Theory Strong_Late_Expansion_Law

   Title: The pi-calculus   
   Author/Maintainer: Jesper Bengtson (, 2012
theory Strong_Late_Expansion_Law
  imports Strong_Late_Bisim_SC

nominal_primrec summands :: "pi  pi set" where 
  "summands 𝟬 = {}"
| "summands (τ.(P)) = {τ.(P)}"
| "x  a  summands (a<x>.P) = {a<x>.P}"
| "summands (a{b}.P) = {a{b}.P}"
| "summands ([ab]P) = {}"
| "summands ([ab]P) = {}"
| "summands (P  Q) = (summands P)  (summands Q)"
| "summands (P  Q) = {}"
| "summands (x>P) = (if (a P'. a  x  P = a{x}.P') then ({x>P}) else {})"
| "summands (!P) = {}"
apply(auto simp add: fresh_singleton name_fresh_abs fresh_set_empty fresh_singleton pi.fresh)

lemma summandsInput[simp]:
  fixes a :: name
  and   x :: name
  and   P :: pi

  shows "summands (a<x>.P) = {a<x>.P}"
proof -
  obtain y where yineqa: "y  a" and yFreshP: "y  P"
    by(force intro: name_exists_fresh[of "(a, P)"] simp add: fresh_prod)
  from yFreshP have "a<x>.P = a<y>.([(x, y)]  P)" by(simp add: alphaInput)
  with yineqa show ?thesis by simp

lemma finiteSummands:
  fixes P :: pi
  shows "finite(summands P)"
by(induct P rule: pi.induct) auto

lemma boundSummandDest[dest]:
  fixes x  :: name
  and   y  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  and   P  :: pi

  assumes "x>x{y}.P'  summands P"
  shows False
using assms
by(induct P rule: pi.induct, auto simp add: if_split pi.inject name_abs_eq name_calc)

lemma summandFresh:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   x :: name

  assumes "P  summands Q"
  and     "x  Q"
  shows "x  P"
using assms
by(nominal_induct Q avoiding: P rule: pi.strong_induct, auto simp add: if_split)

nominal_primrec hnf :: "pi  bool" where
  "hnf 𝟬 = True"
| "hnf (τ.(P)) = True"
| "x  a  hnf (a<x>.P) = True"
| "hnf (a{b}.P) = True"
| "hnf ([ab]P) = False"
| "hnf ([ab]P) = False"
| "hnf (P  Q) = ((hnf P)  (hnf Q)  P  𝟬  Q  𝟬)"
| "hnf (P  Q) = False"
| "hnf (x>P) = (a P'. a  x  P = a{x}.P')"
| "hnf (!P) = False"
apply(auto simp add: fresh_bool)

lemma hnfInput[simp]:
  fixes a :: name
  and   x :: name
  and   P :: pi

  shows "hnf (a<x>.P)"
proof -
  obtain y where yineqa: "y  a" and yFreshP: "y  P"
    by(force intro: name_exists_fresh[of "(a, P)"] simp add: fresh_prod)
  from yFreshP have "a<x>.P = a<y>.([(x, y)]  P)" by(simp add: alphaInput)
  with yineqa show ?thesis by simp

lemma summandTransition:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "hnf P"

  shows "P τ  P' = (τ.(P')  summands P)"
  and   "P a<x>  P' = (a<x>.P'  summands P)"
  and   "P a[b]  P' = (a{b}.P'  summands P)"
  and   "a  x  P ax>  P' = (x>a{x}.P'  summands P)"
proof -
  from assms show "P τ  P' = (τ.(P')  summands P)"
  proof(induct P rule: pi.induct)
    case PiNil
    show ?case by auto
    case(Output a b P)
    show ?case by auto
    case(Tau P)
    have "τ.(P) τ  P'  τ.(P')  summands (τ.(P))"
      by(auto elim: tauCases simp add: pi.inject residual.inject)
    moreover have "τ.(P')  summands (τ.(P))  τ.(P) τ  P'"
      by(auto simp add: pi.inject intro: transitions.Tau)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(Input a x P)
    show ?case by auto
    case(Match a b P)
    have "hnf ([ab]P)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
    case(Mismatch a b P)
    have "hnf ([ab]P)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
    case(Sum P Q) 
    have "hnf (P  Q)" by fact
    hence Phnf: "hnf P" and Qhnf: "hnf Q" by simp+
    have IHP: "P τ  P' = (τ.(P')  summands P)"
    proof -
      have "hnf P  P τ  P' = (τ.(P')  summands P)" by fact
      with Phnf show ?thesis by simp
    have IHQ: "Q τ  P' = (τ.(P')  summands Q)"
    proof -
      have "hnf Q  Q τ  P' = (τ.(P')  summands Q)" by fact
      with Qhnf show ?thesis by simp

    from IHP IHQ have "P  Q τ  P'  τ.(P')  summands (P  Q)"
      by(erule_tac sumCases, auto)
    moreover from IHP IHQ have "τ.(P')  summands (P  Q)  P  Q τ  P'"
      by(auto dest: Sum1 Sum2)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(Par P Q)
    have "hnf (P  Q)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
    case(Res x P)
    thus ?case by(auto elim: resCasesF)
    case(Bang P)
    have "hnf (!P)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
  from assms show "P a<x>  P' = (a<x>.P'  summands P)"
  proof(induct P rule: pi.induct)
    case PiNil
    show ?case by auto
    case(Output c b P)
    show ?case by auto
    case(Tau P)
    show ?case by auto
    case(Input b y P)
    have "b<y>.P a<x>  P'  a<x>.P'  summands (b<y>.P)"
      by(auto elim: inputCases' simp add: pi.inject residual.inject)
    moreover have "a<x>.P'  summands (b<y>.P)  b<y>.P a<x>  P'"
      apply(auto simp add: pi.inject name_abs_eq intro: Late_Semantics.Input)
      apply(subgoal_tac "b<x>  [(x, y)]  P = (b<y>  [(x, y)]  [(x, y)]  P)")
      apply(auto intro: Late_Semantics.Input)
      by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual name_swap)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(Match a b P)
    have "hnf ([ab]P)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
    case(Mismatch a b P)
    have "hnf ([ab]P)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
    case(Sum P Q) 
    have "hnf (P  Q)" by fact
    hence Phnf: "hnf P" and Qhnf: "hnf Q" by simp+
    have IHP: "P a<x>  P' = (a<x>.P'  summands P)"
    proof -
      have "hnf P  P a<x>  P' = (a<x>.P'  summands P)" by fact
      with Phnf show ?thesis by simp
    have IHQ: "Q a<x>  P' = (a<x>.P'  summands Q)"
    proof -
      have "hnf Q  Q a<x>  P' = (a<x>.P'  summands Q)" by fact
      with Qhnf show ?thesis by simp

    from IHP IHQ have "P  Q a<x>  P'  a<x>.P'  summands (P  Q)"
      by(erule_tac sumCases, auto)
    moreover from IHP IHQ have "a<x>.P'  summands (P  Q)  P  Q a<x>  P'"
      by(auto dest: Sum1 Sum2)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(Par P Q)
    have "hnf (P  Q)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
    case(Res y P)
    have "hnf(y>P)" by fact
    thus ?case by(auto simp add: if_split)
    case(Bang P)
    have "hnf (!P)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
  from assms show "P a[b]  P' = (a{b}.P'  summands P)"
  proof(induct P rule: pi.induct)
    case PiNil
    show ?case by auto
    case(Output c d P)
    have "c{d}.P a[b]  P'  a{b}.P'  summands (c{d}.P)"
      by(auto elim: outputCases simp add: residual.inject pi.inject)
    moreover have "a{b}.P'  summands (c{d}.P)  c{d}.P a[b]  P'"
      by(auto simp add: pi.inject intro: transitions.Output)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(Tau P)
    show ?case by auto
    case(Input c x P)
    show ?case by auto
    case(Match a b P)
    have "hnf ([ab]P)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
    case(Mismatch a b P)
    have "hnf ([ab]P)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
    case(Sum P Q) 
    have "hnf (P  Q)" by fact
    hence Phnf: "hnf P" and Qhnf: "hnf Q" by simp+
    have IHP: "P a[b]  P' = (a{b}.P'  summands P)"
    proof -
      have "hnf P  P a[b]  P' = (a{b}.P'  summands P)" by fact
      with Phnf show ?thesis by simp
    have IHQ: "Q a[b]  P' = (a{b}.P'  summands Q)"
    proof -
      have "hnf Q  Q a[b]  P' = (a{b}.P'  summands Q)" by fact
      with Qhnf show ?thesis by simp

    from IHP IHQ have "P  Q a[b]  P'  a{b}.P'  summands (P  Q)"
      by(erule_tac sumCases, auto)
    moreover from IHP IHQ have "a{b}.P'  summands (P  Q)  P  Q a[b]  P'"
      by(auto dest: Sum1 Sum2)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(Par P Q)
    have "hnf (P  Q)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
    case(Res x P)
    have "hnf (x>P)" by fact
    thus ?case by(force elim: resCasesF outputCases simp add: if_split residual.inject)
    case(Bang P)
    have "hnf (!P)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
  assume "ax"
  with assms show "P ax>  P' = (x>a{x}.P'  summands P)"
  proof(nominal_induct P avoiding: x P' rule: pi.strong_induct)
    case PiNil
    show ?case by auto
    case(Output a b P)
    show ?case by auto 
    case(Tau P)
    show ?case by auto
    case(Input a x P)
    show ?case by auto
    case(Match a b P)
    have "hnf ([ab]P)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
    case(Mismatch a b P)
    have "hnf ([ab]P)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
    case(Sum P Q) 
    have "hnf (P  Q)" by fact
    hence Phnf: "hnf P" and Qhnf: "hnf Q" by simp+
    have aineqx: "a  x" by fact

    have IHP: "P ax>  P' = (x>a{x}.P'  summands P)"
    proof -
      have "x P'. hnf P; a  x  P ax>  P' = (x>a{x}.P'  summands P)" by fact
      with Phnf aineqx show ?thesis by simp
    have IHQ: "Q ax>  P' = (x>a{x}.P'  summands Q)"
    proof -
      have "x Q'. hnf Q; a  x  Q ax>  P' = (x>a{x}.P'  summands Q)" by fact
      with Qhnf aineqx show ?thesis by simp

    from IHP IHQ have "P  Q ax>  P'  x>a{x}.P'  summands (P  Q)"
      by(erule_tac sumCases, auto)
    moreover from IHP IHQ have "x>a{x}.P'  summands (P  Q)  P  Q ax>  P'"
      by(auto dest: Sum1 Sum2)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(Par P Q)
    have "hnf (P  Q)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp
    case(Res y P)
    have Phnf: "hnf (y>P)" by fact
    then obtain b P'' where bineqy: "b  y" and PeqP'': "P = b{y}.P''"
      by auto
    have "y  x" by fact hence xineqy:  "x  y" by simp
    have yFreshP': "y  P'" by fact
    have aineqx: "ax" by fact
    have "y>P ax>  P'  (x>a{x}.P'  summands (y>P))"
    proof -
      assume Trans: "y>P ax>  P'"
      hence  aeqb: "a = b" using xineqy bineqy PeqP''
        by(induct rule: resCasesB', auto elim: outputCases simp add: residual.inject alpha' abs_fresh pi.inject)

      have Goal: "x P'. y>b{y}.P'' bx>  P'; x  y; x  b; x  P'' 
                           x>b{x}.P'  summands(y>b{y}.P'')"
      proof -
        fix x P'
        assume xFreshP'': "(x::name)  P''" and xineqb: "x  b"
        assume "y>b{y}.P'' bx>  P'" and xineqy: "x  y"
        moreover from x  b x  P'' x  y have "x  b{y}.P''" by simp
        ultimately show "x>b{x}.P'  summands (y>b{y}.P'')"
        proof(induct rule: resCasesB)
          case(cOpen a P''')
          have "BoundOutputS b = BoundOutputS a" by fact hence beqa: "b = a" by simp
          have Trans: "b{y}.P'' a[y]  P'''" by fact
          with PeqP'' have P''eqP''': "P'' = P'''"
            by(force elim: outputCases simp add: residual.inject)
          with bineqy xineqy xFreshP'' have "y  b{x}.([(x, y)]  P''')"
            by(simp add: name_fresh_abs name_calc name_fresh_left)
          with bineqy Phnf PeqP'' P''eqP''' xineqb show ?case 
            by(simp only: alphaRes, simp add: name_calc)
          case(cRes P''')
          have "b{y}.P'' bx>  P'''" by fact
          hence False by auto
          thus ?case by simp
      obtain z where zineqx: "z  x" and zineqy: "z  y" and zFreshP'': "z  P''" 
                 and zineqb: "z  b" and zFreshP': "z  P'"
        by(force intro: name_exists_fresh[of "(x, y, b, P'', P')"] simp add: fresh_prod)

      from zFreshP' aeqb PeqP'' Trans have Trans': "y>b{y}.P'' bz>  [(z, x)]  P'"
        by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual name_swap)
      hence "z>b{z}.([(z, x)]  P')  summands (y>b{y}.P'')" using zineqy zineqb zFreshP''
        by(rule Goal)
      moreover from bineqy zineqx zFreshP' aineqx aeqb have "x  b{z}.([(z, x)]  P')"
        by(simp add: name_fresh_left name_calc)
      ultimately have "x>b{x}.P'  summands (y>b{y}.P'')" using zineqb
        by(simp add: alphaRes name_calc)
      with aeqb PeqP'' show ?thesis by blast
    moreover have "x>a{x}.P'  summands(y>P)  y>P ax>  P'"
    proof -
      assume "x>a{x}.P'  summands(y>P)"
      with PeqP'' have Summ: "x>a{x}.P'  summands(y>b{y}.P'')" by simp
      moreover with bineqy xineqy have aeqb: "a = b" 
        by(auto simp add: if_split pi.inject name_abs_eq name_fresh_fresh)
      from bineqy xineqy yFreshP' have "y  b{x}.P'" by(simp add: name_calc)
      with Summ aeqb bineqy aineqx have "y>b{y}.([(x, y)]  P')  summands(y>b{y}.P'')"
        by(simp only: alphaRes, simp add: name_calc)
      with aeqb PeqP'' have "y>P ay>  [(x, y)]  P'"
        by(auto intro: Open Output simp add: if_split pi.inject name_abs_eq)
      moreover from yFreshP' have "x  [(x, y)]  P'" by(simp add: name_fresh_left name_calc)
      ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual name_swap)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(Bang P)
    have "hnf (!P)" by fact
    hence False by simp
    thus ?case by simp

definition "expandSet" :: "pi  pi  pi set" where
          "expandSet P Q  {τ.(P'  Q) | P'. τ.(P')  summands P}  
                           {τ.(P  Q') | Q'. τ.(Q')  summands Q}  
                           {a{b}.(P'  Q) | a b P'. a{b}.P'  summands P} 
                           {a{b}.(P  Q') | a b Q'. a{b}.Q'  summands Q} 
                           {a<x>.(P'  Q) | a x P'. a<x>.P'  summands P  x  Q} 
                           {a<x>.(P  Q') | a x Q'. a<x>.Q'  summands Q  x  P} 
                           {x>a{x}.(P'  Q) | a x P'. x>a{x}.P'  summands P  x  Q}  
                           {x>a{x}.(P  Q') | a x Q'. x>a{x}.Q'  summands Q  x  P}  
                           {τ.(P'[x::=b]  Q') | x P' b Q'. a. a<x>.P'  summands P  a{b}.Q'  summands Q}  
                           {τ.(P'  (Q'[x::=b])) | b P' x Q'. a. a{b}.P'  summands P  a<x>.Q'  summands Q}  
                           {τ.(y>(P'[x::=y]  Q')) | x P' y Q'. a. a<x>.P'  summands P  y>a{y}.Q'  summands Q  y  P} 
                           {τ.(y>(P'  (Q'[x::=y]))) | y P' x Q'. a. y>a{y}.P'  summands P  a<x>.Q'  summands Q  y  Q}"

lemma finiteExpand:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi

  shows "finite(expandSet P Q)"
proof -
  have "finite {τ.(P'  Q) | P'. τ.(P')  summands P}"
    by(induct P rule: pi.induct, auto simp add: pi.inject Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL
                                                           Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib)
  moreover have "finite {τ.(P  Q') | Q'. τ.(Q')  summands Q}"
    by(induct Q rule: pi.induct, auto simp add: pi.inject Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL
                                                           Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib)
  moreover have "finite {a{b}.(P'  Q) | a b P'. a{b}.P'  summands P}"
    by(induct P rule: pi.induct, auto simp add: pi.inject Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL
                                                           Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib)
  moreover have "finite {a{b}.(P  Q') | a b Q'. a{b}.Q'  summands Q}"
    by(induct Q rule: pi.induct, auto simp add: pi.inject Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL
                                                           Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib)
  moreover have "finite {a<x>.(P'  Q) | a x P'. a<x>.P'  summands P  x  Q}"
  proof -
    have Aux: "a x P Q. (x::name)  Q  {a'<x'>.(P'  Q) |a' x' P'. a'<x'>.P' = a<x>.P  x'  Q} = {a<x>.(P  Q)}"
      by(auto simp add: pi.inject name_abs_eq name_fresh_fresh)
    thus ?thesis
      by(nominal_induct P avoiding: Q rule: pi.strong_induct,
         auto simp add: Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL conj_disj_distribR
                        Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib)
  moreover have "finite {a<x>.(P  Q') | a x Q'. a<x>.Q'  summands Q  x  P}"
  proof -
    have Aux: "a x P Q. (x::name)  P  {a'<x'>.(P  Q') |a' x' Q'. a'<x'>.Q' = a<x>.Q  x'  P} = {a<x>.(P  Q)}"
      by(auto simp add: pi.inject name_abs_eq name_fresh_fresh)
    thus ?thesis
      by(nominal_induct Q avoiding: P rule: pi.strong_induct,
         auto simp add: Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL conj_disj_distribR
                        Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib)
  moreover have "finite {x>a{x}.(P'  Q) | a x P'. x>a{x}.P'  summands P  x  Q}"
  proof -
    have Aux: "a x P Q. x  Q; a  x  {x'>a'{x'}.(P'  Q) |a' x' P'. x'>a'{x'}.P' = x>a{x}.P  x'  Q} = 
                                             {x>a{x}.(P  Q)}"
      by(auto simp add: pi.inject name_abs_eq name_fresh_fresh)
    thus ?thesis
      by(nominal_induct P avoiding: Q rule: pi.strong_induct, 
         auto simp add: Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL conj_disj_distribR
                        Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib)
  moreover have "finite {x>a{x}.(P  Q') | a x Q'. x>a{x}.Q'  summands Q  x  P}"
  proof -
    have Aux: "a x P Q. x  P; a  x  {x'>a'{x'}.(P  Q') |a' x' Q'. x'>a'{x'}.Q' = x>a{x}.Q  x'  P} = 
                                             {x>a{x}.(P  Q)}"
      by(auto simp add: pi.inject name_abs_eq name_fresh_fresh)
    thus ?thesis
      by(nominal_induct Q avoiding: P rule: pi.strong_induct, 
         auto simp add: Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL conj_disj_distribR
                        Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib)
  moreover have "finite {τ.(P'[x::=b]  Q') | x P' b Q'. a. a<x>.P'  summands P  a{b}.Q'  summands Q}"
  proof -
    have Aux: "a x P b Q. {τ.(P'[x'::=b']  Q') | a' x' P' b' Q'. a'<x'>.P' = a<x>.P  a'{b'}.Q' = a{b}.Q} = {τ.(P[x::=b]  Q)}"
      by(auto simp add: name_abs_eq pi.inject renaming)
    have "a x P Q b::'a::{}. finite {τ.(P'[x'::=b]  Q') | a' x' P' b Q'. a'<x'>.P' = a<x>.P  a'{b}.Q'  summands Q}"
      apply(induct rule: pi.induct, simp_all)
      apply(case_tac "a=name1")
      apply(simp add: Aux)
      apply(simp add: pi.inject)
      by(simp add: Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL conj_disj_distribR
                   Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib)
    hence "finite {τ.(P'[x::=b]  Q') | a x P' b Q'. a<x>.P'  summands P  a{b}.Q'  summands Q}"
      by(nominal_induct P avoiding: Q rule: pi.strong_induct,
         auto simp add: Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL conj_disj_distribR
                        Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib name_abs_eq)
    thus ?thesis 
      apply(rule_tac finite_subset)
      by blast+
  moreover have "finite {τ.(P'  (Q'[x::=b])) | b P' x Q'. a. a{b}.P'  summands P  a<x>.Q'  summands Q}"
  proof -
      have Aux: "a x P b Q. {τ.(P'  (Q'[x'::=b'])) | a' b' P' x' Q'. a'{b'}.P' = a{b}.P  a'<x'>.Q' = a<x>.Q} = {τ.(P  (Q[x::=b]))}"
        by(auto simp add: name_abs_eq pi.inject renaming)
      have "a b P Q x::'a::{}. finite {τ.(P'  (Q'[x::=b'])) | a' b' P' x Q'. a'{b'}.P' = a{b}.P  a'<x>.Q'  summands Q}"
      apply(induct rule: pi.induct, simp_all)
      apply(case_tac "a=name1")
      apply(simp add: Aux)
      apply(simp add: pi.inject)
      by(simp add: Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL conj_disj_distribR
                     Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib)
    hence "finite {τ.(P'  (Q'[x::=b])) | a b P' x Q'. a{b}.P'  summands P  a<x>.Q'  summands Q}"
      by(nominal_induct P avoiding: Q rule: pi.strong_induct,
         auto simp add: Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL conj_disj_distribR
                        Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib name_abs_eq)
    thus ?thesis
      apply(rule_tac finite_subset) defer by blast+
  moreover have "finite {τ.(y>(P'[x::=y]  Q')) | x P' y Q'. a. a<x>.P'  summands P  y>a{y}.Q'  summands Q  y  P}"
  proof -
    have Aux: "a x P y Q. y  P  y  a  {τ.(y'>(P'[x'::=y']  Q')) | a' x' P' y' Q'. a'<x'>.P' = a<x>.P  y'>a'{y'}.Q' = y>a{y}.Q  y'  a<x>.P} = {τ.(y>(P[x::=y]  Q))}"
      apply(auto simp add: pi.inject name_abs_eq name_fresh_abs name_calc fresh_fact2 fresh_fact1 eqvts forget)
      apply(subst name_swap, simp add: injPermSubst fresh_fact1 fresh_fact2)+
      by(simp add: name_swap injPermSubst)+

    have BC: "a x P Q. finite {τ.(y>(P'[x'::=y]  Q')) | a' x' P' y Q'. a'<x'>.P' = a<x>.P  y>a'{y}.Q'  summands Q  y  a<x>.P}"
    proof -
      fix a x P Q
      show "finite {τ.(y>(P'[x'::=y]  Q')) | a' x' P' y Q'. a'<x'>.P' = a<x>.P  y>a'{y}.Q'  summands Q  y  a<x>.P}"
        apply(nominal_induct Q avoiding: a P rule: pi.strong_induct, simp_all)
        apply(simp add: Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL conj_disj_distribR
                        Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib)
        apply(case_tac "a=aa")
        apply(insert Aux, auto)
        by(simp add: pi.inject name_abs_eq name_calc)

    have IH: "P P' Q. {τ.(y>(P''[x::=y]  Q')) | a x P'' y Q'. (a<x>.P''  summands P  a<x>.P''  summands P')  y>a{y}.Q'  summands Q  y  P  y  P'} = {τ.(y>(P''[x::=y]  Q')) | a x P'' y Q'. a<x>.P''  summands P  y>a{y}.Q'  summands Q  y  P  y  P'}  {τ.(y>(P''[x::=y]  Q')) | a x P'' y Q'. a<x>.P''  summands P'  y>a{y}.Q'  summands Q  y  P  y  P'}"
      by blast
    have IH': "P Q P'. {τ.(y>(P''[x::=y]  Q')) | a x P'' y Q'. a<x>.P''  summands P  y>a{y}.Q'  summands Q  y  P  y  P'}  {τ.(y>(P''[x::=y]  Q')) | a x P'' y Q'. a<x>.P''  summands P  y>a{y}.Q'  summands Q  y  P}"
      by blast
    have IH'': "P Q P'. {τ.(y>(P''[x::=y]  Q')) | a x P'' y Q'. a<x>.P''  summands P'  y>a{y}.Q'  summands Q  y  P  y  P'}  {τ.(y>(P''[x::=y]  Q')) | a x P'' y Q'. a<x>.P''  summands P'  y>a{y}.Q'  summands Q  y  P'}"
      by blast
    have "finite {τ.(y>(P'[x::=y]  Q')) | a x P' y Q'. a<x>.P'  summands P  y>a{y}.Q'  summands Q  y  P}"
      apply(nominal_induct P avoiding: Q rule: pi.strong_induct, simp_all)
      apply(insert BC, force)
      apply(insert IH, auto)
      apply(blast intro: finite_subset[OF IH'])
      by(blast intro: finite_subset[OF IH''])
    thus ?thesis
      apply(rule_tac finite_subset) defer by(blast)+
  moreover have "finite {τ.(y>(P'  (Q'[x::=y]))) | y P' x Q'. a. y>a{y}.P'  summands P  a<x>.Q'  summands Q  y  Q}"
  proof -
    have Aux: "a y P x Q. y  Q; y  a  {τ.(y'>(P'  (Q'[x'::=y']))) | a' y' P' x' Q'. y'>a'{y'}.P' = y>a{y}.P  a'<x'>.Q' = a<x>.Q  y'  a<x>.Q} = {τ.(y>(P  (Q[x::=y])))}"
      apply(auto simp add: pi.inject name_abs_eq name_fresh_abs name_calc fresh_fact2 fresh_fact1 forget eqvts fresh_left renaming[symmetric])
      apply(subst name_swap, simp add: injPermSubst fresh_fact1 fresh_fact2)+
      by(simp add: name_swap injPermSubst)+

    have IH: "P y a Q Q'. {τ.(y'>(P'  (Q''[x::=y']))) | a' y' P' x Q''. y'>a'{y'}.P' = y>a{y}.P  (a'<x>.Q''  summands Q  a'<x>.Q''  summands Q')  y'  Q  y'  Q'} = {τ.(y'>(P'  (Q''[x::=y']))) | a' y' P' x Q''. y'>a'{y'}.P' = y>a{y}.P  a'<x>.Q''  summands Q  y'  Q  y'  Q'}  {τ.(y'>(P'  (Q''[x::=y']))) | a' y' P' x Q''. y'>a'{y'}.P' = y>a{y}.P  a'<x>.Q''  summands Q'  y'  Q  y'  Q'}"
      by blast
    have IH': "a y P Q Q'. {τ.(y'>(P'  (Q''[x::=y']))) | a' y' P' x Q''. y'>a'{y'}.P' = y>a{y}.P  a'<x>.Q''  summands Q  y'  Q  y'  Q'}  {τ.(y'>(P'  (Q''[x::=y']))) | a' y' P' x Q''. y'>a'{y'}.P' = y>a{y}.P  a'<x>.Q''  summands Q  y'  Q}"
      by blast
    have IH'': "a y P Q Q'. {τ.(y'>(P'  (Q''[x::=y']))) | a' y' P' x Q''. y'>a'{y'}.P' = y>a{y}.P  a'<x>.Q''  summands Q'  y'  Q  y'  Q'}  {τ.(y'>(P'  (Q''[x::=y']))) | a' y' P' x Q''. y'>a'{y'}.P' = y>a{y}.P  a'<x>.Q''  summands Q'  y'  Q'}"
      by blast

    have BC: "a y P Q. y  Q; y  a  finite {τ.(y'>(P'  (Q'[x::=y']))) | a' y' P' x Q'. y'>a'{y'}.P' = y>a{y}.P  a'<x>.Q'  summands Q  y'  Q}"
    proof -
      fix a y P Q
      assume "(y::name)  (Q::pi)" and "y  a"
      thus "finite {τ.(y'>(P'  (Q'[x::=y']))) | a' y' P' x Q'. y'>a'{y'}.P' = y>a{y}.P  a'<x>.Q'  summands Q  y'  Q}"
        apply(nominal_induct Q avoiding: y rule: pi.strong_induct, simp_all)
        apply(case_tac "a=name1")
        apply auto
        apply(subgoal_tac "ya  (pi::pi)")
        apply(insert Aux)
        apply auto
        apply(simp add: name_fresh_abs)
        apply(simp add: pi.inject name_abs_eq name_calc)
        apply(insert IH)
        apply auto
        apply(blast intro: finite_subset[OF IH'])
        by(blast intro: finite_subset[OF IH''])
    have "finite {τ.(y>(P'  (Q'[x::=y]))) | a y P' x Q'. y>a{y}.P'  summands P  a<x>.Q'  summands Q  y  Q}"

      apply(nominal_induct P avoiding: Q rule: pi.strong_induct, simp_all)
      apply(simp add: Collect_ex_eq conj_disj_distribL conj_disj_distribR name_fresh_abs
                      Collect_disj_eq UN_Un_distrib)
      by(auto intro: BC)
    thus ?thesis
      apply(rule_tac finite_subset) defer by blast+

  ultimately show ?thesis
    by(simp add: expandSet_def)

lemma expandHnf:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi

  shows "R  (expandSet P Q). hnf R"
by(force simp add: expandSet_def)

inductive_set sumComposeSet :: "(pi × pi set) set"
  empty:  "(𝟬, {})  sumComposeSet"
| insert: "Q  S; (P, S - {Q})  sumComposeSet  (P  Q, S)  sumComposeSet"

lemma expandAction:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   S :: "pi set"

  assumes "(P, S)  sumComposeSet"
  and     "Q  S"
  and     "Q  Rs"

  shows "P  Rs"
using assms
proof(induct arbitrary: Q rule: sumComposeSet.induct)
  case empty
  have "Q  {}" by fact
  hence False by simp
  thus ?case by simp
  case(insert Q' S P Q)
  have QTrans: "Q  Rs" by fact
  show ?case
  proof(case_tac "Q = Q'")
    assume "Q = Q'"
    with QTrans show "P  Q'  Rs" by(blast intro: Sum2)
    assume QineqQ': "Q  Q'"
    have IH: "Q. Q  S - {Q'}; Q  Rs  P  Rs" by fact
    have QinS: "Q  S" by fact
    with QineqQ' have "Q  S - {Q'}" by simp
    hence "P  Rs" using QTrans by(rule IH)
    thus ?case by(rule Sum1)

lemma expandAction':
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   R :: pi

  assumes "(R, S)  sumComposeSet"
  and     "R  Rs"

  shows "P  S. P  Rs"
using assms
proof(induct rule: sumComposeSet.induct)
  case empty
  have "𝟬  Rs" by fact
  hence False by blast
  thus ?case by simp
  case(insert Q S P)
  have QinS: "Q  S" by fact
  have "P  Q  Rs" by fact
  thus ?case
  proof(induct rule: sumCases)
    case cSum1
    have "P  Rs" by fact
    moreover have "P  Rs  P  (S - {Q}). P  Rs" by fact
    ultimately obtain P where PinS: "P  (S - {Q})" and PTrans: "P  Rs" by blast
    show ?case
    proof(case_tac "P = Q")
      assume "P = Q"
      with PTrans QinS show ?case by blast
      assume PineqQ: "P  Q"
      from PinS have "P  S" by simp
      with PTrans show ?thesis by blast
    case cSum2
    have "Q  Rs" by fact
    with QinS show ?case by blast

lemma expandTrans:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   R :: pi
  and   a :: name
  and   b :: name
  and   x :: name

  assumes Exp: "(R, expandSet P Q)  sumComposeSet"
  and     Phnf: "hnf P"
  and     Qhnf: "hnf Q"

  shows "(P  Q τ  P') = (R τ  P')"
  and   "(P  Q a[b]  P') = (R a[b]  P')"
  and   "(P  Q a<x>  P') = (R a<x>  P')"
  and   "(P  Q ax>  P') = (R ax>  P')"
proof -
  show "P  Q  τ  P' = R  τ  P'"
  proof(rule iffI)
    assume "P  Q τ  P'"
    thus "R τ  P'"
    proof(induct rule: parCasesF[of _ _ _ _ _ "(P, Q)"])
      case(cPar1 P')
      have "P τ  P'" by fact
      with Phnf have "τ.(P')  summands P" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      hence "τ.(P'  Q)  expandSet P Q" by(auto simp add: expandSet_def)
      moreover have "τ.(P'  Q) τ  (P'  Q)" by(rule Tau)
      ultimately show ?case using Exp by(blast intro: expandAction)
      case(cPar2 Q')
      have "Q τ  Q'" by fact
      with Qhnf have "τ.(Q')  summands Q" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      hence "τ.(P  Q')  expandSet P Q" by(auto simp add: expandSet_def)
      moreover have "τ.(P  Q') τ  (P  Q')" by(rule Tau)
      ultimately show ?case using Exp by(blast intro: expandAction)
      case(cComm1 P' Q' a b x)
      have "P a<x>  P'" and "Q a[b]  Q'" by fact+
      with Phnf Qhnf have "a<x>.P'  summands P" and "a{b}.Q'  summands Q" by(simp add: summandTransition)+
      hence "τ.(P'[x::=b]  Q')  expandSet P Q" by(simp add: expandSet_def, blast)
      moreover have "τ.(P'[x::=b]  Q') τ  (P'[x::=b]  Q')" by(rule Tau)
      ultimately show ?case using Exp by(blast intro: expandAction)
      case(cComm2 P' Q' a b x)
      have "P a[b]  P'" and "Q a<x>  Q'" by fact+
      with Phnf Qhnf have "a{b}.P'  summands P" and "a<x>.Q'  summands Q" by(simp add: summandTransition)+
      hence "τ.(P'  (Q'[x::=b]))  expandSet P Q" by(simp add: expandSet_def, blast)
      moreover have "τ.(P'  (Q'[x::=b])) τ  (P'  (Q'[x::=b]))" by(rule Tau)
      ultimately show ?case using Exp by(blast intro: expandAction)
      case(cClose1 P' Q' a x y)
      have "y  (P, Q)" by fact
      hence yFreshP: "y  P" by(simp add: fresh_prod)
      have PTrans: "P a<x>  P'" by fact
      with Phnf have PSumm: "a<x>.P'  summands P" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      have "Q ay>  Q'" by fact
      moreover from PTrans yFreshP have "y  a" by(force dest: freshBoundDerivative)
      ultimately have "y>a{y}.Q'  summands Q" using Qhnf by(simp add: summandTransition)
      with PSumm yFreshP have "τ.(y>(P'[x::=y]  Q'))  expandSet P Q"
        by(auto simp add: expandSet_def)
      moreover have "τ.(y>(P'[x::=y]  Q')) τ  y>(P'[x::=y]  Q')" by(rule Tau)
      ultimately show ?case using Exp by(blast intro: expandAction)
      case(cClose2 P' Q' a x y)
      have "y  (P, Q)" by fact
      hence yFreshQ: "y  Q" by(simp add: fresh_prod)
      have QTrans: "Q a<x>  Q'" by fact
      with Qhnf have QSumm: "a<x>.Q'  summands Q" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      have "P ay>  P'" by fact
      moreover from QTrans yFreshQ have "y  a" by(force dest: freshBoundDerivative)
      ultimately have "y>a{y}.P'  summands P" using Phnf by(simp add: summandTransition)
      with QSumm yFreshQ have "τ.(y>(P'  (Q'[x::=y])))  expandSet P Q"
        by(simp add: expandSet_def, blast)
      moreover have "τ.(y>(P'  (Q'[x::=y]))) τ  y>(P'  (Q'[x::=y]))" by(rule Tau)
      ultimately show ?case using Exp by(blast intro: expandAction)
    assume "R τ  P'"
    with Exp obtain R where "R  expandSet P Q" and "R τ  P'" by(blast dest: expandAction')
    thus "P  Q τ  P'"
    proof(auto simp add: expandSet_def)
      fix P''
      assume "τ.(P'')  summands P"
      with Phnf have "P τ  P''" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      hence PQTrans: "P  Q τ  P''  Q" by(rule Par1F)
      assume "τ.(P''  Q) τ  P'"
      hence "P' = P''  Q" by(erule_tac tauCases, auto simp add: pi.inject residual.inject)
      with PQTrans show ?thesis by simp
      fix Q'
      assume "τ.(Q')  summands Q"
      with Qhnf have "Q τ  Q'" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      hence PQTrans: "P  Q τ  P  Q'" by(rule Par2F)
      assume "τ.(P  Q') τ  P'"
      hence "P' = P  Q'" by(erule_tac tauCases, auto simp add: pi.inject residual.inject)
      with PQTrans show ?thesis by simp
      fix a x P'' b Q'
      assume "a<x>.P''  summands P" and "a{b}.Q'  summands Q"
      with Phnf Qhnf have "P a<x>  P''" and "Q a[b]  Q'" by(simp add: summandTransition)+
      hence PQTrans: "P  Q τ  P''[x::=b]  Q'" by(rule Comm1)
      assume "τ.(P''[x::=b]  Q') τ  P'"
      hence "P' = P''[x::=b]  Q'" by(erule_tac tauCases, auto simp add: pi.inject residual.inject)
      with PQTrans show ?thesis by simp
      fix a b P'' x Q'
      assume "a{b}.P''  summands P" and "a<x>.Q'  summands Q"
      with Phnf Qhnf have "P a[b]  P''" and "Q a<x>  Q'" by(simp add: summandTransition)+
      hence PQTrans: "P  Q τ  P''  (Q'[x::=b])" by(rule Comm2)
      assume "τ.(P''  (Q'[x::=b])) τ  P'"
      hence "P' = P''  (Q'[x::=b])" by(erule_tac tauCases, auto simp add: pi.inject residual.inject)
      with PQTrans show ?thesis by simp
      fix a x P'' y Q'
      assume yFreshP: "(y::name)  P"
      assume "a<x>.P''  summands P" 
      with Phnf have PTrans: "P a<x>  P''" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      assume "y>a{y}.Q'  summands Q"
      moreover from yFreshP PTrans have "y  a" by(force dest: freshBoundDerivative)
      ultimately have "Q ay>  Q'" using Qhnf by(simp add: summandTransition)
      with PTrans have PQTrans: "P  Q τ  y>(P''[x::=y]  Q')" using yFreshP by(rule Close1)
      assume "τ.(y>(P''[x::=y]  Q')) τ  P'"
      hence "P' = y>(P''[x::=y]  Q')" by(erule_tac tauCases, auto simp add: pi.inject residual.inject)
      with PQTrans show ?thesis by simp
      fix a y P'' x Q'
      assume yFreshQ: "(y::name)  Q"
      assume "a<x>.Q'  summands Q" 
      with Qhnf have QTrans: "Q a<x>  Q'" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      assume "y>a{y}.P''  summands P"
      moreover from yFreshQ QTrans have "y  a" by(force dest: freshBoundDerivative)
      ultimately have "P ay>  P''" using Phnf by(simp add: summandTransition)
      hence PQTrans: "P  Q τ  y>(P''  Q'[x::=y])" using QTrans yFreshQ by(rule Close2)
      assume "τ.(y>(P''  Q'[x::=y])) τ  P'"
      hence "P' = y>(P''  Q'[x::=y])" by(erule_tac tauCases, auto simp add: pi.inject residual.inject)
      with PQTrans show ?thesis by simp
  show "P  Q  a[b]  P' = R  a[b]  P'"
  proof(rule iffI)
    assume "P  Q a[b]  P'"
    thus "R a[b]  P'"
    proof(induct rule: parCasesF[where C="()"])
      case(cPar1 P')
      have "P a[b]  P'" by fact
      with Phnf have "a{b}.P'  summands P" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      hence "a{b}.(P'  Q)  expandSet P Q" by(auto simp add: expandSet_def)
      moreover have "a{b}.(P'  Q) a[b]  (P'  Q)" by(rule Output)
      ultimately show ?case using Exp by(blast intro: expandAction)
      case(cPar2 Q')
      have "Q a[b]  Q'" by fact
      with Qhnf have "a{b}.Q'  summands Q" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      hence "a{b}.(P  Q')  expandSet P Q" by(simp add: expandSet_def, blast)
      moreover have "a{b}.(P  Q') a[b]  (P  Q')" by(rule Output)
      ultimately show ?case using Exp by(blast intro: expandAction)
      case cComm1
      thus ?case by auto
      case cComm2
      thus ?case by auto
      case cClose1
      thus ?case by auto
      case cClose2
      thus ?case by auto
    assume "R a[b]  P'"
    with Exp obtain R where "R  expandSet P Q" and "R a[b]  P'" by(blast dest: expandAction')
    thus "P  Q a[b]  P'"
    proof(auto simp add: expandSet_def)
      fix a' b' P''
      assume "a'{b'}.P''  summands P"
      with Phnf have "P a'[b']  P''" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      hence PQTrans: "P  Q a'[b']  P''  Q" by(rule Par1F)
      assume "a'{b'}.(P''  Q) a[b]  P'"
      hence "P' = P''  Q" and "a = a'" and "b = b'"
        by(erule_tac outputCases, auto simp add: pi.inject residual.inject)+
      with PQTrans show ?thesis by simp
      fix a' b' Q'
      assume "a'{b'}.Q'  summands Q"
      with Qhnf have "Q a'[b']  Q'" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      hence PQTrans: "P  Q a'[b']  P  Q'" by(rule Par2F)
      assume "a'{b'}.(P  Q') a[b]  P'"
      hence "P' = P  Q'" and "a = a'" and "b = b'"
        by(erule_tac outputCases, auto simp add: pi.inject residual.inject)+
      with PQTrans show ?thesis by simp
  show "P  Q  a<x>  P' = R  a<x>  P'"
  proof(rule iffI)
      fix x P'
      assume "P  Q a<x>  P'" and "x  P" and "x  Q"
      hence "R a<x>  P'"
      proof(induct rule: parCasesB)
        case(cPar1 P')
        have "P a<x>  P'" by fact
        with Phnf have "a<x>.P'  summands P" by(simp add: summandTransition)
        moreover have "x  Q" by fact
        ultimately have "a<x>.(P'  Q)  expandSet P Q" by(auto simp add: expandSet_def)
        moreover have "a<x>.(P'  Q) a<x>  (P'  Q)" by(rule Input)
        ultimately show ?case using Exp by(blast intro: expandAction)
        case(cPar2 Q')
        have "Q a<x>  Q'" by fact
        with Qhnf have "a<x>.Q'  summands Q" by(simp add: summandTransition)
        moreover have "x  P" by fact
        ultimately have "a<x>.(P  Q')  expandSet P Q" by(simp add: expandSet_def, blast)
        moreover have "a<x>.(P  Q') a<x>  (P  Q')" by(rule Input)
        ultimately show ?case using Exp by(blast intro: expandAction)
    moreover obtain y::name where "y  P" and "y  Q" and "y  P'"
      by(generate_fresh "name") auto
    assume "P  Q a<x>  P'"
    with y  P' have "P  Q a<y>  ([(x, y)]  P')"
      by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
    ultimately have "R a<y>  ([(x, y)]  P')" using y  P y  Q
      by auto
    thus "R a<x>  P'" using y  P' by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
    assume "R a<x>  P'"
    with Exp obtain R where "R  expandSet P Q" and "R a<x>  P'" by(blast dest: expandAction')
    thus "P  Q a<x>  P'"
    proof(auto simp add: expandSet_def)
      fix a' y P''
      assume "a'<y>.P''  summands P"
      with Phnf have "P a'<y>  P''" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      moreover assume "y  Q"
      ultimately have PQTrans: "P  Q a'<y>  P''  Q" by(rule Par1B)
      assume "a'<y>.(P''  Q) a<x>  P'"
      hence "a<x>  P' = a'<y>  P''  Q" and "a = a'"
        by(erule_tac inputCases', auto simp add: pi.inject residual.inject)+
      with PQTrans show ?thesis by simp
      fix a' y Q'
      assume "a'<y>.Q'  summands Q"
      with Qhnf have "Q (a'::name)<y>  Q'" by(simp add: summandTransition)
      moreover assume "y  P"
      ultimately have PQTrans: "P  Q a'<y>  P  Q'" by(rule Par2B)
      assume "a'<y>.(P  Q') a<x>  P'"
      hence "a<x>  P' = a'<y>  P  Q'" and "a = a'"
        by(erule_tac inputCases', auto simp add: pi.inject residual.inject)+
      with PQTrans show ?thesis by simp
  have Goal: "P Q a x P' R. (R, expandSet P Q)  sumComposeSet; hnf P; hnf Q; a  x  P  Q ax>  P' = R ax>  P'"
  proof -
    fix P Q a x P' R
    assume aineqx: "(a::name)  x"
    assume Exp: "(R, expandSet P Q)  sumComposeSet"
    assume Phnf: "hnf P"
    assume Qhnf: "hnf Q"
    show "P  Q ax>  P' = R  ax>  P'"
    proof(rule iffI)
        fix x P'
        assume "P  Q ax>  P'" and "x  P" and "x  Q" and "a  x"
        hence "R ax>  P'"
        proof(induct rule: parCasesB)
          case(cPar1 P')
          have "P ax>  P'" by fact
          with Phnf a  x have "x>a{x}.P'  summands P" by(simp add: summandTransition)
          moreover have "x  Q" by fact
          ultimately have "x>a{x}.(P'  Q)  expandSet P Q" by(auto simp add: expandSet_def)
          moreover have "x>a{x}.(P'  Q) ax>  (P'  Q)" using a  x
            by(blast intro: Open Output)
          ultimately show ?case using Exp by(blast intro: expandAction)
          case(cPar2 Q')
          have "Q ax>  Q'" by fact
          with Qhnf a  x have "x>a{x}.Q'  summands Q" by(simp add: summandTransition)
          moreover have "x  P" by fact
          ultimately have "x>a{x}.(P  Q')  expandSet P Q" by(simp add: expandSet_def, blast)
          moreover have "x>a{x}.(P  Q') ax>  (P  Q')" using a  x
            by(blast intro: Open Output)
          ultimately show ?case using Exp by(blast intro: expandAction)
      moreover obtain y::name where "y  P" and "y  Q" and "y  P'" and "y  a"
        by(generate_fresh "name") auto
      assume "P  Q ax>  P'"
      with y  P' have "P  Q ay>  ([(x, y)]  P')"
        by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
      ultimately have "R ay>  ([(x, y)]  P')" using y  P y  Q y  a
        by auto
      thus "R ax>  P'" using y  P' by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
        fix R x P'
        assume "R ax>  P'" and "R  expandSet P Q" and "x  R" and "x  P" and "x  Q"
        hence "P  Q ax>  P'" 
        proof(auto simp add: expandSet_def)
          fix a' y P''
          assume "y>a'{y}.P''  summands P"
          moreover hence "a'  y" by auto
          ultimately have "P a'y>  P''" using Phnf by(simp add: summandTransition)
          moreover assume "y  Q"
          ultimately have PQTrans: "P  Q a'y>  P''  Q" by(rule Par1B)
          assume ResTrans: "y>a'{y}.(P''  Q) ax>  P'" and "x  [y].a'{y}.(P''  Q)"
          with ResTrans a'  y x  P x  Q have "ax>  P' = a'y>  P''  Q"
            apply(case_tac "x=y")
            apply(erule_tac resCasesB)
            apply simp
            apply(simp add: abs_fresh)
            apply(auto simp add: residual.inject alpha' calc_atm fresh_left abs_fresh elim: outputCases)
            apply(ind_cases "y>a'{y}.(P''  Q)  ay>  P'")
            apply(simp add: pi.inject alpha' residual.inject abs_fresh eqvts calc_atm)
            apply(auto elim: outputCases)
            apply(simp add: pi.inject residual.inject alpha' calc_atm)
            apply auto
            apply(ind_cases "y>a'{y}.(P''  Q)  ay>  P'")
            apply(auto simp add: pi.inject alpha' residual.inject abs_fresh eqvts calc_atm)
            apply(auto elim: outputCases)
            apply(erule_tac outputCases)
            apply(auto simp add: freeRes.inject)
            apply hypsubst_thin
            apply(drule_tac pi="[(b, y)]" in pt_bij3)
            by simp
        with PQTrans show ?thesis by simp
        fix a' y Q'
        assume "y>a'{y}.Q'  summands Q"
        moreover hence "a'  y" by auto
        ultimately have "Q a'y>  Q'" using Qhnf by(simp add: summandTransition)
        moreover assume "y  P"
        ultimately have PQTrans: "P  Q a'y>  P  Q'" by(rule Par2B)
        assume ResTrans: "y>a'{y}.(P  Q') ax>  P'" and "x  [y].a'{y}.(P  Q')"
        with ResTrans a'  y have "ax>  P' = a'y>  P  Q'"
          apply(case_tac "x=y")
          apply(erule_tac resCasesB)
            apply simp
            apply(simp add: abs_fresh)
            apply(auto simp add: residual.inject alpha' calc_atm fresh_left abs_fresh elim: outputCases)
            apply(ind_cases "y>a'{y}.(P  Q')  ay>  P'")
            apply(simp add: pi.inject alpha' residual.inject abs_fresh eqvts calc_atm)
            apply(auto elim: outputCases)
            apply(simp add: pi.inject residual.inject alpha' calc_atm)
            apply auto
            apply(ind_cases "y>a'{y}.(P  Q')  ay>  P'")
            apply(auto simp add: pi.inject alpha' residual.inject abs_fresh eqvts calc_atm)
            apply(auto elim: outputCases)
            apply(erule_tac outputCases)
            apply(auto simp add: freeRes.inject)
            apply hypsubst_thin
            apply(drule_tac pi="[(b, y)]" in pt_bij3)
            by simp
        with PQTrans show ?thesis by simp
    moreover assume "R ax>  P'"
    with Exp obtain R where "R  expandSet P Q" and "R ax>  P'" 
      apply(drule_tac expandAction') by auto
    moreover obtain y::name where "y  P" and "y  Q" and "y  R" and "y  P'"
      by(generate_fresh "name") auto
    moreover with y  P' R ax>  P' have "R ay>  ([(x, y)]  P')" by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
    ultimately have "P  Q ay>  ([(x, y)]  P')" by auto
    thus "P  Q ax>  P'" using y  P' by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)

  obtain y where yineqx: "a  y" and yFreshP': "y  P'"
    by(force intro: name_exists_fresh[of "(a, P')"] simp add: fresh_prod)
  from Exp Phnf Qhnf yineqx have "(P  Q ay>  [(x, y)]  P') = (R ay>  [(x, y)]  P')"
    by(rule Goal)
  moreover with yFreshP' have "x  [(x, y)]  P'" by(simp add: name_fresh_left name_calc)
  ultimately show "(P  Q ax>  P') = (R ax>  P')"
    by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual name_swap)

lemma expandLeft:
  fixes P   :: pi
  and   Q   :: pi
  and   R   :: pi
  and   Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"

  assumes Exp: "(R, expandSet P Q)  sumComposeSet"
  and     Phnf: "hnf P"
  and     Qhnf: "hnf Q"
  and     Id: "Id  Rel"

  shows "P  Q ↝[Rel] R"
proof(induct rule: simCases)
  case(Bound a x R')
  have "R a«x»  R'" by fact
  with Exp Phnf Qhnf have "P  Q a«x»  R'" by(cases a, auto simp add: expandTrans)
  moreover from Id have "derivative R' R' a x Rel" by(cases a, auto simp add: derivative_def)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case(Free α R')
  have "R α  R'" by fact
  with Exp Phnf Qhnf have "P  Q α  R'" by(cases α, auto simp add: expandTrans)
  moreover from Id have "(R', R')  Rel" by blast
  ultimately show ?case by blast

lemma expandRight:
  fixes P   :: pi
  and   Q   :: pi
  and   R   :: pi
  and   Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"

  assumes Exp: "(R, expandSet P Q)  sumComposeSet"
  and     Phnf: "hnf P"
  and     Qhnf: "hnf Q"
  and     Id: "Id  Rel"

  shows "R ↝[Rel] P  Q"
proof(induct rule: simCases)
  case(Bound a x R')
  have "P  Q a«x»  R'" by fact
  with Exp Phnf Qhnf have "R a«x»  R'" by(cases a, auto simp add: expandTrans)
  moreover from Id have "derivative R' R' a x Rel" by(cases a, auto simp add: derivative_def)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case(Free α R')
  have "P  Q α  R'" by fact
  with Exp Phnf Qhnf have "R α  R'" by(cases α, auto simp add: expandTrans)
  moreover from Id have "(R', R')  Rel" by blast
  ultimately show ?case by blast

lemma expandSC: 
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   R :: pi
  assumes "(R, expandSet P Q)  sumComposeSet"
  and     "hnf P"
  and     "hnf Q"

  shows "P  Q  R"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(P  Q, R) | P Q R. (R, expandSet P Q)  sumComposeSet  hnf P  hnf Q}  {(R, P  Q) | P Q R. (R, expandSet P Q)  sumComposeSet  hnf P  hnf Q}"
  from assms have "(P  Q, R)  ?X" by auto
  thus ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct)
    case(cSim P Q)
    thus ?case
      by(blast intro: reflexive expandLeft expandRight)
    case(cSym P Q)
     thus ?case by auto
