «g : x' D x»  f = e C F g"


    ``@{term e} is a terminal arrow from @{term "F x"} to @{term y}.''

  locale terminal_arrow_from_functor =
    arrow_from_functor D C F x y e
    for D :: "'d comp"     (infixr D 55)
    and C :: "'c comp"     (infixr C 55)
    and F :: "'d  'c"
    and x :: 'd
    and y :: 'c
    and e :: 'c +
    assumes is_terminal: "arrow_from_functor D C F x' y f  (∃!g. is_coext x' f g)"

    definition the_coext :: "'d  'c  'd"
    where "the_coext x' f = (THE g. is_coext x' f g)"

    lemma the_coext_prop:
    assumes "arrow_from_functor D C F x' y f"
    shows "«the_coext x' f : x' D x»" and "f = e C F (the_coext x' f)"
      by (metis assms is_coext_def is_terminal the_coext_def the_equality)+

    lemma the_coext_unique:
    assumes "arrow_from_functor D C F x' y f" and "is_coext x' f g"
    shows "g = the_coext x' f"
      using assms is_terminal the_coext_def the_equality by metis


    A left adjoint functor is a functor F: D → C›
    that enjoys the following universal coextension property: for each object
    @{term y} of @{term C} there exists an object @{term x} of @{term D} and an
    arrow e ∈ C.hom (F x) y› such that for any arrow
    f ∈ C.hom (F x') y› there exists a unique g ∈ D.hom x' x›
    such that @{term "f = C e (F g)"}.

  locale left_adjoint_functor =
    C: category C +
    D: category D +
    "functor" D C F
    for D :: "'d comp"     (infixr D 55)
    and C :: "'c comp"     (infixr C 55)
    and F :: "'d  'c" +
    assumes ex_terminal_arrow: "C.ide y  (x e. terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F x y e)"

    notation C.in_hom      («_ : _ C _»)
    notation D.in_hom      («_ : _ D _»)


  section "Right Adjoint Functor"

    ``@{term e} is an arrow from @{term x} to @{term "G y"}.''

  locale arrow_to_functor =
    C: category C +
    D: category D +
    G: "functor" C D G
    for C :: "'c comp"     (infixr C 55)
    and D :: "'d comp"     (infixr D 55)
    and G :: "'c  'd"
    and x :: 'd
    and y :: 'c
    and e :: 'd +
    assumes arrow: "C.ide y  D.in_hom e x (G y)"

    notation C.in_hom      («_ : _ C _»)
    notation D.in_hom      («_ : _ D _»)

      ``@{term f} is a @{term[source=true] C}-extension of @{term g} along @{term e}.''

    definition is_ext :: "'c  'd  'c  bool"
    where "is_ext y' g f  «f : y C y'»  g = G f D e"


    ``@{term e} is an initial arrow from @{term x} to @{term "G y"}.''

  locale initial_arrow_to_functor =
    arrow_to_functor C D G x y e
    for C :: "'c comp"     (infixr C 55)
    and D :: "'d comp"     (infixr D 55)
    and G :: "'c  'd"
    and x :: 'd
    and y :: 'c
    and e :: 'd +
    assumes is_initial: "arrow_to_functor C D G x y' g  (∃!f. is_ext y' g f)"

    definition the_ext :: "'c  'd  'c"
    where "the_ext y' g = (THE f. is_ext y' g f)"

    lemma the_ext_prop:
    assumes "arrow_to_functor C D G x y' g"
    shows "«the_ext y' g : y C y'»" and "g = G (the_ext y' g) D e"
      by (metis assms is_initial is_ext_def the_equality the_ext_def)+

    lemma the_ext_unique:
    assumes "arrow_to_functor C D G x y' g" and "is_ext y' g f"
    shows "f = the_ext y' g"
      using assms is_initial the_ext_def the_equality by metis


    A right adjoint functor is a functor G: C → D›
    that enjoys the following universal extension property:
    for each object @{term x} of @{term D} there exists an object @{term y} of @{term C}
    and an arrow e ∈ D.hom x (G y)› such that for any arrow
    g ∈ D.hom x (G y')› there exists a unique f ∈ C.hom y y'›
    such that @{term "h = D e (G f)"}.

  locale right_adjoint_functor =
    C: category C +
    D: category D +
    "functor" C D G
    for C :: "'c comp"     (infixr C 55)
    and D :: "'d comp"     (infixr D 55)
    and G :: "'c  'd" +
    assumes ex_initial_arrow: "D.ide x  (y e. initial_arrow_to_functor C D G x y e)"

    notation C.in_hom      («_ : _ C _»)
    notation D.in_hom      («_ : _ D _»)


  section "Various Definitions of Adjunction"

  subsection "Meta-Adjunction"

    A ``meta-adjunction'' consists of a functor F: D → C›,
    a functor G: C → D›, and for each object @{term x}
    of @{term C} and @{term y} of @{term D} a bijection between
    C.hom (F y) x› to D.hom y (G x)› which is natural in @{term x}
    and @{term y}.  The naturality is easy to express at the meta-level without having
    to resort to the formal baggage of ``set category,'' ``hom-functor,''
    and ``natural isomorphism,'' hence the name.

  locale meta_adjunction =
    C: category C +
    D: category D +
    F: "functor" D C F +
    G: "functor" C D G
    for C :: "'c comp"     (infixr C 55)
    and D :: "'d comp"     (infixr D 55)
    and F :: "'d  'c"
    and G :: "'c  'd"
    and φ :: "'d  'c  'd"
    and ψ :: "'c  'd  'c" +
    assumes φ_in_hom: " D.ide y; C.in_hom f (F y) x   D.in_hom (φ y f) y (G x)"
    and ψ_in_hom: " C.ide x; D.in_hom g y (G x)   C.in_hom (ψ x g) (F y) x"
    and ψ_φ: " D.ide y; C.in_hom f (F y) x   ψ x (φ y f) = f"
    and φ_ψ: " C.ide x; D.in_hom g y (G x)   φ y (ψ x g) = g"
    and φ_naturality: " C.in_hom f x x'; D.in_hom g y' y; C.in_hom h (F y) x  
                         φ y' (f C h C F g) = G f D φ y h D g"

    notation C.in_hom («_ : _ C _»)
    notation D.in_hom («_ : _ D _»)

      The naturality of @{term ψ} is a consequence of the naturality of @{term φ}
      and the other assumptions.

    lemma ψ_naturality:
    assumes f: "«f : x C x'»" and g: "«g : y' D y»" and h: "«h : y D G x»"
    shows "f C ψ x h C F g = ψ x' (G f D h D g)"
      using f g h φ_naturality ψ_in_hom C.ide_dom D.ide_dom D.in_homE φ_ψ ψ_φ
      by (metis C.comp_in_homI' F.preserves_hom C.in_homE D.in_homE)

    lemma respects_natural_isomorphism:
    assumes "natural_isomorphism D C F' F τ" and "natural_isomorphism C D G G' μ"
    shows "meta_adjunction C D F' G'
             (λy f. μ (C.cod f) D φ y (f C D C F τ y))
             (λx g. ψ x (( C D G' μ x) D g) C τ (D.dom g))"
    proof -
      interpret τ: natural_isomorphism D C F' F τ
        using assms(1) by simp
      interpret τ': inverse_transformation D C F' F τ
      interpret μ: natural_isomorphism C D G G' μ
        using assms(2) by simp
      interpret μ': inverse_transformation C D G G' μ
      let ?φ' = "λy f. μ (C.cod f) D φ y (f C τ'.map y)"
      let ?ψ' = "λx g. ψ x (μ'.map x D g) C τ (D.dom g)"
      show "meta_adjunction C D F' G' ?φ' ?ψ'"
        show "y f x. D.ide y; «f : F' y C x»
                          «μ (C.cod f) D φ y (f C τ'.map y) : y D G' x»"
        proof -
          fix x y f
          assume y: "D.ide y" and f: "«f : F' y C x»"
          show "«μ (C.cod f) D φ y (f C τ'.map y) : y D G' x»"
          proof (intro D.comp_in_homI)
            show "«μ (C.cod f) : G x D G' x»"
              using f by fastforce
            show "«φ y (f C τ'.map y) : y D G x»"
              using f y φ_in_hom by auto
        show "x g y. C.ide x; «g : y D G' x»
                          «ψ x (μ'.map x D g) C τ (D.dom g) : F' y C x»"
        proof -
          fix x y g
          assume x: "C.ide x" and g: "«g : y D G' x»"
          show "«ψ x (μ'.map x D g) C τ (D.dom g) : F' y C x»"
          proof (intro C.comp_in_homI)
            show "«τ (D.dom g) : F' y C F y»"
              using g by fastforce
            show "«ψ x (μ'.map x D g) : F y C x»"
              using x g ψ_in_hom by auto
        show "y f x. D.ide y; «f : F' y C x»
                           ψ x (μ'.map x D μ (C.cod f) D φ y (f C τ'.map y)) C
                                τ (D.dom (μ (C.cod f) D φ y (f C τ'.map y))) =
        proof -
          fix x y f
          assume y: "D.ide y" and f: "«f : F' y C x»"
          have 1: "«φ y (f C τ'.map y) : y D G x»"
            using f y φ_in_hom by auto
          show "ψ x (μ'.map x D μ (C.cod f) D φ y (f C τ'.map y)) C
                  τ (D.dom (μ (C.cod f) D φ y (f C τ'.map y))) =
          proof -
            have "ψ x (μ'.map x D μ (C.cod f) D φ y (f C τ'.map y)) C
                    τ (D.dom (μ (C.cod f) D φ y (f C τ'.map y))) =
                  ψ x ((μ'.map x D μ (C.cod f)) D φ y (f C τ'.map y)) C
                    τ (D.dom (μ (C.cod f) D φ y (f C τ'.map y)))"
              using D.comp_assoc by simp
            also have "... = ψ x (φ y (f C τ'.map y)) C τ y"
              by (metis "1" C.arr_cod C.dom_cod C.ide_cod C.in_homE D.comp_ide_arr D.dom_comp
                  D.ide_compE D.in_homE D.inverse_arrowsE μ'.inverts_components μ.preserves_dom
                  μ.preserves_reflects_arr category.seqI f meta_adjunction_axioms
            also have "... = f"
              using f y ψ_φ C.comp_assoc τ'.inverts_components [of y] C.comp_arr_dom
              by fastforce
            finally show ?thesis by blast
        show "x g y. C.ide x; «g : y D G' x»
                          μ (C.cod (ψ x (μ'.map x D g) C τ (D.dom g))) D
                               φ y ((ψ x (μ'.map x D g) C τ (D.dom g)) C τ'.map y) =
        proof -
          fix x y g
          assume x: "C.ide x" and g: "«g : y D G' x»"
          have 1: "«ψ x (μ'.map x D g) : F y C x»"
            using x g ψ_in_hom by auto
          show "μ (C.cod (ψ x (μ'.map x D g) C τ (D.dom g))) D
                  φ y ((ψ x (μ'.map x D g) C τ (D.dom g)) C τ'.map y) =
          proof -
            have "μ (C.cod (ψ x (μ'.map x D g) C τ (D.dom g))) D
                    φ y ((ψ x (μ'.map x D g) C τ (D.dom g)) C τ'.map y) =
                  μ (C.cod (ψ x (μ'.map x D g) C τ (D.dom g))) D
                    φ y (ψ x (μ'.map x D g) C τ (D.dom g) C τ'.map y)"
              using C.comp_assoc by simp
            also have "... = μ x D φ y (ψ x (μ'.map x D g))"
              using 1 C.comp_arr_dom C.comp_arr_inv' g by fastforce
            also have "... = (μ x D μ'.map x) D g"
              using x g φ_ψ D.comp_assoc by auto
            also have "... = g"
              using x g μ'.inverts_components [of x] D.comp_cod_arr by fastforce
            finally show ?thesis by blast
        show "f x x' g y' y h. «f : x C x'»; «g : y' D y»; «h : F' y C x»
                   μ (C.cod (f C h C F' g)) D φ y' ((f C h C F' g) C τ'.map y') =
                      G' f D (μ (C.cod h) D φ y (h C τ'.map y)) D g"
        proof -
          fix x y x' y' f g h
          assume f: "«f : x C x'»" and g: "«g : y' D y»" and h: "«h : F' y C x»"
          show "μ (C.cod (f C h C F' g)) D φ y' ((f C h C F' g) C τ'.map y') =
                G' f D (μ (C.cod h) D φ y (h C τ'.map y)) D g"
          proof -
            have "μ (C.cod (f C h C F' g)) D φ y' ((f C h C F' g) C τ'.map y') =
                  μ x' D φ y' ((f C h C F' g) C τ'.map y')"
              using f g h by fastforce
            also have "... = μ x' D φ y' (f C (h C τ'.map y) C F g)"
              using g τ'.naturality C.comp_assoc by auto
            also have "... = (μ x' D G f) D φ y (h C τ'.map y) D g"
              using f g h φ_naturality [of f x x' g y' y "h C τ'.map y"] D.comp_assoc
              by fastforce
            also have "... = (G' f D μ x) D φ y (h C τ'.map y) D g"
              using f μ.naturality by auto
            also have "... = G' f D (μ (C.cod h) D φ y (h C τ'.map y)) D g"
              using h D.comp_assoc by auto
            finally show ?thesis by blast


  subsection "Hom-Adjunction"

    The bijection between hom-sets that defines an adjunction can be represented
    formally as a natural isomorphism of hom-functors.  However, stating the definition
    this way is more complex than was the case for meta_adjunction›.
    One reason is that we need to have a ``set category'' that is suitable as
    a target category for the hom-functors, and since the arrows of the categories
    @{term C} and @{term D} will in general have distinct types, we need a set category
    that simultaneously embeds both.  Another reason is that we simply have to formally
    construct the various categories and functors required to express the definition.

    This is a good place to point out that I have often included more sublocales
    in a locale than are strictly required.  The main reason for this is the fact that
    the locale system in Isabelle only gives one name to each entity introduced by
    a locale: the name that it has in the first locale in which it occurs.
    This means that entities that make their first appearance deeply nested in sublocales
    will have to be referred to by long qualified names that can be difficult to
    understand, or even to discover.  To counteract this, I have typically introduced
    sublocales before the superlocales that contain them to ensure that the entities
    in the sublocales can be referred to by short meaningful (and predictable) names.
    In my opinion, though, it would be better if the locale system would make entities
    that occur in multiple locales accessible by \emph{all} possible qualified names,
    so that the most perspicuous name could be used in any particular context.

  locale hom_adjunction =
    C: category C +
    D: category D +
    S: set_category S setp +
    Cop: dual_category C +
    Dop: dual_category D +
    CopxC: product_category Cop.comp C +
    DopxD: product_category Dop.comp D +
    DopxC: product_category Dop.comp C +
    F: "functor" D C F +
    G: "functor" C D G +
    HomC: hom_functor C S setp φC +
    HomD: hom_functor D S setp φD +
    Fop: dual_functor Dop.comp Cop.comp F +
    FopxC: product_functor Dop.comp C Cop.comp C +
    DopxG: product_functor Dop.comp C Dop.comp D G +
    Hom_FopxC: composite_functor DopxC.comp CopxC.comp S +
    Hom_DopxG: composite_functor DopxC.comp DopxD.comp S +
    Hom_FopxC: set_valued_functor DopxC.comp S setp +
    Hom_DopxG: set_valued_functor DopxC.comp S setp +
    Φ: set_valued_transformation DopxC.comp S setp Φ +
    Ψ: set_valued_transformation DopxC.comp S setp Ψ +
    ΦΨ: inverse_transformations DopxC.comp S Φ Ψ
    for C :: "'c comp"     (infixr C 55)
    and D :: "'d comp"     (infixr D 55)
    and S :: "'s comp"     (infixr S 55)
    and setp :: "'s set  bool"
    and φC :: "'c * 'c  'c  's"
    and φD :: "'d * 'd  'd  's"
    and F :: "'d  'c"
    and G :: "'c  'd"
    and Φ :: "'d * 'c  's"
    and Ψ :: "'d * 'c  's"

    notation C.in_hom      («_ : _ C _»)
    notation D.in_hom      («_ : _ D _»)

    abbreviation ψC :: "'c * 'c  's  'c"
    where "ψC  HomC.ψ"

    abbreviation ψD :: "'d * 'd  's  'd"
    where "ψD  HomD.ψ"


  subsection "Unit/Counit Adjunction"

    Expressed in unit/counit terms, an adjunction consists of functors
    F: D → C› and G: C → D›, equipped with natural transformations
    η: 1 → GF› and ε: FG → 1› satisfying certain ``triangle identities''.

  locale unit_counit_adjunction =
    C: category C +
    D: category D +
    F: "functor" D C F +
    G: "functor" C D G +
    GF: composite_functor D C D F G +
    FG: composite_functor C D C G F +
    FGF: composite_functor D C C F F o G +
    GFG: composite_functor C D D G G o F +
    η: natural_transformation D D G o F η +
    ε: natural_transformation C C F o G ε +: natural_transformation D C F F o G o F F o η +
    ηG: natural_transformation C D G G o F o G η o G +
    εF: natural_transformation D C F o G o F F ε o F +: natural_transformation C D G o F o G G G o ε +
    εFoFη: vertical_composite D C F F o G o F F F o η ε o F +
    GεoηG: vertical_composite C D G G o F o G G η o G G o ε
    for C :: "'c comp"     (infixr C 55)
    and D :: "'d comp"     (infixr D 55)
    and F :: "'d  'c"
    and G :: "'c  'd"
    and η :: "'d  'd"
    and ε :: "'c  'c" +
    assumes triangle_F: "εFoFη.map = F"
    and triangle_G: "Gεoη = G"

    notation C.in_hom      («_ : _ C _»)
    notation D.in_hom      («_ : _ D _»)


  lemma unit_determines_counit:
  assumes "unit_counit_adjunction C D F G η ε"
  and "unit_counit_adjunction C D F G η ε'"
  shows "ε = ε'"
  proof -
    (* IDEA:  ε' = ε'FG o (FGε o FηG) = ε'ε o FηG = εFG o (ε'FG o FηG) = ε *)
    interpret Adj: unit_counit_adjunction C D F G η ε using assms(1) by auto
    interpret Adj': unit_counit_adjunction C D F G η ε' using assms(2) by auto
    interpret FGFG: composite_functor C D C G F o G o F ..
    interpret FGε: natural_transformation C C (F o G) o (F o G) F o G (F o G) o ε
      using Adj.ε.natural_transformation_axioms Adj.FG.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
      by fastforce
    interpret FηG: natural_transformation C C F o G F o G o F o G F o η o G
      using Adj.η.natural_transformation_axioms Adj.Fη.natural_transformation_axioms
            Adj.G.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms horizontal_composite
      by blast
    interpret ε'ε: natural_transformation C C F o G o F o G ε' o ε
    proof -
      have "natural_transformation C C ((F o G) o (F o G)) (ε' o ε)"
        using Adj.ε.natural_transformation_axioms Adj'.ε.natural_transformation_axioms
              horizontal_composite Adj.C.is_functor comp_functor_identity
        by (metis (no_types, lifting))
      thus "natural_transformation C C (F o G o F o G) (ε' o ε)"
        using o_assoc by metis
    interpret ε'εoFηG: vertical_composite
                         C C F o G F o G o F o G F o η o G ε' o ε ..
    have "ε' = C C (F o Adj.Gεoη ε'"
      using vcomp_ide_dom [of C C "F o G" ε'] Adj.triangle_G
      by (simp add: Adj'.ε.natural_transformation_axioms)
    also have "... = C C
                       ( C C (F o η o G) (F o G o ε)) ε'"
      using whisker_left Adj.F.functor_axioms Adj.Gε.natural_transformation_axioms
            Adj.ηG.natural_transformation_axioms o_assoc
      by (metis (no_types, lifting))
    also have "... = C C
                       ( C C (F o η o G) (ε' o F o G)) ε"
    proof -
      have " C C
              ( C C (F o η o G) (F o G o ε)) ε'
              = C C (F o η o G)
                  ( C C (F o G o ε) ε')"
        using vcomp_assoc
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Adj'.ε.natural_transformation_axioms
            FGε.natural_transformation_axioms FηG.natural_transformation_axioms o_assoc)
      also have "... = C C (F o η o G)
                         ( C C (ε' o F o G) ε)"
        using Adj'.ε.natural_transformation_axioms Adj.ε.natural_transformation_axioms
              interchange_spc [of C C "F o G" ε C "F o G" ε']
        by (metis hcomp_ide_cod hcomp_ide_dom o_assoc)
      also have "... = C C
                         ( C C (F o η o G) (ε' o F o G)) ε"
        using vcomp_assoc
        by (metis Adj'.εF.natural_transformation_axioms
            Adj.ε.natural_transformation_axioms FηG.natural_transformation_axioms
      finally show ?thesis by simp
    also have "... = C C
                       ( D C (F o η) (ε' o F) o G) ε"
      using whisker_right Adj'.εF.natural_transformation_axioms
            Adj.Fη.natural_transformation_axioms Adj.G.functor_axioms
      by metis
    also have "... = ε"
      using Adj'.triangle_F vcomp_ide_cod Adj.ε.natural_transformation_axioms by simp
    finally show ?thesis by simp

  lemma counit_determines_unit:
  assumes "unit_counit_adjunction C D F G η ε"
  and "unit_counit_adjunction C D F G η' ε"
  shows "η = η'"
  proof -
    interpret Adj: unit_counit_adjunction C D F G η ε using assms(1) by auto
    interpret Adj': unit_counit_adjunction C D F G η' ε using assms(2) by auto
    interpret GFGF: composite_functor D C D F G o F o G ..
    interpret GFη: natural_transformation D D G o F (G o F) o (G o F) (G o F) o η
      using Adj.η.natural_transformation_axioms Adj.GF.functor_axioms
            Adj.GF.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms comp_functor_identity
      by (metis (no_types, lifting))
    interpret η'GF: natural_transformation D D G o F (G o F) o (G o F) η' o (G o F)
      using Adj'.η.natural_transformation_axioms Adj.GF.functor_axioms
            Adj.GF.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms comp_identity_functor
      by (metis (no_types, lifting))
    interpret GεF: natural_transformation D D G o F o G o F G o F G o ε o F
      using Adj.ε.natural_transformation_axioms Adj.F.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
            Adj.Gε.natural_transformation_axioms horizontal_composite
      by blast
    interpret η'η: natural_transformation D D G o F o G o F η' o η
    proof -
      have "natural_transformation D D ((G o F) o (G o F)) (η' o η)"
        using Adj'.η.natural_transformation_axioms Adj.D.identity_functor_axioms
              Adj.η.natural_transformation_axioms horizontal_composite identity_functor.is_functor
        by fastforce
      thus "natural_transformation D D (G o F o G o F) (η' o η)"
        using o_assoc by metis
    interpret GεFoη'η: vertical_composite
                         D D G o F o G o F G o F η' o η G o ε o F ..
    have "η' = D D η' (G o Adj.εFoFη.map)"
      using vcomp_ide_cod [of D D "G o F" η'] Adj.triangle_F
      by (simp add: Adj'.η.natural_transformation_axioms)
    also have "... = D D η'
                       ( D D (G o (F o η)) (G o (ε o F)))"
      using whisker_left Adj.Fη.natural_transformation_axioms Adj.G.functor_axioms
      by fastforce
    also have "... = D D
                       ( D D η' (G o (F o η))) (G o ε o F)"
      using vcomp_assoc Adj'.η.natural_transformation_axioms
            GFη.natural_transformation_axioms GεF.natural_transformation_axioms o_assoc
      by (metis (no_types, lifting))
    also have "... = D D
                       ( D D η (η' o G o F)) (G o ε o F)"
        using interchange_spc [of D D "G o F" η D "G o F" η']
              Adj.η.natural_transformation_axioms Adj'.η.natural_transformation_axioms
        by (metis hcomp_ide_cod hcomp_ide_dom o_assoc)
    also have "... = D D η
                       ( D D (η' o G o F) (G o ε o F))"
      using vcomp_assoc
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) Adj.η.natural_transformation_axioms
          GεF.natural_transformation_axioms η'GF.natural_transformation_axioms o_assoc)
    also have "... = D D η
                       ( C D (η' o G) (G o ε) o F)"
      using whisker_right Adj'.ηG.natural_transformation_axioms Adj.F.functor_axioms
      by fastforce
    also have "... = η"
      using Adj'.triangle_G vcomp_ide_dom Adj.GF.functor_axioms
      by simp
    finally show ?thesis by simp

  subsection "Adjunction"

    The grand unification of everything to do with an adjunction.

  locale adjunction =
    C: category C +
    D: category D +
    S: set_category S setp +
    Cop: dual_category C +
    Dop: dual_category D +
    CopxC: product_category Cop.comp C +
    DopxD: product_category Dop.comp D +
    DopxC: product_category Dop.comp C +
    idDop: identity_functor Dop.comp +
    HomC: hom_functor C S setp φC +
    HomD: hom_functor D S setp φD +
    F: left_adjoint_functor D C F +
    G: right_adjoint_functor C D G +
    GF: composite_functor D C D F G +
    FG: composite_functor C D C G F +
    FGF: composite_functor D C C F +
    GFG: composite_functor C D D G +
    Fop: dual_functor Dop.comp Cop.comp F +
    FopxC: product_functor Dop.comp C Cop.comp C +
    DopxG: product_functor Dop.comp C Dop.comp D G +
    Hom_FopxC: composite_functor DopxC.comp CopxC.comp S +
    Hom_DopxG: composite_functor DopxC.comp DopxD.comp S +
    Hom_FopxC: set_valued_functor DopxC.comp S setp +
    Hom_DopxG: set_valued_functor DopxC.comp S setp +
    η: natural_transformation D D η +
    ε: natural_transformation C C ε +: natural_transformation D C F F o G o F F o η +
    ηG: natural_transformation C D G G o F o G η o G +
    εF: natural_transformation D C F o G o F F ε o F +: natural_transformation C D G o F o G G G o ε +
    εFoFη: vertical_composite D C F F F o η ε o F +
    GεoηG: vertical_composite C D G G η o G G o ε +
    φψ: meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ +
    ηε: unit_counit_adjunction C D F G η ε +
    ΦΨ: hom_adjunction C D S setp φC φD F G Φ Ψ
    for C :: "'c comp"     (infixr C 55)
    and D :: "'d comp"     (infixr D 55)
    and S :: "'s comp"     (infixr S 55)
    and setp :: "'s set  bool"
    and φC :: "'c * 'c  'c  's"
    and φD :: "'d * 'd  'd  's"
    and F :: "'d  'c"
    and G :: "'c  'd"
    and φ :: "'d  'c  'd"
    and ψ :: "'c  'd  'c"
    and η :: "'d  'd"
    and ε :: "'c  'c"
    and Φ :: "'d * 'c  's"
    and Ψ :: "'d * 'c  's" +
    assumes φ_in_terms_of_η: " D.ide y; «f : F y C x»   φ y f = G f D η y"
    and ψ_in_terms_of_ε: " C.ide x; «g : y D G x»   ψ x g = ε x C F g"
    and η_in_terms_of_φ: "D.ide y  η y = φ y (F y)"
    and ε_in_terms_of_ψ: "C.ide x  ε x = ψ x (G x)"
    and φ_in_terms_of_Φ: " D.ide y; «f : F y C x»  
                              φ y f = (ΦΨ.ψD (y, G x) o S.Fun (Φ (y, x)) o φC (F y, x)) f"
    and ψ_in_terms_of_Ψ: " C.ide x; «g : y D G x»  
                              ψ x g = (ΦΨ.ψC (F y, x) o S.Fun (Ψ (y, x)) o φD (y, G x)) g"
    and Φ_in_terms_of_φ:
           " C.ide x; D.ide y  
                Φ (y, x) = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                                    (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ΦΨ.ψC (F y, x))"
    and Ψ_in_terms_of_ψ:
           " C.ide x; D.ide y  
                Ψ (y, x) = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                                    (φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ΦΨ.ψD (y, G x))"

  section "Meta-Adjunctions Induce Unit/Counit Adjunctions"

  context meta_adjunction

    interpretation GF: composite_functor D C D F G ..
    interpretation FG: composite_functor C D C G F ..
    interpretation FGF: composite_functor D C C F ..
    interpretation GFG: composite_functor C D D G ..

    definition ηo :: "'d  'd"
    where "ηo y = φ y (F y)"

    lemma ηo_in_hom:
    assumes "D.ide y"
    shows "«ηo y : y D G (F y)»"
      using assms D.ide_in_hom ηo_def φ_in_hom by force

    lemma φ_in_terms_of_ηo:
    assumes "D.ide y" and "«f : F y C x»"
    shows "φ y f = G f D ηo y"
    proof (unfold ηo_def)
      have 1: "«F y : F y C F y»"
        using assms(1) D.ide_in_hom by blast
      hence "φ y (F y) = φ y (F y) D y"
        by (metis assms(1) D.in_homE φ_in_hom D.comp_arr_dom)
      thus "φ y f = G f D φ y (F y)"
        using assms 1 D.ide_in_hom by (metis C.comp_arr_dom C.in_homE φ_naturality)

    lemma φ_F_char:
    assumes "«g : y' D y»"
    shows "φ y' (F g) = ηo y D g"
      using assms ηo_def φ_in_hom [of y "F y" "F y"]
            D.comp_cod_arr [of "D (φ y (F y)) g" "G (F y)"]
            φ_naturality [of "F y" "F y" "F y" g y' y "F y"]
      by (metis C.ide_in_hom D.arr_cod_iff_arr D.arr_dom D.cod_cod D.cod_dom D.comp_ide_arr
          D.comp_ide_self D.ide_cod D.in_homE F.as_nat_trans.naturality2 F.functor_axioms
          F.preserves_section_retraction φ_in_hom functor.preserves_hom)

    interpretation η: transformation_by_components D D ηo
      show "a. D.ide a  «ηo a : a D a»"
        using ηo_def φ_in_hom D.ide_in_hom by force
      fix f
      assume f: "D.arr f"
      show "ηo (D.cod f) D f = f D ηo (D.dom f)"
        using f φ_F_char [of " f" "D.dom f" "D.cod f"]
              φ_in_terms_of_ηo [of "D.dom f" "F f" "F (D.cod f)"]
        by force

    lemma η_map_simp:
    assumes "D.ide y"
    shows "η.map y = φ y (F y)"
      using assms η.map_simp_ide ηo_def by simp

    definition εo :: "'c  'c"
    where "εo x = ψ x (G x)"

    lemma εo_in_hom:
    assumes "C.ide x"
    shows "«εo x : F (G x) C x»"
      using assms C.ide_in_hom εo_def ψ_in_hom by force

    lemma ψ_in_terms_of_εo:
    assumes "C.ide x" and "«g : y D G x»"
    shows "ψ x g = εo x C F g"
    proof -
      have "εo x C F g = x C ψ x (G x) C F g"
        using assms εo_def ψ_in_hom [of x "G x" "G x"]
              C.comp_cod_arr [of "ψ x (G x) C F g" x]
        by fastforce
      also have "... = ψ x (G x D G x D g)"
        using assms ψ_naturality [of x x x g y "G x" "G x"] by force
      also have "... = ψ x g"
        using assms D.comp_cod_arr by fastforce
      finally show ?thesis by simp

    lemma ψ_G_char:
    assumes "«f: x C x'»"
    shows "ψ x' (G f) = f C εo x"
    proof (unfold εo_def)
      have 0: "C.ide x  C.ide x'" using assms by auto
      thus "ψ x' (G f) = f C ψ x (G x)"
        using 0 assms ψ_naturality ψ_in_hom [of x "G x" "G x"] G.preserves_hom εo_def
              ψ_in_terms_of_εo G.as_nat_trans.naturality1 C.ide_in_hom
        by (metis C.arrI C.in_homE)

    interpretation ε: transformation_by_components C C εo
      apply unfold_locales
      using εo_in_hom
       apply simp
      using ψ_G_char ψ_in_terms_of_εo
      by (metis C.arr_iff_in_hom C.ide_cod C.map_simp G.preserves_hom comp_apply)

    lemma ε_map_simp:
    assumes "C.ide x"
    shows "ε.map x = ψ x (G x)"
      using assms εo_def by simp

    interpretation FD: composite_functor D D C F ..
    interpretation CF: composite_functor D C C F ..
    interpretation GC: composite_functor C C D G ..
    interpretation DG: composite_functor C D D G ..

    interpretation: natural_transformation D C F F o G o F F o η.map
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) F.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
          F.functor_axioms η.natural_transformation_axioms comp_functor_identity
          horizontal_composite o_assoc)

    interpretation εF: natural_transformation D C F o G o F F ε.map o F
      using ε.natural_transformation_axioms F.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
      by fastforce

    interpretation ηG: natural_transformation C D G G o F o G η.map o G
      using η.natural_transformation_axioms G.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
      by fastforce

    interpretation: natural_transformation C D G o F o G G G o ε.map
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) G.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
          G.functor_axioms ε.natural_transformation_axioms comp_functor_identity
          horizontal_composite o_assoc)

    interpretation εFoFη: vertical_composite D C F F o G o F F F o η.map ε.map o F
    interpretation GεoηG: vertical_composite C D G G o F o G G η.map o G G o ε.map

    lemma unit_counit_F:
    assumes "D.ide y"
    shows "F y = εo (F y) C F (ηo y)"
      using assms ψ_in_terms_of_εo ηo_def ψ_φ ηo_in_hom F.preserves_ide C.ide_in_hom by metis

    lemma unit_counit_G:
    assumes "C.ide x"
    shows "G x = G (εo x) D ηo (G x)"
      using assms φ_in_terms_of_ηo εo_def φ_ψ εo_in_hom G.preserves_ide D.ide_in_hom by metis

    lemma induces_unit_counit_adjunction':
    shows "unit_counit_adjunction C D F G η.map ε.map"
      show "εFoFη.map = F"
        using εFoFη.is_natural_transformation εFoFη.map_simp_ide unit_counit_F
        by (intro natural_transformation_eqI) auto
      show "Gεoη = G"
        using GεoηG.is_natural_transformation GεoηG.map_simp_ide unit_counit_G
        by (intro natural_transformation_eqI) auto

    definition η :: "'d  'd" where "η  η.map"
    definition ε :: "'c  'c" where "ε  ε.map"

    theorem induces_unit_counit_adjunction:
    shows "unit_counit_adjunction C D F G η ε"
      unfolding η_def ε_def
      using induces_unit_counit_adjunction' by simp

    lemma η_naturalitytransformation:
    shows "natural_transformation D D η"
      unfolding η_def ..

    lemma ε_naturalitytransformation:
    shows "natural_transformation C C ε"
      unfolding ε_def ..

      From the defined @{term η} and @{term ε} we can recover the original @{term φ} and @{term ψ}.

    lemma φ_in_terms_of_η:
    assumes "D.ide y" and "«f : F y C x»"
    shows "φ y f = G f D η y"
      using assms η_def by (simp add: φ_in_terms_of_ηo)

    lemma ψ_in_terms_of_ε:
    assumes "C.ide x" and "«g : y D G x»"
    shows "ψ x g = ε x C F g"
      using assms ε_def by (simp add: ψ_in_terms_of_εo)


  section "Meta-Adjunctions Induce Left and Right Adjoint Functors"

  context meta_adjunction

    interpretation unit_counit_adjunction C D F G η ε
      using induces_unit_counit_adjunction η_def ε_def by auto

    lemma has_terminal_arrows_from_functor:
    assumes x: "C.ide x"
    shows "terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F (G x) x (ε x)"
    and "y' f. arrow_from_functor D C F y' x f
                    terminal_arrow_from_functor.the_coext D C F (G x) (ε x) y' f = φ y' f"
    proof -
      interpret εx: arrow_from_functor D C F G x x ε x
        using x ε.preserves_hom G.preserves_ide by unfold_locales auto
      have 1: "y' f. arrow_from_functor D C F y' x f 
                      εx.is_coext y' f (φ y' f)  (g'. εx.is_coext y' f g'  g' = φ y' f)"
        using x
        by (metis (full_types) εx.is_coext_def φ_ψ ψ_in_terms_of_ε arrow_from_functor.arrow
            φ_in_hom ψ_φ)
      interpret εx: terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F G x x ε x
        using 1 by unfold_locales blast
      show "terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F (G x) x (ε x)" ..
      show "y' f. arrow_from_functor D C F y' x f  εx.the_coext y' f = φ y' f"
        using 1 εx.the_coext_def by auto

    lemma has_left_adjoint_functor:
    shows "left_adjoint_functor D C F"
      apply unfold_locales using has_terminal_arrows_from_functor by auto

    lemma has_initial_arrows_to_functor:
    assumes y: "D.ide y"
    shows "initial_arrow_to_functor C D G y (F y) (η y)"
    and "x' g. arrow_to_functor C D G y x' g 
                  initial_arrow_to_functor.the_ext C D G (F y) (η y) x' g = ψ x' g"
    proof -
      interpret ηy: arrow_to_functor C D G y F y η y
        using y by unfold_locales auto
      have 1: "x' g. arrow_to_functor C D G y x' g 
                         ηy.is_ext x' g (ψ x' g)  (f'. ηy.is_ext x' g f'  f' = ψ x' g)"
        using y
        by (metis (full_types) ηy.is_ext_def ψ_φ φ_in_terms_of_η arrow_to_functor.arrow
            ψ_in_hom φ_ψ)
      interpret ηy: initial_arrow_to_functor C D G y F y η y
        apply unfold_locales using 1 by blast
      show "initial_arrow_to_functor C D G y (F y) (η y)" ..
      show "x' g. arrow_to_functor C D G y x' g  ηy.the_ext x' g = ψ x' g"
        using 1 ηy.the_ext_def by auto

    lemma has_right_adjoint_functor:
    shows "right_adjoint_functor C D G"
      apply unfold_locales using has_initial_arrows_to_functor by auto


  section "Unit/Counit Adjunctions Induce Meta-Adjunctions"

  context unit_counit_adjunction

    definition φ :: "'d  'c  'd"
    where "φ y h = G h D η y"

    definition ψ :: "'c  'd  'c"
    where "ψ x h = ε x C F h"

    interpretation meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ
      fix x :: 'c and y :: 'd and f :: 'c
      assume y: "D.ide y" and f: "«f : F y C x»"
      show 0: "«φ y f : y D G x»"
        using f y G.preserves_hom η.preserves_hom φ_def D.ide_in_hom by auto
      show "ψ x (φ y f) = f"
      proof -
        have "ψ x (φ y f) = (ε x C F (G f)) C F (η y)"
          using y f φ_def ψ_def C.comp_assoc by auto
        also have "... = (f C ε (F y)) C F (η y)"
          using y f ε.naturality by auto
        also have "... = f"
          using y f εFoFη.map_simp_2 triangle_F C.comp_arr_dom D.ide_in_hom C.comp_assoc
          by fastforce
        finally show ?thesis by auto
      fix x :: 'c and y :: 'd and g :: 'd
      assume x: "C.ide x" and g: "«g : y D G x»"
      show "«ψ x g : F y C x»" using g x ψ_def by fastforce
      show "φ y (ψ x g) = g"
      proof -
        have "φ y (ψ x g) = (G (ε x) D η (G x)) D g"
          using g x φ_def ψ_def η.naturality [of g] D.comp_assoc by auto
        also have "... = g"
          using x g triangle_G D.comp_ide_arr GεoηG.map_simp_ide by auto
        finally show ?thesis by auto
      fix f :: 'c and g :: 'd and h :: 'c and x :: 'c and x' :: 'c and y :: 'd and y' :: 'd
      assume f: "«f : x C x'»" and g: "«g : y' D y»" and h: "«h : F y C x»"
      show "φ y' (f C h C F g) = G f D φ y h D g"
        using φ_def f g h η.naturality D.comp_assoc by fastforce

    theorem induces_meta_adjunction:
    shows "meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ" ..

      From the defined @{term φ} and @{term ψ} we can recover the original @{term η} and @{term ε}.

    lemma η_in_terms_of_φ:
    assumes "D.ide y"
    shows "η y = φ y (F y)"
      using assms φ_def D.comp_cod_arr by auto

    lemma ε_in_terms_of_ψ:
    assumes "C.ide x"
    shows "ε x = ψ x (G x)"
      using assms ψ_def C.comp_arr_dom by auto


  section "Left and Right Adjoint Functors Induce Meta-Adjunctions"

    A left adjoint functor induces a meta-adjunction, modulo the choice of a
    right adjoint and counit.

  context left_adjoint_functor

    definition Go :: "'c  'd"
    where "Go a = (SOME b. e. terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F b a e)"

    definition εo :: "'c  'c"
    where "εo a = (SOME e. terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F (Go a) a e)"

    lemma Go_εo_terminal:
    assumes "b e. terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F b a e"
    shows "terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F (Go a) a (εo a)"
      using assms Go_def εo_def
            someI_ex [of "λb. e. terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F b a e"]
            someI_ex [of "λe. terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F (Go a) a e"]
      by simp

      The right adjoint @{term G} to @{term F} takes each arrow @{term f} of
      @{term[source=true] C} to the unique @{term[source=true] D}-coextension of
      @{term "C f (εo (C.dom f))"} along @{term "εo (C.cod f)"}.

    definition G :: "'c  'd"
    where "G f = (if C.arr f then
                     terminal_arrow_from_functor.the_coext D C F (Go (C.cod f)) (εo (C.cod f))
                                  (Go (C.dom f)) (f C εo (C.dom f))
                  else D.null)"

    lemma G_ide:
    assumes "C.ide x"
    shows "G x = Go x"
    proof -
      interpret terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F Go x x εo x
        using assms ex_terminal_arrow Go_εo_terminal by blast
      have 1: "arrow_from_functor D C F (Go x) x (εo x)" ..
      have "is_coext (Go x) (εo x) (Go x)"
        using arrow is_coext_def C.in_homE C.comp_arr_dom by auto
      hence "Go x = the_coext (Go x) (εo x)" using 1 the_coext_unique by blast
      moreover have "εo x = C x (εo (C.dom x))"
        using assms arrow C.comp_ide_arr C.seqI' C.ide_in_hom C.in_homE by metis
      ultimately show ?thesis using assms G_def C.cod_dom C.ide_in_hom C.in_homE by metis

    lemma G_is_functor:
    shows "functor C D G"
      fix f :: 'c
      assume "¬C.arr f"
      thus "G f = D.null" using G_def by auto
      fix f :: 'c
      assume f: "C.arr f"
      let ?x = "C.dom f"
      let ?x' = "C.cod f"
      interpret: terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F Go ?x ?x εo ?x
        using f ex_terminal_arrow Go_εo_terminal by simp
      interpret x'ε: terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F Go ?x' ?x' εo ?x'
        using f ex_terminal_arrow Go_εo_terminal by simp
      have 1: "arrow_from_functor D C F (Go ?x) ?x' (C f (εo ?x))"
        using f xε.arrow by (unfold_locales, auto)
      have "G f = x'ε.the_coext (Go ?x) (C f (εo ?x))" using f G_def by simp
      hence Gf: "«G f : Go ?x D Go ?x'»  f C εo ?x = εo ?x' C F (G f)"
        using 1 x'ε.the_coext_prop by simp
      show "D.arr (G f)" using Gf by auto
      show "D.dom (G f) = G ?x" using f Gf G_ide by auto
      show "D.cod (G f) = G ?x'" using f Gf G_ide by auto
      fix f f' :: 'c
      assume ff': "C.arr (C f' f)"
      have f: "C.arr f" using ff' by auto
      let ?x = "C.dom f"
      let ?x' = "C.cod f"
      let ?x'' = "C.cod f'"
      interpret: terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F Go ?x ?x εo ?x
        using f ex_terminal_arrow Go_εo_terminal by simp
      interpret x'ε: terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F Go ?x' ?x' εo ?x'
        using f ex_terminal_arrow Go_εo_terminal by simp
      interpret x''ε: terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F Go ?x'' ?x'' εo ?x''
        using ff' ex_terminal_arrow Go_εo_terminal by auto
      have 1: "arrow_from_functor D C F (Go ?x) ?x' (f C εo ?x)"
         using f xε.arrow by (unfold_locales, auto)
      have 2: "arrow_from_functor D C F (Go ?x') ?x'' (f' C εo ?x')"
         using ff' x'ε.arrow by (unfold_locales, auto)
      have "G f = x'ε.the_coext (Go ?x) (C f (εo ?x))"
        using f G_def by simp
      hence Gf: "D.in_hom (G f) (Go ?x) (Go ?x')  f C εo ?x = εo ?x' C F (G f)"
        using 1 x'ε.the_coext_prop by simp
      have "G f' = x''ε.the_coext (Go ?x') (f' C εo ?x')"
        using ff' G_def by auto
      hence Gf': "«G f' : Go (C.cod f) D Go (C.cod f')»  f' C εo ?x' = εo ?x'' C F (G f')"
        using 2 x''ε.the_coext_prop by simp
      show "G (f' C f) = G f' D G f"
      proof -
        have "x''ε.is_coext (Go ?x) ((f' C f) C εo ?x) (G f' D G f)"
        proof -
          have 3: "«G f' D G f : Go (C.dom f) D Go (C.cod f')»" using 1 2 Gf Gf' by auto
          moreover have "(f' C f) C εo ?x = εo ?x'' C F (G f' D G f)"
            by (metis 3 C.comp_assoc D.in_homE Gf Gf' preserves_comp)
          ultimately show ?thesis using x''ε.is_coext_def by auto
        moreover have "arrow_from_functor D C F (Go ?x) ?x'' ((f' C f) C εo ?x)"
           using ff' xε.arrow by unfold_locales blast
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using ff' G_def x''ε.the_coext_unique C.seqE C.cod_comp C.dom_comp by auto

    interpretation G: "functor" C D G using G_is_functor by auto

    lemma G_simp:
    assumes "C.arr f"
    shows "G f = terminal_arrow_from_functor.the_coext D C F (Go (C.cod f)) (εo (C.cod f))
                                                             (Go (C.dom f)) (f C εo (C.dom f))"
      using assms G_def by simp

    interpretation idC: identity_functor C ..
    interpretation GF: composite_functor C D C G F ..

    interpretation ε: transformation_by_components C C εo
      fix x :: 'c
      assume x: "C.ide x"
      show "«εo x : x C x»"
      proof -
        interpret terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F Go x x εo x
          using x Go_εo_terminal ex_terminal_arrow by simp
        show ?thesis using x G_ide arrow by auto
      fix f :: 'c
      assume f: "C.arr f"
      show "εo (C.cod f) C f = f C εo (C.dom f)"
      proof -
        let ?x = "C.dom f"
        let ?x' = "C.cod f"
        interpret: terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F Go ?x ?x εo ?x
          using f Go_εo_terminal ex_terminal_arrow by simp
        interpret x'ε: terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F Go ?x' ?x' εo ?x'
          using f Go_εo_terminal ex_terminal_arrow by simp
        have 1: "arrow_from_functor D C F (Go ?x) ?x' (C f (εo ?x))"
           using f xε.arrow by unfold_locales auto
        have "G f = x'ε.the_coext (Go ?x) (f C εo ?x)"
          using f G_simp by blast
        hence "x'ε.is_coext (Go ?x) (f C εo ?x) (G f)"
          using 1 x'ε.the_coext_prop x'ε.is_coext_def by auto
        thus ?thesis
          using f x'ε.is_coext_def by simp

    definition ψ
    where "ψ x h = C (ε.map x) (F h)"

    lemma ψ_in_hom:
    assumes "C.ide x" and "«g : y D G x»"
    shows "«ψ x g : F y C x»"
      unfolding ψ_def using assms ε.maps_ide_in_hom by auto

    lemma ψ_natural:
    assumes f: "«f : x C x'»" and g: "«g : y' D y»" and h: "«h : y D G x»"
    shows "f C ψ x h C F g = ψ x' ((G f D h) D g)"
    proof -
      have "f C ψ x h C F g = f C (ε.map x C F h) C F g"
        unfolding ψ_def by auto
      also have "... = (f C ε.map x) C F h C F g"
        using C.comp_assoc by fastforce
      also have "... = (f C ε.map x) C F (h D g)"
        using g h by fastforce
      also have "... = (ε.map x' C F (G f)) C F (h D g)"
        using f ε.naturality by auto
      also have "... = ε.map x' C F ((G f D h) D g)"
        using f g h C.comp_assoc by fastforce
      also have "... = ψ x' ((G f D h) D g)"
        unfolding ψ_def by auto
      finally show ?thesis by auto

    lemma ψ_inverts_coext:
    assumes x: "C.ide x" and g: "«g : y D G x»"
    shows "arrow_from_functor.is_coext D C F (G x) (ε.map x) y (ψ x g) g"
    proof -
      interpret: arrow_from_functor D C F G x x ε.map x
        using x ε.maps_ide_in_hom by unfold_locales auto
      show "xε.is_coext y (ψ x g) g"
        using x g ψ_def xε.is_coext_def G_ide by blast

    lemma ψ_invertible:
    assumes y: "D.ide y" and f: "«f : F y C x»"
    shows "∃!g. «g : y D G x»  ψ x g = f"
      have x: "C.ide x" using f by auto
      interpret: terminal_arrow_from_functor D C F Go x x εo x
        using x ex_terminal_arrow Go_εo_terminal by auto
      have 1: "arrow_from_functor D C F y x f"
        using y f by (unfold_locales, auto)
      let ?g = "xε.the_coext y f"
      have "ψ x ?g = f"
        using 1 x y ψ_def xε.the_coext_prop G_ide ψ_inverts_coext xε.is_coext_def by simp
      thus "«?g : y D G x»  ψ x ?g = f"
        using 1 x xε.the_coext_prop G_ide by simp
      show "g'. «g' : y D G x»  ψ x g' = f  g' = ?g"
        using 1 x y ψ_inverts_coext G_ide xε.the_coext_unique by force

    definition φ
    where "φ y f = (THE g. «g : y D G (C.cod f)»  ψ (C.cod f) g = f)"

    lemma φ_in_hom:
    assumes "D.ide y" and "«f : F y C x»"
    shows "«φ y f : y D G x»"
      using assms ψ_invertible φ_def theI' [of "λg. «g : y D G x»  ψ x g = f"]
      by auto

    lemma φ_ψ:
    assumes "C.ide x" and "«g : y D G x»"
    shows "φ y (ψ x g) = g"
    proof -
      have "φ y (ψ x g) = (THE g'. «g' : y D G x»  ψ x g' = ψ x g)"
      proof -
        have "C.cod (ψ x g) = x"
          using assms ψ_in_hom by auto
        thus ?thesis
          using φ_def by auto
      moreover have "∃!g'. «g' : y D G x»  ψ x g' = ψ x g"
        using assms ψ_in_hom ψ_invertible D.ide_dom by blast
      ultimately show "φ y (ψ x g) = g"
        using assms(2) by auto

    lemma ψ_φ:
    assumes "D.ide y" and "«f : F y C x»"
    shows "ψ x (φ y f) = f"
      using assms ψ_invertible φ_def theI' [of "λg. «g : y D G x»  ψ x g = f"]
      by auto

    lemma φ_natural:
    assumes "«f : x C x'»" and "«g : y' D y»" and "«h : F y C x»"
    shows "φ y' (f C h C F g) = (G f D φ y h) D g"
    proof -
      have "C.ide x'  D.ide y  D.in_hom (φ y h) y (G x)"
        using assms φ_in_hom by auto
      thus ?thesis
        using assms D.comp_in_homI G.preserves_hom ψ_natural [of f x x' g y' y "φ y h"] φ_ψ ψ_φ
        by auto

    theorem induces_meta_adjunction:
    shows "meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ"
      using φ_in_hom ψ_in_hom φ_ψ ψ_φ φ_natural D.comp_assoc
      by unfold_locales auto


    A right adjoint functor induces a meta-adjunction, modulo the choice of a
    left adjoint and unit.

  context right_adjoint_functor

    definition Fo :: "'d  'c"
    where "Fo y = (SOME x. u. initial_arrow_to_functor C D G y x u)"

    definition ηo :: "'d  'd"
    where "ηo y = (SOME u. initial_arrow_to_functor C D G y (Fo y) u)"

    lemma Fo_ηo_initial:
    assumes "x u. initial_arrow_to_functor C D G y x u"
    shows "initial_arrow_to_functor C D G y (Fo y) (ηo y)"
      using assms Fo_def ηo_def
            someI_ex [of "λx. u. initial_arrow_to_functor C D G y x u"]
            someI_ex [of "λu. initial_arrow_to_functor C D G y (Fo y) u"]
      by simp

      The left adjoint @{term F} to @{term g} takes each arrow @{term g} of
      @{term[source=true] D} to the unique @{term[source=true] C}-extension of
      @{term "D (ηo (D.cod g)) g"} along @{term "ηo (D.dom g)"}.

    definition F :: "'d  'c"
    where "F g = (if D.arr g then
                     initial_arrow_to_functor.the_ext C D G (Fo (D.dom g)) (ηo (D.dom g))
                                  (Fo (D.cod g)) (ηo (D.cod g) D g)
                  else C.null)"

    lemma F_ide:
    assumes "D.ide y"
    shows "F y = Fo y"
    proof -
      interpret initial_arrow_to_functor C D G y Fo y ηo y
        using assms ex_initial_arrow Fo_ηo_initial by blast
      have 1: "arrow_to_functor C D G y (Fo y) (ηo y)" ..
      have "is_ext (Fo y) (ηo y) (Fo y)"
        unfolding is_ext_def using arrow D.comp_ide_arr [of "G (Fo y)" "ηo y"] by force
      hence "Fo y = the_ext (Fo y) (ηo y)"
        using 1 the_ext_unique by blast
      moreover have "ηo y = D (ηo (D.cod y)) y"
        using assms arrow D.comp_arr_ide D.comp_arr_dom by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using assms F_def D.dom_cod D.in_homE D.ide_in_hom by metis

    lemma F_is_functor:
    shows "functor D C F"
      fix g :: 'd
      assume "¬D.arr g"
      thus "F g = C.null" using F_def by auto
      fix g :: 'd
      assume g: "D.arr g"
      let ?y = "D.dom g"
      let ?y' = "D.cod g"
      interpret: initial_arrow_to_functor C D G ?y Fo ?y ηo ?y
        using g ex_initial_arrow Fo_ηo_initial by simp
      interpret y'η: initial_arrow_to_functor C D G ?y' Fo ?y' ηo ?y'
        using g ex_initial_arrow Fo_ηo_initial by simp
      have 1: "arrow_to_functor C D G ?y (Fo ?y') (D (ηo ?y') g)"
        using g y'η.arrow by unfold_locales auto
      have "F g = yη.the_ext (Fo ?y') (D (ηo ?y') g)"
        using g F_def by simp
      hence Fg: "«F g : Fo ?y C Fo ?y'»  ηo ?y' D g = G (F g) D ηo ?y"
        using 1 yη.the_ext_prop by simp
      show "C.arr (F g)" using Fg by auto
      show "C.dom (F g) = F ?y" using Fg g F_ide by auto
      show "C.cod (F g) = F ?y'" using Fg g F_ide by auto
      fix g :: 'd
      fix g' :: 'd
      assume g': "D.arr (D g' g)"
      have g: "D.arr g" using g' by auto
      let ?y = "D.dom g"
      let ?y' = "D.cod g"
      let ?y'' = "D.cod g'"
      interpret: initial_arrow_to_functor C D G ?y Fo ?y ηo ?y
        using g ex_initial_arrow Fo_ηo_initial by simp
      interpret y'η: initial_arrow_to_functor C D G ?y' Fo ?y' ηo ?y'
        using g ex_initial_arrow Fo_ηo_initial by simp
      interpret y''η: initial_arrow_to_functor C D G ?y'' Fo ?y'' ηo ?y''
        using g' ex_initial_arrow Fo_ηo_initial by auto
      have 1: "arrow_to_functor C D G ?y (Fo ?y') (ηo ?y' D g)"
        using g y'η.arrow by unfold_locales auto
      have "F g = yη.the_ext (Fo ?y') (ηo ?y' D g)"
        using g F_def by simp
      hence Fg: "«F g : Fo ?y C Fo ?y'»  ηo ?y' D g = G (F g) D ηo ?y"
        using 1 yη.the_ext_prop by simp
      have 2: "arrow_to_functor C D G ?y' (Fo ?y'') (ηo ?y'' D g')"
        using g' y''η.arrow by unfold_locales auto
      have "F g' = y'η.the_ext (Fo ?y'') (ηo ?y'' D g')"
        using g' F_def by auto
      hence Fg': "«F g' : Fo ?y' C Fo ?y''»  ηo ?y'' D g' = G (F g') D ηo ?y'"
        using 2 y'η.the_ext_prop by simp
      show "F (g' D g) = F g' C F g"
      proof -
        have "yη.is_ext (Fo ?y'') (ηo ?y'' D g' D g) (F g' C F g)"
        proof -
          have 3: "«F g' C F g : Fo ?y C Fo ?y''»" using 1 2 Fg Fg' by auto
          moreover have "ηo ?y'' D g' D g = G (F g' C F g) D ηo ?y"
            using Fg Fg' g g' 3 y''η.arrow
            by (metis C.arrI D.comp_assoc preserves_comp)
          ultimately show ?thesis using yη.is_ext_def by auto
        moreover have "arrow_to_functor C D G ?y (Fo ?y'') (ηo ?y'' D g' D g)"
          using g g' y''η.arrow by unfold_locales auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using g g' F_def yη.the_ext_unique D.dom_comp D.cod_comp by auto

    interpretation F: "functor" D C F using F_is_functor by auto

    lemma F_simp:
    assumes "D.arr g"
    shows "F g = initial_arrow_to_functor.the_ext C D G (Fo (D.dom g)) (ηo (D.dom g))
                                                        (Fo (D.cod g)) (ηo (D.cod g) D g)"
      using assms F_def by simp

    interpretation FG: composite_functor D C D F G ..

    interpretation η: transformation_by_components D D ηo
      fix y :: 'd
      assume y: "D.ide y"
      show "«ηo y : y D y»"
      proof -
        interpret initial_arrow_to_functor C D G y Fo y ηo y
          using y Fo_ηo_initial ex_initial_arrow by simp
        show ?thesis using y F_ide arrow by auto
      fix g :: 'd
      assume g: "D.arr g"
      show "ηo (D.cod g) D g = g D ηo (D.dom g)"
      proof -
        let ?y = "D.dom g"
        let ?y' = "D.cod g"
        interpret: initial_arrow_to_functor C D G ?y Fo ?y ηo ?y
          using g Fo_ηo_initial ex_initial_arrow by simp
        interpret y'η: initial_arrow_to_functor C D G ?y' Fo ?y' ηo ?y'
          using g Fo_ηo_initial ex_initial_arrow by simp
        have "arrow_to_functor C D G ?y (Fo ?y') (ηo ?y' D g)"
          using g y'η.arrow by unfold_locales auto
        moreover have "F g = yη.the_ext (Fo ?y') (ηo ?y' D g)"
          using g F_simp by blast
        ultimately have "yη.is_ext (Fo ?y') (ηo ?y' D g) (F g)"
          using yη.the_ext_prop yη.is_ext_def by auto
        thus ?thesis
          using g yη.is_ext_def by simp

    definition φ
    where "φ y h = D (G h) (η.map y)"

    lemma φ_in_hom:
    assumes y: "D.ide y" and f: "«f : F y C x»"
    shows "«φ y f : y D G x»"
      unfolding φ_def using assms η.maps_ide_in_hom by auto

    lemma φ_natural:
    assumes f: "«f : x C x'»" and g: "«g : y' D y»" and h: "«h : F y C x»"
    shows "φ y' (f C h C F g) = (G f D φ y h) D g"
    proof -
      have "(G f D φ y h) D g = (G f D G h D η.map y) D g"
        unfolding φ_def by auto
      also have "... = (G f D G h) D η.map y D g"
        using D.comp_assoc by fastforce
      also have "... = G (f C h) D G (F g) D η.map y'"
        using f g h η.naturality by fastforce
      also have "... = (G (f C h) D G (F g)) D η.map y'"
        using D.comp_assoc by fastforce
      also have "... = G (f C h C F g) D η.map y'"
        using f g h D.comp_assoc by fastforce
      also have "... = φ y' (f C h C F g)"
        unfolding φ_def by auto
      finally show ?thesis by auto

    lemma φ_inverts_ext:
    assumes y: "D.ide y" and f: "«f : F y C x»"
    shows "arrow_to_functor.is_ext C D G (F y) (η.map y) x (φ y f) f"
    proof -
      interpret: arrow_to_functor C D G y F y η.map y
        using y η.maps_ide_in_hom by unfold_locales auto
      show "yη.is_ext x (φ y f) f"
        using f y φ_def yη.is_ext_def F_ide by blast

    lemma φ_invertible:
    assumes x: "C.ide x" and g: "«g : y D G x»"
    shows "∃!f. «f : F y C x»  φ y f = g"
      have y: "D.ide y" using g by auto
      interpret: initial_arrow_to_functor C D G y Fo y ηo y
        using y ex_initial_arrow Fo_ηo_initial by auto
      have 1: "arrow_to_functor C D G y x g"
        using x g by (unfold_locales, auto)
      let ?f = "yη.the_ext x g"
      have "φ y ?f = g"
        using φ_def yη.the_ext_prop 1 F_ide x y φ_inverts_ext yη.is_ext_def by fastforce
      moreover have "«?f : F y C x»"
        using 1 y yη.the_ext_prop F_ide by simp
      ultimately show "«?f : F y C x»  φ y ?f = g" by auto
      show "f'. «f' : F y C x»  φ y f' = g  f' = ?f"
        using 1 y φ_inverts_ext yη.the_ext_unique F_ide by force

    definition ψ
    where "ψ x g = (THE f. «f : F (D.dom g) C x»  φ (D.dom g) f = g)"

    lemma ψ_in_hom:
    assumes "C.ide x" and "«g : y D G x»"
    shows "C.in_hom (ψ x g) (F y) x"
      using assms φ_invertible ψ_def theI' [of "λf. «f : F y C x»  φ y f = g"]
      by auto

    lemma ψ_φ:
    assumes "D.ide y" and "«f : F y C x»"
    shows "ψ x (φ y f) = f"
    proof -
      have "D.dom (φ y f) = y" using assms φ_in_hom by blast
      hence "ψ x (φ y f) = (THE f'. «f' : F y C x»  φ y f' = φ y f)"
        using ψ_def by auto
      moreover have "∃!f'. «f' : F y C x»  φ y f' = φ y f"
        using assms φ_in_hom φ_invertible C.ide_cod by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis using assms(2) by auto

    lemma φ_ψ:
    assumes "C.ide x" and "«g : y D G x»"
    shows "φ y (ψ x g) = g"
      using assms φ_invertible ψ_def theI' [of "λf. «f : F y C x»  φ y f = g"]
      by auto

    theorem induces_meta_adjunction:
    shows "meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ"
      using φ_in_hom ψ_in_hom φ_ψ ψ_φ φ_natural D.comp_assoc
      by (unfold_locales, auto)


  section "Meta-Adjunctions Induce Hom-Adjunctions"

    To obtain a hom-adjunction from a meta-adjunction, we need to exhibit hom-functors
    from @{term C} and @{term D} to a common set category @{term S}, so it is necessary
    to apply an actual concrete construction of such a category.
    We use the replete set category generated by the disjoint sum
    @{typ "('c+'d)"} of the arrow types of @{term C} and @{term D}.

  context meta_adjunction

    interpretation S: replete_setcat TYPE('c+'d) .

    definition inC :: "'c  ('c+'d) setcat.arr"
    where "inC  S.UP o Inl"

    definition inD :: "'d  ('c+'d) setcat.arr"
    where "inD  S.UP o Inr"

    interpretation S: replete_setcat TYPE('c+'d) .
    interpretation Cop: dual_category C ..
    interpretation Dop: dual_category D ..
    interpretation CopxC: product_category Cop.comp C ..
    interpretation DopxD: product_category Dop.comp D ..
    interpretation DopxC: product_category Dop.comp C ..
    interpretation HomC: hom_functor C S.comp S.setp λ_. inC
      show "f. C.arr f  inC f  S.Univ"
        unfolding inC_def using S.UP_mapsto by auto
      thus "b a. C.ide b; C.ide a  inC ` C.hom b a  S.Univ"
        by blast
      show "b a. C.ide b; C.ide a  inj_on inC (C.hom b a)"
        unfolding inC_def
        using S.inj_UP
        by (metis injD inj_Inl inj_compose inj_on_def)
    interpretation HomD: hom_functor D S.comp S.setp λ_. inD
      show "f. D.arr f  inD f  S.Univ"
        unfolding inD_def using S.UP_mapsto by auto
      thus "b a. D.ide b; D.ide a  inD ` D.hom b a  S.Univ"
        by blast
      show "b a. D.ide b; D.ide a  inj_on inD (D.hom b a)"
        unfolding inD_def
        using S.inj_UP
        by (metis injD inj_Inr inj_compose inj_on_def)
    interpretation Fop: dual_functor D C F ..
    interpretation FopxC: product_functor Dop.comp C Cop.comp C ..
    interpretation DopxG: product_functor Dop.comp C Dop.comp D G ..
    interpretation Hom_FopxC: composite_functor DopxC.comp CopxC.comp S.comp
    interpretation Hom_DopxG: composite_functor DopxC.comp DopxD.comp S.comp

    lemma inC_ψ [simp]:
    assumes "C.ide b" and "C.ide a" and "x  inC ` C.hom b a"
    shows "inC (HomC.ψ (b, a) x) = x"
      using assms by auto

    lemma ψ_inC [simp]:
    assumes "C.arr f"
    shows "HomC.ψ (C.dom f, C.cod f) (inC f) = f"
      using assms HomC.ψ_φ by blast

    lemma inD_ψ [simp]:
    assumes "D.ide b" and "D.ide a" and "x  inD ` D.hom b a"
    shows "inD (HomD.ψ (b, a) x) = x"
      using assms by auto

    lemma ψ_inD [simp]:
    assumes "D.arr f"
    shows "HomD.ψ (D.dom f, D.cod f) (inD f) = f"
      using assms HomD.ψ_φ by blast

    lemma Hom_FopxC_simp:
    assumes "DopxC.arr gf"
    shows " gf =
              S.mkArr (HomC.set (F (D.cod (fst gf)), C.dom (snd gf)))
                      (HomC.set (F (D.dom (fst gf)), C.cod (snd gf)))
                      (inC  (λh. snd gf C h C F (fst gf))
                            HomC.ψ (F (D.cod (fst gf)), C.dom (snd gf)))"
      using assms HomC.map_def by simp

    lemma Hom_DopxG_simp:
    assumes "DopxC.arr gf"
    shows " gf =
              S.mkArr (HomD.set (D.cod (fst gf), G (C.dom (snd gf))))
                      (HomD.set (D.dom (fst gf), G (C.cod (snd gf))))
                      (inD  (λh. G (snd gf) D h D fst gf)
                            HomD.ψ (D.cod (fst gf), G (C.dom (snd gf))))"
      using assms HomD.map_def by simp
    definition Φo
    where "Φo yx = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx))
                           (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx)))
                           (inD o φ (fst yx) o HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx))"

    lemma Φo_in_hom:
    assumes yx: "DopxC.ide yx"
    shows "«Φo yx : yx S yx»"
    proof -
      have " yx = S.mkIde (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx))"
        using yx HomC.map_ide by auto
      moreover have " yx = S.mkIde (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx)))"
        using yx HomD.map_ide by auto
      moreover have
          "«S.mkArr (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)) (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx)))
                    (inD  φ (fst yx)  HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx)) :
              S.mkIde (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx))
                 S S.mkIde (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx)))»"
      proof (intro S.mkArr_in_hom)
        show "HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)  S.Univ" using yx HomC.set_subset_Univ by simp
        show "HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))  S.Univ" using yx HomD.set_subset_Univ by simp
        show "inD o φ (fst yx) o HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx)
                  HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)  HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))"
          fix x
          assume x: "x  HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)"
          show "(inD o φ (fst yx) o HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx)) x
                   HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))"
            using x yx HomC.ψ_mapsto [of "F (fst yx)" "snd yx"]
                  φ_in_hom [of "fst yx"] HomD.φ_mapsto [of "fst yx" "G (snd yx)"]
            by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis using Φo_def by auto

    interpretation Φ: transformation_by_components
                        DopxC.comp S.comp Φo
      fix yx
      assume yx: "DopxC.ide yx"
      show "«Φo yx : yx S yx»"
        using yx Φo_in_hom by auto
      fix gf
      assume gf: "DopxC.arr gf"
      show "S.comp (Φo (DopxC.cod gf)) ( gf)
                = S.comp ( gf) (Φo (DopxC.dom gf))"
      proof -
        let ?g = "fst gf"
        let ?f = "snd gf"
        let ?x = "C.dom ?f"
        let ?x' = "C.cod ?f"
        let ?y = "D.cod ?g"
        let ?y' = "D.dom ?g"
        let ?Fy = "F ?y"
        let ?Fy' = "F ?y'"
        let ?Fg = "F ?g"
        let ?Gx = "G ?x"
        let ?Gx' = "G ?x'"
        let ?Gf = "G ?f"
        have 1: "S.arr ( gf) 
        gf = S.mkArr (HomC.set (?Fy, ?x)) (HomC.set (?Fy', ?x'))
                                            (inC o (λh. ?f C h C ?Fg) o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x))"
          using gf Hom_FopxC.preserves_arr Hom_FopxC_simp by blast
        have 2: "S.arr (Φo (DopxC.cod gf)) 
                 Φo (DopxC.cod gf) = S.mkArr (HomC.set (?Fy', ?x')) (HomD.set (?y', ?Gx'))
                                             (inD o φ ?y' o HomC.ψ (?Fy', ?x'))"
          using gf Φo_in_hom [of "DopxC.cod gf"] Φo_def [of "DopxC.cod gf"] φ_in_hom
          by auto
        have 3: "S.arr (Φo (DopxC.dom gf)) 
                 Φo (DopxC.dom gf) = S.mkArr (HomC.set (?Fy, ?x)) (HomD.set (?y, ?Gx))
                                             (inD o φ ?y o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x))"
          using gf Φo_in_hom [of "DopxC.dom gf"] Φo_def [of "DopxC.dom gf"] φ_in_hom
          by auto
        have 4: "S.arr ( gf) 
        gf = S.mkArr (HomD.set (?y, ?Gx)) (HomD.set (?y', ?Gx'))
                                            (inD o (λh. ?Gf D h D ?g) o HomD.ψ (?y, ?Gx))"
          using gf Hom_DopxG.preserves_arr Hom_DopxG_simp by blast
        have 5: "S.seq (Φo (DopxC.cod gf)) ( gf) 
                 S.comp (Φo (DopxC.cod gf)) ( gf)
                     = S.mkArr (HomC.set (?Fy, ?x)) (HomD.set (?y', ?Gx'))
                               ((inD o φ ?y' o HomC.ψ (?Fy', ?x'))
                                 o (inC o (λh. ?f C h C ?Fg) o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x)))"
          by (metis gf 1 2 DopxC.arr_iff_in_hom DopxC.ide_cod Hom_FopxC.preserves_hom
                    S.comp_mkArr S.seqI' Φo_in_hom)
        have 6: "S.comp ( gf) (Φo (DopxC.dom gf))
                  = S.mkArr (HomC.set (?Fy, ?x)) (HomD.set (?y', ?Gx'))
                            ((inD o (λh. ?Gf D h D ?g) o HomD.ψ (?y, ?Gx))
                              o (inD o φ ?y o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x)))"
          by (metis 3 4 S.comp_mkArr)
        have 7:
          "restrict ((inD o φ ?y' o HomC.ψ (?Fy', ?x'))
                      o (inC o (λh. ?f C h C ?Fg) o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x))) (HomC.set (?Fy, ?x))
             = restrict ((inD o (λh. ?Gf D h D ?g) o HomD.ψ (?y, ?Gx))
                          o (inD o φ ?y o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x))) (HomC.set (?Fy, ?x))"
        proof (intro restrict_ext)
          show "h. h  HomC.set (?Fy, ?x) 
                     ((inD o φ ?y' o HomC.ψ (?Fy', ?x'))
                       o (inC o (λh. ?f C h C ?Fg) o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x))) h
                       = ((inD o (λh. ?Gf D h D ?g) o HomD.ψ (?y, ?Gx))
                           o (inD o φ ?y o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x))) h"
          proof -
            fix h
            assume h: "h  HomC.set (?Fy, ?x)"
            have ψh: "«HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x) h : ?Fy C ?x»"
              using gf h HomC.ψ_mapsto [of ?Fy ?x] CopxC.ide_char by auto
            show "((inD o φ ?y' o HomC.ψ (?Fy', ?x'))
                       o (inC o (λh. ?f C h C ?Fg) o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x))) h
                       = ((inD o (λh. ?Gf D h D ?g) o HomD.ψ (?y, ?Gx))
                           o (inD o φ ?y o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x))) h"
            proof -
                "((inD o φ ?y' o HomC.ψ (?Fy', ?x'))
                   o (inC o (λh. ?f C h C ?Fg) o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x))) h
                   = inD (φ ?y' (?f C HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x) h C ?Fg))"
                using gf ψh HomC.φ_mapsto HomC.ψ_mapsto φ_in_hom
                      ψ_inC [of "?f C HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x) h C ?Fg"]
                by auto
              also have "... = inD (D ?Gf (D (φ ?y (HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x) h)) ?g))"
                by (metis (no_types, lifting) C.arr_cod C.arr_dom_iff_arr C.arr_iff_in_hom
                    C.in_homE D.arr_cod_iff_arr D.arr_iff_in_hom F.preserves_reflects_arr
                    φ_naturality ψh)
              also have "... = ((inD o (λh. ?Gf D h D ?g) o HomD.ψ (?y, ?Gx))
                                o (inD o φ ?y o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x))) h"
                using gf ψh φ_in_hom by simp
              finally show ?thesis by auto
        have 8: "S.mkArr (HomC.set (?Fy, ?x)) (HomD.set (?y', ?Gx'))
                         ((inD o φ ?y' o HomC.ψ (?Fy', ?x'))
                           o (inC o (λh. ?f C h C ?Fg) o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x)))
                    = S.mkArr (HomC.set (?Fy, ?x)) (HomD.set (?y', ?Gx'))
                              ((inD o (λh. ?Gf D h D ?g) o HomD.ψ (?y, ?Gx))
                                o (inD o φ ?y o HomC.ψ (?Fy, ?x)))"
          using 5 7 by force
        show ?thesis using 5 6 8 by auto

    lemma Φ_simp:
    assumes YX: "DopxC.ide yx"
    shows "Φ.map yx =
           S.mkArr (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)) (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx)))
                   (inD o φ (fst yx) o HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx))"
      using YX Φo_def by simp
    abbreviation Ψo
    where "Ψo yx  S.mkArr (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))) (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx))
                            (inC o ψ (snd yx) o HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx)))"

    lemma Ψo_in_hom:
    assumes yx: "DopxC.ide yx"
    shows "«Ψo yx : yx S yx»"
    proof -
      have " yx = S.mkIde (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx))"
        using yx HomC.map_ide by auto
      moreover have " yx = S.mkIde (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx)))"
        using yx HomD.map_ide by auto
      moreover have "«Ψo yx : S.mkIde (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx)))
                                 S S.mkIde (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx))»"
      proof (intro S.mkArr_in_hom)
        show "HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)  S.Univ" using yx HomC.set_subset_Univ by simp
        show "HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))  S.Univ" using yx HomD.set_subset_Univ by simp
        show "inC o ψ (snd yx) o HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx))
                  HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))  HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)"
          fix x
          assume x: "x  HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))"
          show "(inC o ψ (snd yx) o HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx))) x
                   HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)"
            using x yx HomD.ψ_mapsto [of "fst yx" "G (snd yx)"] ψ_in_hom [of "snd yx"]
                  HomC.φ_mapsto [of "F (fst yx)" "snd yx"]
            by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto

    lemma Φ_inv:
    assumes yx: "DopxC.ide yx"
    shows "S.inverse_arrows (Φ.map yx) (Ψo yx)"
    proof -
      have 1: "«Φ.map yx : yx S yx»"
        using yx Φ.preserves_hom [of yx yx yx] DopxC.ide_in_hom by blast
      have 2: "«Ψo yx : yx S yx»"
        using yx Ψo_in_hom by simp
      have 3: "Φ.map yx = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx))
                                   (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx)))
                                   (inD o φ (fst yx) o HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx))"
        using yx Φ_simp by blast
      have antipar: "S.antipar (Φ.map yx) (Ψo yx)"
        using 1 2 by blast
      moreover have "S.ide (S.comp (Ψo yx) (Φ.map yx))"
      proof -
        have "S.comp (Ψo yx) (Φ.map yx) =
                  S.mkArr (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)) (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx))
                          ((inC o ψ (snd yx) o HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx)))
                            o (inD o φ (fst yx) o HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx)))"
          using 1 2 3 antipar S.comp_mkArr by auto
        also have
          "... = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)) (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx))
                         (λx. x)"
        proof -
            "S.mkArr (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)) (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)) (λx. x)
               = ..."
              "S.arr (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)) (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx))
                     (λx. x))"
              using yx HomC.set_subset_Univ by simp
            show "x. x  HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx) 
                        x = ((inC o ψ (snd yx) o HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx)))
                             o (inD o φ (fst yx) o HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx))) x"
            proof -
              fix x
              assume x: "x  HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx)"
              have "((inC o ψ (snd yx) o HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx)))
                             o (inD o φ (fst yx) o HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx))) x
                      = inC (ψ (snd yx) (HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx))
                              (inD (φ (fst yx) (HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx) x)))))"
                by simp
              also have "... = inC (ψ (snd yx) (φ (fst yx) (HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx) x)))"
                using x yx HomC.ψ_mapsto [of "F (fst yx)" "snd yx"] φ_in_hom by force
              also have "... = inC (HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx) x)"
                using x yx HomC.ψ_mapsto [of "F (fst yx)" "snd yx"] ψ_φ by force
              also have "... = x" using x yx inC_ψ by simp
              finally show "x = ((inC o ψ (snd yx) o HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx)))
                                   o (inD o φ (fst yx) o HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx))) x"
                by auto
          thus ?thesis by auto
        also have "... = S.mkIde (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx))"
          using yx S.mkIde_as_mkArr HomC.set_subset_Univ by force
        finally have
            "S.comp (Ψo yx) (Φ.map yx) = S.mkIde (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx))"
          by auto
        thus ?thesis using yx HomC.set_subset_Univ S.ide_mkIde by simp
      moreover have "S.ide (S.comp (Φ.map yx) (Ψo yx))"
      proof -
        have "S.comp (Φ.map yx) (Ψo yx) =
                  S.mkArr (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))) (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx)))
                          ((inD o φ (fst yx) o HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx))
                            o (inC o ψ (snd yx) o HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx))))"
          using 1 2 3 S.comp_mkArr antipar by fastforce
          have "... = S.mkArr (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))) (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx)))
                              (λx. x)"
        proof -
            "S.mkArr (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))) (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))) (λx. x)
                = ..."
              "S.arr (S.mkArr (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))) (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx)))
                     (λx. x))"
              using yx HomD.set_subset_Univ by simp
            show "x. x  (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))) 
                        x = ((inD o φ (fst yx) o HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx))
                            o (inC o ψ (snd yx) o HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx)))) x"
            proof -
              fix x
              assume x: "x  HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))"
              have "((inD o φ (fst yx) o HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx))
                          o (inC o ψ (snd yx) o HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx)))) x
                       = inD (φ (fst yx) (HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx)
                            (inC (ψ (snd yx) (HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx)) x)))))"
                by simp
              also have "... = inD (φ (fst yx) (ψ (snd yx) (HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx)) x)))"
              proof -
                have "«ψ (snd yx) (HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx)) x) : F (fst yx)  snd yx»"
                  using x yx HomD.ψ_mapsto [of "fst yx" "G (snd yx)"] ψ_in_hom by auto
                thus ?thesis by simp
              also have "... = inD (HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx)) x)"
                using x yx HomD.ψ_mapsto [of "fst yx" "G (snd yx)"] φ_ψ by force
              also have "... = x" using x yx inD_ψ by simp
              finally show "x = ((inD o φ (fst yx) o HomC.ψ (F (fst yx), snd yx))
                                   o (inC o ψ (snd yx) o HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx)))) x"
                by auto
          thus ?thesis by auto
        also have "... = S.mkIde (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx)))"
          using yx S.mkIde_as_mkArr HomD.set_subset_Univ by force
        finally have
            "S.comp (Φ.map yx) (Ψo yx) = S.mkIde (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx)))"
          by auto
        thus ?thesis using yx HomD.set_subset_Univ S.ide_mkIde by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto

    interpretation Φ: natural_isomorphism DopxC.comp S.comp
      using Φ_inv by unfold_locales blast

    interpretation Ψ: inverse_transformation DopxC.comp S.comp
                  Φ.map ..

    interpretation ΦΨ: inverse_transformations DopxC.comp S.comp
                  Φ.map Ψ.map
      using Ψ.inverts_components by unfold_locales simp

    abbreviation Φ where "Φ  Φ.map"
    abbreviation Ψ where "Ψ  Ψ.map"

    abbreviation HomC where "HomC"
    abbreviation φC where "φC  λ_. inC"
    abbreviation HomD where "HomD"
    abbreviation φD where "φD  λ_. inD"

    theorem induces_hom_adjunction: "hom_adjunction C D S.comp S.setp φC φD F G Φ Ψ" ..

    lemma Ψ_simp:
    assumes yx: "DopxC.ide yx"
    shows "Ψ yx = S.mkArr (HomD.set (fst yx, G (snd yx))) (HomC.set (F (fst yx), snd yx))
                          (inC o ψ (snd yx) o HomD.ψ (fst yx, G (snd yx)))"
      using assms Φo_def Φ_inv S.inverse_unique by simp

      The original @{term φ} and @{term ψ} can be recovered from @{term Φ} and @{term Ψ}.

    interpretation Φ: set_valued_transformation DopxC.comp S.comp S.setp
                                       Φ.map ..
    interpretation Ψ: set_valued_transformation DopxC.comp S.comp S.setp
                                       Ψ.map ..

    lemma φ_in_terms_of_Φ':
    assumes y: "D.ide y" and f: "«f: F y C x»"
    shows "φ y f = (HomD.ψ (y, G x) o Φ.FUN (y, x) o inC) f"
    proof -
      have x: "C.ide x" using f by auto
      have "(HomD.ψ (y, G x) o Φ.FUN (y, x) o inC) f =
              HomD.ψ (y, G x)
                     (restrict (inD o φ y o HomC.ψ (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y, x)) (inC f))"
      proof -
        have "S.arr (Φ (y, x))" using x y by fastforce
        thus ?thesis
          using x y Φo_def by simp
      also have "... = φ y f"
        using x y f HomC.φ_mapsto φ_in_hom HomC.ψ_mapsto C.ide_in_hom D.ide_in_hom
        by auto
      finally show ?thesis by auto

    lemma ψ_in_terms_of_Ψ':
    assumes x: "C.ide x" and g: "«g : y D G x»"
    shows "ψ x g = (HomC.ψ (F y, x) o Ψ.FUN (y, x) o inD) g"
    proof -
      have y: "D.ide y" using g by auto
      have "(HomC.ψ (F y, x) o Ψ.FUN (y, x) o inD) g =
              HomC.ψ (F y, x)
                     (restrict (inC o ψ x o HomD.ψ (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y, G x)) (inD g))"
      proof -
        have "S.arr (Ψ (y, x))"
          using x y Ψ.preserves_reflects_arr [of "(y, x)"] by simp
        thus ?thesis
          using x y Ψ_simp by simp
      also have "... = ψ x g"
        using x y g HomD.φ_mapsto ψ_in_hom HomD.ψ_mapsto C.ide_in_hom D.ide_in_hom
        by auto
      finally show ?thesis by auto


  section "Hom-Adjunctions Induce Meta-Adjunctions"

  context hom_adjunction

    definition φ :: "'d  'c  'd"
      "φ y h = (HomD.ψ (y, G (C.cod h)) o Φ.FUN (y, C.cod h) o φC (F y, C.cod h)) h"
    definition ψ :: "'c  'd  'c"
      "ψ x h = (HomC.ψ (F (D.dom h), x) o Ψ.FUN (D.dom h, x) o φD (D.dom h, G x)) h"

    lemma Hom_FopxC_map_simp:
    assumes "DopxC.arr gf"
    shows " gf =
              S.mkArr (HomC.set (F (D.cod (fst gf)), C.dom (snd gf)))
                      (HomC.set (F (D.dom (fst gf)), C.cod (snd gf)))            
                      (φC (F (D.dom (fst gf)), C.cod (snd gf))
                           o (λh. snd gf C h C F (fst gf))
                           o HomC.ψ (F (D.cod (fst gf)), C.dom (snd gf)))"
      using assms HomC.map_def by simp

    lemma Hom_DopxG_map_simp:
    assumes "DopxC.arr gf"
    shows " gf =
              S.mkArr (HomD.set (D.cod (fst gf), G (C.dom (snd gf))))
                      (HomD.set (D.dom (fst gf), G (C.cod (snd gf))))           
                      (φD (D.dom (fst gf), G (C.cod (snd gf)))
                           o (λh. G (snd gf) D h D fst gf)
                           o HomD.ψ (D.cod (fst gf), G (C.dom (snd gf))))"
      using assms HomD.map_def by simp
    lemma Φ_Fun_mapsto:
    assumes "D.ide y" and "«f : F y C x»"
    shows "Φ.FUN (y, x)  HomC.set (F y, x)  HomD.set (y, G x)"
    proof -
      have "S.arr (Φ (y, x))  Φ.DOM (y, x) = HomC.set (F y, x) 
                                Φ.COD (y, x) = HomD.set (y, G x)"
        using assms HomC.set_map HomD.set_map by auto
      thus ?thesis using S.Fun_mapsto by blast

    lemma φ_mapsto:
    assumes y: "D.ide y"
    shows "φ y  C.hom (F y) x  D.hom y (G x)"
      fix h
      assume h: "h  C.hom (F y) x"
      hence 1: " «h : F y C x»" by simp
      show "φ y h  D.hom y (G x)"
      proof -
        have "φC (F y, x) h  HomC.set (F y, x)"
          using y h 1 HomC.φ_mapsto [of "F y" x] by fastforce
        hence "Φ.FUN (y, x) (φC (F y, x) h)  HomD.set (y, G x)"
          using h y Φ_Fun_mapsto by auto
        thus ?thesis
          using y h 1 φ_def HomC.φ_mapsto HomD.ψ_mapsto [of y "G x"] by fastforce

    lemma Φ_simp:
    assumes "D.ide y" and "C.ide x"
    shows "S.arr (Φ (y, x))"
    and "Φ (y, x) = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                            (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))"
    proof -
      show 1: "S.arr (Φ (y, x))" using assms by auto
      hence "Φ (y, x) = S.mkArr (Φ.DOM (y, x)) (Φ.COD (y, x)) (Φ.FUN (y, x))"
        using S.mkArr_Fun by metis
      also have "... = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x)) (Φ.FUN (y, x))"
        using assms HomC.set_map HomD.set_map by fastforce
      also have "... = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                               (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))"
      proof (intro S.mkArr_eqI')
        show 2: "S.arr (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x)) (Φ.FUN (y, x)))"
          using 1 calculation by argo
        show "h. h  HomC.set (F y, x) 
                    Φ.FUN (y, x) h = (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)) h"
        proof -
          fix h
          assume h: "h  HomC.set (F y, x)"
          have "(φD (y, G x) o φ y o HomC.ψ (F y, x)) h =
                   φD (y, G x) (ψD (y, G x) (Φ.FUN (y, x) (φC (F y, x) (ψC (F y, x) h))))"
          proof -
            have "«ψC (F y, x) h : F y C x»"
              using assms h HomC.ψ_mapsto [of "F y" x] by auto
            thus ?thesis
              using h φ_def by auto
          also have "... = φD (y, G x) (ψD (y, G x) (Φ.FUN (y, x) h))"
            using assms h HomC.φ_ψ Φ_Fun_mapsto by simp
          also have "... = Φ.FUN (y, x) h"
            using assms h Φ_Fun_mapsto [of y "ψC (F y, x) h"] HomC.ψ_mapsto
                  HomD.φ_ψ [of y "G x"] C.ide_in_hom D.ide_in_hom
            by blast
          finally show "Φ.FUN (y, x) h = (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)) h" by auto
      finally show "Φ (y, x) = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                                       (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))"
        by force

    lemma Ψ_Fun_mapsto:
    assumes "C.ide x" and "«g : y D G x»"
    shows "Ψ.FUN (y, x)  HomD.set (y, G x)  HomC.set (F y, x)"
    proof -
      have "S.arr (Ψ (y, x))  Ψ.COD (y, x) = HomC.set (F y, x) 
                                Ψ.DOM (y, x) = HomD.set (y, G x)"
        using assms HomC.set_map HomD.set_map by auto
      thus ?thesis using S.Fun_mapsto by fast

    lemma ψ_mapsto:
    assumes x: "C.ide x"
    shows "ψ x  D.hom y (G x)  C.hom (F y) x"
      fix h
      assume h: "h  D.hom y (G x)"
      hence 1: "«h : y D G x»" by auto
      show "ψ x h  C.hom (F y) x"
      proof -
        have "Ψ.FUN (y, x) (φD (y, G x) h)  HomC.set (F y, x)"
        proof -
          have "φD (y, G x) h  HomD.set (y, G x)"
            using x h 1 HomD.φ_mapsto [of y "G x"] by fastforce
          thus ?thesis
            using h x Ψ_Fun_mapsto by auto
        thus ?thesis
          using x h 1 ψ_def HomD.φ_mapsto HomC.ψ_mapsto [of "F y" x] by fastforce

    lemma Ψ_simp:
    assumes "D.ide y" and "C.ide x"
    shows "S.arr (Ψ (y, x))"
    and "Ψ (y, x) = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                            (φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x))"
    proof -
      show 1: "S.arr (Ψ (y, x))" using assms by auto
      hence "Ψ (y, x) = S.mkArr (Ψ.DOM (y, x)) (Ψ.COD (y, x)) (Ψ.FUN (y, x))"
        using S.mkArr_Fun by metis
      also have "... = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomC.set (F y, x)) (Ψ.FUN (y, x))"
        using assms HomC.set_map HomD.set_map by auto
      also have "... = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                               (φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x))"
      proof (intro S.mkArr_eqI')
        show "S.arr (S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomC.set (F y, x)) (Ψ.FUN (y, x)))"
          using 1 calculation by argo
        show "h. h  HomD.set (y, G x) 
                    Ψ.FUN (y, x) h = (φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x)) h"
        proof -
          fix h
          assume h: "h  HomD.set (y, G x)"
          have "(φC (F y, x) o ψ x o HomD.ψ (y, G x)) h =
                   φC (F y, x) (ψC (F y, x) (Ψ.FUN (y, x) (φD (y, G x) (ψD (y, G x) h))))"
          proof -
            have "«ψD (y, G x) h : y D G x»"
              using assms h HomD.ψ_mapsto [of y "G x"] by auto
            thus ?thesis
              using h ψ_def by auto
          also have "... = φC (F y, x) (ψC (F y, x) (Ψ.FUN (y, x) h))"
            using assms h HomD.φ_ψ Ψ_Fun_mapsto by simp
          also have "... = Ψ.FUN (y, x) h"
            using assms h Ψ_Fun_mapsto HomD.ψ_mapsto [of y "G x"] HomC.φ_ψ [of "F y" x]
                  C.ide_in_hom D.ide_in_hom
            by blast
          finally show "Ψ.FUN (y, x) h = (φC (F y, x) o ψ x o HomD.ψ (y, G x)) h" by auto
      finally show "Ψ (y, x) = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                                       (φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x))"
        by force

      The length of the next proof stems from having to use properties of composition
      of arrows in @{term[source=true] S} to infer properties of the composition of the
      corresponding functions.

    interpretation φψ: meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ
      fix y :: 'd and x :: 'c and h :: 'c
      assume y: "D.ide y" and h: "«h : F y C x»"
      have x: "C.ide x" using h by auto
      show "«φ y h : y D G x»"
      proof -
        have "Φ.FUN (y, x)  HomC.set (F y, x)  HomD.set (y, G x)"
          using y h Φ_Fun_mapsto by blast
        thus ?thesis
          using x y h φ_def HomD.ψ_mapsto [of y "G x"] HomC.φ_mapsto [of "F y" x] by auto
      show "ψ x (φ y h) = h"
      proof -
        have 0: "restrict (λh. h) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                   = restrict (φC (F y, x) o (ψ x o φ y) o ψC (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))"
        proof -
          have 1: "S.ide (Ψ (y, x) S Φ (y, x))"
            using x y ΦΨ.inv [of "(y, x)"] by auto
          hence 6: "S.seq (Ψ (y, x)) (Φ (y, x))" by auto
          have 2: "Φ (y, x) = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                                      (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)) 
                   Ψ (y, x) = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                                      (φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x))"
            using x y Φ_simp Ψ_simp by force
          have 3: "S (Ψ (y, x)) (Φ (y, x))
                    = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                              (φC (F y, x) o (ψ x o φ y) o ψC (F y, x))"
          proof -
            have 4: "S.arr (Ψ (y, x) S Φ (y, x))" using 1 by auto
            hence "S (Ψ (y, x)) (Φ (y, x))
                     = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                               ((φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x))
                                  o (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)))"
              using 1 2 S.ide_in_hom S.comp_mkArr by fastforce
            also have "... = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                                     (φC (F y, x) o (ψ x o φ y) o ψC (F y, x))"
            proof (intro S.mkArr_eqI')
              show "S.arr (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                                   ((φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x))
                                     o (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))))"
                using 4 calculation by simp
              show "h. h  HomC.set (F y, x) 
                          ((φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x))
                            o (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))) h =
                          (φC (F y, x) o (ψ x o φ y) o ψC (F y, x)) h"
              proof -
                fix h
                assume h: "h  HomC.set (F y, x)"
                hence "«φ y (ψC (F y, x) h) : y D G x»"
                  using x y h HomC.ψ_mapsto [of "F y" x] φ_mapsto by auto
                thus "((φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x))
                            o (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))) h =
                      (φC (F y, x) o (ψ x o φ y) o ψC (F y, x)) h"
                  using x y 1 φ_mapsto HomD.ψ_φ by simp
            finally show ?thesis by simp
          moreover have "Ψ (y, x) S Φ (y, x)
                             = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y, x)) (λh. h)"
            using 1 2 6 calculation S.mkIde_as_mkArr S.arr_mkArr S.dom_mkArr S.ideD(2)
            by metis
          ultimately have 4: "S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                                      (φC (F y, x) o (ψ x o φ y) o ψC (F y, x))
                                = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y, x)) (λh. h)"
            by auto
          have 5: "S.arr (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                                  (φC (F y, x) o (ψ x o φ y) o ψC (F y, x)))"
            using 1 3 6 by presburger
          hence "restrict (φC (F y, x) o (ψ x o φ y) o ψC (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                  = S.Fun (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                         (φC (F y, x) o (ψ x o φ y) o ψC (F y, x)))"
            by auto
          also have "... = restrict (λh. h) (HomC.set (F y, x))"
            using 4 5 by auto
          finally show ?thesis by auto
        moreover have "φC (F y, x) h  HomC.set (F y, x)"
          using x y h HomC.φ_mapsto [of "F y" x] by auto
        ultimately have
            "φC (F y, x) h = (φC (F y, x) o (ψ x o φ y) o ψC (F y, x)) (φC (F y, x) h)"
          using x y h HomC.φ_mapsto [of "F y" x] by fast
        hence "ψC (F y, x) (φC (F y, x) h) =
                 ψC (F y, x) ((φC (F y, x) o (ψ x o φ y) o ψC (F y, x)) (φC (F y, x) h))"
          by simp
        hence "h = ψC (F y, x) (φC (F y, x) (ψ x (φ y (ψC (F y, x) (φC (F y, x) h)))))"
          using x y h HomC.ψ_φ [of "F y" x] by simp
        also have "... = ψ x (φ y h)"
          using x y h HomC.ψ_φ HomC.ψ_φ φ_mapsto ψ_mapsto
          by (metis PiE mem_Collect_eq)
        finally show ?thesis by auto
      fix x :: 'c and h :: 'd and y :: 'd
      assume x: "C.ide x" and h: "«h : y D G x»"
      have y: "D.ide y" using h by auto
      show "«ψ x h : F y C x»" using x y h ψ_mapsto [of x y] by auto
      show "φ y (ψ x h) = h"
      proof -
        have 0: "restrict (λh. h) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                   = restrict (φD (y, G x) o (φ y o ψ x) o ψD (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))"
        proof -
          have 1: "S.ide (S (Φ (y, x)) (Ψ (y, x)))"
            using x y ΦΨ.inv by force
          hence 6: "S.seq (Φ (y, x)) (Ψ (y, x))" by auto
          have 2: "Φ (y, x) = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                                      (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)) 
                   Ψ (y, x) = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                                       (φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x))"
            using x h Φ_simp Ψ_simp by auto
          have 3: "S (Φ (y, x)) (Ψ (y, x))
                     = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                               (φD (y, G x) o (φ y o ψ x) o ψD (y, G x))"
          proof -
            have 4: "S.seq (Φ (y, x)) (Ψ (y, x))" using 1 by auto
            hence "S (Φ (y, x)) (Ψ (y, x))
                     = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                               ((φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))
                                 o (φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x)))"
              using 1 2 6 S.ide_in_hom S.comp_mkArr by fastforce
            also have "... = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                                     (φD (y, G x) o (φ y o ψ x) o ψD (y, G x))"
              show "S.arr (S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                                   ((φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))
                                     o (φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x))))"
                using 4 calculation by simp
              show "h. h  HomD.set (y, G x) 
                          ((φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))
                            o (φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x))) h =
                          (φD (y, G x) o (φ y o ψ x) o ψD (y, G x)) h"
              proof -
                fix h
                assume h: "h  HomD.set (y, G x)"
                hence "«ψ x (ψD (y, G x) h) : F y C x»"
                  using x y HomD.ψ_mapsto [of y "G x"] ψ_mapsto by auto
                thus "((φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))
                            o (φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x))) h =
                      (φD (y, G x) o (φ y o ψ x) o ψD (y, G x)) h"
                  using x y HomC.ψ_φ by simp
            finally show ?thesis by auto
          moreover have "Φ (y, x) S Ψ (y, x) =
                           S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y, G x)) (λh. h)"
            using 1 2 6 calculation
            by (metis S.arr_mkArr S.cod_mkArr S.ide_in_hom S.mkIde_as_mkArr S.in_homE)
          ultimately have 4: "S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                                      (φD (y, G x) o (φ y o ψ x) o ψD (y, G x))
                                = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y, G x)) (λh. h)"
            by auto
          have 5: "S.arr (S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                                  (φD (y, G x) o (φ y o ψ x) o ψD (y, G x)))"
            using 1 3 by fastforce
          hence "restrict (φD (y, G x) o (φ y o ψ x) o ψD (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                  = S.Fun (S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                         (φD (y, G x) o (φ y o ψ x) o ψD (y, G x)))"
            by auto
          also have "... = restrict (λh. h) (HomD.set (y, G x))"
            using 4 5 by auto
          finally show ?thesis by auto
        moreover have "φD (y, G x) h  HomD.set (y, G x)"
          using x y h HomD.φ_mapsto [of y "G x"] by auto
        ultimately have
            "φD (y, G x) h = (φD (y, G x) o (φ y o ψ x) o ψD (y, G x)) (φD (y, G x) h)"
          by fast
        hence "ψD (y, G x) (φD (y, G x) h) =
                ψD (y, G x) ((φD (y, G x) o (φ y o ψ x) o ψD (y, G x)) (φD (y, G x) h))"
          by simp
        hence "h = ψD (y, G x) (φD (y, G x) (φ y (ψ x (ψD (y, G x) (φD (y, G x) h)))))"
          using x y h HomD.ψ_φ by simp
        also have "... = φ y (ψ x h)"
          using x y h HomD.ψ_φ HomD.ψ_φ [of "φ y (ψ x h)" y "G x"] φ_mapsto ψ_mapsto
          by fastforce
        finally show ?thesis by auto
      fix x :: 'c and x' :: 'c and y :: 'd and y' :: 'd
      and f :: 'c and g :: 'd and h :: 'c
      assume f: "«f : x C x'»" and g: "«g : y' D y»" and h: "«h : F y C x»"
      have x: "C.ide x" using f by auto
      have y: "D.ide y" using g by auto
      have x': "C.ide x'" using f by auto
      have y': "D.ide y'" using g by auto
      show "φ y' (f C h C F g) = G f D φ y h D g"
      proof -
        have 0: "restrict ((φD (y', G x') o (λh. G f D h D g) o ψD (y, G x))
                           o (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)))
                       (HomC.set (F y, x))
                = restrict ((φD (y', G x') o φ y' o ψC (F y', x'))
                             o (φC (F y', x') o (λh. f C h C F g)) o ψC (F y, x))
                           (HomC.set (F y, x))"
        proof -
          have 1: "S.arr (Φ (y, x)) 
                   Φ (y, x) = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                                      (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))"
                using x y Φ_simp [of y x] by auto
          have 2: "S.arr (Φ (y', x')) 
                   Φ (y', x') = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y', x')) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                        (φD (y', G x') o φ y' o ψC (F y', x'))"
                using x' y' Φ_simp [of y' x'] by auto
          have 3: "S.arr (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                  ((φD (y', G x') o (λh. G f D h D g) o ψD (y, G x))
                                    o (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))))
                    S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                             ((φD (y', G x') o (λh. G f D h D g) o ψD (y, G x))
                               o (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)))
                     = S (S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                  (φD (y', G x') o (λh. G f D h D g) o ψD (y, G x)))
                         (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                                  (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)))"
          proof -
            have 1: "S.seq (S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                  (φD (y', G x') o (λh. G f D h D g) o ψD (y, G x)))
                           (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                                  (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)))"
            proof -
              have "S.arr ( (g, f)) 
           (g, f)
                        = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                  (φD (y', G x') o (λh. G f D h D g) o ψD (y, G x))"
                using f g Hom_DopxG.preserves_arr Hom_DopxG_map_simp by fastforce
              thus ?thesis
                using 1 S.cod_mkArr S.dom_mkArr S.seqI by metis
            have "S.seq (S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                 (φD (y', G x') o (λh. G f D h D g) o ψD (y, G x)))
                        (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                                 (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)))"
              using 1 by (intro S.seqI', auto)
            moreover have "S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                             ((φD (y', G x') o (λh. G f D h D g) o ψD (y, G x))
                               o (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)))
                             = S (S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                          (φD (y', G x') o (λh. G f D h D g) o ψD (y, G x)))
                                 (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                                          (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)))"
              using 1 S.comp_mkArr by fastforce
            ultimately show ?thesis by auto
          moreover have
             4: "S.arr (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                ((φD (y', G x') o φ y' o ψC (F y', x'))
                                  o (φC (F y', x') o (λh. f C h C F g) o ψC (F y, x))))
                  S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                           ((φD (y', G x') o φ y' o ψC (F y', x'))
                             o (φC (F y', x') o (λh. f C h C F g) o ψC (F y, x)))
                     = S (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y', x')) (HomD.set (y', G x')) 
                                  (φD (y', G x') o φ y' o ψC (F y', x')))
                         (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y', x'))
                                  (φC (F y', x') o (λh. f C h C F g) o ψC (F y, x)))"
          proof -
            have 5: "S.seq (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y', x')) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                    (φD (y', G x') o φ y' o ψC (F y', x')))
                           (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y', x'))
                                    (φC (F y', x') o (λh. f C h C F g) o ψC (F y, x)))"
            proof -
              have "S.arr ( (g, f)) 
           (g, f)
                          = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y', x'))
                                    (φC (F y', x') o (λh. f C h C F g) o ψC (F y, x))"
                using f g Hom_FopxC.preserves_arr Hom_FopxC_map_simp by fastforce
              thus ?thesis using 2 S.cod_mkArr S.dom_mkArr S.seqI by metis
            have "S.seq (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y', x')) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                 (φD (y', G x') o φ y' o ψC (F y', x')))
                        (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y', x'))
                                 (φC (F y', x') o (λh. f C h C F g) o ψC (F y, x)))"
              using 5 by (intro S.seqI', auto)
            moreover have "S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                   ((φD (y', G x') o φ y' o ψC (F y', x'))
                                     o (φC (F y', x') o (λh. f C h C F g) o ψC (F y, x)))
                             = S (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y', x')) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                          (φD (y', G x') o φ y' o ψC (F y', x')))
                                 (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y', x'))
                                          (φC (F y', x') o (λh. f C h C F g) o ψC (F y, x)))"
              using 5 S.comp_mkArr by fastforce
            ultimately show ?thesis by argo
          moreover have 2:
              "S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                       ((φD (y', G x') o (λh. G f D h D g) o ψD (y, G x))
                         o (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)))
                  = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                            ((φD (y', G x') o φ y' o ψC (F y', x'))
                              o (φC (F y', x') o (λh. f C h C F g) o ψC (F y, x)))"
          proof -
              "S ( (g, f)) (Φ (y, x)) = S (Φ (y', x')) ( (g, f))"
              using f g Φ.naturality1 Φ.naturality2 by fastforce
            moreover have " (g, f)
                             = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                       (φD (y', G x') o (λh. G f D h D g) o ψD (y, G x))"
              using f g Hom_DopxG_map_simp [of "(g, f)"] by fastforce
            moreover have " (g, f)
                             = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomC.set (F y', x'))
                                       (φC (F y', x') o (λh. f C h C F g) o ψC (F y, x))"
              using f g Hom_FopxC_map_simp [of "(g, f)"] by fastforce
            ultimately show ?thesis using 1 2 3 4 by simp
          ultimately have 6: "S.arr (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                             ((φD (y', G x') o (λh. G f D h D g) o ψD (y, G x))
                                               o (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))))"
            by fast
          hence "restrict ((φD (y', G x') o (λh. D (G f) (D h g)) o ψD (y, G x))
                            o (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x)))
                          (HomC.set (F y, x))
                  = S.Fun (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                  ((φD (y', G x') o (λh. G f D h D g) o ψD (y, G x))
                                    o (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))))"
            by simp
          also have "... = S.Fun (S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y', G x'))
                                       ((φD (y', G x') o φ y' o ψC (F y', x'))
                                         o (φC (F y', x') o (λh. f C h C F g) o ψC (F y, x))))"
            using 2 by argo
          also have "... = restrict ((φD (y', G x') o φ y' o ψC (F y', x'))
                                      o (φC (F y', x') o (λh. f C h C F g) o ψC (F y, x)))
                                    (HomC.set (F y, x))"
            using 4 S.Fun_mkArr by meson
          finally show ?thesis by auto
        hence 5: "((φD (y', G x')  (λh. G f D h D g)  ψD (y, G x))
                     (φD (y, G x)  φ y  ψC (F y, x))) (φC (F y, x) h) =
                   (φD (y', G x')  φ y'  ψC (F y', x')
                      (φC (F y', x')  (λh. f C h C F g))  ψC (F y, x)) (φC (F y, x) h)"
        proof -
          have "φC (F y, x) h  HomC.set (F y, x)"
            using x y h HomC.φ_mapsto [of "F y" x] by auto
          thus ?thesis
            using 0 h restr_eqE [of "(φD (y', G x')  (λh. G f D h D g)  ψD (y, G x))
                                       (φD (y, G x)  φ y  ψC (F y, x))"
                                    "HomC.set (F y, x)"
                                    "(φD (y', G x')  φ y'  ψC (F y', x'))
                                        (φC (F y', x')  (λh. f C h C F g) o ψC (F y, x))"]
            by fast
        show ?thesis
        proof -
          have "φ y' (C f (C h (F g))) =
                  ψD (y', G x') (φD (y', G x') (φ y' (ψC (F y', x') (φC (F y', x')
                     (C f (C (ψC (F y, x) (φC (F y, x) h)) (F g)))))))"
          proof -
            have "ψD (y', G x') (φD (y', G x') (φ y' (ψC (F y', x') (φC (F y', x')
                     (C f (C (ψC (F y, x) (φC (F y, x) h)) (F g)))))))
                    = ψD (y', G x') (φD (y', G x') (φ y' (ψC (F y', x') (φC (F y', x')
                         (C f (C h (F g)))))))"
              using x y h HomC.ψ_φ by simp
            also have "... = ψD (y', G x') (φD (y', G x') (φ y' (C f (C h (F g)))))"
              using f g h HomC.ψ_φ [of "C f (C h (F g))"] by fastforce
            also have "... = φ y' (C f (C h (F g)))"
            proof -
              have "«φ y' (f C h C F g) : y' D G x'»"
                using f g h y' x' φ_mapsto [of y' x'] by auto
              thus ?thesis by simp
            finally show ?thesis by auto
          also have
             "... = ψD (y', G x')
                       (φD (y', G x')
                           (G f D ψD (y, G x) (φD (y, G x) (φ y (ψC (F y, x) (φC (F y, x) h))))
                                D g))"
            using 5 by force
          also have "... = D (G f) (D (φ y h) g)"
          proof -
            have φyh: "«φ y h : y D G x»"
              using x y h φ_mapsto by auto
            have "ψD (y', G x')
                     (φD (y', G x')
                         (G f D ψD (y, G x) (φD (y, G x) (φ y (ψC (F y, x) (φC (F y, x) h))))
                              D g)) =
                  ψD (y', G x') (φD (y', G x') (G f D ψD (y, G x) (φD (y, G x) (φ y h)) D g))"
              using x y f g h by auto
            also have "... = ψD (y', G x') (φD (y', G x') (G f D φ y h D g))"
              using φyh x' y' f g by simp
            also have "... = G f D φ y h D g"
              using φyh f g by fastforce
            finally show ?thesis by auto
          finally show ?thesis by auto

    theorem induces_meta_adjunction:
    shows "meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ" ..


  section "Putting it All Together"

    Combining the above results, an interpretation of any one of the locales:
    left_adjoint_functor›, right_adjoint_functor›, meta_adjunction›,
    hom_adjunction›, and unit_counit_adjunction› extends to an interpretation
    of adjunction›.

  context meta_adjunction

    interpretation S: replete_setcat .
    interpretation F: left_adjoint_functor D C F using has_left_adjoint_functor by auto
    interpretation G: right_adjoint_functor C D G using has_right_adjoint_functor by auto

    interpretation ηε: unit_counit_adjunction C D F G η ε
      using induces_unit_counit_adjunction η_def ε_def by auto
    interpretation ΦΨ: hom_adjunction C D S.comp S.setp φC φD F G Φ Ψ
      using induces_hom_adjunction by auto

    theorem induces_adjunction:
    shows "adjunction C D S.comp S.setp φC φD F G φ ψ η ε Φ Ψ"
      using ε_map_simp η_map_simp φ_in_terms_of_η φ_in_terms_of_Φ' ψ_in_terms_of_ε
            ψ_in_terms_of_Ψ' Φ_simp Ψ_simp η_def ε_def
      by unfold_locales auto


  context unit_counit_adjunction

    interpretation φψ: meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ using induces_meta_adjunction by auto

    interpretation S: replete_setcat .
    interpretation F: left_adjoint_functor D C F using φψ.has_left_adjoint_functor by auto
    interpretation G: right_adjoint_functor C D G using φψ.has_right_adjoint_functor by auto

    interpretation ΦΨ: hom_adjunction C D S.comp S.setp
                          φψ.φC φψ.φD F G φψ.Φ φψ.Ψ
      using φψ.induces_hom_adjunction by auto

    theorem induces_adjunction:
    shows "adjunction C D S.comp S.setp φψ.φC φψ.φD F G φ ψ η ε φψ.Φ φψ.Ψ"
      using ε_in_terms_of_ψ η_in_terms_of_φ φψ.φ_in_terms_of_Φ' ψ_def φψ.ψ_in_terms_of_Ψ'
            φψ.Φ_simp φψ.Ψ_simp φ_def
      by unfold_locales auto


  context hom_adjunction
    interpretation φψ: meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ
      using induces_meta_adjunction by auto
    interpretation F: left_adjoint_functor D C F using φψ.has_left_adjoint_functor by auto
    interpretation G: right_adjoint_functor C D G using φψ.has_right_adjoint_functor by auto
    interpretation ηε: unit_counit_adjunction C D F G φψ.η φψ.ε
      using φψ.induces_unit_counit_adjunction φψ.η_def φψ.ε_def by auto

    theorem induces_adjunction:
    shows "adjunction C D S setp φC φD F G φ ψ φψ.η φψ.ε Φ Ψ"
      fix x
      assume "C.ide x"
      thus "φψ.ε x = ψ x (G x)"
        using φψ.ε_map_simp φψ.ε_def by simp
      fix y
      assume "D.ide y"
      thus "φψ.η y = φ y (F y)"
        using φψ.η_map_simp φψ.η_def by simp
      fix x y f
      assume y: "D.ide y" and f: "«f : F y C x»"
      show "φ y f = G f D φψ.η y"
        using y f φψ.φ_in_terms_of_η φψ.η_def by simp
      show "φ y f = (ψD (y, G x)  Φ.FUN (y, x)  φC (F y, x)) f"
        using y f φ_def by auto
      fix x y g
      assume x: "C.ide x" and g: "«g : y D G x»"
      show "ψ x g = φψ.ε x C F g"
        using x g φψ.ψ_in_terms_of_ε φψ.ε_def by simp
      show "ψ x g = (ψC (F y, x)  Ψ.FUN (y, x)  φD (y, G x)) g"
        using x g ψ_def by fast
      fix x y
      assume x: "C.ide x" and y: "D.ide y"
      show "Φ (y, x) = S.mkArr (HomC.set (F y, x)) (HomD.set (y, G x))
                               (φD (y, G x) o φ y o ψC (F y, x))"
        using x y Φ_simp by simp
      show "Ψ (y, x) = S.mkArr (HomD.set (y, G x)) (HomC.set (F y, x))
                                (φC (F y, x) o ψ x o ψD (y, G x))"
        using x y Ψ_simp by simp


  context left_adjoint_functor

    interpretation φψ: meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ
      using induces_meta_adjunction by auto
    interpretation S: replete_setcat .

    theorem induces_adjunction:
    shows "adjunction C D S.comp S.setp φψ.φC φψ.φD F G φ ψ φψ.η φψ.ε φψ.Φ φψ.Ψ"
      using φψ.induces_adjunction by auto


  context right_adjoint_functor

    interpretation φψ: meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ
      using induces_meta_adjunction by auto
    interpretation S: replete_setcat .

    theorem induces_adjunction:
    shows "adjunction C D S.comp S.setp φψ.φC φψ.φD F G φ ψ φψ.η φψ.ε φψ.Φ φψ.Ψ"
      using φψ.induces_adjunction by auto


  definition adjoint_functors
  where "adjoint_functors C D F G = (φ ψ. meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ)"

  lemma adjoint_functors_respects_naturally_isomorphic:
  assumes "adjoint_functors C D F G"
  and "naturally_isomorphic D C F' F" and "naturally_isomorphic C D G G'"
  shows "adjoint_functors C D F' G'"
  proof -
    obtain φ ψ where φψ: "meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ"
      using assms(1) adjoint_functors_def by blast
    interpret φψ: meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ
      using φψ by simp
    obtain τ where τ: "natural_isomorphism D C F' F τ"
      using assms(2) naturally_isomorphic_def by blast
    obtain μ where μ: "natural_isomorphism C D G G' μ"
      using assms(3) naturally_isomorphic_def by blast
    show ?thesis
      using adjoint_functors_def τ μ φψ.respects_natural_isomorphism by blast

  lemma left_adjoint_functor_respects_naturally_isomorphic:
  assumes "left_adjoint_functor D C F"
  and "naturally_isomorphic D C F F'"
  shows "left_adjoint_functor D C F'"
  proof -
    interpret F: left_adjoint_functor D C F
      using assms(1) by simp
    have 1: "meta_adjunction C D F F.G F.φ F.ψ"
      using F.induces_meta_adjunction by simp
    interpret φψ: meta_adjunction C D F F.G F.φ F.ψ
      using 1 by simp
    have "adjoint_functors C D F F.G"
      using 1 adjoint_functors_def by blast
    hence 2: "adjoint_functors C D F' F.G"
      using assms(2) adjoint_functors_respects_naturally_isomorphic [of C D F F.G F' F.G]
            naturally_isomorphic_reflexive naturally_isomorphic_symmetric
      by blast
    obtain φ' ψ' where φ'ψ': "meta_adjunction C D F' F.G φ' ψ'"
      using 2 adjoint_functors_def by blast
    interpret φ'ψ': meta_adjunction C D F' F.G φ' ψ'
      using φ'ψ' by simp
    show ?thesis
      using φ'ψ'.has_left_adjoint_functor by simp

  lemma right_adjoint_functor_respects_naturally_isomorphic:
  assumes "right_adjoint_functor C D G"
  and "naturally_isomorphic C D G G'"
  shows "right_adjoint_functor C D G'"
  proof -
    interpret G: right_adjoint_functor C D G
      using assms(1) by simp
    have 1: "meta_adjunction C D G.F G G.φ G.ψ"
      using G.induces_meta_adjunction by simp
    interpret φψ: meta_adjunction C D G.F G G.φ G.ψ
      using 1 by simp
    have "adjoint_functors C D G.F G"
      using 1 adjoint_functors_def by blast
    hence 2: "adjoint_functors C D G.F G'"
      using assms(2) adjoint_functors_respects_naturally_isomorphic
            naturally_isomorphic_reflexive naturally_isomorphic_symmetric
      by blast
    obtain φ' ψ' where φ'ψ': "meta_adjunction C D G.F G' φ' ψ'"
      using 2 adjoint_functors_def by blast
    interpret φ'ψ': meta_adjunction C D G.F G' φ' ψ'
      using φ'ψ' by simp
    show ?thesis
      using φ'ψ'.has_right_adjoint_functor by simp

  section "Inverse Functors are Adjoints"

  (* TODO: This really should show that inverse functors induce an adjoint equivalence. *)

  lemma inverse_functors_induce_meta_adjunction:
  assumes "inverse_functors C D F G"
  shows "meta_adjunction C D F G (λx. G) (λy. F)"
  proof -
    interpret inverse_functors C D F G using assms by auto
    interpret meta_adjunction C D F G λx. G λy. F
    proof -
      have 1: "y. B.arr y  G (F y) = y"
        by (metis B.map_simp comp_apply inv)
      have 2: "x. A.arr x  F (G x) = x"
        by (metis A.map_simp comp_apply inv')
      show "meta_adjunction C D F G (λx. G) (λy. F)"
        fix y f x
        assume y: "B.ide y" and f: "«f : F y A x»"
        show "«G f : y B G x»"
          using y f 1 G.preserves_hom by (elim A.in_homE, auto)
        show "F (G f) = f"
          using f 2 by auto
        fix x g y
        assume x: "A.ide x" and g: "«g : y B G x»"
        show "«F g : F y A x»"
          using x g 2 F.preserves_hom by (elim B.in_homE, auto)
        show "G (F g) = g" using g 1 A.map_def by blast
        fix f x x' g y' y h
        assume f: "«f : x A x'»" and g: "«g : y' B y»" and h: "«h : F y A x»"
        show "G (C f (C h (F g))) = D (G f) (D (G h) g)"
          using f g h 1 2 inv inv' A.map_def B.map_def by (elim A.in_homE B.in_homE, auto)
    show ?thesis ..

  lemma inverse_functors_are_adjoints:
  assumes "inverse_functors A B F G"
  shows "adjoint_functors A B F G"
    using assms inverse_functors_induce_meta_adjunction adjoint_functors_def by fast

  context inverse_functors

    lemma η_char:
    shows "meta_adjunction.η B F (λx. G) = B"
    proof (intro natural_transformation_eqI)
      interpret meta_adjunction A B F G λy. G λx. F
        using inverse_functors_induce_meta_adjunction inverse_functors_axioms by auto
      interpret S: replete_setcat .
      interpret adjunction A B S.comp S.setp φC φD F G λy. G λx. F η ε Φ Ψ
        using induces_adjunction by force
      show "natural_transformation B B η"
        using η.natural_transformation_axioms by auto
      show "natural_transformation B B"
        by (simp add: B.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms inv)
      show "b. B.ide b  η b = b"
        using η_in_terms_of_φ ηo_def ηo_in_hom by fastforce

    lemma ε_char:
    shows "meta_adjunction.ε A F G (λy. F) = A"
    proof (intro natural_transformation_eqI)
      interpret meta_adjunction A B F G λy. G λx. F
        using inverse_functors_induce_meta_adjunction inverse_functors_axioms by auto
      interpret S: replete_setcat .
      interpret adjunction A B S.comp S.setp φC φD F G λy. G λx. F η ε Φ Ψ
        using induces_adjunction by force
      show "natural_transformation A A ε"
        using ε.natural_transformation_axioms by auto
      show "natural_transformation A A"
        by (simp add: A.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms inv')
      show "a. A.ide a  ε a = a"
        using ε_in_terms_of_ψ εo_def εo_in_hom by fastforce


  section "Composition of Adjunctions"

  locale composite_adjunction =
    A: category A +
    B: category B +
    C: category C +
    F: "functor" B A F +
    G: "functor" A B G +
    F': "functor" C B F' +
    G': "functor" B C G' +
    FG: meta_adjunction A B F G φ ψ +
    F'G': meta_adjunction B C F' G' φ' ψ'
  for A :: "'a comp"     (infixr A 55)
  and B :: "'b comp"     (infixr B 55)
  and C :: "'c comp"     (infixr C 55)
  and F :: "'b  'a"
  and G :: "'a  'b"
  and F' :: "'c  'b"
  and G' :: "'b  'c"
  and φ :: "'b  'a  'b"
  and ψ :: "'a  'b  'a"
  and φ' :: "'c  'b  'c"
  and ψ' :: "'b  'c  'b"

    interpretation S: replete_setcat .
    interpretation FG: adjunction A B S.comp S.setp
                           FG.φC FG.φD F G φ ψ FG.η FG.ε FG.Φ FG.Ψ
      using FG.induces_adjunction by simp
    interpretation F'G': adjunction B C S.comp S.setp F'G'.φC F'G'.φD F' G' φ' ψ'
                           F'G'.η F'G'.ε F'G'.Φ F'G'.Ψ
      using F'G'.induces_adjunction by simp

    (* Notation for C.in_hom is inherited here somehow, but I don't know from where. *)

    lemma is_meta_adjunction:
    shows "meta_adjunction A C (F o F') (G' o G) (λz. φ' z o φ (F' z)) (λx. ψ x o ψ' (G x))"
    proof -
      interpret G'oG: composite_functor A B C G G' ..
      interpret FoF': composite_functor C B A F' F ..
      show ?thesis
        fix y f x
        assume y: "C.ide y" and f: "«f : FoF'.map y A x»"
        show "«(φ' y  φ (F' y)) f : y C G' x»"
          using y f FG.φ_in_hom F'G'.φ_in_hom by simp
        show "(ψ x  ψ' (G x)) ((φ' y  φ (F' y)) f) = f"
          using y f FG.φ_in_hom F'G'.φ_in_hom FG.ψ_φ F'G'.ψ_φ by simp
        fix x g y
        assume x: "A.ide x" and g: "«g : y C G' x»"
        show "«(ψ x  ψ' (G x)) g : FoF'.map y A x»"
          using x g FG.ψ_in_hom F'G'.ψ_in_hom by auto
        show "(φ' y  φ (F' y)) ((ψ x  ψ' (G x)) g) = g"
          using x g FG.ψ_in_hom F'G'.ψ_in_hom FG.φ_ψ F'G'.φ_ψ by simp
        fix f x x' g y' y h
        assume f: "«f : x A x'»" and g: "«g : y' C y»" and h: "«h : FoF'.map y A x»"
        show "(φ' y'  φ (F' y')) (f A h A FoF'.map g) =
              G' f C (φ' y  φ (F' y)) h C g"
          using f g h FG.φ_naturality [of f x x' "F' g" "F' y'" "F' y" h]
                F'G'.φ_naturality [of "G f" "G x" "G x'" g y' y "φ (F' y) h"]
          by fastforce

    interpretation KηH: natural_transformation C C G' o F' G' o G o F o F'
                          G' o FG.η o F'
    proof -
      interpret ηF': natural_transformation C B F' (G o F) o F' FG.η o F'
        using FG.η_naturalitytransformation F'.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
        by fastforce
      interpret G'ηF': natural_transformation C C G' o F' G' o (G o F o F')
                         G' o (FG.η o F')
        using ηF'.natural_transformation_axioms G'.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
        by blast
      show "natural_transformation C C (G' o F') (G' o G o F o F') (G' o FG.η o F')"
        using G'ηF'.natural_transformation_axioms o_assoc by metis
    interpretation G'ηF'oη': vertical_composite C C G' o F' G' o G o F o F'
                             F'G'.η G' o FG.η o F' ..

    interpretation FεG: natural_transformation A A F o F' o G' o G F o G
                          F o F'G'.ε o G
    proof -
      interpret Fε': natural_transformation B A F o (F' o G') F F o F'G'.ε
        using F'G'.ε.natural_transformation_axioms F.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
        by fastforce
      interpret Fε'G: natural_transformation A A F o (F' o G') o G F o G F o F'G'.ε o G
        using Fε'.natural_transformation_axioms G.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
        by blast
      show "natural_transformation A A (F o F' o G' o G) (F o G) (F o F'G'.ε o G)"
        using Fε'G.natural_transformation_axioms o_assoc by metis
    interpretation εoFε'G: vertical_composite A A F  F'  G'  G F o G
                             F o F'G'.ε o G FG.ε ..

    interpretation meta_adjunction A C F o F' G' o G
                                   λz. φ' z o φ (F' z) λx. ψ x o ψ' (G x)
      using is_meta_adjunction by auto
    interpretation S: replete_setcat .
    interpretation adjunction A C S.comp S.setp φC φD F  F' G'  G
                     λz. φ' z  φ (F' z) λx. ψ x  ψ' (G x) η ε Φ Ψ
      using induces_adjunction by simp

    lemma η_char:
    shows "η = G'ηF'oη'.map"
    proof (intro natural_transformation_eqI)
      show "natural_transformation C C (G' o G o F o F') G'ηF'oη'.map" ..
      show "natural_transformation C C (G' o G o F o F') η"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) η_naturalitytransformation o_assoc)
      fix a
      assume a: "C.ide a"
      show "η a = G'ηF'oη'.map a"
        unfolding η_def
        using a G'ηF'oη'.map_def FG.η.preserves_hom [of "F' a" "F' a" "F' a"]
              F'G'.φ_in_terms_of_η FG.η_map_simp η_map_simp [of a] C.ide_in_hom
              F'G'.η_def FG.η_def
        by auto

    lemma ε_char:
    shows "ε = εoFε'"
    proof (intro natural_transformation_eqI)
      show "natural_transformation A A (F o F' o G' o G) ε"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) ε_naturalitytransformation o_assoc)
      show "natural_transformation A A (F  F'  G'  G) εoFε'" ..
      fix a
      assume a: "A.ide a"
      show "ε a = εoFε' a"
      proof -
        have "ε a = ψ a (ψ' (G a) (G' (G a)))"
          using a ε_in_terms_of_ψ by simp
        also have "... = FG.ε a A F (F'G'.ε (G a) B F' (G' (G a)))"
          by (metis F'G'.ε_in_terms_of_ψ F'G'.εo_def F'G'.εo_in_hom F'G'.ηε.ε_in_terms_of_ψ
              F'G'.ηε.ψ_def FG.Gε.natural_transformation_axioms FG.ψ_in_terms_of_ε a
              functor.preserves_ide natural_transformation_def)
        also have "... = εoFε' a"
          using a B.comp_arr_dom εoFε'G.map_def by simp
        finally show ?thesis by blast


  section "Right Adjoints are Unique up to Natural Isomorphism"

    As an example of the use of the of the foregoing development, we show that two right adjoints
    to the same functor are naturally isomorphic.

  theorem two_right_adjoints_naturally_isomorphic:
  assumes "adjoint_functors C D F G" and "adjoint_functors C D F G'"
  shows "naturally_isomorphic C D G G'"
  proof -
      For any object @{term x} of @{term C}, we have that ε x ∈ C.hom (F (G x)) x›
      is a terminal arrow from @{term F} to @{term x}, and similarly for ε' x›.
      We may therefore obtain the unique coextension τ x ∈ D.hom (G x) (G' x)›
      of ε x› along ε' x›.
      An explicit formula for τ x› is D (G' (ε x)) (η' (G x))›.
      Similarly, we obtain τ' x = D (G (ε' x)) (η (G' x)) ∈ D.hom (G' x) (G x)›.
      We show these are the components of inverse natural transformations between
      @{term G} and @{term G'}.
    obtain φ ψ where φψ: "meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ"
      using assms adjoint_functors_def by blast
    obtain φ' ψ' where φ'ψ': "meta_adjunction C D F G' φ' ψ'"
      using assms adjoint_functors_def by blast
    interpret Adj: meta_adjunction C D F G φ ψ using φψ by auto
    interpret S: replete_setcat .
    interpret Adj: adjunction C D S.comp S.setp Adj.φC Adj.φD
                              F G φ ψ Adj.η Adj.ε Adj.Φ Adj.Ψ
      using Adj.induces_adjunction by auto
    interpret Adj': meta_adjunction C D F G' φ' ψ' using φ'ψ' by auto
    interpret Adj': adjunction C D S.comp S.setp Adj'.φC Adj'.φD
                               F G' φ' ψ' Adj'.η Adj'.ε Adj'.Φ Adj'.Ψ
      using Adj'.induces_adjunction by auto
    write C (infixr C 55)
    write D (infixr D 55)
    write Adj.C.in_hom («_ : _ C _»)
    write Adj.D.in_hom («_ : _ D _»)
    let ?τo = "λa. G' (Adj.ε a) D Adj'.η (G a)"
    interpret τ: transformation_by_components C D G G' ?τo
      show "a. Adj.C.ide a  «G' (Adj.ε a) D Adj'.η (G a) : G a D G' a»"
        by fastforce
      show "f. Adj.C.arr f 
                   (G' (Adj.ε (Adj.C.cod f)) D Adj'.η (G (Adj.C.cod f))) D G f =
                   G' f D G' (Adj.ε (Adj.C.dom f)) D Adj'.η (G (Adj.C.dom f))"
      proof -
        fix f
        assume f: "Adj.C.arr f"
        let ?x = "Adj.C.dom f"
        let ?x' = "Adj.C.cod f"
        have "(G' (Adj.ε (Adj.C.cod f)) D Adj'.η (G (Adj.C.cod f))) D G f =
              G' (Adj.ε (Adj.C.cod f) C F (G f)) D Adj'.η (G (Adj.C.dom f))"
          using f Adj'.η.naturality [of "G f"] Adj.D.comp_assoc by simp
        also have "... = G' (f C Adj.ε (Adj.C.dom f)) D Adj'.η (G (Adj.C.dom f))"
          using f Adj.ε.naturality by simp
        also have "... = G' f D G' (Adj.ε (Adj.C.dom f)) D Adj'.η (G (Adj.C.dom f))"
          using f Adj.D.comp_assoc by simp
        finally show "(G' (Adj.ε (Adj.C.cod f)) D Adj'.η (G (Adj.C.cod f))) D G f =
                      G' f D G' (Adj.ε (Adj.C.dom f)) D Adj'.η (G (Adj.C.dom f))"
          by auto
    interpret natural_isomorphism C D G G' τ.map
      fix a
      assume a: "Adj.C.ide a"
      show "Adj.D.iso (τ.map a)"
        show "Adj.D.inverse_arrows (τ.map a) (φ (G' a) (Adj'.ε a))"
            The proof that the two composites are identities is a modest diagram chase.
            This is a good example of the inference rules for the category›,
            functor›, and natural_transformation› locales in action.
            Isabelle is able to use the single hypothesis that a› is an identity to
            implicitly fill in all the details that the various quantities are in fact arrows
            and that the indicated composites are all well-defined, as well as to apply
            associativity of composition.  In most cases, this is done by auto or simp without
            even mentioning any of the rules that are used.
        {G' a} \ar[dd]_{\eta'(G'a)} \ar[rr]^{\tau' a} \ar[dr]_{\eta(G'a)}
           && {G a} \ar[rr]^{\tau a} \ar[dr]_{\eta'(Ga)} && {G' a}                     \\
        & {GFG'a} \rrtwocell\omit{\omit(2)} \ar[ur]_{G(\epsilon' a)} \ar[dr]_{\eta'(GFG'a)}
           && {G'FGa} \drtwocell\omit{\omit(3)} \ar[ur]_{G'(\epsilon a)} &            \\
        {G'FG'a} \urtwocell\omit{\omit(1)} \ar[rr]_{G'F\eta(G'a)} \ar@/_8ex/[rrrr]_{G'FG'a}
           && {G'FGFG'a} \dtwocell\omit{\omit(4)} \ar[ru]_{G'FG(\epsilon' a)} \ar[rr]_{G'(\epsilon(FG'a))}
           && {G'FG'a} \ar[uu]_{G'(\epsilon' a)}                                       \\
          show "Adj.D.ide (τ.map a D φ (G' a) (Adj'.ε a))"
          proof -
            have "τ.map a D φ (G' a) (Adj'.ε a) = G' a"
            proof -
              have "τ.map a D φ (G' a) (Adj'.ε a) =
                    G' (Adj.ε a) D (Adj'.η (G a) D G (Adj'.ε a)) D Adj.η (G' a)"
                using a τ.map_simp_ide Adj.φ_in_terms_of_η Adj'.φ_in_terms_of_η
                      Adj'.ε.preserves_hom [of a a a] Adj.C.ide_in_hom Adj.D.comp_assoc
                      Adj.ε_def Adj.η_def
                by simp
              also have "... = G' (Adj.ε a) D (G' (F (G (Adj'.ε a))) D Adj'.η (G (F (G' a)))) D
                               Adj.η (G' a)"
                using a Adj'.η.naturality [of "G (Adj'.ε a)"] by auto
              also have "... = (G' (Adj.ε a) D G' (F (G (Adj'.ε a)))) D G' (F (Adj.η (G' a))) D
                               Adj'.η (G' a)"
                using a Adj'.η.naturality [of "Adj.η (G' a)"] Adj.D.comp_assoc by auto
              also have
                  "... = G' (Adj'.ε a) D (G' (Adj.ε (F (G' a))) D G' (F (Adj.η (G' a)))) D
                         Adj'.η (G' a)"
              proof -
                   "G' (Adj.ε a) D G' (F (G (Adj'.ε a))) = G' (Adj'.ε a) D G' (Adj.ε (F (G' a)))"
                proof -
                  have "G' (Adj.ε a C F (G (Adj'.ε a))) = G' (Adj'.ε a C Adj.ε (F (G' a)))"
                    using a Adj.ε.naturality [of "Adj'.ε a"] by auto
                  thus ?thesis using a by force
                thus ?thesis using Adj.D.comp_assoc by auto
              also have "... = G' (Adj'.ε a) D Adj'.η (G' a)"
              proof -
                have "G' (Adj.ε (F (G' a))) D G' (F (Adj.η (G' a))) = G' (F (G' a))"
                proof -
                      "G' (Adj.ε (F (G' a))) D G' (F (Adj.η (G' a))) = G' (Adj.εFoFη.map (G' a))"
                    using a Adj.εFoFη.map_simp_1 by auto
                  moreover have "Adj.εFoFη.map (G' a) = F (G' a)"
                    using a by (simp add: Adj.ηε.triangle_F)
                  ultimately show ?thesis by auto
                thus ?thesis
                  using a Adj.D.comp_cod_arr [of "Adj'.η (G' a)"] by auto
              also have "... = G' a"
                using a Adj'.ηε.triangle_G Adj'.GεoηG.map_simp_1 [of a] by auto
              finally show ?thesis by auto
            thus ?thesis using a by simp
          show "Adj.D.ide (φ (G' a) (Adj'.ε a) D τ.map a)"
          proof -
            have "φ (G' a) (Adj'.ε a) D τ.map a = G a"
            proof -
              have "φ (G' a) (Adj'.ε a) D τ.map a =
                    G (Adj'.ε a) D (Adj.η (G' a) D G' (Adj.ε a)) D Adj'.η (G a)"
                using a τ.map_simp_ide Adj.φ_in_terms_of_η Adj'.ε.preserves_hom [of a a a]
                      Adj.C.ide_in_hom Adj.D.comp_assoc Adj.η_def
                by auto
              also have
                "... = G (Adj'.ε a) D (G (F (G' (Adj.ε a))) D Adj.η (G' (F (G a)))) D
                       Adj'.η (G a)"
                using a Adj.η.naturality [of "G' (Adj.ε a)"] by auto
              also have
                "... = (G (Adj'.ε a) D G (F (G' (Adj.ε a)))) D G (F (Adj'.η (G a))) D
                       Adj.η (G a)"
                using a Adj.η.naturality [of "Adj'.η (G a)"] Adj.D.comp_assoc by auto
              also have
                "... = G (Adj.ε a) D (G (Adj'.ε (F (G a))) D G (F (Adj'.η (G a)))) D
                       Adj.η (G a)"
              proof -
                have "G (Adj'.ε a) D G (F (G' (Adj.ε a))) = G (Adj.ε a) D G (Adj'.ε (F (G a)))"
                proof -
                  have "G (Adj'.ε a C F (G' (Adj.ε a))) = G (Adj.ε a C Adj'.ε (F (G a)))"
                    using a Adj'.ε.naturality [of "Adj.ε a"] by auto
                  thus ?thesis using a by force
                thus ?thesis using Adj.D.comp_assoc by auto
              also have "... = G (Adj.ε a) D Adj.η (G a)"
              proof -
                have "G (Adj'.ε (F (G a))) D G (F (Adj'.η (G a))) = G (F (G a))"
                proof -
                    "G (Adj'.ε (F (G a))) D G (F (Adj'.η (G a))) = G (Adj'.εFoFη.map (G a))"
                    using a Adj'.εFoFη.map_simp_1 [of "G a"] by auto
                  moreover have "Adj'.εFoFη.map (G a) = F (G a)"
                    using a by (simp add: Adj'.ηε.triangle_F)
                  ultimately show ?thesis by auto
                thus ?thesis
                  using a Adj.D.comp_cod_arr by auto
              also have "... = G a"
                using a Adj.ηε.triangle_G Adj.GεoηG.map_simp_1 [of a] by auto
              finally show ?thesis by auto
            thus ?thesis using a by auto
    have "natural_isomorphism C D G G' τ.map" ..
    thus "naturally_isomorphic C D G G'"
      using naturally_isomorphic_def by blast
