Theory Cblinfun_Matrix
section ‹‹Cblinfun_Matrix› -- Matrix representation of bounded operators›
theory Cblinfun_Matrix
hide_const (open) Order.bottom
hide_type (open) Finite_Cartesian_Product.vec
hide_const (open) Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat
hide_fact (open) Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat_def
hide_const (open) Finite_Cartesian_Product.vec
hide_fact (open) Finite_Cartesian_Product.vec_def
hide_const (open) Finite_Cartesian_Product.row
hide_fact (open) Finite_Cartesian_Product.row_def
no_notation Finite_Cartesian_Product.vec_nth (infixl ‹$› 90)
unbundle jnf_syntax
unbundle cblinfun_syntax
subsection ‹Isomorphism between vectors›
text ‹We define the canonical isomorphism between vectors in some complex vector space
\<^typ>‹'a::basis_enum› and the complex \<^term>‹n›-dimensional vectors
(where \<^term>‹n› is the dimension of \<^typ>‹'a›).
This is possible if \<^typ>‹'a›, \<^typ>‹'b› are of class \<^class>‹basis_enum›
since that class fixes a finite canonical basis. Vector are represented using
the \<^typ>‹complex vec› type from \<^session>‹Jordan_Normal_Form›.
(The isomorphism will be called \<^term>‹vec_of_onb_basis› below.)›
definition vec_of_basis_enum :: ‹'a::basis_enum ⇒ complex vec› where
‹vec_of_basis_enum v = vec_of_list (map (crepresentation (set canonical_basis) v) canonical_basis)›
lemma dim_vec_of_basis_enum'[simp]:
‹dim_vec (vec_of_basis_enum (v::'a)) = length (canonical_basis::'a::basis_enum list)›
unfolding vec_of_basis_enum_def
by simp
definition basis_enum_of_vec :: ‹complex vec ⇒ 'a::basis_enum› where
‹basis_enum_of_vec v =
(if dim_vec v = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)
then sum_list (map2 (*⇩C) (list_of_vec v) (canonical_basis :: 'a list))
else 0)›
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_inverse[simp]:
fixes ψ :: "'a::basis_enum"
shows "basis_enum_of_vec (vec_of_basis_enum ψ) = ψ"
unfolding vec_of_basis_enum_def basis_enum_of_vec_def
unfolding list_vec zip_map1 zip_same_conv_map map_map
apply (simp add: o_def)
apply (subst sum.distinct_set_conv_list[symmetric], simp)
apply (rule complex_vector.sum_representation_eq)
using is_generator_set by auto
lemma basis_enum_of_vec_inverse[simp]:
fixes v :: "complex vec"
defines "n ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a::basis_enum list)"
assumes f1: "dim_vec v = n"
shows "vec_of_basis_enum ((basis_enum_of_vec v)::'a) = v"
proof (rule eq_vecI)
show ‹dim_vec (vec_of_basis_enum (basis_enum_of_vec v :: 'a)) = dim_vec v›
by (auto simp: vec_of_basis_enum_def f1 n_def)
fix j assume j_v: ‹j < dim_vec v›
define w where "w = list_of_vec v"
define basis where "basis = (canonical_basis::'a list)"
have [simp]: "length w = n" "length basis = n" ‹dim_vec v = n› ‹length (canonical_basis::'a list) = n›
‹j < n›
using j_v by (auto simp: f1 basis_def w_def n_def)
have [simp]: ‹cindependent (set basis)› ‹cspan (set basis) = UNIV›
by (auto simp: basis_def is_cindependent_set is_generator_set)
have ‹vec_of_basis_enum ((basis_enum_of_vec v)::'a) $ j
= map (crepresentation (set basis) (sum_list (map2 (*⇩C) w basis))) basis ! j›
by (auto simp: vec_of_list_index vec_of_basis_enum_def basis_enum_of_vec_def simp flip: w_def basis_def)
also have ‹… = crepresentation (set basis) (sum_list (map2 (*⇩C) w basis)) (basis!j)›
by simp
also have ‹… = crepresentation (set basis) (∑i<n. (w!i) *⇩C (basis!i)) (basis!j)›
by (auto simp: sum_list_sum_nth atLeast0LessThan)
also have ‹… = (∑i<n. (w!i) *⇩C crepresentation (set basis) (basis!i) (basis!j))›
by (auto simp: complex_vector.representation_sum complex_vector.representation_scale)
also have ‹… = w!j›
apply (subst sum_single[where i=j])
apply (auto simp: complex_vector.representation_basis)
using ‹j < n› ‹length basis = n› basis_def distinct_canonical_basis nth_eq_iff_index_eq by blast
also have ‹… = v $ j›
by (simp add: w_def)
finally show ‹vec_of_basis_enum (basis_enum_of_vec v :: 'a) $ j = v $ j›
by -
lemma basis_enum_eq_vec_of_basis_enumI:
fixes a b :: "_::basis_enum"
assumes "vec_of_basis_enum a = vec_of_basis_enum b"
shows "a = b"
by (metis assms vec_of_basis_enum_inverse)
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_carrier_vec[simp]: ‹vec_of_basis_enum v ∈ carrier_vec (canonical_basis_length TYPE('a))› for v :: ‹'a::basis_enum›
apply (simp only: dim_vec_of_basis_enum' carrier_vec_def vec_of_basis_enum_def)
by (simp add: canonical_basis_length)
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_inj: "inj vec_of_basis_enum"
by (simp add: basis_enum_eq_vec_of_basis_enumI injI)
lemma basis_enum_of_vec_inj: "inj_on (basis_enum_of_vec :: complex vec ⇒ 'a)
(carrier_vec (length (canonical_basis :: 'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)))"
by (metis basis_enum_of_vec_inverse carrier_dim_vec inj_on_inverseI)
subsection ‹Operations on vectors›
lemma basis_enum_of_vec_add:
assumes [simp]: ‹dim_vec v1 = length (canonical_basis :: 'a::basis_enum list)›
‹dim_vec v2 = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)›
shows ‹((basis_enum_of_vec (v1 + v2)) :: 'a) = basis_enum_of_vec v1 + basis_enum_of_vec v2›
proof -
have ‹length (list_of_vec v1) = length (list_of_vec v2)› and ‹length (list_of_vec v2) = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)›
by simp_all
then have ‹sum_list (map2 (*⇩C) (map2 (+) (list_of_vec v1) (list_of_vec v2)) (canonical_basis::'a list))
= sum_list (map2 (*⇩C) (list_of_vec v1) canonical_basis) + sum_list (map2 (*⇩C) (list_of_vec v2) canonical_basis)›
apply (induction rule: list_induct3)
by (auto simp: scaleC_add_left)
then show ?thesis
using assms by (auto simp: basis_enum_of_vec_def list_of_vec_plus)
lemma basis_enum_of_vec_mult:
assumes [simp]: ‹dim_vec v = length (canonical_basis :: 'a::basis_enum list)›
shows ‹((basis_enum_of_vec (c ⋅⇩v v)) :: 'a) = c *⇩C basis_enum_of_vec v›
proof -
have *: ‹monoid_add_hom ((*⇩C) c :: 'a ⇒ _)›
by (simp add: monoid_add_hom_def plus_hom.intro scaleC_add_right semigroup_add_hom.intro zero_hom.intro)
show ?thesis
apply (auto simp: basis_enum_of_vec_def list_of_vec_mult map_zip_map
monoid_add_hom.hom_sum_list[OF *])
by (metis case_prod_unfold comp_apply scaleC_scaleC)
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_add:
‹vec_of_basis_enum (a + b) = vec_of_basis_enum a + vec_of_basis_enum b›
by (auto simp: vec_of_basis_enum_def complex_vector.representation_add)
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_scaleC:
"vec_of_basis_enum (c *⇩C b) = c ⋅⇩v (vec_of_basis_enum b)"
by (auto simp: vec_of_basis_enum_def complex_vector.representation_scale)
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_scaleR:
"vec_of_basis_enum (r *⇩R b) = complex_of_real r ⋅⇩v (vec_of_basis_enum b)"
by (simp add: scaleR_scaleC vec_of_basis_enum_scaleC)
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_uminus:
"vec_of_basis_enum (- b2) = - vec_of_basis_enum b2"
unfolding scaleC_minus1_left[symmetric, of b2]
unfolding scaleC_minus1_left_vec[symmetric]
by (rule vec_of_basis_enum_scaleC)
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_minus:
"vec_of_basis_enum (b1 - b2) = vec_of_basis_enum b1 - vec_of_basis_enum b2"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) carrier_vec_dim_vec diff_conv_add_uminus diff_zero index_add_vec(2) minus_add_uminus_vec vec_of_basis_enum_add vec_of_basis_enum_uminus)
lemma cinner_basis_enum_of_vec:
defines "n ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a::onb_enum list)"
assumes [simp]: "dim_vec x = n" "dim_vec y = n"
shows "(basis_enum_of_vec x :: 'a) ∙⇩C basis_enum_of_vec y = y ∙c x"
proof -
have ‹(basis_enum_of_vec x :: 'a) ∙⇩C basis_enum_of_vec y
= (∑i<n. x$i *⇩C canonical_basis ! i :: 'a) ∙⇩C (∑i<n. y$i *⇩C canonical_basis ! i)›
by (auto simp: basis_enum_of_vec_def sum_list_sum_nth atLeast0LessThan simp flip: n_def)
also have ‹… = (∑i<n. ∑j<n. cnj (x$i) *⇩C y$j *⇩C ((canonical_basis ! i :: 'a) ∙⇩C (canonical_basis ! j)))›
apply (subst cinner_sum_left)
apply (subst cinner_sum_right)
by (auto simp: mult_ac)
also have ‹… = (∑i<n. ∑j<n. cnj (x$i) *⇩C y$j *⇩C (if i=j then 1 else 0))›
apply (rule sum.cong[OF refl])
apply (rule sum.cong[OF refl])
by (auto simp: cinner_canonical_basis n_def)
also have ‹… = (∑i<n. cnj (x$i) *⇩C y$i)›
apply (rule sum.cong[OF refl])
apply (subst sum_single)
by auto
also have ‹… = y ∙c x›
by (smt (z3) assms(2) complex_scaleC_def conjugate_complex_def dim_vec_conjugate lessThan_atLeast0 lessThan_iff mult.commute scalar_prod_def sum.cong vec_index_conjugate)
finally show ?thesis
by -
lemma cscalar_prod_vec_of_basis_enum: "cscalar_prod (vec_of_basis_enum φ) (vec_of_basis_enum ψ) = cinner ψ φ"
for ψ :: "'a::onb_enum"
apply (subst cinner_basis_enum_of_vec[symmetric, where 'a='a])
by simp_all
definition ‹norm_vec ψ = sqrt (∑ i ∈ {0 ..< dim_vec ψ}. let z = vec_index ψ i in (Re z)⇧2 + (Im z)⇧2)›
lemma norm_vec_of_basis_enum: ‹norm ψ = norm_vec (vec_of_basis_enum ψ)› for ψ :: "'a::onb_enum"
proof -
have "norm ψ = sqrt (cmod (∑i = 0..<dim_vec (vec_of_basis_enum ψ).
vec_of_basis_enum ψ $ i * conjugate (vec_of_basis_enum ψ) $ i))"
unfolding norm_eq_sqrt_cinner[where 'a='a] cscalar_prod_vec_of_basis_enum[symmetric] scalar_prod_def dim_vec_conjugate
by rule
also have "… = sqrt (cmod (∑x = 0..<dim_vec (vec_of_basis_enum ψ).
let z = vec_of_basis_enum ψ $ x in (Re z)⇧2 + (Im z)⇧2))"
apply (subst sum.cong, rule refl)
apply (subst vec_index_conjugate)
by (auto simp: Let_def complex_mult_cnj)
also have "… = norm_vec (vec_of_basis_enum ψ)"
unfolding Let_def norm_of_real norm_vec_def
apply (subst abs_of_nonneg)
apply (rule sum_nonneg)
by auto
finally show ?thesis
by -
lemma basis_enum_of_vec_unit_vec:
defines "basis ≡ (canonical_basis::'a::basis_enum list)"
and "n ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
assumes a3: "i < n"
shows "basis_enum_of_vec (unit_vec n i) = basis!i"
define L::"complex list" where "L = list_of_vec (unit_vec n i)"
define I::"nat list" where "I = [0..<n]"
have "length L = n"
by (simp add: L_def)
moreover have "length basis = n"
by (simp add: basis_def n_def)
ultimately have "map2 (*⇩C) L basis = map (λj. L!j *⇩C basis!j) I"
by (simp add: I_def list_eq_iff_nth_eq)
hence "sum_list (map2 (*⇩C) L basis) = sum_list (map (λj. L!j *⇩C basis!j) I)"
by simp
also have "… = sum (λj. L!j *⇩C basis!j) {0..n-1}"
have "set I = {0..n-1}"
using I_def a3 by auto
thus ?thesis
using Groups_List.sum_code[where xs = I and g = "(λj. L!j *⇩C basis!j)"]
by (simp add: I_def)
also have "… = sum (λj. (list_of_vec (unit_vec n i))!j *⇩C basis!j) {0..n-1}"
unfolding L_def by blast
finally have "sum_list (map2 (*⇩C) (list_of_vec (unit_vec n i)) basis)
= sum (λj. (list_of_vec (unit_vec n i))!j *⇩C basis!j) {0..n-1}"
using L_def by blast
also have "… = basis ! i"
have "(∑j = 0..n - 1. list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! j *⇩C basis ! j) =
(∑j ∈ {0..n - 1}. list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! j *⇩C basis ! j)"
by simp
also have "… = list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! i *⇩C basis ! i
+ (∑j ∈ {0..n - 1}-{i}. list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! j *⇩C basis ! j)"
define a where "a j = list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! j *⇩C basis ! j" for j
define S where "S = {0..n - 1}"
have "finite S"
by (simp add: S_def)
hence "(∑j ∈ insert i S. a j) = a i + (∑j∈S-{i}. a j)"
using Groups_Big.comm_monoid_add_class.sum.insert_remove
by auto
moreover have "S-{i} = {0..n-1}-{i}"
unfolding S_def
by blast
moreover have "insert i S = {0..n-1}"
using S_def Suc_diff_1 a3 atLeastAtMost_iff diff_is_0_eq' le_SucE le_numeral_extra(4)
less_imp_le not_gr_zero
by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
using ‹a ≡ λj. list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! j *⇩C basis ! j›
by simp
also have "… = list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! i *⇩C basis ! i"
have "j ∈ {0..n - 1}-{i} ⟹ list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! j = 0"
for j
using a3 atMost_atLeast0 atMost_iff diff_Suc_less index_unit_vec(1) le_less_trans
list_of_vec_index member_remove zero_le by fastforce
hence "j ∈ {0..n - 1}-{i} ⟹ list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! j *⇩C basis ! j = 0"
for j
by auto
hence "(∑j ∈ {0..n - 1}-{i}. list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! j *⇩C basis ! j) = 0"
by (simp add: ‹⋀j. j ∈ {0..n - 1} - {i} ⟹ list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! j *⇩C basis ! j = 0›)
thus ?thesis by simp
also have "… = basis ! i"
by (simp add: a3)
finally show ?thesis
using ‹(∑j = 0..n - 1. list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! j *⇩C basis ! j)
= list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! i *⇩C basis ! i + (∑j∈{0..n - 1} - {i}. list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! j *⇩C basis ! j)›
‹list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! i *⇩C basis ! i + (∑j∈{0..n - 1} - {i}. list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! j *⇩C basis ! j)
= list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! i *⇩C basis ! i›
‹list_of_vec (unit_vec n i) ! i *⇩C basis ! i = basis ! i›
by auto
finally have "sum_list (map2 (*⇩C) (list_of_vec (unit_vec n i)) basis)
= basis ! i"
by (simp add: assms)
hence "sum_list (map2 scaleC (list_of_vec (unit_vec n i)) (canonical_basis::'a list))
= (canonical_basis::'a list) ! i"
by (simp add: assms)
thus ?thesis
unfolding basis_enum_of_vec_def
by (simp add: assms)
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_ket:
"vec_of_basis_enum (ket i) = unit_vec (CARD('a)) (enum_idx i)"
for i::"'a::enum"
have "dim_vec (vec_of_basis_enum (ket i))
= dim_vec (unit_vec (CARD('a)) (enum_idx i))"
have "dim_vec (unit_vec (CARD('a)) (enum_idx i))
= CARD('a)"
by simp
moreover have "dim_vec (vec_of_basis_enum (ket i)) = CARD('a)"
unfolding vec_of_basis_enum_def vec_of_basis_enum_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
moreover have "vec_of_basis_enum (ket i) $ j =
(unit_vec (CARD('a)) (enum_idx i)) $ j"
if "j < dim_vec (vec_of_basis_enum (ket i))"
for j
have j_bound: "j < length (canonical_basis::'a ell2 list)"
by (metis dim_vec_of_basis_enum' that)
have y1: "cindependent (set (canonical_basis::'a ell2 list))"
using is_cindependent_set by blast
have y2: "canonical_basis ! j ∈ set (canonical_basis::'a ell2 list)"
using j_bound by auto
have p1: "enum_class.enum ! enum_idx i = i"
using enum_idx_correct by blast
moreover have p2: "(canonical_basis::'a ell2 list) ! t = ket ((enum_class.enum::'a list) ! t)"
if "t < length (enum_class.enum::'a list)"
for t
unfolding canonical_basis_ell2_def
using that by auto
moreover have p3: "enum_idx i < length (enum_class.enum::'a list)"
have "set (enum_class.enum::'a list) = UNIV"
using UNIV_enum by blast
hence "i ∈ set (enum_class.enum::'a list)"
by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding enum_idx_def
by (metis index_of_bound length_greater_0_conv length_pos_if_in_set)
ultimately have p4: "(canonical_basis::'a ell2 list) ! (enum_idx i) = ket i"
by auto
have "enum_idx i < length (enum_class.enum::'a list)"
using p3
by auto
moreover have "length (enum_class.enum::'a list) = dim_vec (vec_of_basis_enum (ket i))"
unfolding vec_of_basis_enum_def canonical_basis_ell2_def
using dim_vec_of_basis_enum'[where v = "ket i"]
unfolding canonical_basis_ell2_def by simp
ultimately have enum_i_dim_vec: "enum_idx i < dim_vec (unit_vec (CARD('a)) (enum_idx i))"
using ‹dim_vec (vec_of_basis_enum (ket i)) = dim_vec (unit_vec (CARD('a)) (enum_idx i))› by auto
hence r1: "(unit_vec (CARD('a)) (enum_idx i)) $ j
= (if enum_idx i = j then 1 else 0)"
using ‹dim_vec (vec_of_basis_enum (ket i)) = dim_vec (unit_vec (CARD('a)) (enum_idx i))› that by auto
moreover have "vec_of_basis_enum (ket i) $ j = (if enum_idx i = j then 1 else 0)"
proof(cases "enum_idx i = j")
case True
have "crepresentation (set (canonical_basis::'a ell2 list))
((canonical_basis::'a ell2 list) ! j) ((canonical_basis::'a ell2 list) ! j) = 1"
using y1 y2 complex_vector.representation_basis[where
basis = "set (canonical_basis::'a ell2 list)"
and b = "(canonical_basis::'a ell2 list) ! j"]
by smt
hence "vec_of_basis_enum ((canonical_basis::'a ell2 list) ! j) $ j = 1"
unfolding vec_of_basis_enum_def
by (metis j_bound nth_map vec_of_list_index)
hence "vec_of_basis_enum ((canonical_basis::'a ell2 list) ! (enum_idx i))
$ enum_idx i = 1"
using True by simp
hence "vec_of_basis_enum (ket i) $ enum_idx i = 1"
using p4
by simp
thus ?thesis using True unfolding vec_of_basis_enum_def by auto
case False
have "crepresentation (set (canonical_basis::'a ell2 list))
((canonical_basis::'a ell2 list) ! (enum_idx i)) ((canonical_basis::'a ell2 list) ! j) = 0"
using y1 y2 complex_vector.representation_basis[where
basis = "set (canonical_basis::'a ell2 list)"
and b = "(canonical_basis::'a ell2 list) ! j"]
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) False enum_i_dim_vec basis_enum_of_vec_inverse
basis_enum_of_vec_unit_vec canonical_basis_length_ell2 index_unit_vec(3) j_bound
list_of_vec_index list_vec nth_map r1 vec_of_basis_enum_def)
hence "vec_of_basis_enum ((canonical_basis::'a ell2 list) ! (enum_idx i)) $ j = 0"
unfolding vec_of_basis_enum_def by (smt j_bound nth_map vec_of_list_index)
hence "vec_of_basis_enum ((canonical_basis::'a ell2 list) ! (enum_idx i)) $ j = 0"
by auto
hence "vec_of_basis_enum (ket i) $ j = 0"
using p4
by simp
thus ?thesis using False unfolding vec_of_basis_enum_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using Matrix.eq_vecI
by auto
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_zero:
defines "nA ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a::basis_enum list)"
shows "vec_of_basis_enum (0::'a) = 0⇩v nA"
by (metis assms carrier_vecI dim_vec_of_basis_enum' minus_cancel_vec right_minus_eq vec_of_basis_enum_minus)
lemma (in complex_vec_space) vec_of_basis_enum_cspan:
fixes X :: "'a::basis_enum set"
assumes "length (canonical_basis :: 'a list) = n"
shows "vec_of_basis_enum ` cspan X = span (vec_of_basis_enum ` X)"
proof -
have carrier: "vec_of_basis_enum ` X ⊆ carrier_vec n"
by (metis assms carrier_vecI dim_vec_of_basis_enum' image_subsetI)
have lincomb_sum: "lincomb c A = vec_of_basis_enum (∑b∈B. c' b *⇩C b)"
if B_def: "B = basis_enum_of_vec ` A" and ‹finite A›
and AX: "A ⊆ vec_of_basis_enum ` X" and c'_def: "⋀b. c' b = c (vec_of_basis_enum b)"
for c c' A and B::"'a set"
unfolding B_def using ‹finite A› AX
proof induction
case empty
then show ?case
by (simp add: assms vec_of_basis_enum_zero)
case (insert x F)
then have IH: "lincomb c F = vec_of_basis_enum (∑b∈basis_enum_of_vec ` F. c' b *⇩C b)"
(is "_ = ?sum")
by simp
have xx: "vec_of_basis_enum (basis_enum_of_vec x :: 'a) = x"
apply (rule basis_enum_of_vec_inverse)
using assms carrier carrier_vecD insert.prems by auto
have "lincomb c (insert x F) = c x ⋅⇩v x + lincomb c F"
apply (rule lincomb_insert2)
using insert.hyps insert.prems carrier by auto
also have "c x ⋅⇩v x = vec_of_basis_enum (c' (basis_enum_of_vec x) *⇩C (basis_enum_of_vec x :: 'a))"
by (simp add: xx vec_of_basis_enum_scaleC c'_def)
also note IH
also have
"vec_of_basis_enum (c' (basis_enum_of_vec x) *⇩C (basis_enum_of_vec x :: 'a)) + ?sum
= vec_of_basis_enum (∑b∈basis_enum_of_vec ` insert x F. c' b *⇩C b)"
apply simp apply (rule sym)
apply (subst sum.insert)
using ‹finite F› ‹x ∉ F› dim_vec_of_basis_enum' insert.prems
vec_of_basis_enum_add c'_def by auto
finally show ?case
by -
show ?thesis
proof auto
fix x assume "x ∈ local.span (vec_of_basis_enum ` X)"
then obtain c A where xA: "x = lincomb c A" and "finite A" and AX: "A ⊆ vec_of_basis_enum ` X"
unfolding span_def by auto
define B::"'a set" and c' where "B = basis_enum_of_vec ` A"
and "c' b = c (vec_of_basis_enum b)" for b::'a
note xA
also have "lincomb c A = vec_of_basis_enum (∑b∈B. c' b *⇩C b)"
using B_def ‹finite A› AX c'_def by (rule lincomb_sum)
also have "… ∈ vec_of_basis_enum ` cspan X"
unfolding complex_vector.span_explicit
apply (rule imageI) apply (rule CollectI)
apply (rule exI) apply (rule exI)
using ‹finite A› AX by (auto simp: B_def)
finally show "x ∈ vec_of_basis_enum ` cspan X"
by -
fix x assume "x ∈ cspan X"
then obtain c' B where x: "x = (∑b∈B. c' b *⇩C b)" and "finite B" and BX: "B ⊆ X"
unfolding complex_vector.span_explicit by auto
define A and c where "A = vec_of_basis_enum ` B"
and "c b = c' (basis_enum_of_vec b)" for b
have "vec_of_basis_enum x = vec_of_basis_enum (∑b∈B. c' b *⇩C b)"
using x by simp
also have "… = lincomb c A"
apply (rule lincomb_sum[symmetric])
unfolding A_def c_def using BX ‹finite B›
by (auto simp: image_image)
also have "… ∈ span (vec_of_basis_enum ` X)"
unfolding span_def apply (rule CollectI)
apply (rule exI, rule exI)
unfolding A_def using ‹finite B› BX by auto
finally show "vec_of_basis_enum x ∈ local.span (vec_of_basis_enum ` X)"
by -
lemma (in complex_vec_space) basis_enum_of_vec_span:
assumes "length (canonical_basis :: 'a list) = n"
assumes "Y ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "basis_enum_of_vec ` local.span Y = cspan (basis_enum_of_vec ` Y :: 'a::basis_enum set)"
proof -
define X::"'a set" where "X = basis_enum_of_vec ` Y"
then have "cspan (basis_enum_of_vec ` Y :: 'a set) = basis_enum_of_vec ` vec_of_basis_enum ` cspan X"
by (simp add: image_image)
also have "… = basis_enum_of_vec ` local.span (vec_of_basis_enum ` X)"
apply (subst vec_of_basis_enum_cspan)
using assms by simp_all
also have "vec_of_basis_enum ` X = Y"
unfolding X_def image_image
apply (rule image_cong[where g=id and M=Y and N=Y, simplified])
using assms(1) assms(2) by auto
finally show ?thesis
by simp
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_canonical_basis:
assumes "i < length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
shows "vec_of_basis_enum (canonical_basis!i :: 'a)
= unit_vec (length (canonical_basis :: 'a::basis_enum list)) i"
by (metis assms basis_enum_of_vec_inverse basis_enum_of_vec_unit_vec index_unit_vec(3))
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_times:
fixes ψ φ :: "'a::one_dim"
shows "vec_of_basis_enum (ψ * φ)
= vec_of_list [vec_index (vec_of_basis_enum ψ) 0 * vec_index (vec_of_basis_enum φ) 0]"
proof -
have [simp]: ‹crepresentation {1} x 1 = one_dim_iso x› for x :: 'a
apply (subst one_dim_scaleC_1[where x=x, symmetric])
apply (subst complex_vector.representation_scale)
by (auto simp add: complex_vector.span_base complex_vector.representation_basis)
show ?thesis
apply (rule eq_vecI)
by (auto simp: vec_of_basis_enum_def)
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_to_inverse:
fixes ψ :: "'a::one_dim"
shows "vec_of_basis_enum (inverse ψ) = vec_of_list [inverse (vec_index (vec_of_basis_enum ψ) 0)]"
proof -
have [simp]: ‹crepresentation {1} x 1 = one_dim_iso x› for x :: 'a
apply (subst one_dim_scaleC_1[where x=x, symmetric])
apply (subst complex_vector.representation_scale)
by (auto simp add: complex_vector.span_base complex_vector.representation_basis)
show ?thesis
apply (rule eq_vecI)
apply (auto simp: vec_of_basis_enum_def)
by (metis complex_vector.scale_cancel_right one_dim_inverse one_dim_scaleC_1 zero_neq_one)
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_divide:
fixes ψ φ :: "'a::one_dim"
shows "vec_of_basis_enum (ψ / φ)
= vec_of_list [vec_index (vec_of_basis_enum ψ) 0 / vec_index (vec_of_basis_enum φ) 0]"
by (simp add: divide_inverse vec_of_basis_enum_to_inverse vec_of_basis_enum_times)
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_1: "vec_of_basis_enum (1 :: 'a::one_dim) = vec_of_list [1]"
proof -
have [simp]: ‹crepresentation {1} x 1 = one_dim_iso x› for x :: 'a
apply (subst one_dim_scaleC_1[where x=x, symmetric])
apply (subst complex_vector.representation_scale)
by (auto simp add: complex_vector.span_base complex_vector.representation_basis)
show ?thesis
apply (rule eq_vecI)
by (auto simp: vec_of_basis_enum_def)
lemma vec_of_basis_enum_ell2_component:
fixes ψ :: ‹'a::enum ell2›
assumes [simp]: ‹i < CARD('a)›
shows ‹vec_of_basis_enum ψ $ i = Rep_ell2 ψ (Enum.enum ! i)›
proof -
let ?i = ‹Enum.enum ! i›
have ‹Rep_ell2 ψ (Enum.enum ! i) = ket ?i ∙⇩C ψ›
by (simp add: cinner_ket_left)
also have ‹… = vec_of_basis_enum ψ ∙c vec_of_basis_enum (ket ?i :: 'a ell2)›
by (rule cscalar_prod_vec_of_basis_enum[symmetric])
also have ‹… = vec_of_basis_enum ψ ∙c unit_vec (CARD('a)) i›
by (simp add: vec_of_basis_enum_ket enum_idx_enum)
also have ‹… = vec_of_basis_enum ψ ∙ unit_vec (CARD('a)) i›
by (smt (verit, best) assms carrier_vecI conjugate_conjugate_sprod conjugate_id conjugate_vec_sprod_comm dim_vec_conjugate eq_vecI index_unit_vec(3) scalar_prod_left_unit vec_index_conjugate)
also have ‹… = vec_of_basis_enum ψ $ i›
by simp
finally show ?thesis
by simp
lemma corthogonal_vec_of_basis_enum:
fixes S :: "'a::onb_enum list"
shows "corthogonal (map vec_of_basis_enum S) ⟷ is_ortho_set (set S) ∧ distinct S"
proof auto
assume assm: ‹corthogonal (map vec_of_basis_enum S)›
then show ‹is_ortho_set (set S)›
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) cinner_eq_zero_iff corthogonal_def cscalar_prod_vec_of_basis_enum in_set_conv_nth is_ortho_set_def length_map nth_map)
show ‹distinct S›
using assm corthogonal_distinct distinct_map by blast
assume ‹is_ortho_set (set S)› and ‹distinct S›
then show ‹corthogonal (map vec_of_basis_enum S)›
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) cinner_eq_zero_iff corthogonalI cscalar_prod_vec_of_basis_enum is_ortho_set_def length_map length_map nth_eq_iff_index_eq nth_map nth_map nth_mem nth_mem)
subsection ‹Isomorphism between bounded linear functions and matrices›
text ‹We define the canonical isomorphism between \<^typ>‹'a::basis_enum ⇒⇩C⇩L'b::basis_enum›
and the complex \<^term>‹n*m›-matrices (where n,m are the dimensions of \<^typ>‹'a›, \<^typ>‹'b›,
respectively). This is possible if \<^typ>‹'a›, \<^typ>‹'b› are of class \<^class>‹basis_enum›
since that class fixes a finite canonical basis. Matrices are represented using
the \<^typ>‹complex mat› type from \<^session>‹Jordan_Normal_Form›.
(The isomorphism will be called \<^term>‹mat_of_cblinfun› below.)›
definition mat_of_cblinfun :: ‹'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒ complex mat› where
‹mat_of_cblinfun f =
mat (length (canonical_basis :: 'b list)) (length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)) (
λ (i, j). crepresentation (set (canonical_basis::'b list)) (f *⇩V ((canonical_basis::'a list)!j)) ((canonical_basis::'b list)!i))›
for f
lift_definition cblinfun_of_mat :: ‹complex mat ⇒ 'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector}› is
‹λM. if M∈carrier_mat (length (canonical_basis :: 'b list)) (length (canonical_basis :: 'a list))
then λv. basis_enum_of_vec (M *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum v)
else (λv. 0)›
proof (intro bounded_clinear_finite_dim clinearI)
fix M :: "complex mat"
define m where "m = length (canonical_basis :: 'b list)"
define n where "n = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
define f::"complex mat ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b"
where "f M = (if M∈carrier_mat m n
then λv. basis_enum_of_vec (M *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum (v::'a))
else (λv. 0))"
for M::"complex mat"
show add: ‹f M (b1 + b2) = f M b1 + f M b2› for b1 b2
apply (auto simp: f_def)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) carrier_matD(1) carrier_vec_dim_vec dim_mult_mat_vec dim_vec_of_basis_enum' m_def mult_add_distrib_mat_vec n_def basis_enum_of_vec_add vec_of_basis_enum_add)
show scale: ‹f M (c *⇩C b) = c *⇩C f M b› for c b
apply (auto simp: f_def)
by (metis carrier_matD(1) carrier_vec_dim_vec dim_mult_mat_vec dim_vec_of_basis_enum' m_def mult_mat_vec n_def basis_enum_of_vec_mult vec_of_basis_enum_scaleC)
lemma cblinfun_of_mat_invalid:
assumes ‹M ∉ carrier_mat (canonical_basis_length TYPE('b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector})) (canonical_basis_length TYPE('a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector}))›
shows ‹(cblinfun_of_mat M :: 'a ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b) = 0›
apply (transfer fixing: M)
using assms by (simp add: canonical_basis_length)
lemma dim_row_mat_of_cblinfun[simp]: ‹dim_row (mat_of_cblinfun (a::'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector})) = canonical_basis_length TYPE('b)›
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_def canonical_basis_length)
lemma dim_col_mat_of_cblinfun[simp]: ‹dim_col (mat_of_cblinfun (a::'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector})) = canonical_basis_length TYPE('a)›
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_def canonical_basis_length)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_ell2_carrier[simp]: ‹mat_of_cblinfun (a::'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector}) ∈ carrier_mat (canonical_basis_length TYPE('b)) (canonical_basis_length TYPE('a))›
by (auto intro!: carrier_matI)
lemma basis_enum_of_vec_cblinfun_apply:
fixes M :: "complex mat"
defines "nA ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)"
and "nB ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)"
assumes "M ∈ carrier_mat nB nA" and "dim_vec x = nA"
shows "basis_enum_of_vec (M *⇩v x) = (cblinfun_of_mat M :: 'a ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b) *⇩V basis_enum_of_vec x"
by (metis assms basis_enum_of_vec_inverse cblinfun_of_mat.rep_eq)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_cblinfun_apply:
‹vec_of_basis_enum (F *⇩V u) = mat_of_cblinfun F *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum u›
for F::"'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector}" and u::'a
proof (rule eq_vecI)
show ‹dim_vec (vec_of_basis_enum (F *⇩V u)) = dim_vec (mat_of_cblinfun F *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum u)›
by (simp add: dim_vec_of_basis_enum' mat_of_cblinfun_def)
fix i
define BasisA where "BasisA = (canonical_basis::'a list)"
define BasisB where "BasisB = (canonical_basis::'b list)"
define nA where "nA = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
define nB where "nB = length (canonical_basis :: 'b list)"
assume ‹i < dim_vec (mat_of_cblinfun F *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum u)›
then have [simp]: ‹i < nB›
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_def nB_def)
define v where ‹v = BasisB ! i›
have dim_row_F[simp]: ‹dim_row (mat_of_cblinfun F) = nB›
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_def nB_def)
have [simp]: ‹length BasisB = nB›
by (simp add: nB_def BasisB_def)
have [simp]: ‹length BasisA = nA›
using BasisA_def nA_def by auto
have [simp]: ‹cindependent (set BasisA)›
using BasisA_def is_cindependent_set by auto
have [simp]: ‹cindependent (set BasisB)›
using BasisB_def is_cindependent_set by blast
have [simp]: ‹cspan (set BasisB) = UNIV›
by (simp add: BasisB_def is_generator_set)
have [simp]: ‹cspan (set BasisA) = UNIV›
by (simp add: BasisA_def is_generator_set)
have ‹(mat_of_cblinfun F *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum u) $ i =
(∑j = 0..<nA. row (mat_of_cblinfun F) i $ j * crepresentation (set BasisA) u (vec_of_list BasisA $ j))›
using dim_row_F by (auto simp: mult_mat_vec_def vec_of_basis_enum_def scalar_prod_def simp flip: BasisA_def)
also have ‹… = (∑j = 0..<nA. crepresentation (set BasisB) (F *⇩V BasisA ! j) v
* crepresentation (set BasisA) u (BasisA ! j))›
apply (rule sum.cong[OF refl])
by (auto simp: vec_of_list_index mat_of_cblinfun_def scalar_prod_def v_def simp flip: BasisA_def BasisB_def)
also have ‹… = crepresentation (set BasisB) (F *⇩V u) v› (is ‹(∑j=_..<_. ?lhs v j) = _›)
proof (rule complex_vector.representation_eqI[symmetric, THEN fun_cong])
show ‹cindependent (set BasisB)› ‹F *⇩V u ∈ cspan (set BasisB)›
by simp_all
show only_basis: ‹(∑j = 0..<nA. ?lhs b j) ≠ 0 ⟹ b ∈ set BasisB› for b
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) complex_vector.representation_ne_zero mult_not_zero sum.not_neutral_contains_not_neutral)
then show ‹finite {b. (∑j = 0..<nA. ?lhs b j) ≠ 0}›
by (smt (z3) List.finite_set finite_subset mem_Collect_eq subsetI)
have ‹(∑b | (∑j = 0..<nA. ?lhs b j) ≠ 0. (∑j = 0..<nA. ?lhs b j) *⇩C b) =
(∑b∈set BasisB. (∑j = 0..<nA. ?lhs b j) *⇩C b)›
apply (rule sum.mono_neutral_left)
using only_basis by auto
also have ‹… = (∑b∈set BasisB. (∑a∈set BasisA. crepresentation (set BasisB) (F *⇩V a) b * crepresentation (set BasisA) u a) *⇩C b)›
apply (subst sum.reindex_bij_betw[where h=‹nth BasisA› and T=‹set BasisA›])
apply (metis BasisA_def ‹length BasisA = nA› atLeast0LessThan bij_betw_nth distinct_canonical_basis)
by simp
also have ‹… = (∑a∈set BasisA. crepresentation (set BasisA) u a *⇩C (∑b∈set BasisB. crepresentation (set BasisB) (F *⇩V a) b *⇩C b))›
apply (simp add: scaleC_sum_left scaleC_sum_right)
apply (subst sum.swap)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) mult.commute sum.cong)
also have ‹… = (∑a∈set BasisA. crepresentation (set BasisA) u a *⇩C (F *⇩V a))›
apply (subst complex_vector.sum_representation_eq)
by auto
also have ‹… = F *⇩V (∑a∈set BasisA. crepresentation (set BasisA) u a *⇩C a)›
by (simp flip: cblinfun.scaleC_right cblinfun.sum_right)
also have ‹… = F *⇩V u›
apply (subst complex_vector.sum_representation_eq)
by auto
finally show ‹(∑b | (∑j = 0..<nA. ?lhs b j) ≠ 0. (∑j = 0..<nA. ?lhs b j) *⇩C b) = F *⇩V u›
by auto
also have ‹crepresentation (set BasisB) (F *⇩V u) v = vec_of_basis_enum (F *⇩V u) $ i›
by (auto simp: vec_of_list_index vec_of_basis_enum_def v_def simp flip: BasisB_def)
finally show ‹vec_of_basis_enum (F *⇩V u) $ i = (mat_of_cblinfun F *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum u) $ i›
by simp
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_inverse:
"cblinfun_of_mat (mat_of_cblinfun B) = B"
for B::"'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector}"
proof (rule cblinfun_eqI)
fix x :: 'a define y where ‹y = vec_of_basis_enum x›
then have ‹cblinfun_of_mat (mat_of_cblinfun B) *⇩V x = ((cblinfun_of_mat (mat_of_cblinfun B) :: 'a⇒⇩C⇩L'b) *⇩V basis_enum_of_vec y)›
by simp
also have ‹… = basis_enum_of_vec (mat_of_cblinfun B *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum (basis_enum_of_vec y :: 'a))›
apply (transfer fixing: B)
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_def)
also have ‹… = basis_enum_of_vec (vec_of_basis_enum (B *⇩V x))›
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_cblinfun_apply y_def)
also have ‹… = B *⇩V x›
by simp
finally show ‹cblinfun_of_mat (mat_of_cblinfun B) *⇩V x = B *⇩V x›
by -
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_inj: "inj mat_of_cblinfun"
by (metis inj_on_def mat_of_cblinfun_inverse)
lemma cblinfun_of_mat_inverse:
fixes M::"complex mat"
defines "nA ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)"
and "nB ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)"
assumes "M ∈ carrier_mat nB nA"
shows "mat_of_cblinfun (cblinfun_of_mat M :: 'a ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b) = M"
by (smt (verit) assms(3) basis_enum_of_vec_inverse carrier_matD(1) carrier_vecD cblinfun_of_mat.rep_eq dim_mult_mat_vec eq_mat_on_vecI mat_carrier mat_of_cblinfun_def mat_of_cblinfun_cblinfun_apply nA_def nB_def)
lemma cblinfun_of_mat_inj: "inj_on (cblinfun_of_mat::complex mat ⇒ 'a ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b)
(carrier_mat (length (canonical_basis :: 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list))
(length (canonical_basis :: 'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)))"
using cblinfun_of_mat_inverse
by (metis inj_onI)
lemma cblinfun_eq_mat_of_cblinfunI:
assumes "mat_of_cblinfun a = mat_of_cblinfun b"
shows "a = b"
by (metis assms mat_of_cblinfun_inverse)
subsection ‹Operations on matrices›
lemma cblinfun_of_mat_plus:
defines "nA ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)"
and "nB ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)"
assumes [simp,intro]: "M ∈ carrier_mat nB nA" and [simp,intro]: "N ∈ carrier_mat nB nA"
shows "(cblinfun_of_mat (M + N) :: 'a ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b) = ((cblinfun_of_mat M + cblinfun_of_mat N))"
proof -
have [simp]: ‹vec_of_basis_enum (v :: 'a) ∈ carrier_vec nA› for v
by (auto simp add: carrier_dim_vec dim_vec_of_basis_enum' nA_def)
have [simp]: ‹dim_row M = nB› ‹dim_row N = nB›
using carrier_matD(1) by auto
show ?thesis
apply (transfer fixing: M N)
by (auto intro!: ext simp add: add_mult_distrib_mat_vec nA_def[symmetric] nB_def[symmetric]
add_mult_distrib_mat_vec[where nr=nB and nc=nA] basis_enum_of_vec_add)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_zero:
"mat_of_cblinfun (0 :: ('a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector}))
= 0⇩m (length (canonical_basis :: 'b list)) (length (canonical_basis :: 'a list))"
unfolding mat_of_cblinfun_def
by (auto simp: complex_vector.representation_zero)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_plus:
"mat_of_cblinfun (F + G) = mat_of_cblinfun F + mat_of_cblinfun G"
for F G::"'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector}"
by (auto simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_def cblinfun.add_left complex_vector.representation_add)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_id:
"mat_of_cblinfun (id_cblinfun :: ('a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L'a)) = 1⇩m (length (canonical_basis :: 'a list))"
apply (rule eq_matI)
by (auto simp: mat_of_cblinfun_def complex_vector.representation_basis is_cindependent_set nth_eq_iff_index_eq)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_1:
"mat_of_cblinfun (1 :: ('a::one_dim ⇒⇩C⇩L'b::one_dim)) = 1⇩m 1"
apply (rule eq_matI)
by (auto simp: mat_of_cblinfun_def complex_vector.representation_basis nth_eq_iff_index_eq)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_uminus:
"mat_of_cblinfun (- M) = - mat_of_cblinfun M"
for M::"'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector}"
define nA where "nA = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
define nB where "nB = length (canonical_basis :: 'b list)"
have M1: "mat_of_cblinfun M ∈ carrier_mat nB nA"
unfolding nB_def nA_def
by (metis add.right_neutral add_carrier_mat mat_of_cblinfun_plus mat_of_cblinfun_zero nA_def
nB_def zero_carrier_mat)
have M2: "mat_of_cblinfun (-M) ∈ carrier_mat nB nA"
by (metis add_carrier_mat mat_of_cblinfun_plus mat_of_cblinfun_zero diff_0 nA_def nB_def
uminus_add_conv_diff zero_carrier_mat)
have "mat_of_cblinfun (M - M) = 0⇩m nB nA"
unfolding nA_def nB_def
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_zero)
moreover have "mat_of_cblinfun (M - M) = mat_of_cblinfun M + mat_of_cblinfun (- M)"
by (metis mat_of_cblinfun_plus pth_2)
ultimately have "mat_of_cblinfun M + mat_of_cblinfun (- M) = 0⇩m nB nA"
by simp
thus ?thesis
using M1 M2
by (smt add_uminus_minus_mat assoc_add_mat comm_add_mat left_add_zero_mat minus_r_inv_mat
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_minus:
"mat_of_cblinfun (M - N) = mat_of_cblinfun M - mat_of_cblinfun N"
for M::"'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector}" and N::"'a ⇒⇩C⇩L'b"
by (smt (z3) add_uminus_minus_mat mat_of_cblinfun_uminus mat_carrier mat_of_cblinfun_def mat_of_cblinfun_plus pth_2)
lemma cblinfun_of_mat_uminus:
defines "nA ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)"
and "nB ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)"
assumes "M ∈ carrier_mat nB nA"
shows "(cblinfun_of_mat (-M) :: 'a ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b) = - cblinfun_of_mat M"
by (smt assms add.group_axioms add.right_neutral add_minus_cancel add_uminus_minus_mat
cblinfun_of_mat_plus group.inverse_inverse mat_of_cblinfun_inverse mat_of_cblinfun_zero
minus_r_inv_mat uminus_carrier_mat)
lemma cblinfun_of_mat_minus:
fixes M::"complex mat"
defines "nA ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)"
and "nB ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)"
assumes "M ∈ carrier_mat nB nA" and "N ∈ carrier_mat nB nA"
shows "(cblinfun_of_mat (M - N) :: 'a ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b) = cblinfun_of_mat M - cblinfun_of_mat N"
by (metis assms add_uminus_minus_mat cblinfun_of_mat_plus cblinfun_of_mat_uminus pth_2 uminus_carrier_mat)
lemma cblinfun_of_mat_times:
fixes M N ::"complex mat"
defines "nA ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)"
and "nB ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)"
and "nC ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'c::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list)"
assumes a1: "M ∈ carrier_mat nC nB" and a2: "N ∈ carrier_mat nB nA"
shows "cblinfun_of_mat (M * N) = ((cblinfun_of_mat M)::'b ⇒⇩C⇩L'c) o⇩C⇩L ((cblinfun_of_mat N)::'a ⇒⇩C⇩L'b)"
proof -
have b1: "((cblinfun_of_mat M)::'b ⇒⇩C⇩L'c) v = basis_enum_of_vec (M *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum v)"
for v
by (metis assms(4) cblinfun_of_mat.rep_eq nB_def nC_def)
have b2: "((cblinfun_of_mat N)::'a ⇒⇩C⇩L'b) v = basis_enum_of_vec (N *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum v)"
for v
by (metis assms(5) cblinfun_of_mat.rep_eq nA_def nB_def)
have b3: "((cblinfun_of_mat (M * N))::'a ⇒⇩C⇩L'c) v
= basis_enum_of_vec ((M * N) *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum v)"
for v
by (metis assms(4) assms(5) cblinfun_of_mat.rep_eq mult_carrier_mat nA_def nC_def)
have "(basis_enum_of_vec ((M * N) *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum v)::'c)
= (basis_enum_of_vec (M *⇩v ( vec_of_basis_enum ( (basis_enum_of_vec (N *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum v))::'b ))))"
for v::'a
have c1: "vec_of_basis_enum (basis_enum_of_vec x :: 'b) = x"
if "dim_vec x = nB"
for x::"complex vec"
using that unfolding nB_def
by simp
have c2: "vec_of_basis_enum v ∈ carrier_vec nA"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) add.commute carrier_vec_dim_vec index_add_vec(2)
index_zero_vec(2) nA_def vec_of_basis_enum_add basis_enum_of_vec_inverse)
have "(M * N) *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum v = M *⇩v (N *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum v)"
using Matrix.assoc_mult_mat_vec a1 a2 c2 by blast
hence "(basis_enum_of_vec ((M * N) *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum v)::'c)
= (basis_enum_of_vec (M *⇩v (N *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum v))::'c)"
by simp
also have "… =
(basis_enum_of_vec (M *⇩v ( vec_of_basis_enum ( (basis_enum_of_vec (N *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum v))::'b ))))"
using c1 a2 by auto
finally show ?thesis by simp
thus ?thesis using b1 b2 b3
by (simp add: cblinfun_eqI scaleC_cblinfun.rep_eq)
lemma cblinfun_of_mat_adjoint:
defines "nA ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a::onb_enum list)"
and "nB ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'b::onb_enum list)"
fixes M:: "complex mat"
assumes "M ∈ carrier_mat nB nA"
shows "((cblinfun_of_mat (mat_adjoint M)) :: 'b ⇒⇩C⇩L 'a) = (cblinfun_of_mat M)*"
proof (rule adjoint_eqI)
show "(cblinfun_of_mat (mat_adjoint M) *⇩V x) ∙⇩C y = x ∙⇩C (cblinfun_of_mat M *⇩V y)"
for x::'b and y::'a
define u where "u = vec_of_basis_enum x"
define v where "v = vec_of_basis_enum y"
have c1: "vec_of_basis_enum ((cblinfun_of_mat (mat_adjoint M) *⇩V x)::'a) = (mat_adjoint M) *⇩v u"
unfolding u_def
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(3) cblinfun_of_mat_inverse map_carrier_mat mat_adjoint_def' mat_of_cblinfun_cblinfun_apply nA_def nB_def transpose_carrier_mat)
have c2: "(vec_of_basis_enum ((cblinfun_of_mat M *⇩V y)::'b))
= M *⇩v v"
by (metis assms(3) cblinfun_of_mat_inverse mat_of_cblinfun_cblinfun_apply nA_def nB_def v_def)
have c3: "dim_vec v = nA"
unfolding v_def nA_def vec_of_basis_enum_def
by (simp add:)
have c4: "dim_vec u = nB"
unfolding u_def nB_def vec_of_basis_enum_def
by (simp add:)
have "v ∙c ((mat_adjoint M) *⇩v u) = (M *⇩v v) ∙c u"
using c3 c4 cscalar_prod_adjoint assms(3) by blast
hence "v ∙c (vec_of_basis_enum ((cblinfun_of_mat (mat_adjoint M) *⇩V x)::'a))
= (vec_of_basis_enum ((cblinfun_of_mat M *⇩V y)::'b)) ∙c u"
using c1 c2 by simp
thus "(cblinfun_of_mat (mat_adjoint M) *⇩V x) ∙⇩C y = x ∙⇩C (cblinfun_of_mat M *⇩V y)"
unfolding u_def v_def
by (simp add: cscalar_prod_vec_of_basis_enum)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_compose:
"mat_of_cblinfun (F o⇩C⇩L G) = mat_of_cblinfun F * mat_of_cblinfun G"
for F::"'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L 'c::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector}"
and G::"'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) cblinfun_of_mat_inverse mat_carrier mat_of_cblinfun_def mat_of_cblinfun_inverse cblinfun_of_mat_times mult_carrier_mat)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_scaleC:
"mat_of_cblinfun ((a::complex) *⇩C F) = a ⋅⇩m (mat_of_cblinfun F)"
for F :: "'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector}"
by (auto simp add: complex_vector.representation_scale mat_of_cblinfun_def)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_scaleR:
"mat_of_cblinfun ((a::real) *⇩R F) = (complex_of_real a) ⋅⇩m (mat_of_cblinfun F)"
unfolding scaleR_scaleC by (rule mat_of_cblinfun_scaleC)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_adj:
"mat_of_cblinfun (F*) = mat_adjoint (mat_of_cblinfun F)"
for F :: "'a::onb_enum ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b::onb_enum"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) cblinfun_of_mat_inverse map_carrier_mat mat_adjoint_def' mat_carrier cblinfun_of_mat_adjoint mat_of_cblinfun_def mat_of_cblinfun_inverse transpose_carrier_mat)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_vector_to_cblinfun:
"mat_of_cblinfun (vector_to_cblinfun ψ)
= mat_of_cols (length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)) [vec_of_basis_enum ψ]"
for ψ::"'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector}"
by (auto simp: mat_of_cols_Cons_index_0 mat_of_cblinfun_def vec_of_basis_enum_def vec_of_list_index)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_proj:
fixes a::"'a::onb_enum"
defines "d ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
and "norm2 ≡ (vec_of_basis_enum a) ∙c (vec_of_basis_enum a)"
shows "mat_of_cblinfun (proj a) =
1 / norm2 ⋅⇩m (mat_of_cols d [vec_of_basis_enum a]
* mat_of_rows d [conjugate (vec_of_basis_enum a)])" (is ‹_ = ?rhs›)
proof (cases "a = 0")
case False
have norm2: ‹norm2 = (norm a)⇧2›
by (simp add: cscalar_prod_vec_of_basis_enum norm2_def cdot_square_norm[symmetric, simplified])
have [simp]: ‹vec_of_basis_enum a ∈ carrier_vec d›
by (simp add: carrier_vecI d_def)
have ‹mat_of_cblinfun (proj a) = mat_of_cblinfun (proj (a /⇩R norm a))›
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) ccspan_singleton_scaleC complex_vector.scale_eq_0_iff
nonzero_imp_inverse_nonzero norm_eq_zero scaleR_scaleC scale_left_imp_eq)
also have ‹… = mat_of_cblinfun (selfbutter (a /⇩R norm a))›
apply (subst butterfly_eq_proj)
by (auto simp add: False)
also have ‹… = 1/norm2 ⋅⇩m mat_of_cblinfun (selfbutter a)›
apply (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_scaleC norm2)
by (simp add: inverse_eq_divide power2_eq_square)
also have ‹… = 1 / norm2 ⋅⇩m (mat_of_cblinfun (vector_to_cblinfun a :: complex ⇒⇩C⇩L 'a) * mat_adjoint (mat_of_cblinfun (vector_to_cblinfun a :: complex ⇒⇩C⇩L 'a)))›
by (simp add: butterfly_def mat_of_cblinfun_compose mat_of_cblinfun_adj)
also have ‹… = ?rhs›
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_vector_to_cblinfun mat_adjoint_def flip: d_def)
finally show ?thesis
by -
case True
show ?thesis
apply (rule eq_matI)
by (auto simp: True mat_of_cblinfun_zero vec_of_basis_enum_zero scalar_prod_def mat_of_rows_index
simp flip: d_def)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_ell2_component:
fixes a :: ‹'a::enum ell2 ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b::enum ell2›
assumes [simp]: ‹i < CARD('b)› ‹j < CARD('a)›
shows ‹mat_of_cblinfun a $$ (i,j) = Rep_ell2 (a *⇩V ket (Enum.enum ! j)) (Enum.enum ! i)›
proof -
let ?i = ‹Enum.enum ! i› and ?j = ‹Enum.enum ! j› and ?aj = ‹a *⇩V ket (Enum.enum ! j)›
have ‹Rep_ell2 ?aj (Enum.enum ! i) = vec_of_basis_enum ?aj $ i›
by (rule vec_of_basis_enum_ell2_component[symmetric], simp)
also have ‹… = (mat_of_cblinfun a *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum (ket (enum_class.enum ! j) :: 'a ell2)) $ i›
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_cblinfun_apply)
also have ‹… = (mat_of_cblinfun a *⇩v unit_vec CARD('a) j) $ i›
by (simp add: vec_of_basis_enum_ket enum_idx_enum)
also have ‹… = mat_of_cblinfun a $$ (i, j)›
apply (subst mat_entry_explicit[where m=‹CARD('b)›])
by (auto intro!: simp: canonical_basis_length)
finally show ?thesis
by auto
lemma cblinfun_of_mat_mat:
shows ‹cblinfun_of_mat (mat (CARD('b)) (CARD('a)) f) = explicit_cblinfun (λ(r::'b::enum) (c::'a::enum). f (enum_idx r, enum_idx c))›
apply (intro equal_ket basis_enum_eq_vec_of_basis_enumI)
by (auto intro!: eq_vecI simp: enum_idx_correct enum_idx_enum vec_of_basis_enum_ket
mat_of_cblinfun_ell2_component canonical_basis_length cblinfun_of_mat_inverse index_row
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_explicit_cblinfun:
fixes f :: ‹'a::enum ⇒ 'b::enum ⇒ complex›
shows ‹mat_of_cblinfun (explicit_cblinfun f) = mat (CARD('a)) (CARD('b)) (λ(r,c). f (Enum.enum!r) (Enum.enum!c))›
by (auto intro!: cblinfun_of_mat_inj[where 'a=‹'b ell2› and 'b=‹'a ell2›, THEN inj_onD]
simp: cblinfun_of_mat_mat canonical_basis_length enum_idx_correct mat_of_cblinfun_inverse)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_classical_operator:
fixes f::"'a::enum ⇒ 'b::enum option"
shows "mat_of_cblinfun (classical_operator f) = mat (CARD('b)) (CARD('a))
(λ(r,c). if f (Enum.enum!c) = Some (Enum.enum!r) then 1 else 0)"
proof -
define nA where "nA = CARD('a)"
define nB where "nB = CARD('b)"
define BasisA where "BasisA = (canonical_basis::'a ell2 list)"
define BasisB where "BasisB = (canonical_basis::'b ell2 list)"
have "mat_of_cblinfun (classical_operator f) ∈ carrier_mat nB nA"
by (auto simp: canonical_basis_length nA_def nB_def)
moreover have "nA = CARD ('a)"
unfolding nA_def
by (simp add:)
moreover have "nB = CARD ('b)"
unfolding nB_def
by (simp add:)
ultimately have "mat_of_cblinfun (classical_operator f) ∈ carrier_mat (CARD('b)) (CARD('a))"
unfolding nA_def nB_def
by simp
moreover have "(mat_of_cblinfun (classical_operator f))$$(r,c)
= (mat (CARD('b)) (CARD('a))
(λ(r,c). if f (Enum.enum!c) = Some (Enum.enum!r) then 1 else 0))$$(r,c)"
if a1: "r < CARD('b)" and a2: "c < CARD('a)"
for r c
have "CARD('a) = length (enum_class.enum::'a list)"
using card_UNIV_length_enum[where 'a = 'a] .
hence x1: "BasisA!c = ket ((Enum.enum::'a list)!c)"
unfolding BasisA_def using a2 canonical_basis_ell2_def
nth_map[where n = c and xs = "Enum.enum::'a list" and f = ket] by metis
have cardb: "CARD('b) = length (enum_class.enum::'b list)"
using card_UNIV_length_enum[where 'a = 'b] .
hence x2: "BasisB!r = ket ((Enum.enum::'b list)!r)"
unfolding BasisB_def using a1 canonical_basis_ell2_def
nth_map[where n = r and xs = "Enum.enum::'b list" and f = ket] by metis
have "inj (map (ket::'b ⇒_))"
by (meson injI ket_injective list.inj_map)
hence "length (Enum.enum::'b list) = length (map (ket::'b ⇒_) (Enum.enum::'b list))"
by simp
hence lengthBasisB: "CARD('b) = length BasisB"
unfolding BasisB_def canonical_basis_ell2_def using cardb
by smt
have v1: "(mat_of_cblinfun (classical_operator f))$$(r,c) = 0"
if c1: "f (Enum.enum!c) = None"
have "(classical_operator f) *⇩V ket (Enum.enum!c)
= (case f (Enum.enum!c) of None ⇒ 0 | Some i ⇒ ket i)"
using classical_operator_ket_finite .
also have "… = 0"
using c1 by simp
finally have "(classical_operator f) *⇩V ket (Enum.enum!c) = 0" .
hence *: "(classical_operator f) *⇩V BasisA!c = 0"
using x1 by simp
hence "is_orthogonal (BasisB!r) (classical_operator f *⇩V BasisA!c)"
by simp
thus ?thesis
unfolding mat_of_cblinfun_def BasisA_def BasisB_def
by (smt (verit, del_insts) BasisA_def * a1 a2 canonical_basis_length_ell2 complex_vector.representation_zero index_mat(1)
have v2: "(mat_of_cblinfun (classical_operator f))$$(r,c) = 0"
if c1: "f (Enum.enum!c) = Some (Enum.enum!r')" and c2: "r≠r'"
and c3: "r' < CARD('b)"
for r'
have x3: "BasisB!r' = ket ((Enum.enum::'b list)!r')"
unfolding BasisB_def using cardb c3 canonical_basis_ell2_def
nth_map[where n = r' and xs = "Enum.enum::'b list" and f = ket]
by smt
have "distinct BasisB"
unfolding BasisB_def
by simp
moreover have "r < length BasisB"
using a1 lengthBasisB by simp
moreover have "r' < length BasisB"
using c3 lengthBasisB by simp
ultimately have h1: "BasisB!r ≠ BasisB!r'"
using nth_eq_iff_index_eq[where xs = BasisB and i = r and j = r'] c2
by blast
have "(classical_operator f) *⇩V ket (Enum.enum!c)
= (case f (Enum.enum!c) of None ⇒ 0 | Some i ⇒ ket i)"
using classical_operator_ket_finite .
also have "… = ket (Enum.enum!r')"
using c1 by simp
finally have "(classical_operator f) *⇩V ket (Enum.enum!c) = ket (Enum.enum!r')" .
hence *: "(classical_operator f) *⇩V BasisA!c = BasisB!r'"
using x1 x3 by simp
moreover have "is_orthogonal (BasisB!r) (BasisB!r')"
using h1
using BasisB_def ‹r < length BasisB› ‹r' < length BasisB› is_ortho_set_def is_orthonormal nth_mem
by metis
ultimately have "is_orthogonal (BasisB!r) (classical_operator f *⇩V BasisA!c)"
by simp
thus ?thesis
unfolding mat_of_cblinfun_def BasisA_def BasisB_def
by (smt (z3) BasisA_def BasisB_def * ‹r < length BasisB› ‹r' < length BasisB› a2 canonical_basis_length_ell2 case_prod_conv complex_vector.representation_basis h1 index_mat(1) is_cindependent_set nth_mem)
have "(mat_of_cblinfun (classical_operator f))$$(r,c) = 0"
if b1: "f (Enum.enum!c) ≠ Some (Enum.enum!r)"
proof (cases "f (Enum.enum!c) = None")
case True thus ?thesis using v1 by blast
case False
hence "∃R. f (Enum.enum!c) = Some R"
apply (induction "f (Enum.enum!c)")
apply simp
by simp
then obtain R where R0: "f (Enum.enum!c) = Some R"
by blast
have "R ∈ set (Enum.enum::'b list)"
using UNIV_enum by blast
hence "∃r'. R = (Enum.enum::'b list)!r' ∧ r' < length (Enum.enum::'b list)"
by (metis in_set_conv_nth)
then obtain r' where u1: "R = (Enum.enum::'b list)!r'"
and u2: "r' < length (Enum.enum::'b list)"
by blast
have R1: "f (Enum.enum!c) = Some (Enum.enum!r')"
using R0 u1 by blast
have "Some ((Enum.enum::'b list)!r') ≠ Some ((Enum.enum::'b list)!r)"
proof(rule classical)
assume "¬(Some ((Enum.enum::'b list)!r') ≠ Some ((Enum.enum::'b list)!r))"
hence "Some ((Enum.enum::'b list)!r') = Some ((Enum.enum::'b list)!r)"
by blast
hence "f (Enum.enum!c) = Some ((Enum.enum::'b list)!r)"
using R1 by auto
thus ?thesis
using b1 by blast
hence "((Enum.enum::'b list)!r') ≠ ((Enum.enum::'b list)!r)"
by simp
hence "r' ≠ r"
by blast
moreover have "r' < CARD('b)"
using u2 cardb by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using R1 v2[where r' = r'] by blast
moreover have "(mat_of_cblinfun (classical_operator f))$$(r,c) = 1"
if b1: "f (Enum.enum!c) = Some (Enum.enum!r)"
have "CARD('b) = length (enum_class.enum::'b list)"
using card_UNIV_length_enum[where 'a = 'b].
hence "length (map (ket::'b⇒_) enum_class.enum) = CARD('b)"
by simp
hence w0: "map (ket::'b⇒_) enum_class.enum ! r = ket (enum_class.enum ! r)"
by (simp add: a1)
have "CARD('a) = length (enum_class.enum::'a list)"
using card_UNIV_length_enum[where 'a = 'a].
hence "length (map (ket::'a⇒_) enum_class.enum) = CARD('a)"
by simp
hence "map (ket::'a⇒_) enum_class.enum ! c = ket (enum_class.enum ! c)"
by (simp add: a2)
hence "(classical_operator f) *⇩V (BasisA!c) = (classical_operator f) *⇩V (ket (Enum.enum!c))"
unfolding BasisA_def canonical_basis_ell2_def by simp
also have "... = (case f (enum_class.enum ! c) of None ⇒ 0 | Some x ⇒ ket x)"
by (rule classical_operator_ket_finite)
also have "… = BasisB!r"
using w0 b1 by (simp add: BasisB_def canonical_basis_ell2_def)
finally have w1: "(classical_operator f) *⇩V (BasisA!c) = BasisB!r"
by simp
have "(mat_of_cblinfun (classical_operator f))$$(r,c)
= (BasisB!r) ∙⇩C (classical_operator f *⇩V (BasisA!c))"
unfolding BasisB_def BasisA_def mat_of_cblinfun_def
using ‹nA = CARD('a)› ‹nB = CARD('b)› a1 a2 nA_def nB_def apply auto
by (metis BasisA_def BasisB_def canonical_basis_length_ell2 cinner_canonical_basis complex_vector.representation_basis is_cindependent_set nth_mem w1)
also have "… = (BasisB!r) ∙⇩C (BasisB!r)"
using w1 by simp
also have "… = 1"
unfolding BasisB_def
using ‹nB = CARD('b)› a1 nB_def
by (simp add: cinner_canonical_basis)
finally show ?thesis by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: a1 a2)
ultimately show ?thesis
apply (rule_tac eq_matI) by auto
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_sandwich:
fixes a :: "(_::onb_enum, _::onb_enum) cblinfun"
shows ‹mat_of_cblinfun (sandwich a *⇩V b) = (let a' = mat_of_cblinfun a in a' * mat_of_cblinfun b * mat_adjoint a')›
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_compose sandwich_apply Let_def mat_of_cblinfun_adj)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_one_dim_iso:
‹mat_of_cblinfun (one_dim_iso f :: 'a::one_dim⇒⇩C⇩L'b::one_dim) = mat_of_rows_list 1 [[one_dim_iso f]]›
proof -
define c :: complex where ‹c = one_dim_iso f›
have ‹mat_of_cblinfun (one_dim_iso f :: 'a⇒⇩C⇩L'b) = mat_of_cblinfun (c *⇩C 1 :: 'a⇒⇩C⇩L'b)›
by (simp add: c_def)
also have ‹… = smult_mat c (mat_of_cblinfun (1 :: 'a⇒⇩C⇩L'b))›
using mat_of_cblinfun_scaleC by blast
also have ‹… = smult_mat c (1⇩m 1)›
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_1)
also have ‹… = mat_of_rows_list 1 [[c]]›
by (auto simp: mat_of_rows_list_def)
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: c_def)
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_times:
fixes F G :: ‹'a::one_dim ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b::one_dim›
shows ‹mat_of_cblinfun (F * G) = mat_of_rows_list 1 [[(one_dim_iso F) * (one_dim_iso G)]]›
proof -
have ‹mat_of_cblinfun (F * G) = mat_of_cblinfun (one_dim_iso (one_dim_iso F * one_dim_iso G :: complex) :: 'a⇒⇩C⇩L'b)›
by (metis id_apply mat_of_cblinfun_one_dim_iso one_dim_iso_id one_dim_iso_times)
also have ‹… = mat_of_rows_list 1 [[one_dim_iso (one_dim_iso F * one_dim_iso G :: complex)]]›
using mat_of_cblinfun_one_dim_iso by blast
also have ‹… = mat_of_rows_list 1 [[one_dim_iso F * one_dim_iso G :: complex]]›
by simp
finally show ?thesis
by -
subsection ‹Operations on subspaces›
lemma ccspan_gram_schmidt0_invariant:
defines "basis_enum ≡ (basis_enum_of_vec :: _ ⇒ 'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector})"
defines "n ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
assumes "set ws ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "ccspan (set (map basis_enum (gram_schmidt0 n ws))) = ccspan (set (map basis_enum ws))"
proof (transfer fixing: n ws basis_enum)
interpret complex_vec_space.
define gs where "gs = gram_schmidt0 n ws"
have "closure (cspan (set (map basis_enum gs)))
= cspan (set (map basis_enum gs))"
apply (rule closure_finite_cspan)
by simp
also have "… = cspan (basis_enum ` set gs)"
by simp
also have "… = basis_enum ` span (set gs)"
unfolding basis_enum_def
apply (rule basis_enum_of_vec_span[symmetric])
using n_def apply simp
by (simp add: assms(3) cof_vec_space.gram_schmidt0_result(1) gs_def)
also have "… = basis_enum ` span (set ws)"
unfolding gs_def
apply (subst gram_schmidt0_result(4)[where ws=ws, symmetric])
using assms by auto
also have "… = cspan (basis_enum ` set ws)"
unfolding basis_enum_def
apply (rule basis_enum_of_vec_span)
using n_def apply simp
by (simp add: assms(3))
also have "… = cspan (set (map basis_enum ws))"
by simp
also have "… = closure (cspan (set (map basis_enum ws)))"
apply (rule closure_finite_cspan[symmetric])
by simp
finally show "closure (cspan (set (map basis_enum gs)))
= closure (cspan (set (map basis_enum ws)))".
definition "is_subspace_of_vec_list n vs ws =
(let ws' = gram_schmidt0 n ws in
∀v∈set vs. adjuster n v ws' = - v)"
lemma ccspan_leq_using_vec:
fixes A B :: ‹'a::{basis_enum,complex_normed_vector} list›
shows ‹(ccspan (set A) ≤ ccspan (set B)) ⟷
is_subspace_of_vec_list (length (canonical_basis :: 'a list))
(map vec_of_basis_enum A) (map vec_of_basis_enum B)›
proof -
define d Av Bv Bo
where "d = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
and "Av = map vec_of_basis_enum A"
and "Bv = map vec_of_basis_enum B"
and "Bo = gram_schmidt0 d Bv"
interpret complex_vec_space d.
have Av_carrier: "set Av ⊆ carrier_vec d"
unfolding Av_def apply auto
by (simp add: carrier_vecI d_def dim_vec_of_basis_enum')
have Bv_carrier: "set Bv ⊆ carrier_vec d"
unfolding Bv_def apply auto
by (simp add: carrier_vecI d_def dim_vec_of_basis_enum')
have Bo_carrier: "set Bo ⊆ carrier_vec d"
apply (simp add: Bo_def)
using Bv_carrier by (rule gram_schmidt0_result(1))
have orth_Bo: "corthogonal Bo"
apply (simp add: Bo_def)
using Bv_carrier by (rule gram_schmidt0_result(3))
have distinct_Bo: "distinct Bo"
apply (simp add: Bo_def)
using Bv_carrier by (rule gram_schmidt0_result(2))
have "ccspan (set A) ≤ ccspan (set B) ⟷ cspan (set A) ⊆ cspan (set B)"
apply (transfer fixing: A B)
apply (subst closure_finite_cspan, simp)
by (subst closure_finite_cspan, simp_all)
also have "… ⟷ span (set Av) ⊆ span (set Bv)"
apply (simp add: Av_def Bv_def)
apply (subst vec_of_basis_enum_cspan[symmetric], simp add: d_def)
apply (subst vec_of_basis_enum_cspan[symmetric], simp add: d_def)
by (metis inj_image_subset_iff inj_on_def vec_of_basis_enum_inverse)
also have "… ⟷ span (set Av) ⊆ span (set Bo)"
unfolding Bo_def Av_def Bv_def
apply (subst gram_schmidt0_result(4)[symmetric])
by (simp_all add: carrier_dim_vec d_def dim_vec_of_basis_enum' image_subset_iff)
also have "… ⟷ (∀v∈set Av. adjuster d v Bo = - v)"
proof (intro iffI ballI)
fix v assume "v ∈ set Av" and "span (set Av) ⊆ span (set Bo)"
then have "v ∈ span (set Bo)"
using Av_carrier span_mem by auto
have "adjuster d v Bo + v = 0⇩v d"
apply (rule adjuster_already_in_span)
using Av_carrier ‹v ∈ set Av› Bo_carrier orth_Bo
‹v ∈ span (set Bo)› by simp_all
then show "adjuster d v Bo = - v"
using Av_carrier Bo_carrier ‹v ∈ set Av›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.inv_equality adjuster_carrier' local.vec_neg subsetD)
fix v
assume adj_minusv: "∀v∈set Av. adjuster d v Bo = - v"
have *: "adjuster d v Bo ∈ span (set Bo)" if "v ∈ set Av" for v
apply (rule adjuster_in_span)
using Bo_carrier that Av_carrier distinct_Bo by auto
have "v ∈ span (set Bo)" if "v ∈ set Av" for v
using *[OF that] adj_minusv[rule_format, OF that]
apply auto
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Av_carrier Bo_carrier adjust_nonzero distinct_Bo subsetD that uminus_l_inv_vec)
then show "span (set Av) ⊆ span (set Bo)"
apply auto
by (meson Bo_carrier in_mono span_subsetI subsetI)
also have "… = is_subspace_of_vec_list d Av Bv"
by (simp add: is_subspace_of_vec_list_def d_def Bo_def)
finally show "ccspan (set A) ≤ ccspan (set B) ⟷ is_subspace_of_vec_list d Av Bv"
by simp
lemma cblinfun_image_ccspan_using_vec:
"A *⇩S ccspan (set S) = ccspan (basis_enum_of_vec ` set (map ((*⇩v) (mat_of_cblinfun A)) (map vec_of_basis_enum S)))"
apply (auto simp: cblinfun_image_ccspan image_image)
by (metis mat_of_cblinfun_cblinfun_apply vec_of_basis_enum_inverse)
text ‹\<^term>‹mk_projector_orthog d L› takes a list L of d-dimensional vectors
and returns the projector onto the span of L. (Assuming that all vectors in L are
orthogonal and nonzero.)›
fun mk_projector_orthog :: "nat ⇒ complex vec list ⇒ complex mat" where
"mk_projector_orthog d [] = zero_mat d d"
| "mk_projector_orthog d [v] = (let norm2 = cscalar_prod v v in
smult_mat (1/norm2) (mat_of_cols d [v] * mat_of_rows d [conjugate v]))"
| "mk_projector_orthog d (v#vs) = (let norm2 = cscalar_prod v v in
smult_mat (1/norm2) (mat_of_cols d [v] * mat_of_rows d [conjugate v])
+ mk_projector_orthog d vs)"
lemma mk_projector_orthog_correct:
fixes S :: "'a::onb_enum list"
defines "d ≡ length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
assumes ortho: "is_ortho_set (set S)" and distinct: "distinct S"
shows "mk_projector_orthog d (map vec_of_basis_enum S)
= mat_of_cblinfun (Proj (ccspan (set S)))"
proof -
define Snorm where "Snorm = map (λs. s /⇩R norm s) S"
have "distinct Snorm"
proof (insert ortho distinct, unfold Snorm_def, induction S)
case Nil
show ?case by simp
case (Cons s S)
then have "is_ortho_set (set S)" and "distinct S"
unfolding is_ortho_set_def by auto
note IH = Cons.IH[OF this]
have "s /⇩R norm s ∉ (λs. s /⇩R norm s) ` set S"
proof auto
fix s' assume "s' ∈ set S" and same: "s /⇩R norm s = s' /⇩R norm s'"
with Cons.prems have "s ≠ s'" by auto
have "s ≠ 0"
by (metis Cons.prems(1) is_ortho_set_def list.set_intros(1))
then have "0 ≠ (s /⇩R norm s) ∙⇩C (s /⇩R norm s)"
by simp
also have ‹(s /⇩R norm s) ∙⇩C (s /⇩R norm s) = (s /⇩R norm s) ∙⇩C (s' /⇩R norm s')›
by (simp add: same)
also have ‹(s /⇩R norm s) ∙⇩C (s' /⇩R norm s') = (s ∙⇩C s') / (norm s * norm s')›
by (simp add: scaleR_scaleC divide_inverse_commute)
also from ‹s' ∈ set S› ‹s ≠ s'› have "… = 0"
using Cons.prems unfolding is_ortho_set_def by simp
finally show False
by simp
then show ?case
using IH by simp
have norm_Snorm: "norm s = 1" if "s ∈ set Snorm" for s
using that ortho unfolding Snorm_def is_ortho_set_def apply auto
by (metis left_inverse norm_eq_zero)
have ortho_Snorm: "is_ortho_set (set Snorm)"
unfolding is_ortho_set_def
proof (intro conjI ballI impI)
fix x y
show "0 ∉ set Snorm"
using norm_Snorm[of 0] by auto
assume "x ∈ set Snorm" and "y ∈ set Snorm" and "x ≠ y"
from ‹x ∈ set Snorm›
obtain x' where x: "x = x' /⇩R norm x'" and x': "x' ∈ set S"
unfolding Snorm_def by auto
from ‹y ∈ set Snorm›
obtain y' where y: "y = y' /⇩R norm y'" and y': "y' ∈ set S"
unfolding Snorm_def by auto
from ‹x ≠ y› x y have ‹x' ≠ y'› by auto
with x' y' ortho have "cinner x' y' = 0"
unfolding is_ortho_set_def by auto
then show "cinner x y = 0"
unfolding x y scaleR_scaleC by auto
have inj_butter: "inj_on selfbutter (set Snorm)"
proof (rule inj_onI)
fix x y
assume "x ∈ set Snorm" and "y ∈ set Snorm"
assume "selfbutter x = selfbutter y"
then obtain c where xcy: "x = c *⇩C y" and "cmod c = 1"
using inj_selfbutter_upto_phase by auto
have "0 ≠ cmod (cinner x x)"
using ‹x ∈ set Snorm› norm_Snorm
by force
also have "cmod (cinner x x) = cmod (c * (x ∙⇩C y))"
apply (subst (2) xcy) by simp
also have "… = cmod (x ∙⇩C y)"
using ‹cmod c = 1› by (simp add: norm_mult)
finally have "(x ∙⇩C y) ≠ 0"
by simp
then show "x = y"
using ortho_Snorm ‹x ∈ set Snorm› ‹y ∈ set Snorm›
unfolding is_ortho_set_def by auto
from ‹distinct Snorm› inj_butter
have distinct': "distinct (map selfbutter Snorm)"
unfolding distinct_map by simp
have Span_Snorm: "ccspan (set Snorm) = ccspan (set S)"
apply (transfer fixing: Snorm S)
apply (simp add: scaleR_scaleC Snorm_def)
apply (subst complex_vector.span_image_scale)
using is_ortho_set_def ortho by fastforce+
have "mk_projector_orthog d (map vec_of_basis_enum S)
= mat_of_cblinfun (sum_list (map selfbutter Snorm))"
unfolding Snorm_def
proof (induction S)
case Nil
show ?case
by (simp add: d_def mat_of_cblinfun_zero)
case (Cons a S)
define sumS where "sumS = sum_list (map selfbutter (map (λs. s /⇩R norm s) S))"
with Cons have IH: "mk_projector_orthog d (map vec_of_basis_enum S)
= mat_of_cblinfun sumS"
by simp
define factor where "factor = inverse ((complex_of_real (norm a))⇧2)"
have factor': "factor = 1 / (vec_of_basis_enum a ∙c vec_of_basis_enum a)"
unfolding factor_def cscalar_prod_vec_of_basis_enum
by (simp add: inverse_eq_divide power2_norm_eq_cinner)
have "mk_projector_orthog d (map vec_of_basis_enum (a # S))
= factor ⋅⇩m (mat_of_cols d [vec_of_basis_enum a]
* mat_of_rows d [conjugate (vec_of_basis_enum a)])
+ mat_of_cblinfun sumS"
apply (cases S)
apply (auto simp add: factor' sumS_def d_def mat_of_cblinfun_zero)[1]
by (auto simp add: IH[symmetric] factor' d_def)
also have "… = factor ⋅⇩m (mat_of_cols d [vec_of_basis_enum a] *
mat_adjoint (mat_of_cols d [vec_of_basis_enum a])) + mat_of_cblinfun sumS"
apply (rule arg_cong[where f="λx. _ ⋅⇩m (_ * x) + _"])
apply (rule mat_eq_iff[THEN iffD2])
apply (auto simp add: mat_adjoint_def)
apply (subst mat_of_rows_index) apply auto
apply (subst mat_of_rows_index) apply auto
apply (subst mat_of_cols_index) apply auto
by (simp add: assms(1) dim_vec_of_basis_enum')
also have "… = mat_of_cblinfun (selfbutter (a /⇩R norm a)) + mat_of_cblinfun sumS"
apply (simp add: butterfly_scaleR_left butterfly_scaleR_right power_inverse mat_of_cblinfun_scaleR factor_def)
apply (simp add: butterfly_def mat_of_cblinfun_compose
mat_of_cblinfun_adj mat_of_cblinfun_vector_to_cblinfun d_def)
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_compose mat_of_cblinfun_adj mat_of_cblinfun_vector_to_cblinfun mat_of_cblinfun_scaleC power2_eq_square)
finally show ?case
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_plus sumS_def)
also have "… = mat_of_cblinfun (∑s∈set Snorm. selfbutter s)"
by (metis distinct' distinct_map sum.distinct_set_conv_list)
also have "… = mat_of_cblinfun (∑s∈set Snorm. proj s)"
apply (rule arg_cong[where f="mat_of_cblinfun"])
apply (rule sum.cong[OF refl])
apply (rule butterfly_eq_proj)
using norm_Snorm by simp
also have "… = mat_of_cblinfun (Proj (ccspan (set Snorm)))"
apply (rule arg_cong[where f=mat_of_cblinfun])
using ortho_Snorm ‹distinct Snorm› apply (induction Snorm)
apply auto
apply (subst Proj_orthog_ccspan_insert[where Y=‹set _›])
by (auto simp: is_ortho_set_def)
also have "… = mat_of_cblinfun (Proj (ccspan (set S)))"
unfolding Span_Snorm by simp
finally show ?thesis
by -
definition ‹mk_projector d vs = mk_projector_orthog d (gram_schmidt0 d vs)›
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_Proj_ccspan:
fixes S :: ‹'a::onb_enum list›
shows ‹mat_of_cblinfun (Proj (ccspan (set S))) = mk_projector (length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)) (map vec_of_basis_enum S)›
define d gs
where "d = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
and "gs = gram_schmidt0 d (map vec_of_basis_enum S)"
interpret complex_vec_space d.
have gs_dim: "x ∈ set gs ⟹ dim_vec x = d" for x
by (smt carrier_vecD carrier_vec_dim_vec d_def dim_vec_of_basis_enum' ex_map_conv gram_schmidt0_result(1) gs_def subset_code(1))
have ortho_gs: "is_ortho_set (set (map basis_enum_of_vec gs :: 'a list))"
apply (subst corthogonal_vec_of_basis_enum[THEN iffD1], auto)
by (smt carrier_dim_vec cof_vec_space.gram_schmidt0_result(1) d_def dim_vec_of_basis_enum' gram_schmidt0_result(3) gs_def imageE map_idI map_map o_apply set_map subset_code(1) basis_enum_of_vec_inverse)
have distinct_gs: "distinct (map basis_enum_of_vec gs :: 'a list)"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) carrier_vec_dim_vec cof_vec_space.gram_schmidt0_result(2) d_def dim_vec_of_basis_enum' distinct_map gs_def gs_dim image_iff inj_on_inverseI set_map subsetI basis_enum_of_vec_inverse)
have "mk_projector_orthog d gs
= mk_projector_orthog d (map vec_of_basis_enum (map basis_enum_of_vec gs :: 'a list))"
apply simp
apply (subst map_cong[where ys=gs and g=id], simp)
using gs_dim by (auto intro!: vec_of_basis_enum_inverse simp: d_def)
also have "… = mat_of_cblinfun (Proj (ccspan (set (map basis_enum_of_vec gs :: 'a list))))"
unfolding d_def
apply (subst mk_projector_orthog_correct)
using ortho_gs distinct_gs by auto
also have "… = mat_of_cblinfun (Proj (ccspan (set S)))"
apply (rule arg_cong[where f="λx. mat_of_cblinfun (Proj x)"])
unfolding gs_def d_def
apply (subst ccspan_gram_schmidt0_invariant)
by (auto simp add: carrier_vecI dim_vec_of_basis_enum')
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: d_def gs_def mk_projector_def)
unbundle no jnf_syntax and no cblinfun_syntax