Theory Finite_Tensor_Product_Matrices

section ‹Tensor products as matrices›

theory Finite_Tensor_Product_Matrices
  imports Finite_Tensor_Product

definition tensor_pack :: "nat  nat  (nat × nat)  nat"
  where "tensor_pack X Y = (λ(x, y). x * Y + y)"

definition tensor_unpack :: "nat  nat  nat  (nat × nat)"
  where "tensor_unpack X Y xy = (xy div Y, xy mod Y)"

lemma tensor_unpack_inj:
  assumes "i < A * B" and "j < A * B"
  shows "tensor_unpack A B i = tensor_unpack A B j  i = j"
  by (metis div_mult_mod_eq prod.sel(1) prod.sel(2) tensor_unpack_def)

lemma tensor_unpack_bound1[simp]: "i < A * B  fst (tensor_unpack A B i) < A"
  unfolding tensor_unpack_def
  apply auto
  using less_mult_imp_div_less by blast
lemma tensor_unpack_bound2[simp]: "i < A * B  snd (tensor_unpack A B i) < B"
  unfolding tensor_unpack_def
  apply auto
  by (metis mod_less_divisor mult.commute mult_zero_left nat_neq_iff not_less0)

lemma tensor_unpack_fstfst: fst (tensor_unpack A B (fst (tensor_unpack (A * B) C i)))
     = fst (tensor_unpack A (B * C) i)
  unfolding tensor_unpack_def apply auto
  by (metis div_mult2_eq mult.commute)
lemma tensor_unpack_sndsnd: snd (tensor_unpack B C (snd (tensor_unpack A (B * C) i)))
     = snd (tensor_unpack (A * B) C i)
  unfolding tensor_unpack_def apply auto
  by (meson dvd_triv_right mod_mod_cancel)
lemma tensor_unpack_fstsnd: fst (tensor_unpack B C (snd (tensor_unpack A (B * C) i)))
     = snd (tensor_unpack A B (fst (tensor_unpack (A * B) C i)))
  unfolding tensor_unpack_def apply auto
  by (cases C = 0) (simp_all add: mult.commute [of B C] mod_mult2_eq [of i C B])

definition "tensor_state_jnf ψ φ = (let d1 = dim_vec ψ in let d2 = dim_vec φ in
  vec (d1*d2) (λi. let (i1,i2) = tensor_unpack d1 d2 i in (vec_index ψ i1) * (vec_index φ i2)))"

lemma tensor_state_jnf_dim[simp]: dim_vec (tensor_state_jnf ψ φ) = dim_vec ψ * dim_vec φ
  unfolding tensor_state_jnf_def Let_def by simp

lemma enum_prod_nth_tensor_unpack:
  assumes i < CARD('a) * CARD('b)
  shows "(Enum.enum ! i :: 'a::enum×'b::enum) = 
        (let (i1,i2) = tensor_unpack CARD('a) CARD('b) i in 
              (Enum.enum ! i1, Enum.enum ! i2))"
  using assms 
  by (simp add: enum_prod_def card_UNIV_length_enum product_nth tensor_unpack_def)

lemma vec_of_basis_enum_tensor_state_index:
  fixes ψ :: 'a::enum ell2 and φ :: 'b::enum ell2
  assumes [simp]: i < CARD('a) * CARD('b)
  shows vec_of_basis_enum (ψ s φ) $ i = (let (i1,i2) = tensor_unpack CARD('a) CARD('b) i in
    vec_of_basis_enum ψ $ i1 * vec_of_basis_enum φ $ i2)
proof -
  define i1 i2 where "i1 = fst (tensor_unpack CARD('a) CARD('b) i)"
    and "i2 = snd (tensor_unpack CARD('a) CARD('b) i)"
  have [simp]: "i1 < CARD('a)" "i2 < CARD('b)"
    using assms i1_def tensor_unpack_bound1 apply presburger
    using assms i2_def tensor_unpack_bound2 by presburger

  have vec_of_basis_enum (ψ s φ) $ i = Rep_ell2 (ψ s φ) (enum_class.enum ! i)
    by (simp add: vec_of_basis_enum_ell2_component)
  also have  = Rep_ell2 ψ (Enum.enum!i1) * Rep_ell2 φ (Enum.enum!i2)
    apply (transfer fixing: i i1 i2)
    by (simp add: enum_prod_nth_tensor_unpack case_prod_beta i1_def i2_def)
  also have  = vec_of_basis_enum ψ $ i1 * vec_of_basis_enum φ $ i2
    by (simp add: vec_of_basis_enum_ell2_component)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: case_prod_beta i1_def i2_def)

lemma vec_of_basis_enum_tensor_state:
  fixes ψ :: 'a::enum ell2 and φ :: 'b::enum ell2
  shows vec_of_basis_enum (ψ s φ) = tensor_state_jnf (vec_of_basis_enum ψ) (vec_of_basis_enum φ)
  apply (rule eq_vecI, simp_all)
  apply (subst vec_of_basis_enum_tensor_state_index, simp_all)
  by (simp add: tensor_state_jnf_def case_prod_beta Let_def)

lemma mat_of_cblinfun_tensor_op_index:
  fixes a :: 'a::enum ell2 CL 'b::enum ell2 and b :: 'c::enum ell2 CL 'd::enum ell2
  assumes [simp]: i < CARD('b) * CARD('d)
  assumes [simp]: j < CARD('a) * CARD('c)
  shows mat_of_cblinfun (tensor_op a b) $$ (i,j) = 
            (let (i1,i2) = tensor_unpack CARD('b) CARD('d) i in
             let (j1,j2) = tensor_unpack CARD('a) CARD('c) j in
                  mat_of_cblinfun a $$ (i1,j1) * mat_of_cblinfun b $$ (i2,j2))
proof -
  define i1 i2 j1 j2
    where "i1 = fst (tensor_unpack CARD('b) CARD('d) i)"
      and "i2 = snd (tensor_unpack CARD('b) CARD('d) i)"
      and "j1 = fst (tensor_unpack CARD('a) CARD('c) j)"
      and "j2 = snd (tensor_unpack CARD('a) CARD('c) j)"
  have [simp]: "i1 < CARD('b)" "i2 < CARD('d)" "j1 < CARD('a)" "j2 < CARD('c)"
    using assms i1_def tensor_unpack_bound1 apply presburger
    using assms i2_def tensor_unpack_bound2 apply blast
    using assms(2) j1_def tensor_unpack_bound1 apply blast
    using assms(2) j2_def tensor_unpack_bound2 by presburger

  have mat_of_cblinfun (tensor_op a b) $$ (i,j) 
       = Rep_ell2 (tensor_op a b *V ket (Enum.enum!j)) (Enum.enum ! i)
    by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_ell2_component)
  also have  = Rep_ell2 ((a *V ket (Enum.enum!j1)) s (b *V ket (Enum.enum!j2))) (Enum.enum!i)
    by (simp add: tensor_op_ell2 enum_prod_nth_tensor_unpack[where i=j] Let_def case_prod_beta j1_def[symmetric] j2_def[symmetric] flip: tensor_ell2_ket)
  also have  = vec_of_basis_enum ((a *V ket (Enum.enum!j1)) s b *V ket (Enum.enum!j2)) $ i
    by (simp add: vec_of_basis_enum_ell2_component)
  also have  = vec_of_basis_enum (a *V ket (enum_class.enum ! j1)) $ i1 *
                  vec_of_basis_enum (b *V ket (enum_class.enum ! j2)) $ i2
    by (simp add: case_prod_beta vec_of_basis_enum_tensor_state_index i1_def[symmetric] i2_def[symmetric])
  also have  = Rep_ell2 (a *V ket (enum_class.enum ! j1)) (enum_class.enum ! i1) *
                  Rep_ell2 (b *V ket (enum_class.enum ! j2)) (enum_class.enum ! i2)
    by (simp add: vec_of_basis_enum_ell2_component)
  also have  = mat_of_cblinfun a $$ (i1, j1) * mat_of_cblinfun b $$ (i2, j2)
    by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_ell2_component)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: i1_def[symmetric] i2_def[symmetric] j1_def[symmetric] j2_def[symmetric] case_prod_beta)

definition "tensor_op_jnf A B = 
  (let r1 = dim_row A in
   let c1 = dim_col A in
   let r2 = dim_row B in
   let c2 = dim_col B in
   mat (r1 * r2) (c1 * c2)
   (λ(i,j). let (i1,i2) = tensor_unpack r1 r2 i in
            let (j1,j2) = tensor_unpack c1 c2 j in
              (A $$ (i1,j1)) * (B $$ (i2,j2))))"

lemma tensor_op_jnf_dim[simp]: 
  dim_row (tensor_op_jnf a b) = dim_row a * dim_row b
  dim_col (tensor_op_jnf a b) = dim_col a * dim_col b
  unfolding tensor_op_jnf_def Let_def by simp_all

lemma mat_of_cblinfun_tensor_op:
  fixes a :: 'a::enum ell2 CL 'b::enum ell2 and b :: 'c::enum ell2 CL 'd::enum ell2
  shows mat_of_cblinfun (tensor_op a b) = tensor_op_jnf (mat_of_cblinfun a) (mat_of_cblinfun b)
  apply (rule eq_matI, simp_all add: )
    apply (subst mat_of_cblinfun_tensor_op_index)
      apply (simp_all add: canonical_basis_length)
  by (simp add: tensor_op_jnf_def case_prod_beta Let_def canonical_basis_length)

lemma mat_of_cblinfun_assoc_ell2'[simp]: 
  mat_of_cblinfun (assoc_ell2' :: (('a::enum×('b::enum×'c::enum)) ell2 CL _)) = one_mat (CARD('a)*CARD('b)*CARD('c))
  (is "mat_of_cblinfun ?assoc = _")
proof  (rule mat_eq_iff[THEN iffD2], intro conjI allI impI)

  show dim_row (mat_of_cblinfun ?assoc) =
    dim_row (1m (CARD('a) * CARD('b) * CARD('c)))
    by (simp add: canonical_basis_length)
  show dim_col (mat_of_cblinfun ?assoc) =
    dim_col (1m (CARD('a) * CARD('b) * CARD('c)))
    by (simp add: canonical_basis_length)

  fix i j
  let ?i = "Enum.enum ! i :: (('a×'b)×'c)" and ?j = "Enum.enum ! j :: ('a×('b×'c))"

  assume i < dim_row (1m (CARD('a) * CARD('b) * CARD('c)))
  then have iB[simp]: i < CARD('a) * CARD('b) * CARD('c) by simp
  then have iB'[simp]: i < CARD('a) * (CARD('b) * CARD('c)) by linarith
  assume j < dim_col (1m (CARD('a) * CARD('b) * CARD('c)))
  then have jB[simp]: j < CARD('a) * CARD('b) * CARD('c) by simp
  then have jB'[simp]: j < CARD('a) * (CARD('b) * CARD('c)) by linarith

  define i1 i23 i2 i3
    where "i1 = fst (tensor_unpack CARD('a) (CARD('b)*CARD('c)) i)"
      and "i23 = snd (tensor_unpack CARD('a) (CARD('b)*CARD('c)) i)"
      and "i2 = fst (tensor_unpack CARD('b) CARD('c) i23)"
      and "i3 = snd (tensor_unpack CARD('b) CARD('c) i23)"
  define j12 j1 j2 j3
    where "j12 = fst (tensor_unpack (CARD('a)*CARD('b)) CARD('c) j)"
      and "j1 = fst (tensor_unpack CARD('a) CARD('b) j12)"
      and "j2 = snd (tensor_unpack CARD('a) CARD('b) j12)"
      and "j3 = snd (tensor_unpack (CARD('a)*CARD('b)) CARD('c) j)"

  have [simp]: "j12 < CARD('a)*CARD('b)" "i23 < CARD('b)*CARD('c)"
    using j12_def jB tensor_unpack_bound1 apply presburger
    using i23_def iB' tensor_unpack_bound2 by blast

  have j1': fst (tensor_unpack CARD('a) (CARD('b) * CARD('c)) j) = j1
    by (simp add: j1_def j12_def tensor_unpack_fstfst)

  let ?i1 = "Enum.enum ! i1 :: 'a" and ?i2 = "Enum.enum ! i2 :: 'b" and ?i3 = "Enum.enum ! i3 :: 'c"
  let ?j1 = "Enum.enum ! j1 :: 'a" and ?j2 = "Enum.enum ! j2 :: 'b" and ?j3 = "Enum.enum ! j3 :: 'c"

  have i: ?i = ((?i1,?i2),?i3)
    by (auto simp add: enum_prod_nth_tensor_unpack case_prod_beta
          tensor_unpack_fstfst tensor_unpack_fstsnd tensor_unpack_sndsnd i1_def i2_def i23_def i3_def)
  have j: ?j = (?j1,(?j2,?j3)) 
    by (auto simp add: enum_prod_nth_tensor_unpack case_prod_beta
        tensor_unpack_fstfst tensor_unpack_fstsnd tensor_unpack_sndsnd j1_def j2_def j12_def j3_def)
  have ijeq: (?i1,?i2,?i3) = (?j1,?j2,?j3)  i = j
    unfolding i1_def i2_def i3_def j1_def j2_def j3_def apply simp
    apply (subst enum_inj, simp, simp)
    apply (subst enum_inj, simp, simp)
    apply (subst enum_inj, simp, simp)
    apply (subst tensor_unpack_inj[symmetric, where i=i and j=j and A="CARD('a)" and B="CARD('b)*CARD('c)"], simp, simp)
    unfolding prod_eq_iff
    apply (subst tensor_unpack_inj[symmetric, where i=snd (tensor_unpack CARD('a) (CARD('b) * CARD('c)) i) and A="CARD('b)" and B="CARD('c)"], simp, simp)
    by (simp add: i1_def[symmetric] j1_def[symmetric] i2_def[symmetric] j2_def[symmetric] i3_def[symmetric] j3_def[symmetric]
        i23_def[symmetric] j12_def[symmetric] j1'
        prod_eq_iff tensor_unpack_fstsnd tensor_unpack_sndsnd)

  have mat_of_cblinfun ?assoc $$ (i, j) = Rep_ell2 (assoc_ell2' *V ket ?j) ?i
    by (subst mat_of_cblinfun_ell2_component, auto)
  also have  = Rep_ell2 ((ket ?j1 s ket ?j2) s ket ?j3) ?i
    by (simp add: j assoc_ell2'_tensor flip: tensor_ell2_ket)
  also have  = (if (?i1,?i2,?i3) = (?j1,?j2,?j3) then 1 else 0)
    by (auto simp add: ket.rep_eq i)
  also have  = (if i=j then 1 else 0)
    using ijeq by simp
  show mat_of_cblinfun ?assoc $$ (i, j) =
           1m (CARD('a) * CARD('b) * CARD('c)) $$ (i, j)
    by auto

lemma assoc_ell2'_inv: "assoc_ell2 oCL assoc_ell2' = id_cblinfun"
  apply (rule equal_ket, case_tac x, hypsubst)
  by (simp flip: tensor_ell2_ket add: cblinfun_apply_cblinfun_compose assoc_ell2'_tensor assoc_ell2_tensor)

lemma assoc_ell2_inv: "assoc_ell2' oCL assoc_ell2 = id_cblinfun"
  apply (rule equal_ket, case_tac x, hypsubst)
  by (simp flip: tensor_ell2_ket add: cblinfun_apply_cblinfun_compose assoc_ell2'_tensor assoc_ell2_tensor)

lemma mat_of_cblinfun_assoc_ell2[simp]: 
  mat_of_cblinfun (assoc_ell2 :: ((('a::enum×'b::enum)×'c::enum) ell2 CL _)) = one_mat (CARD('a)*CARD('b)*CARD('c))
  (is "mat_of_cblinfun ?assoc = _")
proof -
  let ?assoc' = "assoc_ell2' :: (('a::enum×('b::enum×'c::enum)) ell2 CL _)"
  have "one_mat (CARD('a)*CARD('b)*CARD('c)) = mat_of_cblinfun (?assoc oCL ?assoc')"
    by (simp add: mult.assoc mat_of_cblinfun_id)
  also have  = mat_of_cblinfun ?assoc * mat_of_cblinfun ?assoc'
    using mat_of_cblinfun_compose by blast
  also have  = mat_of_cblinfun ?assoc * one_mat (CARD('a)*CARD('b)*CARD('c))
    by simp
  also have  = mat_of_cblinfun ?assoc
    apply (rule right_mult_one_mat')
    by (simp add: canonical_basis_length)
  finally show ?thesis
    by simp
