Theory Category3.NaturalTransformation

(*  Title:       NaturalTransformation
    Author:      Eugene W. Stark <>, 2016
    Maintainer:  Eugene W. Stark <>

chapter NaturalTransformation

theory NaturalTransformation
imports Functor

  section "Definition of a Natural Transformation"
    As is the case for functors, the ``object-free'' definition of category
    makes it possible to view natural transformations as functions on arrows.
    In particular, a natural transformation between functors
    @{term F} and @{term G} from @{term A} to @{term B} can be represented by
    the map that takes each arrow @{term f} of @{term A} to the diagonal of the
    square in @{term B} corresponding to the transformation of @{term "F f"}
    to @{term "G f"}.  The images of the identities of @{term A} under this
    map are the usual components of the natural transformation.
    This representation exhibits natural transformations as a kind of generalization
    of functors, and in fact we can directly identify functors with identity
    natural transformations.
    However, functors are still necessary to state the defining conditions for
    a natural transformation, as the domain and codomain of a natural transformation
    cannot be recovered from the map on arrows that represents it.

    Like functors, natural transformations preserve arrows and map non-arrows to null.
    Natural transformations also ``preserve'' domain and codomain, but in a more general
    sense than functors. The naturality conditions, which express the two ways of factoring
    the diagonal of a commuting square, are degenerate in the case of an identity transformation.

  locale natural_transformation =
    A: category A +
    B: category B + 
    F: "functor" A B F +
    G: "functor" A B G
  for A :: "'a comp"      (infixr A 55)
  and B :: "'b comp"      (infixr B 55)
  and F :: "'a  'b"
  and G :: "'a  'b"
  and τ :: "'a  'b" +
  assumes extensionality: "¬A.arr f  τ f = B.null"
  and preserves_arr [simp]: "A.arr f  B.arr (τ f)"
  and naturality1 [iff]: "A.arr f  G f B τ (A.dom f) = τ f"
  and naturality2 [iff]: "A.arr f  τ (A.cod f) B F f = τ f"

    lemma preserves_dom [iff]:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "B.dom (τ f) = F (A.dom f)"
      using assms naturality2 B.dom_comp [of "τ (A.cod f)" "F f"] by auto

    lemma preserves_cod [iff]:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "B.cod (τ f) = G (A.cod f)"
      using assms naturality2 B.cod_comp [of "G f" "τ (A.dom f)"] by auto

    lemma naturality:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "τ (A.cod f) B F f = G f B τ (A.dom f)"
      using assms naturality1 naturality2 by simp

      The following fact for natural transformations provides us with the same advantages
      as the corresponding fact for functors.

    lemma preserves_reflects_arr [iff]:
    shows "B.arr (τ f)  A.arr f"
      using extensionality A.arr_cod_iff_arr B.arr_cod_iff_arr preserves_cod by force

    lemma preserves_hom [intro]:
    assumes "«f : a A b»"
    shows "«τ f : F a B G b»"
      using assms
      by (metis A.in_homE B.arr_cod_iff_arr B.in_homI G.preserves_arr G.preserves_cod
          preserves_cod preserves_dom)

    lemma preserves_comp_1:
    assumes "A.seq f' f"
    shows "τ (f' A f) = G f' B τ f"
      using assms
      by (metis A.seqE A.dom_comp B.comp_assoc G.preserves_comp naturality1)

    lemma preserves_comp_2:
    assumes "A.seq f' f"
    shows "τ (f' A f) = τ f' B F f"
      using assms
      by (metis A.arr_cod_iff_arr A.cod_comp B.comp_assoc F.preserves_comp naturality2)

      A natural transformation that also happens to be a functor is equal to
      its own domain and codomain.

    lemma functor_implies_equals_dom:
    assumes "functor A B τ"
    shows "F = τ"
      interpret τ: "functor" A B τ using assms by auto
      fix f
      show "F f = τ f"
        using assms
        by (metis A.dom_cod B.comp_cod_arr F.extensionality F.preserves_arr F.preserves_cod
            τ.preserves_dom extensionality naturality2 preserves_dom)

    lemma functor_implies_equals_cod:
    assumes "functor A B τ"
    shows "G = τ"
      interpret τ: "functor" A B τ using assms by auto
      fix f
      show "G f = τ f"
        using assms
        by (metis A.cod_dom B.comp_arr_dom G.extensionality G.preserves_arr
            G.preserves_dom B.cod_dom functor_implies_equals_dom extensionality
            naturality1 preserves_cod preserves_dom)

  section "Components of a Natural Transformation"

    The values taken by a natural transformation on identities are the \emph{components}
    of the transformation.  We have the following basic technique for proving two natural
    transformations equal: show that they have the same components.

  lemma natural_transformation_eqI:
  assumes "natural_transformation A B F G σ" and "natural_transformation A B F G σ'"
  and "a. partial_composition.ide A a  σ a = σ' a"
  shows "σ = σ'"
  proof -
    interpret A: category A using assms(1) natural_transformation_def by blast
    interpret σ: natural_transformation A B F G σ using assms(1) by auto
    interpret σ': natural_transformation A B F G σ' using assms(2) by auto
    have "f. σ f = σ' f"
      using assms(3) σ.naturality2 σ'.naturality2 σ.extensionality σ'.extensionality A.ide_cod
      by metis
    thus ?thesis by auto

    As equality of natural transformations is determined by equality of components,
    a natural transformation may be uniquely defined by specifying its components.
    The extension to all arrows is given by @{prop naturality1} or equivalently
    by @{prop naturality2}.

  locale transformation_by_components =
    A: category A +
    B: category B + 
    F: "functor" A B F +
    G: "functor" A B G
  for A :: "'a comp"      (infixr A 55)
  and B :: "'b comp"      (infixr B 55)
  and F :: "'a  'b"
  and G :: "'a  'b"
  and t :: "'a  'b" +
  assumes maps_ide_in_hom [intro]: "A.ide a  «t a : F a B G a»"
  and is_natural: "A.arr f  t (A.cod f) B F f = G f B t (A.dom f)"

    definition map
    where "map f = (if A.arr f then t (A.cod f) B F f else B.null)"

    lemma map_simp_ide [simp]:
    assumes "A.ide a"
    shows "map a = t a"
      using assms map_def B.comp_arr_dom [of "t a"] maps_ide_in_hom by fastforce

    lemma is_natural_transformation:
    shows "natural_transformation A B F G map"
      using map_def is_natural
      apply (unfold_locales, simp_all)
         apply (metis A.ide_dom B.seqI G.preserves_arr G.preserves_dom B.in_homE
       apply (metis A.ide_dom B.comp_arr_dom B.in_homE maps_ide_in_hom)
      by (metis B.comp_assoc A.comp_cod_arr F.preserves_comp)


  sublocale transformation_by_components  natural_transformation A B F G map
    using is_natural_transformation by auto

  lemma transformation_by_components_idem [simp]:
  assumes "natural_transformation A B F G τ"
  shows " A B F τ = τ"
  proof -
    interpret τ: natural_transformation A B F G τ using assms by blast
    interpret τ': transformation_by_components A B F G τ
      by (unfold_locales, auto) 
    show ?thesis
      using assms τ'.map_simp_ide τ'.is_natural_transformation
      by blast

  section "Functors as Natural Transformations"

    A functor is a special case of a natural transformation, in the sense that the same map
    that defines the functor also defines an identity natural transformation.

  lemma functor_is_transformation [simp]:
  assumes "functor A B F"
  shows "natural_transformation A B F F F"
  proof -
    interpret "functor" A B F using assms by auto
    show "natural_transformation A B F F F"
      using extensionality B.comp_arr_dom B.comp_cod_arr
      by (unfold_locales, simp_all)

  sublocale "functor"  as_nat_trans: natural_transformation A B F F F
    by (simp add: functor_axioms)

  section "Constant Natural Transformations"

    A constant natural transformation is one whose components are all the same arrow.

  locale constant_transformation =
    A: category A +
    B: category B +
    F: constant_functor A B "B.dom g" +
    G: constant_functor A B "B.cod g"
  for A :: "'a comp"      (infixr A 55)
  and B :: "'b comp"      (infixr B 55)
  and g :: 'b +
  assumes value_is_arr: "B.arr g"

    definition map
    where "map f  if A.arr f then g else B.null"

    lemma map_simp [simp]:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "map f = g"
      using assms map_def by auto

    lemma is_natural_transformation:
    shows "natural_transformation A B map"
      apply unfold_locales
      using map_def value_is_arr B.comp_arr_dom B.comp_cod_arr by auto

    lemma is_functor_if_value_is_ide:
    assumes "B.ide g"
    shows "functor A B map"
      apply unfold_locales using assms map_def by auto


  sublocale constant_transformation  natural_transformation A B map
    using is_natural_transformation by auto

  context constant_transformation

    lemma equals_dom_if_value_is_ide:
    assumes "B.ide g"
    shows "map ="
      using assms functor_implies_equals_dom is_functor_if_value_is_ide by auto

    lemma equals_cod_if_value_is_ide:
    assumes "B.ide g"
    shows "map ="
      using assms functor_implies_equals_dom is_functor_if_value_is_ide by auto


  section "Vertical Composition"

    Vertical composition is a way of composing natural transformations σ: F → G›
    and τ: G → H›, between parallel functors @{term F}, @{term G}, and @{term H}
    to obtain a natural transformation from @{term F} to @{term H}.
    The composite is traditionally denoted by τ o σ›, however in the present
    setting this notation is misleading because it is horizontal composite, rather than
    vertical composite, that coincides with composition of natural transformations as
    functions on arrows.

  locale vertical_composite =
    A: category A +
    B: category B +
    F: "functor" A B F +
    G: "functor" A B G +
    H: "functor" A B H +
    σ: natural_transformation A B F G σ +
    τ: natural_transformation A B G H τ
  for A :: "'a comp"      (infixr A 55)
  and B :: "'b comp"      (infixr B 55)
  and F :: "'a  'b"
  and G :: "'a  'b"
  and H :: "'a  'b"
  and σ :: "'a  'b"
  and τ :: "'a  'b"

      Vertical composition takes an arrow @{term "A.in_hom a b f"} to an arrow in
      @{term "B.hom (F a) (G b)"}, which we can obtain by forming either of
      the composites @{term "B (τ b) (σ f)"} or @{term "B (τ f) (σ a)"}, which are
      equal to each other.

    definition map
    where "map f = (if A.arr f then τ (A.cod f) B σ f else B.null)"

    lemma map_seq:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "B.seq (τ (A.cod f)) (σ f)"
      using assms by auto

    lemma map_simp_ide:
    assumes "A.ide a"
    shows "map a = τ a B σ a"
      using assms map_def by auto

    lemma map_simp_1:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "map f = τ (A.cod f) B σ f"
      using assms by (simp add: map_def)

    lemma map_simp_2:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "map f = τ f B σ (A.dom f)"
      using assms
      by (metis B.comp_assoc σ.naturality2 σ.naturality τ.naturality1 τ.naturality map_simp_1)

    lemma is_natural_transformation:
    shows "natural_transformation A B F H map"
      using map_def map_simp_1 map_simp_2 map_seq B.comp_assoc
      apply (unfold_locales, simp_all)
      by (metis B.comp_assoc τ.naturality1)


  sublocale vertical_composite  natural_transformation A B F H map
    using is_natural_transformation by auto

    Functors are the identities for vertical composition.

  lemma vcomp_ide_dom [simp]:
  assumes "natural_transformation A B F G τ"
  shows " A B F τ = τ"
  proof (intro natural_transformation_eqI)
    interpret τ: natural_transformation A B F G τ
      using assms by blast
    interpret τoF: vertical_composite A B F F G F τ ..
    show "natural_transformation A B F G τ" ..
    show "natural_transformation A B F G ( A B F τ)" ..
    show "a. τ.A.ide a  τ a = τ a"
      using τoF.map_def τoF.extensionality τ.extensionality τ.naturality2 by metis
  lemma vcomp_ide_cod [simp]:
  assumes "natural_transformation A B F G τ"
  shows " A B τ G = τ"
  proof (intro natural_transformation_eqI)
    interpret τ: natural_transformation A B F G τ
      using assms by blast
    interpret Goτ: vertical_composite A B F G G τ G ..
    show "natural_transformation A B F G τ" ..
    show "natural_transformation A B F G ( A B τ G)" ..
    show "a. τ.A.ide a  Goτ.map a = τ a"
      using Goτ.map_def Goτ.extensionality τ.extensionality
      by (metis Goτ.map_simp_ide τ.A.comp_ide_self τ.preserves_comp_1)

    Vertical composition is associative.

  lemma vcomp_assoc [simp]:
  assumes "natural_transformation A B F G ρ"
  and "natural_transformation A B G H σ"
  and "natural_transformation A B H K τ"
  shows " A B ( A B ρ σ) τ
            = A B ρ ( A B σ τ)"
  proof -
    interpret A: category A
      using assms(1) natural_transformation_def functor_def by blast
    interpret B: category B
      using assms(1) natural_transformation_def functor_def by blast
    interpret ρ: natural_transformation A B F G ρ using assms(1) by auto
    interpret σ: natural_transformation A B G H σ using assms(2) by auto
    interpret τ: natural_transformation A B H K τ using assms(3) by auto
    interpret ρσ: vertical_composite A B F G H ρ σ ..
    interpret στ: vertical_composite A B G H K σ τ ..
    interpret ρ_στ: vertical_composite A B F G K ρ στ.map ..
    interpret ρσ_τ: vertical_composite A B F H K ρσ.map τ ..
    show ?thesis
      using ρσ_τ.is_natural_transformation ρ_στ.natural_transformation_axioms
            ρσ.map_simp_ide ρσ_τ.map_simp_ide ρ_στ.map_simp_ide στ.map_simp_ide B.comp_assoc
      by (intro natural_transformation_eqI, auto)

  section "Natural Isomorphisms"

    A natural isomorphism is a natural transformation each of whose components
    is an isomorphism.  Equivalently, a natural isomorphism is a natural transformation
    that is invertible with respect to vertical composition.

  locale natural_isomorphism = natural_transformation A B F G τ
  for A :: "'a comp"      (infixr A 55)
  and B :: "'b comp"      (infixr B 55)
  and F :: "'a  'b"
  and G :: "'a  'b"
  and τ :: "'a  'b" +
  assumes components_are_iso [simp]: "A.ide a  B.iso (τ a)"

    lemma inv_naturality:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "F f B B.inv (τ (A.dom f)) = B.inv (τ (A.cod f)) B G f"
      using assms naturality1 naturality2 components_are_iso B.invert_side_of_triangle
            B.comp_assoc A.ide_cod A.ide_dom preserves_reflects_arr
      by fastforce

    text ‹
      Natural isomorphisms preserve isomorphisms, in the sense that the sides of
      of the naturality square determined by an isomorphism are all isomorphisms,
      so the diagonal is, as well.

    lemma preserves_iso:
    assumes "A.iso f"
    shows "B.iso (τ f)"
      using assms
      by (metis A.ide_dom A.iso_is_arr B.isos_compose G.preserves_iso components_are_iso
          naturality2 naturality preserves_reflects_arr)


  text ‹
    Since the function that represents a functor is formally identical to the function
    that represents the corresponding identity natural transformation, no additional locale
    is needed for identity natural transformations.  However, an identity natural transformation
    is also a natural isomorphism, so it is useful for @{locale functor} to inherit from the
    @{locale natural_isomorphism} locale.

  sublocale "functor"  as_nat_iso: natural_isomorphism A B F F F
    apply unfold_locales
    using preserves_ide B.ide_is_iso by simp

  definition naturally_isomorphic
  where "naturally_isomorphic A B F G = (τ. natural_isomorphism A B F G τ)"

  lemma naturally_isomorphic_respects_full_functor:
  assumes "naturally_isomorphic A B F G"
  and "full_functor A B F"
  shows "full_functor A B G"
  proof -
    obtain φ where φ: "natural_isomorphism A B F G φ"
      using assms naturally_isomorphic_def by blast
    interpret φ: natural_isomorphism A B F G φ
      using φ by auto
    interpret φ.F: full_functor A B F
      using assms by auto
    write A (infixr A 55)
    write B (infixr B 55)
    write φ.A.in_hom («_ : _ A _»)
    write φ.B.in_hom («_ : _ B _»)
    show "full_functor A B G"
      fix a a' g
      assume a': "φ.A.ide a'" and a: "φ.A.ide a"
      and g: "«g : G a' B G a»"
      show "f. «f : a' A a»  G f = g"
      proof -
        let ?g' = "φ.B.inv (φ a) B g B φ a'"
        have g': "«?g' : F a' B F a»"
          using a a' g φ.preserves_hom φ.components_are_iso φ.B.inv_in_hom by force
        obtain f' where f': "«f' : a' A a»  F f' = ?g'"
          using a a' g' φ.F.is_full [of a a' ?g'] by blast
        moreover have "G f' = g"
          by (metis f' φ.A.arrI φ.B.arrI φ.B.inv_inv φ.B.invert_side_of_triangle(1-2)
              φ.B.iso_inv_iso φ.G.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
              φ.components_are_iso φ.naturality a a' category.in_homE f' g'
        ultimately show ?thesis by auto

  lemma naturally_isomorphic_respects_faithful_functor:
  assumes "naturally_isomorphic A B F G"
  and "faithful_functor A B F"
  shows "faithful_functor A B G"
  proof -
    obtain φ where φ: "natural_isomorphism A B F G φ"
      using assms naturally_isomorphic_def by blast
    interpret φ: natural_isomorphism A B F G φ
      using φ by auto
    interpret φ.F: faithful_functor A B F
      using assms by auto
    show "faithful_functor A B G"
      using φ.naturality1 φ.components_are_iso φ.B.iso_is_section φ.B.section_is_mono
            φ.B.mono_cancel φ.F.is_faithful φ.naturality
            φ.natural_transformation_axioms φ.preserves_reflects_arr φ.A.ide_cod
      by (unfold_locales, metis)

  locale inverse_transformation =
    A: category A +
    B: category B +
    F: "functor" A B F +
    G: "functor" A B G +
    τ: natural_isomorphism A B F G τ
  for A :: "'a comp"      (infixr A 55)
  and B :: "'b comp"      (infixr B 55)
  and F :: "'a  'b"
  and G :: "'a  'b"
  and τ :: "'a  'b"

    interpretation τ': transformation_by_components A B G F λa. B.inv (τ a)
      fix f :: 'a
      show "A.ide f  «B.inv (τ f) : G f B F f»"
        using B.inv_in_hom τ.components_are_iso A.ide_in_hom by blast
      show "A.arr f  B.inv (τ (A.cod f)) B G f = F f B B.inv (τ (A.dom f))"
        by (metis A.ide_cod A.ide_dom B.invert_opposite_sides_of_square τ.components_are_iso
            τ.naturality2 τ.naturality τ.preserves_reflects_arr)

    definition map
    where "map = τ'.map"

    lemma map_ide_simp [simp]:
    assumes "A.ide a"
    shows "map a = B.inv (τ a)"
      using assms map_def by fastforce

    lemma map_simp:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "map f = B.inv (τ (A.cod f)) B G f"
      using assms map_def by (simp add: τ'.map_def)

    lemma is_natural_transformation:
    shows "natural_transformation A B G F map"
      by (simp add: τ'.natural_transformation_axioms map_def)

    lemma inverts_components:
    assumes "A.ide a"
    shows "B.inverse_arrows (τ a) (map a)"
      using assms τ.components_are_iso B.ide_is_iso B.inv_is_inverse B.inverse_arrows_def map_def
      by (metis τ'.map_simp_ide)


  sublocale inverse_transformation  natural_transformation A B G F map
    using is_natural_transformation by auto

  sublocale inverse_transformation  natural_isomorphism A B G F map
    by (simp add: natural_isomorphism.intro natural_isomorphism_axioms.intro

  lemma inverse_inverse_transformation [simp]:
  assumes "natural_isomorphism A B F G τ"
  shows " A B F ( A B G τ) = τ"
  proof -
    interpret τ: natural_isomorphism A B F G τ
      using assms by auto
    interpret τ': inverse_transformation A B F G τ ..
    interpret τ'': inverse_transformation A B G F τ'.map ..
    show "τ''.map = τ"
      using τ.natural_transformation_axioms τ''.natural_transformation_axioms   
      by (intro natural_transformation_eqI, auto)

  locale inverse_transformations =
    A: category A +
    B: category B +
    F: "functor" A B F +
    G: "functor" A B G +
    τ: natural_transformation A B F G τ +
    τ': natural_transformation A B G F τ'
  for A :: "'a comp"      (infixr A 55)
  and B :: "'b comp"      (infixr B 55)
  and F :: "'a  'b"
  and G :: "'a  'b"
  and τ :: "'a  'b"
  and τ' :: "'a  'b" +
  assumes inv: "A.ide a  B.inverse_arrows (τ a) (τ' a)"

  sublocale inverse_transformations  natural_isomorphism A B F G τ
    by (meson B.category_axioms τ.natural_transformation_axioms B.iso_def inv
              natural_isomorphism.intro natural_isomorphism_axioms.intro)
  sublocale inverse_transformations  natural_isomorphism A B G F τ'
    by (meson category.inverse_arrows_sym category.iso_def inverse_transformations_axioms
              inverse_transformations_axioms_def inverse_transformations_def
              natural_isomorphism.intro natural_isomorphism_axioms.intro)

  lemma inverse_transformations_sym:
  assumes "inverse_transformations A B F G σ σ'"
  shows "inverse_transformations A B G F σ' σ"
    using assms
    by (simp add: category.inverse_arrows_sym inverse_transformations_axioms_def

  lemma inverse_transformations_inverse:
  assumes "inverse_transformations A B F G σ σ'"
  shows " A B σ σ' = F"
  and " A B σ' σ = G"
  proof -
    interpret A: category A
      using assms(1) inverse_transformations_def natural_transformation_def by blast
    interpret inv: inverse_transformations A B F G σ σ' using assms by auto
    interpret σσ': vertical_composite A B F G F σ σ' ..
    show " A B σ σ' = F"
      using σσ'.is_natural_transformation inv.F.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
            σσ'.map_simp_ide inv.B.comp_inv_arr inv.inv
      by (intro natural_transformation_eqI, simp_all)
    interpret inv': inverse_transformations A B G F σ' σ
      using assms inverse_transformations_sym by blast
    interpret σ'σ: vertical_composite A B G F G σ' σ ..
    show " A B σ' σ = G"
      using σ'σ.is_natural_transformation inv.G.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
            σ'σ.map_simp_ide inv'.inv inv.B.comp_inv_arr
      by (intro natural_transformation_eqI, simp_all)

  lemma inverse_transformations_compose:
  assumes "inverse_transformations A B F G σ σ'"
  and "inverse_transformations A B G H τ τ'"
  shows "inverse_transformations A B F H
           ( A B σ τ) ( A B τ' σ')"
  proof -
    interpret A: category A using assms(1) inverse_transformations_def by blast
    interpret B: category B using assms(1) inverse_transformations_def by blast
    interpret σσ': inverse_transformations A B F G σ σ' using assms(1) by auto
    interpret ττ': inverse_transformations A B G H τ τ' using assms(2) by auto
    interpret στ: vertical_composite A B F G H σ τ ..
    interpret τ'σ': vertical_composite A B H G F τ' σ' ..
    show ?thesis
      using B.inverse_arrows_compose σσ'.inv στ.map_simp_ide τ'σ'.map_simp_ide ττ'.inv
      by (unfold_locales, auto)

  lemma vertical_composite_iso_inverse [simp]:
  assumes "natural_isomorphism A B F G τ"
  shows " A B τ ( A B G τ) = F"
  proof -
    interpret τ: natural_isomorphism A B F G τ using assms by auto
    interpret τ': inverse_transformation A B F G τ ..
    interpret ττ': vertical_composite A B F G F τ τ'.map ..
    show ?thesis
      using ττ'.is_natural_transformation τ.F.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
            τ'.inverts_components τ.B.comp_inv_arr ττ'.map_simp_ide
      by (intro natural_transformation_eqI, auto)

  lemma vertical_composite_inverse_iso [simp]:
  assumes "natural_isomorphism A B F G τ"
  shows " A B ( A B G τ) τ = G"
  proof -
    interpret τ: natural_isomorphism A B F G τ using assms by auto
    interpret τ': inverse_transformation A B F G τ ..
    interpret τ'τ: vertical_composite A B G F G τ'.map τ ..    
    show ?thesis
      using τ'τ.is_natural_transformation τ.G.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
            τ'.inverts_components τ'τ.map_simp_ide τ.B.comp_arr_inv
      by (intro natural_transformation_eqI, auto)

  lemma natural_isomorphisms_compose:
  assumes "natural_isomorphism A B F G σ" and "natural_isomorphism A B G H τ"
  shows "natural_isomorphism A B F H ( A B σ τ)"
  proof -
    interpret A: category A
      using assms(1) natural_isomorphism_def natural_transformation_def by blast
    interpret B: category B
      using assms(1) natural_isomorphism_def natural_transformation_def by blast
    interpret σ: natural_isomorphism A B F G σ using assms(1) by auto
    interpret τ: natural_isomorphism A B G H τ using assms(2) by auto
    interpret στ: vertical_composite A B F G H σ τ ..
    interpret natural_isomorphism A B F H στ.map
      using στ.map_simp_ide by (unfold_locales, auto)
    show ?thesis ..

  lemma naturally_isomorphic_reflexive:
  assumes "functor A B F"
  shows "naturally_isomorphic A B F F"
  proof -
    interpret F: "functor" A B F using assms by auto
    have "natural_isomorphism A B F F F" ..
    thus ?thesis using naturally_isomorphic_def by blast

  lemma naturally_isomorphic_symmetric:
  assumes "naturally_isomorphic A B F G"
  shows "naturally_isomorphic A B G F"
  proof -
    obtain φ where φ: "natural_isomorphism A B F G φ"
      using assms naturally_isomorphic_def by blast
    interpret φ: natural_isomorphism A B F G φ
      using φ by auto
    interpret ψ: inverse_transformation A B F G φ ..
    have "natural_isomorphism A B G F ψ.map" ..
    thus ?thesis using naturally_isomorphic_def by blast

  lemma naturally_isomorphic_transitive [trans]:
  assumes "naturally_isomorphic A B F G"
  and "naturally_isomorphic A B G H"
  shows "naturally_isomorphic A B F H"
  proof -
    obtain φ where φ: "natural_isomorphism A B F G φ"
      using assms naturally_isomorphic_def by blast
    interpret φ: natural_isomorphism A B F G φ
      using φ by auto
    obtain ψ where ψ: "natural_isomorphism A B G H ψ"
      using assms naturally_isomorphic_def by blast
    interpret ψ: natural_isomorphism A B G H ψ
      using ψ by auto
    interpret ψφ: vertical_composite A B F G H φ ψ ..
    have "natural_isomorphism A B F H ψφ.map"
      using φ ψ natural_isomorphisms_compose by blast
    thus ?thesis
      using naturally_isomorphic_def by blast

  section "Horizontal Composition"

    Horizontal composition is a way of composing parallel natural transformations
    @{term σ} from @{term F} to @{term G} and @{term τ} from @{term H} to @{term K},
    where functors @{term F} and @{term G} map @{term A} to @{term B} and
    @{term H} and @{term K} map @{term B} to @{term C}, to obtain a natural transformation
    from @{term "H o F"} to @{term "K o G"}.

    Since horizontal composition turns out to coincide with ordinary composition of
    natural transformations as functions, there is little point in defining a cumbersome
    locale for horizontal composite.

  lemma horizontal_composite:
  assumes "natural_transformation A B F G σ"
  and "natural_transformation B C H K τ"
  shows "natural_transformation A C (H o F) (K o G) (τ o σ)"
  proof -
    interpret σ: natural_transformation A B F G σ
      using assms(1) by simp
    interpret τ: natural_transformation B C H K τ
      using assms(2) by simp
    interpret HF: composite_functor A B C F H ..
    interpret KG: composite_functor A B C G K ..
    show "natural_transformation A C (H o F) (K o G) (τ o σ)"
      using σ.extensionality τ.extensionality
      apply (unfold_locales, auto)
       apply (metis σ.naturality1 σ.preserves_reflects_arr τ.preserves_comp_1)
      by (metis σ.naturality2 σ.preserves_reflects_arr τ.preserves_comp_2)

  lemma hcomp_ide_dom [simp]:
  assumes "natural_transformation A B F G τ"
  shows "τ o ( A) = τ"
  proof -
    interpret τ: natural_transformation A B F G τ using assms by auto
    show "τ o τ = τ"
      using τ.A.map_def τ.extensionality by fastforce

  lemma hcomp_ide_cod [simp]:
  assumes "natural_transformation A B F G τ"
  shows "( B) o τ = τ"
  proof -
    interpret τ: natural_transformation A B F G τ using assms by auto
    show "τ o τ = τ"
      using τ.B.map_def τ.extensionality by auto

    Horizontal composition of a functor with a vertical composite.

  lemma whisker_right:
  assumes "functor A B F"
  and "natural_transformation B C H K τ" and "natural_transformation B C K L τ'"
  shows "( B C τ τ') o F = A C (τ o F) (τ' o F)"
  proof -
    interpret F: "functor" A B F using assms(1) by auto
    interpret τ: natural_transformation B C H K τ using assms(2) by auto
    interpret τ': natural_transformation B C K L τ' using assms(3) by auto
    interpret τoF: natural_transformation A C H o F K o F τ o F
      using τ.natural_transformation_axioms F.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
      by blast
    interpret τ'oF: natural_transformation A C K o F L o F τ' o F
      using τ'.natural_transformation_axioms F.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
      by blast
    interpret τ'τ: vertical_composite B C H K L τ τ' ..
    interpret τ'τoF: natural_transformation A C H o F L o F τ'τ.map o F
      using τ'τ.natural_transformation_axioms F.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
      by blast
    interpret τ'oF_τoF: vertical_composite A C H o F K o F L o F τ o F τ' o F ..
    show ?thesis
      using τ'oF_τoF.map_def τ'τ.map_def τ'τoF.extensionality by auto

    Horizontal composition of a vertical composite with a functor.

  lemma whisker_left:
  assumes "functor B C K"
  and "natural_transformation A B F G τ" and "natural_transformation A B G H τ'"
  shows "K o ( A B τ τ') = A C (K o τ) (K o τ')"
  proof -
    interpret K: "functor" B C K using assms(1) by auto
    interpret τ: natural_transformation A B F G τ using assms(2) by auto
    interpret τ': natural_transformation A B G H τ' using assms(3) by auto
    interpret τ'τ: vertical_composite A B F G H τ τ' ..
    interpret Koτ: natural_transformation A C K o F K o G K o τ
      using τ.natural_transformation_axioms K.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
      by blast
    interpret Koτ': natural_transformation A C K o G K o H K o τ'
      using τ'.natural_transformation_axioms K.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
      by blast
    interpret Koτ'τ: natural_transformation A C K o F K o H K o τ'τ.map
      using τ'τ.natural_transformation_axioms K.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
      by blast
    interpret Koτ'_Koτ: vertical_composite A C K o F K o G K o H K o τ K o τ' ..
    show "K o τ'τ.map = Koτ'_Koτ.map"
      using Koτ'_Koτ.map_def τ'τ.map_def Koτ'τ.extensionality Koτ'_Koτ.map_simp_1 τ'τ.map_simp_1
      by auto

    The interchange law for horizontal and vertical composition.

  lemma interchange:
  assumes "natural_transformation B C F G τ" and "natural_transformation B C G H ν"
  and "natural_transformation C D K L σ" and "natural_transformation C D L M μ"
  shows " C D σ μ B C τ ν = B D (σ  τ) (μ  ν)"
  proof -
    interpret τ: natural_transformation B C F G τ
       using assms(1) by auto
    interpret ν: natural_transformation B C G H ν
       using assms(2) by auto
    interpret σ: natural_transformation C D K L σ
       using assms(3) by auto
    interpret μ: natural_transformation C D L M μ
       using assms(4) by auto
    interpret ντ: vertical_composite B C F G H τ ν ..
    interpret μσ: vertical_composite C D K L M σ μ ..
    interpret σoτ: natural_transformation B D K o F L o G σ o τ
      using σ.natural_transformation_axioms τ.natural_transformation_axioms
      by blast
    interpret μoν: natural_transformation B D L o G M o H μ o ν
      using μ.natural_transformation_axioms ν.natural_transformation_axioms
      by blast
    interpret μσoντ: natural_transformation B D K o F M o H μσ.map o ντ.map
      using μσ.natural_transformation_axioms ντ.natural_transformation_axioms
      by blast
    interpret μoν_σoτ: vertical_composite B D K o F L o G M o H σ o τ μ o ν ..
    show "μσ.map o ντ.map = μoν_σoτ.map"
    proof (intro natural_transformation_eqI)
      show "natural_transformation B D (K  F) (M  H) (μσ.map o ντ.map)" ..
      show "natural_transformation B D (K  F) (M  H) μoν_σoτ.map" ..
      show "a. τ.A.ide a  (μσ.map o ντ.map) a = μoν_σoτ.map a"
      proof -
        fix a
        assume a: "τ.A.ide a"
        have "(μσ.map o ντ.map) a = D (μ (H a)) (σ (C (ν a) (τ a)))"
          using a μσ.map_simp_1 ντ.map_simp_2 by simp
        also have "... = D (μ (ν a)) (σ (τ a))"
          using a
          by (metis (full_types) μ.naturality1 μσ.map_simp_1 μσ.preserves_comp_1
              ντ.map_seq ντ.map_simp_1 ντ.preserves_cod σ.B.comp_assoc τ.A.ide_char τ.B.seqE)
        also have "... = μoν_σoτ.map a"
          using a μoν_σoτ.map_simp_ide by simp
        finally show "(μσ.map o ντ.map) a = μoν_σoτ.map a" by blast

    A special-case of the interchange law in which two of the natural transformations
    are functors.  It comes up reasonably often, and the reasoning is awkward.

  lemma interchange_spc:
  assumes "natural_transformation B C F G σ"
  and "natural_transformation C D H K τ"
  shows "τ  σ = B D (H o σ) (τ o G)"
  and "τ  σ = B D (τ o F) (K o σ)"
  proof -
    show "τ  σ = B D (H  σ) (τ  G)"
    proof -
      have " C D H τ B C σ G =
   B D (H  σ) (τ  G)"
        by (meson assms functor_is_transformation interchange natural_transformation.axioms(3-4))
      thus ?thesis
        using assms by force
    show "τ  σ = B D (τ  F) (K  σ)"
    proof -
      have " C D τ K B C F σ =
   B D (τ  F) (K  σ)"
        by (meson assms functor_is_transformation interchange natural_transformation.axioms(3-4))
      thus ?thesis
        using assms by force
