Theory Category3.Functor

(*  Title:       Functor
    Author:      Eugene W. Stark <>, 2016
    Maintainer:  Eugene W. Stark <>

chapter Functor

theory Functor
imports Category ConcreteCategory DualCategory InitialTerminal

    One advantage of the ``object-free'' definition of category is that a functor
    from category A› to category B› is simply a function from the type
    of arrows of A› to the type of arrows of B› that satisfies certain
    conditions: namely, that arrows are mapped to arrows, non-arrows are mapped to
    null›, and domains, codomains, and composition of arrows are preserved.

  locale "functor" =
    A: category A +
    B: category B
  for A :: "'a comp"      (infixr A 55)
  and B :: "'b comp"      (infixr B 55)
  and F :: "'a  'b" +
  assumes extensionality: "¬A.arr f  F f = B.null"
  and preserves_arr: "A.arr f  B.arr (F f)"
  and preserves_dom [iff]: "A.arr f  B.dom (F f) = F (A.dom f)"
  and preserves_cod [iff]: "A.arr f  B.cod (F f) = F (A.cod f)"
  and preserves_comp [iff]: "A.seq g f  F (g A f) = F g B F f"

    notation A.in_hom     («_ : _ A _»)
    notation B.in_hom     («_ : _ B _»)

    lemma preserves_hom [intro]:
    assumes "«f : a A b»"
    shows "«F f : F a B F b»"
      using assms B.in_homI
      by (metis A.in_homE preserves_arr preserves_cod preserves_dom)

      The following, which is made possible through the presence of null›,
      allows us to infer that the subterm @{term f} denotes an arrow if the
      term @{term "F f"} denotes an arrow.  This is very useful, because otherwise
      doing anything with @{term f} would require a separate proof that it is an arrow
      by some other means.

    lemma preserves_reflects_arr [iff]:
    shows "B.arr (F f)  A.arr f"
      using preserves_arr extensionality B.not_arr_null by metis

    lemma preserves_seq [intro]:
    assumes "A.seq g f"
    shows "B.seq (F g) (F f)"
      using assms by auto

    lemma preserves_ide [simp]:
    assumes "A.ide a"
    shows "B.ide (F a)"
      using assms A.ide_in_hom B.ide_in_hom by auto

    lemma preserves_iso [simp]:
    assumes "A.iso f"
    shows "B.iso (F f)"
      using assms A.inverse_arrowsE
      apply (elim A.isoE A.inverse_arrowsE A.seqE A.ide_compE)
      by (metis A.arr_dom_iff_arr B.ide_dom B.inverse_arrows_def B.isoI preserves_arr
                preserves_comp preserves_dom)

    lemma preserves_isomorphic:
    assumes "A.isomorphic a b"
    shows "B.isomorphic (F a) (F b)"
      by (meson A.isomorphic_def B.isomorphic_def assms preserves_hom preserves_iso)

    lemma preserves_section_retraction:
    assumes "A.ide (A e m)"
    shows "B.ide (B (F e) (F m))"
      using assms by (metis A.ide_compE preserves_comp preserves_ide)

    lemma preserves_section:
    assumes "A.section m"
    shows "B.section (F m)"
      using assms preserves_section_retraction by blast

    lemma preserves_retraction:
    assumes "A.retraction e"
    shows "B.retraction (F e)"
      using assms preserves_section_retraction by blast

    lemma preserves_inverse_arrows:
    assumes "A.inverse_arrows f g"
    shows "B.inverse_arrows (F f) (F g)"
      using assms A.inverse_arrows_def B.inverse_arrows_def preserves_section_retraction
      by simp

    lemma preserves_inv:
    assumes "A.iso f"
    shows "F (A.inv f) = B.inv (F f)"
      using assms preserves_inverse_arrows A.inv_is_inverse B.inv_is_inverse
      by blast

    lemma preserves_iso_in_hom [intro]:
    assumes "A.iso_in_hom f a b"
    shows "B.iso_in_hom (F f) (F a) (F b)"
      using assms preserves_hom preserves_iso by blast


  locale endofunctor =
    "functor" A A F
  for A :: "'a comp"     (infixr  55)
  and F :: "'a  'a"

  locale faithful_functor = "functor" A B F
  for A :: "'a comp"
  and B :: "'b comp"
  and F :: "'a  'b" +
  assumes is_faithful: " A.par f f'; F f = F f'   f = f'"

    lemma locally_reflects_ide:
    assumes "«f : a A a»" and "B.ide (F f)"
    shows "A.ide f"
      using assms is_faithful
      by (metis A.arr_dom_iff_arr A.cod_dom A.dom_dom A.in_homE B.comp_ide_self
          B.ide_self_inverse B.comp_arr_inv A.ide_cod preserves_dom)


  locale full_functor = "functor" A B F
  for A :: "'a comp"
  and B :: "'b comp"
  and F :: "'a  'b" +
  assumes is_full: " A.ide a; A.ide a'; «g : F a' B F a»   f. «f : a' A a»  F f = g"

  locale fully_faithful_functor =
    faithful_functor A B F +
    full_functor A B F
  for A :: "'a comp"
  and B :: "'b comp"
  and F :: "'a  'b"

    lemma reflects_iso:
    assumes "«f : a' A a»" and "B.iso (F f)"
    shows "A.iso f"
    proof -
      from assms obtain g' where g': "B.inverse_arrows (F f) g'" by blast
      have 1: "«g' : F a B F a'»"
        using assms g' by (metis B.inv_in_hom B.inverse_unique preserves_hom)
      from this obtain g where g: "«g : a A a'»  F g = g'"
        using assms(1) is_full by (metis A.arrI A.ide_cod A.ide_dom A.in_homE)
      have "A.inverse_arrows f g"
        using assms 1 g g' A.inverse_arrowsI
        by (metis A.arr_iff_in_hom A.dom_comp A.in_homE A.seqI' B.inverse_arrowsE
            A.cod_comp locally_reflects_ide preserves_comp)
      thus ?thesis by auto

    lemma reflects_isomorphic:
    assumes "A.ide f" and "A.ide f'" and "B.isomorphic (F f) (F f')"
    shows "A.isomorphic f f'"
      by (metis A.isomorphic_def B.isomorphicE assms(1-3) is_full reflects_iso)


  locale embedding_functor = "functor" A B F
  for A :: "'a comp"
  and B :: "'b comp"
  and F :: "'a  'b" +
  assumes is_embedding: " A.arr f; A.arr f'; F f = F f'   f = f'"

  sublocale embedding_functor  faithful_functor
    using is_embedding by (unfold_locales, blast)

  context embedding_functor

    lemma reflects_ide:
    assumes "B.ide (F f)"
    shows "A.ide f"
      using assms is_embedding A.ide_in_hom B.ide_in_hom
      by (metis A.in_homE B.in_homE A.ide_cod preserves_cod preserves_reflects_arr)


  locale full_embedding_functor =
    embedding_functor A B F +
    full_functor A B F
  for A :: "'a comp"
  and B :: "'b comp"
  and F :: "'a  'b"

  locale essentially_surjective_functor = "functor" +
  assumes essentially_surjective: "b. B.ide b  a. A.ide a  B.isomorphic (F a) b"

  locale constant_functor =
    A: category A +
    B: category B
  for A :: "'a comp"
  and B :: "'b comp"
  and b :: 'b +
  assumes value_is_ide: "B.ide b"

    definition map
    where "map f = (if A.arr f then b else B.null)"

    lemma map_simp [simp]:
    assumes "A.arr f"
    shows "map f = b"
      using assms map_def by auto

    lemma is_functor:
    shows "functor A B map"
      using map_def value_is_ide by (unfold_locales, auto)

  sublocale constant_functor  "functor" A B map
    using is_functor by auto

  locale identity_functor =
    C: category C
    for C :: "'a comp"

    definition map :: "'a  'a"
    where "map f = (if C.arr f then f else C.null)"

    lemma map_simp [simp]:
    assumes "C.arr f"
    shows "map f = f"
      using assms map_def by simp

    sublocale "functor" C C map
      using C.arr_dom_iff_arr C.arr_cod_iff_arr
      by (unfold_locales; auto simp add: map_def)

    lemma is_functor:
    shows "functor C C map"

    sublocale fully_faithful_functor C C map
      using C.arrI by unfold_locales auto

    lemma is_fully_faithful:
    shows "fully_faithful_functor C C map"


  text ‹
    It is convenient to have an easy way to obtain from a category the identity functor
    on that category. The following declaration causes the definitions and facts from the
    @{locale identity_functor} locale to be inherited by the @{locale category} locale,
    including the function @{term map} on arrows that represents the identity functor.
    This makes it generally unnecessary to give explicit interpretations of
    @{locale identity_functor}.

  sublocale category  identity_functor C ..

    Composition of functors coincides with function composition, thanks to the
    magic of null›.

  lemma functor_comp:
  assumes "functor A B F" and "functor B C G"
  shows "functor A C (G o F)"
  proof -
    interpret F: "functor" A B F using assms(1) by auto
    interpret G: "functor" B C G using assms(2) by auto
    show "functor A C (G o F)"
      using F.preserves_arr F.extensionality G.extensionality by (unfold_locales, auto)

  locale composite_functor =
    F: "functor" A B F +
    G: "functor" B C G
  for A :: "'a comp"
  and B :: "'b comp"
  and C :: "'c comp"
  and F :: "'a  'b"
  and G :: "'b  'c"

    abbreviation map
    where "map  G o F"

    sublocale "functor" A C G o F
      using functor_comp F.functor_axioms G.functor_axioms by blast

    lemma is_functor:
    shows "functor A C (G o F)"


  lemma comp_functor_identity [simp]:
  assumes "functor A B F"
  shows "F o A = F"
    interpret "functor" A B F using assms by blast
    show "x. (F o x = F x"
      using A.map_def extensionality by simp

  lemma comp_identity_functor [simp]:
  assumes "functor A B F"
  shows " B o F = F"
    interpret "functor" A B F using assms by blast
    show "x. ( o F) x = F x"
      using B.map_def by (metis comp_apply extensionality preserves_arr)

  lemma faithful_functors_compose:
  assumes "faithful_functor A B F" and "faithful_functor B C G"
  shows "faithful_functor A C (G o F)"
  proof -
    interpret F: faithful_functor A B F
      using assms(1) by simp
    interpret G: faithful_functor B C G
      using assms(2) by simp
    interpret composite_functor A B C F G ..
    show "faithful_functor A C (G o F)"
      show "f f'. F.A.par f f'; map f = map f'  f = f'"
        using F.is_faithful G.is_faithful
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) F.preserves_arr F.preserves_cod F.preserves_dom o_apply)

  lemma full_functors_compose:
  assumes "full_functor A B F" and "full_functor B C G"
  shows "full_functor A C (G o F)"
  proof -
    interpret F: full_functor A B F
      using assms(1) by simp
    interpret G: full_functor B C G
      using assms(2) by simp
    interpret composite_functor A B C F G ..
    show "full_functor A C (G o F)"
      show "a a' g. F.A.ide a; F.A.ide a'; «g : map a'  map a»
                         f. F.A.in_hom f a' a  map f = g"
        using F.is_full G.is_full
        by (metis F.preserves_ide o_apply)

  lemma fully_faithful_functors_compose:
  assumes "fully_faithful_functor A B F" and "fully_faithful_functor B C G"
  shows "full_functor A C (G o F)"
  proof -
    interpret F: fully_faithful_functor A B F
      using assms(1) by simp
    interpret G: fully_faithful_functor B C G
      using assms(2) by simp
    interpret composite_functor A B C F G ..
    interpret faithful_functor A C G o F
      using F.faithful_functor_axioms G.faithful_functor_axioms faithful_functors_compose
      by blast
    interpret full_functor A C G o F
      using F.full_functor_axioms G.full_functor_axioms full_functors_compose
      by blast
    show "full_functor A C (G o F)" ..

  lemma embedding_functors_compose:
  assumes "embedding_functor A B F" and "embedding_functor B C G"
  shows "embedding_functor A C (G o F)"
  proof -
    interpret F: embedding_functor A B F
      using assms(1) by simp
    interpret G: embedding_functor B C G
      using assms(2) by simp
    interpret composite_functor A B C F G ..
    show "embedding_functor A C (G o F)"
      show "f f'. F.A.arr f; F.A.arr f'; map f = map f'  f = f'"
        by (simp add: F.is_embedding G.is_embedding)

  lemma full_embedding_functors_compose:
  assumes "full_embedding_functor A B F" and "full_embedding_functor B C G"
  shows "full_embedding_functor A C (G o F)"
  proof -
    interpret F: full_embedding_functor A B F
      using assms(1) by simp
    interpret G: full_embedding_functor B C G
      using assms(2) by simp
    interpret composite_functor A B C F G ..
    interpret embedding_functor A C G o F
      using F.embedding_functor_axioms G.embedding_functor_axioms embedding_functors_compose
      by blast
    interpret full_functor A C G o F
      using F.full_functor_axioms G.full_functor_axioms full_functors_compose
      by blast
    show "full_embedding_functor A C (G o F)" ..

  lemma essentially_surjective_functors_compose:
  assumes "essentially_surjective_functor A B F" and "essentially_surjective_functor B C G"
  shows "essentially_surjective_functor A C (G o F)"
  proof -
    interpret F: essentially_surjective_functor A B F
      using assms(1) by simp
    interpret G: essentially_surjective_functor B C G
      using assms(2) by simp
    interpret composite_functor A B C F G ..
    show "essentially_surjective_functor A C (G o F)"
      show "c. G.B.ide c  a. F.A.ide a  G.B.isomorphic (map a) c"
        by (metis F.essentially_surjective G.B.isomorphic_transitive
            G.essentially_surjective G.preserves_isomorphic comp_def)

  locale inverse_functors =
    A: category A +
    B: category B +
    F: "functor" B A F +
    G: "functor" A B G
  for A :: "'a comp"      (infixr A 55)
  and B :: "'b comp"      (infixr B 55)
  and F :: "'b  'a"
  and G :: "'a  'b" +
  assumes inv: "G o F = B"
  and inv': "F o G = A"

    lemma bij_betw_arr_sets:
    shows "bij_betw F (Collect B.arr) (Collect A.arr)"
      using inv inv'
      apply (intro bij_betwI)
         apply auto
      using comp_eq_dest_lhs by force+


  locale isomorphic_categories =
    A: category A +
    B: category B
  for A :: "'a comp"      (infixr A 55)
  and B :: "'b comp"      (infixr B 55) +
  assumes iso: "F G. inverse_functors A B F G"

  sublocale inverse_functors  isomorphic_categories A B
    using inverse_functors_axioms by (unfold_locales, auto)
  lemma inverse_functors_sym:
  assumes "inverse_functors A B F G"
  shows "inverse_functors B A G F"
  proof -
    interpret inverse_functors A B F G using assms by auto
    show ?thesis using inv inv' by (unfold_locales, auto)
  text ‹
    Inverse functors uniquely determine each other.

  lemma inverse_functor_unique:
  assumes "inverse_functors C D F G" and "inverse_functors C D F G'"
  shows "G = G'"
  proof -
    interpret FG: inverse_functors C D F G using assms(1) by auto
    interpret FG': inverse_functors C D F G' using assms(2) by auto
    show "G = G'"
      using FG.G.extensionality FG'.G.extensionality FG'.inv FG.inv'
      by (metis FG'.G.functor_axioms FG.G.functor_axioms comp_assoc comp_identity_functor

  lemma inverse_functor_unique':
  assumes "inverse_functors C D F G" and "inverse_functors C D F' G"
  shows "F = F'"
    using assms inverse_functors_sym inverse_functor_unique by blast

  locale invertible_functor =
    A: category A +
    B: category B +
    G: "functor" A B G
  for A :: "'a comp"      (infixr A 55)
  and B :: "'b comp"      (infixr B 55)
  and G :: "'a  'b" +
  assumes invertible: "F. inverse_functors A B F G"

    lemma has_unique_inverse:
    shows "∃!F. inverse_functors A B F G"
      using invertible inverse_functor_unique' by blast

    definition inv
    where "inv  THE F. inverse_functors A B F G"

    interpretation inverse_functors A B inv G
      using inv_def has_unique_inverse theI' [of "λF. inverse_functors A B F G"]
      by simp

    lemma inv_is_inverse:
    shows "inverse_functors A B inv G" ..
    sublocale inverse_functors A B inv G
      using inv_is_inverse by simp

    lemma is_surjective_on_objects:
    shows "G ` Collect A.ide  Collect B.ide"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) B.category_axioms B.map_simp
          CollectD CollectI F.preserves_ide category.ideD(1) image_eqI
          inv o_apply subsetI)

    sublocale fully_faithful_functor A B G
    proof -
      obtain F where F: "inverse_functors A B F G"
        using invertible by auto
      interpret FG: inverse_functors A B F G
        using F by simp
      show "fully_faithful_functor A B G"
        fix f f'
        assume par: "A.par f f'" and eq: "G f = G f'"
        show "f = f'"
          using par eq FG.inv'
          by (metis A.map_simp comp_apply)
        fix a a' g
        assume a: "A.ide a" and a': "A.ide a'" and g: "«g : G a B G a'»"
        show "f. «f : a A a'»  G f = g"
          by (metis A.ideD(1) A.map_simp B.arrI B.map_simp FG.F.preserves_hom FG.inv FG.inv'
              a a' g o_apply)

    lemma is_fully_faithful:
    shows "fully_faithful_functor A B G"

    lemma preserves_terminal:
    assumes "A.terminal a"
    shows "B.terminal (G a)"
      show 0: "B.ide (G a)" using assms G.preserves_ide A.terminal_def by blast
      fix b :: 'b
      assume b: "B.ide b"
      show "∃!g. «g : b B G a»"
        let ?F = "SOME F. inverse_functors A B F G"
        from invertible have F: "inverse_functors A B ?F G"
          using someI_ex [of "λF. inverse_functors A B F G"] by fast
        interpret inverse_functors A B ?F G using F by auto
        let ?P = "λf. «f : ?F b A a»"
        have 1: "∃!f. ?P f" using assms b A.terminal_def by simp
        hence 2: "?P (THE f. ?P f)" by (metis (no_types, lifting) theI')
        thus "«G (THE f. ?P f) : b B G a»"
          using b apply (elim A.in_homE, intro B.in_homI, auto)
          using B.ideD(1) B.map_simp comp_def inv by metis
        hence 3: "«(THE f. ?P f) : ?F b A a»"
          using assms 2 b F by simp
        fix g :: 'b
        assume g: "«g : b B G a»"
        have "?F (G a) = a"
          using assms(1) A.terminal_def inv' A.map_simp
          by (metis 0 B.ideD(1) G.preserves_reflects_arr comp_eq_dest_lhs)
        hence "«?F g : ?F b A a»"
          using assms(1) g A.terminal_def inv
          by (elim B.in_homE, auto)
        hence "?F g = (THE f. ?P f)" using assms 1 3 A.terminal_def by blast
        thus "g = G (THE f. ?P f)"
          using inv g by (metis B.in_homE B.map_simp comp_def)

  context full_embedding_functor

    lemma is_invertible_if_surjective_on_objects:
    assumes "F ` Collect A.ide  Collect B.ide"
    shows "invertible_functor A B F"
    and "inverse_functors A B (λy. if B.arr y then inv_into (Collect A.arr) F y else A.null) F"
    proof -
      have *: "F ` Collect A.ide = Collect B.ide"
        using assms preserves_reflects_arr by auto
      have inj: "inj_on F (Collect A.arr)"
        using is_embedding inj_on_def by blast
      have inj': "inj_on F (Collect A.ide)"
        by (simp add: inj_on_def is_embedding)
      have surj: "F ` Collect A.arr = Collect B.arr"
        show "F ` Collect A.arr  Collect B.arr"
          using preserves_reflects_arr by auto
        show "Collect B.arr  F ` Collect A.arr"
          fix g
          assume g: "g  Collect B.arr"
          let ?a = "inv_into (Collect A.ide) F (B.dom g)"
          let ?a' = "inv_into (Collect A.ide) F (B.cod g)"
          have a: "A.ide ?a  F ?a = B.dom g"
            using * g by (simp add: f_inv_into_f reflects_ide)
          have a': "A.ide ?a'  F ?a' = B.cod g"
            using * g by (simp add: f_inv_into_f reflects_ide)
          have "«g : F ?a B F ?a'»"
            using g a a' by auto
          hence "f. «f : ?a A ?a'»  F f = g"
            using a a' is_full by blast
          thus "g  F ` Collect A.arr" by blast
      let ?G = "λy. if B.arr y then inv_into (Collect A.arr) F y else A.null"
      show "inverse_functors A B ?G F"
        show "f. ¬ B.arr f  ?G f = A.null"
          by simp
        show 1: "f. B.arr f  A.arr (?G f)"
          using assms inj surj inv_into_into
          by (metis (full_types) mem_Collect_eq)
        show 2: "f. B.arr f  A.dom (?G f) = ?G (B.dom f)"
        proof -
          fix f
          assume f: "B.arr f"
          have "F (A.dom (?G f)) = B.dom f"
          proof -
            have "F (A.dom (?G f)) = B.dom (F (inv_into (Collect A.arr) F f))"
              using f 1 preserves_dom by simp
            also have "... = B.dom f"
              using f f_inv_into_f by (metis CollectI surj)
            finally show ?thesis by blast
          thus "A.dom (?G f) = ?G (B.dom f)"
            using f
            by (metis 1 A.arr_dom B.arr_dom inj inv_into_f_f mem_Collect_eq)
        show 3: "f. B.arr f  A.cod (?G f) = ?G (B.cod f)"
        proof -
          fix f
          assume f: "B.arr f"
          have "F (A.cod (?G f)) = B.cod f"
          proof -
            have "F (A.cod (?G f)) = B.cod (F (inv_into (Collect A.arr) F f))"
              using f 1 preserves_cod by simp
            also have "... = B.cod f"
              using f f_inv_into_f by (metis CollectI surj)
            finally show ?thesis by blast
          thus "A.cod (?G f) = ?G (B.cod f)"
            using f
            by (metis 1 A.arr_cod B.arr_cod inj inv_into_f_f mem_Collect_eq)
        fix f g
        assume fg: "B.seq g f"
        show "?G (B g f) = A (?G g) (?G f)"
          using assms fg 1 2 3 inj surj f_inv_into_f inj_on_def inv_into_into
          by (auto simp add: f_inv_into_f is_embedding)
        show "F  ?G ="
          using inj surj f_inv_into_f A.not_arr_null B.map_def extensionality
          by (auto simp add: f_inv_into_f)
        show "?G  F ="
          using inj surj A.extensionality by auto
      hence "G. inverse_functors A B G F"
        by blast
      thus "invertible_functor A B F"
        using functor_axioms functor_def invertible_functor.intro
        by blast


  locale dual_functor =
    F: "functor" A B F +
    Aop: dual_category A +
    Bop: dual_category B
  for A :: "'a comp"      (infixr A 55)
  and B :: "'b comp"      (infixr B 55)
  and F :: "'a  'b"

    notation Aop.comp     (infixr Aop 55)
    notation Bop.comp     (infixr Bop 55)

    abbreviation map
    where "map  F"

    lemma is_functor:
    shows "functor Aop.comp Bop.comp map"
      using F.extensionality by (unfold_locales, auto)


  sublocale dual_functor  "functor" Aop.comp Bop.comp map
    using is_functor by auto

  text ‹
    A bijection from a set S› to the set of arrows of a category C› induces an isomorphic
    copy of C› having S› as its set of arrows, assuming that there exists some n ∉ S›
    to serve as the null.

  context category

    lemma bij_induces_invertible_functor:
    assumes "bij_betw φ S (Collect arr)" and "n  S"
    shows "C'. Collect (partial_composition.arr C') = S 
                invertible_functor C' C (λi. if partial_composition.arr C' i then φ i else null)"
    proof -
      define ψ where "ψ = (λf. if arr f then inv_into S φ f else n)"
      have ψ: "bij_betw ψ (Collect arr) S"
        using assms(1) ψ_def bij_betw_inv_into
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) bij_betw_cong mem_Collect_eq)
      have φ_ψ [simp]: "f. arr f  φ (ψ f) = f"
        using assms(1) ψ ψ_def bij_betw_inv_into_right by fastforce
      have ψ_φ [simp]: "i. i  S  ψ (φ i) = i"
        unfolding ψ_def
        using assms(1) ψ bij_betw_inv_into_left [of φ S "Collect arr"]
        by (metis bij_betw_def image_eqI mem_Collect_eq)
      define C' where "C' = (λi j. if i  S  j  S  seq (φ i) (φ j) then ψ (φ i  φ j) else n)"
      interpret C': partial_composition C'
        using assms(1-2) C'_def ψ_def
        by unfold_locales metis
      have null_char: "C'.null = n"
        using assms(1-2) C'_def ψ_def C'.null_eqI by metis
      have ide_char: "i. C'.ide i  i  S  ide (φ i)"
        fix i
        assume i: "C'.ide i"
        show "i  S  ide (φ i)"
        proof (unfold ide_def, intro conjI)
          show 1: "φ i  φ i  null"
            using i assms(1) C'.ide_def C'_def null_char by auto
          show 2: "i  S"
            using 1 assms(1) by (metis C'.ide_def C'_def i)
          show "f. (f  φ i  null  f  φ i = f)  (φ i  f  null  φ i  f = f)"
          proof (intro allI conjI impI)
            show "f. f  φ i  null  f  φ i = f"
            proof -
              fix f
              assume f: "f  φ i  null"
              hence 1: "arr f  arr (φ i)  seq f (φ i)"
                by (meson seqE ext)
              have "f  φ i = φ (C' (ψ f) i)"
                using 1 2 C'_def null_char
                by (metis (no_types, lifting) φ_ψ ψ bij_betw_def image_eqI mem_Collect_eq)
              also have "... = f"
                by (metis 1 C'.ide_def C'_def φ_ψ ψ assms(2) bij_betw_def i image_eqI
                    mem_Collect_eq null_char)
              finally show "f  φ i = f" by simp
            show "f. φ i  f  null  φ i  f = f"
            proof -
              fix f
              assume f: "φ i  f  null"
              hence 1: "arr f  arr (φ i)  seq (φ i) f"
                by (meson seqE ext)
              show "φ i  f = f"
                using 1 2 C'_def null_char ψ
                by (metis (no_types, lifting) f. f  φ i  null  f  φ i = f
                    ide_char' codomains_null comp_cod_arr has_codomain_iff_arr
        fix i
        assume i: "i  S  ide (φ i)"
        have "ψ (φ i)  S"
          using i assms(1)
          by (metis ψ bij_betw_def ideD(1) image_eqI mem_Collect_eq)
        show "C'.ide i"
          using assms(2) i C'_def null_char comp_arr_ide comp_ide_arr
          apply (unfold C'.ide_def, intro conjI allI impI)
            apply auto[1]
          by force+
      have dom: "i. i  S  ψ (dom (φ i))  C'.domains i"
      proof -
        fix i
        assume i: "i  S"
        have 1: "C'.ide (ψ (dom (φ i)))"
          by (metis φ_ψ ψ ψ_φ ψ_def arr_dom assms(2) bij_betw_def i ide_char ide_dom
              image_eqI mem_Collect_eq)
        moreover have "C' i (ψ (dom (φ i)))  C'.null"
          by (metis C'_def φ_ψ ψ_φ ψ_def assms(2) calculation comp_arr_dom i ide_char
        ultimately show "ψ (dom (φ i))  C'.domains i"
          using C'.domains_def by simp
      have cod: "i. i  S  ψ (cod (φ i))  C'.codomains i"
      proof -
        fix i
        assume i: "i  S"
        have 1: "C'.ide (ψ (cod (φ i)))"
          by (metis φ_ψ ψ ψ_φ ψ_def arr_cod assms(2) bij_betw_def i ide_char ide_cod
              image_eqI mem_Collect_eq)
        moreover have "C' (ψ (cod (φ i))) i  C'.null"
          by (metis 1 C'_def φ_ψ ψ_φ ψ_def assms(2) comp_cod_arr i ide_char null_char)
        ultimately show "ψ (cod (φ i))  C'.codomains i"
          using C'.codomains_def by simp
      have arr_char: "i. C'.arr i  i  S"
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) C'.arr_def C'.codomains_def C'.domains_def
            C'_def assms(2) dom mem_Collect_eq null_char C'.cod_in_codomains C'.dom_in_domains)
      have seq_char: "i j. C'.seq i j  i  S  j  S  seq (φ i) (φ j)"
        using assms(1-2) C'_def arr_char null_char
        apply simp
        using ψ bij_betw_apply by fastforce
      interpret C': category C'
        show "g f. C' g f  C'.null  C'.seq g f"
          using C'_def null_char seq_char by fastforce
        show "f. (C'.domains f  {}) = (C'.codomains f  {})"
          using dom cod null_char arr_char C'.arr_def by blast
        show "h g f. C'.seq h g; C'.seq (C' h g) f  C'.seq g f"
          using seq_char
          apply simp
          using C'_def by fastforce
        show "h g f. C'.seq h (C' g f); C'.seq g f  C'.seq h g"
          using seq_char
          apply simp
          using C'_def by fastforce
        show "g f h. C'.seq g f; C'.seq h g  C'.seq (C' h g) f"
          using seq_char arr_char
          apply simp
          using C'_def by auto
        show "g f h. C'.seq g f; C'.seq h g  C' (C' h g) f = C' h (C' g f)"
          using seq_char arr_char C'_def comp_assoc assms(2)
          apply simp by presburger
      have dom_char: "C'.dom = (λi. if i  S then ψ (dom (φ i)) else n)"
        using dom arr_char null_char C'.dom_eqI' C'.arr_def C'.dom_def by metis
      have cod_char: "C'.cod = (λi. if i  S then ψ (cod (φ i)) else n)"
        using cod arr_char null_char C'.cod_eqI' C'.arr_def C'.cod_def by metis
      interpret φ: "functor" C' C λi. if C'.arr i then φ i else null
        using arr_char null_char dom_char cod_char seq_char φ_ψ ψ_φ ψ_def C'.not_arr_null C'_def
              C'.arr_dom C'.arr_cod
        apply unfold_locales
            apply simp_all
        by metis+
      interpret ψ: "functor" C C' ψ
        using ψ_def null_char arr_char
        apply unfold_locales
            apply simp
           apply (metis (no_types, lifting) ψ bij_betw_def image_eqI mem_Collect_eq)
          apply (metis (no_types, lifting) φ_ψ ψ bij_betw_def dom_char image_eqI mem_Collect_eq)
         apply (metis (no_types, lifting) φ_ψ ψ bij_betw_def cod_char image_eqI mem_Collect_eq)
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) C'_def φ_ψ ψ bij_betw_def seqE image_eqI mem_Collect_eq)
      interpret φψ: inverse_functors C' C ψ λi. if C'.arr i then φ i else null
        show "ψ  (λi. if C'.arr i then φ i else null) = C'.map"
          by (auto simp add: C'.extensionality ψ.extensionality arr_char)
        show "(λi. if C'.arr i then φ i else null)  ψ = map"
          by (auto simp add: extensionality)
      have "invertible_functor C' C (λi. if C'.arr i then φ i else null)"
        using φψ.inverse_functors_axioms by unfold_locales auto
      thus ?thesis
        using arr_char by blast

    corollary (in category) finite_imp_ex_iso_nat_comp:
    assumes "finite (Collect arr)"
    shows "C' :: nat comp. isomorphic_categories C' C"
    proof -
      obtain n :: nat and φ where φ: "bij_betw φ {0..<n} (Collect arr)"
        using assms ex_bij_betw_nat_finite by blast
      obtain C' where C': "Collect (partial_composition.arr C') = {0..<n} 
                           invertible_functor C' (⋅)
                             (λi. if partial_composition.arr C' i then φ i else null)"
        using φ bij_induces_invertible_functor [of φ "{0..<n}"] by auto
      interpret φ: invertible_functor C' C λi. if partial_composition.arr C' i then φ i else null
        using C' by simp
      show ?thesis
        using φ.isomorphic_categories_axioms by blast


  text ‹
    We now prove the result, advertised earlier in theory ConcreteCategory›,
    that any category is in fact isomorphic to the concrete category formed from it in
    the obvious way.

  context category

    interpretation CC: concrete_category Collect ide hom id λ_ _ _ g f. g  f
      using comp_arr_dom comp_cod_arr comp_assoc
      by (unfold_locales, auto)

    interpretation F: "functor" C CC.COMP
                       λf. if arr f then CC.MkArr (dom f) (cod f) f else CC.null
      by (unfold_locales, auto simp add: in_homI)

    interpretation G: "functor" CC.COMP C λF. if CC.arr F then CC.Map F else null
      using CC.Map_in_Hom CC.seq_char
      by (unfold_locales, auto)

    interpretation FG: inverse_functors C CC.COMP
                       λF. if CC.arr F then CC.Map F else null
                       λf. if arr f then CC.MkArr (dom f) (cod f) f else CC.null
      show "(λF. if CC.arr F then CC.Map F else null) 
              (λf. if arr f then CC.MkArr (dom f) (cod f) f else CC.null) =
        using CC.arr_char map_def by fastforce
      show "(λf. if arr f then CC.MkArr (dom f) (cod f) f else CC.null) 
              (λF. if CC.arr F then CC.Map F else null) =
        using CC.MkArr_Map G.preserves_arr G.preserves_cod G.preserves_dom
        by auto

    theorem is_isomorphic_to_concrete_category:
    shows "isomorphic_categories C CC.COMP"

